Volume 23 Issue 13
Celebrating Four Years At Oakley’s Grille!
June 20, 2015
See Neighborhood Magazine!
Named The 2014 ‘Small Business Of The Year’ By The Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce! The Direct-Mail News Magazines Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Since 1993! For the complete list of the neighborhoods that receive this publication by direct mail in New Tampa (zip code 33647), see page 54!
Injured U.S. Army SSG Alex Dillman Of New Tampa Officially Retires By Matt Wiley
A room full of men and women in uniform, friends and family members and elected officials stand facing a soldier seated under an American flag and let out a thunderous round of applause. Decorated in medals—including the Purple Heart— Cory Lake Isles resident Staff Sergeant Alex Dillman listens as many in the room speak and salute him for his service and the sacrifice he made during his more than 10 years as an enlisted soldier in the U.S. Army during a retirement ceremony at the University of South Florida in Tampa on May 21.
Dist. 7 Tampa City Council member Lisa Montelione surprised the Dillmans with a visit from a Chick-Fil-A ‘Eat Mor Chikin’ cow.
While conducting a night patrol during his second deployment in February 2011 to Ghazni, Afghanistan, the Humvee Dillman’s platoon was traveling in struck an improvised explosive device (IED). The explosion killed one and injured three others, including Dillman, who suffered three fractures to his spine (resulting in paralysis from the waist down), multiple fractures to both legs and internal hemorrhaging in his abdomen. Following more than two years in hospitals across the U.S. (including the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, located on Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd. in Tampa) Dillman was officially honorably discharged from the Army in December of 2012. Humble, Dillman joked about having a small ceremony at a local Chick-Fil-A, but his wife Holly (who was by his side through the majority of the ceremony) and Dist. 7 Tampa City Council member Lisa Montelione conspired to put together a much more fitting ceremony for Dillman at the USF Gibbons Alumni Center. “I had no idea that it would be this glamorous or would have this turnout,” Dillman said. Honoring his joke, Montelione and Holly also surprised him with catering from Chick-Fil-A and a visit from the restaurant’s mascot (one of the “Eat Mor Chikin” cows) after the ceremony. “I can’t say enough about Staff Sergeant Dillman and his wife Holly,” Montelione told the crowd. “They’re an inspiration. They lead by example and they are
side-by-side every step of the way.” Montelione made two presentations to Dillman, the first a letter from the Tampa City Council. “The valor of (Dillman’s) service and the courage he has shown in the face of adversity is deeply appreciated by the members of (the) City Council…,” Montelione read aloud. “He continues to demonstrate that this service has never been about himself, but for U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Alex Dillman and his wife Holly, who live the people who need in Cory Lake Isles, listen to a speaker at Alex’s retirement ceremony him to be a leader when on May 21 at the Gibbons Alumni Center at USF in Tampa. asked.” “I extend to you my personal thanks Montelione also read a letter from Tampa Mayor Bob Buck- and the sincere appreciation of a grateful nation for your contribution to honorable horn, who was unable to attend. “Your record of conduct, performance service to our country,” Pres. Obama’s letand devotion to duty has been of utmost ter read. “You have helped maintain the seimportance to the citizens of our nation and curity of the nation during a critical time in your service to our country is greatly ap- its history with the devotion of duty and the preciated,” Buckhorn wrote. “A true hero, spirit of sacrifice in keeping with the proud your extraordinary spirit, passion for life, traditions of military service.” Although not in attendance, Dist. 14 determination and perseverance truly set an U.S. Congresswoman Kathy Castor also example for all of us.” Dillman also was presented with a Cer- wrote a letter for Dillman that was read at tificate of Appreciation for Service from the ceremony. U.S. President Barack Obama. See “Dillman” on page 19.
Wesley Chapel (Noon) Rotary To Host Freedom Festival On July 3! The fourth annual Wesley Chapel Freedom Festival is perhaps the largest annual community event produced and presented each year by the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel Noon, which meets every Wednesday at noon at Stage Left Bar & Kitchen (24400 S.R. 54, Lutz). Come out and be among the thousands (see photo, far right) who will again come out to celebrate our nation’s birthday (239th) on Friday, July 3rd, at the Shops at Wiregrass mall!
The festivities kick off at 4 p.m. at the mall’s Center Court and attendees can expect a huge variety of fun-filled events for the entire family, including: • Great family-oriented events & DJ dance music all afternoon and evening; • The 2015 Little Miss & Mr. Firecracker Pageant — sponsored by the Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative (WREC.net); • The always-fun Watermelon-Eating Contest — sponsored by Ierna’s
Also Inside This Issue!
Local News, Business & Education Updates
Neighborhood Magazine
K-Bar Rezoning Hearing Moved To July, New Tampa Road Projects Top Priority List, Wharton & Freedom Graduation Recaps, Plus Lots Of Great Business Features!
Wesley Chapel Jazz Festival Stays Dry, Bolts Fever Strikes Tampa Bay, Oakley’s Grille Has New Tampa’s Best Burgers & More Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes!
Pages 3-40
Pages 41-56
Heating & Cooling (IernaAir.com); • A unique Bike-Decorating Contest — sponsored by Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FloridaHospital.com/ Wesley-Chapel) — and the annual patriotic Bike Parade; • All followed by Wesley Chapel’s only professional fireworks display — sponsored by LOL Transport & Moving (LOLMoving.com) in Land O’Lakes! There also will be plenty of vendors on hand, providing hours of fun for everyone throughout the Shops. Congratulations in advance to my fellow Wesley Chapel Rotarians and event co-chairs Jeanine McLeod of Cloud 9 Photo Studios (PhotosonCloud9.com) and chiropractor Pablo Rivera, DC, of Core Spine & Rehabilitation Center (Facebook.com/CoreSpine). For additional information and to stay up to date with all of the latest Freedom Festival 2015 news, visit Facebook.com/FreedomFestivalWesleyChapel. — GN
A Heartfelt Tribute To Thomas ‘Cole’ Porter (1994-2015) An editorial by Gary Nager
Anyone who has been reading this publication for any period of time already knows that (like most people) I have a really hard time when anyone close to me passes away, no matter what age they may have been. So, it’s especially hard for me to hear that a beautiful, sweet, hard-working giant of a young man was taken from his beautiful family — a family I have known for more than a dozen years — at the way-too-young age of 20. Like so many New Tampa and Wesley Chapel residents, I was devastated to hear that Thomas “Cole” Porter was killed May 24 in an accident on his motorcycle following working with his father Scott on a construction job in State College, PA. Cole, the middle of Scott and his wife Kelly’s three sons in age, was the tallest, burliest and possibly sweetest of the three boys and his passing — he was wearing a helmet, but suffered massive injuries to his chest cavity in the accident — set off shockwaves throughout both New Tampa (where Cole and his brothers Cyler, 23, and Connor, 15, were raised) and Wesley Chapel (the family moved to Meadow Pointe several years ago). Literally hundreds of people attended the beautiful, albeit heart-wrenching service at Pastor Brad White’s Lifepoint Community Church on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., in front of Hunter’s Green, for this selfless young man who was described by a friend during the service as “carefree, but never careless.”
New Tampa Neighborhood News 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: (813) 423-6533
I coached Cyler Porter, one of my younger son Jake’s best friends, for a season of AAU baseball, and both Cole and Cyler were not only outstanding baseball players, but also motocross champions at very young ages. Cole also was a rabid outdoorsmen who loved to hunt, fish and ride motorcycles with his dad, his brother and (Left, l.-r.) Connor, Cyler & Cole Porter, with their parents, Scott and Kelly Porter. their friends. (Right)Connor (left) & Cyler Porter at the motorcycle rally before the memorial service for Cole. Cyler, who was a great baseball pitcher, My Sister Bonnie, aka ‘Lady Wolverine,’ On Her Way To Recovery has always been more outgoing and eloLong-time readers of this publication know that I have only quent than most “kids” his age, but I told him that the speech he gave about Cole one sibling — my sister Bonnie — who lives in Villanova, PA. — who was an outstanding catcher and in- Because it’s probably been a dozen years since I wrote anything timidating presence in the batter’s box who about her in these pages, you may not know that Bonnie won her boomed home runs “that other kids just first of about 30 amateur, all-natural (drug-free) bodybuilding couldn’t hit” — was like him, “pitching a titles in her 30s and 40s, the last about a dozen years ago. My sister had to give up competing as a bodybuilder because she had a lower back perfect game to his wonderful brother.” injury suffered while surfing as a teenager in our native Long Island, NY, that never healed Cyler’s tribute also noted that Cole properly. All of the bodybuilding she did after the birth of her sons Jason, 28, and Eric, 23, had, “more of a full beard than most of the built so much muscle around that old injury site that my sister probably went a decade or parents” at his baseball games by age 13 and more longer than anyone else might’ve before having her first of now 16 major back and that parents of opposing teams often asked neck surgeries. Many of those procedures have been fusion surgeries, where unstable verteto “see his birth certificate and/or his driv- brae are fused together in order to stabilize them. Those fusion surgeries have included the er’s license, even when he was only 11 or 12 surgical implantation of 36 separate pieces of metal in her back and 30 in her neck (photo). years old.” Well, about two weeks before we went to press with this issue, Bonnie had what I hope He said that Cole “smiled bigger, will be her last surgery, as all of the metal in her neck has now been successfully removed. hugged better and loved better” than anBut, while her X-rays may now look a little less like Wolverine of X-Men fame, my sister yone he ever met and that he knew Cole is still my favorite superhero. Here’s hoping she finally has Wolvie’s healing power, too!- GN was looking down from heaven at everyone in attendance and wishing that they could just be happy for and celebrating with him that he was at peace, instead of sad because he passed away. Rest in Peace, Cole. You’re sorely missed by so many!
Table of Contents
Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Local News Updates.....................................4-21
Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents
New Tampa News Briefs.....................................10 Burning Bush Causes Brush Fire At St. Mark’s Accident Causes Power Outage On Cross Creek Blvd. LA Fitness Breaks Ground In Tampa Palms New Growth In Tampa Palms Professional Center Tampa Premium Outlets Hires First GM
Celeste McLaughlin • Meaghan O’Neal • Anu Panchal
Advertising Sales Representative Mary Dorey Office Assistants Erica Everett • Jillian Reilly Graphic Design Georgia Carmichael • Nate Ciurla
Nothing that appears in New Tampa Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by New Tampa Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 23, Issue 13, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Monday, June 8, 2015. New Tampa Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. New Tampa Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. New Tampa Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
© 2015 JM2 Communications, Inc.
Neighborhood News
Rotary Dog Park Officially Opens..............................4 ‘Go Hillsborough’ Wraps Meetings.........................6 Rep. Harrison Addresses WCCC.............................8
Tampa’s Chief Castor Retires....................14 Shops At Wiregrass Prepping Phase II............16 Rink Named ‘Florida Hospital Center Ice’.............17 New Tampa Relay Again A Success.............................18 New Tampa Community Calendar...........................20 Wiregrass March Of Dimes Walk Raises $200K......21
Local Business Updates.......................24-33 Like A Good Neighbor, Ray Mathews Is There......24 Totalscape Solutions For Your Lawn...................28 You Do The Dishes Camps...........................32
Local Education Updates.....................38 NT Eagle Scout Earns National Volunteer Award
Local Sports Updates...............................39 Former New Tampa Teammates Now University Of Miami Walk-Ons
Neighborhood Magazine
Summer Movie Preview.............................43-45 Hunter’s Green Country Club....................48 Dine Or Dash Is Delicious!................................50 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’.......54 NEW TAMPA COLOR CLASSIFIEDS.........56 Our Exclusive 2015 Hurricane Season Guide!.......58 @NTWCNews
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
K-Bar Ranch Rezoning To Add 1,400 Homes Postponed Until July
Pasco County
Br id
M or ris
Homebuilder/developer M/I Homes has spent months preparing a new Development Order (DO) to add more than a thousand additional homes to the K-Bar Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI) in northeast New Tampa, and after two continuances, representatives finally have set a date to present their case to the Tampa City Council on Thursday, July 23, 6 p.m. During the City Council meeting on June 11, M/I Homes representative Scott Steady asked Council members for a little more time to iron out some final details of the rezoning that will allow for the construction of an additional mix of 1,400 single-family homes, condos and townhouses, as well as 20,000 sq. ft. of commercial space and nearly 60 acres of land for a city park. The company applied for the rezoning in December of 2014. “The Development Order we’re working on, we’re real close,” Steady said at the June 11 meeting. “We should be able to finish in the next couple of weeks.” Steady requested that the rezoning hearing be rescheduled for June 25, but the agenda for that meeting already was loaded with public hearings about alcohol permits, which typically are a slow process. Several residents of the K-Bar community who attended the June 11 hearing (to voice concerns about the rezoning) opposed holding the hearing that soon, including Cyndi Dyson of Easton Park.
A western connection at Kinnan St. isn’t expected until after Hillsborough County more development begins and Future Meadow Pointe Blvd. Ext. an eastern connection at Morris Bridge Rd. isn’t scheduled until 2020. Petition signers want a Kinnan St. connection first before Future K-Bar Ranch Pkwy. more homes are built, in order to provide some traffic relief. Bassett Creek The petition also cites conBassett cerns about noise and other types Creek Dr. of pollution during construction K-Bar Ranch and concerns about schools becomEaston Park Pride Elem. ing overcrowded as more families move into the communities. According M/I Homes’ Cross Creek Heritage Isles pending DO, more development In the graphic above of the K-Bar Ranch DRI, the areas shaded in purple represent planned new development, comes with transportation requirewhile the dotted yellow lines indicate future roads that are planned to handle the community’s growth. ments that must be met as those new homes are constructed. The “We have a petition out there on residents believe that the infrastructure in DO does take into account whether or Change.org and there have been a lot of the community’s existing five neighbornot Pasco County comes to an agreement neighbors that have emailed this Council hoods needs to be updated before more with the City of Tampa and M/I about about this request for a rezoning applicagrowth should be allowed. connecting Kinnan St. to Mansfield Blvd. For example, the petition says that tion by M/I Homes,” Dyson said at the in Meadow Pointe to the north (on the Bassett Creek Dr. is the only way in and meeting. “There are many concerns that out of the Bassett Creek neighborhood and west side of K-Bar) and extending Meadow (residents of) Easton Park have that M/I Pointe Blvd. south to K-Bar Ranch Pkwy. Homes has not addressed and we’d request increased traffic from construction vehicles during development could put the safety of (on the east side). Once the developer gets a continuance to July so you have more to certain numbers of building permits, if children at risk, especially those near Richtime to hear from the neighborhood.” the required improvements aren’t met or Several other K-Bar residents voiced ard F. Pride Elementary, located nearby on under construction, the DO says developtheir support of the continuance, agreeing Lions Den Dr. ment will have to come to a halt. with Dyson that it would give the Council The petition draws attention to the What do you think about the time to hear from more residents about fact that connections of the future eastpotential K-Bar rezoning? Let the City the impact the rezoning could have on the west K-Bar Ranch Pkwy. are scheduled for community and so it would be less rushed. too far into the future to have anything but Council know at the public hearing at Tampa City Hall (306 E. Jackson St.) in According to the petition (which had a negative effect on the K-Bar Ranch DRI downtown Tampa on July 23 at 6 p.m. 351 signatures at our press time), some and the quality of life of the residents. Meadow Pointe
Kinnan St.
By Matt Wiley
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Local Projects Top MPO’s Priority List As Cross Creek Blvd. Widening Wraps By Matt Wiley Determining which transportation projects take priority over others is a complicated process debated by several local planning groups. Recently, the latest five-year transportation plan for all of Hillsborough County was approved and several ongoing and future New Tampa road projects sit on top of the Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)’s 201519 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) priority list. One such project should even be completed as you’re reading this issue. Considered to be the short version of the MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), which was adopted last year and is called “Imagine 2040,” the TIP lists projects that either already are under construction or are planned for construction in the next five fiscal years (which run from Oct. of each year through the following Sept. The Hillsborough MPO Board approved the latest TIP on June 2. Of the 36 projects across the county that are funded for construction, four of the top six “priority projects” concern New Tampa roads. Among the New Tampa projects on the TIP, the number two priority is the $35-million widening of the 3.5-mile stretch of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. from Bearss Ave. to Palm Springs Blvd. in Tampa Palms (“Segment A”), which currently is under construction and tentatively planned for completion by the spring of 2017. While the project still is getting under way in the median of BBD, significant
work already can be seen at the intersection of BBD and Tampa Palms Blvd. and just more than a mile south (across BBD from the Oak Ramble shopping plaza), where large wooded areas have been cleared for retention ponds. That project is followed immediately on the TIP list by the widening of BBD between Pebble Creek Dr. and County Line Rd., or “Segment D.” This all-important final section of BBD widening received funding from the Florida Department of Transportation for what is estimated as a $14.55-million project. FDOT has set aside $5 million in funding from its Transportation Regional Incentive Program to match Hillsborough County’s contribution to get the project under way, although the remaining $4.5 million will still be up to the county (paid for with gas and ad valorem taxes), although the City of Tampa also will contribute $1.2 million for utility work. Construction should begin in early 2016. Fourth on the TIP list is the completion of the Cross Creek Blvd. widening project between Cory Lake Dr. and Morris Bridge Rd., which should be almost completely wrapped up by the time you’re reading this. The nearly-$4.9-million, 2.2mile project began in May of 2014 and was scheduled to be completed by Oct. 6. “We are way ahead of schedule,” says City of Tampa chief construction engineer Don Cermeno. “All of the major road work is done and we were able to get (the project) done early.” Cermeno said at the time of our inter-
view that final striping was under way and all that remained on Cross Creek Blvd. was some minor shoulder work. Sixth on the list is the completion of the widening of I-75 from south of E. Fowler Ave. to south of S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel, which has been ongoing since October of 2011. Florida Department Drivers passing on BBD probably have seen the large clearings at Tampa of Transportation (FDOT) spokesper- Palms Blvd. and across from the Oak Ramble shopping plaza. Both will be son Kris Carson says future retention ponds as part of the BBD “Segment A” widening project between E. Bearss Ave. & Palm Springs Blvd. in Tampa Palms. that the $96.6-million, 11.4-mile most convenient to close lanes on I-75. project to widen the interstate to six lanes “I fight tooth and nail on every front should be finished in late July, including to make sure that the needs of people in the work at the interchanges, such as the New Tampa are met,” says District 7 Tampa widening of BBD underneath I-75, between City Council member Lisa Montelione, Dona Michelle Dr. and Palm Springs Blvd. who was appointed to the MPO in 2011 by While the lanes have been open for several Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn (Montelione months, Carson says a final layer of asphalt actually serves in the mayor’s seat on the (the “friction course”) still must be laid on MPO). “They’ve been suffering with trafboth BBD and I-75. The project is about fic and transportation problems for years. a year ahead of schedule, with completion Pushing those projects forward, making originally planned for the spring of 2016. sure that they’re included and ranked and “(Prince Contracting) is adding more making sure that people know how imporcrews to the project,” she says. “However, tant they are, that’s all part of the job.” weather has been a big factor (in delays).” For additional information about Specifically, she says, night rains have the MPO’s Five-Year Plan, please visit made paving difficult, as that’s when it’s PlanHillsborough.org.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
St. Mark The Evangelist Catholic Church Dedicates New Sanctuary
By Matt Wiley After years of construction, a grand structure greets the eyes of drivers passing by along Cross Creek Blvd. in New Tampa. By the time you’re reading this, St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church should be holding worship services in its massive new sanctuary. On June 6, Diocese of St. Petersburg Bishop Robert Lynch officially dedicated the $10.1-million, 35,000-sq.-ft. sanctuary, along with many of the sculptures and religious relics inside it, in front of a crowd of more than 1,600 people. “It’s a big load off my mind,” says St. Mark’s pastor, Father David DeJulio. “We’ve been at this (fund raising) for a number of years and finally we got a chance to put up this beautiful building and make the dream a reality. The dedication (ceremony) was absolutely beautiful. Bishop Lynch did a wonderful job dedicating the altar, the tabernacle and everything else. It was a magic moment in our history.” It’s almost hard to believe that nearly 20 years ago, the church began in a storefront in the City Plaza shopping center (located off Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd. in Tampa Palms), before holding services at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church, also located nearby off BBD, and then in the Paul R. Wharton High gymnasium. The original worship space at St. Mark’s, measuring 28,000 sq. ft. and with seating for 1,100, was built in 2000, three years before Fr. David came to the church. With more than 3,500 families currently in
(Above) Bishop Robert Lynch (center) dedicates the altar inside St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church’s massive new sanctuary, located off Cross Creek Blvd. in New Tampa, in front of a crowd of more than 1,600 members of the church. (Right) This 13-foot-tall sculpture of the Crucifixion is attached to a 35-foot-tall, 40-ton cement cross behind the altar at St. Mark’s. the congregation, he says the church finally that is secured to a 35-foot, 40-ton cement has some extra space to breathe. cross positioned overlooking the altar. The “We’re always packed out at the seams sanctuary also includes a baptismal font that (during services),” Fr. David explains. people will be able to step down into to be “Space is always an issue here. Now that we baptized one day per year. The font will be have the new building, it’s going to create covered in glass the rest of the year. The more space and be a wonderful place to new building also features sculptures of the worship.” “Prodigal Son” and the “Burning Bush.” The new building features a huge sancIronically, a 1.5-acre brush fire caused by an actual burning bush briefly endantuary capable of seating 1,325 people, as well as a 225-seat daily chapel that church gered both St. Mark’s buildings in May, members will have access to 24 hours a day. which Fr. David admits made him pretty Although separated by a removable glass nervous. partition, during the major holidays, that “It got much closer than I thought it area can be opened up as overflow seatwas going to,” he explains. “It was so dry out there and it just exploded.” The fire ing, expanding the new sanctuary’s seating was quickly extinguished by Tampa Fire capacity to 1,550. Rescue (TFR) crews from New Tampa And, much of the custom artwork that will adorn the walls and floors of the sanctuary was brought in from Italy, including a 13-ft. sculpture of the Crucifixion
The sculpture of the ‘Burning Bush’ inside the new sanctuary at St. Mark.
Stations 21 and 22, both of which also are located on Cross Creek Blvd. While the new sanctuary was dedicated three weeks before this issue came out, worship services just recently made the transition. Fr. David says that workers still were finishing up putting some final touches on the new building at the time of the dedication, so he decided to keep services in the old building for a few more weeks. But, he said that services should be held in the new sanctuary as you’re reading this story. As for the original building, it will undergo a transition to become a community center and banquet hall for local events during the next six months. Fr. David says that, if the church has enough money left over from its loan to build the new sanctuary, it will go about installing a full-service catering kitchen to the old building, which has the capacity for more than 500 banquet tables. He says that the church hasn’t yet decided on a name for the community center, but that regardless of its intended uses, it likely will still incorporate the church’s name into the name to honor the community that helped pay for its construction 15 years ago. St. Mark is located at 9724 Cross Creek Blvd. For more info, please visit StMarkTampa.org or call 907-7746.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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New Tampa
but he fled the bank on foot in a southeast direction towards and through the plaza after he received no cash. TPD responded and secured a perimeter around the bank and the adjacent Amberly Place Apartments, but the suspect managed to escape. Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay is offering a reward of up to $3,000 for information that leads to the identification and arrest of the unknown suspect. Anyone with any information regarding this case and who wants to be eligible for a cash reward is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-873-TIPS (8477). You also can report anonymously online at CrimeStoppers TB.com, text CSTB A TPD investigator marks evidence at the plus your tip to 274637 (CRIMES) scene of the fatal shooting at the Grand Reserve or send a mobile tip using the Tipapartments in Tampa Palms on June 2. Submit Mobile application, which is a said. “Then, I heard, two, three, four, five free download for iPhones, iPads, and shots.” Android devices. Bazzi, who has lived at the Grand Reserve for two months, said that she walked New Tampa CVS Pharmacy outside and saw neighbors running to see Robbed, Suspect Sought what had happened. A man who robbed the New Tampa “We were scared,” Bazzi said. “(BiCVS is still on the loose and the Tampa vens) just stood there and said to call the Police Department (TPD) also is asking for police. People asked him why he did it and the public’s help in identifying and locating he said, ‘Because I should have done it a long time ago.’” Bivens was arrested and charged with second-degree murder. He remained in custody at our press time at the Hillsborough County Jail in lieu of a $200,000 bond.
News Briefs
Auto Burglaries On The Rise
The Tampa Police Department (TPD) warns that auto burglaries are on the rise in the New Tampa area. According to TPD, two vehicles were burglarized just after noon at the New Tampa Community Park in Tampa Palms on June 10, during a heavy rainstorm. TPD reports that an unknown number of suspects forcibly entered one vehicle by smashing the passenger window and entered another by opening an unlocked door to take two purses that were in plain view. The suspects fled undetected and no fingerprints were found. The purses contained credit cards and an iPad and other property valued at more than $600. TPD advises citizens to never leave anything valuable in their vehicles in plain view. Instead, lock valuable in your trunk. It’s also important to always lock all doors and windows and park in well-lit and populated areas, making sure to report any and all suspicious activity immediately.
Fatal Shooting At Tampa Palms Apartment Complex
A man is dead, following a shooting at the Grand Reserve apartment complex in Tampa Palms. According to the Tampa Police Department (TPD), 39-year-old Alfred Lester died of a gunshot wound on June 2, after an altercation with Orin Bivens, 48, of Tampa. The argument turned violent around 8:30 a.m. in the breezeway of Building 12 in the Grand Reserve, located off Tampa Palms Blvd. Bivens fired multiple shots and Lester died in the breezeway. TPD reports that Bivens, a selfemployed mechanic, is the ex-husband of Lester’s wife Ava Marie Bivens and that Orin and Ava’s 13-year-old son was inside the apartment when the shooting occurred. A neighbor, Samar Bazzi, said she was inside her apartment across the parking lot from the scene of the crime at the time of the shooting. “I was on the phone with my friend when I heard the Orin Bivens (first) shot,” Bazzi
According to TPD, at around 8:36 a.m. on May 21, a man described as white or Hispanic in his early 20s walked into the CVS Pharmacy located on New Tampa Blvd., across from Hunter’s Green, approached the pharmacy counter and demanded narcotics, insisting that he had a gun. The pharmacy clerk handed him a bag of unidentified narcotics, after which the suspect fled the store. He is described as thin, standing 5’6” tall, with a pronounced chin. He was last seen wearing a black zip-up hooded sweatshirt with a black-and-white pattern design on the inside, a floppy-brimmed camouflage hat, tan pants and grey or tan shoes with orange shoe laces. TPD reports that witnesses saw him drive away in a two-door, gold vehicle, possibly a Cadillac Eldorado convertible with a soft top. Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay also is offering a reward of up to $3,000 for information that leads to the identification & arrest of the suspect in this case. To report info about this crime to Crime Stoppers, see the previous News Brief. — MW
Bank Of America Attempted Robbery Suspect On Loose
The Tampa Police Department (TPD) is seeking the public’s help in identifying and locating a suspect who attempted to rob the Bank of America branch located in front of the Shoppes of Amberly shopping plaza on Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms. Have you seen either of these two suspects? The man on the left attempted to rob the Bank of According to TPD, just after 10 a.m. on May 29, an unidentified white (or America branch located on Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms and the man on the right robbed possibly Hispanic) male suspect carrying the New Tampa CVS Pharmacy, located on New Tampa Blvd. across from Hunter’s Green. a dark backpack who has been described as clean-shaven with medium-length dark pet sitting hair, standing between 6’-4” and 6’-6” tall and weighing between 250-300 pounds, dog walking entered the bank. The suspect was wearing a red-and-white Adidas hat, a gray exercise potty breaks suit with a long, black undershirt, dark colored shoes or boots and dark sunglasses. fourpawsandtwofeet.com The TPD report says that the suspect handed the teller a note demanding money,
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
AFTER Neighborhood News
Vacant New Tampa Sweetbay A Hotspot For Semi Trucks & Dumping By Matt Wiley
For more than two years, the former New Tampa Sweetbay supermarket (located off Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd. next to Home Depot), has been sitting vacant. Yet, most days, it’s not uncommon to see the parking lot full of vehicles. However, these are not the cars and SUVs of suburban grocery shoppers, but semi tractor trailers, utilizing the open parking lot as a place to take a break from the road. During the past several months, the Neighborhood News has received numerous complaints from readers, who have pointed out not only the number of trucks that frequent the parking lot on a daily basis, but also about the presence of garbage illegally dumped on the site since it was vacated in February of 2013. Currently, the 48,000-sq.-ft. grocery space is listed as available for lease with the Atlanta, GA-based The Shopping Center Group, although a price for the space was not available and calls to the group’s two leasing agents were not returned before we went to press with this issue. In addition, the Hillsborough County Property Appraiser’s website lists the owner as Lynn Kirk of KNK Tampa, LTD, but Kirk claimed to this reporter that she doesn’t actually own the building or the land on which it sits. City of Tampa Neighborhood Empowerment (Code Enforcement) district supervisor Mike Peterson says that, unfortunately, it’s common for vacant commercial properties to be used this way. In fact, he says, the current site of Lifepoint Church (located just more than a mile north on BBD) was host to similar issues after the Winn-Dixie supermarket vacated the property (before Lifepoint opened). Trucks also have been reported parking at the Muvico Starlight 20 movie theater off Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. in the past, he says. “(Those properties) had the same problem with semi trucks,” Peterson says. “The drivers think it’s okay. We have to tell them that it’s not.” Peterson says that his department hasn’t received any complaints about the Sweetbay property, but that he was going to send a code enforcement inspector to take a look after we interviewed him to
address the issue with any drivers parked at the site. Usually, Peterson says, his department will call the property owner and let them know about what’s been reported on their property, since many times the owners are based out of state and may not be aware of the problem. “We try to open a dialogue,” Peterson says. “But, if the issue isn’t fixed, we issue notices The former New Tampa Sweetbay supermarket location in the North Palms Village area has become a and citations.” popular spot for semi tractor trailer truck parking since the store closed more than two years ago. In these cases, activated and/or when proper parking • Sec. 26-149. - No person shall Peterson says, inspecpermits have been obtained and except in place or accumulate or cause to be placed tors go out to the site and take photos of cases of emergency. or accumulated any solid waste in or upon the vehicles parked there, which then are • Sec. 19-51. - Any motorized any premises or lot owned by him or in sent to the city’s Land Use department to vehicles including, but not limited to, his control nor shall any person place, determine any violations. cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, minibikes, accumulate or cause to be placed or acWe did a little digging in the City of all-terrain vehicles or boats which by cumulated any solid waste in or upon the Tampa’s Code of Ordinances and found quantity, placement or visibility would in premises of another or any public street, several that potentially are being violated any way constitute a public nuisance as sidewalk, right-of-way or other public at the New Tampa Sweetbay property: defined in this chapter shall be considered place or any pond, stream, ditch or body • Sec. 15.41 (h) - It is unlawful of water, except as provided in this article. for an operator of a vehicle to stop, stand to be a violation of this Code and subject to penalties as set forth in this chapter. If you’ve witnessed any illegal or park such vehicle in a space not desig• Sec. 26-148. - It is unlawful for dumping at this (or any site in the city nated or designed for its size. Standard any person to do any of the following: limits) or if you don’t appreciate the cars are considered to be vehicles Class 9 sight of the numerous tractor trailers (1) To place or cause to be placed or larger, as defined in accordance with parked there, give the City of Tampa any solid waste upon the property of the current domestic and imported pasCode Enforcement department a call at another without (the property ownsenger car size classifications. 277-5545. er’s) consent. • Sec. 15-42. - Any vehicle stopped, standing or parked in or alongside a parking space as designated pursuant to this chapter shall park within the lines or markings designating such parking space. It is unlawful to park any vehicle in any such way that the same shall not be within the area so designated by such lines, markings, or sign post that corresponds with the parking space. The front bumper of the vehicle must be even with the lines, markings, or sign post that corresponds with the parking space or in close proximity thereto without parking beyond the established post or sign. • Sec. 15-46. - No truck, tractor truck or trailer shall occupy more than one (1) parking space where designated, except while loading or unloading and while all meters used have been properly
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Former Charter School Land Still Up For Grabs In West Meadows By Matt Wiley
As work continues on the Legacy at Highwoods Preserve assisted living facility along Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. in New Tampa, a big red sign decorates the land to its north at the intersection with New Tampa Blvd. in West Meadows The 7.34-acre parcel of land (of which 2.5 acres) is being sold by the Tampa-based Eshenbaugh Land Company and has remained dormant for years, following a failed attempt to build a charter school on the site in 2012. Currently zoned for three, 2,500-sq.-ft. office or medical office buildings, Eshenbaugh broker Nancy Surak says that the corner is a prime piece of real estate. “It’s a great location,” Surak says.
“And, there’s already been some site work done,” including some retention ponds. Surak says that only 2.5 acres of the land is developable because the rest is conservation and wetlands. “We haven’t found the right buyer, yet,” Surak says. “We’ve had some verbal offers, but none have come to an agreement. One was an office developer.” Surak says that she expects a lot more interest in the land once the Legacy opens in July and begins to fill up. The land currently is listed at $300,000. Surak says that the city has indicated that it wouldn’t be impossible to rezone the land for a different use, but that it would be subject to the rezoning process and community approval, which has played a huge factor in the site’s development in the past. In December 2011, the Hillsborough County School Board (HCSB) approved plans for 10 new charter schools in the District, one of which could have been built on the same land at the corner of Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. and New Tampa Blvd., which remains for sale. For the school to be built, the Tampa City Coun-
The Eshenbaugh Land Company is in the process of selling a 7.34-acre parcel of land at the southwest corner of New Tampa Blvd. and Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. in New Tampa. cil would have had to grant a re-zoning 1,000 students would create a “trafpermit for the Advantage Academy of fic nightmare” in the communities. Hillsborough Inc., a charter school West Meadows already is home to Dr. company, to build the school. The land Harold H. Clark elementary, located previously was zoned for multifamily on Wood Sage Dr. The plan was shot housing or a church, but was rezoned down by the Tampa City Council after for the Legacy project. more than four hours of debate and The plan was met with opposition public comment. from residents of Richmond Place and For additional information West Meadows who argued that a new about the available land, please visit school that would have the capacity for TheDirtDog.com.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
WCCC’s Hope Allen Chosen For CEO Direct Program
The Wesley Chapel area is a hotbed for growth these days, and few know it better than the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC)’s executive director Hope Allen, who recently was selected to be a participant in a regional program to help business leaders learn about economic growth around Tampa Bay, including here in the New Tampa area. The group’s first meeting was May 20, which was just after we went to press with our previous New Tampa issue. CEO Direct, a program created by the Tampa Bay Partnership (the regional organization that markets the Bay area nationally and internationally), is a 10-month program in which participants (including Allen) travel around and tour the area’s assets (the Port of Tampa, Tampa International Airport, regional hospitals, etc.) and learn about growing business opportunities around Tampa Bay. According to the Tampa Bay Partnership’s website, the purpose of the program is to provide those selected with an opportunity to interact with leaders from around the eight-county Tampa Bay region, as well as to network with fellow leaders from throughout the area on issues that impact Tampa Bay’s economic prosperity. The program features one meeting every other month and recently selected its 18 leaders for this year’s group. Allen’s name made the list, along with 17 other
business leaders in the region, including TECO Energy regional manager Jimmy Adcock, Leadership Tampa Bay (a group of business leaders from across Tampa Bay) executive director Alice Bessette and Tampa Bay Lightning corporate sales manager Adam Lawson. “It’s an honor to be selected (for the program),” Allen (photo above) says. “It’s a very impressive group of regional business leaders. I’m honored to represent Wesley Chapel.” Allen says that she thinks the Wesley Chapel area already has several regional assets (such as Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, the future Florida Hospital Center Ice skating complex and the Tampa Premium Outlets mall) and hopes to bring regional attention to the area during the group’s meetings. The first meeting was held at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg and was facilitated by the
private college’s Leadership Development Institute. “It was awesome,” Allen says of the chance to get a continuing education in executive leadership. She says that the meetings offer an opportunity to build relationships with other regional CEOs. “I plan on putting Wesley Chapel in the middle of the conversation because that’s where it appears on a regional map,” Allen says. She says that the group’s next meeting will be June 24 at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg. For more info, please visit TampaBay.org, WesleyChapelChamber.com or see the Chamber Update on page 50.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Pasco BOCC Submits ‘Letter Of Interest’ For S.R. 56 Extension Lanes By Matt Wiley had to be submitted by May 29. That
It’s said that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and the old adage has proven true for the extension of S.R. 56, from where it currently dead-ends at Meadow Pointe Blvd. in Wesley Chapel to its future connection all the way to U.S. 301 in Zephyrhills. During the May 19 Pasco Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting in New Port Richey, commissioners voted unanimously (5-0) to move forward with submitting a Letter of Interest to the State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) for a loan to help build the 6.7-mile S.R. 56 extension as a four-lane road, as opposed to the already-approved two-lane extension. The fourlane extension is estimated to cost more than $60 million. Complaints about the funding cut from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT, which gave the current, more-than-$30-million contract for a two-lane extension to Tampa-based Cone & Graham, Inc., in October) prompted action from Pasco’s State legislators to identify a plan to get the four-lane road built for their constituents, without sticking them with the bill. In April, Dist. 17 State Senator John Legg (R-Lutz) and Dist. 38 State Representative Danny Burgess (R-Zephyrhills) proposed the idea of taking out a low-interest loan from SIB. The catch was that a Letter of Interest from Pasco
letter was officially signed and submitted on May 28. Commissioners agreed to submit the letter to take out a 30-year, $27-million loan that will be paid back beginning in 2019. Under the current FDOT contract, developers along the extension already are required to cough up the money for the additional two lanes, which would be built sometime in the future (when traffic and development warrants them), as well as donate the land needed for construction. The county wants the developers to pay higher mobility fees to help pay back the loan. Details haven’t been finalized, but the city of Zephyrhills also has stepped forward to pay 10-percent of the total loan, as well. “The details haven’t been ironed out, yet,” says Dist. 2 Comm. Mike Moore, who represents Wesley Chapel on the BOCC. “But, I’m confident that county staff and the developers will work it out.” Comm. Moore says that he is 100-percent for the four-lane expansion and had no reservations about voting to pursue the loan. “It will definitely bring an economic boost to the area,” Comm. Moore says. “It’s a regional road, not a local one. In addition to Wesley Chapel, it also will help out Dade City and Zephyrhills, tremendously.” Chief assistant county attorney Da-
vid Goldstein told commissioners at the meeting that, if it’s determined that payments on the loan would hold up already-planned future transportation projects in Pasco’s capital improvement plan (such as the future I-75 interchange at Overpass Rd. that received Federal approval last year), the county Above is a conceptual rendering of what the four-lane S.R. 56 has the ability to extension to U.S. 301 could look like. Photo: Kisinger Campo & Assoc. walk away from it. “The appliCafé (located in the Shoppes of Wescation process isn’t binding,” Comm. ley Chapel on Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Moore says. “Until you actually take the Blvd., across from Florida Hospital money, you haven’t accepted it.” Wesley Chapel), says that the S.R. 56 exNow that the Letter of Interest has tension would directly benefit businesses been submitted, Comm. Moore says like his in Wesley Chapel and attract that the formal application period will more customers who live along Morris begin in July. Bridge Rd. in New Tampa. According to the U.S. DOT, “SIBs “I talk to my neighbors and they are revolving infrastructure investment tell me that one of the reasons they funds for surface transportation that are don’t come up to Wesley Chapel is beestablished and administered by states” cause they have to deal with Cross Creek and SIB loans have been used locally for Blvd.,” De Mesquita says. “It would other projects in Tampa, including the make my life easier, for sure.” recent construction of the I-4 to Selmon De Mesquita says that he’d be Expressway Connector. happy to see the extension, whether it’s Dirson De Mesquita, who lives in two lanes or four. the Easton Park community in New Stay tuned to NTNeighborhoodTampa and is the owner of OTB Delight News.com for further developments.
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Neighborhood News
your wife Holly for her support,” Harrison said. “It’s almost always the spouse that has the most difficult role in any endeavor. I’m Continued from page 1 proud of the fact that you’re a resident of “As a member of our armed services, New Tampa, District 63, and that I get to you have gone above and beyond what is call you a constituent… You are a shining expected of most people, exemplifying that example of America’s best.” which is great,” Rep. Castor wrote. “Your Dr. Kevin White from the James A. resilience and courage while recovering Haley Veterans Hospital (located across while adapting to a normal life is not only Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd. from USF) inspiring to others, but shows that no ob- who helped Dillman with his recovery from stacle is too great.” his injuries after he was transferred to TamDist. 63 State Rep. Shawn Harrison pa from Walter Reed Army Medical Center (who represents New Tampa in Tallahassee) in Washington D.C. also said a few words at also spoke. the ceremony. “I just want to say a personal thank “For me, this is why I do what I do,” you for your service to your country, and to Dr. White said. “When Alex first got (to the hospital), we knew that he had a U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Alex Dillman (center right) and his wife Holly watch as an American flag is folded, before being presented to Alex in honor of his military retirement. lot of potential, and our job is (to) make sure that he succeeds. One mind from when I saw him when he left the my calling at such a young age. It was such a thing that we have been able to hospital. When I see Alex, I don’t see some- good job and career. It didn’t feel like a job. see is that (Alex and Holly) are one in a wheelchair. I see a hero.” I couldn’t believe that I was getting paid to both leaders. They don’t just sit Through all the speeches and presenta- do these things and have these experiences.” there and wait for things to hap- tions, SSG Dillman remained reticent, but The Dillmans live in a home in Cory pen. They take charge and make graciously thanked everyone in attendance Lake Isles that was built and given to them it happen. They have a bright fu- when he took the microphone at the end by Homes For Our Troops, a nonprofit ture.” of the ceremony, expressing his gratitude to veterans organization that specializes in Retired Sgt. 1st Class Peter those that have helped him throughout his building homes for U.S. military vets who Weintraub, who greeted soldiers long recovery. Especially to Holly. are retired or are in the process of medical when they got to Walter Reed said “I want to thank my wife,” Dillman retirement from military service and have that he first met Dillman in the said. “She was there for me from the be- been injured in combat sometime since hospital. ginning and I knew that before I married September 11, 2001. As of May 22, the or“Being in the military and her. She deserves more recognition than she ganization has built 187 homes. The organdoing your daily job does not re- gets. The things she’s done, no one should ization raises money, collects materials and ally prepare you for the things that have to do for their spouse.” arranges labor to build the homes. you see on the battlefield or in the He also reflected on his years in the Alex also said that he plans to return to hospital when those soldiers come military, leading up to the accident. school at ITT Technical Institute to pursue “I remember enlisting like it was yes- a degree in IT security. The couple is acRetired Sgt. 1st Class Peter Weintraub (left) greets the home,” Weintraub said. “Seeing Alex now, he’s totally blown my terday,” Dillman said. “I was lucky to find tively pursuing starting their family. Dillmans, following Alex’s retirement ceremony.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
MOMS Club Of New Tampa The MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of New Tampa is currently open to new members in the New Tampa area. The MOMS Club offers a variety of daytime activities for mothers and their children, opportunities for Moms’ Nights Out & many more benefits. For info or to join the club, email MomsClubNewTampa@gmail.com.
sessions (but you may begin any week) to find healing & hope. The group meets Tues., 6:30 p.m., at Lake Magdalene Methodist Church (2902 W. Fletcher Ave., Rm. 310). For more info, call 963-1555.
English As A Second Language (ESL)
Great speeches & great topics. Come hone your public speaking skills. Tampa Toastmasters meets Wednesdays, 7 p.m., at the New Tampa Family YMCA (16221 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). Guests are always welcome. Call 264-2171 for info.
This group meets Tuesdays at Thursday, June 25 Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (19911 Christian Business BBD Blvd.), 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Classes are 25 Connections (CBC) taught by a native English speaker using The Christian Business Connections several ESL and Bible study resources. June 2015 (CBC) networking group meets every Thur. at The cost is $40 each semester, for the Monday, June 22 7:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church workbook & class materials. (5338 Primrose Lake Cir., off Commerce Park Zen Meditation Group For info, call Heather at 753-8567. 22 Blvd. in Tampa Palms). For info, email Shawn@TPACorp.com. Enjoy meditation? Looking for a new way Wednesday, June 24 to relax? Check out the FREE Zen Meditation Friday, June 26 Group that meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in the BNI Millionaire Makers 24 Arbor Greene Community Center (18000 New Tampa 26 Arbor Greene Dr., off Cross Creek Blvd.) AeroRotary Club The BNI Millionaire Makers chapter meets bics Room. People of all faiths are welcome. The original New Tampa Rotary Club You only need an interest in meditation and a every Wednesday at Heritage Isles Country Club meets every Friday for breakfast at 7 a.m. (10630 Plantation Bay Dr.) at 7:15 a.m. The more peaceful and relaxed mind and life. at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club $13 meeting fee includes a hot breakfast. For info, call Jeremy at 528-6285. (TPGCC, 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd.). Call Lisa Jordan (621-6015) for info. For info, call Connie Bladon at (813) 505-6515 or visit NewTampaRotary.org. 22 Community Acupuncture &
Discussion Group
A Monday night community acupuncture and discussion group is meeting at Ion Medi-Spa (8903 Regents Park Dr., Suite 130), 6:30 p.m. Topics include needle-free acupuncture, facial rejuvenation and stop smoking and customized weight-loss programs. For more info, call 960-8833 or visit IonMediSpa.com. Tuesday, June 23
New Tampa Tri Club
The New Tampa Tri Club is open to runners, swimmers, cyclists & triathletes across the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. The club hosts group bike rides/runs leaving from Flatwoods Wilderness Park (13330 Morris Bridge Rd.; not from the BBD entrance) every Tues., Thur. & Sat. at 7:30 a.m. For more info, join the Facebook group or e-mail NewTampaTriClub@gmail.com.
GriefShare Support Group
This video-seminar support group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one. The cost is $20 for a workbook & 13 Neighborhood News
Business Networking International (BNI)
BNI, a group of business professionals dedicated to helping their respective businesses grow through qualified referrals, meets every Wed. morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Cory Lake Isles Beach Club clubhouse (18630 Plantation Bay Dr., off Morris Bridge Rd.). Call Steve Hopper at 918-8609.
New Tampa Noon Rotary Club
The New Tampa Noon Rotary Club meets every Wed. for lunch at noon at Café Olé (10020 Cross Creek Blvd., in the Cross Creek Center plaza, behind the Shell gas station). Guests are always welcome.
July 2015
9-12 Toastmasters
Friday, July 10
Join the ladies of Women-n-Charge, 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m., at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr.), for lunch, speakers & networking. The cost is $15 for members & $18 for guests. The guest speaker will be Stephanie Eukovich of the Tampa Bay Business Journal, speaking about how to grow business and connections, as well as sharing the free TBBJ tools/events which are catered to women in business. Register at Women-N-Charge.com. Or, call Judy at 600-9848. Wednesday, July 15
GFWC New Tampa Junior Woman’s Club
GFWC New Tampa Junior Woman’s Club is a small group of women that meets the third Wednesday of each month, noon-1 p.m., at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, (5340 Primrose Lake Circle in Tampa Palms). Contact Kay Lehmer at KLehmer@verizon.net for more info.
Saturday, June 27
If your organization is sponsoring an event that is open to the general BayChapel will be opening its FREE public, please submit your info food pantry to the New Tampa community at Christian Brothers Automotive (20303 (and pictures, in any digital format) Trout Creek Dr.), 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. for at least 3-4 weeks in advance to anyone in need. The pantry is open the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Matt@NTNeighborhoodNews.com. 27
BayChapel Food Pantry
For more info, call Lee at 731-4040.
New Tampa Evening Rotary Club
The New Tampa Evening Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at Hunter’s Green Country Club (10101 Longwater Run Dr., inside the BBD Hunter’s Green entrance gate). New members are always welcome. Call Liz DeAmbrose at 956-6487 or email homenet@gte.net. @NTWCNews
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
St. Joseph’s John Knox Village — An Exciting Retirement Community! By Anu Varma Panchal
Hot air ballooning or flea marketing? The art of Salvador Dali or the music of Verdi? Tai chi or Wii golf; wine etiquette or geopolitics; Bible study, yoga, movies or a night of watching a blues band perform? With a plethora of activities, excursions and on-site amenities, the biggest problem facing the residents of St. Joseph’s John Knox Village on E. Fletcher Ave. in Tampa (less than five minutes from Tampa Palms) may be choosing from among the continuing care retirement community’s many entertainment options. “We didn’t come here to fold away in our rooms,” says 83-year-old John Knox resident Carolyn Antonini, elegant in cream and cerulean blue and on her way to a tea party with a pile of activity schedules to share with new residents. In the past, Carolyn says she and her husband had often driven past the John
Knox campus (which, at 43 years, is a veteran in the industry on Tampa’s north side) musing half-seriously about living there one day. When her husband died after 57 happy years of marriage, Carolyn’s children wanted her to move in with one of them, but she decided instead to investigate her options. She says she visited John Knox twice before she decided: “This is it.” “It’s been four years this past May,” says Carolyn, “and I’m so grateful. If I had stayed in my home, I would never have had all the wonderful activities I have here. [Being here] has encouraged me to grow in all areas — spiritually, friendship, food and entertainment.” “They all have a story to tell,” says Sandy Ross, a senior living counselor at John Knox. “They’ve all had such interesting lives. They’re an extension of our own families.” The 14-acre complex, which is part of the St. Joseph’s & BayCare Health System, is home to 350 residents ages 62–106. These residents are provided everything from independent living to skilled nursing care. Residents can choose from 16 floor plans of studio and one- and twobedroom apartments with fully-equipped kitchens and optional custom construction services (such as knocking down a wall to make more space, if needed). Higher-functioning residents needing assisted living and memory support have a choice of studio and one-bedroom apartments at The Vineyards. Meanwhile, those who need fulltime skilled nursing care can live in the Med Center, which offers 24-hour
nursing care in private and semi-private rooms, as well as a gym and physical therapy area. A specialized, secure living unit also has been designed for residents living with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Also impressive is the fact that the apartments are renovated and updated whenever a resident moves out, and the entire complex got a recent freshening. A variety of payment options are available, from Residents can take advantage of a variety of activities (above renting to “buying in,” which and below left) on a daily basis at St. Joseph’s John Knox Vilmeans the resident pays an lage on E. Fletcher Ave. Entrance Fee to guarantee that they will have a place to live no Also onsite are banking services, conmatter what level of care they may need in venience stores, a beauty and barber shop the future. The cost of being a resident at with manicure and pedicure services, a gift John Knox includes all meals, all utilities (ex- boutique and even religious services. The cept phone and internet, which are billed to facility’s event calendar is packed with events residents), a flat laundry rate, transportation from morning prayer to Tuesday night live (to doctors, shopping and activities), 24blues music, movies and parties. hour security and even pharmacy delivery. Available on a fee-for-service basis are Amenities in the center include an arts an on-site medical clinic, weekly onsite phy& crafts room, Olympic-sized heated pool, sician’s appointments, physical, occupational Jacuzzi, fitness center, shuffleboard court, and speech therapy and private home health 9-hole putting green, bocce ball court, game care services. room, two libraries, a theater room, woodAmenities aside, residents say that what working shop and computer lab with free keeps them the happiest here is the friendly internet. Residents also can attend Osher and helpful nature of the people. Staff memLifelong Learning Institute classes in colbers — such as Ross and marketing assistant laboration with University of South Florida; Britta (7- and 21-year employees of the this summer’s course offerings include facility, respectively) — greet residents with Geopolitics Today, Life Story Writing I and first-name familiarity, although there are 420 Wine Etiquette. employees serving the 350 residents.
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is the grounds committee chair. They volunteer at the John Knox thrift store, but also continue living their “former” life — meeting friends for lunch, volunteering and traveling. The difference, they joke, is that they now have a larger circle of friends and acquaintances, and no longer have to mow their lawns, find a good roofer, or — best of all — clean their own toilets any more. “Life is what you make it,” Anne says. “You can be old at 40 and young at heart in your 70s and 80s, having fun. It’s all about attitude.” The two are off on a trip to Niagara Falls soon, and they say that another Residents enjoy the Olympic-sized swimming pool at advantage is that they don’t have to St. Joseph’s John Knox Village worry when they go away because of the 24-hour security onsite at John Knox. “The staff could not be more under“The security here is really good,” standing, warm, responsive and respectful,” agrees Carolyn. “I just go to bed and I’m says Nancy Neher, a retired Hillsborough not the least bit concerned. That’s a comfort County School District music teacher and in and of itself.” John Knox resident. “Everyone makes us For employees like Britta and Ross, the feel like we are very important to them.” Nancy and her wife, Anne Connors, are place is almost as much home as it is for the residents. Britta says she started working in active 73-year-old retirees who decided to make the move to a place which would serve food service at John Knox 21 years ago, and moved through several departments before all of their needs for the foreseeable future ending up in marketing, where she gets to without giving their families any worry. meet new guests and introduce them to The two say they investigated their options their potential new homes. thoroughly before picking John Knox for “It’s wonderful,” she says. “Seeing the its welcoming environment, friendly people residents through from moving in, being and beautiful grounds. Although they have able to help them with anything — our only been residents for two years, they have quickly made their mark — participating in residents make us who we are.” activities, exercising, playing ping-pong and For more information about St. shuffleboard and walking every morning — Joseph’s John Knox Village (4100 E. and inspiring others to join them. Fletcher Ave. in Tampa), call 977-6361 “We don’t mess around,” quips Anne, or (800) 272-KNOX, or visit StJosephs who is on the residents’ board, where Nancy JohnKnox.org. Or, see the ad on pg. 20.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Let Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals Manage Your Rental Properties! By Celeste McLaughlin
Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals Estate & Rentals has stood at the corner of Fletcher and N. 56th St. (just south of New Tampa) since John Simone, the company’s Brokerowner, opened the office in 1997. In that time, John’s full-service property management and real estate office has handled the acquisition, management, and John Simone disposition of hundreds of properties for real estate investors and “accidental landlords.” John says that some homeowners become “accidental landlords” when they can’t sell their homes because of market conditions or other factors, so they turn to renting as an alternative. “For example, there are homeowners who bought in 2006 (at the height of the local real estate explosion; before the real estate “bubble” hit our area hard in 2007-08) and still haven’t caught up yet,” says John. “When they need to move, we help them determine if renting is a good option, and then we handle all aspects of the rental process.” John has held a Florida real estate
home because they can’t or don’t want to sell, and they also want to buy a new home, Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals will handle both of those transactions. John and the agents who work for him can help homeowners determine what your home is worth, and examine the financial impacts of selling versus renting, including what you can expect to receive as far as rental rates and income on your home. If you decide to keep your home as an asset, instead of sellYour Rental Specialist! ing it, Bay Area Real Estate & John says he recognized early on Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals, located on Rentals helps with everything. that he would focus on rentals. E. Fletcher Ave. at N. 56th St. in the Temple John says the process goes some- Terrace area, has been managing great rental “I chose that as my niche because thing like this: not many people were doing it, and I properties and the buying and selling of homes “We go through the home enjoyed it,” he says. And, I’ve mainlike these throughout the Bay area since 1997! tained that all these years. It’s a different and recommend repairs, and we “People come to us to discuss ‘my will schedule those for you if you business. Some agencies don’t stress home,’ but then – over time – they investment properties and property want,” explains John. “Then we marstart referring to it as ‘the property’ management, but we do.” ket the home and show it to potential because they begin to see it as the Although rentals are still Bay Area’s renters. We screen all tenants thor(financial) asset that it is.” primary focus, John says he is licensed oughly, and prepare and execute the and capable of handling the sale of a lease on the owner’s behalf. Then we Superior Customer Service! home, too. collect rent, and on the 10th of each Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals has “Typically when we handle sales month, you get a check and a statea small staff, including John, an office for our clients, it involves investment ment from us.” manager, and three other Realtors who properties,” says John. “But we work He notes that Bay Area’s rental work together on all the company’s with our entire client base on any serclients always seem to go through a properties to ensure that all of the needs vice that clients want.” So, for examsimilar type of transition, once they get are met for every Bay Area client. ple, if someone needs to rent out their used to renting out their homes. “We all work together on all of the Realtor’s license since 1988 and has had his Broker’s license since 1990. He has been a member of the Greater Tampa Board of Realtors (GTAR) for more than 25 years. He also is a member of the Florida Association of Realtors (FAR) and National Association of Realtors (NAR). His office also maintains membership in the National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM) and the Florida Association of Residential Property Managers (FARPM).
A New Tampa Resident
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office is closed, we have a live answering service that handles the calls and gets us our messages right away.” This is important in his business, John says. “Whether it’s an owner calling, or a tenant, or even a neighbor, we always answer the phone.” Many of the company’s clients are full-service management clients, but some hire Bay Area Real Estate & The Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals sign means the rent- Rentals just for placeing of your home is being handled by a professionals team. ment, which means the company’s only role is to properties,” says John, “so anyone in find and screen a tenant for your propthe office can handle any task that is erty, then help you sign the lease. needed for any of our clients.” Bay Area Real Estate & RentBecause of the software used in als handles properties throughout the office, the entire staff has access to the Tampa Bay area, including New all needed information on all properTampa, Wesley Chapel, Zephyrhills, ties. “We are extremely automated when it comes to software,” says John. Town ‘n’ Country, Valrico, and even Sun City Center. “For example, 99 percent of our rents Doug Gwynn, Ph.D., is a retired are paid online. Our software is a powprofessor who taught at the Univererful tool that serves our clients well.” sity of California. When he moved to But, even with an outstanding New Tampa more than a dozen years software program that allows for a lot ago, he was looking for a home near of automation, John says there are still the University of South Florida, when some things that are not turned over he came across John’s office. He says to a machine. John helped him find the “perfect “We still answer our phones 24 place” — a home in the Lake Forest hours a day,” says John. “When our
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subdivision at the south end of New Tampa — before Doug turned his attention to investment properties. “I am quite familiar with property management,” says Doug, who says he has had investment properties in both California and other parts of Florida before he began looking for investment properties here. “John is a high-quality person, and I really like his approach,” says Doug. “He gives me complete, reliable information, and as my agent, he puts my needs ahead of his own.” Doug says he now owns six investment properties in New Tampa, in Live Oak Preserve and Grand Hampton, as well as in Wesley Chapel. He says he’s hoping to increase that to eight, with John’s help. “I wouldn’t invest in the area if I didn’t have John,” says Doug. “I have learned over the years to trust him. He’s flexible and he’s never dishonest. I have met some property managers who are unsavory — coming up with nonexistent bills and such things — but I know I can trust John.” And, in terms of finding renters,” Doug adds, “John tends to choose exclusive renters, carefully screening them to be sure they have good credit and no criminal record, and then he interviews them, too. And, since I own very nice properties in nice neighborhoods, my renters tend to stay a long
time, often five or six years.” And John thinks Doug has the right idea by investing in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel areas. “New Tampa is like its own little world,” says John, “It grew into Wesley Chapel, and Wesley Chapel still has a lot of opportunity to grow. People are putting a lot of money into residential and commercial development projects in Wesley Chapel, and that’s a good sign for the area.” He cites the new ice skating rink being built in Wesley Chapel, now named Florida Hospital Center Ice, plus the new Tampa Premium Outlets mall and the ongoing development of Wiregrass Ranch as examples of large-scale projects that are making Wesley Chapel a hotbed of real estate activity. In his free time, John is an avid boater. He says he volunteers more than 1,300 hours a year with the Coast Guard as a uniformed service member. This includes a search-and-rescue shift every Saturday, plus training, and his role as a liaison between civilian volunteers and active duty members. Bay Area Real Estate & Rentals is located at 13312 N. 56th St. It is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and phones are answered by a live answering service whenever the office is closed. For more info, call 988-7368, visit BayAreaRealEstate andRentals.com or see the ad on page 22 of this issue.
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360 Dermatology & Ambay Plastic Surgery — A Unique Dermatology Office! By Celeste McLaughlin
Wesley Chapel and New Tampa residents in need of a general or cosmetic dermatologist have access to a unique option in the Seven Oaks area. 360 Dermatology and Ambay Plastic Surgery, both located in the Summergate Professional Center (behind Sam’s Club, off S.R. 56) are two medical practices that operate under one roof. The businesses combine the talents of the husband-and-wife physician team of Aparna Ambay, MD (Doctor of Medicine), a Boardcertified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon, and Raj Ambay, MD, a doubleBoard-certified plastic surgeon. (Note-We’ll refer to them as “Dr. Aparna” and “Dr. Raj,” respectively, throughout this article to avoid confusion.) “We’re unique in Tampa,” explains Dr. Raj, “because we’re the only combination dermatology and plastic surgery office in the (New Tampa/Wesley Chapel) area.” This special arrangement allows general dermatology patients to have in-house access to a plastic surgeon for any reconstructive procedures, such as after a skin cancer is removed. It also allows patients who are looking for cosmetic dermatology services access to a wider variety of procedures to enhance their individual looks (more on Dr. Raj and his services below). “We’re all about building relationships, not transactions,” adds Dr. Aparna. “This is our core focus, and allows us to spend plenty of time with people so no patient is ever rushed.”
360 Dermatology
The beautiful office of 360 Dermatology provides a relaxing setting for patients in need of diagnosis and treatment of conditions of skin, hair or nails, or complete skin and skin cancer screenings/exams, mole checks and skin surgeries, as well as chemical peels, Botox and other dermal fillers and other non-surgical options for your skin. Dr. Aparna Ambay earned her M.D. degree from Drexel University in Philadelphia in 2002, then served an internship at the prestigious Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and dermatology residency programs at the Marshfield Clinic in Marshfield, WI, and at the University of Wisconsin at Dr. Aparna Ambay of Madison. 360 Dermatology She also holds a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree from the University of Georgia in Athens (awarded in 1990), and both MBA (Master of Business Administration) and MPH (Master of Public Health) degrees from the University of Alabama in Birmingham, awarded in 1995. She was named one of America’s top dermatologists by the Consumers’ Research Council of America in both 2012 and 2013. Patients are sometimes referred to Dr. Aparna by their primary care physicians, or may come in because they are concerned about their skin, whether it’s a spot, lesion, or
Dr. Aparna Ambay of 360 Dermatology (center) and her staff share an office with her husband Dr. Raj Ambay (gray suit) of Ambay Plastic Surgery. in the Summergate Professional Center in Wesley Chapel, making the practice truly convenient for all of your dermatological needs. technique was created in the 1930s and has just the tone or texture of their skin. been perfected over the past several decades. “Dr. [Aparna] Ambay has an awesome Mohs surgery is performed in the office of eye,” says practice manager Patti Lovell. “She 360 Dermatology, where Dr. Aparna mainknows before she (performs) biopsies which tains a laboratory that is CLIA (Clinical Labospots are going to be problematic.” ratory Improvement Amendments)-, StateDr. Aparna is an expert in Mohs surgery, and Federally-certified for the procedure. a specialized technique in skin cancer surgery Patti says the practice treats patients of that helps to minimize the removal of healthy all ages, including children, and tells of a suctissue around the site of skin cancer. Accordcess story where a child had been to several ing to the practice website at 360Dermadermatologists to treat a rash on her face. tologyTampa.com, Mohs is still, “the gold After seeing four other doctors, the child’s standard treatment for specific skin cancers. parents brought her to Dr. Aparna, who diIn this technique, progressive layers of cancer agnosed the problem and gave her treatment tissue are removed, processed in an on-site that helped right away. laboratory and read by the Mohs surgeon, all In addition to general dermatology, at one appointment.” cosmetic dermatology is also offered at 360 While at the Univ. of WI, Dr. Aparna Dermatology. “Dr. [Aparna] specializes was taught at the school where the Mohs
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. y
in giving clients a natural, younger look,” says Patti. She explains that if you want to improve the look of your skin, come in for a consultation, where you will be presented with many options, including Botox and other dermal fillers, plus chemical peels, and laser rejuvenation. A $50 consultation fee is charged, which is applied to the cost of any treatments a client chooses. Dr. Aparna looks at each person’s goals and unique situation and recommends the best procedures for their individual situations. “Our patients are our priority,” says Patti. “Our staff is friendly, and we always have smiles on our faces.” “We’re happy to be here,” agrees medical assistant Kareena Phillips, who works for both the dermatology and plastic surgery practices and currently is attending medical school at the University of South Florida, “and we want our patients to be, too.” Marsha Patrick, who lives in Meadow Pointe, says she first went to see Dr. Aparna two years ago, when she was frustrated with the wait times at another dermatologist. “I’d have a 10 o’clock appointment and might still be in the waiting room at 11. So, I was ready to try someplace new, and I’m so glad I did.” Marsha found 360 Dermatology through her insurance company, and chose it based on its great location in close proximity to her home. She says, “From the first time I walked in and noticed the ambiance, I thought, ‘This is really nice.’ The staff is super, super friendly, and Dr. [Aparna] is the best dermatologist I’ve ever been to.” She explains that Dr. Aparna found a tiny, freckle-sized spot on her foot that Marsha had never even noticed. It was removed and biopsied, and found to be precancerous. “Dr. [Aparna] is such a gifted doctor,
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and the whole staff at 360 Dermatology takes the utmost care to make sure you’re comfortable, that you know what to do once you leave the office, and then they call you to follow up,” says Marsha, who says she also sees Dr. Aparna for cosmetic dermatology. “She doesn’t try to sell you anything, but if she suggests something, you should listen. Everything she’s suggested has been wonderful.” She adds that she now uses the Obagi skin care system, and has received Botox and filler treatments at the office.
Ambay Plastic Surgery
When a 360 Dermatology patient is concerned about what he or she will look like after a dermatological procedure, such as after removing a lesion on the face, the plastic surgeon (Dr. Raj) and dermatologist (Dr. Aparna) will consult with the patient together in one office – literally in the same room at the same time. “We don’t have to send people out for consultations,” he says. Dr. Raj Ambay earned his D.D.S. (Doctor of Dental Surgery) degree from the Northwestern University Dental School in Evanston, IL, in 1993, and his M.D. degree from the Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA, in 2002. He also completed a General Surgery residency at the Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education (in Rochester, MN) in 2005 and was a research fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 2005-07, where he studied drug development for cancer treatments. Two years later, he completed a residency in Plastic Surgery, also at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, and then studied microvascular reconstructive surgery at the Univ. of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston in 2010.
Dr. Raj also studied Executive Education for Board Development at both Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. He also is Board-certified Dr. Raj Ambay of and licensed to practice Ambay Plastic Surgery dentistry, and uses his medical skills as a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve. He has been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan as a dental officer and also as a medical officer, providing general and trauma surgery in a combat support hospital.
Both doctors also believe in giving back to the local community, so Dr. Aparna volunteers her time for local health fairs, such as at the Shops at Wiregrass mall and at Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, and occasionally offers free skin cancer screening events at her office. The office currently offers 25-percentoff all Obagi skin care products, whether purchased as a system or individually. Patti says Obagi is just one of the many carefully selected products sold at the practice, and it makes skin healthy, bright, and even toned, while treating fine lines and wrinkles. 360 Dermatology & Ambay Plastic Surgery are located at 27716 Cashford Cir., Ste. 101. It is open Mon.-Fri., 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. For more info, visit 360DermatologyTampa.com, call 406-4835 or see the ad on page 48.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Freedom, Wharton Make List Of ‘Most Challenging High Schools’ By Matt Wiley
New Tampa’s two high schools — Freedom High in Tampa Palms and Paul R. Wharton High on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. — are no strangers to accolades, each receiving top marks (“As” and “Bs”) from the State Dept. of Education for the past several years. So, it’s really no surprise that the two schools, along with all of the high schools in the Hillsborough County School District (HCSD), again appear on The Washington Post’s list of “America’s Most Challenging High Schools.” Released on April 19, the Post’s list (which used to be compiled by “The Daily Beast,” a digital extension of Newsweek magazine) ranks the nation’s public high schools (excluding magnet and charter schools), with the number one spot reserved for the country’s most challenging high school. The list of 2,381 schools adds up the number of Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) tests taken by students at each school throughout the year and then divides that number by the total number of seniors who graduate that year. That equation gives each school its “Challenge Index” number. The higher the Index, the more challenging the school is considered to be.
According to the report, Freedom and Wharton are ranked #s 490 and 534, respectively, placing them both in the top 25 percent of the nation’s high schools. Of the 353 schools in Florida that made the list, Freedom was ranked number 90, with Wharton at number 97. An HCSD press release states that all 27 of the District’s traditional high schools not only made the list, but also that Hillsborough High, one of two IB high schools in Hillsborough County (located off Central Ave. in Seminole Heights) was ranked number 55 in the entire nation, the highest among all schools in our District. “It’s great to see all of our high schools getting this kind of recognition,” said acting superintendent Jeff Eakins in the release. “We’re going to continue challenging our students because we know they’re up to the task, and we want them prepared for life after high school.” Freedom’s Challenge Index number is 3.335, and the school actually moved six spots up on the list this year. Wharton’s Challenge Index number is 3.229, bumping it up 13 spots this year. “It’s so wonderful (to be on the Washington Post list again),” said Freedom principal Sharon Morris. “I’m very proud of the work ethic of our teachers and students. It’s nice to get some recognition.”
Morris said that the ranking is indicative of the preparation Freedom’s students go through to get ready for life after high school. “I think (the ranking) shows the opportunities that our students have to succeed here,” Morris said, citing the tutoring available to students and availability of teachers to assist students with their academic work. “The students are getting the help they need to be successful. I’m very proud.” Wharton principal Bradley Woods shares Morris’ sentiment. “(Making the list) continues to solidify the good things we have going on
here at Wharton,” Woods says. “I think we have some of the best teachers in the country here and the best and brightest students.” Woods says that, although he can’t complain about being on the list, the school could always be higher. “Everybody continues to raise the bar for student expectations inside and outside of the classroom,” Woods says. “This is also due to the support from our students’ parents. We’re going to continue to push kids to challenge themselves with advanced classes.” For more info about the list, please visit WashingtonPost.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
New Tampa’s High School Seniors Walk Stage At State Fairgrounds By Matt Wiley
Although it happens every spring, it’s a special day for each New Tampa high school student who walks the stage during his or her school’s graduation ceremony at the Florida State Fairgrounds. Congratulations to the Class of 2014 at Freedom and Paul R. Wharton high schools! On the morning of June 2, 484 Freedom High seniors clad in crimson gowns and mortarboards collected their diplomas and closed a four-year chapter of their lives that they spent at the school’s Commerce Park Blvd. campus. Salutatorian Calvin Works, who graduated with a 7.17 weighted GPA, addressed his class. Works will be attending Washington University in St. Louis in the fall to study accounting and he said he hopes to go on to attend law school. “I’d like to preface my speech by honoring those who couldn’t be here today, whether it be to injury, illness or death,” Works told the crowd. “Personally, I’d like to honor my best friend Beau Schenecker, an individual who would be sitting among you today if not for the tragedy of his death four years ago.” Works also said that his graduating generation is defined by change, both culturally and technologically. “If each and every one of you tries to change the world, change will happen,” Works said. “We have the world in front of us, but if we do nothing, our children will not have that same privilege.”
(Above) Freedom High valedictorian Targol Tarahomi addressed her fellow students, before they all crossed the stage (right) and collected diplomas from principal Sharon Morris.
Works was followed by Freedom valedictorian Targol Tarahomi, who graduated with a 7.28 GPA and will be attending the University of Florida in Gainesville in the fall, where she plans to study microbiology and cell science with a focus on neuroscience. Tarahomi said she hopes to one day become a neurosurgeon. “In this moment, I look out at the crowd and see the future pioneers of technology, science and business,” she said. “I see our future business leaders. I see the product of years of hard work, dedication and passion.” Tarahomi told her class to take what they learned during their years at Freedom and put it to use in the real world. “Remember this, there might be failures, there might be setbacks,” she said. “If you fall,
get back up. Don’t let setbacks deter you from your natural path.” Freedom principal Sharon Morris also addressed the Class of 2015 before handing out diplomas. “Four years ago, these students were starting high school as freshmen and, boy, did they leave their mark on Freedom,” Morris said. “These graduates are attending more than 35 (different) colleges and universities next year.” Among those colleges, Morris said, are Princeton, Duke, Wake Forest, Tulane, The Citadel, University of California at Berkeley and every state university in Florida. She explained that 194 of the students in gowns were graduating with honors and that Freedom’s Class of 2015 earned more than $15 million in scholarships.
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“I wish each and every one of you the happiness of a productive life, the respect of your fellow human beings and the love of your family and loved ones,” Morris said before closing with, “Now, let’s distribute some diplomas!”
Wharton Walks As Well!
The Friday before (on May 29), 533 seniors from Wharton High (located on Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd. in New Tampa, also walked the stage at the Fairgrounds. “Four years ago, I had the pleasure of welcoming this group of students as ninth graders to Wharton High School,” said Wharton principal Bradley Woods. “During their time at Wharton, they not only had the opportunity to receive a
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(Clockwise from left): Wharton principal Bradley Woods addressed the crowd before introducing valedictorian Xella Doi, who told her classmates that while she’s scared of what the future holds (and of tripping on stage), she’s also optimistic. quality education that has prepared them GPA of 4.0, with 38 students earning for life after high school, but also the ophigher than a 6.0 weighted GPA. He portunity to find themselves, to learn what added that the class also earned more than they enjoy and what they don’t, to make $10 million in scholarship offers and that mistakes and learn from them, to learn to students will be attending schools such as push themselves and to find happiness, Cornell University, New York University to take pride in everything they do, to do and Rutgers University, as well as USF, the their best, to show initiative, to strive for University of Tampa and Pasco-Hernando the excellence that has become expected State College. Students also racked up from our students over the past 17 years, more than 3,000 volunteer hours with to be Wharton Wildcats.” numerous organizations across Tampa Bay, Woods explained that this year’s Woods said. graduating class had taken more than “This group of students will leave 1,100 Advanced Placement (AP) tests dur- here, today, as graduates of Wharton High ing their four years at Wharton and that School,” Woods said. “They will return in 221 students graduated with GPAs higher the years to come as scholars, scientists, than the standard “perfect” unweighted entrepreneurs, educators, doctors and
lawyers. They will return as leaders. They are the Class of 2015.” Salutatorian Meghana Tatineni, who graduated with a 6.71 GPA and will be attending the University of Florida in the fall, told her classmates to forget all of the usual clichés and to forge their own paths in the world. Valedictorian Xella Doi, who graduated with a 6.76 GPA and who will be attending Cornell (located in Ithaca, NY), told her class that she would also be scared when she had to walk the stage a few moments later. “Not only the fear of tripping and falling in front of everybody, but the fear of what is to come,” Doi said. “In a few months, I will relocate to college 1,247
miles away from the people I know and love — and from my mom’s laundry services.” She said that, although the future is scary, it’s also exciting. “I can do or be anything I want,” Doi said, adding that she’s been preparing in the best way possible — with the people around her at Wharton. “As I walk across the stage today, there’s a good deal of optimism mixed in with the fear,” she said. From everyone at the New Tampa Neighborhood News, congratulations and best of luck to New Tampa’s Class of 2015 and to all of the local students who graduated from schools outside of the New Tampa area!
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Thousands Attend ‘Smooth & Dry’ Second Wesley Chapel Jazz Festival! By Gary Nager Organizer Tim Hancock (at far right in photo, right) of Jazz Tyme Productions, LLC, says he was “overwhelmed” by the outpouring of public support at the second Wesley Chapel (WC) Jazz Festival — which was held on May 23 at the Wesley Chapel District Park on Boyette Rd. Despite sweltering mid-90s heat, the rains held off this time as Hancock (who had to postpone the original second Jazz Festival in March because heavy rains wiped out the event) and his talented friends got a break from Mother Nature as the Festival ran its full length (from noon-8 p.m.) and an estimated crowd of 4,500-5,000 people enjoyed the family-friendly event — more than tripling the crowd for the first WC Jazz Festival held Aug. 29 of last year! The entertainment was top-notch and ranged from an a cappella duet to Hancock’s headlining Abnique & Friends. About two dozen food, beverage and business vendors helped make the Festival a hit for everyone. For more info, visit WesleyChapel JazzFestival.com or call Hancock at 6092531. Stay tuned for the announcement of the next WC Jazz Fest! — Gary Nager
If you missed the second Wesley Chapel Jazz Festival — held May 23 at the Wesley Chapel District Park on Boyette Rd. — you missed a day of great food and beverage and other business vendors, plus outstanding family fun and great music throughout a sweltering Saturday. Some photos on this page provided by OurTownFla.com.
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Opening a small business can be a daunting task, and making it through the first year of business can be a challenge. Fortunately for The Gift Box, the boutique sailed through it’s inaugural year and celebrated the accolade on June 4 with food, drinks and discounts storewide. “(The first year) has been amazing, challenging and overall, just fantastic,” says Gift Box owner Jennifer Colón (at right in photo). Located in the Shoppes at The Pointe plaza next to Stonewood Grill in Tampa Palms, the one-of-a-kind, fun shop stocks an impressive array of gifts, home décor items, women’s clothing and jewelry and Jennifer promises that you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for in her store, whether you’re shopping for a gift for someone else or just a little treat for yourself. In part because The Gift Box is smaller than big box home stores, Jennifer says it’s easier to find fun gifts you won’t find anywhere else. This is both because of the varied, hand-selected, on-trend inventory and the way it is displayed — so that items are always easy to find. “Our goal is to provide unique gifts and great customer service,” says Jennifer. “We want to be known for that.” For example, she says, regular customers will often call and tell her for whom they’re shopping. By the time they arrive at the store, the staff already has pulled together a selection of items to
Gift Box Boutique!
make the customer’s shopping experience even easier. The Gift Box Boutique offers lines you can’t find anywhere else in New Tampa. In gifts and housewares, Jennifer says Nora Fleming, Arthur Court, Chewbeads, Kate Spade and Jonathan Adler are among the many hard-to-find brands she has available. The store’s women’s apparel section caters to women of all ages, including items from Veronica M. and Escapada Living. The Gift Box Boutique is located at 17032 Palm Pointe Dr. The shop is open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and noon -4 p.m. on Sunday. Looking for a specific item or brand? Call the store at 284-5986 or email TheGiftBoxTampa @yahoo.com. Or, to see lots of pictures and what others are saying about the shop, “Like” The Gift Box on Facebook.com and be sure to see The Gift Box Boutique’s ad on page 32.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Lightning Fever Is Everywhere As The Bolts Battle For The Cup! By Gary Nager
Unlike most people I know here in the Tampa Bay area, I’ve been an ice hockey fan for almost 50 years. The first hockey playoff game I ever went to was the deciding Game 3 between the New York Islanders and New York Rangers at Madison Square Garden in 1975, which was the first playoff series the Islanders ever won before they won four Stanley Cups in a row in the 1980s. I was 16 years old and there was a fight between an Isles fan and a Rangers fan right next to me just after J.P. Parise of the Islanders scored the game- and series-winning goal 13 seconds into overtime. It was the single most exciting thing I had seen in sports (and I saw it in person) at that time — which was just two years after Secretariat won the Triple Crown in 1973 and four years after Joe Frazier knocked Muhammad Ali down (but not out) in the 15th round of the “Fight of the Century” in 1971. Both of my sons gave up other sports to play travel and high school ice hockey after the Tampa Bay Lightning won their first Stanley Cup at the end of the 2003-04 season. A lot of kids in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel (and all around the Tampa Bay area, I hear) took up the game that year and I know a whole new batch of youngsters are taking up the game now that the Lightning are back in the finals.*
(*Note-This piece was written the night before the Lightning and the Chicago Black Hawks were set to play Game 5 of their seven-game Stanley Cup Finals series. That series ended after we went to press and before you received this issue in your mailboxes, so I had no way of knowing who won as I’m writing this). All across the Tampa Bay area, and right here in New Tampa, Stanley Cup fever has been evident everywhere you look. From people walking around wearing their Bolts gear every game day (including our own Nikki Bennett {left} and Jill Reilly in the photo, top right) to Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn turning the Hillsborough River blue (or, at least, blue-green; above left) to a crowd estimated by some sources as 4,000 and others as 8,000 showing up to a viewing party in Curtis Hixon Park
(top left), the Bolts have once again captured the collective imagination of a community not known for being rabid about anything other than football. Here in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel, where there are about 200 Lightning season ticket holders (according to the team’s PR department), the local restaurants and bars (including Glory Days Grill on Bruce B. Downs
Blvd.; above right) definitely saw a growing uptick in business with every Cup game, as even the most casual fans hopped on the Bolts bandwagon. So, whether they ended up winning or losing this time, the Lightning are a great team that I hope will continue to attract an audience, not only here in New Tampa, but across the Bay area.
19062 Bruce B Downs Tampa, FL 33647
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Rotary Club Of New Tampa Donates $65K To 27 Nonprofits By Matt Wiley
Although $65,000 is a lot of money, especially to just give away, raising money for local charities and giving back to the community is at the heart of Rotary International’s motto of “Service Above Self.” So, after raising money for the past year, the Rotary Club of New Tampa (which meets at 7 a.m. each Friday at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club, located off Tampa Palms Blvd.) donated the funds raised by the club for the 2014-15 fiscal year to several local charities at its recent annual check presentation. On June 5, 27 local, state, national and international non-profit organizations were all on the receiving end of New
(L.-r.): New Tampa Rotary president Frank Moore, with OASIS Network executive director Ginger Bean & Brice Wolford.
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Tampa Rotary Club funds, including the Boys Scouts of America (Gulf Ridge Council), Buddy Baseball, Community Stepping Stones, Faces of Courage, Feeding America Tampa Bay, the Fisher House at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital (located off Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd., across from the University of South Florida [USF]), the Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) Foundation, Freedom High School Interact Club, Freedom High Naval Junior ROTC, God’s Pedal Power Ministry, Gracepoint Wellness, Helping Hands Pantry, Mort Elementary School (on E. Bearss Ave.), the New Tampa Family YMCA (on Compton Dr. in Tampa Palms), the OASIS Network of Tampa Bay, One Roof, Operation Helping Hand, Osher Lifelong Institute at USF, Relay for Life of New Tampa, Rotary Club of Harare, Zimbabwe (Africa), Rotary’s Camp Florida, St. Vincent DePaul, Sweetwater Farms, USF Bridge Project, USF Diabetes Care, USF Rotaract Club and VSA (Veterans for a Secure America) Florida. “This is a day we all look forward to with anticipation; it’s one of the highlights of our club year,” said Rotary Club of New Tampa president Frank Moore. “Our club members work extremely hard all year on our various fund-raising projects, and it’s a real pleasure to see these funds go to great community charities and to help people with critical needs.” The Club’s Fundraising Committee chair Eric Longphee said that he is
proud of the money that was given back to the community this year, which also included $25,000 to help create the New Tampa Rotary Dog Park (located across from the New Tampa Rec Center on Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms), which officially opened in May, thanks to matching funds from the City of Tampa. “We are truly making a difference for so many local charities,” Longphee said. “The members of our Club are (L-r): The New Tampa Rotary Club’s admin. chair Brice Wolprofessionals in our community ford, fundraising chair Eric Longphee and membership chair Connie Bladon display an oversized check for $65,000. and this is one way we can all swimming and life-saving skills to particigive back to the less fortunate.” pants. This past spring, she says that the Y Longphee also said that the majority partnered with Tampa Palms Elementary of the money was raised during the club’s (also located on Compton Dr.) to give various fund-raising activities, including a swimming lessons to students in grades sporting clay shoot, a bowling event, golf K-12 a few days each week. This summer, tournament and the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. Other contributions were col- she says that the New Tampa Y also will once again partner with the University lected during regular meetings. Area Community Development CorporaLongphee said that the charities were tion to give swimming lessons to kids from chosen by club members. less fortunate areas near the University of “Members of our (club) are encourSouth Florida. aged to recommend local charities they The OASIS (Outreach Assisting Stufeel should receive a portion of the funds dents In School) Network of New Tampa, we raise,” Longphee explained. The club’s which provides school supplies and other Contributions Committee then votes on necessities to less fortunate children across which charities will receive donations. the Hillsborough County School District, Longphee added that the club hopes also was a donation recipient. to raise even more money next year. “We were so happy to be on the list “Generally speaking, we always want again,” said OASIS executive director Ginto raise more money each year and this ger Bean. “It was a wonderful opportunity year, we did raise more than we have in for us.” the last handful of years,” Longphee said. Bean says that, since OASIS recently “However, the goal of Rotary is to give expanded to open its fourth supply site back to our local community by way of in the Brandon area, she expects that the money and volunteering, and provide a group will be serving more students. good environment for fellowship. Our Ro“Since we expanded, it has cost us tary Club is able to provide all of these.” more to keep all of our sites stocked,” she New Tampa Family YMCA executive explained. “The money will go toward director Monica Mirza says that she was school uniforms, socks, underwear, hygiene excited to receive another donation from items and shoes for students whose families the club. can’t afford to purchase them.”Bean added “We’ve received a donation (from the that OASIS is thrilled to have received a Rotary Club of New Tampa) for the past several years,” Mirza said. “We’re extremely donation from the New Tampa Rotary Club for more than 10 years. “(The Club) grateful for their continued support.” is a great partner,” she said. Mirza says that the donation will go For more information, please visit towards covering the costs of past and NewTampaRotary.org. future swimming programs that teach
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Mushroom Swiss Burger By Gary Nager
a great hamburger, what’s the first place you think of here in New Tampa? Fast food? One of those burger chains? Your own backyard grill? Those are all reasonable answers, but if you’re like me — and literally hundreds of our readers — you might say “Oakley’s Grille,” which is located on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in the North Palms Village area, next to Dairy Queen. Owner Keith Oakley and his alwayshappy crew are celebrating the fourth anniversary of Oakley’s Grille with a number
of new menu items (which we’ll describe, in detail, below). Keith, who previously opened and managed several different national and regional chain restaurants before leaving the corporate world behind to open Oakley’s, makes sure that his place combines chain restaurant sensibilities (and extremely fair pricing) with the type of personalized service most chains never offer. “We come up with many of our new menu items based on customer inquiries,” Keith says. “If I feel we can do it right, we’ll try almost anything new. So far, people really seem to respond to our entire menu.” Among the newest items on Oakley’s menu are the “ghost” and turkey burgers and pulled pork sandwiches. I love a good turkey burger (although it’s the only burger I ever order well done) and Oakley’s always accommodates my special orders. The turkey burger is so flame-
grilled-tasty that the biggest compliment I can give it is that it tastes like a hamburger! I’m not the biggest pulled pork fan, but I will say that Oakley’s pulled pork sandwich is overstuffed with tender pulled pork and a zesty BBQ sauce that many in our office (and a couple of customers on our most recent visit) agreed had a great sweet & slightly spicy flavor. Assistant editor Matt Wiley also raved about the new ghost burger, which has ghost pepper cheese, spicy oakfire sauce, fried pickles, bacon, mayo and grilled onions. It’s been available for several months but none of us had ever tried before. But, my favorites at Oakley’s are still those perfectly flame-grilled Certified Black Angus regular cheeseburgers (available with Swiss, provolone, cheddar, American, pepper Jack or blue cheese) with a side of some of the best, crispiest French fries
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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you’ll find anywhere in New Tampa. I have named Oakley’s burgers my favorites in New Tampa every year since it opened and I see no reason to change that. Now, I will say that unless you ask them not to (as I always do), Oakley’s uses seasoning salt on its burgers, fries and meats, but because the seasoning salt is added, you won’t get nasty looks if you order yours without it. The burgers are always done to your specifications (I order mine medium) and the fries are always crispy and abundant, although you pay a little extra for them, except on Oakley’s “Special” days (more on those below).
So Many Favorites...
My other favorites at Oakley’s are the shaved ribeye Philly cheesesteak and the all-natural, tender beef dip sandwiches. You always get plenty of great-tasting shaved
Southwest Chicken Tacos
French Fries
Turkey Burger
Pulled Pork Sandwich
Ghost Burger
Beef Dip Sandwich
ribeye steak or roast beef, with melted provolone on a crisp, real Cuban bread hoagie roll. The Philly comes with caramelized onions and sautéed peppers and the dip sandwich is served with a great au jus dip. Our office also enjoys several other options at Oakley’s, from the grilled chicken Caesar salad (you actually can add grilled chicken to any salad at Oakley’s for just $4), the Southwest chicken tacos (marinated, grilled chicken served in flour tortillas with corn and black bean salsa, avocados and feta cheese; you also can substitute tilapia for the chicken for just $1 more) and the tasty blackened grilled fish sandwich, which is usually tilapia (I order it “extra blackened”). The fish sandwich, also on Cuban bread, is served with Chef Jaymes’ uniquely tasty bourbon aioli sauce. That same aioli is used on another new menu item, the Kars Katch, which is a halfpound of hand-battered fish tenders fried golden brown. I’ve yet to sample this one, but I plan to “katch” it on my next visit. Other sandwiches we enjoy include the authentic Reuben sandwich — which piles high thinly-slice corned beef, fresh sauerkraut and Thousand Island dressing, topped with naturally aged Swiss cheese on toasted pumpernickel rye — and the pastrami & Swiss, which tops a generous portion of tender pastrami and Swiss with a touch of Dijon mustard (although I like it with the Thousand Island dressing, too). There’s even a newer veggie sandwich featuring corn and black bean salsa, sautéed peppers, caramelized onions, romaine lettuce, vine ripe tomatoes and provolone cheese on fresh Cuban bread with a unique Cuban sauce I plan to try in the future.
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Chicken Caesar Salad
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Pressed sandwiches include, of course, a traditional Cuban, as well as a spicy Italian (spicy capicola ham, pepperoni, Genoa salami and provolone with caramelized onions, green peppers and Italian dressing on a sourdough roll) and “Uncle Muzzie’s Muffaletta,” which is freshly sliced smoked ham, Genoa salami and provolone with a green olive mix on Cuban bread. There’s also fresh chicken tenders, a grilled steak salad, steak and chicken fajitas, turkey, ham and bacon club sandwiches, crispy sweet potato fries (try them with brown sugar and cinnamon), great cole slaw and much more.
Beer & Daily Specials, Too?
And now, when you crave an ice cold beer with your awesome burger, sandwich, salad or entrée at Oakley’s, Keith has you covered. He offers domestic and imported bottled beers, including Sam Adams, Yuengling, Blue Moon, Corona, Miller Lite, Bud and more. And don’t forget about Oakley’s great daily specials. Fries are usually extra, but on Cheeseburger Tuesdays, you get those Best-in-New-Tampa burgers and a huge order of fries for just $6.99. Fries also are included on Fish & Chips Wednesdays and Philly Thursdays (both $8.99) and on Chicken Tender Sundays ($6.99). Plus, if you visit OakleysGrille.com and join Keith’s “eClub,” you’ll receive $2 off your next visit and hear about new menu items and specials first. Oakley’s Grille (17631 BBD Blvd.) is open every day, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. For more info, call 523-5075, visit Oakleys Grille.com or see the ad on pg. 51.
Monday - Thursday Only
Taco, Enchiladas & Choice of Rice or Beans. Dine in only. Tampa Palms location only. Not valid with any other coupons or specials.
Not valid with any other coupons or specials. Dine in only. Tampa Palms location only. Valid Tues. & Wed. only.
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Not valid with any other coupons or specials. Dine in only. Tampa Palms location only. Valid Sunday - Thursday only.
5335 Village Market
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907-5161 Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel!
Bank Of America Branch To Close Drive-Through Lanes
If you frequently use the drive-through lanes at the Bank of America (BoA) in Tampa Palms (photo, right), you may want to seek another branch in the New Tampa area, as the international banking giant has announced that the teller lanes at 14 bank branches across the Bay area will be shut down by July 6, including the Tampa Palms BoA branch, located in the Shoppes of Amberly shopping plaza off Amberly Dr.. BoA spokesperson Tara Burke says that the move comes as more people reportedly are doing their banking on their smartphones, using the BoA mobile application (which is available for both Apple and Android devices), rather than utilizing teller lanes at a branch. Burke explains that the decision to discontinue the teller lanes was based upon a “thoughtful process” that looked at a variety of factors. “We looked at traffic and other factors, but it really came down to usage,” Burke says. “We also looked at each branch’s proximity to other BoA banking centers.” The Amberly branch is about five miles south of the next branch with teller lanes, which is located in front of the Publix-anchored New Tampa Center shopping plaza, also on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. Burke says that BoA currently calculates that 17 million people worldwide are using its mobile application and that about 200,000 checks are deposited daily using it. “If you look at those numbers, it’s amazing how many people are banking using their smartphones,” Burke says. “We continue to evaluate our (banking) network based on customer behavior.” In many cases, including that of the Amberly branch, Burke explains that the BoA branches that no longer will offer teller lanes already offer 24-hour ATMs. She adds that many times, nearly all of the services people use the teller lanes for can be completed faster at the ATM than with an actual teller.
The company also is in the process of implementing ATMs with “Teller Assist,” which lets users see and speak with a teller at a remote location. There currently are 194 branches in Florida with the “Teller Assist” service, but none yet in the New Tampa or Wesley Chapel areas. Although the teller lanes will not be in use at the Amberly location, Burke says that there is the possibility of installing additional ATMs in the lanes in the future. For more information, please visit BankOfAmerica.com.
Mac Grill Going Mexican?
For more than a year, the former Romano’s Macaroni Grill location has remained vacant on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in New Tampa. However, that may not be the case for long, as a national Mexican restaurant reportedly is in negotiations to lease the former Italian restaurant space, just north of Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. A spokesperson for Tampa-based real estate brokerage firm Hybridge CRE says that a new restaurant could be open in the space by the end of the year, if everything goes according to plan. “I can’t disclose anything else because we are still negotiating a lease, but it could be a (national chain) Mexican restaurant,” says Hybridge managing broker Curtis Rorebeck. “It will be the (chain’s) first location in this market.” The 7,000-sq.-ft. space that seats 260 people as currently configured has received “tremendous interest” since it was first put on the market last August, Rorebeck says.
However, he adds, two potential franchise tenants previously signed letters of intent, but the deals ultimately fell through. “We’re pretty close to a deal,” Rorebeck says. “This won’t be a franchise. This will be a corporate-owned restaurant.” Rorebeck says that activity could be seen on the site within 60 days of the lease being signed and doors could open anywhere between 90-120 days after that, pending any permit delays. Stay tuned to NTNeighborhoodNews.com for updates. — MW
Zaytoun Mediterranean Grill Opening Soon If you like authentic Middle Eastern food, Zaytoun Mediterranean Grill is getting ready to open soon, perhaps by the end of this month or the first week in July, in a new strip plaza located adjacent to the Publix shopping center on Cross Creek Blvd. near Morris Bridge Rd. In fact, the new plaza, which already features The Clinicians Primary Care, even has an entrance on Morris Bridge Rd., just north of Cross Creek Blvd. Owner Bilal Saleh (photo above) promises that Zaytoun (which means “olive tree” in Arabic) will be a casual, cozy, sit-down restaurant with fresh pita bread and other specialties baked in a 900-plus-degree (F) brick oven imported from Italy and custombuilt to fit in Zaytoun Grill’s kitchen.
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As for the food, Bilal says Zaytoun will feature all of your Middle Eastern favorites, with a Syrian and Lebanese emphasis. From appetizers like hummus, falafel and grape leaves, plus chicken, beef, shrimp and kufta (ground beef and lamb) kabobs and even lamb chops cooked on an open flame grill, beef shawarma and plenty of vegetarian dishes and home-baked desserts (baklava, cheese rolls with cream and more), Zaytoun should be a hit here in New Tampa. For more info, visit Zaytoun-Grill. com and our own NTNeighborhoodNews.com for more info and the announcement of Zaytoun’s opening date.
SteinMart To Become A Bealls Outlet Store
It’s only been a few months since the SteinMart store at 16061 Tampa Palms Blvd. in the City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center closed, but signs recently went up on the former SteinMart location (photo, left) and along BBD announcing that the store will become a Bealls Outlet, the deeply discounted version of Bealls, the clothing and housewares giant. Although, at this time, it’s a complicated affiliation, Bealls was started in 1915 by Robert M. Beall and the Bealls Outlet chain, which today has 450 locations in 16 U.S. states (almost exclusively in the Sunbelt states, including more than 50 in Florida)
grew out of the success of the original Bealls concept. (Note-That total number of Bealls Outlet stores includes those already open or getting ready to open as either Bealls Outlet or Burke’s Outlet.) There already is a Bealls Outlet store in our area — in the Wesley Chapel Village Market plaza at the corner of BBD and S.R. 54. Although we don’t yet have additional info about the opening date for the Tampa Palms location (Store #315), the store is accepting applications for employment Since our last issue, the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce has held ribbon-cutting events at Tampa Bay Jaw & Facial Surgery (above left), now at BeallsOutlet.com. — GN Small World Pediatrics (above right) and at the Florida Surgical Weight Loss Center (below), all of which are located in Wesley Chapel. For more info, visit HealthyYouFl. Blvd. from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, also at the Wesley Chapel Grow Financial Wesley Chapel Chamber com or call (877) 446-9821. since 2010, although Dr. Jimenez originally location (2579 BBD). Calendar ‘Summering Down’ The week before, we were at the opened his office in the Target-anchored • Fri., June 25, 4 p.m.-6 p.m. — FiThe Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber WCCC ribbon cutting at the new Wesley Northwood plaza on BBD in 2003. nal Friday Happy Hour at Stage Left Bar & of Commerce (WCCC) has held several free Chapel location of Tampa Bay Jaw & For more info about Small World Kitchen (24400 S.R. 54, Lutz). events since our last Wesley Chapel issue and Facial Surgery (29164 Chapel Park Dr.; Pediatrics, call 907-8001 or visit SmallFor more information about upcomamong those that we were able to attend photo, right), on May 28. WorldPediatric.com. ing Chamber events, or for membership was the ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 4 The office combines the oral surgery As for upcoming events, the summer info, call 994-8534 or visit WesleyChapelto celebrate opening of the third office (the talents of Dr. Michael Barbick, M.D., isn’t nearly as busy for the WCCC, although Chamber.com. — MW & GN other two are in Lakeland and South Tampa) D.M.D. (who has an existing location on N. here are three free events you can attend in the Tampa Bay area of the Florida Surgi- Dale Mabry in Carrollwood), and his partner coming up: cal Weight Loss Center (located at 2318 at the new Wesley Chapel location, Dr. • Tues. June Cypress Cove, Suite 101 in the Cypress Neeraj Nagella, M.D., D.M.D., D.D.S. 23, 5 p.m. — Joint Ridge Professional Center, off Cypress Ridge For more info about the practice, ribbon cutting for It Blvd. and S.R. 56) in Wesley Chapel. visit TBJAFS.com. Works Body Wrap Florida Surgical Weight Loss Centers And, on May 20, the Chamber also cut & Tap Snap Photooffer comprehensive, individualized weight a ribbon at the office of Small World Peditainment, to be held management programs designed to help atrics (photo, above right) to commemorate at the Grow Financial achieve long-term weight loss. The practice the addition of Dr. Nancy M. Silva, M.D. Credit Union branch goes beyond the weight loss surgery proceFAAP, to the practice. Dr Silva is the wife of at 2579 BBD in dure to provide patients with a life-improve- Small World’s Jose D. Jimenez, M.D. Wesley Chapel. ment program that includes personalized Small World has been located at 2527 • Thur., June nutrition, physical activity and emotional Windguard Cir., Suite 102, in the Windfair 25, 9 a.m. - Free guidance, as well as ongoing support. Prof. Center across Bruce B. Downs (BBD) monthly coffee mixer,
exp 07/31/15
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE AGENT - Award-winning Real Estate team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents whose desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available.. Keller Williams Tampa Properties. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon (813) 431-2840. PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) - An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. MEDICAL BILLER - Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company. Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: Richard.Jones@solarusmedical.com. WING ZONE IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS - Including shift leader, cooks, cashiers and delivery drivers. Wing Zone offers flexible scheduling, competitive pay wages, advancement opportunities and much more. Come join out team of flavorholics and wing lovers at Wing Zone. Applications are available at store location: 19062 Bruce B Downs. Corner of Cross Creek in the New Tampa Center. NOW HIRING STYLIST - Upscale hair salon seeks hairstylist. Please inquire within... 6431 Country Line Road, Suite 107 Tampa, FL 33647 Contact (813) 994-9455 ROUTE SALES, MEDICAL Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retreival. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights a month. Retrieves damaged/defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; scheduling maintenance and repairs. Send resumes to: richard.jones@solarusmedical.com
HANAQ PRANA YOGA STUDIO located in New Tampa, Wesley Chapel area is looking for RYT Yogis who want to grow and teach our community the vast benefits of Yoga & Meditation. Flat fee plus percentage of attendance. Rates based on experience, new RYT are always welcome. Join the movement create conscious about the real Yoga LifeStyle. (813)-333-1026 DRIVER/CAR needed on call or as needed basis to drive individual to and from work and other errands. References needed, please call (813)-501-8301 or (813)-352-6560
PART TIME POSITION (30 hours per week) available for laborer. Duties include general workshop work. Salary neg depending on experience. Contact Louise: 813-777-4563 / 813-991-5274 Part-time Community Representative to greet guests, assist in the coordination of marketing programs/events, prepare reports, and attend various special events. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Excellent written and oral communication skills are necessary. Proficiency in Microsoft products and Outlook is required. Must be available to work weekends. Send resume to: kcuervo@crown-tampa.com.
DRY WALL SPECIALIST - Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings & walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster & stucco repair. 26 years of experience Wesley Chapel resident. StateCertified. Call Ron for a free estimate at 784-5999.
DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional and personal touch. Pool decks and screen enclosures, all fencing, driveways, walkways, roofs, gutters and downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177.
GREG’S PAPERHANGING - For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed and insured, clean, quick and reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate.
RAYMOND PAINTING - Exterior & Interior Services. Exterior: Painting, pressure washing, clean & seal pavers, stucco, roofing, leaks & wood rot repair. Interior: Painting, plastering, ceiling & wall repairs & tiles. Licensed & Bonded. References avail. Free estimates. Your Neighborhood Arbor Greene Resident! We work 7 days. Call (813) 994-5124.
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Busy Restaurant for sale. Over 150 seats with a full liquor license. Great food, loyal clientele, plenty of parking. Located in a high traffic corridor in New Tampa Area. Don’t miss this opportunity. Confidential listing, Signed non-disclosure-form is required. Broker: Main Street & Main. Agent: Alex Duff (727) 366-1195 alexduff@enterdine.com www.wesellmainstreet.com
JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING - Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning and more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL & FREE ESTIMATE! For more info, call (813) 420-4465. AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC - Our services include weekly lawn maintenance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimming. We also offer landscaping, pruning, and sod replacement. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service and trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778. HOMETEAM LAWNCARE LLC: Residential, Commercial, HOA Force Mows, & Foreclosures. Full-Service LawnCare, Tree & Hedge Trimming, Sod & Mulch Placement, Landscape Installation, Fall/Spring Clean-Up, and Pressure Washing. Year-Round Full-Svc LawnCare Includes: mow, edge, trim, blow, hedge and low-tree trim, and mulch-bed maintenance. Family Owned & Operated, Licensed & Insured, Background Clearance to All Employees, Call or Text (813) 817-9554
CAT SITTING - Tampa Cat Lady Professional Cat-Sitting Service. Cats are happiest in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds, & smells. When you are away, we feed, cuddle, & play with your kitties & clean & dispose of litter. Insured, bonded, & Red-Cross certified in pet first aid/CPR. You can submit a service inquiry at TampaCatLady.com or call 813-994-9449. VACATION KITTY CARE - Leave those fluffy loved ones in the comfort of their own home! Bonded and Insured, 15 years in business and I am a pet first aid instructor. Julie Gonzalez @ 813-892-9543 or julie@justaskjulie.com
COMPUTER / BUSINESS SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TECH SUPPORT — in your home or small business. A+, Certified computer tech with 20 years of exp. Maintenance & repairs, upgrades & tutoring. More affordable than the large chains! Friendly, personalized svc. Technical jargon explained in plain English. Remote assistance available. References available upon request. Call (813) 957-8342 for a free estimate. DO YOU HATE YOUR COMPUTER?!? WE CAN HELP YOU! Troubleshooting, installation, networking & virus removal. WE COME TO YOU! Servicing residences & businesses, w/ more than 25 years of exp. Contact Jeffrey Blank at (813) 973-4507, visit WSICA.COM or email Wsica@wsica.com today!
GET A RIDE - Don’t Have a Ride? Don’t Want to Leave Your Car? Shouldn’t Drive? We Drive You & Your Car Home! Night Clubs, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Concerts, Appointments, Airport or Stranded. Call Jay at (813) 966-1530.
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TUTORING - Infinite Edge is located in Tampa Palms & offers tutoring in all subjects, including Math, English & SAT, ACT & FCAT tests, 1st-12th grade. We also offer AP classes and last year, our students scored a 5 on any AP subject in which we helped. Please call (813) 971-6500. Great Hope Preschool - We offer preschool for ages 6 weeks to 12 years. We accept the ELC School Readiness program, offer FREE VPREK and offer multi child discounts. New owner and renovated classrooms. Now enrolling all age groups. Infants-Afterschool. Mention this ad and receive 1/2 off enrollment fees. TOUR TODAY!!! 30126 SR 54 Wesley Chapel. 813-929-6276 or 813-323-8030. TUTORING, Elem. teacher certified in special-ed & early childhood education. Tampa Palms/Wesley Chapel area. Call (813)-501-8301 or (813) 352-6560
NEW TAMPA FAMILY NEEDS OCCASIONAL OVERNIGHT & SOMETIMES HOURLY BABYSITTER. 1-12 year old female & 1-8 year old special needs male (ID & ADHD w/speech/Language delay; semi-toilet trained. Additional duties: transportation of children, light cooking/cleaning, homework help. Caregiver requirements: mature caring female (30s-50s), nonsmoker, willing to submit to comprehensive background check. Call (813) 363-9119
ROOMMATE, Pebble Creek villa, professional, nonsmoker, no pets. $575 inclusive. Available July 1. 813/445-2599 or 813/416-6677.
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D-ULTRA CLEANING SERVICE - We have our own supplies and more than 300 clients in New Tampa! For more info, Call 758-9710. Full Force Home Cleaning. We provide basic or deep cleaning and move in move outs. We supply our own cleaning products. Licensed and insured. Affordable rates. Free estimates. Cleaning you can trust! (813) 297-6116
Expires 06/30/15
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Our Exclusive 2015 New Tampa Hurricane Preparedness Guide! By Matt Wiley
Hurricane season 2015 officially started on June 1, but the Atlantic basin already has seen one named storms (Ana), so it’s important to stay prepared throughout the season. Here’s our exclusive guide to staying ready for the summer/fall storms in New Tampa. On May 27, NOAA (the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) released its official predictions for the 2015 Hurricane Season, which runs through November 30. NOAA scientists predict a 70-percent chance of a “below-normal season,” with 6-11 named storms, 3-6 of which potentially could become hurricanes, with 0-2 of those potentially becoming major storms of Category 3 (sustained winds of more than 111 mph) or greater. “A below-normal season doesn’t mean we’re off the hook,” says NOAA administrator Kathryn Sullivan, Ph.D., referring to the 1992 season in which only seven named storms formed, yet the first was Andrew – a Category 5 major hurricane that devastated South Florida. “As we’ve seen before, belownormal seasons can still produce catastrophic impacts to communities.” NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center’s lead seasonal hurricane forecaster Gerry Bell, Ph.D., says that the presence of El Niño (a periodic weather pattern that results in more dry air in the Atlantic and Caribbean basins) is expected to help suppress the number of named storms this season. “El Niño may also intensify as the season progresses, and is expected to have its greatest influence during the peak months of the (hurricane) season,” Bell says. “We also expect sea surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic to be close to normal, whereas warmer waters would have supported (more) storm development.” The New Tampa & Wesley Chapel areas remained relatively unscathed last
hurricane season. However, it only takes one storm to have a devastating effect on an area, and the first step to weathering the storm is preparation. Knowing whether or not your home lies in a known flood plain or is regularly subject to severe winds is a must.
Gimme’ Shelter, New Tampa!
According to Hillsborough County Emergency Management (HCEM), hurricane shelters in the county are separated into two categories: lower intensity storm shelters and higher intensity storm shelters. In the event of a lower intensity storm, Bartels Middle School (9020 Imperial Oak Blvd.) will be the only shelter open in the area. However, in the event of a higher intensity storm, shelter also can be sought at Lawton Chiles (16541 W. Tampa Palms Blvd.), Hilda T. Turner (9190 Imperial Oak Blvd.) and Dr. Richard F. Pride Elementary (10310 Lions Den Dr.) schools, as well as at Louis Benito Middle School (10101 Cross Creek Blvd.) and Paul R. Wharton High (20150 Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd.). Always be sure to check to see if a shelter is open before going there by calling HCEM at (813) 236-3800 or by visiting HillsboroughCounty. org. and clicking on the ‘Departments’ tab and choosing ‘Emergency Management.’
should include (but doesn’t have to be limited to) one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, a three-day supply of non-perishable food with a can opener, a battery-powered weather radio, flashlights with extra batteries, a First-Aid kit, dust masks, an emergency whistle, as well as moist towelettes, large and small garbage bags and plastic ties for sanitation and basic personal hygiene supplies. Other recommended items include at least a two-week supply of prescription medicines and glasses, pet supplies (if necessary), family documents (proof of insurance, IDs, passports, bank records), cash, sleeping bags or blankets
for each person and board games to keep kids busy. Remember, if the power goes out, it’s back to the Stone Age when the batteries for those high-tech electronics run out. And, don’t forget a large cooler, which is perfect for stockpiling ice (at least for a little while) during a storm. If you have the means, a generator with a few gallons of gas, which also can come in handy for your vehicle, can also power basic electronics if the power remains out for an extended period of time. For more information about preparing for the 2015 hurricane season, please visit NHC.NOAA.Gov and FEMA’s Ready.Gov.
Stock Up Early
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends putting together a basic emergency supply kit. Most everything for the kit can be found at local grocery and wholesale stores, such as the two Publix Super Markets locations (in the Shoppes at New Tampa shopping plaza on BBD and Hollybrook shopping plaza at the corner of BBD and S.R. 54), or the Sam’s Club located off S.R. 56 at the southern tip of Seven Oaks. FEMA recommends that the kit
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 13 • June 20, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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