Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News, Issue 14, July 5, 2014

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Volume 22 Issue 14


Our Editor’s ‘Marvel Universe Live!’ Preview

July 5, 2014

See Neighborhood Magazine!

The Direct - Mail News Magazines Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Since 1993! THIS INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS MAGAZINE IS DIRECTLY MAILED TO: WESLEY CHAPEL: Aberdeen • Belle Chase • Bridgewater • Brookside • Chapel Pines • Country Walk • Lexington Oaks • Meadow Pointe • New River • Northwood • Pinewalk • Pine Ridge Saddlebrook • Saddleridge Estates • Saddlewood • Seven Oaks • The Lakes at Northwood • The Villages of Wesley Chapel • Watergrass • Wesley Pointe • Westbrook Estates • Williamsburg OUR NEW TAMPA EDITIONS ARE MAILED TO: Arbor Greene • Cory Lake Isles • Cross Creek • Easton Park • Grand Hampton • Heritage Isles • Hunter’s Green • Hunter’s Key K-Bar Ranch • Lake Forest • Live Oak Preserve • Pebble Creek • Richmond Place • Tampa Palms • The Hammocks • West Meadows

Team USA Driving World Cup Fever In Wesley Chapel! World Cup viewer and “futbol” lover has been the obvious growth in soccer’s popularity here — both across the U.S. and locally (the latter of which makes sense because of the huge, longtime youth soccer programs in both New Tampa and Wesley Chapel). Yes, it would appear that soccer’s appeal to American viewers ages 18-34 — the best of all TV demographics — has found its way into the local bars and restaurants in our area. Even so, that demographic — at least during the first two weeks of this tournament — is still primarily about Team USA. As a case in point, there were at least 300 people crammed into The Brass Tap in the Shops at Wiregrass mall (photo, right, by Tony Masella of OurTownFla.com) for Team USA’s 2-1 opening-match win over Ghana and in the Sunday afternoon match against Portugal that ended in a disappointing 2-2 tie for the Americans, who led most of the match but let in the tying goal with about 30 seconds left to play. “The USA game against Ghana was insane!,” said Brass Tap bartender Emily Kozina. “Everyone was dressed

up. One table was wearing big, goofy hats and waving them around when the USA scored.” A similar number of spectators flooded the Wesley Chapel Ker’s Wing House (photo, left) on S.R. 54 for Team USA’s 1-0 lunchtime loss to Germany and the roar of the crowd when the Americans advanced (because Portugal beat Ghana 2-1) let me know that, finally, our country is warming to the idea of football that is played without helmets and pads. “We definitely have been crowded for the World Cup, especially when Team USA is playing,” said WingHouse general manager Tony Santos. “Come see the All-American girls cheering on Team USA.” But, both Emily and Tony agreed that even when Cup favorites outside the USA’s Group G (like the Netherlands, Brazil, etc.) were playing, very few fans would show up, even for the late afternoon games.

By Matt Wiley If your child in high school has hopes of going to college for medical training, he or she is in luck, as Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) has donated a generous sum of money to the Pasco Education Foundation (PEF) for scholarships in the medical field, the second large donation Wesley Chapel’s only hospital has made in recent months. During the June 17 Pasco County School Board (PCSB) meeting at the School Board’s District Office on Land O’Lakes Blvd., FHWC chief financial officer and interim chief executive officer Mike Lukens and FHWC director of mar-

keting Tracy Clouser presented a check for $150,000 to PEF vice president of operations Stacey Capogrosso. “The scholarship gifts were part of (FHWC)’s commitment upon opening to support the community and the future health of our residents,” Clouser says. “The hospital’s gift of $150,000 to the Foundation allows them to support two very important things: the people of this community and health care, not only now but in the future,” says PEF VP of operations Stacey Capogrosso.” The Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel Health Scholarship fund provides funds for education and training for tomorrow’s health care professionals. This fund includes scholar-

News, Business, Sports & Education Updates

Neighborhood Magazine

Boyfriend Murdered Near Wesley Chapel, Weatherford Named ‘Most Valuable Legislator, Pasco EDC Wins Three Awards From State; Plus, Local Business Features!

A Very Special Local Learn-To-Swim Program, A Comic Book Geek Previews ‘Marvel Universe Live;’ Plus, Out-Of-Area Dining & New Neighborhood Nibbles & Bizw Bytes!

ships distributed immediately and an endowment portion so that the impact on this community will continue in perpetuity. The Foundation disbursed $2,500 each to four graduating Pasco County seniors at our Scholarship Awards Banquet on April 10, 2014. (L.-r.): Superintendent of Pasco County Schools Kurt Browning, Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) CFO Mike Lukens, Pasco Education The Foundation Foundation (PEF) VP of operations Stacey Capogrosso, FHWC marketing will award an addirector Tracy Clouser & School Board chair Alison Crumbley, were all on ditional $40,000 hand for FHWC’s $150,000 donation to PEF on June 17. over the next four years and the Capogrosso adds that this endowremaining $100K was endowed and as ment fund, “is one of the three largest the the investment grows we will continue to See ‘Scholarships’ on pg. 9 distribute scholarships to aspiring health care professionals.” Eight Pasco County schools offer health/medical career academies, including Wiregrass Ranch High in Wesley Chapel.

Even if Team USA’s run at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil ended up ending in the first of the knockout rounds on July 1 against unbeaten and untied Belgium (which was after our press time for this issue), there’s no doubt that the exciting, young American “side” is one of this year’s great stories, as coach Jurgen Klinsmann was able to get his youthful charges to advance out of the socalled “Group of Death” and into the Round of 16, the second World Cup in a row the U.S. has advanced at least that far. More important for this long-time

So, even with pre-Cup favorites like defending champion Spain, Portugal, Italy and England out, Team USA can still drive the local soccer TV bandwagon — for as long as they remain in the hunt. The hope here, however, is that even if the US does lose, the quality of the futbol local fans have seen throughout this World Cup will keep local watering holes filled right up to the tournament’s finale on July 13. — Gary Nager

FHWC Donates $150,000 To Pasco Education Foundation For Scholarships

Also Inside This Issue!

Pages 1-28

Pages 29-40

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The 2014 Political Season Is In Full Swing; Why Should You Care? By Gary Nager Years of frustration have made me believe that even if I could stand on my head and make political balloon animals (like a fellow Rotarian friend of mine), I still wouldn’t really be able to inspire New Tampa residents to vote, especially in a non-Presidential Election year. But, while I know it’s hard to care about local government (especially local politics) or about voting in local elections, I can’t even begin to tell you how important it is to participate (that means get registered, if you’re not, and vote) in the upcoming 2014 August 26 Primary & November 4 General Elections. I have said this many times before, to little avail, but it has always boggled my mind when I hear people say that they only vote in the “big” elections — all while complaining about the lack of adequate roads, parks, schools, business opportunities, politicians who care about “us,” etc. — in our area, most of which has little to do with who is the President of our stillgreat republic. To those who run for and are ultimately elected to public office, it has always seemed that the people of New Tampa and Wesley Chapel only care when our schools are overcrowded or have to have portable classrooms, or when it seems that Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. won’t be widened

Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Please Note Our New Address: 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543

Phone: (813) 910-2575 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail:  EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents Amy Gutierrez • Celeste McLaughlin Kelly Miller • Lauren Saslow Graphic Designers Georgia Carmichael • Erica Everette Chelsie Rosatone

Advertising Sales Rep Mary Dorey Sales & Marketing Assistant Antwon Gildon

Nothing that appears in Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 22, Issue 16, of Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is Monday, July 21, 2014. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.

© 2014 JM2 Communications, Inc.


from Pasco County to Bearss Ave. in our lifetimes, or when there’s no place for our kids to play football, lacrosse, do gymnastics or have any type of cultural experience in their own neighborhoods. Therefore, I don’t see how anyone can really say out loud, “I only vote in Presidential Elections,” and expect the officials who make decisions virtually every day that affect whether or not we get the services we need to make life a little more livable in our city, our county, our school district and our state to care about us. Although it became my job (and my pleasure) in 1994 to report the news of our area, I attended so many governmental meetings when I started out in this business as a relatively young (35-year-old) father and family man that the law enforcement personnel at these events would take one look at me and say, “Not this guy again” (and not always to themselves). Too many of those times there would be only a handful (or fewer) of other hardworking people from our area in attendance, so I had the pleasure of not only having to report the news from these events, but also of being told by these politicos what was wrong with the people in our area — that we don’t vote, don’t attend governmental meetings or public hearings and don’t call or even write emails (unless, usually, something we don’t like is being built in our backyard), but that we still expected to have everything our hearts desire without participating in the process. Twenty years into this job, I still don’t have a fully widened BBD or Cross Creek Blvd., an East-West Connector to I-275, a New Tampa Cultural Center or enough parks, library space, buses, etc., to meet the needs of our still-growing community — and of course, Wesley Chapel is now growing light years faster than is New Tampa. So, if I can inspire even one of you to get yourself registered (if you’re not already) by this year’s deadline — which is Monday, July 28 (or only a few weeks away as you’re receiving this issue), and take a look at the names and amendments that are on this year’s ballot (unfortunately, sample ballots for our Wesley Chapel

voting precincts (I’ll be voting in Wesley Chapel for the first time this year) aren’t yet available online at our press time at PascoVotes.com, but they should be soon), I’ve at least done my duty as the publisher and editor of the primary source of news and information for people in our area. From now until our October 25 Wesley Chapel issue, we’ll try to provide as much coverage as we can about upcoming local races — including two Pasco County Board of County Commissioners seats, the State Legislature races we’re eligible to vote for, a School Board seat, multiple Meadow Pointe II Community Development District elections and even some im-

Correction From Last Issue:

We need to correct (and apologize for) the following mistake from our last issue: In our “Business Spotlight” feature , the correct name of the plaza is the “Cory Lake Professional Center.” We apologize for our error and any inconvenience or confusion it may have caused. — GN

portant Circuit Judge races and statewide amendments. It’s so easy to register and vote these days, there’s really no excuse. And of course, both The Grove shopping center off of S.R. 54 and the New River Branch Library on 54 are early voting sites, so get out and vote, Wesley Chapel!

Table of Contents

Local News Updates...........................6-15

Wesley Chapel News Briefs............................................6 Walmart to Open Aug. 13 Boyfriend Murdered Near WC Weatherford Named ‘Legislator of the Year’ Pasco EDC Wins Awards From State.................................8 HART To Hold Hearing About WC Route July 8...........12 Hillsborough County Requests Proposals For BBD.........13 Wesley Chapel Community Calendar........................14

Local Business Updates.....................16-25 Decorating Den Franchisee Celebrates 25 Years!............16 Update On New Tampa Foot & Ankle..........................18 You’re In Good Hands With Gunter & Gunter...........22 McIlwain Dentistry Can Treat Your Entire Family!...........24

Neighborhood Magazine

New Tampa YMCA Teaches Kids To Swim................ 29 WC Rotary Club Returns To Honduras..................30 More Of Gary’s Out-Of-Area Dining Favorites......32 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’........34 WESLEY CHAPEL COLOR CLASSIFIEDS...36 Our Editor Previews ‘Marvel Universe LIVE’..........38

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 14 •July 5, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 14 •July 5, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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Wesley Chapel Walmart To Open August 13, Signal Now Operational

For more than two years, the traffic signal on S.R. 54 at Pointe Pleasant Blvd./ Wiregrass Ranch Blvd. has been flashing yellow, but if you’re reading this, you’ve probably noticed that red and green have been added into the mix, as the light became operational on June 30th, ahead of the scheduled opening of the new Walmart Supercenter on Wednesday, August 13. Although Walmart spokesperson Amanda Henneberg couldn’t confirm what will be constructed on any of the outparcels, it is confirmed that a Subway, nail salon and hair salon will be located inside the new store. “The store will be approximately 207,162 sq.- ft. and will offer a one-stop shopping experience for customers,” Henneberg says. “We look forward to bringing access to affordable groceries and general merchandise to the community, while creating 300 jobs in the area.”

Boyfriend Murdered Near Wesley Chapel

A man is dead and another is injured, following a late-night stabbing attack on June 19 near Wesley Chapel that stemmed from a confrontation between an ex-husband and his ex-wife’s boyfriend. The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) reports that the agency received

News Briefs a 9-1-1 call just before midnight on June 19 about a domestic dispute at a home off Oakhaven Dr., near Cypress Creek Rd. When deputies arrived, they found the body of Alex Iliff, 33, who had died from apparent stab wounds. A second adult male was found bleeding in a bathroom from apparent self-inflicted stab wounds and has been identified as Erick Von Reinhart. 42, of Tampa. PCSO says that Von Reinhart left his apartment in Hillsborough County with a large knife and traveled to his ex-wife Amy’s house on Oakhaven Dr. The couple had Erick Von recently divorced in early Reinhart June, after which Erick moved to his apartment from the house that they had shared. Deputies say that there were no signs of forced entry into the home. However, PSCO says that, once inside, Erick stabbed his ex-wife’s boyfriend to death, before stabbing himself in the neck and abdomen. While the attack occurred, Amy’s sister (whose name was not released) called 9-1-1 from another room. Erick was flown to a local hospital by helicopter to be treated for his wounds. It later was discovered that Erick had left he and Amy’s 5- and 6-year-old children at his apartment.

Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) deputies served a warrant for murder on June 20, while Von Reinhart was recovering from his injuries at a local hospital, which was not disclosed. Neither Amy, her sister, nor the children were injured. No further details were available at our press time.

Weatherford The FL Chamber’s ‘Most Valuable Legislator’

The business community’s premier legislative award, the Florida Chamber of Commerce’s Most Valuable Legislator, goes to House Speaker Will Weatherford (R-Wesley Chapel) for his courage to champion difficult but necessary issues like legal reform, pension reform and educational opportunities for every student, and the character to consistently place the long-term advancement of Florida before short-term politics. Speaker Weatherford understands that some states are making poor public policy choices and Florida can play a unique role in setting an example for others to follow. His maturity and leadership skills were displayed by his ability to provide bi-partisan and bicameral solutions to Florida’s biggest issues. For example, his commitment to Florida’s future set the stage for a meaningful pension reform debate and allowed for common sense discussion to occur on how to best fix our unsustainable pension system so Florida doesn’t end up like Detroit. The Chamber’s website (FLChamber. com) also says that Speaker Weatherford also has been a strong advocate for parental

choice — knowing that a child’s quality of education should not be determined by a parent’s zip code and that a world-class education is the greatest pathway to economic opportunity. Speaker Weatherboard was steadfast in the fight against special interests and chose to put our children and their futures first and as a result, was instrumental in a significant expansion of the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship program. The Chamber also lauds Weatherford, who has reached his term limits, for standing up to personal injury trial lawyers and leading the fight to reform Florida’s dismal bottom 10 legal climate, which costs an average Florida family about $3,400 a year. “The Florida Chamber sincerely thanks Speaker Will Weatherford for his hard work and leadership during his time in the Florida Legislature and for always standing up for free enterprise,” says the Chamber in a June 26 press release. “We hope he will hear the call to public service again in the future and look forward to working with him for many years to come.” In a statement, Weatherford said, “We wouldn’t have done the reforms we have been able to get accomplished the last few years if it wasn’t for the Florida Chamber of Commerce. You have been stalwart partners with us. Tort reform never just happens, you have to fight for it in both Chambers. It takes a lot of work...a lot of advocacy...a lot of planning and strategy, and we’ve had some success in the last few years and it’s in large part due to the Florida Chamber.” For more info, visit WillWeatherford.com.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 14 •July 5, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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Pasco EDC Wins Three Marketing Awards At State’s Annual Conference By Matt Wiley

It’s no secret that economic growth is on the rise here in Wesley Chapel, as more and more large companies are making the area their home. This is thanks, at least in part, to the efforts of the Pasco County Economic Development Council (PEDC), which received three awards at the Florida Economic Development Council’s recent annual conference. According to a PEDC press release, the organization won awards for “Best Email Campaign,” “Best Annual Report Design” and “Best Special Event,” bringing the number of awards won by the Council on the local, state and national level to nine in the past four years at Florida’s annual professional development conference. The event was held June 8-10 at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay in downtown Tampa and was attended by economic, workforce and community developers from Florida’s 67 counties, 400 cities, 24 workforce regions, 12 universities and 28 community colleges. “We want to thank our investors and members of our ‘Marketing Task Force’ for keeping us on the cutting edge with innovative marketing ideas,” said Pasco EDC president and CEO John Hagen in the release. “Marketing Pasco County to the business community locally, regionally and nationally is a big part of what we do, and it is wonderful to see our efforts recognized on a state level.” PEDC has been in existence since 1987 and initially was created to, “foster

the economic vitality and business development opportunities of Pasco.” According to documents on the organization’s website, since 2005, PEDC has helped attract nearly 20 business to the Wesley Chapel area, including American Consulting Engineers (located off Cypress Ridge Blvd. next to the future site of Wesley Chapel’s fist ice hockey facility), Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel and Raymond James Financial, which is working to close on its property on S.R. 56 in the Wiregrass Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI). “The work of PEDC has been stellar in the sense that we’ve seen an explosion of development in our area that has been directly involved with them,” says Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee chairman Steve Domonkos. “Just look at the I-75 and S.R. 54/56 corridor. The growth there is a reflection of their work.” And now it seems that PEDC’s work is becoming even more recognized, with the help of online marketing. About two years ago, as it began to enter the world of online marketing and social media, PEDC launched one of its first email campaigns, entitled “Monday Cup o’News,” which is described as a simple digest to help keep people up to date on what’s happening in the business and economic development world of Pasco County. That campaign took the prize for this year’s “Best Email Campaign.” “We needed a simple and effective way to spread positive news about Pasco

County to the business community,” says Summer Martin, marketing and events coordinator for the Pasco EDC. “Often, people are so busy with their day-to-day lives that it’s hard for them to keep up with what is happening in the news. We wanted to make it easy for people to know what is happening in Pasco and convey our news releases to a broader audience.” And it must be working, as the digital campaign has grown from 580 to about 1,300 subscribers in just that short time. The Pasco EDC also was recognized for its Annual Report design, which is available in print and as an interactive, online “flip-book,” which ties into PEDC’s branding message of being one of the most innovative economic development organizations in the state and a leader in new ideas for local economic development in the nation. “The content of the Annual Report, and its look and feel, must demonstrate this high level of innovation and creativity, and our key vehicle to express this has been the use of compelling images of ‘quirky’ children who personify community advantages,” Hagen explained. “On the cover (of the report) is, ‘Joey,’ a high-flying risktaker who conveys the spirit of adventure, discovery and overachievement, emerging as part of Pasco’s culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.” Finally, PEDC was recognized as hosting the “Best Special Event,” in the form of the organization’s 12th annual “NetFest,” an event held this past April

Pasco EDC CEO John Hagen & marketing coordinator Summer Martin with the group’s three awards from the Florida EDC during the organization’s annual conference June 8-10. at Starkey Ranch off S.R. 54, designed to provide an opportunity for business and community leaders to meet and network. “We frequently hear from attendees who have met someone they had been trying for several months to contact,” said Hagen in the release. “In some cases, we have received economic development leads from attendees, and we also have heard about business deals being made at the event. It has turned into one of the most effective tools we have for building our economic development effort.” Congrats to the PEDC! Keep up the good work. For more information about the Pasco County Economic Development Council or to subscribe to “Monday Cup o’News,” please visit PascoEDC.com.


The Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART) will hold a public hearing to discuss proposed service revision to the Route 51X to better serve the New Tampa corridor. The public hearing will be held:

Tuesday, July 8, 2014 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. New Tampa Library 10001 Cross Creek Blvd., Tampa, FL 33647 The purpose of the hearing is to give individuals and/or groups an opportunity to present their views and comments regarding HART proposed service revision. Final recommendations will be on the agenda of the HART Board of Directors at its September, 2014 meeting, for implementation in November 2014. Maps and details of three service revision options are available on the HART website (www.goHART.org). Please contact HART if you require the information in an accessible format or other special accommodations. Comments are welcome and will be entered into the record if received by 7 p.m. on July 8, 2014. You can send us an e-mail at 51Xcomment@goHART.org, call HART Customer Service (813) 254-4278 or write to: HART Service Development, Attn: 51X Service Proposal, 1201 E. 7th Avenue, Tampa, FL, 33605. Pursuant to Florida Statutes, if any person decides to appeal any decision made by a local Board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, that person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence on which the appeal is to be based. HARTinfo Line: (813) 254-4278 • TDD: (813) 626-9158

HART operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.


For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 14 •July 5, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

Neighborhood News



“Scholarships” Continue from Page 1

Foundation has received in its 23-year history. We are truly grateful to Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel for their generosity, commitment to excellence and helping us achieve our goal of advancing student achievement and preparing Pasco’s students to be college, career and life ready. We are proud to call Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel a partner; a partner in the investment of our students, schools and the future of our community. FHWC’s donation to PEF brings the hospital’s local scholarship donation total to $500,000 this year, as the hospital already donated $350,000 to Pasco-Hernando State College (PHSC) during the school’s dedication ceremony for the Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch in April. “(FHWC) has a legacy of helping people get, and stay, well by providing programs that improve the health and wellness of our community,” Clouser explains. “That commitment is why (FHWC) built a community Health & Wellness Center on its campus. It’s why the hospital provides free health screenings and educational programs and supports the county’s Mobile Medical Care Unit. And, it is what led the hospital to support (PEF) and (PHSC).” Clouser explains that both scholarship gifts provide funds for education and training for tomorrow’s health care professionals and include scholarships distributed immediately and an endowment portion so

g s e

that, “the impact on this community will continue in perpetuity.” FHWC’s donation is available for students attending New Tampa, Wesley Chapel, Land O’Lakes and Lutz area high schools and pursuing college degrees in a health care-related field of study. Clouser also explains that the PHSC scholarship fund also is open to students from the surrounding area who are attending the Porter campus and who are enrolled in one of PHSC’s Medical or Allied Health Programs. For more information about FHWC and PEF, please visit FloridaHospital.com/WesleyChapel and Pasco EducationFoundation.org.



813-528-8717 3737 MARYWEATHER LANE SUITE 101 WESLEY CHAPEL, FL 33544

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 14 •July 5, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com


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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 14 •July 5, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com


Wesley Chapel’s HART Route To Change In November; Hearing July 8 By Matt Wiley

Wesley Chapel commuters who utilize our area’s lone Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) bus route — Route 51X — should consider attending an upcoming formal public hearing, as the route that connects Pasco County to downtown Tampa is scheduled to change this November. Following two community openhouse meetings, during which HART representatives revealed three revision options for the route that connects New Tampa and Wesley Chapel to downtown Tampa, a formal public hearing to record public opinions is set for Tuesday, July 8, at the New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.). During the first meeting held on June 10 at the New Tampa Regional Library, the HART staff heard a mixed bag of opinions from 22 attendees regarding the three route change options. While some saw a possible change as good for the area, others saw the proposed options as a threat to their way to work. HART spokesperson Sandra Morrison says that some rider backlash is understandable. “People don’t like change,” Morrison says. “This meeting was dominated by current users (most of whom) find the current route meeting their needs.” HART announced on June 5 that it would be proposing revisions to the New Tampa express route to adjust to ridership trends and improve its cost-efficiency. Currently, the 51X route runs weekday mornings from 6 a.m.-8 a.m. at a Park-n-Ride stop at Victorious Life Church on Old Pasco Rd. in Wesley Chapel, before heading south and west on S.R. 54 to S.R. 56 and then cutting east along County Line Rd., where the buses pick up at CrossRoads Community United Methodist Church, opposite Grand Hampton. Route 51X then heads east towards Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. and then heads south, making a stop at Lowe’s Home Improvement in Tampa Palms. The buses then take I-75 south to I-4 westbound, when they head south on


I-275 to downtown Tampa to make three drop-offs. In the evenings, the buses make four pick-ups downtown and head north on I-275 to Bearss Ave. and then drop off at the three New Tampa/Wesley Chapel Park-n-Ride stops. HART reports that Route 51X averages about 67 riders per day, or about 17 passengers per bus ride. Three alternative options (see diagrams below) are being considered for 51X. The first of those options continues the express service between Wesley Chapel and downtown but would add up to three stops along BBD. HART also would add hourly “midday” service (roughly 8 a.m.-4 p.m.) in between the express hours, between HART’s University Area Transit Center (UATC, off 131st Ave. in Tampa, north of the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital) and Wesley Chapel using BBD. “We expect most will favor Option 1,” said Steve Feigenbaum, manager of service planning for HART, at the June 10 meeting. “It keeps the service similar to the current route. We’re trying to respect the riders who have been our patrons for years.” Feigenbaum said that Option 1 also would lower the current monthly fare for Route 51X riders from $95 to $65. The second option includes discontinuing the direct express service between Wesley Chapel and downtown Tampa in favor of continual hourly midday service (approximately 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.) between the UATC and Wesley Chapel along BBD, also with bus stops along the way. Patrons desiring to go downtown would have access to other services, including the new MetroRapid service, to get downtown. The third option is almost identical to Option 2, but also adds service to the University of South Florida campus. Reactions were varied at the June 19 meeting. “Option 1 is best, I think,” said Jerry, a West Meadows (in New Tampa) resident. “It’ll keep my wife happy, who rides the bus downtown each day.” However, not everyone at the meeting shared Jerry’s opinion, as several

o n o o t w S B

o m w S HART service planning manager Steve Feigenbaum fields questions during a public meeting at the New Tampa Regional Library on June 10 about the proposed revision options for New Tampa’s Route 51X bus that connects New Tampa & Wesley Chapel with downtown Tampa.

regular HART riders voiced concerns and even some outrage at the all of the revisions, including a few about Option 1. “You can’t add stops without adding time,” said New Tampa resident and Hillsborough County employee Beth Derby, who rides the 51X downtown to work each morning. “We’re concerned mainly because we feel like they’re going to keep adding additional stops and changing the route. We won’t be able to get to work on time.” Derby and fellow riders Rosa Timoteo and Michelle Linakis say that they have been using New Tampa’s HART service since 2005 and plan to help get

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the word out about the public hearing, in hopes that HART representatives will see that regular riders do not want the route to change. “We’re the ones on the bus each day because it’s the only option,” Derby explains. “Even with the lowered fare, if you alienate us, where does that put (HART)?” A public hearing about the possible HART Route 51X revisions is scheduled for Tuesday, July 8, 5 p.m. at the New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.). Public comments also can be submitted to 51XComment@GoHart.org.


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Hillsborough County Issues RFP For BBD ‘Segment A’ Widening By Matt Wiley As crews work to finish the widening of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. underneath I-75 in New Tampa (one exit south of S.R. 56), Hillsborough County has sent out a Request for Proposals (RFP) for contractors to see who will win the contract to widen New Tampa’s main drag from Palm Springs Blvd. in Tampa Palms south to Bearss Ave., also known as “Segment A.” Hillsborough will continue the process of transforming New Tampa’s congested main artery from a four-lane divided highway into an eight-lane divided highway. Segment A spans about 3.5 miles. According to county documents, the bidding period for contractors is tentatively scheduled to open on Thursday, June 26. From then until mid-October, contractors can submit bids for the project. Currently, construction is scheduled to begin in November (after the contract is finally awarded), but that estimate is subject to change, depending upon how long the bid process takes to complete. The project is estimated to take about 815 construction days from start to finish, with a very tentative completion date scheduled for February 2017. (Note-As we have previously reported, the widening of the 1.4-mile portion of BBD closest to Pasco {between Pebble Creek Dr. and the county line}, also known as ‘Segment D,’ has been funded for design, but not for construction and will

likely not be scheduled to begin until after the Segment A widening is completed.) In addition to widening the road, the contractor who is awarded the Segment A project also will be responsible for a 5-6-ft. sidewalk on the west side of BBD, as well as a 10-ft.-wide multi-use path on the east side of the road. The project also involves widening the southbound side of the small bridge that crosses over Cypress Creek, located between the Landmark at Grayson Park apartments and Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms, as well as construction of a new four-lane bridge on northbound BBD. Minor construction also will be required at the Tampa Palms Blvd. and Amberly Dr. intersections with BBD, and four storm drainage ponds also will be created. Pond locations are planned at the northwest corner of Bearss Ave. and BBD, north of 42 St. on the west side of BBD, on the southwest corner of the intersection of BBD/Tampa Palms Blvd. (on land previously owned by Grace Episcopal Church) and south of Cypress Preserve Blvd. on the west side of BBD. New traffic signals also will be installed at the seven intersections along the project’s length, as well as five Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) poles, identical to the ones already installed in the median of BBD approaching I-75 from both directions.

section of BBD widening, work by Prince Contracting also continues underneath I-75 to complete the widening to eight lanes from Pebble Creek Dr. south to Palm Springs Blvd. (BBD Segments B & C). Work on the one-mile stretch under the interstate (between Doña Michelle Dr. and Tampa Palms/Commerce Palms Blvd.) had to be delayed until the new I-75 overpasses were completed (as part of the project to widen I-75 to six and eight lanes from Fowler Ave. in Tampa to S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel). Florida Department of Transportation spokesperson John McShaffrey says that, based on Prince’s current schedule, New

Tampa drivers can expect to finally enjoy an uninterrupted four lanes in each direction on BBD Segments B & C by late September or early November. This work, McShaffrey says, will include reconstruction of BBD in that area, as well as drainage installation, I-75 ramp tie-ins and the sidewalk and multi-use trail on either side of BBD. Also, in the next two months, McShaffrey says that the ramp from northbound I-75 onto northbound BBD should be open in its final configuration. For more information about the local interstate highways, please visit MyTBI.com.

Work Under I-75 Update

As preparations continue for the next

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July 2014

Monday, July 7

Experienced Networking Professionals (ENP) — ENP meets Monday mornings at 8 a.m. for breakfast and networking at Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, call Brad Benson at 973-1814. Free Networking International (FNI) — FNI, a group of area business owners, meets Mondays for networking and discussion at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd., off S.R. 54). For info, call Stacy Dalton at 469-5499. Professional Business Connections (PBC) — PBC meets Mondays at 7:30 a.m. at The Happy Hangar Cafe (at Tampa North Aero Park, 4241 Birdsong Blvd., Lutz). For more info, call Chris Thurow at 546-6860. Wesley Chapel Speaks’ ToastMasters — The “Wesley Chapel Speaks” ToastMasters Club meets on the first and third Monday of every month, 6:15 p.m., at Hyundai of Wesley Chapel (26944 Wesley Chapel Blvd.). For info, call David West at 610-1650 or visit WesleyChapel Speaks.ToastMastersClubs.org. Depression & Bipolar Awareness Event - NAMI Pasco County & North Tampa Behavioral Health (NTBH) are proud to partner with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in offering “Depression & Bipolar Awareness: From Diagnosis to Remission” at 7 p.m. at NTBH (29910 S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel. Visit NAMIPasco.org/contact.

Tuesday, July 8

Business Networking International (BNI) — BNI, a group of business professionals who work to support each other through qualified referrals, meets Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m., at Heritage Church (1854 Oak Grove Blvd., off S.R. 54, in Land O’Lakes). For info, email Tim at Tim@TampaHomes24-7.com.

Wednesday, July 9

Autumn Ridge Dr., off S.R. 54), 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m., kids experience God’s Word in surprising and unforgettable ways! Each day, leaders reinforce one simple Bible truth which makes it easy for kids to remember and apply to real life! Visit SavannaChurch.com.

Tuesday, July 15

‘Networking On The Nines’ — “Networking on the Nines,” put on by Insurance New Tampa, is a great way to meet new friends and clients or strengthen existing relationships, while playing a 9-hole scramble on the third Tuesday of every month at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lex. Oaks Blvd.), 3 p.m. .Call Susan at 435-6350 for more info.

Wednesday, July 16

FHWC Breast Cancer Support Group — Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) introduces a new breast cancer support group that meets in the FHWC Wellness Plaza’s Center for Women’s Health (2700 Healing Way, Ste. 102), 5 p.m. on the third Wed. of each month. The group helps give those who are fighting the deadly disease answers and resources, survivor stories, guest speakers and in-depth discussions in a positive environment. To register, visit FloridaHospital.com/Wesley-Chapel or call 929-5432.

Ayusa International Seeking Host Families For Exchange Students

Ayusa International, a non-profit organization that for 31 years has promoted global learning and leadership through high school student cultural exchanges and leadership programs, continues its annual search for families in Florida interested in hosting international students for the 2014-15 school year. Ayusa is actively looking for Florida host families in the Tampa & Wesley Chapel areas. Ayusa (which stands for “Academic Year in the USA”) works with diverse families who are interested in hosting an international student of high school age. Families without children, empty nesters, military families, retirees and single people are all welcome. Host families provide three meals a day and a bedroom (either private or shared). Ayusa is a 501(c)3, and an official U.S. Department of State-designated Exchange Visitor Program Sponsor. Families interested in learning more can visit Ayusa.org or call 1-(888)-552-9872.

Wesley Chapel Rotary Club — The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel meets every Wednesday, 12:15 p.m., at Ciao! Italian Bistro (2001 Piazza Ave., in the Shops at Wiregrass mall). For more info, call 862-8989 or 391-3895.

Thursday, July 10

Networking For Your Success — The Networking For Your Success group meets Thursdays, 8:30 a.m., at Lexington Oaks Clubhouse (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd, off S.R. 54). For more information call 973-1657. Food Addicts In Recovery (FA) — FA is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experiences and mutual support, are recovering from the disease of food addiction. The group meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Seventh Day Adventist Church (33420 S.R. 54). For additional information, visit FoodAddicts.org.

Friday, July 11

WC Sunrise Rotary Club — The WC Sunrise Rotary meets Fridays, 7:15 a.m., at Quail Hollow Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). Call Lynne at 695-6466.

Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18

Weird Animals Vacation Bible School — At Savanna Church’s Weird Animals Vacation Bible School, heing held at the Avalon Park West Community Center (5227


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Debbie Demboski Of Decorating Den Celebrates 25 Years In Business! By Celeste McLaughlin

After 25 years, Debbie Demboski’s Decorating Den Interiors in Wesley Chapel is still bringing style and beauty to the residents of New Tampa and Wesley Chapel. Celebrating her 25th anniversary as a decorator and franchise owner with Decorating Den Interiors, Debbie helps people in our distribution areas (and beyond) create beautiful spaces in which to live and work. So, for anyone thinking about redecorating their home, or a smaller project — anything from purchasing new window treatments or wall coverings to furniture and floors — Debbie comes to you in her van full of samples, catalogs, and other tools of the trade to provide a free consultation in the space you actually want to decorate. “So many people have a vision and get excited, purchase something and bring it home, before realizing that it just doesn’t work,” says Debbie. “Having a professional opinion can actually save you time and money. I will come to you and assist you in picking out something that not only fits your style and budget, but also works perfectly in your space.” Debbie adds that her initial consultation is absolutely free, and there are never any hourly fees for her time. “The real benefit of working with Decorating Den Interiors,” says Debbie, “is that my studio is parked in your driveway.” In addition, she says her costs are comparable to other retailers, thanks to the buying power of Decorating Den Interiors


as North America’s largest interior design and home furnishings franchise company, with franchises across the U.S. and Canada. “It’s a 45-year-old company that is still growing,” she says, “with three franchises recently awarded in the Central Florida Region in just the past year alone.” And, Debbie is not only a franchise owner and decorator, but also serves as a regional director, providing leadership and training to twelve franchise owners across central Florida. Two years ago, she was named Regional Director of the Year at Decorating Den’s company-wide international annual conference (photo). Debbie’s professional team includes her mom, Phyllis Wilcher, who works as her regional secretary and has been part of the team since Debbie moved her franchise to Florida from the Atlanta area, to be closer to her family, about 20 years ago. “My mom is such an important part of my team,” Debbie admits. “She does everything from placing orders and handling marketing tasks to following up on projects and providing lunches for our monthly Regional meetings. She is well known for her hospitality, both in my business and in the New Tampa community, too.” Debbie has a degree in design and business from West Virginia University in Morgantown. Prior to beginning her decorating career, she worked at a number of different retail positions. She got into the interior decorating business when she was living and working in Atlanta and a friend, Terri Erwin, became a Decorating

Den franchise owner. Debbie went to work as a decorator for Terri’s business and, soon after, started her own franchise. Debbie says the reasons her clients love working with Decorating Den are outlined in these “NIFTY” benefits: • N-National umbrella: Decorating Den has the buying power of a national company. •I-In-home decorating: Design decisions are made in At the Decorating Den Interiors national conference in your home, in your existing April, Debbie Demboski (3rd from left) was recognized for lighting, working with what her 25 years as a franchise owner & decorator & for reaching you already own. $5 million in sales during her career. This photo also shows (l.•F-Free consultation: r.) James S. Bugg, Jr., president & CEO of Decorating Den Not only does Debbie come to you, there is no cost for the Interiors, Terri Erwin (Debbie’s friend & fellow franchisee) & James S. Bugg, Sr., chair of Decorating Den Interiors. consultation nor will you pay hourly fees for her time. “Politics is my hobby,” she explains. •T-Training: “This is a very fashion“I knew I wanted to entertain and host forward, trendy business,” Debbie says, “so fund raisers, and I wanted my home we attend conferences, have private showspruced up.” room tours, and decorators from all the Marcia’s experience with interior regional franchises work with each other to decorators at previous homes made her share ideas and collaborate.” somewhat leery about hiring someone •Y-Your lifestyle: Debbie makes your again. She says she had worked with delikes, dislikes and budget her highest priorsigners who made her feel like her budget ity, to be sure that your home reflects your wasn’t big enough and what they wanted personal taste, not hers. for her home was more important than One client who has recently taken what she wanted. advantage of these benefits is Marcia Mann, “Because Decorating Den comes a Tampa Palms resident who has lived in to the house and gives free estimates, I her home since 2001. She’s the former sec- thought I might feel more comfortable retary of the Florida Lottery and recently with them,” says Marcia. “And, I can’t say retired as a USF professor. enough wonderful things about Debbie.

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She is down to earth, not at all pushy, makes me feel comfortable, works within my budget and has all kinds of great ideas.” Marcia says she then hired Debbie to decorate her living and dining room. “I didn’t like that my dining room was raised off the floor so you had to step up to it,” Marcia explains. “The estimate to remove the Debbie Demboski and Decorating Den can help make your concrete and make it level home look its best, too — and stay within your budget! was $40,000, so we had to come up with another soluadd to the budget throughout the project. tion. Debbie’s idea was to swap my living Debbie says she enjoys working with room and my dining room. Now my grand Marcia, too, and explains that the variety of piano is raised up in the living room, and clients she works with is one of the things my big dining table and gorgeous chandeshe enjoys about her job. “Every day is diflier are right at the entry of my home. It ferent, every client is different, and that’s turned out absolutely beautiful.” what I love about it.” Marcia was so happy with her experience that she asked Debbie to also decorate Christmas In July? her master bedroom and that also expand“Every year, I offer my ‘Christmas in ed to include the other three bedrooms in July’ free fabric sale,” says Debbie (see ad her home. She says she is looking forward on page 18). “I obtain lots of fabrics from to continuing to work with Debbie as she vendors and contractors that are leftovers plans to improve her kitchen and pool area or discontinued lines, and provide those in the future. fabrics absolutely free to my clients.” “Debbie has lots of experience, and The client then pays only for the labor her ideas never stop,” says Marcia. “She to turn that fabric into the window coverworks with what you already have in your ings, pillow covers, upholstery, or whatever home, and can take anything and make it else they need. look good. Another thing I love is that she Decorating Den comes to you at doesn’t nickel and dime you.” She says she your home or office in Wesley Chapel or and Debbie agree on a budget for a proNew Tampa. For more info, call Debbie ject, and then Debbie includes accessories at 817-2264 or visit DecDens.com/ and accents and doesn’t constantly ask to DebbieD.

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Get Your Feet To New Tampa Foot & Ankle’s Dr. Stephen Levin! By Kelly Miller

Why suffer with chronic pain due to foot and ankle problems when a visit to Stephen F. Levin, DPM (Doctor of Podiatric Medicine), can bring the relief you desire? Dr. Levin’s New Tampa Foot & Ankle practice is located off S.R. 56 in the Cypress Ridge Professional Center, directly behind the Gate gas station. Dr. Levin’s 16 years of experience ensures that he can help alleviate all of your foot and ankle problems, including heel spurs, ingrown toenails, bunions, warts, diabetic feet, hammer toes, gout and flat feet. He also can treat injuries due to falls at home or work, from car accidents and even those suffered while participating in physically demanding sports. From pediatrics through geriatrics, Dr. Levin sees patients of all ages. Dr. Levin earned his Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Urban Studies from the University of Maryland in College Park. He earned his DPM degree from the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine in Philadelphia, PA. He then completed a two-year medical and surgical residency at Montgomery Hospital Medical Center in Norristown, PA, and in 1998, he moved to Tampa. Dr. Levin worked in Pinellas County until 2002, when he decided to open New Tampa Foot & Ankle, subletting space from the former New Tampa Urgent Care location on Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. in New Tampa. In 2007, Dr. Levin moved New Tampa Foot & Ankle to its current location


off S.R. 56. In 2012, he opened a second office in South Tampa. Dr. Levin has operating room privileges at Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, St. Joseph’s Hospital North on Van Dyke Rd. in Lutz, and at the New Tampa Surgery Center located just across Cypress Ridge Blvd. from New Tampa Foot & Ankle. Dr. Levin is Board-certified in Foot Surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery, and he’s currently the First Vice President of the Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA). Next year, Dr. Levin will become the 75th President of the FPMA. Two years ago, Dr. Levin brought Dr. Martin Port, DPM, into his practice. Dr. Port assists in the Wesley Chapel office one half-day and in the South Tampa office three half-days each week. Dr. Port earned his Bachelor of Science(B.S.) degree in Pre-Med and Master of Science (M.S.) in Physiology from Hahnemann Medical College & Hospital in Philadelphia, PA. He earned his DPM degree from the prestigious New York College of Podiatric Medicine (it is affiliated with Columbia University) in New York City, NY. A patient of Dr. Levin’s, Land O’Lakes resident Darrin Horne, says that his arches fell when he was in his twenties. He was initially misdiagnosed by an orthopedist, who told him back surgery would cure the pain and numbness in his feet. Two years later, the problem persisted, so when a friend told him about New Tampa Foot & Ankle, he made an appointment. “When I came to see Dr. Levin,

he was incredible,” Darrin said. “He listened to my entire history, and after a thorough workup, diagnosed me with Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.” (Note-This disorder is caused by the entrapment of the tibial nerve, which follows a curving route down the back of the leg to the ankle, where it turns and curls below the inside of the ankle. Compression on this nerve causes pain, a burning sensation, and tingling on the soles of the feet.) Dr. Levin operated on Darrin’s left The professional staff at New Tampa Foot & foot and although Darrin was warned Ankle includes (back, l.-r.): Michelle Vanderthat he still may not regain complete hagen, Melissa Elwin, Elizabeth Ingenito & Dr. Stephen Levin;(front, l.-r.): Ronni Palmer & feeling in the foot, he says he noticed Robin Kaufman. Not pictured: Dr. Martin Port. a remarkable difference. Darrin was so shoes. Orthotic sandals also can be custompleased with the results of the surgery ized for the patient’s feet. that he recently scheduled the procedure To assess a patient’s problem, Dr. for his right foot. Levin uses the latest in advanced equip“Many patients with foot pain also ment like his diagnostic ultrasound or his complain of back, neck and even headache digital X-ray machine which provides high pain,” Dr. Levin explains, adding that quality imaging of problem areas. Dr. Levin healthy feet promote overall orthopedic was also one of the first providers in Florida health. “The feet are the foundation that supports our entire body weight. Poor foot to offer laser treatment for fungal toenails. His Cutera 1064 Yag laser not only treats posture can impede your daily activities.” the toenails but also superficial veins, warts, various problematic skin conditions, and Easing The Pain Of Flat Feet provides hair removal on the leg area (more Speaking of poor foot posture, flat on other cosmetic services available at New feet are a problem Dr. Levin says he sees in Tampa Foot & Ankle below). patients of every age. Depending upon the Because we live in Florida, wearing severity, he can provide orthotic inserts for open-toed shoes and sandals is the norm shoes or perform surgery. With orthotics for most of the year. If you have any yellow, (also used by many distance runners and discolored, or thick nails, you may have triathletes, even if their feet aren’t flat), a a foot fungus. Dr. Levin will get those mold of the foot is created and an orthotic toenails looking healthy again, thanks to a insert can be made to fit in many types of

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new NovoNail treatment. This advanced restoration program, created by Christopher Stewart, DPM (who also earned his DPM degree from the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine; he has a podiatry practice in Charlottesville, VA) includes a state-of-the-art, laser-based treatment that goes deep beneath the surface of the nail, attacking the fungus where it lives and breeds. Land O’Lakes resident Jeanie Batto, a Registered Nurse with 20 years of experience, says she suffered with pain in her feet for almost five years before she sought help. Though now a school nurse at Wesley Chapel High, she previously worked as a surgical technician assisting podiatric surgeons and knew the importance of finding a qualified doctor. During her intensive search, she found Dr. Levin and says she was impressed with his credentials and medical affiliations. “The first thing I noticed was how personable yet professional his staff was,” Jeanie says, adding that she felt relieved when she met Dr. Levin. “I liked his easygoing bedside manner, and I didn’t feel rushed when we discussed my condition.” Oftentimes, when a patient calls New Tampa Foot & Ankle, Dr. Levin says they’ve been experiencing long-term pain, so the last thing they need is to wait a month to see a doctor. “I don’t like to make patients wait,” he says, adding that shorter wait times help patients differentiate between his practice and larger ones in the area. “I will always fit someone in for an appointment. In most cases, a patient can be seen in a day or two...and for


emergencies, it can be even sooner.”

Other Services Available, Too!

Patients who want to continue pampering their new beautiful nails can visit Alerissa (Alerissa.com), an exclusive boutique spa run by licensed cosmetologist and nail tech Annette Cosme inside New Tampa Foot & Ankle. (For an appointment with Annette, call 610-5258.) Katie’s Wellness Retreat (KatiesWellnessRetreat.com) also has a treatment room inside the practice. Katie Capets is a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) and Medical Aesthetician who offers facials, massages, and waxing. (For appointments with Katie, call 406-0185.) Dr. Levin and his wife, Diane, live in New Tampa. They have three children: David (16), Sam (9), and Sarah (7). Sam and Sarah are in competitive gymnastics at Angel’s Gymnastics in Lutz and Sam is active in Cub Scouts Pack 280. Dr. Levin says he is proud that he’s served his community for more than a dozen years, and his practice is very active in the area. He’s a member of the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel Chambers of Commerce and gives back to his community by supporting local schools like Turner/Bartels K-8 School and the Music Boosters at Paul R. Wharton High. For more info about New Tampa Foot & Ankle (26827 Foggy Creek Rd., Suite 104, Bldg. 6), call the office at 973-3535. The hours are Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. The South Tampa location is at 3704 Euclid Ave. in Tampa. For more info, visit NewTampaFootand Ankle.com.

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Gunter & Gunter Insurance — You’re In Good Hands With These Neighbors! By Amy Gutierrez

Wouldn’t it be great to have all of your insurance needs handled at one local office, by an experienced and friendly staff, who truly take the time to get to know you? You can! The friendly staff at Gunter & Gunter Insurance, located near I-75 and SR 54 in the Westbrook Professional Park (across from Saddlebrook Resort), take pride in offering superior customer service and are able to assist you with one-stop shopping, streamlining your policies and saving you time. And, with their affiliation with Allstate Insurance Company, clients know they are in “Good Hands.” The husband-and-wife team of Gary and Joyce Gunter, long-time New Tamp residents, are proud to serve the needs of New Tampa, Wesley Chapel and surrounding areas. “New Tampa and Wesley Chapel are tremendous areas, full of families and incredible growth opportunities,” Gary says. “I was an Army brat but I graduated from high school here in Tampa, so it’s great to see the wonderful expansion of prosperity in this area.” Following high school, Gary earned his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Business Administration from the University of Florida in Gainesville, followed by a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Florida State University in Tallahassee. After college, Gary worked in Tal-

lahassee for the State of Florida Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer from 1978-85. During his tenure, he served in various regulatory capacities throughout the department, gaining a broad knowledge of all ICI (Income Continuation Insurance) lines of insurance. In 1986, Gary went into private consulting in heath care and insurance, becoming President of the Florida Association of HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations). Since that time, he has continued entrepreneurial pursuits, starting and building several companies. Joyce spent her career in banking, working up the corporate ladder from teller to Regional VP after attending the Lakeland College of Business. Gunter & Gunter Insurance specializes in providing complete insurance protection for all your needs — home, auto, business and life — and the office is licensed to sell throughout the state of Florida. The Gunters’ team of specialists have more than 80 years of combined insurance experience, so instead of just providing coverage quotes, they listen carefully to the customer’s needs and take the time to make sure that things are done right. In addition to having expertise in automobile and homeowners policies, the staff is well-versed about motorcycle, boat and business insurance as well. Gary and Joyce also hold “2-20” insurance licenses, that allow them to

sell all lines of Property and Casualty insurance. They also have “2-15” insurance licenses that allow them to sell life and health insurance. In addition, they also have their Series 6 Securities licensure, which allows them to sell annuities, variable life insurance and mutual funds. A Series 6 license requires an extensive course of learning and a thorough background check, as well as full disclosure of all financial dealings in order to protect the public. Gary and Joyce work diligently to provide something extraordinary at their agency. “We’re committed to helping you protect not only what you Joyce and Gary Gunter of Gunter & Gunter have today,” he says, “but to also Insurance, located on S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel. prepare for tomorrow by making response and counseling that their cussure you have adequate insurance tomers know and appreciate. for the unexpected.” “We initially switched to Gunter & Gunter & Gunter clients become committed and loyal customers as much Gunter Insurance, as Joyce & Gary are great friends and fellow Rotarians,” says because of the relationships Gary, Joyce Craig, a resident of Lake Forest. “As we and their staff build with their customcompared the terms of the policies, we ers as it is because of the top-quality insurance and services they provide. The found that we were able to save a lot of money over State Farm, who we had caring staff — which includes Heather been with for over 20 years. Gunter & Nunley-Delgado, Kristen Poland, CaeGunter now covers our cars, motorcysar Navarro, Ashley Hines and Madalyn cle, home and business. They’re great Kissel — encourages customers to call people to know and do business with.” the office whenever a claim is necessary, Joyce says, “We understand how even prior to dialing the 1-800 number insurance is a part of your safety net and for claims. It’s this type of immediate

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A Community Commitment

Giving back to the local community also is important to Gary and Joyce. They are committed to helping their friends and neighbors through the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel Chambers of Commerce and the New Tampa Rotary Club, which meets Friday mornings for breakfast at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club. The Rotary Club of New Tampa Foundation, Inc., supports 34 local area charities and five international projects. In fact, it was at a Rotary humanitarian project fair (international service) in Costa Rica where Gary and Joyce met! The Gunters continue to be active members of the Rotary Club of New Tampa. Gary has held the positions of Treasurer, Club Administrator and Club President. He also has served New Tampa’s Rotary District 6890 (the Wesley Chapel Rotary Clubs are part of District 6950) as Membership Chair, Conference Chair, Secretary and Assistant Governor and he is about to assume the role of District Governor for Hillsborough, Polk, Highlands and Hardy counties, which will place him in charge of 45 clubs.

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Joyce’s involvement in Rotary began in 2005 in Haines City and continued in New Tampa in 2009. She has held the positions of Club Treasurer, Club President, District Secretary and is currently the District 6890 Governor Nominee. The Gunters also previously have been Board members and Gunter & Gunter Insurance is a current member of the New Tampa Chamber of Commerce. “Rotary International is very important to me,” says Joyce. “Rotarians all over the world do so many good things, including promoting world peace, education, literacy, clean water and sanitation (see separate story on page 30) and the eradication of polio worldwide.” That’s what we call a win/win situation for everyone!” The “Good Hands” staff at Gunter & Gunter Insurance is ready to assist you with your insurance needs. Just for requesting a free quote, the Gunters will happily donate cash to one of the five charities they generously support — Florida Hospital of Wesley Chapel, Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Tampa Bay, Rotary International, the Grace Point Foundation and the American Cancer Society. Call 994-3900 or stop by Gunter & Gunter Insurance at 28955 S.R. 54, to discuss all of your insurance needs! The office is open Mon.-Thur., 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Fri. Sat. appointments are available upon request. Visit GunterandGunterInsurance.com or Facebook.com/GunterandGunter Insurance.AllstateAgency.


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McIlwain Dentistry Can Treat Your Entire Family’s Dental Needs! By Kelly Miller

Why juggle multiple dentists and orthodontists when you can fulfill all of your family’s dental needs in one local practice? McIlwain Dentistry offers pediatric, general and even orthodontic dentistry for all ages at its nearby Wesley Chapel office off S.R. 56 in the Cypress Ridge Professional Center. Cory Lake Isles resident James McIlwain, DDS, MSD (aka “Dr. James”), has been practicing dentistry for 36 years, first in the U.S. Air Force. He then opened his own South Tampa office in 1978 (which is still going strong to this day). He also ran a thriving dental practice in the Pebble Creek area of New Tampa for ten years, but eventually closed that location when he opened the Wesley Chapel office in 2007. Dr. McIlwain received his DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) and Master of Science (MS) in Dentistry degrees from Emory University in Atlanta, GA. He is Board-certified by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Orthodontic Society. In his practice, he specializes in pediatric dentistry and pediatric orthodontics. Although he started in private practice as a sole practitioner, today, Dr. James has several other dental professionals on his staff, including two members of his family, as he shares his


love of dentistry and his office with his daughter and nephew. Dr. Leigh Ann McIlwain, received her DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine) degree from the Tufts University College of Dentistry in Boston, MA, and completed her pediatric specialty training at the University of Florida College of Dentistry in Gainesville. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and was named the first female president of the Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Michael McIlwain also received his DMD from the University of Florida College of Dentistry. He is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and has extensive training in sedation and general anesthesia procedures. He also is on the second of three levels needed to earn his Diplomate in the American Orthodontic Society. In addition to the three McIlwains, McIlwain Dentistry also features Michael Chiaramonte, DMD, who earned his Bachelor of Science (BS) degree from the University of Maine in Orono and earned his DMD degree from the Tufts University College of Dentistry. His extensive training encompasses all aspects of general and aesthetic dentistry, utilizing the latest, state-of-the-art techniques and ma-

terials. Robert Hart, DDS, a Plant High graduate, received his DDS degree from Emory University. He specializes in general and aesthetic dentistry. In June, McIlwain Dentistry welcomed its newest specialist to the practice, Pete Weber, DMD, MS. A Florida native, Dr. Weber also earned his DMD degree from he University of Florida College of Dentistry. He graduated at (L.-r.) Dr. Michael McIlwain, Dr. James McIlwain and Dr. Mithe top of his class, chael Chiaramonte, are available to treat your entire family’s dental magna cum laude, needs at McIlwain Dentistry, located off S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel. and received multiple Dr. Weber on board as he brings his awards, including recognition from the extensive knowledge of adult orthoAmerican Association of Orthodondontics to the practice, including a new tists. While in dental school, Dr. Weber offering of Invisalign®, the popular served as a dental assistant at a clinic alternative to standard braces which which treated patients with developuses clear plastic aligners. mental disabilities. With all of these outstanding Dr. Weber also has continued his dentists on staff, McIlwain Dentistry education, receiving his Master of Sciis able to offer a full gamut of dental ence in Orthodontics degree from the services, from at-home or in-office University of North Carolina in Chapel teeth whitening, fillings, sealants and Hill, one of the most respected orthotooth grinding treatments to bridges, dontic programs in the world. crowns, implant dentistry, root canals, Dr. James says he is excited to have oral cancer treatment, wisdom tooth

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“That’s the advantage of seeing the children as they grow up,” Dr. James explains. “We can spot potential problems on the horizon and avoid them.” Dr. McIlwain enjoys educating parents and children about a variety of good Michael Dawson, now 14, has been seeing Dr. Leigh Ann McIlwain at dental health topics, including how the McIlwain Dentistry office in Wesley Chapel for years. to prevent caviremoval, veneers, bonding, standard ties, the hazards of persistent thumb braces and Invisalign®. sucking, consuming the right levels of Helen Dawson of Tampa Palms fluoride and how a child’s diet affects comes to McIlwain Dentistry for all his or her teeth. Every member of the her family’s needs. “I don’t have time knowledgeable staff is happy to spend for three different dentists — a pediatas much time as needed to make sure ric dentist, an orthodontist and a denevery patient’s questions are fully tist for me and my husband,” Dawson answered. says. “At McIlwain, we can all come to Dr. James knows the importance the same practice.” She adds that she of staying abreast of changes in techhas been bringing her teenage kids to nology. “We strive to not only be the see Dr. James since they were little and best but to keep getting better,” he that she really appreciates how proacsays, adding that his practice was one tive the practice is about treating her of the first in Tampa Bay to use dental family’s dental problems. When her lasers. Dr. James says the Waterlase Ladaughter Kristen was seven, she got a ser now available at McIlwain Dentistry palate expander that she wore for four is a more comfortable and convenient months. This device moved her teeth alternative to the needle and drill. It gradually without pain, and with this fixes most cavities and soft tissue probpreventive procedure, Kristen avoided lems using laser light and a gentle spray the need for braces.

of water. Not only does the laser have a gentler sound (described by Dr. James as a soft, popcorn-popping sound) that is preferable for nervous patients to the whirring of a drill; its use also lowers the need for anesthesia (up to 90 percent), reduces the trauma to healthy tooth structures, increases bonding strength and allows for fewer visits. Families with special needs children and adults with physical and developmental handicaps can count on McIlwain Dentistry for a gentle touch. With the help of visiting anesthesiologist Dr. Hector Vila, Jr., MD, the appropriate level of IV anesthesia is administered, based on the age and weight of the patient. There are no side effects and no memory of the dental work. Dr. James explains, “This ensures patients have a pleasant experience with no qualms about coming back.” In fact, any patient can request anesthesia for their procedures.

A Lifetime Of Care & Caring

Dr. James also suggests introducing children to the dentist when they are around a year old, once they have some of their front teeth. If the child visits the office before there’s a problem, he/she will be more comfortable with the process. Then, when a procedure needs to be done, the child won’t be as fearful. He notes that regular checkups should start around age three. “The goal is to help kids

grow up and be healthy, and to learn responsibility for taking care of their own dental health,” says Dr. James. Giving back to the community is important to McIlwain Dentistry. The practice regularly sponsors youth baseball, football, and soccer teams in Hillsborough and Pasco Counties, as well as charity events like local golf tournaments, including the recent annual golf tournament for Academy at the Lakes in Land O’Lakes and the July 3 Wesley Chapel Freedom Festival (look for a story in our next issue) Dr. James and his wife, Patricia, also founded the ministry “Jesse’s Children,” a dental outreach to the Dominican Republic. Since 1988, they’ve taken more than twenty teams of physicians, dentists, nurses, dental assistants, educators, technicians, youth, builders, and even trade, craft, and construction workers to impoverished areas of the Caribbean country. Find out why McIlwain Dentistry was voted “Best Dentist” of Tampa Bay by Parenting Magazine. Make your appointment today at either of the two offices. The local office is at 26908 Foggy Creek Road, Building 23, Suite 101, in Wesley Chapel, which can be reached at 991-9893. The South Tampa office is located at 4710 N. Habana Ave; Suites 203 & 207, in Tampa. For more information about the practice, visit McIlwainDentistry.com.

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Kids In Need Learn To Swim At The New Tampa Family YMCA By Matt Wiley

Living in Florida, one of the most important skills your child needs to have is the ability to swim. For many in our area, home soften come with pools, so the skills can even be taught right at home. But, for some families, access to a pool is a luxury not available in the budget. For that reason, the New Tampa Family YMCA (located off Compton Dr. in Tampa Palms) has teamed up with the University Area Community Development Corporation, Inc. (UACDC), to help spread drowning awareness and teach kids to swim this summer. Located less than a mile from the University of South Florida’s Tampa campus and minutes south and west of New Tampa on N. 22nd St., the UACDC Community Center is surrounded by some of the most blighted areas in the city and, to many kids in the nearby neighborhoods, the thought of swimming in a pool is just a dream. However, as part of the UACDC’s “DreamCatcher” summer camp program, which runs through mid-August, the dream of learning to swim and safely playing in a pool is coming true for about 50 kids, ages 5-12. Twice per week (on Mondays and Wednesdays), a bus brings the campers from the Community Center to the New Tampa YMCA to use the facility’s recently renovated, Olympic-sized (50-meter) pool. “(UACDC has) been trying to make partnerships that give the campers a lot of different experiences,” says UACDC executive director Dan Jurman. “We have normal ‘camp stuff’ for the kids, too, like arts and crafts, but (learning to swim at the Y) is really special.” Jurman says that there are lots of re-

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tention ponds in the neighborhoods around the Community Center and the four-foot fences around these ponds likely won’t keep curious kids out. “If we can teach these kids to swim and make sure they know how to stay safe around water, that’s amazing,” Jurman explains. The first lesson was held on June 18, under a hot New Tampa summer sun, making the New Tampa Y’s pool the place to be. Spirits were high as campers worked with YMCA swimming instructors, learning the proper techniques for floating, kicking and the arm strokes for the common, freestyle technique of swimming. Campers also —with assistance — got to use kickboards and dive for plastic, sinking rings. The lesson culminated with a climactic leap into the pool for each camper. “I’m so excited for my daughter Genesis,” said Maria Miranda, who watched with joy as her daughter splashed with instructors and fellow campers in the pool. “She didn’t know how to swim and always has been afraid of (going in) the water at friends’ pools or at the beach, but now look at her. She’s going to be wanting to go to the beach all the time to practice.” New Tampa Y executive director Monica Mirza says that the organization is excited to partner with UACDC. “We reached out to (UACDC) to figure out how we could partner up,” Mirza explains. “The one thing that they don’t have at the Community Center is a pool. Most of these kids don’t have any access to a pool or swimming lessons and that’s something that every kid should have access to. It means a lot to us to be able to provide that to them.” The campers themselves had few complaints. Genesis, 6, said that she had fun


New Tampa YMCA instructors show campers from the University area the proper way to float on their backs during their first swimming lesson of the summer on June 18.

during the lesson and is looking forward to coming all summer. “The water was a little cold,” said an eight-year-old camper named Jonathan. “I really liked the jumping part,” said Isaac, 8. “It was very cool learning how to kick, too.” Jurman says that he’s excited to able to offer the lessons to the young campers. “The Community Center is only about five miles away,” Jurman explains. “But, for some, that’s far enough to not get here. We’re trying to eliminate that barrier.” For more information about the New Tampa Family YMCA, please visit TampaYMCA.org. For info about the UACDC, check out UACDC.org.

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Reflections From The Wesley Chapel Rotary’s Annual Trip To Honduras By Gary Nager

I’ve been a member of the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel — which meets Wednesdays at noon at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall — for about a year now. And, as you can tell from all the publicity this eclectic group of now more than 90 members (and still growing) has gotten in these pages, I’m pretty impressed with all that the club has been able to accomplish. But, the fact is that I’m even more impressed with the people themselves. Case in point: For the last three years, the club has sent a somehow-growing number of its members to Trojes, Honduras, to install clean water filters in multiple homes and outdoor latrines at schools in this improverished area of one of the poorest countries in Central America. This international service project, which is something every local Rotary Club is supposed to do, is in conjunction with Pure Water for the World (PWW), a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the health of children, families and communities in the developing world by providing them with sustainable water solutions, sanitation and hygiene education. Now, I think I try to do a lot to help people in need, but I haven’t really considered taking a “vacation” like this — where you work outside in even more oppressive heat and humidity than we have, without air conditioning and with all kinds of bugs and venomous animals that I just don’t deal well with, but especially not during my time off from work. Maybe that’s why I’m so impressed that on this third trip to Trojes for the club I belong to, a dozen of my fellow Rotarians took a week+ off from their equally difficult schedules to make this year’s pilgrimmage (back in April). I didn’t have room in our last issue to do justice to what they saw and what they have accomplished. So, instead of just trying to tell you about the trip, I asked those who have gone on these sojourns to tell me — and you — a little bit about why some of them have made the trip each of the last three years. Here are some edited versions of what my club members expected to find on the trip and what they ended up finding on the trip. My thanks to my fellow Rotarians for the pics and stories. Great job, y’all!


“My emotions going back to Honduras for the second time was prideful. Being one of the first five from the Wesley Chapel Noon Rotary to volunteer for Pure Water for the World, I thought I knew what I was going in for... how wrong I was. “The first time, in 2012, the five of us worked mostly on latrines in stormy conditions. The ground was slippery with mud, the air was moist from the rain, and getting to the locations in the backs of trucks took more effort then parts of the actual labor. “Going back to Honduras in 2014 with a team of more than a dozen, knowing we were to install water filters rather then building latrines had me relieved “I’ve had the privilege of traveling to and ready to work, with a sense of pride Honduras three times now with our club. knowing we doubled our size from our first Every time I go, I’m impressed more and trip. That pride soon became humility and more by the fact that installing a simple love... within a day. water filter into a home can change a fam“While installing water filters on the ily’s life! When they’re not sick, parents first day of work, we stopped next to a can work and children can go to school. Things that we take for granted here in the house I had built a latrine for two years prior. I did not recognize the house, but U.S. are life essentials in other parts of the the owner recognized me the second I got world. I’m proud to be able to travel with out of the truck. After a minute I finally my Rotarian friends and make an impact realized what that man was saying, in a lanon our world. — Then-Wesley Chapel Rotary President Eric Johnson (above), guage foreign to me. He was thanking me for my contributions to his family two years Director of Corporate & Community ago. In that moment, emotions that I still Relations for Wesley Chapel Honda & can not explain came over me. Knowing WC Toyota. that I made a difference to a family, and for a man I met for a few hours back in 2012 “Traveling to Honduras with my to be so cheerful, sincere, and happy to Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel was a life-changing experience for me. To be with see one of the men that made his life just a people who appreciate what you are doing little bit better meant more to me then any preconceived ideas of what my experience to improve their lives through installing a simple water filter is so rewarding. How we would be in Honduras. “PWW not only helps families. It affect others is how Rotarians and people creates memories that money can not buy, can change lives forever. Touching lives, and emotions words can not explain. That touching people!” — WC Rotary Member Rebecca Kaminsky Shidel Smith (be- moment is something I low, left), CEO & President of ReKam will treasure Healthcare Solutions, LLC for the rest of my life.” — Sukhwa Young (right), VP of Young Commercial Investments & CFO at FairWing-RPG “On this trip we had two teenagers in

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our group, my daughter Kailey and Dane (Parilo)’s son Preston. One of the greatest things was watching them on the trip, in particular their interacKarina & Kailey tions with the children and people of Honduras. On the day we were installing latrines at the school, Preston during school recess told the kids the story of “Finding Nemo” from memory which the kids didn’t know, having not seen the movie and Kailey braided hair for half a dozen little girls who then followed her around for the rest of the day. That same day, Kailey and I used the latrine at one of the neighboring homes. The woman who lived there told us how grateful they were for the work we were doing in building the latrines at the school. She had a horse tied up in front of the house which we learned belonged to her nephew. Kailey, who loves horses, asked to pet it and did. About half an hour later, the woman’s nephew (one of the two teenage boys who had come earlier to check things out and ended up hanging out with Preston mixing cement) brings the horse up to the school so Kailey could go for a ride, an experience she loved and an example of the hospitality and openness with which the people welcomed us and expressed their gratitude for our efforts. We all had an experience we will never forget.” — Karina Azank, MD, Medical Gorup of Tampa Bay “The best part for me, as a third-timer on the trip, was to see that the filters and latrines from three years ago were still working. We had several recipients see and recognize us and show us gratitude. All of that hard work really does make a difference. “What I saw


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from my son Preston (above) was so much fun. Watching him lead the school children in ‘Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes in Spanish and all 30 of them singing it back to him in English was amazing!” — Dane Parilo, Financial Planner, Wells Fargo “The power grid in the middle of Honduras is capricious at best. One night, the power went out at exactly 1:40 a.m. I know this because our hotel room had two fans running and when the power stopped, so did the noise... As a light sleeper, I woke right up in bed and thought that I had gone totally blind until I turned on the light on my watch to look at the time. Nothing is darker than Central America in the middle of the night with a cloudy sky. A minute after the power went out, a tremendous rainstorm commenced with all the volume and ferocity of a Florida hurricane. I suspect that the storm winds knocked out the power before the rain hit us.... power was not restored until later that day. — WC Rotary Past President Ben Alexander (below, left), Founder of Balloon Distractions, Inc.

“Having been to Honduras three times now, and being fully bilingual, and watching the interactions between our American volunteers and the locals, I’m somewhat disappointed! I’m disappointed simply for the reason that I can never really express the gratitude and sincerity the Hondurans share for us. (Some things

are lost in translation). They are a proud people who are very wealthy in tradition, respect, and an overall sense of duty. “That being said, I often listen to the conversations of our volunteers the first few days. Like, ‘Can you believe that lady is sweeping her dirt floor!’ And, ‘that little girl can’t be more than 3-4 yrs old and she holds and takes care of the baby!’ They are a very happy and content people. Aside from some construction work and a few plastic water filter installations, they have no need for any help from us. “I can see the change in our volunteers by the end of the week. They begin to see that although we have a lot of materials and conveniences, we can still learn a lot from the Honduran people. Words like: Appreciation, Respect, Honor, Pride, Family and Hard Work. When I listen to our volunteers at the end of the week, they now say things like, ‘Thank you for opening my eyes. My son, my daughter, my wife, my sister, my brother, all have to come and volunteer!” — Pablo Rivera, DC (at right in photo, left), owner of CORE Spine & Rehabilitation Center “One morning, as we were riding to a jobsite, I looked up in the sky and suddenly realized that after visiting Trojes once a year for the past three years, I had never seen any aircraft in the sky while there. No contrails, no roar of jet engines. Trojes is such a remote town and off the beaten path that it must be very far from any of the flight routes that crisscross Central America. If you go anywhere in the USA you will almost always see signs of aircraft if you look at the sky... but not in Trojes. “There was a staircase that led to the roof of our two-story hotel in Trojes. I would go up there as the sun came up and listen to the four bazillion roosters as they all simultaneously began crowing all over town. Imagine roosters in all 360 degrees

of the compass, along with other tropical songbirds and an additional 10,000 stray dogs barking at absolutely nothing. No one needs an alarm clock in Trojes.”— Ben Alexander

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Some More Dining Options Outside Of New Tampa & Wesley Chapel By Gary Nager

Although my primary focus in these dining pages will always be on restaurants located in and around New Tampa and Wesley Chapel, whenever I have the room, I do enjoy telling you about some of my other favorite restaurants located outside of our primary distribution areas. I’ve been spending a lot of time on and around the beaches in Pinellas County and Sarasota this spring and summer, so I’ve decided to focus on those areas for this issue’s “out-of-area” dining feature.

Tsunami Sushi Restaurant

100 Central Ave., Sarasota 34236 (941) 366-1033

My mom actually lives in the same building that houses Tsunami, so I’ve already had a couple of occasions to dine there since new owner Samuel Ray took over about a year ago.


Although the restaurant shares its name (and logo) with the Tsunami locations in Brandon and one that closed on Collier Pkwy. at S.R. 54 in Land O’Lakes, Sam has done an outstanding job of upgrading the menu with not only unique sushi rolls (photo, left) but also Japanese-inspired tapas and small plates like his awesome “lava rocks” (sliced filet mignon sashimi with a spicy kimchi sauce). Sam says the mission of Tsunami is simple: serve the freshest sushi and unique hibachi dishes (like Korean bulgogi beef, twin lobsters and a 22-oz. Tsunami ribeye) with a touch of Sarasota style. And, based on the dinner crowds both times I’ve eaten there, the concept is working. So, when you visit, please tell Sam that Marilyn’s son finally gave him the write-up he promised. Please note that although Tsunami serves a great hibachi steak, it is not a dinnerand-a-show teppanyaki table restaurant. For more info, visit Tsunami-Sarasota.com or Facebook.com/pages/ Tsunami-Sushi.

Middle Grounds Grill 10925 Gulf Blvd. Treasure Island 33706 (727) 360-4253

If you’ve spent any time on the beaches between St. Pete and Clearwater, you may have at least seen or heard

(727) 733-2151

about MiddleGrounds Grill, which bills itself as “the best steaks and seafood on the Gulf beaches,” and although there are a lot of great steak and seafood places along Gulf Blvd. (including another on these pages below), it’s hard to argue with Middle Grounds’ still-swimming fresh Gulf fish or thick, tender “wetaged,” certified Angus steaks. My favorite dishes at Middle Grounds to date are the fresh grilled, blackened or sautéed Gulf grouper, the sesame-crusted, seared yellowfin tuna sashimi (don’t be shocked) and the espresso-rubbed New Zealand rack of lamb, served with oven-roasted fresh veggies and garlic mashed potatoes, as well as the thick, 12-oz. New York strip. You can add a 6-oz. lobster tail to that, as shown in the picture above. For more info, visit MiddleGroundsGrill.com or Facebook.com/ MiddleGroundsGrill.

Although Dunedin isn’t among the top beach communities in Pinellas County, its Main St. area is home to one of the most unique walking villages for dining and entertainment in our area. Well, Bon Appetit is a short walk or ride from that downtown area and it is an excellent waterfront dining and drinking spot. The crowd may skew a little older, especially inside the place, but its outside “In the Loop” bar attracts a somewhat younger crowd and there’s no doubt that this attractive eatery has some very good food at surprisingly affordable prices. Yes, of course, I had to sample the ahi tuna appetizer pictured below, especially because it was served with pink grapefruit sections, basil oil and wasabi cream. And no, I wasn’t disappointed. Also delicious was the sautéed Dover sole, one of my all-time favorite dishes, which is boned (as it’s supposed to be) at your tableside. On my next “big night out,” I want to try the “Chef’s Waterside Table” fixed-price meal. My beloved Nan (may

Bon Appetit

148 Marina Plaza, Dunedin 34698

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she rest in peace) would say it gives you, “everything from soup to nuts” — and how. Start with a split of Moet Imperial champagne and chocolate-dipped strawberries, followed by your choice of a jumbo lump crabmeat cocktail, the ahi tuna I described earlier or a classic steak tartare, your choice of two salads, plus your choice of the aforementioned Dover sole, a surf & turf (8-oz. filet mignon and 8-oz. lobster tail) or a grilled, 14-oz., bone-in Veal Oscar, plus your choice of two desserts, all for a very fair $95.95 per person. Then, you can walk and/or dance it all off on Main St. For more information, visit Bon AppetitRestaurant.com or Facebook. com/BonAppetitRestaurant.

1200º Chophouse 5007 Gulf Blvd. St. Pete Beach 33706 (727) 367-1300

Located almost directly across the street from the Tradewinds Resort and about a mile from the Don CeSar, the 1200º Chophouse is one of those great little finds you’ll come back to again and again. I know I have visited at least five or six times since first finding it last summer and I will keep going back. According to the restaurant’s website (address below), “At the intersection of Chicago Chophouse, authentic Florida and culinary passion you will find Dan Casey’s latest restaurant achievement. Steaks are seared, sealing in succulent flavor, at 1200°. Experience world class hospitality… fresh and

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flavorful awaits!” And, with the favorites I already have at 1200º Chophouse, I don’t disagree with a word of it. My favorite entrée to date isn’t actually on the Chophouse’s menu, because I guess the Fred Flintstone-sized bone on the bone-in cowboy ribeye isn’t always available. Anytime they have this monster (the one I had was about 32 ozs.) available, I suggest sharing one with someone you love — you’ll probably still have some to take home. I’m also certain that the lobster beurre blanc sauce (with arugula, balsamic and fresh tomatoes) on the panseared sea bass pictured above will rock your world as it did mine, too. For more info, visit 1200Chophouse.com or Facebook.com/ pages/1200-Chophouse — and please tell all these folks I sent you!



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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 14 •July 5, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com


The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel!

Dr. Reddy To Open New Plaza & Pet Hospital

After years of housing his Seven Oaks Pet Hospital veterinary practice in the Cypress View Square Shopping Plaza on S.R. 56 (the same plaza as Goin’ Postal), Dr. Sree Reddy, DVM, is looking to open a new retail plaza less than half a mile to the west on S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel by the end of this year. Tentatively named the Dr. Reddy Commerce Center, plans have been submitted to and approved by Pasco County to construct two retail buildings between Cypress Ridge Blvd. and Arrowgrass Dr. off S.R. 56, and Dr. Reddy says the groundbreaking could happen as you’re reading this issue. The new plaza will consist of about 23,000 sq. ft. of retail space. The first building, which will contain a little more than 10,000 sq. ft. of retail space, will be occupied by Dr. Reddy’s new 5,000-sq.-ft. pet hospital (to be called “Dr. Reddy’s Trauma Center”), as well as a 3,000-sq.-ft. pet store, also owned by Dr. Reddy and operated by his staff. The remaining space will be taken up by a tenant whom, Dr. Reddy says, he is not yet ready to announce. “Our (veterinary practice) has been steadily expanding,” he explains. “We need more space after seven years in our current 2,100-sq.-ft. location.” Building and moving into a new complex also will allow Dr. Reddy to expand the services he is able to offer his clients and patients, including boarding and grooming, two things he has been wanting to add for years, but didn’t due to the lack of space. “Right now, there isn’t a pet store in the Seven Oaks area,” Dr. Reddy explains. “The closest pet supply store, a Petco, is nearly three miles away on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. “The new shop will help those clients fulfill their pet needs. (This new plaza) will have a

big economic impact on the area.” In choosing the location, Dr. Reddy says that he wanted to have room to expand, but didn’t want to do so far from his current location. “This piece of land was for sale, so I moved on it,” Reddy explains. “Moving too far away from my main client base would be a poor business decision.” He adds that the second building in the complex will be a 12,500-sq.-ft. CrossFit gym. Stay tuned to this publication and WCNeighborhoodNews.com for more information about this plaza as it becomes available. — MW

Chili’s To Begin Building On S.R. 54

Freeland and Kauffman, Inc., has announced plans to demolish the 6,142-sq.-ft. building that previously had been home to Super Buffet (and before that, Johnny Carino’s), in order to construct a new 6,090-sq.-ft. Chili’s. No timeframe for the demolition or the construction had been announced at our press time, although the plans for the new Chili’s were under review by Pasco County.

Repairing Last Issue’s Café Don José Misinformation

In our last issue, we told you about the new owners of Café Don José, the legendary, authentic Spanish restaurant located at 12350 N. 56th St. in Temple Terrace. Well, we left out some important info you should know. Yes, Café Don José was purchased by local Realtor Mehdi Belhassan and his brother, whose correct name is Karim Benmansour. Karim has previously opened 17 restaurants on three continents over the past decade, in addition to two different five-star hotel restaurants in Spain and Morocco. Karim says he is excited to bring that depth of

experience back to Tampa, where he graduated from USF with an MBA. And, don’t forget, you can watch every match of the World Cup in Café Don José’s awesome new tapas bar! For more info about Café “Sea of Smiles,” the pediatric dental office of Dr. Lisa LaPrestsi (with scisDon José, call sors), hosted a Wesley Chapel Chamber ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 3. 985-2392. For more info, call 994-3700 or Full Circle Pizza & Grill visit FullCirclePizza-Grill.com.

Adds Great Coffee & Dessert

My buddy, Ron Chase, always has something new and delicious cooking up at Full Circle Pizza & Grill (19651 BBD Blvd., in the Pebble Creek Collection), so it should come as no surprise that Full Circle now has a great new coffee menu and new dessert items, all being offered at a gotta-try-it price for the summer. Now, you can enjoy your choice of a great espresso, cappuccino, latte or other coffee drink and your choice of a chocolate fudge, lemon cello mascarpone or Belgian chocolate mousse cake for only $5, a savings of $1.50! I’ve always appreciated Full Circle’s great lunch specials, but as of July 1, he’s now closed for lunch, probably until after the 2014-15 school year begins in late August, although it will still be open every day except Tuesdays for dinner (4 p.m.-10 p.m.) all summer. So, try Full Circle’s great Chicago thin-crust pizza and Italian beef sandwiches for lunch while you still can and don’t forget to check out Full Circle’s great new $5 coffee & dessert special and tell Ron and crew that we sent you!

Ribbon Cutting Season Still Strong In Wesley Chapel

Sea of Smiles, the pediatric dental office of Dr. Lisa LaPrestsi, D.M.D. (located at 3737 Maryweather Lane, off BBD in Wesley Chapel), held a Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) ribbon cutting ceremony (photo above) on June 3 to welcome the local community to this outstanding new office. Sea of Smiles provides specialized dentistry for children and adolescents in a “child-friendly” environment. As pediatric dentists, we focus on preventive care to help each child have a healthy smile that will last a lifetime. Dr. LaPrestsi also has another office which serves infants, children and teens in the Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch/ Sarasota area. To make an appointment at the Wesley Chapel Sea of Smiles office, call 528-8717 or visit SeaofSmilesChildrensDentist.com. Among the other local businesses that have cut ribbons or had a WCCC mixer in the past 30 days include


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1219 Bruce B Downs- Corner of County Line Rd. & BBD, next to Target


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Southern Crafted Homes at Quail Woods (June 6), RP&G Printing and AFLAC (June 12), the Danny Burgess Campaign Office (for District 38, June 18) and the new model home at Estancia at Wiregrass (June 21). Coming up this month are three more WCCC events — Thursday, July 10, 4 p.m.-Ribbon Cutting at Stewart Title (19651 BBD Blvd., Suite C1); Friday, July 11, 6 p.m.-Open House at A Dash of Salt & Pepper (10353 Cross Creek Blvd., Suites G&H); and Wednesday, July 23, 4 p.m.-Ribbon Cutting at Washington Woods Accounting & Tax (24638 SR 54, Lutz).

Wesley Chapel Pre-Owned Center Breaks Ground

In our next issue, we’ll update you on the Williams Automotive Group’s groundbreaking event at the site of the company’s July 1 Wesley Chapel Pre Owned Center, which is going up at the corner of SR 54 and Old Pasco Rd. Because of the growth that both Wesley Chapel Toyota and Wesley Chapel Honda have experienced in the Wesley Chapel community, the group is expanding to bring the first exclusive used car buying center to the area. It will provide a first-class buying experience and a tremendous amount of quality pre owned inventory to choose from. Williams Automotive Group just recently expanded when they purchased Tampa Honda on N. Florida Ave. in March of this year. EXP: 02/28/15

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New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED Award-winning Real Estate team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents. Who desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available. Keller Williams Tampa Properties. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon 813-431-2840. ROUTE SALES, MEDICAL Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retrieval. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights a month. Retrieves damaged/ defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; troubleshooting breakdowns; scheduling maintenance and repairs.Richard.jones@solarusmedical.com. PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) — An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. HAIRSTYLIST. Looking for hairstylists with established clientele! - Relaxing contemporary environment in busy New Tampa shopping center. Booth rental available, $175/week. Newly furnished private suite with shampoo bowl for $225/week - First week free! Contact Ms. Johnson at (813) 994-2393 or email johnson.christy08@yahoo.com. Weekend Pool Supervisor Wanted at New Tampa Community Pool. Saturday and Sundays 12 to 6PM. $10 - $12 per hour, must have CPR. Send resume to Chet.benson@verizon.net or call 813977-1160

Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: Richard.jones@solarusmedical.com. BAKER(S) WANTED - Stonemill Artisan Bakery is looking for early morning bakers with expertise in the position. We are starting our wholesale operations soon and need someone to join our growing team. Duties include breads, pastries and baked donuts, among others. FT position with some weekend shifts. Food handler safety certification a plus. Please email contact@stonemillartisan. com with the words “Baker Position” in the subject line and we will email you an application form. Stonemill Artisan is an equal opportunity employer.



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CLEANING SERVICES ANNA’S HOUSEKEEPING, A BBB-Accredited Business Servicing Florida since 1991. Cleaning, Laundry, You Name It! $74 introductory special, Mon-Wed. Make your list, put us to work! We have private housekeeper rates with agency backup coverage! Licensed and all housekeepers are background checked. Call 813.985.1150. WHITE TOUCH CLEANING SERVICES a professional, reliable, and affordable company. We have been in business for more than 11 years.With over 80 satisfied clients throughout Tampa. Customers are our first priority. References are provided. Please contact Cristina or Francisco at (813) 325-6917. TAMPA CLEAN MAID SERVICE - a residential cleaning service with a flexible scheduling, offering basic and custom cleaning weekly,by-weekly and monthly service. For more information, Call 813 502 9452. V & J Cleaning Services LLC. Residential-commercial cleaning. Quality Service, Affordable Rates, Reliable, Flexible Scheduling, Supplies & Equipment Provided. Specialize Move In/Out, Great References, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, One Time. Call or Text Elizabeth for Free Quote: 813-454-3082

SQUEAKY CLEAN HOME SERVICES is a residential cleaning company offering weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly services. We also specialize in move-in/move-out cleanup. All supplies and equipment provided. We are an Owner Operator company with over 20 years of experience. “If it needs to be clean, we’re your team!” Call 813-625-6045 for a free in-home estimate today! D-ULTRA CLEANING SERVICE — We have our own supplies amd more than 300 clients in New Tampa! For more info, Call 758-9710. Give yourself the Ultimate Cleaning that you deserve. Responsible, Reliable, and Honest with references. Call 727-6457779 for FREE estimates. Ask for Ybonne. Squeaky Clean Home Services - is a residential cleaning company offering weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly services. We also specialize in move-in/move-out cleanup. All supplies and equipment provided. We are an Owner Operator company with over 20 years experience. "If it Needs to be Clean, We're your Team! Call us for your free in home estimate today! 813625-6045

Our team offers house and office cleaning services on a weekly or monthly basis. We also offer move-in/move-out cleanup. Reliable team and flexible schedule. Free estimate and all supplies provided! Be our guest! For more informations call or text: 813-760-0531.


HOME IMPROVEMENT DRY WALL SPECIALIST. Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings and walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster and stucco repair. 26 years of experience Wesley Chapel resident. State-Certified. Call Ron for a free estimate at 784-5999. NEED HOME MAINTENANCE? Almost any job, large or small, exterior or interior, fencing, screening, small concrete, sprinklers, painting, repairs, interior doors, locks, sheet rock, windows, paint, caulk, grout, trim, shelving, garages organized. Installations, removals, pressure washing, wood restoration and more. Call Dale’s Home DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional and personal touch. Pool decks and screen enclosures, all fencing, driveways, walkways, roofs, gutters and downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177. GREG’S PAPERHANGING — For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed and insured, clean, quick and reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate. Raymond Painting. Exterior & Interior Services. Exterior: Painting, pressure washing, clean & seal pavers, stucco, roofing, leaks and wood rot repair. Interior: Painting, plastering, ceiling & wall repairs, & tiles. Licensed & Bonded. References available. Free estimates. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ARBOR GREENE RESIDENT. We work 7 days. Call (813) 994-5124.

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Private suite in busy upscale Salon / SPA available for Hairstylist / Esthetician / Massage Therapist / Tatoo Artist or Makeup Artist Located Behind Sam’s club on SR 56 / Bruce B. Downs, near Wiregrass Mall. Equipped with wireless internet, wash/dryer, wheelchair access washroom, reception area. 24 x 7 accesses to your suite. Few equipment provided Utility, maintenance included in rent. Lowest rent in the Area. If you have established cliental, opportunity to work on commission basis as well. Call at 813-997-3414 for more information


JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING — Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning and more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL! FREE ESTIMATE! Call (813) 420-4465.

AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC — Our services include weekly lawn maintenance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimmimg. We also offer landscaping, pruning, sod replacement, and pressure washing. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service and trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778. TAMPA LAWN SALON, INC. has been providing New Tampa & Wesley Chapel residents service for over 10 years! We not only provide weekly landscape maintenance but are also licensed in pest control. Our services include: Lawn and Ornamental Fertilization, Pest Control, Landscape Design, Landscape and Sod Installation, Lawn and Landscape Maintenance, Landscape Lighting, Irrigation, Pressure Washing. Please call us for an estimate at 813.417.7301 & ask us about our FREE irrigation inspection!

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PET SERVICES Cats are happiest in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds, & smells. When you are away, we feed, cuddle, & play with your kitties & clean & dispose of litter. Insured, bonded, & Red-Cross certified in pet first aid/CPR. Submit a service inquiry at www.TampaCatLady.com or call 994-9449

Celebrating our sixth year serving the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Communities!

STYLIST BOOTH SPACE AVAILABLE If you’re a local, experiences stykist (wiht already-established local following or ready to build one) looking for outstanding booth rental rates in a elegant salon with top-notch amenities, located in the heart of New Tampa (minutes from Wesley Chapel), please stop in to see Jacpuie at Urban Renewal Hair (19651 BBD Blvd., Suite C-4) or call 978-9292. Neighborhood News



For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 14 •July 5, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com


‘Marvel Universe LIVE’ Brings Comic Book Action To Life July 10-13!

By Gary Nager

I know I’m not like most people, but I know I’m not alone these days when I say that the Marvel Universe is part of my DNA. I started reading Marvel (and its competitor, DC) Comics at about age 6, which means that I have been a fan of Thor, Captain America, Wolverine and the rest of the X-Men and Avengers for nearly half a century. But, having seen all of the Marvel super hero movies and TV series (yes, including the cartoons, lol) that have come out the last few years, I know that there is definitely an ever-growing audience for all things Marvel. In fact, I know women in their 40s and 50s who love the movies, dress up for Comic Book Conventions (aka “ComiCons”) and can engage in heated philosophical discourses about which super hero would beat the snot out of another. There’s also no doubt that Computer Generated Imaging (or CGI) has played a big hand in making the movies seem so much more real. We believe that SpiderMan can swing around Manhattan on super-strong webs, that Iron Man’s repulsor rays really can knock over a city bus and that Captain America’s shield and Thor’s hammer can magically return to their hands because we’ve seen these things happen, up close on a 60-foot-wide screen. I can only wonder, therefore, how much of those “movie magic” CGI special effects will be incorporated into a first-ofits-kind show that is coming for a four-day


To defeat Loki, Marvel’s most famous super heroes must band together, including members of The Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, the Black Widow and Thor), along with Spider-Man and Wolverine, must trek across the globe to retrieve the Cosmic Cube fragments and unite them. As the super heroes track the Cube, they will encounter some of their deadliest adversaries, including Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Red Skull, Madame Hydra, Electro and more, in the quest for the same fragments. These foes have no problem teaming up if it gets them closer to their ultimate goal of world domination. “Marvel Universe LIVE!” launches new innovations in set design, aerial stunts, pyrotechnics and state-of-the-art show elements that bring movie-style special effects visit to the Tampa Bay Times Forum. to the live entertainment arena. Audiences According to a media release we will see the awe-inspiring world of super received, “Marvel Universe LIVE!,” heroes come to life before their eyes with which invades the Forum Thursday, July a dynamic cast comprised of some of the 10-Sunday, July 13, will, “captivate audi- industry’s most talented (and, I’m guessences with an authentic and original story ing, buf) stunt performers. Utilizing their that brings more than 25 Marvel characters talents and aided by a unique combination together on one epic quest.” The story is of never-before-seen arena mechanics, framed around the battle over the Cosmic some of Marvel’s mightiest will come to Cube, the source of ultimate power and life with profound results. These true-toone of the most feared and coveted treascomic creations will be supported by inures in the Marvel Universe, that has been novative lighting design and transformative shattered into pieces by the Mighty Thor 3D projection that will take the audience in order to prevent it from falling into the on a journey around the globe with these wrong hands. With the pieces scattered timeless characters. across the globe, Thor’s villainous brother To support this massive undertaking, Loki devises a scheme to clone its powers, a “Marvel Universe LIVE!” will not only utithreat that could decimate the Universe. lize the entire arena floor, but also perform

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within a multilevel aerial space creating a unique experience that puts audiences right in the middle of the action in ways they could only dream about before. I’m actually going (in costume) to a media preview showing before these shows start at the Forum, so I will post pictures and a review on our website (WCNeighborhoodNews.com) and on Facebook. com/Neighborhood News, in case you haven’t bought your tickets yet. “Marvel Universe Live,” presented by Feld Entertainment and Marvel Entertainment, will be shown at the Tampa Bay Times Forum (401 Channelside Dr., downtown Tampa) Thursday-Friday, July 10-11, 7 p.m., Saturday, July 12, at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. & 7 p.m., and Sunday, July 13, at 1 p.m. & 5 p.m. For tickets and more info, visit Ticketmaster.com or MarvelUniverseLive.com. Please note that there is super hero violence, special effects, “safe pyrotechnics” and brief blackouts during the show, all of which could be at least somewhat inappropriate for young children, although the website says the show is, “suitable for Marvel (Above) Black Widow fans of all ages.” (Top) Wolverine Excelsior!



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