Volume 23 Issue 14
Love Great Burgers & Fries? Check Out Oakley’s Grille! See page 34!
July 3, 2015
Named The 2014 ‘Small Business Of The Year’ By The Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce! The Direct-Mail News Magazines Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Since 1993! For the complete list of neighborhoods that receive this Wesley Chapel issue by direct mail, see page 46!
Study Under Way For Realignment Of S.R. 54/BBD Intersection
Hollybrook Plaza
B. Dow
Publix Relocation?
WC Village Market
Future Retail
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Current BBD/S.R. 54 Intersection
In addition to the new intersection, another project is about to get started along S.R. 54 in Wiregrass next to the loop road.. On June 16, West Palm Beach-based The
S.R. 5
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Other New Developments
New BBD/S.R. 54 Intersection
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way to construct the road and required retention ponds for the route and determine the best alignment. But, to make sure that the study is as conclusive and specific as possible, Johnson is bringing in a professional land cost sub-consultant (Omaha, NB-based HDR, Inc.) to more accurately determine the cost of acquiring the land and building the road. The study also will be extended by 90 calendar days. The Route & Pond Study also will more accurately estimate the damages to businesses along S.R. 54 that will be affected by the new intersection. HDR will be looking at 15 pieces of property, including Saddlebrook and all of the businesses along the north side of S.R. 54 to the west of the Saddlebrook entrance. “The S.R. 581 (BBD) Bypass Loop Route Study is still in development and staff is working with all affected property owners, as well as FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) as the analysis continues,” says Pasco County program administrator for Engineering Services Deborah Bolduc. “Looking ahead and based on the project schedule, there will be a public meeting in January 2016 for public comment and a presentation to the (BOCC) would occur by mid-February.” J.D. Porter, whose family owns the Wiregrass Ranch DRI, could not be reached for comment at our press time.
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By Matt Wiley If you travel through Wesley Chapel along Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., you’re probably familiar with the 3.5-mile stretch between S.R. 56 and S.R. 54. However, the north end of BBD at 54 could be changing, as development continues inside the Wiregrass Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI). Currently, the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is awaiting the results of a study to determine the most favorable alignment of a “loop road” that would add a new intersection about a mile to the east of BBD/54, just west of Saddlebrook Resort & Spa (see map). According to the development order for Wiregrass Ranch, the plan calls for adding a “S.R. 581 (BBD) Bypass Loop Road,” as it is referred to, which would begin a little more than a mile south of BBD/54, “loop” to the east, intersect with an extension of the existing Wiregrass Ranch Blvd., and then loop north to meet S.R. 54. The new loop road would allow the new development in Wiregrass Ranch (north of the existing Estancia subdivision) to access the new intersection just west of the entrance to Saddlebrook Resort & Spa. However, it is important to note that the current intersection at BBD/S.R. 54 also will remain intact. On June 22, the BOCC approved a study extension for Lutz-based Johnson Engineering, Inc., which currently is working to put together a Route & Pond Study for the planned intersection alignment. The study, which began in January, will estimate the cost of obtaining the necessary right of
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The S.R. 581/BBD “Bypass Loop Road” (in red) is being planned to provide an alternative access to S.R. 54 from BBD for residents of the Wiregrass Ranch DRI. The “Loop Road” will intersect with Wiregrass Ranch Blvd. (near Walmart) and access S.R. 54 just west of Saddlebrook Resort Dowd Companies posted a sign for future retail development on the currently vacant property south of S.R. 54 and immediately to the west of Saddlebrook. According to the developer’s website, the site will be home to an 11,200-sq.ft. retail center with two outparcels to the west, measuring more than 1.5-acres each, but Dowd Companies president John W. Dowd, III, says no tenants have yet been confirmed. “We don’t have specific plans drawn up just yet,” Dowd says. “We’re still in the initial planning stages, but we’re now looking for retailers.”
The site already has been cleared of the orange groves that once lined it, but Dowd says that ground won’t officially be broken at the site until sometime late this year, with an opening tentatively planned for fall 2016. The company’s website says that spaces will be available from as small as 1,200 sq. ft., but Dowd says that it hasn’t yet been decided how the entire space will be divided and that the plans will depend upon the businesses that show interest in becoming tenants. The Dowd Companies’ website also
See “Loop Road” on page 21
See Fireworks Tonight At Freedom Fest At The Shops At Wiregrass! The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel Noon is proud that the fourth annual Wesley Chapel Freedom Festival will again be the largest annual community event for the Club, which meets every Wednesday at noon at Stage Left Bar & Kitchen (24400 S.R. 54, Lutz). Come out and be among the thousands (see photo, far right) who will again come out to celebrate our nation’s birthday (239th) tonight — Friday, July 3rd — at the Shops at Wiregrass mall!
The festivities kick off at 4 p.m. at the mall’s Center Court and attendees can expect a huge variety of fun-filled events for the entire family, including: • Great family-oriented events & DJ dance music all afternoon and evening; • The 2015 Little Miss & Mr. Firecracker Pageant — sponsored by the Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative (WREC.net); • The always-fun Watermelon-Eating Contest — sponsored by Ierna’s
Also Inside This Issue!
News, Business & Sports Updates
Neighborhood Magazine
WCCC Gets Tour Of Mercedes-Benz Dealership, PHSC President Retires After A Decade, WC Rotary Mission Trip A Success, Plus, Lots Of Local Business Features!
Wesley Chapel Seniors Graduate At Sun Dome, Oakley’s Grille Worth The Drive For Area’s Best Burgers & Fries & More Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes!
Pages 1-30
Pages 31-40
Heating & Cooling (IernaAir.com); • A unique Bike-Decorating Contest — sponsored by Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FloridaHospital.com/ Wesley-Chapel) — and the annual patriotic Bike Parade; • All followed by Wesley Chapel’s only professional fireworks display — sponsored by LOL Transport & Moving (LOLMoving.com) in Land O’Lakes! There also will be plenty of vendors on hand, providing hours of fun for everyone throughout the Shops. Congratulations in advance to my fellow Wesley Chapel Rotarians and event co-chairs Jeanine McLeod of Cloud 9 Photo Studios (PhotosonCloud9.com) and chiropractor Pablo Rivera, DC, of Core Spine & Rehabilitation Center (Facebook.com/CoreSpine). Last year’s fireworks were delayed (but not canceled, despite some serious rain throughout the day), so stay tuned to Facebook.com/FreedomFestivalWesleyChapel for info. — GN
Photo from OurTownFLA.com
Wesley Chapel Named One Of The Best Places For Families An editorial by Gary Nager If you’re reading the print version of this publication, you live here in Wesley Chapel, so you know. But, in case you didn’t, Wesley Chapel is a great place to raise a family. That’s not just an opinion, either, as the number crunchers over at consumer advocacy website NerdWallet.com have analyzed the data to prove it — ranking our area number three of 180 cities on its list of “Best Cities for Young Families in Florida.” According to the site, NerdWallet analysts ranked 180 cities, towns and census-designated places (CDPs, like Wesley Chapel) with populations of more than 10,000, looking at four different criteria: “home affordability,” “prosperity & growth,” “quality of education” and “family friendliness.” Wesley Chapel ranked third in the state, behind only Pace (near Pensacola) and Oviedo (near Orlando). Although we only consider Wesley Chapel to be zip codes 33543, 33544 and 33545, the Wesley Chapel CDP in the NerdWallet rankings covers from County Line Rd. north to S.R. 52 and from Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54 between S.R. 56 and I-75) east to Morris Bridge Rd. The study looked at GreatSchools.com rankings (a national school ranking website), home median values, family income growth between 1999-2013, median family income for 2013 and the percentage of families with at least one child under age 18. Here’s what the list’s author Jonathan Todd had to say about Wesley Chapel. “With a population of 44,982, Wesley Chapel is one of the larger communities in the top 10, but it still offers a small-town atmosphere,” Todd wrote. “Median home values of $152,200 are the most affordable in the top 10, and for the money, residents get
Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Address: 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents
Celeste McLaughlin • Meaghan O’Neal • Anu Panchal
Graphic Designers Georgia Carmichael • Nate Ciurla Office Assistant Jillian Reilly Advertising Sales Rep Mary Dorey
Nothing that appears in Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 23, Issue 16, of Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is Monday, July 20, 2015. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
© 2015 JM2 Communications, Inc. 3
access to schools that earned an 8 (of 10) at GreatSchools. Over 30 percent of households are families with children, making Wesley Chapel a destination for young families. Even with the small, close-knit feel, residents in Wesley Chapel are only 20 miles north of Tampa, home to one of the fastest-growing metro economies in the state.” The study found that family income in Wesley Chapel grew 20.11-percent between 1999-2013 and that median family income for 2013 was $80,446. The study also determined that 30.9-percent of families in our area have at least one child under the age of 18. Nearby neighbor Lutz came in at number 7 on the list. But, there’s plenty of other reasons why Wesley Chapel is such a great place to live. Here are some that didn’t make NerdWallet’s study: 1) An amazing Chamber of Commerce (see page 36 for another update on our awesome Wesley Chapel Chamber, the WCCC). 2) Unlike the poor planning that still keeps New Tampa from having a properly planned (and developed) road network, Pasco officials made sure that developers have paid and continue to pay for improvements to S.R. 54, S.R. 56 and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. 3) An outstanding and still-new hospital (Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, see ads on pgs. 9, 12 & 28) with plans and room for future expansion; and a top-level mental health facility (North Tampa Behavioral Health). 4) A brand new, technologically advanced State College campus (the Pasco Hernando State College’s Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch). 5) Three major shopping malls, two already up and running (the Shops at Wiregrass and The Grove shopping plaza) and one expected to open in October of this year (the Tampa Premium Outlets on S.R. 56). 6) The future largest ice skating facility in the entire state of Florida, also expected to open in October 2015, Florida Hospital Center Ice. 7) A possible major county-built sports complex, a future major financial office (Raymond James Financial), an expansion of the Shops at Wiregrass and thousands more residential units still to come in Wiregrass Ranch. 8) Two outstanding Rotary Clubs (see below for more info about one of them) and a great Lions Club. 9) Tremendous youth sports programs under the umbrella of the Wesley Chapel Athletic Association (WCAA), which is sending three softball teams to the Dixie State Championships (we plan to update the results of the state tournament participants in our next issue); and
10) An award-winning community news magazine (yes, this one), directly mailed to every single-family home in every major subdivision in zip codes 33543-45. In other words, Wesley Chapel has got just about everything you need to raise a family, enjoy life as a single person or active senior...except maybe enough mom-and-pop restaurants to keep a certain newspaper editor happy.
Congrats, Kelly!
I would be really remiss if I didn’t thank Kelly Mothershead of A Focus on Fitness Transformation Studio (see pg. 37) for her amazing stint as the president of the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel (Noon; see pg. 16), an organization to which I’m proud to belong. At the Club’s annual banquet, which featured a 1920s speakeasy theme at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club on June 25, Kelly (left in
photo) gave out awards to members of the club before handing over the gavel to 2015-16 Club president Erin Meyer of Gator Cleaning Solutions. Among Kelly’s award winners were: Rotarian of the Year-Sabrina di Roma (at right in photo); President’s AwardRebecca Shidel Smith; Leadership Award-Robyn Ozment Liska; Service Above Self Award-John Jay; Rookie of the Year-Ryan Luzod; Club Service Awards-Jannah McDonald, Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik, Jeanine Shevlin McLeod, Dr. Karina Azank, Terri Williamson, Leah Marchette, Patrick Murtha, Eric Johnson, Scott Pickering & yours truly. For more WC Rotary “Speakeasy” Banquet pics, visit WCNeighborhoodNews.com!
Wesley Chapel Tampa
Table of Contents
Local News Updates.............................4-21
Pasco Tax Collector Addresses Charter Committee...........4 WCCC Tours Mercedes-Benz Of Wesley Chapel.................6 Wesley Chapel News Briefs..........................................8 Drug Dealer Busted In New River Township Grove 16 Shooter Trial Delayed Credit Card Scheme Hit Wiregrass Mall Tampa Woman Injured In I-75 Crash In WC WCH Asst. Coach Posed As Girl Online To Get Nude Pics PHSC President Katherine Johnson Retires......................10 Pasco County Launches ‘MyPasco’ Mobile App................14 WC Rotary Youth Mission Trip Changes Lives...............16 WCCC’s Hope Allen Selected For CEO Program.......18 Wesley Chapel Community Calendar.........................20
Local Business Updates.......................22-29
Farrell Carpet Cleaning Revitalizes Your Floors & More!....22 VIP Pest Control Keeps The Bugs Out Of Your Home.....24 Ellen’s Hallmark Is More Than Just Greeting Cards......26
Neighborhood Magazine.....31-40
WC High School Seniors Graduate At Sun Dome.....31 Oakley’s Grille Has Area’s Best Burgers & Fries...........34 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’..........36
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 12 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Fasano Tells County’s Advisory Committee His Concerns About Charter
Pasco County Tax Collector and former Florida State Senator Mike Fasano is not a fan of changing the way the county’s government is structured and Fasano wasn’t afraid to voice his opinion during the second meeting of the advisory committee that’s currently weighing the options of changing to a charter form of government. Since January, the future of Pasco County’s governmental structure has been debated, following a seemingly random push by future Speaker of the Florida House, Dist. 37 Rep. Richard Corcoran (R-Land O’Lakes), who insisted to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) that changing the county’s current structure would be in Pasco’s best interest. Rep. Corcoran said that a charter form of government would put more power in the hands of the county’s voters by allowing for single-member districts (instead of all five commissioners being elected countywide), voter recall of constitutional officers, an elected county mayor/administrator and term limits. None of those provisions are possible under the current structure, because local non-charter governments in Florida can be changed by the state legislature. To further explore the charter idea, the BOCC appointed a Charter Advisory Committee (CAC) of 15 local residents, 10 appointments by the BOCC and one each by the five members of Pasco’s state legislative delegation in Tallahassee, to explore whether or not to move forward with forming a charter form of government. Among the appointees is former Pasco administrator John Gallagher, who served in the county’s top job for 30 years. However, before deciding
whether to recommend moving forward with a charter, the committee is in the process of hearing from each of the constitutional officers (the property appraiser, tax collector, clerk of court, supervisor of elections and the sheriff) to learn how each office works. At its most recent meeting on June 22, the CAC heard from Fasano and Pasco property appraiser Mike Wells. Following Wells’ discussion about his office, Fasano went through a short presentation about all of the services that his office’s five locations provide, including the newest location off Wesley Chapel Blvd. in ComPark 75 in Lutz. However, the conversation quickly turned to what he thought about forming a charter government. “I was hoping that the first group of people who would come before this body would be those who are pushing for charter government,” Fasano said. “I understand that there aren’t many people out there (pushing for this). I have a hard time coming up here saying why we shouldn’t be doing something when there’s no one coming forward to say why we should.” He added, “Is the process broken? Is the system broken? Is charter government going to give more money to a specific entity than they’re getting now? No. What those that are pushing (for this) will create is more government and more layers of (county) government.” Fasano explained that the boasted benefits of a charter are actually quite expensive. In fact, he said, creating single member voting districts alone could cost the county and the supervisor of elections office close to $1 million more each election to pay for
more polling places and the cost of staffing them. However, he did make a suggestion if the committee decides to move forward with forming a county charter. “The best thing you can do is make our constitutional officers run nonpartisan,” Fasano said. “Do you really need a partisan tax collector or property appraiser, sheriff or clerk of courts? I don’t raise or lower taxes, I (only) collect them.” Right now, the county ‘s government is comprised of five Pasco tax collector Mike Fasano (in blue) gives a presentacommissioners (who are elected tion to the county’s Charter Advisory Committee on June 22. county-wide, without term limits) and a BOCC-appointed county limits and single-member districts) and the administrator. The current government power to have an elected county executive. structure derives its power, or “home rule,” Any amendments to the charter must be from the state legislature. approved by voters on a ballot, which limits According to the Florida Association the county’s power. A charter also has the of Counties (FAC), which conducted a potential to increase citizen involvement workshop with the BOCC before the comby allowing for the recall of county officers mittee was appointed) a charter county is a and the option for citizen petitions to make county whose citizens have approved a local amendments to the charter. charter, granting the county government Currently, there are 20 counties in “home rule” authority (as directly provided Florida with charter governments, includin the Florida Constitution), as opposed to ing Hillsborough and Pinellas. Pasco is the the legislature having that power. A charter largest county in the state without a charter would provide the county with the potential government. for government reform at the county level. The CAC is scheduled to meet twice Choices made in the charter are dictated by per month for 18 months to decide whether and voted on by the local community. to create a charter, actually create the charter A charter also allows county residents to and bring it before the BOCC to approve for choose their form of government and gives the November 2016 ballot — or deny the the county power to tax in unincorporated concept altogether. areas. It also gives voters the power to alter For more info, please visit Pascothe functions of county officers (e.g., term CountyFl.net. — MW
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 12 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
WCCC Tours New Mercedes-Benz Of Wesley Chapel Dealership! It’s a classic symbol of wealth and, well, class. The Mercedes-Benz name is one of the most easily recognizable among luxury vehicles and there’s a whole building full of them on S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel that’s just as lush as the interior of one the company’s popular automobiles. During the June 25 Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) Economic Development Briefing, the group was able to take a tour of the new $18-million, 21,000-sq.-ft. Mercedes-Benz of Wesley Chapel showroom that is decked out head to toe in luxury. From the glass front wall looking out to S.R. 56 to the service drive-up area, the entire building makes you want to be in a Benz. The Wesley Chapel location (at 2382 Willow Oak Dr.), which opened in April, is the 20th Mercedes dealership for Ft. Lauderdale-based AutoNation, which owns more than 280 dealerships across the U.S. “This place had to meet the MercedesBenz standards,” said fixed operations director Steve Coad, who directed the tour for WCCC members. “Everything in here is quality, even the restrooms...even the technicians’ restrooms.” Coad (photo, bottom right) said that the dealership had budgeted to sell 45 cars in its second month of business, “but we actually sold 103 vehicles.” He added that the capacity of the lot is about 350-400 cars per month. The dealership’s waiting area is decked out with self-serve coffee, plush leather couches and massive flat-screen TVs.
The service area, Coad joked, “is cleaner than the showroom.” With a capacity to work on 22 vehicles at one time, he says the service department is completely air conditioned and spotless. Exhaust fumes are pumped “out of the garage” and each vehicle is washed and detailed on-site for each customer. “You’ll never see a cleaner shop than ours,” Coad added. WCCC exec. director Hope Allen said that the EDC members definitely were impressed with the new dealership. “Wesley Chapel has arrived, and in style,” Allen said. For more information, stop in at the dealership (and please tell them we sent you!) or visit MBWesley Chapel.com. — MW
(Clockwise from top left) The new Merecedes-Benz Wesley Chapel (top left) has an amazing customer waiting are, an immaculate service area and a beautiful showroom.
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Wesley Chapel WC Man Busted For Selling Drugs In New River
It’s a bad idea to sell drugs. It’s an even worse idea to sell drugs near a school, especially to an undercover Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) deputy — as one Wesley Chapel man recently found out the hard way. According to PCSO, just before 9 p.m. on June 22, Carlos Enrique Berrios, 22, of The Arbors community in New River Township off S.R. 54, was arrested at the New River Community Center, where he had gone to meet up with a potential customer to sell cocaine and marijuana, with whom he had been in contact Carlos Berrios with through phone calls and text messages on his cell phone. The PCSO report says that Berrios parked in the New River Community Center parking lot (located on Prairie View Way, about 700 ft. from the Creative World Wesley Chapel preschool) and sold 7.1 grams (1/4-ounce) of cocaine and 447.9 grams (about a pound) of marijuana to an undercover PCSO narcotics detective. While possessing, selling and using cocaine and marijuana are illegal, under Florida law, there can be additional charges for being in possession of and for selling narcotics within 1,000 feet of a school. To that end, Berrios was arrested and charged with six counts of possession of marijuana with intent to sell within 1,000 ft. of a school, five counts each of the sale of marijuana within 1,000 ft. of a school and for the use of a two-way device to facilitate a felony, four counts of possession of cocaine within 1,000 ft. of a school, two counts each of possession of cocaine with intent to sell and possession of paraphernalia and one count of selling cocaine within 1,000 ft. of a school. Berrios was still in custody at the Land O’Lakes Detention Center in lieu of a $485,300 bond at our press time.
Trial Delayed For Accused Grove 16 Theater Shooter
It’s been more than a year since
News Briefs retired Tampa Police Department (TPD) Captain Curtis Reeves, Jr., allegedly shot and killed a man in the Cobb Theatres Grove 16 movie theater (located in The Grove shopping plaza) during an altercation that erupted about texting, and it likely could be even longer before Reeves finally stands trial. According to court documents, on June 18, Reeves’ attorney Richard Escobar filed an unopposed motion to delay the trial, which was scheduled to begin on August 24, and is to be heard by Pasco Sixth Judicial Court Circuit Judge Pat Siracusa. Judge Siracusa’s ruling on the motion is expected on June 30, which was after we went to press with this issue. Citing “diligent and reasonable efforts” by both Reeves’ defense team and the State Attorney’s Office, a continuance is being sought due to the “sheer volume of witnesses, the need to conduct dozens of depositions under various constraints, the length of time the state required to complete their forensic analyses and investigations, the April 2015 disclosure of additional forensic reports and (more than) 20 new witnesses and other factors.” So far, the motion states, Reeves’ defense has served 142 subpoenas and deposed 99 people, resulting in more than 5,000 pages of transcripts and more than 1,750 pages of discovery. The motion also blames the continuance on scheduling issues for depositions, which began last July. The motion says that the two legal teams have convened and determined that the defense could complete depositions by early August of this year and provide the prosecution its witness lists by early September for their own depositions and a trial could be scheduled for January 2016 — two full years after the actual shooting. “There is a serious and real risk that the Defendant will be prejudiced if the trial is not continued,” Escobar wrote. “As outlined above, there is extensive pre-trial investigation that remains to be performed. There is insufficient time for the Defense to perform said investigation in an effective manner before the current trial date.” Prior to the Jan. 13, 2014, fatal shooting, Reeves reportedly asked Land O’Lakes resident Chad Oulsen, 43, several times
to stop texting during the previews for the matinee showing of “Lone Survivor,” a film about the U.S. war in Afghanistan, and even complained to theater management. Oulsen reportedly said he was texting his young daughter’s babysitter before he was shot in the chest, but this was later disproved after an examination of his phone. The bullet also hit the finger of Oulsen’s wife Nicole, who had her hand on her husband’s chest. Reeves’ attorneys have argued that he fired the shot at Oulsen because he feared he was going to be beaten up and because Oulsen had just thrown something at his face, which turned out to be popcorn. For more information, please visit CurtisReevesTrial.com.
Credit Card Scheme Hit Wiregrass Mall
A Tampa man responsible for a multi-state credit card “cloning” scheme that has roots right here in Wesley Chapel has been arrested, authorities say. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), Kevin S. Wain, 40, of 5731 Imperial Key Loop, who originally was arrested in March and released, was taken back into custody on June 11 on fedKevin Wain eral charges for cloning credit cards and using them to buy $650 Vitamix blenders to sell on eBay.com. Although Wain also has been accused of operating the same scheme since 2010 in Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and Texas, he reportedly purchased $180,000 worth of the blenders from the Williams-Sonoma store in the Shops at Wiregrass mall, located off S.R. 56. Authorities estimate that Wain made more than $500,000 selling the blenders online. PCSO spokesperson Kevin Doll says that, while the reason he purchased the Vitamix brand blender still is unknown, it could be because they were popular and easy to sell online. Employees from the Wiregrass store identified Wain in a photograph and the report says that, with the help of the U.S. Secret Service, PCSO deputies made contact with Wain on March 6, while conducting surveillance on his Tampa residence. With permission from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO), Wain was served with two warrants from the Plano (Texas) Police Department for the same scheme. He was taken into custody, and booked at the Hillsborough County Jail and was released on a $40,000 bond. Most recently, on June 10, a federal warrant was issued for Wain’s arrest, including a seizure warrant for his BMW X6 SUV because of its use in transporting products purchased with the cloned credit cards. Wain was booked at the U.S. Marshals Office in Tampa, where he was given a bond of $50,000 and remains on house arrest with electronic monitoring. Wain will be prosecuted under federal law by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Tampa. The PCSO report states that Wain’s
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
scheme didn’t show any signs of abatement between his two arrests.
WCH Coach Posed As Girl Online For Boy’s Nudes
These days, it’s hard to tell if people are who they appear to be on social media, and a recent case in Wesley Chapel is a prime example, in which an adult posed as a minor online to obtain nude photos of more than 40 juveniles. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), Wesley Chapel High (WCH) assistant wrestling coach Carlos Perez, 22, was arrested on June 17 Carlos Perez just after 10 p.m. at his Bridgeview at Watergrass home (located off Curley Rd., just north of Bridgewater) in Wesley Chapel. He was charged with two counts of transmission of material harmful to a minor. PCSO reports that, for the past five years, Perez has posed as a female named Alayna Dentry on Facebook and KIK (an online messaging service), adding underage males as “friends.” Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco said at a press conference that Perez started the account in 2011 when he was still a WCH student; he has worked with the wrestling team for the past four years. Perez reportedly would send nude photographs of an unknown female from the Dentry account in exchange for nudes of the boys he connected with on the sites. The PCSO report says that Perez admitted to knowing that the victims were underage and that he even personally knew some of them through coaching. “It’s troublesome as a parent to think that this person was out there as a coach, helping (kids wrestle),” Nocco said. “Then he was turning right around and exploiting them.” The victims provided PCSO with the nude photos and chat logs with Perez, who provided the agencies with the photos of the victims, two of whom, already had been identified at our press time. Perez is not a full-time Pasco County School District (PCSD) employee and is contracted as an assistant wrestling coach at WCH only during the high school wrestling season, which ended in March. “Everyone that knew him was shocked it was him,” said PCSD spokesperson Linda Cobbe, the only District employee authorized to speak about the case. “I’ve talked to the principal (Carin Hetzler-Nettles). She was shocked. She’s known him for years.” Dentry’s Facebook page recently had 18 “Friends,” all of whom are male and many are high school students. There also is an “Alayna Dentry” Twitter page that follows 44 other profiles, most of which are young males. Nocco told parents to search their kids’ social media profiles for Dentry, as they could unknowingly be victims. Perez was released June 18 from the Land O’Lakes Detention Center on a $10,000 bond. Nocco said that Perez could face additional charges as more victims are identified. — MW
Neighborhood News
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
PHSC President Who Helped Establish Porter Campus Retires By Matt Wiley
From a cow pasture, the PascoHernando State College (PHSC) Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch has risen to be the tallest point in Wesley Chapel, and what is sure to be remembered as departing PHSC president Dr. Katherine Johnson’s legacy on our area. During a reception on June 18, Johnson celebrated and mingled with the staff and students at the Porter campus, located off Mansfield Blvd. in Wesley Chapel. On July 1, the title of PHSC president officially belong to Dr. Timothy Beard, who currently serves as vice president of student development and enrollment management. But, for the past 10 years of her 42-year career in education that started while she was a PHSC student — and through a whirlwind of change and growth — Johnson has held the top job. “I told the Board 10 years ago that if they hired me and we continued to do good things together and everyone was appreciative of that, I would stay for 10 years,” Johnson explained. When she took over the job a decade ago, the school was still known as Pasco-Hernando Community College and had just three campuses. Now a full-fledged State College offering four-year degrees at five campuses, including the two Johnson helped open — the Porter Campus and another in Spring Hill (located about 30 miles northwest of Wesley Chapel) — Johnson clearly has made good on her commitment.
“Rarely in a 10-year period does a college open one campus, let alone two,” she said. But, Johnson still remains quite modest about her achievements. “I’m not one to think of one’s legacy,” she said. “I think the legacy of this institution is that we took advantage of opportunities when they came our way, the Porter Campus being a prime example. The Porter family was willing to provide the opportunity to expand higher education (in Wesley Chapel) and we took advantage of it. We were lucky with (former) Speaker (of the Florida House Will) Weatherford and the legislative delegation to have the appropriations come at the right time (to do so). We were in the right place at the right time.” Johnson, 64, also said that she’ll be moving to Gainesville with her husband Chuck, who already is retired and 10 years older than she is. “He’s been patient enough to wait for me and time’s a’ wastin,’ so we want to spend some time together in Gainesville,” she explained. “He loves the Gators. He can watch the University of Florida (UF) Gators play and I can find some part-time teaching opportunities at (UF).” Johnson also said she hopes to teach some classes in higher education administration in UF’s doctoral program, adding that her experience could help instruct administrators about how to deal with the numerous issues that arise while managing a college campus.
And, speaking of administration, Johnson may be leaving, but her name will forever adorn the Administration Building at the PHSC Porter Campus. “The Board (of Directors) shocked me and announced that they were going to name (the building) after me,” Johnson said. “What I really appreciate is that that’s my career in there. I started out as an academic advisor and, as a work studies student, I worked in financial aid and worked my way up to becoming a provost. So, administratively, that’s my mirror Recently retired Pasco-Hernando State College president of my opportunities as a college Katherine Johnson (left) and PHSC Porter Campus provost professional. It’s so meaningful to Dr. Stanley Giannet. me. I’m very proud and humbled staff, faculty, students and family here at to have that happen.” the Porter campus,” Dr. Giannet said. Although she’s stepping down, JohnHe added that he thinks her two key son said she doesn’t plan to stay away or achievements are the addition of PHSC’s not up-to-date with what’s happening at new four-year degrees and, of course, the PHSC. creation of the Porter Campus. “I’ll only be two hours away,” she “Those are the two that stand out to explained. “If Tim (Beard) invites me back, me,” Giannet said. “(Bachelor) programs I’ll be at commencements. You don’t stay strengthen economic development for our at an institution for this long, see this kind college and community and the Porter of growth, and just walk away. I’ll be staycampus strengthens economic development ing in tune with what’s happening.” for our college and community.” Porter Campus provost Dr. Stanley M. Giannet said that he’s thankful for the From the Neighborhood News, condirection that Johnson has taken the school gratulations on your retirement and what and for the legacy that she leaves. you have contributed to the Wesley Chapel “We wish (Johnson) farewell with her area, Dr. Johnson! retirement and we’re very grateful for the For more information about PHSC, effort and support that she provided to the please visit PHSC.edu.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Pasco County Officially Launches ‘MyPasco’ Mobile Application
Wesley Chapel residents now can carry Pasco County around with them in their pockets. Well, the county’s new mobile application, anyway. During the past eight months, Pasco has been in the process of launching its first-ever mobile app (for both Apple and Android devices) called MyPasco, that will put many of the county’s services in the palms of its citizens. The app officially launched on June 9 and currently is available in the Apple App Store and in the Google Play Store for Android devices. “It’s really a game-changer for how we will communicate with citizens,” says Pasco spokesperson Doug Tobin. “We hope to have between 10,000-20,000 people using the app within the first year.” Tobin adds that the idea for the county to have a mobile app came up after the heated controversy and uproar from citizens surrounding the unsolicited bid last year to build an elevated roadway across the S.R. 54/56 corridor, between Wesley Chapel and New Port Richey. “We wondered if there was a better way to communicate with citizens before the issues turned into firestorms,” Tobin explains. When brainstorming with a committee, he asked those who had regular access to a computer to watch Pasco County televised meetings to raise their hands. Few did. However, when he asked how many people had smartphones, he says that nearly
every hand in the room was raised. Tobin also says that the app, which cost about $30,000 to develop from scratch (even the little logos that will appear on the screen will be original), will help take Pasco County into the next generation. The app will allow citizens to not only take part in public surveys, but also to utilize many of the services provided on the county’s website. The name, itself, is the result of an online contest to come up with the best name for the app. Of more than 250 submissions, three people submitted the name “MyPasco” and an internal naming committee ultimately chose it. The app also will include the ability to watch Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meetings, live stream the Pasco County TV channel, view press releases, get National Weather Service alerts, information about the county’s parks and events, locate libraries (and search their catalogs), get emergency management information, as well as information about animal services and pet adoptions, road closures and other commuter info. The app will regularly be updated and improved, Tobin explains, adding that the hope is to get the app to a point that you can take a photo of a pothole and report it “right from your phone.” He also notes that the app will make it easier to gather real-time information from citizens using the app that the BOCC can use when making decisions about policy changes. Tobin says that the hope is that the ease of using a mobile application to
communicate with the county will encourage more people to voice their opinions and be more active in their local government. Pasco County administrator Michele Baker expressed excitement about the possibilities the new app presents for external and internal communication for the county. “We could also look at the app as a way of communicating with all 2,000 county employees in the future,” Baker said in a press release. “This would be especially beneficial to employees who don’t have easy access to a computer and spend much of their time in the field. The possibilities are endless for both employees and Pasco County citizens.” Pasco’s chief information technology officer Todd Bayley said that people already were taking advantage of the app while it still was in development. “As we were testing this app, citizens were finding us online,” he said. “We had a park reservation before we even announced (the app) to the public.” For additional information, visit PascoCountyFL.net.
The New MyPasco mobile application for Apple and Android devices can help make it easier to stay connected to county services.
By Matt Wiley
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • June 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Rotary’s Youth Trip To Honduras Not Marred By Robbery By Matt Wiley
Although deterred by a small emergency at the end of their mission trip, a youth group led by members of the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel (Noon) is home safe and sound, and still beaming about what the group accomplished, knowing that these youngsters have changed the lives of hundreds of needy people in a small village in the poorest part of Honduras. On June 13, the group sponsored by the Club (which meets at noon on Wednesdays at Stage Left [24400 S.R. 54 in Lutz]), flew to the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa and hopped on a bus up to the rainforest, arriving at the remote village of Trojes (which translates into “the barns”) in the impoverished Central American country, Working with the nonprofit organization Pure Water for the World (PWW), the group of nine high school students (three from Wiregrass Ranch High), as well as Rotarians Eric Johnson, Dane Parilo, Dr. Karina Azank and Trevor Campbell, worked for a week to install water filters in the homes of villagers. Newly inducted WC Rotary president (see pg. 36) Erin and her husband Marcus Meyer also brought along their 12-year-old son. “We broke up into teams and were scheduled to do between 52-53 filters,” Parilo said after the group returned home. “We ended up doing 60 filters and Pure Water estimated that each home has six inhabitants. So, 360 individuals now have safe, non-contaminated water for the first time in generations.”
Filled mostly with coffee and tobacco farmers, Parilo says that the Trojes villagers were thankful, not only for the filters, but also for the latrines and wash stations the group helped install at two local schools. “It was amazing to see these high school kids (Left) Members of the group led by the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel pose for a photo after installing water filters in mixing concrete, pouring it and paint- Trojes, Honduras. (Right) New emergency passports were issued for the members of the group who had theirs stolen. ing outhouses,” gency passports,” Parilo explained. “It took bus through the windows facing traffic and Parilo said. “(PWW) works you hard from about three hours, but we all were able stole several passports, electronic devices sunup to sundown.” to get on the same plane. We got lucky and credit cards. Johnson and two of the Parilo said that for the first time at two students were the ones who had their passbecause only about one flight leaves per day schools that have been around for years, from (that airport).” ports stolen. children don’t have to walk off into the While it was a little stressful, Parilo “We had to race two hours back to woods to use the “restroom.” The group insisted that no one ever was in danger. Tegucigalpa, missed the embassy’s closing also provided medicine and hygiene kits for for the week by one hour and had to stay “We were never in harm’s way, but it the community, as well as toys for the kids, was disappointing for everyone who stayed behind through the weekend,” Parilo said, paid for by the sponsors and friends of the to miss Father’s Day (back home),” Parilo adding that the entire group was supposed Wesley Chapel Noon Rotary Club. said. “We were kind of blue, but we made to be back on June 20. So, Parilo and his “It’s a three-fold mission,” Parilo said. son, plus Johnson, Azank and the two teens the best of it. We went and saw the new But, the trip wasn’t without its chal‘Jurassic World’ movie with Spanish subtiwho lost their passports stayed until Monlenges. “After what I’ve hopefully described day morning while the rest of the group tles. We bonded. We were definitely burned as a very successful trip, we had a non-conout and out of clean clothes, but this could traveled back to the U.S. as scheduled on frontational robbery on the second-to-last have happened anywhere, even right here in Saturday. Those left behind were at the day,” Parilo explains. Embassy early on Monday, but there already Wesley Chapel.” While the group was stopped for lunch was a long line before it even had opened. Everyone returned home by June 23. after touring a cigar factory in Danli (about “The mission was a wild and absolute “But, because Pure Water is so highly two hours from the capitol), some criminals regarded there, the U.S. ambassador sped success,” Parilo said. “Every kid said the unknowingly boarded the group’s parked experience changed their life.” us through the process of getting emer-
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WCCC’s Hope Allen Chosen For CEO Direct Program
The Wesley Chapel area is a hotbed for growth these days, and few know it better than the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC)’s executive director Hope Allen, who was selected to be a participant in a regional program to help business leaders learn about economic growth around Tampa Bay, including here in the New Tampa area. The group’s first meeting was May 20, which was just after we went to press with our previous New Tampa issue. CEO Direct, a program created by the Tampa Bay Partnership (the regional organization that markets the Bay area nationally and internationally), is a 10-month program in which participants (including Allen) travel around and tour the area’s assets (the Port of Tampa, Tampa International Airport, regional hospitals, etc.) and learn about growing business opportunities around Tampa Bay. According to the Tampa Bay Partnership’s website, the purpose of the program is to provide those selected with an opportunity to interact with leaders from around the eight-county Tampa Bay region, as well as to network with fellow leaders from throughout the area on issues that impact Tampa Bay’s economic prosperity. The program features one meeting every other month and recently selected its 18 leaders for this year’s group. Allen’s name made the list, along with 17 other
business leaders in the region, including TECO Energy regional manager Jimmy Adcock, Leadership Tampa Bay (a group of business leaders from across Tampa Bay) executive director Alice Bessette and Tampa Bay Lightning corporate sales manager Adam Lawson. “It’s an honor to be selected (for the program),” Allen (photo above) says. “It’s a very impressive group of regional business leaders. I’m honored to represent Wesley Chapel.” Allen says that she thinks the Wesley Chapel area already has several regional assets (such as Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, the future Florida Hospital Center Ice skating complex and the Tampa Premium Outlets mall) and hopes to bring regional attention to the area during the group’s meetings. The most recent meeting was held at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg and featured an hour-long presentation by Tampa Bay Rays president Brian Auld and president of baseball
operations Matt Silverman. “It was awesome,” Allen says. “(The Rays) are an amazing organization that are totally committed to Tampa Bay. It was cool. I got to sit at the head of the boardroom table.” The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 15, at Lakeland Regional Health. “I plan on putting Wesley Chapel in the middle of the conversation (during the meetings) because that’s where it appears on a regional map,” Allen says. For more info, please visit TampaBay.org, WesleyChapelChamber.com or see the Chamber Update on page 36.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Sharpline Investigations’ Back To School Drive Sharpline Investigations is hosting a ‘Back to School’ drive for students in Hillsborough and Pasco counties with brand new backpacks filled with school supplies to start the new school year off right. The company is collecting backpacks, pencils, pens, spiral notebooks, composition books, binders and notebook paper at Wesley Chapel Nissan (28519 S.R. 54) and the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce office (6013 Wesley Grove Blvd., Suite 105) through Aug. 21. For more info, please visit SharplineInvestigations.com.
July 2015 Friday, July 3 Wesley Chapel
3 Freedom Festival
Tuesday, July 7 Business Networking
7 International (BNI)
BNI, a group of business pros supporting each other through qualified referrals, meets Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m., at Heritage Church (1854 Oak Grove Blvd., off S.R. 54, Land O’Lakes). For more information, email Tim at Tim@TampaHomes24-7.com. Mental Disorder 9 Support Meeting The Pasco County Chapter of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) offers a support group for family & friends of those with mental illness. The group meets the first & third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Atonement Lutheran Church (29617 S.R. 54). Call (727) 992-9653.
The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel Noon will again present its annual Wesley Chapel Freedom Festival at the Shops at Wiregrass mall. See story at the bottom of pg. 1 of this issue for more information! Monay, July 6
Thursday, July 9
Experienced Networking
ENP meets Monday mornings at 8 a.m. for breakfast and networking at Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, call Brad Benson at 973-1814. ‘Wesley Chapel Speaks’
6 ToastMasters
The “Wesley Chapel Speaks” ToastMasters Club meets on the first and third Monday of every month, 6:15 p.m., at Hyundai of Wesley Chapel (26944 Wesley Chapel Blvd.). For info, call David West at 610-1650 or visit WesleyChapel Speaks.ToastMastersClubs.org. Professional Business
6 Connections (PBC)
Networking For
9 Your Success
The Networking For Your Success group meets Thursdays, 8 a.m., at Lexington Oaks Clubhouse (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd, off S.R. 54). All are welcome. Food Addicts In
9 Recovery (FA)
FA is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experiences and mutual support, are recovering from the disease of food addiction. The group meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Seventh Day Adventist Church (33420 S.R. 54, Wesley Chapel). For more info, visit FoodAddicts.org. Friday, July 10 Wesley Chapel
10 Rotary Club Sunrise
The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel Sunrise PBC meets Mondays at 7:30 a.m. at The meets Fridays at 7:15 a.m. at Quail Hollow Happy Hangar Cafe (at Tampa North Aero Park, 4241 Birdsong Blvd., off S.R. 54, Lutz). Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, call Lynne Morgan at For more info, call Chris Thurow 813-695-6466. at 546-6860. 20
Sunday, July 19
Join the ladies of Women-n-Charge, 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m., at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr.), for lunch, speakers & networking.The cost is $15 for members & $18 for guests. Register at Women-NCharge.com. Or, call Judy at 600-9848. Saturday, July 11
11 BayChapel Food Pantry
Health Studios Open House 19 Pure & Fitness Seminar Pure Health owner Samantha Taylor will host a Fitness Seminar at 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30. Enjoy delicious desserts & gourmet coffee. To reserve a seat or for more info, visit PureHealthStudios.com or see pg. 26.
If your organization
BayChapel will be opening its FREE food pantry to the community at Christian Brothers Automotive (20303 Trout Creek Dr, New Tampa) from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. for anyone in need. For more info, call Lee at 731-4040.
Wednesday, July 8 Chapel 8 Wesley Rotary Club The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel meets Wednesdays at noon at Stage Left (24400 S.R. 54, Lutz). For more info, call 8628989 or 391-3895.
6 Professionals (ENP)
Wednesday, July 15
has an upcoming that is open to the
please submit your info (and pictures in any electronic format) at least 3-4 weeks in advance to Matt@NTNeighborhoodNews.com.
Wesley Chapel
15 Breakfast Club
The WC Breakfast Club brings business people together to network and help each other generate new pre-sold, pre-qualified prospects. Attendees will also pick up valuable marketing ideas and have a chance to present their business to the group. The club has no officers, no dues and meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 a.m. at Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, please call Bill at 992-3370.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
‘Loop Road’ Continued from pg. 1 shows a graphic that displays a future Publix Supermarket across Wiregrass Ranch Blvd. from the new Wesley Chapel Walmart. However, the graphic indicates that the current Publix in the Hollybrook Plaza shopping plaza at the corner of BBD/S.R. 54 would be relocating to the site, which has been rumored for several years. Publix spokesperson Brian West could not be reached to confirm the relocation before we went to press with this issue. In addition, The Dowd Companies also is developing another retail center in Wiregrass Ranch on S.R. 56, east of BBD, (not shown on the map on pg. 1) on a 16.4-acre
parcel of land between the future second phase of the Shops at Wiregrass mall and planned Raymond James financial campus. The initial site plan calls for a 45,000-sq.ft. anchor store, plus about 13,000 sq. ft. of additional retail space, along with three outparcels with frontage on S.R. 56. Dowd says that drivers on S.R. 56 can now see the preliminary site work taking place in that area to install infrastructure, but that it likely will take longer to develop because of the longer process of attracting an anchor store, which he says he hopes will be a grocery, but offered no further details. Dowd says that construction likely won’t start on the site until the middle of next year, with an opening estimated for mid-2017. For more information, please visit TheDowdCompanies.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Farrell Carpet Cleaning Cleans Carpeting, Tile, Upholstery & More! By Anu Varna Panchal
Farrell Carpet Cleaning combines excellence in both customer service and the latest technology to keep your floors — whether carpeted or tile — and upholstery in pristine condition. When Jill Persinger graduated from Florida State University in Tallahassee in 1988 with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Marketing, she was excited about looking for a job in sales. The first company that took a chance on the young graduate was a commercial janitorial company that was looking for a salesperson. “I got into the industry and never got out,” says Jill, who, along with Tina Farrell, is now one of the owners of Farrell Carpet Cleaning, a firm that provides professional floor and upholstery cleaning services to customers all over the Tampa Bay area. Jill also serves as the company’s CEO. Located on Commerce Ave. in Port Richey (about 40 miles from most of Wesley Chapel), the company has at least 60 vehicles on the road each day, ensuring that each customer’s needs will be met, regardless of their location. The licensed and insured company can do everything — from a one-time visit to remove a red wine stain from a carpet to regular floor cleanings for the expansive offices of large companies. Trained and certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC, an international organization that develops techniques and sets the standards for the industry worldwide),
Farrell technicians target stains and dirt on carpets, upholstery, tile and grout and can eliminate pet urine odor and provide longlasting solutions for floor care. Cutting-edge technology and stellar customer service are key to the company’s success, says Tom Persinger, Jill’s husband and COO at Farrell Carpet Cleaning. When you pull up FarrellCarpetCleaning.com, you can use an online tool that lets you choose from a menu of services to generate a quote and set up an appointment for a technician to visit your home or office. Farrell Carpet Cleaning’s technicians are certified in carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, water and flood restoration, odor control and stone and tile cleaning. Tom explains that their technicians attend a five-day training session at IICRC, culminating in a test in order to obtain their certification. Tom believes it’s an investment well worth making in his staff. The company prides itself on being a IICRC-Certified Master Textile Cleaner. “We pay them well and want them to look at this as a career,” Tom says of the technicians, who also undergo drug and background checks. The Farrell team also brings state-ofthe-art equipment to their sites. Technicians use truck-mounted cleaning equipment (rather than small ,portable cleaning units) and Tom explains that this allows the cleaning to occur at higher temperatures and pressure, resulting in a deeper, more thorough service. He notes that carpet cleaning consists of 11 steps, including inspections,
and homeowners also can ask for protective sealants to be applied to carpets and furniture. Oriental rugs are transported off site, where they undergo an extensive process of inspection, dusting, handwashing, drying and grooming before being wrapped and delivered back to you. Port Richey resident Lori Childs hired the company to come and clean (L.-r.): Tom & Jill Persinger and Tina & Steve Farrell of Farrell Carout an old carpet in pet Cleaning can reinvigorate your carpeting, floors and upholstery. her house. When the company, she was the senior vice president, technicians arrived, she managing all administrative finances for the admitted a little concern about how young company’s accounts, covering half of the they looked, but said they quickly put her country. Meanwhile, Tom had moved up mind at ease with their professional and from management positions at the Memknowledgeable demeanor and the way they phis, TN-based Service Master Corporaanswered all of her questions. She was also pleased that the equipment stayed outside; tion — where he was VP of operations for only the hose came into her house, and it 38 school districts in Texas, Oklahoma and sucked the dirt back to the truck outside. Louisiana — to becoming the COO of “It’s not like the old days when they Atlanta-based One Source Facility Services, were dragging everything in and flushing it a publicly traded company with more than down your sink,” Childs says. “They knew $1 billion in annual revenues. what they were doing. I was ready to rip More Than Just Floors! out that carpet, but I ended up keeping it. It was shortly after he moved to his They made it look like new.” new community (Hidden Lake) that Tom Jill brings extensive expertise in the cleaning industry to the table. By the end met his new neighbors — Steve and Tina of her 13 years with a national cleaning Farrell. The Farrells had moved down from
Improve the Value of Your Home
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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New York (where Steve had remodeled several multimillion-dollar homes in The Hamptons) 21 years ago to be near family here in Florida. They had started their own roofing company in 2006 after working for another one, and over subsequent years, added a partner, Rich Allen, and begun adding home improvement services. Soon, under the auspices of the name “Team Farrell,” the trio started offering customers remodeling, building, flooring, commercial work, landscaping and rescue services. “The reason we’ve grown is because of the quality of the work we do,” says Tina. “Customers come to us wanting us to do more for them. You can trust our name for service. We stand by everything we do.” The Persingers (Tom married Jill in 2012) joined the Farrells’ carpet cleaning business (and the growing group of 150 employees) and since then, Farrell Air and Ms. Twister, a home cleaning company, have been added to the mix. “Farrell started as a roofing company, but it has morphed into a corporation with multiple service sectors,” Tom explains. “We want to be the sole source provider for our customers in the tri-county area. With one phone call, you should be able to get your roof done, your grass cut, your A/C fixed and your carpets and floors cleaned.” “I had a huge front yard,” Tom recalls, “and I was [wondering], what am I going to do with this? But then, Steve told me, ‘I’ve got a team of people.’ Twelve weekends later, my yard had a lake, fountains and a stone bridge — and from there,
it was friends forever.” The company also contributes to 42 charitable causes in their area. Recently, Steve was named Honorary Governor of West Pasco by the West Pasco Chamber of Commerce for raising the most money for charity. And, a portion of the profits from Ms. Twister, the house cleaning arm of the company, will support community breast cancer programs in honor of Tom’s late sister, and the company even plans to offer free house cleaning for breast cancer patients while they are undergoing treatment. “We’re nothing without the community,” says Tom. “We truly believe we have to do our part in giving back.” Farrell Carpet Cleaning is located at 6840-B Commerce Ave., in Port Richey. For more information, visit FarrellCarpetCleaning.com, call (727) 772-7553 (SPARKLE), email FarrellCarpetCleaning@gmail.com or see the ad on pg. 13.
(L.-r.) Whether you need the trained technicians at Farrell Carpet Cleaning to clean your carpeting, upholstery, tile floors or all of the above, your home is guaranteed to look better if you call this one-stop shop for these and other home improvement needs.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
VIP Pest Control Will Keep Your Home Free Of Unwanted Pests! By Celeste McLaughlin
Every Florida resident knows that pest control is a must. From termites to mosquitos to roaches to nuisance animals (such as squirrels and snakes), little creatures are often everywhere around your home and property. So if you don’t want these pests affecting your life, turn to the experts at VIP Pest Control. Vicki Hutto owns VIP, which serves Wesley Chapel and the surrounding areas in Pasco, Hillsborough and Pinellas counties with traditional chemical treatments, as well as organic options. In addition to keeping homes and lawns pest-free, VIP also offers inspections, treatment and protection from termites. Vicki started VIP Pest Control in 2006 because she wanted to provide a higher level of customer service than other companies. She says she chose to name her business “VIP” to indicate that her customers are, “very important people.” Prior to launching her own business, Vicki worked for Orkin and she says she was the first female termite inspector in the entire company. She was inducted into the Orkin National President’s Club three years in a row, a prestigious honor given to the top three percent of sales producers nationwide. She also worked at two smaller pest control companies. She says her early career included management and marketing at various vocational schools, including what are now known as ITT Technical Institutes and
the Texas College of Medical & Dental Assistants. Vicki uses her business expertise and passion for pest control — she’ll tell you she “happens to like bugs,” especially “figuring things out” about them — to help customers throughout our area get rid of all kinds of unwanted pests. Vicki says a good rule of thumb is not to try to take care of bugs yourself. “It’s tempting to grab the can of bug spray,” she explains. “But then, you’re left to breathe all the chemicals in the air and you probably haven’t solved the problem.” She and her team emphasize the importance of taking care of the families and pets in the homes they treat. They always are aware that pets and kids spend time on the floor, so the treatments they use must be safe for all members of the family. That’s why VIP technicians (photo on next page) offer many organic options, and Vicki says you won’t be charged a premium for using those organic products. “If you call us, we’ll take care of whatever is making you the most mad or the most scared,” says Vicki, “and then we’ll do a thorough inspection to see what else might be in your home that you may or may not even be aware of.” She recommends that if you live in Florida, your home should receive quarterly pest control treatments and monthly lawn treatments. “If you want to live in a nice Florida home with no bugs (at all), it’s not going to happen,” Vicki jokes. “But, we can
KIDS SUMMER SPECIAL Exam, Xrays, Cleaning
Exp. 07/31/2015. New patients only. Valid weekdays only. Cannot be combined with insurance or any other offer. Children ages 5-12 only.
come really close by treating your home and your lawn and by offering proper termite protection.” Martine Duncan is a Meadow Pointe resident who says she has been using VIP’s pest control services since the company started in 2006. She says she became aware of VIP at a Business Expo in her neighborhood, and decided to give them a try. “We’ve stuck with them ever since,” says Martine. “We have no bugs, so they’re doing a great job.” Martine says she’s found VIP’s prices to be comparable with other companies in the area, but that VIP’s technicians are always on time and the office staff always is accommodating whenever she calls and needs something. “They have excellent customer service,” she says. “The people are very personable and very nice, and they’re a great company to work with.” Vicki says that’s the reputation everyone at VIP is always striving to achieve. When you call the office, a live person answers the phone. Vicki notes that this personal touch is an important signature of the way her company does business. She says another thing that sets VIP apart is that the treatments are customized for each home. “Every lawn is different, and every lifestyle is different,” says Vicki. “So we don’t just pre-fill a big rig with one treatment for every customer. There’s not a one-answer-for-all solution.” Instead, she says her technicians know
VIP Pest Control owner Vicki Hutto, with her dog Chloe.
what questions to ask, know how to get the right information and know what to look for to solve each problem they encounter. Here are some of the pests VIP currently is treating:
Bed Bugs
“Bed bugs are rampant right now,” Vicki says. “Some people think that if you don’t travel, you won’t get them, but that’s not true. If your kids are in sports, they could pick up bed bugs by throwing their bags down with other bags. Anytime your stuff mixes with someone else’s stuff, that’s an opportunity for bed bugs.” She explains that black spots in the bed are a telltale sign of bed bugs. And, she says if you see them, be sure to call an expert. “We treat them with a liquid treat-
Exp. 07/31/2015. New patients only. Valid weekdays only. Cannot be used with insurance. Coupon needs to be presented at time of service.
20729 Center Oak Dr • Tampa, FL 33647 ( corner of Bruce B Downs and County line Rd behind walgreens)
1843 Health Care Dr. • Trinity, FL 34655 The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for another service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted or reduced fee, service, examination or treatment.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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between your couch cushions. You also may have heard you need to throw out everything in your home, but that’s just not necessary. Vicki and her team will walk you through all of the options for treating bed bugs or any pest — and potential pitfalls — so you can get the best treatment for your home and family.
Mosquito Control
“Since we live in Florida and most people like to sit outside and enjoy the outdoors, controlling mosquitos is key,” says Vicki. “We offer an organic treatment that is applied to the lawn once a month. It keeps the mosquitos away, and it isn’t as expensive as some other treatment options.”
ment and fogging product,” Vicki says. “We usually take care of the problem in one treatment, but we always do a second treatment, just to be sure.” If you suspect you might have bed bugs, be sure to check VIPPestControlLLC.com for a wealth of information about the creatures. And, Vicki notes that, although they can be difficult to find and eradicate, the experts at VIP can help you get rid of bed bugs with minimal headaches. Sometimes other bed bug remedies you may have heard of cause other problems you may not realize. For example, if you heat your whole house to a really high temperature, you may find melted crayons
Neighborhood News
Vicki says while palmetto bugs won’t hurt you, German cockroaches carry bacteria such as salmonella and can cause health problems that include polio and asthma. “For every roach you see, there are 50 that you don’t,” she says. So, if you see any type of cockroach, it’s important to call an expert to treat your problem. Vicki adds that there are hundreds of varieties of roaches, so the best way to determine whether your bugs can make you sick is to call an expert. “Many times, people think they get food poisoning in a restaurant, but it’s possible that they actually got it from their own countertop at home,” Vicki explains.
Fleas & Ticks
Vicki says she also is receiving a
lot of calls about fleas (photo) and ticks this year. “You have to be careful, especially with ticks, because they carry Lyme disease,” she says. “To effectively get rid of them, you need to treat the house, yard and pets at the same time. It takes all three to get rid of the problem.”
Vicki says that right now also is “swarming season” for drywood termites. She says a home with termites only needs to be treated once. Then, the company offers a bond — like an insurance policy — against any damage the termites might cause. Then, the treated home is inspected for termites again each year. “We offer tentless fumigation,” says Vicki. “We want people to know there are other means to treat drywood termites other than tenting your house. The key is to catch them in time.” Vicki says that there are times in which there isn’t much of a choice but to tent a home, but it’s always a good idea to have the home checked by a VIP technician, adding that some of the non-tent options from VIP will leave residual protection in the wood to keep termites from returning to the same area.
Whole House Treatment
“We can give you the best deal when you use our company for pest control, lawn, and termite protection,” Vicki says. She also warns against companies that offer really low prices, which may be an indicator that “extras” will be added to your bill. For example, some low-priced lawn treatment companies may charge extra to
treat chinch bugs. Vicki asks this rhetorical question: “Why have lawn control if it doesn’t include pests?” She adds, “We’re not a company that’s just looking to sell you something. We are established in this community, and feel it’s important to give back. That’s why I’m a member of the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC), and involved with NETWIB (North East Tampa Women in Business). I sincerely care about this community and its schools, playgrounds and water.” Vicki also is a member of the Wesley Chapel (Noon) Rotary Club. Vicki says that being a woman-owned business sets her apart in the pest control industry and helps her to better relate to many of her customers. “Most times when we visit a home, it’s the woman who is there to meet with us,” she says. Vicki adds that she also is hoping to hire a female technician someday. “We can train and educate people to work for us,” she says. “What we’re more picky about is how you will serve our customers.” She also says that VIP does not operate on the weekends, so there’s never any weekend work being done at your home. “We want our technicians to be home with their families on the weekend.” VIP Pest Control is offering a special just for readers of the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News. For more info, see the VIP ad on page 27 of this issue. VIP Pest Control is headquartered at the corner of Livingston Ave. and Sunset Ln. in Lutz and is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. For more information, visit VIPPestControlLLC.com or call 234-8888.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Ellen’s Hallmark Is So Much More Than Just Greeting Cards! By Celeste McLaughlin
Just a few months after the one-year anniversary of its opening, Ellen’s Hallmark in Wesley Chapel is now the go-to destination for shoppers looking for high-quality, unique greeting cards and hundreds of novelty gift ideas. The store is located just south of S.R. 56 and the Shops at Wiregrass mall on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., in the Publix-anchored Shoppes at New Tampa shopping plaza. “Our people are centered on customer service,” says Henrietta Wilson, the store’s manager. “We welcome everyone when they walk through the door, and we’re always happy to help you find the special cards and gifts you’re looking for.” She adds, “We, of course, have a great selection of cards, but people always tell us we have all kinds of things they never thought they’d find here, too.” Those unexpected items include apparel, such as Noelle fashions (ladies tops, cardigans, scarves and purses), and Life is Good t-shirts, hats and mugs, plus popular signature collections, such as Hallmark’s licensed Disney products. “When people come in to the store, they realize there’s so much to take in,” Henrietta explains. “We have an unbelievable selection of gifts.” Ellen’s Hallmark in Wesley Chapel is owned by Tom Finnegan and John Quinn. The pair own 11 Ellen’s Hallmark stores throughout Florida, including one in Tampa Palms that has been open about 10 years, located in the City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center, off Tampa Palms Blvd.
“So many of our customers (at the Tampa Palms location) lived outside of Tampa Palms,” Tom says. “So, we opened a store in Wesley Chapel to accommodate them. We know people don’t want to drive through all the construction on Bruce B. Downs to get to our Tampa Palms store, so we moved to where our customers are.” Henrietta says people in Wesley Chapel have responded well to the new Hallmark store in their community. “For the past year, when (local residents) come in, they continue to tell us how thrilled they are that we’re now in the area,” she explains. “Wesley Chapel has been lacking a great gift store, and as (the area) continues to grow, especially for young families, we’re here to provide cards and gifts for many special occasions.” She adds, “Hallmark has always been known for having the very best. So, we often hear from our customers that they’re excited that we’re here.” Tom says he was first introduced to Hallmark products when he was hired to work at the Paramus, NJ, Gimbel’s department store in 1970 and was assigned the job of setting up the Hallmark section for Christmas. At that point, he realized he loved Hallmark’s products, and he opened his first Hallmark store in 1983, naming it after Ellen, an old friend from high school. “People come in because their daughter’s getting married, their grandson is graduating, they are celebrating an anniversary, a wedding or a new baby,” Tom says, adding that he enjoys his customers and helping them find gifts for these special moments.
“Of course, they come in for sad occasions, too, such as the loss of a family member or even a pet.” He says he recognizes the significance of sharing these milestones with his customers. “The business has changed over the years,” Tom explains. “Our focus used to be mainly on cards, but now it’s on both cards and gifts.” He attributes the Wesley Chapel store’s Ellen’s Hallmark owner Tom Finnegan (left) invites you to success in part to its check out his Wesley Chapel location in the Shoppes at New manager. “Henrietta does Tampa shopping plaza off Bruce B. Downs Blvd. a fantastic job,” Tom says. customer appreciation, to highlight holidays “She is a phenomenal and to launch new products. Another thing manager.” Prior to becoming the store she says she enjoys about Hallmark stores manager at the Wesley Chapel location, is the people who come back year after year Henrietta managed the Ellen’s Hallmark in for important events. “Some of the same the Citrus Park mall in Tampa. Henrietta people come back and are even excited to says she will celebrate 30 years of working see each other,” Henrietta explains. “I try to for Hallmark stores next year. have name tags so they can remember each “We are always available to help our other’s names, and I love to watch them get customers find the perfect gift,” Henrietta together with people of (similar) interests.” says. “We give them suggestions, and we One such couple is Donna and Ben leave them alone to shop, but we never leave Basnight. They say that they used to shop at them wandering around without being able Henrietta’s previous store, and now travel to help them find what they’re looking for.” to Wesley Chapel because of her personal She adds, “There are plenty of places service and attention. where you can pick up a card, but you’re “We collect several items she carries in not going to get the customer service you the store, such as (Painted Ponies collectadeserve, except in a Hallmark store.” bles) and (Hallmark’s Mischievous Kittens She says Ellen’s Hallmark has special Christmas ornaments),” Ben says. “So she’ll events throughout the year to celebrate
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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There are really unique baby gifts, birthday gifts, scarves and jewelry. It’s just a better place to shop.”
Don’t Miss The Premiere!
The next event the Basnights will attend is the store’s premiere of this year’s Hallmark collectable Christmas ornaments, which make their debut on the weekend of July 11-12. “There are a lot of people who collect Hallmark ChristEllen’s Hallmark in Wesley Chapel is not only a great spot for greeting cards, but also for unique gifts, apparel and mas ornaments year after year who can’t wait to see and touch Hallmark Christmas ornaments! this year’s new ornaments,” Tom says. call us when she sees something she thinks Ellen’s Hallmark in Wesley Chapel is we’ll like.” open extended hours that weekend for the He estimates they visit the store two or three times each month, including whenever premiere event (8 a.m.-7 p.m. on Saturday and noon-6 p.m. on Sunday). there are special events, for new products. “Collectors will be glad to know that “We often get gifts for our grandkids,” he says. “There are really unique items in the Barbie is back this year,” Tom says. “Barbie ornaments have not been available the last store (including Tervis Tumbler cups, colcouple of years, so Hallmark is pleased to legiate memorabilia and Precious Moments have obtained the rights to introduce new collectables). Henrietta is very good to us Barbie ornaments for this Christmas.” and (the entire staff) is knowledgeable and To see pictures of a few of the ornahard working. They’ll never just tell you, ‘I ments that will be available for purchase don’t know.’” at this year’s premier event, see the ad for “The staff is very friendly,” Donna Ellen’s Hallmark on page 6. agrees with a smile. Ellen’s Hallmark in Wesley Chapel Ben says he previously worked for Bed is located at 1932 BBD, between Plato’s Bath & Beyond for 25 years, so he’s familiar Closet and the UPS Store. The store is with retail. open Mon.- Fri., 10 a.m.- 8 p.m., 10 “Ellen’s Hallmark carries an interesting a.m.-6 p.m. on Sat., and noon–5 p.m. on variety of products,” Ben says. “The cards Sun. For more info, call 994-3400. are wonderful, but it’s not just the cards.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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SPOTLIGHT ON... Garden Montessori School!
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The owners of the Garden Montessori School on Boyette Rd. in Wesley Chapel are proud to announce the opening of the Garden Montessori Charter School in August 2015! As one of only two charter schools approved by Pasco County this year, GMCS will serve children from Kindergarten through sixth grade, offering a Montessori-based curriculum. The school will open with K-2nd and add a grade each year through 2020. Located at 2029 Arrowgrass Drive (in the former Sports + Field Family Athletic & Fitness Club) in the Seven Oaks community, GMCS is easily accessible to the Greater Wesley Chapel, Land O’Lakes, Zephyrhills and New Tampa areas. The Montessori Method is a hands-on, “whole child” approach to learning. The Method was developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori and is characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom (within limits) and respect for a child’s natural cognitive, psychological, physical and social development. Concepts are first presented with concrete-based materials and move towards more abstract learning. Led by principal John Selover, the staff at GMCS is busily preparing the classrooms throughout the summer months for student and parent orientations in the coming few weeks. In addition to meeting all State teaching requirements, all classrooms will have Montessori-trained teachers, applying the philosophy and methodology of Maria Montessori. Additionally, children in grades
1-6 will be grouped in multi-age classrooms, allowing learning from not only the teachers, but through the children’s peers as well. GMCS is the proud recipient of a 2015 Charter School Program (CSP) grant valued at $375,000 by offering a high-quality educational option and meeting all criteria set by the CSP! This award will help towards funding the planning and implementation of the GMCS program design. GMCS Board members and faculty are excited to become part of the Wesley Chapel education community and look forward to partnering with local business members in support of the children and their families. Business members wishing to participate in a partnership should contact John Selover at john.selover@gmcspasco.org. Applications are being accepted and may be found on the school’s website at GMCSWC.weebly.com. Information about GMCS can also be found on our Facebook at Facebook.com/GardenMontessoriCharter.
President of the Florida Podiatric Medical Association
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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WCH, WRH Seniors Walk Off Stage Into Future At Sun Dome
By Matt Wiley Although it happens every spring, it’s a special day for each Wesley Chapel-area high school senior who walks the stage during his or her school’s graduation ceremony. This year’s seniors at both Wesley Chapel (WCH) and Wiregrass Ranch (WRH) high schools walked at the University of South Florida Sun Dome, located off E. Fowler Ave. in Tampa. On the morning of June 1, 319 WCH students clad in light and navy blue gowns and mortarboards collected their diplomas and closed a four-year chapter of their lives. WCH (located on Wells Rd.) principal Carin Hetzler-Nettles addressed her departing seniors with examples of successful celebrities who started as failures — including Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Seuss. “There is one thing that all successful people have in common, and that is failure,” she told the crowd. “Each and every one of you has experienced failure at some point in your lives. Some failures are big, some are small. Each one of you has overcome something to get here today.” She let the students know that they inevitably will fail again. “It’s what you do with (failure) that will determine your success. Use your history to guide you. You’ve all been successful, as is evidenced by your being here tonight.” Hetzler-Nettles was followed by WCH valedictorian Christopher Poole, who graduated with a 4.52 weighted GPA and will be attending Florida Polytechnic University in Lakeland in the fall, where he plans to study cyber gaming. “What do you do when all of the people asking you questions your whole life have to let you move on?,” Poole asked his classmates. “Who’s going to force you to find the answers? That task now falls on you.” Poole gave his peers a quick crash
course about how and why to ask questions throughout life. “No time is a bad time to be asking yourself questions,” Poole said. “The more questions you ask, the more in tune with yourself you’ll become.”
Wiregrass Ranch Walks As Well
On May 29, the Friday before WCH held its graduation ceremonies, 537 seniors from WRH (located on Mansfield Blvd.), also walked the stage at the Sun Dome. “Throughout the past four years, you have tested my boundaries to always make me proud,” said WRH principal Robyn White. “Never before has any senior class spent more time in the principal’s office collaborating on projects and working towards a common goal.” White gave some final advice to her graduating students, insisting that they continue to ask questions, recognize that the best years of their lives are still to come, to chase their passions, to not be scared to reinvent themselves, to make as many friends as possible and know that life may not go as they planned (“But that’s okay”), that the world will be a different place soon (“So, prepare for tomorrow”), and finally that, “The world is waiting for you; go get it.” White was followed by salutatorian Antonio Medina, who graduated with a 4.6 weighted GPA and who will be attending prestigious Yale University in New Haven, CT, in the fall to study mechanical engineering and computer science. “(From here), I see a world that will be filled with a little more happiness, all because of the people right here in this room,” Medina said. He encouraged every graduate to stop and take a look as they walked across the stage to see what he was seeing. WRH valedictorian Casey Chitty, who
(Above) Wiregrass Ranch High seniors walk the stage and collect their diplomas. (Below) Wesley Chapel High seniors wait in anticipation of walking the stage. graduated with a 4.7 weighted GPA and who will be attending Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., in the fall, also had some advice for her classmates. “Before we walk off the stage, let’s take a minute to seriously celebrate the walk we’re about to take and the work we’ve put in to reach these steps leading up to our stage,” Chitty said. She continued, “Gratitude is a feeling that should accompany any great achievement and that’s exactly what this is, a great achievement. Wiregrass (Ranch) Class of 2015, be grateful today to everyone that has supported you along the way. This achievement is the direct result of the work you’ve performed and the decisions you’ve made and this will continue to be the case for the many successes in all of our futures.” From everyone here at the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News, congratulations and best of luck to the Class of 2015!
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Mushroom Swiss Burger By Gary Nager
a great hamburger, what’s the first place you think of in our area? Fast food? One of those burger chains? Or maybe your own backyard grill? Those are all reasonable answers, but if you’re like me — and literally hundreds of our readers — you might say “Oakley’s Grille,” which is located on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in the North Palms Village area, next to Dairy Queen, in New Tampa, less than five miles south of the Pasco County line. Owner Keith Oakley and his always-
happy crew are celebrating the fourth anniversary of Oakley’s Grille with a number of new menu items (which we’ll describe, in detail, below). Keith, who previously opened and managed several different national and regional chain restaurants before leaving the corporate world behind to open Oakley’s, makes sure that his place combines chain restaurant sensibilities (and extremely fair pricing) with the type of personalized service most chains never offer. “We have come up with some of our new menu items based on customer inquiries,” Keith says. “If I feel we can do it right, we’ll try almost anything new. So far, people seem to respond to our entire menu.” Among the newest items on Oakley’s menu are the “ghost” and turkey burgers and pulled pork sandwiches. I love a good turkey burger (although it’s the only burger I ever order well done)
and Oakley’s always accommodates my special orders. The turkey burger is so flamegrilled-tasty that the biggest compliment I can give it is that it tastes like a hamburger! I’m not the biggest pulled pork fan, but I will say that Oakley’s pulled pork sandwich is overstuffed with tender pulled pork and a zesty BBQ sauce that many in our office (and a couple of customers on our most recent visit) agreed had a great sweet and slightly spicy flavor. Assistant editor Matt Wiley also raved about the new ghost burger, which features ghost pepper cheese, spicy oakfire sauce, fried pickles, bacon, mayo and grilled onions. It’s been available for several months but none of us had ever tried it before. But, my favorites at Oakley’s are still those perfectly flame-grilled Certified Black Angus regular cheeseburgers (available with Swiss, provolone, cheddar, American,
pepper Jack or blue cheese) with a side of some of the best and crispiest French fries you’ll find anywhere in New Tampa. I have named Oakley’s burgers my favorites in New Tampa every year since it opened and I see no reason to change that. Now, I will say that unless you ask them not to (as I always do), Oakley’s uses seasoning salt on its burgers, fries and meats, but because the seasoning salt is added, you won’t get nasty looks if you order yours without it. The burgers are always done to your specifications (I order mine medium) and the fries are always crispy and abundant, although you pay a little extra for them, except on Oakley’s “Special” days (more on those below).
So Many Favorites...
My other favorites at Oakley’s are the shaved ribeye Philly cheesesteak and the
813-345-2515 34
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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Southwest Chicken Tacos
Turkey Burger
Pulled Pork Sandwich
Ghost Burger
Beef Dip Sandwich
LADIES NIGHTS Monday & Thursday Only
MARGARITAS 12oz Lime Only
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French Fries
Tuesday & Wednesday
all-natural, tender beef dip sandwiches. You always get plenty of great-tasting shaved ribeye steak or roast beef, with melted provolone, on a crisp, real Cuban bread hoagie roll. The Philly comes with caramelized onions and sautéed peppers and the dip sandwich is served with a great “au jus” dip. Our office also enjoys several other options at Oakley’s, from the grilled chicken Caesar salad (you actually can add grilled chicken to any salad at Oakley’s for just $4), the Southwest chicken tacos (marinated, grilled chicken served in flour tortillas with corn and black bean salsa, avocados and feta cheese; you also can substitute fish for the chicken for just $1 more) and the tasty blackened grilled fish sandwich, which I order “extra blackened.” Chef Jaymes’ uniquely tasty bourbon aioli sauce is the perfect complement for the fish sandwich, which also is served on Cuban bread. That same aioli is used on another new menu item, the Kars Katch, which is a halfpound of hand-battered fish tenders fried golden brown. I’ve yet to sample this one, but I plan to “katch” it on my next visit. Other sandwiches we enjoy include the authentic Reuben sandwich — which piles high thinly-slice corned beef, fresh sauerkraut and Thousand Island dressing, topped with naturally aged Swiss cheese on toasted pumpernickel rye — and the pastrami & Swiss, which tops a generous portion of tender pastrami and Swiss with a touch of Dijon mustard (although I like it with the Thousand Island dressing, too). There’s even a newer veggie sandwich featuring corn and black bean salsa, sautéed peppers, caramelized onions, romaine lettuce, vine ripe tomatoes and provolone
cheese on fresh Cuban bread with a unique Cuban sauce I plan to try in the future. Pressed sandwiches include, of course, a traditional Cuban, as well as a spicy Italian (spicy capicola ham, pepperoni, Genoa salami and provolone with caramelized onions, green peppers and Italian dressing on a sourdough roll) and “Uncle Muzzie’s Muffaletta,” which features freshly sliced smoked ham, Genoa salami and provolone with a green olive mix on Cuban bread. There’s also fresh chicken tenders, a grilled steak salad, steak and chicken fajitas, turkey, ham and bacon club sandwiches, crispy sweet potato fries, great cole slaw and much more.
Beer & Daily Specials, Too?
And now, when you crave an ice cold beer with your awesome burger, sandwich, salad or entrée at Oakley’s, Keith has you covered. He offers domestic and imported bottled beers, including Sam Adams, Yuengling, Blue Moon, Corona, Miller Lite, Bud and more. And don’t forget about Oakley’s great daily specials. Fries are usually extra, but on Cheeseburger Tuesdays, you get those Bestin-New-Tampa burgers and a huge order of fries for just $6.99. Fries also are included on Fish & Chips Wednesdays and Philly Thursdays (both $8.99) and on Chicken Tender Sundays ($6.99). Plus, if you visit OakleysGrille.com and join Keith’s “eClub,” you’ll receive $2 off your next visit and hear about new items/specials first. Oakley’s Grille (17631 BBD Blvd.) is open every day, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. For more information, call 523-5075 or visit Oakleys Grille.com.
Monday - Thursday Only
Taco, Enchiladas & Choice of Rice or Beans. Dine in only. Wesley Chapel location only. Not valid with any other coupons or specials.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel!
Buffalo Wild Wings To Open July 6 With Chance To Win!
For the past several months, the new Buffalo Wild Wings (BWW) has been rising just west of the intersection of S.R. 56 and Cypress Ridge Blvd. in Wesley Chapel and the official opening will be held in just a few days. Regional managing partner for Minneapolis, MN-based BWW (and Wesley Chapel resident) Casey Hill says that, if all goes as planned, the new location will be serving wings, beer and sports beginning at 11 a.m. on Monday, July 6. Plus, the first 100 guests on opening day will receive FREE boneless wings for a year! “We’re excited to finally open in Wesley Chapel,” Hill says. “This has been a couple of years in the making, but we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.” Hill explains that the growth in the area was a major draw for the company, which opened the first of its 15 Florida locations in Brandon in 2004. There currently are more than 1,000 BWW locations worldwide. For more info, visit BuffaloWild Wings.com and please tell Casey & Co. that you read about them in the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News!
New Restaurants Joining Cypress Creek Town Center
As the Tampa Premium Outlets continue to push toward a projected October opening date, more restaurants have been announced for the Cypress Creek Town Center (CCTC) Development of Regional Impact (DRI). According to Pasco County officials, members of the county staff are set to meet on July 7 with representatives from Southwest Florida’s burger-andbeer favorite Ford’s Garage, which has locations in both Cape Coral and Ft.
Myers. Representatives of Ford’s Garage are set to discuss a new 7,500-sq.-ft. location on the north side of S.R. 56 (the same side of 56 as BWW) along Wesley Chapel Blvd., although the exact location was not available as we went to press with this issue. The county staff also recently met with reps from BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse on June 16. The popular American-fare eatery, which also has a location in the Citrus Park Town Center mall and two in Pinellas County, is in negotiations to bring a 7,500-sq.ft. restaurant to the south side of the CCTC DRI, at the corner of S.R. 56 and Grand Cypress Dr., which winds through the development past the outlet mall and connects S.R. 56 to the planned Wesley Chapel Blvd. extension. In addition, representatives from the popular drive-through Chinese restaurant Panda Express also met with county staff on June 16 to discuss plans for a 2,600-sq.ft. site at the corner of Grand Cypress Dr. and Sun Vista Dr., which runs parallel with the Wesley Chapel Blvd. extension. Stay tuned to WCNeighborhood News.com as we follow these and other developments in our area.
Fuccillo Group Takes Over WC’s Kia Dealership
The Fuccillo Automotive Group, the largest automobile dealership in New York state, which has 25 dealer-
ships and 31 franchises with locations across New York and Florida, has opened its second Florida dealership and first in the Tampa Bay area. Fuccillo Automotive Group owner Billy Fuccillo recently finalized the purchase of the former Precision Kia building and lot at 28555 Wesley Chapel Blvd. The space was converted into Fuccillo Kia of Wesley Chapel, which opened for business on June 1. “Our first Florida dealership, Fuccillo Kia of Cape Coral, is currently the No. 1 Kia dealer in the world, and is known for providing great service and a huge selection of cars while offering customers the lowest prices around,” said Fuccillo. “We’re excited for Fuccillo Kia of Wesley Chapel to be just as huge in the greater Tampa Bay area.” Fuccillo was first welcomed into the Kia President’s Club in 2009 as one of 15 dealers nationwide to achieve the highest overall sales volume and outstanding customer satisfaction. Fuccillo has been a member of the Kia President’s Club every year since 2009. Fuccillo Automotive Group plans to eventually create up to 100 jobs with the opening of Fuccillo Kia of Wesley Chapel. Interested job candidates can send their resumes to applications@ fuccillo.com. Or, for more information, visit Fuccillo.com.
Mac Grill Going Mexican? For more than a year, the former
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Romano’s Macaroni Grill location has remained vacant on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in New Tampa. However, that may not be the case for long, as a national Mexican restaurant reportedly is in negotiations to lease the former Italian restaurant space, just north of Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. A spokesperson for Tampa-based real estate brokerage firm Hybridge CRE says that a new restaurant could be open in the space by the end of the year, if everything goes according to plan. “I can’t disclose anything else because we are still negotiating a lease, but it could be a (national chain) Mexican restaurant,” says Hybridge managing broker Curtis Rorebeck. “It will be the (chain’s) first location in this market.” The 7,000-sq.-ft. space, which seats 260 people as currently configured, has received “tremendous interest” since it was first put on the market last August, Rorebeck says. However, he adds, two potential franchise tenants previously signed letters of intent, but the deals ultimately fell through. “We’re pretty close to a deal,” Rorebeck says. “This won’t be a franchise. This will be a corporate-owned restaurant.” Rorebeck says that activity could be seen on the site within 60 days of the lease being signed and doors could open anywhere between 90-120 days after that, pending any permit delays. Stay tuned to WCNeighborhoodNews.com for updates. — MW
Zaytoun Grill Opening Soon
If you like authentic Middle Eastern food, Zaytoun Mediterranean Grill is getting ready to open soon, probably around the time this issue is arriving in your mailbox. Zaytoun is located in a new strip plaza adjacent to the Publix shopping center on Cross Creek Blvd. near Morris Bridge Rd. in New Tampa. In fact, the new plaza, which already features The Clinicians Primary Care, even has an entrance on Morris Bridge Rd., just north of Cross Creek Blvd. Owner Bilal Saleh (photo, top left of next page) promises that Zaytoun (which
Neighborhood News
(L.-r.) If you like Mediterranean food, try owner Bilal Saleh’s new Zaytoun Grill on Cross Creek Blvd. in New Tampa. The former SteinMart store in the City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center will reopen as a Bealls Outlet store. Kelly Mothershead’s A Focus on Fitness Transformation Studio was among the businesses which have had WCCC ribbon cutting events since our last issue. means “olive tree” in Arabic) will be a goes beyond the weight loss surgery proceSteinMart store at 16061 Tampa Palms accepting applications for employment now casual, cozy, sit-down restaurant with fresh dure to provide patients with a life-improveBlvd. in the City Plaza at Tampa Palms at BeallsOutlet.com. — GN pita bread and other specialties baked in a ment program that includes personalized shopping center closed, but signs recently Wesley Chapel Chamber 900-plus-degree (F) brick oven imported nutrition, physical activity and emotional went up on the former SteinMart location from Italy and custom-built to fit in Zaytoun (photo, center) and along BBD announcing Calendar ‘Summering Down’ guidance, as well as ongoing support. Grill’s kitchen. Meanwhile, Mothershead, who has won that the store will become a Bealls Outlet, The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber As for the food, Bilal says Zaytoun will multiple awards from multiple Chambers of the deeply discounted version of Bealls, the of Commerce (WCCC) has held several free feature all of your Middle Eastern favorites, clothing and housewares giant. events since our last Wesley Chapel issue and Commerce and Women in Business groups, with a Syrian and Lebanese emphasis. From as well as from this publication, has added a Although, at this time, it’s a compliamong those that we were able to attend appetizers like hummus, falafel and grape cated affiliation, Bealls was started in 1915 were two ribbon-cutting ceremonies on June new hair salon, which Kelly says, means that leaves, plus chicken, beef, shrimp and kufta A Focus on Fitness is now, officially, “a total by Robert M. Beall and the Bealls Outlet 4 — one to celebrate the opening of the (ground beef and lamb) kabobs and even transformation studio.” chain, which today has 450 locations in 16 third office (the other two are in Lakeland lamb chops cooked on an open flame grill, Call 344-3325 or visit Facebook. U.S. states (almost exclusively in the Sunbelt and South Tampa) in the Tampa Bay area of beef shawarma, plus plenty of vegetarian com/A Focus on Fitness for appointstates, including more than 50 in Florida) the Florida Surgical Weight Loss Center dishes and home-baked desserts (baklava, ments and more info. grew out of the success of the original Bealls (located at 2318 Cypress Cove, Suite 101, cheese rolls with cream and more), Zaytoun concept. (Note-That total number of Bealls And, while July is perhaps the slowin the Cypress Ridge Professional Center, off Grill should be a hit in New Tampa. est month of the year for the WCCC, the Outlet stores includes those already open or Cypress Ridge Blvd. and S.R. 56), and the For more info, visit Zaytoun-Grill. Chamber will host a “Final Friday” free getting ready to open as either Bealls Outlet other at now-former Wesley Chapel Rotary com and WCNeighborhoodNews.com networking event at Stage Left (24400 S.R. or Burke’s Outlet.) There already is a Bealls Club president (see page 3) Kelly Mothersfor more info and the announcement of Outlet store in the Wesley Chapel Village head’s A Focus on Fitness Transformation 54, Lutz) on Friday, July 31, 4 p.m. Zaytoun Grill’s actual opening date. For membership and other info Market plaza at the corner of BBD Blvd. and Studio (photo, top right). about the WCCC, visit WesleyChapelS.R. 54. Florida Surgical Weight Loss Centers SteinMart To Become A Chamber.com, stop by the Chamber Although we don’t yet have additional offer comprehensive, individualized weight Bealls Outlet Store office (6315 Wesley Grove Blvd., #105) info about the opening date for the Tampa management programs designed to help It’s only been a few months since the or call 994-8534. — GN Palms location (Store #315), the store is achieve long-term weight loss. The practice
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New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE AGENT - Award-winning Real Estate team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents whose desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available.. Keller Williams Tampa Properties. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon (813) 431-2840. PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) - An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. MEDICAL BILLER - Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company. Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: Richard.Jones@solarusmedical.com. WING ZONE IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS - Including shift leader, cooks, cashiers and delivery drivers. Wing Zone offers flexible scheduling, competitive pay wages, advancement opportunities and much more. Come join out team of flavorholics and wing lovers at Wing Zone. Applications are available at store location: 19062 Bruce B Downs. Corner of Cross Creek in the New Tampa Center. NOW HIRING STYLIST - Upscale hair salon seeks hairstylist. Please inquire within... 6431 Country Line Road, Suite 107 Tampa, FL 33647 Contact (813) 994-9455 ROUTE SALES, MEDICAL Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retreival. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights a month. Retrieves damaged/defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; scheduling maintenance and repairs. Send resumes to: richard.jones@solarusmedical.com
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Part-time Community Representative to greet guests, assist in the coordination of marketing programs/events, prepare reports, and attend various special events. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Excellent written and oral communication skills are necessary. Proficiency in Microsoft products and Outlook is required. Must be available to work weekends. Send resume to: kcuervo@crown-tampa.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
TUTORING - Infinite Edge is located in Tampa Palms & offers tutoring in all subjects, including Math, English & SAT, ACT & FCAT tests, 1st-12th grade. We also offer AP classes and last year, our students scored a 5 on any AP subject in which we helped. Please call (813) 971-6500. GREAT HOPE PRESCHOOL - We offer preschool for ages 6 weeks to 12 years. We accept the ELC - School Readiness program, offer FREE VPREK and offer multi child discounts. New owner and renovated classrooms. Now enrolling all age groups. Infants-Afterschool. Mention this ad and receive 1/2 off enrollment fees. TOUR TODAY!!! 30126 State Road 54 Wesley Chapel, FL 813-929-6276 or 813-323-8030. #CO6PA0267 NEW TAMPA FAMILY NEEDS OCCASIONAL OVERNIGHT & SOMETIMES HOURLY BABYSITTER. 1-12 year old female & 1-8 year old special needs male (ID & ADHD w/speech/Language delay; semi-toilet trained. Additional duties: transportation of children, light cooking/cleaning, homework help. Caregiver requirements: mature caring female (30s-50s), nonsmoker, willing to submit to comprehensive background check. Call (813) 363-9119
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ROOMMATE, Pebble Creek villa, professional, nonsmoker, no pets. $575 inclusive. Available July 1. 813/445-2599 or 813/416-6677.
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 14 • July 3, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News