4 minute read
Entering Our 2023 Reader Dining Survey & Contest Is Easier Than Ever!
By GARY NAGER Editorial
Whether or not you’ve ever entered one of our previous Reader Dining Survey & Contests, I hope you’ll consider entering at least once this year. Yes, while we still have at least three (there could be more) free dining prizes, from $35 to $100 — to the restaurant of your choice in the Tampa Bay area — we’re making it easier than ever before for you to enter.
Instead of a full page or more of different dining categories, all we’re asking you for is to answer one or two questions in any issue between now and Thursday, November 16, and you’ll receive an entry into those random prize drawings for each Survey question you answer.
This issue, we’ll start you off with two questions, each of which asks you for FIVE (5) different answers.
The first question, on this page, asks you to “Name your Five Favorite Restaurants (of any kind) located in New Tampa” (including all of zip code 33647 — Bruce B. Downs Blvd. from south of the Pasco County line to where E. Bearss Ave. meets Livingston Ave. — and all of Cross Creek Blvd.).
Then, on page 35 of this issue, we ask you to “Name your Five Favorite Restaurants (of any kind) located in Wesley Chapel or near the Tampa Premium Outlets (aka Lutz).”
For your entry to be valid to win prizes for these questions, you must name five different restaurants for each of them. If you only name one or two restaurants or fill in the name of the same restaurant in all five spaces for either question, you’ll only have one (or two) votes counted and your entry will not be eligible to win any of our prizes. Please also do not name restaurants located in Wesley Chapel as among your favorites in New Tampa or vice-versa.
Then, in each of the next five issues, we’ll ask you to name only one or two of your favorites — for example, your Favorite Chinese Restaurant, Coffee Shop or Pizza Place — and we’ll give you one additional entry into our random prize drawings for each valid entry you submit. We feel as though this should stimulate more people to enter the contests, because the task won’t be as daunting as having to completely (or nearly completely) fill out an entire page of favorites — and doesn’t everyone who lives in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel have at least five favorite restaurants located in or near our distribution areas?
As always, there’s no purchase necessary to enter or win a prize. All we ask is that you follow the following rules:
1. Enter by filling out the entry form on this page or on our website — NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net.
2. You can mail us your filled-out entry form (send it to “2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest,” 2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102D, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544) or email it to us at Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com. *Note-Entries filled out on our website do not need to be mailed or emailed to us.
3. Please check the addresses and zip codes of the restaurants you choose, as we will only consider votes for restaurants in zip code 33647, the portion of zip code 33559 (Lutz) on Bearss Ave., from BBD to Livingston Ave., and in the Oak Ramble Plaza (33613) as valid New Tampa votes, and only votes for restaurants located in zip codes 33543, 33544 and 33545 (Wesley Chapel) and zip code 33559 (Lutz, on S.R. 54 no further west than Oak Grove Blvd.) will be counted as valid “Wesley Chapel” votes.
4. In order to be eligible to win any of our free dining prizes to the restaurant of your choice, your entry form with a response to at least one of our questions over the next five months must include your full name, the community you live in (Hunter’s Green, Grand Hampton, etc.), a daytime phone number where you can be reached and your valid email address.
We look forward to seeing how this year’s contest shakes out. Good luck!
Don’t forget to also check the entry form on page 35 of this issue to tell us your favorite Wesley Chapel restaurants!
Enter Our 2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest!
Each issue, you’ll be given 1 or 2 Dining Survey questions to answer to be entered to win $100, $60 or $35 in FREE dining prizes. One entry per person, per question. This issue, please name 5 different restaurants for your top 5. Mail your entry to “2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest” at the address below left or enter at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net. — GN
Question #1: Name your Five Favorite Restaurants (of any kind) located in New Tampa (in or near zip code 33647; see rules).
Your First & Last Name___________________________________________________
Community You Live In (Tampa Palms, K-Bar Ranch, etc.)
Your Daytime Phone Number______________________________________________
Your Email Address_______________________________________________________
New Tampa Neighborhood News
PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS: 2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102D Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 Office Phone Number: (813) 910-2575
Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Publisher & Editor/Ad Sales
Gary Nager
Celeste McLaughlin • Nidhi Jani Anna Gorman
Ad Sales/Marketing Director
Jannah Nager
Lead Video Producer/Multimedia Specialist
Charmaine George Graphic Designers
Morgan Conlin • Valerie Wegener Nylah Alahmary
Nothing that appears in New Tampa Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by New Tampa Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion.

The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 31, Issue 17, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Thursday, August 10, 2023.
New Tampa Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. New Tampa Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials.
New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. New Tampa Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
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