New Tampa Neighborhood News, Issue 17, August 15, 2015

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Volume 23 Issue 17


Check Out Zaytoun Mediterranean Grill!

August 15, 2015

See Neighborhood Magazine!

Named The 2014 ‘Small Business Of The Year’ By The Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce! The Direct-Mail News Magazines Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Since 1993! For the complete list of the neighborhoods that receive this publication by direct mail in New Tampa (zip code 33647), see page 54!

Soggy New Tampa Escapes Worst Of Tampa’s Torrential Flooding By Matt Wiley

It’s no secret that it’s been a little wet out there in recent weeks. In fact, if our recent weather pattern was just a little more windy, it would have seemed like a threeweek tropical storm. However, despite days of torrential downpours, the New Tampa area was spared the truly massive flooding that plagued other areas of the city and much of western Pasco County. According to preliminary reports from the National Weather Service (NWS) in Ruskin, Tampa received 8.42 inches of rain between August 1-3, 7.7 inches more than what is normal for that same timeframe. And, that rainfall was in addition to the 11.84 inches of rain that fell during the month of July, 4.7 inches above normal. In fact, during the 21-day period from July 17-Aug. 3, the NWS reports that it rained every day at Tampa International Airport, during which time 10.27 inches of rain fell, which is more rain than our area normally receives for the entire month of July or August. Although the storms caused serious flooding and roadway damage issues in older parts of the city, such as South Tampa and the Westshore business district, New Tampa’s roadways remained comparatively dry. Flooding was visible along some parts of the southbound lane of Morris Bridge Rd. near the Cross Creek Blvd. intersection, as well as along Pebble Creek Dr. (in New Tampa’s oldest subdivision), where the flooding was a little higher than usual, according to Pebble Creek resident Joe Bina (who sent the Neighborhood News a photo {right} he took from

his garage along Pebble Creek Dr., which shows the floodwaters up to the top of the wheel wells of several vehicles). But, Bina says the standing water isn’t at all surprising. “Unfortunately, this happens all the time (on Pebble Creek Dr.) when we have torrential rains,” Bina says. The Tampa Palms Homeowners Association (TPOA) also posted on its Facebook page about flooding in the southern section of New Tampa. “Although Tampa Palms received (more than seven) inches of rain today, the streets were never flooded beyond that of temporary ponding in some places,” the TPOA page said, adding that the northbound exit to Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. from Tampa Palms Blvd. was too flooded temporarily for low-riding cars and was blocked off by the Tampa Police Department (TPD). “The ponds are high but they are doing their job and the wetlands were filling with overflow.” Tampa Palms CDD spokesperson Maggie Wilson agrees. “Tampa Palms was remarkably floodfree,” she says. “It was a ‘non-event’ (for our area). Tampa Palms has an incredibly complicated and functional drainage system. The water level in the ponds go way up, but drop right back down in a matter of hours.”

Tampa Bypass Canal Reactivated

In other parts of Tampa Bay, three of the four major bridges were shut down at some point and numerous major intersections in South Tampa also were closed. The flooding got so bad throughout the Tampa

New Tampa saw some flooding during the beginning of August, especially in Pebble Creek (above, photo courtesy of Joe Bina). In Tampa Palms (below, courtesy of Maggie Wilson), the waters rose in the retention ponds, but returned to normal levels in a matter of hours. area that the Southwest Florida Water Management District (aka Swiftmud) activated the Tampa Bypass Canal system on August 3, when the Hillsborough River reached 25 feet above sea level. Once the bypass system is activated, it redirects the flow of the Hillsborough River away from the City of Tampa into the Lower Hillsborough Flood Detention Area (LHFDA). The Tampa Bypass Canal system was constructed in response to the massive flooding caused by Hurricane Donna in 1960 and was designed to divert flood waters from the Hillsborough River into the 16,000-acre LHFDA. As the detention area fills with water from the river and the surrounding 450-square-mile area, the flows then enter verted to McKay Bay, bypassing the cities of the Tampa Bypass Canal and are safely di- Temple Terrace and Tampa.

‘Festival Of Flight’ Takes To The Skies Sept. 11-13 Off S.R. 54! If you’re in or near Wesley Chapel the weekend of September 11-13, look up. You might see something cool that you don’t see too often. It could be a fleet of hot air balloons gracefully floating along the horizon, or a plane from World War II buzzing by. You’re not seeing things, it’s all part of the show. The second weekend of September will mark the third annual ‘Festival

of Flight’ at Tampa North Aero Park, located off Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54, although the airport’s address is in Lutz), and it’s not to be missed. For three days, attendees will be treated to numerous activities and experiences that all are meant to fuel interest in taking to the skies. Admission to the Festival is completely FREE. It all starts at 5 p.m. on Friday night, with live music from Infinity On High and the Harold Jones Band, as well as

Local News, Business & Education Updates

Neighborhood Magazine

By Matt Wiley

Also Inside This Issue!

Rezoning Approved For K-Bar Ranch, S.R. 56 Interchange Could Get Facelift, Rep. Ross Meeting Gets Heated, Plus Lots Of Great Local Business Features!

Zaytoun Grill Brings Mediterranean Flair To New Tampa, The Legacy At Highwoods Preserve Officially Opens & More Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes!

Pages 3-40

Pages 41-56

a presentation of quilts to veterans of the armed services from Quilts of Valor. The highlight definitely will be the balloon glow, in which the 30 hot air balloons that will be attending this year stay on the ground, but fire their engines in loose synchronization with the live music between 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Don’t party too hard Friday night, as all 30 of those hot air balloons will be taking off at sunrise on Saturday morning, a truly surreal sight. Make sure to bring a chair. Throughout the day, attendees will have the opportunity to check out all kinds of aircraft, including a few Steermans (WWII bi-planes), a T-6 warbird (a WWII fighting plane), trikes (motorcycles with attached hang gliders) and helicopters. Plus, there will be a different band

See ‘Flight’ on page 41!

Why You Should Check Our Website & Facebook Page Daily! An editorial by Gary Nager Like most adults who remember watching “The Wonder Years” when it was on TV, I’m still doing everything I can not to get too involved with technology, even though I can use my cell phone to play games or search the internet. Even so, the facts of the media business today are such that unless you jump into the technology pool with both feet, you’re going to be left behind. Therefore, it’s awesome to be able to work with young people like general manager Nikki Bennett, assistant editor Matt Wiley, marketing & graphic arts assistant Chelsie Rosatone and office assistant Jill Reilly (see page 17) every day, so the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News can keep adding new and interactive ways to communicate with people seeking information about our distribution areas. So, while I’m still the kind of guy who prefers to hold an actual publication in his hands, I’m happy and proud that my Neighborhood News “peeps” know the difference between Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram and we’re all sort of learning together how best to use these and other social media apps to provide our print readers with more and better ways to keep up with what’s happening in their neighborhoods — and beyond. Although the fallout from daily newspapers cannibalizing their print publications with their own daily online content seems to have stabilized somewhat, niche publications like ours are still the ones benefiting the most from being able to supplement what we do in print with new online content still primarily focused on our distribution areas. Our website (NTNeighborhoodNews.

New Tampa Neighborhood News 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: (813) 423-6533 Advertising E-mail: Editorial E-mail: Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents

Celeste McLaughlin • Anu Varna Panchal

Advertising Sales Representative Mary Dorey Office/Marketing Assistant Jillian Reilly Graphic Design Georgia Carmichael • Chelsie Rosatone Nothing that appears in New Tampa Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by New Tampa Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 23, Issue 19, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Monday, August 31, 2015. New Tampa Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. New Tampa Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. New Tampa Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.

© 2015 JM2 Communications, Inc.

Neighborhood News

com) and Facebook page ( NeighborhoodNews) stats keep trending upward, thanks to young Mr. Wiley making sure that when news that affects our area does hit (whether we had a story first or not), our social media-savvy regular readers know they don’t have to wait until that next issue hits their mailboxes to find out if any other major news about our area has broken since our most recent issue. For example, we were the first news media outlet to announce that the Tampa Premium Outlets Job Fair is going to be held on August 27 (see the story at the bottom of page 1), and that was just one of several days the past month that both our Facebook page and our website saw a spike of activity 5-10 times above our usual number of “hits” per day. One thing is for certain: You can rest assured that everything you read on our website/ FB page will provide you with timely news and information that will adhere to the strict standards for journalistic excellence you’ve come to know in our print publications — and we’ll always provide more than just pictures when we cover an event or news story.

Survey Says...

We recently completed our first onlineonly Reader Survey & Contest, in an effort to see if we could stimulate more response from people who already have been utilizing our website and social media. Several hundred people participated in the Survey & Contest and the results were pretty impressive to us, considering we’re really still in the infancy of what we plan to do in the future, in print and, especially, online. Perhaps the most impressive stat was that nearly 80 percent (79.2, to be exact) of those who responded to the survey said that they read the Neighborhood News when they receive it in the mail and 8.3 percent said they would read it if they lived in our distribution areas. We also were excited that while 69 percent of respondents had visited our website before, 29.2 percent said they were visiting for the first time. We also were somewhat surprised (but

thrilled) that 77 percent of the respondents were female (22 percent were male; fewer than 1 percent did not respond to that question) and more than 56 percent of the respondents were either in the 25-34 or the 35-44 age group. And, perhaps the most telling statistic of all is that 60.5 percent of the respondents had either a Doctoral (2.5 percent), Bachelor’s (37 percent) or Master’s (21 percent) degree and another 24.3 percent had either an Associate’s (9.2 percent) degree or “Some College” (15.1). We invite readers and advertisers alike to compare those numbers with any other local media source. We also invite you to “Like” our Facebook page and check our website every day for our exclusive updates, as well as to enter our next online-only contest.

And, The Winners Are...

As I mentioned earlier, we got the statistics about our demographics from those who responded to our online Reader Survey & Contest, where the Grand Prize was a $100 gift card to Saddlebrook Resort & Spa Tampa (973-1111,, located, of course, off S.R. 54 here in Wesley Chapel. The winner, drawn at random from all of the correctly-filled-out entries we received, was Wendy Tunstall of Seven Oaks! Congrats go out to Wendy, who told us that she “really loves the Neighborhood News!” We’re also thrilled for asst. editor Matt Wiley and his fiancé, Vanessa Malagon. Matt popped the question while he and Vanessa were visiting New York City (her hometown).

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Table of Contents Local News Updates.................. ............4-21

Rezoning Approved For K-Bar Ranch.........................4 Hillsborough Approves Hunter’s Lake Purchase.........6 FDOT Considering Unusual Fix For S.R. 56...............8 Congressman Ross Hosts Town Hall Meeting..........10 Indoor Sports Facility Recommended For Wiregrass...12 Local Autism Charter School Gets New Facility.........14

New Tampa News Briefs.....................................16 Local Driver Arrested In Wrong-Way Crash Suspect In Home Invasion Arrested In WC Hotel Violent New Tampa Robbery Suspect Arrested New Tampa CVS Robbed Grove 16 Judge Steps Away From Case Mosquito Advisory In Effect For Our Area.................19 New Tampa Community Calendar.............................21

Local Business Updates...............24-35

Hanaq Prana Yoga Studio Helps You Find Zen.........24 Excel Music Teaches New Tampa To Sing & Play.......28 Visiting Angels Takes Care Of Your Loved Ones.........32

Local Education Updates..................37 Back-To-School Fairs Offer Free Shots

Neighborhood Magazine

Festival Of Flight (cont. from pg. 1).......................41 Legacy At Highwoods Preserve Now Open............44 New Tampa Dance Theatre...................................46 Zaytoun Grill Has Elegant Mediterranean Cuisine....48 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’.........50 NEW TAMPA COLOR CLASSIFIEDS............52 Florida Hospital Center Ice Unveils Programs.............54


For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •


K-Bar Rezoning Approved Despite Opposition From Easton Park Residents By Matt Wiley More than a thousand new homes are on the horizon for the K-Bar Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI) in New Tampa, as the Tampa City Council unanimously (6-0) has approved a rezoning for the area, despite an outcry from residents of the Easton Park neighborhood (also in the K-Bar DRI) along Morris Bridge Rd. At the August 6 meeting in downtown Tampa, council members heard the second reading of a new development order for M/I Homes, which includes a rezoning of K-Bar Ranch that will allow for the construction of up to 1,400 new homes in the DRI, as well as 20,000 sq. ft. of commercial space and a nearly-60-acre city park. Leading up to the first hearing for the rezoning on July 29, Easton Park residents protested with signs and a march through their community. At the Aug. 6 second hearing, six Easton Park residents addressed the council, expressing concern about the future K-Bar Ranch Pkwy., which will connect Kinnan St. to Morris Bridge Rd. through the Easton Park neighborhood. Resident Dale Clark told council members that what residents really were opposing was not the road itself, but bringing the road through Easton Park and adding an intersection into the community. “(That intersection is) going to be quite dangerous,” Clark said. “It’s going to effectively separate a third of our development from all of the amenities that we enjoy — the pool, the park, the school bus stops. Kids are going to have to cross a four-lane, 45-mileper-hour road to get to the bus stop.”


Clark said that residents also are concerned with the traffic that the road likely will create through their community. He cited facts from the recent Go Hillsborough transportation report that said in 2010, there were 12 bicycle fatalities on Hillsborough roads, twice the national average. “Is putting a four-lane road right through the middle of a community going to help those numbers?,” he asked, before presenting an alternative that took the road north of Easton Park to connect with an existing dirt The dotted red line represents the proposed K-Bar Ranch Pkwy., which will go through Easton Park communiroad, just south of the Pasco county ty near Morris Bridge Rd. Residents protested the road and spoke out against it at two City Council meetings. line. Clark said that the alternative road would protect the wildlife corriwildlife corridor by 200 feet, with a buffer M/I Homes spokesperson Scott Steady dor in K-Bar Ranch and remove any potential from homes of only 25 feet in some places. told council members that the road was traffic impacts from Easton Park. “Is this enough room for animals to feel planned years ago because that’s what was “We’re asking (council members) to safe from us?,” she asked. determined to be the best place for it in delay the approval to consider researching Resident Christine Morrell asked that anticipation of future development. other alternatives,” Clark said. “Use your the council would allow for speed bumps “We’re committing to working with the judgment and your empathy for what we’re along K-Bar Ranch Pkwy. and the ability to city on planning for pedestrian safety (along going through.” make Easton Park a gated community. K-Bar Ranch Pkwy.),” Steady told council Dale’s wife Donna Clark spoke about Dist. 7 council member Lisa Montelione members. “I don’t see how we can go back to the importance of protecting the wildlife cor- asked Tampa senior transportation planning square one and redesign this.” ridor that runs through the northern section engineer Melanie Calloway why taking K-Bar Montelione said that there will be a lot of K-Bar Ranch. Ranch Pkwy. north of Easton Park wasn’t of steps taken between the passing of the re“I encourage a slow speed limit for the considered. Calloway said that it was, but a zoning and the time shovels hit dirt in K-Bar. road that either will plow through or hope100-foot Tampa Electric Company ease“Along the way, as we go through fully go around our community,” she said. ment prevented it and that parcel of land was design review and some of the other pronot part of the rezoning. She also explained “Animals are so prominent in Easton Park cesses that are standard for any development, that the design for the future road has been that they come to us. They’re on our roads, residents will be considered and consulted,” altered and will be built to handle 40-mileMontelione said, adding that she’ll be makon our sidewalks and in our yards.” per-hour traffic, but the posted speed limit ing sure that promises are being kept. She The Clarks’ young daughter Sadie also will be 35 mph, not 45. added that she and other city officials will be addressed the council, explaining that M/I Calloway said that roundabouts also are holding town hall meetings to make sure that Homes offered to add vegetation to the being considered to help reduce speeds. they are. development in exchange for narrowing the

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •

Neighborhood News


Hillsborough County Approves $2M Sale For Hunter’s Lake Land By Matt Wiley

The New Tampa area is officially one step closer to having its own cultural center, community theater and dog park — which are all planned to built on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. (across from Hunter’s Green) — as Hillsborough County officially has approved the sale of nearly 18 acres of land at the site to a developer. During the July 15 Hillsborough Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting, the Board voted unanimously (7-0) to approve the $2,02-million sale of 17.6 acres of land across from Hunter’s Green to Hunter’s Lake, LLC, which plans to develop not only a theater and cultural center, but also additional retail and multi-family residential units. The development tentatively is being called The Village at Hunter’s Lake. “It feels good (to get the sale approved),” says David Freeman, president of Harrison Bennett Properties, LLC, which is developing the project as Hunter’s Lake, LLC. “We’re very anxious to get the process started. We have a lot of things to do out there. Hopefully, we’ll be getting the rezoning started (with the City of Tampa) fairly soon, but not immediately.” Although the land is part of an 80-acre parcel owned by Hillsborough County, it sits within the Tampa city limits, so it is subject to the city’s zoning ordinances. In order to be cleared for the type of development planned for Hunter’s Lake, it will have to go through the city’s rezoning process. Freeman says that Hunter’s Lake will be home to a mixed-use “village center,” which will include a 20,000-sq.-ft. cultural center with community theater (expandable to 30,000 sq. ft.) and a three-acre dog park. The Hunter’s Lake proposal also includes plans for 90-250 residential units in the form of condos, townhomes or “boutique” apartments, as well as a “green grocer” with frontage on BBD and other shops and restaurants, totaling 80,000 sq. ft. The de-

velopment will not allow any fast food establishments or gas stations. Despite rumors and gossip about who the “green” grocer might be, Freeman says that it’s still much too early to have any tenants already lined up. Once Hunter’s Lake and the county close on the sale (which Freeman says is in the works), the contract will officially be approved. Then, land inspections can begin, which include surveying and other “due diligence” work. Freeman says that once those inspections have been completed, the rezoning process can begin. “We’ve got a fairly long process ahead of us still,” Freeman says, adding that he’s been told that the rezoning process itself can take at least six months to complete after the application is submitted. “We’re well under way,” says Dist. 2 Comm. Victor Crist, who represents New Tampa on the BOCC. “(The county) is meeting with planners and architects to help design the park site. We’re making a few tweaks and then we’ll sit down with the other commissioners to get their input.” Crist says that the project — which will mirror the aesthetics of Hunter’s Green — is estimated to cost about $9 million and that the county currently has about $5.5 million budgeted, including the $2 million from the developer. He says that the county hopes to make up the remaining $3.5 million from the state or the private sector. “The (cultural center) is expensive,” Crist says, adding that the cost of lighting, soundproofing and other details for the theater contribute to the price tag. So far, the first floor is pretty much planned, he says. It will include the theater with a legitimate, professional stage and 300 built-in theater seats, rather than just space for chairs on a floor. The center also will include two classrooms, storage rooms, locker rooms, make-up rooms and a multi-purpose room with a full kitchen. A corridor through the center of the building will be wide enough to accommodate event receptions.

A conceptual rendering of what the retail center at the future Village at Hunter’s Lake development could look like once it has been completed. which has a program based in downThe idea, Crist says, is to build town Tampa and potentially could something that can host several difoffer an extension of that program in ferent kinds of events throughout the New Tampa. day. For now, the second floor will be Crist says that he plans to also built, but not “built out” (finished), so reach out to the University of South that it can be built to suit for a future Florida, Hillsborough Community partner program provider. College and the Life Enrichment Cent“The goal is to attract several proer of North Tampa (which provides gram providers for the best value and programs for seniors about 13 miles utilization (of the cultural center),” he from the site of the future cultural explains. “It has to be sustainable.” Crist says that the county already is center) about hosting programs at the facility in the future. working with the New Tampa Players “We want to create a sense of theater troupe on details for the theater community for New Tampa, a place to and that talks are planned with several other program providers, including the gather and enjoy,” Crist says. “It’s time there’s more investment up here.” Patel Center for the Performing Arts,

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •

AFTER Neighborhood News


FDOT Considering ‘Diverging Diamond’ Interchange For S.R. 56 By Matt Wiley

As traffic continues to back up daily a few miles north of New Tampa at the S.R. 56 exit from I-75 in Wesley Chapel — where the area’s newest outlet mall is set to open — state transportation officials are considering alternatives for reworking the I-75 interchange at S.R. 56 to improve the flow of traffic. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has approved funding in its 2016-17 budget for the study and design of a new interchange concept for S.R. 56. The likely scenario is a new one that many driver probably have not seen before, but is becoming a more popular alternative that has helped increase traffic flow, as well as improved safety, on bridges above and/or the roads below interstate highways. Called a “diverging diamond” interchange (DDI), FDOT is considering an idea that would place drivers on what typically would be considered the “wrong side of the road.” However, using traffic signals and signage, the concept is supposed to make busy interchanges more efficient and safer. According to FDOT, it works like this: If you’re headed north on I-75 and you get off at S.R. 56, you’ll approach the stop light at the interchange. If you’re headed east, nothing changes. But, if you’re headed west, you should

definitely not be texting and should definitely pay attention to the road. Instead of crossing the eastbound lanes of S.R. 56 and turning left onto the westbound lanes, which is the current set-up, you’ll immediately turn left. After crossing the interstate and approaching the stoplight at the entrance to the southbound lanes of I-75, you’ll then cross back over into what are the normal westbound lanes on the northern side of the road. Traffic on S.R. 56 headed in either direction follows the signs to the opposite lanes for the length of the bridge and then switches back to normal lanes at the next stoplight. If you feel yourself going crosseyed, check out the diagram (right). The diagram shows how traffic would shift to the opposite lanes of S.R. 56 above I-75 if a diverging FDOT reports that DDIs create diamond interchange (DDI) concept (in black) were applied to the busy intersection (in yellow). fewer conflict points for vehicles, offer better visibility during turns and cut says. In fact, the existing bridge should new exit ramp had to be constructed and back on the opportunities for drivers support a DDI and additional right-ofopened in 2012 to handle the traffic, to enter the interstate in the wrong way is rarely needed. Plus, the construcwhich will increase exponentially when direction. In addition, DDIs provide tion time is significantly reduced and the mall opens in October. free or simple left and right turns from traffic patterns don’t have to be signifiAlthough there are no DDIs curall directions, increase left turn capacity cantly altered while the interchange is rently in operation in our area, one (where traffic usually is the worst during being transformed. Lanes just have to currently is under construction in the be shifted, instead of new ones being the afternoon rush when getting off Sarasota area at the University Pkwy. inI-75 at the S.R. 56 interchange) without constructed. terchange. However, instead of creating The S.R. 56 interchange has transneeding more lanes; they also cut traffic a DDI on a bridge (as would be the case formed at an exponential rate since it signals down to two cycles and improve at S.R. 56), the Sarasota DDI is being was first constructed in 2002. Traffic constructed under the interstate bridge. traffic signal synchronization. back-ups onto the interstate became so For more information, please visit DDIs also are a cheaper alternative extreme that the current two-mile-long than rebuilding an interchange, FDOT

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •

Expires June 6, 2015

Neighborhood News


U.S. Rep. Dennis Ross Meets Resident Wrath At Lutz Town Hall Meeting By Matt Wiley

As the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election begins to kick into high gear, many controversial issues are afloat in Washington, DC, and many local residents voiced their concerns about them during a town hall meeting with Dist. 15 U.S. Representative Dennis Ross (R-Lakeland), who represents the New Tampa area in Congress. Rep. Ross was met with few allies in cafeteria at Lutz Elementary on the evening of August 4, as roughly 40 residents from the surrounding areas filled his ear with concerns about issues from the Iranian nuclear agreement, to immigration, to President Obama’s recently released climate change legislation proposal. “(The Iranian Nuclear deal) is the most important decision I may ever make in Congress,” Rep. Ross said, explaining that the deal, which reportedly will keep Iran from ever having the capability of developing nuclear weapons in its nuclear plants, but doesn’t allow for proper inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). “More importantly, we’re lifting sanctions that allows for $150 billion in frozen assets to be utilized to fund the largest state form of terrorism known to man,” Ross said. “Tehran is truly the central bank of terrorism.” Ross told the audience that Iran has to agree to a nuclear inspection by the IAEA and then has a 24-day waiting period before the inspection can take place, during which time the request goes through the United Nations and a potential appeal process. “What do we get out of this?,” Ross asked. “We get a handshake.” Shortly after, Ross opened the floor for questions, many of which, were not friendly. Stewart Collins, who lives near the University of South Florida’s Tampa campus, just a few miles south of Tampa Palms on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. expressed disdain with the Iran nuclear deal. “Someone needs to grow a spine and stand up to the president,” Collins said. “Stop going to the courts to figure things out. Use the power of impeachment, use your legislative power.” Another resident also was concerned with the actions of the current Congress. “You guys are constantly giving up

your power to the Executive Branch and the Supreme Court,” he said. “These guys are acting outside the bounds of the Constitution and you guys just sit by and let them go.” Ross rebutted, “This president has done so much to make Congress irrelevant through his Executive Orders that he would have done this Iran deal (anyway) and there would never have been an up or down vote in Congress.” Other constituents complained that although they repeatedly call Ross’s office, votes still go a different way than what they request, expressing feelings of defeat at the meeting. Ross urged those attendees not to give up and to come out to the polls whenever there’s an election to affect change. New Tampa resident Joe Gesumaria said he also was not pleased with what’s happening in our nation’s capitol. “I’m 77 years old and I’m mad as hell,” Gesumaria told Ross. “In my opinion, politicians have ruined my America. We’re $19 trillion in debt. We will never, ever pay off that debt and in 18 more years, every cent this government confiscates from us will go to Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and (still pay) only the interest on that debt. We are broke.” Gesumaria said that he wanted to see a consumption tax (or a tax on services used) to replace the current Internal Revenue Service tax code. Rep. Ross said he was in favor of the idea two years ago, but that the timing wasn’t right to pursue it, adding that when we elect a new president in 2016, it will be a better time to pursue such a measure. Ross said that he’s worried someone might try to implement a consumption tax in addition to current tax codes. Another resident brought up the issue of illegal immigration, which dominated the conversation when Ross held a town hall meeting in July of 2013, right after the president’s immigration reform bill was proposed. “We should have done something with (immigration) years ago,” Rep. Ross said. “There are multiple steps.” Ross said that if a bigger fence is built along the Mexican border, “people will bring a bigger ladder.” He also mentioned a measure put in place by the Obama administration that prevents local law enforcement from enforcing immigration laws, before explaining that 40

percent of illegal immigrants are in the country on expired work visas. “We need a visa program that works,” Ross said. “We can’t keep track of (people) with work visas, but we can track a package anywhere?… Our system is broken.” When questioned about the president’s recent plan for climate change that aims to cut back on carbon emissions and the country’s reliance on fossil fuels, Ross said he’s not a fan. “I will do everything possible to prevent these regulations from going into place,” he said. “Look at this way, if (Obama) shuts down every coal-producing plant in the country, what are we going to do in Kentucky and West Virginia where we’re producing all of this coal? Do you U.S. Congressman Dennis Ross heard from think they’re going to stop? They’re going about 40 local residents during a town hall to produce it, export it to China, where meeting at Lutz Elementary on Aug. 4. they’ll use it. What are we going to do “If I didn’t care, if I didn’t want to earn about our environment then?” Lutz Citizens Coalition president Mike your trust, I wouldn’t be here,” he said. “I White pointed out the elephant in the room. firmly believe that the path to a solution is “Many of us were at your last meeting an open dialogue.” The Aug. 4 meeting could be the last (in July 2013),” White said. “There is a distinctive difference in tone at this meeting, Ross holds in our district, as preliminary Congressional redistricting maps that were which I’m sure you’re well aware of.” White said that he, too, used to be in ordered by the Florida Supreme Court show that the New Tampa area could be public service as a former fireman. “If I had done my job the way many of shifting into District 14, which currently is you are doing yours in DC, I’d lose my job,” represented by Rep. Kathy Castor. Look for White explained. “My job required the trust a story about redistricting in a future issue. For more information about U.S. of these people to enter their homes and Rep. Dennis Ross, please visit Dennistreat their families. You don’t have that.” Ross thanked White for his comments.

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Consulting Firm Recommends Indoor Multi-Sport Facility For Wiregrass Land By Matt Wiley

After several months of study by a private consulting firm, a final report has been submitted to Pasco County about what should be done with the land that was dedicated for a sports facility in the Wiregrass Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI). According to the report published on July 10 from Chicago-based Johnson Consulting, Pasco County should focus its efforts on constructing an indoor sports facility on the same 224 acres of land dedicated by the Porter family (which owns Wiregrass Ranch) that almost became a 19-field baseball complex. The 75-page report is based on economic and demographic factors, as well as an analysis of industry trends, other nearby facilities, demand, financial projections and, of course, available funding. “Based on the objective findings, we are recommending a multi-use sports facility as the best use for the given site at Wiregrass Park,” the report states. “Examining further into the county, we see that Wesley Chapel is boasting rapid population growth, a high proportion of residents ages 5-34, and a median household income greater than that of the (U.S). This combination of a growing and young population that possesses a greater proportion of disposable income is a great opportunity for the development of the county as a whole.” The report explains that the sports facility industry has changed during the past two decades from an industry that focused on building single-sport facilities


to building multi-sport facilities to create a larger demand. The challenge for Pasco, the report points out, is designing a specialized facility that will generate enough demand to justify its development while also making sure that it will be unique to the surrounding region. The right type of facility would attract weekend tournaments and still support the local leagues that would utilize it on a weekly basis. “It will be critical for a facility in Pasco County to target sports where current demand is unmet by existing facilities to help ensure the new sports complex will capture a sufficient number of event days and, in turn, supplement use of the facility outside of national and regional tournaments,” the report says. “This becomes especially necessary as traditional sports (such as baseball and football) continue to see participation rates decline. Facilities with the flexibility to host a variety of sports will have the greatest chance of success over the long-term as national participation rates fluctuate.” The report recommends an 85,000-100,000-sq.-ft., multi-purpose indoor facility that could be expanded in additional future phases. The facility should include 6-8 basketball courts (that could be converted to volleyball courts), elevated seating for 500-750, two concession stands, locker rooms, 4-6 multi-purpose rooms, plus healthcare partnerships, like the one at the nearby Florida Hospital Center Ice (FHCI) rink off S.R. 56. After 5-10 years, the report says that the facility could construct a second phase and add 15,000-20,000 sq. ft. of space in

the form of additional hard courts or even turf fields to expand not only the site, but also the capabilities of the sports complex. By that time, the report projects that the facility could be raking in more than $775,000 per year in net income. The report also says the facility could bring in more than $245,000 in its first year alone. Hotel availability also is considered in the report, which states that there are 1,122 hotel rooms available within a five-mile radius of the sports facility site. But, 800 of those rooms are located in Saddlebrook Resort & Spa, which the report The land in blue above was dedicated to Pasco County by the says is, “an unlikely lodgowners of Wiregrass Ranch for a county park, which could ing option for participants house a multi-sport, indoor facility in the future. of youth sports tourism events.” However, a new similar-sized buildings in Bradenton and 82-room Holiday Inn Express & Suites is we’re curious about their operating costs,” tentatively planned to open next to FHCI Caum explains. “The BOCC is always sometime in the spring of 2016 and the interested in what (projects are) comparable Cypress Creek Town Center DRI is zoned so we can follow best practices.” for up to 300 hotel rooms north of S.R. 56. Caum says that once the clarifications Pasco tourism manager Ed Caum says are made, the next step will be to present that the county staff has gone through the the report to the BOCC. However, he report and is in the process of sending some noted that a date for the presentation had questions for further clarification back to not yet been set at our press time. “This is Johnson, before the report is the brought on hold for now because we’re knee-deep before the BOCC. in (2015-16) budget negotiations,” Caum “Johnson said that there are some says. “That takes precedence.”

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •

Neighborhood News


Florida Autism Center For Excellence Moves To New Facility In Tampa By Matt Wiley

In keeping with our company’s cause for 2015 — autism awareness — we’re happy to report that a Hillsborough County charter school that caters specifically to students with the developmental disorder has opened a new and improved facility, just a few miles south of New Tampa. According to a press release, the Florida Autism Center for Excellence (FACE), cut a ribbon at its new location off E. Sligh Ave. in Tampa on August 13, which was a few days after we went to press with this issue. The school (formerly located on E. Chelsea St. in East Tampa), was chartered in 2007 with a grant from the Florida Department of Education (FDoE) and serves students ages 3-22 afflicted with a variety of autism spectrum disorders. FACE is a public charter school that is part of the Hillsborough County School District (HCSD). “(Moving into this new facility) is very exciting,” says FACE director/ principal Annie Russell. “Were moving into a facility that’s larger and newer that can accommodate more enrollment as we continue to grow and expand to serve more students in Hillsborough and the surrounding counties.” Russell holds a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Social Science Education from the University of South Florida (USF), as well as a Master of Arts degree


in Special Education Behavior Disorders, also from USF. Russell also has her Autism Spectrum Disorder endorsement from the Florida Department of Education. Russell says that the charter school’s lease had come to an end at the previous location at Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church, and that the church was interested in adding its own private Catholic school to its campus, so FACE looked for a new space. “(The new location) is one building instead of an open campus with open breezeways,” Russell explains. “This location is completely inside, so it provides better security and shelter from Florida’s very unpredictable weather.” Russell adds that the new location also prevents having to expose autistic students to climate changes, going from inside to outside (into the bright light of the sun) when moving to different classrooms or the restroom, any of which could trigger a negative response from a student. “A lot of our children have sensory issues,” Russell says. “It might be too bright, too hot, or even the sound of the lawnmower might be too much. Even just the sound of a buzzing bee, something we don’t even think about, can be really offputting to one of our children.” FACE incorporates “Applied Behavioral Analysis,” a mode of teaching that assists students in overcoming cognitive delays through repetition and modeling

of desirable academic and social behaviors. The ABA-trained staff and small teacherto-student ratio promotes an intimate and safe learning environment for the school’s students. FACE’s website explains that ABA is a scientific approach to modifying behavior, improving social interaction and facilitating learning. ABA is based on the concept that behavior is acquired through interactions with the environment and that changing the events in the environment can positively shape or influence a behavior. The website also says that children naturally learn from their environment without intervention, but children who have learning, developmental or behavioral disorders learn less from their environment than they do from their peers. These children often need a structured environment where they have opportunities to acquire the same fundamental skills

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Neighborhood News

that other children may pick up naturally. ABA is used to develop basic skills, like listening and imitating, as well as more complex skills, such as reading and having conversations. ABA also helps autistic children to decrease behaviors that interfere with learning. FACE’s website also notes that ABA breaks complex skills down into small steps, allowing the student to learn a skill in stages. The individual steps are then individually taught using prompts, which are gradually eliminated as the steps are mastered. Every time the child achieves the desired result, he or she receives positive reinforcement that keeps him or her motivated to continually improve. Russell explains that, since classrooms in the new FACE will be located closer together and also will allow teachers to work more collaboratively. It also will allow for the integration of more technology into the classroom and even the opportunity to branch out and offer more specialties in the future. For example, Russell wants to add a physical education program catered specifically to those with cognitive disorders. Applications for the 2015-16 school year are currently being accepted through February 28, 2016, for all grade levels. For more info, please visit


New Tampa

detectives were trying to identify the suspect involved in three violent robberies, including two at the Travel Lodge on E. Busch Blvd. in North Tampa and one ander and fellow Land O’ Lakes residents Alejandro Brooker, 17, and Lonnie at the 7-11 on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in New Tampa in front of Home Jones, 22, knocked on the door of a Depot. residence in the Cypress Grove ApartAfter what is being called an ments complex in Land O’Lakes. When “exhaustive search,” during which the victims opened the door, Alexander, time detectives followed several leads Brooker and Jones stormed into the and conducted numerous interviews, apartment with guns drawn. 17-year-old Rolondo Noel Williams (left) Jones confronted one victim in a was arrested at his bedroom and took his cellphone, while home on Calder Pl. the two juveniles threatened the other at around 9:15 on occupants in the apartment. Alexander July 27. Williams is reportedly went through the kitchen charged with armed cabinets, looking for money and drugs robbery and armed and struck an occupant in the head with kidnapping. his pistol. Brooker stole a shotgun from The robberies inside the residence and struck another occurred between occupant in the head with the butt of the July 22-26. In each gun, before all three fled the complex in incident, Williams a vehicle on Drexel Rd. reportedly struck up friendly conversaDuring the invasion, one of the tion with each of the victims, before victims fled through a second-story robbing them at gunpoint. window. The suspects reportedly saw The most recent robbery occurred the victim along the side of the road and at the New Tampa 7-11 on July 26 at 8 Jones fired four or five shots out of the rear window. One bullet hit the victim in p.m. TPD reports that Williams apthe shoulder. While the victim was being proached the victim at a gas pump and started a conversation. When he finished treated at St. Joseph’s Hospital, it was pumping gas, the victim attempted to discovered that the bullet had entered end the conversation with Williams his lung. and got into his vehicle. But, WilThe victims identified the suspects liams hopped in the passenger seat and through photos. Each of the three suspulled out a gun, demanding a ride to pects has been charged with home invasion robbery, as well as aggravated assault the victim’s home. Once at the victim’s with a deadly weapon. Jones additionally home, Williams ordered the victim’s mother, niece and nephew, at gunpoint, was charged with first-degree attempted homicide. He remained in custody in the to get into the car and demanded they drive to an ATM and take out money. Land O’Lakes Detention Center in lieu Williams reportedly held the gun to the of a $305,000 bond at our press time. head of the victim’s eight-year-old niece Violent New Tampa Robber throughout the drive. Arrested In the previous robberies at the After three violent robberies, includ- Travel Lodge (which occurred on ing one in New Tampa that also involved July 20 and July 22 at 3:30 a.m. and kidnapping and a carjacking, the Tampa 12:30 a.m., respectively), Williams Police Department (TPD) reports that reportedly followed the victims to their a teenage suspect has been taken into hotel rooms, where he robbed them at custody. gunpoint. TPD reports that in one case, TPD announced on July 27 that Williams pistol whipped the victim and

News Briefs

Local Driver Arrested In Tampa Wrong-Way Crash

Wrong-way accidents continue to sporadically make headlines around the Tampa Bay area, and the latest involves a driver from Wesley Chapel. According to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO), at around 12:45 a.m. on July 30, Watergrass resident Adam Stumpf, 35, was traveling east on E. Bearss Ave. in Tampa in his 2015 Toyota Tacoma near E. 148 Ave. in the westbound lane. Adam Stumpf At the same time, Shannon Rotolo, 22, of Palm Harbor, was traveling west on Bearss Ave. in her 1999 Honda Civic and saw Stumpf headed her way in the wrong direction. Rotolo veered left into the median to avoid the truck, but Stumpf veered the same way at the last minute and the vehicles collided in the median. No one was injured. Stumpf was arrested for driving under the influence with property damage after deputies recorded his blood alcohol content at 0.104 and 0.113, higher than the legal limit of 0.08 . Stumpf was released on a $500 bond the same day.

Juvenile Arrested In WC Following Home Invasion

A Land O’Lakes juvenile is in custody, after being arrested at a Wesley Chapel hotel, following a violent home invasion. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), at 6 p.m. on July 29, Christopher Mark Alexander, 17, was arrested at the Rodeway Inn (located near The Grove shopping plaza off Oakley Blvd.) in connection with a home invasion and attempted homicide earlier that same day on My Lady Ln. in Land O’Lakes. PCSO reports that at 9 a.m., Alex-

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New Tampa CVS Robbed

A suspect is in custody, following an armed robbery and Tampa Police Dept. (TPD) SWAT Team standoff in New Tampa. According to TPD, at around 8 p.m. on July 16, James Jackson Taylor, 21, a resident of the Portofino Apartments (located off New Tampa Blvd. in West Meadows), walked into the CVS Pharmacy at the intersection of New Tampa Blvd. and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. Taylor reportedly wore yellow gloves and a black T-shirt over his face and approached the pharmacy counter with a handgun, demanding Oxycodone pills. TPD reports that the staff was not meeting Jackson’s demands quickly enough so, after taking the pills and heading to the front door, he fired two shots into the ceiling. Jackson fled in a red Mitsubishi Outlander to the nearby Portofino Apartments. The TPD report says that officers interviewed James Taylor witnesses at the CVS and were able to track Jackson down at his apartment using his vehicle description. Officers negotiated with Jackson for two and a half hours. Jackson threatened to harm himself during the negotiation, so a TPD SWAT team was called to the scene. When Jackson opened the door, he refused to show his hands or come out of the apartment, so officers used a Taser to subdue him and take him into custody.


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may have attempted to fire, but the gun failed to discharge. Since the robberies, the TPD report says that Williams has attempted to pawn some of the stolen items at the Pawn Max store on E. Fowler Ave. Detectives are still attempting to identify four females involved with the case. Two female suspects were present at the New Tampa robbery and two different female suspects were with Williams when he attempted to pawn the items.

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In the apartment, officers found the gun from the robbery, the clothing Jackson was wearing and the stolen pills. Jackson was being held at our press time without bond at the Hillsborough County Jail, charged with armed robbery of less than $300 and with discharging a firearm.

Grove 16 Judge Steps Away From Trial

It’s been nearly two years since retired Tampa Police Department (TPD) captain Curtis Reeves allegedly shot a man in the Cobb Theatres Grove 16 movie theater (located in The Grove shopping plaza) in Wesley Chapel, and the judge who has overseen the repeatedly delayed case to date has now officially stepped away from it. According to Pasco County court records, Pasco Sixth Judicial Circuit Court Judge Pat Siracusa officially recused himself from the trial on July 2. No explanation accompanied the order and the case was reassigned to Judge Susan L. Barthle on July 6. Siracusa’s recusal comes just days after he approved a motion on June 30 to delay the case from an August 24 start date until at least January of 2016. Pasco/Pinellas Sixth Circuit Court spokesman Stephen Thompson says that the repeated delays are what ultimately led to Siracusa’s recusal. “The case would’ve been assigned to another judge in January 2014, when

(Judge Siracusa) was reassigned from Dade City to New Port Richey,” Thompson says. “Siracusa agreed to keep the Reeves case under the understanding that it would go to trial in a reasonable amount of time. It hasn’t.” Thompson says that Siracusa had to recuse himself to focus on his new cases and that Barthle would have been the judge to take the case, initially, had Siracusa not agreed to take it. “(Siracusa) had expressed a lot of frustration (with trial delays) on the bench,” Thompson says. The motion in June to delay the case until January seems to have been the final straw for Siracusa. The defense indicated in its motion that it still had months of work left before it would be ready for a “non-prejudiced” trial. Prior to the Jan. 13, 2014, fatal shooting, Reeves reportedly asked Land O’Lakes resident Chad Oulsen, 43, several times to stop texting during the previews for the matinee showing of “Lone Survivor,” a film about the U.S. war in Afghanistan, and even complained to theater management. Oulsen reportedly said he was texting his young daughter’s babysitter before he was shot in the chest, but this was later disproved after an examination of his phone. The bullet also hit the finger of Oulsen’s wife Nicole, who had her hand on her husband’s chest. Judge Siracusa’s office refused to provide a comment for this story. For more info, visit

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Mosquito Advisory In Effect After Reports Of West Nile Virus By Matt Wiley You can hear their drone at night, and with all the rain the New Tampa area has received recently, they’re only going to get worse. What many considerto be the state bird — the mosquito — is stirring up trouble in Hillsborough County and officials are warning residents to be wary of the pesky insects. According to Florida Health Hillsborough County (FHHC), a mosquito-borne disease advisory was issued on July 28, due to an increase in West Nile virus activity detected in chicken flocks across the county. The last confirmed human case of West Nile was reported in Florida in 2012, but the advisory is to let the community know to take proper precautions to prevent mosquito bites. “West Nile virus is just one of several mosquito-borne diseases that pose a risk to the public,” said FHHC director Douglas Holt, MD, in a press release. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), West Nile virus is an arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus) most commonly spread by infected mosquitoes and can cause febrile illness (fevers with unknown causes), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord). The virus first was detected in North America in 1999, and has since been reported across the U.S. and Canada. The first reported case in Florida occurred in 2001 and there have been about 300 confirmed cases since its first appearance in the state.

Neighborhood News

Symptoms of West Nile may include headache, fever, fatigue, dizziness, weakness and confusion. Physicians should contact their county health department if they suspect an individual may be ill with a mosquito-borne illness. On average, it takes between 2-15 days for a person to develop symptoms of West Nile virus after being bitten by an infected mosquito. The virus can not be transmitted from human to human. Florida Health says that there is no specific treatment for West Nile. Most infections are mild and typically pass with little to no medical treatment within a matter of weeks. Rarely, individuals can have a severe case, resulting in hospitalization. However, there is no human vaccine currently available for the virus. To combat the disease, the public is advised to “drain and cover.” In other words, in order to stop mosquitoes from living and multiplying around your home or business, drain standing water from containers and cover them. It’s also a good idea to get rid of old tires, drums, bottles, cans, pots and pans, broken appliances and other items that aren’t being used and could hold standing water. Birdbaths and outdoor water bowls for pets should be drained and cleaned at least once or twice per week. Boats and vehicles should be covered with tarps to protect them from holding rainwater. Florida Health also says to maintain the water balance (pool chemistry) of swimming pools and to empty plastic swimming


pools whenever they’re not in use. And, of course, cover your skin with clothing and use mosquito repellent. If you have to be outside when mosquitoes are active, cover up. Wear shoes, socks, long pants and long sleeves. Be sure to use mosquito repellent on exposed bare skin and clothing. Repellents with DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus and IR3535 are all effective. Use mosquito netting to protect children younger than two months old. To help keep mosquitoes out of your house, repair broken screens on windows, doors, porches and patios. For more information, please visit

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Neighborhood News

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August 2015

Saturday, August 15


New Tampa Players Mary Poppins

The New Tampa Players presents its production of “Mary Poppins” at the University Area Community Development Center (14013 N. 22 St.) at 2 p.m. & 8 p.m. Tickets cost $20 & are available at New or by calling 386-6687.

sessions (but you may begin any week) to find healing & hope. The group meets Tues., 6:30 p.m., at Lake Magdalene Methodist Church (2902 W. Fletcher Ave., Rm. 310). For more info, call 892-2191.


English As A Second Language (ESL)

Thursday, August 20


Christian Business Connections (CBC)

The Christian Business Connections (CBC) networking group meets every Thur. at 7:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (5338 Primrose Lake Cir., off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms). For info, email

The ESL group meets Tuesdays at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (19911 Friday, August 21 BBD Blvd.), 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Classes are taught by a native English speaker using several New Tampa 21 Sunday, August 16 ESL and Bible study resources. The cost Rotary Club is $40 each semester for the workbook & The original New Tampa Rotary Club Zen Meditation Group 16 class materials. meets every Friday for breakfast at 7 a.m. For more information, call Heather at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club Enjoy meditation? Looking for a new way at 753-8567. (TPGCC, 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd.). to relax? Check out the FREE Zen Meditation For info, call Connie Bladon at (813) Group that meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Wednesday, August 19 505-6515 or visit Arbor Greene Community Center (18000 Arbor Greene Dr., off Cross Creek Blvd.) AeroBNI Millionaire Makers Saturday, August 22 19 bics Room. People of all faiths are welcome. You only need an interest in meditation and a BayChapel Food Pantry 22 The BNI Millionaire Makers chapter meets more peaceful and relaxed mind and life. every Wednesday at Heritage Isles Country BayChapel will be opening its FREE For info, call Jeremy at 528-6285. Club (10630 Plantation Bay Dr.) at 7:15 a.m. food pantry to the New Tampa community The $13 meeting fee includes a hot breakfast. at Christian Brothers Automotive (20303 Monday, August 17 Call Lisa Jordan at 621-6015 for info. Trout Creek Dr.), 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., for anyone in need. The pantry is open the Community Acupuncture & 17 second & fourth Sat. of each month. Discussion Group Business Networking 19 For more info, call Lee at 731-4040. International (BNI) A Monday night community acupuncSaturday, August 29 ture and discussion group is meeting at Ion BNI, a group of business pros dedicated Medi-Spa (8903 Regents Park Dr., Suite to helping their member businesses grow Pure Health Studio Open 29 130), 6:30 p.m. Topics include needle-free through qualified referrals, meets every Wed. House & Fitness Seminar acupuncture, facial rejuvenation, plus stopmorning, 7:30 a.m., at the Cory Lake Isles Pure Health (2653 BBD, Wesley Chapel) smoking & customized weight-loss programs. Beach Club clubhouse (18630 Plantation owner Samantha Taylor will host a Fitness For more info, call 960-8833 or visit Bay Dr., off Morris Bridge Rd.). Seminar at 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30. Enjoy delicious desserts & gourmet coffee. Call Steve Hopper at 918-8609. To reserve a seat or for more info, Tuesday, August 18 visit or see pg. 47. New Tampa Noon


New Tampa Tri Club

The New Tampa Tri Club is open to runners, swimmers, cyclists & triathletes across the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. The club hosts group bike rides/runs leaving from Flatwoods Wilderness Park (13330 Morris Bridge Rd.; not from the BBD entrance) every Tues., Thur. & Sat., 7:30 a.m. For more info, join the Facebook group or e-mail


GriefShare Support Group

This video-seminar support group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one. The cost is $20 for a workbook & 13 Neighborhood News


September 2015 Saturday, September 12

12 FHWC Women’s Health & Wellness Day Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel is hosting a Women’s Health & Wellness day at Saddlebrook Resort (5700 Saddlebrook Way). the event will feature several presentations about women’s health issues and will include lunch. Reserve your spot at

Saturday, September 19

19 Deacon Blues Band Benefit Concert For Cancer The Deacon Blues Band is putting on a benefit concert in The Palms Lounge at Peabody’s Billiards & Games (15333 Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms). Proceeds from the concert will go to benefit the Teen Cancer America Organization, which creates space for teens with cancer to hang out in hospitals. Admission is $10 & doors open at 7 p.m. For more info, visit

If your organization has an upcoming event that is open to the

GENERAL PUBLIC, please submit your info (and pictures in any electronic format) at least 3-4 weeks in advance to

Rotary Club

The New Tampa Noon Rotary Club meets every Wed. for lunch at noon at Café Olé (10020 Cross Creek Blvd., in the Cross Creek Center plaza, behind the Shell gas station). Guests are always welcome.


9-12 Toastmasters

Great speeches & great topics. Come hone your public speaking skills. 9-12 Tampa Toastmasters meets Wed., 7 p.m., at the New Tampa Family YMCA (16221 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). Guests are always welcome. Call 264-2171 for more info. @NTWCNews

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Hanaq Prana Yoga Studio Can Help You Find Inner Peace In New Tampa By Celeste McLaughlin

In the eight months since Lorena Saavedra opened Hanaq Prana Yoga in the Cory Lake Professional Center off Cross Creek Blvd., the New Tampa studio has continued to grow. “We have new people in our classes every week,” says Lorena, who opened the studio in December of 2014. “People tell me they’ve been searching for this (kind of yoga studio).” Lorena is a “yogi” who moved to Tampa from Washington, DC, last year with her fiancé Mark, a U.S. Navy officer. They looked for a home throughout the Tampa Bay area, and decided to live in Kingshyre (located off Kinnan St.) in the Cross Creek area of New Tampa. “Like a lot of things in life, I went with my feeling,” Lorena says. “The area and the home felt right to me.” Lorena has been teaching yoga since 2012 and is registered as an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (ERYT) with the Yoga Alliance, which sets standards for training and requires two years and 1,000 hours of teaching experience to reach this designation. When Lorena and her fiancé moved to New Tampa, she says she couldn’t find a yoga studio in the area, so she taught in Brandon, South Tampa and at community centers, such as the Beach Club at Cory Lake Isles. “In my first class, I had two stu-


dents,” she admits. “Now, I’ve taught about 500 students.” Several years before she became an instructor, in 2005, Lorena discovered the practice of yoga. “Once I started practicing yoga, I was amazed at how my life changed,” she says. “I began seeing life from a different perspective.” She adds that, at the time, she was suffering from depression, but yoga helped her to get off medication completely, and also helped her sleep better. “I want people to know that for (those) who are suffering — physically or emotionally — there’s something out there that can help, besides medication,” Lorena explains. She adds that the physical benefits of yoga reported by the National Institutes of Health include its proven help in controlling high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and mental issues. She says NIH reports also say that yoga can enhance your immune system. And just by breathing better, which is an essential part of yoga (in fact, Hanaq Prana means “Superior Breath” in Sanskrit), you improve your circulation and the amount of oxygen delivered to the brain. Yoga also helps you also strengthen your core, and can help you develop a more lean and toned appearance, although Lorena emphasizes that practicing yoga alone will not make you lose weight. “Another common misconception

I hear all the time is that people tell me they are not flexible enough to do yoga,” Lorena says. “You don’t have to be flexible to practice yoga. Flexibility is one of the benefits!” She explains that while practicing yoga, everyone progresses his or her own pace. Everyone may take the same class, but the teachers at Hanaq Prana will help guide you to work at your Lorena Saavedra invites you to take any of the many different types own level. of yoga classes offered at Hanaq Prana Yoga Studio in New Tampa. “The more middle school girls offered by Girl Scouts people who do yoga, the happier the of West Central Florida held at the studio world will be,” says Lorena. Because she on August 8. truly believes that, she often reaches out to provide yoga to the community at Opening The Studio no cost. For example, once a month she “In D.C., I had a busy, agitated life, offers a free “Yoga on the Patio” class working 60 hours a week as a real estate which is open to everyone, outside the paralegal,” Lorena says. “I knew I wanted Ciccio Cali restaurant in The Shoppes to make changes.” In 2012, she had a lifeat The Pointe shopping plaza in Tampa changing experience back home in Peru, Palms. She also partners with Wounded where her brother contracted the H1N1 Warriors, providing registered alumni and flu and was not expected to survive. But, their families any class or workshop at her he miraculously recovered, and Lorena studio at no cost. And, Lorena also allows says that experience helped put her own her studio to be used for community life in perspective. events, such as a recent free workshop for “I always knew I’d love to open a

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person can find an instructor they enjoy. “I take the time to choose the right teachers, and ensure they’re not just teaching a class, but really embracing life with yoga.” Lorena and her staff offer several popular types of yoga, including hot yoga, power yoga, and Vinyasa – also called “flow yoga.” Hanaq Prana also offers restorative yoga, which can help people who have specific pain, such as Relax your mind, body & soul with a beginning-to-upper-level class in their lower back or at Hanaq Prana Yoga Studio, located in the Cory Lake Professional neck. Everything is Center off Cross Creek Blvd. done on the floor and focused on breathing, yoga studio,” Lorena says, adding that she to help ease muscles, nerves and tissues. debated whether to take a full-time job in Beginning this fall, the studio also will ofTampa, or pursue her dream. She decided fer prenatal yoga for expecting mothers. to take the riskier path. “I don’t know if I’ll be here tomorrow,” Lorena says, “so I Hanaq Prana Students might as well do it today.” Vinita Witanachchi is a Cory Lake Lorena started out as the studio’s Isles resident who had been looking for only instructor, but she says teaching 17 yoga classes, but found it hard to get classes a week wasn’t good for her body, to the ones offered at her gym. She was so she began hiring other instructors to thrilled when she noticed a sign advertisteach some of the classes. Now, there are ing yoga in her own neighborhood. seven instructors at Hanaq Prana Yoga. When she showed up for her first “My style of teaching may not be Hanaq Prana Yoga class one Saturday appealing to everyone,” she says, so the morning, she says, “I felt like I was walkstudio has other teachers, too, so every

ing into the home of someone I (already knew) well. Lorena has such a warm smile and positive energy, and she made all of us feel really special.” Vinita has continued to practice yoga with Lorena, following her to Hanaq Prana when it opened. Vinita says she always leaves the class feeling satisfied, and that it has affected the way she interacts with people around her, including her husband and two children — which is why she tries to take five or six classes each week. “Lorena is a gift to our community,” Vinita says. “She’s not about the money; she’s passionate about giving back.” Michelle Acosta is another student of Lorena’s, who also lives in Cory Lake Isles. She found Hanaq Prana just a couple of months ago. “I believe in doing yoga every day, so I wasn’t looking for a gym, but a second home for my own yoga practice.” Michelle owns a digital marketing business, so she says she spends a lot of time in front of her computer. “Yoga helps me unwind, and helps me transition from work to home. I notice that if I skip yoga, I’m not as present with my friends and boyfriend. I tend to be still stuck at work in my head.” “Lorena embodies what yoga practice should be about,” Michelle says. “She makes you feel warm and welcome, and every time I leave her class, I feel like it was just what I needed.” Michelle says she first started practicing yoga about five years ago in Las Vegas,

but also took classes in North Carolina and South Tampa before moving here. “Lorena’s studio is so diverse,” Michelle says. “In her class, I see people who are Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, white and black. Her practice crosses boundaries. It’s a beautiful thing.”

Getting A Little Zen Myself

Lorena invited me to take one of her classes, and I agree with her students that she has a warm, inviting presence and makes everyone feel comfortable. Although I had taken a couple of yoga classes at a gym before, I believe this was my first “real” yoga experience, and I was not at all intimidated. At the end of the class, we were lying quietly on our mats and I thought, “I am so incredibly relaxed. I should relax like this at home.” But then, it hit me – it’s really not possible for me to be that relaxed at home, with its myriad of distractions. Hanaq Prana Yoga is a much better environment for providing that opportunity to truly escape from everyday stress. Hanaq Prana Yoga Studio is located at 10323 Cross Creek Blvd. For a schedule of classes, call the studio at 333-1026, visit or find and like the studio’s Facebook page by searching “Hanaq Prana Yoga Studio” at The studio currently is offering a special of unlimited classes for one month for $49, so see the ad on page 54 of this issue for more information.

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Excel Music Helps New Tampa Students Hone Their Musical Skills By Matt Wiley

Since 2006, Excel Music in the Cory Lake Isles Professional Center off Cross Creek Blvd. has been teaching students of all ages to sing and play a wide variety of instruments with some of the area’s top teachers. Year after year, as kids go back to school, many make their way to Excel Music to enhance their educations through musical endeavors. John and Sheri Thrasher are the husband-and-wife team who own the school. “We’ve helped thousands of students of all ages reach their musical goals while enjoying the journey,” says John. “We like to say Excel is both the place you start and the place you stay.” Excel Music has 20 teachers on staff and all are either university trained (many with Master of Music degrees) or they have at least 10 years of study and performing experience. The faculty teaches voice and nearly every traditional musical instrument, including piano, guitar, drums, violin and many more. “There’s a lot of excellent science out there that shows the benefit of a broad education that includes arts and music,” John says, adding that Excel provides a variety of opportunities for people of all ages to experience and connect with music.

Sing With Glee, New Tampa! New this fall, Excel Music will offer


the New Tampa Choir, a singing group for kids ages 5-17 — and no experience is necessary to participate. “It’s a learning experience, but it’s going to be fun,” John says. “We want to give students a venue to sing both songs they know, and some they don’t. In addition to traditional choir music, we expect to do Broadway songs, Disney songs and more. And, we currently are looking for opportunities for this group to perform.” The New Tampa Choir will be led by Molly Michael, a University of South Florida student finishing up her Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Music Education this year, who says Excel’s choir is for those who aren’t interested in solo performance, although the choir will offer opportunities for small group instruction. Molly explains, “This will not be a huge choir where no one even knows each other’s name.” Molly adds that the choir will provide a way for New Tampa kids to, “meet new people and get involved in an amazing music school.” The school also will start up its Excel Rock Band again this fall. “We’ve done a rock band a couple of times over the years, and its success depends upon the right mix of students,” John explains. “We make sure to group students by age, skill level and instrumentation.” He adds that Excel

has had success with a rock band at summer camp and its looking to build on that success this fall. Also continuing this fall is a preschool music class for ages 18 months to four years, enjoyed by both kids and parents. The class lasts 45 minutes, once a week, for 10 - 12 weeks. “It’s a great way to engage with both the parent and the child,” John explains. “The smiles on the faces of John & Sheri Thrasher invite you to join the New Tampa Choir or the parents are often as learn to play an instrument at Excel Music in New Tampa! big as the ones on their of kids who take music classes are much children.” younger than Sarah, but she has been John adds that the classes help taught in an age-appropriate way, movparents learn ways to engage musically ing along quickly, so she stays engaged.” with their preschoolers at home. “This Donna adds that Sarah primarily is is a participatory class in which we teach learning classical music, but also how to parents how to bring music into their kids’ lives,” he says, “especially if they’re play songs she recognizes, which keeps her interested. “I also like that Excel not musicians.” has later hours,” Donna says. “Sarah has A current student at Excel is time to come home, do her homework 16-year-old Cross Creek resident Sarah and then can still take her piano lessons Haller, who has been taking lessons at later in the evening.” the school for three years. Sarah’s mom Sarah and all of the school’s Donna says, “I really appreciate the constudents have the opportunity to take venience of the location, of course, and part in recitals twice a year, but they are how accommodating the staff is. A lot

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originally opened Excel Music with the dream of providing the opportunity for young people to be trained for the kinds of careers and lives they once experienced themselves. “We both had long careers in music, and were professional musicians who were able to make a living performing,” John says, adding that he was the drummer for country singer Mickey Gilley for many Learn nearly any musical instrument with lessons from Excel Music, years, giving him the opportunity to perform on located in the Cory Lake Professional Center in New Tampa. TV, at the White House always optional and are low-pressure. and for people all over the world. “Recitals are part of what we do,” In the 1990s, John and Sheri had John says. “But, we aren’t a perforsuccess with a band of their own in mance-driven studio.” Japan called Tz, where he says they sold And while many of the school’s stutens of thousands of CDs. They also dents are kids, the opportunity to learn found themselves immersed in a culture to sing or play an instrument is certainly that revered teachers, which led them not limited. to start thinking about passing on the “A lot of adults come in for lessons, knowledge and experience they had too,” says John. “We get retired people gained to the next generation. who say they’ve wanted to play their “We met tremendous people, saw whole lives, and now they’re finally gogreat places, and made a living,” John ing to do it.” He says one of his favorite stories was about teaching an 86-year-old says. “We started thinking, ‘What if man how to play the trumpet. some of the kids who come through our school can experience what we’ve experienced?’” About The Owners They landed in New Tampa, where John explains that he and Sheri

they had relatives, and have been building their school ever since. With nine years now under their belts, some of John and Sheri’s long-term students are now growing up and moving on. “We’re seeing many students who have come through our school go on to college, and some are majoring in music,” John says. “This dream we had is starting to come true.” John explains, however, that he and Sheri recognize that the vast majority of their students will not go on to have professional careers in music. “Our teachers are good enough for that type of student, but most of our students will go on to have another career such as a doctor or lawyer or some-

thing else,” he explains. “We hope that when they go to a concert or experience music, they will appreciate it on a different level, because they truly understand the challenge of playing music, and the dedication and skill of the performers presenting the music to them.” Excel Music is located at 10353 Cross Creek Blvd., Suite I., in the Cory Lake Isles Professional Center. It is open Mon.-Thurs., 2-9 p.m., 2-7 p.m. on Fri., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Sat., closed on Sun. Call 991-1177 for more info or to schedule lessons. Also, be sure to see the ad on page 19, which offers a “back-to-school” special for free registration for a limited time.

President of the Florida Podiatric Medical Association

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Visiting Angels Is New Tampa’s First Choice In Home Care

Perhaps you’ve seen one of Visiting Angels’ upbeat TV commercials. If you have elderly parents or an aging loved one, you probably have paid attention to the ads. The savvy spots, featuring the catchy motto, “Visiting Angels, America’s Choice in Home Care,” portray smiling caregivers visiting the homes of contented senior citizens, assisting them with a variety of tasks. The ad’s message rings clear: “There’s no place like home.” Home care services, such as Visiting Angels, provide a rapidly growing, aging U.S. population with an alternative to moving into a nursing home or retirement center, allowing seniors and others in need to maintain the independence of their daily routines in the comfort of their own homes, instead of in a facility. Christal Becton, owner and director of the Visiting Angels franchise that serves New Tampa and Hillsborough County, says she feels blessed to be in the business of helping senior citizens and their families. “When my 84-year-old aunt, who lived in Columbia, SC, needed assistance, I had to hire a caregiver for her because I was unable to keep traveling back and forth (to care for her),” Christal explains. “I believe that’s what started me on the road to in-home care. After my husband retired from the military, and I was ready to get out of my job in corporate America, I began


looking into franchises. That’s when I found Visiting Angels.” Christal, whose Visiting Angels office is located on N. 56th St. (south of Fowler Ave.) in Temple Terrace, bought the franchise seven years ago, when her family settled in New Tampa. She has a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree from East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, and a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree from the University of Phoenix campus in Albuquerque, NM. She also has a wealth of previous nursing home experience, having served as Chief of Recreation Therapy at a nursing home in Albuquerque. Christal says, “Visiting Angels is an opportunity to use my degrees and (health care) background.” Her staff consists of 50 Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), Home Health Assistants (HHAs) and companions. She says she currently serves 40-60 clients in New Tampa, Temple Terrace and the Bayshore area of South Tampa, but her territory includes all of Hillsborough County. “Our business is geared toward helping people who live alone, but still want to remain in their homes,” Christal explains. “We provide many services not only to seniors, but also to anyone over 18 who needs assistance. Younger people sometimes need help, too, due to physical challenges or health issues.” Available services include every-

Owner Christal Becton will help find the right Visiting Angel to help care for your loved one in their time of need. thing from helping someone temporarappointments, and always remain on site ily recover from an illness or surgery to throughout their clients’ visits. providing ongoing companionship to a “We provide the vehicle, and we ofsenior who just needs a friend. ten visit the V.A. (James Haley Veterans “We also go grocery shopping and Administration Hospital on Bruce B. run errands, prepare meals, assist with Downs Blvd.) and other hospitals with personal care and do light housekeepour clients,” Christal says, adding that ing,” Christal adds. the service is a relief to relatives who find it difficult to take time off from Doctors’ Appointments Kept! work to drive their loved ones to their medical appointments. One difficulty common for many Although many Visiting Angels seniors, especially those who don’t clients experience similar struggles, drive or have a relative nearby, is arevery client is treated as an individual ranging transportation to doctors’ because many often face different, or appointments. Visiting Angels’ staff even unique, issues. Some require help will transport clients to and from their

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w n a c

a l a d r

A s a w l o o o i s

If you or someone you know needs living assistance services, here’s how to get started: Call the Temple Terrace Visiting Angels office (see info below) and set up a free in-home assessment. Christal will review your needs and ask about the types of services you desire, noting the patient’s daily routine, meals, proximity to doctors’ offices and number of regularly scheduled appointments. Visiting Angels caregivers can help your loved one with every- She will then prepare a care thing from bathing to helping them with daily household tasks plan and select the caregivers best suited to your needs. to going for a walk. After personally meeting all with bathing or shaving. Some just of the available caregivers, you get to need a hand getting up in the morning choose the candidate you prefer. and starting their day. Others may need “One of the things that sets Visitclothes laundered and linens changed. ing Angels apart from other home care Other situations sometimes involve a Visiting Angels caregiver providing re- services is that our clients get to choose their caregivers,” Christal explains. lief to a family caregiver who just needs “People don’t just show up and say, a break. Simply put, the agency’s duties ‘I’m here to take care of you.’ Our clidepend upon each client’s needs and ents actually meet the caregivers beforerequirements. hand, so they already feel comfortable A non-medical agency, Visiting with the person caring for them.” Angels does not determine their clients’ Christal says Visiting Angels recruits schedules, but instead finds ways to top-notch caregivers, and before hiring, accommodate them — day or night, the company runs a comprehensive weekends or holidays, temporary or background screening on each employlong term. While some clients require ee. Christal says she is very particular only a few hours of assistance per week, when selecting caregivers. others need 24-hour care. In the case “One of my CNAs has been with of an end-stage terminal illness, for the same client since 2004,” she says. instance, caregivers rotate on 12-hour “In hiring, I make sure my staff has a shifts. Live-in care also is available.

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passion for doing what they do, and that they have a strong employment history in caring for seniors.” Many of the caregivers are graduates of medical academies that specialize in home care and/or have worked at assisted living facilities and in other health care environments. Christal says Visiting Angels caregivers choose to specialize in home care because they enjoy the personal interaction with only one or two clients. When faced with the dilemma of how to care for yourself or for the most precious people in your life, you definitely will appreciate these compassionate and dedicated souls who come in and save the day. Nothing drives the

point home more effectively than this note from a thankful daughter: “Your name is so appropriate; you all are ‘Angels,’” writes the client, who asked to be referred to only as “B.” “I have thanked God many times for your faithfulness and devotion to Mother. My family and I are forever grateful.” Visiting Angels (9812 N. 56th St., in Temple Terrace) is currently offering two free hours of service for a three-hour minimum visit for new clients. All services are charged at an hourly rate. To discuss how Visiting Angels can assist you or the loved ones in your life, call 929-7067 or visit

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Back-To-School Fairs Offer Free Shots

Vaccinations are one of the key ways to keep children healthy as they return back to school after summer vacation. For students in New Tampa’s 12 Hillsborough County public schools, they’re also required, and Florida Health Hillsborough County is hosting several events that will provide free immunizations and physicals. According to Florida Health, the Back to School Coalition of Hillsborough County was set to host five free back-to-school fairs in August, leading up to the first day of school on Tuesday, August 25. Although three of the fairs already had passed as we went to press with this issue, two fairs are being held on Saturday, August 22. The first begins at 8 a.m. at Leto High (4409 W. Sligh Ave.) and the second begins at 9 a.m. at Middleton High (4801 N. 22 St.). Both fairs run until 1 p.m. Although appointments are required for the Middleton fair, parents can bring their students to the Leto fair without an appointment. The Florida Health press release says that the best time to arrive is around 10:30 a.m. Parents or legal guardians must accompany students at all times and immunization records are required for free shots. The Florida Health press release urges parents of school-aged children — especially those entering kindergarten and those entering the seventh grade

*expires May 31, 2015 NNEWS

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—to review their children’s immunization records to ensure they have all of the vaccinations they need for the upcoming school year. College age students also need to make sure their immunizations are up to date. According to Florida Health, vaccines help children develop immunities to infectious diseases, including measles, polio and whooping cough, as they enable the body to recognize and fight preventable diseases. In the U.S., vaccination programs have eliminated or significantly reduced many vaccinepreventable diseases. Vaccines not only benefit individuals, but also other members of the community who cannot be vaccinated. Florida participates in the “Vaccines for Children” program, a federally funded, no-cost immunization program. The program provides vaccines to eligible children up to 18 years of age, at no cost to parents or guardians. For additional information regarding the “Vaccines for Children” program and eligibility requirements, as well as vaccination schedules, visit For more info about appointments to either of the remaining back-to-school fairs, call 443-3048.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •

Neighborhood News


Check Out The 3rd Annual ‘Festival Of Flight’

performing every two hours, featuring everything from jazz to classical piano. “You name it, (the genre) will be playing there,” says Festival of Flight director Jessica Warren, who also owns American Balloons, a hot air balloon company that will be at the festival. She adds that there will be all kinds of food vendors, in addition to food for sale at the Aero Park’s Happy Hangar Café. If planes and hot air balloons aren’t enough to keep the kids entertained, there also will be bounce houses, face paining and kites from Kiting Tampa Bay and even a car show. Tethered (meaning still attached to the ground) balloon rides will be available from 7 a.m.–1 p.m. That night, you can expect some “groovy” tunes from jazz performers Life Of The Party, followed from local rock band Stone Grey. Of course, expect to once again see the balloons aglow. On Sunday, early risers will get to see another balloon launch and live music from Reverend Barry & Funktastic Soul. The festival wraps at 2 :30 p.m. on Sun. Warren says that the Festival, which began as a one-day event with 12 balloons, has grown into a three-day extravaganza with 30 balloons. More than 42,000 people already have said they’ll be attending on the Festival of Flight’s Facebook page. “About four years ago, we first approached the airport about having a festival,” Warren explains. “At the time, (the airport) needed a facelift. Three years ago, it was remodeled and we did the first Festival of Flight as sort of a grand reopening to reintroduce people to the airport, let the public know that its still open and that you can still go there to learn how to fly.” Warren says that the festival has grown in popularity with the area and the Lutz/Wesley Chapel event is one of the largest in the country — behind Albuquerque, NM, which

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(cont. from page 1)

annually hosts 600 balloons! “We don’t have the following for that here, but you still get a similar experience seeing 30 balloons take off at once,” Warren explains. She says that she hopes the festival helps to draw interest to ballooning, which only has about 6,000 pilots across the country. Warren says that she and her husband first got into ballooning through a neighbor who brought them to the nowdefunct Brandon Balloon Classic in 1997. “On our first balloon ride, we were drawn in,” she explains. “We got addicted.” They started American Balloons the following year. Now Don’t miss the third annual Festival of Flight at Tampa North Aero Park in Lutz September 11-13, where they, do 1-2 rides each day, you can catch nightly ‘balloon glows ‘synched up to live music (above), and a variety of other aircraft that you weather permitting. can actually hop in for a ride, including “ultra-lights” (below left) and WWII-era prop planes (below right)! Warren says she hopes that attendees will develop a passion for the sky by coming out to this year’s Festival. “We’re hoping that people who don’t know if they’re interested in flying can get up close and personal with pilots and planes and get as much information as possible,” she says. For more information about the Festival of Flight, please visit FestivalofFlight and be sure to “Like” the Festival Of Flight Facebook page!


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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •

Neighborhood News


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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 •August 15, 2015 •


Legacy At Highwoods Preserve Officially Opens With Tropical Nights

After years of planning and construction, the “legacy” officially has begun. Well, what we mean is that The Legacy at Highwoods Preserve, New Tampa’s first assisted living facility located on Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. in West Meadows, has opened. And it did so in style with a Grand Opening celebration and Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) ribbon-cutting on August 6. In front of a crowd of hundreds, the Legacy staff cut the ribbon on the lavish, technologically advanced building with the capacity to house up to 88 seniors. The entire place was decked out in Caribbean cuisine catered by former New Tampa Rotary Club president (and current Assistant Governor of Rotary District 6890) and Chef Peter Gam-


T Congratulations to the Legacy at Highwoods Preserve, which officially opened with a tropical-themed party (left) and Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce ribbon-cutting ceremony on August 6. The assisted-living facility is located on Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. in West Meadows.

bacorta of Private Chef of Tampa. The event featured an island theme, complete with lei-adorned staff members, tropical birds, steel drum performers and even a reggae band. A joint effort between Houston, TX-based PinPoint Commercial, LP, and Thrive Senior Living, LLC (which is based in Atlanta, GA), The Legacy will offer care for both the elderly and those in need of memory care for diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, with a focus on resident comfort and technology. “We’ve been waiting a long time for this and I know you have, too,” said The Legacy’s executive director Gwen Boumeester. “The community has welcomed us with open arms.”

Thrive president Tod Petty expressed his gratitude to the crowd. “My heart is overwhelmed with joy to see the turnout that we’ve had tonight,” Petty said. “We’re so privileged to be part of this community.” New Tampa resident and Dist. 63 State Rep. Shawn Harrison also came out to help welcome The Legacy to the neighborhood. “New Tampa has always had traffic problems, but I’ve never seen traffic on Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. backed up like it is right now,” Rep. Harrison said. “There’s been a lot of interest in this facility. We’re excited to have you here.” PinPoint principal Charles Turner encouraged attendees to pay attention to everything in the building as they

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Neighborhood News

toured it. “Every single thing you see in this building serves a specific purpose,” Turner said. “It’s not just about the technology.” However, the technology is pretty impressive. Even the presentation was given with a wireless mic that was connected to Legacy’s Wi-Fi network. In addition, the fitness center boasts state-of-the-art HUR fitness equipment, which seniors can activate with a touch of their radio-frequency ID wristbands. The wristbands also will alert the fitness machines to the user’s preferences and goals. With no weights or chains to struggle with, this equipment minimizes falls and injuries. The band, which they also can wear as a pendant, also functions as a room key.



for a drink at the Hurricane Sports Bar, or book the Coconut Grove private dining room for a meal with visiting family. There’s also a full-service salon, game room, theatre, library, a putting green and a fitness center. Legacy residents will be monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by certified nursing assistants (CNAs) with oversight from licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and Boumeester says talks The Legacy combines comfort & technology for a one-of-a-kind are under way for Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel assisted living experience. (FHWC, located off Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd., just Health providers also will use handnorth of S.R. 56) to provide physical held mobile devices, known as Point of and occupational therapy at The Legacy Care Solutions, to electronically record five days a week. all interactions with residents and even “It’s been really incredible to see send electronic prescriptions to pharmathis come together,” said Legacy comcies. Cameras and 18 monitors will keep munity relations director Aarene Alessi. a watchful eye on public areas, and residents will be protected inside their suites “We have a team that has a passion for serving seniors with a combined experiwith the Quiet Care System, a motion ence of more than 100 years.” monitor that gets to know residents’ Alessi says that the facility already behavior and patterns, while still protecthas started to fill up and that rooms are ing their privacy. If something seems “going fast.” abnormal, the staff is alerted. The Legacy is now taking reservaThe feel of The Legacy is about as tions for its 82 private, self-furnished opposite as it could be to a traditional suites. The five available floor plans assisted living facility. As part of their all-inclusive package, residents are served range from 330-sq.-ft. studios to 525-sq.-ft. deluxe suites. three meals a day at the Palm Pavilion For additional information, call (think fine linens and menus), but they 375-9858 or visit LegacyatHighalso can grab a snack from the Key Lime Bistro any time of the day or night, meet Academic Associates of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

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Don't let Sleepless Nights, Missed School and/or Work Days, frequent Dr. Visits unsettle your Daily Life. Physicians. See Our P

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Students Adding To New Tampa Dance Theatre’s Impressive Resumé The New Tampa Dance Theatre (NTDT), located on Cross Creek Blvd. (across from Heritage Isles), is celebrating 20 years of dance instruction in our area. Owner and artistic director Dyane Elkins IronWing continues to focus on creating an atmosphere where you and your child can have a dramafree dance experience. This is an exciting year for Elkins IronWing, as she is celebrating three huge milestones. First, it’s the 20th anniversary for NTDT (which originally opened in Pebble Creek in 1995), the 16th anniversary for the studio’s interpretation of Tchaikovsky’s classic ballet “The Nutcracker” and the 11th anniversary for the Sugar Plum Fairy Tea (see below). “We have an amazing season ahead of us,” Elkins IronWing said. “We want to thank all of our trusting and loyal families over the years and the organizations who continually support us. Without their recognition and time, this wouldn’t be possible.” NTDT may have opened in the Pebble Creek Collection on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., but in 2006, Elkins IronWing purchased land on Cross Creek Blvd, building and personally designing a 10,000-sq.-ft. professional dance training facility, with 7,500-sq.-ft. of it serving as a standalone dance space. It was the first and is still the largest dance training facility in New Tampa. The bigger location has meant more classrooms, which allowed for both a larger schedule selection and smaller class sizes. Elkins IronWing’s love of dance is what led her to open her own dance theatre. A professional dancer herself, she says she started training at age five and eventually studied at the Ballet Metropolitan in New York City. She and her husband Troy IronWing continue to tour nationally with the Rhythm Extreme Performance Troupe, something they’ve been doing as a couple for the past 10 years. Troy also has been NTDT’s director of tap dance since 2003, and he leads the beginning


and intermediate adult tap classes. Whether dancers are seeking recreational classes or pre-professional training, NTDT literally caters to everyone. Along with classical ballet, the studio offers full programs in modern, jazz, tap, hip-hop and creative movement, each of which has its own director and a specific syllabus to accomplish. Teen/Adult classes include four eight-week sessions (from Sept.-May) of Jazz Funk, Adult Tap, and Ballet Barre Exercise. Children ages 3-4 can participate in the Early Childhood Program, ages 5-8 can participate in the Children’s Program, and ages 9-18 can participate in the Youth Program. Some of the school’s spectacular instructors include modern dance director Carla Armstrong, who holds a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts (BFA) degree in dance from the prestigious Juilliard School in New York City, local choreographer Dreama Davidson, who directs the hip-hop dance classes, as well as both Dyane and Troy, who teach jazz and tap, respectively.

Pre-Professional Program

Ballet. Two former NTDT students have even received full-ride scholarships to the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University in Manhattan. NTDT alumni also have gone on to professional careers in dance, with highly respected companies such as Pilobolus in Connecticut, Paul Taylor 2 Dance Company and Parsons Dance Company in New York City, Broadway and Off-Broadway productions and for the Walt Disney Company. Arbor Greene resident Randi Guerne believes, “NTDT’s professional staff encourages strong technique while still having fun. As a parent, I feel this is very important, as it solidifies a positive self-image during their school years.” Randi’s daughter Krista, a freshman honors student at Paul R. Wharton High on BBD in New Tampa, has been a student at NTDT for 11 years. Randi says that, thanks to the training, Krista has received, she has been accepted by (and has attended and performed with) some of the top national dance companies during her summer breaks from school.

Students participating in NTDT’s A Great Rec Program, Too! pre-professional program become equally NTDT has built a reputation for proficient in multiple art forms, from creating strong, professional dancers. classical ballet to modern jazz and tap. However, Elkins IronWing says that This allows for more opportunities for 60 percent of the studio’s students are success in the very competitive world of dance. Many NTDT students have been accepted into prestigious summer intensive programs. Most recently, NTDT student Alexandra Desruisseaux was accepted to Butler University in Indianapolis, IN, with a scholarship in dance; Christa Cummings was accepted to Point Park University in Pittsburgh, PA, also with a scholarship in dance; and Gabrielle Barnes was accepted as a high school sophomore to the Sarasota Ballet, with a full scholarship for year-round training. In addition, previous NTDT students have been accepted to the School of American Ballet and American Ballet Theater in New York City, The Harid Conservatory in Boca Raton, the Joffrey Ballet in Chicago and the Boston

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enrolled in the studio’s popular recreational programs. That means all of the students benefit from the same highquality training that is the hallmark of NTDT. And, the cost is more affordable than you might think! In addition to the monthly tuition, there is only a small costume rental fee for recitals. You won’t find any of the hidden costs (e.g., performance fees or requirements to purchase


advertising) you’ll find at other schools. The NTDT facility has many special features, including maple flooring for the tap classes, 15-20 ft.-tall mirrored walls, student locker rooms and a large studio space that can accommodate up to 200 people. Because Elkins IronWing knows that dance is extremely strenuous on the body, NTDT also has “sprung” floors that provide shock absorption to protect

Neighborhood News

the dancers’ joints. There’s even a physical therapist on site to ensure the health of the dancers. And, with many parents rushing home from work to get the kids to dance practice, they’ll especially appreciate the on-site café that offers hot meals, as well as drinks, snacks and even tasty ice cream. New Tampa residents Paula and Ron Nelson say they enrolled their daughter Malia in Creative Movement classes at NTDT when she was only three years old. Now, six years later, she’s moved up to the youth program, where she’s learning ballet, tap, jazz, modern and hip hop. “As a result of the yearly (NTDT) recitals at the University of South Florida (USF), Malia loves performing on stage and has absolutely no stage fright,” Paula explains. “This has carried over to school, where she’s now comfortable making presentations to her classmates and participating in yearly school plays.” As a student at NTDT, all dancers have the opportunity to perform in the “Spring Production” and — through NTDT’s nonprofit-partner, the Dance Theatre of Tampa (DTT) — they also can perform in the “Summer Concert Series.” This dance performance is held every June at USF and is one way DTT gives back to the community, by


providing more than 300 free tickets to NTDT’s corporate sponsors, local community supporters, alumni members and NTDT students. “The Nutcracker” is another performance sponsored by DTT. It’s an original production created by Elkins IronWing and her staff, based upon their interpretation of the beloved Tchaikovsky classic. “The Nutcracker” is performed every December at USF’s College of the Arts Theater 1. Tickets go on sale October 19 for the performances held December 18-20. For the past five years, DTT also has been offering the community a “sneak peak” of “The Nutcracker” at the Shops at Wiregrass mall. This year’s free performances will be held on November 28 and December 4-5 & 11-13. DTT’s most popular fund raiser, “The Sugar Plum Fairy Tea” — which will be held Sunday, December 6, 2 p.m.-4 p.m., at the USF Gibbons Alumni Center — quickly sells out each year. Participants enjoy a light lunch, scrumptious desserts (including a chocolate fountain), exciting giveaways, a sneak preview of “The Nutcracker,” and an opportunity to dance with Clara (the lead role of the young girl who receives the beloved nutcracker as a Christmas gift) and her “party friends.” Each year, a portion of the proceeds from the Tea are donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charities in South Tampa.

It’s easy to see why NTDT was voted 2014’s “Best Dance Theater” in the Northeast area for the second year in a row by The Tampa Tribune’s “Northeast” edition. Elkins IronWing explains, “It’s all about the children at NTDT, always has been and always will be. We are a company that enables children to succeed. The key is setting high expectations all while having fun and building self-confidence.” Through personal attention and professional expertise, the NTDT faculty is committed to providing a positive educational experience based upon the studio’s core principles of respect, responsibility and teamwork, Elkins IronWing explains. NTDT students gain self-esteem, determination and a strong work ethic — skills that allow them to succeed and attain their future goals in any field. “I believe this has carried us into our amazing celebration that will continue through the next 20 years,” she says. “I look forward to an even brighter future. The best is yet to come!” NTDT offers year-round free trial classes for prospective dancers of all ages. Check out the fantastic lineup of fall classes by calling 994NTDT (6838). To tour the facility or to rent it for a meeting, party or function, visit NTDT at 10701 Cross Creek Blvd. For more info, visit

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •



Zaytoun Mixed Grill By Gary Nager


ARE A LOT of decent Mediterranean and Greek restaurants

in our area already, but I can assure you there is nothing in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel quite like the new Zaytoun Mediterranean Grill, located just north of the intersection of Cross Creek Blvd. and Morris Bridge Rd., in a new building adjacent to the Publix shopping center at that intersection (behind Dunkin’ Donuts). Zaytoun, which means “olive tree” in Arabic, is the first truly upscale Mediterranean dining experience in our area. It is brightly decorated, but although the vibe is casual (with Middle Eastern music playing in the background), Zaytoun owner Bilal Saleh promises chef-created, authentic Mediterranean cuisine utilizing restaurant

versions of his wife Abida’s recipes (including combinations of herbs and spices I know I’ve never tasted before). The Salehs, who have lived in New Tampa for several years, are originally from Damascus, Syria, and promise that literally everything on Zaytoun’s extensive menu is made on the premises, from the hummus to the pitas. “We don’t open up a bag of pitas and heat them up,” Bilal (an engineer turned entrepreneur) says proudly. “We make the dough and bake the pita bread — and all of our entrée pies and desserts — right in our custom-built oven (photo below). And, there are no freezers here. Everything we sell is made fresh here, using only the finest ingredients we can find.” The oven itself was imported from Italy and built brick-by-brick to fit in Zaytoun’s kitchen. I can assure you that whether you crave a ground beef or spinach pie, the best fresh pitas you’ve ever tasted or any of Zaytoun’s truly delicious desserts, anything made in this oven will delight you. Bilal hired Manny, a chef from Syria who also has run kitchens in New York City and South Tampa, to recreate Abida’s recipes. Panos, Zaytoun’s lead chef now that the restaurant is open, is from Greece, but he worked with Chef Manny at the old Oregano’s on W. Kennedy Blvd.

On To The Food!

Although I’ve always loved lamb chops, a


good gyro sandwich and Greek salads, I’ve never been the biggest fan of Middle Eastern cuisine. I now think that’s because I’ve never been anyplace like Zaytoun before. For example, I’ve never really gotten caught up in the whole hummus phenomenon. Yes, I know it’s healthy for you (despite the fact it’s made with plenty of olive oil), I just never loved the flavor. I will say that Zaytoun’s hummus is the best and creamiest I’ve sampled (I can never eat store-bought hummus again), but I could eat a lot of the home-baked pita bread without it. I’d love to hear your opinion. Other “Mezze” (starters) on Zaytoun’s menu include flash-fried chick pea falafels, baba ghanouj (fire-roasted eggplant pureed with garlic, lemon and the same tahini sauce as the hummus), stuffed grape leaves, fried kibbeh (lean, minced beef) and a sample platter featuring salad, yogurt salad, tabbouleh, hummus, fried kibbeh and Muhammara (a flavorful dip of fresh, hot red peppers, walnuts and breadcrumbs). The only salad on the menu I haven’t yet tried is the tabbouleh, but I’ve heard more than one patron at Zaytoun say it’s the best they’ve tried. I can, however, vouch for both the Arabic salad (romaine, diced cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, lemon juice, mint and olive oil) and my favorite so far, the Fattoush salad (which features the same ingredients as the Arabic salad, but with a touch of pomegranate molasses and sumac mixed in the dressing, with toasted pita chips sprinkled on top). Both salads are totally yummy and light, healthy choices and you can even add chicken shawarma (see below) or kabob meat for just $3-$4. Zaytoun’s fresh pita bread sandwiches are all outstanding, too. I’ve yet to

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sample the popular falafel sandwich, but I can vouch for the chicken, beef and kufta kabob sandwiches, with all of those meats seared to perfection on an open flame grill (see below). My favorite sandwich by far, however, is the chicken shawarma, which may be the best I’ve ever tried. Cooked and shaved off a traditional Greek gyro “tower,” Zaytoun’s chicken shawarma combines cuts of white and dark meat sliced off the tower and grilled over the open flame for a truly unique taste. “I’ve never seen the recipe for the twelve herbs and spices used on the shawarma,” says Chef Panos. “Bilal and Abida just give me the spice mixture every day and we marinate the shawarma for 24 hours in those spices.” All I can say is the shawarma is a musttry. And, although I only used a little of mine, I definitely enjoyed the special garlic sauce served on the side better than most Greek-style tzatziki sauces.

‘Delicious Meats Roasting On An Open Flame...’

Salads are great, but a natural meat eater like yours truly has got to have plenty of delicious animal protein choices and Zaytoun doesn’t disappoint when those Mediterranean spices come together with a variety of meats cooked to juicy perfection on an open-flame stone grill. My recommendation is for someone at your table to order the Zaytoun mixed grill, with grilled kufta (spiced ground beef), chicken and beef shish kabobs, served with fresh, charred veggies (the charred tomatoes are my favorite, although the onions and peppers are awesome, too). @NTWCNews

Fresh Pitas & Hummus

Fattoush Salad

Grape Leaves & Arabic Salad

Lamb Chops

My favorite entrée at Zaytoun, however, are the tender rib lamb chops. The five small chops are soaked in a lemon, garlic and olive oil marinade. The chops may only be a couple of bites each, but they’re so flavorful and melt in your mouth, and they’re served with those awesome charred veggies and a fragrant and delicate white rice. The only “from the grill” entrée I can’t sample (due to an allergy) is the shrimp kabob dinner, but the shrimp looked to be large and also marinated and grilled to a perfect turn. There also is a Zaytoun Family Platter er for up to six people featuring chicken, beef and kufta kabobs and chicken shawarma meat, with veggies and rice. I’ve only sampled one of Zaytoun’s brick oven entree/appetizer pies to date and I will say that the spinach pie — which comes in four half-moon-shaped pieces — is definitely unique. It’s not at all like the Greek spanikopita — although the spinach is mixed with garlic, onion and some cheese — but the flavor is more lemony than any spanikopita I’ve tried. Other pies I haven’t yet sampled are the feta cheese, ground beef and Zaatar pies. Zaatar is a Middle Eastern spice that is mixed with olive oil and spread over the pita dough before baking.

Save Room For Dessert!

Although there may be other items added in the future, I’ve already sampled all three decadent desserts on Zaytoun’s menu. All three are absolutely delicious, so I hope you’ll be adventurous and give one or more of them a sampling.

Chicken Shawarma

Spinach Pie

Chicken Shish Kabobs



The reason I say you should start with a mixed grill is because had I not tried it, I would have assumed beforehand that the steak kabobs would have been my faves, but there is something special about the way the chicken takes on the flavors of the Neighborhood News

I was never a big fan of traditional baklava, but I’ll admit I never tasted it flakier or more delicious than at Zaytoun. Instead of being too solid and chewy, the phyllo dough is baked all light and airy and the chopped walnuts are mixed in a delicate syrup that never gets too hard. The three pieces are a perfect dessert for two people. I also enjoyed the traditional cheese roll with cream (Halawat al Jibn), which features a sticky-smooth layer of wheat, cheese and sugar wrapped around sweet cream, with crushed pistachios and a sweet syrup, but it isn’t as overly sweet as you might expect. My favorite dessert on the menu is the knafeh, which is a traditional farina cake filled with sweet cheeses, served with pistachios and drizzled with a rose syrup. Although it is sweeter than the cheese roll, the knafeh is even crispier than most apple crisps I’ve tasted. The crust tastes almost like deep-fried, Frosted Mini-Wheats cereal, except it isn’t fried at all. Note-I wouldn’t try to polish off this dessert without sharing it with at least two or three other people. As for beverages, due to religious restrictions, there is no beer, wine or alcohol served at Zaytoun. There are Pepsi products available, but I recommend the fresh mint lemonade and the minty hot tea served in a fancy cup with an ornate top. The coffee and cappuccino are both very tasty, too, and perfect complements to any of the desserts. Zaytoun Mediterranean Grill (10970 Cross Creek Blvd.) is open every day for lunch and dinner and surely lives up to its claim of “Authentic, Exceptional & Exquisite Cuisine.” For more info, call 354-2515, visit or see the ad on page 41 of this issue.

Mint Lemonade & Hot Tea

spice mixture that makes it my favorite of the trio. The kufta kabobs taste a little like a flavorful, tender sausage and the beef chunks also are tender and tasty, but I rate both the chicken kabobs and shawarma ahead of the meat selections. @NTWCNews

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •


The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel!

Bravo, Mezzo!

Call it “Bristol Place Reborn.” Mezzo means “center” and the new Mezzo of Tampa Palms (formerly Bristol Place) apartment complex is “right in the middle of so many urban conveniences.” A Mezzo representative says the complex, which held a fun Grand Opening/ribbon-cutting celebration on July 11, “feels like a Mediterranean village.” Tuscan-inspired architecture, a vivid

new color scheme and a newly landscaped entrance with enhanced security gates and block paver auto court, plus a redesigned clubhouse, WiFi cafe and more await you at Mezzo. For more info, call 978-8300 or visit— MW

WCCC Reschedules Breakfast

The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) is gearing up for a busy next 30 days, especially after the ongoing terrible weather in our area (see page 1) forced the two-week postponement of its Monthly Business Breakfast (originally set for August 4). The August breakfast, which will still feature Tampa Premium Outlets mall general manRepresentatives of the new Mezzo of Tampa Palms (formerly Bristol Place) ager Stacey Nance apartments cut their own ribbon at a Grand Opening event on July 11. as its speaker, will


now be held at Pasco Hernando State College’s Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch (on Mansfield Blvd.), on Tuesday, August 18, 8 a.m. The cost to attend The WCCC hosted a ribbon-cutting event on Aug. 4 at VIP Elite Barbershop on the breakfast is Bruce B. Downs Blvd. in the Live Oak Plaza (next to Bruster’s Real Ice Cream). $15 for WCCC members in the first time at the new Buffalo Wild advance or $20 at the door and for all non- Wings on S.R. 56 on Friday, August 28, Chamber members. 4 p.m.-6 p.m. Nance surely will be talking about And, the Chamber also will host its the outlet mall’s upcoming Job Fair (on “Celebrating Excellence” awards banquet Thursday, August 27, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; on Thursday, September 10, 6:30 p.m., it will be held at the USF Embassy Suites at Saddlebrook Resort & Spa Tampa hotel off E. Fowler Ave.) and she may have (5700 Saddlebrook Way, Wesley Chapel). an updated list of stores that definitely Five major awards will be presented will be included in the mall, in addition at that event — Large & Small Business of to those we announced on page 1 of our the Year (the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel last issue. The Chamber and many of its Neighborhood News won last year’s Small member businesses (including ours) will be Business honors), Business Leader of the attending/participating in the Job Fair. Year, plus Non-Profit of the Year and VolThere also will be a free WCCC “Final unteer of the Year. Nominations for these Friday” networking social, to be held for awards have already closed and the finalists

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in each category should be notified shortly, if they haven’t already heard by the time this issue reaches you. Tickets were still available for the banquet at our press time. The cost to attend is $55, or $450 for a corporate table of eight, which also includes your company’s logo displayed on the table. WCCC events that already took place this month (as this issue is reaching your mailbox) were ribbon-cutting ceremonies at VIP Elite Barbershop (20309 Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd. in New Tampa; photo above) on Aug. 4; at Retina Specialists of Tampa Bay (the office of Dr. Ahmad Bakir Tarabishy) and at The Legacy at Highwoods Preserve assisted living facility (see story on pg. 44), both of which were held on Aug. 6; as well as at Zaytoun Mediterranean Grill on Cross Creek Blvd. (see story on pg. 48) on Aug. 13, which was

after we went to press with this issue. For membership and other info about the WCCC (including all event info), visit WesleyChapel, stop by the Chamber office (6315 Wesley Grove Blvd., #105) or call 994-8534.

Thanks, Dr. June!

I was proud and honored to be one of the first-ever guests (on August 2) on “Cooking Up Advice with Dr. June,” which airs every Sunday at 8:30 a.m., on WTTA-TV (Channel 6 on BrightHouse Networks cable systems in New Tampa, Channel 14 on Verizon Fios systems). I got to “rap” with Dr. June and two other guests about relationships and the tax-free holiday and sample some tasty baked tilapia, at a model home in Watergrass in Wesley Chapel. — GN

19062 Bruce B Downs Tampa, FL 33647


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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •


New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE AGENT - Award-winning Real Estate team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents whose desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available.. Keller Williams Tampa Properties. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon (813) 431-2840. PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) - An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. MEDICAL BILLER - Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company. Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: WING ZONE IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS - Including shift leader, cooks, cashiers and delivery drivers. Wing Zone offers flexible scheduling, competitive pay wages, advancement opportunities and much more. Come join out team of flavorholics and wing lovers at Wing Zone. Applications are available at store location: 19062 Bruce B Downs. Corner of Cross Creek in the New Tampa Center. NOW HIRING STYLIST - Upscale hair salon seeks hairstylist. Please inquire within... 6431 Country Line Road, Suite 107 Tampa, FL 33647 Contact (813) 994-9455 ROUTE SALES, MEDICAL Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retreival. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights a month. Retrieves damaged/defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; scheduling maintenance and repairs. Send resumes to:




Help wanted immediately. Part time. Days/nights/ weekends required. Must have reliable transportation and be CPR certified. Apply in person at 8401 New Tampa Blvd, Tampa FL 33647 or send resume to HANAQ PRANA YOGA STUDIO, located in New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area, is looking for RYT Yogis who want to grow and teach our community the vast benefits of Yoga & Meditation. Flat fee plus percentage of attendance. Rates based upon experience, new RYTs are always welcome. Join the movement create conscious about the real Yoga LifeStyle. (813)-333-1026


FOR SALE - 2008 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Anniversary Edition. $13,000.00. Touring, 34k miles. Call Ed at 813-445-2599.


DRY WALL SPECIALIST - Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings & walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster & stucco repair. 26 years of experience Wesley Chapel resident. StateCertified. Call Ron for a free estimate at 784-5999. DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional and personal touch. Pool decks and screen enclosures, all fencing, driveways, walkways, roofs, gutters and downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177. GREG’S PAPERHANGING - For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed and insured, clean, quick and reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate. RAYMOND PAINTING - Exterior & Interior Services. Exterior: Painting, pressure washing, clean & seal pavers, stucco, roofing, leaks & wood rot repair. Interior: Painting, plastering, ceiling & wall repairs & tiles. Licensed & Bonded. References avail. Free estimates. Your Neighborhood Arbor Greene Resident! We work 7 days. Call (813) 994-5124.

______AD OF THE MONTH!______ GET A RIDE - Don’t Have a Ride? Don’t Want to Leave Your Car? Shouldn’t Drive? We Drive You & Your Car Home! Night Clubs, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Concerts, Appointments, Airport or stranded. Call Jay at (813) 966-1530.


JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING - Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning and more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL & FREE ESTIMATE! For more info, call (813) 420-4465. AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC - Our services include weekly lawn maintenance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimming. We also offer landscaping, pruning, and sod replacement. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service and trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778. HOMETEAM LAWNCARE LLC: Residential, Commercial, HOA Force Mows, & Foreclosures. Full-Service LawnCare, Tree & Hedge Trimming, Sod & Mulch Placement, Landscape Installation, Fall/Spring Clean-Up, and Pressure Washing. Year-Round Full-Svc LawnCare Includes: mow, edge, trim, blow, hedge and low-tree trim, and mulch-bed maintenance. Family Owned & Operated, Licensed & Insured, Background Clearance to All Employees, Call or Text (813) 817-9554


MONSTER MONSTER POOL POOL CLEANING CLEANING - Summer - Summer SpecialSpecial — 50% — off your 50%1st offtwo your months 1st two of service. monthsFamily of service. owned &Family operowned ated. 20+ & Years operated. of Experience. 20+ Years Competitive of Experience. rates! ComSame petitive service tech rates! each Same week. service *Our 15-pt. tech each weeklyweek. full service *Our 15-pt. will keep weekly your pool full service looking great! will keep Referyour a customer pool looking & get great! ONE MONTH Refer aFREE! customer Call Today & get-ONE (813)MONTH 489-9967.FREE! Call Today - (813) 489-9967. TRANQUILITY POOL SERVICE – New Tampa owned & operated. Great Pricing with outstanding customer service! LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED. See why we are New Tampa’s #1 Choice!! Call Chris Today @ (813)857-5400 or visit New customers get ONE MONTH FREE! AQUATEC POOL SERVICE has been keeping pools clear & swim safe since 1994. WE DO POOLS RIGHT! Commercial & Residential. CPO #33-303052 Licensed & Insured. Service guarantee. Call 813-312-5694 TODAY and get 1 MONTH OF QUALITY SERVICE FREE.


CAT SITTING - Tampa Cat Lady Professional Cat-Sitting Service. Cats are happiest in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds, & smells. When you are away, we feed, cuddle, & play with your kitties & clean & dispose of litter. Insured, bonded, & Red-Cross certified in pet first aid/CPR. You can submit a service inquiry at or call 813-994-9449. VACATION KITTY CARE - Leave those fluffy loved ones in the comfort of their own home! Bonded and Insured, 15 years in business and I am a pet first aid instructor. Call Julie Gonzalez @ 813-892-9543 or

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •

Neighborhood News

___________ PERSONALS


SEEKING ROOMMATE Pebble Creek villa, professional, nonsmoker, no pets. $575 per month inclusive. Available Now! Serious inquiries only please! For info, call 813/445-2599 or 813/416-6677.

CLEANING SERVICES B Cleaning Services: Over fourteen years experience! Commercial & residential; Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly; New house & post construction clean-up; Window cleaning; Move-in or move-out cleanings; Pressure washing; FREE estimates; References available. Call today: 813.531.0154 or e-mail: bcleanings@ D-ULTRA CLEANING SERVICE - We have our own supplies and more than 300 clients in New Tampa! For more info, Call 758-9710. M & Y CLEANING SERVICES Residential & Commercial cleaning. Complete cleaning: Dusting, vacuuming,mopping, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, living rooms and more. Weekly, By- weekly, monthly, one time cleaning. References available. 8 years of cleaning experience. We clean your properties like our own. Call us TODAY for a FREE estimate. Mila (813)516-3554 SQUEAKY CLEAN HOME SERVICES - is a residential cleaning company offering weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly services. We also specialize in move-in/move-out cleanup. All supplies and equipment provided. We are an Owner Operator company with over 20 years experience. “If it Needs to be Clean, We’re your Team! Call us for your free in home estimate today! 813-625-6045

COMPUTER / BUSINESS SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TECH SUPPORT — in your home or small business. A+, Certified computer tech with 20 years of exp. Maintenance & repairs, upgrades & tutoring. More affordable than the large chains! Friendly, personalized svc. Technical jargon explained in plain English. Remote assistance available. References available upon request. Call (813) 957-8342 for a free estimate. DO YOU HATE YOUR COMPUTER?!? WE CAN HELP YOU! Troubleshooting, installation, networking & virus removal. WE COME TO YOU! Servicing residences & businesses, w/ more than 25 years of exp. Contact Jeffrey Blank at (813) 973-4507, visit WSICA.COM or send an email to Wsica@ today!

EDUCATION / BABYSITTING TUTORING - Infinite Edge is located in Tampa Palms & offers tutoring in all subjects, including Math, English & SAT, ACT & FCAT tests, 1st-12th grade. We also offer AP classes and last year, our students scored a 5 on any AP subject in which we helped. Please call (813) 971-6500.



GREAT HOPE PRESCHOOL - We offer preschool for ages 6 weeks to 12 years. We accept the ELC - School Readiness program, offer FREE VPREK and offer multi child discounts. New owner and renovated classrooms. Now enrolling all age groups. Infants-Afterschool. Mention this ad and receive 1/2 off enrollment fees. TOUR TODAY!!! 30126 State Road 54 Wesley Chapel, FL 813-929-6276 or 813-323-8030. #CO6PA0267 Babysitter/Nanny is looking for work. I’m available days, evenings, and weekends. Excellent References. Call 813-220-7030 Email: hughjul5@yahoo. com PIANO LESSONS/TUTORING-Located in Live Oak Preserve for children, teens, and adults. I am a highly qualified/certified Florida teacher specializing in piano, music theory, language arts, reading, writing, geography, elementary math, beginning Spanish, and FCAT/test preparation. Mention this ad and receive your first session for FREE! Now scheduling for the 2015/2016 school year!!! Contact Mrs. Daley at 813-468-1424 to reserve your spot!

Not getting the calls you know your business deserves? Place a classified ad on these pages! Call (813) 910-2575 today for advertising rates!

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •


Florida Hospital Center Ice Unveils Its Programs In The Rain

Although the rains didn’t cooperate, the under-construction Florida Hospital Center Ice (FHCI) skating facility has unveiled its programs to the public with a great event just a few hours before we went to press with this issue on August 8. Rink developer Gordie Zimmerman (at far left in top left photo) of Z Mitch, LLC, was pleased to be able to sign up some kids to play hockey and/or ice skate when the facility opens — which likely now won’t be until sometime in March of 2016. Zimmerman says the recent three weeks of rain (see story on page 1) and other factors led to the delay. The Lightning, including former forward Nikita Alexeev (photo, top right), rink sponsor Florida Hospital, SportsRadio 620 WDAE-AM, Reeves Import Motor Cars and Krispy Kreme were all on hand for the event, and there were plenty of interactive games, bounce houses and more. For info, visit —GN


For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •

Neighborhood News


1928 Highland Oaks Blvd., Lutz, FL 33559


Neighborhood News


For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •



For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • August 15, 2015 •

Neighborhood News


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