4 minute read
By GARY NAGER Editorial
Congratulations are in order for two local residents — Nazeraeh Montrond and her siblings, who just received the keys to their new townhome in the Wesley Reserve community at Chapel Crossings, and long-time New Tampa resident Marion Brodarick, who celebrated her 100th birthday with her bridge club during their weekly game at Heritage Isles Golf Club on Cross Creek Blvd.
As we reported in our July 12 issue, the Montrond family’s home was built and has been provided mortgage-free by PulteGroup’s Built to Honor® Program in partnership with Building Homes for Heroes®, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit that has provided 300+ homes for injured military veterans and their families since the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Nazeraeh, just 22, and her siblings — Arabella, age 14, Kevyn, age 18, and 10-yearold Bentley — received the keys to the Wesley Chapel townhome on August 25 (their mom Christl’s birthday), just two days before we went to press with this issue, in honor of their parents (both of whom are deceased) U.S. Army Sergeant Alberto Montrond (who was killed by an improvised explosive device in 2006) and Christl (who died in 2021 from a number of health issues).
Pulte’s program has built and donated more than 70 homes nationwide since 2016, including five in the Tampa Bay area.
Although I personally never met the Montrond family, I congratulate them and hope they enjoy their new home.
Also born Aug. 25, Marion Brodarick has lived in New Tampa’s Pebble Creek community for 42 years, and I was excited that photographer Charmaine George and I attended her 100th birthday celebration.
Although we only met a few times over the nearly 30 years I have lived in the area and published the Neighborhood News, Marion has felt like a member of my local family, having entered virtually every contest I have ever run in the paper, including every year’s Reader Dining Survey & Contest (see pages 12-13).
She also has called the office several times over the years to tell me about news stories happening in her area and she was among the many Pebble Creek residents who contacted us to let us know about their sadness over the closing of the Pebble Creek Golf Club last year. “It was a shame,” Marion reiterated to me at her birthday celebration, also mentioning that she is the only member of her bridge club to still be a member all 42 years she has lived in Pebble Creek. “It was an important part of our Pebble Creek community.”
Fellow bridge club member Florence Bronner, who called our office to invite us to Marion’s 100th birthday celebration on Aug. 23, said the club has had as many as five (or more) tables of players over the years, but is now down to just two, as many members had passed or moved away. Florence was thankful we were able to attend Marion’s celebration.
“Not that many people get to celebrate their 100th birthday,” Florence said. “Even fewer are as sharp or quick witted as Marion is.”
Marion said the secret to her longevity is that she has kept her mind and body active over the years.
“I played every sport I could,” she said. “And playing bridge and reading the Neighborhood News have helped keep my mind sharp.”
We love you, too, Marion!

(Left) Long-time New Tampa resident Marion Brodarick’s bridge club celebrated her 100th birthday with her at Heritage Isles Golf Club on Aug. 23. (Right) The Montrond family moves into their new Wesley Chapel home, which was provided by the Pulte Group’s Built to Honor® program & Building Homes For Heroes nonprofit organization. (Photos by Charmaine George)

Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News
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EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor /Ad Sales Gary Nager Managing Editor / Photographer John C. Cotey Correspondents Celeste McLaughlin Isabella Douglas Lead Video Producer/Multimedia Specialist Charmaine George Graphic Designers Morgan Conlin Valerie Wegener Billing Assistant Jannah Nager
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