Volume 22 Issue 19
Win A Two-Night Clearwater Beach Stay!
September 13, 2014
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Local Woman Turns Her Own Relentless Reality Into A Positive Message Any early childhood traumatic event that includes the loss of even one loved one can have lasting negative effects on anyone as they grow. In many cases, these events can lead to years of counseling and medication. Some, understandably, are never able to cope and have trouble living normal lives. However, one Wesley Chapel woman has been spreading the word that it’s possible to move on and lead a positive life, despite devastating personal tragedy, especially after events that shocked the New Tampa community were revisited in recent months. Seven Oaks resident Jan Soran — who today holds two Master’s degrees and is a human resources director for a national company — self-published her first book, entitled Relentless Reality, in October 2012. The book details the former Janice Rooney’s experience of walking into her Seminole, FL, home at age 12 and finding her mother Paula lifeless on the kitchen floor, in a pool of her own blood, from a gunshot wound. Jan later found her twin brother Dave the same way in a bathroom. Her older brother Paul, then
14, had shot both in the head with a .38 revolver that belonged to their father Bob and then drove away in the family van, parked it in Seffner and took his own life. The story of the Rooney murders made headlines on July 10, 1985. Jan had spent that night at a neighbor’s house with a friend. She says that she and her brothers were supposed to leave for camp the next day. She woke up early to go home and pack when she discovered what had happened. “Then, all hell broke loose,” Soran recalls. “I ran out of the house screaming and started knocking on doors.” Soran also called her father, an Indian Rocks Beach firefighter, and police were dispatched. Paul had left a note in the family’s candle shop Candle Accents, where he also worked with his mother. The note was addressed to his father, his sister, a fellow candle shop worker and “everyone.” “I know sorry isn’t right, but I’m sorry I messed up your lives,” Paul wrote. I didn’t really mess up mine anymore, now that I’m dead. I didn’t want to kill Dave, but he could hear me kill mom, so he had to go.” Reports from that day describe Paul
as a “loner” who had received counseling after what was described as a failed suicide attempt two years earlier, but also as a smart kid who wanted to join the U.S. Air Force. Although Paul was always “quiet,” Soran Seven Oaks resident says that she never Jan Soran self-pubgot a sense something lished her first book, was wrong with him, Relentless Reality, or that he was capable in 2012. of what he did. Following that tragedy, Soran says that she and her father moved to another home and he remarried six months later. Soran says that her relationship with her father already had not been a good one because he had problems with alcohol and was abusive to her mother and brothers. She says the relationship didn’t improve after the shooting and that the two haven’t spoken in years. Relentless Reality is the chronicle of Soran’s life since that grisly July day in 1985. Soran says that recent local tragedies, such as the Julie Schenecker (the
Despite our still-sweltering temperatures, to celebrate the beginning of fall, the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) is putting on its sixth annual Fall Festival, in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel (which meets Wednesdays at noon at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall). On Saturday, October 11, local residents can look forward to a FREE day of live music and entertainment for all ages at The Grove shopping plaza, sponsored by
Javic Homes (see page 51), Wesley Chapel Nissan and The Grove. There, of course, also will be carnival-style food and beverages for sale, and plenty of other vendor tents. The WCCC expects to draw more than 10,000 attendees to this year’s event. Although last year’s Fall Fest took place during the course of an entire weekend, to better serve the community and make it easier for the vendors and sponsors, this year’s event will take place on just one day. “The Festival is now just a one-day
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event,” says WCCC executive director Hope Allen. “But, we will still have a great line up for a full day of entertainment.” Headlining the performers this year is Bryan Edwards, who was nominated twice for the 2013 Grammy Awards. His album “Nothing Left to Burn” was nominated for Country Album of the Year and his song “Still” was nominated for Country Song of the Year. The Florida native also earned his first major songwriting credit on Jason Aldean’s 2011 CMA Album of the Year, “My Kinda Party” as a co-writer on the smash hit song “If She Could See Me Now.” Also appearing this year is 10th Concession, a Tampa-based rock/pop breath of fresh air fronted by brothers Ian and Evan Koteles. The band has earned titles such as “Ultimate Local Band” by the Tampa Bay Times and “Best Indie Rock/pop Band” by Creative Loafing (2010-13!). The Fall Festival will again feature the annual “Wing Battle” between the area’s chicken wing-oriented eateries. Last
By Matt Wiley
recently convicted Tampa Palms mother who murdered her two teenage children) case, prompted her to get in touch with the New Tampa Neighborhood News to share her story to help others. “The hardest part was having to read the manuscript so many times,” Soran explains. “I’ve already lived (this tragedy) once and still relive it every day, but rereading it was hard. But, this is my life. I’m ok. I’m still here.” See ‘Soran’ on pg. 43
Fall Festival Returns To Wesley Chapel On Oct. 11!
Also Inside This Issue!
Poor Turnout In Primary Election, More BBD Widening On The Horizon, New Tampa Athletes Excel, Plus Lots Of Local Business Features & More!
Recapping The WC Jazz Fest, Urban Renewal Hair Can Redo Your Do, Rotary Raises Dog Park Money With Concert, Plus Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes!
Pages 1-40
Pages 41-64
year’s stand-out performances came from Beef O’Brady’s and Ker’s Wing House. Who will woo the judges this year? Rotary’s event co-chair Sabrina di Roma says the Wesley Chapel Rotary will again host the annual Little Miss & Mr. Pumpkin Patch Pageant (photo), a Pumpkin Patch and Hay Rides, and this year will also sponsor a pet contest and the first-ever Rotary Village for kids! For more information, including festival schedules and sponsorship opportunities, please visit Facebook.com/ WesleyChapelFallFestival.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 • September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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The Deaths Of Robin Williams & Joan Rivers Weigh Heavily On Me
An editorial by Gary Nager There’s no doubt, as I write this, that the world’s a little bit of a sadder place, as two of the funniest people on Earth have taken that final “Exit, stage left.” In just a few short weeks. both Robin Williams and Joan Rivers have left the building and taken little pieces of both my heart and my funny bone with them. I was a young man of 20 when the ABCTV network’s hit show “Mork & Mindy” hit the airwaves in 1979. And, although the frenetic comedy of Robin Williams as the alien Mork was a little over the top at times, there’s no doubt I was captivated by Williams’ Energizer Bunny persona and his amazing, oftenimprovised one-liners, many of which you could miss if you weren’t really paying close enough attention. As Williams blossomed into full TV and movie stardom, he had no problems admitting that his hysterical, seemingly-always-adlibbed comedy was fueled by drugs and alcohol, as so many of the great comics have been “inspired” the past 50 years or so. But, also like so many of the “great ones,” the man who made “Good Morning Vietnam,” “Mrs. Doubtfire,” “Good Will Hunting” and “Dead Poets Society” such huge hits also obviously had his dark side, a side which most of us never got to see. In fact, when the news came that Williams had actually killed himself, there’s no doubt that most of us couldn’t actually believe it was true. I certainly knew nothing about Williams’ broken psyche when I met him at Legends
New Tampa Neighborhood News 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: (813) 423-6533 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents Amy Gutierrez • Celeste McLaughlin Kelly Miller Advertising Sales Representative Mary Dorey Graphic Design Georgia Carmichael • Erica Everett Chelsie Rosatone
Sales & Marketing Assistant Antwon Gildon Nothing that appears in New Tampa Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 22, Issue 21, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Monday, September 29, 2014. New Tampa Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. New Tampa Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. New Tampa Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
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Field here in Tampa in 2008, when his buddy and “Comic Relief” partner Billy Crystal had signed a one-day contract with the New York Yankees, so Crystal could play in a spring training game for his favorite team. Williams and I sat just a few seats from each other on a warm afternoon and although he definitely was there to watch his friend and not to entertain the crowd, he did have a few moments to share a laugh or two with the rest of us. “Nice swing, Bill,” he said as Crystal swung and missed by a mile. “It’s the only fricking breeze we’ve felt up here all day.”
The Queen Of...Plastic Surgery?
I’m also old enough to remember Joan Rivers as the original (and uber-funny) “Queen of Mean” standup comic who probably would have been a better choice than Jay Leno to permanently replace Johnny Carson as the host of NBC-TV’s “The Tonight Show” but Joan, who served as Johnny’s “permanent guest host” from 1983-86, ended up shut out of the post-Carson “Tonight Show” landscape — and from Carson’s life — when she signed to do her own variety show with the new Fox-TV network in ‘86. OK, so I didn’t like Rivers’ “Fashion Police” TV show on the E! network, co-hosted by her daughter, Melissa. Some call the show “snarky,” but I call it “unwatchable.” The good news is, she at least died in her sleep following yet another surgical procedure, so she left this planet thinking she would again wake up and make us all laugh And, as the first female standup comic to make it big on TV, she certainly has inspired more than one generation of female comics, including my friend (and former New Tampa resident) Susan Saiger, who recently returned from Los Angeles to Tampa to perform with other local funny divas at the Tampa Improv. “If you’ve never seen Joan live doing standup,” Suzi said during her visit. “You’ve missed one of the best standup acts ever.” Rivers truly was a powerhouse on stage. She would insult and lampoon everyone — from celebrities to those with physical disabilities to, perhaps most of all, herself. So, while it’s sad that we’ll never get to see Williams or Rivers on stage or on screen live again, at least today we have Youtube. com, so we can relive and enjoy again the ability of these two unique people to make us literally “lol.” Thanks for the laughs, you two.
Correction From Last Issue:
I need to correct (and apologize for) a really stupid mistake that appeared in our last issue: In my page 3 editorial, I talked about two local nonprofit businesses that have been using the internet in two different ways to raise money for their respective organizations. The only problem is that one of those “nonprofits” — 1st Care Non-Emergency Medical Transport (which is owned by my friend Acie Jenkins and his wife Tina) — is actually a for-profit business, even though it’s being advertised for donations on the website called GoFundMe.com. I did something which I’ve scolded more than a few writers for — I merely assumed that GoFundMe was for nonprofits only and that 1st Care was a not-for-profit business because the only people I had heard of advertised on that website before 1st Care were all individuals trying to raise money for medical expenses or nonprofit organizations. Had I taken the time to scan through GoFundMe’s “About Us” section or scrolled through some of the other for-profit businesses promoting themselves on the site, I could’ve saved myself some embarrassment. Oh well. I still stand by Ace and Tina and hope you’ll check out and maybe donate to help their for-profit non-emergency medical transportation service get kicked off right. For additional information, check out the 1st Care ad on page 42 of this issue, or visit 1stCareNEMT.com and click on the “Donate” button, which will then take you to the 1st Care page on GoFundMe.com. As always, I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience I may have caused.— GN
Table of Contents
Local News Updates....................................4-19
Dispatcher Doesn’t Send Help For New Tampa Baby Locked In Car..........4 New Tampa’s Primary Election Results.........................................6 Man Wrongfully Arrested In Hunter’s Green Burglary.....................8 BBD Widening Update, Electronic Signs Active..........................10 New Tampa News Briefs.........................................................12 Tracey Seenath Sentenced Fugitive Wanted For Wharton Student’s Murder Arrested New Tampa Man Arrested For Hate Crime Wesley Chapel Ambulance Driver Injured By Wrong-Way Driver Development Begins At Cypress Creek Town Center........................14
New Tampa Community Calendar...................................18
Local Business Updates......................20-33 Chiropractic Rehab Center: New Tampa’s First Chiropractor.......20 Signarama Of New Tampa Will Get Your Business Noticed............24 Quality Cleaning & Services Leaves Your Home/Business Spotless...28 Berkshire Hathaway’s Team Helps Find You The Perfect Home......32
Local Sports Updates..........................38-39 New Tampa Martial Artist Headed To World Competition.....38 Wharton To Host 4th Annual Harvest Volleyball Tournament.....39
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Inaugural Wesley Chapel Jazz Fest Boasts Draws A Crowd..........41 Check Out Jacquie Caetano At Urban Renewal Hair!..................46 New Tampa Rotary Raises Funds For Dog Park With Concert.....49 Our Exclusive 2014 Dining Survey & Contest!................52-54 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’..........................58
NEW TAMPA COLOR CLASSIFIEDS.......................60 New Tampa Golfer Heads To National Skills Competition..........62
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 • September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Two 9-1-1 Calls For Child In Hot Car By Matt Wiley
Kids being left in hot cars have been in the headlines, not only across Tampa Bay, but throughout the nation this summer, and now a similar incident has occurred in New Tampa. But, this time, the focus of concern is not on a negligent parent. According to the Tampa Police Department (TPD), on August 26, New Tampa resident Shana Dees was shopping at the Tampa Palms CVS drug store (located on Commerce Palms Blvd.) with her 10-month-old son Jack. After she finished shopping, she put her purchases and her son in the car and returned her shopping cart to the store, a few steps from the vehicle. In that amount of time, the child (who was playing with the keys) locked the doors to the car. Even though the car was not yet running, Dees says she was fearful for her baby’s health because of the rising temperature inside the car. She called 9-11, but didn’t get the answer she expected from the TPD dispatcher. “My infant son is locked in the car in a parking lot,” Dees told the dispatcher. “He has the keys and hit the lock button when I was loading groceries in. It’s so hot outside, I’m concerned. I don’t think I have enough time to call AAA before he would suffer from heat exhaustion. Can somebody come out and open the door? I don’t know if that’s even something you guys do?” Unfortunately, the TPD dispatcher
didn’t answer with a hopeful message, quote the opposite. “Ma’am, we won’t be able to try to gain access to the car unless the child is in some kind of distress,” he told Dees. “And, by that point, they may just smash your windows.” Dees was able to find an off-duty TPD officer who also called 9-1-1. However, the second dispatcher gathered the necessary information and sent help. “She said she called 9-1-1 (a few minutes ago) and they said they’re not going to come out unless the baby is in distress,” the TPD officer told the second dispatcher. “No, that’s not true,” the dispatcher said. “We’ll send someone right out.” Published reports say that another shopper got a wrench from inside the store and smashed the front passenger window, got the child out and poured cool water on the baby’s head. TPD spokesperson Laura McElroy says that the first dispatcher is under investigation. “The (first) dispatcher failed to follow policy,” McElroy explains. “In that situation, he should have gotten the necessary information and sent out police and fire personnel. (The way it was handled) is not the way we do business.” McElroy says that the info the dispatcher gave Dees about breaking the window was factually correct, but that help still should have been sent. No additional information was available at our press time.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 • September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
New Tampa’s Voter Turnout Again Poor For Primary Election
By Matt Wiley Although there weren’t too many of them, the votes are in for the 2014 Primary Election, which has determined which names officially will appear on the November General Election ballot in New Tampa, as well as having elected three new judges. Even though Florida is electing a governor again this year, 2014 is not a Presidential Election year, and the turnout at the polls for the recent Primary Election sadly reflects just that. Of the nearly 40,000 registered voters in the 12 voting precincts in New Tampa’s 33647 zip code, only 4,904 ballots were cast — for a voter turnout of only 12.3 percent. In Hillsborough County, there are more than 750,000 registered voters, with only 123,357 ballots were cast — a 16.31-percent voter turnout. Not only was New Tampa’s turnout four points lower than the county’s turnout in the Primary, our precincts comprised only 3 percent of the county’s votes, even though we are more than 5 percent of the county’s registered voters. Compare those dismal numbers with the 2012 Presidential Election, when New Tampa had a 77.5-percent voter turnout, with nearly 30,000 ballots cast. New Tampa’s voters made up about 5 percent of Hillsborough County’s total 747,605 registered vot-
Neunder (R-Sarasota), who earned just more than 10-percent of the vote and Yinka Abosede Adeshina (R-Tallahassee), who earned just more than one percent of the state’s vote. New Tampa cast 984 votes for Gov. Scott, who won about 91 percent of New Tampa’s vote. Florida voters also had to choose who would appear on the ballot against incumbent Attorney General Pam Bondi (R-Tampa). George Sheldon (DTallahassee) defeated Perry E. Thurston (D-Ft. Lauderdale) with 60.66-percent of the vote, with 804 of those votes coming from New Tampa, which represented about 63 percent of our vote. Locally, although New Tampa won’t vote for its local District county commissioner until November, when current Dist. 2 Comm. Victor Crist (R-New Tampa) will take on Elizabeth Primary Results Beltcher (D-Seffner), residents did Coming as little surprise, the Florvote for the countywide District 7 seat, ida Division of Elections reports that where current District 4 commissioner former Republican Florida Governor Al Higginbotham (R-Plant City) and Charlie Crist (D-St. Petersburg) will go Patricia “Pat” Kemp (D-Tampa) will head-to-head against current Gov. Rick battle it out for the District 7 seat. Scott (R-Tallahassee), who is hoping Higginbotham won in a landslide, to keep the state’s top seat for another gathering 66.48-percent of the vote four years. Crist won 74.37 percent of (664 votes from New Tampa, or 64%), the statewide vote against Nan Rich (D- with his closest opponent Tim Schock Weston), with 963 of those votes cast in gathering only 15.79-percent of the New Tampa, or about 81 percent of the vote. Kemp beat out Mark Nash (Dtotal ballots cast in our precincts. Brandon) with 65.42-percent of the Meanwhile, Gov. Scott also steamcounty’s vote, with support from 778 rolled past opponents Elizabeth Cuevas- New Tampa voters (or 72%). ers and, with just more than 545,000 ballots cast countywide, our precincts also totalled more than 5 percent of the ballots cast. While the Aug. 26 election was just a primary and voters had to be registered with the party for which the primary was being held, local elections are where voters’ voices actually can be heard most. The winners of the November General Election will be making the decisions that could directly affect your community. So, come Tuesday, November 4, get out there and vote! The deadline to register with the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections office is Monday, October 6, with early voting beginning Thursday, October 23, and running through Sunday, November 2.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 • September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Judge races were not entirely decided in the Primary, as two races will have to be decided in November because one candidate didn’t receive at least 50 percent plus one vote to earn the sixyear term. In Group 8, Barbara Twine Thomas will take on Carl C. Hinson and Melissa “Missy” Polo will again face Robert Bauman on the November ballot for Group 34. However, Michael Scionti is now the new Group 19 judge and Laura Ward won the election for Group 20. For County Judge Group 12, Chris Nash received more than 65 percent of the vote, defeating opponent Norman S. Cannella. In the Hillsborough County School Board race, although our District 3 seat currently held by Cindy Stuart is not up for election this year, the countywide District 6 seat is up for grabs. Of the eight candidates, incumbent April Griffin and Dipa Shah will battle it out in November to see who will claim the seat. Griffin was able to gather 26.97-percent of the vote, while Shah finished second with 16.41-percent. In a School Board race, the top two winners in the Primary go on to the General Election if no one garners at least 50% of the ballots cast +1 vote. In our next issue & at NTNeighborhoodNews.com, we’ll give you more info about the candidates New Tampa will be voting for on Nov 4.
Parrish Mistakenly Arrested For July Hunter’s Green Burglary By Matt Wiley It’s a classic case of mistaken identity and of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. In our last issue, we reported that John Michael Parrish, 30, was arrested as the suspect in a July 25 Hunter’s Green burglary. However, although our information came from an initial Tampa Police Department (TPD) report, new information shows that all was not as it initially seemed in the case and the actual suspects since have been arrested. According to the corrected info from TPD, a Hunter’s Green couple came home from a local grocery store to find three suspects in their home. The men had entered the premises by forcing open a window on the side of the house. The suspects took a laptop computer and a Playstation 4 game console and hopped into a “blacked out” Chevrolet Silverado truck with large black rims and tinted windows (which was being driven by another suspect) and fled. One of the victims and a nearby roofer witnessed the suspects fleeing. Once reported, a vehicle matching the description was spotted traveling north on BBD, north of Cross Creek Blvd. But, even though Parrish’s vehicle was not the one used in the burglary, Parrish was taken into custody and was positively identified by the victims back at the scene. In interviews with TPD detectives following his arrest, Parrish explained
Norsalus N. Jackson (left) & Terrence Smith
that he works for House Doctor (a home improvement company) and was working on a flooring job in Saddlebrook Resort (located off S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel) that evening. Parrish said that he hadn’t been in Hunter’s Green in more than a year and explained that he had left Saddlebrook at 12:20 p.m. in his black Chevy Silverado to take some flooring supplies back to Lowe’s (located on BBD in Tampa Palms). He also made a stop at Home Depot (a little further north on BBD), before heading north again on BBD and then being pulled over by TPD officers. Additional interviews with the victims’ daughter indicated that she knew those responsible. Among the four involved were Paul R. Wharton High football players Norsalus N. Jackson, 18, and Terrence Smith, 18, both of the Easton Park neighborhood off Morris Bridge Rd., as well as two minors, one of whom was the driver of the “blacked-out Silverado,” not Parrish. Jackson and Smith were both
charged with conspiring to commit a felony, burglary of an unoccupied conveyance and third-degree grand theft. Both were released on their own recognizance on July 31. Their names no longer appear on Wharton’s football roster on Maxpreps.com, but we were unable to reach Wharton football coach David Mitchell for comment on the two players. The TPD report says that once officers realized that Parrish was not involved, his property was returned to him and he was released from custody. “This is a very unfortunate anomaly where within minutes of the burglary, a witness positively identified Parrish as the
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burglar and the victim positively identified Parrish’s vehicle as the suspect vehicle,” says TPD spokesperson Laura McElroy. “Based upon that information, the officers established probable cause for the arrest and acted in good faith.” McElroy confirms that as soon as the officers realized that the witnesses mistakenly identified Parrish, they began the process of expunging the arrest. She says that TPD also worked with the bondsman to refund Parrish’s bail and released his vehicle from the police impound. We apologize to Parrish and his family for any trouble the previous story we published may have caused.
Bruce B. Downs ‘Segment A’ Widening Bid Being Negotiated, Signs Activated By Matt Wiley
If you’ve ever merged onto I-75 only to come to an immediate stop in a gridlocked traffic jam, the tall, new electronic signs along Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. can help you avoid this annoyance. As part of the BBD-widening project, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has installed “dynamic message signs” in the median of BBD north and south of the I-75 interchange, both of which are now operational. These signs allow for electronic messages to be programmed and displayed for drivers to see, well in advance of getting onto the interstate. FDOT says that the signs are used strictly for safety and transportation messages or regulatory, warning and guidance information related to traffic control. For example, if an “Amber Alert” is issued, FDOT can work with law enforcement agencies to broadcast information about what type of vehicle to be on the look out for. Or, if a wrong way driver is reported (see page 12), the signs provide a way to warn other motorists.
‘Segment A’ Update
Enjoy traveling on BBD between Bearss Ave. and Palm Springs Blvd. in Tampa Palms while you can, as the county is now reviewing bids for the next segment of BBD widening.
A spokesperson for Hillsborough County says that the county currently is reviewing a low-bid offer, but that the name cannot yet be released. The spokesperson says that the county is working with FDOT to finalize the details of the bid and hopes to present the bid to the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners by late October. Once approved, the contract can be awarded and the construction process can get under way.
Weather Slows Progress Under I-75
Work continues on the widening of BBD underneath the new I-75 overpasses, although the frequent summer rain has caused some delays. FDOT spokesperson John McShaffrey reports that in the past two months, both the northbound BBD on-ramp to southbound I-75, as well as the northbound I-75 exit to northbound BBD ramps both have opened in their final orientation. In addition, the new bike/pedestrian multi-use path opened along the east side of BBD. McShaffrey says that the newlywidened northbound BBD lanes under I-75 are expected to open in their final orientation by the end of October, at which point traffic will shift so that work can begin on the southbound
lanes. The heaviest work currently can be seen at the new ramp tie-ins for the southbound I-75 exit ramp to BBD and the BBD entrance ramp to northbound I-75. McShaffrey says that FDOT expects that the widening project under the interstate still will be completed by early December. Stay tuned for more This recently-activated dynamic message sign in the median BBD widening updates of Bruce B. Downs Blvd. in Tampa Palms could save you a as they become available. headache and a traffic jam before hopping on I-75.
813-528-8717 3737 MARYWEATHER LANE SUITE 101 WESLEY CHAPEL, FL 33544
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New Tampa Tracey Seenath Sentenced
Nearly a year has passed since former Freedom High School principal David Shepphard’s wife Donna was found at the bottom of the swimming pool at the Sheppards’ Lutz home, but the woman who was convicted of stalking Sheppard has finally been sentenced. According to the Hillsborough County State Attorney’s Office, Tracey Elana Seenath, 40, of The Hammocks community in New Tampa was adjudicated for four counts of stalking on September 2. She was sentenced to 12 months of probation for each count of stalking, without the option of early termination. During that time, Seenath is not allowed to have any conTracey Seenath tact with Sheppard or his family. She also will have to undergo a psychological evaluation and submit to any treatment deemed necessary, as well as serve 200 hours of community service with the HCSO work detail. According to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO), Sheppard had an affair with Seenath when he was assistant principal at Paul R. Wharton High (located off Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd. in New Tampa), where she also was working as a secretary. Sheppard reportedly ended their relationship in December of 2011, telling her in March 2012, one month after taking the top job at Freedom, to have no further contact with him. The HCSO arrest report states that from the time when Sheppard ended the affair to Seenath’s September 11 arrest, Sheppard and his wife received repeated threats in the form of notes, letters and phone calls to their home, letters sent to Hillsborough County School District (HCSD) officials, as well as thousands of emails to Sheppard and text messages to the couple’s cell phones. Seenath also reportedly sent books, flowers, CDs, lingerie, magazine articles, song lyrics and nude photographs to the Sheppards’ home. Donna Sheppard was found lifeless at the bottom of the family’s swimming pool on October 29, 2013, with a dumbbell strapped to her waist. Her death later was ruled a suicide.
News Briefs
New Tampa Man Charged With Hate Crime
Firing a weapon from a car is a felony. Firing a gun into a business after making racial slurs towards an employee can get a person into even more trouble — especially Nearly a decade after he was accused if the bomb squad is called in to respond of murdering a Paul R. Wharton High — as one New Tampa man has learned. student, a fugitive finally has been taken According to the Tampa Police Deinto custody. partment (TPD), at 12:14 a.m. on August According to the Hillsborough 21, Clay Sidney Allred, 29, of the Amberly County Sheriff’s Office Place apartments in Tampa (HCSO), Rick “Batman” Palms, walked into the Elisee Joseph, 28, was Mobil station at Bruce B. arrested in Brooklyn, NY, Downs (BBD) Blvd. and on August 20 and since E. Fowler Ave. and ended has been transferred back up in an argument with a to our county. Joseph was store employee, identified on the run since May 4, as Tampa resident Hassan Clay Allred Rick Joseph 2007, when HCSO reQadratullan, 28. ports that he shot Marcus During the argument, the TPD report Johnson, 17, at what is now called the says that Allred allegedly made racial slurs Palms at Cedar Trace apartment complex about “Qadratullan’s Arabic ethnicity.” off N. 22nd St., near the intersection of E. Following the argument, Allred reportedly Bearss Ave. and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) got into his red Jeep Wrangler and backed Blvd., a mile or so south of Tampa Palms. out of his parking space, but stopped in HCSO reports that Joseph opened front of the store. He then pulled out a fire on a group of people standing outside gun and fired three shots into the store, of an apartment building in the complex. hitting no one, and drove away. One of the shots hit Johnson, who died At the same time, two TPD officers of a gunshot wound to the chest. Joseph were in the vicinity of the Mobil station fled. and responded within seconds of hearFollowing the shooting, HCSO ing the shots and immediately put out the issued a second-degree murder warrant description of Allred’s Jeep. Another TPD for Joseph’s arrest. HCSO “cold case” officer spotted Allred making a U-turn detectives used social media, public and at BBD and E. Fowler Ave. and followed investigative databases and “old-fashioned him until enough units caught up with police work” to narrow down Joseph’s him to pull Allred over at E. Fletcher Ave. location to a six-block radius in Brooklyn, and Magnolia Dr. , near the USF Tampa NY, where he was living under the alias of campus. Thomas Brown. Allred was taken into custody and “Although he had been arrested his vehicle was searched. The report says multiple times (in NY) and his fingerprints that two semi-automatic pistols were were on file, NYPD (the New York Police in plain sight in his Jeep, along with an Department) never made the connection,” AR-15 assault rifle and additional military says HCSO Cpl. Gary Denbigh, a member equipment. Before searching further, TPD of the sheriff’s office’s warrants section. officers called their Bomb Squad to finish Denbigh says that, with the help of the search, which did not turn up any exthe U.S. Marshals’ fugitive task force, plosives, but did find ammunition, knives, surveillance was set up on the suspected camouflage vests and a helmet, as well as a six-block radius. And, within one week of white costume mask and a baseball bat. narrowing down Joseph’s location, he was Allred was charged with aggravated captured. assault (a hate crime), shooting from a At our press time, Joseph was still vehicle and criminal mischief. At our press being held in the Hillsborough County jail time, he remained in custody in lieu of a without bond and a disposition hearing $15,500 bond and no hearing or trial had was set for October 1. yet been set at our press time.
Fugitive Caught After Years On The Run
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Wrong-Way Crash Injures WC Ambulance Driver
Unfortunately, it’s been a busy year for wrong-way crashes on Tampa’s interstate highways, as another fatality has been reported in the third wrong-way crash on I-275 this year. According to the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), at 2:44 a.m. on August 15, the agency received a call about a wrongway driver in a 1997 Honda Accord (later identified as Edward Jose Duran, 23, of Tampa) who was headed west on I-4 near 50th St. in the eastbound lanes. Duran continued west and merged into the inside, southbound lane of I-275, although his vehicle was heading north. At the same time, Tarel Omar Peralta, 24, of Wesley Chapel, was headed south on I-275, just north of Floribraska Ave. in a Transcare ambulance with passenger Kemecia Tasha Gaye Smith, 24, of Lutz. The two vehicles collided head-on, causing the ambulance to spin counter-clockwise and roll onto the driver’s side, landing on the inside southbound shoulder of I-275 facing north. No patients were inside the ambulance at the time of the crash. Peralta and Smith sustained minor injuries and were taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tampa. Duran died at the scene. Duran was carrying no forms of identification when he crashed and the registration for the vehicle was inconclusive, which identifying him difficult. The crash closed southbound I-275 until 5:17 a.m. Drugs and alcohol are suspected in the crash and a toxicology report is pending. “The common factor in all three wrong-way crash cases (on I-275 this year) is drugs and alcohol,” says FHP Sgt. Steve Gaskins. “The roadways are designed properly — with warnings to drivers regarding traveling in the wrong direction — and include signage and red reverse reflectors. Drugs and alcohol are the factors that only the driver(s) can prevent.” Gaskins says that, although there have been several this year, “wrong-way crashes make up (only) about three percent of traffic crashes, but often result in injury or death, due to the speeds involved.” Gaskins says that there only was about a four-minute window between receiving the call about Duran and the time of the crash, which left little time for law enforcement to respond or to broadcast warnings to other drivers. – MW
Cypress Creek Town Center Preliminary Development Under Way
E Blvd
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A new site plan was submitted to Pasco County back in March for the Tampa Premium Outlets, but there
Blvd pel Cha
Meanwhile, Down South...
hasn’t yet been much visible activity on the southern portion of the DRI, other than the completion of some of the interior Sierra Properties roadways (including the Wesley Chapel Blvd. extension). A representative from Simon declined to comment on the 56 progress of the develR S opment of the outlet mall or what stores could be coming. However, Pasco Simon Property Gp zoning administrator Future Carol Clarke says the Outlet Mall county is in the process of reviewing the site plan and getting comments back to the developer. “The building plans (for the mall) are quite complex,” Clarke explains, adding that In the above map (courtesy of Sierra Properties, although modified by the complexity makes New Tampa Neighborhood News), all of the parcels in light brown it difficult to give a are owned by Sierra, while the land in yellow (which includes the site of the future Tampa Premium Outlets mall) is owned by Simon timetable for their Property Group. The roadways highlighted in black & green north of approval. “(Simon) is S.R. 56 on the map are under development now. doing a lot of things We will update you on the proto get this (project) going. But, we’re really excited that this gress of this development any time more new details become available. is happening.” ley Wes 54 /
construction of the first phase of the interior roads (on the north side of Cypress Creek Town Center),” says Sierra Properties vice president Michael Sierra. “But, we’re just getting started.” The property south of S.R. 56 is zoned for 400 more hotel rooms, as well as 40,000 sq. ft. of more highway commercial space to the west of the Wesley Chapel Blvd. extension, which already stretches south of S.R. 56 to one of two entrances (the other is on S.R. 56 itself) to the 1.1-million-sq.-ft. regional outlet mall, that is being developed by the Simon Property Group. Sierra says that the current DRI site plan has the property separated into discernible parcels, but that the land has not yet been “platted” and the outlined parcels on the map on this page are mostly for organizational purposes. “(Sierra Properties) is not yet ready to come out about who’s coming (to the north side of 56),” Sierra says. “It’s going to be an assortment of restaurants and retail, but I don’t want to speculate. It’s going to be great for the area.”
By Matt Wiley If you’ve been driving along S.R. 56 near Wesley Chapel Blvd. (aka S.R. 54), there’s a good chance you’ve noticed quite a bit of activity on the north side 56. No, it’s not the longawaited Tampa Premium Outlets mall, but development officially has begun on the Cypress Creek Town Center (CCTC) Development of Regional Impact (DRI), which has laid dormant for years — since before, for example, the Shops at Wiregrass mall was ever built. Tampa-based Sierra Properties owns about 170 acres in the DRI that will be developed in two phases, including 40 acres on the south side of S.R. 56 and the rest to the north. Sierra’s parcels on the north side of the DRI (where dirt has been being turned the last several weeks as you’re reading this), are zoned for a 600,000 sq. ft. retail center, 56,000 sq. ft. of “highway commercial” (think fast food, restaurants and retail shops) development, 120,000 sq. ft. of office space, up to 300 hotel rooms and 630 units of multi-family residential development. Sierra is preparing for vertical development (those new restaurants and businesses) sometime in the first few months of 2015. “What we’ve started is the
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 • September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
MOMS Club Of New Tampa - The MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of New Tampa is currently open to new members in the New Tampa area. The MOMS Club offers a variety of daytime activities for mothers and their children, opportunities for Moms’ Nights Out and many more benefits. For more information, or to join the club, email MomsClubNewTampa@gmail.com.
September 2014
Sunday, September 14
Zen Meditation Group - Enjoy meditation? Looking for a new way to relax? Check out the FREE Zen Meditation Group that meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Arbor Greene Community Center (18000 Arbor Greene Dr., off Cross Creek Blvd.) Aerobics Room. People of all faiths are welcome. You only need an interest in meditation and a more peaceful and relaxed mind and life. For more info, call Jeremy at 528-6285.
Monday, September 15
Community Acupuncture - A Monday night community acupuncture and discussion group is meeting at Ion Medi-Spa (8903 Regents Park Dr., Suite 130), 6:30 p.m. Topics include needle-free acupuncture, facial rejuvenation and stop smoking and customized weight-loss programs. For more info, call 960-8833 or visit IonMediSpa.com.
Tuesday, September 16
New Tampa Tri Club - The New Tampa Tri Club is open to runners, swimmers, cyclists & triathletes across the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. The club hosts group bike rides/runs at Flatwoods Wilderness Park (13330 Morris Bridge Rd.) every Tues., Thur. and Sat. at 7:30 a.m. For more info, join the Facebook group or e-mail NewTampaTriClub@gmail.com. GriefShare - This video-seminar-support group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one. The cost is $20 for a workbook and 13 sessions, begin any week to find healing and hope. The group meets Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Lake Magdalene Methodist Church (2902 W. Fletcher Ave., Rm. 310). For info, call 963-1555.
Friday, September 19
New Tampa Rotary Club - The original New Tampa Rotary Club meets for breakfast at 7 a.m. at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club (TPGCC, 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd.). The guest speaker will be Ryan Kania, CEO of Advocates for World Health. For more info, call Eric Longphee at 202-1105 or visit NewTampaRotary.org.
Saturday, September 20
New Tampa Dog Pack - Do you have a dog? Enjoy scenic nature walks? Join the New Tampa Dog Pack on Saturday mornings at 9 a.m at Flatwoods Wilderness Park (at the 18205 BBD entrance) and on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at Compton Park (16101 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). For info, visit MeetUp.com/New-Tampa-Dog-Pack. FHWC Women’s Health & Wellness Day - The second annual Women’s Health & Wellness Day will be held at Saddlebrook Resort & Spa will feature breakout sessions on a variety of women’s health topics, plus offer health screenings and wellness information, “pamperings,” a continental breakfast & lunch and giveaways! For more info, visit FloridaHospital.com/Wesley-Chapel/Womens-Services.
Saturday, September 27
Christian Cancer Survivors- Check out Cypress Point Community Church’s (15820 Morris Bridge Rd.) FREE women’s conference about surviving cancer. The event begins at 9:45 a.m. and will feature several guest speakers and lunch. For info, visit CPCCOnline.com.
English As A Second Language (ESL)- This group meets Tuesdays at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (19911 BBD Blvd.), 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Classes are taught by a native English speaker using several ESL and Bible study resources. The cost is $40 each semester, for the workbook & class materials. For info, call Heather at 753-8567.
Wednesday, September 17
BNI Millionaire Makers - The BNI Millionaire Makers chapter meets every Wednesday at Pebble Creek Golf Club at 7:15 a.m. (10550 Regents Park Dr., off BBD Blvd.). The $13 meeting fee includes a hot breakfast. Call Lisa Jordan (621-6015) for info. Business Networking International (BNI) - BNI, a group of business professionals dedicated to helping their respective businesses grow through qualified referrals, meets every Wed. morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Cory Lake Isles Beach Club clubhouse (18630 Plantation Bay Dr., off Morris Bridge Rd.). Call Steve Hopper at 918-8609. New Tampa Noon Rotary Club- The New Tampa Noon Rotary Club meets every Wednesday for lunch at noon at Café Olé (10020 Cross Creek Blvd., in the Cross Creek Center plaza (behind the Shell gas station). Guests are always welcome. GFWC Woman’s Club of New Tampa - The club is looking for new members! GFWC Woman’s Club of New Tampa is a small group of women that meet the third Wednesday of each month from noon - 1 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, (5340 Primrose Lake Circle in Tampa Palms). Contact Kay Lehmer at KLehmer@verizon.net for more info.
New Tampa Evening Rotary Club - The New Tampa Evening Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at Hunter’s Green Country Club (10101 Longwater Run Dr. inside the Hunter’s Green entrance gate). New members are always welcome. For more info, call Liz DeAmbrose at 956-6487 or email homenet@gte.net. 9-12 Toastmasters - Great speeches & great topics. Come hone your public speaking skills. Tampa Toastmasters meets Wednesday, 7 p.m., at the New Tampa Family YMCA (16221 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). Guests are always welcome. Call 428-6356.
Thursday, September 18
CBC Networking - Come together with like-minded professionals at the Christian Business Connections (CBC) Networking group, which meets every Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (located at 5338 Primrose Lake Cir., off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms) for a “meet & greet,” followed by a meeting of the group. For more information, please send an email to Shawn@TPACorp.com. Tampa Palms Women’s Club (TPWC) – TPWC is recruiting! All ladies who are Tampa Palms residents or members of Tampa Palms Country Club are welcome! Join us for brunch at 11 a.m. at Compton Park (16101 Compton Dr.). Please RSVP with Hoa Daniel at hoaDaniel@gmail.com. For more information, visit TampaPalmsWomensClub.com. 18
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The Chiropractic Rehab Center Celebrates 18 Years In New Tampa By Celeste McLaughlin
Jeffrey T. Farrell, Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C), first opened Chiropractic Rehabilitation Center in Tampa Palms in 1996, when he was the only chiropractor in New Tampa. His office shared space with Gold’s Gym at the City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center, where Publix is still located. Nine years ago, several months after the gym closed, Dr. Farrell and his wife Kristi moved their business to its current location in the Somerset Professional Center, one traffic signal south of its previous location. Kristi is one of six Lcensed Massage Therapists (LMTs) at the Chiropractic Rehab Center, where she still sees patients part-time and also works as the office manager. Dr. Farrell earned his DC degree in 1991, from the New York Chiropractic College in Seneca Falls, after he’d also earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in natural sciences from Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY, in 1988. He says the warm weather and opportunity to live a more active lifestyle brought him to New Tampa in 1992, when he worked with another local doctor for several years before opening the first Chiropractic Rehab Center in ‘96. As one of the community’s longestestablished healthcare professionals, Dr. Farrell says his views on health and wellness have changed after more than 20 years in practice. “What I’ve learned about health – on a personal and professional level,”
says Dr. Farrell, “is that most problems are related to lifestyle issues and the repetitive strain of daily activities. Correcting these problems is vitally important to the restoration and maintenance of health.” He adds that, “The keys to maintaining optimum health are not only chiropractic care and (licensed) massage therapy, but also healthy nutrition, regular exercise, proper sleep and postural modifications (aka “chiropractic adjustments”). Our treatment plans focus on wellness and prevention, not just on the elimination of pain and symptoms.” He not only advises patients on this holistic approach o total wellness, but he and Kristi and their two sons, Connor, 11, and Baylor, 8, are committed to living a healthy lifestyle, too. “I practice what I preach,” says Dr. Farrell. “I play sports with my kids, I have a bedtime, and I bike about 100 miles each week.” The health of the whole person is also why the Chiropractic Rehab Center now offers the Ideal Protein weight loss system, which is only available through a doctor’s office. It is not a high-protein diet, but uses a pharmaceutical grade protein to provide a low-calorie, low-fat diet, while training people to make healthier choices. Kristi discovered the program in 2012 and has lost and kept off 50 pounds. “I feel amazing,” she says. She explains why it’s only available under the supervision of a medical professional: “With weekly visits, we monitor weight, hydration, and fat intake, and pro-
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vide counseling to be sure people meet their goals related to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.” Dr. Farrell adds, “The Ideal Protein system teaches people to eat healthier and eliminates the yo-yo effect many people experience when they gain weight after trying a new diet,” says Dr. Farrell. “This program works to educate and help people to change their lifestyle.”
Dr. Jeffrey Farrell and the staff of the Chiropractic Rehabilitation Center in Tampa Palms can help you eliminate your joint pain with massages and other chiropractic adjustment methods. fied. Because of his willingness to go the “Education is the extra mile, our patients trust him.” most important thing we can offer our Dr. Farrell adds, “I focus on each patients,” says Dr. Farrell. In addition individual patient and his or her individual to working with patients to discover the needs,” adding that he believes this aplifestyle changes that will help them relieve proach is why 85% perrcent of his new symptoms, he considers himself a health patients are direct referrals from current advocate and ally for them. He is willing patients. “I always try to do the right thing to spend time with each of his patients to by each individual patient.” help them understand their X-rays, MRIs One such patient is Joy Gaziano, a and other test results and will do research 20-year Meadow Pointe resident who has to help patients better understand their been seeing Dr. Farrell and Kristi for 15 individual conditions. years. Gaziano says she currently is being “Most doctors just don’t take that treated for a neck injury from a rollover kind of time with the patients,” says Kristi. accident on I-75 that she suffered in Feb“He has a passion to help his patients unruary, although she insists chiropractic care derstand the causes behind their symptoms until both they and he are completely satis- isn’t just for injury. “I’ve been consistent in
Essential Education
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K-Bar Ranch
Cory Lake
6 Bed | 3.5 Bath | 3,777 sq. ft 3 Car Garage | Newly Constructed Offered at $340,000
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Farrell and Kristi outstanding healthcare professionals, but their business is an asset to the communit. “Over the years, watching how honest, practical, and consumer-minded they are, I believe they truly care about the healthcare needs of the people in New Tampa.” Steve Blair, a Tampa Palms resident who works for the USF Foundation, also recommends Chiropractic Rehab Center. He began chiropractic care after a back injury and was referred to Dr. Farrell when he moved to the area six years ago. He has continued treatment over the years, even Dr. Farrell helps a patient work the kinks out after his initial pain was resolved. “Because I receive regular chiropracwith some massage therapy. tic care, I’m a much healthier person,” receiving massage therapy over the years. Blair says. “I believe that being regularly For me, it’s an important part of my total manipulated means that my body functions health care regimen.” better and I am physically healthier.” Gaziano, a medical speech pathologist The Chiropractic Rehabilitation at the USF College of Medicine, admits her Center was just named a “gold winner” work in the health care field probably helps in The Tampa Tribune’s 2014 “Best Of” her to be more attuned to the benefits of Readers’ Poll, where the office was voted chiropractic care. the best chiropractor in northeast Hills“Managing my pain and stress helps borough County. “We were so surprised to me to balance my obligations, so I can help receive this recognition,” says Kristi. “We others,” she says. “As my healthcare needs didn’t solicit votes – we didn’t even know have changed, the focus of treatment of has about the contest.” changed.” She adds that Kristi has treated The Chiropractic Rehab Center is her for pain related to her two pregnancies, located at 15291 Amberly Dr. in Tampa including lower back pain and circulation Palms. The office is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. (closed for lunch). issues, with prenatal massage. “And, of all To make an appointment or to learn the recommendations I’ve been given for more about the center’s services, includcare during recovery from my accident, massage therapy (at the Chriopractic Rehab ing the Ideal Protein weight loss system, visit ChiropracticRehabCenter.com or Center) has been the most helpful.” call 971-9422. Gaziano adds that not only are Dr.
Easton Park
Seven Oaks
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Tampa Palms 5 Bed | 3 Bath | 4,034 sq. ft Conservation Lot | Gated in Whitehall $3,950/mo.
Hunter’s Green
5 Bed | 3.5 Bath | 3 Car Garage Hanna Bartoletta Home | Conservation Lot Hardwood Floors | Plantation Shutters
Hunter’s Green 5 Bed | 3.5 Bath | 3,646 sq. ft | Fireplace Randy Etheridge Built | White Kitchen
Neighborhood News
Heritage Isles
5 Bed | 3 Bath | 3,109 sq. ft | Den Golf Course View | Travertine, Granite Pool | 3 Car Garage | Sold for $350,000
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om H ss Busine
Quality Service, Quality Coverage 10353 Cross Creek Blvd., Suite C
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 • September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Signarama Of New Tampa — For A Sure Sign Of A Successful Business By Kelly Miller
The sign out in front of your business is often the best form of advertising you have. Not only does it let potential customers find you, it provides aroundthe-clock brand exposure. When you work with the experienced professionals at Signarama of New Tampa (located in Wesley Chapel off Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd., just south of S.R. 56) the company’s outstanding team will create a customized sign that displays the powerful, impactful image you want for your business. Signarama is the world’s largest sign franchise, in business for more than 27 years and with 1,100 stores worldwide today. Signarama offers 24/7 online ordering, combined with a comprehensive one-on-one consultation to customcreate any type of sign for your business, including ad specialty items, banners, box signs, channel letters, custom graphics, custom logos, digital graphics, vehicle wraps, directory signs, individual letters and more! Owner Beatriz Cardona and her husband Rob Hiller moved to the U.S in 2002 from Venezuela. She earned a High Technician in Computing degree in her native country and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management from Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT, graduating Magna Cum Laude. Cardona worked for Tech Data as
a sales manager in charge of the Puerto Rico territory before she decided to start her own business. She opened the Signarama location in Wesley Chapel in September 2010, so she is celebrating her fourth year in business this month. Besides the retail store space, Cardona also owns a 7,500-sq.-ft. manufacturing plant on S.R. 54 in Lutz, where all of her clients’ signs are created, using the latest technology and highest quality products. Signarama proudly stamps all their signs with the Underwriters Laboratories® (UL - a safety consulting and certification company) label, indicating that they are certified for safety and that each piece holds up under UL testing. “From business cards to electrical signage, we create products to help you make your business grow,” Cardona explains. “Because we manufacture pretty much every project in-house, we have control over each stage in the process.” That means you can expect a better quality product than if you were to order from an online vendor that might not have the same strict quality control procedures as does Signarama. Signarama’s friendly staff members understand all phases of sign creation and installation. For example, anytime a business installs an exterior sign, a county permit is required. The knowledgeable staff at Signarama understands city and county ordinances and will work with their customers to obtain a
permit before the sign is installed. They take care of everything, Cardona says, including the engineering drawings, gathering documentation, filling out forms and submitting everything to the proper government entity. Connie Bladon, executive director of the Florida HospiNew Tampa Neighborhood News GM Nikki Bennett and ad sales assistant tal Wesley Chapel Antwon Gildon check out a recent issue of the paper in front of our beautiful (FHWC) Foundainterior sign created by Signarama of New Tampa. Photo: OurTownFla.com tion, says she uses Signarama offers a large variety of Signarama for all her products including: signage needs. • Outdoor Signs — Choose from “Their customer service is fabuan assortment of outdoor and exterior lous, and they’ve have excellent turnabuilding sign products like yard signs, round time on all my projects,” Bladon sidewalk and real estate signs, neon, explains. Signarama created the large Tampa Bay Buccaneers banner currently illuminated and directional signs, monument signs, wood and engraved signs, hanging on the outside of FHWC, as political signs and even traffic signs. well as banners advertising the hospital • Indoor Signs — Office and at The Shops at Wiregrass mall and indoor building sign products like safety signs for events the foundation sponsors. Bladon, who says she met Cardona signs, signs for the disabled, tactile and Braille signs, directional and engraved at a Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber signs, menu boards and directories. of Commerce (WCCC) meeting, notes • Banners — Signarama has heavythat it’s not only important to her to duty banner products like poly banners, support local businesses, but as she vinyl and nylon banners, flex face and explained, “When I give Signarama a banner stands. project, I know it will be done right.”
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• Dimensional Signs — Channel letters, dimensional signs, ready to apply vinyl lettering, labels and decals. • Vehicle Graphics & Lettering — Find vehicle wraps, lettering and graphics, vehicle magnets, and special service vehicle graphics. Most vehicles can be lettered in one business day. • Display & Point of Purchase (POP) — Customized or pre-fabricated trade show displays are available, as well as POP products, including panel displays, fabric displays and flags, table tops and covers, LCD and pop-up displays. Steve Domonkos, specialty leasing manager for the Shops at Wiregrass mall, said that what attracted him to Signarama was, “the one-stop shopping. They have everything from vinyl graphics to fully-lit signs. One store meets all of our needs.” Domonkos adds that he regularly orders banners, posters, street pole flags and sidewalk graphics to advertise mall merchants, as well as local businesses at
the super-busy shopping center. “Nine million people are walking through the mall annually, seeing these ads made at Signarama.” Signarama has an impressive list of local clients, including Verizon Wireless, the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), the Academy at the Lakes Day Schools, LifePoint Church, Smoothie King, Pasco Hernando State College, Ierna’s Heating & Cooling, the Wesley Chapel Hampton Inn and many more! They’ve even created signs for the New Tampa Neighborhood News (NTNN)! “Not only did Signarama get our indoor and outdoor signs done in just a couple of days, they also made sure they installed them prior to our ribbon cutting and Grand Opening in March,” says NTNN general manager Nikki Bennett. “And the signs themselves are really beautiful.” Not only will the expert staff at Signarama work with you to ensure your sign is the best it can be, you also can check out the Learning Center section at Signarama-NewTampa.com to educate yourself about design tips. Cardona says that if potential customers can’t easily read your sign, chances are they’ll ignore it. For example, Cardona notes that when it comes to picking the best colors for a sign, be sure to choose ones that have a high contrast for better visibility. Good choices are yellow with black,
yellow with green, and white with any dark color like blue or red. Some color choices sacrifice readability like red on black or choosing tone-on-tone variations such as blue on purple. A tip if you’re set on using dark combinations, like red on black, Cardona says to consider outlining the edge of your letters in white. This technique allows for more separation between the colors and will attract your audience’s eye much better. Cardona and Hiller are New Tampa residents and are very active in the local community, including the Wesley Chapel Rotary Club, the Wesley Chapel Lions Club, and several local Chambers of Commerce, including the WCCC. They also regularly raise money to help St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Cardona’s store has won the Signarama Top Store Appearance Award and Signarama Gold Star Achievement Awards for outstanding sales volume. It also won the WCCC 2012 Small Business of the Year award, Pasco Hernando Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 2012 Medium Business of the Year award, and Pasco Economic Development Council 2013 Manufacturing Industry of the Year award. From concept to completion, the dedicated professionals at Signarama will show you how to grow your business with custom signs and more. The store is located at 1821 BBD, Ste. 111, next to Nutrition S’mart. For more info, call 994-0101 or visit Signarama-NewTampa.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 • September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Celebrating our sixth year serving the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Communities!
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Quality Cleaning & Services Puts A Brand New Shine On Your Home, Business By Celeste McLaughlin
Suyanne (you can call her “Sue”) Neves, the owner of Quality Cleaning & Services in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel, believes a clean, fresh home will make you smile. She says this is especially true if the people cleaning it enjoy their work and bring a great energy into your home. And, that’s what Patti Perkins says Quality Cleaning & Services does for her, ever since Sue and her team began cleaning Patti’s Wesley Chapel home several years ago. “They’re phenomenal,” Patti says. “After they clean my house, I look around and there is not a thing that doesn’t sparkle. I literally can’t find dust in the house. My wood floors are so clean I can see my face in them.” That’s the high level of service Sue says her clients always receive from Quality Cleaning & Services. She started the company four years ago when she and her family moved to New Tampa. She also continues to operate a separate cleaning business that she says she began in Sarasota 17 years ago. Sue believes this extensive experience ensures that each of her clients will be completely satisfied when they hire the Quality Cleaning team. “The girls who clean my house are wonderful,” says Patti. “I have built a relationship with them, and they continue to surprise me by going over
and above my expectations. I’ve used cleaning services before, but not like this. Anything they see that needs to be done, they do. Every detail. And, I love that they even fold my toilet paper like in a hotel.” Sue says she believes building relationships is the key to happy clients, although always having a super-clean home helps, too. For each new client, she insists on an in-person, on-site meeting at the home or business that will be cleaned. This allows her to give a fair and accurate price quote, based upon the size and condition of the space, and lets her get to know her clients and their needs. “We like to work however each client prefers,” says Sue. “Every person is different, and has different things that are important to them.” She adds that she also takes the opportunity to ask questions that will help her team be sure to clean exactly the way the client wants, such as: Bleach or no bleach? Any allergies? Okay to tidy up, or should papers remain untouched? “My employees are honest, responsible and always on time,” she says. Typically, homes are cleaned by a team of two employees. Unless a client requests differently, the same team will be sent to their location for each scheduled cleaning, so that those employees can get to know their clients and be sure their specific expectations are met.
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Sue notes that homes and businesses can be cleaned as often as a client prefers, from one-time cleanings to weekly, biand tri-weekly or even monthly services. “We are proud that we tend to have both long-term clients and long-term employees,” she says, explaining that she views her employees as business partners. For example, several employees in her Sarasota business have worked for Sue Does your home or business need a quality cleaning? Give for eight years or more. Suyanne Neves (right) of Quality Cleaning & Services a “Here in New Tam- call! Sue and her staff will always leave your space spotless. pa, the first cleaning team scope of work (for example, cleaning a I hired (four years ago) patio or even doing windows) for an adwas a married couple,” she says. “They ditional fee or instead of something else are still working for me now.” that is typically cleaned. Sue is meticulous about the way And, Quality Cleaning is flexible she expects her employees to clean, inwith what that typical scope of work is, sisting objects be picked up and dusted depending upon a homeowner’s preferunder, never around (unless a client ences. For example, Sue says that some doesn’t want something touched), and clients want her to change — and even special attention always is paid to places that are ignored by other cleaning com- wash — their bed sheets, but that is not done at every home. panies, such as the side of the microSue also is very particular about the wave or top of the stove. products she uses, bringing the brandQuality Cleaning & Services will name, high-quality products she has clean everything inside your house. Sue also works with clients to accommodate found to be most effective into your home or office. special requests outside the regular
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e a
“We are always honest and extremely accommodating,” Sue says. “We offer fair pricing, and will make sure you are happy with our service,” Patti agrees that Sue always is happy to help if she needs to change her appointment day or time and when she has special requests. “The prices are so reasonable, too,” says Patti. “I’m on Social Security, and even I can afford them.” Sue says Quality Cleaning & Services isn’t the cheapest, because she insists on the highest standards. But, she promises to provide a spotless, sparkling house that meets her own lofty expectations at a price that will always be fair and reasonable. Sue, who originally is from Brazil
and speaks English, Portuguese and Spanish, lives in Live Oak Preserve (located off Bruce B. Downs Blvd.) with her husband Leonardo and three kids. Sue actually spent a month in her native land during the World Cup and even had the chance to attend the Mexico v. Netherlands game, which the Netherlands won 2-1 on June 29 in Fortaleza. “The city was full of people from all over the world,” Sue says. “It was an amazing experience.” To learn more about Quality Cleaning & Services or to schedule an appointment for a free estimate, call Sue at 381-1430 or visit NewTampaCleaning.com. Appointments are available seven days a week, day or evening.
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The Journey From Skin Cancer to Reclaiming Your Life Begins Today Better outcomes and improved quality of life for patients everywhere. That’s the result of our expert team specialized in melanoma and other skin cancers. We are helping patients find the right diagnosis, treatment and support all in one place. TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT, CALL
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Will Help Find The Right Home For You By Kelly Miller
It can be extremely stressful when buying or selling a home and figuring out who to trust to handle one of the biggest transactions you’ll ever make is of the utmost importance. That’s why you should consider partnering with the real estate professionals at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Properties Group (aka Berkshire Hathaway). The firm specializes in guiding you through every step of the process, providing you with a worry-free plan of action for your residential and commercial real estate needs. Berkshire Hathaway has been in The Shoppes of New Tampa (located at the intersection of S.R. 56 and Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd.) in Wesley Chapel since 2003. Although the big Prudential Tropical Realty sign is still (at our press time) out in front of the office, soon new signage will read Berkshire Hathaway Florida Properties Group. Prudential Tropical Realty joined the Berkshire Hathaway real estate brokerage network in January of this year. A leader in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel residential and commercial real estate markets, Berkshire Hathaway is locally owned and operated by Dewey Mitchell and Allen Crumbley, who’ve been doing business together since 1959, when they opened a real estate business called Dewey & Allen.
Then, in 1988, Mitchell and Crumbley joined the Prudential network, where their firm was called Prudential Tropical Realty for 26 years, before becoming Berskshire Hathaway. The Berkshire Hathaway name comes from the holding company Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., of which famed billionaire financier Warren Buffett is the chairman and CEO. Because Buffet believes so strongly in his real estate division, for the first time ever, he attached his holding company’s name to another business. “Berkshire Hathaway is built to be forever,” Buffet said. “It’s true of all the businesses we own. You want to be part of an organization that’s not looking to sell out next week or next month or next year, or where the place will crumble when the founders leave. In terms of permanence, we can’t be beat.” Berkshire Hathaway operates globally and was recognized as the top company in Barron’s financial news magazine’s annual ranking of the world’s most respected companies last year. There are 17 Berkshire Hathaway real estate branch offices within the fourcounty area of Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas and Hernando, and the newest office opens later this year in downtown St. Petersburg on Beach Dr. The staff at the New Tampa/ Wesley Chapel office prides itself on creating clients for life. Not only does Berkshire Hathaway provide the best
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b T l w t o a i o E o b t e Rob Hilliker (under the arch, left) and the Berkshire Hathaway Real Estate Solution Providers of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Property Group’s New Tampa/Wesley Chapel office, located in the Shoppes of New Tampa shopping plaza on Bruce B. Downs Blvd. residential and commercial real estate services, the local office also offers: • Mortgage & Title Services • Home Warranties • Homeowners Insurance • Relocation Services • Property, HOA & Condo Management Services Berkshire Hathaway regularly partners with Shelter Lending Services for mortgages, Capstone Title for titles and Capstone Insurance for P & C (property & casualty) insurance. Other real estate companies may
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 • September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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make you find your own mortgage company and insurance agent, something that takes a considerable amount of time and research. But, Berkshire Hathaway eliminates the guesswork and is a full-service Broker that can meet all of your real estate needs. Managing Broker and VP of Core Service Operations for Berkshire Hathaway Rob Hilliker says, “I don’t want to tell a client to go out on the internet and shop for a mortgage, because I don’t know what they’re going to get. If I refer them to Shelter Lending Services for a mort-
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gage, that’s a relationship I have and I know that company operates at a high level of integrity and that they’re going to do the right thing for our client.” Hilliker has been in the real estate business for 25 years, serving the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel areas for the last 17. He’s a Meadow Pointe resident who started working as an agent for the Wesley Chapel Prudential Tropical office in 2001 and took over as Managing Broker two years later. Hilliker is proud of his company’s philosophy of Teamwork, Integrity, Passion & Excellence. He calls the 51 agents in his office “Real Estate Solution Providers” because they are that one-source solution provider for all of their clients’ real estate needs. Lexington Oaks resident Linda Keener was so impressed with her Real Estate Solution Provider Cynthia Filippi that she’s worked with her three times. Keener purchased a house where Filippi was the listing agent and then a few years later, decided to sell the house. So, she called Filippi again. “Cynthia is professional, but very warm,” Keener said. “I like that’s she’s so knowledgeable and available.” Keener wanted to move to Lexington Oaks and when there were no houses available, Filippi took the initiative to walk through the neighborhood asking folks if they knew of any neighbors who wanted to sell their homes. Filippi ended up finding Keener a house before it even went on the market. “I was very impressed with Cyn-
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thia’s initiative,” Keener says Hilliker explains that, “70 percent of Berkshire Hathaway’s business comes from previous clients and referrals from those clients. That’s the highest reward we can receive because that tells me we did a great job.” Dennis Lawler worked with Tammy Hellman and Kim Hilliker of Berkshire Hathaway when he recently sold a house in Meadow Pointe. He appreciated the ease of the selling process from beginning to end. “We listed our house on a Wednesday and had seven showings during a two-day period. We received two offers and on that Saturday we accepted a cash offer.” Lawler also appreciated the speed of the actual closing itself. “We were only in the office for a half hour on closing day,” Lawler says. “We signed our paperwork and went home with a check.” Because Lawler was so pleased with his experience, he used the same Real Estate Solution Providers when he decided to purchase new home construction at Lake Jovita on S.R. 52. Hellman and Hilliker were able to negotiate a $15,000 discount with Inland Homes on Lawler’s behalf. Your High-Tech Real Estate Partner When you partner with Berkshire Hathaway, you have access to some amazing technology that helps your house sell faster. Properties are listed on more than 50 popular national websites, including Trulia.com, Zillow.com, and Yahoo.com Real Estate, as well as
Berkshire Hathaway’s own websites: BHHSFloridaProperties.com and BerkshireHathawayHS.com. On Realtor.com, a seller’s property will be listed in the “Company Showcase” section, where properties are viewed first and clicked 72-percent more often, which generates more leads to potential buyers. Through Berkshire Hathaway’s Seller Advantage program, sellers receive email notifications of activity on their property’s listing, as well as specialized detailed summer reports of buyer search activity in their area. In addition, Berkshire Hathaway offers its CITY 24/7 mobile technology that allows buyers to enter a code from the curbside hanging sign in front of a seller’s house in order to get instant property information for buyers. Berkshire Hathaway also is a member of the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) and many of the Real Estate Solution Providers are Rotary members in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel. And, the entire office has a long history of community involvement, participating in the Hillsborough Reads program (which connects Hillsborough County elementary students with adults who serve as one-on-one literary tutors) and the location itself serves as a drop point for the U.S. Marines’ Toys for Tots program. Berkshire Hathaway’s national charity is the Sunshine Kids Foundation. The organization’s mission is to improve the quality of life of children
with cancer by providing them with exciting, positive group activities. But, Berkshire Hathaway doesn’t just fund raise or simply write a check to the organization; they roll up their sleeves and help chaperone vacations for the kids. Twice a year, about 20 kids (plus their families and team of health care professionals) will travel to Orlando and spend a week visiting all the theme parks. Hilliker says that his office is the primary coordinator and that about 90-percent of the volunteers come from his office. However, other volunteers can come from the other Berkshire Hathaway franchise offices, too. The Real Estate Solution Providers volunteer their time to assist the kids in the park, pushing them in their wheelchairs and doing anything they can to provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience. “I’ve gone and taken a child in a wheelchair into the parks and ridden rides with them,” Hilliker says. “It’s important for a kid to get to be a kid.” Besides English, Berkshire Hathaway has Real Estate Solution Providers who speak Portugese, Spanish, Tagalog, Hindi, Pelugu, Mandarin and Chinese. To find out how Berkshire Hathaway can assist you with all of your residential and commercial real estate needs, including those in the luxury market, call 907-8200. Berkshire Hathaway is located at 1830 BBD in Wesley Chapel. For more information, visit NewTampa.BHHSFlorida Properties.com.
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Sea Of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry — For Your Child’s Healthy Smile
By Amy Gutierrez Do you remember your first visit to the dentist as a child? Back then, it was usually your parents’ dentist and some of them didn’t exactly treat kids with special care or consideration. Thankfully, times have changed and Dr. Lisa LaPresti, DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine) of Sea of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Wesley Chapel specializes in taking care of everything from teeth that haven’t even erupted yet and tiny toddler teeth to elementary school-age missing teeth and even your teenager’s winning smile. With an office conveniently located between S.R. 54 and S.R. 56, about a mile north of Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., Dr. LaPresti happily treats infants, children and teens from New Tampa, Wesley Chapel and all of the surrounding areas. “I pursued pediatric dentistry because I love working with children and I wanted to make a difference in their lives,” says Dr. LaPresti. “So many children have been traumatized at the dentist, and I wanted to provide them with an enjoyable experience to make them realize that going to the dentist doesn’t have to be a scary experience.” Dr. LaPresti graduated from West Virginia University in Morgantown in 1998 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. She then earned her DMD degree from the University of Pittsburgh, PA, in 2003. Following graduation, Dr. LaPresti pursued her pediatric dental residency training in Cleveland, OH, where she spent two years
training at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, which is affiliated with Case Western Reserve University (also in Cleveland). As a member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), the American Dental Association (ADA), Florida Dental Association, West Coast District Dental Association and Southeastern Society of Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. LaPresti has a wealth of experience and expertise in treating even the youngest of patients. She notes that as a pediatric dentist, she has an extra 2-3 years of specialized training after dental school, and is dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teenage years. “Very young children, pre-teens and teenagers all need different approaches in dealing with guiding their dental growth and development, to help them avoid future dental problems,” Dr. LaPresti says. “The pediatric dentist is best qualified to meet these needs.” Most parents don’t realize that once an infant begins teething, they should bring their child to see a pediatric dentist within the next few months. Dr. LaPresti agrees with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the ADA, and the AAPD, all of which recommend establishing a “dental home” for your child between the time their first tooth appears and their first birthday. She says that children who have a dental home are more likely to receive appropriate preventive and routine oral health care and at such a young age, parents can
make the first visit to the dentist enjoyable and positive. The fewer anxiety and dental issues to tackle during the initial visit, the better. Parents are invited to stay with their children during the initial exam, thus creating a very calming environment for their little ones.
A Primer On Primaries...
Dr. LaPresti also says that it’s very important Dr. Lisa LaPresti (white coat) and her staff at Sea of Smiles to maintain the health of Pediatric Dentistry, located off BBD Blvd. in Wesley Chapel. your child’s primary teeth. Neglected cavities can and lower central incisors (aka lower front teeth), frequently do lead to problems which can followed closely by the upper central incisors and often do affect developing permanent (upper front teeth). teeth. Primary, or baby teeth, are important Although all 20 primary teeth usually for proper chewing and eating, providing appear by age 3, Dr. LaPresti says that the proper spacing for the permanent teeth and pace and order of their eruption varies. Of guiding them into the correct position, and course, permanent teeth normally begin appermitting normal development of the jaw pearing around age 6, starting with the first bones and muscles. She adds that primary molars and lower front teeth. This process teeth also affect the development of speech continues for many people until approxiand add to an attractive appearance. While mately age 21, with wisdom teeth beginning the front four teeth last until age 6 or 7, the to erupt usually between the ages of 18-24. back teeth (cuspids and molars) normally It’s easy to see why regular, routine pediatric aren’t replaced until ages 10-13. dentistry check-ups can help ensure a smile She also notes that children’s teeth that will be healthy for an entire lifetime. actually begin forming before birth. And, as Dr. LaPresti knows that dental emerearly as 4 months old, baby’s first primary gencies sometimes happen and she says that teeth to erupt through the gums — the she usually can be available for mishaps like
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If you want your child to have a healthy smile to last a lifetime, visit Sea of Smiles within months of seeing his or her first baby teeth. knocked out, chipped or fractured permanent teeth.
...And One On X-Rays
Keeping your child’s mouth at optimal health is Dr. LaPresti’s priority, right down to the occasional need for X-rays. Some parents are concerned about X-rays and she wants you to feel confident that she understands your concern and is particularly careful to minimize the exposure of her patients to radiation. The AAPD reports that, with contemporary safeguards, the amount of radiation received in a dental Xray examination is extremely small, especially with the use of lead body aprons to protect your child. In addition, dental radiographs represent a far smaller risk than an undetected and untreated dental problem. Dr. LaPresti says that today’s equipment filters out unnecessary X-rays and restricts the actual X-ray beam to the area of
18141 Longwater Run Dr. $998,000
interest. High-speed film and proper shielding ensure that your child always receives a minimal amount of radiation exposure. Satisfied Sea of Smiles customer Michelle writes (at Facebook.com/SeaofSmilesPediatricDentistry), “My son has been going (to Sea of Smiles in Bradenton) for more than two years now and he loves it! He’s always excited when I say it’s time for his check up at the dentist. Dr. LaPresti is amazing!” Dr. LaPresti opened her Bradenton Sea of Smiles office in 2012 after leaving a dental group for private practice. She then opened her Wesley Chapel location in June of this year because she, her husband and two children, Tyler (6) and Allie (3), reside in New Tampa. The Pittsburgh native is now happily raising her children in the Florida sunshine and enjoying time with area friends. She also is affiliated with the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce. Don’t wait to have your child seen by a dentist who is specifically trained to treat them. Sea of Smiles is offering a new patient special for just $99, which includes a dental exam & cleaning, bite wing (not full) X-rays and fluoride treatment. In addition, most major dental insurance plans are accepted. Call Sea of Smiles today to schedule an appointment. The Wesley Chapel office, located at 3737 Maryweather Ln., Ste. 101, can be reached by calling 528-8717. Office hours are Monday Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. For more info, visit SeaOfSmilesChildrensDentist.com or Facebook.com/SeaOfSmilesPediatric Dentistry.
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Help New Tampa ‘Karate Kid’ Represent Team USA At World Competition
If you’ve ever seen the popular 1980s film “The Karate Kid” or any of its sequels, you probably know that martial arts competitions can get pretty intense. Now, imagine being seven years old and representing Team USA on the world stage in another country. One young New Tampa martial artist doesn’t have to use his imagination because, in just a few weeks, he’ll be living it. Live Oak resident Luca Guida will be competing at the Black Belt level in three competitions during the week of October 4-9 in Dublin, Ireland, during the World Karate Commission (WKC)’s 2014 World Championships. Competing in the 12 & under division, Guida will be facing off against kids almost twice his age in Point Sparring (25 kg {55 lb.} & under weight class), as well as in both Creative Weapons (nunchucks) and Traditional Weapons (bo staff). “I’m really excited,” Guida says. “It’s my first time (going to the WKC World Championships).” However, qualifying to represent Team USA was no easy feat. In fact, it’s taken nearly three years of training with Master Robert Robaldo in the art of Chung Do Kwan (a form of Tae Kwon Do) at the Black Belt Academy on Cross Creek Blvd. to learn the skills necessary for such a high-stakes competition. Luca began the week he turned 5, and quickly excelled, says his mother Meghan. “Because he learned so quickly, he
Luca Guida, 7, needs your help to represent Team USA in the WKC World Championships in Dublin in October. was asked to begin black belt training within just a few months,” she says. Luca says he was drawn to karate at an early age. “I just had a taste for action,” Luca says. “So I asked for karate lessons for my birthday and started as a white belt.” His road to the World Championships began in May at the Regional Qualifier in Randallsville, Maryland on May 3. Finishing in the top 4 in his age group for Sparring, Creative and Traditional Weapons, he was invited to the National Championships in Detroit, MI, where he was named National Champion in Sparring and Traditional Weapons and earned a bronze medal in the Creative Weapons competition. He and three other
kids from across the nation now go on to represent the U.S. in Ireland in their age group. However, making the more than 4,000-mile trip to Dublin, as well as paying entry fees, staying for five days and purchasing uniforms will not be cheap and several fund raisers are being held in the next few weeks to help get Luca to Ireland. The first of which is a fund raiser at Burger Monger (located on BBD in the Shoppes of New Tampa at Wesley Chapel shopping plaza) on Thursday, September 18. If you mention Luca when you place your order, the restaurant will donate
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10-percent of the proceeds to helping fund Luca’s competition. Two days later, on Saturday, September 20, a car wash will be held at the 7-11 off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. (in front of Home Depot ). In addition, Meghan has set up a GoFundMe.com account for Luca for anyone that wants to help a young martial artist become a World Champion. So far, only $275 has been raised, but the family hopes to raise $4,000 before October 1. For more information, please visit GoFundMe.com/LucaToIreland. Good luck, Luca, from the New Tampa Neighborhood News!
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WHS To Host Harvest Volleyball Tournament By Matt Wiley
The Harvest Volleyball Tournament once again is returning to New Tampa’s Paul R. Wharton High, as well as the annual accompanying food drive. For the fourth consecutive year, Wharton will welcome local high schools to its Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. campus to compete in the annual girls volleyball tournament on Friday-Saturday, September 19-20. “It’s a rewarding opportunity to be able to serve the under-resourced in our community by simply playing volleyball,” says WHS volleyball coach Eric Barber. “I love this tournament because it provides a simple way for student athletes to serve their community. Barber says that he is excited that the tournament continues to grow, as even more teams will be competing this year.
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“Every year the competition gets better,” he says. “This year we have Freedom, Durant, Bishop McLaughlin, Strawberry Crest, Plant City, Wharton, Brandon and Sunlake high schools.” In addition to the challenge of dominating the tournament on the court, each team also is challenged with collecting the most donated canned and boxed food items that will be donated to Cypress Point Community Church’s Care Center. Wharton looks to continue its reign of food donation dominance for the fourth straight year. “We always win the food competition, and I expect it to be no different this year!,” Barber says. “As for volleyball, my team is showing tremendous growth from last year to this year, and I feel like they will make a strong showing.” In last year’s tournament, Wharton (photo, left) won all three matches 2-0 — against Freedom, King and Riverview high schools, respectively. So far this season, Wharton is 4-1, 1-1 in their District 8A-7; and three of the team’s four wins have come without losing a game. Best of luck to both Freedom and WHS in the tournament!
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More Than 1,500 Attend The First-Ever Wesley Chapel Jazz Festival! By Gary Nager
Anytime you host an event for the first time, you really don’t know how it will turn out until the event actually takes place. That certainly can be said for Tim Hancock of I12CHim, Inc., Music Management, who first came to one of my Wesley Chapel Rotary Club meetings (held at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall) a few short months ago talking about his plans to put on the firstever Wesley Chapel Jazz Festival. I knew I wanted to be involved, but never having met Tim before and not knowing the quality of the musicians who would be on stage for the event, I didn’t know what to expect. Even so, our publications became the primary media sponsors for the event, which was held in the Wesley Chapel District Park on Boyette Rd. on August 30. Of course, anytime you host an outdoor event in Florida in August, you run the risk of having the event washed out by inclement weather and the week leading up to Jazz Festival Saturday was brutally (Clockwise from top left): Wesley Chapel Jazz Festival organizer Tim Hancock also was the drummer for the event’s headlining smooth jazz group Abnique. The crowd built all day and included lots of local families, many of whom brought their kids along. The Kaptain Krab booth featured fresh snow crab legs, fried seafood and more. hot, with heavy rains One of the more popular vendor booths all day was Jewelry by Tina. Photos by Gary Nager; for more photos, see page 42 & visit NTNeighborhoodNews.com (as is our pattern this time of year) virtually without a hitch (despite a few early techniSo, despite sweltering temperatures it was estimated to have reached more than every afternoon. cal difficulties), and there is no doubt that which featured a heat index of more than 1,500 people, most of whom brought their But, the show must go on, as they say, not only was the music awesome all day, 100°F all day, Hancock and about two own lawn chairs and umbrellas. and Hancock’s festival, although threatbut that Hancock definitely should put on dozen food and other vendors and sponThe music itself was varied and very ened by a 40-percent possibility of heavy a second festival — and those plans are in sors were on hand all day at the park. The See “Jazz Fest” on page 42. afternoon thunderstorms, came off almost the works (more on them on page 42). crowd built slowly, but by mid-afternoon,
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‘Jazz Fest’
Continued from page 41 impressive, as the Cypress Creek Dixieland Jazz Band (top right in the header on page 41) opened the show with a selection of old time favorites, followed by singer Pat Barbara, who really got the crowd going with her rendition of Earth, Wind & Fire’s “September.” My other favorites on the day were the smooth jazz/pop sounds of Paula (Stevens) Watkins & Co., saxophonist extraordinaire Marlon Boone (think Spyro Gyra, only cooler; also at the top of pg. 41) and Hancock’s own group, Abnique, which only got to play about three songs before the rains did finally wash out the remainder of the group’s set sometime after 6:30 in the evening. Hancock’s sister-n-law Val Paul did a great job of emceeing the long, hot day and there’s no doubt that the event wouldn’t have happened without its sponsors — Elite Mobile Advertising, Wesley Chapel Nissan, Cupps AV & Production Services; Kaptain Krab Seafood Restaurant in Plant City; Ierna’s Heating & Cooling; DeSigns Plus; Hyundai, Chevrolet & Mazda of Wesley Chapel & of course, the New Tampa Neighborhood News. Hancock says he plans to host the second Wesley Chapel Jazz Festival, perhaps again at the District Park, sometime in March, when the temperatures will be at least a little cooler, “but I am thrilled with the response we’ve gotten since then,” he says. My phone has been blowing up ever since!” For more information, call Tim Han- (Top)Among the day’s sponsors was Wesley cock at 609-2531 or visit WesleyChapel Chapel Nissan. (Above) Pat Barbara wows the crowd with Earth, Wind & Fire’s “September.” JazzFestival.com.
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Continued from page 1 Soran adds that she wrote the book with the mindset that, “bad things happen to you. It’s all a matter of how you choose to move through life.” Even though anyone who has suffered such a tragedy might, in time, decide to try to somehow make money on their loss, Soran says, “I’m not in any way trying to make a profit with the book. I just wanted to tell my story and show that we can heal and we can move on. There are ways to move on that don’t make it a continually negative situation.” For Soran, that way was school. She says that she threw herself into her studies to help deal with the trauma. After graduating from Largo High in 1990, she attended the University of Miami (FL) and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Business in 1994. She went on to earn a Master’s of Public Administration (MPA) degree in 1997 from the University of Akron, OH, and then a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Webster University in St. Petersburg. Now, she’s the human resources director for The Food Group, a New York-based food brand marketing and advertising firm.
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“I think I’ve done well in my career,” Soran says. “We all have our low moments in life. I could’ve chosen a totally different road. As a whole, I think I overcame my situation.” She says that she was shocked by the reaction she received after first publishing the book and still receives random emails from people who have read it. “So many people have reached out to me saying, ‘I always wondered what happened to you,’” Soran says. “Here I am, still alive 28 years later, a fully-functional individual.” Soran says that she hopes her book serves as a sort of conversation-starter that will help people explore their feelings about major loss and maybe even prevent tragedies from devastating other families. “Bad things can happen to good people,” she says. “When they do, you (the people who are left following the tragedy) have to make a decision to consciously move forward. Everybody’s story is relative. Just because you didn’t go through the trauma that I did doesn’t mean that your story isn’t horrible for you. It’s all relative and it’s all in how we choose to deal with it.” For additional information about Relentless Reality, please email Info@ RelentlessReality.com.
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Check Out Jacquie’s New Digs At The Urban Renewal Hair Studio! By Gary Nager
Although I’ve been doing the same job here in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel for more than 20 years, there actually are a few people who have been working in this area for longer than I have. One example is Jacquie Caetano, the owner of the new Urban Renewal Hair studio in the Pebble Creek Collection on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. (behind Kobe Steakhouse). Jacquie — the daughter of former Bostonian Hair Studio owner (and current Tampa City Council candidate) Joseph Caetano — has been making the men and women in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel look their best since 1988, which means she has been cutting, styling and coloring hair for more than a quarter of a century. In fact, Jacquie says that after the original Bostonian in the City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center opened, she became known as something of a local stylist to the stars. “I used to cut (retired pro tennis champion) Pete Sampras’ hair and a lot of the other athletes and celebrities who lived here in the ‘90s,” she says. “But, my salon has a totally different, more laid back vibe.” Since the time when her dad
closed the last of his Bostonian salons (across from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel), Jacquie first branched out to her own Wesley Chapel locale before finding what she now calls “a perfect, centralized location” for her new Urban Renewal Hair. “I chose that name because I thought it was catchy,” she says. “Plus, the thing I stress most to my clients is that if they really want their hair to look its best, they need it to be as healthy as possible. If your hair is thin, frizzy, brittle or broken, the right products can make a big difference — that’s the renewal part.” And, Jacquie seems to have a veritable boatload of the right products, from Redken and Rusk to TiGi, Matrix and Pro Design and many more, all of which, she says, are professional, salon-quality products. And, with her experience, once she’s taken a good look at the condition of your hair, she always knows exactly which products will work best for you. She truly has a gift and is very knowledgeable. Not only is this Master Colorist & Stylist just experienced, however. Jacquie regularly travels to hair industry trade shows to stay current on the latest trends in the beauty biz. For example, she says that although most stylists use scissors, “I
am a specialist in razor cutting. I find that for many, the cut is softer, with no heavy lines, and it even fills in nicer, too.” She adds, “When you walk into my salon, I want you to feel at home. The first thing I’ll do — after offering you coffee or another beverage — is sit you down in my chair to take a look at your hair and talk about your needs and expectations.” She also notes that Stylist Dean Downing and Urban Renewal Hair Studio some people have some- (located in the Pebble Creek Collection) owner Jacquie thing definite in mind Caetano both have the experience to give you the precise when they walk into Ur- cut or color you want — or create a whole new look for you! ban Renewal Hair, while really let her get creative. “You might others are more open to suggestions and still others are hoping even end up on my Facebook page or my Neighborhood News ad!,” she says Jacquie will create an entirely new (see this issue’s ad on page 49). look just for them. The salon itself has the elegant “Those are my favorite clients,” feel of a top-notch salon in New York she says with a smile. “You give me or Jacquie’s native Boston, withthe opportunity to get creative and out the intimidation factor of those that’s just what I’ll do. Your hair says a lot about you. I want your new style usually-way-overpriced studios “back home.” The vibe at Urban Renewal to say, “I am fabulous,’ and once you Hair is upbeat, but relaxed, and get to know me, you’ll realize that Jacquie’s no-nonsense nor’eastern fabulous is actually my specialty.” background and accent puts most of And, Jacquie loves taking beforeher clients at ease right away. &-after pics of all of her clients who
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You could be the next client to have his or her before-&-after pics on Urban Renewal Hair’s page on Facebook.com or its ad here.
In fact, every time I visit Jacquie at Urban Renewal, she’s always giving me tips about what I can do to improve my own look. “I could really do something great with your hair, Gary,” she says. “You really should let me give you a total makeover.” Hmmm. Maybe someday, Jacquie.
More Than Just Jacquie?
Because Urban Renewal Hair was designed by Jacquie (with a lot of help from her dad) to have space for other stylists and aestheticians, Jacquie has also begun the process of adding more quality, independent beauty industry providers to enhance the services she can offer. To that end, two additional beauty professionals are now based at Urban Renewal Hair. One is hair artist Dean Downing (MyStylistDean. com; photo on previous page), a
member of the Rusk Design Team, and the other is Jema Shooter of iWaxUShooter, LLC (Facebook. com/IWaxUbySwhooterllc), who provides professional face, leg and bikini area waxing services and more in a private suite inside the salon. “And, I am still looking for established, professional stylists and aestheticians who want to rent their space and run their own operation,” Jacquie says. “I have room for at least one or two more people at this location.” Urban Renewal Hair is located at 19651 BBD. Let Jacquie create a whole new you with a free haircut (with the purchase of any highlights job, for new customers only), — a $60 value (see the ad on page 49)! For appointments or info, call the salon at 978-9292 or “Like” her page at Facebook.com/UrbanRenewalHairandMore.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 17 •August 16, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Rain Can’t Dampen Spirits At Rotary’s ‘Dog Days Of Summer’ Concert Submitted to & edited by New Tampa Neighborhood News
Despite a total washout of a fundraising event scheduled for August 10, the Rotary Club of New Tampa is proud to already have been able to raise a few dollars for its planned dog park (which also is being funded by a matching grant from the City of Tampa), which is getting to ready to be built in Tampa Palms. Mother Nature washed out the Rotary Club’s first attempt at hosting a “Dog Days of Summer” concert in Primrose Park in Tampa Palms on August 10. But, on August 17, the sultry days of summer were in full effect. Lightning and heavy rains did also arrive during the middle of the rescheduled event that might have scuttled the concert, but the spirits of the 100 people and canines on hand refused to be dampened, despite the downpour. The August 17 Dog Days concert featured acoustic, classic rock, and folk music from area artists Pamela Jo Hatley and J. Steele Olmstead, Bob Thompson and Sam Osborne. Proceeds benefited the New Tampa Rotary Dog Park, a collaborative project between the club and the City of Tampa. The club plans to break ground on the new dog park this fall. The festivities also featured several “Strut Your Mutt” contests for “Best Tail Wagger,” “Best Costume,” “Best Kisser” and “Best Trick.” Event sponsors included Pebble Creek Animal & Bird Hospital and Honor Thy Pet Cremation & Funeral Service. Other corporate sponsors include the Rotary Club
of New Tampa and Gunter & Gunter Insurance. Private sponsors have also donated an additional $4,000 to the project and Rotary District 6890 (which includes New Tampa) has also made a contribution. On Saturday, September 13, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., the New Tampa Rotary Club will host a table at the Dog Adoption Day at PetSmart (6248 Commerce Park Dr., near B.J.’s Wholesale Club, in Tampa Palms). Dog Park bricks will be sold and donations will be accepted. The new dog park will be (Left photo) Guitarist Bob Thompson and his son Buddy rock adjacent to the New Tampa out on stage during the New Tampa Rotary Club’s ‘Dog Days Recreation Center & Skate of Summer’ concert to raise funds for a New Tampa Dog Park Park on Commerce Park Blvd., in Tampa Palms. (Right photo) Allison Welter’s dog Eddie less than three blocks from Freedom High and Liberty took home the prize of ‘Best Tail Wagger’ during the concert. Photos courtesy of the Rotary Club of New Tampa. Middle School. The entrance money raised will be matched by the City of to the park will be paved, with Tampa, the club’s goal is to raise $25,000 bricks lining both sides of the entrance. New Tampa dog owners have request- and, to that end, $21,000 already has been ed a local dog park for years, and the Ro- raised by the Rotary, which has now sold 189 tary Club of New Tampa has partnered with bricks, including 20 sold during the concert. “We are very close to achieving our goal the City of Tampa to make this dream come true. The proposed $50,000 New Tampa to raise all of the money by September,” said Rotary Dog Park will feature fenced areas Joyce Gunter, Rotary Club of New Tampa for both large and small dogs, with beauti- member and Dog Park committee chair. ful mature shade trees and grass all around. “Our goal is to break ground in October Drinking fountains and waste disposal will be and have the park open by Thanksgiving. We provided, as well as park benches for owners. need the continued support of all area dog To finance the dog park, the Rotary lovers to complete the fund-raising portion Club of New Tampa has embarked on a of the project.” Individuals interested in supporting the fund-raising campaign. Since all of the
New Tampa Rotary Dog Park can order a brick online for their best buddy. Prices start at $50 for a single 4” x 8” brick, up to $240 for three 8” x 8” squares. There are a variety of decoration, image and text options. To purchase bricks online, visit RotaryDogPark.org. Sponsorships also are available and major sponsors will have their names listed on a large, professionally designed sign at the entrance to the park. Master Card, Visa, cash & checks are accepted by mail. Make checks payable to Rotary Club of New Tampa Foundation c/o Rotary Club of New Tampa, P.O. Box 46446, Tampa, FL 33646.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 •September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
You Can Still Win Our Dining Contest! There are a lot of wonderful things about living in our area — such as great schools, beautiful, well-maintained communities and recreational opportunities, as well as easy access to great shopping. Unfortunately, one of the areas where both New Tampa and Wesley Chapel fall sadly short, at least in my opinion, is in our access to top-notch independent dining options. In fact, while our distribution areas are loaded with mostly average (at best) regional and national chain restaurants, there’s no doubt in my mind that what we’re sorely lacking are enough great independently-owned eateries to support — with the only real exception being our great selection of Chinese, Japanese and Thai restaurants. Helping people in our area think about and support their local dining locales is one reason why I started our annual “Reader Survey & Dining Contest” 20 years ago. So, while there’s no doubt that some of the local editions of those chains — like Stonewood & Bonefish — are good choices, my goal always has been to get more people to care about the type of mom-and-pop places we’d likely have more of if local restaurateurs could see more of our existing independents succeed. To that end, most of the dining reviews I write are about those local eateries whose owners literally sweat blood to open something different than Chili’s, Applebees or Olive Garden.
Monday - Thursday
So, I keep trying to offer better and better prizes in order to give more of you more incentive to fill out the entry form on the next two pages — and this year’s best-ever Grand Prize (see next page) already seems to be having that effect, as the entries are coming in even faster than they did for last year’s record-breaking Dining Survey & Contest. And yes, there’s still time to enter. So, my suggestion is that those of you still using Groupons and other online coupons should go ahead and try any of the independents named on the following pages and, while you’re there, fill out an entry form if you haven’t already. You can win not only the great two-night stay on Clearwater Beach Grand Prize, but also any of up to three other free dining prizes, all while helping local restaurant owners find out just how much you like them. Oh, and here’s a correction from last issue’s first 2014 appearance of the Dining Survey & Contest: In the “Your Favorite Bar, Tavern or Pub in NT & WC” category, we somehow called The Brass Tap at the Shops at Wiregrass mall “World of Beer,” which no longer has its New Tampa location. Any votes for “World of Beer” will count for The Brass Tap, which is now correctly included on this issue’s entry form. I apologize to everyone at The Brass Tap for any inconvenience my error may have caused and hope more readers will choose to enter this year’s contest. — GN
An Authentic American Diner Wesley Chapel’s Neighborhood Diner Is Still Serving the BEST Breakfast, Lunch & Brunch in Wesley Chapel! Great Breakfast & Lunch Specials Every Day
Join us for the 2nd annual Patty Wolf Golf Tournament: Saturday, April 26th at Pebble Creek Golf Club. Sponsorships still available!
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any order of $20 or more With WCNN coupon. Expires 10/31/14.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 •September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
any order of $25 or more With WCNN coupon. Expires 10/31/14.
Win A Two-Night Clearwater Beach Stay In Our 2014 Dining Survey & Contest! Our annual Reader Survey & Dining Contest is always one of our most popular features every year, with last year’s contest bringing in a record number (nearly 2,000!) of entries, and we believe this year’s 20th annual New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Reader Dining Survey & Contest will surpass last year’s because we have our biggest & best Grand Prize ever! Just for filling out the entry form on these pages and sending it by mail, fax or email (you also can enter at NTNeighborhoodNews.com), you can win a two-night stay at the totally revamped (and beautiful) Shephard’s Beach Resort on Clearwater Beach, plus a one-hour Jet Ski ride & a $100 gift card to use at any of Shephard’s revamped restaurants, including the “interactive” new Ocean Flame restaurant. This spectacular Grand Prize has a total value of about $700! And, as always, our contest is still 100-percent free to enter! There are 18 categories on these two pages. To be eligible to win our Grand Prize (or ANY of our other great dining prizes; see below for details), you MUST vote for FIVE (5) restaurants in the two categories below, and ONE (1) restaurant in AT LEAST HALF OF THE CATEGORIES ON THE NEXT PAGE! The restaurants in our two distribution areas really do appreciate your votes, so we hope that this year’s prize will attract more voters who will take the time to give us as much input as possible. Yes, we know that some restaurants try to have their loyal customers stuff the ballot boxes every year, but so many of the people who enter at the restaurant locations themselves only fill in one name for every category or just a couple of categories and those ballots will NOT be counted, nor will those who don’t fill in enough categories be eligible for either the Grand Prize or our runner-up prizes of a $50 gift card to the restaurant of your choice, or any of three other dining gift certificates worth at least $25 each. And, we’re making it easier than ever for you to enter, by providing the names of all of the independently-owned and small (fewer than 20 locations) chain restaurants in each category. And yes, you can still write-in the names of the larger chain restaurants in any category, but we only provide the names of the “Mom-and-Pops” because they don’t have the benefit of being able to afford regional and national TV, national magazine and local radio ads that the large chains have running all year-round. So, have fun. Only one entry per person will be accepted, although the contest will run until after our October New Tampa & Wesley Chapel issues hit mailboxes. The entry deadline is Monday, November 3, 2014. No purchase is necessary and the Grand Prize winner must be age 18 or older. — GN
Your FIVE Favorite Restaurants In New Tampa (NT) Your FIVE Favorite Restaurants In Wesley Chapel (WC)
(Number your 5 favorites #1-#5; You also may write-in your favorites not listed here in the spaces provided) (Number your 5 favorites #1-#5; You also may write-in your favorites not listed here in the spaces provided)
__Acropolis (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Biagio’s II Pizza & Pasta (CC Blvd.) __Big Papa’s Pit (Bearss Ave.) __Burger 21 (Trout Creek/BBD) __Café Olé (Cross Creek Blvd.) __Cappy’s Pizza (City Plaza, TP) __Casa Ramos (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __China City (City Plaza, TP) __China Wok (County Line Rd. off BBD) __Ciccio’s Cali (The Pointe @ Tampa Palms) __Cross Creek Deli (Shell station, CC Blvd.) __Full Circle Pizza (Pebble Creek) __Fushia Asian Bistro (Sh. of Amberly, TP) __Hawkeye NYS Pizza (CC Blvd./BP) __Heritage Isles CC Restaurant (CC Blvd.) __Ho King (BBD/Highwoods) __Hunter’s Green Country Club __Kabob House (BBD/Live Oak) __Kobé Japanese Stkhs (BBD/PC) __Koizi Hibachi Grill (Tampa Palms) __La Cubanita Café (BBD/New Tampa Ctr) __La Fuente Mexican Cuisine (CC Blvd.) __Lanna Thai (CC Blvd.) __Las Palmas Café (BBD/Pebble Creek) __Liang’s Bistro (North Palms/BBD) __Little Greek (BBD/New Tampa Center) __Mr. Dunderbak’s (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Mulligan’s Irish Pub (Pebble Creek CC)
__New China King (CC Blvd. @ MB Rd.) __Asian Buffet (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Oakley’s Grille (BBD/North Palms Vlg.) __Amici Pizza (Grand Oaks Plaza, SR 54) __Peabody’s Billiards & Games (Amberly) __Bagelicious & More (Freedom Plaza/54) __Petra Mediterranean (Highwoods Psrv.) __Best NY Pizza (Pinebrook Plaza/S.R. 54) __Bonsai Sushi (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Pita’s Republic (County Line Rd.) __Pizzazone (The Pointe @ Tampa Palms) __Bosco’s Italian To Go (Freedom Plaza/54) __Burger Monger (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub (E. Bearss Ave.) __Café Fresco Express (S.R. 56) __Saffron Indian Cuisine (CC Blvd.) __China Taste (BBD/Shoppes at New Tampa) __Seasons Fresh Café (E. Bearss Ave.) __China Wok (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Soho Sushi (E. Bearss Ave.) __City Grill (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Stonewood Grill & Tavern (TP) __Ciao! Italian Bistro (Wiregrass Mall) __Sushi Café (BBD/Highwoods) __CineBistro (The Grove/54 off Oakley) __Sushi Ko (BBD/New Tampa Center) __D’Alessio Italian (Across BBD from FHWC) __Sushi Raw (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Dempsey’s Steak House (Saddlebrook) __Sukhothai (Across from Muvico) __Dempsey’s Too Lounge (Saddlebrook) __Takara Sushi & Sake (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Dolce Gelato & Crepes (C.Line Rd./MP) __Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club __Don Pan Int’l Bakery (Shoppes @ NT ) __Taste of New York Pizza (Highwoods) __Fine Thai Express (SR 54) __Thai Ruby (TP, Shoppes of Amberly) __Gonna China (Hollybrook Plz, BBD@54) __Toast Wine & Café (BBD/Oak Ramble) __GrillSmith (Wiregrass Mall) __Top Thai (BBD/Live Oak) __Hibachi Express (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Vallarta’s (City Plaza at Tampa Palms) __Ho Wok (BBD next to Target) __Woodfired Pizza (E. Bearss Ave.) __Hungry Greek (across BBD from FHWC) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Kwan Ming Bistro (S.R. 56) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __La Prima Pizza (BBD, next to Target) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Latin Twist Café (across BBD from FHWC) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Lexington Oaks Golf Club (off SR 54) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Meadow Pte Café & Deli (C.L. Rd./MP)
__900º Woodfired Pizza (Wiregrass Mall) __NY NY Pizza (BBD in Seven Oaks) __OTB Café (Across BBD from FHWC) __PDQ (S.R. 56) __Pinchers Crab Shack (Wiregrass Mall) __PizzaMania (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Poolside Café (Saddlebrook) __PrimeBar (Wiregrass Mall) __Quail Hollow Country Club __Shang Hai Chinese (Eiland Blvd./Publix) __Taste of Boston (Shoppes at New Tampa) __TD’s Sports Bar (Saddlebrook) __365 Caffé Italiano (Wiregrass Mall) __Tokyo Grill/Sushi (Eiland Blvd./Publix) __Vallarta’s (Village Mkt, BBD@54) __Woody’s Pizza/Wings (WC Village Mkt) __Wolf’s Den (S.R. 56) __Yamato Japanese Stkhs (Wiregrass Mall) __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ Please only put each numeral (#s 1-5) on each of the two lists on this page only once each, including any write-ins. We apologize for any inconvenience to independent restaurants in NT & WC somehow not listed here.
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1219 Bruce B Downs | Corner of County Line Rd. & BBD, next to Target Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 •September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Your Favorite
(Pick or write-in one)
(Pick or write-in one)
__Asian Buffet (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __China City (City Plaza, TP) __China Taste (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __China Wok (County Line Rd., off BBD) __China Wok (Village Mkt/BBD@54, WC) __Fushia Asian Bistro (Shps of Amberly, TP) __Gonna China (Hollybrook Plz, BBD@54) __Ho King (BBD/Highwoods)
__Ho Wok (BBD next to Target) __Kwan Ming Bistro (S.R. 56) __Liang’s Bistro (North Palms/BBD) __New China King (CC Blvd. @ MB Rd.) __Shang Hai Chinese (Eiland Blvd./Publix) __Sushi Ko (BBD/New Tampa Center) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant In NT & WC (Pick or write-in one)
__Asian Buffet (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __Bonsai Sushi (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __Hibachi Express (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Kobé Japanese Steakhouse (BBD/PC) __Koizi Hibachi Grill (Tampa Palms) __Soho Sushi (E. Bearss Ave.) __Sushi Café (BBD/Highwoods)
__Sushi Ko (BBD/New Tampa Center) __Sushi Raw (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Sukhothai (Across from Muvico) __Takara Sushi & Sake (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Tokyo Grill/Sushi (Eiland Blvd./Publix) __Yamato Japanese Stkhs (Wiregrass Mall) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Thai/Indian Restaurant In NT & WC (Pick or write-in one)
__Fine Thai Express (S.R. 54, WC) __Lanna Thai (CC Blvd.) __Saffron Indian Cuisine (CC Blvd.) __Sukhothai (Across from Muvico)
__Thai Ruby (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Top Thai (BBD/Live Oak) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Pizza Place In NT & WC
(Pick or write-in one) __900º Woodfired Pizza (Wiregrass Mall) __Amici Pizza (Grand Oaks Plaza, SR 54) __Best NY Pizza (Pinebrook Plaza/S.R. 54) __NY NY Pizza (BBD in Seven Oaks) __Peabody’s Billiards & Games (Amberly) __Biagio’s II Pizza & Pasta (CC Blvd.) __Bosco’s Italian To Go (Freedom Plaza/54) __PizzaMania (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Cappy’s Pizza (City Plaza, TP) __Pizzazone (The Pointe @ Tampa Palms) __Ciao! Italian Bistro (Wiregrass Mall) __Taste of New York Pizza (Highwoods) __Ciccio’s Cali (The Pointe @ Tampa Palms) __Woodfired Pizza (E. Bearss Ave.) __D’Alessio Italian(Across BBD from FHWC) __Woody’s Pizza/Wings (WC Village Mkt) __Wolf’s Den (S.R. 56) __Full Circle Pizza (Pebble Creek) __Hawkeye NYS Pizza (CC Blvd./BP) __Write-In (must name)_________________ __La Prima Pizza (BBD, next to Target)
Your Favorite Hamburger In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel
(Pick or write-in one) __Burger Monger(BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __OTB Café (Across BBD from FHWC) __Burger 21 (Trout Creek/BBD) __Peabody’s Billiards & Games (Amberly) __Café Fresco Express (S.R. 56) __PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub (E. Bearss Ave.) __City Grill (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club __Dempsey’s Too Lounge (Saddlebrook) __Poolside Café (Saddlebrook) __GrillSmith (Wiregrass Mall) __Taste of Boston (Shoppes at New Tampa) __Hunter’s Green Country Club __TD’s Sports Bar (Saddlebrook) __Lexington Oaks Golf Club __Wolf’s Den (S.R. 56) __Mulligan’s Irish Pub (Pebble Creek CC) __Oakley’s Grille (BBD/North Palms Vlg.) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Latin/Mexican Restaurant In NT & WC
Chinese Restaurant In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel
__Café Olé (Cross Creek Blvd.) __Casa Ramos (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Don Pan Int’l Bakery (Shoppes @ NT ) __La Cubanita Café (BBD/New Tampa Ctr) __La Fuente Mexican Cuisine (CC Blvd.)
__Las Palmas Café (BBD/Pebble Creek) __Latin Twist Café(across BBD from FHWC) __Vallarta’s (City Plaza at Tampa Palms) __Vallarta’s (Village Mkt, BBD@54) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Greek/Mediterranean Restaurant In NT & WC (Pick or write-in one)
__Acropolis (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Hungry Greek (across BBD from FHWC) __Kabob House (BBD/Live Oak) __Little Greek (BBD/New Tampa Center)
__Petra Mediterranean (Highwoods Prsv.) __Pita’s Republic (County Line Rd.) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Bar, Tavern or Pub In NT & WC
(Pick or write-in one) __Acropolis (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Peabody’s Billiards & Games (Amberly) __Heritage Isles CC Rest. (off CC Blvd.) __PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub (E. Bearss Ave.) __Ciccio’s Cali (The Pointe @ Tampa Palms) __Poolside Café (Saddlebrook) __PrimeBar (Wiregrass Mall) __CineBistro (The Grove/54 off Oakley) __Quail Hollow Country Club __City Grill (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Skinny’s Sports Bar __Dempsey’s Steak House (Saddlebrook) __Stonewood Grill & Tavern (Tampa Palms) __Dempsey’s Too Lounge (Saddlebrook) __Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club __GrillSmith (Wiregrass Mall) __TD’s Sports Bar (Saddlebrook) __Halftime Sports Lounge (NT Center) __Toast Wine & Café (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Hunter’s Green Country Club __The Brass Tap (Wiregrass Mall) __Lexington Oaks Golf Club __Linkster’s Tap Room (Highwoods) __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Mulligan’s Irish Pub (Pebble Creek CC)
Your Other Favorites
(Write-in one in each category below) Your Favorite Bakery In NT & WC Your Favorite Lunch In NT & WC _________________________________ _________________________________ Your Favorite Coffee In NT & WC _________________________________
Your Favorite Pasta In NT & WC _________________________________
The Most Kid-Friendly Restaurant In NT & WC _________________________________
Your Favorite Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/ Dessert Place In NT & WC _________________________________
Your Favorite Chain Rest. In NT & WC ______________________________________
Restaurant w/The Best Service In NT/ WC _________________________________
Your Your Your Your Your
Name ______________________________________________________________________ Community (Tampa Palms, Meadow Pointe, etc.) __________________________ Mailing Address __________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone #__________________________________________________________ Valid Email Address _______________________________________________________
Please submit BOTH pages by fax, mail, email or on our website (see pg. 3) by Monday, November 3!
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 •September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
SPOTLIGHT ON... Team New Tampa! Long-time New Tampa residents Ann Carlson and Mark Pacheco of Team New Tampa (which is part of Keller Williams New Tampa) have moved with the rest of the office into a new state-of-theart-facility on the first floor of the Burns & Wilcox building on Highwoods Preserve Pkwy., about a mile or so north of the Muvico Starlight 20 movie theater. Keller Williams New Tampa is the largest real estate office in the New Tampa area and Ann and Mark specialize in the New Tampa real estate market. Ann says the new location near both Bruce B. Downs Blvd. and I-75, which allows Team New Tampa to easily serve the entire area. Both Ann and Mark understand the area intimately, which allows them to help clients who are new to the area with suggestions about all of the
things they need to feel at home, as well as to help find the home of their dreams. Ann and Mark welcome you to come by and check out the new facility. Team New Tampa is here to help you with all of your real estate needs and Ann and Mark offer complimentary consultations and evaluations. They look forward to the opportunity to be your go-to real estate professionals and you can rest assured that Team New Tampa will meet your needs with the utmost integrity and professionalism. Keller Williams New Tampa Realty and Team New Tampa are now located at 18302 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy, Suite 110. For more info, visit TeamNewTampa.com or call Ann Carlson (716-5724) or Mark Pacheco (298-7267) directly.
. Donate at the register to fund school gardens September 1-30
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 •September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 •September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel! TheGiftBoxBoutique. “I got a necklace, bracelet, and purse pouch there tonight. I will for sure be shopping there often. I love everything!” For more info about The Gift Box, see the ad on page 44 of this issue or call 284-5986. Also be sure to “Like” The Gift Box Boutique on Facebook.com and look for a fulllength feature in a future issue.
The Gift Box Rocks!
I hope, by now, if you spend any time at all in the section of Tampa Palms that also includes Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Koizi, Ciccio’s and Stonewood (and we both know you do), that you’ve at least stopped in to see a lot of familiar New Tampa faces at The Gift Box boutique (17032 Palm Pointe Dr.), the awesome new store that is packed with an always-changing array of unique gifts, as well as ladies and children’s clothing, jewelry, accessories signs and other and cool home decor items (photo above). I honestly believe that if you can’t find something you’d want for yourself or, especially, as a gift for someone else (male or female, adult or child) — with perhaps most items in the store costing just $20-$50, and almost as many selling for less than $20 — within the first two minutes of entering The Gift Box, you really must just hate to shop at all. I honestly have already spent maybe $100 in there and I’ve bought at least five or six different gifts with that much — gifts that all of the recipients have loved, by the way. From the most amazing (and largest) array of wine stoppers I’ve ever seen to unique and beautiful stationery and so much more, The Gift Box really does rock — and apparently, I’m not the only one who thinks so. “The Gift Box is the best boutique I’ve ever been to!,” says customer Christina O’Connor on Facebook.com/
Freedom International Church Celebrates 10 Years
Our congratulations go out to Senior Pastors Eric and Sarah Lehmann and the other ministry leaders and worshippers at Freedom International Church, located in the Summergate Professional Park (behind Sam’s Club, at 27626 Cashford Cir.), which is celebrating its tenth anniversary in October, specifically at services on Friday, October 10, 7 p.m., and Sunday, October 12, 10 a.m., with Pastor Sam Song. According to its website (Freedom InternationalChurch.com), Freedom International is a (nondenominational Christian) group of people coming together to worship, build relationships and be equipped to live powerful and successful lives.” Freedom International’s ad on page 4 of this issue says it is “Evangelical & Charismatic, Bible Preaching & Teaching, Family-Focused, Multi-Generational, Multi-Ethnic & International & Mission-Minded.” The church offers contemporary worship services, with active children’s and youth ministries. To find out more about Freedom International Church, call 907-8650.
#3418 (28500 S.R. 54, a half mile east of BBD) on August 13. Although New Tampa has had a Walmart “Superstore” for a while, the store’s opening is pretty big news for Wesley Chapel. Walmart’s opening featured not only the WCCC ribbon cutting, but also inspiring music from the Wesley Chapel High Wildcats marching band and a total of $8,000 in donations from Walmart to Wesley Chapel-based schools and nonprofits. Most folks in attendance, however, were anxious to see the new Walmart open and check out Wesley Chapel’s only “superstore,” which is huge, nicer than most Walmarts and packed with bargains. In fact, bargain hunters have helped keep traffic backed up around the Walmart light at 54 and Wiregrass Ranch Blvd. since the store opened. We’ll update you in a future issue about some of the eateries and businesses coming to the area around the Wesley Chapel Walmart. Also on Aug. 13, the WCCC hosted its second ribbon cutting of the day Keep Cutting Those Ribbons! at the new Wesley Chapel Montessori Among the recent ribbon-cutting School (5401 Post Oak Blvd., behind events we attended that the Greater Ker’s WingHouse). With food provided Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce by City Grill (on S.R. 54, east of I-75, (WCCC) has held since our last issue in the Wesley Chapel Village Market), was the Grand Opening and WCCC rib- Wesley Chapel Montessori president bon cutting at the new Walmart Store and founder Pavitra Arni thanked not
only her students, parents, staff and the WCCC, but also “the (Wesley Chapel) Neighborhood News for helping to make all of this possible.” For info, call 7377517 or visit WCMontessori.com. Then, on August 23, we’re happy to report that in our absence, our friends at OurTownFla.com were on hand to photograph the Grand Opening & WCCC Ribbon Cutting event at Pure Barre New Tampa (18091 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy., off BBD; photo above). OurTown reports that this impressive ballet-barre-for-fitness studio is the perfect place to help you look a little more like super-fit owners Casey Neubert and Jamie Babb. Just please make sure you tell Casey and Jamie that the New Tampa Neighborhood News sent you. The WCCC also cut a ribbon on Aug. 28 at Planet Beach Contempo Spa (27607 S.R. 56, in front of the Sam’s Club). For more information, call Pure Barre at 866-7873 or Planet Beach at 991-4433. • As for upcoming events, the WCCC also will host this year’s Celebrating Excellence Awards Banquet at Saddlebrook Resort on Thursday, September 18, and the sixth annual Wesley Chapel Fall Festival on Saturday, October 11 (see page 1). For more info about WCCC
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 •September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
membership, or about other upcoming WCCC events, call the Chamber (6013 Wesley Grove Blvd., #105) at 994-8534 or visit WesleyChapel Chamber.com.
Skinny’s Has Got Your Entertainment Needs Covered!
If you’re looking for a place only minutes from New Tampa to have fun where smoking is still permitted, the all-new and recently revamped Skinny’s Sports Bar (27419-A S.R. 54, in the Pinebrook at The Grove plaza) has great music, great beer specials and lots of great entertainment. Skinny’s has a fun, free Bingo night every Monday with a cash jackpot (one that keeps growing if no one is able to
fill in all of the spaces on their Bingo card when only 58 numbers have been called), a pool tournament on Tuesday nights, the APA pool league on Wednesdays, a 3-Ball pool tournament on Thursday afternoons, karaoke on Thursday and Friday nights, and Happy Hour specials every day, 2 p.m.-7 p.m. I have attended a couple of recent Karaoke nights (once on Thursday and once on Friday) and both had great singers. Skinny’s also is still Wesley Chapel’s football headquarters, which includes having the NFL Sunday Ticket, lots of big flatscreen TVs and more. For more information, call Skinny’s at 345-8590 and please tell owner Ken Santo and his friendly staff that we sent you! — GN
SPOTLIGHT ON... Whole Foods Market! Whole Foods Market, with a location in Carrollwood on Northdale Blvd., the world’s leading natural and organic foods supermarket and America’s first national certified organic grocer with 360 stores and growing, will celebrate the two-year anniversary of the closest store to New Tampa (off N. Dale Mabry Hwy. in Carrollwood) on Saturday-Monday, November 1-3. The festivities will begin on Nov. 1, with a Wine, Beer & Food Festival from 1 p.m.-3 p.m. Customers can sample more than 30 wines and enjoy eight gourmet food stations, while enjoying live music. Tickets to attend cost $10 and will benefit the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay. Nov. 2 will feature a local vendor fair from 1 p.m.-3 p.m., showcasing Whole Foods Market suppliers from the state of Florida. Customers also can enjoy a free slice of cake and a glass of champagne starting at 2 p.m. The celebration will conclude on Nov. 3, with the launch of the Twilight Farmers Market from 5 p.m.-8:30 p.m, featuring more than 20 vendors outside and a free vegetarian store-wide sampling inside.
The Highest Quality Ingredients
Whole Foods Carrollwood features an expansive produce department, where more than 50 percent of the fruits and vegetables are grown organically. There’s also local and sustainable seafood, a European-style bakery, more than 750 wines, 250 hand-cut cheeses and a Prepared Foods department that features more than 100 ready-to-eat items. Customers can enjoy free samples storewide every day, as well as a free wine tasting most Friday nights between 5 p.m.-7 p.m. The
store only sells products that are free from artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives and hydrogenated oils. It also offers more gluten-free options than any other retailer.
Free Healthy Eating Services
In addition to gourmet foods and fresh produce, the certified organic grocer also offers free healthy-eating cooking classes and tours, led by the Carrollwood market’s Healthy Eating specialist Nicole. Nicole oversees the store’s “Health Starts Here” program, which focuses on eating whole foods that are plant-based, only contain healthy fats and are nutrient-dense. She helps customers discover how to eat healthy with free personal shopping tours, “Lunch and Learns” at business and schools, cooking classes and free in-store demonstrations. Whole Foods Market Carrollwood is located at 3802 Northdale Blvd., just north of N. Dale Mabry Hwy. & Bearss Ave. The store is open seven days a week, 8 a.m-9 p.m. Like the store at Facebook. com/WholeFoodsMarketCarrollwood, visit them online at WholeFoodsMarket.com or call 264-3600 to learn more about upcoming events and products.
Call (813) 235-0315 TODAY for more information and to see if you are a candidate for this alternative treatment which is covered by many medical insurance plans. Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 •September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE AGENT - Award-winning Real Estate team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents. Who desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available. Keller Williams Tampa Properties. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon 813-431-2840. PART-TIME CLIENT SERVICE/MARKETING PROFESSIONALS - We are Tampa Bay’s ONLY Certified Matchmaking and Life Coaching services, as well as offering Online Dating assistance. For further information, or to send your resume, contact us at info@TampaBayMatchMakers.com Visit our website at: www.TampaBayMatchMakers.com PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) - An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. POOL SUPERVISOR - Weekend Pool Supervisor Wanted at New Tampa Community Pool. Saturday and Sundays 12 to 6PM. $10 - $12 per hour, must have CPR. Send resume to Chet.Benson@verizon.net or call 813-977-1160
MEDICAL BILLER - Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: Richard.Jones@solarusmedical.com. BAKER(S) WANTED - Stonemill Artisan Bakery is looking for early morning bakers with expertise in the position. We are starting our wholesale operations soon and need someone to join our growing team. Duties include breads, pastries and baked donuts, among others. FT position with some weekend shifts. Food handler safety certification a plus. Please email contact@stonemillartisan.com with the words “Baker Position” in the subject line and we will email you an application form. Stonemill Artisan is an equal opportunity employer.
Lead Montessori Teachers - Join a winning team! Seeking Lead Montessori Teachers (AMS/AMI certification) to staff a brand new Montessori School in Wesley Chapel, FL. Experience with VPK is preferred but not a requirement. Competitive Salaries; Flexible Schedules; Professional Working Environment. Enthusiastic, nurturing candidates who have a passion for teaching should apply by calling (813) 737-7517 or by sending your resume to director@wcmontessori.com. OFFICE CLERK & TEACHER - A private special needs school in Wesley Chapel have 3 openings available: A certified special needs teacher who loves teaching with sign language. 1 – 2 yrs. experience. A teacher’s aide must have experience with special needs children and sign language would be preferable. A part- time office clerk position is available must have some knowledge of QuickBooks. If you’re interested in any of these positions, please send resume to deb.newleaps@ gmail.com.
Looking for a reliable, professional and detailed individual for weekly residential cleaning in Seven Oaks. Must be a non-smoker and can bring own supplies. Background check will be performed before hiring. The pay is $18 per hour for approximately 4 hours of work each week. Please respond to ChristinaF123@outlook.com
TURN YOUR CLUTTER INTO CASH - Garage and estate sales, inventory liquidation,& appraisal services. We'll sell it for you online! We evaluate and appraise your products then get you top dollar. We do the work you get the cash. Ask me how. Contact Mary at 813-428-5793.
POOL SERVICES TRANQUILITY POOL SERVICE - New Tampa owned and operated. Great Pricing with outstanding customer service! Licensed, bonded and insured. See why we are New Tampa and Wesley Chapel’s #1 Choice!! New customers get ONE MONTH FREE! Call Chris Today at (813) 857-5400 or visit TranquilityPoolService.com. MONSTER POOL CLEANING - Summer Special 50% off your 1st 2 months of service. Family owned and operated. 20+ Years Experience. Competitive rates! Same service tech each week. *Our 15 point weekly full service will keep your pool looking great! Refer a customer and get ONE MONTH FREE Call Today 813-489-9967.
TUTORING - Infinite edge is located in Tampa Palms and offering all subjects tutoring in Math and English and, SAT, ACT, FCAT from first grade to 12 grade. We also offer AP classes and our students got last year 5 on any subject that they got help. Please call 813-971-6500 NEED TEACHERS - Lead Montessori Teachers (Wesley Chapel, Tampa) - Join a winning team! Seeking Lead Montessori Teachers (AMS/AMI certification) to staff a brand new Montessori School in Wesley Chapel, FL. Competitive Salaries; Flexible Schedules; Professional Working Environment. Enthusiastic, nurturing candidates who have a passion for teaching should apply by calling (813) 737-7517 or by sending your resume to info@wcmontessori.com.
TUTORING - Attention 6th-12th graders and college students! Very cool, very experienced, and educated (Master’s Degree in English Ed.) Language Arts Teacher located in New Tampa can help you with all of your Writing needs. Whether facing that Research Paper, the FCAT, the SAT, or the ACT, I can help. Reasonable Rates/One on One or Small Group Instruction available. Please call 813-480-3273 for more details.
PET SERVICES CAT SITTING - Tampa Cat Lady Professional CatSitting Service. Cats are happiest in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds, & smells. When you are away, we feed, cuddle, & play with your kitties & clean & dispose of litter. Insured, bonded, & RedCross certified in pet first aid/CPR. Submit a service inquiry at TampaCatLady.com or call 994-9449.
TAI CHI CLASSES — Benefits: Strength, flexibility, balance, focus and reduced stress! New Beginner 6-week courses starting every few months. Adults Course: Thursday evenings, 7-8 pm. Seniors Course: Tuesday afternoons, 12-1 pm. Space is ltd.! Also private instruction in Tai Chi Chuan, Kempo, Chin-Na, plus Boot Camp Fitness training & more. More than 35 years of training and teaching experience. Please contact Peter at (813) 787-7560 for more details or visit chuan-fa.org or email peter@chuan-fa.org.
LICENSED MOBILE MASSAGE THERAPIST Available seven days a week, 9am -9pm. $55 for 1 hour! Types of massage available: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Aroma Therapy, Hot Stone, Corporate Seated, Pregnancy, Sports & Injury Rehab. References available. Visit BarkdollMassageTherapy.com or call (727) 372-6389. Lic #MA47546. INDIVIDUAL & COUPLES COUNSELING Over 90 years of personable and experience. therapy and testing services. Better Business Bureau-Accredited. With 6 clinicians, we’ll find the best therapist for you. Call (813) 418-7188, email DrP@phonepremier.com or visit Tampa-Therapy.com.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 •September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
ANNA’S HOUSEKEEPING - A BBB-Accredited Business Servicing Florida since 1991. Cleaning, Laundry, You Name It! $74 introductory special, Mon-Wed. Make your list, put us to work! We have private housekeeper rates with agency backup coverage! Licensed and all housekeepers are background checked. Call 813.985.1150. WHITE TOUCH CLEANING SERVICES - A professional, reliable, and affordable company. We have been in business for more than 11 years. With over 80 satisfied clients throughout Tampa. Customers are our first priority. References are provided. Please contact Cristina or Francisco at (813) 325-6917. V & J CLEANING SERVICES LLC. - Residential-commercial cleaning. Quality Service, Affordable Rates, Reliable, Flexible Scheduling, Supplies & Equipment Provided. Specialize Move In/Out, Great References, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, One Time. Call or Text Elizabeth for Free Quote: Call 813-454-3082 or visit www.VandJCleaning.com SQUEAKY CLEAN HOME SERVICES is a residential cleaning company offering weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly services. We also specialize in movein/move-out cleanup. All supplies and equipment provided. We are an Owner Operator company with over 20 years of experience. “If it needs to be clean, we’re your team!” Call 813-625-6045 for a free inhome estimate today! D-ULTRA CLEANING SERVICE — We have our own supplies and more than 300 clients in New Tampa! For more info, Call 758-9710. CLEAN HOME - Give yourself the Ultimate Cleaning that you deserve. Responsible, Reliable, and Honest with references. Call 727-645-7779 for FREE estimates. Ask for Ybonne.
RELIABLY CLEAN - Our team offers house and office cleaning services on a weekly or monthly basis. We also offer move-in/move-out cleanup. Reliable team and flexible schedule. Free estimate and all supplies provided! Be our guest! For more info, call or text 813-760-0531. POWER HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES- provide residential cleaning for weekly, bi-weekly, monthly & occasional. Services available for: one time, deep cleaning, move in/move outs, Real Estate, party and Holiday cleaning. Supplies are provided. Owner Operator company with Personal Care! Personal Touch! Call 813-356-8287 or e-mail powerhousecleaningservices19@gmail.com for scheduling or a free in home estimate. Try Power House Cleaning - you will be powerfully pleased.
FOUND CAT. LARGE BLACK & WHITE (TUXEDO). Found in Manchester Subdivision of Tampa Palms. Apparently has been neutered or spayed as ear is clipped. Call 813/474-1590
DRY WALL SPECIALIST. Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings and walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster and stucco repair. 26 years of experience Wesley Chapel resident. State-Certified. Call Ron for a free estimate at 784-5999. DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional and personal touch. Pool decks and screen enclosures, all fencing, driveways, walkways, roofs, gutters and downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177. GREG’S PAPERHANGING — For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed and insured, clean, quick and reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate. RAYMOND PAINTING - Exterior & Interior Services. Exterior: Painting, pressure washing, clean & seal pavers, stucco, roofing, leaks and wood rot repair. Interior: Painting, plastering, ceiling & wall repairs, & tiles. Licensed & Bonded. References available. Free estimates. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ARBOR GREENE RESIDENT. We work 7 days. Call (813) 994-5124.
HOME RENOVATIONS & PAINTING Firm Realistic Budget Remodeling; Installations: Backsplash, Cabinets, Closets, Countertops, Drywall & Windows. Flooring Installation: Ceramic,Porcelain,Granite,Marb le,Travertine,Stone,Slate,Laminate Flooring, Engineered & Solid Hardwood. Interior & Exterior Painting: Pressure Washing, Repair small cracks & holes. Roofing : Complete Installation and Removal of any Asphalt Shingles. Wesley Chapel Licensed & Insured Company. ALICOR HOME RENOVATIONS INC; Call Michael at 813-758-0245 or email alicorhomerenovationsinc@outlook.com
HAIR & BEAUTY SPACE AVAILABLE - Private suite in busy upscale Salon / SPA available for Hairstylist / Aesthetician / Massage Therapist / Tattoo Artist or Makeup Artist Located Behind Sam’s club on SR 56 / Bruce B. Downs, near Wiregrass Mall. Equipped with wireless internet, wash/dryer, wheelchair access washroom, reception area. 24 x 7 accesses to your suite. Few equipment provided Utility, maintenance included in rent. Lowest rent in the Area. If you have established clientele, opportunity to work on commission basis as well. Call 813-997-3414 for more information.
Angie’s Hair Styling - Special offer: $25.00 OFF on your next chemical service with cut and blow dry (new clients only). I am a Paul Mitchell hair stylist specialized in hair cutting and color with 7 years of experience. Please call Angela for an appointment at 813-846-5677 Located 27607 SR 56 Suite 109 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544. Inside Nirfa’s Beauty Salon. BOOTH SPACE FOR RENT - If you’re a local, experiences stylist (with already-established local following or ready to build one) looking for outstanding booth rental rates in an elegant salon with top-notch amenities, located in the heart of New Tampa (minutes from Wesley Chapel), please stop in to see Jacquie at Urban Renewal Hair (19651 BBD Blvd., Suite C-4) or
call 978-9292.
CAR RIDES - Call SMILES CONCIERGE @ 813-2634244 for: Errands- Airport Rides/Car Transportation Services- Doctor Appointments- Grocery Shopping Assistance- House Sitting- Girl Friday/Office Support and Personal Concierge Services- Event Planning. Hourly, Daily & Long Term Rates: Tampa Palms/New Tampa Area. Friendly, Trustworthy, Responsive, Reliable. www.SmilesConcierge.com.
GET A RIDE - Don’t Have a Ride? Don’t Want to Leave Your Car? Shouldn’t Drive? We Drive You and Your Car Home! Night Clubs, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Concerts, Appointments, Airport or Stranded. Call Jay at (813) 966-1530. Neighborhood News
LAWN & LANDSCAPING JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING — Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning and more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL! FREE ESTIMATE! Call (813) 420-4465. AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC — Our services include weekly lawn maintenance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimming. We also offer landscaping, pruning, sod replacement, and pressure washing. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service and trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778. TAMPA LAWN SALON, INC. has been providing New Tampa & Wesley Chapel residents service for over 10 years! We not only provide weekly landscape maintenance but are also licensed in pest control. Our services include: Lawn and Ornamental Fertilization, Pest Control, Landscape Design, Landscape and Sod Installation, Lawn and Landscape Maintenance, Landscape Lighting, Irrigation, Pressure Washing. Please call us for an estimate at 813.417.7301 & ask us about our FREE irrigation inspection!
COMPUTER / BUSINESS SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TECH SUPPORT — in your home or small business. A+, Certified computer tech with 20 years of exp. Maintenance & repairs, upgrades & tutoring. More affordable than the large chains! Friendly, personalized svc. Technical jargon explained in plain English. Remote assistance available. References available upon request. Call (813) 957-8342 for a free estimate. DO YOU HATE YOUR COMPUTER?!? WE CAN HELP YOU! Troubleshooting, installation, networking & virus removal. WE COME TO YOU! Servicing residential & businesses, w/ more than 25 years of experience. Contact Jeffrey Blank at (813) 973-4507, visit WSICA. COM or email Wsica@wsica.com today!
REAL ESTATE SADDLEWOOD - 27552 HIALEAH WAY 4Bd, 2.5 Ba Ranch Style Home with oversized garage. Neighbors are horses and wildlife. $1,800/ Month. Call: Dan Moore Realty 813-289-4200
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 •September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Young Local Golfer Drives, Chips & Putts His Way To Summer Wins By Matt Wiley
Golf is a sport of patience and precision. If you’re not careful, one bad swing can ruin your whole game, even for the most experienced player. But, this doesn’t appear to be a problem for one New Tampa 11-year-old. Armand Loscalzo, of Hunter’s Green, is quickly rising through the golf ranks, hoping to one day turn pro and play on the PGA Tour, like his favorite golfer Rory McIlroy. McIlroy, the affable and often dominant Irishman, won three consecutive tournaments this summer, including two “Major” titles — the 2014 Open Championship {formerly the British Open} and the PGA Championship less than a month later. Like McIlroy, Loscalzo’s enthusiasm and skill on the links showed through in this year’s U.S. Kids Golf Foundation Tampa Summer Tour, during which he finished first in every event except one (when he finished second), including the Tour Championship at Wentworth Golf Club in Tarpon Springs on August 24. The kicker? Armand missed the first three matches of nine, but still scored enough points to rise to the top of the leader board. “There was one kid that was leading (the tournament in points), and he wasn’t too happy about Armand coming from behind,” Loscalzo’s mother Lisa says. “But, they’re good friends, so it’s a friendly competition.” In addition, on September 15, Los-
calzo will compete in the 10-11-yearold division of the Regional Final of the Drive, Chip & Putt Championship at TPC Sugarloaf in Duluth, GA, following up his August 16 “Subregional” win at the Reunion Resort in Orlando. Before that, at the Tampa “Local” tournament held at Tampa Bay Downs on June 14, Loscalzo finished in first with 121 total points, allowing him to advance to the Subregionals in Orlando. Loscalzo out-chipped and tied Allan Kournikova (retired pro tennis star Anna Kournikova’s younger halfbrother) in putting, but came up short in the driving competition to finish in second place by just nine points at 141. However, the top two from Subregionals moved on to the Regional Final. The Drive, Chip & Putt Championship is basically exactly what it sounds like: players earn points for performing well in a contest in each of the three skills. The player with the most points at the end of the tournament wins. Participants get three shots in each category and can score up to 25 points per shot, depending upon accuracy for chipping and putting and distance for drives. Loscalzo says that he first started playing when he was eight years old, after seeing one of his younger neighbors playing with golf clubs. At the time, he was playing ice hockey, but that quickly changed. “I asked my dad (Rick) for golf clubs a couple of times and finally got
some,” Loscalzo says. “My first time on the course was a little challenging. But, it’s a challenge every time. When you hit a bad shot, it’s hard to forget about it.” Lisa says that Armand quickly took a liking to golf, a game Rick had always played, but it wasn’t until they moved into a different home in Hunter’s Green that was within walking distance of the Hunter’s Green Country Club driving range that it really turned into a passion. “We can’t keep him off the course anymore,” his mom says. “Some parents really have to try to get their kids to go out and practice (sports). Sometimes we actually have to ask him to stop.” Lisa continues, “This all kind Armand Loscalzo hoists the U.S. Kids Golf Founof came out of the blue. His dad dation Tampa Summer Tour Championship Troalways played golf and taught him phy after his win at the Wentworth Golf Club in some, but now (Armand) beats him Tarpon Springs on Aug. 24. regularly, which is kind of funny. Loscalzo says he’s practicing nonWe’re new to all of this, so we’re stop leading up to the Drive, Chip, taking it one day at a time.” Loscalzo’s performance hasn’t gone Putt competition, so look for him on the range at HGCC. He says he’s also unnoticed, either. On September 2, pretty stoked about his new U.S. Junior Loscalzo began training with the U.S. National Team golf bag that he got his Junior National Golf Team at the Annifirst day at the Annika Academy. ka Academy, located outside of Orlando “I told my dad, I’m putting all of and named after legendary LPGA Hall my clubs into this bag when we get of Fame golfer Annika Sorenstam. home,” Loscalzo says. “My first day was fun,” Armand Best of luck, Armand, from the says. “I met Annika’s sister, Charlotta New Tampa Neighborhood News! (who also is a pro golfer).”
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 • September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 19 • September 13, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com