Volume 23 Issue 19
Cappy’s Pizza Is A New York/Chicago Thing!
September 12, 2015
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Named The 2014 ‘Small Business Of The Year’ By The Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce! The Direct-Mail News Magazines Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Since 1993! For the complete list of the neighborhoods that receive this publication by direct mail in New Tampa (zip code 33647), see page 58!
More Than 3,000 Attend Tampa Premium Outlets Job Fair! By Gary Nager If you happened to miss the Simon Property Group’s Tampa Premium Outlets (TPO) Mall Job Fair on August 27 (at the USF Embassy Suites hotel off E. Fowler Ave. in North Tampa), I’m not sure how many jobs of the 800 or so positions that are expected to be filled by the time the outlet mall opens off S.R. 56 in October are still available. I do know that dozens of the outlet mall’s 110 shops were able to fill many of their openings during the Job Fair, which was attended by more than 3,000 people, even though the event was held more than ten miles from the mall’s location at the southwestern edge of Wesley Chapel. Then-Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) executive director Hope Allen (she was named the Chamber’s first-ever president less than a week later; see page 12 of this issue) said she was overwhelmed by the throngs of people who seemed to come in waves. “The crowd never really got small from the (Clockwise from top left): The packed Tampa Premium Outlets Job Fair on Aug. 27 was attended by more than 3,000 people, each looking to fill one of about 800 total opening bell (at 10 a.m., jobs. The WCCC’s 2015 Ambassador of the Year Valerie Rudmin was responsible for counting the attendees as they entered. Chamber president Hope Allen (right) and when there were already the outlet mall’s senior PR account rep Hayden Rome were thrilled with the attendance. The Limited & New Balance were both looking for quality people over quantity. more than 100 people on line waiting for the too,” especially as several TV stations shared standards like Nike and the mall’s “signature” look and think you’d make a great addition to event to start) until it ended at 7 p.m.,” an ex- the story of the Job Fair all day. store, Saks OFF 5th, were packed all day, I our team.” I saw managers from Ralph Lauren hausted but thrilled Allen said after it ended. I also was impressed by the quality of not saw a manager from The Limited walk up to and even New Balance take similar approaches “I know (mall GM) Stacey Nance and the Si- only the attendees, but of the representativess a nicely dressed young lady and ask her, “Are in their search for quality people. For more mon people were excited about how it went, of the stores themselves. Although known you here looking for a job? I really like your job info, visit TampaPremiumOutlets.com.
Deacon Blues Band To Host Teen Cancer Benefit At Peabody’s Sept. 19! By Matt Wiley
For teens with cancer, the ages between 13-18 are a time of transition to adulthood, but during treatment, most hospitals don’t have a place for them to hang out and just be teenagers. For that reason, Teen Cancer America (TCA) has partnered with legendary rock band The Who’s “Who Cares” charity (and with hospitals throughout the U.S.) to develop specialized facilities and services for teens and young adults with cancer.
To help raise money for the organization, the popular local group the Deacon Blues Band is putting on a benefit concert in The Palms Lounge at Peabody’s Billiards & Games (15333 Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms) on Saturday, September 19. Proceeds from the concert will go directly to Teen Cancer America. Admission is $10 per person and the doors will open at 7 p.m. One such teen cancer facility already exists at Moffitt Cancer Center, located on the University of South Florida’s Tampa cam-
Also Inside This Issue!
Local News, Business & Education Updates
Neighborhood Magazine
BBD/I-75 Projects Continue, Area Escapes A Hurricane Erika Hit, FHWC Breaks Ground On $78M Expansion, Plus Lots Of Great Local Business Features!
Bobcats Spotted In New Tampa/Wesley Chapel Area, Check Out Our 2015 Dining Survey & Contest & More Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes!
Pages 3-38
Pages 39-60
pus, just a few miles south of Tampa Palms. The facility has one of the first Teen & Young Adult Lounges in the region and features a flatscreen TV with video games and couches. According to TCA, teens and young adults fall into a sort of “no man’s land” when it comes to treatment. “They are not really children, but should not be classified as adults, either,” the TCA site explains. “Seventeen-year-olds present a different challenge altogether, and have completely different emotional and social needs than toddlers in pediatric wards or seniors in adult centers.” Deacon Blues keyboardist Bernie Desrosiers says that the band has done quite a few benefit concerts, but, “This one is pretty big.” Desrosiers says that he’s hoping about 100 people will come out to the event and
adds that any more would be “just awesome.” He adds, “If we get a little line out the door, we’ll all be smiling.” For additional information, please visit DeaconBluesBand.com or Peabodys Billiards.com.
Cindy Freeman — A Beautiful Soul Taken Too Soon An editorial by Gary Nager Two weeks ago, my page 3 editorial in my August 29 edition of Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News was intended to send good “vibes” to three friends of mine, including Cindy Freeman, the membership director for the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC). Unfortunately, that edition literally arrived in mailboxes in Wesley Chapel the same day that Cindy (who had been with the WCCC for almost three years) passed away -- at the too-young age of 57 -- from Cindy Freeman complications related to treatment for esophageal cancer. Cindy’s sudden passing (she found out she had cancer less than three months earlier) sent shockwaves throughout New Tampa and Wesley Chapel. No one who knew her had anything other than wonderful things to say about Cindy and her genuine sweetness, and I was among more than 200 people who attended her funeral at the packed Loyless Funeral Home on U.S. 41 in Land O’Lakes on Sept. 2. Among those who remembered Cindy at the memorial service were Chamber president (formerly executive director) Hope Allen and WCCC members Kirby Lavalee and Samantha Taylor, all three of whom recalled her sweet nature and the way she made everyone who was affiliated with the Chamber feel like a member of her family. That notion was confirmed by Cindy’s
New Tampa Neighborhood News 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: (813) 423-6533 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents
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Neighborhood News
husband and one-time middle school sweetheart Ken (although the Freemans didn’t get married until 1996). “For all of you Chamber people here today, I can tell each of you a story about yourselves that Cindy has told me,” Ken said during the service. “She loved each and every one of you.” As I said in my editorial two weeks ago, one of the things I enjoy most about my job is the opportunity to meet and get to know people I might not other wise have gotten to meet — much less gotten to know well enough to call my friends. In my now-21+ years of owning and being the editor of this publication, I have met many thousands of people and I’m proud to count hundreds of those people as friends of mine. Precious few of the friends I’ve met through the Neighborhood News, however, are as near and dear to my heart as Cindy Freeman, who has been the membership director for the WCCC for nearly three years. Cindy had a genuinely sweet, caring nature and she has brought that wonderful quality to everything she did at the Chamber office (located at 6130 Wesley Grove Blvd., in the separate office building in front of The Grove shopping center). And as it says in her GoFundMe.com (see below) profile (written by her son Aaron), “She is always willing to extend a hand to help someone in need. She never asks for anything but has always been the first to give.” The bills for Cindy’s ongoing treatments and now for her funeral have piled up and the family still needs your help. Now, I know some people are skeptical about GoFundMe accounts, but the good news is that if you do have an account, any money that’s donated to you is deposited directly into your bank account, although the Chamber also is still accepting check donations at the Chamber office. I hope those of you who knew and
loved Cindy and the amazing work she did as the helpful lady answering the phones at the Chamber (and stretching all the ribbons at the WCCC’s many ribbon-cuttings since 2013), you know that the need is real or I wouldn’t be asking you to help. I’ll admit that I’ve never done a great job of raising money for the many people and causes I have trumpeted in these pages over the years, but it certainly hasn’t been for a lack of effort on my part. I always wish I could do more (and both I and the Neighborhood News have made donations to her already), but anything you can do to help the Freemans would be greatly appreciated. To make a donation to the Freeman family, bring a check to the Chamber of-
Correction From Last Issue
In our Aug. 15 New Tampa issue, we reported about the opening of the Legacy at Highwoods Preserve, our area’s first assisted living facility. In the article, we mentioned that the Legacy would be working with Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC), but this assertion was based on outdated information. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. — MW fice or go to GoFundMe.com/b7z26v5c or type “Cindy’s Fundraising Group” in the search box in the middle of the page.
Table of Contents Local News Updates....................4-21
I-75/BBD Widening Projects Continue.....................4 Area Escapes Hurricane Erika Direct Hit.....................6
New Tampa News Briefs..............................10 FBI Offers Reward For Missing Weapons Cody’s Roadhouse Employee Found Dead In Tampa Beach House Senior Living Coming To S.R. 56 WCCC Remembers Cindy & Celebrates Year.........12 FHWC Breaks Ground On $78M Expansion...........16 New Tampa Community Calendar..........................20
Local Business Updates...............22-35
TotalServ Keeps Your A/C Blowing Cold.................22 Sea Of Smiles Keeps New Tampa Kids Smiling..........24 Cellphone & Computer Repair Fixes Your Devices.....28 Spotlight On: Florida Aesthetics..............................29 VIP Pest Control Keeps Your Home Pest-Free..............32 Tampa Premium Outlets Teases Grand Opening......37
Neighborhood Magazine
Bobcats At Home In New Tampa, Wesley Chapel...39 Festival Of Flight Returns Sept. 11-13......................41 Exclusive Clientel Salon Does New Tampa’s Hair......46 Spotlight On: Pure Health & Fitness Studios............45 Our Exclusive 2015 Dining Survey/Contest.....47 Cappy’s Is Your Place For Chicago & NY Pizza....50 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’.........54 NEW TAMPA COLOR CLASSIFIEDS............56 Trick’s Kicks To Host Second Golf Tourney.............58
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
I-75 Widening Delayed & Ahead Of Schedule, BBD ‘Segment A’ Coming Along By Matt Wiley If you’ve been out driving on I-75 through the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel area, you’ve probably noticed some rough, uneven patches of roadway and a bunch of orange construction signs still standing. That’s because the widening project between E. Fowler Ave. in Temple Terrace to S.R. 56 still is not complete, although the project is still several months ahead of schedule. According to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the completion of the 11.4-mile, $96.6-million project to widen I-75 from four to six/eight lanes has once again been delayed due to inclement weather. While much of the project is finished, there still are areas in which the final layer (or “friction course”) of asphalt has not been paved. The last we checked in June, an FDOT spokesperson told us that the project “could be wrapped up” around September, but that’s not the case. However, FDOT spokesperson John McShaffrey says that the project should be finishing up closer to its originally planned completion time, which is the spring of 2016. “As of our last project report in midJuly, the project was 142 days ahead of contract time,” McShaffrey explains, adding that the recent heavy rains and minimal paving resources from Prince Contracting have led to the latest delays. He says that the last report estimated that the project had contract days through April 2016, but vary depending upon delays. McShaffrey adds that Prince is working with one paving crew and that if another is added, the completion date could be moved up. McShaffrey says that the majority of work remaining on the job is asphalt place-
ment, mostly the paving of the top layer of asphalt, as well as some on the layer below (the “structural course”). “There are substantial areas of friction course paving remaining on the mainline of I-75,” McShaffrey says, adding that paving also is necessary at the interchange ramps at E. Fletcher Ave., and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. and on those roads themselves. “After all of the friction course is placed, final pavement markings will need to be installed.” He adds that there also are some miscellaneous items to complete, including sodding, guardrail installation, installation of traffic counter loops (which count and detect traffic at intersections), cleaning drainage structures and other “punch list” items. McShaffrey says Prince is working south to north on paving the crossroads under I-75, including at the BBD exit. Crews recently finished paving under the Fowler Ave. interchange and will tackle the section of Fletcher Ave. under the interstate next, before wrapping up the one-mile section of BBD, from Palm Springs Blvd. to Doña Michelle Dr. “Given current progress and weather conditions, it is likely work on (BBD) will finish towards the end of the project,” McShaffrey says. “The contractor also is planning to do BBD last because it will be paved with an asphalt mix that can be applied at lower temperatures than the mixes being used on the other roadways.” All the work that remains for BBD under I-75 is final paving and pavement markings, he says. Although the widening of Segment B-C of BBD, which stretched from Pebble Creek Dr. to Palm Springs Blvd. in Tampa Palms,
was “completed” in 2013, the widened section under I-75 wasn’t completely open until March of 2014 and it looks like it could be early 2016 before it’s officially “done.” For more information, please visit MyTBI.com.
Speaking Of BBD
While the final work remains under I-75, construction on “Segment A” of BBD, between Palm Springs Blvd. and E. Bearss Ave. through Tampa Palms continues to push forward. “(BBD) Segment A is progressing in accordance with the schedule and plan,” says Hillsborough County spokesperson Andrea Roshaven. Currently, the latest 3.5-mile, $36-million section of BBD widening that began in late January is scheduled to be completed by the spring of 2017. The county’s contract with Prince Contracting allows for 815 days (about 15 months) to widen this entire stretch of New Tampa’s primary north-south thoroughfare from four and six lanes to an eight-lane divided roadway. Roshaven says that the current focus is on widening the southbound lanes of BBD, including all of the drainage and bridge construction across Cypress Creek. “For the next few months, travelers should expect to see much of the same construction operations as they see right now, with more of the storm drain culverts being installed and the beginning of the road construction on the southbound lanes,” Roshaven explains. “As always, there will be temporary traffic shifts and lane closures during the daytime hours to accomplish the road
Construction continues along ‘Segment A’ of Bruce B. Downs Blvd., south of Amberly Dr., through Tampa Palms. construction operations.” Construction also is gearing up to get started in a few months on “Segment D” of BBD, which stretches 1.5 miles north from Pebble Creek Dr. to the Pasco County line. That project also will widen BBD to eight lanes and complete the widening through New Tampa. Roshaven says that the right-ofway acquisition process already has been completed and the project likely will be put out to bid in the next coming weeks. Construction is scheduled to being in Feb. 2016 with an completion scheduled for Oct. 2017. “We anticipate that there will be a public meeting just as we did for the other segments of BBD, but that has not yet been scheduled,” Roshaven says. For more info, please visit HillsboroughCounty.org.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
New Tampa Area Escapes Tropcial Storm Erika, Soaks Up Little Storm Remnants By Matt Wiley As if the Tampa Bay area wasn’t already wet enough, the rain continues to come down, making this one of the soggiest summers in recent memory. However, our area did catch a break when Tropical Storm Erika fell apart on its projected path that many meteorologists predicted would be on a crash course with New Tampa. According to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Tropical Storm Erika’s organization was pulled apart by wind shear and the mountains of Hispaniola, the highest mountain range in the Caribbean, with Pico Duarte in the Dominican Republic topping 10,000 ft. Before crossing the islands, Erika’s path varied between several projections, each of which seemed to agree that at least some part of Florida was in the storm’s sights. Gov. Rick Scott even announced an official State of Emergency for Florida. But, the storm officially was downgraded to a low-pressure system on August 29. On August 31, despite a muggy, sunny morning, the storm’s remnants began to move through Florida and Flood Watches were put into effect. The Hillsborough County Emergency Operations Center, which was deactivated after the storm was downgraded from a tropical storm, was reactivated for flooding concerns. As the weather approached New Tampa, National Weather Service (NWS)
statistics indicate that the Tampa Bay region already had soaked up 16.47 inches of rain during the month of August, almost 9 inches more than normal, with five separate days of more than an inch of rainfall. (Above) EnviroWaste trucks were called in to divert wastewater from But, NWS reports Pebble Creek’s water system into the City of Tampa’s lines due to high that the remnants flow volume, which would have increased even more if our area was hit by Tropical Storm Erika (right), as was predicted in late August. resulted in little to no additional rain the county ordered several tanker and much of it remained offshore in the trucks from EnviroWaste to divert Gulf of Mexico. In the final three days of wastewater into the city’s wastewater system through a manhole on Oak Preserve August combined, the area saw only 1.58 Blvd. in Live Oak Preserve near Bruce B. inches of rain. Downs Blvd. Pebble Creek Pumping “The City of Tampa was aware, the While Erika may not have been the manhole is part of their wastewater sys“killer storm” many meteorologists were tem,” Roshaven explains. “This is a pretty predicting, that doesn’t mean that floodtypical preventive activity when a pump ing wouldn’t have been an issue if it had station has the potential to back up or been a more organized weather system. overflow due to extremely high volumes.” In mid-August, Hillsborough County orMost of New Tampa’s neighbordered water pumping for Pebble Creek. If hoods are within the city limits and use you saw the last cover of the New Tampa its utility system. However, Pebble Creek, Neighborhood News, you might know why, Cross Creek and Live Oak Preserve all are as flood waters rose along Pebble Creek located in unincorporated Hillsborough Dr. County and, up until recently, the Pebble County spokesperson Andrea Creek community had a private water and Roshaven says that, due to high flow utility system. Since then, the county has volume in the Pebble Creek community’s purchased and taken over the managelines (which are separate from the city’s), ment of Pebble Creek’s water system.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
New Tampa
News Briefs
FBI Offers $5K Reward For Missing Weapons
Auto theft of any kind is a crime, but stealing weapons from an FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations) vehicle is a big “no-no,” and could land you in federal prison. Two men recently learned that the hard way, but months after their theft,four of the weapons they stole still have not been located and a few were stolen right here in Wesley Chapel. So, the FBI is offering a reward for any info that leads to the whereabouts of the four guns — a Colt M4LE rifle, Springfield 1911 pistol, Glock 23 pistol and a Remington 870 shotgun.. According to an Aug. 17 press release from the FBI’s Tampa Field Office, the agency is now offering a $5,000 reward for information about the weapons, several of which were stolen from a parked and unoccupied FBI vehicle in the New River Township community, located off S.R. 54. James Weed, 24, of San Antonio (FL), was pulled over in May 2014 in a stolen car. Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) deputies found him in possession of several items that were stolen from an FBI vehicle in New River days before. Weed also was charged with burglarizing another FBI vehicle in the Lake Bernadette community (Zephyrhills, also off S.R. 54). Both Weed and Jarvos Leonard White, also 24 (who was convicted of a similar, unrelated crime last December in Riverview), were sentenced to federal prison during the week of August 10. Weed was sentenced to 5 years, 11 months and White to 7 years and 10 months for stealing government property. Contact the FBI Tampa Field Office at 253-1000 if you have any info.
Cody’s Roadhouse Employee Found Murdered In Tampa
A Tampa man already in custody on murder charges now has been charged in the murder of a San Antonio (FL) resident who worked at the Cody’s Roadhouse on Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54). According to the Tampa Police Department (TPD), 18-year-old Keith Gaillard has been charged with the
first-degree murder of 46-year-old Tyrone S. Davis, whose body was found in the parking lot of Temple Crest Park (in North Tampa) on July 26. Davis was found Keith Gaillard (without any identification on him) shot in the back of the head with a 0.22-caliber bullet. The death was determined to be a homicide. Gaillard reportedly killed transgender woman India Clarke, 25, in the same manner. Her body was found on July 21 at the University Area Community Development Center (UACDC), also in Tampa. Gaillard turned himself in for that crime on July 29. TPD reports that Davis was last seen on surveillance video leaving Cody’s Roadhouse in his silver Chevy Impala just after midnight on July 26. TPD’s subsequent investigation revealed that Davis’ vehicle and cell phone both were missing. The Impala was discovered abandoned at 7:30 p.m. on July 26 on Louisiana Ave. in East Tampa, without the keys. The vehicle was taken to the TPD impound lot and searched. Blood was found on the center console area, the driver’s doorjamb and on the front passenger seat. Gaillard’s wallet also was found inside in the center console. A blood-stained white tank top and grey shorts also were found. On July 27, a witness told TPD that Gaillard came to his house in the Impala, stating that it was his girlfriend’s, and that he was “catching bodies.” The witness went to a gas station with Gaillard in the Impala and they were traveling to another residence when the car broke down on E. Louisiana Ave. The two reportedly tried to flag down help to get the car started, but instead pushed it into a vacant lot. At some point, the witness opened the glove box and saw paperwork stating that the car belonged to Davis. Gaillard then admitted to the witness that he had killed Davis at Temple Crest Park and taken the car. The witness also stated that he had seen Gaillard with a 0.22-caliber revolver with duct tape on the grips. On July 28, a second witness stated
(Above) A conceptual rendering of the Beach House assisted living facility that will open in Naples in December. A facility with the same concept will begin construction in Wesley Chapel early next year.
that his brother had purchased a gun from Gaillard. When the witness turned over the gun, it matched the description provided by the previous witness. Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) analysts tested the blood on the grey shorts, which matched Davis’ DNA. One spot was a combination of DNA from both Gaillard and Davis. DNA on the tank top also was identified as Davis’. Gaillard’s fingerprints were found in multiple places inside and outside the Impala. FDLE also determined that the ammunition in the recovered revolver matched the bullet recovered from Davis’ body. Phone records showed that the two had been in contact prior to the murder. At our press time, Gaillard remained in the Orient Rd. Jail without bond on two charges of first-degree murder and possession of a firearm by a violent criminal.
Beach House Senior Living Coming To S.R. 56
While the Legacy at Highwoods Preserve (off Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. in New Tampa; see page 30 of this issue) recently opened as the area’s first assisted living facility, it won’t be the only one in our area for long, as work will begin on a future assisted living facility on S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel early next year. With a location open in Jacksonville and another set to open in Naples in December, Wesley Chapel will become the third location for Beach House Senior Living, a new concept by Dallas, TXbased Prevarian Senior Living. The facility will be located on 4.1 acres immediately to the east of the North Tampa Behavio-
ral Health facility on S.R. 56. According to plans filed with Pasco County, once complete, the two-story Beach House will consist of 99 units, with 67 for assisted living and 32 secure units for memory care patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. Prevarian partner Allan Brown says that Wesley Chapel was an obvious choice for the concept. “While doing our due diligence and looking at Tampa, we identified Wesley Chapel as an ideal market,” Brown says. “There’s next to no competition in the area and we like the growth in Wiregrass Ranch. It is quickly filling up.” Brown says that Prevarian worked directly with the Porter family, which owns Wiregrass Ranch, to secure the site. He adds that he expects all of the approvals from Pasco to be complete by the fall and construction to get under way early in 2016. The facility will have a “coastal” feel to it, Brown explains, and will feature a large interior courtyard, lush landscaping, walking paths, bocce ball courts, putting greens and more. “It will be a nice place to be outside,” Brown says. “It’ll also have a large covered patio.” Brown explains that the Beach House concept was first developed in Jacksonville and brought down to Naples because both are close to the beach. Brown says the Wesley Chapel location will be keeping the concept’s theme consistent across the state, despite the fact our area is about an hour from the closest beach. For more info, please visit BeachHouseSeniorLiving.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
WCCC Remembers Cindy & Celebrates Another Great Year Of Growth By Matt Wiley
It’s been quite a year for the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC). From broadening its borders to welcoming hundreds of new businesses, the Chamber continues to grow and its exiting chair of the Board of Directors gave members a rundown of its busy year — as well as honored the memory of the WCCC’s late membership director Cindy Freeman — during the organization’s Sept. 1 annual breakfast at the Pasco-Hernando State College Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch. During the breakfast meeting in the college’s conference center, about 100 Chamber members listened as the outgoing Board chair — chiropractor Dr. Micah Richeson of Cypress Creek Chiropractic Care — reflected on the past year, but not before a moment of silence to remember Cindy Freeman, who tragically passed away on August 29 after a short battle with esophageal cancer. “This community is like a family and this Chamber is like a family,” Dr. Richeson said. “Let’s take a moment and remember one of our family, Cindy Freeman.” Board treasurer and local attorney Mercedes Hale outlined some changes to the Chamber’s by-laws and structure to ensure continued growth and continuity among other chambers of commerce — including changing current WCCC executive director Hope Allen’s title to president and CEO of the WCCC. “We’re positioning ourselves to really get to a higher level as a Chamber,” Hale said, before handing the microphone back to Dr. Richeson. “We met a lot of goals in 2015,” Richeson said. “We did fantastic. We’re excited as a Board and you should be excited as a Chamber.” Richeson then called Valerie Rudman, of Everlasting Beauty, up to the podium to be recognized as the Chamber’s 2015 “Ambassador of the Year.” Rudman also should receive a Neighborhood News award for appearing in the most ribbon-cutting photos in these pages (wink!). Board secretary Jennifer Cofini, of Parks Ford of Wesley Chapel, was honored as the 2015 Chamber “Board Member of the Year.” “I wasn’t expecting this,” a stunned Cofini said as she approached the podium. “I was writing it (the name of the award) down when they announced my name.”
Rob Kellogg also was recognized as an exiting Board member, but he wasn’t able to attend the meeting. “2015 brought us an opportunity to establish ourselves as leaders in the business community,” Richeson told the crowd. “It was a year of growth.” (Above) Pasco County supervisor of elections Brian Corley swears in the 2016 Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of ComOne of the big merce Board of Directors, on Sept. 1, at Pasco Hernando State College’s Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch. things the Chamber (Below, left) Outgoing WCCC chair Dr. Micah Richeson takes a moment to remember Cindy Freeman. did, he explained, (Below, right) WCCC Ambassador of the Year Valerie Rudmin (left) & Board Member of the Year Jennifer Cofini. was merge with the New Tampa Chamber of Commerce. “That makes us a two-county, regional chamber,” Richeson said. “It gains us respect at both the state and the local level. (The merger) also led to the signing of a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ with the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce to establish a closer working relationship.” Richeson added that the Chamber welcomed 270 new business members in the past fiscal year and conducted many grand openings and ribbon cuttings. “Wesley Chapel’s the place to be,” he said. “All you have to do is look to your left or right…. Almost everywhere you look, there’s dirt turning.” Chapel Nissan. Last year, that award went extraordinary things local community Pasco County supervisor of members, businesses and organizations have to the Parks Motor Group. elections Brian Corley introduced the new The 2015 “Business Leader of the done in the Greater Wesley Chapel/New Board, which included Lorrie McGovern Year” could go to either the Porter Family Tampa business community. of St. Leo University, Tracey Clouser of (which owns and is developing Wiregrass Five major awards were to be presentFlorida Hospital Wesley Chapel, Mercedes Ranch), John & David Williams of Wesley ed at that event — Large & Small BusiHale of the Law Offices of Mercedes Hale Chapel Toyota or Mark Perryman of Wesley ness of the Year (the New Tampa & Wesley and Zacharias J. Kalarickal, DDS (aka “Dr. Chapel Nissan. Last year, the award went to Chapel Neighborhood News won last year’s Zack”), of Wesley Chapel Dentistry. Dr. Stanley Giannet, Provost of the PascoSmall Business honors), Business Leader of “There are no recounts or hanging Hernando State College Porter Campus chads, you just have to say ‘I will,’” Corley the Year, plus Non-Profit of the Year and at Wiregrass Ranch, who also was this past Volunteer of the Year. said as he swore in the new Board. year’s Honorary Mayor of Wesley Chapel. This year, four other companies will Excellence In Business This year’s Excellence In Business compete for “Small Business of the Year,” event was presented by Parks Ford of Wesor businesses with less than 200 employees, Nominees Announced ley Chapel, and sponsored by The Shops at including Cloud 9 Studios, The Laker/Lutz On August 25, WCCC released the Wiregrass mall and the Tampa Bay Times. nominees for its annual “Celebrating Excel- News, Pure Health & Fitness Studios and Congratulations to this year’s nomiRP&G Printing. lence In Business” awards banquet, which nees! Look for a recap of the “Excellence The Chamber’s 2015 “Large Business was held after we went to press with this in Business” banquet and its winners in of the Year,” for businesses with more than issue (on Sept. 10) at Saddlebrook Resort our next issue, as well as at NTNeigh200 employees, will go to either Nutrition & Spa off S.R. 54. borhoodNews.com. S’Mart, Standard Pacific Homes or Wesley Each year, the WCCC celebrates the
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Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel Breaks Ground On $78M Expansion! By Matt Wiley It’s only been about two and a half years since Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) opened its state-of-the-art facility on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in October 2012, but the hospital already has embarked on a massive expansion to continue to bring the same quality of service to the community. During a groundbreaking ceremony held in the parking lot of FHWC on August 12, hundreds of people packed into an air-conditioned tent to get a glimpse of the planned expansion and watch as hospital administrators and local elected officials “planted a tree” — representing the growth of the facility, which originally wasn’t scheduled to expand until 2017. The expansion involves about 112,000 sq. ft. of new space and nearly 11,000 sq. ft. of renovated space. It will allow for 62 more in-patient beds, 18 additional emergency rooms, five surgical suites and a catheterization lab, plus observation and recovery space and expanded support areas. Dist 2. Pasco County commissioner and Wesley Chapel resident Mike Moore was the first of many to speak a few words at the hospital’s expansion event. “Wesley Chapel and Pasco County are on the rise,” Moore said. “We’re on the rise because of community partners like FHWC.” Moore noted that it also was important to remember that the hospital might not be standing if not for the Porter family — which owns the Wiregrass Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI) — where FHWC is located. “(The Porter family is) one of the
originators when it came to having the vision and the clarity for the future of this area,” Moore said. “What you see that surrounds you is due in big part to their family.” Dist. 37 State Rep. Danny Burgess also was a featured guest speaker at the event. “This is no coincidence that this (expansion) is happening so quickly,” Burgess said. “What we have here is nothing short of an incredible facility, an incredible hospital and an incredible team doing amazing healing, wellness and preventive work and the community recognized that. When families are looking to relocate (to this area), they (also) recognize that.” Burgess added that his 19-month-old daughter was born at FHWC and his second child, a boy, is expected any day and also will be born at the hospital. Chief medical officer Dr. Robert Rosequist talked about the steps that went into getting the hospital built, a process that started in 2007. He described the original groundbreaking for FHWC five years ago and how a tree was planted at that event, too. “The tree didn’t make it, but the hospital did,” Rosequist joked. “(Quality care) is doing the right thing the right way at the right time to the right patient, and we try to do that every day, here,” Rosequist said. “We need to expand because we can’t continue to provide that care in the existing brick and mortar hospital that we built just two and a half years ago.” FHWC CEO Denyse Bales-Chubb gave the crowd the run-down of what the expansion will provide for the community. “These additions will allow us to bet-
Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel unveiled its $78-million expansion plans (above) during a ‘groundbreaking’ ceremony on Aug. 12 in the hospital’s parking lot. ter serve the patients coming to us for care and be prepared for the incredible growth this community is experiencing,” Bales-Chubb said, before introducing a 3D conceptual video that displayed the actual expansion plans.
‘We Care,’ Too!
Bales-Chubb also announced the kick-off of the “We Care” fundraising campaign for FHWC employees and community partners. So far, the Adventist Health System and Florida Hospital together contributing $61 million for the expansion. The
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Tampa Location:
) The FHWC Foundation’s Connie Bladon (right) presents a check to FHWC CEO Denyse Bales-Chubb for more than $70,000 that was raised by hospital employees to go toward paying a portion of the hospital’s $78-million expansion. it and the sign was about a religious guy who happened to have a chapel. “I said, ‘That has a nice ring to it,’” Dempsey explained. “I’ll call the place Wesley Chapel.” He added, “Someone mentioned earlier (during the groundbreaking ceremony) that {FHWC} is like a resort,” Dempsey said. “I’d like to remind them that it is a hospital. I’m the resort.” Dempsey also said that he chose to become the chair of the hospital’s fund-raising campaign because he believes in the Saddlebrook Resort & Spa owner Tom Dempsey is the fund- mission of FHWC. “I think they know what raising campaign chair for FHWC’s “We Care” campaign. they’re doing, they have a great record,” Dempsey said. goal is to raise the remaining $17 million. At the ceremony, a check for $70,124 was “Their technology and what they do in their presented to the FHWC Foundation that hospital goes beyond most other medical already had been raised by the FHWC lead- care. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend ership team and 325 of the hospital’s em- (FHWC) to anyone.” Dempsey also promised that he would ployees. Saddlebrook Resort & Spa owner and be making a contribution to the campaign fund-raising campaign chair Tom Dempsey and hopes that other community partners reflected on the growth in the area, which will do so, too. To commemorate the groundbreaking, he tracked all the way back to when his resort broke ground a mile east of BBD on all who spoke grabbed a blue watering pail S.R. 54 about 35 years ago—and he didn’t and “watered” an artificial tree to represent the growth of the hospital and the commuknow what to call the area around it. He said when the resort broke ground, nity. This one will make it. The event was catered by Puff N’ Stuff, there was nothing around, not even a fruit stand. But, he said he saw a little wooden which provided a variety of delicious, handsign on the side of the road that said “Wes- crafted breakfast pastries and wonderful cofley Chapel.” Dempsey said he looked into fee for the mid-morning event.
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September 2015
Saturday, September 12
12 FHWC Women’s Health & Wellness Day Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel is hosting a Women’s Health & Wellness day at Saddlebrook Resort (5700 Saddlebrook Way). the event will feature several presentations about women’s health issues and will include lunch. Reserve your spot at FHWesleyChapel.org/event. Sunday, September 13
Zen Meditation Group
GriefShare Support Group
This video-seminar support group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one. The cost is $20 for a workbook & 13 sessions (but you may begin any week) to find healing & hope. The group meets Tues., 6:30 p.m., at Lake Magdalene Methodist Church (2902 W. Fletcher Ave., Rm. 310). For more info, call 892-2191. Wednesday, September 16
BNI Millionaire Makers
The BNI Millionaire Makers chapter meets Enjoy meditation? Looking for a new way every Wednesday at Heritage Isles Country to relax? Check out the FREE Zen Meditation Club (10630 Plantation Bay Dr.) at 7:15 a.m. Group that meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in the The $13 meeting fee includes a hot breakfast. Arbor Greene Community Center (18000 Call Lisa Jordan at 621-6015 for info. Arbor Greene Dr., off Cross Creek Blvd.) Aerobics Room. People of all faiths are welcome. Business Networking 16 You only need an interest in meditation and a International (BNI) more peaceful and relaxed mind and life. BNI, a group of business pros dedicated For info, call Jeremy at 528-6285. to helping their member businesses grow Monday, September 14 through qualified referrals, meets every Wed. morning, 7:30 a.m., at the Cory Lake Isles 14 Community Acupuncture & Beach Club clubhouse (18630 Plantation Discussion Group Bay Dr., off Morris Bridge Rd.). A Monday night community acupuncCall Steve Hopper at 918-8609. ture and discussion group is meeting at Ion New Tampa Noon Medi-Spa (8903 Regents Park Dr., Suite 16 Rotary Club 130), 6:30 p.m. Topics include needle-free acupuncture, facial rejuvenation, plus stopThe New Tampa Noon Rotary Club smoking & customized weight-loss programs. meets every Wed. for lunch at noon at For more info, call 960-8833 or visit Café Olé (10020 Cross Creek Blvd., in the IonMediSpa.com. Cross Creek Center plaza, behind the Shell gas station). Guests are always welcome. Tuesday, September 15
New Tampa Tri Club
The New Tampa Tri Club is open to runners, swimmers, cyclists & triathletes across the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. The club hosts group bike rides/runs leaving from Flatwoods Wilderness Park (13330 Morris Bridge Rd.; not from the BBD entrance) every Tues., Thur. & Sat., 7:30 a.m. For more info, join the Facebook group or e-mail NewTampaTriClub@gmail.com.
English As A Second Language (ESL)
The ESL group meets Tuesdays at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (19911 BBD Blvd.), 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Classes are taught by a native English The cost is $40 each semester for the workbook & class materials. For more info, call Heather at 753-8567. 20
9-12 Toastmasters
October 2015
Friday, September 18
New Tampa Rotary Club
The original New Tampa Rotary Club meets every Friday for breakfast at 7 a.m. at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club (TPGCC, 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd.). For info, call Connie Bladon at (813) 505-6515 or visit NewTampaRotary.org.
Pure Health Studio Open House & Fitness Seminar
Pure Health (2653 BBD, Wesley Chapel) owner Samantha Taylor will host a Fitness Seminar at 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30. Enjoy delicious desserts & gourmet coffee. To reserve a seat or for more info, visit PureHealthStudios.com or see pg. 7. Saturday, September 19
19 Deacon Blues Band Benefit Concert For Cancer
Saturday, October 3
Arbor Greene Yard Sale
Arbor Greene (18000 Arbor Greene Dr.) is hosting its annual community yard sale from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. The yard sale will take place near the Benito Middle School entrance. Please no early birds! Gates open to the public at 8 a.m.! Saturday, October 10
10 Hunter’s Green Community Trash & Treasure Sale
Hunter’s Green is hosting its annnual Community Trash & Treasure Sale from 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in Hunter’s Green Park (9456 Highland Oak Dr. Attendees are asked to use the Cross Creek entrance to the community. For more info, call 991-4818.
The Deacon Blues Band is putting on a benefit concert in The Palms Lounge at Peabody’s Billiards & Games (15333 Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms). For more info, see pg. 1 or visit DeaconBluesBand.com.
If your organization has an upcoming event that is open to the
Saturday, September 26
BayChapel Food Pantry
BayChapel will be opening its FREE food pantry to the New Tampa community at Christian Brothers Automotive (20303 Trout Creek Dr.), 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., for anyone in need. The pantry is open the second & fourth Sat. of each month. For more info, call Lee at 731-4040.
please submit your info (in any electronic format) at least 3-4 weeks in advance to Matt@NTNeighborhoodNews.com.
Great speeches & great topics. Come hone your public speaking skills. 9-12 Tampa Toastmasters meets Wed., 7 p.m., at the New Tampa Family YMCA (16221 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). Guests are always welcome. Call 264-2171 for more info. Thursday, September 17
Christian Business Connections (CBC)
The Christian Business Connections (CBC) networking group meets every Thur. at 7:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (5338 Primrose Lake Cir., off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms). For info, email Shawn@TPACorp.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
TotalServ Heating & Cooling Offers A/C, Heat & General Contracting Services By Celeste McLaughlin
Junior Hernandez has been in the business of maintaining, repairing and replacing air conditioners in Tampa since 1999. Back then, his business was called Junior Hernandez Heating & Cooling, and now he’s the owner of Totalserv Heating & Cooling, which he launched in 2004, when he obtained his general contractor’s license, adding repair and remodeling services alongside his heating and cooling services. (Note-Hernandez’s current licenses are HVAC License# CAC058251 and General Contracting License# CGC1510367.) “There are two sides to the company, and I run both of them,” Junior explains, adding that Totalserv provides its customers with an opportunity to hire one trustworthy company to handle multiple jobs around the house, from the essential air conditioner, to home repair and even remodels (see below). “We’re a small, family-oriented company,” Junior says, adding that one thing that sets him apart in the air conditioning business is that he does not have any commissioned employees. “All of our employees are salaried, so there’s no incentive for us to sell you something you don’t need. A lot of our competitors are commission-based, which is an open-ended invitation for employees
to try to rip people off so they can bring home a bigger paycheck.” Junior works with Dieu Tran, a partner in the company who holds an EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) certification to work on cooling systems (that required him to pass a written test) and whose background includes 25 years of working for Sears with many appliances. Junior’s wife Helen runs the office and keeps the company’s books, while his sons Zachary and Isaiah, both 17, are apprentices who are learning the trade. Junior says he is committed to building his reputation on being honest. “Even if you have an older unit, we’ll repair your air conditioner if that’s what’s in your budget,” Junior says. “We fix what our customers need, and nothing else. No one likes a pushy salesman.” He says that’s why customers appreciate his company, and stick with him once they’ve discovered his business. Junior tells us the story of Michele Nandlal, who recently received an estimate from a large company in the Tampa Bay area to fix a Freon leak. The total cost for the repair from this company was estimated at $965, so Michele went looking for a second opinion. Michele says she saw an ad for Totalserv Heating & Cooling in the Neighborhood News and called Junior. “We were able to take care of the problem for much, much less,” he says.
“She was told Freon costs $90 per pound, but we charge $20. She was also told she needed 16 pounds, but her system holds less than half that amount.” Michele shared her feelings about the experience on Facebook: “They were awesome,” she TotalServ owner Junior Hernandez will help keep you home cool for the rest writes. “I saved over $800 by go- of the summer and make sure your heating system is good to go for the Fall. ing with this comtrying a new company, we want them to pany.” Michelle’s know they will get a good value when husband, Kavir, adds his praise. “Honest, they call us,” Junior says. reliable, dependable and reasonable are Another coupon offered in this issue just a few words that I can use to describe is for a completely new air conditioning this family owned business.” system, starting at $3,650. Junior adds, “Unfortunately, “We also offer financing through there are a lot of lies in the industry. If several outside companies, so that you someone offers you a ‘free’ service, it’s can pay ‘same as cash’ (or have no interprobably not free. But, we try to price est and no payments) for six months,” everything reasonably, so it’s affordable Junior explains. “If you have to replace for our customers.” your system, we try to make it less cumFor example, Totalserv’s ad on page bersome.” 53 of this issue offers a free service call if And, Junior adds that there’s another your repair is $125 or more. The service way to avoid the fee for a service call, as call is usually $75 by itself. well as costly repairs. “For anyone who is skeptical about
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ing as well as it should, or if your home feels clammy or humid, we can put you on our schedule to do a tune-up.” He says if you ignore your system until it breaks, you could be causing further damage. He also says that for heat pump systems, which many of us also have in our homes, problems will often happen when you switch your system from cooling to heating. “The heat pump system uses low pressure to TotalServ owner Junior Hernandez’s son Isaiah (left) and cool, but it’s almost douEPA-certified business partner Dieu work on an A/C unit. ble the pressure to heat,” “We recommend that everyone Junior explains. “We often see coils pop should have regular maintenance on their and compressors go when people use air conditioning system at least once each heat for the first time in the winter, so year,” he says. “Actually, it’s best if you fall is the perfect time to schedule regular do it once in the spring — before the maintenance for your heating unit.” heat of the summer — and again in the fall, before the first winter cold snap.” Home Repair & Remodeling TotalServ charges $50 for a regular While Junior says he doesn’t often tune-up, which includes cleaning and advertise his general contracting services, checking your unit for problems. it’s something he offers to all of his cus“It’s a pretty comprehensive checkup tomers, if they need it. and cleaning for just $50,” he says, add“We’re a one-stop-shop, and our ing that this is less than the charge for a customers can call us for everything,” he service call because they can be scheduled says. “As a general contractor, we can pull with less urgency than repair calls. “If you a permit for any work.” notice a spike in your electric bill, or it Junior explains that even if TotalServ feels like your air conditioner is not cooldoesn’t specialize in a particular job, the
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company probably can still handle it. “For example, with roofing: We are the liaison between the homeowner and the specialty contractor who holds the roofing license,” Junior says. “This is ideal for our customers who need a new roof, but don’t want to do the legwork to find a great roofing company at a reasonable price. We do that for them.” Junior says the primary general contracting services offered by TotalServ include remodeling kitchens and bathrooms. Often, his projects include modifying homes to accommodate aging family members. “It’s so expensive to house family members at an assisted living facility, so many people are bringing relatives to live
with them,” he says. “But, the homes have to be modified, often by widening hallways and improving bathrooms.” Junior says that he knows the standards for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), so he helps his customers make their homes convenient and accessible for people with limited mobility. If you’re looking for a company you can trust for all your cooling, heating and even general contracting needs, or to schedule a fall tune-up for your air conditioner, call 1-844-4-ICECOLD (442-3265). For more info, visit TampasBestAC.com or search “Totalserv Heating and Cooling, LLC” on Facebook.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Sea Of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry Treats Teeth Of Newborns Through Teenagers Story Updated By Anu Panchal
For those who are already fans of Sea of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Wesley Chapel — or those who would love to sign up but are dismayed by the (sometimes) six-week wait for an appointment — there’s good news ahead. The practice is planning to double in size, says owner and pediatric dentist, Lisa LaPresti, D.M.D. (Doctor of Dental Medicine). Sea of Smiles is located between S.R. 54 and S.R. 56 (about a mile north of Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, off Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd.). With a staff of four (not including her husband, who handles some accounting and bookkeeping), LaPresti handles a full schedule of patients, starting with children as young as newborns all the way to college age. With her planned expansion into the adjoining space from the present one, Dr. LaPresti says the office will double in size from 1,500 to 3,000 square feet. She adds that she looks forward to a few new decorative touches as well as a larger, more open hygiene area in the back and a waiting room that is double the size that it is now. She also is looking to add two new staff members, one for the front office and one dental assistant. Dr. LaPresti graduated from West
Virginia University in Morgantown in 1998 with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Biology. She then earned her D.M.D. degree from the University of Pittsburgh, PA, in 2003. Following graduation, she pursued her pediatric dental residency training in Cleveland, OH, where she spent two years training at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital in 2004, which is affiliated with Case Western Reserve University (also located in Cleveland). Dr. LaPresti says her patients hail from New Tampa and Wesley Chapel to New Port Richey and beyond. “I even have families that drive more than two hours to come to see me.” She adds, “I like working with kids of almost every age. It’s my personality, I guess. I’m a light-hearted person. I like to goof around with the kids and talk to them at their level.” Satisfied Sea of Smiles customer Michelle writes (at Facebook.com/ SeaofSmilesPediatricDentistry), “My son has been going (to Sea of Smiles) and he loves it! He’s always excited when I say it’s time for his check up at the dentist. Dr. LaPresti is amazing!” Dr. LaPresti takes her patients’ comfort and relaxation very seriously, and offers not only a television at each chair but three levels of sedation to minimize any pain or stress. Even her X-ray machines are state of the art,
Dr. Lisa LaPresti (second from right) and her staff invite your children to have their teeth cleaned at Sea of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, located a few miles north of New Tampa in Wesley Chapel.
emitting a greatly reduced amount of radiation over traditional X-rays. As well as being a member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), the American Dental Association (ADA), Florida Dental Association, West Coast District Dental Association and Southeastern Society of Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. LaPresti received extra training at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital has helped prepared her to deal with the most challenging of cases — including surgery to remove fetal teeth from a two-week old baby. She also sees many special needs
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children — kids with autism, kids who are medically compromised or those who have conditions such as cerebral palsy, that can make a dentist’s visit a lot more challenging. “Very young children, pre-teens and teenagers all need different approaches in dealing with guiding their dental growth and development, to help them avoid future dental problems,” she says. “The pediatric dentist is best qualified to meet these needs.” Dr. LaPresti also notes that children who have a dental home are more likely to receive appropriate preventive
cavities can lead to problems that can, in turn, affect developing permanent teeth. Primary, or baby teeth, are important for proper chewing and eating, providing proper spacing for the permanent teeth and guiding them into the correct position, and permitting normal development of a child’s jaw bones and muscles. Dr. LaPresti (right) makes sure that her young patients are comfortable Primary teeth also affect the developduring their visit to Sea of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry. ment of speech and, of course, appearand routine oral health care and at such ance. While the front four “baby” teeth a young age, parents can make the first last until age 6 or 7, the back teeth visit to the dentist more enjoyable and (cuspids and molars) normally aren’t positive. replaced until ages 10-13. For example, at Sea of Smiles, Dr. “Therefore, we take a proactive LaPresti often lets little ones sit on approach,” she says. their parents’ laps during their first She and her staff give nutritional visits. As well as a routine checkup, counseling and guidance and share the she says the “toddler visits” entail little view that prevention is the best option. extras for the kids such as a soft cleanDr. LaPresti also is usually available to ing with a toothbrush and fluoride respond to dental emergencies, such treatments. as knocked out, chipped or fractured Although some may feel that a permanent teeth. visit to the dentist isn’t necessary until That personal approach is sometheir children’s “grown up teeth” have come in, Dr. LaPresti says that it’s very thing she cherishes. Dr. LaPresti and her husband Mark, both Pittsburgh naimportant to maintain the health of tives, moved to New Tampa about nine your child’s primary teeth. Neglected
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years ago; she says they were attracted to the numerous young families, the schools and the amenities in our area. They have two children, Tyler (7) and Allie (4), who keep the young mom busy with their activities when she’s not working after work hours. Dr. LaPresti worked in a private practice in New Port Richey before first opening a Sea of Smiles in Bradenton in 2012 (which she has since sold) and this now-expanding Wesley Chapel office. She has worked with many of her staff members for nine years, and partly credits their relationships to the cozy environment of her practice. “It’s a family-type environment,” she says. “We’re definitely a close knit
group of people and patients.” Sea of Smiles is offering a new patient special for just $99, which includes a dental exam & cleaning, bite wing (not full) X-rays and fluoride treatment. In addition, most major dental insurance plans are accepted. Call Sea of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry today to schedule an appointment. The Wesley Chapel office, located at 3737 Maryweather Ln., Ste. 101, can be reached by calling 528-8717. Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. For additional information, visit SeaOfSmilesChildrensDentist.com or Facebook.com/SeaOfSmilesPediatricDentistry.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Cell Phone & Computer Repair Can Fix Your Phones & Devices! By Meaghan O’Neal
Since 2003, Gustavo “Gus” Romero and Zoleidy Mejia have owned a tanning and nail salon in Wesley Chapel. The two also opened a second business, Cell Phone & Computer Repair, in 2010, in the Village Market shopping plaza on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. at S.R. 54, also in Wesley Chapel. Gus says that what started out as “an experiment” in electronics is still going strong after five years. After several years of just owning Sunshine Tanning & Nails (located on S.R. 54, just west of Curley Rd.), Gus says he wanted to start something else and began to buy and sell smart phones on the side. He realized that there was a large market for the phones, especially for tourists who were in the country for a short time. He says he travelled all around the state of Florida and became well-known for selling phones at a great price. At that time, repairs on cell phones were first becoming popular, especially since new smart phones were more fragile and expensive to repair than their flip phone predecessors. “When we started the business,” says Zoleidy, “we were asked if people really did repairs on their phones because at that time they really didn’t do repairs. They’d just throw it away and get a new one.” The repair business was growing and Gus and Zoleidy were in the perfect place to capitalize on that growth, which they did in 2010, when they opened Cell Phone & Computer. Soon, the business became big enough to move to a trailer, which Gus
would park along S.R. 54. He worked out of the trailer until he started thinking about moving up and into a permanent location. It was then that he found the location in the Village Market shopping plaza and signed the lease papers for it immediately. Today, he has the location in Wesley Chapel and another location on Armenia Ave. in Tampa. The business grew to doing full repairs on cell phones, tablets and computers, as well as selling devices and accessories. Gus says he buys and sells phones, whether they are “locked” for service with specific carriers or already “unlocked.”
No Diagnostic Charges!
For repairs at Cell Phone & Computer, Gus says the diagnostics are completely free, so that customers can know what they’re going to be paying before the repair is done. In addition to selling devices, Cell Phone & Computer also sells service from ten prepaid carriers. The carriers that they offer to customers (such as Boost Mobile) rent space on the towers of big companies like AT&T and Verizon to improve their own service. And, because they offer a variety of wireless service providers to choose from, Gus and Zoleidy can find the company that best fits the customer’s needs. Zoleidy explains that the service provider they recommend for a customer often depends upon where that customer lives because, “some carriers are better for some areas than others.” A Wesley Chapel resident named Candice says that she has had great success with changing over to Boost Mobile. Candice
says she currently has four lines with them and just added another. Candice, who also has had a phone and a laptop computer repaired by Gus and his team, says, “Cell Phone & Computer’s service is always fast and thorough. I love how they always check to make sure everything works properly and will stay late to help me.” Gus says that Cell Phone & Computer’s most popular services are screen repairs on (L.-r.): Gus, Zoleidy, Miguel & Karlo of Cell Phone & Computer phones, tablets and Repair in the Wesley Chapel Village Market plaza. computers. Since the screens of many devices to refund a customer’s money if they come are made of glass, they break very easily. back and say that they found a less expensive “We really are faster because we have price after their device has been repaired. things pre-assembled. We can fix a (cell Gus says, “We guarantee to beat the phone) screen in 15-20 minutes,” Gus says. price, not just meet it.” From the start, Gus and Zoleidy say Cell Phone & Computer’s competithey wanted to be able to say that they could tive prices have encouraged the carriers that beat their competitors in pricing. That is are located in the area — such as T-Mobile, why Cell Phone & Computer guarantees Verizon and AT&T — to refer customers to to have the best price in the area at their Gus and his crew for repairs. Now that many Wesley Chapel location. In order to do this, companies have insurance provided through the owners are very careful to pay attention outside insurance agencies, it actually can be to what their competitors are charging. They more expensive to replace the broken device also tell customers that if they have proof than to get it repaired. that another business legitimately has a Gus says, “You have to pay for insurbetter price for repairs, they will lower their ance on the phone and then the insurance prices to beat it. They even will go so far as deductible is often more than it would be to
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to be warranted,” Gregg says. “They gave me good advice and even purchased the old phone from me, taking some of the sting out of the purchase of my new phone.” Gus and Zoleidy say they started the business to help people be able to repair their devices and save money. However, they also started it to provide a place to work and a future in business for their sons, if they desired to work in the business. The Mejias’ younger Gus (front) & Karlo regularly work on customers’ smartphones son, Miguel Romero, is a and tablets, and can have your screen replaced in 15-20 minutes. senior at Wesley Chapel High, and their older fix the phone itself.” He adds that this has son, Andres, is a business driven more and more customers to look student at the University of Central Florida into other options for repairs. in Orlando. Andres also currently works in Another advantage to getting a phone the business with his parents and even brings or computer repaired (instead of replaced) in customers from his school. is that you can preserve all of the data that “He will bring in his friends as customis saved on it. Zoleidy recalled the story of a ers,” says Zoleidy, “Many students need woman who came into their store to get her repairs done on their phones.” Gus, Andres, phone repaired. Her mother had recently and Miguel have talked about possibly creatpassed away and many of the woman’s ing a franchise out of the business in the fuphotos of her were saved on the phone. Cell ture. If trends in technology continue, they Phone & Computer’s technicians were able certainly will have enough work to do so. to do the repair and the customer was able Cell Phone & Computer Repair to see her mother’s pics again. is located at 5339 Village Market in Local resident Gregg Irving says that Wesley Chapel. For more information, he also has received excellent service at Cell call 907-3086 and be sure to “Like” the Phone & Computer. company’s page at Facebook.com/pages/ “They looked at my phone and quickly Wesley-Chapel-Cellphone-Computerdetermined that the repair was too costly Repair.
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SPOTLIGHT ON...Florida Aesthetics & Medical Weight Loss At Florida Aesthetics & Medical Weight Loss, located on Bruce B. Downs Blvd. next to Acropolis in the Oak Ramble Plaza (just south of Tampa Palms), aestheticians offer a comprehensive portfolio of skin care and weight loss programs to help people look and feel their best, under the medical direction of Mohamad Saleh, M.D. Dr. Saleh owns the practice with his sister-in law and Florida Aesthetics managing director Abida Saleh and Abida’s husband Bilal, who helps with marketing, planning and growth, but is not involved in the dayto-day operations of the business. “We offer comprehensive, non-surgical aesthetic treatments,” says Abida. “We have a very experienced injection technician and offer the highest level of integrity and patient care.” That “experienced injection technician” is Ann Tran, a registered physician’s assistant (P.A.) with 14 years of experience in aesthetics. Ann graduated from the University of Kentucky in Lexington in 1993 with a B.S. degree in Biology, after which she completed her two-year P.A. degree.
She says that skin doesn’t age much until 30, but then, “Our faces actually deflate, as fat and collagen migrates to our jowls.” Injectable dermal fillers, she says, are used to replace the “migrating” collagen, giving instant results. “We actually change the structure of the face to rebuild what’s lost in a way that looks very natural,” says Ann. Bianca Marrero, LME (Licensed Medical Aesthetician), has been a practitioner at Florida Aesthetics since May 2014, who often provides microneedling. She explains this is an exceptional anti-aging treatment that reduces fine lines and wrinkles, scars and stretch marks, and tightens skin to remove dimpling. Florida Aesthetics & Medical Weight Loss also offers physician-supervised medical weight loss, which includes behavior modification, coaching and prescription appetite suppressants. After the initial consultation, the patient then meets with Dr. Saleh, who creates a plan for the patient to follow. Dr. Saleh closely monitors progress through weekly reports to ensure the patient’s body is responding well to the weight-loss program. Florida Aesthetics & Medical Weight Loss shares space with Shuayb Dental at 14945 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., in the Oak Ramble Plaza (just south of Tampa Palms). Ann and Bianca are available by appointment Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., and some Saturdays. To make an appointment, or to schedule a free consultation, call 3454044. Or, visit FloridaAesthetics.com for more information.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
VIP Pest Control Will Keep Your Home Free Of Unwanted Pests! By Celeste McLaughlin
Every Florida resident knows that pest control is a must. From termites to mosquitos to roaches to nuisance animals (such as squirrels and snakes), little creatures are often everywhere around your home and property. So if you don’t want these pests affecting your life, turn to the experts at VIP Pest Control. Vicki Hutto owns VIP, which serves New Tampa, Wesley Chapel and the surrounding areas in Pasco, Hillsborough and Pinellas counties with traditional chemical treatments, as well as organic options. In addition to keeping homes and lawns pestfree, VIP also offers inspections, treatment and protection from termites. Vicki started VIP Pest Control in 2006 because she wanted to provide a higher level of customer service than other companies. She says she chose to name her business “VIP” to indicate that her customers are, “very important people.” Prior to launching her own business, Vicki worked for Orkin and she says she was the first female termite inspector in the entire company. She was inducted into the Orkin National President’s Club three years in a row, a prestigious honor given to the top three percent of sales producers nationwide. She also worked at two smaller pest control companies. She says her early career included management and marketing at various vocational schools, including what are now known as ITT Technical Institutes and
the Texas College of Medical & Dental Assistants. Vicki uses her business expertise and passion for pest control — she’ll tell you she “happens to like bugs,” especially “figuring things out” about them — to help customers throughout our area get rid of all kinds of unwanted pests. Vicki says a good rule of thumb is not to try to take care of bugs yourself. “It’s tempting to grab the can of bug spray,” she explains. “But then, you’re left to breathe all the chemicals in the air and you probably haven’t solved the problem.” She and her team emphasize the importance of taking care of the families and pets in the homes they treat. They always are aware that pets and kids spend time on the floor, so the treatments they use must be safe for all members of the family. That’s why VIP technicians (photo on next page) offer many organic options, and Vicki says you won’t be charged a premium for using those organic products. “If you call us, we’ll take care of whatever is making you the most mad or the most scared,” says Vicki, “and then we’ll do a thorough inspection to see what else might be in your home that you may or may not even be aware of.” She recommends that if you live in Florida, your home should receive quarterly pest control treatments and monthly lawn treatments. “If you want to live in a nice Florida home with no bugs (at all), it’s not going to happen,” Vicki jokes. “But, we can
come really close by treating your home and your lawn and by offering proper termite protection.” Martine Duncan is a Meadow Pointe resident who says she has been using VIP’s pest control services since the company started in 2006. She says she became aware of VIP at a Business Expo in her neighborhood, and decided to give them a try. “We’ve stuck with them ever since,” says Martine. “We have no bugs, so they’re doing a great job.” Martine says she’s found VIP’s prices to be comparable with other companies in the area, but that VIP’s technicians are always on time and the office staff always is accommodating whenever she calls and needs something. “They have excellent customer service,” she says. “The people are very personable and very nice, and they’re a great company to work with.” Vicki says that’s the reputation everyone at VIP is always striving to achieve. When you call the office, a live person answers the phone. Vicki notes that this personal touch is an important signature of the way her company does business. She says another thing that sets VIP apart is that the treatments are customized for each home. “Every lawn is different, and every lifestyle is different,” says Vicki. “So we don’t just pre-fill a big rig with one treatment for every customer. There’s not a one-answer-for-all solution.” Instead, she says her technicians know
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VIP Pest Control owner Vicki Hutto, with her dog Chloe.
what questions to ask, know how to get the right information and know what to look for to solve each problem they encounter. Here are some of the pests VIP currently is treating:
Bed Bugs
“Bed bugs are rampant right now,” Vicki says. “Some people think that if you don’t travel, you won’t get them, but that’s not true. If your kids are in sports, they could pick up bed bugs by throwing their bags down with other bags. Anytime your stuff mixes with someone else’s stuff, that’s an opportunity for bed bugs.” She explains that black spots in the bed are a telltale sign of bed bugs. And, she says
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heat your whole house to a really high temperature, you may find melted crayons between your couch cushions. You also may have heard you need to throw out everything in your home, but that’s just not necessary. Vicki and her team will walk you through all of the options for treating bed bugs or any pest — and potential pitfalls — so you can get the best treatment for your home and family.
Mosquito Control
“Since we live in Florida and most people like to sit outside and enjoy the outdoors, controlling mosquitos is key,” says Vicki. “We offer an organic treatment that is applied to the lawn once a month. It keeps the mosquitos away, and it isn’t as expensive as some other treatment options.”
if you see them, be sure to call an expert. “We treat them with a liquid treatment and fogging product,” Vicki says. “We usually take care of the problem in one treatment, but we always do a second treatment, just to be sure.” If you suspect you might have bed bugs, be sure to check VIPPestControlLLC.com for a wealth of information about the creatures. And, Vicki notes that, although they can be difficult to find and eradicate, the experts at VIP can help you get rid of bed bugs with minimal headaches. Sometimes other bed bug remedies you may have heard of cause other problems you may not realize. For example, if you
Vicki says while palmetto bugs won’t hurt you, German cockroaches carry bacteria such as salmonella and can cause health problems that include polio and asthma. “For every roach you see, there are 50 that you don’t,” she says. So, if you see any type of cockroach, it’s important to call an expert to treat your problem. Vicki adds that there are hundreds of varieties of roaches, so the best way to determine whether your bugs can make you sick is to call an expert. “Many times, people think they get food poisoning in a restaurant, but it’s possible that they actually got it from their own countertop at home,” Vicki explains.
Fleas & Ticks
Vicki says she also is receiving a lot of calls about fleas (photo) and ticks this year. “You have to be careful, especially with ticks, because they carry Lyme disease,” she says. “To effectively get rid of them, you need to treat the house, yard and pets at the same time. It takes all three to get rid of the problem.”
Vicki says that right now also is “swarming season” for drywood termites. She says a home with termites only needs to be treated once. Then, the company offers a bond — like an insurance policy — against any damage the termites might cause. Then, the treated home is inspected for termites again each year. “We offer tentless fumigation,” says Vicki. “We want people to know there are other means to treat drywood termites other than tenting your house. The key is to catch them in time.” Vicki says that there are times in which there isn’t much of a choice but to tent a home, but it’s always a good idea to have the home checked by a VIP technician, adding that some of the non-tent options from VIP will leave residual protection in the wood to keep termites from returning to the same area.
Whole House Treatment
“We can give you the best deal when you use our company for pest control, lawn, and termite protection,” Vicki says. She also warns against companies that offer really low prices, which may be an indicator that “extras” will be added to your
bill. For example, some low-priced lawn treatment companies may charge extra to treat chinch bugs. Vicki asks this rhetorical question: “Why have lawn control if it doesn’t include pests?” She adds, “We’re not a company that’s just looking to sell you something. We are established in this community, and feel it’s important to give back. That’s why I’m a member of the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC), and involved with NETWIB (North East Tampa Women in Business). I sincerely care about this community and its schools, playgrounds and water.” Vicki also is a member of the Wesley Chapel (Noon) Rotary Club. Vicki says that being a woman-owned business sets her apart in the pest control industry and helps her to better relate to many of her customers. “Most times when we visit a home, it’s the woman who is there to meet with us,” she says. Vicki adds that she also is hoping to hire a female technician someday. “We can train and educate people to work for us,” she says. “What we’re more picky about is how you will serve our customers.” She also says that VIP does not operate on the weekends, so there’s never any weekend work being done at your home. “We want our technicians to be home with their families on the weekend.” VIP Pest Control is headquartered at the corner of Livingston Ave. and Sunset Ln. in Lutz and is open MondayFriday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. For more info, visit VIPPestControlLLC.com or call 234-8888.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Tampa Premium Outlets GM Teases Epic Opening Weekend Oct. 29-Nov. 1! By Matt Wiley
If what general manager Stacey Nance told the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) during its recent Monthly Business Breakfast, the opening weekend for Simon Property Group’s new Tampa Premium Outlets is true — and we think it is — it will be something you truly won’t want to miss. During the Chamber’s Monthly Business Breakfast at Pasco-Hernando State College’s Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch (located off Mansfield Blvd.) on August 18, Nance gave a brief presentation about what to expect in the coming weeks, as Tampa Premium Outlets prepares to officially open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, October 29, just south of S.R. 56, in the Cypress Creek Town Center Development of Regional Impact (DRI). Crews broke ground in December, but from the photos that Nance showed the room of more than 100 WCCC members, the 441,000-sq.-ft. mall is nearly complete. The breakfast was Nance’s first formal event since arriving in our area in June from another Simon location in Muncie, IN. “When I came down here from Muncie three months ago, it was overwhelming… I knew that this was the place that I wanted to be,” Nance said, before introducing the other members of her administrative team. New Jersey transplant and 15-year Simon employee Kelly Holmes will serve as the mall’s office administrator, making administrative support decisions, while Nance’s fellow former Indiana resident Dallas Ste-
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vens will serve as operations director. Stevens has been with Simon for two years and will be in charge of the mall’s operational functions, including construction, contracted services, maintenance and supervising the groundskeeping and custodial Tampa Premium teams before and after Outlets GM Stacey the mall’s opening. Nance reiterated Nance was the featured speaker at the that the mall will feature WCCC breakfast on a soft color palette (which already can be Aug. 18. seen when driving by on I-75 or S.R. 56), as well as a pedestrianfriendly, Key West “feel.” The mall is an open-air concept with 110 stores in nine buildings with palm trees and water features throughout. The mall also will feature a central “lagoon,” which Nance said was a first for a Simon outlet mall. “Our Center Court will feature a lagoon with a bridge,” Nance said. “Dallas wants to know how we’re going to keep the snakes and gators out.” Nance displayed a slide full of logos for the first 14 “official” tenants that have been announced, although many more have now been announced (see list, right, of the vendors who were at the Aug. 27 Job Fair; see page 1). “Hopefully, you see some stores here that you’re anxious to (shop at),” Nance joked. “I see some heads nodding.” “We have a different marketing plan
for when we are going to put those names out,” Nance explained. “But, we have our full lineup. We’re 100-percent occupied and we’ll be 91-percent occupied when we open in October.”
Become A VIP!
Speaking of the Grand Opening, Nance advised everyone to go to PremiumOutlets.com/VIP and sign up for the “VIP Club,” which will be ripe with information regarding VIP special events, deals and other promotions during opening weekend, as well as grant visitors access to the VIP Club, where the yet-to-be-named “celebrities” will be in attendance. Although TPO already is massive,
Nance told the crowd that Simon already is looking to the future and a possible expansion. Nance said that Simon has purchased 37 more acres adjacent to the property in the Cypress Creek Town Center. While she remained mum on what could fill the future outparcels, she said that the Simon Group has some ideas. “Thank you for welcoming us to the greater Wesley Chapel area,” Nance told the crowd. “We’re so excited to be a part of your community for many years to come.” “And, thanks to the Neighborhood News for all the publicity,” Nance said to publisher Gary Nager following her presentation. For additional information, visit PremiumOutlets.com/Tampa.
Tampa Premium Outlets Aug. 27 Job Fair Vendors Adidas Aldo American Eagle Ann Taylor ASICS Auntie Anne’s Brooks Brothers Calvin Klein Carter’s Christopher & Banks Clark’s Coach Cole Haan Columbia Converse Disney Ecco Express Famous Footwear Fossil
Fragrance Outlet G.H. Bass & Co. Gap Godiva Chocolates Guess Haggar Clothing Hanes Helzberg Diamonds J.Crew Jockey Johnston & Murphy Kay Jewelers Kitchen Collection Levi’s Motherhood Maternity Naturalizer New Balance New York & Company Nike O’Neill
OshKosh B’gosh PacSun Papaya Perfumania Perfumes 4-U Polo Ralph Lauren Reebok Robert Wayne Shoes Saks OFF 5th Ave. Samsonite Seiko Skechers South Philly Steaks & Fries Talbot’s The Limited Tilly’s Tommy Hilfiger Van Heusen Wilsons Leather Universal Protection
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Bobcats No Strangers To New Tampa, Wesley Chapel Neighborhoods By Matt Wiley
With all of the conservation areas and wetlands in and around the neighborhoods of New Tampa and Wesley Chapel, you never know what kind of wild animals you might see roaming your neighborhood. Lately, one bobcat sighting has gotten people talking and drawn attention to the felines that often make homes in our area. A photo posted to the “Wesley Chapel Community” page on Facebook on August 24 drew the attention of several local news outlets, including ABC Action News. As it turns out, bobcats aren’t that uncommon, and several more photos of local bobcats from New Tampa, Wesley Chapel and Land O’Lakes were posted in the comments of the story that ABC posted to its own Facebook page. Arbor Greene resident Steve Corcoran posted a photo of a bobcat that he took in his own yard, while Meadow Pointe resident Kerri Martin posted a photo of a bobcat in the Aberdeen Lakes community of Wesley Chapel. “Bobcats are very common,” says Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) spokesperson Gary Morse. “With the high waters lately, they’ll be seen more often. It’s moving them around. It’s not surprising to see more wildlife.” Tampa-based conservation group Big Cat Rescue reports that the bobcat is a medium-sized cat with a ruff of fur around the sides of the face and that the cats weigh between 13-30 pounds, stand 21 inches high and are 30-50 inches in length. According to Washington D.C-based Defenders of Wildlife, there were 750,000–1.2 million bobcats in the U.S. as of 2009. The FWC website says that bobcats are
frequently found in areas just like ours. “Widely distributed throughout most of North America, this cat has adapted well to neighborhoods throughout Florida,” the FWC website explains. “The bobcat is equally at home in deep forests, swamps and hammock land.” The FWC site says that, in rural areas, bobcats can Bobcats are spotted pretty frequently in the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel area. Cassie Noelle Hollingsworth spotted one in range five or six Wesley Chapel (above left), Aberdeen Lakes at Wesley Chapel resident Kerri Martin also spotted one in Wesley Chapel (above square miles, while right) and Steve Corcoran spotted one in the Arbor Greene community of New Tampa (below). All photos from Facebook.com. their territory usumans are considered exally is only about 1-2 square miles in sub- tremely rare and the cats are urban areas. In addition, although they usu- not considered a threat. ally hunt at night, the site says that seeing a Morse says that, in the bobcat out during the day isn’t a rare occur- history of the state of Florrence, as they typically only sleep for a few ida, there have been only seven documented cases of hours at a time. Morse says that their appearance and bobcat attacks on humans, habitat also varies depending upon the and all were rabid. But, that availability of food. The FWC site says that doesn’t mean that bobcats bobcats generally prey on small mammals, will always stay away. Morse like squirrels, rabbits, rats, opossums and says that if more people beraccoons. Sometimes, they may attack a fe- gin feeding bobcats, they ral cat, FWC explains, especially if there are can begin to associate peomany in the area. For this reason, it’s im- ple with food and become portant to always keep an eye on small pets more “social,” which could if they are allowed outside without a leash. result in a bite. For that rea“By feeding on these animals, the bob- son, it’s important to never cat provides a necessary control on their try to feed wild bobcats. For more information populations,” the FWC website explains. Bobcats also feed on small birds. They have about bobcats, please visit a natural fear of humans, so attacks on hu- MyFWC.com.
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Don’t Forget To Check Out The Festival Of Flight Sept. 11-13!
If you’re in or near Wesley Chapel the weekend this issue reaches your mailbox — September 11-13 — look up. You might see something cool that you don’t see too often. It could be a fleet of hot air balloons gracefully floating along the horizon, or a plane from World War II buzzing by. But, you won’t be “seeing things,” it’s all part of a great annual local air show. The second weekend of September will mark the third annual ‘Festival of Flight’ at Tampa North Aero Park, located off Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54, although the airport’s address is in Lutz) — and it’s not to be missed. For three days, attendees will be treated to numerous activities and experiences that all are meant to fuel interest in taking to the skies. Admission to the Festival is completely FREE. It all starts at 5 p.m. on Friday night, with live music from Infinity On High and the Harold Jones Band, as well as a presentation of quilts to veterans of the armed services from Quilts of Valor. The highlight definitely will be the balloon glow, in which the 30 hot air balloons that will be attending this year’s event stay on the ground, but fire their engines in loose synchronization with the live music, between 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Don’t party too hard Friday night, as all 30 of those hot air balloons will be taking off at sunrise on Saturday morning, a truly surreal sight. Make sure to bring a chair. Throughout the day, at-
tendees will have the opportunity to check out all kinds of aircraft, including a few Steermans (WWII bi-planes), a T-6 warbird (a WWII fighting plane), trikes (motorcycles with attached hang gliders) and helicopters. Plus, there will be a different band performing every two hours, featuring everything from jazz to classical piano. “You name it, (the genre) will be playing there,” says Festival of Flight director Jessica Warren, who also owns American Balloons, a hot air balloon company that will be at the festival. She adds that there will be all kinds of food vendors, in addition to food for sale at the Aero Park’s Happy Hangar Café. If planes and hot air balloons aren’t enough to keep the kids entertained, there also will be bounce houses, face paining and kites from Kiting Tampa Bay and even a car show. Tethered (meaning still attached to the ground) balloon rides will be available from 7 a.m.–1 p.m. That night, you can expect some “groovy” tunes from jazz performers Life Of The Party, followed from local rock band Stone Grey. Of course, expect to once again see the balloons aglow. On Sunday, early risers will get to see another balloon launch and live music from Reverend Barry & Funktastic Soul. The festival wraps at 2 :30 p.m. on Sun. Warren says that the Festival, which began as a one-day event with 12 balloons, has grown into a three-day extravaganza with 30 balloons. More than 42,000 people already
Don’t miss the ‘Balloon Glow’ (above) at this year’s Festival of Flight in Wesley Chapel at the Tampa North Aero Park Sept.11-13. The glow is happening on Fri. & Sat. night, but there will be plenty of other aircraft (below) to check out during the day on Sat. & Sun., too! have said they’ll be attending on the Festival of Flight’s Facebook page. Warren says she hopes that attendees will develop a passion for the sky by coming out to this year’s Festival. “We’re hoping that people who don’t know if they’re interested in flying can get up close and personal with pilots and planes and get as much information as possible,” she says. For more information about the Festival of Flight, please visit FestivalofFlight WesleyChapel.com and be sure to “Like” the Festival Of Flight Facebook page! – MW Academic Associates of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Tammie White This 5-7 BR, 4 Bath, fully furnished, 813-574-6277 professionally decorated model home by Bakersfield Luxury Homes is located within the exclusive Graybrook neighborhood of the WaterGrass community in Wesley Chapel. Starting in the low $500’s.
Custom built 3680 SF, 4 bedrooms + office, 4 Robert Marvin & full baths, pool and heated spa, 3 car garage. Debbie Marvin Located on wooded conservation home site 813-892-3917 with view of pond in front and back of home. RPM Real Pro Offered at $489,900 Move Team DMarvin@BHHSFloridaProperties.com DebbieSellsTampa.com
RPM Real Pro Move Team
Stately Pool home on 4.9 acres on a lake near Dade City. 4 BR, 2.5 Bath, Horses OK. No HOA, formal dining room & living room. Family room with wood floors & fireplace. New roof 2015, 2650 SF. Offered at $359,900
Renee Chichester (602) 615-7066 RPM Real Pro Move Team
Vicki Griepenburg CRS, GRI, SFR 813-713-4367
NEIGHBORHOOD Gated New Tampa Community
Hunter’s Green - Golf Course Community Pool and Tennis Courts 2 Bedroom 2 Bath w/ Screened Lanai Condo 1st Floor Unit Offered at $54,900
Ronnie Preusch 813-361-9595
Immaculate, 2599 SF, Single Level on Conservation. 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath, 3 Car Garage. Move in Ready! Offered at $319,900
Two Story, 4 Bedrooms, 2.1 Bath, 2 Car Garage, Bonus Room, 3030 sq. ft., Fenced back yard on Conservation. Mstr on 2nd Floor w/ Sitting Room & Balcony. Offered at $325,000
Cynthia Filippi 813-784-1634
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(813) 907-8200
Situated on Conservation Lot, this Stunning Home Boasts 2,810 SF, 4 Beds, 3 Baths, Upstairs Bonus Room & 2 Car Garage. Lot size 2.35 acres.
Angela Mora Hablo español 813-482-1452
AMora@BHHSFloridaProperties.com AngelaMoraRealEstate.com
Tenants- are you looking for a condo, townhouse or house to rent? Call Sonia at (813) 690-5427 5BR+Study/4.5 BA/3 Car Garage/3399 sq ft Mercy Barragan Southern Crafted Built Home, On Peaceful Pond Setting, Gated New Tampa 813-494-6797 Community w/ Resort Pool & Clubhouse. Offered at $389,900 Mercy@mercybarragan.com www.TampaBayHomes.net
Ronnie Preusch 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Den, Conservatory, 2,895 Square Feet, 813-361-9595 3 Car Garage, Lush Backyard Garden, RPM Real Pro Conservation Lot, Loaded with Upgrades Move Team Offered at $435,000 Neighborhood News rpreusch@BBHSFloridaProperties.com
Owners- do you own a property that needs to be rented out and managed by the best management company in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel? Contact Terry Now! thill@bhhsfloridaproperties.com www.RentAhomeWithUs.com
3 Bedroom, 2 Bath + Media room 1856 SF, Updated Kitchen, Screened Lanai, 1/2 Acre Corner Lot in Desired Community of Saddlebrook Offered at $299,900
Terry Hill Terence M Hill PA (813) 956-2383
Beautiful 2 BR, 2 Bath, Avocet Model Home. Corner lot surrounded by a conservation area across the back and one side, two Lanai’s for a total of approx. 350 SF. Offered at $139,900
Bill Radebaugh 813-455-1560
Tammy Hellman 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 2 Car Garage, Single Story, Jennifer Kibiger & Kim Hilliker Large Backyard, End of Short Cul de Sac Street, 813-469-1481 Tammy Active Neighborhood with Pool, Fitness and Golf 813-451-8159 Course. Prime Location and close to I-75. Kim 813-453-5657 jkibiger@BHHSFloridaProperties 43 For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 •September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com thellman@bhhsfloridaproperties.com jkibiger.BHHSFloridaProperties.com khilliker@bhhsfloridaproperties.com
Exclusive Clientele Salon Offers Outstanding Sylists & Great Friends! By Gary Nager I have only known Christy Jones-Johnson, the owner of the Exclusive Clientele Salon in the Cross Creek Center plaza (behind the Shell Gas Station) on Cross Creek Blvd. since she opened her new salon just about two years ago, but she’s definitely the type of amiable, professional Master Stylist who makes friends easily — especially when they see the kind of work she does to take care of her clients’ hair. During my most recent visit to Exclusive Clientele Salon, Arbor Greene resident Jennifer King, Ph.D., the chief executive officer of TechXtraordinary, a local computer consulting firm told me proudly that, “Christy has been doing my hair since I first moved to the Tampa area and I will tell you that this is the best location she’s had so far...it’s close to the schools and available food on Cross Creek Blvd. and, since all of
the restaurant owners know her, they’ll even deliver food to her clients while they’re getting their hair done.” Jennifer, who also teaches an Information Technology (IT) program at nearby Richard F. Pride Elementary, also notes that — like all of the salons Christy had before this one — Exclusive Clientele is “absolutely immaculate and it’s just so comfortable here. Christy is definitely the ‘Diva of New Tampa hair stylists.’ My mom (Margaret) gets her hair cut here, too, and we’ve referred Christy a lot of business.”
Stylists For Every Type Of Hair!
Although Christy’s roster of stylists has changed since the last time I wrote about Exclusive Clientele Salon, she always brings in stylists who are well-trained, extremely experienced and love working with all different types of hair. “I provide the location, but my beauticians and stylists rent their space and actually run their own independent businesses out of my business.” For example, Master Stylist Brenda Regan recently moved to Tampa when her husband was relocated here by his employer after 35 years in the beauty industry, including owning many salons herself. Brenda’s sister and Christy were friends when Christy lived in Maryland and Exclusive Clientele Salon owner Christy Jones-Johnson has Christy says, “Brenda and I been cutting Jennifer’s hair for more than eleven years. are like sisters, too.”.
(L.-r.): Stefanie, Ariel, Christy, Patrice & Brenda invite you to check out Exclusive Clientele Salon in the Cross Creek Center plaza on Cross Creek Blvd. at Kinnan St. Brenda brings with her a wealth of experience in the art of hair design, cuts and color while specializing in the treatment and repair of damaged hair. Master Natural Stylist Stefanie Johnston is the proud co-owner of “Natural Essence” with her husband and barber Kieyn Johnston, who currently works almost next door in the same plaza at Moetown’s Barber Shop. After nine years of owning their own salon, the two decided to take their careers to another level by becoming traveling stylists and work on other ventures, such as the “Hair 1 Enhancement” product line. Together, the Johnstons also produce an amazing “Natural Essence” hair and
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
fashion showcase called “Beauty in the Arts Hair & Fashion Showcase,” which was most recently held at The Ritz in Ybor City June 20-21 of this year. Stefanie and Kieyn have created the “Natural Essence” movement deeply rooted in their Afro-Caribbean heritage and their passion to give back and instill pride and love in the community in which they proudly serve. (Visit NaturalEssenceShop. com or call 458-5041 for more info.) Born and raised in Miami, FL, Stylist Patrice Law has always had a passion for hair and the beauty industry. After receiving her Associates of Arts (A.A.) degree from the University of South Florida, she pursued
e .
The photo on the left was provided by 828 photography & the photo on the right was provided by Sergil lakhno. Both pics were taken at the “Beauty in the Arts Natural Essence Hair & Fashion Showcase” on June 15 of this year. her aspirations in the world of hair and beauty and started her own hair extension company called Glambition Styles. She also furthered her education at the Paul Mitchell School in Tampa. Patrice specializes in hair extensions, natural hair care, silk press, relaxers and much more. Patrice believes in continuing education and stays up to date with the latest trends so she can always provide her clients with whatever “look” that they want. Philly native (and Christy’s daughter) Ariel Glover is primed to carry on the family legacy. A rising hair and make-up artist in her own right, Ariel grew up in salons, as both her aunt and mom were salon owners. Christy also groomed her daughter with valuable life lessons and strong work ethics. Ariel left the salon for a while to attend Bethune-Cookman College in Daytona Beach
Neighborhood News
the University of Central Florida in Orlando. Once Ariel discovered how to carve out her own path in the hair and make-up industry, she reunited with her mother at Exclusive Clientele Salon. Ariel is excited to share her artistry while she helps her mom expand the business with plans to one day take over the salon. “I work with any type of hair,” says Ariel. “Just like my mom.” And last, but certainly not least, Ariel’s mom, Master Stylist Christy Jones-Johnson, also is a tremendously talented stylist with 30 years of experience who is licensed to cut hair in four states (including FL, CA, MD and her native PA), and who always stays at the forefront of trends in the hair care industry. She moved to Tampa in 2007 after relocating to Maryland, where she met and married her husband Thomas Johnson. The third salon Christy owned was the original Exclusive Clientele Salon in the Pebble Creek area, but she found a space she loved on Cross Creek Blvd., where the business has been thriving ever since. Christy says she has always wanted to own salons where clients feel “exclusive,” which provided the inspiration for the name of her salon. “We strive to educate our clients about proper hair care, styling and maintenance, all while providing the latest trends and delivering an exceptional client experience,” she says. The stylists at Exclusive Clientele Salon (10026 Cross Creek Blvd.) provide precision cuts, highlights & color, shampoo & blow-dry, round brushing, up“do’s,” natural hair styling, relaxers, silk press, locs, one-step strengthening treatments, extensions & custom wigs. For info, call 994-2393 or see the ad on page 53 for some amazing coupon specials!
Pure Health & Fitness!
It almost sounds too simple that the key to getting healthy and maintaining a lower weight is to learn how to eat healthy and make it part of your lifestyle. That is Samantha Taylor’s specialty and she owns two locations of her Pure Health & Fitness Studios where she teaches people to do exactly that, one of which is located in the Shoppes of Wesley Chapel, off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. across from Florida Hospital. Samantha has invested the last 23 years of her life not only getting herself healthy and fit but also training over 4,000 women in this community. Samantha says that she struggled with unhealthy eating habits ever since childhood and even into her adult life and career. “I used to want nothing but junk food, including fast food and sugar,” Samantha says. “I was trapped in a cycle of horrible eating habits, loathing myself for it, then doing it all over again, wondering why I was stuck in this cycle as a health professional.” She says that even when she was a top-producing personal trainer out of more than 2,000 in a corporate gym, she was at the height of her food issues. “When I left the corporate gym, I wanted to have a private studio for women so they would feel comfortable with no one judging them,” Samantha says. “We work with many women who are in their 50s and 60s who don’t want to be a in a traditional gym, yet they are amazed at how strong they get by working out with weights. In our 30s, we start to lose about a pound of muscle every year and if we don’t do something to stop it, then our muscles turn into marshmallows!” Sandy, 68, says, “I tried every diet
out there, but nothing worked until I came (to Pure Heath) because Samantha taught me how to eat. By making some small improvements, I lost 61 lbs. and I am lighter than I was in my 30s! The best part is I feel almost as good as I did then too!” Samantha says that one thing that sets Pure Health & Fitness Studios apart from other gyms is the focus on really showing clients how to eat, what to order when eating out and quick food ideas. Samantha even provides recipes for healthy desserts at PureHeathStudios.com/GetRecipes. She also says she believes that part of being successful with your health is learning how to make it work in your own busy life, not having different meals for the family member losing weight than the others who are not. The focus of her program is ultimate health and how to prevent the four main diseases in the U.S.: heart disease, cancer, Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Pure Health is hosting two free seminars at 5:30 p.m. on Friday-Saturday, September 18-19, entitled, “How to lose 9 to 21 lbs. in 6 Weeks.” For more info, visit PureHealthStudios.com or see the ad on pg. 7. And, Samantha’s annual “6 Week Body Transformation Challenge” starts Sept. 28th! For info, visit 6WeekBTC.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 •September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Win $50, $100 Or Even $200 In Free Dining In Our 2015 Survey & Contest! Our annual Reader Survey & Dining Contest is always one of our most popular features every year, with last year’s contest bringing in hundreds of entries, and the 2015 New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Reader Dining Survey & Contest is another opportunity for you to help yourself to one of three outstanding FREE dining prizes, as well as help our local restaurants find out where our readers enjoy dining out in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel. Just for filling out the entry form on these two pages (47 & 48) and sending it by mail, fax or email (you also can enter at NTNeighborhoodNews.com), you can win $50, $100 or even $200 in absolutely FREE dining at the restaurant of your choice, whether it’s located in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel or not! This year’s contest features a reduced number of 16 categories on these two pages. To be eligible to win our Grand Prize (or either of the other two big dining prizes), you MUST vote for FIVE (5) restaurants in BOTH of the two categories on this page, and at least ONE (1) restaurant in AT LEAST HALF OF THE 14 CATEGORIES ON THE NEXT PAGE! The restaurants in our two distribution areas really do appreciate your votes, so we hope you’ll take advantage of this great opportunity to win FREE dining. On these pages, we have provided the names of all of the independently-owned and small (fewer than 20 locations) chain restaurants in each category. And yes, you can still write-in the names of the larger chain restaurants in any category, but we only provide the names of the “Mom-and-Pops” because they don’t have the benefit of being able to afford regional and national TV, national magazine and local radio ads that the large chains have running all year-round. Please, only one entry per person will be accepted, although the contest will run until after our October New Tampa & Wesley Chapel issues hit mailboxes. The final entry deadline is Monday, November 2, 2015. And, as always, no purchase of any kind is necessary to win any of our prizes. — GN
Your FIVE Favorite Restaurants In New Tampa (NT) Your FIVE Favorite Restaurants In Wesley Chapel (WC)
(Number your 5 favorites #1-#5; You also may write-in your favorites not listed here in the spaces provided) (Number your 5 favorites #1-#5; You also may write-in your favorites not listed here in the spaces provided)
__Acropolis Greek (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Biagio’s II Pizza & Pasta (CC Blvd.) __Big Papa’s Pit (E. Bearss Ave., off BBD) __Burger 21 (Trout Creek off BBD) __Café Olé (Cross Creek Blvd.) __Cappy’s Pizza (City Plaza, Tampa Palms) __Casa Ramos (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __China City (City Plaza, TP) __China Wok (County Line Rd. off BBD) __Ciccio’s Cali (The Pointe @ Tampa Palms) __Cross Creek Deli (inside Shell station) __Dine Or Dash (in New Tampa Center) __Full Circle Pizza (Pebble Creek Coll.) __Fushia Asian (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Hawkeye NYS Pizza (CC Blvd.@BP Gas) __Ho King (BBD/Highwoods) __Hoosiers Grille (in Heritage Isles CC) __Hunter’s Green Country Club __Kobé Japanese (Pebble Creek Collection) __Koizi Hibachi Grill (The Pointe @ TP) __Lanna Thai (Cross Creek Center) __Las Palmas Café (BBD/PC Coll.) __Liang’s Bistro (North Palms Vlg./BBD) __Little Greek (New Tampa Center) __Mr. Dunderbak’s (Oak Ramble Plaza) __Mulligan’s Irish (@ Pebble Creek CC) __New China King (CC Blvd. @ MB Rd.) __Oakley’s Grille (North Palms Village)
Neighborhood News
__Peabody’s Billiards (Shoppes of Amberly) __Amici Pizza (Grand Oaks Plaza, SR 54) __Petra Mediterranean (Highwoods Psrv.) __Asian Buffet (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Bagelicious & More (Freedom Plaza/54) __Pita’s Republic (County Line Rd.) __PJ Dolan’s Irish (E. Bearss Ave. off BBD) __Best NY Pizza (Pinebrook Plaza/SR 54) __Saffron Indian Cuisine (Cross Creek Ctr) __Bonsai Sushi (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Seasons Fresh Café (E. Bearss Ave./BBD) __Bosco’s Italian To Go (Freedom Plaza/54) __Burger Monger (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Soho Sushi (E. Bearss Ave./BBD) __Chick & Peas Grill (Freedom Plz/54) __Stonewood Grill (The Pointe @ TP) __China Taste (BBD/Shoppes at New Tampa) __Sushi Café (Highwoods Preserve) __China Wok (Village Market/BBD@54) __Sushi Ko (New Tampa Center) __City Grill (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Sushi Raw (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Ciao! Italian Bistro (Wiregrass Mall) __Sukhothai (Across from Muvico) __CineBistro (The Grove/Off Oakley/54) __Tabla Indian Cuisine (BBD/Live Oak) __Dempsey’s Steak House (Saddlebrook) __Takara Sushi & Sake (Oak Ramble Plaza) __Dempsey’s Too Lounge (Saddlebrook) __Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club __Dolce Gelato & Crepes (Cty. Line Rd./MP) __Taste of NY Pizza (Highwoods Preserve) __Don Pan Int’l Bakery (Shoppes @ NT ) __Thai Ruby (Shoppes of Amberly/TP) __Fine Thai Express (Pinebrook Plz/54) __Toast Wine & Café (Oak Ramble Plaza) __Gonna China (Hollybrook Plz, BBD@54) __Top Thai (BBD/Live Oak) __GrillSmith (Wiregrass Mall) __Vallarta’s (City Plaza, Tampa Palms) __Hibachi Express (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Woodfired Pizza (E. Bearss Ave. off BBD) __Ho Wok (BBD next to Target) __Zaytoun Mediterranean (CC Blvd @ MB) __Hot Wok 88 (Town Centre/SR 54) __Hungry Greek (across BBD from FHWC) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Kwan Ming Bistro (SR 56) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __La Prima Pizza (BBD, next to Target) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Latin Twist Café (across BBD from FHWC) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Lexington Oaks Golf Club (off SR 54) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Meadow Pte Café & Deli (C.L. Rd./MP)
__900º Woodfired Pizza (Wiregrass Mall) __NY NY Pizza (BBD in Seven Oaks) __OTB Café (Across BBD from FHWC) __PDQ (SR 56) __Pinchers Crab Shack (Wiregrass Mall) __PizzaMania (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Poolside Café (Saddlebrook Resort) __PrimeBar (Wiregrass Mall) __Quail Hollow Country Club __Shang Hai Chinese (Eiland Blvd./off 54) __Stage Left Kitchen & Bar (SR 54/Lutz) __TD’s Sports Bar (Saddlebrook Resort) __365 Caffé Italiano (Wiregrass Mall) __Tokyo Grill/Sushi (Eiland Blvd./off 54) __Vallarta’s (Village Mkt, BBD@54) __Woody’s Pizza/Wings (Village Mkt) __Wolf’s Den (SR 56) __Yamato Japanese Stkhs (Wiregrass Mall) __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ Please only put each numeral (#s 1-5) on each of the two lists on this page only once each, including any write-ins. We apologize for any inconvenience to independent restaurants in NT & WC somehow not listed here.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Your Favorite
Chinese Restaurant In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel (NT & WC; Pick or write-in one)
__Asian Buffet (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __China City (City Plaza, TP) __China Taste (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __China Wok (County Line Rd., off BBD) __China Wok (Village Mkt/BBD@54, WC) __Fushia Asian Bistro (Shps of Amberly, TP) __Gonna China (Hollybrook Plz, BBD@54) __Ho King (BBD/Highwoods)
__Ho Wok (BBD next to Target) __Hot Wok 88 (Town Centre of WC) __Kwan Ming Bistro (S.R. 56) __Liang’s Bistro (North Palms/BBD) __New China King (CC Blvd. @ MB Rd.) __Shang Hai Chinese (Eiland Blvd./Publix) __Sushi Ko (BBD/New Tampa Center) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant In NT & WC (Pick or write-in one)
__Asian Buffet (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __Bonsai Sushi (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __Hibachi Express (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Kobé Japanese Steakhouse (BBD/PC) __Koizi Hibachi Grill (Tampa Palms) __Soho Sushi (E. Bearss Ave.) __Sushi Café (BBD/Highwoods)
__Sushi Ko (BBD/New Tampa Center) __Sushi Raw (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Sukhothai (Across from Muvico) __Takara Sushi & Sake (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Tokyo Grill/Sushi (Eiland Blvd./Publix) __Yamato Japanese Stkhs (Wiregrass Mall) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Thai/Indian Restaurant In NT & WC (Pick or write-in one)
__Fine Thai Express (S.R. 54, WC) __Lanna Thai (CC Blvd.) __Saffron Indian Cuisine (CC Blvd.) __Sukhothai (Across from Muvico) __Tabla Indian Cuisine (BBD/Live Oak)
__Thai Ruby (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Top Thai (BBD/Live Oak) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Pizza Place In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel (Pick or write-in one)
__Amici Pizza (Grand Oaks Plaza, SR 54) __Best NY Pizza (Pinebrook Plaza/S.R. 54) __Biagio’s II Pizza & Pasta (CC Blvd.) __Bosco’s Italian To Go (Freedom Plaza/54) __Cappy’s Pizza (City Plaza, TP) __Ciccio’s Cali (The Pointe @ Tampa Palms) __Full Circle Pizza (Pebble Creek) __Hawkeye NYS Pizza (CC Blvd./BP)
__La Prima Pizza (BBD, next to Target) __900º Woodfired Pizza (Wiregrass Mall) __NY NY Pizza (BBD in Seven Oaks) __Peabody’s Billiards & Games (Amberly) __Taste of New York Pizza (Highwoods) __Woodfired Pizza (E. Bearss Ave.) __Woody’s Pizza/Wings (WC Village Mkt) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Hamburger In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel (Pick or write-in one)
__Burger Monger(BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Burger 21 (Trout Creek/BBD) __City Grill (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Dempsey’s Too Lounge (Saddlebrook) __GrillSmith (Wiregrass Mall) __Hoosiers Grille (@ Heritage Isles CC) __Hunter’s Green Country Club __Lexington Oaks Golf Club __Mulligan’s Irish Pub (Pebble Creek CC)
__Oakley’s Grille (BBD/North Palms Vlg.) __OTB Café (Across BBD from FHWC) __Peabody’s Billiards & Games (Amberly) __PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub (E. Bearss Ave.) __Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club __Poolside Café (Saddlebrook) __TD’s Sports Bar (Saddlebrook) __Wolf’s Den (S.R. 56)
__Write-In (must name)___________________________________________________________
Your Favorite Latin/Mexican Restaurant In NT & WC (Pick or write-in one)
__Café Olé (Cross Creek Blvd.) __Casa Ramos (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Dine or Dash (BBD/New Tampa Ctr) __Don Pan Int’l Bakery (Shoppes @ NT ) __Las Palmas Café (BBD/Pebble Creek)
__Latin Twist Café(across BBD from FHWC) __100 Montaditos (Wiregrass Mall) __Vallarta’s (City Plaza at Tampa Palms) __Vallarta’s (Village Mkt, BBD@54) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Greek/Mediterranean Restaurant In NT & WC
(Pick or write-in one) __Petra Mediterranean (Highwoods Prsv.) __Acropolis (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Chick & Peas Grill (Freedom Plaza/54) __Pita’s Republic (County Line Rd.) __Hungry Greek (across BBD from FHWC) __Zaytoun Mediterranean (CC Blvd.) __Kabob House (BBD/Live Oak) __Little Greek (BBD/New Tampa Center) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Bar, Tavern or Pub In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel (Pick or write-in one)
__Acropolis (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Heritage Isles CC Rest. (off CC Blvd.) __Ciccio’s Cali (The Pointe @ Tampa Palms) __CineBistro (The Grove/54 off Oakley) __City Grill (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Dempsey’s Steak House (Saddlebrook) __Dempsey’s Too Lounge (Saddlebrook) __GrillSmith (Wiregrass Mall) __Halftime Sports Lounge (NT Center) __Hunter’s Green Country Club __Lexington Oaks Golf Club __Linkster’s Tap Room (Highwoods) __Mulligan’s Irish Pub (Pebble Creek CC)
__Peabody’s Billiards & Games (Amberly) __PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub (E. Bearss Ave.) __Poolside Café (Saddlebrook) __PrimeBar (Wiregrass Mall) __Quail Hollow Country Club __Skinny’s Sports Bar __Stage Left (SR 54, Lutz) __Stonewood Grill & Tavern (Tampa Palms) __Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club __TD’s Sports Bar (Saddlebrook) __Toast Wine & Café (BBD/Oak Ramble) __The Brass Tap (Wiregrass Mall) __Write-In (must name)_________________
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(Write-in one in each category below) Your Favorite Pasta In NT & WC Your Favorite Lunch In NT & WC _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Your Favorite Chain Restaurant In Your Favorite Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/ Dessert Place In NT & WC New Tampa & Wesley Chapel _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Restaurant w/The Best Service In NT/ WC Your Favorite Bakery In NT & WC _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Your Name _______________________________________________________________________ Your Community (Tampa Palms, Meadow Pointe, etc.) _____________________________ Your Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________ Your Daytime Phone #____________________________________________________________ Your Valid Email Address _______________________________________________________ Please submit BOTH pages by mail, email or at NTNeighborhoodNews.com by Monday, November 2!
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• Hookah-30 Flavors • Greek Cuisine & Full Bar • 1/2 Off Drinks Everyday 3 to 7 • Dinner $9 & Up • Lunch $6 & Up • Belly Dancers Fri. & Sat. • Live Music-Every day 6-10pm
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Cappy’s Pizzeria Of Tampa Palms New Tampa’s Place For NY & Chicago-Style Pizza & More! By Gary Nager
f you’re looking for truly authentic thin-crust New York or deep-dish Chicago-style pizza, Cappy’s Pizzeria, located in the City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center, may not necessarily be the best place for you. But, that doesn’t mean owner Harold Hasselback’s Cappy’s Pizzeria location (there are five total, including in Seminole Heights, Riverview, St. Petersburg and the original Cappy’s in South Tampa, which moved once; but this is the only location Hasselback owns) doesn’t have delicious pizza and awesome “big salads” (see below), it just means you have to have an open mind about crispy crusts (in both Cappy’s NY and Chicago-style ‘za), delicious red sauce, quality cheese and fresh, delicious meat and veggie toppings that can’t be pigeon-holed into being “just like anything other than Cappy’s style,” Hasselback told me on our office’s recent visit. “Some say our New York style is more Jersey style, but our customers really seem to love it.” But first, let’s start with the place itself. The Tampa Palms location is a somewhat more upscale-looking, but
Looking for delicious, but not too-thick Chicago deep-dish pizza (above and below)? Try Cappy’s Pizzeria in the City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center. Other favorite dishes shown on this page include (top to bottom) the large Greek & small tossed salads, the calzones and the delicious cheesebread.
still funky replica of the Seminole Heights location, where I first sampled Cappy’s Pizza myself about three years ago. Hasselback, who also worked at the original Cappy’s in Iowa more than 20 years ago, told me he was opening in Tampa Palms during one of those visits. The City Plaza location will be open two years next month, in the small (about 2,000 square feet) space which was, at one time, occupied by the original Tampa Palms Ciccio & Tony’s location.
‘The BIG Salads’
Let’s start with starters, shall we? If you’re like Elaine on the classic “Seinfeld” NBC-TV series, you’ll definitely want to try Managing partner Harold Hasselback gets “hands on” Cappy’s truly oversized salads. with a NY-style pizza at Cappy’s in Tampa Palms. Whether you choose the
Caesar, tossed or Greek salad at Cappy’s, I assure you that the “small” could feed two people for dinner if they ate nothing else, or at least four people as a normal side dish. The large salads are really family-sized, feeding at least 4-6 (or even 8) people each, depending upon how much other “stuff” each person also plans to eat. Our office favorite is definitely the Greek salad shown at the top of this
page. It’s got the usual iceberg lettuce, pepperoncinis, onions and black olives, all topped with a zesty, authentictasting Greek dressing, feta cheese and enough potato salad for two or more people to enjoy as its own side dish, in addition to your salad course. I did say they were big, right? I also really love the “small” tossed salad (also shown above), which is served with a mild Italian (not balsam-
Infinite Edge Learning Center The Infinite Edge Learning Center Inc. in Tampa Palms provides academic support (Grades K-12) in Mathematics, Language Arts, Reading, Science, Foreign Languages, AP Courses, FCAT, SAT, ACT & GRE
17419 Bridge Hill Court Tampa, FL 33647 We are located at Tampa Palms, before Freedom High School
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previous visits, I definitely have enjoyed “The Cappy,” with ham, pepperoni, green peppers, onions, mushrooms and some extremely tasty sweet Italian sausage (other meat {and fish} pizza toppings include anchovies, meatballs {which I haven’t yet tried but plan to soon}, as well as grilled chicken). But, speaking of sausage, I will admit that my favorite deep dish pizza at Cappy’s is a large with pepperoni and sausage only. Even though most authentic Chicago deep dish pizza is somewhat thicker than it is at Cappy’s, there’s no doubt that the noticeably thinner Cappy’s version makes it easier to have a second and maybe even the occasional third The cool décor inside the Tampa Palms Cappy’s (above) is almost as inviting as the thin-crust New slice. You still have to eat it with a knife and fork and it still is covYork-style pizza shown below with pepperoni and mushrooms on half of the pizza. ered in an outstandingly chunky became somewhat adtomato sauce that I genuinely love, so dicted to Cappy’s calreally, who’s complaining? zones at the Seminole I also have friends who highly recHeights locale. ommend the “The Veggie” at Cappy’s, Matt highly which is topped with green peppers, recommends orderonions, mushrooms, black olives and ing the calzone with fresh tomatoes, although I’m not the Cappy’s delicious biggest veggie pizza fan. Vegetarians pepperoni and yellow also can add artichoke hearts, green banana peppers. And, olives, basil, broccoli, feta cheese, spinwith his family hailing ach, sun-dried tomatoes and of course, from Chicago, the pineapple. guy who took these In other words, if you’re craving great photos for me unique pizza in a comfortable setting, says he finds the huge (the one in the photo on the previous page is just a “small!”) ic) vinaigrette dressing over a variety calzones similar to those he’s had when of mixed greens, including plenty of he’s visited the Windy City. tasty red cabbage that gives the salad a On To The ‘Za! unique flavor. Although almost anyone could eat While it may not be what I reeither of the next two items as an entire member from when I lived on Long meal at Cappy’s, our office also highly Island or New York City, I do enjoy recommends Cappy’s crispy calzones Cappy’s thin-crust NY-style pizza, too. and especially, the cheesebread apOn our most recent visit, we petizer. If you like cheesy breads with ordered a large pie with just cheese on a savory marinara sauce to dip it in at half and added those awesome pepperthe “chain” pizza places, our office was oni slices and noticeably fresh mushunanimous that Cappy’s cheesebread is rooms on the other half. I need to taste about as good as it gets. sauce in every bite of pizza (except Assistant editor Matt Wiley is our when I get down to the crust itself) resident calzone lover and he says he and Cappy’s doesn’t disappoint. On
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sit back, relax and enjoy an ice cold Peroni or Jai-Alai beer or even a glass of house wine with your meal. Cappy’s has won several “Best of the Bay” honors from Creative Loafing readers, so I’m sure you’re going to enjoy the food and the ambiance. And, speaking of atmosphere, Cappy’s has very fair beer and wine prices and it’s such a laid-back atmosphere that the small bar area is often filled, especially on weekend evenings but also during after-work hours.
Don’t Miss These Specials!
If you check out the Cappy’s ad on page 49, you’ll find coupons worth $3 off any purchase (dine in or carry out) of $20 or more and $5 off any purchase of $30 or more. The coupons can not be combined with any other offers, but they save you a little bit of money on what I am confident will be a tasty meal at Cappy’s, which is perfect for everyone from families with kids to older adults (like me, lol). Cappy’s Pizzeria (16019 Tampa Palms Blvd.) is open seven days a week for lunch & dinner, as follows: Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; 11 a.m.-10 p.m. on Friday; noon-10 p.m. on Saturday; and noon-9 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, visit CappysPizzaOnline.com, Facebook. com/Cappy’sPizzeriaTampaPalms or see the ad on page 49.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel!
Le Macaron Opens At Wiregrass Mall!
For anyone who already loves the authentically French (and delicious!) confections called macarons (not to be confused with the traditional Jewish dessert macaroons), you’re in luck, because Le Macaron French Pastries has been open a few months in the Shops at Wiregrass mall. And, considering that Le Macaron owners Guy and Valerie Lucas are authentically French themselves, you can trust that virtually everything sold at Le Macaron (a new mall-based chain with fewer than 30 locations in Florida, Arizona and Puerto Rico and another 15-20 stores on the way) has that certain “je ne sais quoi.” Available in a wide, ever-changing variety of flavors and colors (including basil white chocolate & black currant/cassis), the handmade, 80-calorie macarons literally melt in your mouth — as do the beautiful, artisanal chocolates (everything from white chocolate banana chocolates to peanut butter cups in milk and dark chocolate & many more) and the authentic French-style gelato (in left photo on this page; with one chocolate macaron) — all of which are gluten-free, plus other authentic French pastries, such as
croissants and pain au chocolat ! In other words, if you have a sweet tooth, you can’t go wrong at Le Macaron. The store also provides catering for special events like baby showers, weddings, birthday parties, corporate events and more! Stop in at Le Macaron (28347 Paseo Dr., between Rack Room Shoes & Dillard’s), call 991-7110, see the ad below or visit LeMacaron-US/ WesleyChapel and tell Guy and Valerie the Neighborhood News sent you!
Thanks Again, Dr. June!
I am proud and honored to have now made two appearances on “Cooking Up
Advice with Dr. June,” which airs every Sunday at 8:30 a.m., on WTTA-TV (Channel 6 on BrightHouse Networks cable systems in New Tampa, Channel 14 on Verizon Fios systems). During my most recent appearance, which will air on Sunday, September 13, I got to “rap” with Dr. June and four other guests (including Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce 2015 Ambassador of the Year Valerie Rudmin; see page 12) about relationships while sampling some delicious seafood at the Zephyrhills location (at 5039 1st St.; 782-7770) of The Great Catch Seafood by Taste of Boston. Both locations of the Great Catch,
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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which also has a restaurant at 1930 Land O’Lakes Blvd. (U.S. 41) in Lutz (9489800), are owned by George Illes (see photo, left, with Dr. June), who owned Taste of Boston in the Shoppes at New Tampa (across S.R. 56 from the Wiregrass Mall) until closing it a few months ago. Although fans of Taste of Boston’s full belly clams will be happy to know that both Great Catch locales feature all of George’s authentic New England seafood specialties, as well as a pretty delicious New York strip steak (the latter of which I enjoyed on the air with Dr. June and her other guests), I know I’m not the only one who was saddened by yet another good locally owned, sit-down restaurant leaving either of our distribution areas. I also wanted to correct a mistake that appeared in our last “Nibbles & Bytes” column. My first appearance on “Cooking Up Advice With Dr. June” was recorded at a beautiful model home in the new Avalon Park West community off S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel, NOT in Watergrass (off Curley Rd., also in Wesley Chapel). I truly apologize for my mistake. We’ve done business with the builders/developers in both Avalon Park West & Watergrass, but that’s an ugly
has opened 50 stores in the Tampa and Orlando markets in just two years and now has more than 680 stores nationwide. Wawa representatives did not return calls or emails for comment.
Charter School Not Coming To The Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce hosted ribbon-cutting events at the new Bank of America (photo, left) at S.R. 54 & Wiregrass Ranch Blvd. in Wesley Chapel Sports + Field
on Sept. 2 & at Retina Specialists of Tampa (in the Cypress Glen Prof. Park off S.R. 56, also in Wesley Chapel) on Sept 3. Visit WesleyChapelChamber.com. for info. Please note that the Garden Montessori ing a 4,877-sq.-ft. restaurant with an indoor food chain On The Border, as a representafaux pas I simply shouldn’t make. Charter School will no longer be opening its play area and a drive-through lane. tive for both companies met with county I really enjoy rapping with Dr. June & doors as planned at the former Sports + Field Daryl Johnson of Corporate Property planning staffers on August 10. her always interesting friends and hope to Family Athletic & Fitness Club on S.R. 56. Services says he represented the chain at the Documents filed with the county continue to be invited back. — GN indicate that the free-standing Starbucks will meeting. Johnson explains that the plans are The difficult decision by the planned charter school’s Board of Directors was based on a not final and that Chick-fil-A is still in talks measure 2,118 sq. ft. and feature a drivePet Depot Opens In City Plaza breakdown in the final negotiations of the for the location and is doing its due diligence through, while the On The Border will be North Tampa Pet Depot recently to determine if the location is a feasible spot lease contract. The deciding factors to delay opened in the City Plaza shopping center in a sit-down restaurant of about 5,950 sq. for the restaurant. He says that factors could the opening of the school were based upon the Tampa Palms, the long-vacant space previft. However, the exact locations of the two need to ensure the future success of the school, ously occupied by Blockbuster Video. For restaurants were not indicated in the applica- include traffic counts, wetlands on the site faculty and, most important, the children. more info, including some valuable coupons, tion packet. Calls to Tampa-based Hunt Real and possible cost of construction. The school already has the full support check out the Pet Depot ad on page 24 of Estate (who represented the two establishSay Wawa?!? of the Pasco County School Board and has this issue. Welcome to the neighborhood! ments in the meeting) were not returned Also, less than two miles east of I-75 on requested for the approval of a “Planning before our press time. S.R. 56, northeast convenience store/gas sta- Year” for the 2015-16 academic year. This On The Border, Starbucks & Meanwhile, while we announced in tion powerhouse Wawa is looking at property time will be used to define, develop and exa previous issue that a new location of a Chick-Fil-A On The Way across the street from Sam’s Club. ecute a strategic plan for the immediate and The S.R. 56 and S.R. 54 interchanges fast food favorite was planning to open on A pre-application meeting with Pasco future needs of the community. The Board on I-75 are hotbeds for economic growth in S.R. 56, what is now an empty field at the planners was set for Aug. 17 to discuss plans of Directors will be in collaboration with the Wesley Chapel, and that growth isn’t slowing northeast corner of S.R. 54 and Bruce B. for property at S.R. 56 and Trout Creek Dr., School Board to bring a facility with a qualdown, as more businesses and restaurants Downs (BBD) Blvd. could soon be home to just west of the CVS Pharmacy on S.R. 56 ity Montessori education and resources to are meeting with Pasco County about future a second Wesley Chapel Chick-fil-A! at Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. The plans the community. We would like to thank all of locations in the Cypress Creek Town Center According to documents filed with call for a 6,119-sq.-ft. convenience store with our community partners who have worked (CCTC) Development of Regional Impact county, the chicken sandwich giant met on 16 fuel pumps. tirelessly over the last several months to help (DRI), as well as along S.R. 54. Aug. 18 with county staffers about a possible This will be the first location in the with this project. The latest to stake a claim to our area Chick-fil-A location at the 2.31-acre site, Wesley Chapel (or New Tampa) area for Questions regarding the charter are a second drive-through location for cofwhich previously was set to become a RaceWawa, which is based in Chester Heights, school can be directed to the management fee giant Starbucks and the first for Mexican Trac gas station. Chick-fil-A is now proposPA. Currently, the closest location is on E. team at 991-6335. For info about Sports Bearss Ave. in Tampa, although the chain & Field, which is open, call 948-5500.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED
PIZZAMAKERS & LINE/PREP COOKS WANTED (exp’d. preferred) at New Tampa’s favorite authentic Chicago-style pizza place. Bring Resume during business hours to Full Circle Chicago Pizza at 19651 BBD Blvd. (in the Pebble Creek Collection). PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) - An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. MEDICAL BILLER - Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company. Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: Richard.Jones@solarusmedical.com. WING ZONE IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS - Including shift leader, cooks, cashiers and delivery drivers. Wing Zone offers flexible scheduling, competitive pay wages, advancement opportunities and much more. Come join out team of flavorholics and wing lovers at Wing Zone. Applications are available at store location: 19062 Bruce B Downs. Corner of Cross Creek in the New Tampa Center. NOW HIRING STYLIST - Upscale hair salon seeks hairstylist. Please inquire within... 6431 Country Line Road, Suite 107 Tampa, FL 33647 Contact (813) 994-9455 ROUTE SALES, MEDICAL Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retreival. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights a month. Retrieves damaged/defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; scheduling maintenance and repairs. Send resumes to: richard.jones@solarusmedical.com
HANAQ PRANA YOGA STUDIO, located in New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area, is looking for RYT Yogis who want to grow and teach our community the vast benefits of Yoga & Meditation. Flat fee plus percentage of attendance. Rates based upon experience, new RYTs are always welcome. Join the movement create conscious about the real Yoga LifeStyle. (813)-333-1026 DRIVER/CAR needed on call or as needed basis to drive individual to and from work and other errands. References needed, please call (813)-501-8301 or (813)-352-6560
UPHOLSTERY- All types-Sofas, chairs, stools, pillows, select window treatments, etc. For info and pricing call Glen or Sheryl (813)-245-9719 DRY WALL SPECIALIST - Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings & walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster & stucco repair. 26 years of experience Wesley Chapel resident. StateCertified. Call Ron for a free estimate at 784-5999. DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional and personal touch. Pool decks and screen enclosures, all fencing, driveways, walkways, roofs, gutters and downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177. GREG’S PAPERHANGING - For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed and insured, clean, quick and reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate. RAYMOND PAINTING - Exterior & Interior Services. Exterior: Painting, pressure washing, clean & seal pavers, stucco, roofing, leaks & wood rot repair. Interior: Painting, plastering, ceiling & wall repairs & tiles. Licensed & Bonded. References avail. Free estimates. Your Neighborhood Arbor Greene Resident! We work 7 days. Call (813) 994-5124. WEST COAST FLOORING, INC.Carpet and Laminate Flooring. Quality repairs on all floors. Commercial Flooring Install. Licensed and Insured. Free Estimate, Call (813)-215-4817
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HOMETEAM LAWNCARE LLC: - High-Quality Professional Services: Weekly or Bi-Weekly Year-Round FullSvc LawnCare: mow, edge, trim, blow, mulch-bed maintenance, hedge and low-tree trim. Additional Services: Sod, Mulch, & Rock Placement; Hedge Trimming, & Tree Trimming up to 24 feet; Landscape Installation; Fall/Spring Clean-Up. Family Owned & Operated, Licensed & Insured, Background Checked, Call or Text (813) 817-9554
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PROFESSIONAL TECH SUPPORT — in your home or small business. A+, Certified computer tech with 20 years of exp. Maintenance & repairs, upgrades & tutoring. More affordable than the large chains! Friendly, personalized svc. Technical jargon explained in plain English. Remote assistance available. References available upon request. Call (813) 957-8342 for a free estimate. DO YOU HATE YOUR COMPUTER?!? WE CAN HELP YOU! Troubleshooting, installation, networking & virus removal. WE COME TO YOU! Servicing residences & businesses, w/ more than 25 years of exp. Contact Jeffrey Blank at (813) 973-4507, visit WSICA.COM or send an email to Wsica@ wsica.com today!
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EDUCATION / BABYSITTING TUTORING - Infinite Edge is located in Tampa Palms & offers tutoring in all subjects, including Math, English & SAT, ACT & FCAT tests, 1st-12th grade. We also offer AP classes & last year, our students scored a 5 on any AP subject in which we helped. Please call (813) 971-6500.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
‘Trick’s Kicks’ To Hold 2nd Annual Golf Tournament At Heritage Isles! By Matt Wiley
In memory of Hunter’s Green resident Patrick Strom, the second annual “Trick’s Kicks Golf Tournament” will again be held at Heritage Isles Country Club (located at 10630 Plantation Bay Dr. off Cross Creek Blvd.) on Saturday, October 17. The tournament is working to raise money to purchase and donate quality sneakers (“kicks”) to less-fortunate kids in the Tampa Bay area. Patrick (who was called “Trick” for short) was a Wharton High grad who was tragically killed in a single-vehicle car accident in June 2012 in Hunter’s Green. Since then, the Strom family and their friends and supporters have started a nonprofit organization to give back to the community with one of Patrick’s favorite hobbies, collecting athletic shoes. But, instead of collecting Nike’s for themselves, the charity gives them away to kids in need. The golf tournament is a major way Trick’s Kicks raises the funds to purchase the footwear through Pinellas Park-based Gulfshore Sports. Last year, about 60 golfers participated in the first-ever “Trick’s Kicks” Memorial Golf Tourney, which helped the nonprofit raise about $7,000. The money went toward buying more shoes and establishing an endowment scholarship in Patrick’s memory at nearby St. Leo University in Dade City. “If we make $3,000-4,000 this year,
we’ll be happy,” says Patrick’s father Dick. “We’re on our way.” Registration for the tournament is open now. Check-in and last minute registration (which won’t accept credit or debit cards) will begin at 7:30 a.m., with an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. A $100 donation covers greens fees, a cart, range balls, lunch and entrance into the hole-inone, longest drive and closest-to-the-pin contests. The tournament also will feature door prizes, a raffle and silent auction. Dick explains that Trick’s Kicks just finished a Back-to-School donation to Everyday Blessings (a shelter for kids taken from the parents because of abuse and other reasons), giving away 35 pairs of new Nikes to underprivileged kids. Five pairs of kicks also were given away to five children at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (located on Cross Creek Blvd.), where the Stroms attend services. “The smiles on the kids’ faces,” Dick explains. “They always look just like Patrick when he’d get a new pair of shoes.” Dick says that Patrick’s closet, which remains exactly the same as the last time he used it, still is stacked with shoe boxes. “He was a big Nike shoe fanatic,” Dick says. “He’d wait in line all night for a new pair to be released.” Dick says that he plans to continue the golf tournaments until he is too old to do so. While the tournaments may be temporary, the $10,000 St. Leo endowment scholarship is not.
“The scholarship will keep his memory alive forever,” Dick says proudly. Although it’s been more than three years since his passing, Dick says that the family’s pain remains. “It never goes away, but we learn to cope with it,” he says. For more info, please visit TricksKicks.com.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 19 • September 12, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News