Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News, Issue 2, January 17, 2015

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Volume 23 Issue 2


Celebrating One Year With D’Alessio Ristorante! See Page 25!

January 17, 2015

Named The 2014 ‘Small Business Of The Year’ By The Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce! THIS INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS MAGAZINE IS DIRECTLY MAILED TO: WESLEY CHAPEL: Aberdeen • Belle Chase • Bridgewater • Brookside • Chapel Pines • Country Walk • Lexington Oaks • Meadow Pointe • New River • Northwood • Pinewalk • Pine Ridge Saddlebrook • Saddleridge Estates • Saddlewood • Seven Oaks • The Lakes at Northwood • The Villages of Wesley Chapel • Watergrass • Wesley Pointe • Westbrook Estates • Williamsburg OUR NEW TAMPA EDITIONS ARE MAILED TO: Arbor Greene • Cory Lake Isles • Cross Creek • Easton Park • Grand Hampton • Heritage Isles • Hunter’s Green • Hunter’s Key K-Bar Ranch • Lake Forest • Live Oak Preserve • Pebble Creek • Richmond Place • Tampa Palms • The Hammocks • West Meadows

More Development Planned In Cypress Creek Town Center DRI By Matt Wiley As the Tampa Premium Outlets construction speeds up on the south side of S.R. 56 in the Cypress Creek Town Center (CCTC) Development of Regional Impact (DRI), following the groundbreaking of Simon Property Group’s Tampa Premium Outlets on December 12, more plans have been proposed for the bustling development. According to the county’s website, on January 12 (which was just after we went to press with this issue), representatives from Tampa-based Avid Group met with county staff to discuss plans for an outparcel within the CCTC DRI, located at the northwest corner of the S.R. 56/Wesley Chapel Blvd. intersection. Documents indicate that, if approved by Pasco County, the proposed project would include a shopping center with six outparcels, totaling 130,000 square feet (located east of Wesley Chapel Blvd.), that would require right-of-way along Memorial Dr. (Old State Road 54). However, no site plan had been submitted to county staff at our press time. Avid Group’s website shows that the company has completed similar shopping plaza projects across the state, including The Fountains at Bay Hill in Orlando, Park Place Mall in Pinellas Park and Water Tower Place in Celebration.

Outlet Mall Breaks Ground

The ground has officially been broken at

the site of the long-awaited Tampa Premium Outlets mall in Wesley Chapel, following a groundbreaking ceremony on December 12. After years of legal battles, as well as a few months of infrastructure construction, vertical development has now begun on Simon Property Group’s newest outlet mall, located in the Cypress Creek Town Center (CCTC) Development of Regional Impact (DRI), south of S.R. 56 and just west of the I-75 interchange. During a ceremony on December 12, representatives from Simon (which currently has more than 70 outlet malls nationwide, including the Ellenton Prime Outlets, located off Exit 224 of I-75) announced that the mall is scheduled to open by October of 2015. The outlet mall will feature an outdoor, open-air, “Key West”-style design, with large shaded overhangs, as well as a central water feature or amenity. “(The mall) will be really indicative of this area and of Pasco County,” said Simon Property Group’s senior vice president of development Danielle DeVita during the ceremony. “It will have a real Florida feel to it. It will be a truly amazing place for people to gather, relax and shop. We’re very excited about the design and how this center is going to end up looking.” DeVita told ceremony attendees (which included a who’s-who of Pasco County government, Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce ambassadors and other repre-

sentatives from Simon, as well as Sierra Properties and members of the Richard E. Jacobs Group, both of which also own land in the CCTC development) that the outlet mall is poised to provide Pasco with 300-500 construction jobs, as well as more than 800 full- and part-time retail jobs when the mall opens. DeVita also officially announced that Saks Fifth Avenue’s outlet store, called “Off 5th,” will be one of the 441,000-sq.ft. mall’s 110 national designer tenants, although that information already was announced in a press release about two years ago. Saks Off 5th has more than The development of the Cypress Creek Town Center DRI is 65 locations nationwide and in full swing, with several projects under way or announced. provides highly-fashionable mer“Most successful projects, I believe, chandise, much like its parent store, but at a are based on the premise of a ‘three-legged discounted price. Other tenants will be an- stool,’” Comm. Schrader said. “(Wesley nounced as the mall gets closer to opening, Chapel) is becoming quite the shopping disDeVita said. “This is a multi-million dollar trict with the Shops at Wiregrass mall, The project for Simon and we are very proud to Grove (shopping plaza) just up the street be making this investment in Pasco County,” and now the Tampa Premium Outlets. To DeVita said. me, this is the three-legged stool that is goPasco Board of County Commissioners ing to make this the shopping mecca of the (BOCC) chairman Ted Schrader also spoke Tampa Bay region, one that’s going to have at the ceremony and stressed that the outlet far reaches to Gainesville and Orlando.” mall coming to fruition is the result of paCounty administrator Michele Baker, tience and that Pasco County clearly is comSee ‘Cypress Creek” on page 9. ing of age.

Check Out The Suncoast Arts Festival January 17-18 At The Shops At Wiregrass! By Matt Wiley If you’re looking for something to stimulate the left side of your brain, consider checking out the 10th annual Suncoast Arts Festival (SAF), a FREE event at the Shops at Wiregrass mall (28211 Paseo Dr.) on Saturday- Sunday, January 17-18. This year’s title sponsor is Ed Morse Cadillac in Brandon. For the past decade, SAF has served as a place for local artists to gather and display their

works for the public, while raising money for art programs in Pasco County. According to the SAF website, more than 100,000 people came out to last year’s SAF, which also was held at the Shops at Wiregrass. This year’s event is scheduled to feature more than 125 fine artists in many different media, each of whom will display their works along Paseo Dr. There also will be chalk artists (photo, right) who will decorate the sidewalks, live entertainment at the “Random Acts for

Also Inside This Issue!

News, Business, Sports & Education Updates

Neighborhood Magazine

New Tampa Rezoning Could Trigger Wesley Chapel Road Connections, Wiregrass Baseball Deal Terminated; Plus, Lots Of Local Business Features!

D’Alessio Celebrates One Year In Business, Our Editor’s 2014 Favorite Restaurants In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel & More Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes!

Pages 1-24

Pages 25-40

Art” stage in the mall’s Center Court, an “Emerging Artist” exhibit of artworks by area high school students and a glass-etching show on Sunday, as well as a “Phoneography Competition” to see who can capture the best photograph at the event on their mobile phone (sponsored by Rasmussen College on S.R. 54 in Land O’Lakes). Proceeds from the event go towards SAF’s “Arts for Education,” a program run by Fine Arts of the Suncoast, Inc., which is SAF’s not-for-profit parent company. The funds raised benefit arts education programs in Pasco County’s public, private and charter schools. The website says that during the past ten years, SAF has helped raise money for 85 $500 mini-grants for teachers and schools, 24 of which were distributed in Pasco County schools in 2014, totaling $12,000. Saturday evening also will include the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC)’s Business Showcase, which will this

year bring 35 member businesses together to show support for the local art community. The Suncoast Arts Festival will be open on Saturday, from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Sunday. For more info, visit SuncoastArtsFest.com.

Sheriff Talks Budgets, Body Cameras & Terrorism

An editorial by Gary Nager No matter what your politics may be, it’s hard not to like Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco. Tall, handsome (at least according to the ladies in my Wesley Chapel Rotary Club, where he was the featured speaker on January 7), married and a father of three who stays active in his church and his community, Sheriff Nocco is extremely qualified (see credentials below) and very comfortable holding a microphone. The Pasco Sheriff gave yours truly and my fellow Wesley Chapel Rotarians (we meet every Wed. at noon at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall) an update on his office and the state of law enforcement in Pasco County. According to his bio at PascoSheriff. us, Sheriff Nocco, who has held that position since 2011, graduated with a Master’s degree in Public Administration and a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, both from the University of Delaware in Newark, where he also played football. He also earned an undergraduate certificate in Emergency Management from Florida State University in Tallahassee, is a graduate of the National Sheriff’s Association’s 101st National Sheriff’s Institute and a graduate of the FBI’s National Executive Institute. Before coming to Pasco, Sheriff Nocco served with the Philadelphia Public School Police, the Fairfax County Virginia Police Department and as a deputy with the Broward County Sheriff’s Office. He was a first responder to the attacks of 9/11, the Washington Sniper Incident, the anthrax attacks and numerous demonstrations and large protests in the nation’s capital. He also served as a member of the Civil Disturbance

Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Address: 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543

Phone: (813) 910-2575 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail:  EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents Celeste McLaughlin • Kelly Miller Graphic Designers Georgia Carmichael • Nate Ciurla Office Assistant Jillian Reilly Advertising Sales Rep Mary Dorey Nothing that appears in Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 23, Issue 4, of Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is Monday, February 2, 2015. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.

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Unit in Fairfax, the Field Force in Broward County and as Staff Director to Rep. Marco Rubio in the Policy & Procedures Office (responsible for domestic security, criminal justice, economic development, and transportation issues). He then became Deputy Chief of Staff when Rubio became the Speaker of the Florida House. Nocco also was Chief of Staff for the Florida Highway Patrol, assisting with the reorganization creating greater efficiencies, cost savings, and information sharing, and served both as Captain and Major of the Joint Operations Bureau of the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) before being appointed Sheriff in 2011. In other words, Sheriff Nocco is indeed well-qualified to be the top law enforcement official in our county, and he certainly has no problem being honest about his needs as Sheriff. For example, although his budget for the Sheriff’s Office has increased every year since 2012 (from $83.5 million in 2012 to a $98.5 million budget allocation for Fiscal Year 2015), he told the Rotarians in attendance that he still has an average of only 0.8 deputies per 1,000 residents, even though the national average for a law enforcement agency is about two officers for every 1,000 people (and the City of Tampa budgets about three officers for every 1,000 people). “Pasco may be the weirdest county in Florida (according to a 2014 Slate magazine article),” Nocco said at the Rotary meeting, “but it’s my job to make sure that the laws are enforced and the residents are kept safe.” Towards that end, Nocco said that, thanks to a federal grant, all PCSO deputies are now equipped with body cameras they can turn on and off, which he says helps keep both the officers and any innocent people safe during the investigation of any possible crime. “It’s a safety measure for both the citizens and for law enforcement,” he said. Speaking of public safety, Nocco also said that it is a known fact that if anything were to happen in Pasco County similar to the recent events in Paris, “the response of the U.S. military to have an actual presence in our area could take days, so our deputies know that they will be responsible for protecting the people of this county in the event of a major incident.” He added that he wasn’t letting secret information out of the bag with those comments, “Those are just the facts we face every day on this job.”

During the Rotary meeting, Sheriff Nocco also introduced Cpl. Mary Guyer, and District II (which includes Wesley Chapel) Capt. Ken Gregory. Guyer, who began her career at the PCSO in 2006 as a patrol deputy. In 2011, she was appointed to the rank of corporal and was assigned to the grantfunded position of Officer Friendly in Dade City, working with at-risk children. In 2013, Cpl. Guyer began working in the Community Relations Unit. Capt. And, since joining PCSO way back in 1990, Capt. Gregory was one of the initial members of the Community Oriented Policing Unit. He also has worked in the Vice & Narcotics unit and in Property Crimes and the Motor and Step Units. My thanks to Sheriff Nocco and his staff for their ongoing job well done!

Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco (left), with Wesley Chapel Rotary Club president Kelly Mothershead.






Wesley Chapel Tampa

Table of Contents

Local News Updates............................4-13

K-Bar Rezoning Could Finally Connect Mansfield Blvd......4 State Surgeon General Restricts Dade City Doctor’s License..6 Wesley Chapel News Briefs............................................9 S.R 56 Resurfacing Begins SUV Collides With Wesley Chapel Home WC Man Killed In Sumter County Crash Hudson Man Dies In Crash With WC Resident Serial Robber Busted At WC Walmart Accused Grove Gunman Granted Bond Exception BOCC Terminates Wiregrass Baseball Complex Deal........12 Wesley Chapel Community Calendar............................15

Local Business Updates.......................16-22 Pure Health & Fitness Studios To Open WC Location....16 Shuayb Laser Dentistry Uses Latest In Technology.............18 Medi-Weightloss Clinics Helps Transform Your Life......18

Local Education Updates..........................23 Wesley Chapel’s High Schools Get Good Grades Wesley Chapel’s ‘Teacher of the Year’ Nominees

Neighborhood Magazine......25-40

D’Alessio Ristorante Celebrates A Year In Business...... 25 Gary’s New Tampa & WC Dining Favorites.........26 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’............33

WESLEY CHAPEL COLOR CLASSIFIEDS.....36 Seven Oaks Family On HGTV’s ‘House Hunters’........38

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

Neighborhood News



Rezoning Could Offer Wesley Chapel-To-New Tampa Road Connection By Matt Wiley

A 20-foot canyon of brush and dirt and some barricades are the only things stopping traffic from flowing from Kinnan St. in the K-Bar Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI) of New Tampa into Wesley Chapel along Mansfield Blvd. in Meadow Pointe. But, after what seems like an eternity to long-time residents on both sides of the crevasse, attitudes are finally changing between the involved parties about connecting the two roads. For years, the “Kinnan/Mansfield Connection” has been a stalemate between the City of Tampa, Pasco County and the developers of the city-based K-Bar Ranch DRI, currently led by Columbus, OH-based M/I Homes. With development and new home construction on the upswing in K-Bar, M/I has applied for a rezoning which could trigger the construction of a future east-west road within K-Bar Ranch, says City of Tampa planning and development director Tom Snelling. The construction of that road also could have an effect on finally connecting Kinnan St. to Mansfield Blvd. “There isn’t an immediate plan to connect (the two roads),” Snelling explains. “We’ve made progress and met with representatives from Pasco County a few times, but first we have to work through the details with M/I Homes.” M/I’s Tampa-area president Marshall


cation to change the developer’s entitlements to the number of homes that can be built. However, with more homes come more vehicles, which means that transportation improvements will have to be made in the area. Snelling says Currently;, Mansfield Blvd. in Meadow Pointe dead ends that a K-Bar east-west road at the Hillsborough/Pasco County line, just feet short of and northern connections connecting to K-Bar Ranch in New Tampa. (at Kinnan/Mansfield and possibly another future Gray says that the rezoning application connection at Meadow Pointe Blvd.) into was submitted to the city in December, with the hope of it being approved by the Pasco County are all therefore part of the conversation. end of the first quarter of this year. Gray Today, Kinnan St. extends 2,000 explains that the rezoning will allow for feet north of its intersection with Live the construction of about 1,400 homes on Oak Blvd. adjacent to the Hillsborough just more than 1,000 undeveloped acres County-based Live Oak Preserve developwithin the DRI. The rezoning request ment. However, Kinnan St. turns right also includes nine acres for one or more into K-Bar property, where it ends at a amenity complexes, protected wetlands, and approximately 58 acres of park land to barricade — as does Mansfield Blvd. — and has remained that way since the develbe dedicated to the City of Tampa. opers of Live Oak paved the extension of “The entire road system (within KKinnan St. in 2007. Bar) will be a large topic of the rezoning Last March, a 16-page petition was process,” Gray explains. “While the connections to Pasco are part of the submittal submitted to the City of Tampa Attorprocess, the outcome will be determined ney’s office in hopes that the 61 signabased on approvals from the City, along tures from business owners, employees with joint efforts with Pasco County.” and even some customers along Cross Snelling explains that M/I’s rezoning Creek Blvd. would help sway the respecapplication will not change the use of any tive parties’ opinions about connecting of the K-Bar land, but is instead an appli- Kinnan St. and Mansfield Blvd. The

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

signatures represented about 40 different businesses, along with owners of several homes on both sides of the county line. In November of 2012, Pasco County actually reached out to the City about opening the road connection, and sent a list of conditions that would have to be satisfied for Pasco to agree to the opening. Among those conditions were that the City and K-Bar would commit to paying no more than $500,000 for traffic calming improvements, or traffic signals, at the intersection of Mansfield Blvd. and Beardsley Dr., which curves through southern Meadow Pointe, just north of the county line, and at Mansfield and Wrencrest Dr. Pasco also wanted the City and KBar to commit four lanes of right of way for (or land on which to construct the) “Beardsley Extension,” which would link Beardsley Dr. east to Morris Bridge Rd., which would extend south into K-Bar before linking up with Morris Bridge. Other requirements also were included. “At this point, we are still waiting on a response or counter-offer from the City of Tampa to the conditions we sent last year,” says Pasco chief assistant county attorney David Goldstein. “There have been some staff level discussions about the transportation issues in the area, but we have not received any written proposals from the City relating to the opening of Kinnan/Mansfield.”

Neighborhood News



For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

Neighborhood News


Dade City Doctor’s License Restricted Following Sexual Assault Allegations By Matt Wiley

The state Surgeon General has issued an emergency order restricting the license of a Dade City physician, citing multiple allegations of medical malpractice and sexual assault. A December 19 court order from the Florida Department of Health (DOH) indicates that Florida Surgeon General John H. Armstrong ordered an emergency restriction on the medical license of Dr. Daniel Philip McBath, D.O., 52, a Dade City osteopathic primary care physician. The order details the accounts of several patients who have come forward since 2004 and reported mistreatment by Dr. McBath, asserting that they were sexually assaulted while under the influence of narcotics that they claim the doctor administered to them without their consent. “Because an osteopathic physician with a history of drugging and sexually assaulting female patients poses a danger to every female patient for whom the osteopathic physician provides care, Dr. McBath’s continued practice as an osteopathic physician presents a risk of immediate, serious danger to the health, welfare and safety of the public,” Dr. Armstrong wrote in the order. “Because of the egregiousness of Dr. McBath’s conduct, it is impossible to craft a lesser restriction that would adequately protect the public from the danger posed by Dr. McBath’s continued unrestricted practice

as an osteopathic physician.” The Surgeon General’s order restricts Dr. McBath from treating female patients as an osteopathic physician and seeks a formal disciplinary proceeding for his license, although no criminal charges or disciplinary actions had yet been filed at our press time. DOH spokesperson Ryan Ash says that the department still is waiting to hear from Dr. McBath about whether he wants a formal or informal hearing about the allegations. According to Florida law, if a doctor disputes material allegations in a case, that doctor is entitled to a formal hearing. If he doesn’t dispute the allegations, he or she is entitled to an informal hearing. A formal hearing involves an evidentiary proceeding before an administrative law judge, followed by appearance before the Board. An informal hearing occurs solely before the Board. The order states that the first patient came forward in July 2004, when she was a 26-year-old intern working for Dr. McBath. She wanted to learn how to treat varicose veins and Dr. McBath offered to teach her. The order says that he picked her up at her apartment and drove her to the Dade City office to gather supplies. While gathering the supplies, he report-

edly was drinking a beer. He suggested that they do the varicose vein treatment at her apartment because the procedure didn’t require a sterile environment. He also asked if she was allergic to any medications. Once back at her apartment, she says he gave her two pills that he said were antibiotics (which he said was Spectracef) for the procedure, and that she took them while she sipped half of a beer. He, too, reportedly was drinking additional beers. She told him that the pills were making her feel “woozy,” which he said was just a side effect. After showing her how to perform the procedure, he had her manipulate his spine, after which he manipulated hers, while she was laying face down. The report says he then had her turn over and attempted to kiss her. The report also says that she “went unconscious” after he exposed his genitals to her and that she woke up in her apartment a while later, when he told her that they had just “made love.” After he left, she went to a nearby hospital and spoke with law enforcement, the order says. She also tested positive for benzodiapezines, the active ingredient in Valium. The second patient came forward in January of 2014, after being a patient of Dr. McBath’s since 2009, the order states. Dr. McBath reportedly diagnosed the 5-foot-7-inch, 135 pound, 35-yearold woman as being “obese.” He also reportedly told her that she suffered from anxiety and hormonal imbalances, so he

prescribed testosterone and Xanax, which he didn’t make a record of prescribing. Dr. McBath also reportedly injected her genitals with an unknown substance that would “give her a stronger sex drive.” The report says that Dr. McBath took the patient to his home, where she lost consciousness and awoke in his bed. Another instance in the report alleges that, during a visit to his office, Dr. McBath asked her to rub a cigar around her genitals. In 2012, the report says, Dr. McBath invited another unidentified doctor into the room with him and the patient, during which time Dr. McBath again injected her genitals with an unknown substance. Once she passed out, the two doctors sexually assaulted her, the report says. The order says that the third patient, a 32-year-old female, saw Dr. McBath in April of 2014. During her treatment period, she said that he injected her with Valium in his office after business hours. She lost consciousness and awoke in her home four hours later, the order says. In a controlled phone call with law enforcement listening in, the patient confronted Dr. McBath, who urged her not to talk to law enforcement about the incident. According to the Pasco County Property Appraiser’s website, Dr. McBath sold his practice, the McBath Medical Building, to Bayfront Health in January 2014 for $2.5 million. No additional information was available at our press time.



For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

Neighborhood News


Wesley Chapel By Matt Wiley

S.R. 56 Resurfacing Begins

Wesley Chapel drivers should expect some traffic delays, as a new project on a major roadway just got under way. According to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), a project to resurface S.R. 56 got started on January 5. FDOT’s website says that the $6.8-million resurfacing project will put down a new layer of asphalt along the east and westbound lanes of S.R. 56, from just west of the I-75 interchange and all along the more than two-mile stretch to Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. FDOT reports that the project also will repave the I-75 entrance and exit ramps and install sidewalks along each side of that stretch of S.R. 56. The S.R. 56 project will be completed by Inglis, FL-based D.A.B. Constructors, Inc., which has completed paving and road construction projects across Tampa Bay, including the Suncoast Pkwy. and along U.S. 41 in Land O’Lakes and U.S. 19 in New Port Richey. D.A.B.’s contract with FDOT gives the company 390 days to complete the resurfacing project, which is expected to be completed by the spring of 2016.

SUV Collides With Wesley Chapel Home

A Wesley Chapel man has sustained minor injuries, after his car collided with and set fire to a home in our area on New Year’s Day. According to the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Ramon Vivas Moncada, 55, was driving his 2002 Mazda SUV westbound on Spring Oak Tr., approaching Boulder Run Lp. in the Oak Creek community of Wesley Chapel, located off Eiland Blvd. and Handcart Rd. FHP reports that Moncada failed to negotiate a right-hand curve in the roadway and continued off the road into an unoccupied home on Spring Oak Tr. Moncada’s SUV reportedly hit the outside corner of the home’s garage, causing the vehicle to rotate into the garage. Not long after exiting his vehicle, it caught fire, which spread to the home, resulting in an estimated $20,000 in damage.

News Briefs Moncada sustained minor injuries and was cited for driving without a license and for careless driving. FHP reports that alcohol was not a factor in the crash.

Wesley Chapel Man Killed In Sumter County Crash

A Wesley Chapel resident has died, following a single-vehicle crash in Sumter County. The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) reports that at around 3:40 a.m. on December 30, Wesley Chapel resident Nathan Wayne Crawford, 45, was traveling west in his 2005 Cadillac Escalade on C.R. 470 near its intersection with C.R. 431 near Inverness. The FHP report states that Crawford’s Escalade left the roadway, crossed the northern shoulder and entered a ditch. Crawford’s vehicle continued through the ditch and launched up and over C.R. 431, the report says. The Escalade collided with a tree on the north shoulder of C.R. 470, west of C.R. 431, and came to its final rest facing northwest. Crawford died of his injuries at the scene. FHP reports that Crawford reportedly was not wearing a seatbelt and alcohol was a factor in the crash.

Hudson Man Dies In Crash With Wesley Chapel Resident A man is dead, after being struck by a vehicle driven by a Wesley Chapel resident while walking across U.S. 19 in Hudson. According to the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), just before 9 p.m. on December 22, James Kenneth Bryant, 49, of Hudson, was walking west across the southbound lanes of U.S. 19 in Hudson, near the intersection of Beacon Woods Dr. FHP reports that Bryant walked directly into the path of the 2000 Toyota Avalon driven by Wesley Chapel resident Nicholas Giovinazzi, 27, who was heading northbound on U.S. 19 in the center lane. The Avalon struck Bryant, who died of his injuries at the scene. FHP reports that alcohol was not a factor in the crash.

Serial Robber Busted At Wesley Chapel Walmart

If you’re caught “red-handed” in the middle of a robbery, pulling out a

box-cutter knife and swinging it at law enforcement officers is probably not a good idea, as one Dover man has learned, after getting caught robbing the Wesley Chapel Walmart Supercenter. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), Dover resident Paul Toler, 52, was stealing merchandise on December 17 while he was inside the new Walmart on S.R. 54, just east of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. Loss prevention officers Paul Toler watched through surveillance cameras as Toler took camera memory cards off the shelf and concealed them in his pants. The report says that Toler walked past all of the checkout counters and into the parking lot with the stolen merchandise. When approached by store security personnel, who identified themselves, Toler pulled out a box-cutter knife and said, “I’m gonna cut you,” before running to his car. The report also says that an off-duty Tampa Police Department (TPD) officer saw the situation unfold and confronted Toler, showing him his badge several times and identifying himself, which was observed by several witnesses. Toler began to swing his knife at the officer. The Walmart loss prevention officers and TPD officer eventually were able to subdue Toler until PCSO deputies arrived. During the scuffle, a Samsung tablet computer (valued at more than $450) also was discovered in Toler’s pants. Toler was arrested and charged with grand theft, aggravated assault with the intent to commit a felony, another count of aggravated assault and one count of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer. High bond was requested, as Toler was found to also be a suspect in an October robbery in Polk County. He was released on $40,000 bond.

in order for him to recover after hip replacement surgery. According to court documents, Reeves’ attorney filed an emergency motion on December 15 to modify the terms of his client’s bail, after Reeves fell at his home on December 14, which resulted in a broken hip and the need for emergency surgery. When Reeves initially was granted $150,000 bond in July of 2014 (about six months after allegedly shooting Land O’Lakes resident Chad Oulson inside the Cobb Grove 16 movie theater, located in The Grove shopping plaza off Oakley Blvd. in Wesley Chapel), Pasco Sixth Circuit Court Judge Pat Siracusa restricted him to his home and only gave him permission to leave to go to the grocery, religious services and to medical treatment appointments. However, on December 16, Judge Siracusa granted a motion that will allow Reeves the option to recover from his surgery in a rehabilitation facility, if necessary. “The Court did provide and anticipate under the ‘medical treatment’ exception that due to the advanced age of the defendant that an extended stay or (words blanked out on document) was contemplated and as such will grant the request,” Judge Siracusa wrote in the order, adding that the previous conditions of Reeves’ bond order have not changed. Reeves has another pretrial hearing scheduled for Thursday, January 29.

Reeves Granted Exception For Hip Replacement

Although ordered by a Pasco Circuit Court judge to remain at his home except for trips to the grocery store, church or for medical treatment, accused Grove 16 shooter Curtis Reeves, 72, has been granted an emergency exception to the terms of his bond

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

Neighborhood News


‘Cypress Creek’

Continued from page 1 who watched the project develop for years while working under previous Pasco administrator John Gallagher, told the crowd that she was, “excited to have this (groundbreaking; photo, below) happen on my watch.” Like Baker, newly elected District 2 County Commissioner Mike Moore, a Seven Oaks resident who represents Wesley Chapel on the BOCC, was among those who donned a hard-hat and picked up a shovel to help officially “break ground” after the formal cer-

emony. Although the project is just outside of his district, Comm. Moore also expressed excitement for the new mall and the effect it is expected to have on the local economy. “I’m thrilled to officially welcome Tampa Premium Outlets to Pasco County,” Comm. Moore said. “This is going to be a destination location and a tremendous boost for Pasco.” Note-The CCTC project actually is located in Pasco’s District 3, which is represented by Comm. Kathryn Starkey (who also was in attendance) and stretches from the west coast of Pasco to Bruce B. Downs (BBD), south of the S.R. 54/56 corridor.



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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com


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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com


Pasco BOCC Terminates Wiregrass Baseball Facility Deal By Matt Wiley

More than a month after Pasco Sports, LLC, missed its final deadline to submit proof of financing for its proposed $34-million baseball facility in the Wiregrass Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI), Pasco County staff is in the process of drawing up a new Request For Proposals (RFP) to build a sports facility at the same site. At the December 16 Pasco County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting, the Board voted unanimously (5-0) to scrap the contract that it had signed in January 2014 with Pasco Sports for a 19-field baseball facility on 22 acres of donated land from the Porter family, which owns Wiregrass Ranch. The county had agreed to dedicate up to $11-million in tourism funds to pay for the infrastructure necessary for the facility. Pasco Sports’ James Talton and retired MLB star Gary Sheffield were given until December 5 to turn in a financing plan, proving that they had secured funding partners for the project. The December 5 deadline was the second extension the BOCC had granted, after Sheffield promised to personally put up the initial $3-million investment at the November 18 BOCC meeting. However, Pasco Sports did not turn in its financing plan by the deadline. County administrator Michele Baker told the BOCC that prior to the final deadline, Pasco Sports followed up with her, wanting to restructure the deal, which she said that she was open to, as long as they could ultimately prove they could come up

with the necessary funding for the project. “Whether it was this deal, or another deal, we still needed to have proof of the financing being available,” Baker said. “Ultimately, they did not meet the deadline, at their choice, so I recommend that we terminate the current business deal.” Baker recommended putting out another RFP for the same site and negotiating a new and better deal, whether it’s once again with Pasco Sports, or another business partner that comes forward with a proposal for a facility at the Wiregrass site. “I think, collectively, we can look at this, not as a failure, but as an opportunity to move forward and find something that’s going to be a perfect fit for Pasco County,” BOCC chair & District 1 commissioner Ted Schrader said at the meeting. Before voting to terminate the baseball facility contract, Sports Facilities Advisory (SFA, a group that specializes in advising and planning for the development of sports tourism facilities across the country) CEO Dev Pathik gave a presentation to the BOCC about the prospects for sports tourism in Pasco County. Pathik made recommendations for updating the county’s Tourism Strategic Plan, including possibly even hiring a sports commissioner to travel and market the area to possible sports tourism developers. He recommended putting out an RFP that explicitly outlines the county’s goals in economic development and requires developers to prove that their concept could help bring in visitors and fill local hotel rooms throughout the week, not just during week-

end sporting events. He also recommended bringing in a company with a proven track record of building sports facilities. He mentioned that Pasco Sports’ proposal focused on dorms for athletes within the facility, which would take away from the economic potential for the area by having the athletes stay in local hotels. “You should create options for (developers) to approach the county with what they believe to be the very best model in the county’s best interest and look at what the options are,” Pathik said. “It’s about coming up with a strategy that’s ‘county-centric,’ that’s focused on the county’s objectives first and foremost,” Pathik added.

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E) Reattachment of connective tissue to the clean root surface with a stable brin clot and gingiva crest to create “a closed system”. F) Bite trauma is adjusted. G) New attachment is regenerated. New bone and new ligament is formed and healing occurs.

Neighborhood News


January 2015

ley Chapel). For additional information, visit FoodAddicts.org.

Suncoast Arts Festival & WCCC Business Showcase — See bottom of page 1.

Monday, January 26

Saturday, January 17-Sunday, January 18 Monday, January 19

Experienced Networking Professionals (ENP) — ENP meets Monday mornings at 8 a.m. for breakfast and networking at Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, call Brad Benson at 973-1814. Free Networking International (FNI) — FNI, a group of area business owners, meets Mondays for networking and discussion at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd., off S.R. 54). For info, call Stacy Dalton at 469-5499. Professional Business Connections (PBC) — PBC meets Mondays at 7:30 a.m. at The Happy Hangar Cafe (at Tampa North Aero Park, 4241 Birdsong Blvd., off S.R. 54, Lutz). For more info, call Chris Thurow at 546-6860. Wesley Chapel Speaks’ ToastMasters — The “Wesley Chapel Speaks” ToastMasters Club meets on the first and third Monday of every month, 6:15 p.m., at Hyundai of Wesley Chapel (26944 Wesley Chapel Blvd.). For info, call David West at 610-1650 or visit WesleyChapel Speaks.ToastMastersClubs.org. Celebrate Recovery — Celebrate Recovery is a purpose driven recovery resource group for healing from addictions that meets at Victorious Life Church (6224 Old Pasco Rd.) on Monday nights from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. The group focuses on the habits that have affected members and others. For info, call 973-2230.

Tuesday, January 20

Business Networking International (BNI) — BNI, a group of business pros supporting each other through qualified referrals, meets Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m., at Heritage Church (1854 Oak Grove Blvd., off S.R. 54, Land O’Lakes). For more information, email Tim at Tim@TampaHomes24-7.com.

The Compassionate Friends (TCF) Support Group — Did you or someone you know suffer the loss of a child, grandchild or sibling? TCF is a not-for-profit organization that supports parents, grandparents and siblings after the devastating loss of a child of any age that meets the fourth Monday of each month at the Lexington Oaks Community Center (26304 Lexington Oaks Blvd.). For info, visit TCFPascoCounty.org or call 273-8721.

February 2015

Saturday, February 7

5th Annual ‘Honest Abe 5K’ — Avalon Park West presents the 5th annual ‘Honest Abe 5K & 1-Mile Fun Run’ race to benefit the Boy Scouts of America and the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel. Registration and check-in begins at 6:30 a.m. at New River Elementary (4710 River Glen Blvd., off S.R. 54). The cost to participate is $20 and a hot breakfast, long-sleeved shirt and ‘swag bag’ are available to all participants. For more info and preregistration, visit Active.com and search key word ‘Honest Abe.’

March 2015

Monday, March 2

FHWC ‘Slice For Life’ Golf Tournament - Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) is proud to announce its third annual ‘Slice For Life’ golf tournament at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club (5811 Tampa Palms Blvd.), with all proceeds benefitting the FHWC Foundation. The cost to play is $175 per individual or $600/foursome, which includes greens fees, a box lunch, cart, dinner & prizes. For more info, email Connie.Bladon@AHSS.org.

Mental Disorder Support Meeting — The Pasco County Chapter of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) offers a support group for family and friends of those with mental illness. The group meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Atonement Lutheran Church (29617 S.R. 54). For more info, call (727) 992-9653.

Wednesday, January 21

Wesley Chapel Rotary Club — The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel meets every Wednesday, 12:15 p.m., at Ciao! Italian Bistro (2001 Piazza Ave., in the Shops at Wiregrass mall). For more info, call 862-8989 or 391-3895.

Thursday, January 22

Networking For Your Success — The Networking For Your Success group meets Thursdays, 8 a.m., at Lexington Oaks Clubhouse (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd, off S.R. 54). All are welcome and a continental breakfast is served for $5. An annual membership costs just $79. For more information, call (813) 073-1657. Food Addicts In Recovery (FA) — FA is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experiences and mutual support, are recovering from the disease of food addiction. The group meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Seventh Day Adventist Church (33420 S.R. 54, Wes-

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com


Samantha Taylor Opens 2nd Pure Health & Fitness Studio In Wesley Chapel By Celeste McLaughlin

In her 22-year career as a personal trainer, Samantha Taylor says she has helped 4,000 local women meet their health and fitness goals. Her plan is to increase that number to 10,000 by the year 2020, and the next phase of this growth already is under way, with the opening of Samantha’s second location of her Pure Health & Fitness Studios, across the street from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. But, this business is not just a “numbers game” for Samantha. Each of these 10,000 total women is someone whose body has been — or will be — transformed and their lifestyles completely changed. “When I meet them, women are often sad and depressed, and don’t have much energy,” Samantha explains. “But, I know where I can take them.” She does this through a system she has developed over her years of professional training and experience, using her personal story of transformation to motivate others to work towards a life of health and wellness. “We are a private studio for women,” Samantha says. “This is not a gym, but a community where women experience accountability and support.” At 17, Samantha first met her future husband Drew, a bodybuilder who convinced her to begin working out with him. “I loved what it did for my body, and I could see the results,” she recalls. This led her to become an International Fitness Professional Association-certified personal trainer, and she eventually became the highest-producing trainer in all of Lifestyles Fitness, out of more than 2,000 trainers nationwide. However, Samantha says she still struggled with emotional eating and binging. “As a trainer, I gained 20 pounds,” she says. “It was embarrassing.” She says she knew she needed to change, and began to seek spiritual answers. As she read the Bible, she began to look at food and her body differently, and eventually was able to overcome her issues. “I wanted to open a place for women that’s not a gym,” says Samantha, who notes that she began her business 12 years ago and has upgraded her facilities by moving several times. About a year ago, she purchased a unique, resort-like, lakeside building in Land O’Lakes, off of S.R. 54 on Knights Ave. (just west of Collier Pkwy.).


She expects this site to be her company’s flagship location for the foreseeable future, and its success has set the foundation for opening her new location in Wesley Chapel. At either Pure Health & Fitness location, women can choose one-on-one or group personal training, or a membership for Pure Health’s FitBody Boot Camp. Here’s how these options work: To get started with Pure Health & Fitness Studios personal training, each woman meets individually with Samantha for a Body Transformation Analysis — a completely free, no-obligation consultation to determine a fitness program that will be completely customized based on each woman’s individual goals. Samantha says that this is the most personal and private option. In addition to personal training sessions, each client also meets with an assigned results coach monthly, to be sure they’re progressing at the proper rate. FitBody Boot Camp membership is another available option. Women who choose this group fitness option start off with a consultation with manager Amber Brayfield, who used to be a Pure Health member, herself, and joined Samantha’s staff about a year ago. Then, clients attend regular or beginner FitBody Boot Camp classes, which vary in cardiovascular intensity levels. The beginner classes allow clients to ease into the more intense regular class. Several classes are offered every day, and you choose three or more times each week to attend. Attendance is tracked, and you’ll do monthly weigh-ins and body fat testing, so you can be sure you’re always making progress towards meeting your goal. “We expect change, and you should, too,” explains Samantha. All of Pure Health’s programs include an eating plan and recipes, including nosugar treats such as chocolate peanut butter cups. She emphasizes that her program is not a diet, but a lifestyle change, so that your changes become lifelong habits. “Our eating plans are not just for weight loss, but are based in science and chemistry, to balance the body and help prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.” She says that with diets, women are often hungry, tired and have lots of cravings. She guarantees that with her eating plan, you won’t be hungry, you’ll have more energy and won’t have cravings. To sign up for some of Samantha’s favorite recipes, go to PureHealthStudios.com/GetRecipes.

At both locations, chef-led cooking classes are offered weekly. They are open to the public, although they often fill up quickly. To attend the cooking classes at the Wesley Chapel location, call the studio at 377-3739.

Why Pure Health & Fitness?

“For many women, their weight affects every area of their lives,” says Samantha. “They’re not Samantha Taylor (bottom left) and the trainer at Pure Health & happy, they feel they’re treated differently, and it Fitness Studios invite you to change your lifestyle this year at their new Wesley Chapel location, right across BBD from FHWC. can be debilitating.” Although she helps that weight off for seven years,” Chris says. women of every age, Samantha says many of Once Chris reached her goal weight, her clients are in their 50s and 60s. she continued to train because she wanted “Women in this age group are startto see other changes in her body, such as ing to see bad health habits catch up with toning, firming and muscle building. After them,” she says. “They are seeing conseseveral months of this training, she began quences and need to make a change for the to work with Samantha to learn how to be a future.” She explains they are often inspired personal trainer. by before-and-after pictures they see in local “I was so happy with what I’d achieved advertising, including pictures of Chris Wilthat I wanted to help other women achieve liams, a former client of Samantha’s who is the same thing,” Chris says. She became now a personal trainer herself. certified as a personal trainer by the AmeriChris says she became a client of can Council on Exercise (ACE) and has Samantha’s in 2007. “I had been gaining been on Samantha’s team ever since, helpa few pounds a year for several years and ing other women achieve their goals. couldn’t seem to get it off,” she recalls. She “Having a good trainer gives you began training in March and had lost 55 someone to be accountable to,” Chris pounds by that October. “And I’ve kept explains. “They’re training you to do exer-

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Samantha says that, because she meets with each client individually, she can pair each woman with the specific trainer who is the best fit for her. “Our personal trainers are not there to just count reps,” says Samantha. “They are your cheerleader, motivator and accountability partner. Truly, the hardest part is showing up.” Samantha recounts Barbara’s story. Barbara (left) started at 340 pounds and lost 190, and said that in any other program, she would have given up when she hit a plateau. “But you didn’t let me quit,” Barbara told Samantha.

Wesley Chapel Grand Opening!

The new Wesley Chapel studio held a Barbara has lost and kept off 190 pounds with well-attended open house on January 2-3, Samantha’s help! and already has enrolled 70 members. Many of these members signed up after seeing cises, but also helping you with eating, how Samantha’s ad right here in the Wesley you’re feeling and can tweak what you’re Chapel Neighborhood News. The studio also doing to get the best results. The most will host a Grand Opening celebration in important thing is that you’re not alone. It February (although the date had not yet can be really hard to reach your goal weight been determined as we went to press with when you’re doing it by yourself.” this issue). The event will be open to the Samantha adds, “I have a great staff public and will feature a giveaway of great (which includes Chris and nine other personal trainers). It can be hard to find a good prizes, including a free cruise for two and six months of free personal training. Everyone personal trainer, but I have a truly amazing is invited to check out the new Pure Health team. They are spectacular, not only in their facility on BBD, meet the trainers, and enjoy training abilities, but also in their people delicious complementary snacks. skills. Our trainers are compassionate, but Pure Health & Fitness Studios’ they don’t accept excuses.” new location is at 2653 Bruce B. Downs She says many of her trainers have Blvd., Suite 205 (second floor), just more than 10 years of experience, and they north of the Shops at Wiregrass Mall and are always bringing something new to the across the street from FHWC. To sign up workouts. “Even with all of my experience, for a Body Transformation Analysis, visit they keep doing things I’ve never seen bePureHealthStudios.com/consult, or call fore,” Samantha says, adding that this helps 377-3739. Also, see the ad on page 22 of keep women from getting bored, and helps this issue for more information. their bodies respond to their workouts.

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SPOTLIGHT ON... Florida Wellness Pharmacy Since opening in the past few months in the Shoppes of Wesley Chapel across Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, Florida Wellness Pharmacy and its affiliated pediatric pharmacy, All Children’s Pharmacy, have established themselves as the premier go-to pharmacies for compounding specialty medications, especially for children. “We focus on compounding medications for both adults and children, with an emphasis on specialty pediatric compounding, especially for children with autism,” says Sohal Shah, R.Ph. (Registered Pharmacist), who is the director of both pharmacies. Shah has been specially trained in compounding and has been certified by the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs. Shah earned his Bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences in Boston, and his R.Ph. in 1998. He became pharmacy director at Florida Wellness Pharmacy when it opened in May of 2014. Shah explains that All Children’s is Florida’s only pediatric specialty pharmacy. He and his staff (which includes his wife, Sujata Shah, who earned her B.S. in Pharmacy from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences in Boston in 1994, and her Doctor of Pharmacy {Pharm.D.} degree from Shenandoah University in Winchester, VA, in 2004) and Certified Pharmacy Technicians Ashley Clark and Amanda Gill), create custom medications for children with autism and other conditions that are only made at a

handful of pharmacies across the country. The pharmacies are members of the Professional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA), which Shah says gives Florida Wellness & All Children’s pharmacies access to specialty formulations and expertise available only to PCCA members. “We want to be sure that patients get the care and quality they deserve, and then we want to throw in some fun stuff for kids, too.” He invites parents to bring in the coupon on page 34 for a free bottle of “Stay Away Monster Spray,” made with lavender oil, to help your little one fall asleep. The spray consists only of water and lavender oil, which provides a non-narcotic, but still calming effect. Florida Wellness Pharmacy and All Children’s Pharmacy are located at 2653 BBD Blvd., Suite 115, in the Shoppes of Wesley Chapel (next to the Hungry Greek restaurant). The pharmacy is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. For more information, call 991-9500 or visit FloridaWellness Pharmacy.com.

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com


Shuayb Laser Dental Keeps Your Smile Bright With The Latest Technology By Kelly Miller

If you’ve been dragging your feet and putting off that dental visit you know you need, now’s the perfect time to make your smile a priority. Whether you or a loved one needs braces, a new crown, a replacement filling or any other dental work, Shuayb Laser Dental is ready to provide you with unrivaled quality care at a new location in the Tampa Palms Professional Center off Commerce Park Blvd. (on Primrose Lake Dr.) in New Tampa. Shuayb Laser Dental recently expanded its practice from Spring Hill (which opened in 2000) to New Tampa this past September. General dentist Mohammad Shuayb, DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine), is the owner of the practices and Dr. Ossama Jureyda, DMD, is the orthodontist on staff. Both dentists split their time between both offices, staggering their schedules to maximize the number of patients they’re able to help each week. “We wanted to begin offering our quality services to our neighbors in New Tampa,” says Dr. Jureyda, a Cory Lake Isles resident. “It took us quite a while to find just the right location, but the office is in a perfect spot, geographically, and has easy access to I-75.”

On The Forefront Of Dental Technology

Shuayb Laser Dental stands out from other dental practices in the community by utilizing the latest state-of-the-art technol-

FEBRUARY 17, 2015


ogy. Dr. Shuayb uses a laser in a variety of treatments, including treating periodontal (gum) disease. The original method used a scalpel and sutures, but with the laser, there’s reduced bleeding, minimized swelling and quicker recovery times, he says, adding that in some cases there’s even been regeneration of bone around the teeth. Dr. Shuayb also conducts laser-assisted teeth-whitening procedures and uses a laser on tooth fillings, as well. He says the focused laser beam helps get rid of the decayed tooth structure and sometimes requires no anesthetics. CEREC® is another advanced technology used in the office. It’s a dental restorative system that allows the dentist to place crowns, restore decayed teeth, remove defective amalgam fillings and place cosmetic veneers in just one appointment. Because of this unit, there’s no need to endure mouthfuls of messy impression materials or wear temporary veneers for weeks at a time. Now, for example, Dr. Shuayb can create a crown in just more than an hour. He uses the CEREC OmniCam 3D scanner & software to take a digital picture of a patient’s prepared tooth, which is then converted into a 3D virtual model. Dr. Shuayb designs the restoration right on the computer screen, while the patient watches. Once completed, a simple click of the mouse sends the data to the CEREC Milling Unit and a ceramic block, which has been matched to the shade of the tooth being repaired, where it is carved into shape. After the milling is finished, Dr.

The professional staff at Schuayb Laser Dental in Tampa Palms will make you smile, too. Come check out the latest in dental technology at the office, located in the Tampa Palms Professional Center off Commerce Park Blvd., near the BBD Blvd. exit off I-75. Shuayb polishes the crown and bonds it into place. He says this technology provides a level of precision that can’t be attained by human hands.

Education & Experience!

Dr. Shuayb and Dr. Jureyda met as classmates when they were both dental students at the Goldman School of Dentistry at Boston University in Boston, MA, earning their DMD degrees. “We both like to think outside the box,” Dr. Shuayb says. “It’s not just a job for us.” When Dr. Shuayb had wanted to add a full line of orthodontic services to his

Spring Hill practice in 2013, it seemed natural that Dr. Jureyda would come on board. The two have a well-established friendship and a deep admiration for each other’s professional skills. Dr. Shuayb earned his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Biology and a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of South Florida in Tampa. He moved back to Spring Hill to practice dentistry after earning his DMD. He also is a member of the American Dental Association. Once Dr. Jureyda completed his DMD in Boston (in 1994), he attended Howard University in Washington, D.C.,

FEBRUARY 17, 2015

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of the school system was a like a magnet that held our family here.” After seven years, he decided to make a change and began working with Dr. Shuayb in Spring Hill. Dr. Jureyda is a member of both the American Association of Orthodontists and the Florida Association of Orthodontists. He says that he is able to fix a variety of dental problems with orthodontics, including overbite, crossbites, openbite, underbite, overjet (teeth protrusion), teeth crowding and TMJ (temporomandibular joint pain). He says that metal braces are the most popular with kids and teenagers Dr. Shuayb uses the CEREC® 3D OmniCam Scanner because they love using difcand software during the process of making an all-ceramic ferent colors of ligature ties (rubber bands). Translucent crown for one of his patients. clear ceramic braces are where he received his Specialty Certificate popular with adults, he says. in Orthodontics. After that, he accepted Cosmetic lingual braces, which are attached an Orthodontic Fellowship at the State behind the teeth, also are available for University of New York (SUNY) University those concerned about their appearance. at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine in Clear plastic aligners, including Invisalign Buffalo, NY, where he went on to teach are another option. and practice with faculty privileges for eight Building Relationships, Too years. He then moved to New Tampa but “We’re both all about communicating first started working in Orlando. He kept with our patients,” Dr. Shuayb explains. up the long commute, refusing to move “We like to take the time to establish closer to work, because he “felt the quality relationships.” It’s not uncommon for the of life in New Tampa and the greatness Men & Women

dentists to spend up to an hour discussing and educating a patient on his or her problem and going over the proposed treatment plan. Dr. Jureyda says they both believe in the old adage, “Our best patient is an educated patient.” The dentists also will see patients on Saturdays and evenings if needed (by appointment). Shuayb Laser Dental offers a wide array of general dental and cosmetic dental treatments including: • Fillings • Tooth Restorations • Dental Sealants • Dentures • Bridges • Crowns • Dental Implants • Tooth Extractions • Gum Disease Laser Therapy • Non-Surgical Root Canal • Bonding • Porcelain Veneers • Inlays & Onlays • Teeth Whitening • Braces Hunter’s Green resident Jela Dobrilovic visited Shuayb Laser Dental for the first time two months ago. She says she’d been putting off having crowns done on her two front teeth because she was afraid they wouldn’t match the shape or color of her other teeth. “When I went to see Dr. Shuayb, he made me feel comfortable and really took the time to explain the process,” Dobrilovic says, adding that she was thrilled with the outcome and appreciated the speed of the whole process. “I liked that Dr. Shuayb

didn’t have to make a temporary crown like other dentists do,” she explains. “He was able to make a permanent crown right in his office. Instead of having to wait and come back another day to finish the work, the whole process only took a few hours.” Dobrilovic was so pleased with her experience, she decided to bring her whole family back. She brought her 21-year old son Orahn to see Dr. Jureyda, because Orahn had developed TMJ dysfunction, which affects the muscles that move the jaw). “I’d originally taken my son to see a TMJ specialist, but the doctor couldn’t tell me why Orahn had developed the disorder,” she explains. “So, I brought him in to see Dr. Jureyda and found out that Orahn’s bite was not fixed properly when he’d had braces.” After hearing this information, Dobrilovic made an appointment with Dr. Jureyda to see her daughter Isabela to get a second opinion on the orthodontic care she’s currently receiving. The first step towards a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule a free consultation at Shuayb Laser Dental by calling 972-8999 or stopping by their office located at 17427 Bridge Hill Ct., Suite A. The Tampa Palms location is open 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Tuesday and 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Friday. Evening and Saturday hours are available by appointment only. The Spring Hill office is located at 229 Mariner Blvd. and can reached by calling (352) 666-5133. For more info about the practice or to watch short videos explaining each of the dental procedures performed at the office, please visit ShuaybLaserDental.com.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com


Medi-Weightloss Clinics Can Help You Make A Healthy Start For 2015! By Matt Wiley

If you’re looking to shed those unwanted holiday pounds and change your lifestyle for the better, look no further than Medi-Weightloss Clinics. The tried-andtrue method of education and implementation of healthy eating practices and a proper exercise regimen with the help of Medi-Weightloss will have you looking and feeling better in no time. For the fourth consecutive year, the Medi-Weightloss Lutz/Wesley Chapel office (located two miles west of S.R. 56 on S.R. 54) has been named the “Gold Winner” of East & Central Pasco County Weight Loss Clinics in the Pasco Tribune Reader’s Poll! But, the owners of the weight loss center say the award has not come without the hard work of Medi’s doctors and staff — or the votes of the clinic’s many satisfied patients. “Losing weight is not easy, and obesity is a major problem in this country,” says Gerri Willett, co-owner of the Lutz/Wesley Chapel Medi-Weightloss location. “We can’t change our whole society, but we can change ourselves.” According to the clinic’s website, Medi-Weightloss offers a “holistic medical approach to weight loss” and is not just a get-skinny-quick scheme. Through education, healthy eating and exercise, patients are coached through a program that helps them change their eating habits and lifestyle for the rest of their lives, Willett says. “By the time patients finish the Medi

program, they can eat almost anything they want,” she explains. “It just comes down to portion control. We know that if you come in and follow the program, you’re going to lose the weight (you want to lose). But, our objective is to help you keep it off forever.” Edward Kaloust founded MediWeightloss Franchising USA, LLC (which today has more than 70 locations in 22 states) in 2005 and is still the company’s CEO, working out of the corporate office in South Tampa. Willett and her husband Tom co-own/co-manage the Lutz/Wesley Chapel location, having partnered with Tom’s sister and brother-in-law, Mark and Ronda Willett, to open that center in 2006. The S.R. 54 location shares space with 10 to 10 Urgent Care (which is not under the same business ownership). The Willetts also are partners in eight other Medi Weightloss Clinics across the state and in Texas.

Three Doctors To Help Change Your Life

This closest Medi-Weightloss location to New Tampa has three full-time physicians. The medical director is Kelli Maw, MD, MPH, who earned her M.B., B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) degree (a seven-year medical doctor program) from the Institute of Medicine 1 in Yangon, Myanmar, as well as a Master’s degree in Public Health from Columbia University in New York City. Maw also is a Diplomate with the American Board of Family Medicine and a member of the

American Society of Bariatric (weight loss) Physicians. Howard Riker, D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine), is a retired U.S. Air Force family medicine physician who earned his D.O. degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Before coming to Medi-Weightloss in 2008, Dr. Riker was the Chief of Medical Staff at MacDill Air Force Base for six years. Ian Matheson, M.D., is a retired plastic surgeon who also works at the Need to lose weight and change your lifestyle for 2015? The Lutz/Wesley Chapel loca- friendly staff of the Lutz/Wesley Chapel Medi-Weightloss Clinics tion. Dr. Matheson earned on S.R. 54 invite you to come in for a consultation! both his M.D. and C.M. progress with the program. Phase one (Master of Surgery) degrees begins during a new patient’s first visit and from Queen’s University in Kingston, Oncontinues with weekly appointments until tario. Dr. Matheson also is Board-certified the patient reaches his or her goal weight. by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. During phase two, the patient’s diet is Real Results In Three Phases! slowly adjusted during weekly appoint“When a patient comes in, it’s an ments to allow for increased calories that emotional thing,” Willett says. “They’ve still will allow the patient to maintain their made a great step to just walk in the door. goal weight. Phase three includes monthly We get to know our patients so that we can visits for wellness that may continue for help counsel them.” three to six months. The Medi-Weightloss program is “We have a basic program and divided into three distinct phases. The structure,” says Dr. Riker. “We follow that time period a patient remains in each phase structure, but it can be modified for the may vary based upon his or her individindividual. We certainly are not putting a ual weightloss goals, medical history and patient on a program that’s an assembly

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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l i t f c

W e c h d t a b a d a a

Medi-Weightloss helped Lutz resident Erin Blackwell lose more than 100 pounds! line. Each patient is told during his or her initial consultation with me that we want them to be successful long-term. In order for that to happen, you have to make a commitment to a lifestyle change.” In Phase One — aka “The Acute Weightloss Phase” — the patient’s first experience begins with a doctor visit and consultation to review his or her medical history and medications. The doctor conducts a routine physical exam, an Electrocardiogram (EKG), a body fat analysis and a comprehensive blood panel, checks blood pressure and takes measurements and a ‘before’ picture. The physician then designs an individual plan for treatment and the patient’s weightloss goals and gives an injection of Medi Booster, which has vi-

tamin B12 and amino acids for energy, and a second injection with vitamins B6 and B1 for reducing water retention and food cravings. Dr. Riker says the body absorbs B Vitamin injections more readily than in a pill form and the Medi Booster is offered to the patient on each subsequent visit, up to twice weekly. The first visit also provides a patient with a “Medi bag,” containing a one-month supply of Medi Fat Burner supplements to boost weight loss, Medi Inner Balance to help with constipation (or calcium if the Inner Balance is unnecessary), Medi Ketone Test Strips to monitor fat burning, a food scale (which literally measures the weight of a meal with a small plastic tub) and a journal for monitoring progress, as well as a list of options for ordering food at chain restaurants. Although the doctors at Medi Weightloss have the ability to prescribe medications for appetite suppression, they typically first try to keep patients on natural supplements. Throughout Phase One, the patient continues with weekly visits. Included in the program is the Medi Booster, member-only access on the website, Medi Stay Slim (a non-prescription, natural appetite suppressant) as well as grocery lists and recipes for a lower calorie diet created by Registered Dietitian (RD) Christine Achenbach — who also is a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD) and a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). Achenbach works in the Medi Weightloss corporate office, but is available to any clinic location remotely. Patients also receive coaching on

weekly goals for healthier lifestyle choices and an InterActive Exercise Kit that includes tools for cardio, resistance training and stretching, along with a video and pedometer to track daily steps. “The not-so-secret secret of our program is that we’re teaching you how to eat the right foods in the right portion at the right time, drinking the proper fluids and exercising,” Dr. Riker explains. “By doing that, we’re changing your habit, so that even if you don’t realize what we’re doing, by the time you reach your goal weight, we’ve redesigned your pattern of eating.” In Phase Two — aka “Short-Term Maintenance” — the patient continues to visit the clinic weekly to check body fat, measurements and blood pressure. During this phase, daily caloric intake and energy expenditure are increased to maintain the patient’s new weight, while any medication or supplements the patient was previously on are slowly decreased. Finally, the patient enters Phase Three — aka the “Wellness Phase” — a time for monitoring body composition and goals monthly and continuing with optional Medi Boosters and B1/B6 injections that are offered weekly, if the patient chooses to take advantage of them. “Once you start a program, you are always a member,” Willett says. “We never want a patient to feel that they have failed.” In other words, patients are not charged as a new patient if he or she needs to return to the program to reach his or her goal weight again.

Why Not Join The List Of

Medi Weightloss All-Stars?

The hallway of the clinic is wallpapered with Medi All-Stars — the before-and-after pictures of successful (and happy!) patients like Lutz resident Erin Blackwell, who lost and has continued to keep off more than 100 pounds! “It was on a flight a couple of years ago that the truth finally hit me,” Blackwell explains. “The seat’s armrests dug into my hips and when I tried to fasten the seat belt, I could barely push the ends together. I realized then that my weight was out of control.” Blackwell says that during her initial consultation, she learned that she was medically considered morbidly obese and her cholesterol was abnormally high for her age. She decided to go through with the program. “Now, I love the woman I see in the mirror,” Blackwell says. “None of this would have been possible without the help of Medi-Weightloss Clinics and their supportive staff.” Want to shed pounds and feel better about your self-image? Visit the Lutz/Wesley Chapel Medi-Weightloss Clinics at 24420 S.R. 54, (two miles west of S.R. 56). The clinic is open Monday & Wednesday, 7 a.m.–4 p.m., 9 a.m.–6 p.m. on Tuesday, 9 a.m.–7 p.m. on Thursday, and 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Friday. For more info, see the ad on pg. 23, call 909-1700 or visit MediWeightlossClinics.com/Locations/Lutz.


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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

Neighborhood News


Wesley Chapel High Schools Maintain Good Grades For 2013-14 School Year By Matt Wiley

Florida’s high school grades are out and Wesley Chapel’s two high schools have maintained their grades from the previous school year. According to the Florida Department of Education (FDOE), Wiregrass Ranch High (WRH, located off Mansfield Blvd.) has held onto its top ‘A’ grade for the 2013-14 school year, which it has earned every year since 2010. Wesley Chapel High (WCH, located off Wells Rd.) also kept its grade steady at a ‘B,’ which it has earned since 2011. WRH is one of just five high schools in the county to have received an ‘A’ for the 2013-14 school year. Both WCH and WRH are two of only nine schools in Pasco County to maintain their respective letter grades. “I’m pleased that most of our schools either maintained or raised their grades, especially when the bar was set higher this year,” said Pasco superintendent Kurt Browning in a December 18 release, referencing the increased education standards in Florida that were implemented for the 2013-14 school year, leading up to this year’s more rigorous nation-wide Common Core standards. This year also features a new standardized testing system, based upon those standards. While elementary and middle school grades are released in the fall, high school grades come out in December to allow for additional factors to be weighed into each school’s score. Among the criteria affecting high school grades are the performance of each school’s students on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT, which was administered for the final time this past school year), as well as graduation rates. At WRH, the graduation rate actually dropped from 91 percent to 89 percent from 2012-13 to 2013-14, but its students’ strong performances on the last FCAT test and the student body’s participation and completion of Advanced Placement and dual-enrollment classes helped keep the high school at the top of the FDOE charts, says WRH principal Robyn White.

“It’s not about getting the ‘A,’” White says. “It’s about maintaining it. That’s the tough part. Graduation and dropout rates can make you nervous.” White says that one of the keys to maintaining the ‘A’ this year was working to increase engagement between students and their curriculum. She explains that this past school year, WRH teachers required students to do more research in their studies, instead of just “spoon-feeding” them information to reproduce on a test. The results showed that, although the extra research requires students to work a little harder, they definitely ended up learning more. Meanwhile, WCH principal Carin Nettles says that she’s very pleased with her school’s grade this year, especially since WCH’s graduation rate climbed from 78 percent to 83 percent. “I’m really happy with (the grade),” she says. “We do a lot of work all year to try to perform well in all categories. It’s sometimes tough to keep up with all of them, but we’ve done a good job.” Nettles attributes this year’s ‘B’ grade to the hard work of WCH’s teachers and staff. “Our teachers meet each week to talk about best practices,” Nettles explains. “They sit down together and discuss what’s working and what’s not and then tweak their approaches. Doing what’s best for the kids is always where we focus.”

Wesley Chapel's Teacher of the Year Nominees

Congratulations to Wesley Chapel‛s ‘Teacher of the Year‛ nominees. Although none of our teachers were chosen as one of the Pasco Education Foundation‛s annual ‘Teacher of the Year‛ finalists, we still want to make sure that they get the notoriety they deserve for their hard work and dedication to education.

Wesley Chapel Elementary Sand Pine Elementary

Maggie Kraszka Julie Vohra

Watergrass Elementary

Amanda Hoffman

Seven Oaks Elementary

Erin Sizemore

Double Branch Elementary Veterans Elementary

Patrina Brickman Mario Pineo

New River Elementary

Rich Wohl

Dr. John Long Middle School

Kim Newberry

Thomas E.Weightman Middle School

Stephanie Anderson

Wesley Chapel High

Pamela Ingram

Wiregrass Ranch High

Thomas Adams

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

Neighborhood News


D’Alessio Ristorante Celebrates A Delicious First Year In Business! By Gary Nager When you’re a true “foodie,” but most of the “decent” restaurants in your area are national and regional chains, folks like me who know and appreciate “the good stuff” are just naturally drawn to locally owned, independent restaurants like D’Alessio Italian Ristorante, which celebrated its one-year anniversary on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. (across from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel) in December. Chef and owner Dominick D’Alessio admits to having had some service issues in the year since he opened, but most who have dined at D’Alessio — including yours truly — have raved about the food, which is authentic southern Italian in every respect of the word. The fact is that there is no other restaurant in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel with homemade pastas, authentic “Neapolitan” (different than New York)-style pizza or the variety of tender veal dishes you’ll find every day at D’Alessio — including what I believe is literally the best veal parmigiana I’ve had anywhere in the Tampa Bay area. Dominick and his crew continually are adding new specials, too, as he finds out what his customers want in terms of Italian cuisine and even entertainment (see below) at the restaurant. He also is in the process of adding a variety of homemade cakes and pies (more on them below), all of which, I’m sure, will have that authentic Italian flair. I truly believe that the best way to first experience D’Alessio is by having lunch there. Although it might take more than a half-hour total to enjoy your lunch, with the lunch specials starting at just $7.99, and great dishes like the chicken parmigiana lunch portion in the photo on this page (top right), spaghetti and meatballs, lasagne and more available, well, let’s just say that you may be able to pay

Neighborhood News

less for lunch but I don’t think you’ll find much better choices anywhere in our area. In addition to the lunch specials, many regulars at D’Alessio rave about the pizzas, which look like NY-style but with a crisper crust that I really enjoy and the toppings — from the best primavera (veggie) pizza I’ve had to the wonderfully light, sweet Italian sausage and delicate pizza sauce — are all truly outstanding. For dinner, you have to try the veal parmigiana — or any of D’Alessio’s excellent veal (vitello) dishes. Many pizza places and Italian restaurants in the Tampa Bay area don’t even have veal on the menu anymore because it’s expensive and because not enough diners in our area ask for it, but with Dominick hailing from Sicily, where vitello is king...I am glad to get my veal parm “fix” at least once every few weeks or so. I’m also partial to grouper, which I’ve enjoyed at D’Alessio with a pink vodka sauce, lemony “Francaise-style” and in a special dish Dominick says he plans to the menu — homemade cheese raviolis topped with chunks of fresh grouper in a zesty pizzaiola sauce (photo, bottom right). Yum! There’s also salmon (which I don’t eat) and shrimp (which I can’t eat) on the menu, but definitely try the grouper. It’s a winner! I also really enjoy D’Alessio’s penne primavera (show above topped with tasty grilled chicken) and Italian sausage marinara


and pretty much any dish topped with a red sauce.

Among our editor’s favorites at D’Alessio Italian Ristorante on BBD are (clockwise from top left) the Neapolitan-style pizzas, the chicken parmigiana lunch special and the homemade raviolis with grouper in pizzaiola sauce.

More Home-Baked Desserts To Be Added!

Dominick says that he at one time also owned a pastry shop and he plans to add a full line of custom-baked cakes and pies at D’Alessio, and the desserts I’ve enjoyed there so far have not disappointed me. The authentic Italian tiramisu, cannolis and decadent chocolate mousse are already made on the premises and Dominick says the lemoncello and chocolate mousse cakes, as well as unique cheesecakes (although he says he will use cream cheese instead of the more authentic Italian ricotta for them) are on the way. D’Alessio also offers delicious espresso and cappuccino, as well as fairly priced Italian and domestic wines by the glass or bottle and Peroni and other beers on draught. Adults 21 and older can even enjoy one free glass of house wine with each adult entrée purchased every Tues.-Thurs., 4 p.m.-7 p.m. only. And, Dominick recently tried adding DJ music on Thursday nights, but he says

he will only bring music and entertainment back to D’Alessio if there is customer demand for it. In the meantime, try Wesley Chapel’s best-kept Italian secret for yourself — and tell Dominick & his crew that the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News sent you! D’Alessio Italian Ristorante is located at 2653 BBD Blvd. and is open six days a week for lunch and dinner. It is closed on Monday. For more information, call 4064889 or visit DAlessioRestaurant.com.

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com


ing ent





The elegant atmosphere always matches the

Our friends at Acropolis keep revamping their menu, but it’s still one of New Tampa’s best for delicious lamb chops, fresh grouper and mahi-mahi and a great variety of Middle Eastern &

Ciccio’s Cali


Koizi Endless Hibachi Grill

Although Ciccio’s Cali definitely doesn’t have all of my favorites from the old Ciccio & Tony’s, I like the updated menu, especially the rice bowls and anything with fresh tuna. I wish it was full liquor, too, but the beers on tap & wines are unique and priced right.

Still the best value for your money in Japanese cuisine in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel, especially for lunch! Endless hibachi fare (& serving beer, wine & sake) is a beautiful thing!



Some of New Tampa’s freshest sushi and most varied and consistent Thai cuisine in our area keep Sukhothai near the top of my list every year. And of course, everyone loves the below-floor seating, too.


Pre s


Stonewood Grill & Tavern

Some have told me the new lunch menu is a little pricy for our area, but I like having a more upscale option for lunch in New Tampa, which has raised Stonewood’s standing on my favorites list.


Little Greek Restaurant

Great gyros, Greek salads, lamb, beef & chicken skewers have made Little Greek an instant favorite. Try it for dinner if the always-packed-but-moving lunch crowd intimidates you. (See the ad on pg. xx!)





A little on the pricey side, but Kobe does have very good teppanyaki fare as well as very good sushi & a nice, separated sushi bar for those who don’t want to sit at a hot table.

AV Indian Cuisine 20 O RSaffron ITE



12 Sushi O RITE



Acropolis Greek Taverna


Sushi Café

Another of the truly great sushi places (amaz-


Cafe Olé

Café Olé is still my first choice in New Tampa for authentic Spanish cuisine, plus alwaysfresh fish (you won’t find a better buy than Café Olé’s flounder or grouper lunch special), amazing sauces and the seafood paella pictured above that I sadly can’t eat because of a shellfish allergy. It’s also a fun night spot, with weekend entertainment and occasional flamenco dance shows and other special events.



In addition to the cracker-thin-crusted pizzas with amazing toppings, I love the unique salads and entrées, plus craft beers & great, reasonably priced wines at Woodfired.




Thai Ruby

food at Thai Ruby in Tampa Palms, which ing tempura, too) in our area, Sushi Café g n has my favorite crispy duck and Thai-style definitely is one of my favorite places for g i n t i t en fried rice in New Tampa. Don’t miss it! n lunch or dinner. S ’ e Y 2 RY’S 20 AR 110 Woodfired Pizza (E. Bearss Ave.) A19 Kobe Japanese Steakhouse

Pre s

Gary’s Top 25


Reader Survey, includ-entin& restaurateurs alike that not making s my top-25 doesn’t mean I don’t like a ing The Baker’s Gallery bakery in Peb- particular place. There are 100 restauble Creek and La rants in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Fuente Mexican named on this page & on pg. 33 (50 Cuisine on Cross in each area), but I considered at least Creek Blvd., to 70-80 restaurants in each area before name a couple. compiling my list. And, as always, my I also want lists are a little different than yours, to remind readers but they’re still fun to do! — GN

Pr e

Pre s

Chuck E. Cheese’s, etc.) that didn’t make our Readers’ Favorites list this year. I also have the luxury of knowing a couple of more places that went out of business since we printed our


Now that our faithful readers have had their say about their favorite restaurants in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel (last issue), it’s my turn. On this page and pages 31-33 are my favorite restaurants in our distribution areas for 2014. Now, unlike you, who had to get your votes in by November, I have been able to sample a couple of new places (WingZone,

There’s probably more great sushi places per square mile in New Tampa than anyplace else, but of all the non-Thai sushi places, Sushi Raw in Tampa Palms is #1 with me.


Toast Fine Wine Café


New Tampa’s only Indian restaurant got a huge boost from great reviews when the Bollywood awards came to town. Still the best lamb chops in our area & more.


Burger 21

Takara Sushi & Sake Lounge


Vallarta’s (TP)


Fushia Asian Bistro


Petra Mediterranean


Las Palmas

24 Taste


Peabody’s Billiards & Games


The wines have always been delicious, unique and well-priced, but the cuisine keeps getting upgrades at Toast, especially the filet mignon and smoked salmon options.

The sushi is always fresh and delicious and the Japanese and Korean cuisine options all keep Takara high on my list of local favorites.

Whether you’re looking for authentic “old school” Chinese cuisine or more NY-style, like my favorite beef with Chinese broccoli, Fushia serves huge portions at fair prices.

Ramses, the new owner, has given the Cuban fare at Las Palmas a noticeable upgrade, and that ranking could continue to climb if he starts adding regular specials.

The best wings and fries (in my opinion) in New Tampa, plus great NY-style pizza, burgers and sandwiches and eye candy make Peabody’s a consistent favorite for me.

Great, thick burgers, thicker shakes, decadent cookies and even a tasty chicken parmigiana “burger” make Burger 21 another excellent choice. Beer on tap is just a bonus.

Fair prices on huge portions of very good Mexican fare, plus great atmosphere and multiple Mexican beers on draught make Vallarta’s a popular place in Tampa Palms.

The best beef shawarma in town, plus great gyros and homemade falafel, tabouleh, hummus and baba ganouj — all at great prices —make Petra a great no-frills casual choice.

of NY Pizza

The best NY-style pizza place in New Tampa deserves to be in my top-25, although Taste of NY does also have very good chicken and eggplant parmigiana, too.

Biagio’s II

The NY-style pizza is comparable to Taste of NY’s and Biagio’s does also have a great and varied menu of Italian favorites, including very good veal parmigiana.

The Next 25 New Tampa Favorites (in alphabetical, not numerical, order)

Cappy’s Pizza Casa Ramos Five Guys Burgers/Fries Liang’s Asian Bistro Cuisine Oakley’s Grille Full Circle Pizza & Grill Glory Days Grill My first choice for NY-style egg rolls, The best burgers, best roast beef au jus Hawkeye NYS Pizza BBQ spare ribs & sautéed green beans & some of the best fries in New Tampa, Ho King (I order ‘em spicy) in New Tampa, plus all at great prices & speedy service keep great fresh fish, a variety of fried rice opOakley’s in my top 10 every year. (See Hoosiers @ Heritage Isles CC &Advertising more. Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume the 23, ad Issue on page xx!) 17, 2015 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com Hunter’s Green CC 2 • January 26tionsFor

Jersey Mike’s Subs La Cubanita Café Lanna Thai Mr. Dunderbak’s Mulligan’s Irish Pub Olive Garden Panera Bread Pizzazone Pita’sNeighborhood Republic News

PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub Ruby Tuesday Season’s Fresh Café Soho Sushi Tampa Palms Golf & CC Top Thai WingZone @NTWCNews

Gary’s Top 25 1

Dempsey’s Steakhouse @ Saddlebrook Resort

OK, so it’s a little expensive for anything other than a “big night out,” but Dempsey’s is every bit as good as any of the major steak chains near Tampa Airport, especially the bone-in cowboy ribeye steak, which is among the best in the entire Tampa Bay area. The best salad bar anywhere and still-swimming fresh fish are just bonuses.


City Grill

The delicious steaks, available with different sauces, and six differrent preparations of fresh grouper or tilapia are just my favorites. But, great wings, delicious burgers and sandwiches, outstanding appetizers (all at great prices) and lots of great free entertainment (karaoke two days a week, live music, trivia and more) make City Grill one of Wesley Chapel’s best-kept secrets. (Also, see the ad on page xx!)


D’Alessio Italian Ristorante

See the story on page 26 for details, but homemade pasta and the best veal parmigiana I’ve had in the Tampa Bay area keep the year-old D’Alessio near the top of my list of favorites in Wesley Chapel. (Also see the ad on page xx!)


Bonefish Grill

I love the bar at Bonefish (great whiskey selection), the seared ahi tuna appetizer, the multiple preparations (and variety) of fresh fish, the Outback-style steaks and the addition of a great. not-overly-expensive lunch menu has elevated Bonefish’s rating a few notches on my list.


Hibachi Express

When you can serve a quality hibachi NY strip steak (or scallops, shrimp or chicken) with all of the veggies, fixins and sauces, plus very good sushi, at prices far lower than at the dinner-and-a-show teppanyaki table restaurants (less than a mile from our office), you have to finish high on my list. Try Hibachi Express for lunch!


OTB Café


The Hungry Greek

It’s hard to believe OTB has only been open a year, but we love it for everything from great grass-fed hamburgers to ahi tuna & grilled chicken rice bowls, veggie, vegan & organic fare at great prices. Great organic coffee, too! (See the story on pg. 23 & the ad on pg. xx!)




CineBistro at The Grove


Quail Hollow Country Club


900o Woodfired Pizza (Wiregrass)


Fine Thai Express


Wolf’s Den


Outback Steak House


Best NY Pizza


Texas Roadhouse


Bonsai Sushi


La Prima Pizza


Cantina Laredo


Cody’s Roadhouse


Café 365


Vallarta’s (Village Market)


NY NY Pizza


Yamato Japanese Steakhouse



The recent menu revamp, including a much better selection for lunch, and affordable “combo” meals all day, has kept GrillSmith in my top 10.

Another really good restaurant with very fair prices that not enough people know well is worth a ride. Very good steaks, flatbreads, sandwiches and appetizers, at very reasonable prices for the quality. Full premium bar, too.

With the same owners as Thai Ruby in New Tampa, Fine Thai Express has the same outstanding cuisine, without the elegant atmosphere, so everything costs a tad less.

Wesley Chapel’s recently remodeled Outback (like all of the chain’s locations) has a large variety of fairly-priced steaks, ribs, chicken, fish, New Zealand lamb and more.

I’d still prefer it if they stopped making all the servers line dance every dinner hour, but there’s no arguing that Texas Roadhouse’s steaks are tasty & very fairly priced.

The best, most authentic NY-style pizza in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel is paired with delicious Italian specialties, next to Target.

I never ranked Cody’s this high on Bearss Ave., but it appears the menu has gotten a needed upgrade. Good steaks at fair prices.

You can’t beat the value at any Vallarta’s location. The portions are huge for the cost and the cuisine and the service are always consistent. Great drink prices, too.

I appreciate the variety of teppanyaki table fare at Yamato, from seven different kinds of hibachi steak to combo meals with chicken, shrimp, scallops & even lobster. The sushi is good, but a little pricy.

I still prefer dining in the attractive bar area to dining in my movie seat, but CineBistro would finish higher on my list if the prices were a little more reasonable.

I love the fact that it has both NY-style and thin-crust brick oven pizza, but 900º Woodfired also has delicious pasta specials like beef & veal tortellacci, and always-fast service.

My favorite breakfast place in Wesley Chapel has finished higher on my list, but Wolf’s Den’s ranking had to drop when it stopped serving my favorite fried chicken.

The NY-style pizza ranks just below a couple of others on my list, but delicious chicken parmigiana & other dinners (awesome marinara sauce) keep Best NY in my top-20.

The best sushi in Wesley Chapel and very good Japanese (and some Korean) fare keep Bonsai Sushi popular with readers & editors alike. Try the combo meals!

Still a bit pricy for Mexican cuisine and being in the Wiregrass mall keeps even the drink prices too high for my taste.

I love the delicious sandwiches, plus authentic Italian gelato & baked goods, dessert crepes and outstanding coffee

Although the place & atmosphere aren’t impressive-looking, the true NY-style ‘za, especially the garlicky Grandma’s pizza, keep NY NY in my top-25.

I still find the drink prices a bit much, but PrimeBar finally has improved its menu enough to make my top-25. I actually recently had very tasty fresh veggies there & the atmosphere is always fun, too.

The Next 25 Wesley Chapel Favorites (in alphabetical, not numerical order)

Amici Pizza Applebee’s Grill & Bar Burger Monger Café Fresco China Taste Dickey’s BBQ Dolce Gelato & Crepes Don Pan Int’l. Bakery First Watch

Gonna China Ho Wok Jersey Mike’s Subs Ker’s WingHouse Kwan Ming Bistro Lexington Oaks CC Meadow Pointe Café/Deli PDQ

Pincher’s Crab Shack PizzaMania Poolside Café @ Saddlebrook Resort Sonny’s BBQ Taste of Boston TD’s Sports Bar @ Saddlebrook ResortWoody’s Pizza & Wings

The right food at the right price, and the right location (across BBD from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel) has kept Hungry Greek high on my list & yours every year it’s been open. I love the gyro platter, the chicken and beef great Greek salads. For Advertising InformationFor Neighborhood Newskabobs and the @NTWCNews Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January Favorites, 17, 2015 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com more of Gary’s 2014 see pgs. 28-29! 27

Gary’s Favorite

Gary’s Favorite

Gary’s Favorite

Gary’s Favorite

Restaurants in NT & WC

Restaurants in NT & WC

Restaurants in NT & WC

Restaurants in NT & WC


Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine

I like a lot of our local Chinese restaurants, but Liang’s is the most consistent in terms of quality, with many of my Chinese faves.



4 5

6 7

8 9


Fushia Asian Bistro Sushi Ko Ho Wok China Taste Kwan Ming Bistro Gonna China China Wok (WC Village Mkt) Ho King China Gourmet

Gary’s Favorite Restaurants in NT & WC


Koizi Endless Hibachi Grill

We used to have even more variety, but we still have quite a few great Japanese & sushi places. Koizi’s sushi isn’t #1 with me, but it is #1 overall.



4 5

6 7

8 9


Sushi Raw Sukhothai Sushi Café Takara Sushi & Sake Lounge Sushi Ko Soho Sushi Bonsai Sushi Hibachi Express Kobe Japanese Stkhs (tie) Yamato Stkhs



Although we don’t have too many to choose from, I do like the Thai places we have, with Sukhothai’s sushi keeping it just a cut above Thai Ruby.



4 5


Thai Ruby Fine Thai Express Saffron Indian Cuisine Lanna Thai Top Thai

Gary’s Favorite Restaurants in NT & WC


La Prima Pizza

OK, so as a former New Yawka, this is my favorite category on the board, and yes, great NY-style pizza takes precedence over others, but I love good pizza of any kind and every place on this list qualifies as good.

NY NY Pizza 3 D’Alessio Italian Ristorante 4 900º Woodfired Pizza 5 Best NY Pizza 6 Woodfired Pizza (Bearss) 7 Amici Pizza 8 Taste of NY Pizza 9 Peabody’s Billiards 10 Pizza Mania 11 Ciccio’s Cali 12 Full Circle Pizza 13 Westshore Pizza 14 Cappy’s Pizza 15 Biagio’s II 2


Oakley’s Grille

Although we now have lots of great burger places, Oakley’s is still #1 on my list, but there are now many tasty choices in both of our distribution areas. 2


4 5

6 7

8 9


Burger 21 OTB Café City Grill Burger Monger Sonny’s BBQ Five Guys Peabody’s Billiards Stonewood Grill & Tavern Hunter’s Green CC

4 5

6 7

8 9

The Little Greek 3 Hungry Greek 4 Petra Mediterranean 5 Pita’s Republic 2


City Grill

Great drink prices, the food & entertainment almost every night has elevated City Grill on my list. I do like a lot more than just the 15 places on this list, so this one was tough.


Café Olé



My favorite restaurant in New Tampa has to be my favorite Latin restaurant in our area, too, but I do enjoy all of the places on this list.


Again, a limited selection of possible choices, but tmost of he ones on this list are very, very good.

Restaurants in NT & WC

Restaurants in NT & WC


Acropolis Greek Taverna

Gary’s Favorite

Gary’s Favorite




6 7

Las Palmas Spanish Café Cantina Laredo Vallarta’s (TP) Vallarta’s (WC) Casa Ramos La Cubanita Café Latin Twist Café Don Pan Int’l Bakery

8 9

10 11 12


14 15

Peabody’s Billiards & Games Stonewood Grill & Tavern Glory Days Grill Acropolis Greek Taverna Toast Wine & Café Quail Hollow CC Ker’s WingHouse GrillSmith CineBistro Mulligan’s Irish Pub Café Olé PrimeBar Cantina Laredo PJ Dolan’s

L i v e M u s i c E v e r y We e k e n d ! Ka r o ke E v e r y We d & T h u r ! Ask for our full entertainment schedule

(Expires 12/22/14)

Monday - Wednesday, Lunch Only (11am - 2pm)

Cannot be combined with other offers Expires 02/15/15

Located across from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel


For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

Neighborhood News


Gary’s Favorite

Gary’s Favorite

Gary’s Favorite

Gary’s Favorite

Restaurants in NT & WC

in NT & WC

Restaurants in NT & WC

in NT & WC


Koizi Endless Hibachi Grill

The lines for lunch every day indicate I’m not alone in my love of Koizi, but I could name 25 great lunch places in our area.



4 5

6 7

8 9


Ciccio’s Cali Hibachi Express OTB Café Café Olé Stonewood Grill D’Alessio Italian Bonefish Grill GrillSmith Little Greek


Stonemill Artisan Bakery

Not a good category for our area, but Stonemill’s authentic French croissants and Italian scones take my top honors.



4 5

6 7

8 9


Gary’s Favorite


in NT & WC

Toast Wine & Café

I’m a true coffee lover & I prefer the delicious, exotic coffees at Toast and a few others over the two most famous coffee chains.



4 5

6 7

8 9


Season’s Fresh Café OTB Café GrillSmith Barnie’s Coffee Stonewood Grill D’Alessio Italian Stonemill Artisan Bakery Wolf’s Den Starbucks (Wiregrass)

Neighborhood News

Café 365 Panera Bread Publix D’Alessio Italian Dolcé Gelato & Café Don Pan Int’l. Bakery Sprinkles Ice Cream Happy Cow Yogurt La Berry Yogurt


Bruster’s Real Ice Cream

A much more competitive category when you add the word “dessert,” but while Bruster’s is still my favorite, I really enjoy all of these places & more.



4 5

6 7

8 9


Coldstone Creamery D’Alessio Italian Sprinkles Ice Cream Stonemill Artisan Happy Cow Twistee Treat La Berry Yogurt Dunkin’ Donuts DQ


Peabody’s Billiards & Games

My kids are grown, so I replaced my favorite Kid-Friendly Places category with my favorite French fries, ‘cause I’m an addict.



4 5

6 7

8 9


Oakley’s Grille Red Robin Burger 21 McDonald’s Wolf’s Den GrillSmith City Grill Ker’s WingHouse Burger Monger

Gary’s Favorite

Gary’s Favorite

Gary’s Picks For

Restaurants in NT & WC

Restaurants in NT & WC

Restaurants in NT & WC


D’Alessio Italian Ristorante

You can tell the pasta is homemade at D’Alessio. Most of our pizza places have decent pasta, but these are my favorites.



4 5

6 7

8 9


Ciao! Italian Bistro Best NY Pizza GrillSmith Ciccio’s Cali PizzaMania La Prima Pizza Stonewood Grill Biagio’s II Amici Pizza



Bonefish Grill

I don’t promote many national or regional chains, but those on this list are all the ones I actually like.



4 5

6 7

8 9


Stonewood Grill Outback Steakhouse GrillSmith Texas Roadhouse Cody’s Roadhouse Jersey Mike’s Subs Cantina Laredo Ker’s WingHouse Five Guys


Little Greek

I do love great service when I dine out, but nobody keeps a lunch line moving like Little Greek.



4 5

6 7

8 9


Hungry Greek Wolf’s Den La Prima Pizza Vallarta’s (WC) Hibachi Express Fine Thai Express Liang’s Bistro OTB Café City Grill

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com



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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

BIG GAME Special! Pitcher

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com


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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

Neighborhood News


The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel! By Gary Nager

Thanks, Miss Pat!

If you love delicious home-baked cookies as much as I do, you should support a great local business and give Miss Pat’s Cookies (photo below) as a present, like we did for a few of our clients and other folks who help us put together this publication every month. Among those who received one of our gourmet Miss Pat’s Cookies gifts were our friends Hope Allen (also below) and Cindy Freeman at the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC). “The cookies are awesome,” Hope told us recently. “And the presentation is really nice, too.” My favorite of Miss Pat’s Cookies are the peanut butter & chocolate euphoria, but her most popular, by far, are her signature oatmeal cookies. For more information about gifts, party platters and more from Miss Pat’s Cookies, visit MissPatsCookies.com or call 928-0494.

Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce Updates

Speaking of the WCCC, things are heating up again, as the Chamber already has hosted its monthly breakfast on Jan. 6 (at Tampa Bay Golf & Country Club in San Antonio), where Christine Burdick, the president of the Tampa Downtown Partnership, was this month’s guest speaker

and the breakfast sponsor was Samantha Taylor of Pure Health Studios (see story on pg. 16 & the ad on pg. 22 of this issue). We did attend the beautiful ribbon cutting event (photo, right) at B Creative Painting Studio (6013 Wesley Grove Blvd., two doors from the Chamber office; 907-6258) on Jan. 8 — where owner Bernadette Blauvelt and her husband Chris (a wounded 23-year U.S. military veteran) offer paint-your-own pottery opportunities to not only Chris’ fellow Wounded Warriors, but also to adults (Ladies Night is every Thursday), children and families. For more info, call B Creative at 907-6258. We also plan to attend the ribboncuting events at Clinicians Primary & Urgent Care, the office of Masood Ansari, M.D. (in the Cory Lake Professional Center; 369-5969), on Jan. 15, and at the new Anytime Fitness (27325 Wesley Chapel Blvd., next to Winn-Dixie; 994-1912), on Jan. 16. Photos and recaps of those events should be available on our website and in our next issue. The WCCC again will have its Arts & Business Showcase on Saturday, January 17, during the Suncoast Arts Festival at The Shops at Wiregrass mall (see page 1 for details). The Chamber also will again hold its monthly Coffee Social at the McDonald’s at 1733 BBD on Tuesday, January 20, 8 a.m. Also open to the public is the Chamber’s first free “Final Friday Happy Hour” of 2015, on Friday, January 30, 4 p.m.-6 p.m., at Glory Days Grill (17808 Doña Michelle Dr., For more information about the WCCC, call 9948534 or visit WesleyChapelChamber.com.

Wolf’s Den Sold!

I am both saddened and excited to have found out that owner Roger Wolf, of the fiveyear-old Wolf’s Den American Diner has sold his popular eatery,

which once again fared quite well in our annual Reader Dining Survey & Contest, as well as in my 2014 list of favorites (see pages 26-29). Roger, who has spent more than 50 years in the restaurant business, isn’t just retiring, however. He says he has another major business venture on the way that he will announce in these pages. “I just want to say how much I appreciate the people of New Tampa and Wesley Chapel,” he says. “I saw the economy bring this community to its knees and rise from the ashes again, all the while still supporting my little American diner. I can’t thank everyone enough for your support!” We’ll tell you more about the new owners of Wolf’s Den (27606 S.R. 56, 907-9124) and their plans for the eatery (including bringing back items like Wolf’s Den’s popular pizzas and... maybe...my favorite fried chicken), in a future issue. Stay in touch, Roger!

Kumquat Festival Returns To Dade City Jan. 31!

If you’re looking for a fun, uniquely Florida event to attend later this month, you can’t go wrong with a visit to the 18th annual Kumquat Festival, presented by the Dade City Chamber of Commerce & Florida Hospital Zephyrhills,

in historic downtown Dade City, on Saturday, January 31, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.. The sponsors invite you to “Come enjoy music, food, family fun and those ‘little gems of the citrus industry’ — the kumquat!” This year’s festival will feature arts & crafts, a car show, lots of children’s activities, a farmers market, health & wellness area, great food (including kumquat pies & products) and live entertainment. The festival is free to attend. For more info, visit KumquatFestival.org or see the ad on page 14 of this issue.

100 Montadillos Coming To The Shops At Wiregrass

I’m very excited about the impending opening of 100 Montadillos, an authentic Spanish tapas restaurant named for the amazing-sounding, home-baked, crunchy montadillo rolls, which the 350-restaurant (that’s worldwide; the Wesley Chapel location will be the second in Florida) franchise stuffs with Serrano ham, chorizo sausage, Manchego cheese and so much more. 100 Montadillos will open in the former location of MochiBerry in the mall, although no exact date had been set for its opening at our press time. For more information, visit 100Montadillos.com or TheShopsatWiregrass.com. — GN

Expires 02/17/15

Neighborhood News


For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com


Florida Wellness Pharmacy (Located across from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel)

2653 Bruce B Downs Blvd., Suite 115 Wesley Chapel, Fl 33544



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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com


New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED



REAL ESTATE AGENT - Award-winning Real Estate team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents whose desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available.. Keller Williams Tampa Properties. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon (813) 431-2840.

TRANQUILITY POOL SERVICE - New Tampa owned and operated. Great Pricing with outstanding customer service! Licensed, bonded and insured. See why we are New Tampa and Wesley Chapel’s #1 Choice!! New customers get ONE MONTH FREE! Call Chris Today at (813) 857-5400 or visit TranquilityPoolService.com.

PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) - An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080.

MONSTER POOL CLEANING - Summer Special — 50% off your 1st two months of service. Family owned and operated. 20+ Years of Experience. Competitive rates! Same service tech each week. *Our 15 point weekly full service will keep your pool looking great! Refer a customer and get ONE MONTH FREE! Call Today - (813) 489-9967.

MEDICAL BILLER - Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company. Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: Richard.Jones@solarusmedical.com. WING ZONE IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS - Including shift leader, cooks, cashiers and delivery drivers. Wing Zone offers flexible scheduling, competitive pay wages, advancement opportunities and much more. Come join out team of flavorholics and wing lovers at Wing Zone. Applications are available at store location: 19062 Bruce B Downs. Corner of Cross Creek in the New Tampa Center. HAIRSTYLIST WANTED! Up-scale hair salon seeks hairstylist. Contact (813)994-9455 ROUTE SALES, MEDICAL Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retreival. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights a month. Retrieves damaged/defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; scheduling maintenance and repairs. Send resumes to: richard.jones@solarusmedical.com



DRY WALL SPECIALIST - Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings and walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster and stucco repair. 26 years of experience Wesley Chapel resident. State-Certified. Call Ron for a free estimate at 784-5999. DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional and personal touch. Pool decks and screen enclosures, all fencing, driveways, walkways, roofs, gutters and downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177. GREG’S PAPERHANGING - For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed and insured, clean, quick and reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate.



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PET SERVICES CAT SITTING - Tampa Cat Lady Professional Cat-Sitting Service. Cats are happiest in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds, & smells. When you are away, we feed, cuddle, & play with your kitties & clean & dispose of litter. Insured, bonded, & Red-Cross certified in pet first aid/CPR. You can submit a service inquiry at TampaCatLady.com or call 813-994-9449.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

TUTORING - Infinite Edge is located in Tampa Palms & offers tutoring in all subjects, including Math, English & SAT, ACT & FCAT tests, 1st-12th grade. We also offer AP classes and last year, our students scored a 5 on any AP subject in which we helped. Please call (813) 971-6500. Great Hope Preschool - We offer preschool for ages 6 weeks to 12 years. We accept the ELC School Readiness program, offer FREE VPREK and offer multi child discounts. New owner and renovated classrooms. Now enrolling all age groups. Infants-Afterschool. Mention this ad and receive 1/2 off enrollment fees. TOUR TODAY!!! 30126 State Road 54 Wesley Chapel, FL 813-929-6276 or 813-323-8030.


JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING - Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning and more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL & FREE ESTIMATE! For more info, call (813) 420-4465. AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC - Our services include weekly lawn maintenance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimming. We also offer landscaping, pruning, sod replacement, and pressure washing. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service and trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778. TAMPA LAWN SALON, INC. has been providing New Tampa & Wesley Chapel residents service for more than 10 yrs! We not only provide weekly landscape maintenance but are also licensed in pest control. Our services include: Lawn & Ornamental Fertilization, Pest Control, Landscape Design, Landscape & Sod Installation, Lawn & Landscape Maintenance, Landscape Lighting, Irrigation, Pressure Washing. Please call us for an estimate at (813) 417-7301 & ask us about our FREE irrigation inspection!

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Neighborhood News



Be a part of what’s trending at today’s Chili’s.

SPACE AVAILABLE - Private suite in busy upscale Salon / SPA available for Hairstylist / Aesthetician / Massage Therapist / Tattoo Artist or Makeup Artist Located Behind Sam’s club on SR 56 / Bruce B. Downs, near Wiregrass Mall. Equipped with wireless internet, wash/dryer, wheelchair access washroom, reception area. 24 x 7 accesses to your suite. Few equipment provided Utility, maintenance included in rent. Lowest rent in the Area. If you have established clientele, opportunity to work on commission basis as well. Call 813-997-3414 for more information.

Chili’s Grill and Bar

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Bartenders, Hosts, Servers, To-Go Specialists, Dishwashers, Line Cooks & Prep Cooks Apply online at: www.BrinkerJobs.com Keyword: “Wesley Chapel” English & Spanish applications are available. Or apply in person at our hiring site:


ALL SEWN UP LLC. Custom alterations & tailoring Services. Free pick up and delivery...No Alterations too big or too small. Will also do fittings so all your clothing fit perfect! We Specialize on Alterations on prom and wedding wear. Hems, take ins, zippers, let outs, etc... Will beat any tailor or dry cleaners prices... guaranteed! Call SARAH: 813-476-3085 or email smccorry12@yahoo.com. Mention this ad and receive 20% off your entire order.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com


Wesley Chapel Family ‘Hunts’ For Seven Oaks House On HGTV daughter Alyssa, 5) decided to move from their Carrollwood home, and after six Selling an old home and finding a months of searching, closed on a home in new one can be a tedious process, but one the Fairgate community of Seven Oaks. local family has used the opportunity to “My grandmother was staying with us showcase their experience, as well as the (in Carrollwood) at that time and got us Wesley Chapel area, on the national cable into the show ‘House Hunters’ (which airs network HGTV (formerly the Home & on HGTV), because we were looking into Garden Network) show “House Hunters,” moving,” says Gisele. “I guess when you’re which aired on January 15, a few days after getting married, you look at wedding we went to press with this issue. shows, and when you’re moving, you look Last January, the Salas family (parents at house shows.” Edwin & Gisele, their son Evan, 9, and Gisele says that the family had outgrown their home in Carrollwood and wanted to move into a neighborhood with amenities, such as a pool and clubhouse. “We lived in a gated community, but it didn’t have any amenities,” she says. “The kids didn’t play with anyone in our neighborhood. We wanted more of a ‘family-style’ environment.” Gisele says that the family decided to reach out to the show’s producers to be considered for a future episode of “House Hunters.” After sending a photo and their story about searching for a new place to live, the producers asked for an audition tape that included the family giving a tour of their Carrollwood home. HGTV’s ‘House Hunters’ crew helps set up Gisele Salas for “(The producers) emailed us back right away and ended up a shot inside her family’s new home in Seven Oaks. By Matt Wiley

following us on our journey,” Gisele says. That journey took them to several different homes, and the search was filmed last June and July. The family also considered moving to Westchase and the Odessa (FL) area, but settled in Wesley Chapel because of its growth and proximity to Tampa, without the hustle and bustle of the city. “Or the traffic,” Gisele says, adding, “Once we saw Seven Oaks, we fell in love with it.” In addition to the family’s new home, Edwin explains that the show’s camera crew shot scenes all around Seven Oaks and at the Shops at Wiregrass mall to give viewers a better feel for the area. Altogether, Gisele says that HGTV crews recorded more than

50 hours of footage in and around Wesley Chapel for the 22-minute show. All of the cameras even ignited a new interest in Evan, Edwin says, as the Seven Oaks Elementary fourth grader has since joined the school’s morning news team. “He likes being in front of the cameras now,” Edwin says. An added bonus to filming the show, Gisele explains, is that it serves as a sort of family portrait. “It’s priceless,” she says. “It’s a professional home video for us.” For more info about the “House Hunters” TV show, please visit HGTV. com/Shows/House-Hunters.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 2 • January 17, 2015 • WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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