When I first moved to Florida in June of 1993, my family actually rented an attached townhome for two years in the community around Saddlebrook Resort.
After having previously lived virtually all of my life in Long Island, Manhattan and Westchester County, NY, Saddlebrook was an absolute jewel to behold, with our small townhome development standing out as the least expensive place to live in the entire community.
Majestic million-dollar homes lined virtually all sides of Saddlebrook Way, the treelined main road connecting the Saddlebrook community to Tom Dempsey’s magnificent golf and tennis resort (photo). My sons, then five and less than two years old, begged every weekend to go spend time around the resort’s gigantic “Superpool,” the huge precursor to the Metro Lagoon at Epperson nearly 25 years before that community even began building.
I fondly remember the delicious grilled hamburgers and hot dogs served at the Superpool’s outdoor pool bar. Even Dempsey’s Steak House, which would become my favorite restaurant in Wesley Chapel a few years after we moved to Hunter’s Green in ew Tampa, didn’t exist at the time. Instead, the building that would become Dempsey’s, near the starter’s tee at the Arnold Palmerdesigned Saddlebrook golf course, was home to a much less impressive restaurant known as the Little Club.
The first time I met Mr. Dempsey, who finally sold the resort last year, it was at the opening of Dempsey’s after I had moved out of the community. He said then, as he has many times since, that he opened Saddlebrook where he did not just because the land was available but because it was located within 25-30 minutes of Tampa International Airport, even though entering the gates of Saddlebrook was like entering an entirely different world from anything in or closer to the City of Tampa. And, the community where I lived was so idyllic, those gates might as well have been the gates of heaven — even with the gigantic alligators eyeballing you at every pond and, often, on the 18th hole of that Saddlebrook course.
I also remember the first time I drove from Saddlebrook to Ybor Cty — the closest thing in Tampa to Manhattan’s Greenwich Village, where I had previously dined at delicious restaurants and had a choice of places to catch some live music. There was only one blinking yellow traffic signal at the intersection of S.R. 54 and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., which was then only known as C.R. 581 in Pasco County. If you can believe it, there were no other traffic signals along the full length of BBD from 54 until you reached the I-75 interchange in what was not yet even being called New Tampa. At that time, it literally would take you only 25 minutes to reach 7th Ave. in Ybor from the gates of Saddlebrook. Today, you can’t even make it to the BBD exit of I-75 from Saddlebrook in the same 25 minutes.
I can’t remember exactly when the Palmer Course, also designed by the golf legend, opened, but it was somewhere around the time that Dempsey’s did. Not long after that came the opening of the truly beautiful European-style spa at Saddlebrook.
A little less than 20 years later, I had the opportunity to stay in one of the hotel suites at Saddlebrook. It was huge, bigger than most apartments I’ve rented, but was already dated. And, even though celebrities like Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf and Jennifer Capriati still lived in the community’s spectacular homes, I could feel the grandeur that Saddlebrook once was slipping away.
Even my beloved Dempsey’s Steak House
itself fell into disrepair, so much so that it was closed before Mast Capital (see story on pg. 4) purchased the resort.
In other words, even though it’s important to me that Saddlebrook should be redeveloped responsibly, it needs a major infusion of capital to return it to the splendor I remember back in 1993. I have high hopes, but also share the concerns of the community’s residents. After all, the night I proposed to my beautiful wife, we stayed over at the resort.
Wesley Chapel
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Most Saddlebrook residents are aware the onceprime development they live in is showing signs of age, and has been badly in need of a refresh for years.
However, what new owners Mast Capital have planned for the resort and surrounding community isn’t quite clear, residents argued on Jan. 5 at a Pasco County Planning Commission meeting in New Port Richey.
While Mast Capital’s plans to redevelop Saddlebrook by changing the county’s comprehensive plan and producing a new Master Planned Unit Development (MPUD) managed to pass the planning commission by a 5-2 vote and will eventually require approval by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), most of the 100 or so opponents that showed up to the nearly four-and-a-half hour meeting left scratching their heads.
The issue for most of them was clarity.
What the plans were clear about was adding apartments, townhomes and more than 100,000 sq. ft. of retail and commercial space outside the gates of the resort, on the undeveloped land along S.R. 54. However, the details were murkier regarding what is actually going to happen inside the gates of Saddlebrook, particularly with the renowned golf courses, tennis courts and resort.
“We were very disappointed,” said JoAnn Barbetta, who along with husband Larry formed the Save Saddlebrook Coalition last month. “I was really surprised that they (the Planning Commission) could
move forward to recommend something that seems so lacking in detail.”
Eran Landry, the managing director of Mast Capital, told the Planning Commission members that the resort would receive a significant upgrade “and be much more upscale than what it’s been.”
Plans include 5,000 sq. ft. of retail, a new 12,000-sq.-ft. clubhouse, renovated restaurants, new outdoor amenities, improved dorms and additional parking.
Landry mentioned ice cream shops, splash pads and a more family-friendly environment, upgrading the “underwhelming” pool and improving resort rooms “that just aren’t competitive” in today’s market.
But, the plans for the two Arnold Palmerdesigned golf courses and driving range (which is currently located near the entrance of the resort and serves as the training center for Saddlebrook’s golf academy) riled opponents.
While Mast’s original plans to add 60 singlefamily homes and 100 townhomes over one of the golf courses were scrapped, Landry said the 36 total golf holes would be reconfigured to 27 holes, and the driving range would be relocated.
He did not say who was going to redesign the newly configured golf course, saying Mast was in talks with the late Arnold Palmer’s design company and another golf course designer, and did not say where the driving range would be moved.
Also, there were questions over what would fill any space remaining in the aftermath of reducing the number of holes, and how that would affect home owners who bought their homes for the golf course views.
Jacqueline May, a teacher at Pasco-Hernando State College, held back tears as she told the Planning Commission members that her and her husband’s home was their retirement nest egg, and that they purchased it because of the view and the natural beauty surrounding it.
“We love nature and it hurts my heart when developers come in and mow down every tree to get every dollar out of every inch of land,” she said. “That’s
why we bought in Saddlebrook.”
There also was no mention by Landry about whether or not there were any plans for the tennis courts in the same area. Saddlebrook has notably been the training ground for professional tennis stars like Martina Hingis, John Isner, Jennifer Capriati, Jim Courier and many others.
Plans for the two outer parcels were clearer.
Mostly west of the main entrance at Saddlebrook Way on S.R. 54, a 35-acre parcel will include 75,000 sq. ft. of commercial, 465 apartments and 35 townhomes. An additional road, the long-rumored Vision Rd. which is eventually supposed to connect to both Wiregrass Ranch Blvd. and Bruce B. Downs Blvd., will be built to accommodate additional traffic in and out of the new development.
Justina Gale of Florida Design Consultants told the Planning Commission this area would become a true mixed-use integrated and multi-story project, with retail on the bottom and offices above it, with the apartments further back off S.R. 54. It will include trails, neighborhood parks, plazas and will “create a sense of place.”
An additional 19-acre parcel further west will include another 25,000 sq. ft. of commercial as well as 120 townhomes.
Opponents cited traffic as a concern — there is only one way in and out of Saddlebrook, which they say will create traffic jams. They also said replacing the green space along the resort’s entrance with apartments and restaurants was incompatible with the nature theme the resort has cultivated for more than 40 years.
“Saddlebrook is a gem and needs to be treated that way,” JoAnn Bar-
betta said. “Growth and development is a part of our life and I understand that. But, there comes a time when we need to take a pause, step back and ask whether we want to completely alter the character of a beloved, historic community like Saddlebrook.”
The Planning Commission had concerns with the lack of detail in the plans, as well as a few errors and omissions. Chief assistant county attorney David Goldstein, who did not have a vote, questioned whether that lack of detail “would put the Board in a bad spot.”
Planning commission member Jon Moody was the most outspoken against approving the plans. He had originally flagged them when they hadn’t been seen by residents and somehow ended up on a consent agenda, which recommends approval without debate, leading to the Jan. 5 meeting where residents could hear about and finally see the plans and voice their concerns.
“I will tell you I would not feel comfortable today denying this application,” Moody said. “But I would feel more comfortable if it were brought back to us with more detail at a later date.”
Planning Commission chair Charles Grey sympathized with the concerned residents, especially those who fear losing the golf course views they paid a premium for decades ago, but also told them they needed to understand that, “if you don’t do something, your beautiful development is going to die.”
He voted against forwarding the plans to the BCC, but urged the residents to work with Mast.
After some consternation, the Planning Commission moved the plans forward, with a hopeful request that more details are provided will be by Mast Capital in the proposed MPUD before the BCC has its say next month.
More than 18 months after The Grove teased a new grocery story in an online post, the mystery about which one would be moving into the development may be over.
It appears Super Target is, well, targeting the parcel of land on The Grove’s main property, right across Pink Flamingo Ln. from Cost Plus World Market (see map).
While nothing had been officially announced prior to our deadline (but probably will be shortly after we go to press and before you receive this issue), Target Wesley Chapel-The Grove has applied to the Southwest Florida Management District (aka Swiftmud) for an environmental resource permit (ERP), which is required before any construction can begin. Detailed plans for the construction also have been submitted.
Representatives from The Grove said nothing has been signed with Target, only. that it is one of a number of companies with which it has been negotiating with and it expects to make an announcement soon.
While it may be disappointing to those hoping for a Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s to open a store in the space, it’s not that surprising that Super Target, a popular retail-grocery hybrid, was the choice. A pre-application meeting was held with
Pasco County planners on Oct. 18 where plans for a 147,000-sq.-ft. retail building, with nearly 500 parking spots, was presented by an unnamed party (most likely Target or The Grove).
Due to the size of the proposed building, it was clear it would not be any of the trendy grocery stores desired by locals, and likely would be a Super Target or Walmart.
There already is, of course, another Super Target in Wesley Chapel, located at
the corner of County Line Rd. and Bruce B. Downs Blvd., although proximity to their other stores doesn’t stop big names like Publix, Walmart or Starbucks. And, considering the future growth planned in the S.R. 54 corridor, it’s not like the area can’t handle a second Target store. Traffic on Oakley Blvd., however, should be interesting, considering that new apartments and townhomes will soon be completed in the area, and will be add-
ing hundreds of more cars per day to the already-congested road.
The Super Target is the second new grocery store planned for Wesley Chapel. Just a few miles east on S.R. 54, plans have been filed with the county by Publix for a new 60,548-sq.-ft. center, which would be anchored by a 48,848-sq.-ft. grocery store that also will include a 2,100-sq.-ft. liquor store and 9,600 square feet of retail space.
As we’ve previously reported, the new Publix will be located behind the Bank of America, Advance Auto Parts and Starbucksanchored Pleasant Plaza on S.R. 54.
Considering that New Tampa has had its own full-service U.S. Post Office for more than 20 years, it was hard for me to understand why Wesley Chapel has only had a Contract Postal Unit (CPU). In fact, it wasn’t until after I moved out of the community around Saddlebrook Resort in 1995 (see pg. 3 editorial), that Kelly Rossi, who has had the contract to run the CPU in Wesley Chapel for 26 years, took over the operation of the local CPU.
But, I have been one of the most frequent customers there ever since, especially since Kelly moved the unit to its current location on Boyette Rd. (after a short stint in a trailer where the current Kia dealership on S.R. 54 is located) a couple of years later.
I can’t even tell you how many times I heard Kelly and her long-time “right hand”
Gini Ruggiero explain to customers that if they received notices from the U.S. Postal Service about a piece of Certified or Registered mail or anything they had to sign for, they would have to make the 25-minute (or more) drive to the Zephyrhills Post Office to do so.
Even so, Kelly, Gini and the rest of the staff at the Wesley Chapel CPU, which also had a variety of cute gifts for sale, sold stamps, taped up and accepted Express Mail and Priority Mail packages for mailing and did virtually everything else a “real” post office does other than actually deliver the mail.
The bottom line is that Kelly says she notified the Zephyrhills Post Office in October that it was finally time for her to retire and that
Dec. 31, would be her last day. She and Gini are probably still packing up the remaining items in the converted trailer as you’re reading this, so they can vacate the building by Feb. 1.
“It was a very hard decision (to leave),” Kelly said. “I have loved serving the people of Wesley Chapel and I have received such wonderful feedback and made so many really good friends that have become like family to me. But, I haven’t been able to spend much time with my husband and ten grandchildren. It’s just time for new adventures.”
So, What’s Next For The CPU?
David Walton, who is in Corporate Communications with the U.S. Postal Service, told me in an email that although there are still no plans for Wesley Chapel to get its own full-
service post office, there is still an opportunity for someone to become a new Wesley Chapel CPU contractor, although he notes that it may not necessarily be in the same location.
“The previous CPU was located in a leased facility,” Walton wrote in his email. “CPU operators need to provide their own space. I bet if (interested parties) contact the previous CPU operator, she would gladly share the name of her former landlord.”
And, even though I had been previously told that a new Wesley Chapel CPU contractor had already been selected, Walton said at our press time, “It’s my understanding things never materialized with the other party who had expressed interest. If (anyone) is still interested, I would highly recommend they reach out to the Zephyrhills Postmaster.”
Kelly believes the earliest a new CPU can open here is the end of Feb. or the beginning of March, but until that happens, Wesley Chapel residents will have to travel to Zephyrhills, Land O’Lakes, Lutz or New Tampa for postal services without additional convenience charges.
As to why Wesley Chapel isn’t getting its own full-service post office, Walton said:
“The Postal Service closely monitors growing communities. We expand service when necessary to meet our customers’ needs and to maintain a quality level of service. However, community growth in itself is not sufficient cause to establish an independent Post Office. We generally consider establishment of an independent Post Office when present postal facilities fail to meet the needs of the community.”
We will keep you posted about the CPU.
AdventHealth Wesley Chapel (AHWC) marked its 10th anniversary late last year, but due to bad weather that canceled its big party, the hospital’s administration and staff, and the Wesley Chapel community, never got to celebrate the big event.
On Sunday, February 5, the official ten-year celebration will finally be held. The hospital, Wesley Chapel’s first, promises a “free, fun-filled day of family-friendly activities and health & wellness for every age” from 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
The celebration will be held in the parking lot behind the hospital, which is located at 2600 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.
AHWC has been a well-known and active fixture in Wesley Chapel, since opening in 2012 as Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, coming along at a time when there was not nearly as much in the area.
“I think we were really the catalyst for the growth here in Wesley Chapel,” Connie Bladon, the director of community outreach for AHWC, told us last October when the hospital turned 10. “You always want a good hospital, (as well as) good schools, safety and security, things like that....Everything (else has) sprung up around us.”
Since opening in 2013, the hospital’s popular 100,000-sq.-ft. health & wellness center building, which is now called the AdventHealth Wellness Plaza Wesley Chapel, also opened, and a major expansion in 2016 saw the number of beds double (from 83 to 169) and the hospital went from having just four operating rooms to its current 12, and from 20 emergency room beds to 35.
There is still room for AHWC to expand
to 300 total beds. Since it opened, the hospital’s doctors have performed more than 56,000 surgeries and delivered more than 5,000 babies.
In 2021, AHWC teamed up with the Moffitt Cancer Center on a new three-story, 100,000-sq.-ft. medical office building, a new oncology unit with 24 in-patient rooms and two new operating rooms.
To register to attend, visit AHWesleyChapel.com/Events. — JCC
Meanwhile, BayCare Hospital Wesley Chapel, an 86-bed, state-of-the-art hospital that will open in March is hosting a Community Event preview of the new hospital on Saturday, February 18, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
BayCare Hospital Wesley Chapel will contain comprehensive medical services and health care resources including: Breast health, diabetes and endocrinology, diagnostic services (including imaging and lab), ear, nose and throat, emergency room, gastroenterology, heart and vascular, intensive care unit with virtual-monitoring beds, interventional radiology, orthopedics, primary care, pulmonology and respiratory, rehabilitation, surgery (including robotic surgery), urology, wound care and more.
The family-friendly event will include hospital tours, cuisine from local restaurants, wellness screenings, a local market, live music and entertainment and a kids village with games, activities, puppets and more. For more information, and to register to attend, visit baycare.org/baycare-isgrowing-in-wesley-chapel. — GN
Wiregrass Ranch developer JD Porter says that athletics have always been important to his family, so when the chance came to play a significant role in helping the University of South Florida add a state-of-the-art training facility, Porter said it was impossible for him to resist.
On Jan. 10, Porter and his family were on hand to celebrate the opening of the Porter Family Indoor Performance Facility on USF’s Tampa campus. The 88,000-sq.-ft. facility features a 100-yard turf field, an observation deck, scoreboards, locker rooms, a reception lobby and more.
“We think it’s going to be a difference maker,” said Porter, echoing the sentiment of everyone involved.
For decades, the lack of quality on-campus facilities has been a detriment to recruiting, particularly for football, which also has been saddled by the lack of an on-campus stadium.
But, the Porter family’s $5.1-million donation is the first step towards correcting those deficiencies, and a new on-campus football stadium is right around the corner, perhaps as soon as fall 2026.
At the event on Jan. 10, new USF football coach Alex Golesh said that not having
this type of training facility is a huge disadvantage, “but I think a facility like this puts you on a level playing field.”
The Porter family has steadfastly supported USF. The James H. and Martha M. Porter Endowment for Alzheimer’s Research was established to benefit the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine’s pursuit of collaborative Alzheimer’s research with the USF Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute. In addition, the Porter family started the James H. & Martha M. Porter Alzheimer’s Research Equipment Operating Fund to support equipment purchases for use in that collaborative research.
Porter said his family, which founded a branch campus of Pasco-Hernando State College in Wiregrass Ranch and donated the land for the Wiregrass Ranch Sports Campus, was happy to help, and applauded the team that helped make it happen, which included Wesley Chapel resident (and former Speaker of the Florida House) Will Weatherford, who currently is the chairman of the USF Board of Trustees.
“It was a natural fit,” Porter said. “Athletics and education have always been important to our family, and this was just a great opportunity. Knowing that the right team was at the helm to actually execute the plan made it a fairly easy decision for us.”
With all of the new restaurants that opened in Wesley Chapel in 2022, this was the hardest year ever for me to compile this list. I know some people disagree, but if you haven’t had the always-fresh coconut curry grouper or seared tuna (photo) at Treble Makers, haven’t tried the filet at Dempsey’s Too since the new ownership at Saddlebrook revamped the menu a couple of months ago, haven’t sampled the chicken, spinach & riccotta cannelloni at Falabella Bistro or any of the amazing appetizers at Zukku-San, try ‘em and tell me you still don’t think this is a legitimate top-10 list. Oh, and I am also partial to the always-fresh Short-Trip fish at Grillsmith, too.
Despite what some online trolls say, the results of our 2022 Reader Dining Survey & Contest that we posted in our last issue of 2022 were an absolutely accurate accounting of the 400 or so total votes we received on our website and from mail-in ballots of our readers in Wesley Chapel and New Tampa.
And, despite what some of those people may think — and claimed on our Facebook page — those results were not “fudged” in any way by yours truly. There actually were fewer than a dozen disqualified ballots this year for those who didn’t put their names on their surveys and few other reasons, so virtually every vote we received was counted and accurately tabulated.
What I won’t claim, however, is that the Reader Survey results are an accurate depiction of what the majority of Wesley Chapel and New Tampa residents truly think are the best restaurants in our two distribution areas. There’s no doubt that 400 votes out of more than 60,000 households that we reach by mail (plus 14,000 people who follow us on Facebook) doesn’t tell the full story, even though it does tell a story.
In part because I’ve never been happy with the number of chain restaurants that usually dominate the results with our readers, I will guarantee, however, that the places to eat in drink in and adjacent to our two distribution areas that I’ve named on this page and the nine pages that follow absolutely are my favorites in Wesley Chapel and New Tampa, no matter what those trolls will try to convince you of otherwise. Here are the two most common complaints:
1) “Gary only writes about & votes for the restaurants that advertise with him.” — Whether anyone believes it or not, part of the reason I try to sell certain restaurant owners on advertising in these
pages is because I already like their restaurants. My wife will tell you that I make pretty good fish at home, but love it when a restaurant has truly fresh fish prepared in delicious ways. And, I’ve loved the fresh fish at both Treble Makers and The Grill at Morris Bridge since the day both opened. The only place in Wesley Chapel that, in my opinion, comes close to Treble Makers’ coconut curry grouper or wahoo (which, sadly, has been taken off the menu) is Grillsmith, and I don’t like the rest of Grillsmith’s menu as much as I do the options at our area’s only dueling piano bar.
But, if you’re not someone who eats or cares about fresh fish, while you may disagree with my choices — especially if you don’t like your favorite dishes at any of my favorite places — I still stand behind my selections with not only my words on these pages but also with my money when I go out to eat.
And, while I do promise every dining advertiser that I will write a full-length Dining Feature story about them when they become advertisers, I do also write about every new restaurant that opens in either of our distribution areas, whether they ever spend a dollar with us or not. The reason I save the full-length features for our advertisers is because we have more than 70 ads in every issue and almost every advertiser wants a story — because it gets so many of them the best results of any local advertising they do, including online. With only 26 issues per year and 3-4 Business & Dining Feature stories in each issue, that doesn’t leave much room for full-length non-advertiser stories, so a Nibbles column item is all I can offer those other eateries.
2) “Gary only writes about & votes for the restaurants that agree to give him free food.” — This is the claim that actually makes me angry. Yes,
some restaurant owners buy dinner for me and Jannah from time to time, especially after my reviews hit print, but I have never insisted that they — nor have I ever even asked them to — do so. In fact, I always have told any place that has bought more than one meal for us (or even just me) that they shouldn’t do that and I always leave an even more substantial tip than I normally do when they insist on doing so.
Anyone who is making either of these claims (yes, especially you, Troll Jeffrey Brown) is not only lying, they’ve never seen the amount of money I spend locally to go out to eat. I guarantee that there is no one who lives in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel who spends more to dine out for two in our two distribution areas than I do — especially as a percentage of their annual income — and I will be happy to share an accounting of all the meals I didn’t get for free from last year if any of my accuser(s) are willing to do the same. If they’re within even $500 of what I spent, I’ll be shocked. So, bring it, Mr. Brown (as in, rhymes with “clown”).
I love to cook, but my skills are extremely limited, and there’s nothing Jannah and I love to do more than go out, sit at the bar and have a cocktail and a delicious meal at our favorite places — especially when there are a number of items on the menu we enjoy.
But, the one thing I can assure everyone of is that whether or not a place has ever spent a dollar on advertising in these pages or ever bought me even a single breakfast, lunch or dinner,
neither of these two claims is accurate. With trolls always hiding behind their anonymity, I can’t control what they say, think or write, nor would I even try. What I can assure all of you is that none of those (Jack Zhort, Rick Carroll, etc.) who claim they know for fact what we, and especially I, do with regards to our content have never met me, had a meal or a beverage with me or actually ever discussed with me why they feel the way they do. I may be a “pompous a--” (right, Mr. Carroll?), but at least I’m not afraid to stand behind my words, in print or online.
Anyway, as for my the lists on these pages, with all of the new places to eat in our areas, especially Wesley Chapel, it is getting much harder for me to pick not just a top-10 list of favorites, but even a top-25 or top-50, or to feel confident that every one of my selections is in its perfect place on each list.
For those who voted for Noble Crust to repeat as #1 in this year’s survey, I assure you that Jannah and I also love the place, or it wouldn’t make my top-10. But, despite its changingby-season menu, the only fish that stays on the menu is salmon, and neither of us likes salmon. We also usually only take out pizza, no matter how good it may be. But, you’ll still find us at Noble Crust from time to time, enjoying the meatball appetizer and a delicious cocktail at the bar. If you do find us there, feel free to say hi, as so many people do year after year — many of whom tell us the only reason they tried a place was because of this publication. — GN
Although some of the locals I’ve talked to about the KRATE at The Grove Container Park complain that most of the restaurants are too expensive for what you get, Jannah and I absolutely love so many of them, I had to make a top-10 (actually, top-11) Favorite KRATE list, instead of just a top-5.
That being said, while there may be a dish or two at other KRATEs that we like as much as, say, the chicken parmigiana meatballs (photo) or the penne ala vodka pasta or chicken ala vodka flatbread at the Blush Wine Room, there is no other KRATE that has a better vibe or better food overall than Blush. We wish they were able to serve hard liquor there, but the rotating frozen wine-based cocktails are delish and you won’t find most of the available wines at Blush anywhere else.
Pisco Express, which too many locals tell me they haven’t tried yet, offers authentic Peruvian Chinese fusion cuisine and lives up to the billing of Peruvian food being the best of the Latin cuisines. Try the ceviche!
In addition to the top-10 shown here, we also enjoy Tacos El Patron, Rhythm Pon de Grille, Shake-A-Salad, El Prince, La Creacion Xpress, Cafe 365, Tasty Ramen, The Fry Room and SubZero ice cream, so in my opinion, the KRATEs are doing just fine, thank you!
Even without a great, true New York-style Chinese place in either of our two markets, and even with Kobe Japanese Steakhouse not yet reopened, I believe we still have a tremendous variety of truly delicious Asian places in Wesley Chapel and New Tampa.
Whether you prefer tasty Japanese, Thai, Indian, Korean or even Vietnamese cuisine, there is something for literally almost everyone to enjoy on the list below.
In fact, there are so many Asian eateries I love in our two markets, I had to expand my list to a Sweet 16 in this category. Yes, the incredible appetizers (like the tenderloin steak yakitori shown above), fresh sushi and unique entrées at Zukku-San make it my #1 favorite, the sushi, chicken teriyaki and not-tableside hibachi offerings at Bluefin make it a strong #2. And, while Yamato isn’t quite as good, in my opinion, as Kobe was when it was open, its tableside hibachi options are still excellent and plentiful. Newcomers Ha Long Bay, Tessa’s Sweet Café and the Nepalese Gorkhali Kitchen, as well as Liang’s Bistro, Sushi Café, Thai Lanna, Michi Ramen, Thai Ruby, Oishi Express and Sake House, are quality options in New Tampa, as are Umu, Arroy Thai and Ato here in the Chap. Try ‘em all!
This choice even surprised me, but the more Jannah and I eat at (or take out from) Pisco Express Peruvian Chinese Fusion, the more we love it.
The ceviche de pescado (fish), whether it’s snapper, basa or whatever fresh fish they have each day, is as good as you’ll find anywhere, and the tallarin saltado (shown above with chicken) is amazing. And, there are still at least a dozen other options on Pisco Express’ extensive menu I plan to try. Pisco has, in my opinion, surpassed Lima in New Tampa for the best Peruvian cuisine, but Lima still came in as my #4 on this list.
My #2 favorite Latin restaurant could ascend to #1 if Las Palmas Latin Grill ever reopens its brick-and-mortar location just south of County Line Rd. Even with the Las Palmas food truck’s reduced number of menu options, what is available is top-quality, from award-winning Cuban sandwiches to the roast pork and grilled chicken entrées.
Rice-n-Beans, our readers’ favorite this year, comes in at #3 on my list for its delicious Puerto Rican options (my favorites are the chicken or pork chicharrons) and great bar vibe. Other KRATEs on this list include Chamo Bites, Mojo Grill and La Creacion Xpress. Latin Twist Café, a favorite with our readers since it opened, Arepa Mia and the new Macondo round out a very strong Latin top-10.
F or those who have never heard this story before, I performed at a stand-up comedy show at The Improv in Ybor City at least ten years ago and all of the comics who performed met after the show at this little pizza place around the corner called New York New York Pizza. As a native New Yawka and avowed NY-style pizza fanatic, I was shocked at how good it was. I was even more surprised to find out that NY NY was in the process of opening on BBD Blvd. in Wesley Chapel! It instantly became one of my favorite pizza places in either of our distribution areas (gotta love the sausage & pepperoni shown above) and has continued to be at or near #1 ever since — despite the fact there are several other really good NY pizza places in our area — and on the list below.
In fact, there are so many good ones that it’s really hard for anything other than a true NY-style place to finish very high on my list and there are even a few that didn’t make the list again this year. In addition to the ten places shown below, if I was expanding the list, I could include Best NY Pizza, Capri Pizza-n-More, Caprese House, Pomodoro, Cappy’s, Cali, Bubba’s 33, Rock & Brews, Main Event, Bosco’s and even places that serve flatbread-style pizza on my list, I just felt that this is a really yummy top-10.
Those of you who love the Ice Dreammm Shop as much as I do were probably stunned that this favorite, with locations at The Grove and off S.R. 54 in Lutz, didn’t dominate this category with our readers again this year, as it did in 2021.
There’s no doubt in my mind, however, that owner Joe Schembri’s Ice Dreammm Shops serve the best ice cream in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel, whether you’re looking for alcohol-infused cones, cups or sundaes served on homemade cookies, brownies and bars or the most delicious array of toppings — although I love a lot of other local places, too.
Before I get into my other favorites, I also want it known up front that I prefer hard-packed ice cream to gelato, frozen yogurt or soft-serve. That’s just me. It doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy or ever indulge in any of the others, it just means that when I’m not dieting and want a delicious frozen treat, I’ll almost always choose real ice cream.
I’ve always loved the different peanut butter and banana flavors at Bruster’s and Ice Screammmin is another New Tampa favorite of mine for those options. I also crave the decadent brownies from Mike’s Pies with the locally made ice cream at the new Astro, but a cone or cup from any of the places shown below also will make me smile.
J annah and I have very different reasons why we love one bar or another — she wants her cosmopolitans light pink (not red) and wants a place with a list of other sweet cocktail options made with premium vodka. As the guy who pays, on the other hand, I just want my Jameson and other Irish, Scotch and bourbon whiskeys to be reasonably priced, full rocks pours with lots of ice instead of that hoity-toity single ice cube.
Treble Makers isn’t the only place we both love to enjoy a cocktail or two, but it is the place we both prefer, especially for dinner on a Friday night, when most of the places near either of our local malls are total zoos. As a New Yawka, I refuse to wait 45 minutes to an hour to get to sit down (or to find parking), so places like Treble Makers, The Grill at Morris Bridge and Bayscape Bistro (at Heritage Isles Golf Club off Cross Creek Blvd.) will get the nod from us every time on busy nights.
We also appreciate friendly bartenders who make Jannah’s drinks properly and can find me on crowded nights, so Joe Whiskey’s, Brass Tap, Fat Rabbit, Bubba’s 33, the Top Shelf Sports Lounge and Noble Crust also make my list. Neither of us are drink beer, so beer-only bars will never be among our faves, but karaoke & live music places often will.
1. TrebleMakers
2. Grill at MB
3. Bayscape Bistro
4. Joe Whiskey’s
5. Brass Tap
6. Fat Rabbit
7. Noble Crust
8. Bubba’s 33
9. Via Italia
10. Living Room
11. Top Shelf
12. Florida Ave.
For anyone who wondered on line whether or not Brunchin’ was yet another new owner of the restaurant that originally was called Wolf’s Den, fear not — Brunchin’ is under the same ownership and has the same delicious menu as The Brunchery, which opened last year in the former Wolf’s Den location. For more info about the name change, see pg. 36 of this issue.
A breakfast place by any other name, with the same menu, tastes just as sweet for Brunchin’s customers, but there’s no doubt that the Wesley Chapel/New Tampa area has quite a few really good local breakfast places, as well as a few popular chain eateries to enjoy that first meal of the day.
Please note that I am not including brunch places on this list. Although I enjoy a lot of the brunch items at places like Noble Crust, Stonewood and others, I’m the type of person who eats a full breakfast every day, so Jannah and I don’t often go out to have eggs on the weekends in order to drink as many mimosas as possible.
Brunchin’ and Brunchies on S.R. 54 are both really good, but I also love the bacon, egg & cheese and bagel & lox sandwiches at Brooklyn Water Bagel, the home cooking at Happy Hangar Café and the fried egg and fried chicken & waffle sandwiches at the Bean Bar Co.
Unfortunately, because I’m such a bread lover, it’s hard for me to pick a great bakery based on what they make for dessert alone.
To that end, while Urban Sweets at the KRATEs is definitely my favorite bakery for dessert, it was still hard to put Urban’s delicious chocolate chip cookie sandwiches with a variety of cream filling, cupcakes and cake parfaits ahead of Bakery X, another KRATE that serves the only truly authentic croissants, brioches and varieties of French bread in either of our distribution areas. If there was another bread-oriented bakery in our area that could compete (do not say Panera, Publix or even Sprouts to me), I would give Bakery X its own category.
And, while a number of local restaurants and dessert places offer some delicious brownies and homemade cookies (including Astro Ice Cream, Ice Dreammm Shop and Hello Sweetness), the only restaurant with an actual dessert case is Falabella Bistro, where everything from the tiramisu to the chocolate mousse cheesecake are provided by 7 Layers Bakery.
And, while I do enjoy the local editions of our area’s three chain dessert places — Nothing Bundt Cakes, Crumbl Cookie and Smallcakes Cupcakery, I believe my top three are all still in a league of their own.
ew people I know enjoy a great cup of coffee as much as I do and I am sorry, but I personally only drink Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts coffee when there are no other choices available.
There are a few locally owned coffee places in our area, but the top three on the list below are the only ones I really love. Numbers 4 and 5 on my list are great Italian restaurants that serve amazing cappuccinos, lattes and other coffee drinks.
But, considering that I can’t get enough of the coffee I make at home and drink at least two cups of it every day, I really have to love a place to become a regular consumer of its coffee. And, the Bean Bar Co. in Tampa Palms is the place I love best, especially the café con leches and caramel macchiatos there. I can say the same thing about Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.’s Brooklyn Infusion (Kahlua, caramel and sweet vanilla) small-batch regular coffee, as well as BWB’s Winter Wonderland blend of white chocolate, caramel and coconut.
The newest addition to the local coffee scene — Macondo Coffee Roasters — has the full gamut of coffee drinks, including being the first place where I really enjoyed a flat white (similar to a latte but with a higher volume of coffee to milk). Yum!
Although I’ve always loved the pasta and other Italian specialties at owner Steve Falabella’s 900º Woodfired Pizza in the Shops at Wiregrass, there’s no doubt that Steve has gone himself one better with his Falabella Family Bistro at The Grove.
And, while the Bistro already had me hooked on favorites like lasagna (above), chicken parmigiana and Sam’s meatballs appetizer, the addition in 2022 of weekly dinner specials, his expanded regular menu and the addition of full liquor at the bar has made it even tougher for me to pick any place other than Falabella when Jannah and I feel like enjoying some Italian comfort food. And, the Bistro also features an incredible display with 7 Layers Bakery dessert items.
Meanwhile, in New Tampa, both Frammi and Via Italia — located less than a mile from each other off BBD Blvd. — are both just a shade below Falabella. I love the linguine with clams at both locations and the two different pasta pesto options (traditional Genovese and Siciliano) at Via Italia and the lightly spicy pasta Amatriciano and eggplant parmigiana at Frammi. So close.
I do also enjoy the chicken fried chicken parm at Noble Crust, the zucchini noodles at Pasta di Guy, the penne ala vodka at Blush and the mezzaluna ravioli at Carrabba’s.
Even though I probably tried every type of legal sushi when I lived in New York City, when Jannah and I go out to Zukku-San, or any Japanese restaurant, we generally eat everything other than sushi because she really only likes California roll.
However, Jannah’s daughter Lauren loves the Mexican roll and other rolls with shrimp (which I can’t eat because I’m allergic) at Zukku-San, and I am still partial to everything from the tuna tataki to any type of white meat fish sashimi to the bluefin tuna akami crudo shown above at Zukku-San.
And, while I don’t think any other local Japanese place can touch Zukku-San’s non-sushi appetizers (see pg. 20) or entrées, I do enjoy the fresh sushi at all of the places on my list below. I think Bluefin in The Grove has the most creative assortment of rolls, Sushi Café on BBD Blvd. in New Tampa and Umu on BBD in Wesley Chapel have the best variety of white meat fish (snapper, grouper, wahoo, etc.) and Sake House (a little-known gem in Tampa Palms) also is consistently good. I also have been pleasantly surprised at the quality of the large variety of rolls at Yamato. This list also could have included Ha Long Bay, Thai Lanna, Sushi Avenue and Oishi Express.
Many Mexican restaurants have come and gone in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel, but new ones keep opening in both of our areas. The problem, in one man’s opinion, is that most of them simply aren’t as good as places we’ve loved in other parts of the country or even the Tampa Bay area. For many years, Vallarta’s has been the only consistent winner with our readers among the Mexican restaurants in our distribution areas.
But now, even though the Vallarta’s in Wesley Chapel is still around, the shuttered location in Tampa Palms has become the second New Tampa location (the other is on E. Bearss Ave.) of Don Julio’s. Señor Tequila (#6 on my list) has been open in the original location of Bonefish Grill on BBD since May 2021. And now, Cantina Laredo in The Shops at Wiregrass will be replaced by Azteca D’Oro (see story on pg. 37).
But, my favorite of the restaurants that have survived the Mexican shakeout is now Cantina Mexican Grill & Bar, for not only its fajitas (photo), but also its variety of tasty steak and chicken dishes, enchiladas, burritos and more. Tacos el Patron at the KRATEs has really good burritos and tacos, Chuy’s fajitas have improved since it first opened and I enjoy Capital Tacos’ flavorful bowls.
Among the few categories where our readers who voted in this year’s Dining Survey & Contest and I agree is that this year’s most anticipated new restaurant is now also the best of the many outstanding newcomers in our two distribution areas
The Living Room, although it doesn’t yet have the same variety as the restaurant’s original location on Main St. in Dunedin, has a number of great appetizers, entrées and craft cocktails that definitely have people talking.
Among my favorite dishes at The Living Room are the flash-fried pork dumplings, the brown butter scallops, the molasses-braised pork osso bucco, the “you bet churrasco” and the spicy chargrilled pork chop shown above. The Living Room is still working out some of its service issues, but the place has a great vibe and tasty food.
Three KRATEs finish 2nd, 3rd and 5th on my list below — Blush Wine Room, Pisco Express and Ato (see pg. 14 for details). And, three new Asian additions to the New Tampa dining scene — Ha Long Bay, Tessa’s Sweet Kafe and Oishi Express (see how these finished among my Asian favorites in both of our markets on pg. 14) — all also made my top-six favorite new eateries. With more newcomers on the way, next year’s newby list should be interesting, too.
The two categories we got rid of when we tabulated the results of our 2022 Reader Dining Survey were Favorite Appetizer and Favorite Dish, because so many of you didn’t tell us the restaurants where you enjoyed your favorites.
Well, one reason we originally included the category was because I have so many favorites of my own that I wanted to hear yours.
But, while it didn’t work out for all of you, I still wanted to tell you mine and there’s no doubt that Jannah and I are most addicted to Zukku-San’s fried pork gyoza dumplings. They’re so crispy, so flavorful, with a ponzustyle dipping sauce that also is served with Zukku-San’s a la carte tempura appetizers, which just missed making this list (as did the restaurant’s crispy veggie spring rolls) — although I did also have to include Zukku’s unique beef tenderloin yakitori at #5 on this list.
I also chose the true NY-style Chinese egg rolls at Liang’s (but didn’t include Liang’s excellent BBQ spare ribs), the seared ahi tuna at Stonewood (which just topped Treble Makers ahi), the perfect Sam’s meatballs at Falabella Bistro (beating out Noble Crust’s) and my new fave fish ceviche at Pisco Express, which just beats out Lima’s.
As someone who always believed they hated curry, I was shocked at how much I loved it after Treble Makers chef Kevin Maggard told me that if I didn’t like his coconut curry grouper, he would buy it from me and bring it home to eat it himself. And now, the Treble Makers dish is both mine and Jannah’s favorite single entrée anywhere in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel.
When Treble Makers had both the grouper and their unique wahoo bianco on the menu, we used to switch back and forth between the two, but even though Kevin says the wahoo will make a comeback this summer, for now, his grouper is our go-to fresh fish dish in our two areas.
Stonewood narrowly grabbed the #2 spot with its new Manhattan strip, a unique take on the traditional NY strip which barely beat out the tasty new tomahawk ribeye at The Grill at Morris Bridge, which just missed having a 2nd top-6 entrée with its parmesan-and-bacon-crusted mahi. My #4 favorite is the super-crispy Korean-style fried chicken at Tessa’s Sweet Kafe. And, although I also love the linguine with clams at Falabella’s, I think it falls just short of the same dish at both Via Italia and Frammi. Also just missing the list was the tender filet at the revamped Dempsey’s Too.
Managing editor John Cotey wanted to come up with some other unique categories for me to list on these pages, but the only one other than Favorite Appetizer and Favorite Entrée that appealed to me was Most Underrated Restaurant.
By underrated, I’m talking about by our readers, based on the results of our annual Reader Dining Survey not only this year, but over the past few years.
The local eatery that topped the list — because I see rave reviews for it online but very few votes by our readers every year since it opened at what is now called the AdventHealth Center Ice skating complex — is the Top Shelf Sports Lounge. But, not only does Top Shelf have outstanding wings (photo), but also great burgers, poutines (a Canadian favorite skillet dish) and even some of our area’s best sautéed veggies.
Four newcomers made this list, including two KRATEs — Pisco Express and Chamo Bites — along with Ha Long Bay and Tessa’s Sweet Kafe in New Tampa.
And, even though the menu is now much more of a golf course sports bar, the chef-created items still on the menu at Omari’s Grill at Lexington Oaks Golf Club are all still excellent, too — especially the grilled chicken and croque monsieur
sandwiches. I also think Bluefin, located next to Treble Makers at The Grove, hasn’t attracted enough attention and that more of you should check out the recently revamped menu at Dempsey’s Too at Saddlebrook.
1. Top Shelf Sports Lounge
2. Ha Long Bay
3. Tessa’s Sweet Kafe
4. Pisco Express
5. Omari’s Grill
6. Bluefin Japanese Restaurant
7. Chamo Bites
8. Dempsey’s Too
Not as many new restaurants opened in New Tampa as in Wesley Chapel in 2022, but many of the existing restaurants upgraded their offerings — including The Grill at Morris Bridge.
If you haven’t sampled the new tomahawk ribeye for two (photo) or bacon & parmesan-crusted mahi-mahi at The Grill, I urge you to give them both a try.
If The Grill is my #1A this year, our perennial reader favorite Stonewood Grill & Tavern could be #1B (instead of #2), especially after adding its unique & tasty Manhattan Strip steak we showed you last issue to its regular menu.
Frammi & Via Italia also are neck-and-neck for me for Italian food (both have great pasta!), but I give Frammi the slight edge overall for its larger non-pizza variety, including an entire American food menu. Fat Rabbit, which brought back its own fresh fish option to go along with the best wings in town, rounds out my top-5.
The only new restaurant to make my top-10 this year is Ha Long Bay, the mostly Vietnamese Asian fusion place which opened after the Reader Survey voting ended. Also in my top-10 in New Tampa for the first time is Cantina, which also ascended to the top spot as my new Favorite Mexican Restaurant in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel.
6. Acropolis Greek Taverna
7. Ha Long Bay
8. Bayscape Bistro
9. Cantina (CC Blvd.)
10. Liang’s Bistro
Juan Contin wasn’t necessarily looking for a new dentist when his wife Valerie suggested he give Sana Dental Studio and Spa a try. In fact, he was content traveling from his Land O’Lakes home to his dentist in Brooksville for his dental work.
But when he stepped into the office of Dr. Sana Yusuf, D.M.D., in the Promenade at Lexington Oaks plaza (just off Wesley Chapel Blvd. at Old Pasco Rd.), that all changed.
“My wife went first, and now we both go there,” Juan says. “It was a totally different experience. We love it.”
Juan says the dental care at Sana Dental & Spa has been excellent, the modern atmosphere is unlike what you might imagine for a dentist’s office, the staff is friendly and outgoing and the office is vibrant.
And, of course, that is all due to Dr. Yusuf, who is working hard to give all of her patients the same kind of experience that has made the Contins happy patients.
She uses the latest technologies and has enjoyed a surprisingly long history in the profession (considering her young age) to provide what she calls top-notch dental care.
“We are going to give you quality above all,” says Dr. Yusuf, a Wesley Chapel resident. “When you do that, you make it
a great experience. We’re not a corporate dentist. We’re not rushing you in and out with a different dentist every time. We’re going to do it right and you’re going to
leave happy.”
Dentistry isn’t just a job for Dr. Yusuf, it’s a long-time love. She is only 31 years old, but is a 15-year veteran in the business,
having started working in the field when she was just 16 and has been everything from a receptionist to insurance coordinator to dental assistant and now, doctor.
Dr. Yusuf graduated Summa Cum Laude — in only three years and at the age of 20 — with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Biology from the University of Detroit Mercy. She earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) degree four years later from Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine in Downers Grove, IL.
After earning her D.M.D. degree, Dr. Yusuf joined the U.S. Army as an Active Duty Captain and worked as a general dentist. She is an honored recipient of the Army Commendation Medal.
In 2020, she was leaving the Army just as the Covid-19 pandemic was starting, and she and her husband and two children decided to move to Wesley Chapel.
That set off a series of logistical events that made Dr. Yusuf wonder if she should have stayed in the safe confines of the army. But, despite a number of obstacles, including losing her dental associate job in Tampa due to the pandemic before even making the move here, she was able to find another associate job, which she worked at for roughly two years.
But eventually, her entrepreneurial spirit took over, and she decided it was time to do her own thing.
“I was working my tail end off to build someone else’s practice, someone else’s business,” she says. “I asked myself, ‘Why not do it for me?’ I was a captain in the military, I’m a natural leader, I’m an oldest sibling and I had a lot of great ideas. I just realized I wasn’t getting out what I was putting into my job and I should do it myself.”
Since opening Sana Dental in July 2022, Dr. Yusuf has built her practice not only into a unique space, but one offering high-quality dentistry that runs the gamut from regular cleanings to veneers and crowns to dental surgeries, like extractions and bone grafts
In fact, Dr. Yusuf says, “I was literally going to go into residency to be an oral surgeon. Surgery is my absolute favorite.”
If there is a dental procedure Dr. Yusuf can’t do herself, she says she has a talented network of local specialists to whom she can refer you.
Sana Dental Studio & Spa also offers Invisalign smile makeovers and same-day emergency appointments.
The latest technology, like 3D imaging that takes color pictures of every tooth, is employed for the most thorough care.
Dr. Yusuf started Sana Dental Studio & Spa by marrying the two concepts, in the hope of transforming a trip to the dentist into a comfortable and relaxing experience, like visiting a spa.
“Everyone loves the spa but hates going to the dentist, right?,” she asks.
But, things didn’t exactly turn out that way. People got excited and started asking about facials and massage therapists, “and I was like, no, that’s not what that’s supposed to be, but then it turned into that,” she said, chuckling.
Office manager Diana is a licensed esthetician, so Dr. Yusuf went out and hired another licensed esthetician, a medical assistant and an aesthetic nurse practitioner. She bought a laser, microneedling machine and other needed equipment.
While Dr. Yusuf has kept the spa offerings to things above the neck — “That is our anatomical area of expertise” — Sana
Dental Studio & Spa also offers radiofrequency microneedling with Morpheus8, Lumecca Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacials, Laser Hair Removal, HydraFacials, CoolPeel skin resurfacing, and a variety of injectables, such as Botox and filler. While dentistry is still 80 percent of the business, the spa also has been successful. In fact, when Sana Dental Studio & Spa expands into an adjacent space in the same plaza over the next few weeks, the spa-related equipment will be relocated to its own space, freeing up more rooms for dental care, accommodating growth in both areas.
All in all, it’s been a whirlwind for Dr. Yusuf, who had her third child in Spring 2022 as she was preparing her new practice for opening. She says her schedule is crazy, but she loves her job and her patients.
And she loves Wesley Chapel, where she also has found time to serve as the president of the Board of Directors at Sunrise of Pasco County, a center for victims of domestic and sexual abuse. She raised $1,700 for the center in November and for every new patient she sees, she donates an additional $5.
She also says she enjoys holding fundraisers every couple of months, in order to give back to her community. On Jan. 20, her office was raising money for a local Little League baseball team.
Being involved in the community is one of the perks of being a local business owner and entrepreneur, and Dr. Yusuf says she is happy to have made the decision to move her family, and open her practice, in Wesley Chapel.
“I live five minutes away from my office,” She says. “I tell my patients, that they’ll probably see me at Target buying diapers for my kids. And, I don’t want to run into them and then have to run in the other direction because I disappointed someone.”
Sana Dental Studio & Spa is located at 5728 Post Oak Blvd. The office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and Friday by appointment only. For more information, call (813) 694-2278, visit SanaDentalStudio.com or see the ad on page 31 of this issue.
Attorney Brian Arrighi helps people with estate planning, probate and real estate transactions at his North Tampa Law Group office, located in the Cypress Glen Professional Park off S.R. 56 (east of I-75) in Wesley Chapel.
The Tampa Palms resident has served his neighbors in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel for 17 years, helping those who find themselves in need of an attorney for real estate transactions, estate planning, and probate issues.
Brian, the owner of North Tampa Law Group, relocated his firm to its current location several years ago, after originally opening it in the Tampa Palms Professional Center in 2014.
Brian earned his Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the Stetson University College of Law in St. Petersburg, and his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Mass Communications from the University of Florida in Gainesville. He’s a member of the Real Property, Probate and Trust Law section of the Florida Bar.
“Our practice involves three areas,” Brian explains, “real estate, estate planning, and probate (law).”
Real estate law includes title closings, title insurance and organizing and overseeing real estate transactions. This includes
Attorney Brian Arrighi of North Tampa Law Group in the Cypress Glen Professional Park off S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel, is available to handle your real estate, probate and estate planning law issues. (Photo: Charmaine George)
handling “For Sale by Owner” home sales from contract to closing.
As an experienced probate attorney, dealing with distribution of property after someone’s death, Brian also understands the complicated issues that might arise related to real estate titles.
That’s why he says many of his clients are referred to him by local real estate agents, who suggest they hire North Tampa Law Group instead of a title agency for
their closings. He says those agents tell him they recommend his firm because it is quick and efficient with title searches.
Plus, Brian says, “If something pops up on the title search, we’re able to get on the legal side of it right away, whereas a title agency will send you to hire a lawyer to figure it out. We can usually get the legal work done and still close on time, because we get such a good head start on it.”
He adds that hiring North Tampa
Law Group to handle a real estate closing doesn’t necessarily increase the cost of a transaction without an attorney.
“Our fees are very competitive compared to a standard title agent,” Brian says.
In most transactions, the seller is the party who chooses the title agency, and sellers often use whoever their Realtor recommends. But, people are free to choose, so they can let their Realtor know they would like North Tampa Law Group to handle their closing and title insurance.
North Tampa Law Group also helps homeowners who want to sell their home “by owner” and skip hiring a Realtor to market their homes.
“For someone selling their home by owner,” Brian says, “once they obtain the buyer, we provide the contract and forms and take it from there. We handle everything and oversee it all the way to closing.”
James is a local resident who had a great experience using North Tampa Law Group for his recent real estate closing — selling a townhouse in Zephyrhills.
“The process couldn’t have been made simpler for us and we are thrilled with their service,” James says, explaining that the service and communication with North Tampa Law Group throughout the process was outstanding.
“Based on our experience,” he adds, “I would definitely use them again and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to others.”
In addition to handling real estate closings, North Tampa Law Group also helps clients with estate planning, such as wills, trusts, and the transfer of wealth and assets to loved ones after a death. Brian says he has something of a specialty helping people set up their estates so they can protect their minor children from outside influences and adults from making poor decisions. He works with individuals to set up trusts for health care, living expenses and smaller disbursements, rather than lump-sum payouts, if that’s what they want.
One thing Brian emphasizes is that each client’s individual circumstances are unique, so he helps to arrange documents in whatever way is best for each person’s particular situation.
Even for those who don’t know where to start with an estate plan, North Tampa Law Group can help.
“If people aren’t sure what they want,” Brian says, “we can sit down, do a consultation, and listen to their objectives — how they want their estate distributed, and what it will consist of. Then, we go over their options and give recommendations for what type of trust or plan that is specific to that individual.”
He says that many clients are relieved to find out the estate planning process was not as expensive or as difficult as they thought it would be.
Most services are offered at a flat rate. At the initial consultation, Brian will go
over your options and fee structures. Then, you will have the choice of whether or not to move forward with the services.
And, while proper estate planning prepares for the management of your assets and determines how to efficiently distribute those assets to your loved ones when you pass away, a lack of estate planning could cause confusion that leads to a potentially lengthy and expensive court process known as “probate.”
When probate is necessary — for example, for those who have recently lost someone and find themselves needing the court to sort through any issues — Brian is experienced in that process.
Consultations for real estate, estate planning and probate can all be done in person at North Tampa Law Group’s office, although Brian also offers phone consultations for those who prefer it.
“Post-Covid, I still go into the office, but it’s up to the client as to whether or not they want to meet face to face,” he says. “Sometimes it’s easier to understand in person, and it’s really important for people to know all the differences between everything I’m explaining. But, if a client prefers a phone call, I’m happy to do that.”
North Tampa Law Group is located at 26852 Tanic Dr., Suite 102. For more info, visit NorthTampaLawGroup.com, see the ad on pg. 32 or make an appointment for a free initial consultation by calling (813) 518-7411.
If you’re like most people, you probably have losing weight and/or getting into better shape among your New Year’s resolutions.
And, while you definitely can accomplish both goals at Fit 4 Life Personal Training & Physical Therapy in the Tampa Palms Professional Center, just off the Bruce B. Downs Blvd. exit off I-75, that’s not the only reason to visit my long-time friend and trainer Travis Monday and his staff at Fit 4 Life.
In addition to one-on-one circuit training using the proven “Super Slow” method on highly rated MedX circuit equipment, as well as free weights, Fit 4 Life also has certified physical therapists on staff who can help you build your core strength as you rehab many different types of injuries.
Whatever your reasons for checking out Fit 4 Life, Travis and his friendly, professional staff will make sure that you don’t regret your decision. “We offer trusted therapy and exercise experts,” he says. “I believe we offer the safest, most effective training method out there. Fads come and go, but especially for anyone age 40-plus, what we do is here is both safe and effective.”
On the personal training side, Travis is quick to note that he has no problem with many people trying to get in shape at other fitness or cross-fit training centers.
“They can be very beneficial,” he says, “but some of their methods can’t be consid-
ered safe, especially for older adults.”
Travis is definitely someone who practices what he preaches. At age 49, other than some additional gray hair, the married father of two pre-teen daughters still looks almost exactly the same as when I met him — and began working out twice a week — at his original Tampa Palms location nearly 22 years ago.
“I still have the same 8% body fat and weigh the same I did when I graduated college,” he says. “I do zero cardio and I don’t do any exercise training other than what we do here at Fit 4 Life.”
Travis adds, however, that proper
nutrition — practicing healthy eating — is also a big part of a successful fitness regimen. “I will say I eat healthy about 80 to 90 percent of the time,” he admits, “but combining fitness training and healthy eating is essential. Our trainers also can help you with nutritional counseling.”
As a long-term Fit 4 Life personal training client, I know that I can’t achieve my fitness goals without both proper eating and personal training. I am now able to supplement my twice-a-week, 30-minute, one-onone sessions at Fit 4 Life with cardio at home, but at least for me, I still need to reduce my
caloric intake in order to see the best results. That was harder for me to do after both of my knee replacement surgeries last year, but even when I couldn’t work out my legs after my surgeries, I still kept up with my Fit 4 Life sessions to keep my upper body strong and because working out there has always helped make me stay grounded. That became even more important as I rehabbed my knees. Fit 4 Life also offers regular weightloss contests for its clients, as well as two free personal training sessions for first-time (and returning) clients who mention this story or the ad on pg. 32 of this issue.
Despite still being in fantastic shape, Travis says he has three herniated discs in his lower back, but somehow, has no back pain, which he attributes to using the MedX spine strengthening machine an average of once a week.
“But, if I was experiencing pain, I would definitely work with the physical therapists here at Fit 4 Life because they don’t only work on rehabbing injuries, but also on building strength, especially for people with low back problems.”
He says that most people as they age have generally weak lower backs, which is why so many suffer from low back pain.
“But, our spine strengthening machine helps most of our therapy clients
increase their low back strength by 100%400%,” he says. “Our therapy patients definitely give it rave reviews.”
In fact, Fit 4 Life has earned 4.8 of 5 stars on Google.
Fit 4 Life Personal Training & Physical Therapy is located at 17419 Bridge Hill Ct., in the Tampa Palms Professional Center. It is open Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.-7:30 p.m., and 7 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday. Many health insurance plans are accepted for physical therapy patients. For more information and to set up your two free personal training sessions, call (813) 907-7879 and mention this story or the ad on pg. 32. Or, visit Fit4LifeTampa.com.
In the mid-nineties, Linda Nelson was working as a service manager at a Tampa car dealership.
She remembers it was August 21 — her best friend’s birthday — when they went out together to celebrate.
A drunk driver ran a red light, killing her friend.
That driver didn’t have insurance, so the medical bills from Linda’s injuries began piling up. Three years of litigation resulted in a payout from her friend’s insurance company that covered just a fraction of her bills.
“Consequently,” Linda says, “I became fascinated with insurance.”
Several years later, in 2004, Linda decided to make a career change and get her insurance license. She completed extensive training through the Allstate exclusive agent training program, but the company pulled out of Florida after that historic year of hurricanes, when Charley and three other hurricanes made landfall in the state.
That’s when Linda went to MetLife, where she worked as an agent for more than five years.
In 2009, Linda opened Florida Heritage Insurance in a small office off
of Collier Pkwy. and Livingston Ave., although it was called First Heritage Insurance at that time. As her business grew, she needed a larger space, and moved to Seven Oaks in 2015.
Now, Florida Heritage Insurance has moved into a permanent location — purchased by Linda and her husband Paul — on Argerian Dr. in the Canterbury Professional Park, which is located north of S.R. 54, across from Saddlebrook Resort. That move happened this past summer, after many long months of
construction and Covid-related delays.
Florida Heritage Insurance’s growing business includes three licensed insurance agents in addition to Linda. Whenever you call, email or come in for an appointment at the agency, everyone you speak with is a licensed agent. Linda’s team includes Veronica Galante, Deedee Pisoni and Shelly Sims. Due to another agent’s recent retirement, Linda says she is looking to add one more
licensed agent to the team.
The team helps people buy insurance for their home, automobile and business, as well as umbrella and personal liability policies, workers compensation insurance, general liability, professional liability, flood insurance, renters insurance and more. The agents can even help those who are on Medicare or aging in to the program to select a plan. However, the office doesn’t currently focus on individual health insurance plans.
Linda says the way Florida Heritage Insurance helps its customers is completely different than what you’ll get if you call a 1-800 number to talk with someone at a big company.
“There’s a difference between a transaction and having a consultative approach to helping you buy insurance,” she explains, “If you call ‘1-800-buy-insurance,’ you get a person whose job it is to sell you a policy right then and there. They don’t know you, they aren’t going to get to know you, and if you have a problem and call back, you won’t get to talk with the same person.”
She says the transaction is typically to get you the lowest cost, no matter what — maybe by convincing you not to buy uninsured motorist coverage or to lower your limits or raise your deductible.
“That’s fine for the pocketbook,”
she says, “until you actually have to use it. The time to find out what is and is not covered is not when you’re in the middle of a claim.”
Linda and her team take the time to ask a lot of questions and give people a variety of options for coverage, ranging from good to better to best. And, she says she can often find you as good or better coverage at a comparable price to the big-name companies.
“It’s one thing to make a decision to not buy coverage,” she explains. “It’s another thing to not know you don’t have it.”
While everyone has a budget, the goal at Florida Heritage Insurance is to be sure you understand what you’re buying and, if you need a lower cost, they help you find the best ways to do that. Some people may choose not to pay for insurance to replace the contents of their home, or maybe they don’t need comprehensive and collision insurance for an old car, for example.
“We’re here to help and to give you solutions to your insurance problems,” she says. “What you buy is completely up to you. The point is to understand really, truly what you’re buying.”
One hallmark of Florida Heritage Insurance is its commitment to giving back to the community. Linda and Paul are long-time Tampa residents who
moved to Wesley Chapel in 2001. They are part of the community and pleased to help their neighbors as much as possible.
The company supports Metropolitan Ministries, Feeding Tampa Bay, Shriners Hospital, the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, Oasis Pregnancy Center, Cornerstone Campus Ministry, and just recently added Project Dynamo to its list of charities. Project Dynamo is headquartered locally and run by retired special forces personnel who rescue people out of Ukraine, Afghanistan, and other dangerous locations. Linda says the organization sent some of the first people using boats to rescue people out of Charlotte County after Hurricane Ian hit a few months ago.
Linda also volunteers at First Baptist Church of Wesley Chapel, singing and teaching children.
“We’re a local agency,” Linda says. “We’re your neighbors here in Wesley Chapel and New Tampa, so we support charities that help people in our community.”
Florida Heritage Insurance is located at 5841 Argerian Dr., Suite 101. For more information, visit flhins.com, call (813) 803-7767, or see the ad on page 32. The office is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. To meet with an agent in person, Linda says to please make an appointment by calling the office or using the contact page on the website.
Erum Qureshi and her husband Raheel recently moved into a new home in Wesley Chapel. With 27 bare windows throughout the house, Erum called several companies to provide estimates for window coverings.
“I had gotten a few quotes, but didn’t feel quite right about hiring any of the companies,” she says. Then, she saw the Bloomin’ Blinds truck working at another home in her neighborhood, Persimmon Park, so she called the number on the truck.
When Michael Imses, who owns the local franchise of Bloomin’ Blinds with his wife, Mariana, responded to her call, Erum knew she had found the right company to meet their needs.
“We saw right away that he understood what we wanted, and he was generous with his time,” Erum says. “He must have sat in my house for two hours going over things, making sure we were 100-percent satisfied, which was so important because we are both very detail-orientated.”
She says that Michael is pretty meticulous, too, and she felt he would care about the final products in her home as much as she did.
(l.-r.) Mariana and Michael Imses own the Bloomin’ Blinds franchise serving the Wesley Chapel and New Tampa areas, and they specialize in providing the latest trendy designs and the kind of in-home service that makes the process a delight for customers.
Michael says that’s one thing he prides himself on — listening carefully to customers to really understand their needs and give them a great experience when purchasing window coverings. His franchise serves homeowners in New Tampa, Wesley Chapel and surrounding areas such as Lutz, Land
O’Lakes, Tampa and South Tampa.
Bloomin’ Blinds is a 25-year-old company that started in Dallas, TX, and began franchising within the last decade. There are now about 60 locations across the nation, including several in Florida — Ft. Myers, West Palm Beach and Miami.
Michael and Mariana are both accountants who wanted to own their own business, so they started looking into franchise opportunities.
“We found Bloomin’ Blinds, and we’ve been very happy being the owners and operators of this business for the last five years,” Michael says, adding that they purchased the franchise at about the same time their only daughter was born.
Michael says one thing that sets Bloomin’ Blinds apart from all of its competition is that no one else in the market does repairs, in addition to sales.
And, for window coverings such as roller shades, cellular shades, plantation shutters or blinds, Bloomin’ Blinds provides custom treatments direct from the factory, so the quality is much better than what you would buy off the shelf at a big box or home improvement store.
Michael says Bloomin’ Blinds sells Norman shutters, Graber window treatments, and Alta window fashions, among other brands.
The local franchise is growing, with one installer who works with Michael on larger jobs, and other installers being added to the team.
While most work is done directly with homeowners, Bloomin’ Blinds also regu-
larly works with interior designers, too.
The first step is always to schedule an appointment for a free estimate in your home. This allows Michael to show you the available products in your own environment, so that colors and styles can be best matched to your existing décor, and you can see exactly what it all will look like in your space.
“Sometimes, people already know what they want,” says Michael, adding that it’s often his job to help people learn about all of the new products available on the market. “We bring all the samples and colors to our customers, help them pick out what would work best, and share all that we’ve learned from our experience.”
Erum Qureshi says she tells people all the time that they can trust what Michael tells them. In fact, she says, Michael made a couple of recommendations about room darkening shades that she and Raheel at first chose to ignore. But then, they called him back after the first time they had guests spend the night in their home and there was too much light.
“He was right,” she says. “What we wanted didn’t work, so he was over the next day with his book and samples.”
Another advantage of Bloomin’ Blinds always coming to you is that the business doesn’t have a lot of overhead expenses so, Michael says, “we can give our customers a better price.”
While in your home, he also will measure every window and ensure that any product you buy is custom fit to those exact specifications.
“We don’t have anything stored or any standard size,” he explains. “That way, if your windows are slightly different sizes — even off by a portion of an inch — you won’t have gaps on the sides, especially with a shade or blinds.”
He says plantation shutters currently are the most popular choice, although many clients also choose roller shades.
“Roller shades are a more modern
product,” he says, “and they are much improved now, including using a smooth, cordless system.”
Michael says that, beginning in 2023, there no longer will be any products sold with cords, to improve child safety.
Because the cordless systems are becoming more popular, the systems are continually being improved and also are becoming more affordable.
Michael says he usually can install your new window coverings just three to four weeks after you order them, although shutters may take just a little longer.
While all of the products Bloomin’ Blinds sells come with a lifetime warranty, Michael can often repair the blinds, shades and shutters you already have in your home. Most companies don’t provide repairs, but if you have a window covering you love that has a broken slat or blind tilter, Bloomin’ Blinds will come out to provide a free estimate for the repair, and can often repair the problem in your home right then — or come back soon if a part needs to be ordered.
Whether he’s coming in for an initial consultation for a new installation or repair, keeping tabs on where your window coverings are at in the process from the factory, or showing up on the day of installation, “we always try to be punctual,” Michael says, “and we’re honest and loyal to our customers.”
“Eventually,” Erum Qureshi says, “we want to build our own place a little bigger than this one, so we’re looking forward to using Michael and Bloomin’ Blinds again in the future. I wouldn’t even think twice. I would just call him and ask, ‘When can you come over?’” Bloomin’ Blinds comes to you for a free in-home estimate. You can schedule an appointment by calling (813) 444-5536, or get more information by visiting BloominBlinds. com. Or, see the ad on page 18.
The last of the 29 restaurants to open at the KRATE Container Park at The Grove is Cafe Zorba, which serves delicious Greek and Mediterranean cuisine from the former owners of Acropolis Greek Taverna in New Tampa.
Cafe Zorba owners Stacy Esposito and her husband Eddie Nasr are proud to bring you authentic recipes with unique flavor touches that Eddie says are mainly his recipes from his childhood in the Republic of Cyprus, which is an independent nation on the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea between Greece, Turkey and Syria. Although his parents were Lebanese, Eddie says his Cypriot recipes have been strongly influenced by the cuisine of Greece.
Delicious Starters & Entrées!
On these pages, you’ll find some of our favorite dishes at Cafe Zorba, a name inspired by the novel Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis that earned Anthony Quinn an Oscar nomination for the 1964 movie of the same name.
The top left photo, of course, is the delicious Greek-style calamari, which is delicately crispy and served with a side of marinara sauce and kalamata olives.
“If you visit Greece and you don’t have the calamari,” Eddie says, “it’s like you never visited Greece. There is tons of calamari in the Mediterranean.”
Other starters at Cafe Zorba include tzatziki (Greek yogurt with freshly grated cucumbers, garlic and herbs with olive oil, served with pita), hummus (fresh chickpea spread with garlic and tahini, topped with virgin olive oil and tomatoes), dolmades (grapevine leaves stuffed with rice, lemon juice, olive oil and herbs, topped with crumbled feta) and the
crispy and delicious Greek fries with aioli, feta and a side of tzatziki.
The top right photo on this page is the traditional Cypriot fried halloumi cheese, which is made from a semi-soft brined cheese with a high melting point, so it’s perfect for deep-frying. The halloumi rectangles are served with pita bread, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
The bottom photo on this page is, of course, the crispy spanakopita, or light and flaky phyllo pastry dough, stuffed with spinach and feta, served with a side Greek salad. Speaking of Cafe Zorba’s Greek salad, it is served with a similarly zesty, creamy Greek dressing to what you might remember from Acropolis.
My favorite entrees at Cafe Zorba are the lamb gyro wrap (also available with chicken — and the daily lunch special from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. gives you a gyro,
fries and drink for only $15) and the chicken, pork or beef souvlaki platters, which are served with what may be the best, most savory orzo rice I’ve had in this area (or those crispy fries), as well as a Greek salad. The top photo on this page is the chicken souvlaki platter.
Other entrées include the Zeus burger (topped with sautéed mushrooms, onions and feta); the fish sliders (lightly breaded, pan-fried fish filet, topped with vegetable slaw, garlic aioli, onion and tomato on slider buns), the fried kibbeh platter, which are cracked wheat dough shells stuffed with seasoned beef, sautéed onions and pine nuts, served with fries, hummus and pita, and shrimp skewers. The shrimp are sauteed in lemon, garlic and butter sauce and served with pita.
All of the entrées are just $12-$18 and Stacy says, “We’re proud to be the only dining KRATE with all five-star reviews on Google. The reviews say our food is delicious and our portions are huge!”
Save room for dessert, as the options (many are shown in the picture above) include regular baklava, baklava cheesecake, chocolatecovered baklava, tiramisu, Eddie’s homemade rice pudding and my favorite — the Zorba chocolate bomb filled with creamy milk and white chocolate mousse.
Cafe Zorba also sells a variety of beers, including Mythos from Greece, Almaza from Lebanon and many other imported and domestic options, as well as Greek and other delicious wines, plus coffee, soft drinks and Frazil shaved ice beverages.
And, the fun doesn’t end when you walk outside of Cafe Zorba, as there are nearly 50 flavors to enjoy with hookah pipes. Gypsi (photo, right), an exotic belly dancer, performs on Friday evenings, beginning at 7 p.m.
Even though it was only open for a couple of weeks when the voting ended, our readers named Cafe Zorba their fourth favorite Greek or Mediterranean Restaurant in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel and I placed it in my top-5 Favorite KRATEs.
Cafe Zorba is located at 5804 Grand Oro Lane, at the southern end of the
container park in the KRATEs. It is open Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; 11 a.m.-11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday; and 11 a.m.-7 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, call (813) 388-5987, visit CafeZorba.com or see the ad on pg. 17 of this issue, which includes two money-saving coupons — $5 off your purchase of $25 or more or $10 off your $50 purchase.
For anyone who was wondering why the sign above The Brunchery on S.R. 56 had changed to Brunchin’, wonder no more.
Owner Al Marku of Brunchin’ says that all three of his existing Brunchery locations (S.R. 56, New Tampa and Lithia) are in the process of becoming Brunchin’ because The Brunchery name was previously in use by other restaurants.
So, even though Brunchin’ has the same ownership, menu and outstanding service as Marku’s local Brunchery restaurants, he says he decided to make the change to a unique name that wasn’t already in use as he prepares to open his fourth Brunchin’ location in Riverview.
After finishing #2 in this year’s Reader Survey for Favorite Breakfast, Brunchin’ was named my #1 Favorite Breakfast (see pg. 16). — GN
Although 2022 was a busy year for restaurants that opened and closed in New Tampa, there was a lot more dining news on the way for 2023 in zip code 33647 as the year came to a close.
Over the past few weeks, several local eateries closed their doors for good, while others were just getting ready to open.
We were sad to see that both Nova Pizza in the Pebble Creek Collection and Precinct Pizza (top right photo) on Cross Creek Blvd. at Morris Bridge Rd. had closed. While we haven’t yet heard about anything new opening in Precinct’s place, we’re definitely excited that Zio’s New York Bagel & Deli Co. (bottom right photo) is expected to take over for Nova by sometime in February.
Zio (which means “Uncle” in Italian) is the brainchild of Wesley Chapel resident Jeff Cofini, who previously owned several bagel places in upstate New York.
“We’ll have homemade, NY-style bagels,” Cofini says, “plus great bacon, egg & cheese sandwiches, Boar’s Head deli meats, and we’ll be open for breakfast and lunch every day.”
Cofini says he is definitely looking for hard-working help at Zio’s. Email him at ZiosNYBagels@gmail.com if you or someone you know might be interested.
Speaking of possible Feb. 2023 openings, real progress has finally been made on the new location of Kobé Japanese Steakhouse (below) and one of the contractors at the site told me that the plan is to try to open the new Kobé in time for Valentine’s Day.
We also were sad to say good-bye to the Walk at Highwoods Preserve location of Oronzo Honest Italian last month. We haven’t yet heard of a replacement for the fast-casual Italian concept, but Oronzo has another location in Midtown Tampa.
We also hoped that the new Macaw Latin Provision on Cross Creek Blvd. would be open before we went to press with this issue, but as of Jan 13, we were told that the former location of three previous restaurants — Hawkeye’s NYS Pizza, Deano’s Pizza and Fish Fiesta — was now not going to open at all and the restaurant space behind the Mobil station was available again. — GN
We know that a lot of people were saddened (while others were ecstatic) when they heard that Cantina Laredo in the Shops at Wiregrass had closed. But, the owners of the new Mexican restaurant that will replace it in the mall say that no one will miss their predecessor when they sample the delicious food (photo) from the new Azteca D’Oro Co-owners Victor and Armando Ramos say that there are seven family-owned Azteca D’Oro locations in Florida, with most near Orlando and the closest to us in Lakeland.
“Fresh, delicious Mexican food” is what Victor says they will bring to the Wiregrass Azteca (rendering below), which they hope to open by May or June of this year (barring any unforeseen permitting issues), after the partners spend about $2 million on renovations.
Meanwhile, The Shops’ specialty leasing manager Steve Domonkos says that Bosporous Mediterranean Restaurant will open in a corner breezeway space sometime in the fall, and Crazy Sushi also expects a fall opening in the two spaces where Teriyaki Madness and Creativity Unpinned had been located.
Domonkos also says that a new Volvo showroom (but not a full-service dealership) will open in the former KidZone space and that Signature Workspace is under construction in the former Forever 21 location.
SignatureWorkspace.com says its twostories and 28,000-sq.-ft. of space will provide “remote and hybrid workers a workplace that fosters community and a better work-life balance without long commutes.” — GN
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TRANQUILITY POOL SERVICE. New Tampa owned & operated. Great Pricing w/outstanding customer service! LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED. See why we are New Tampa and Wesley Chapel’s #1 Choice!! Call or Text Chris today @ 813-857-5400 or visit TranquilityPoolService.com. New customers get ONE MONTH FREE!
NEIGHBORHOOD POOLS. Wesley Chapel owned & operated since 1999. Weekly service. No long term contracts. Mention this AD for one-month Free service. Call 813-907-7322 for details or text Joe at 813-758-7608.
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