Volume 23 Issue 21
Inside: You Can Find French Cuisine In Wesley Chapel!
October 10, 2015
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Named The 2014 ‘Small Business Of The Year’ By The Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce! The Direct-Mail News Magazines Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Since 1993! For the complete list of the neighborhoods that receive this publication by direct mail in New Tampa (zip code 33647), see page 58!
New Tampa Rotary & Friends Open Playground At Camp Florida! By Gary Nager Congratulations go out to former Rotary Club of New Tampa president and current assistant district governor for Area 1 of Rotary District 6890 Peter Gambacorta, past District 6890 governor Gary Gunter and their fellow New Tampa Rotary club members who brought in funds from 18 other Rotary Clubs (and other sources) and an estimated 315 volunteers from several organizations to build (in one five-hour day, on Sept. 26), a 6,300-sq.ft., $100,000 wheelchair-accessible playground at Rotary’s Camp Florida in Brandon. Camp Florida, which opened in June 1992, has a mission to, “provide special needs user groups with clean, safe, barrier-free camping facilities. Our vision is that we can provide the opportunity for all special needs people (children and adults) to experience the fun and enjoyment of camping.” “Unfortunately, the playground at the camp had rotting wood and was falling apart,” Gambacorta says. “And, it wasn’t wheelchairaccessible anyway.”
An Idea Born In Costa Rica
Gambacorta says he first got the idea to build the playground at Camp Florida while he and a group of New Tampa Rotary and University of South Florida (USF) Rotaract Club members were on an international service trip to Costa Rica 18 months ago to build a playground in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Alajuela, Costa Rica. “The playground we built there was basically an old construction dump site,” Gam-
(Above) Peter Gambacorta (in white hat) & a cast of 300+ (right) were on hand to dedicate a new playground at Rotary’s Camp Florida in Brandon, which was built from scratch (below, right) in five hours, thanks to brigades of volunteers from several different organizations. Dedication photos provided by the Sebring Sunrise Rotary.
bacorta recalls. “It took 18 New Tampa Rotarians and USF Rotaract members all day just to clear the site of all of the debris. But, we turned it into a beautiful playground and the Rotary Club there has even improved it since we finished it. But, it made me think we could do something really special for Rotary’s Camp Florida.” Gambacorta started his nest egg for the playground with a $3,500 donation from See ‘Playground’ on pg. 22
WCCC Presents The 7th Annual Fall Festival At The Grove Oct. 10-11! By Matt Wiley
As temperatures begin to (hopefully) cool down in the Wesley Chapel area, the coming of the fall season is cause for celebration and the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC)’s seventh annual Fall Festival the weekend of October 10-11 at The Grove shopping plaza, located off Oakley Blvd., is just the event to welcome the cooler months. Presented by The Grove, Parks Fiat of Wesley Chapel and Cornerstone Air Condition & Heating, local residents can look for-
ward to a FREE weekend of great live music and other entertainment for all ages. There, of course, also will be carnival-style food and beverages for sale and plenty of other vendor tents and the WCCC expects to draw more than 10,000 attendees to this year’s event. Although last year’s Festival took place on only one day, to better serve the community, the Fall Fest will once again span the entire weekend, as it had each of the prior years of the event. “Last year, we did the one-day event at The Grove,” says WCCC CEO Hope Allen. “But, the vendors really enjoyed the two-day
Also Inside This Issue!
Local News, Business & Education Updates
Neighborhood Magazine
TECO Installing New Power Poles In Tampa Palms, ‘Segment A’ BBD Widening Affecting Local Businesses, Plus Lots Of Great Local Business Features!
Le Macaron Bring French Pastries To The Shops At Wiregrass, Check Out Our 2015 Dining Survey & Contest & More Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes!
Pages 3-42
Pages 43-64
version of the event better, so we decided to go back to that.” Don’t miss this year’s musical performances on the Wesley Chapel Nissan Main Stage, featuring — guitarist/singer Evan Koteles, who also is a member of Tampa band 10th Concession (which headlined last year’s Fall Festival), but Koteles also plays solo shows around Tampa Bay; Dunedin, FLbased rock/soul/funk band The Time Bandits, country duo Indigo Summer (featuring country stars Bryan Edwards and Hope Nix), guitarist/singer Michael McDonald and popular local classical pianist James A. Williams. The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel (Noon) will again host the annual Little Miss & Mr. Pumpkin Patch Pageant (photo), while the Lions Club of Wesley Chapel will host a Pet Parade and Ierna’s Heating & Cooling is sponsoring both pet adoptions and the pageant. The Fall Festival also will include the traditional Pumpkin Patch and Hay Rides. Plus, this year also will feature outdoor movies, including Disney’s “Frozen” and “Cars!” For more information, including schedules and additional sponsorship op-
portunities for the Wesley Chapel Fall Festival, please visit Facebook.com/WesleyChapelFallFestival.
Check Out Our Revamped Website & Condolences To Nikki & Jeff An editorial by Gary Nager For those of you who haven’t been checking out either our page at Facebook.com/Neighborhood News or our website (NTNeighborhoodNews.com) or both every day, you’ve been missing out on daily posts and news you won’t find anywhere else. When we first started building our website a couple of years ago, we were lucky to average 10,000 “hits” a month, but recently, both assistant editor Matt Wiley and I have had posts that have surpassed that number of views on Facebook and/or our website in a single day — even before we decided to make a recent, much-moremobile-friendly upgrade to it. We brought in more than one other online marketing firm to pitch our upgrade, but we have been truly thrilled with our ultimate choice — The Crush Agency, which has offices in King of Prussia, PA, and now in Tampa, after merging with president Liane Caruso and her Limelight Marketing Consultants earlier this year. Liane has been our liaison throughout the process, which included “fixing” all of our already-existing content to make sure that content is all in the proper, mobile-friendly format, plus adding some new social media “stuff.” Please feel free to check out TheCrush Agency.com after you see all of the new goodies and additions Liane and her amazing crew have made to our site. The revamped Neighborhood News site has six “buttons” at the top — Editorial, Dining & Entertainment, Advertising, The Team, Calendar and Subscribe. Under “News,” you’ll find a drop-
New Tampa Neighborhood News 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: (813) 423-6533 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents
Celeste McLaughlin • Anu Varna Panchal
Advertising Sales Representative Mary Dorey Office/Marketing Assistant Jillian Reilly Graphic Design Georgia Carmichael • Chelsie Rosatone Nothing that appears in New Tampa Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by New Tampa Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 23, Issue 23, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Monday, October 26, 2015. New Tampa Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. New Tampa Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. New Tampa Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
© 2015 JM2 Communications, Inc.
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down menu offering easy access to the most recent “New Tampa” and “Wesley Chapel” news stories (both online and in the print editions), plus my most recent page 3 “Editorials,” as well as an “Archives” button that allows you to access every story we’ve run from this year, all the way back to July 2011. Under “Dining & Entertainment,” you’ll find drop-down options to enter this year’s “Reader Dining Survey & Contest,” and another to see last year’s “Dining Survey” results, plus buttons for our New Tampa and Wesley Chapel dining stories, as well as our most recent (since April of this year) “Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes” items, “Out of Area” dining & entertainment stories and a button for “Videos,” which are coming soon (see below). The “Advertising” button has options to “Request Advertising Information” for our publications and on our website and social media. You also can “Manage” your existing advertising account, purchase and create “Classifieds,” and get some great “Ad Insights” to help make your ads look better and get better results, so you get the best “bang” for your advertising bucks with us. “The Team” button introduces you to each member of our full- and part-time staff, including our freelance writers. This has traditionally been the most “clicked on” section of our site, and we genuinely appreciate that all of you seem to want to get to know all of us a little better. The “Calendar” section of our site is still being finalized by Liane & Co., but when we roll it out (I’ll update you in these pages about it, as well as online), it will basically give you access to every local event for which we have information, including the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce, the various New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Rotary Club meetings and events, as well as all of the governmental and other meetings and events being held in our area. So, if you send us information about your church, PTA, sports team or other local event, even if we can’t include the info in
these pages, we will not only have them on the Calendar, but also post Facebook and other social media updates to help build interest and attention in your events. The final button is our “Subscribe” button, which allows those who may not live in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel — and those who work in the area but don’t live here — to have copies of our issues mailed to them shortly after each issue hits our alldirect-mail homes, apartments and businesses. So please, check it out and let us know what you think! For more information, please visit NTNeighborhoodNews.com!
RIP, Daffny & Dakota
When Neighborhood News GM Nikki Bennett & her husband Jeff went away for
a friend’s wedding the weekend of Sept. 26, they dropped two healthy dogs (Daffny & Dakota) off at their veterinarian’s office — All Creatures Great & Small in Lutz — to board them for the weekend. When they came back, they were told both of their beloved beagles had died of heatstroke, the only two pets in the kennel’s care who died. “Our dogs were dead, but it was almost harder for us to hear that Florida law considers pets to be property, not members of your family,” Nikki said. “Something has to change in Tallahassee.” Considering how hard it is for anyone to say no to Nikki, and the fact she and this publication have some friends in both state government (see pg. 16) & at USF, don’t be surprised if something does change...soon.
Table of Contents TECO Installing New Power Poles In Tampa Palms......4 Businesses Feeling Effects Of BBD Widening..............8
New Tampa News Briefs.....................................10 Traffic Signal Already Causing Outlet Mall Delays Florida Hospital Center Ice Project Delayed Festival Of Flight Could Land In Z-Hills Next Year....14 Rep. Harrison Holding Contest To Create New Law...16 BBD ‘Loop Road’ Plan Draws Complaints.................18 WCCC Honors ‘Excellence In Business’...................20 New Tampa Community Calendar...............................24 Golf Tourneys Raising Money For Good Causes..........25
Local Business Updates...............26-40
North Tampa Pet Depot Opens In Tampa Palms.......26 Creative Permanent Makeup By Pam..........................28 The Clinicians Primary & Urgent Care.......................32 Grey Wolf Armory Expands Its Showroom..................36 GL Homes Developing The Ridge At Wiregrass.......38
Sports Updates By John Cotey.........41 Wharton Player Steps Up For Harvest V-Ball Tourney
Neighborhood Magazine
Le Macaron Opens At The Shops At Wiregrass...43-44 Our Exclusive 2015 Dining Survey/Contest.....47 City Grill: The Sports Bar With The French Flair.....50 Time For Wine Can Personalize Your Good Taste....54 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’.........56 NEW TAMPA COLOR CLASSIFIEDS............60 Former New Tampa Students Start ‘Bucket Tees’......62
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
News Updates By Matt Wiley........4-25
w L ar ar w W tio
TECO Hosting Public Meetings About New Power Poles In Tampa Palms By Matt Wiley
Some consider them an eyesore, but they’re part of the reason we can see anything with our eyes at night in our area and the life source for anything electronic. The 300-ft.-wide electrical transmission line that runs through Tampa Palms may not be the most aesthetically pleasing, but it’s essential for keeping the power flowing throughout the Tampa Bay area. Tampa Electric Company (TECO) is getting ready to give the power corridor a facelift and is hosting a public meeting in our area for residents before that construction begins. According to TECO spokesperson Cherie Jacobs, the current wooden ‘H’ poles that run down the center of the transmission line south of Yardley Way in the Enclave community of Tampa Palms Area 1 soon will be replaced with new steel poles. An “openhouse” style public meeting will be held on Thursday, October 15, 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m., at the Compton Park at Tampa Palms clubhouse (16101 Compton Dr.). The pole upgrade is part of a larger $14-million project to improve reliability in the area, Jacobs says. Construction is scheduled to begin in November and the project is expected to take about a year to complete. “TECO is making some reliability improvements in northeastern Hillsborough County, including rebuilding one substation and updating another,” Jacobs says. “This also includes installing an eight-mile (transmission) line in between the stations that will travel through Tampa Palms.” The Tampa Palms area is geographically
between the Davis substation (located south of E. Fowler Ave. off Davis Rd.) and the Chapman substation, which is located off Livingston Ave. in Lutz. The Davis subTECO will install new power station will poles (above) in Tampa Palms be upgraded, while the Chapman substation is going to be completely rebuilt. Jacobs explains that the new poles will be a little taller, but “cleaner looking.” The poles will stand between 90-100 ft. tall, each with a 4-ft. base. Jacobs says that construction could temporarily disrupt traffic on streets (in Tampa Palms) that cross the corridor, which include Wareham Dr., Fairchild Dr., Halsey Rd., Compton Dr., Tampa Palms Blvd. and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. She adds that detours and road closures will be clearly marked. Construction will mainly occur during daylight hours on weekdays, Jacobs says, adding that there could be additional night and weekend work, but that it would likely be very rare. “No one will have a power outage be-
cause of this project,” Jacobs assures concerned local residents. “It will be a seamless improvement for the homes and businesses in the area.” The utility transmission corridor in Tampa Palms, which also houses a Duke Energy power line, caused a stir in February of 2014, when a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulation forced utility companies to cut down vegetation that could potentially interfere with their power lines. TECO cut down trees within 50-100 ft. of their lines in Tampa Palms, while Duke cut down trees within 50 ft. of their poles. The result was an even clearer view for Tampa Palms residents of the lines that, previously, had been largely blocked by the foliage.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
This project won’t interfere with any foliage, just the “H-poles,” Jacobs says. “We understand that people appreciate the trees and natural environment around them,” Jacobs explains. “The good thing here is this is an existing corridor, not a new line.” Tampa Palms Owners Association president Bill Edwards says that he sees the project as a positive one for the community, as well. “TECO is always a good neighbor and we are pleased they are presenting these upgrades to the community in person,” Edwards says. “The new poles (will be) less intrusive than the old ones.” For more info about the project, please visit TampaElectric.com.
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Businesses Taking The Brunt Of Bruce B. Downs ‘Segment A’ Construction By Matt Wiley
For the past several years, it’s been quite a challenge to traverse the length of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. between E. Bearss Ave. and County Line Rd. As the construction project to widen the road to four lanes in each direction really gets going through the southernmost section of New Tampa (“Segment A,” from Bearss Ave. to Palm Springs Blvd. in Tampa Palms), it’s not just the commuters who are being inconvenienced, but the businesses in the area, as well. Segment A of the BBD widening project officially got started in January and began with some large flashing construction signs, warning of the impending $36 million of road work to be done before the tentatively scheduled completion “date” in the spring of 2017. In the past nine months, construction has intensified along the southern lanes between Palm Springs Blvd. and E. Bearss Ave. Lanes are closed on a daily basis to allow for work to proceed along this 3.5-mile stretch of roadway. While the biggest and most obvious signs of the project’s inconveniencies can be seen on BBD itself — with long wait times at traffic lights, heavy machinery moving about, orange barrels littering the shoulders and extended commute times — drivers aren’t the only ones putting up with the project.
Much of Segment A is lined with the communities of Tampa Palms. However, further south, specifically between Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms and Bearss Ave., several local businesses have noticed some of the adverse affects of the continuous construction project outside their windows. Beyond the flowers that line the windows of A Special Rose Florist, located in the same plaza as the Shell gas station at the end of Skipper Rd. on BBD, owner Rose O’Berry has seen the travel delays. O’Berry says the problem isn’t so much for those trying to get to and from dinner or work on BBD, but delays for her flower deliveries, an essential part of her business. “(The construction) has made it really difficult for deliveries,” O’Berry explains. “Our deliveries take (longer) when there’s only one lane open.” O’Berry says that construction crews recently were right out in front of her shop. “It made it very hard to get in and out of (the plaza),” she says. “But, that’s moved on, for now.” O’Berry also knows that the delays are temporary. “I think we’ll definitely benefit when the project is done,” she says. Luckily, she adds, her business doesn’t rely too much on foot or even vehicular traffic in front of her shop. “We do a lot of phone and online business,” O’Berry says. “We’ve been around for 12 years now. So, (the con-
struction) hasn’t affected us too much.”
Meanwhile, To The North...
Already known for its parking woes, the Oak Ramble shopping plaza is home to one of our area’s most popular and diverse collection of restaurants, including Acropolis Greek Taverna, Traffic and lane closures from BBD construction has made access to A Special Mr. Dunderbak’s Rose Florist (in the Shell gas station plaza above) much more difficult. Biergarten & Brewery, Toast intensive on either side of the Amberly Dr. Wine & Café and Takara Sushi & Sake intersection. Lounge. “Our lunch traffic is way down,” Acropolis spokesperson Tarek ArBennett explains. “At this time most years, moush says that the popular Mediterrawe have a large lunch crowd once kids are nean restaurant hasn’t really seen much back in school and the college kids are of a negative effect from the construcback. But, we’re just not seeing it right tion, at least from a business angle. now. Everyone has to sit in gridlock just to “We haven’t seen the effects (of get to us.” construction) yet, but there has been It’s not unusual for employees to a lot of frustration coming from our show up late for work more often because of the traffic, either, he explains. customers,” Armoush says. Bennett says he understands the frusIn the Shoppes at Amberly shoptration that he hears from customers about ping plaza, Peabody’s Billiards & Games the traffic and delays. director of operations Jeff Bennett says “I avoid (BBD) at all costs,” Bennett that the billiards hall and eatery has seen a says. “I take Tampa Palms Blvd. and other definite negative effect from the construction project, which currently is particularly back roads to get where I need to go.”
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
NEW TAMPA & WESLEY CHAPEL Residents Concerned About Outlet Mall Traffic Signal
It may seem like traffic signals already are too abundant on S.R. 56 near the I-75 interchange, but the flashing stoplight at the entrance to the Tampa Premium Outlets mall became fully operational on September 15. According to the Pasco County Traffic Operations department, the traffic signal at Grand Cypress Dr. and S.R. 56 was placed in flashing mode on Sept. 3 to alert drivers of its presence. The intent was to have the light flash through the weekend and then officially come online. However, due to modifications — that apparently still are needed for the traffic signal at Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54), less than half a mile west on S.R. 56 — the light remained in flashing mode for 12 days. A spokesperson for the Traffic Operations department said on Sept. 10 that he expected the modifications to be completed within ten days, at which point the Grand Cypress Dr. traffic light officially would become operational, but those adjustments were made much more quickly. On September 15, Neighborhood News reader Ana Sen wrote on our Facebook page, “It was slow today. It took me an extra 15 minutes to get
News Briefs
through the light (at Grand Cypress Dr). I hope FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) will adjust (the) timing, at least during (the morning and evening hours) for people who are coming to/from work. I hated it today and there were just a few cars leaving the mall. Imagine mall workers and shoppers leaving...” Drivers should still use caution when traveling through the area. The Tampa Premium Outlets mall is expected to open the weekend of October 29-November 1.
Florida Hospital Center Ice Construction Delayed
As the Tampa Premium Outlets mall gears up for its Grand Opening at the end of October, one of the other major developments on the northeastern side of the S.R. 56/I-75 interchange has experienced a slight setback and the developers of Florida Hospital Center Ice (FHCI) now say that the opening of the largest ice skating facility in Florida has been delayed until the spring of 2016. Developer Gordie Zimmermann of Z Mitch, LLC, says that construction will begin this month on the foundation for FHCI, after revisions had to be made to the structural, architectural and
S.R. 56 traffic has been stacking up since the signal at Grand Cypress Dr. (in front of the Tampa Premium Outlets mall) was made operational on Sept. 15. (Photo from Wesley Chapel Community Facebook page.)
mechanical design at the site. “Everything’s good, now,” Zimmermann explains. “We just needed to make sure that all of our engineering and plans were correct. We have to get it right the first time.” Ground officially was broken on the $20-million, 150,500-sq.-ft. ice skating facility on Cypress Ridge Blvd. (off S.R. 56) in February of this year and initial plans indicated that it would be opening around the same time as the outlet mall, which still is on track to open in October. Zimmermann says that because of the building’s large, underground piping system that will help keep the four
ice pads frozen, some planned structural columns had to be shuffled around. He insists that the issue is resolved now and didn’t have anything to do with permitting with the county, just a revision of the site’s foundation plans. “Of course, we would’ve loved to open before the (2015) holidays,” Zimmermann explains. “But, leagues develop in the spring for the fall seasons and we’ll still be able to host summer camps. Really, the best time to come online is in the spring. It works well with a lot of the programs that we’ll have (at the facility).” For more info, please visit FloridaHosptialCenterIce.com. — MW
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
PCSO Arrests Armed Robbers Who Hit Tampa Palms, Wesley Chapel Businesses By Matt Wiley
Four suspects are still in custody (at our press time, at least) for a recent rash of armed robberies in New Tampa, Wesley Chapel and the surrounding areas. During a press conference on September 24, the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) announced that it had arrested the four suspects wanted for an equal number of attempted armed robberies that occurred between 1 a.m.-8 a.m. on September 23 at business in Tampa Palms, Wesley Chapel, Lutz and Land O’Lakes. PCSO Sheriff Chris Nocco told reporters that Grand Hampton resident Isiah James McManus, 20;; Lutz resident Devin Page Shapland, 18; Dominic Justice Traina, 19, also of Lutz; and Evan Alexander St. Pierre, 20 (who lives in the Delano apartment complex off Cypress Ridge Blvd. in Wesley Chapel), all were involved with the four different robberies. “They admitted to being high on drugs (opiates) at the time and they were running around pointing guns at people,” Sheriff Nocco said. “It’s unfortunate that they have such a reckless mindset.” According to PCSO, the crime spree began at 1 a.m. at the Papa John’s Pizza, located just south of Tampa Palms in the Oak Ramble shopping plaza on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in Tampa, where McManus, St. Pierre and Shapland tried to break in, but the suspects couldn’t get through the locked door. They then drove in a blue 2015 Toyota Camry to the Lutz Taco Bell (located just west of Collier
in his mouth while he was being booked into the Land O’Lakes jail. McManus faces three counts of armed robbery, one count of armed kidnapping, one count of attempted armed robbery, one (L-r): Isiah James McManus, Devin Page Shapland, Evan Alexander St. Pierre and Dominic Justice count of attempted Traina all are in custody for several armed robberies in and around Tampa Palms & Wesley Chapel. armed burglary, as well as shooting into a public Pkwy.), where Shapland also is an employee. store while McManus demanded cash from unoccupied building. He (and all three of the clerk, who emptied his register into a At about 2 a.m., McManus hopped the other suspects are) were still being held bag McManus was holding. out, while St. Pierre and Shapland went at the Land O’Lakes Detention Center Then, just before 8 a.m., Traina drove through the drive-through lane of the Taco at our press timer; McManus’ bond is McManus to the Circle K/Mobil gas staBell. Once they pulled away, McManus $762,000. reportedly approached the window on foot tion on S.R. 54 in Land O’Lakes, about St. Pierre is charged with one count a half-mile west of where S.R. 56 meets with a revolver, wearing a ski mask. He of armed robbery, two counts of attempted Wesley Chapel Blvd. McManus entered tried, but failed to open the drive-through armed robbery, possession of a controlled the store and held a gun to the back of a window and fled. substance and tampering with physical store employee who was stocking a shelf. PCSO says that the trio then drove evidence. He was being held in lieu of a He forced the clerk to walk to the register to the My Broken Phone store, located and give him cash, which totaled more than $457,000 bond. in front of Target at BBD at County Line Traina faces one count of armed robRd. in Wesley Chapel. McManus exited the $300. McManus then forced the clerk to bery and armed kidnapping, felony possesvehicle, approached the storefront and fired the floor and fled to the Camry. sion of marijuana, possession of a controlled PCSO major crimes detective Mark five shots into the glass, trying to shatter it. substance and possession of drug parapherGuteirrez says social media played a large But, the window did not break, so he fled role in identifying and locating the suspects, nalia; his bond also was set at $457,000. back to the car. Shapland is charged with two counts At about 6 a.m., the trio went to the who were arrested at the Delano apartment of attempted armed robbery and one count CVS Pharmacy located at the intersection complex on September 24. St. Pierre was of introduction of contraband for the pill of S.R. 56 and BBD. St. Pierre reportedly found in possession of Xanax while being in his mouth. He also was being held at entered the store to scout it out. He went questioned by deputies. While detained in the Land O’Lakes Detention Center on a outside, reported what he saw to McManus, a squad car, St. Pierre was somehow able $305,000 bond. then reentered the store and approached the to get his hands on marijuana and began to “(Business owners should) warn cashier counter with a drink and attempted eat the pot in an attempt to “destroy the customers that there have been break-ins,” to pay for it. At the same time, McManus evidence.” He was later informed that the Nocco said. “Be proactive. We need good entered the store wearing a ski mask and was drugs were from an unrelated case. camera systems out there to help us.” brandishing a gun. St. Pierre ran out of the Shapland was found with a Xanax pill
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
‘Festival Of Flight’ Likely Headed To Zephyrhills Municipal Airport Next Year By Gary Nager
After a weekend filled with insane traffic jams, heavy rains and/or the threat of major storms — and sadly, precious little flying, — the abbreviated third annual Festival of Flight (held Sept. 11-13) is likely to be the last one held at the Tampa North Aero Park on S.R. 54 in Lutz. Festival organizer Jessica Warren, the co-owner of Land O’Lakes-based American Balloons (which put on the Festival at the Aero Park all three years), says the event is likely moving to another location next year. “I already have an offer to move the event to the Zephyrhills Municipal Airport,” an obviously disappointed Warren said as the Festival’s many vendors were taking down their booths and closing up their food trucks as the rain poured freely on Sunday at noon. “I love this venue, but we obviously had a lot of issues to deal with, especially the weather. I know some people are unhappy but there are just some things that no one can control.” Unfortunately for Warren, the weekend started with an unexpected traffic jam on Friday evening that tied up traffic on S.R.s 56 and 54 and on I-75 for several hours, well past the scheduled “Balloon Glow” that started at 7:30 p.m. This reporter was one of those who sat on S.R. 56 from about 7:15 until at least 8:30 before I finally gave up, mainly because I could see that the line of cars — stretching from the airport’s location off Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54 between 56 and I-75) all the way back to S.R. 56 — literally didn’t move at all for more than 15
or 20 minutes at a time. Like a lot of folks stuck in that mess — which made headlines on pretty much all of the local TV stations and lots of unhappy noise on the ‘Wesley Chapel Community’ Facebook.com page — I gave up trying to get there Friday night, “knowing” that I could still be on hand for the Saturday morning hot air balloon launch and return. “We actually had some takeoffs and landings on Friday afternoon and the Balloon Glow was packed (she didn’t give an estimate of the crowd, but several people have said there were “thousands” of people on site who weren’t turned away) on Friday night,” Warren said. “Yes, we had parking and obviously traffic issues, but the people who came Friday night told me they enjoyed themselves.” Other news media reported that additional Pasco County Sheriff’s Office deputies would be made available to better handle any traffic woes (there were reports that more than 50,000 locals sent RSVPs that they were coming to the event on Facebook) on Saturday morning, but then, the event’s website and Facebook pages reported that the scheduled 7 a.m. Saturday balloon launch was cancelled due to “incumbent weather in the area” and the entire Saturday schedule was washed out by the threats of major storms, despite no rain falling in the area for most of the day. The skies were definitely threatening,
(Clockwise from top left): The traffic woes on Friday night’s first evening of the third annual American Balloons Festival of Flight at the Tampa North Aero Park turned into two days of weather-related cancellations and precious few people getting to check out World War II-era planes and other aircraft. but it was a shame that those who missed all Festival activities before they even got out on Friday night’s festivities couldn’t started again on Sunday. enjoy the World War II biplanes, ultralights “All of us are sad that it turned out this and other unique aircraft on Saturday. way,” an exhausted Warren said afterwards. The food and beverage vendors and “But, I think we’re done here (in Wesley many of the sponsors and exhibitors were Chapel). My family and I are sorry that it still on hand on both Saturday and Sunday, didn’t work out.” even as those threatening skies turned into For additional information, visit steady rain late Saturday night and into FestivalofFlightWesleyChapel.com or call Sunday morning, which again cancelled American Balloons at 243-9507.
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Rep. Shawn Harrison Hosting Contest For Students To Propose New Law By Matt Wiley There are literally thousands of laws in the state of Florida. However, it’s not unusual to come across a situation in everyday life that seems like it should be against the law, or vice-versa. For that reason, one local elected representative is holding a contest for New Tampa’s students to submit their ideas for new bills, one of which could get the chance to receive the governor’s signature. Dist. 63 State Rep. Shawn Harrison (R-New Tampa) is giving students from all 12 of our area’s schools the opportunity to submit their best idea for a new law. The contest, which also allows for submissions from University of South Florida (USF) students (whose main Tampa campus is just south of Tampa Palms on Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd. and E. Fletcher Ave.), provides a chance for one student to not only have his or her idea turned into a bill, but also the chance to learn more about the legislative process. The contest is open to students throughout District 63, which also includes parts of Carrollwood, Lutz and what is known as the University area. Submissions will be accepted until Friday, December 18. The winning idea will be drafted into a bill that Harrison says he will sponsor during the 2016 Legislative Session, which will begin on January 12, 2016. The winner and his or her family also will get to travel to Tallahassee to help represent the bill. “Each House member gets to file six bills per session,” Harrison explains. “(My staff) and I were starting to think about
adds that he figures the collegewhat our bills are going aged kids will probably submit to be for this upcoming ideas about marijuana regulations session and I thought, or lowering the drinking age, but ‘Wouldn’t it be neat to also ideas related to student loans. engage our school kids in the District in the billOnce the winner is chosen, making process?’” the real work begins. Harrison says that The idea, Harrison says, is to he’s sent a letter out to work the bill so that it gets at least the principal of each one committee hearing, which he public school in his says can sometimes be tough. District, asking them to “That would allow the stuspread the word to their Photo: MyFloridaHouse.gov. dent the opportunity to come to government and social Tallahassee and help me argue it,” studies classes. After the deadline, Harrison Harrison says. “They would have a chance says that he and his staff will go through the to speak at the podium (in committee) and entries, judge them and file the winner as one of his six bills in January. “Hopefully, (the student’s bill) will make it’s way through the (law-making) process and have a good shot of passing,” Harrison says, adding that he doesn’t recall a bill contest being done in our area in the recent past, but doesn’t rule out the possibility. “I’m really looking forward to reading some of the entries,” Harrison says proudly. “I’m sure some of them are going to be interesting. He adds that he’s ready to see some outlandish ideas, but jokes that, “Crazy bills are filed all the time in Tallahassee.” Harrison says he expects to see some bills related to school testing, curriculum issues (adding or removing of certain subjects), school year beginning and ending dates and other school-related issues. He
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argue why they think their bill (should) be passed into law.” Harrison says that he and his staff still are working out the details for travel arrangements for the winning student, should the student’s bill make it into committee, adding that the current focus is gathering as many entries as possible and choosing the right one to submit. “I thought (the contest would) be fun and a great way for kids who are interested in government to (actually) be a part of it (the process),” Harrison says. Students looking for more information and the form to submit their idea should visit ShawnHarrison.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21• October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Local Businesses Not Thrilled With Bruce B. Downs ‘Loop Road’ Idea By Matt Wiley
A man stands at a pulpit and speaks to a crowd inside Atonement Lutheran Church on S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel. The people in the crowd seem tense and the man speaking makes every effort to reassure them. This isn’t a church service, but the first public meeting about the S.R. 581 (Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd.) “Loop Road,” that could alter the current alignment of BBD approaching S.R. 54. The proposed road also could potentially affect numerous local businesses. Lutz-based Johnson Engineering currently is in the middle of a study to determine the best alternative for the Loop Road, which will create a new road that will snake through the Wiregrass Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI) behind the new Walmart, continue through Wiregrass Ranch Blvd. and bend north to S.R. 54, just west of Saddlebrook Resort & Spa. In the future, that same road is planned to continue north through S.R. 54. Four alternatives are being considered and will be presented to the Pasco Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) sometime in January, Johnson Engineering’s Roy Chapman told the crowd at the meeting, which was held on Sept. 17. Each alternative is a slight variation on a basic route, with minor changes — at least geographically — to the road and the locations of the needed retention ponds. “We haven’t made a decision on the alternatives, yet,” Chapman said. “No-build also is an option. We’ll take our study back to the BOCC and they’ll take an action on one of the alternatives.” None of Pasco’s five county commissioners attended the meeting. Chapman urged the more than 30 residents and business owners in attendance to make sure that they wrote down their comments and concerns for the public record and also to make appearances in front of the BOCC during their public comment periods at their meetings on Tuesday mornings. “If you see something you like or you don’t like (about the loop road alternatives), write it down and get it to us,” Chapman said. “We want to hear your comments.” Chapman said that the possible cost of constructing the road has not yet been determined, nor the exact timeframe, but that the cost would be split between the county and the Porter family, which owns and is developing Wiregrass Ranch. A representative for the Porters declined to comment for this story.
“The (Wiregrass developers are) probably going to be the ones doing the design and construction of this (road) in the future, but we don’t know exactly when that will be,” Chapman said. The Porters technically have until Wesley Chapel Sonny’s BBQ owners (& New Tampa 2023 to begin residents) Jim & Kristina Hoff (above) came out to the Sept. 17 meeting about the BBD ‘Loop Road’ (right, construction on in yellow), which would divert drivers from the current the Loop Road, alignment (in white) about a mile to the east, toward a but Chapman new intersection at S.R. 54, next to Saddlebrook Resort. said that he imathe problem we should be fixing, not putting gines they’ll get started sooner. Either way, in this road to put in new businesses to take he explained, the design of the project would away from our current businesses.” likely take two years after the BOCC makes a Chapman also said that another possibildecision on the best possible alternative, fol- ity being considered in the study is potentiallowed by another two years of construction. ly removing the northbound BBD left turn He added that the Loop Road would be de- onto westbound S.R. 54, to help ease the signed as a six-lane divided roadway. traffic congestion near the I-75 interchange. Two aspects of the project were major “If you remove that turn lane and then areas of contention with the audience. The (the Hollybrook Plaza) Publix moves (as it’s first was the realignment of BBD about a planned to go next to Walmart on Wiregrass mile south of S.R. 54, which would create Ranch Blvd.), you’re pretty much turning a “Y-intersection,” encouraging drivers to on a vacuum and sucking the life out of the continue east along the Loop Road, as op- businesses that are left there on BBD (at posed to north on the current BBD. A simple S.R. 54),” said Wesley Chapel Sonny’s BBQ “T-intersection” also is a possibility in each owner (and New Tampa resident) Jim Hoff. alternative, but those “Ts” are considered to “That complex already has access issues. If be secondary options for each alignment. you take away that left-hand turn, that com“Does it make sense for the Porters to plex is dead. Closing businesses is the probbuild a new road to put businesses on, yes,” lem that I see.” said Wesley Chapel Toyota owner and GreatFollowing the presentation, Johnson er Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce staff answered individual questions about the (WCCC) award winner David Williams (see posted alternatives emblazoned around the page 10). “You’re not considering the busi- Atonement sanctuary. nesses that have been here for years (that are “I think this is going to affect a lot of located north of the Loop Road) and suf- businesses,” Williams said, while speaking fered through recessions.” with Perryman and this reporter. “It’s not Wesley Chapel Nissan general manager just about Toyota, it’s about all the businessMark Perryman (also a 2015 WCCC award es, the restaurants, the hardware store. Most winner) also disagreed with the Loop Road of our business comes from the south in zip idea. “(Developers are) putting in a project code 33647 (New Tampa) and we want them that’s going to draw millions of people to to be able to keep coming up BBD. We don’t S.R. 56 and I-75, which is great for every want that detoured.” business in this room,” Perryman explained. He mentioned the likelihood of getting “But, if you’re coming north on I-75 and together with other business owners to adexit to get to the (Tampa Premium Outlets dress the BOCC. mall), there’s a bottleneck there every day “Every one of us will,” Perryman said. that’s four or five miles long. People aren’t “(The auto dealerships together) generate going to want to come here again. That’s $3.5 million in this corridor every month.”
Gary and Joyce Gunter of (the New Tampa Rotary Club and) Gunter & Gunter Insurance — which is located almost in the path of the future leg of the Loop Road north of S.R. 54 in the Westbrook Professional Park — also attended the meeting. “I think it’s a great idea to have a new road that enhances getting around the area,” Gary Gunter said. “I’m just not thrilled with the first two options because they basically result in the destruction of our office (because of the possible location of one of the retention ponds).” Saddlebrook chairman and CEO Tom Dempsey said the proposed Loop Road took a lot of people by surprise. “It’s an interesting issue that wasn’t planned and has come up in the past couple of years,” Dempsey said after the presentation. “Historically, the BOCC listens very carefully to the public, especially if there are issues that affect people that aren’t in the study. You heard that tonight from business owners. These redirections will hurt their businesses. There’s enough of (the owners) and they seem to be pulling together in a group. It’s an economic issue for their businesses and it’s not in the (Loop Road) study.” Pasco project manager Christopher Wert, P.E., was in attendance to collect comments from those at the meeting. “I think tonight went well,” Wert said. “That’s what these meetings are for, to hear from the public.” Be sure to visit NTNeighborhoodNews.com for the official versions of each Loop Rd. alternative. The public is encouraged to send comments about the project to CWert@PascoCountyFL.net.
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Pure Health Studios, Wesley Chapel Nissan Honored At WCCC Biz Awards! By Matt Wiley
It’s been a big year for the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC), as the Chamber added hundreds of local businesses to its directory over the past 12 months. However, only a handful of businesses could be selected for the Chamber’s annual “Excellence In Business Awards,” and the winners officially were announced during a banquet in the Lagoon Pavilion at Saddlebrook Resort & Spa Tampa off S.R. 54 on September 10. Hosted by Tampa Bay Times columnist Ernie Hooper, the Chamber gave out four prestigious awards this year — for “Small Business of the Year,” “Large Business of the Year,” “Volunteer of the Year” and “Business Leader of the Year.” WCCC CEO Hope Allen said the night was a complete success. “It was a lovely night celebrating business,” Allen said, adding that each nominee was recognized individually before awards were handed out in each category. There were four nominees for “Small Business (fewer than 50 employees) of the Year” including Cloud 9 Studios, The Laker/Lutz News, RP&G Printing and this year’s winner — owner Samantha Taylor and her Pure Health & Fitness Studios (see ad
below), who grabbed the honor that all of us at the Neighborhood News were humbled to have received last year. “Thanks to the amazing women we serve in this community, along with the talented trainers and staff we have to get them great results, all of these ladies together are what helped us win this award,” Taylor said during her acceptance speech. “I thank all of our members for letting me live out my passion of health and fitness and helping them feel and look great. I strive every day to improve your experience with your own level of health and I thank God for the opportunity to do so!” Wesley Chapel Nissan was recognized as the Chamber’s 2015 “Large Business of the Year,” beating out fellow nominees Nutrition S’mart and Standard Pacific Homes. “It was incredible (to win the award),” said Wesley Chapel Nissan general manager Mark Perryman. “We spend a lot of time trying to help out in
(L.-r.): Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce CEO Hope Allen, 2015 Co-Business Leader of the Year John Williams of Wesley Chapel Toyota, 2015 Large Business of the Year Award winner Mark Perryman of Wesley Chapel Nissan,Volunteer of the Year Troy Stevenson (also of Wesley Chapel Nissan) & WCCC awards banquet emcee Ernest Hooper of the Tampa Bay Times, with inaugural Spirit Award winner Kenny Freeman. All photos on this page provided by OurTownFla.com.
the community. It’s not why we do it, but it’s great to be recognized.” Wesley Chapel Nissan recently donated $10,000 to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Association, and also regularly sponsors local high school sports teams and even employs students in Wesley Chapel High School’s automotive program to give them real-life automotive service experience while they’re still in high school. Troy Stevenson, the head of public relations for Wesley Chapel Nissan, was recognized as the Chamber’s “Volunteer of the Year,” which, he says caught him off guard. “It was a shock,” Stevenson said. “It was the first time I’ve been speechless. I couldn’t think of anything to say. I’m just surprised I was nominated.” “Business Leader of the Year” went
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to John & David Williams of Wesley Chapel Toyota. The Porter family (which owns and is developing Wiregrass Ranch) and Perryman also were finalists for the honor. Allen said that the event also provided an opportunity to introduce a new award named in memory of the late Cindy Freeman called the “Spirit of Business Award,” which will be presented to members of the community who display the spirit of business the same way that Cindy did, by being friendly, gracious and selfless to all. The inaugural award was presented to Freeman’s husband, Kenny. Congratulations to all of this year’s “Excellence in Business” winners! For more information, please visit WesleyChapelChamber.com or call the Chamber office at 994-8534.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Continue from pg. 1 the Alajuela Rotary, which the Costa Rican club donated to their New Tampa brethren out of appreciation for building that playground in Central America. “From there, we got $2,500 from the Rotary Club of Temple Terrace, $8,500 from District 6890 and a total of $25,000 in donations from 18 other Rotary Clubs,” Gambacorta says. He adds, “We wrote the grant for matching funds from Rotary International, but the Trustees decided that too much money was going to playgrounds, so they decided ‘no more playgrounds’ while our grant was in process. We thought we weren’t going to be able to fund it.” But, in March 2014, three months before Gunter became the District governor, “Gary said go ahead and do it,” Gambacorta remembers. “Then, we met up with the people from KaBoom, the Washington, DC-based nonprofit that builds play places for kids across the country, and they put us in touch with the MetLife Foundation (located in the MetLife office complex in Highwoods Preserve, which sent a large number of volunteers to help build the playground), which helped us out even more financially.”
The Prep Work
Once the funding was in place, Gambacorta says the site, like the one in Costa Rica, had to be prepped. The Rotary Club of Lakeland South brought two Bobcat trucks to take down the old playground two weeks
before the day of construction. Then, four days before the sea of volunteers descended upon the camp, the Lakeland South Rotary again brought in heavy equipment to dig the holes to anchor the playground equipment, which had meticulously been measured by KaBoom contractor Gary Greene, who oversaw every aspect of the playground’s construction four days later. And of course, Gambacorta did more than just lead the project. He also is the owner of The Private Chef of Tampa catering service, and he cooked (the day before) a unique, hearty breakfast for the volunteer playground “crew” featuring trays and trays of veggie stratas, noodle kugels and more for the 225 people he estimated would show up. “KaBoom told us we needed 200 people, but I was amazed that we actually had 315 volunteers who made it into the camp to help us build,” Gambacorta recalled a few days later. “And I heard we had quite a few who got turned away because we ran out of parking spaces.”
Building The Playground
Gambacorta’s breakfast was over early enough that construction began by 9 a.m. Those 300+ volunteers — including large contingents from MetLife and the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (including deputies, cadets and trainees), plus other Rotary
Clubs and other organizations — were divided into teams, each handling specific tasks. There was a huge brigade whose job it was to haul 130 cubic yards (nearly 40 tons!) of mulch from where it was dumped at the camp to the playground, others mixed concrete, still others put together different pieces of the playground equip- (Top left) KaBoom Playgrounds contractor Gary Greene (in ment or built benches or painted light blue) knew how every piece of the playground had to be walkway pavers. Yours truly was so positioned. (Top right, l.-r.) USF Rotaract president Colleen moved I helped some of my fellow Wallace, Wesley Chapel Rotary president Erin Meyer & New Wesley Chapel Rotary Club mem- Tampa Rotarians Kathleen Novak & Gary & Joyce Gunter. bers haul the painted pavers in a (Left) Dr. Elliot Cazes (right) led a crew of kitchen volunwheelbarrow to their destination teers who cooked & served lunch for more than 300 people. and providing all the fixins’ for more than at the front of the playground. Lunch was served by volunteers for 300 people, in three lunch shifts, “was no big Faces of Courage, a nonprofit organization deal for us.” When it was all over, less than five hours which puts on camps (for cancer-stricken children and adults) at Camp Florida. New after the work began and the playground Tampa resident and OB/Gyn Dr. Elliot Ca- (which also is specially designed to serve zes and his buddy (and cancer survivor) Rick autistic children), was completed and dediMiller regularly provide full-blown catering cated, Gambacorta expressed a sentiment for the Faces of Courage camps, so Cazes echoed by many: “I just can’t stop smiling.” says, pressing all those Cuban sandwiches For info, visit NewTampaRotary.org.
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October 2015
Saturday, October 10
10 Hunter’s Green Community Trash & Treasure Sale
Hunter’s Green is hosting its annnual Community Trash & Treasure Sale from 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in Hunter’s Green Park (9456 Highland Oak Dr. Attendees are asked to use the Cross Creek entrance to the community. For more info, call 991-4818.
BayChapel Food Pantry
BayChapel will be opening its FREE food pantry to the New Tampa community at Christian Brothers Automotive (20303 Trout Creek Dr.), 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., for anyone in need. The pantry is open the second & fourth Sat. of each month. For more info, call Lee at 731-4040. Sunday, October 11
Zen Meditation Group
Looking for a new way to relax? Check out the FREE Zen Meditation Group that meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Arbor Greene Community Center (18000 Arbor Greene Dr., off Cross Creek Blvd.) Aerobics Room. People of all faiths are welcome. For info, call Jeremy at 528-6285. Monday, October 12
Community Acupuncture & Discussion Group
English As A Second Language (ESL)
The ESL group meets Tuesdays at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (19911 BBD Blvd.), 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Classes are taught by a native English The cost is $40 each semester for the workbook & class materials. For more info, call Heather at 753-8567.
GriefShare Support Group
This video-seminar support group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one. The cost is $20 for a workbook & 13 sessions (but you may begin any week) to find healing & hope. The group meets Tues., 6:30 p.m., at Lake Magdalene Methodist Church (2902 W. Fletcher Ave., Rm. 310). For more info, call 892-2191.
BNI Millionaire Makers
The BNI Millionaire Makers chapter meets every Wednesday at Heritage Isles Country Club (10630 Plantation Bay Dr.) at 7:15 a.m. The $13 meeting fee includes a hot breakfast. Call Lisa Jordan at 621-6015 for info.
Business Networking International (BNI)
BNI, a group of business pros dedicated to helping their member businesses grow through qualified referrals, meets every Wed. morning, 7:30 a.m., at the Cory Lake Isles Beach Club clubhouse (18630 Plantation Bay Dr., off Morris Bridge Rd.). Call Steve Hopper at 918-8609.
A Monday night community acupuncture and discussion group is meeting at Ion Medi-Spa (8903 Regents Park Dr., Suite 130), 6:30 p.m. Topics include needle-free New Tampa Noon acupuncture, facial rejuvenation, plus stop14 Rotary Club smoking & customized weight-loss programs. For more info, call 960-8833 or visit The New Tampa Noon Rotary Club IonMediSpa.com. meets every Wed. for lunch at noon at Café Olé (10020 Cross Creek Blvd., in the Tuesday, October 13 Cross Creek Center plaza, behind the Shell New Tampa Tri Club gas station). Guests are always welcome. 13 The New Tampa Tri Club is open to runners, swimmers, cyclists & triathletes across the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. The club hosts group bike rides/runs leaving from Flatwoods Wilderness Park (13330 Morris Bridge Rd.; not from the BBD entrance) every Tues., Thur. & Sat., 7:30 a.m. For more info, join the Facebook group or e-mail NewTampaTriClub@gmail.com. 24
Christian Business Connections (CBC)
The Christian Business Connections (CBC) networking group meets every Thur. at 7:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (5338 Primrose Lake Cir., off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms). For info, email Shawn@TPACorp.com. Friday, October 16
New Tampa Rotary Club
The original New Tampa Rotary Club (see pg. 1) meets every Friday for breakfast at 7 a.m. at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club (TPGCC, 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd.). For info, call Connie Bladon at 5056515 or visit NewTampaRotary.org.
Wednesday, October 14
Saturday, October 24
Thursday, October 15
Saturday, October 17
Knights Of Columbus 17 Oktoberfest At St. Marks Join the Knights of Columbus at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (9724 Cross Creek Blvd.) for an Oktoberfest celebration with food, drinks & kids activities. Music & dancing provided by The Johnny Charro Band. For more info, visit StMarkTampa.org.
Friday, October 23
Pure Health Studio Open House & Fitness Seminar
Pure Health (2653 BBD, Wesley Chapel) owner Samantha Taylor will host a Fitness Seminar at 6:45 p.m. Enjoy delicious desserts & gourmet coffee. To reserve a seat or for more info, visit PureHealthStudios.com or see pg. 7.
24 Cypress Point Comm. Church Fall Festival Cypress Point Community Church (15280 Morris Bridge. Rd.) is hosting its FREE Fall Festival at 11 a.m. and will include a pumpkin patch, bounce houses, games for all ages, competitions and prizes, as well as food and refreshments. For info, call Renea at 713-1187.
November 2015 Saturday, November 7
Buckingham Yard Sale
Buckingham at Tampa Palms will be hosting its first ever community-wide yard sale, 8 a.m.-i p.m. The yard sale begins on Buckingham Palms Way.
MS Society Fundraiser
Former New Tampa resident Bonnie Bishop is hosting a fundraiser to raise money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, to help find a cure for the disease, which her husband Bob is fighting. This year’s event will be held at the Tampa Bay Golf & Country Club (10641 Old Tampa Bay Dr., San Antonio), 6:30 p.m.-11 p.m., and will feature a Western theme. Tickets are $35 and include a Western-style dinner, a DJ, gaming tables, live entertainment, silent auction and prizes and more.. To participate, RSVP by Sunday, October 25, by emailing Bonnie at BFromBos@aol.com.
9-12 Toastmasters
Great speeches & great topics. Come hone your public speaking skills. 9-12 Tampa Toastmasters meets Wed., 7 p.m., at the New Tampa Family YMCA (16221 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). Guests are always welcome. Call 264-2171 for more info.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Local Golf Tourneys Raise Money For Good Causes Second Annual Trick’s Kicks Tourney At Heritage Isles!
In loving memory of Hunter’s Green resident Patrick Strom, the second annual “Trick’s Kicks Golf Tournament” will again be held at Heritage Isles Country Club (located at 10630 Plantation Bay Dr. off Cross Creek Blvd.) on Saturday, October 17. The tournament is working to raise money to purchase and donate quality sneakers (“kicks”) to less-fortunate kids in the Tampa Bay area. Patrick (who was called “Trick” for short) was a Wharton High grad who was tragically killed in a single-vehicle car accident in June 2012 in Hunter’s Green. Since then, the Strom family and their friends and supporters have started a nonprofit organization to give back to the community with one of Patrick’s favorite hobbies, collecting athletic shoes. Last year, about 60 golfers participated in the first-ever “Trick’s Kicks” Memorial Golf Tourney, which helped the nonprofit raise about $7,000. The money went towards buying more shoes and establishing an endowment scholarship in Patrick’s memory at nearby St. Leo University in Dade City. For more information, please visit TricksKicks.com.
Ninth Annual Tampa Fisher House Golf Classic
For the ninth consecutive year, Arbor
Neighborhood News
Greene resident and New Tampa Noon Rotary Club president Valerie Casey is putting on a charity golf tournament to benefit the Tampa Fisher House, the residence on the campus of the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. (south of E. Fletcher Ave.) which houses (for no charge) the families and significant others of the wounded veterans being treated at the hospital. Valerie and her committee, led by her fellow New Tampa Noon Rotarian Barry Shuman, invite you to join them for a day of great food and golf on Friday, October 30, at Pebble Creek Golf Club (10550 Regents Park. Dr., off BBD). The entry fee donation of $125 per player includes lunch, greens fees, golf cart, “goody” bags, multiple prizes for top teams, putters and drivers, and the opportunity to win some great silent auction prizes. Lunch & registration begin at 11:30, with the shotgun start at 12:30. A big shout out to the tourney’s “Event Sponsors” Paver Works, Patriot Divers, Pepin Distributing and Stay In Step SCI Recovery Center, as well as “Patriot Sponsors” Delta Airlines, Harder Law, AT&T, Sun Coatings, Charles Schwab and Vital Network Services. This publication is one of 14 “Honor Sponsors” (see page 12) for the event. For more info, email Valerie at ValCasey3@aol. com or call Barry Shuman at (516) 5232678. For more info about the Tampa Fisher House, visit FisherHouse.org.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
North Tampa Pet Depot Is Tampa Palms’ Neighborhood Pet Store By Anu Panchal
You may be able to buy your dog’s favorite dog food in quite a few places in New Tampa, but there’s only one place around the area where not only will the store manager ask you if there are any special products you’d like her to stock, but where the resident veterinarian (who owns and operates the store’s onsite pet hospital) will consult with you about your pet’s diet right in the store. Located in the Publix-anchored City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center, the brand new, locally-ownedand-operated North Tampa Pet Depot is the first Florida outpost of the California-based chain store, which began as an independent alternative to big box pet stores in 1991. Quickly gaining popularity with pet owners, the brand grew first in California, and then began to franchise shops around the country. There currently are more than 50 locations across North America, with the Tampa Palms location the first in Florida. Although the store and pet hospital are both already open, the official Grand Opening of North Tampa Pet Depot is scheduled for Friday, October 9, 5:30 p.m., and will feature giveaways, prizes and deep discounts on many products (many of which also
will be featured the following weekend, as well). Store and hospital manager Sherri Kelley shows visitors around the bright room, which stocks pet food and treats, accessories, toys, furniture and novelty items. Sherri says that what separates North Tampa Pet Depot from the “big-box” pet stores is that it’s much more intimate. “The vet walks around and consults with shoppers about their pets’ diets,” Kelley explains. “We also take pride in ‘mimicking the neighborhood’ by stocking the items that local shoppers want and ask for.” The selection of pets — fish, birds, reptiles and pocket pets (guinea pigs? hamsters?) — also is still growing. Kelley says the store features an array of pet foods, including traditional brands and types to grain free and natural varieties, as well as frozen meats. Brands currently in stock include GO!, Now Fresh, Blue Buffalo, Royal Canin, Merrick, Natural Balance, Fromm, Avoderm, and others. “We will carry any food, any product people want,” says consultant Sree Reddy, DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine), who owns Seven Oaks Pet Hospital on S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel (and is in the process of opening a new pet hospital about a quarter-mile closer to I-75 than his current location). Dr.
North Tampa Pet Depot (and Pet Hospital) is now open in the space previously occupied by Blockbuster Video in the Publix-anchored City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center.
Reddy, who has been a consultant for North Tampa Pet Depot, adds, “That way, what {the store will carry} will mimic the neighborhood.” Dr. Reddy says the store’s employees will actively seek out customers’ preferences and special requests and do their best to meet their needs. That sort of personalized service also extends to the store’s other services — which includes a full-service pet hospital and on-site dog and cat grooming. North Tampa Pet Hospital offers everything from dental services, nutritional counseling, microchipping and
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parasite control to behavioral medicine, surgery, radiology and vaccines. A sterile surgical suite allows onsite veterinarian Venkat Yeruva, DVM, to control anesthesia, blood pressure and oxygen levels, and stay with the patient throughout a procedure. Four exam rooms, a pharmacy and examination area, as well as separate rooms of “condos” for cats and dogs, complete the hospital. Lab work and digital Xrays also can be done on-site, and all records at the Depot are digital. Dr. Yeruva is a former college “mate” and long-time friend of Dr.
working or if I feel that combining the two {approaches} will help the patient, I always suggest it. I give handouts {about acupuncture} and encourage {the pet’s family to do their own} research.” Future patients also can take Vet As Pet Nutritionist? At North Tampa Pet Hospital, Dr. advantage of one of several available monthly “Wellness Plan” options. Yeruva will not only be busy seeing They range in cost from $30-$50 per patients, he also is happy to consult month, plus a one-time (it will not kick with the store’s shoppers, as he can help you choose an appropriate diet for in again if the customer doesn’t cancel the plan) $60 membership fee. your pet. Dr. Yeruva, who says he has “It’s for clients who get all the always loved animals, is devoted to his care they need for their pet,” says Kate hospital. When he leaves at the end of the day, he says he has pet owners’ calls Valdovinos, who assists Kelley at the forwarded to his cell phone so that he’s Pet Depot. The “Gold Package” for dogs, for available to his patients 24 hours a day, example, includes free exams, shots seven days a week. for rabies, distemper, canine influenza Dr. Yeruva takes pride in taking and bordatella, two intestinal parasite a holistic approach to animal health screenings per year, deworming, a by not only offering “nutritional heartworm test and routine diagnostics counseling” but other services such as to check organ functions, as well as acupuncture for pets. other services, including dental work. “{Animals} do have a good reIt’s important for a pet owner’s sponse (to acupuncture), especially for peace of mind, says Valdovinos, neurological disorders,” says Dr. Yeruva, who received his certification for because nothing is more heartbreaking than a pet owner coming in to acupuncture from the Chi Institute of euthanize a pet because he didn’t get Traditional Chinese Veterinary Median antibiotic he needed as little as a cine in Reddick, FL. “{For} arthritis, pinched nerves — I’ve made dogs who week prior. Some plans also include dental work, which includes the cost could not even move walk again. I of the exam, drugs and anesthesia for always integrate {traditional veterinary medicine with a holistic approach}. My the cleaning and associated IV cathprimary {focus} is always on traditional eter. Dental cleanings are essential, she explains, because an infected tooth is medicine. But, if something is not
rabbits and even a chinchilla. He is pretty open to seeing anything and referring patients to other veterinarians, if necessary. He also provides care for reptiles.
Venkat Yeruva, DVM, almost always is onhand at North Tampa Pet Depot & Hospital. He also is happy to offer nutritional counseling for pets while you’re shopping.
Reddy’s who graduated with his DVM degree in 1996 from Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University’s College of Veterinary Science in Hyderabad, India, in 1996, and completed his North American Veterinary Licensing Exam in 2006, followed by clinical training at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri in Columbia. He practiced in Ohio for a while, before moving to Tampa and working at a handful of nonprofit shelters and private practices. Dr. Yeruva has taken care of birds,
prime real estate for infections that can rapidly spread through the vessels to the pet’s other organs. The plans also offer a 10-percent discount on prescription medication and in-house procedures. Also, a current promotion offers free initial exams for new clients. In the store’s spirit of general concern for animal well-being, North Tampa Pet Depot also will work with area rescue groups to host animals every weekend for people to meet and possibly adopt. Two contained areas at the front of the store will host dogs and cats for fostering or adoption. As for Dr. Yeruva, he says that he can’t wait to get to work every morning. “I’ve always loved animals and have had pets since I was a kid,” he says. “I enjoy my work. I never feel like I’m working.” North Tampa Pet Depot is located at 16033 Tampa Palms Blvd. and is open Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.-9 p.m., and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sun. For more information, see the ad on pg. 21 of this issue, call 8667387, email NorthTampa@PetDepot.com or check out NorthTampa PetDepot.com. The Pet Hospital is open Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.-7 p.m, & for emergencies only on Sun., afterhours and on holidays. For appointments, call 866-3600, email NorthTampa@PetDepotVetGroup.com or visit NorthTampaPetHospital.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Creative Permanent Makeup By Pam For Eyebrows, Eyelids & Lips By Celeste McLaughlin
Pam Edmonson is a permanent makeup artist who helps women achieve the beautiful, maintenance-free look that they want for their eyebrows, eyelids, lips and more. In addition to outstanding permanent makeup artistry, she also offers a skin care treatment called microneedling, as well as scalp treatments that can help women regrow their hair. She provides all of these services, by appointment, at All About You Salon & Day Spa, located off 15 Ave. in Zephyrhills —only about 30 minutes from New Tampa. Pam was born and raised in Tampa and has lived in Zephyrhills since 1993. She has been a licensed cosmetologist in Florida since 2009. She and her husband had sold the manufactured home dealership they owned for many years and she wanted to do something different, so she became the “oldest student in hair school,” she says. While she enjoyed hair, Pam says she soon discovered something that interested her even more. “I love detail,” Pam says. “As a detail person, eyebrows are what first drew me into the permanent makeup field.” So in 2010, she studied permanent makeup at the Boca Ta-2 School for Permanent Makeup in Williston, FL, then began providing permanent makeup services in Zephyrhills in 2011. Pam is Florida-licensed as both a cosmetologist and as a tattoo artist. She says she is committed to continuing education and frequently attends training to learn the latest, most advanced techniques.
While Pam offers many services, she admits that eyebrows are her “favorite.” In May 2014, she attended a class called “Browmasters” to learn a technique for permanent eyebrows known as “microblading.” Pam explains, “I use a tiny blade to create each individual hair. It’s an amazing technique that is very realistic and natural.” She adds, “I get as excited as my customers do about their eyebrows. If you can’t see someone’s eyebrows — and then they have suddenly them — they instantly look 10 years younger.” Pam also says that some people come to her for permanent eyeliner and although she does both, she often advocates for brows instead, which she says, “improve the person’s look more than just eyeliner would.” She adds, “I offer a free consultation to anyone thinking about any type of permanent makeup. And there’s absolutely no obligation. Bring all of your questions, and I’m happy to answer them. I want people to feel comfortable.” Before the permanent makeup application begins, Pam says she draws the shape with a pencil to be sure that the customer gets the shape they want and the right eyebrow color for their skin. If a customer has enough hair to see a pattern, she tries to follow that pattern so that it looks natural. “I always recommend the free consultation,” Pam explains. “I’m happy to answer questions on the phone, but I feel like it’s best to sit down and talk about it to make a good decision. Permanent makeup is not
for everyone, but in 30 minutes, you’ll know if it’s for you and what you should expect with the procedure.” Pam says her clients can call her anytime on her cell phone and she is available by appointment, including on Saturdays, to accommodate most schedules. However, she doesn’t do permanent makeup procedures at night because, she insists, “It’s so important to have natural daylight during the procedure.” Pam is proud that she gets a lot of word-of-mouth referrals from happy customers, such as her recent clients, Lydia and Linda. Lydia is a Pebble Creek resident who saw Pam’s ad in the New Tampa Neighborhood News and decided to take advantage of the free consultation. “I had Pam Edmonson of Creative Permanent Makeup By Pam been thinking about having my works on a client at All About You Salon in Zephyrhills. eyebrows done, so when I saw her ad, I called her,” Lydia says. “I went in for the free consultation, and she am very happy with the results. It was not verified that I was a good candidate for the painful or even uncomfortable, and I am procedure. She answered all of my questions completely satisfied. It looks very natural.” and explained exactly what was going to Linda, also a New Tampa resident, happen.” says, “I had wanted to get my eyebrows Linda adds, “When it was time for the done for a long time,” she says, but actual procedure, she took a lot of time couldn’t find someone who specialized in leading up to it to prepare, especially in it. Then, she says she saw the ad for Pam’s choosing the color. She was in no rush and services and went to her website to learn took a lot of time and care (with me).” more. “She had a lot of pictures, and I got Linda also says that once Pam started really excited,” Linda says. “I called her and the actual procedure, it actually was very
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She also offers microneedling, which improves the skin by producing a slight injury to the face with a tiny needle. The body naturally grows new collagen at the “injury” site, which plumps the skin in the treated area and produces cell turnover, reducing scarring, fine Pam specializes in (and is a strong advocate for) permanent eyebrows, lines and wrinkles on the face. such as the before (top) and after photos shown above. “It’s made a quick and painless. “It felt like she was aphuge difference for me,” Pam says, adding plying makeup, and I would even say it was that she originally purchased the microneerelaxing,” Linda explains. “It wasn’t at all dling machine to be able to treat her own like getting a tattoo. I have one of those — acne scarring. “It has done amazing things and that was painful!” for my skin.” Linda says that Pam met all of her She says her prices are competitive in expectations, and that not only is Pam the market, and considerably less than in personable, but she also is extremely detailother local areas, such as South Tampa. oriented, talented and aware of exactly what Permanent eyebrows and eyeliner services Linda wanted from the first consultation. each cost $300, lips are $400, scalp therapy “The before-and-after is a dramatic is $125 per treatment and microneedling change,” Linda says. “It’s nice to be able begins at $125 per treatment. to go outside without a full face of makeup “I love how people feel because of and still feel comfortable. And, the microwhat I do {for them},” says Pam. “I’m blade technique really looks like hair and excited to hear their stories and hear how not just a drawn line.” happy they are. I’m very passionate about what I do.” Other Services Pam Edmonson is available for free Pam also offers scalp therapy, a treatconsultations and procedures by appointment for women who have thinning hair. ment. For more info, visit CreativePerShe says that the scalp therapy doesn’t seem manentMakeupByPam.com, call 997to work well on male pattern baldness, but 6302 or see the ad on page 18. women tend to respond well to it.
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1928 Highland Oaks Blvd., Lutz, FL 33559
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
The Clinicians Primary & Urgent Care Treats New Tampa’s Medical Needs By Anu Panchal
Two New Tampa physicians are bringing a new concept to our area — a combination primary medical and urgent care office located at the corner of Morris Bridge Rd. and Cross Creek Blvd. At The Clinicians Primary & Urgent Care, patients can be seen for a wide range of medical needs — from routine medical examinations to setting bones after an auto accident — and they can be seen as late as 9 p.m. every day but Sunday! Owner and physician Dr. Masood Ansari, M.D., FACP (Fellow of the American College of Physicians), has been practicing emergency medicine for more than 20 years (see below), and decided to open an emergency clinic close to his home. “There was an urge to help, to serve the community,” says Dr. Ansari, who has lived in New Tampa for 13 years and spends four days a week at his local clinic and the other three days at the Leesburg Regional Medical Center Emergency Room an hour away from our area. “Emergency medicine is appealing because [you get to] do something for the patient and get results right away,” Dr. Ansari says. “It’s hectic, but fruitful; gratifying to treat someone and see the results right there. With the same incentives, I started the clinic here.” Since The Clinicians Primary & Urgent Care opened nine months ago, he says the office already has seen about 2,500
patients — many of whom are even local physicians and their families. And, some patients come from as far away as Lakeland and Spring Hill. Dr. Ansari also says that his clinic is the only one in Tampa Bay that offers primary care on weekends and evenings, and adds the convenience of on-site X-rays and laboratory facilities. Patients can see Dr. Ansari or primary care physician Dr. Irshad Siddiqui, M.D., Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. and from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Sundays, and he says the Sunday hours will be extended to 8 p.m. beginning in November. Urgent care services include treatment for a variety of injuries (lacerations, sprains, dislocations and fractures); ear, nose & throat (ENT) and eye care (fever, flu, toothache, earache, oxygen and nebulizer therapy, sinus infections); stomach pains (heartburn, gastritis, vomiting and colic), as well as lung and urinary tract infections and pregnancy tests; skin care (for burns, rashes, insect bites, etc.); and intravenous antibiotics (fluid therapy and IV and IM injections). Primary care patients can be seen for all medical complaints, from hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart disease to post-menopausal symptoms, skin diseases and allergies, as well as STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). In addition, the clinic offers chronic wound care, a medical weight loss program, pain management for various conditions, travel medicine (inoculations for international travel), drug
The staff at The Clinicians Primary & Urgent Care on Cross Creek Blvd. at Morris Bridge Rd. offers both primary care and urgent care in one convenient location!
testing, immigration physicals, employment exams, sports and school physicals and worker’s compensation evaluations. With digital X-Rays, EKGs (electrocardiograms) and a laboratory all in-house, The Clinicians Primary & Urgent Care can usually offer immediate lab results and diagnoses without having to leave the facility, Dr. Ansari says. The office offers affordable rates for the uninsured and accepts almost all major health insurance carriers, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Humana, Cigna, United, Amerigroup, Tricare and Multiplan. Another perk is that between them, the staff can converse with you in English, Spanish, Urdu, Hindi, Persian and Arabic.
Decades Of Service
The Clinicians office has only been open since January of this year, but the medical professionals at the practice have decades of combined experience. Dr. Ansari graduated with his medical degree in 1985 from the Dow University of Health Sciences in Karachi, Pakistan. He moved to the U.S. in 1992 and completed his residency in internal medicine at Mount Vernon Hospital and at the Westchester County Medical Center in Valhalla, NY, both of which are affiliated with the New York Medical College. He is Boardcertified in both emergency and internal medicine. He then worked in emergency care in Utica, NY, and Pensacola, FL, until
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he moved to Tampa in 2002. Dr. Ansari also has been awarded a complimentary fellowship by the American College of Physicians (ACP) and is an active member of the American Association of Physician Specialists (AAPS), Florida Medical Association (FMA) and Hillsborough County Medical Association (HCMA). Dr. Siddiqui graduated with his medical degree from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in Mysore, India. He practiced emergency room medicine in India for four years, before moving to the U.S. in 2007. He completed his residency in family medicine at the Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, IL, where he also served as chief resident, leading his team to become a Certified Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH). “This is a new form of primary care,” Dr. Siddiqui explains about The Clinicians. “You have an actual team supporting the patient. It’s coordinated care between a hospital, primary care, nursing home — across a continuum of care. I think it’s really needed.” Dr. Siddiqui also has two additional specialties — information technology and physician executive certification — and has been consulting in clinical transformation at seven hospitals in Tampa Bay since he moved here in 2013. The pair of physicians is joined by a staff of six, including nurse practitioner Hanean Sarsour, ARNP; registered nurse Sharon Rice, RN; and physician assistants (PAs) Kenneth Rice and Melissa Bailey. Dr. Ansari says that office manager Mark
Wroblewski keeps the place together and running smoothly. “We practice patient-centered care,” says Sarsour, who points out how the front desk greets customers by name and follows up with urgent care patients the next day after they are seen. She says they enjoy seeing entire families of patients. “I just love taking care of people,” she says. “I love being there for people in need.” Dr. Siddiqui says that, as a primary care physician, his focus rarely is only the ailment for which his patient has come in. He is interested in the whole patient and his or her health history, and that of his or her family. A patient may come in with a sore throat or pain, but in addition to treating those problems, Dr. Siddiqui will inquire about vaccinations. Or, if the patient is over age 50, he will ask whether they’ve had a colonoscopy, which is recommended for that age. “The nature of medicine has changed so much,” he says. “Previously, physician visits were for illnesses. Now, they’re for maintaining your health. Patients are becoming more aware. Prevention is always better than the cure.” The Clinicians Primary & Urgent Care has what the doctors describe as a “symbiotic relationship” with 10 to 10 Urgent Care on S.R. 54 in Lutz, and some of the staff (including Dr. Ansari) see patients at both offices. When Dr. Ansari asked Wroblewski to work as the office manager at The Clinicians, Mark says that accepting was a no-brainer.
“The bottom line is, you will not find a more compassionate physician in this area than Dr. Ansari, and I’m proud to work for him,” Wroblewski says. “You can tell when a physician is here because they want to make money, and when they’re here to serve the community. We’re here to serve the community, and we mean that from the bottom of our hearts. We’re here to serve, and we all have the same philosophy.” The Clinicians Primary & Urgent Care is located at 10970 Cross Creek Blvd., with an entrance on Morris Bridge Rd. To make an appointment, call 369-5969 or visit CliniciansUrgentCare.com. The clinic and urgent care center are open Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-9 p.m., and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Sun.
President of the Florida Podiatric Medical Association
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Infinite Edge Learning Center The Infinite Edge Learning Center Inc. in Tampa Palms provides academic support (Grades K-12) in Mathematics, Language Arts, Reading, Science, Foreign Languages, AP Courses, FCAT, SAT, ACT & GRE
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Grey Wolf Armory Expands To Meet Your Personal Protection Needs By Matt Wiley If you pull up to the former location of Grey Wolf Armory in Wesley Chapel, you might get the impression that the area’s only gun shop has gone out of business, but you’d be dead wrong. In fact, what’s happened is that the store has expanded into the adjacent space in the shopping plaza just north of S.R. 54 and west of Eiland Blvd. (next to Wendy’s in the shopping center in front of Home Depot). Grey Wolf Armory celebrated one year in business back in July and owner Jeffrey Webb says he is excited and even somewhat relieved. “It feels great to celebrate one year,” Webb says. “It gets us over the hump. I feel like if (your business) can make it through the first year, everything is going to be O.K.” Although he says it was a little confusing for customers at first, the store’s expansion has allowed Webb to continue to provide the area with the same firearms, firearm repair services and accessories it has come to expect, plus even more. Webb notes that a new, huge sign on the side of the building facing Eiland Blvd. (Morris Bridge Rd. north of S.R. 54) should enhance the store’s visibility. “We have three times as much retail floor space as we had before, which has allowed us to expand our product lines by more than 50 percent, and we still have room to grow,” Webb says. “The old space is still part of the facility. We now occupy half of the strip mall and 750 sq. ft. of the
old space is being used as gunsmith space. We’ve got more room for doing advanced gunsmith work.” Webb says that a lathe and mill have been added to Grey Wolf’s gunsmith services. The lathe allows Webb to cut out metal components (barrels, cylindrical objects), while the mill can cut metal into any other shape. Webb also has added wood-finishing services to work on firearm stocks, a common feature on hunting rifles. Webb says that he plans to add hydrographic services next year, which will allow for the transfer of detailed ink designs onto objects. It won’t just be for guns, either, he explains, but also for things like cell phone cases and motorcycle helmets. The expansion has allowed Webb to add even more Glock, Springfield and Ruger products, and he also has added brands CZ (Ceska zbrojovka) and Sarsilmaz. He says he’s also added more survival foods, MREs (Meals Ready-To-Eat) and even freeze-dried foods, such as Wise Products. “I’ve been involved with firearms since I was a kid,” he says. “My dad was in the U.S. Secret Service and a deputy sheriff, so I’ve been trained in firearms and firearm safety all of my life.” Webb adds that he was a member of the Civil Air Patrol in high school, which is the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. In fact, he says he was only 14 when he did his first “trigger job,” which means that was his first time repairing a firearm to make its trigger operate better. Webb, who spent 23 years of his
professional life working in information technology, has lived in Wesley Chapel with his wife Nicole and eight-year-old daughter Rachael since 2008. He says that he always wanted to work for himself. Since opening Grey Wolf Armory, Webb has become a certified professional gunsmith, as he completed a master Grey Wolf Armory owner Jeffrey Webb (right, with wife Nicole & daughter gunsmithing course Rachael) has expanded his store in the shopping plaza located north of S.R. from the online 54 and just west of Eiland Blvd./Morris Bridge Rd. in Wesley Chapel. American Gunsmithto pass a background check. Pasco County ing Institute in 2014, earning certifications has no waiting period for rifles or shotguns. in the repair and maintenance of many difFor handguns, there is no waiting period if ferent types of firearms. you have a Florida concealed carry permit. In fact, he says, it’s not just the fireHowever, if you do not have that permit, arms he repairs that he will test for safety. you may still purchase a firearm, but have “If anyone has any questions about to wait three business days before you can whether or not their firearm is safe, I will receive it from the store. Without the consafety check it for free,” Webb says. cealed carry permit, you can still use a handAnd, he says he always takes time with gun for home defense, but he encourages each customer who wants to purchase a gun all gun owners to obtain the permit. to figure out which firearm is best for them. Although concealed weapons classes “I want my customers to be repeat cus- are not available at the store itself, Grey tomers,” Webb explains. “I want to make Wolf Armory sells the classes at a discount, sure that they always get the right firearm and they can be taken at the Indoor Shootfor their needs so they’ll come back.” ing Company on E. Fowler Ave. in ThonoWebb emphasizes that to purchase any tosassa (just east of Temple Terrace). firearm from Grey Wolf Armory, you have Webb says that all new guns from Grey
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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which raised several thousand dollars to help pay for the club’s fourth humanitarian trip to Trojes, Honduras, earlier this year. For the end of the year, Webb says that he is planning another raffle to benefit Sunrise of Pasco County, Inc., a shelter for victims of domestic violence. “I’m still working out all of the details, but I want to be able to give (Sunrise) a big check for Christmas,” Webb says. See the ad on page 52 Grey Wolf Armory is offering ‘Glocktober’ specials on all Glock handguns and always stocks all of the accessories of this issue for a valuable needed for local law enforcement agencies, who also receive special discounts. coupon that gives Grey in what’s best for you.” Wolf Armory come with a lifetime, transferWolf customers a free box of Tony Griffin, a Lutz resident who able warranty. He says that if something frequents Grey Wolf Armory, agrees. “I’m goes wrong with any firearm purchased at Grey Wolf Armory, the customer pays a $10 a firearms collector,” Griffin says. “I like to customize firearms and make them my own, shipping charge and the distributor replaces and I was very pleased to find a gunsmith the firearm within a few days. who can help me with these things. (Jeffrey) “You don’t have to mess with the seems to have a broad knowledge about a manufacturer, which is a huge advantage,” wide variety of firearms.” he says. “If you have to ship (a weapon) directly to a manufacturer (yourself), it can Community Involvement take 12 weeks before they will repair or Grey Wolf Armory is involved in the replace it for you.” community, too. Webb gives discounts to all Joe Mora lives in Land O’Lakes and is active first responders, including police, fire the commander of the Civil Air Patrol unit and emergency medical service personnel. at MacDill Air Force Base in South Tampa. He also recently worked in partnership with He says he’d rather deal with Webb than a nearby business, Vapor Unlimited, to sell any big box store. raffle tickets to benefit the Wesley Chapel “Jeff is honest and straightforward,” Noon Rotary Club, which in turn supports Mora says. “He offers a wide range of many nonprofit organizations. The raffled firearms, and he doesn’t try to sell you the firearms were valued at more than $1,500, most expensive one. He’s always interested
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ammo with any handgun purchase. “I feel like buying a new gun that doesn’t come with some ammo is like buying a car without any gas,” Webb says. Webb also is running a special this month called “Glocktober,” during which he’ll be running extra special discounts on popular Glock handguns, but you’ll have to come in to see the prices. “Our regular prices are considered low already and will be considerably lower for the month of October,” Webb says. Grey Wolf Armory is located at 32733 Eiland Blvd., #104, near Wendy’s. It is open Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m., and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sunday. It is closed on Mondays. For additional information, visit GreyWolfArmory.com or call the store at 782-4624.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Spectacular Luxury Homes Now For Sale In The Ridge At Wiregrass Ranch! By Celeste McLaughlin
If you drive east on S.R. 56 from Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in Wesley Chapel but have never continued past the Shops at Wiregrass mall, you have no idea what you’re missing. Just a couple of miles down the road is a gorgeous new community that soon will fill with hundreds of families enjoying the Florida lifestyle in stunning new homes — minutes from New Tampa — at The Ridge at Wiregrass Ranch. The Ridge’s impressive front entrance features a waterfall and beautifully landscaped gateway to eight fully furnished and decorated model homes that fill a cul-de-sac, giving a great sense of what the community will look like as it grows. The Ridge at Wiregrass Ranch is a new home community that is being developed, built and sold by Sunrise, FL-based GL Homes. “What’s different about us, and what sets us apart from other communities, is that we are both the developer and builder,” says project manager Becky Strowbridge. “That means we handle every aspect of the community from start to finish.” And, that distinction is clear from the moment you enter the community’s sales office, where a large staff works out of a nearly 4,000-sq.-ft. model home that has been converted to include The Ridge’s sales offices and design center. The staff includes six sales associates, a receptionist, two design coordinators, an administrator, a closing coordinator and two managers, plus the director of construction, director of land development and four construction managers. “We’re heavy on staff, which contributes to the quality of the experience we can provide to our buyers,” Becky says, adding that providing superior customer service is of the highest importance to each member of the team. “We do everything we can to make (the process) easy. The support system our buyers have throughout the process
gives people peace of mind. If you have a question about what’s happening on your property, we’re right here.” The eight models feature two homes from each of the community’s four home collections. The collections are based on lot size, which vary from 50-75 feet wide. In addition to the models, twelve inventory homes are planned and in various stages of construction, and all of them should be move-in ready by the spring of 2016. This gives buyers a quicker turnaround to move into a new home, and offers potential buyers additional opportunities to walk through floor plans. Once complete, The Ridge at Wiregrass Ranch will include 562 homes, although at this time, only 219 Phase 1 lots are available for sale. The second phase of The Ridge will be planned once it becomes evident which lot sizes and features are most in demand in the community. “That’s the beauty of being the developer and builder,” says operations manager Joseph May. “We can make changes as we go along to meet our customer’s needs. Our future homes will be based on what our customers are asking for.” Prices of homes in The Ridge start from $275,000 to $575,000, with sizes from just under 2,000 sq. ft. to nearly 5,000 sq. ft. Most homes back up to ponds or conservation areas, and the few homes that back up to another home feature deeper lots and green space in between.
About GL Homes
GL Homes is a privately owned company that has been in business for 40 years. The builder/developer started in Palm Beach and Broward counties and has grown to include communities throughout Florida. “We’re the second largest private builder in Florida,” Joseph says, “and despite only operating in one state, we have been ranked the 26th largest builder in the entire United States. So, our presence in the areas where we build is major.”
GL Homes’ The Ridge At Wiregrass Ranch’s extravagant fountain and entrance feature greet future residents on S.R. 56, about two miles east of Bruce B. Downs Blvd. in Wesley Chapel.
Currently, the only other GL Homes community in the Tampa Bay area is Valencia Lakes, which is for adults ages 55 and older and located in the Sun City Center area of southern Hillsborough County. Both Joseph and Becky worked for that community before moving to The Ridge. Becky and her husband John Strowbridge were both hired by GL Homes after they each earned a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in building construction from the University of Florida in Gainesville in 1997. John is the community’s director of land development. The couple has lived in nearby Tampa Palms since they moved to the Tampa area to work at Valencia Lakes. “I’ve enjoyed opening The Ridge because it feels like my neighborhood,” Becky says. “I work with Realtors I know, I’m familiar with the businesses here and it’s my community.” Joseph has worked at GL Homes for the past four years, joining The Ridge just a few months ago. “This is the best company I’ve ever worked for,” he says. “I enjoy my work, and enjoy what I do all day. It feels like a family.”
Amenities & Schools
The community’s amenities make for resort-style living at its very best
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When it is fully built, The Ridge will include a 12,000-sq.-ft. clubhouse, complete with a fitness room residents can access 24 hours a day, an indoor court for basketball, volleyball and other indoor sports, tennis courts and even a social director to plan events. The resort-style pool has a beach entry, a water slide, a splash pad for the kids and a separate lap pool. The clubhouse will be completed about a year after the community’s first residents begin to close on their homes. With those first houses now under construction, move-ins are expected to begin in the spring of 2016. The clubhouse and related amenities should be available to residents by 2017. For families, The Ridge has easy access to excellent local schools. The community’s rear entrance, which is not yet open (and will be gated for residents only), is across the street from Dr. John Long Middle School. (you can see GL Homes’ construction trailer at that location on Mansfield Blvd. now). Wiregrass Ranch High School also is nearby and a new, yet-to-be-named elementary school — expected to open for the 2016-17 school year — is now under construction next to Long. This easy access to schools is one reason Darrell and Porsche Alderman are currently building a home in The
The Carlyle is one of GL Homes’ new options in The Ridge at Wiregrass Ranch, spanning 4,221-sq. ft. and features a three-bedroom floor plan, with prices beginning at $459,900.
Ridge. “The location is optimal,” Darrell says. “It’s close to A-rated schools, near the (Wiregrass) mall for shopping and has easy access to major highways.” Darrell and Porsche currently live in Seven Oaks and have been searching for a home their family can grow into as their kids, now 8 and 6, become teenagers. They recently chose their home’s finishing touches and upgrades, so construction will begin right away. “Going through this process was easy,” Darrell says. “It was straightforward and not as stressful as I thought it would be.” He also says that many options he and his wife were given as “standard”
were considered upgrades in other new home communities, such as their new home’s tile roof, pavers in the driveway and patio and the oversized-tile floors. And, while parents will appreciate the close access to the schools, Becky says there’s something for everyone at The Ridge, including those needing space for extended families, empty nesters and retirees. Steven Kessel currently lives in a condo in Delray Beach, FL. He became a full-time resident of Florida about seven years ago, when he retired as a Lieutenant fireman in a Boston suburb. Kessel says he’s been waiting for the right time and looking for the right op-
GL Homes will one day feature 562 luxury homes in The Ridge At Wiregrass Ranch community like the beautiful ‘Sebastian’ model shown above.
portunity to move into a home. He had looked at several GL Homes communities throughout the state and decided to purchase in Wesley Chapel. Kessel says the timing (he’s recently sold both his home in the Boston area, and the Delray Beach condo he inherited from his father), the location and the price of the homes at The Ridge are what drew him to the community. “It’s suburban and away from some of the hustle and bustle, but very close to many places I’m interested in, such as Tampa, Orlando and Ft. Myers.” When he first visited, Kessel says he was impressed. “The entry is just spectacular,” he says. “It caught my atten-
tion, and I just thought, ‘Wow!’” He also says he appreciates the way the community will be configured. “There’s a lot of conservation area, and quiet nooks and crannies.” He adds, “I run into people all the time who say they live in a GL Homes community, and they have nothing but good things to say. I’ve been told several times that if I buy from GL Homes, I’ll be happy.” The sales center at GL Homes’ The Ridge at Wiregrass Ranch is open seven days a week, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. For more information about The Ridge, visit GLHomes.com or call (855) 671-1700.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Wharton’s Viloria Steps Up For Varsity Ahead Of Harvest Volleyball Tourney Story & Photo by John Cotey
The Wharton volleyball team opened the season with a lofty goal — to compete for a State Championship. After winning their first nine matches, the Class 7A, District 8 Wildcats looked like a team determined to meet those expectations. When senior setter Tyler Sroufe went down with a torn ACL and MCL, however, things changed. How much so has yet to be determined. The good news — the Wildcats are still winning matches (they were 12-1, 4-0 in their District at our press time), as new setter Gracie Viloria has stepped in and helped right the Wharton ship, as coach Eric Barber experiments with new blocking schemes and rotations to ease the transition. A 14-year-old freshman move-in from South Carolina, Viloria (5’6”) is taking a crash course in running an offense that has tall, big-time weapons at the net like Lindsey Schaible (6’2”), Caroline Delisle (5’10”) and Kathryn Attar (6’1”). “She’s very confident for a freshman, so that helps a lot,’’ said Barber (who picked up his 100th career victory as a coach at Wharton earlier this season) about Viloria. Viloria didn’t arrive at Wharton until the second day of school, which was after Barber had already picked his varsity and junior varsity volleyball teams. But, a tryout at practice, where Barber said he was impressed by the freshman’s good hands, earned Viloria a spot on the jayvee and, after
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bother Viloria. Instead, she says she enjoys it. But, grabbing hold of the leadership qualities that made Sroufe so good has been a challenge for the team’s only freshman. “Tyler said I need to be loud, because the setters on teams are always loud and directing people and being like the captain,’’ she said. “That’s hard for me since everyone is older than me. It’s the hardest part.” But, Wharton has an abundance of senior leadership to make up for it. Schaible is one of the top middle blockers in the state, and will play at NCAA Division I Providence College Wharton High freshman Gracie Viloria (left) has in Providence, RI, next season. stepped up to varsity to serve as the Wildcats’ setter in Chanelle Hargreaves, the 5’place of the injured Tyler Sroufe. 4” libero (a defensive player on each just a few weeks, she was called up to varsity. team who must wear a different colored “It’s definitely a hard loss, losing jersey), will join her brother Vernon at the your setter, but Gracie is really filling her University of Florida in Gainesville. Attar is (Sroufe’s) shoes,’’ Schaible said. “She knows arguably the best outside hitter in Tampa what she’s doing.” Bay and has verbally committed to the UniWhen Viloria was cast into the starting versity of Colorado in Boulder (also NCAA role, her varsity experience had only con- Division I), and while only a junior, Attar’s sisted of one game played against Wiregrass leadership skills are unquestioned. Ranch High in Wesley Chapel and a few varViloria will need to fit in to help keep sity practices. the Wildcats winning. “When I came on the team, I was just “{You hate to see} any kind of catatrying to learn stuff from Tyler, to soak it all strophic injury, but when it happens more in, all the tips and techniques and mechan- towards the beginning of the season, it gives ics, so I can be ready for next year after she you a chance to make adjustments,’’ Barber graduates,’’ Viloria said. “Now, I have to says. “(Gracie)’s going to get a lot of reps in step up.” this system. By the time we get to playoffs, The added pressure doesn’t seem to it won’t be an experience thing anymore.”
Harvest Volleyball Tournament When: Friday-Saturday, Oct. 9-10 Where: Paul R. Wharton High School Who: Wharton, Freedom, Plant City, Brandon, Durant, Sunlake, Lakewood Ranch & Bishop McLaughlin. Note: Fans are encouraged to bring food donations (no glass containers) to the game to benefit local food banks.
Wharton Hosting 5th Harvest Tourney — Now!
A bunch of those reps will come in the fifth annual Wharton Harvest Tournament the Wildcats are hosting Friday-Saturday, Oct. 9-10. The field includes New Tampaarea and District rival Freedom High and recent State playoff teams like Durant, Sunlake and Bishop McLaughlin. By the conclusion of the tournament, the Wildcats should have a good idea of how realistic their preseason goals of going to state still are. “I think with every practice, we’re coming back together,’’ said Schaible. ”I’m still really hopeful. I think we can come together and pull it off. I definitely think we’re still very strong at the positions we need to be, and going into Districts, we’re still the team to beat.”
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Le Macaron — Authentic French Pastries At The Shops At Wiregrass! By Gary Nager
This may or may not comes as a surprise to you, but I have something of a sweet tooth. I also minored in French when I earned my B.S. in Broadcast News degree from the University of Florida College of Journalism & Communications a little less than 1,000 years ago. Therefore, I was thrilled to hear about the opening of Le Macaron French Pastries in the Shops at Wiregrass mall a few months ago, especially when I met local franchise owners Valerie and Guy (pronounced like “gee,” but with a hard “R,” as in “Gary”) Lucas — who are authentic Parisians who say they both preferred living in the U.S. and decided to open their Le Macaron right here in our own back yards, even though they also considered New York, southern California and even Miami before choosing a prime location between Dillard’s and Rack Room Shows at the Shops. Guy, who spoke almost no English when he and Valerie opened the store six months ago (despite having visited the U.S. several times since 2009; he speaks it beautifully now), was a sales rep for Gunnebo, a multinational corporation headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, specializing in security solutions (cash handling, entrance security, electronic security and safes & vaults) with offices in 33 countries (including France); and Valerie was a sales rep for TF1-TV in Paris when, after visiting California 20 years ago, the both knew they really wanted to live in our country. Valerie and Guy ran the New York City marathon together in 2009 and 2011 and the Miami marathon in 2013, when they decided they were going to make their move. “We went back to our home (at that time) in the south of France,” Valerie says,
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“and packed up everything and said ‘adieu.’” So, how did they decide to open a new mall-based franchise store that has fewer than 30 locations in Florida, Puerto Rico and Arizona (and 15-20 more on the way)? “First, we looked for the right place for us to live,” Valerie says. “And we loved Wesley Chapel. We are city (Clockwise from above left): Franchise owners Valerie and Guy Lucas invite you to try all of the amazing confections at Le people, but we also Macaron French Pastries in the Shops at Wiregrass mall, including authentic French macarons, amazing artisan chocolates wanted a nice comand French-style gelato, all in a unique variety of flavors and colors. Photos on this page by Matt Wiley. munity to raise our family and since we are French, we have no problem visiting big cities when we feel the need.” To that end, their daughter Eva, 15, attends Wiregrass Ranch High and son Loan (pronounced ‘Low-on’), 12, is at John Long Middle School. Valerie says there were only three types of businesses that made sense for them to open. “French people love food, wine and fashion,” she says. “We chose food and, since macarons are so popular not only in France but all over Europe, we wanted tional Jewish dessert macaroons, which are overly sweet (or cookies!) and are available to be part of introducing them here.” coconut-based) are addictive little 80-calo- in a still-growing variety of 20 flavors. So, whether you want “the usual” flarie, gluten-free confections that come in an La Introduction Easter-egg-like assortment of pastel colors vors, like vanilla, Belgian chocolate or CoDes Macarons For those who have never tried them, that actually melt in your mouth. They may lombian coffee, or something more exotic, See ‘Le Macaron’ on pg. 44 macarons (not to be confused with the tradi- look like covered Oreos, but they aren’t
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‘Le Macaron’
Continued from pg. 43 like lavender, lychee rose strawberry or basil white chocolate, you’re sure to find more than one new favorite when you visit Le Macaron, where everything (in true “en vogue” French style) looks as good as the pastries and confections taste. Valerie says, “I designed the store myself, although Le Macaron corporate dictates the color scheme.” Valerie selected the art posters of “La Tour Eiffel” (the Eiffel Tower) and other scenes from Paris and since there, of course, also are fresh, gourmet French coffee and coffee drinks (cappuccino, espresso, lattes, etc.) being served, sitting in Le Macaron does have the feel of a hip Euro-café. There are even macaron-shaped purses, Le Macaron iPhone 6 cases and other unique accessories for sale at the checkout counter.
More Than Just Macarons?
The good news is that if you’ve tried macarons before and didn’t love them (although I will admit these are the meltiest, tastiest macarons I’ve tried to date), Valerie and Guy have plenty of other yummy options for you to try. First of all, there are artisanal chocolates in an array of not only flavors and colors but also shapes. “We found two amazing American chocolatiers who make the most beautiful and delicious artisan chocolates,” Valerie says and, from the pic on page 43, it’s hard to argue with how pretty they look, but I also already love how amazing they taste. “One is located here in the Tampa Bay
area ad the other is in Orlando.” How good are “les chocolats?” I’m not the biggest white chocolate lover in the world, but my favorite, to date, is still the banana white chocolate, which is a bright yellow, sort-ofbanana-shaped white chocolate covering a thick banana-flavored nougat that tastes like a ground-up banana. Authentic French calissons are coming soon to Le Macaron, while authentic croissants & coffee drinks are available now. It just blows my mind sampled a few of the gelato flavors (there are last lived before moving to Wesley Chapel). every time I have one always eight available) at Le Macaron and Calissons, according to Wikipedia, are, (which has been a few times already, lol). “confections made from a fine paste melon I assure you that you gelato lovers will love Other favorites of mine are the milk confit (or other candied fruit) and almonds it, especially if you’re looking for something chocolate-covered Oreos (yes, they do ground together, topped with royal icing “exotique,” like violet (you read correctly), rotate those in and out of the chocolate and resting on a background of unleavened praline Nutella or apricot yogurt-flavored display, too), the cookies n’ cream, Bailey’s gelato. All of the flavors I’ve tried have been bread. This tidbit often flavored with orange dark chocolate, almond brownie crunch blossom and shaped (like a football), has extra-creamy and, like almost everything and cappuccino. I don’t usually go for fruit been a specialty of Aix-en-Provence since served at Le Macaron (including the chocofillings in my artisanal chocolates, but for the 15th century.” Again, they likely won’t lates), they’re naturally gluten-free. those who do, Guy says the Key lime is his be my favorite items sold at Le Macaron, Although there is no baking done on favorite and the store’s best seller. Other but I’m betting they’ll be tasty. fruit & chocolate-combo flavors include pas- the premises at Le Macaron (“We are a As for the prices, Le Macaron is a true retail store only,” says Valerie), Monsieur sion fruit, raspberry, lemon blueberry and specialty shop, so some of the prices may and Madame Lucas do bring in a variety of guava or cherry cheesecake. Exotic tastes seem high, but so is the quality of everyother pastries and baked goods (not all of will enjoy the dulce de leche, pistachio, thing I’ve sampled in the store. And, Valerie Guinness (yes, the dark beer), salted caramel which are gluten-free) from an authentic and Guy are part of the local community French chef based in Orlando. I can vouch and Italian amaretto. The chocolates aren’t for the flaky croissants and pain du chocolat and so personable that I really think you’ll cheap (more on pricing below), but they (chocolate croissants), but Le Macaron does enjoy your first visit and will want to return. surely don’t taste it, either. And,a box or Le Macaron (28347 Paseo Dr., also have true meringues, as well as chocoeven a bag of these chocolates make such a #110) can cater your party or special late twists and different seasonal cakes, such beautiful presentation to give as a holiday, event, too. For more info, call 991-7110, birthday, anniversary corporate or other gift as pumpkin cake for the fall season. visit LeMacaron-US.com, Facebook. Valerie says that she soon also will add for anyone you know craves the cocoa bean. authentic calissons, a traditional dessert from com/LeMacaron Wesley Chapel or see I’m still never going to choose gelato the ad on pg. 49. the south of France (where Valerie and Guy over great ice cream myself, but I have
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Restaurant & Tapas Bar
813-907-5242 46
10020 Cross Creek Blvd
(in the Cross Creek Center Plaza)
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Now, You Can Win A Carnival Cruise Just By Entering This Contest! We now have a great new prize you can win our 2015 Reader Survey & Dining Contest, as not only can you help yourself to one of three outstanding FREE dining prizes — all to the restaurant of your choice in the Tampa Bay area, you also can now win our biggest Grand Prize ever — a four-night Caribbean cruise on Carnival Cruise Lines, all while helping our local restaurants find out where our readers enjoy dining out in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel. Just for correctly filling out the entry form on these two pages (47 & 48) and sending it by mail, fax or email (you also can enter at NTNeighborhoodNews.com), not only can you win $50, $100 or even $200 in absolutely FREE dining at the restaurant of your choice (whether it’s located in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel or not), you also will be entered in the drawing for that four-night cruise (for up to four people) Grand Prize! This year’s contest features a reduced number of 16 categories on these two pages. To be eligible to win any of our prizes, you MUST vote for FIVE (5) restaurants in BOTH of the two categories on this page, and at least ONE (1) restaurant in AT LEAST HALF OF THE 14 CATEGORIES on the next page! We have provided the names of all of the independently-owned and small (fewer than 20 locations) chain restaurants located in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel in each category. And yes, you can still write-in the names of the larger chain restaurants in any category, but we only provide the names of the “Mom-andPops” because they don’t have the benefit of being able to afford regional and national TV, national magazine and local radio ads that the large chains have running all year-round and we’re trying to help remind how great some of them really are. But please, only one entry per person will be accepted, although the contest also will run in our October 24 Wesley Chapel issue and on our website (NTNeighborhoodNews.com) until Monday, November 2. And, as always, no purchase of any kind is necessary to win any of our prizes. — GN
Your FIVE Favorite Restaurants In New Tampa (NT) Your FIVE Favorite Restaurants In Wesley Chapel (WC)
(Number your 5 favorites #1-#5; You also may write-in your favorites not listed here in the spaces provided) (Number your 5 favorites #1-#5; You also may write-in your favorites not listed here in the spaces provided)
__Acropolis Greek (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Biagio’s II Pizza & Pasta (CC Blvd.) __Big Papa’s Pit (E. Bearss Ave., off BBD) __Burger 21 (Trout Creek off BBD) __Café Olé (Cross Creek Blvd.) __Cappy’s Pizza (City Plaza, Tampa Palms) __Casa Ramos (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __China City (City Plaza, TP) __China Wok (County Line Rd. off BBD) __Ciccio’s Cali (The Pointe @ Tampa Palms) __Cross Creek Deli (inside Shell station) __Dine Or Dash (in New Tampa Center) __Full Circle Pizza (Pebble Creek Coll.) __Fushia Asian (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Hawkeye NYS Pizza (CC Blvd.@BP Gas) __Ho King (BBD/Highwoods) __Hoosiers Grille (in Heritage Isles CC) __Hunter’s Green Country Club __Kobé Japanese (Pebble Creek Collection) __Koizi Hibachi Grill (The Pointe @ TP) __Lanna Thai (Cross Creek Center) __Las Palmas Café (BBD/PC Coll.) __Liang’s Bistro (North Palms Vlg./BBD) __Little Greek (New Tampa Center) __Mr. Dunderbak’s (Oak Ramble Plaza) __Mulligan’s Irish (@ Pebble Creek CC) __New China King (CC Blvd. @ MB Rd.) __Oakley’s Grille (North Palms Village)
Neighborhood News
__Peabody’s Billiards (Shoppes of Amberly) __Amici Pizza (Grand Oaks Plaza, SR 54) __Petra Mediterranean (Highwoods Psrv.) __Asian Buffet (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Bagelicious & More (Freedom Plaza/54) __Pita’s Republic (County Line Rd.) __PJ Dolan’s Irish (E. Bearss Ave. off BBD) __Best NY Pizza (Pinebrook Plaza/SR 54) __Saffron Indian Cuisine (Cross Creek Ctr) __Bonsai Sushi (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Seasons Fresh Café (E. Bearss Ave./BBD) __Bosco’s Italian To Go (Freedom Plaza/54) __Burger Monger (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Soho Sushi (E. Bearss Ave./BBD) __Chick & Peas Grill (Freedom Plz/54) __Stonewood Grill (The Pointe @ TP) __China Taste (BBD/Shoppes at New Tampa) __Sushi Café (Highwoods Preserve) __China Wok (Village Market/BBD@54) __Sushi Ko (New Tampa Center) __City Grill (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Sushi Raw (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Ciao! Italian Bistro (Wiregrass Mall) __Sukhothai (Across from Muvico) __CineBistro (The Grove/Off Oakley/54) __Tabla Indian Cuisine (BBD/Live Oak) __Dempsey’s Steak House (Saddlebrook) __Takara Sushi & Sake (Oak Ramble Plaza) __Dempsey’s Too Lounge (Saddlebrook) __Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club __Dolce Gelato & Crepes (Cty. Line Rd./MP) __Taste of NY Pizza (Highwoods Preserve) __Don Pan Int’l Bakery (Shoppes @ NT ) __Thai Ruby (Shoppes of Amberly/TP) __Fine Thai Express (Pinebrook Plz/54) __Toast Wine & Café (Oak Ramble Plaza) __Gonna China (Hollybrook Plz, BBD@54) __Top Thai (BBD/Live Oak) __GrillSmith (Wiregrass Mall) __Vallarta’s (City Plaza, Tampa Palms) __Hibachi Express (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Woodfired Pizza (E. Bearss Ave. off BBD) __Ho Wok (BBD next to Target) __Zaytoun Mediterranean (CC Blvd @ MB) __Hot Wok 88 (Town Centre/SR 54) __Hungry Greek (across BBD from FHWC) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Kwan Ming Bistro (SR 56) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __La Prima Pizza (BBD, next to Target) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Latin Twist Café (across BBD from FHWC) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Lexington Oaks Golf Club (off SR 54) __Write-In (must name)_______________ __Meadow Pte Café & Deli (C.L. Rd./MP)
__900º Woodfired Pizza (Wiregrass Mall) __NY NY Pizza (BBD in Seven Oaks) __OTB Café (Across BBD from FHWC) __PDQ (SR 56) __Pinchers Crab Shack (Wiregrass Mall) __PizzaMania (BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Poolside Café (Saddlebrook Resort) __PrimeBar (Wiregrass Mall) __Quail Hollow Country Club __Shang Hai Chinese (Eiland Blvd./off 54) __Stage Left Kitchen & Bar (SR 54/Lutz) __TD’s Sports Bar (Saddlebrook Resort) __365 Caffé Italiano (Wiregrass Mall) __Tokyo Grill/Sushi (Eiland Blvd./off 54) __Vallarta’s (Village Mkt, BBD@54) __Woody’s Pizza/Wings (Village Mkt) __Wolf’s Den (SR 56) __Yamato Japanese Stkhs (Wiregrass Mall) __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ __Write-In (must name)_________________ Please only put each numeral (#s 1-5) on each of the two lists on this page only once each, including any write-ins. We apologize for any inconvenience to independent restaurants in NT & WC somehow not listed here.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Your Favorite Chinese Restaurant In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel (NT & WC; Pick or write-in one)
__Asian Buffet (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __China City (City Plaza, TP) __China Taste (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __China Wok (County Line Rd., off BBD) __China Wok (Village Mkt/BBD@54, WC) __Fushia Asian Bistro (Shps of Amberly, TP) __Gonna China (Hollybrook Plz, BBD@54) __Ho King (BBD/Highwoods)
__Ho Wok (BBD next to Target) __Hot Wok 88 (Town Centre of WC) __Kwan Ming Bistro (S.R. 56) __Liang’s Bistro (North Palms/BBD) __New China King (CC Blvd. @ MB Rd.) __Shang Hai Chinese (Eiland Blvd./Publix) __Sushi Ko (BBD/New Tampa Center) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant In NT & WC (Pick or write-in one)
__Asian Buffet (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __Bonsai Sushi (Shoppes @ New Tampa, WC) __Hibachi Express (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Kobé Japanese Steakhouse (BBD/PC) __Koizi Hibachi Grill (Tampa Palms) __Soho Sushi (E. Bearss Ave.) __Sushi Café (BBD/Highwoods)
__Sushi Ko (BBD/New Tampa Center) __Sushi Raw (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Sukhothai (Across from Muvico) __Takara Sushi & Sake (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Tokyo Grill/Sushi (Eiland Blvd./Publix) __Yamato Japanese Stkhs (Wiregrass Mall) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Thai/Indian Restaurant In NT & WC (Pick or write-in one)
__Fine Thai Express (S.R. 54, WC) __Lanna Thai (CC Blvd.) __Saffron Indian Cuisine (CC Blvd.) __Sukhothai (Across from Muvico) __Tabla Indian Cuisine (BBD/Live Oak)
__Thai Ruby (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Top Thai (BBD/Live Oak) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Pizza Place In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel (Pick or write-in one)
__Amici Pizza (Grand Oaks Plaza, SR 54) __Best NY Pizza (Pinebrook Plaza/S.R. 54) __Biagio’s II Pizza & Pasta (CC Blvd.) __Bosco’s Italian To Go (Freedom Plaza/54) __Cappy’s Pizza (City Plaza, TP) __Ciccio’s Cali (The Pointe @ Tampa Palms) __Full Circle Pizza (Pebble Creek) __Hawkeye NYS Pizza (CC Blvd./BP)
__La Prima Pizza (BBD, next to Target) __900º Woodfired Pizza (Wiregrass Mall) __NY NY Pizza (BBD in Seven Oaks) __Peabody’s Billiards & Games (Amberly) __Taste of New York Pizza (Highwoods) __Woodfired Pizza (E. Bearss Ave.) __Woody’s Pizza/Wings (WC Village Mkt) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Hamburger In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel (Pick or write-in one)
__Burger Monger(BBD/Shoppes @ New Tampa) __Burger 21 (Trout Creek/BBD) __City Grill (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Dempsey’s Too Lounge (Saddlebrook) __GrillSmith (Wiregrass Mall) __Hoosiers Grille (@ Heritage Isles CC) __Hunter’s Green Country Club __Lexington Oaks Golf Club __Mulligan’s Irish Pub (Pebble Creek CC)
__Oakley’s Grille (BBD/North Palms Vlg.) __OTB Café (Across BBD from FHWC) __Peabody’s Billiards & Games (Amberly) __PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub (E. Bearss Ave.) __Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club __Poolside Café (Saddlebrook) __TD’s Sports Bar (Saddlebrook) __Wolf’s Den (S.R. 56)
__Write-In (must name)___________________________________________________________
Your Favorite Latin/Mexican Restaurant In NT & WC (Pick or write-in one)
__Café Olé (Cross Creek Blvd.) __Casa Ramos (Shoppes of Amberly, TP) __Dine or Dash (BBD/New Tampa Ctr) __Don Pan Int’l Bakery (Shoppes @ NT ) __Las Palmas Café (BBD/Pebble Creek)
__Latin Twist Café(across BBD from FHWC) __100 Montaditos (Wiregrass Mall) __Vallarta’s (City Plaza at Tampa Palms) __Vallarta’s (Village Mkt, BBD@54) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Greek/Mediterranean Restaurant In NT & WC
(Pick or write-in one) __Petra Mediterranean (Highwoods Prsv.) __Acropolis (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Chick & Peas Grill (Freedom Plaza/54) __Pita’s Republic (County Line Rd.) __Hungry Greek (across BBD from FHWC) __Zaytoun Mediterranean (CC Blvd.) __Kabob House (BBD/Live Oak) __Little Greek (BBD/New Tampa Center) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Favorite Bar, Tavern or Pub In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel (Pick or write-in one)
__Acropolis (BBD/Oak Ramble) __Heritage Isles CC Rest. (off CC Blvd.) __Ciccio’s Cali (The Pointe @ Tampa Palms) __CineBistro (The Grove/54 off Oakley) __City Grill (Village Mkt/BBD@54) __Dempsey’s Steak House (Saddlebrook) __Dempsey’s Too Lounge (Saddlebrook) __GrillSmith (Wiregrass Mall) __Halftime Sports Lounge (NT Center) __Hunter’s Green Country Club __Lexington Oaks Golf Club __Linkster’s Tap Room (Highwoods) __Mulligan’s Irish Pub (Pebble Creek CC)
__Peabody’s Billiards & Games (Amberly) __PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub (E. Bearss Ave.) __Poolside Café (Saddlebrook) __PrimeBar (Wiregrass Mall) __Quail Hollow Country Club __Skinny’s Sports Bar __Stage Left (SR 54, Lutz) __Stonewood Grill & Tavern (Tampa Palms) __Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club __TD’s Sports Bar (Saddlebrook) __Toast Wine & Café (BBD/Oak Ramble) __The Brass Tap (Wiregrass Mall) __Write-In (must name)_________________
Your Other Favorites
(Write-in one in each category below) Your Favorite Pasta In NT & WC Your Favorite Lunch In NT & WC _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Your Favorite Chain Restaurant In Your Favorite Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/ Dessert Place In NT & WC New Tampa & Wesley Chapel _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Restaurant w/The Best Service In NT/ WC Your Favorite Bakery In NT & WC _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Your Name _______________________________________________________________________ Your Community (Tampa Palms, Meadow Pointe, etc.) _____________________________ Your Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________ Your Daytime Phone #____________________________________________________________ Your Valid Email Address _______________________________________________________ Please submit BOTH pages by mail, email or at NTNeighborhoodNews.com by Monday, November 2!
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Meeting Your Exterior Needs From One Generation to the Next
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
City Grill — The Sports Bar With The Authentic French Twist
By Gary Nager
MES AMIS,” says City Grill owner Eth (he goes by Eric) Thueltrouve to
a couple of his regulars as they cozy up to the bar at the popular local Gastro Pub in the Village Market plaza at the intersection of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. at S.R. 54, at the S.R. 54 exit of I-75 (two exits north of New Tampa). “Comment ça va?” The nicely dressed couple, who later admitted that they never spoke a word of French before they started hanging at Eric’s restaurant and night spot, responded, “We’re good, monsieur. Thanks for asking.” In other words, you don’t have to speak a word of “la langue” in order to become a regular at City Grill, which Eric took
over a little more than a year ago. Whether you’re looking for a sports bar with great burgers, wings and sandwiches (and equally great beer/drink prices) or you’d like to sample a little of “Le Coin du Eric” (which literally means “Eric’s Corner”), a section of City Grill’s new menu that offers everything from truly “autentique” escargots (yes, those are snails pictured above) with a garlicky butter sauce (similar to what you’d find in a fine French restaurant in Paris, New York or in Eric and his wife Gigi’s hometown of Lyon, France), to what Eric calls a French bar food favorite, “Croque Madame,” which is basically a grilled ham and cheese sandwich topped with a sunny side up egg. Merveilleux! “Le Coin” also includes a “Croque Monsieur,” which is the same ham and cheese “sammy” without the egg; a “Burger d’Eric,” also topped with egg; “Poulet Basquaise” (chicken Basque style), cut up pieces
Photos by Matt Wiley & Gary Nager
of chicken topped with onions and peppers; a great “Salade Nicoise” (which comes with anchovies on the side; for semi-adventurous types, I promise the salad tastes better with them than without them); and one of the best steak “au poivre” (with a crispy peppercorn crust and a zesty brown sauce with still more peppercorns; it’s not as spicy as it sounds, but it is “délicieuse”) entrées in the Tampa Bay area. And, I defy anyone to find another steak au poivre anywhere in our area for only $14.999 (the huge order of escargots and the poulet Basquaise also both cost just $14.99 each).
smoked ham, Genoa salami, Swiss cheese and pickles, served with a “special” sauce. Also available as appetizers from City Grill’s Late Night Menu are crispy fried gator bites, fried pickles, chicken tenders, coconut shrimp, “City large” wings, loaded fries and a different-each-day combination of these served in a sampler platter. The gator bites are served with a sweet & spicy Thai chile-style sauce and the wings are always crispy and juicy. I can’t eat the shrimp, but graphic artist Chelsie Rosatone and assistant editor Matt Wiley agreed that they were delish. Oyster lovers can try freshly shucked Gulf oysters on the half shell served with a “Bloody Mary” sauce. I also am a big fan of the ahi tuna lettuce cups, the cobb salad and Chelsie enjoyed the southern (fried) chicken salad. The new menu also includes a variety of new flatbreads — tomato basil, “fiesta” (with blackened chicken, corn salsa, cheddar
Not Feeling French?
For those who only eat “pommes frites” if they’re called “French fries,” City Grill does have many other great menu options. Everyone’s favorite starter seems to be the Cuban cigars, which are crispy “legally rolled” wontons stuffed with mojo pork,
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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cheese grits, and all for just $9.99 each. I haven’t sampled the new brunch yet, but Eric says “People really zeem to enjoy it.” You also can get two Bloody Marys for just $6.99 on “Sunday Bloody (Mary) Sunday.” City Grill’s kids’ menu items are all just $5.99 for quesadillas, chicken tenders, ham/cheeseburgers, grilled cheese or mac & cheese or just $6.99 for four different kids’ wrap sandwiches, all served with fries or salad and a kids’ drink.
Entertainment, Too? Mais Oui! Steak au Poivre
Asian-Style Grouper
Sampler Platter
Chicken Bacon Ranch Flatbread
Croque Madame
Poulet Basquaise
Salade Nicoise
jack cheese and chipotle ranch sauce) and the chicken bacon ranch flatbread our office gobbled up on our most recent visit. It was crispy, tasty and heavily topped with grilled chicken, jerk bacon, red onions, scallions, cheddar jack and a buttermilk ranch sauce. In addition to great burgers, we’ve also enjoyed City Grill’s variety of sandwiches, with our favorites being the drunken chicken (with tequila lime sauce and corn salsa), the fried chicken & Belgian waffles, Buffalo birdie and the corned beef Reuben. City Grill’s new Lunch Menu includes the tomato basil flatbread, plus a grilled cheese BLT, tuna salad on rye, fiesta chicken lettuce cups, chicken tacos, a chef wrap and hamburgers — each served with chips or salad for only $6.99 each ($7.99 if you want a cheeseburger). There’s also a “You Pick Two,” featuring your choice of the soup of Neighborhood News
Yes, like other “sports bars,” City Grill also has plenty of TVs for watching sports, as well as a pool table, but it’s also Wesley Chapel’s best-kept entertainment secret, with different options six nights a week and “Sunday Football Funday” all day on Sundays during the NFL season. Mondays are Open Mic nights, there’s Team Trivia (with bar tabs to the winning teams) on Tuesday nights, karaoke Wed. & Thur. (Thur. also is Bike Night) and live bands Fri.-Sat. Gary Carmichael of Heart & Soul Karaoke, who has the biggest selection of karaoke songs this reporter has ever seen, always makes sure he gets new singers into the rotation as quickly as possible, although he does have plenty of “regulars.” Eric was thrilled with the results of his first ongoing karaoke contest a few months ago, so now, every Wed. is a one-week contest where first prize each week is a $25 bar tab. City Grill also has hosted Latin Nights (the most recent was Sept. 12), with “Salsa dancing by Carlos.” Stay tuned for updates on future Latin Nights and other special events, like the recent fund-raising event which raised thousands for City Grill regular
Young Michael McDonald, who will be performing at the Wesley Chapel Fall Festival (see pg. 1) next month, rocked the crowd during a recent open mic night at City Grill. Charlie Kelly. The event attracted hundreds of people and Eric and Gigi donated every dollar they made on alcohol and food sales to pay for Charlie’s needed heart surgery. For great food, great people and great entertainment, City Grill truly is the sports bar with the authentic French twist, right off I-75 in Wesley Chapel. Tell Eric, Gigi and their staff that “Le Neighborhood News m’a envoyé” (sent me)! City Grill is located at 5429 Village Market. It is open seven days a week for lunch and dinner. For more info, visit CityGrill.us or Facebook.com/CityGrillWesleyChapel or call 973-9988
the day, four different (half) sandwiches and three different salads. Looking for a full dinner other than French cuisine? Try a hangar ($15.99) or flank ($13.99) steak, topped with truffled mushroom, bourbon or chimichurri sauces, Shepherd’s pie ($12.99), sautéed shrimp & bacon mac & cheese ($11.99), homemade chicken ($12.99) or shrimp & chicken ($14.99) gumbo, Baja tacos with chicken, steak, grouper or shrimp ($8-$10) or the drunken (tequila lime glaze wrapped in banana leaves) or Asian-style (miso & hoisin-glazed) tilapia ($12.99) or grouper ($15.99). On Sundays, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., City Grill also has rolled out its Sunday brunch, where you have five different choices, from the Croque-Madame to two different kinds of omelettes, all served with home fries or @NTWCNews
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Time For Wine For Great Wine, Private Labels, Events & People! By Gary Nager With all of the French food we’ve been talking about in this issue (I hope you’ve already read pages 43-44 and 50-51), the only thing missing is some good wine to go with that “cuisine Française.” Well, Time for Wine owners Charles and Cheryl Visalli are Italian, not French, but whether you enjoy wines from France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Chile or California, Charles and Cheryl can help improve any party you host or provide you with perfect holiday gifts for yourself or your business with wines from around the world. Although the Visallis live in Land O’Lakes, Time for Wine is a Temple Terrace-based service business started in 1980, but purchased by Charles and Cheryl in 2002. And, since they took over, the Visallis have brought a new focus to the business, which still provides wine tastings and “Teach & Taste” classes at your location with unique wines you won’t (in most cases) find at your local supermarket or wine store. Charles and Cheryl both are popular folks, as they often provide lots of free samples and low-cost full glasses of very good wines (that they also sell by the bottle and case for very reasonable prices) at Greater Wesley Chapel (WCCC), Brandon and Central & West Pasco Chamber of Commerce and Carrollwood Area Business Association (CABA) events. “Our philosophy with Time for Wine is to make everyone we come in contact with feel like a VIP, whether you ever buy wine from us or not,” says Charles, who
doesn’t have a formal education in wine, but admits he and Cheryl have learned most of what they know about wines from traveling to many of the wine-producing regions mentioned in the second paragraph of this story to learn how the wines are made and, of course...to taste. “All Cheryl and I try to do,” Charles says, “is be honest with people. Yes, we know a lot about the wines we choose to serve because we try every single wine before we buy it. But, like most people, we learned by sampling, so we want anyone who comes to an event to taste. The language of this business is in the tasting.” Cheryl says the focus at Time for Wine used to be on cold-calling and visiting potential clients at their homes or offices, “but we’ve changed that to pitching corporate events to large companies (Charles says Raymond James Financial is by far Time for Wine’s biggest client) and by getting out to a lot of Chamber and other events ourselves. The only way to grow this business is to serve some wine, so that’s what we do.”
Private Label Wines For Different Tastes
I’m no “connoisseur” either, but I am the kind of wine drinker that when I find a type of wine I like — champagnes and other sparkling wines from France, as well as cavas from Spain and prosecco from Italy; Argentinian malbec and Italian barolo and sangiovese (the chianti grape) and barbera from both Italy and California; and French white burgundies and California chardonnays made in the burgundy style — I usually
(Left) Charles and Cheryl Visalli of Time for Wine are always out in the community spreading good cheer with delicious wines you can sample. The wines can be purchased by the bottle or case and make for outstanding gifts (right) for family, friends and business clients. stick with it, so I’m always a little excitable cases of private-label wines from the Visallis. when Charles or Cheryl bring in any of my I also included a few bottles of more favorites for me to sample at an event. traditional favorites (cabernet sauvignon, Among the nice surprises I’ve sampled merlot and pinot grigio) because I know from Time for Wine recently were the Mont that not everyone likes the same kind of Marcal cava Cheryl served me (and a few of wine I do — and they’ll all have a cool label my now-closest friends) at a WCCC ribbondesign featuring our New Tampa & Wesley cutting event last year and the barbera she Chapel Neighborhood News logo. served at the Sept. 24 WCCC event at New “We want you to be proud to serve our Leaf Chiropractic Wellness Center in Lutz. wines or give them as holiday or birthday I liked the barbera so much, I bought gifts to your family, friends and business a bottle of it from Cheryl at the event and clients,” Cheryl says. “And with our prices, a included a few bottles of it (and a few of that great gift doesn’t have to be expensive.” crisp, brut cava, too) when I ordered two In fact, I don’t believe that any of the
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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(Above) Cheryl & Charles can create a beautiful tasting table for your next private event. They also can create any custom label you want (right) to put on their wines from around the world.
wines we chose cost more than $21 a bottle and most cost less than $20.
The Wine Passport Program
In addition to providing private label wines, Charles also conducts “Teach & Taste” classes and what he calls his “Wine Passport Program.” He puts on events at locations such as A Dash of Salt & Pepper on Cross Creek Blvd. and at Joe & Sons Olive Oil Co. in South Tampa. “Our last class at Joe & Sons (on Sept. 24) sold out (28 people) in three hours,” Charles says. “It was a Passport to Spain where I served all Spanish wines (cava, tempranillo and garnacha) paired with Spanish cuisine. I really think the events encourage people about the fun and entertainment value of wine tasting at your home or office.” The classes at the two locations won’t start up again until January, but Charles says he has put on private wine tasting events
Neighborhood News
recently at Wilderness Lake Preserve in Lutz and at Cory Lake Isles and Grand Hampton here in New Tampa. “Private wine tasting events are perfect for insurance companies, CPA firms and Realtors,” Cheryl says. “We get a great response wherever we bring the wine.” Speaking of private events, Charles adds, “We did a private Italian wine tasting at Cory Lake Isles in September. My favorite thing was when this guy tried something new for him — a primitivo (an Italian grape that often is called “like zinfandel,” but I believe is much better) — and I saw his eyes roll back in his head to where all he could say was, ‘Wow!’ That’s why Cheryl and I love this business!” Time for Wine is located at 5462 56th Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa. For info, call 664-1430 or visit TimeforWine.net. For $20 off a mixed case of wine, see the ad on page 45 of this issue.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel!
Take A Drive To Little Italy!
Since everyone who receives this publication in their mailboxes lives in New Tampa, you’re no more than 15-20 minutes (in normal traffic; even closer if you live near I-75) from Little Italy’s Family Restaurant & Catering, a virtually unknown little gem located less than two miles west of the new Tampa Premium Outlets mall (see story below). Well, I think that “unknown” thing is about to change because owners Jessica and Carl Meyers (and yours truly) invite you to “Taste the Romance of Little Italy” and sample “authentic, homemade Italian food like mama used to make” (if your mama was Italian and you grew up in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn, like Jessica did). And oh my, can this lady make a nice-a red sauce! Little Italy isn’t fancy at all, but it also isn’t a pizzeria, even though Jessica does make true Sicilian-style square pizza that she promises is authentic. It’s just great, casual Italian fare — and I’m already addicted to her amazing homemade meatball parmigiana “grindas” (subs with the best real Italian bread in this area) and her chicken parm (or those same huge meatballs) over spaghetti. Here at our office, we also can vouch for most of Little Italy’s menu. And, Jessica’s filled-tableside cannolis are so good, they take me back to the Sapienza Bakery in Elmont, Long Island, NY (near where I grew up in Woodmere, L.I.). And, Jessica is vouching for us, too. She says this same “Nibbles & Bytes” blurb
in our Sept. 26 Wesley Chapel issue gave her and Carl “our best weekend ever from the Friday the Neighborhood News hit mailboxes. And, it never stopped all weekend.” Jessica’s enthusiasm has already gotten us a couple of other accounts in that area, so we’re all really grateful. Look for a full-length review of Little Italy (24436 S.R. 54, Lutz) in a future issue, but in the meantime, go and try the place, call 909-2122, visit LittleItalyFamilyRestaurant.com. Or, see the ad on pg. 49, And, please tell Jessica & Carl we sent you! — GN
Photo by J. McDonald
the same plaza as Kona Swim Bike Run; see ad on page 12) and the space previously occupied by D’Alessio Italian Restaurant on BBD, across from Florida Hospital Senor T’s Taking Over Wesley Chapel (FHWC), in the same Shoppes of Wesley Chapel plaza as Dickey’s Macaroni Grill Location BBQ (which has been sold to new owners; The long-vacant former New Tampa Macaroni Grill, located on Bruce B. Downs more on that in a future issue). Considering that Oakley’s has been the (BBD) Blvd., in front of the also-vacant forhome of both my favorite burger and my mer Sweetbay Supermarket has not been favorite roast beef dip sandwich in either of occupied for more than a year, but that’s about to change, as Señor T’s Mexican Res- our distribution areas since it opened (the fries are kind of awesome, too), I hope Keith taurant is getting ready to move in. A Señor T’s spokesperson says the new makes up his mind on a second location closer to both my office and my home than Mexican eatery will be the first link in a small, planned start-up chain of about seven his New Tampa store...soon. Oakley’s won’t be moving into the locations, with a second location rumored Café Fresco locale because that will soon to be moving into the former Mac Grill location on N. Dale Mabry Hwy. in Carroll- become the second location of Capital Tawood. While the inside of the restaurant still cos, the hugely popular taqueria with only one other location — at 6765 Land O’Lakes is being renovated at our press time, Señor Blvd. (U.S. 41) in Land O’Lakes. T’s plans to open on November 15. Once All I can tell you is that the LOL locaopen, the restaurant will feature indoor and tion is always packed, even after 8 p.m.on a outdoor seating, a full premium liquor bar and mid-priced Mexican fare. — MW & GN Wed. night, when the pic above was taken. For more info, visit CapitalTacos. com or call 501-4976. For Oakley’s Capital Tacos Trumping The Grille (17631 BBD), visit OakleysGrille. Oakley’s Grill Rumor Mill com, or call 523-5075). — GN My friend Keith Oakley, the owner of the Oakley’s Grille on Bruce B. Downs Florida Orthopaedic Inst. (BBD) Blvd. in New Tampa, admits he’s been looking at locations in Wesley Chapel Coming To Shoppes Of WC for several months but, at least at our press Although the aforementioned Shoptime, he still hasn’t signed a lease on a new pes of Wesley Chapel doesn’t yet have a Wesley Chapel restaurant. restaurant tenant to fill the former D’Alessio Keith has looked at two prime locations location (see previous item), Shoppes leas— the former Café Fresco (which closed at ing agent Barry Jackson of Momenta Real least 2-3 months ago) spot on S.R. 56 (in Estate says that the Florida Orthopaedic
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Institute has leased the remaining 6,000 sq. ft. of space (everything not already leased by Samantha Taylor’s Pure Health Fitness Studio) on the second floor of the plaza. “It’s official, and we’re really excited,” says Florida Orthopaedic Institute’s director of marketing Donna Bossuyt. “We plan to open sometime in December.” The Shoppes of Wesley Chapel office will be the 10th location for the medical group and will feature state-of-the-art X-ray technology, physical therapy and rehabilitation treatment, as well as at least three subspecialty surgeons. However, while surgeries will not be conducted on-site, the office is directly across BBD from FHWC. For more information, please visit FloridaOrtho.com.
Tarek’s Cafe & Grill
A new breakfast, lunch and dinner restaurant is coming to the Shoppes at Amberly shopping plaza off Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms, in the space we once called the Neighborhood News headquarters. Tarek Elsayed, who has owned and operated Tarek’s Café & Grill on the University of South Florida (USF)’s Tampa campus for the past 23 years, is set to open a second location, which will take up not only our old offices, but also the former Spices of India market next door, totaling 4,300 sq. ft. “I’ve been thinking about a second location for years,” Elsayed says. “The opportunity never came. But, the location became available.” Elsayed says the café at The Shops will serve all three meals in 150-160 seats at booths and tables, and will feature an openkitchen design. The restaurant also will offer vegan options, but will not serve alcohol. Elsayed says he hopes to officially open in early December. For more information, please visit TareksCafe.com. — MW
Russell’s Western Wear Coming To S.R. 54
If you’ve been looking for a place to stock up on all of your favorite western
gear close to home, look no further than the former RaceTrac convenience store located just east of I-75 on S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel, which will become the fifth Florida location of Russell’s Western Wear. Russell’s, a one-stop shop for cowboy boots, hats, jeans and apparel with stores in Ocala, Lakeland, Dover and on N. Dale Ma- The Wesley Chapel Chamber hosted a ribbon-cutting event at the bry Hwy. in Carrollwood, is Nutrition S’Mart on BBD in Wesley Chapel on Sept. 10. Visit expected to be open before WesleyChapelChamber.com for a complete listing of upcoming the holidays, says marketing ribbon-cutting ceremonies and other great events. manager Chloe Gray. “We January. She adds that the location will have don’t have a specific date yet because we’re 18 gas pumps in nine fuel bays, along with still working through the permitting and a store that will feature a frozen yogurt and construction process,” Gray explains. coffee bar, indoor and outdoor seating and She says that a Wesley Chapel store free Wi-Fi. For more information, please made sense to reach the customers in visit RaceTrac.com. — MW between the Ocala store and the regional headquarters in Tampa.— MW & GN
RaceTrac To Open On S.R. 56
And, speaking of RaceTrac, one will open on S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel, at the intersection of Northwood Palms Blvd., in just a few months. Located across Northwood Palms Blvd. from the recently completed Bonterra Parc at Northwood apartment complex on 56, construction began in early August on the future 6,000-sq. ft. RaceTrac gas station, the first in Wesley Chapel since the closing of the aforementioned location on S.R. 54 (just west of BBD a few years ago. RaceTrac spokesperson Jessica Rice says that the gas station and convenience store should be open in late December or early
Outlet Mall To Open With A Splash Oct. 29-Nov. 2!
And of course, we know that no one who receives either of our publications in the mail could possibly forget that the Tampa Premium Outlets mall will open with a tremendous Grand Opening Weekend of events Thurs., Oct. 29-Sun., Nov. 2. Asst. editor Matt Wiley and I were planning to attend the “Construction & Cocktails” preview event for the outlet mall on Oct. 8, a day or two before this issue reached your mailbox, so stay tuned to NTNeighborhoodNews.com for more exclusive Tampa Premium Outlets coverage or visit PremiumOutlets.com/Tampa for all of the Grand Opening weekend info! — GN
Balloon Drop A Success At RE Sales Center Broker/owner Leslie Seabury and her cartoon sidekick (more on that below) Barbara Nelson-Fuqua don’t seem to do anything “just like everybody else does” at the Real Estate (RE) Sales Center, which is actually located at a private home in the gated Estuary at Arbor Greene community. For example, Leslie and Barb, who have cartoon versions of themselves on their business cards and small figurines of those cartoon characters holding up “For Sale” signs at the impressive RE Sales Center — which is a beautifully refurbished four-bedroom home with three full baths and 3,279 sq. ft. of living area — didn’t just host a well-attended Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) ribboncutting event on Sept. 24. They turned it into a true party! However, there was one minor glitch during the ribbon cutting, as Leslie and Barb planned to release a couple of dozen helium-filled balloons with those cute business cards attached as they cut the WCCC’s red ribbon, but the balloons got caught up in the lush trees in front of the house. Now, I’ve known Britisher and Scene on Glass Media owner Mike Prenderville (photo) for a couple of years now, but I never knew he was so heroic. Mike went into the house, found the telescoping light bulb changer needed for the RE Sales Center’s tall ceilings and took several minutes to free all of the balloons so they finally could float away. As of this writing, we had no word on whether all the balloons fell together, where they fell or if anyone actually called the Real Estate Ladies because of the balloon drop,
but it was still a cool idea, in one reporter’s humble opinion. Another great idea was that Leslie and Barb gathered together even more free prizes to give away to attendees than they did helium balloons, including the Grand Prize of one half-page or two 1/4-page ads in this publication. I was lucky enough to win a gift certificate worth $200 off a catered event by The Private Chef of Tampa, owned by former New Tampa Rotary Club (which meets Fridays at 7 a.m. at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club) president and current Rotary District 6890 Assistant Governor Peter Gambacorta (see page 1). Other prizes were donated by A Dash of Salt & Pepper on Cross Creek Blvd., which also provided the food for the ribbon cutting. These Real Estate Ladies will always go the extra mile for their clients, too, so call Leslie at 417-5201 or Barb at 815-0715 or see the ad on pg. 6. To see a gallery of pics from this event, visit NTNeighborhoodNews.com. — GN
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Custom built 3680 sq. ft. 4 bedrooms, plus Robert Marvin & office, 4 full baths, pool and heated spa, 3 Debbie Marvin car garage. Located on wooded conservation 813-892-3917 home site with view of pond in both front and RPM-Real-Proback of home. Offered at $489,900 Move-Team
Angela Mora Lovely End Unit Townhome with Hablo español Conservation Views and Privacy Fenced Covered. 3 Bedroom / 3 Bathroom. 1,478 SF. 813-482-1452 AMora@BHHSFloridaProperties.com AngelaMoraRealEstate.com
DMarvin@BHHSFloridaProperties.com DebbieSellsTampa.com
Immaculate, 2599 sq ft, Single level Renee Chichester (602) 615-7066 on Conservation. 4 Bed / 3 Bath / RPM-Real-Pro3 Car garage. Move In Ready! Move-Team Offered at $319,900 rchichester@BHHSFloridaProperties.com
Custom built 3,246 SF home on 3.6 acres w/ RV, 4 Car Garage & workshop! Pella Windows & Doors throughout! Screened patio w/ Fireplace, Beautiful Backyard w/ Fire Pit & Mature Trees.
Unique Farm 3.74 Acres of Peace & Tranquility! Cynthia Filippi Room for Horses, Goats, Chickens or anything else! Completely Fenced w/ 3 different Fields for 813-784-1634 Grazing . 30 x 30 Garage w/Elec, a 12 x 32 Shed w/Elec. 3 - 18 x 21 Rounded Dome Structures, 200 ft paved Driveway, Former model (Homes of Merit) 3 bed 2 bath 1856 sq ft
Beverly Carollo 813-918-0313
CFilippi@BHHSFloridaProperties.com CynthiaSellsTampaHomes.com
Beverly.Carollo@outlook.com BeverlyCarollo.com
This Stylish 4/3/3 Craftsman combines the Sharon Cole traditional Porch Elevation with a modern Open 813-546-4793 Concept Interior featuring Grand Living spaces with scenic Pond & Conservation views. The spa-like Master Retreat, Gourmet Kitchen and downstairs Bonus Room blend elegance & style with generous outdoor spaces -- Florida lifestyle at its best! realcoolhomes@gmail.com
Your Full Real Estate Solution Providers Residential - Commercial - Property Management Title-Mortgage-Insurance-Home Warranty-Auction Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel The Shoppes of New Tampa, 1830 Bruce B. Downs, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
(813) 907-8200
This Modern 4/2/2 Bungalow sits on a Pond/ Sharon Cole Conservation premium lot and features a Gourmet 813-546-4793 Kitchen boasting Quartz Island, high-end Stainless Steel Appliances and stylish Gray Cabinets. Surround Sound and Central Vacuum System complete this comfortable, stunning Custom Home. realcoolhomes@gmail.com
Beautiful Two Story Zephyrhills Townhome! 2 Bedroom / 2.5 Bathroom / Den or Office / 1,561 Square Feet Great Room / Formal Dining Room / Granite, Stainless Appliances, Wood Floors / Gated Community / Maintenance Free Living / HOA includes Building Insurance, Exterior & Lawncare Very Loved Home Offered at $96,900.
Tammy Hellman & Kim Hilliker Tammy 813-451-8159 Kim 813-453-5657
Charming, 2078 SF, One story on a Pond. 4 Charlmer Saint Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 Car Garage. Move in Ready! Charles Offered at $228,500 813-758-8020 csaintcharles@bhhsfloridaproperties.com
thellman@bhhsfloridaproperties.com khilliker@bhhsfloridaproperties.com
4 Bed/ 3 Bath/ 2 car garage with a POOL Southern Crafted Home located in well established Golf community. Very well maintained home situated in the cul de sac with Fenced backyard, Mature landscaping, Extended Screened Patio. Offered at $274,900
Madhuri Gudla 813-495-5684
2600 sq ft, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, Den, Renee Chichester (602) 615-7066 Bonus, 3 Car in a quiet neighborhood. RPM-Real-ProMove in ready. $280,000.00 Move-Team
Neighborhood News rchichester@BHHSFloridaProperties.com
Immaculate 5 Bedroom, 3 Bath, 3 Car Gina Marie Holm Garage LOADED with Upgrades! Formal 813-495-5166 Living/Dining, Spacious Family Room Sabrina Simpson 1830 Bruce B Downs Blvd. Open to Kitchen with Center Island, Maple Title Manager Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Cabinets and Stackstone Breakfast Bar. 813-712-8435 Private Conservation Views... A Must See! $296,000 ssimpson@capstonetitlellc.com 59 For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue CALL 21 • October 10, 813-495-5166 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com HOLM! ginamarieholm@outlook.com
PIZZAMAKERS & LINE/PREP COOKS WANTED (exp’d. preferred) at New Tampa’s favorite authentic Chicago-style pizza place. Bring Resume during business hours to Full Circle Chicago Pizza at 19651 BBD Blvd. (in the Pebble Creek Collection). PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) - An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. MEDICAL BILLER - Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company. Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: Richard.Jones@solarusmedical.com. WING ZONE IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS - Including shift leader, cooks, cashiers and delivery drivers. Wing Zone offers flexible scheduling, competitive pay wages, advancement opportunities and much more. Come join out team of flavorholics and wing lovers at Wing Zone. Applications are available at store location: 19062 Bruce B Downs. Corner of Cross Creek in the New Tampa Center. NOW HIRING STYLIST - Upscale hair salon seeks hairstylist. Please inquire within... 6431 Country Line Road, Suite 107 Tampa, FL 33647 Contact (813) 994-9455 ROUTE SALES, MEDICAL Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retreival. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights a month. Retrieves damaged/defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; scheduling maintenance and repairs. Send resumes to: richard.jones@solarusmedical.com
HANAQ PRANA YOGA STUDIO, located in New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area, is looking for RYT Yogis who want to grow and teach our community the vast benefits of Yoga & Meditation. Flat fee plus percentage of attendance. Rates based upon experience, new RYTs are always welcome. Join the movement create conscious about the real Yoga LifeStyle. (813)-333-1026
BUYING QUALITY PIANOS Baby Grands and Uprights only, in excellent shape.Newer is best. Prefer Kawaii or Yamaha. (813)978-1771
DRY WALL SPECIALIST - Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings & walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster & stucco repair. 26 years of experience Wesley Chapel resident. StateCertified. Call Ron for a free estimate at 784-5999. DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional and personal touch. Pool decks and screen enclosures, all fencing, driveways, walkways, roofs, gutters and downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177. GREG’S PAPERHANGING - For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed and insured, clean, quick and reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate.
RAYMOND PAINTING - Exterior & Interior Services. Exterior: Painting, pressure washing, clean & seal pavers, stucco, roofing, leaks & wood rot repair. Interior: Painting, plastering, ceiling & wall repairs & tiles. Licensed & Bonded. References avail. Free estimates. Your Neighborhood Arbor Greene Resident! We work 7 days. Call (813) 994-5124.
WEST COAST FLOORING, INC.Carpet and Laminate Flooring. Quality repairs on all floors. Commercial Flooring Install. Licensed and Insured. Free Estimate, Call (813)-215-4817
ALL-STAR POOL SERVICE & REPAIR- Expert repairs and installations of pumps, motors, filters, timers, salt and ozone generators. Pool refinishing from $2400.00. Tile repair and acid washes, paver and river rock sealing, pressure washing and deck repair, paver and eurocote decks. Mention this ad and receive 1 FREE MONTH Pool Service. Call or text 813-244-7077. See our display ad.
MONSTER POOL CLEANING - Summer SpecialSpecial — 50% MONSTER POOL CLEANING - Summer off your months of service. owned &Family oper— 50%1st offtwo your 1st two monthsFamily of service. ated. 20+ of Experience. rates! ComSame owned & Years operated. 20+ YearsCompetitive of Experience. service tech each week. *Our 15-pt. weeklyweek. full service petitive rates! Same service tech each *Our will keep your pool looking great! Referyour a customer & get 15-pt. weekly full service will keep pool looking ONE MONTH Call Today (813)MONTH 489-9967.FREE! great! Refer aFREE! customer & get-ONE Call Today - (813) 489-9967. TRANQUILITY POOL SERVICE – New Tampa owned & operated. Great Pricing with outstanding customer service! LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED. See why we are New Tampa’s #1 Choice!! Call Chris Today @ (813)857-5400 or visit TranquilityPoolService.com New customers get ONE MONTH FREE! AQUATEC POOL SERVICE has been keeping pools clear & swim safe since 1994. WE DO POOLS RIGHT! Commercial & Residential. CPO #33-303052 Licensed & Insured. Service guarantee. Call 813-312-5694 TODAY and get 1 MONTH OF QUALITY SERVICE FREE. www.aquatecpool.com
JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING - Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning and more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL & FREE ESTIMATE! For more info, call (813) 420-4465. AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC - Our services include weekly lawn maintenance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimming. We also offer landscaping, pruning, and sod replacement. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service and trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778. HOMETEAM LAWNCARE LLC: - High-Quality Professional Services: Weekly or Bi-Weekly Year-Round FullSvc LawnCare: mow, edge, trim, blow, mulch-bed maintenance, hedge and low-tree trim. Additional Services: Sod, Mulch, & Rock Placement; Hedge Trimming, & Tree Trimming up to 24 feet; Landscape Installation; Fall/Spring Clean-Up. Family Owned & Operated, Licensed & Insured, Background Checked, Call or Text (813) 817-9554
CAT SITTING - Tampa Cat Lady Professional Cat-Sitting Service. Cats are happiest in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds, & smells. When you are away, we feed, cuddle, & play with your kitties & clean & dispose of litter. Insured, bonded, & Red-Cross certified in pet first aid/CPR. You can submit a service inquiry at TampaCatLady.com or call 813-994-9449. VACATION KITTY CARE - Leave those fluffy loved ones in the comfort of their own home! Bonded and Insured, 15 years in business and I am a pet first aid instructor. Call Julie Gonzalez @ 813-892-9543 or julie@justaskjulie.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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_____ERRANDS & PERSONAL SVCS______ GET A RIDE - Don’t Have a Ride? Don’t Want to Leave Your Car? Shouldn’t Drive? We Drive You & Your Car Home! Night Clubs, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Concerts, Appointments, Airport or stranded. Call Jay at (813) 966-1530. M.T CONCIERGE SERVICES Are you stressed, too many things to do and not enough time? Moving and you need to pack or unpack? Going on vacation and need someone to watch your pets or plants or house? Something else? I can help you with lots of more chores. Call Manana at (813)-758-2388
GREAT HOPE PRESCHOOL - We offer preschool for ages 6 weeks to 12 years. We accept the ELC - School Readiness program, offer FREE VPREK and offer multi child discounts. New owner and renovated classrooms. Now enrolling all age groups. Infants-Afterschool. Mention this ad and receive 1/2 off enrollment fees. TOUR TODAY!!! 30126 State Road 54 Wesley Chapel, FL 813-929-6276 or 813-323-8030. #CO6PA0267
ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FOUNDING SCHOOL Lessons 5 through adult/all levels. Award-winning school. All teachers concert-trained. Piano, All types of Strings and Percussion. Read and listen to us at TampaPiano.com 813.978.1771 TUTORING - Infinite Edge is located in Tampa Palms & offers tutoring in all subjects, including Math, English & SAT, ACT & FCAT tests, 1st-12th grade. We also offer AP classes & last year, our students scored a 5 on any AP subject in which we helped. Please call (813) 971-6500. PIANO LESSONS/TUTORING-Located in Live Oak Preserve for children, teens, and adults. I am a highly qualified/certified Florida teacher specializing in piano, music theory, language arts, reading, writing, geography, elementary math, beginning Spanish, and FCAT/test preparation. Mention this ad and receive your first session for FREE! Now scheduling for the 2015/2016 school year!!! Contact Mrs. Daley at 813-468-1424 to reserve your spot!
B Cleaning Services: Over fourteen years experience! Commercial & residential; Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly; New house & post construction clean-up; Window cleaning; Move-in or move-out cleanings; Pressure washing; FREE estimates; References available. Call today: 813.531.0154 or e-mail: bcleanings@ hotmail.com SEARS MAID SERVICES: Residential cleanings. Licensed, bonded and insured. Employees are courteous and professional, have background checks with no criminal history. We offer weekly, biweekly, monthly, deep cleans, move in, and move out cleans. We can also customize a clean for you. Schedule your free estimate today! searsmaidservices.com 813-445-4723
PROFESSIONAL TECH SUPPORT — in your home or small business. A+, Certified computer tech with 20 years of exp. Maintenance & repairs, upgrades & tutoring. More affordable than the large chains! Friendly, personalized svc. Technical jargon explained in plain English. Remote assistance available. References available upon request. Call (813) 957-8342 for a free estimate. DO YOU HATE YOUR COMPUTER?!? WE CAN HELP YOU! Troubleshooting, installation, networking & virus removal. WE COME TO YOU! Servicing residences & businesses, w/ more than 25 years of exp. Contact Jeffrey Blank at (813) 973-4507, visit WSICA.COM or send an email to Wsica@wsica.com today!
DRUMMER wanted for our JAZZ BAND of non-music faculty & staff from the University of South Florida. We practice weekly for fun & seek a monthly gig. Please listen to our sampler at: soundcloud.com/drglenngsmith/oldjazznewdance. If you feel like this is a musical fit & you might want to hang with professors & staff of USF, contact Glenns@usf.edu or call Glenn @ 693-0507!
Neighborhood News
D-ULTRA CLEANING SERVICE - We have our own supplies and more than 300 clients in New Tampa! For more info, Call 758-9710.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Former New Tampa Students Start Unique Business: ‘Bucket Tees’ By Matt Wiley
Imagine a T-shirt that could hold all of your stuff that you’d usually stuff into a purse or pants pockets. Now, imagine that same T-shirt covered in bacon, or at least pictures of bacon. Some guys from New Tampa recently made that strange piece of clothing you’re imagining a reality. Some days, it just seems like we can’t fit everything we need in our pockets or purses. Match that logic with the current trend of colored t-shirts with a differently colored or patterned pockets and you have “Bucket Tees,” the brainchild of two former New Tampa residents, who decided to try their hand at entrepreneurship after college. “We’ve got big, crazy pockets smack-dab in the middle of T-shirts,” says Bucket Tees co-founder and Tampa Palms resident Jake Kehlenbeck. Kehlenbeck, 24, and current Miami resident Alex Alfaro, 23 — both of whom graduated from Freedom High in 2010 and went off to separate colleges — founded the company in the fall of 2014, launched a website this past March and have been selling their unique “tees” ever since. Kehlenbeck graduated from Florida State University (FSU) in Tallahassee with a B.S. (Bachelor of Science) degree in Psychology, while Alfaro earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. Each graduated in 2014. Just recently, they added John Grellner, 24, a 2009 Paul R. Wharton High grad (who earned a B.S. degree in Finance and Real Estate, also at FSU). Although originally joking about the idea of a T-shirt with a giant pocket one night while hanging at Peabody’s Billiards & Games (located off Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms), Jake says he thought about the idea again later and decided it would be pretty funny. So, they went to Target and bought a striped T-shirt and a plain T-shirt, cutting fabric off the striped one to make a pocket to add to the plain one. “My mom sewed that one because
I’m not much of a seamstress, and it turned out way more cool than we expected,” Kehlenbeck says, adding that he and Alfaro started wearing the Ts out and about at local bars and bowling alleys. “People really like them, so we decided to start a company and started selling them,” he adds. Current designs include the previously mentioned “Bucket O’ Bacon,” a flamingo-covered pocket known as “The Floridian” and a mustachioed pocket, known fittingly as “The Gentleman.” Kehlenbeck says that harness- If you had a T-shirt with a giant pocket, like Bucket Tees co-founders and former New Tampa sudents Jake Kehlenbeck (center) and Alex Alfaro (right) have designed, what would you put in it? (far left). ing the entrepreneurial spirit and (Below) Jake and new partner John Grellner stuff their Bucket Tees with McDonalds because...well, why not? starting a company was a little more difficult than he expected. “I thought it would be a little easier,” he says, something he attributed to people’s reactions when they would first see the shirts. “I thought people would come flocking at first, but it was actually pretty slow.” That was until the company was featured on Miami’s WSVN-TV’s “Deco Drive” segment. “Our sales tripled after that,” Kehlenbeck says. The segment depicted all of the wacky, yet completely practical, ways the shirts’ jumbo pocket could be used. They can hold anything, really, from beers and burritos to keys, wallets and puppies, you name it. Seriously. Kehlenbeck says that most recently, he sent one to a friend’s little brother who is a member of Wharton High’s theater group, who wore it to school. “The group just placed an order for 68 shirts,” Kehlenbeck says. “It was pretty awesome.” The shirts, which currently only come in men’s sizes (although girls buy them too, Kehlenbeck says), currently are produced in Miami and Kehlenbeck says that future designs could include tank tops for the beach, as well as women’s sizes and designs. Check out BucketTees. If you buy one, be sure to send us your photo showing us how you “tuck it in the bucket,” the company’s slogan to NTNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 21 • October 10, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com