Volume 22 Issue 24
The Latest On The Wesley Chapel Rotary Club! See Page 38!
November 22, 2014
Named The 2014 ‘Small Business Of The Year’ By The Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce! THIS INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS MAGAZINE IS DIRECTLY MAILED TO: WESLEY CHAPEL: Aberdeen • Belle Chase • Bridgewater • Brookside • Chapel Pines • Country Walk • Lexington Oaks • Meadow Pointe • New River • Northwood • Pinewalk • Pine Ridge Saddlebrook • Saddleridge Estates • Saddlewood • Seven Oaks • The Lakes at Northwood • The Villages of Wesley Chapel • Watergrass • Wesley Pointe • Westbrook Estates • Williamsburg OUR NEW TAMPA EDITIONS ARE MAILED TO: Arbor Greene • Cory Lake Isles • Cross Creek • Easton Park • Grand Hampton • Heritage Isles • Hunter’s Green • Hunter’s Key K-Bar Ranch • Lake Forest • Live Oak Preserve • Pebble Creek • Richmond Place • Tampa Palms • The Hammocks • West Meadows
Wesley Chapel Resident Wins Commission Seat & More Election Results By Matt Wiley & Gary Nager
The 2014 Midterm General Election is a wrap and the votes are in: Yes on Scott, No on pot. Plus, several local candidates have been elected to represent the Wesley Chapel area in our county and state governments. Of the more than 40,000 registered voters in the 13 voting precincts in Wesley Chapel’s 33543, 33544 and 33545 zip codes, 20,742 submitted ballots, for a turnout of about 51 percent. Our area’s General Election turnout was just short of Pasco’s 53-percent (162,609 ballots cast of more than 300,00 registered voters) and just above the state’s turnout of 50.34 percent (with slightly more than 6 million ballots cast of nearly 12 million registered voters). The highest voter turnout in Wesley Chapel was in Precinct 24, which voted at the Williamsburg Tanglewood Club, and saw 234 ballots cast of 377 registered voters, for a turnout of more than 62 percent. The lowest voter turnout came from Precinct 99, which voted at the Northwood Community Center and saw only 1,124 ballots for the precinct’s 2,580 registered voters cast for a turnout of 43.6 percent. As everyone surely has heard by now, Republican Gov. Rick Scott narrowly won
his re-election bid against Democratic opponent Charlie Crist (with 48 percent of the state’s vote to Crist’s 47 percent), in what has been called the most expensive campaign in Florida’s history. Gov. Scott won re-election by just 65,000 votes, a similar margin of victory as he had against Democrat Alex Sink in 2010. This year, Libertarian gubernatorial hopeful Adrian Wyllie was only able to manage 3.8 percent of the state’s vote and two candidates with no party affiliation garnered only 1 percent combined. In Pasco, Gov. Scott gathered 46.65 percent, while Crist Rep. Danny Burgess (left) and Comm. Mike Moore (right) celebrate their respective victories at after-parties on Election Night, following the Nov. 4 General Election. Photos: OurTownFla.com collected 44.8 percent, and Wylful George Sheldon with 55 percent of the Pasco County Commission, as Republican lie received 7 percent of the county’s vote. Gov. Scott’s margin over Crist in state’s vote, to his 47 percent. Bondi won in Mike Moore defeated Democratic oppoPasco County was fewer than 3,000 votes. Pasco by nearly 40,000 votes (59 percent of nent Erika Remsberg with 58.9 percent of In Wesley Chapel’s 13 precincts, Scott de- the county’s vote to Sheldon’s 36 percent) the county’s vote, to win the District 2 seat feated Crist in eight (Crist actually won five and Libertarian opponent Bill Wohlsifer col- previously occupied by Comm. Pat Muliof Wesley Chapel’s precincts; see chart on lected just 4 percent of the county’s vote. eri, who served on the Board for 20 years. page 6), by a total of just 456 votes. In Wesley Chapel, Bondi won every precinct Moore received 55 percent of Wesley ChapIn addition, Republican Pam Bondi except Precinct 99. el’s vote and also only lost in Precinct 99. has retained the office of Florida’s Attorney On the local front, a Wesley Chapel See “Elections” on page 6. General, as she defeated Democratic hope- resident has been elected to serve on the
Wesley Chapel Chamber’s Executive Director Bitten By Pygmy Rattler By Matt Wiley
Although rattlesnakes are often perceived as a desert menace, they’re actually quite common in our area and it’s important to keep an eye out for them (and other venomous animals), or it could result in a painful bite and even a stay at a local hospital. Hope Allen, a resident of Grand Hampton and executive director of the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC), walked out to her mailbox just after 7 p.m. on October 29, not knowing that it would be the last pain-free walk she would have for many weeks. While grabbing her
mail with one foot in the grass and the other on her driveway, a pygmy rattlesnake somewhere between 12-18 inches long lashed out and bit Allen’s ankle. “It felt like a sledgehammer came down on my foot,” Allen explains. “I didn’t even hear a rattle, but I turned around and saw the snake coiled up, with its head raised and fangs out. It got me good.” The bite sent her on a trip straight to Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. Five days later, she finally was released, but not before being treated with 18 vials of antivenin during a 24hour period, and spending two days in the
Also Inside This Issue!
News, Business, Sports & Education Updates
Neighborhood Magazine
The Grove Needs Traffic Signal For Growth, Seven Oaks Elem. Students Sniff A New Flu Vaccine; Plus, Lots Of Business Features!
Area Makes Strides Against Cancer, City Grill Satisfies The Urban Appetite & More Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes!
Pages 1-27
Pages 28-40
Intensive Care Unit. “It’s been a horrible experience,” Allen told us just before our press time. “But, I’m on the mend.” Allen made an attempt to return to work parttime the week of November 10, including making an appearance at the WCCC rib- Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce bon cutting event at DPW Legal on Nov. executive director Hope Allen (right) continues 11 (photo right & see to recover from a pygmy rattlesnake bite that put her in the hospital for five days. pg. 37). “Pygmies are fairly According to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), pygmy common snakes,” says spokesperson rattlesnakes, or “ground rattlers,” are mem- FWC bers of the pit viper family and common in Gary Morse. “And, every county in Florida. They’re usually See “Rattler” on page 9. found in areas near lakes, ponds and marshes. On average, the snakes measure less than 18 inches in length and usually are gray in color, with rounded black and red spots along their backs. Allen says that the snake that bit her looked about that size.
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Here I (Finally) Go Tweet, Tweet, Tweet? Seriously?
An editorial by Gary Nager I have now owned the Neighborhood News for more than 20 years, but I have always been the least tech-savvy person in our office. To be honest, I’m lucky to be able to properly operate the various computer programs we use to create this publication. For example, I have had a Facebook. com page for a while, but have rarely posted anything original myself, although assistant editor Matt Wiley has been posting Facebook and Twitter.com items on behalf of our publications for almost two years now. Sure, I’ve liked some of not only our “Neighborhood News” Facebook posts, but also some items that friends of mine have posted, but the bottom line is that I haven’t really used Facebook much (especially compared with some of my friends, who post and/or repost/share...let’s call it “stuff”...every day). But, Twitter? I remember when this new way to basically “text” millions of your closest friends worldwide first arrived on the scene, and I dismissed it out of hand as little more than another way to learn how not to write in English. “Texting for mass quantities,” as “The Coneheads” movie might have called Twitter (if it existed at that time), just seemed idiotic to me. But, fast-forward a few years and what can you say other than the fact that “tweeting” seems to be here to stay? So, I figured, maybe it is time for me to join the 21st century and start posting tweets and/or Facebook posts on as close to a daily basis as possible and see if you folks might be interested in the ongoing musings of a madman....umm, I
Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Address: 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
Phone: (813) 910-2575 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents Amy Gutierrez • Celeste McLaughlin • Kelly Miller Graphic Designers Georgia Carmichael • Nate Ciurla Chelsie Rosatone Office Assistant Jillian Reilly Advertising Sales Rep Mary Dorey Nothing that appears in Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 22, Issue 26, of Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is Monday, December 8, 2014. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
© 2014 JM2 Communications, Inc. 3
mean community news magazine editor and dining reviewer. The fact is that even though Matt has been doing a great job of breaking our daily “Neighborhood News” online, with some of his posts about major local news events attracting thousands of “hits” in a few hours, I attend more local events in the evening and on weekends than he does, so I probably should be at least providing quickie updates on those events, much less letting thousands or even potentially millions (heck, I’d be happy with a “just a few”) of my closest friends take a glimpse inside my somewhat addled brain on an ongoing basis. So, by the time you receive this issue in your mailbox, you should already be able to access the first of I hope many tweets/ Facebook posts from me. Therefore, if you haven’t already, I hope you’ll go ahead and “Follow” us on Twitter @NTWCNews and “Like” our “Neighborhood News” page on Facebook. My posts on Twitter will be @ NTWCNews Gary, where you’ll find (somewhat) original thoughts on everything from politics to road and development updates, as well as however many quickie dining specials I can “tweet out” as possible. #Help!
get a taste of something other than our local oversaturation of national and regional chain eateries — and Matt did a great job of capturing the essence of this outstanding Native American-inspired culinary experience in his first dining review effort. The second is that we have been working on new ways to expand what we do in terms of the influence we have on where you go to eat and tweeting different dining specials is just the first phase of that expansion. I’m not ready to make any other announcements about all that just yet, but rest assured, if you own or know someone who owns a restaurant anywhere in the Tampa Bay area — much less right here in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel — you should check not only these pages every four weeks, but also
our website (NTNeighborhoodNews.com) and our Facebook.com and Twitter.com news feeds on a daily basis. And, speaking of local restaurateurs, we will post the results of this year’s Reader Dining Survey & Contest (including the winner of this year’s randomly drawn Grand Prize) in our next issue. Make sure you tell the local restaurant owners you visit where they finished, so they know you read about them in the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News! And, don’t forget that Black Friday is Friday, November 28, this year. I hope you’ll think to shop locally — at KONA Swim Bike Run (see ad on pg. 6, story on pg. 20), La Pink Boutique (see pages 16 & 21), Leiva’s Jewelry (pg. 8) and all of our local retail advertisers this holiday season!
New Ways To Help Local Restaurants Even More
Speaking of going out to eat, I know that a LOT of you read my dining reviews religiously because every time we have those reviews in these pages, the restaurant owners themselves tell us that our reviews actually bring them more business than all other forms (including online) of marketing and advertising combined. Therefore, I have two pieces of news to share. The first is that I “allowed” (invited?) young Mr. Wiley to post a dining review of his own in this issue of the beautiful and delicious new Ulele (see page 30), which was opened by the Gonzmart family of The Columbia fame a few months ago, in front of Water Works Park just north of downtown Tampa. I hope you’ve noticed that we continue to tell you about restaurants located outside of our two distribution areas because we know that a lot of you travel to South Tampa, St. Pete, the Gulf beaches from Tarpon Springs to Gulfport and even Orlando to
Table of Contents
Local News Updates............................4-17
The Grove Needs Oakley Blvd. Traffic Signal To Grow........4 Wesley Chapel Election Results By Precinct..........................6 Wesley Chapel News Briefs........................................10 Construction Begins At Interstate Apex Wrong-Way Driver Had Three Times Legal BAC New Tampa Fire Station Gets New Engine Kowiak Family Challenges Ice Cream Flavor Name..........13 Wesley Chapel Community Calendar............................14 PHSC Hosts Pasco Veterans Services Officer For Lecture...15
Local Business Updates.......................17-23
Spotlight On: Vintage Estate Homes..................................17 Vapor Unlimited Can Help You Quit Smoking Cigarattes....18 KONA Swim Bike Run: A Triathlete’s One-Stop Shop.......20 Spotlight On: La Pink Boutique!.....................................21 Vitamin Discount Center Is A Nutrition Superstore.........22
Local Education Update...........................24
Seven Oaks Elem. Students The First To Try FluMist Vaccine
Neighborhood Magazine......27-40
Wesley Chapel Makes Strides Against Cancer...........27 Golf Tourneys Raise Cash For Good Causes..............29 Ulele Renovates Historic Tampa Spot......................30 City Grill Satisfies Urban Appetites............................32 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’............34
WESLEY CHAPEL COLOR CLASSIFIEDS....36 Wesley Chapel Rotary Club Always Keeps Busy..........38
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Grove Growth Hindered By Lack Of Light At Oakley Blvd. Entrance By Matt Wiley The Grove shopping plaza in Wesley Chapel (located off Oakley Blvd.) is about to get really busy, with the holiday shopping season about to kick into high gear. With several big box retailers, the plaza is a hot spot for shopping in our area. But, what if what you see isn’t all you’re going to get? That’s the question that Jim Mazzarelli — managing director at Genesis Real Estate Advisers, LLC (the company that manages the plaza that today includes the Cobb 16 movie theater & Cinebistro, Best Buy, Dick’s Sporting Goods and several other national retailers) — hopes will be answered if a new traffic signal is installed at the main entrance to The Grove at Oakley Blvd. and C.R. 54. Currently, there is a light at C.R. 54 and Gateway Blvd., which winds its way behind the Holiday Inn Express, where Gateway Blvd. becomes Dayflower Blvd. and intersects with Oakley Blvd. However, Mazzarelli says, for many other big-box retailers who continue to eye the popular plaza, that light alone isn’t cutting it. “It (the lack of a signal at Oakley Blvd. and 54) is an issue,” Mazzarelli explained during the October 23 Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) Economic Development Council meeting at American Consulting Engineers. “The (Grove) is successful, but it’s only half built out. The DRI (Development of Regional Impact) allows for double the amount of retail, along with housing. In order to lure more retail, we need that light.”
The Grove currently is approved and zoned for about 790,000 square-feet of commercial space, 149 acres of retail and for 300 multi-family units. Mazzarelli says that his company has been in talks with a “wellknown” national department store that is interested in building on a vacant 17-acre parcel, but the traffic signal is an issue in the negotiations. “(Not having the signal) makes it tough to negotiate with the big tenants,” he said. That’s not the only project on hold because of the light, as Mazzarelli claims to have six letters of intent from other national retailers, each of which lists a traffic signal at Oakley Blvd. as a contract requirement. The problem right now is that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) requires 2,640 ft. between the end of an interstate exit ramp and the first full median opening (or traffic signal). If there are too many signals too close to one another, traffic could back up onto the exit ramps. The Oakley Blvd. entrance to The Grove is only about 500 ft. from the end of the southbound I-75 exit ramp. “FDOT has asked the developer to do a traffic analysis so we can see what safety issues and congestion the signal may or may not cause, especially the impacts to the interchange at I-75,” said FDOT spokesperson Kris Carson after the meeting. “We have staff working with the developer to see ‘if’ or ‘what’ effects would happen to the interstate if a signal were put in place (at Oakley Blvd.).”
The issue not only concerns FDOT — because of the potential light’s proximity to the interstate — but also Pasco County, since Oakley Blvd. would be intersects with a county road. Pasco traffic operations manager Richard Reck told us after the meeting that the county’s traffic signal spacing requireJim Mazzarelli, managing director of Genesis Real Estate Advisers, ment for arterial roads like C.R. 54 is a gives a presentation to the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Comhalf-mile, the same as merce about The Grove shopping plaza on Oakley Blvd. during the Chamber’s Oct. 23 Economic Development Council meeting. FDOT’s. But, because of the interchange, He said that the plaza, which recently signals already are located at the entrance saw the beginning of construction for its and exit ramps. In fact, there currently are newest tenant — Chuck E. Cheese (a deal four signals in the one-mile stretch of C.R. he says took two years to ink) — always is 54 between Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. working to bring more entertainment and and Gateway Blvd. restaurants to Wesley Chapel. He says that “We have concerns about the impact there have been talks with popular restaurant on traffic on C.R. 54 if (another) signal chains like Chipotle and Zaxby’s chicken, were to be permitted for the intersection (at but that any hope for a Dave & Buster’s Oakley Blvd.),” Reck said. adult arcade and restaurant is now gone. Mazzarelli noted that it’s very likely “That deal is dead, and it doesn’t that he and other representatives from look like it’ll be resurrected,” Mazzarelli Genesis and The Grove eventually will have explained. “But, we’re working on bringing to present their case to the Pasco Board a bowling alley concept (think Splitsville in of County Commissioners (BOCC) to get Channelside) and more restaurants.” approval for the signal once the traffic study For more info about The Grove, has been completed. please visit GroveShopping.com.
Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine expert now seeing patients in Wesley Chapel
Trey Remaley, DO, has joined USF Health Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. His clinical interest is osteopathic medicine. Dr. Remaley specializes in arthroscopic treatment of shoulder, hip, knee, elbow, and ankle injuries, as well as trauma and hip and knee replacements.
Appointments: (813) 396-9422
USF Health 2700 Healing Way, Ste. 300 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
USF Health Morsani Center for Advanced Healthcare 13330 USF Laurel Drive Tampa, FL 33612
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Wesley Chapel November 4th General Election Results Governor Prec. #
7 24 38 48 62 73 84 85 90 99 101 107 111 Total
2553 234 1147 817 2506 3047 1121 1542 1598 1124 1762 1390 1901 20742
46.69 62.07 50.73 52.01 54.18 51.04 52.41 55.89 56.31 43.57 54.93 46.60 50.20 51%
1222 1318 1060 1288 1165 1326 1105 102 138 84 128 95 133 88 490 677 411 620 486 665 433 339 481 294 472 319 478 309 963 1556 806 1483 937 1536 863 1346 1735 1121 1680 1246 1721 1179 432 673 369 675 398 654 409 674 863 593 838 624 857 596 789 842 686 790 749 812 723 603 508 544 509 576 521 548 902 905 765 850 828 877 788 737 688 627 659 675 670 652 740 1179 641 1127 710 1235 605 45% 54% More 55% Results... 40% that he56% is ready to 39% get to work and already42%
“I am humbled by the support our campaign has received from so many voters across Pasco County,” Moore said after the election. “I’m also very proud of the campaign we ran. I deeply appreciate the numerous volunteers and campaign supporters who worked very hard toward our victory. Without their help and support, this victory would not have been possible.” Moore, a Seven Oaks resident, added
Dist. 2 County Comm.
1082 112 578 396 1322 1485 557 759 720 439 218 581 1046 47%
Continued from page 1
Dist. 38 Rep.
‘Election Results’
Attorney General
has begun scheduling meetings with constituents and small business owners. “As promised, I have an ‘open-door’ policy to listen to everyone’s cares, concerns and ideas,” Moore said, adding that he is planning to be frequently seen out and about in the community, as well as at periodic town hall meetings that he wants to organize. Moore was sworn in on Nov. 18, along with fellow Republican Mike D. Wells (who defeated District 4 incumbent Henry Wilson in the August Primary election).
Amend. 2 Yes
61.70% 51.95% 54.46% 60.86% 56.52% 58.75% 57.82% 58.18% 59.62% 62.03% 62.87% 62.61% 53.13% 58%
In other local results, former Zephyrhills mayor Danny Burgess (R-Zephyrhills) was elected to take over for Wesley Chapel’s own term-limited Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford to represent District 38. Burgess defeated Democrat Beverly Ledbetter of Land O’Lakes by more than 10,000 votes, receiving 60 percent of the county’s vote. More than 2,000 of those votes came from Wesley Chapel precincts, where 54 percent of the ballots were cast in his favor. Burgess defeated Ledbetter in all but two of Wesley Chapel’s precincts. “I am very proud of our positive, grassroots campaign and I am absolutely humbled
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
by all the support we received from the community,” Burgess said after the election. “It’s truly an honor to have so many (people) put their trust and vote in (me) and I promise to work tirelessly to not let them down.” Rep. Burgess also said that his next step will be to, “hit the ground running and get to work,” which began at an organizational session of the state legislature in Tallahassee on Nov. 18. Also winning election on Nov. 4 were several local candidates to serve on Community Development District (CDD) Boards of Supervisors, including Terry Bechtel (52.7%47.3%) over Richard Carroll in Lexington Oaks CDD’s Seat 4; Dennis L. Smith over Michael Paul Stewart (71.2%-28.8%) for Meadow Pointe CDD Seat 1; Dana Kay Sanchez (43.4%) over two opponents (Brian J. Shahin, 30.6%) and Diana L. Crawford-Cline (26%) for Meadow Pointe II CDD”s Seat 2; Jim Bovis (45.6%) over opponents Tabitha Holden (31.6%) and Bill Rainey, Sr. (22.8%) for Meadow Pointe II’s Seat 4; and Andrew Denbo (67.2%) over Niaja Jackson (32.8%) for the Seven Oaks CDD’s Seat 1; And finally, the controversial Amendment 2, which would have legalized medical marijuana in the state, fell short of the necessary 60 percent “Yes” vote it needed on election night. Statewide, Amendment 2 received the support of just more than 57 percent of voters. In Pasco, the amendment did slightly better, earning 58 percent approval in both the county and in Wesley Chapel, despite the support for it expressed in these pages by our editor and Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco. Congratulations to all of those elected from the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News. For more info and complete election results, please visit PascoVotes.com.
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Screen Repair
Continued from pg. 1 for a little snake, they have a nasty disposition whenever they feel cornered or threatened.” Pygmy bites are known to cause pain and swelling, and can be fatal if not treated properly. The Poison Center Tampa reports that, like the diamondback rattlesnake and water moccasin (cottonmouth), the bitten area will display puncture wounds and pain, blisters, bruising, swelling and oozing of blood. WCCC executive director Hope Allen’s ankle is Bites from coral snakes (red, yellow and proof positive that you shouldn’t take a pygmy black striped snakes) often result in just rattlesnake bite lightly. small scratches and mild swelling, but the wound’s appearance and the amount of still require immediate medical attention. Morse says that it’s always important to swelling,” Clouser says. “They make the call watch where you’re putting your hands and on if and when to administer the anti-venin.” Sometimes, anti-venin isn’t necessary, feet, especially if out in the wild when there is a chance you could come into contact with as the Poison Center’s website explains that venomous animals or insects like spiders or 25 percent of snake bites are “dry bites,” or scorpions. However, snakes can be found bites in which venom isn’t introduced to the nearly anywhere, especially near construction body. However, if bitten by a pygmy rattler sites, where rodents and insects are common. or any other venomous snake, it’s strongly As a precaution, Morse recommends recommended that victims go straight to the making sure your yard is free of debris, giving hospital. If unsure about whether or not the snake was venomous, it’s still a safe bet to get snakes less of a reason to seek shelter there. FHWC spokesperson Tracy Clouser it checked out by a medical professional to said that at our press time there had been avoid any further complications. Remove tight clothing or jewelry eight snake bite cases treated at the hospital around the bite and keep the bitten limb at this year, down from 11 in 2013. Clouser says that when a patient comes heart level to help ease swelling and prevent in with a venomous snake bite, the attending venom from traveling more easily through doctors stay in constant contact with Poison the bloodstream. Also, applying ice or a tourniquet can actually worsen damage done by a Center Tampa. “The doctors send over blood work venomous snake bite. For more info, please and keep the Poison Center up-to-date on visit MyFWC.com.
Neighborhood News
$ 69.99 and up Expires 12/31/14
Wesley Chapel Store (813) 907-3086
5339 Village Market Wesley Chapel, Fl. 33543 Beside
Tampa Store (813) 870-2071
6308 N. Armenia Ave. Ste. A Tampa, Fl. 33604 Beside
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Wesley Chapel Construction Begins At Interstate Apex
Construction continues along I-75 between Fowler Ave. in Temple Terrace and S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel, and a new section of roadwork recently began that will complement that project. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) spokesperson John McShaffrey says that construction recently began on northbound I-275 on the half-mile stretch leading up to the split for I-75 and S.R. 56. “This new project will extend the northbound lanes of I-275 up to the exit point to the S.R. 56 exit ramp and the exit ramp to northbound I-75,” McShaffrey explains. Currently, I-275 narrows from three lanes down to two just before the S.R. 56 exit. The new project will allow the three lanes to continue past the S.R. 56 exit, where they then will narrow to two lanes before the bridge over I-75. The project is estimated to cost about $3 million and McShaffrey says that construction should be completed by the fall of 2015. Drivers can expect nightly lane closures and ramp detours between the hours of 8:30 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. For info, please visit MyTBI.com.
Fatal Wrong-Way Driver Had BAC Of 0.276
New information has surfaced about the wrong-way crash that killed Jessica Mahn, 25, of New Tampa, in September. FHP reports that an October 31 toxicology report indicates that Mahn had a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of 0.276, more than three times the legal 0.08 limit for impairment. Around 4:30 a.m. on September 22, FHP received reports about a wrong-way driver in a 2012 Nissan Altima. The driver of the vehicle later was determined to be Mahn, of the Oakwood Village community in New Tampa. Mahn was traveling north in the southbound lanes of I-75 (north of S.R. 52), when her Altima came into the path of a tractor trailer being driven by Slawomir Plonski, 42, of Port St. Lucie, FL. Seeing Mahn’s vehicle driving toward him, Plonski told troopers that he attempted to move to the outside lane, but couldn’t get out of the way in time. Mahn’s Nissan collided with the left side of the trailer,
News Briefs before coming to rest on top of the concrete barrier in the median. Mahn sustained serious injuries and was airlifted to Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point in Hudson, where she died of her injuries at 6:13 a.m. The crash shut down southbound I-75 until 9:20 a.m.
New Tampa Fire Station #22 Gets New Engine
It can be alarming to see the massive brush fires on the news that scorch thousands of acres out west. Florida is no stranger to brush fires, either. To help ensure that brush fires do not get out of hand in the New Tampa area, Tampa Fire Rescue (TFR) has assigned its newest, most technologically-advanced fire engine (photo) to TFR Station No. 22, located on Cross Creek Blvd., a mile west of Morris Bridge Rd.–which serves residences all the way up to the county line in Wesley Chapel. TFR reports that the new engine, a 2014 Pierce Quantum, is not only the newest vehicle in service at “The Double Deuce” (as TFR says Station No. 2 sometimes is referred to), it’s also the newest engine in service for TFR. The engine, which officially began replacing the old Engine 22 on October 24, features a 1,000-gallon water tank, double the size of Station 22’s previous engine. “As a city, we must continue to invest in and provide support for our first responders,” said Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn in an October 27 press release. “The needs of each station vary, depending upon the area they service, but we purchase specialized equipment like this to ensure that the men and women of Tampa Fire Rescue have what they need to keep our community safe.” TFR reports that the extra 500 gallons of water also will come in handy when traveling to Morris Bridge Rd. and other parts of the New Tampa area that may not have hydrant service, ensuring that fires are extinguished more quickly and reducing the risk of potential property damage. “With this engine’s ability to carry more water, (Station 22) firefighters are able to provide better service to the (New Tampa) area,” said Tampa Fire Chief Tom Forward. “More water means more time to fight the fire (immediately) until other units
arrive and another water source is available.” TFR Capt. Chris Shepherd says that he’s impressed with his station’s new engine. “It’s really nice,” Shepherd says. “It’s definitely going to come in handy.” Shepherd explains that Station 22 takes calls all up and down Morris Bridge Rd. (even into Pasco) and many of the homes along that previously rural road sit way back from the roadway itself. “North of Easton Park, some of the
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homes are more than an eighth of a mile from the road,” Shepherd explains. “We only have 1,000 feet of hose (on a fire engine), so this bigger tank gives us the water to do what we have to do.” In addition to the expanded tank, Capt. Shepherd says that the engine also has an additional firefighter seat, allowing transportation for five firefighters, one more than the old engine. It also features a seatbelt alarm to make sure that those firefighters are traveling safely. “Our old truck was slower, too,” Shepherd says. “This thing really has some kick to it.” Station 22 opened in April 2012 at 10871 Cross Creek Blvd. and serves the eastern section of New Tampa. Always dial 9-1-1 for any fire emergency.
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f s a n s M M A K f l a t
m n t O
B T J o w s G a l
Family Of Hazing Victim Challenges Ben & Jerry’s To Change Flavor Name By Matt Wiley In their fight to end hazing, the Kowiak family of New Tampa has taken the battle to the front door of Vermont ice cream giant Ben & Jerry’s, after the company recently released its “Hazed & Confused” flavor. The family argues that the name makes a reference to the activity that took Harrison Kowiak’s life in 2008. Lianne, whose son died in a hazing accident in 2008 when he was rushing for the Theta Chi fraternity while attending Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, NC, petitioned Ben & Jerry’s to change the name when she saw the flavor in a magazine advertisement. However, it doesn’t look as though Ben & Jerry’s has any plans to change the name. “Our Leadership Team and majority of our consumers who have shared their opinions about this understand the popular culture reference (of “Hazed & Infused”) and overwhelmingly feel that the flavor name and the marketing of it in no way supports or infers hazing,” representatives from Ben & Jerry’s said in a statement. The name references “Dazed & Confused,” the song made popular by the rock supergroup Led Zeppelin in the 1970s and again when the 1993 film with the same name (which launched the careers of many stars in its ensemble cast, including Matthew McConaughey, Jason London, Ben Affleck, Milla Jovovich, Cole Hauser, Parker Posey, Adam Goldberg, Joey Lauren Adams, Nicky Katt, and Rory Cochrane)was released. The flavor, part of Ben & Jerry’s new “Core” line of flavors, features hazelnut ice cream and hazelnuts, hence the word “hazed” in the title. “Given that understanding, it does not make sense for us to consider changing the name,” the statement says. “For any family to lose a son or daughter to hazing is tragic. Our hearts go out to the family.” Kowiak says that she and her husband Brian were not pleased with the decision. They were told that the name is Ben & Jerry’s “cheeky style humor” that is seen on other cartons of its ice cream, many of which also feature pop culture references, such as “Cherry Garcia” (named after the Grateful Dead’s late guitarist Jerry Garcia) and “Phish Food,” named for another popular rock band.
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“To say that we were disappointed (with Ben & Jerry’s decision) is an understatement,” Kowiak explains, adding that she sent a letter and followed up with the Ben & Jerry’s consumer affairs office. “Our letter was very factual, with the intent of educating them about the social issues and dangers of hazing. We were hoping that by educating them, they would better understand our position and change the offensive flavor name to something more appropriate. We were careful to keep everything as unemotional as possible — even though it was difficult — and focused on factual hazing statistics.” Kowiak argues that, although the flavor’s name is based upon a pop culture term, the movie that it references actually is centered around high school hazing, which is included in the film’s synopsis. High school freshmen are chased by the older students and paddled. Some are forced to walk through a car wash. “Our objections, along with many other university students, administrators, educators and volunteers throughout the country, is that the name makes light of and thus minimalizes the entire concept of the dangerous and sometimes deadly act of hazing,” Kowiak explains. “It also honors a movie, and, in turn, honors the practices therein, with the plot based upon violent hazing practices.” In addition to the Kowiaks, the family of Robert Champion (the Florida A&M University student who died in a hazing accident in November of 2011), Karla Hunt (an Indiana woman whose son was hazed in high school), Elizabeth Allen (founder
of StopHazing.org) and Hank Nuwer (a long-time hazing prevention advocate) also took issue with the ice cream’s name. Kowiak says that a repThe family of Harrison Kow- resentative from iak (right), who was killed in the University of a 2008 hazing accident, hoped Central Florida that Ben & Jerry’s would mentioned the change the name of its “Hazed issue about the & Confused” ice cream flavor. ice cream flavor’s name before she (Kowiak) spoke to more than 400 students there in late September during National Hazing Prevention Week. She says that she also spoke to a group of more than 500 students on the University of South Florida’s Tampa campus the same week. Harrison died of blunt force trauma to the head, during an activity called “bulldogging.” Harrison and another pledge were instructed to run from one end of a field to the other in the dark. While doing so, members of the fraternity, dressed completely in black, would tackle them as they ran. But, after Harrison was tackled, he slipped into a coma. Members of the fraternity drove him to a local hospital instead of calling 9-1-1. His family never had a chance to speak with him again. Afterward, the
story about what happened continued to change when the surviving students were interviewed by authorities. The Kowiaks filed a lawsuit against both the university and the Theta Chi fraternity and several of its members, and settled out of court in August 2012 for an undisclosed amount. Kowiak says that the money is going towards educating and raising awareness about hazing. “(Ben & Jerry’s) choice of this flavor name is in very poor taste and is extremely inappropriate,” Kowiak says. “To say that we were saddened and shocked by their complete insensitivity is an understatement. We felt it was a real slap in the face to us and to the many others who have been detrimentally impacted by senseless hazing practices, as well as those involved with hazing prevention education.” The aforementioned hazing prevention website StopHazing.org posted a statement prior to the decision also urging Ben & Jerry’s to change the flavor’s name: “Ben & Jerry’s, we ask you to maintain our confidence in your forward-thinking company by using this as an opportunity to educate the public about the problem of hazing and to move quickly to find a new name for your hazelnut ice cream.” Nuwer, meanwhile, wrote on his blog at HankNuwer.com, “Hazed and Confused? Here’s my new motto. ‘We’re not buying it…nor any other Ben & Jerry’s product. Not so long as they put out that offensive flavor.’”
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
November 2014
Monday, November 24
Experienced Networking Professionals (ENP) — ENP meets Monday mornings at 8 a.m. for breakfast and networking at Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, call Brad Benson at 973-1814. Free Networking International (FNI) — FNI, a group of area business owners, meets Mondays for networking and discussion at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd., off S.R. 54). For info, call Stacy Dalton at 469-5499. Professional Business Connections (PBC) — PBC meets Mondays at 7:30 a.m. at The Happy Hangar Cafe (at Tampa North Aero Park, 4241 Birdsong Blvd., Lutz). For more info, call Chris Thurow at 546-6860. Wesley Chapel Speaks’ ToastMasters — The “Wesley Chapel Speaks” ToastMasters Club meets on the first and third Monday of every month, 6:15 p.m., at Hyundai of Wesley Chapel (26944 Wesley Chapel Blvd.). For info, call David West at 610-1650 or visit WesleyChapel Speaks.ToastMastersClubs.org. Celebrate Recovery – Celebrate Recovery is a purpose driven recovery resource group for healing from addictions that meets at Victorious Life Church (6224 Old Pasco Rd.) on Monday nights from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. The group focuses on the habits that have affected members and others. For info, call 973-2230. NAMI Pasco Education Event - The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Pasco County & North Tampa Behavioral Health (NTBH) are proud to partner with Pasco ASAP in presenting a 7 p.m. screening of “External High,” by Bryce Mackie, a teenager’s experience with addiction, depression, suicide and recovery, followed by a Q & A with Chrissie Parris, coalition coordinator for the Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention. The event will be held at North Tampa Behavioral Health (29910 S.R. 56). Registration is not required. For more info, visit NAMIPasco.org or call (727) 992-9653.
Tuesday, November 25
days, 8 a.m., at Lexington Oaks Clubhouse (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd, off S.R. 54). All are welcome and a continental breakfast is served for $5. An annual membership is $79. For more information, call (813) 073-1657. Food Addicts In Recovery (FA) — FA is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experiences and mutual support, are recovering from the disease of food addiction. The group meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Seventh Day Adventist Church (33420 S.R. 54). For additional information, visit FoodAddicts.org.
Friday, December 5
Women-N-Charge - Join the vibrant ladies of Women-N-Charge from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr.). Each lunch has a featured speaker and time to network. The cost is $15 for members (RSVP Tues. before the meeting) and $18 for guests (and members Wednesday and after). Please register at WomenN-Charge.com or Admin@Women-N-Charge.com or call Judy at 600-9848. ‘Murder On The High Seas’ Fund-Raising Dinner — This “Whodunit” comedy will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Wesley Chapel High Band Room (30651 Wells Rd.) to benefit the school’s band. Set sail for disaster as the cast sets the stage for intrigue, murder and mayhem. The audience holds the key to unlock the mystery and uncover the conspiracy. There will be prizes for the “cruise talent contest,” “best cruise attire” and for whoever solves the mystery. The cost is $25 for the dinner & show. Email PorchTheatreCompany@gmail.com.
Sunday, December 7
NTDT Annual ‘Sugar Plum Tea Party’ - New Tampa Dance Theatre’s non-profit company, Dance Theatre of Tampa (DTT), celebrates its 10th annual community fundraiser, the “Sugar Plum Fairy Tea,” at 2 p.m., at the USF Gibbons Alumni Center (4202 E. Fowler Ave., ALC 100). Appetizers, sandwiches, salads & scrumptious desserts, including a chocolate fountain and the “Land of the Sweets” sundae buffet by Bruster’s Real Ice Cream, will be served. Tickets for the Tea may be pur-chased at the New Tampa Dance Theatre, and cost $35 for adults, $25 for the first child (ages 3-12), and $20 for each additional child. For more info, please contact the New Tampa Dance Theatre at 994-NTDT(6838).
Business Networking International (BNI) — BNI, a group of business pros supporting each other through qualified referrals, meets Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m., at Heritage Church (1854 Oak Grove Blvd., off S.R. 54, Land O’Lakes). For more information, email Tim at Tim@TampaHomes24-7.com.
Wednesday, November 26
Wesley Chapel Rotary Club — The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel meets every Wednesday, 12:15 p.m., at Ciao! Italian Bistro (2001 Piazza Ave., in the Shops at Wiregrass mall). For more info, call 862-8989 or 391-3895.
Thursday, November 27
Wiregrass Wobble Turkey Trot - The 2014 Wiregrass Wobble Turkey Trot 5K and Fun Run will be held on Thanksgiving Day at The Shops at Wiregrass mall in Wesley Chapel. The 5K run (or walk) starts at 7:30 a.m., while the 1-mile Fun Run starts at 8:15 a.m. There will be postrace festivities from 8:15 until 10 a.m. The cost to participate is $30. Proceeds from the event will support the New Tampa YMCA, Feeding America Tampa Bay, & the Rotary Club of New Tampa charities. To register, visit WiregrassWobbleTurkeyTrot.com.
December 2014
Thursday, December 4
Networking For Your Success — The Networking For Your Success group meets Thurs-
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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Veterans Services Head Speaks At PHSC Our soldiers fight for our country and are welcomed back as veterans. Many of these brave men and women have sacrificed more than just their service and require medical, mental and monetary help when back on the home front. To assist in that process, Pasco County has a Veterans Services department, the new head of which recently gave a lecture at the PascoHernando State College (PHSC)-Porter Campus (located on Mansfield Blvd.). As part of PHSC’s Community Awareness lecture series, Pasco’s new Veterans Services officer Don Stout (photo) gave a lecture to faculty, staff and students on November 14 in PHSC’s Conference Center about what exactly it is that his office does and how it differentiates from the Veterans Administration (VA). “We are advocates for veterans and their families,” Stout said. “On any given day, our office gets lots of calls, many with simple questions about veterans benefits. That’s why we’re here.” Veterans Services has three offices in Pasco, including locations in Port Richey, Land O’Lakes and Dade City. Stout says that the main function of these offices is to assist veterans and their families in filing veterans compensation claims that are submitted to the VA, which can be a timeconsuming and tricky process to complete without help. Stout says that messing up just one little detail can result in a claim being delayed by months, or even years. “We work with a veteran or a veteran’s relative to make sure that we have all of the
necessary documents and details before sending in a claim,” Stout explains. Stout says that the office handles about 2,500 claims per year, which include compensation for a service-related disability, pensions for totally disabled veterans who may not have been disabled during service, compensation for surviving spouses and VA healthcare plans. Stout says that of the more than 53,000 veterans in Pasco, about 17,000 are enrolled in one of the VA’s healthcare plans. If you’re a veteran looking to make a VA claim or the family member of a disabled veteran looking to help them make a claim, Stout strongly recommends using the county’s Veterans Services department. Two studies conducted in about the past ten years showed that claims made through a veterans services or advocate group resulted in between $6,000-7,000 more than claims submitted privately. The department also provides benefits counseling, nursing home applications, military records searches and appeals. For more information about Pasco Veterans Services, please visit PascoCountyFl.net and search “Veterans Services.” For info about events at PHSC, visit PHSC.edu. — MW
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SPOTLIGHT ON... Vintage Estate Homes! Vintage Estate Homes, which specializes in designing and building beautiful, high-end luxury homes for clients to enjoy for a lifetime in Florida and Texas, features a professional team that believes that building a home means building a lifestyle. The Vintage Estate Homes team, including the division building luxury homes in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel, has painstakingly designed exceptional homes that offer the utmost in luxury living, with state-of-the-art features to suit your lifestyle. The company’s emphasis is always on the quality and innovation of its exclusive, custom-home developments. Vintage Estate Homes is opening its second model home in the New Tampa/ Wesley Chapel area — in the Watergrass community off Curley Rd. in Wesley Chapel. Following its success in New Tampa’s Grand Hampton community (off County Line Rd.; see below), Vintage will now also be selling in the new GrayBrook Estates section of Watergrass, where there are conservation and lake lots available with new homes ranging between $500,000-$1 million. The Desirae model (located at 7251 GrayBrook Dr., Wesley Chapel 33545; photo), which is now open, is a gorgeous, two-story home featuring four bedrooms, 3.5 baths and a three-car garage, totaling 3,857 square feet. It also features a study, a wine room, game room, media room, and an upstairs deck overlooking the impressive outdoor entertaining space. It is just the first of six Vintage models to be offered in GrayBrook Estates. Please call sales manager Tiffany Maxwell at (321) 749-2601 to schedule your own private tour! Vintage has been selling rapidly in Grand Hampton but there is still one opportunity available to build a new home with Vintage in this community and the luxury home builder also is
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
expanding to the Land O Lakes area with a new community — The Enclave — by spring of 2015! The Enclave will feature gorgeous lagoon view lots with access to Lake Padgett, with homes starting in the upper $500s. “We are committed to exceeding all expectations and establishing lifetime relationships with our customers and associates,” Maxwell says. “We strive to exceed all customer expectations and deliver on all of our promises. Our new home construction unit handles all aspects of designing and constructing the new custom home of your dreams.” Vintage’s New Home Construction company lives by the builder’s six core values 1) to always live by the “get by giving back” philosophy, 2) to always make the customers the company’s number one goal, 3) to always live up to its clients’ standards as well as its own, 4) to always be willing to work towards a common good, 5) to always do what the builder says it will do (sometimes more but never less), and 6) to always be happy and have fun building each client the home that he or she deserves. For more info, see the ad on page 6 of this issue or visit VintageEstateHomes.com.
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Vapor Unlimited E-Cigarettes Also Now Available At Cash For Gold By Kelly Miller
As millions of Americans know too well, smoking is an extremely difficult addiction to kick. There are plenty of useful products on the market to help smokers quit, like Nicorette gum, nicotine patches and even hypnosis. Trevor Campbell, the owner of Vapor Unlimited E-Cigarettes off S.R. 54 at Morris Bridge Rd./Eiland Blvd. in eastern Wesley Chapel, says that he tried everything to overcome his twopack-a-day habit, but nothing worked until he tried electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigarettes or e-cigs). He says that he was so amazed by the product that four months ago, he decided to sell them at his still-ongoing business, Cash for Gold of Wesley Chapel. Campbell says e-cigarettes, “provide the sensation that I was accustomed to from smoking for many years.” For many, one of the hardest part of kicking the smoking habit has to do with keeping their hands busy. In other words, quitting is difficult because of the psychological element involved with the feel of holding a cigarette. Campbell says that’s how ecigarettes can help overcome a nicotine addiction: as a smoker, you’d still have something to hold and puff, but can reduce or even eliminate the amount of nicotine you take in.
Gradually Reduce Your
Nicotine Intake With ECigs
The first generation of electronic cigarettes looked and felt just like real cigarettes. Many of the popular second generation of products on the market now have a sleeker, metallic look. When a person takes a drag off of an e-cig, the interior coil heats up and vaporizes a liquid solution known as e-liquid, which contains nicotine. The person inhales and exhales the vapor, which is referred to as “vaping” instead of “smoking.” Campbell owns the Zephyrhills lab where he makes each of the “Fog Works” flavors for his store, as well as selling them as a wholesaler, nationwide. Flavors are added to e-liquids to give users a different experience each time. There are 95 flavors of “Fog Works,” Vapor Unlimited’s signature, house-made, premium e-liquid. To help pick a favorite, there’s a sample bar inside the store so customers over the age of 18 can try flavors like classic menthol, double chocolate, grape pucker and many more. Campbell says that since he owns his own brand of e-liquids, he can ensure the highest quality products for his customers. He says that each e-liquid he sells exceeds U.S. Pharmacopeia Standards, and that he’s proud that his products are made in the U.S. Many e-liquids on the market today are made with a mixture of chemicals like propylene glycol and glycerin, but Campbell’s e-liquids are non-synthetic, made up of
Trevor Campbell (left) and his staff at Vapors Unlimited & Cash for Gold off S.R. 54 in eastern Wesley Chapel, are happy to tell you more about e-cigarettes. Photo: OurTownFla.com. they’re a lot cheaper than a pack of either a “70/30” VG/PG mixture (70 smokes.” In addition, e-cigs don’t anpercent vegetable oil and 30 percent noy the lungs or eyes of people around palm oil) or “80/20” VG/PG mixture. you like traditional cigarettes do. When picking out the e-liquid for San Antonio resident Patrick Caue-cigarettes, users can chose between 24 mg, 18 mg, 12, mg, 6 mg, or even 0 dill says he comes to Vapor Unlimited because, “you can’t beat the prices. I mg of nicotine. Campbell suggests that when people are trying to quit smoking got my starter pack here for only $50, but they retail everywhere else for $80. traditional cigarettes, they usually start And, I love their juices (e-liquids). They with a higher dose of nicotine and then have every flavor you’d ever want.” reduce the amount of nicotine to zero Campbell also has two other over time. Campbell says, “Six months locations to shop for Vapor Unlimago I started at the highest level of ited products, including a location on nicotine and now I’m at zero. I’m no Gall Blvd. in Zephyrhills and on Land longer a slave to nicotine.” O’Lakes Blvd. near S.R. 54 in Land “I think smoking e-cigs is a much O’ Lakes. All stores offer a 10-percent healthier option than smoking regudiscount for active-duty members of lar cigarettes,” Campbell says. “And,
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a profit. He also trained under Keith Leclerc of the International Diamond Center in Clearwater, learning to identify the “Five Cs”: Clarity, Cut, Color, Carat and Certification. The scales and balances he and his staff use in the shop to determine the accurate weight of the gold and silver bought and sold are licensed and calibrated every year through the Department of Weights and Measures of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Campbell The liquids that are heated inside e-cigs (like the kind has his license to purchase gold in sold at Vapor Unlimited) come in a variety of flavors the state of Florida through the and nicotine strengths to help reduce the amount of nic- Florida Department of Revenue. He also maintains a Certificate of otine a smoker inhales. Photo: OurTownFla.com. Regulation for Secondhand Dealthe U.S. military, as well as for military ers or Secondary Metals Recyclers in veterans, fire fighters and police. CusPasco County, also through the Florida tomers who bring in any e-liquid bottle Department of Agriculture. (empty or full of Campbell’s brand or The store accepts gold, silver and even a competitor’s brand) will receive diamonds, dental “grills,” domestic and $1 off a full, new 30 ml e-liquid bottle. foreign coins, antique swords and daggers, flatware, any autographed memoCash For Your Gold, Too! rabilia and more. While Vapor Unlimited customCampbell told a story about a cusers are in the store, they also can trade tomer who came into the store with a their old or broken jewelry in for cash. competitor’s quote of $700 for a single Campbell opened his Cash for Gold of piece of jewelry. When Cash for Gold Wesley Chapel business in 2010. inspected it, the piece was assessed at — He proudly serves our area, always and the customer left with — $1,700! keeping in mind his motto of “honesty, “We will pay you the highest price integrity, and reliability.” Campbell possible,” Campbell explains. “We gained his experience in the gold and guarantee it.” jewelry industry by purchasing items Campbell knows that if he treats at garage sales and reselling them for his customers fairly, they’ll continue
Neighborhood News
to come back. And, anyone who refers a customer will receive 10 percent of what Cash for Gold paid that customer for their trade. It’s important to Campbell to give back to the community that has taken such good care of him. This year, he says he’s already donated more than $15,000 to local not-for-profit organizations, including Metropolitan Ministries and the Sunrise of Pasco County, Inc. Domestic Violence & Sexual Abuse Center. The money he’s donated to Metropolitan Ministries has helped to fund the organization’s annual premade turkey dinner meal drive that is held at Atonement Lutheran Church on S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel. He also is a
member of the Wesley Chapel Rotary Club, which meets Wednesdays at noon at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall.. “Community outreach is number one to me and my Cash for Gold businesses are what makes it possible for me to give,” he says. For more info about Vapor Unlimited, visit VaporUnlimited. net. For information about Cash for Gold, visit Kash4Gold.com. The Wesley Chapel store, which houses both Vapor Unlimited and Cash for Gold, is located at 32733 Eiland Blvd., Suite 102, and can be reached at 727-5779. The store is open seven days a week, 9 a.m.–7 p.m.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
KONA Swim Bike Run Has Everything You Need To Train For The Ironman By Amy Gutierrez
For many, getting into the world of competing in triathlons can be a little intimidating. But, have you ever stopped to think that all triathletes once were novices who decided to better their overall health and compete without ever having participated in a race before? Everyone starts somewhere! On any given day in KONA Swim Bike Run, an amazing store full of bikes, cleats, nutritional items, helmets and more right here on S.R. 56, people new to the sport walk among seasoned triathletes. The store, located in an unnamed plaza about a mile east of I-75, offers all of the equipment you need to get started, and just as important, the experienced staff offers invaluable advice and tips. KONA’s inventory of triathlon and road bikes is top-notch, as well, including brands such as Quintana Roo, Felt Racing, Bianchi and Litespeed. Other brands providing bikes and/or bicycle parts are Zipp, Profile Design and Scott. There also are running, bicycling and swimming clothes and gear by TYR, Garneau and Pearl Izumi, as well as nutrition products by Nuun, Powerbar and Skratch Labs. Partners Bruce McCarthy and Robert and Denyce Robinson purchased the assets of the KONA Multisport store originally located on County Line Rd. in New Tampa (next to LA Fitness) in January of this year and changed the name to KONA Swim Bike Run. Because they recognized the activity and growth along the S.R. 56
corridor in Wesley Chapel, they decided to relocate and open their new store (in March 2014) a mile or so to the north. “KONA Swim Bike Run is very different from your normal bike shop,” Bruce explains. “We are one of the few stores that focuses solely on triathletes. We have the bikes, swimming and running gear for anyone looking to participate in a triathlon.” The name KONA comes from KailuaKona on the big island of Hawaii, which is home to the Ironman World Championship, the epitome of the triathlon world — the competition many triathletes dream of one day competing in — so the store is aptly named. All three partners are very active cyclists and triathletes. In fact, Bruce, Robert and Denyce all are currently training for an Ironman 70.3 in the fall of 2015. An Ironman 70.3, also known as a Half-Ironman, is one of a series of long distance triathlon races organized by the World Triathlon Corp. (WTC). The “70.3” refers to the total distance in miles (113.0 km) covered in the race, consisting of a 1.2-mile (1.9 km) swim, a 56-mile (90 km) bike ride and a 13.1-mile (21.1 km) run. Each distance of the swim, bike and run segments is half the distance of that segment in an Ironman triathlon, which people often post on their vehicles as a 140.6 (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and full 26.6-mile marathon). Bruce, Robert and Denyce love participating in the local triathlons that Tampa Bay offers, including those in Ft. DeSoto and Crystal River.
KONA Swim Bike Run partner Bruce McCarthy (right) conducts a triathlon clinic at the shop on S.R. 56, introducing local residents to some of KONA’s unique triathlon bicycles. guard at a YMCA in Atlanta. He relocated It’s safe to say that it takes a fair to Tampa Palms in 2008 to work as a sales amount of training and all of the right rep for a bicycle distributor. Bruce raced equipment to be successful in a 70.3, or mountain bikes through the 1990s and says even a sprint triathlon (which can have he got back into triathlons in 2004, and anywhere from a half- to a full-mile swim, has been competing ever since. He and his 15-50-mile bike leg and 5k-10-mile run), wife Donna have twin 18-year-old daughso the partners are well-versed with assistters named Erin and Hailey. ing their customers with everything from Denyce and Rob began cycling and correct bike sizing to nutrition and training participating in triathlons several years ago, schedules. They can be found hosting after a challenge from their son Ryan, while regular ride/run workouts at Flatwoods watching the Tour de France. Prior to Park in New Tampa and open-water swims that, they both were active in martial arts, at Sand Key in Clearwater. including Krav Maga (the defense system Bruce, originally from Atlanta, GA, taught to members of the Israeli military). began racing road bikes and competing in Denyce originally is from Hollywood, FL, triathlons in 1989, while working as a life-
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Bruce has willingly answered all of them. The pricing that KONA offers is fair, the service is excellent and their willingness to help a ‘newby’ like me has been priceless! All of my triathlon needs will always be filled at Kona!!” In addition to their wellinformed partners, there are three employees at KONA, who all happen to be students at USF and who also are very active in the triathlon community. The staff at the shop is proud to say that, together, they have more McCarthy (in black) and his partners at KONA Denyce than 15 years of professional Robinson (in purple) and Robert Robinson (in red) are mechanical experience and all are all very experienced triathletes. Shimano-certified, so whether your bike is getting a full-service while Rob moved around a bit as part of repair or just a simple tune-up, it’s always a military family, but they have been Land in very capable hands. O’Lakes residents for the past 10 years. Whether you’re participating in your “They’re all super nice people,” says Mary, a Wesley Chapel resident and KONA first sprint distance triathlon or competing in an Ironman distance race, KONA Swim customer. “Rob, Denyse (and the rest of Bike Run has you covered. The in-store, the staff) were all so helpful and kind. I felt full-service repair shop can handle everylike I was among family even though we thing from a full overhaul of a customer’s had just met. They are honest, patient and bike to a last minute “tweak” just before a never, ever pushy!” big ride or race. One KONA customer named Frank KONA Swim Bike Run is located also knows the benefits of utilizing the at 27217 S.R. 56 and is open seven days shop’s staff and services. per week (Monday-Friday, 10 a.m –7 “I started competing in triathlons in p.m., 10 a.m.– 5 p.m. on Saturday and January of this year and I knew absolutely noon-5 p.m. on Sunday). The store nothing about the sport,” Frank says. “At can be reached at 907-3355. For more least, not until I met Bruce at KONA. information, email Info@KONASBR, Bruce has been part of my introduction visit KONASBR.com or “Like” their into the sport and has been there for me Facebook.com page — Facebook.com/ every step of the way. Being new to the KONASwimBikeRun. sport, I’ve had hundreds of questions and
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SPOTLIGHT ON... La Pink Boutique! La Pink Boutique opened (just north of Panera Bread) in New Tampa’s The Walk at Highwoods Preserve shopping plaza more than eight years ago and has become a retail retreat favorite for many local residents. The boutique offers a unique mix of ladies clothing, accessories and gifts. Perfect for the Florida lifestyle, La Pink carries modern brands, including Escapada, Isle and Jude Connally, as well as vintage-inspired options, such as Pink Martini and Nick & Mo. This boutique has your fashion needs covered. La Pink was the first store to feature The friendly women at La Pink Boutique invite you to Tees by Tina, a brand that is a favorite of the peruse the shop (located in The Walk at Highwoods Preserve in New Tampa) this holiday season. stars and was recently featured on NBC’s “The Today Show.” The line is one size fits find newly-reduced, end-of-season items, most and is a staple in many wardrobes. La “last one” fashion pieces offered at 50-perPink also features XCVI and Kut from the cent off and “retired” Vera Bradley items at Kloth Denim, both of which provide great up to 75-percent off! basics to complement your active lifestyle. At La Pink, the staff prides itself on its The boutique’s accessory lines include Leno- customer service. Amy, Judi and Lori have ra Dame, Treska and Zenzii, as well as the been working together as a team for more “must have” Bourbon & Boweties, Lindsay than six years and have formed comfortPhillips and OkaB that can finish off your able relationships with their customers. So, look with cute and comfortable shoes. whether you’re looking for specific guidance Gift items also are a large part of the or just browsing this very cool store, they can boutique. Tyler Candles, Poo-Pourri, Lollia accommodate your wishes, providing someand Tokyomilk offer a wide variety of fra- thing for all ages and price ranges. grances for both home and body. Monogram La Pink Boutique is located in The letters, picture frames, inspirational gifts and Walk at Highwoods Preserve shopping holiday ornaments also make great gift ideas. center (18035 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. For the Vera Bradley enthusiast, La Pink off Bruce B. Downs Blvd. in New Tamhas the latest and greatest — whether you’re pa, a couple of miles south of the Pasco looking for a new handbag, school bag or County line. Give the store a call at 972travel bag, there’s a piece for you at La Pink. 2862, email LaPinkBoutique@verizon. The “Sale Room” is a favorite amongst net, or visit Facebook.com and search “La La Pink’s customers. It’s where shoppers can Pink Boutique.”
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Vitamin Discount Center Has Top-Quality Products At The Lowest Prices “If you want to be sure you have vitaBy Celeste McLaughlin
If you thought you had to comb the internet to get the absolute lowest price on vitamins, supplements, herbs and natural cosmetics, you’ve missed out on a nearby New Tampa neighborhood store that offers not only the best prices, but also a highly educated staff to answer all of your questions about these products — just a few miles south of Wesley Chapel. Vitamin Discount Center has its headquarters, warehouse and a retail store in the Cory Lake Professional Center on Cross Creek Blvd. President Michael Gore says, “The internet has changed our business, but we know that consumers still like going to stores to get educated.” Vitamin Discount Center sells herbs and vitamins, sports nutrition (such as protein powders and supplements for performance, recovery and fat burning) products, as well as cosmetics (such as shampoos, conditioners, toothpastes and anti-aging skin care items), as well as vitamins and supplements for prenatal care and children. “Our supplements taste good and don’t have all the garbage (in them),” says Gore. “If you buy a cheap vitamin at a drug store, it’s not a clean, natural supplement. It will have synthetic binders and fillers, and not just natural ingredients.” Many people think they don’t need supplements because they have a healthy diet. However, Gore says that no one has the perfect diet, and a lot of the benefit of supplements is preventive.
min C to prevent colds, you would have to drink an inordinate amount of orange juice to get the same amount of vitamin C (as in a supplement),” he says. “It’s really just not feasible.” That’s why he and his partners have been committed to top-notch customer service and premier education since the company’s beginning. Vitamin Discount Center was founded when Gore and his friends Michael Downing and David Conner — who met as fraternity brothers at the University of South Florida in Tampa in 1986 — joined Michael’s father Arthur to open the company’s first retail locations in Carrollwood and South Tampa in the summer of 1998, with a third store opening in Brandon later that fall. The four have continued to work together as owners over the years, as the business has grown exponentially — Vitamin Discount Center now has 10 retail locations throughout Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. In 2008, the partners were ready to open a store in New Tampa and saw an opportunity to expand the company’s corporate headquarters in conjunction with a retail location, so Vitamin Discount Center moved into the Cory Lake center with a store, company offices and a warehouse. “We felt it was important to have a retail store together with our corporate offices under one roof,” Gore says. “We learn a lot from the people who come into
our store, and we get to talk with customers, learn from them and see how things are running every day.” He says that the New Tampa location is, by far, the company’s smallest retail location, but that doesn’t mean items are hard to find or that the stock is limited. “Because our warehouse is literally in the same building,” Gore says, “we usually can get a product immediately (from the back) if President Michael Gore (right) and Cross Creek Blvd. (in New Tampa) it’s out of stock in the Vitamin Discount Center store manager Dillon Herrington have all of store.” He adds that in the nutritional supplements you need — and always at the right price. the six years the New relationships and serving the people in the Tampa location has been open, the Vitamin community. Discount Center business has continued to “In contrast to many retail stores, our grow, which he attributes to, “our great, store is not about sales and quotas,” Hereducated staff and our commitment to rington says. “We have a friendly relationcustomer service.” ship with our customers and are all about Although it’s typical to have a lot of getting them the products they need.” turnover in a retail staff, Gore notes that many of his employees have been with the Low Prices, High Knowledge company, “for 10 years or more.” The staff “The word ‘Discount’ is part of our at the New Tampa store includes manager name for a reason,” says marketing manDillon Herrington, Suzan Chin and John ager Heather Gallman, who explains that Fuller, who has been with the company Vitamin Discount Center prices are typifor 14 years and works at several Vitamin cally 30, 40 or even 50 percent lower than Discount Center locations. the regular prices at other stores. Herrington emphasizes that the “Because we have 10 stores,” Gallman New Tampa store is focused on building says, “we order a large volume of products
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and are able to pass those savings on to our customers.” Gore adds, “If you compare prices on our products, we will be cheaper than every local store and as good or better than the prices you’ll find on the internet. Plus, our customers take their products home the same day and don’t pay shipping charges.” The stores offer additional savings if you join Vitamin Discount Center’s mailing list and receive coupons in the mail (or use the coupon found in their ad on page 15 to take $5 off a purchase of $25 or more). The stores also offer everyday savings of 10-percent-off to USF students and active and veteran military personnel, law enforcement, fire fighters and EMTs. While he’s committed to offering the lowest possible prices, Gore emphasizes that the real value in shopping at Vitamin Discount Center is the way its staff is
educated. “Twice a year, we hold a vendor partner conference, where the companies that make the products sold at Vitamin Discount Center come to Tampa from all over the U.S. — and even Canada — for the sole purpose of educating our staff,” he says, adding that all of the stores host monthly events with industry experts to give the staff a valuable edge with firsthand knowledge about the products they sell. “Our customers can trust the information they receive from our staff.” And, Gore also encourages people to educate themselves, too. He recommends a nationally syndicated radio show that is based out of Tampa, called “Let’s Talk Nutrition.” It’s aired on WHNZ-AM 1250 every weekday, 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Another reason you can trust the store is that Vitamin Discount Center’s shelves are stocked with products that have been
personally researched by Gore. He has toured manufacturing facilities, developed relationships with many vendors and will only sell products that he feels comfortable using and giving to his own family. His staff says they have pulled items off their shelves in the past when questions about their quality have been raised. “We always do our due diligence,” Michael says. “The companies we partner with are those we know and trust. We won’t sell products in our stores if there’s any question about their quality or safety.” When Joe Greene (not the Pittsburgh Steelers Hall of Famer) retired last August, he and his wife Patti moved to West Meadows. While driving down Cross Creek Blvd., he saw the sign for Vitamin Discount Center and decided to check it out. “The first day I stumbled in there, without a recommendation from anyone, I wasn’t sure what to expect,” says Joe. “I talked with Dillon and Suzan, and they were so unbelievably helpful and knowledgeable. I’m a skeptic, but they always tell me the science behind their products and even show me the scientific journals. I can’t speak highly enough about Dillon and Suzan, because they have been so amazingly helpful to me.” Joe explains that he is a cancer survivor and has had two heart surgeries, but thanks to an aggressive vitamin and supplement regimen, he is currently taking no medications and is doing great. He says he continues to shop at Vitamin Discount Center for multivitamins, anti-inflammatory supplements, whey protein and a variety of herbs, such as ginger, because they have
the best prices on top-quality products. “I’m retired, so I’ve shopped around,” says Joe. “I’ve been everywhere in a 10mile radius of my house and they always have the best prices.” The staffers at Vitamin Discount Center truly see themselves as part of the community and they often participate in health fairs and other community events. They recently participated in a health fair at Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (located off Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd.) and at the Arbor Greene community clubhouse off Cross Creek Blvd. They also recently spoke to employees at a company that invited them to teach about stress at work and preparing for the cold and flu season, which runs from October through May. This gives them an opportunity to share their expertise and samples with local residents. “We are part of this community and absolutely support the people and businesses of the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area and all of the other communities where our stores are located,” says Gore, who lives in Tampa Palms with his wife, Marlena, and two sons who are 16 and 13. He adds that he and his family members all take their supplements every day. The New Tampa Vitamin Discount Center is located at 10359 Cross Creek Blvd. in the Cory Lake Professional Center. The shop is open Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. -7 p.m. and 9 a.m.-6 p.m. on Saturday. Looking for something in particular? Call the store at 991-7769 or visit ForLifeForLess.com. And, get $5 off a purchase of $25 or more with the coupon on page 15.
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Seven Oaks Students The First In Pasco To Get New FluMist Vaccine By Matt Wiley
The fall is the time of year when the influenza virus hits more people and it’s important to get your annual immunization to help combat the sometimesdeadly “flu bug.” Luckily for more than 100 Seven Oaks Elementary students, instead of the traditional flu shot, they received their immunization in a completely different way this year—through inhalation. Through a partnership with the Florida Department of Health (FDH) in Pasco County and the Pasco County School District (PCSD), Healthy Schools, LLC, was able to provide free FluMist flu vaccinations to more than 1,500 students across the county, including hundreds at Wesley Chapel’s 11 public schools (although that total still was not known at our press time). The vaccination came in the form of a mist that is administered as a nasal spray, instead of through a needle. “It tickled a little bit,” said Seven Oaks Elementary student Aleena Cayed, after receiving her vaccination on November 11 from a Healthy Schools nurse in the school’s library. “It was just like smelling something.” To kick off the free immunization week, PCSD held a news conference at Seven Oaks Elementary, where 150 students received the vaccination, which was attended by PCSD superintendent
of schools Kurt Browning, as well as Pasco County’s FDH administrator Mike Napier and Healthy Schools’ founder and president Tony Boselli. “Our goal and our mission is to provide free flu vaccinations to Florida’s public schools system,” Boselli said. “Kids are cute, but they’re ‘superspreaders’ of viruses. When kids get sick, everyone gets sick. And, when they have to stay home, it creates an economic strain (on families). It’s not good for anyone. This is an initiative led by the Health Department, (PCSD) and us to protect all of Pasco County. We’re very excited about it.” Boselli says that, so far, more than 95,000 students across the state of Florida have been vaccinated through Healthy Schools with FluMist, adding that by working with major health insurance companies, the company is able to ensure that students receive vaccinations at no cost to the student’s family. The vaccine, which was approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for anyone ages 2-49 in 2003, is a preservative-free nasal spray. According to the Healthy Schools website, the mist is gently sprayed into the nose, where the virus typically enters the body. The vaccine utilizes live, but weakened, influenza virus strains so as not to actually cause symptoms of the flu. The most common side effects are reportedly brief and include a runny or
stuffy nose, sore throat or fever. The strains are the same that are administered in a regular flu shot, which are determined by the FDA. Permission slips were sent home with students about two weeks before the first day of vaccinations. Students were not required to take the vaccine, which was administered on an optional basis. More than 100 students at Seven Oaks Elementary in Wesley Chapel “Children were the first in the Pasco County School District to receive the new Fluwho have been Mist vaccine, in parthnership with the Florida Dept. of Health. vaccinated help protect their family ated with the flu virus fluctuates each and friends by not spreading the illness year, depending upon the severity of throughout the community,” Napier the strains, during a 30-year study, it said. “Protection against preventable was revealed that the number of U.S. diseases should always be a priority for flu deaths each year can range between all ages. Using strategies of hygiene and 3,000-49,000. The CDC reports that regular vaccinations is key. It’s partnerflu activity is beginning to pick up ships like these that strengthen our abilthis season, which lasts from October ity to improve the health of our children through May, usually peaking between in Pasco County.” December and February. The U.S. Centers for Disease For more information about Control & Prevention (CDC) reports Healthy Schools, LLC, please visit that, although the mortality rate associHealthySchoolsLLC.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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For many, getting into the world Great Hope Preschool of competing in triathlons can be a little intimidating. But, have you ever stopped to think that all triathletes once were novices who decided to better their overall health and compete without ever having participated in a race before? Everyone starts somewhere! On any given day in KONA Swim Bike Run, an amazing store full of bikes, cleats, nutritional items, helmets and more right here on S.R. 56, people NOW ENROLLING new to the sport walk among seasoned triathletes. New Owner - Renovated Classrooms The store, located on S.R. 56 about Infants - School Age a mile east of I-75, offers a plethora of all of the 813-929-6276 equipment you need to get started, and as importantly, 30126 SR just 54, Wesley Chapel the experienced staff offers invaluable
advice and tips. Their inventory of top top triathlon and road bikes is topnotch, as well, including brands such as Quintana Roo, Felt Racing, Bianchi and Litespeed. Zipp, Profile Design, Scott, Nuun, Powerbar, Skratch Labs, TYR, Garneau and Pearl Izumi also are product lines stocked by KONA. Partners Bruce McCarthy and Robert and Denyce Robinson purchased the assets of the KONA Multisport store originally located on County Line Rd. in New Tampa (next to L.A. Fitness) in January of this year and changed the name to KONA Swim Bike Run. Because they recognized the activity and growth along the S.R. 56 corridor in Wesley Chapel, they decided to relocate and open their new store a mile or so to
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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Thousands Help Make Strides Against Breast Cancer At Wiregrass! By Gary Nager
There’s no doubt that because so many women are diagnosed with and/or lose their lives to breast cancer every year, it is one of the forms of this most deadly of diseases that arouses the most passion of just about any illness. So, no one should be surprised when those passions — and perfect weather — inspired between 5,000-6,000 people to participate in this year’s American Cancer Society (ACS) “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” of Pasco 5K walk on Oct. 25. The course sent thousands of pink-brawearing men and women walking between the Shops at Wiregrass mall and Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC). ACS specialist for community events Jannah McDonald says that this year’s Making Strides of Pasco has raised about $195,000, including pledges and cash sponsorships, as 100+ breast cancer survivors and their caregivers were among the 1,700-1,800 registered participants, all of whom were joined by several thousand others for a great cause. The pics on this page do the “Pink Army” justice, but fall short of properly showing the amount of love that these folks have for those they’ve lost, those who still battle against breast cancer and those who hope never to be touched by it themselves. Although I don’t have room to list all of the sponsors here, Jannah asked me to give a shout out to Xavier, the GM of Cantina Laredo at the Wiregrass Mall, which donated all of the food “and everything” for 200 people (survivors and caregivers) for the “Survivor Breakfast” served before the event, as well as the Parks Auto Group, for its $6,000 additional donation (over
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and above its “Silver” sponsorship) from a test drive event a couple of weeks before Making Strides of Pasco was held. But, of course, we have to also thank
Making Strides of Pasco’s “Pink Premier” Sponsor, Hyundai, Chevrolet & Mazda of Wesley Chapel and “Gold” Sponsors The Shops at Wiregrass, The Parilo Boys/Dane
Parilo & Janice L. Delucenay. For the complete sponsorship list and more info about Making Strides of Pasco, visit ACSEvents.org.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Celebrating our sixth year serving the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Communities!
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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‘Trick’s Kicks’ & Fisher House Golf Tourneys Raise Thousands Each! By Gary Nager
Congratulations to my friend Valerie Casey, who once again hosted (on Oct. 24) her eighth successful golf tournament to benefit the Tampa Fisher House (info below), and to the organizers of the first annual ‘Trick’s Kicks’ Memorial Golf Tournament, which also raised thousands of dollars to benefit a great cause on Oct. 18.
Trick’s Kicks Tourney Raises $7K
A little more than a year after Wharton High grad and Hunter’s Green resident Patrick Strom was killed in a single car crash in his neighborhood, his family, friends and supporters have honored his memory with a wonderful golf event at Heritage Isles Country Club. Patrick’s father Dick says that about 60 golfers participated in the first-ever “Trick’s Kicks” Memorial Golf Tourney, which helped the nonprofit Trick’s Kicks, Inc., raise $7,000. “A wonderful time was had by all,” Dick says. “The money we raised will all go towards purchasing more athletic shoes (aka “kicks”) for underprivileged kids in our area.” The organization, which is all volunteer-run, already has helped donate quality, new “kicks” for kids at Everyday Blessings, a shelter for kids taken from the parents (because of abuse and other reasons), so the tourney certainly will help purchase a lot more shoes to donate.
In addition, Trick’s Kicks, Inc., will host a “cookie exchange” on Sunday, December 7, 2 p.m.-4 p.m., also at Heritage Isles. Come check out the decadent baked goods and help this worthy cause. For more info, visit TricksKicks.com.
Fisher House Tourney Tops Goal
As wonderful causes go, few (at least in my opinion) are more important than the Fisher House, the residence which houses and feeds — at no charge — the families and significant others of the wounded soldiers being treated at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital. And, thanks to Val, the Arbor Greene resident from a military family who has organized and run the annual golf tourney to benefit the Tampa Fisher House, more than $210,000 has been raised in the eight years of the event, including surpassing her goal of $30,000 this year. Although she is so proud of her committee, led by her fellow New Tampa Noon Rotary Club members Barry and Clare Shuman, her sponsors and supporters for their efforts this year, Val says that she is most proud of the fact that there were at least twelve Purple Heart recipients on hand for this year’s tournament, including not only injured U.S. Army Ranger Romy Camargo, but also Steven Hill, one of the Green Berets who saved Romy’s life. Tampa Fisher House director Paula Welenc and Fisher House national Board member and U.S. Marines Lt. Gen. (ret.) Marty Steele also were thankful for the efforts of Val and those involved in providing these funds, which are donated directly to the Tampa Fisher House each year. Donations are still being accepted. Please email ValCasey3@aol.com or visit FisherHouse.org for more info.
At the inaugural ‘Trick’s Kicks’ Memorial golf outing, the first place team (of 20 teams) was made up of Gerry Castro, Bob Aronson, Rusty Whitehurst & Bill Friedrich. The second place team included Dick Strom, Jim Langer, Joe Deapo and Pat Coon.
(Clockwise from above left): Fisher House Golf Classic organizer Val Casey, volunteers Barry & Clare Shuman, Fisher House Tampa director Paula Welenc, injured U.S. Army Ranger Romy Camargo & Green Beret Steven Hill, Mini of Wesley Chapel & great food from Cypress Point Community Church, Little Greek Restaurant & Ciao! Italian Bistro all helped make the eighth annual tournament a success.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Gonzmart Family Scores With New, Native American-Inspired Ulele! By Matt Wiley
Don’t choke on the price point, Ulele is an experience. For years, the Tampa Waterworks building in Tampa Heights has been decaying, forgotten in the shadow of downtown. But, that all changed last year when the Gonzmart family of Ybor City’s Columbia Restaurant fame secured a lease from the City of Tampa and announced plans to pump millions into resurrecting the historic, 100-yearold building (photo this page). Legend has it that Ulele (pronounced you-lay-lee) was the daughter of a Tocabogan Native American chief who saved an explorer by throwing herself over him as he was about to be executed. Sound familiar? The rest is on the menu, along with some of the city’s best new tastes from Chef Eric Lackey. It all begins when you pull up to the old, red brick water pumping station on N. Highland Ave. and hand the valet your keys. Positioned on the riverbank next to the new Water Works Park, diners descend a set of stairs next to a natural spring. As you walk through the front doors, which are clad in colorful motor engine gears, the open atmosphere at Ulele is striking. To the right is the striking bar area, complete with embedded arrowheads, further emphasizing Ulele’s Native American motif.
Bartenders bustle about between the bottle-filled shelves, which glide like sliding glass doors. Servers swiftly squeeze between tables in the hightraffic dining room. Facing the bar is the massive barbacoa grill, with ample space for the wide range of chops, fish, steak and even garden-fresh veggies that sizzle over open flames. The two-story dining area is split by a staircase, under which Ulele’s expansive wine collection is housed. On the other side, tables are greeted with sweeping views of the Tampa Riverwalk through sizable open doors and windows. Dusk’s “golden hour” shines straight into Ulele, as orange rays gleam off the Hillsborough River. The walls are adorned with various paintings and artwork, as well as original signage from the building’s days of pumping water. History abounds. Dining at the bar doesn’t disappoint. Ulele has several bartenders, to handle the high-energy crowd that keeps coming, but the service is never slack. Once seated, diners are presented with two double-sided menus, one for the drinker in you, the other covered in Lackey’s gastronomic creations. For the beer connoisseur, Ulele crafts its own brews on-site. Consider the citrusy bitterness of the hoppy pale ale or the approachable and seasonal Oktoberfest. But, sign a prenuptial before sipping the over-hyped and
fruity “Wedding Beer” lager. Play your cards right and you could find yourself on a tour of the 15-barrel brewery with brewmaster Tim Shackton. Check out the unique preparations of local oysters, including charbroiled, or served in spiced apple cabbage “boats.” For the adventurous, Ulele offers a different way to put the shellfish down quick — in a shot of tequila! Easy to swallow, but difficult to comprehend, the smooth, salty oyster shot with spicy tomato sangrita sauce is an experience worth noting. Once seated, diners get a peek at Ulele’s unique nosh, a Native American-influenced smorgasbord of steaks and seafood, among other peculiar pairings. The servers are knowledgeable
and always ripe with recommendations. For starters, look no further than the Jalapeno Corn Beer Quick Bread, an ample, golden loaf of spice to share. The Chilled Florida avocado soup is quick to cool the corn bread. Frosty and glistening emerald, the soup is another mind-melter. The charred corn datil pepper relish adds a dash of smoked spice, steering the soup from sweetness. However, Ulele’s entrées truly stand out. Jealous eyes follow the robust scent of the Crackling Pork Shank. Like a sizzling fajita, it’s difficult not to notice the beastly, 1-½-pound slab of crispy pork fit for a culinary caveman. Trade the club for a fork. The 8 oz. Flank Steak, too, is
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New York strip loin steak (left) and cast iron-seared yellowfin tuna are among our favorites at Ulele near downtown Tampa. Photos are from Ulele.com & Facebook.com/ulele. another Ulele rock star. Thinly sliced soy grapefruit reduction pictured above. It may not be for the thinnest of and marinated in garlic sea salt and wallets, but Ulele combines distinctive olive oil, the steak comes covered in flavors with an irreplaceable ambian avocado “Jimmychurri” sauce that ance that must be seen to be believed. immediately erupts with zest. Oh, and the mashed potatoes it’s served with are Make a reservation (try to do so well in topped with fresh popcorn. Traditional- advance) and ask for a table by the river for dusk. You won’t be sorry. ists will love the 14-oz. New York strip Ulele is located at 1810 N. loin steak (above), which is dry-aged for Highland Ave. in Tampa. For more 21 days. Our editor also flipped for the info, please visit Ulele.com or call thick-cut, cast-iron-seared yellowfin tuna steak with pumpkin seed-crusted, ginger 999-4592.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
City Grill — New Owner, New Attitude & Great New Entertainment! By Gary Nager; Photos by Matt Wiley
If you’ve never been (or if it’s been a while since you’ve been) to City Grill — located in the Village Market plaza at the corner of S.R. 54 and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. — you’ve been missing out on not only some great food but also on Wesley Chapel’s top non-smoking entertainment experience. The former location of Winners Grill has been undergoing a transformation since new owner Eth (he goes by Eric) Thueltrouve, a native of Lyon, France, took over a few months ago. No, Eric and his crew haven’t really changed City Grill’s already delicious menu (although they have had a few menu tweaks), but with the lack of evening entertainment options available here in Wesley Chapel, Eric did see an opportunity to make City Grill the first nonsmoking entertainment destination in our Wesley Chapel distribution area that isn’t located in the Shops at Wiregrass mall. So now, there’s something fun and entertaining to do every night of the week at City Grill. It starts on Monday night, with a no-pressure open mic night for anyone who wants to sing, play an instrument or even do a little standup comedy. Tuesdays are Team Trivia nights, starting at 7 p.m., where your team can win a City Grill gift card if you can outsmart your competition. Wednesday and Thursday nights are now karaoke nights, with my friend Gary Carmichael of Heart & Soul Karaoke as your host. Gary, who also was the karaoke
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jock at our 20th anniversary party and new office Grand Opening back in March, has one of the best lists you’ll find anywhere and he always lets new singers get into the rotation quickly. Thursday is also “Thirsty Thursday,” with select $1 shots and $1 draft beers, $6 liquor and beer pitchers, 75-cent (per piece) wings and shrimp and $1 tacos. On Friday and Saturday nights, City Grill has been featuring popular local bands like Nune at Night, Capo 3 and others. Eric posts the upcoming bands on a chalkboard inside City Grill, or you can call for the latest schedule. And finally, Sundays are still for football fans, with great drink specials all day and evening. In other words, it may be time to expand your horizons from the usual mall hangouts — since City Grill also features some of the best eclectic cuisine in Wesley Chapel, especially if you like fresh fish, a great steak or have a hankerin’ for some unique appetizers. Our office’s favorite appetizer is still the decadently different Cuban Cigars, which are like Cuban sandwiches “legally rolled” with a wonton wrapper and deep fried to look like cigars. And, while I’m not the biggest fried food fan, I do also love
At City Grill in the Wesley Chapel Village Market, you can get (top right) great grouper Mediterranean and a delicious grilled Caesar salad (above). (Right) City Grill GM Rafir and owner Eric invite you to dine, drink & enjoy! the fried provolone appetizer, as well as the The Mediterranean grouper pictured above is topped with garlic, white wine and fresh blackened wings, seared ahi tuna and the tomatoes, sauteed fresh spinach and a zesty perfectly grilled Caesar salad. pomodoro tomato sauce. Yum! Fish lovers can order a reasonably I also love the tender, tasty hangar priced portion of fresh grouper ($14) or tiand “against-the-grain” flank steaks, served lapia ($12) — each available in your choice with either chimichurri (green), “mushof six different preparations. I have tried rooming” or “Frenchy” sauces, especially and enjoyed all but the styles that have shrimp, but my favorites are the Mediterra- the black peppercorn and cognac “au nean, Tuscan and “Drunken” preparations. poivre” sauce on the Frenchy, which I
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The band Capo3 (above) makes regular appearances at City Grill, as do the Buffalo Birdie (top right) and Cuban sandwiches. almost always order on the side. City Grill also has an outstanding variety of sandwiches. My favorites are the prime rib au jus, the thick, tasty burgers and the Reuben, although assistant editor and photographer Matt Wiley raves about the Buffalo Birdie sandwich and I’ve also heard great reviews of the Drunken Chicken and Cuban sandwiches, too. Still looking for something else? I’ve enjoyed City Grill’s filling Shepherd’s pie and the crispy golden fish & chips. Save room for dessert, because City Grill has you covered with decadent items like creme brulee, an old fashioned root beer float and a warm donut flambe. Eric and his GM Rafir, who held the same position with the former owners of City Grill, often bring Fireball shots around to those who attend at night, and both enjoy singing a little karaoke themselves. Eric, who is at least 6’-4” tall, also can be found
dancing on the bar when the right songs are being played. And, there’s no doubt that City Grill’s full liquor bar offers much better prices than anyplace at the mall and the atmosphere and food are top-notch. City Grill (5429 Village Market) is open every day for lunch and dinner and stays open until at least 10 p.m. every night and until at least midnight on Fridays & Saturdays. For more info, including the entertainment schedule, call 973-9988 or visit CityGrill.us. Free Wifi Cable TV
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The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel! By Gary Nager
Dr. Scheu Says ‘Thanks’
Congratulations to my friend from the Wesley Chapel Rotary Club — Dr. William Scheu, DC, of New Tampa Chiropractic & Injury Center (located at 2312 Crestover Ln., off S.R. 56 & Cypress Ridge Blvd., in the Cypress Ridge Professional Center) — for hosting a successful Patient Appreciation party with delicious grilled burgers and hot dogs, an inflatable slide for the kids and drawings for great prizes, including a 32-inch flatscreen TV. Dr. Scheu (in back, with sunglasses in the photo, right) says he was thrilled with the turnout of about 100 of his patients and their families (plus, some health-oriented vendors) and will definitely host the event again next year. For appointments and more information, call New Tampa Chiropractic & Injury Center at 994-6111, see the ad on page 13 of this issue or visit ConfortiChiropractic.com.
Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce Updates
I also send congratulations to another fellow Wesley Chapel Noon Rotarian, Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik (photo, below), who celebrated the Grand Opening of the Wesley Chapel office (located at 2244 Green Hedges Way, Suite 101) of her DPW Legal Intellectual Property &
Appeals with a Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting, plus wine by Time for Wine, delicious food provided by A Dash of Salt & Pepper on Cross Creek Blvd. in New Tampa and flowers provided by Wesley Chapel Florist (located on Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd. across from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel). The Florida Bar has certified Dineen in both intellectual property law and appellate practice, making her the only lawyer in the state of Florida with both of those certifications. For more information, call 778-5161 or visit ip-appeals.com. I also wanted to thank the WCCC for hosting its November mixer at the new Hoosiers Grille at Heritage Isles Golf & Country Club (off Cross Creek Blvd. in New Tampa; 907-0267 or HoosierGrille. com). The restaurant now called Hoosiers
Grille has had several other names, but after sampling the prime rib sandwiches, pork quesadillas and Italian-style meatballs provided by new owner Shane Collett at Hoosiers, I think this latest incarnation just might stick around. The WCCC mixer (photo, below) at Hoosiers Grille also was sponsored by the ever-present (he’s at virtually every Chamber event) Guy Ward and his wife Susy of Moonlight Cleaning (527-9994). For Chamber info, call 994-8534.
Salon At The Walk & Salon Athena Join Forces!
Arno Schlappig (center of back row in photo on next page), the owner of Salon at The Walk (located at 18059 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy., in The Walk at Highwoods Preserve Plaza, next to Best Buy) and Salon Athena North (located a few miles south on BBD, in the Oak Ramble Plaza (between Acropolis & Mr. Dunderbak’s) is proud to announce that
the two salons have now joined forces — all at the Salon at the Walk location. Stylists Elie, Nikki and Brittany, who previously were at the Salon Athena location, have been added to the alreadyimpressive staff at Salon at the Walk and Brittany and Nikki will continue to offer a 10-percent discount to all USF students. Salon at The Walk offers cuts & styling for men, women and children, color, highlight, retouching, perms, Keratin treatments, hair extensions and even makeup and is open every day except Sunday. For appointments and more information, call 9792899 or visit SalonatTheWalk.com.
Chevron Coming Soon!
It’s been a while since we told you that the long-vacant gas station building in front of the Pebble Creek Collection (PCC) on BBD was going to reopen as a Circle K/Chevron gas station. Well, PCC landlord John Martinez says that the gas station and convenience store should be online soon, as new gas pumps could be installed before the end of this month and the station and store itself could be open sometime before the end of the year. We’ll keep you posted.
Angry Chair Brewing Opens In Seminole Heights
After more than a year of prepping the old clock store at 6401 N. Florida Ave. in Seminole Heights, Wesley Chapel residents Ryan Dowdle and Shane Mozur say that they are stoked to finally have the doors open and the beer pouring.
Now Under New Management
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“The neighborhood has been great,” Dowdle says. “We’ve been busy and had a steady crowd since we opened.” Currently, the brewery has five beers on draft, including an India Pale Ale, a red ale, a sour Berliner weisse, a salty sour gose and a German chocolate cake stout, all brewed by Ben Romano, the former pilot brewer of Tampa’s Cigar City Brewing.
The remodeled clock shop still has an industrial, yet cozy feel to it, with classic iron tractor seats stools, exposed wooden rafters and elaborate metal lighting fixtures. If you’re thirsty for some good vibes and some even better craft brews, make the trek south to Angry Chair Brewing. For more info, visit Angry ChairBrewing.com. — MW
1219 Bruce B Downs Blvd
corner of County Line Rd and Bruce B Downs next to Target 813-406-4870
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Located across from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel
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New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE AGENT - Award-winning Real Estate team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents whose desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available.. Keller Williams Tampa Properties. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon (813) 431-2840. PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) - An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. POOL SUPERVISOR - Weekend Pool Supervisor Wanted at New Tampa Community Pool. Saturdays & Sundays, noon-6 p.m. $10 - $12 per hour, must have CPR. Send resume to Chet.Benson@verizon.net or call (813) 977-1160 MEDICAL BILLER - Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company. Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/ Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: Richard.Jones@solarusmedical.com. OFFICE PERSONNEL WANTEDLooking for disciplined detail oriented Office personnel responsible for Order Entry and Light Shipping. Knowledge of FedEx and Sage Software is a Plus. This is for Full Time Employment. Please send your resume to bob@omnicontrols.com. GREAT FLORIDA INSURANCE: Now Hiring! Growing insurance agency is seeking a licensed and experienced 4-40 customer service oriented and represent the agency with the highest ethical standard with a minimum 3 year industry experience. Contact (813)994-1143 HAIRSTYLIST WANTED! Up-scale hair salon seeks hairstylist. Contact (813)994-9455
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
New President Provides Yet Another Wesley Chapel Rotary Club Update I have known Kelly Mothershead, the owner of A Focus on Fitness studio in the Seven Oaks Professional Park, since before she owned her personal training studio...and before she even joined the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel Noon (which meets Wednesdays at noon at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall) three+ years ago. Over the past few years, Kelly has gotten even more personally involved than ever before in worthwhile causes of every kind, including taking over the presidency of the Wesley Chapel Rotary (from Eric Johnson of WC Honda & Toyota) a few months ago. And neither the club nor its charismatic new president have taken a breath since then. “I love getting involved,” she says, “which is good, because I just really can’t say no to anyone in need.” To that end, the club she will be in charge of for the next year+ was a perfect fit for Kelly, with its ever-expanding membership roster (now at 95 and growing) and club members who seem to collectively believe that they’re “slackers” if they’re just getting together for lunch each week and not doing good things in not only Wesley Chapel, but regionally and internationally. “I honestly feel that I can ask any of our members to do just about anything to help someone or a group in need and they’ll do it with a smile,” says the future Rotary District 6950 District Governor. “In most Rotary clubs, there’s always a few people like that who end up doing most of the work, but with the size of this club and the energy our members have...well, let’s just say that I have a larger Board (14 members) than some clubs have members who
regularly attend their meetings. And I think that’s just so awesome.” Awesome, indeed. Consider this: This year alone, the Wesley Chapel Noon Rotary Club has sponsored and produced the Honest Abe 5K race in February (and will do so again in Feb. 2015), sent its third (and largest) contingent (12 people) to Honduras to create clean drinking water and latrines for the residents of one of that Central American country’s poorest areas (in conjunction with Pure Water for the World), sponsored a Global Grant to help Guatemala, put together a team for the American Cancer Society (ACS) Relay for Life this spring, produced the Wesley Chapel Freedom Festival in July, sponsored and co-produced (with the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce) the 2014 Wesley Chapel Fall Festival, sponsored the ACS “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of Pasco” 5K walk (see page 27) and had a group of volunteers at the San Antonio Rattlesnake Festival, all during the month of October. You’d think, after all that, that the club and its energetic membership would maybe take a little holiday break — but you’d be wrong! This month alone, several of the club members have been involved (including a few who were models) in the Habitat for Humanity “Men Bake” calendar, in advance of a great “Men Bake” event coming up in March 2015 at Lowry Park Zoo (as well as helping to actually build the Habitat for Humanity home constructed in Wesley Chapel last year). The club also sponsored this year’s “Hike for Hospice” on Nov. 16 (photos and a recap next issue) and will again sponsor and serve the annual “Turkey Gobble”
Thanksgiving meal on Nov. 27 at both Atonement Lutheran Church (at 29617 S.R. 54) in Wesley Chapel and at Keystone Community Church in Land O’Lakes. Had enough yet? The club also sponsors two Interact clubs (at Wiregrass Ranch High & Land O’Lakes High), helps the Sunrise of Pasco Domestic Abuse shelter, the Everyday Blessings residence for children in Thonotosassa and the Morningstar Fishermen aquaponics research and training facility in Dade City. WC Rotary president Kelly Mothershead (right), with Board member Jannah McDonald and Habitat for HuIn other words, I’m proud just to be a member of this amaz- manity “Men Bake” calendar model JD Porter. For more info, visit Facebook.com/RotaryClubofWesleyChapel. ing club. — GN
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 24 • November 22, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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