Volume 22 Issue 25
Did You Win A Clearwater Beach Stay?!
December 6, 2014
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Named The 2014 ‘Small Business Of The Year’ By The Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce! THIS INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS MAGAZINE IS DIRECTLY MAILED TO: NEW TAMPA: Arbor Greene • Cory Lake Isles • Cross Creek • Easton Park • Grand Hampton • Heritage Isles • Hunter’s Green • Hunter’s Key • K-Bar Ranch Lake Forest • Live Oak Preserve • Pebble Creek • Richmond Place • Tampa Palms • The Hammocks • West Meadows WESLEY CHAPEL: Aberdeen • Belle Chase • Bridgewater • Brookside • Chapel Pines • Country Walk • Lexington Oaks • Meadow Pointe • New River • Northwood • Pinewalk • Pine Ridge Saddlebrook • Saddleridge Estates • Saddlewood • Seven Oaks • The Lakes at Northwood • The Villages of Wesley Chapel • Watergrass • Wesley Pointe • Westbrook Estates • Williamsburg
Hillsborough Approves Agreement To Install Signal On County Line Rd.
Improvements that will benefit both drivers and pedestrians are on their way to County Line Rd., which serves as the border between New Tampa and Wesley Chapel. And, one of those improvements could be completed as early as January. On November 13, the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners approved an Interlocal Agreement from Pasco Country (sent to Hillsborough in September) that will allow for a new traffic signal at County Line Rd. and Northwood Palms Blvd. Under the agreement, Pasco will design and construct a temporary, wooden-pole traffic signal at the busy intersection at no cost to Hillsborough. Pasco Traffic Operations manager Robert Reck says that the plans for the light have been completed and the next step is sending the design to Hillsborough for approval and to obtain right-of-way use and lane closure permits. “Once the permits are issued by Hillsborough County, we should be starting construction within two weeks,” Reck says, adding that his department already has all of the necessary materials to construct the signal and will be erecting it using an inhouse crew. Reck also notes that, since the signal is technically a temporary one, it only will take
about two weeks to put into place, which means the entire project could be completed by early January 2015, depending upon how quickly Hillsborough issues its permits. A traffic study by Pasco engineers found that the intersection warrants a signal, meeting several Federal requirements, with nearly 14,000 vehicles using the intersection during an average 24-hour cycle.
Pebble Creek residents should see some relief on their future utility bills, as Hillsborough County has approved a deal to purchase the community’s private water utility service, Pluris, which proposed enormous rate hikes in 2013. After months of negotiations, a deal has been reached between the county and Pluris to convert Pebble Creek residents to county water customers. The
By Matt Wiley
deal was approved 7-0 at the November 13 Hillsborough Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting. “The deal has been approved and we are moving forward in a positive direction,” says recently re-elected (see our election recap on page 4) Dist. 2 Comm. Victor Crist, who was reelected on Nov. 4 to represent the New Tampa area on the BOCC. “Pebble Creek residents can look forward to see-
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Foot Traffic Improvements
In addition to the new signal, a multiuse path that currently dead-ends along the north (Pasco County) side of County Line Rd. soon could be extended, allowing for uninterrupted pedestrian traffic from Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. to Northwood Palms Blvd. On November 18, the Pasco BOCC approved an agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to pay for and construct an eight-foot-wide multi-use path from Northwood Palms Blvd. (located east of the entrance to The Hammocks townhomes) east to where the current eight-foot-wide path dead-ends, just west of Big Creek Dr. (the entrance to The Lakes at Northwood community), on the north side of County Line Rd. County documents indicate that the path extension originally was named as a
possible project that could be funded with the Penny for Pasco program (a one-cent sales tax used to fund county projects). However, since the 1,600-foot project to connect the paths doesn’t require the purchase of any rightof-way, the Pasco Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) submitted the project to FDOT two years ago to see if the agency would foot the bill. In the map above, the future traffic signal at County Line Rd. and FDOT has funding set aside Northwood Palms Blvd. is indicated with the red circle, while the footpath extension on the north side of the road is outlined in yellow. for the project in its five-year plan, but to cost about $25,000, with actual conto secure those funds, the Pasco BOCC first struction estimated at more than $260,000. had to approve a Local Agency Program Pasco is responsible for submitting the (LAP) agreement with FDOT, which it did project’s design to FDOT by no later than at the Nov. 18 meeting. December of 2015 so that construction can The design for the project is expected begin in 2016.
Hillsborough County To Acquire Pebble Creek Water Service For $14M
Also Inside This Issue!
Shawn Harrison Wins Rematch Of New Tampa Residents, Pasco Approves Final Extension For Wiregrass Baseball Facility, Plus Lots Of Local Business Features & More!
Reviews of Little Greek & City Grill, Our 2014 Dining Survey & Contest Results & More Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes!
Pages 3-42
Pages 43-60
ing some relief. Help is on the way.” Back in June, the BOCC moved to enter into “good faith” negotiations with the Dallas-based private water and waste water service to acquire the service in Pebble Creek, as well as the East Lake neighborhood (located near the Tampa Hard Rock Casino). During the Nov. 13 meeting, Hank Ennis from the county attorney’s office told the BOCC that the combined appraised value of the two services was $13.2 million and offers from both parties arrived at a negotiated price of $14.1 million. Originally, Pluris had countered with a selling price of more than $22 million. Hillsborough County Public Utilities director George Cassady told commissioners that, depending upon how quickly the agreement is signed by
both parties (which had not yet been completed at our press time), Pebble Creek residents could become Hillsborough County water utility customers by as early as January 2015. “We tried to make every effort to make this transaction happen quickly,” Cassady said, adding that his department also is looking into providing a credit to customers for the difference of what they could’ve been paying as Hillsborough customers for the past several months. If not for the legal process, he said, Pebble Creek residents could have become Hillsborough customers much sooner. See “PC Water” on page 10.
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Remembering My Friends Roger Ernst & Nair Caetano An editorial by Gary Nager Long-time New Tampa resident and New Tampa (morning) Rotary Club member Roger Ernst and I have been friends for as long as I’ve been associated with Rotary, which is at least a dozen years or more. Roger and his ever-present witticisms and unique outlook on life were always welcome and he always told me how much he loved this publication. Roger, who passed away less than two weeks before we went to press with this issue, was 90 years old when he passed, but you would never have guessed it, because he was so vibrant, sharp and in such great shape following his long military career that if I told you he was 75, you would definitely have believed me. Roger was an army officer in London, Berlin and Paris. He started the first Peace Corps outpost in India, and then became a diplomat working on U.S. economic development in Taiwan, Korea, Ethiopia, and Thailand. He was a contributor to many organizations, especially the Rotary, the Nantucket Conservation Foundation, the Military Officers Association and the Foreign Service Association. Roger earned his Bachelor’s degree in economics, political science and history from Williams College in Williamstown, MA. He also earned a Master’s degree from the National War College in Washington, D.C. “Roger Ernst had a remarkable record of service to our nation as a military veteran
New Tampa Neighborhood News 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: (813) 423-6533 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents Amy Gutierrez • Celeste McLaughlin Kelly Miller Advertising Sales Representative Mary Dorey Office Assistant Jillian Reilly Graphic Design Georgia Carmichael • Nate Ciurla Chelsie Rosatone
Nothing that appears in New Tampa Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by New Tampa Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 23, Issue 1, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Monday, December 15, 2014. New Tampa Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. New Tampa Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. New Tampa Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
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and as a professional in our international diplomatic corps,” said William “Frank” Moore, president of the Rotary Club of New Tampa and retired U.S. Air Force Brigadier General. “For many years he was Roger Ernst one of the most active and dedicated members of the Rotary Club of New Tampa and of the worldwide Rotary community.” Roger first joined Rotary in 1968 and served in various roles including sergeant-atarms while logging 32 years of perfect attendance, a total of more than 2,000 meetings! He received the Membership Enhancement Award from the Rotary Club of New Tampa in 2010. Over the years, Roger donated more than $6,000 to the Rotary Foundation, supporting Rotary International’s efforts to end polio, provide clean water and sanitation and promote literacy around the world. Connie Bladon, a fellow New Tampa Rotarian, fondly remembers that, “Roger had a strong New Tampa Rotary family and he also had a strong New Tampa YMCA family. The YMCA folks loved Roger, his upbeat nature and warm smile. They used to tease him about kissing all the ladies and socializing more than working out...however, he went to spinning class every morning and did more than most people half his age.” Roger’s son David kept Roger’s Paul Harris Fellow medal and ribbon on his dresser with his other precious things. “Rotary was a huge part of dad’s life,” David said while accepting Roger’s sixth Paul Harris Fellow medal Nov. 17. “He loved the projects and believed in the ideals of Rotary. His 90 years was a lifelong adventure, with threads of unrelenting positivity, commitment to service above self, global living, diplomacy, and an enduring romance with his wife Jeannie,” who preceded him in passing. Roger’s children, David and Debbe, suggest contributions in Roger’s honor to the Rotary Foundation or the Nantucket Conservation Foundation in lieu of flowers. My thanks to David Ernst and New
Tampa Rotary secretary Karen Frashier for compiling the information used in this column for me. I also mourn the recent passing of Nair Caetano, the wife of former Bostonian Hair Salon owner and former Tampa City Nair Caetano Council member (and current City Council candidate) Joseph Caetano, who passed away after an illness that lasted almost a decade. I never really got to know Nair very well, because she wasn’t very often at any of Joseph’s salons when she was alive, but I
do know how much Joseph and the couple’s daughters, Jacquie and Caron, and Caron’s husband Paul, all loved her. I also know that although they’re all grief-stricken over her loss, that they also are finding some solace in the fact that her struggle to live finally ended. “She’s been ill for so long,” Joseph told me just before we went to press with this issue, “But her heart was just so strong that she somehow kept on fighting.” Nair also was a military officer and could match Joseph in any test of wills. My condolences to both the Ernst and Caetano families. I also want to wish everyone a joyous holiday season and hope that when you’re out shopping for gifts, you’ll consider supporting the local businesses advertised in these pages. See you in 2015, New Tampa!
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Table of Contents
Local News Updates......................................4-23 New Tampa’s Midterm Election Results By Precinct.......................4 Two Tampa Palms Businesses Robbed On Same Day.....................6 FHP Intensive Patrol Nabs One Wrong-Way Driver.........................8 New Tampa News Briefs........................................................12 Four Arrested In First-Degree Apartment Murder Gas Leak Fire Damages Tampa Palms Home Sheriff’s Office Launches New Mobile App Construction Begins At Interstate Apex Wiregrass Baseball Facility Gets Final Extension For Financing.......14 WC Chamber Exec. Director Bitten By Pygmy Rattler....................16
New Tampa Community Calendar...................................20
Local Business Updates......................24-42 la Pink Has Unique Gifts For Holiday Shopping...........................24 KONA Swim Bike Run Can Help You Become A Triathlete...........26 Healing Hands Chiropractic Can Ease Your Pain........................28 Vitamin Discount Center Has Your Nutritional Supplements.......30 Whole Foods Market Carrollwood..............................................34
Local Sports & Education Updates...........39 Freedom High’s Taylor Emery Signs To Tulane University
Neighborhood Magazine
Little Greek Brings Grecian Fare To New Tampa..................43, 58 Tampa Palms’ Jaeb Center Employees ‘Run @ Work’..................45 City Grill Is The Spot For Urban Fare & Entertainment...............48 Our 2014 Dining Survey & Contest Results...........................51 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’.......................54
NEW TAMPA COLOR CLASSIFIEDS.......................56
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Harrison Defeats Incumbent Danish To Retake Dist. 63 House Seat By Matt Wiley
It’s been nearly a month since the 2014 Midterm General Election and the completed, “official” results are in. While our state’s governor keeps his seat and medical marijuana likely will appear again on a future ballot, a New Tampa resident who used to represent our area in the Florida House of Representatives has unseated the incumbent (and fellow New Tampa resident), who defeated him for the same seat in 2012. Of the more than 40,000 registered voters in the 12 voting precincts in New Tampa’s 33647 zip code, only 19,186 submitted ballots, for a turnout of 47.6 percent (see chart). Our area’s General Election turnout was just short of Hillsborough County’s 49.13-percent (376,306 ballots cast of more than 765,000 registered voters) and a little further below the state’s turnout of 50.34 percent (with slightly more than 6 million ballots cast of nearly 12 million registered voters). The highest voter turnout in New Tampa was in Precinct 358, which voted at the Compton Park Recreation Center in Tampa Palms, where there were 1,042 ballots cast of 1,719 registered voters in Precinct 358, for a turnout of more than 60 percent. The lowest voter turnout in our precincts came from Precinct 356, which voted at the New Tampa Family YMCA (located on Compton Dr., also in Tampa Palms), where only 129 ballots were cast among the precinct’s 463 registered voters, for a dismal total voter turnout of only 27.86 percent.
Mr. Harrison Returns To Tally
On the local front, former Dist. 63 Rep. Shawn Harrison (R-New Tampa) was elected to the Florida House of Representatives for the second time, retaking the seat he previously held from 2010-12 from Rep. Mark Danish (D-New Tampa), who defeated Harrison for the same seat two years ago in the 2012 General Election. Harrison, a Hunter’s Green resident, was able to narrowly defeat Danish (of Arbor Greene) in this election by fewer than 3,000 votes to regain the seat, receiving just more than 52 percent of the District’s vote. However, Harrison actually only won two of New Tampa’s precincts and 46.5 percent of our area’s vote to Danish’s 48.6 percent. “It feels great (to get elected again),” Harrison says. “Redemption is a powerful motivator. I am honored to once more be representing New Tampa in the Florida House.” Harrison says that he attributes his re-election to “old-fashioned hard work,” adding that he thinks that knocking on the doors of voters in New Tampa and across the District and explaining policy differences between him and incumbent Rep. Danish played a large part in his victory. “I’m ready to get to work right away,” Harrison explains. “There is no learning curve for me. I want to hear from constituents about the issues that are important to them. There are no party lines in District 63, just the same common-sense, biparti4
New Tampa November 4th General Election Results By Precinct Governor Turnout
Attorney General
Prec. #
355 356 357 358 359 361 363 367 583 584 671 673 Total
28 31.11 8 17 10 129 27.86 28 84 33 947 49.30 475 428 543 1042 60.62 412 575 493 2527 45.65 1058 1343 1204 1842 59.21 955 801 1048 3723 46.80 1504 2022 176 3339 44.20 1416 1737 1603 707 41.96 246 394 307 574 43.88 145 378 193 2791 49.90 1181 1437 1380 1537 45.94 574 876 651 19186 47.6% 41.7% 52.6% 48.1%
13 81 364 489 1201 719 1795 1563 350 337 1275 793 46.8%
Dist. 63 Rep. Harrison
33 81 526 383 484 507 1207 1215 1059 699 1654 1903 1578 1621 285 377 177 358 1298 1366 639 822 46.5% 48.6%
san effective representation that I have al- Crist’s margin over Scott in Hillsborough County was just more than 10,000 votes. ways tried to achieve.” And, Crist also actually defeated Scott in Victor Crist Wins Reelection In other local races, a long-time New ten of New Tampa’s 12 precincts by a toTampa resident has been re-elected to con- tal of just 1,090 votes. In other races, Republican Pam tinue serving on the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), Bondi retained the office of Florida’s Atas Republican Victor Crist defeated Demo- torney General, as she defeated Democrat Elizabeth Belcher, with 55.98 percent cratic hopeful George Sheldon with 55 of the county’s vote, to keep his District percent of the state’s vote, to Sheldon’s 2 seat. However, Crist received just 45.1 47 percent. Bondi won in Hillsborough percent of New Tampa’s vote, where he by nearly 37,000 votes (53.46 percent won just five of 12 precincts. “I appreciate of the county’s vote to Sheldon’s 43.43 the support and am glad to be welcomed percent) and Libertarian opponent Bill back,” Comm. Crist said. “There’s still Wohlsifer collected just 3 percent of the county’s vote. In New Tampa, however, much work to be done in the county.” Crist, a Hunter’s Green resident, Bondi won only half of our precincts. Meanwhile, New Tampa’s voting added that he plans to stay focused on reforming government agencies to be more precincts have nearly 15,000 registered transparent. He says one example is the Democrats to just more than 12,500 Recounty’s Public Transportation Commis- publicans, which is reflected in our area’s sion, in which he wants to work to reform vote for the governor’s mansion and the agency’s rules and guidelines. Crist also Crist’s County Commission seat, but not is a strong advocate for the proposed cul- so much for the attorney general and the tural center and dog park on the 80 acres Dist. 63 House seat. of county land across from the entrance to More Results... Hunter’s Green. Look for an update about Also winning election on Nov. 4 that project in a future issue. were several local candidates to serve on Community Development District State Remains Largely (CDD) Boards of Supervisors, includRepublican As you know, Republican Gov. Rick Scott narrowly won his re-election bid against Democrat Charlie Crist (with 48 percent of the state’s vote to Crist’s 47 percent), in what has been called the most expensive campaign in Florida’s history. Gov. Scott won re-election by just 65,000 votes, a similar margin of victory as he had against Democrat Alex Sink in 2010. This year, Libertarian gubernatorial hopeful Adrian Wyllie was only able to manage 3.8 percent of the state’s vote and two candidates with no party affiliation garnered only 1 percent combined. Crist actually took Hillsborough County, where he collected 48.29 percent of the vote, while Gov. Scott gathered just 45.59 percent and Wyllie received 4.82 percent of the county’s vote.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Dist. 2 County Comm. Crist
11 565 491 1204 1027 1600 1509 305 1330 602 45.1%
14 329 478 1163 688 1868 1625 350 1281 837 44.99%
Amend. 2 Yes (%)
71.43 83.20 54.20 60.02 59.97 56.95 60.02 62.11 64.06 7344 59.61 61.81 63.9%
ing Michael Candella (38.68%) over Amy Eckhardt (36.65%) and Valerie Olivito Casey (24.66%) in Arbor Greene CDD’s Seat 1. In addition, Thomson George defeated Alexander K. Levy (50.51% - 49.49%) for Arbor Greene’s Seat 2; Joyce Hepscher defeated Vicki Castro 57.14% - 42.86% for the Cory Lakes CDD Seat 4 and Daryl W. Rucker (52.88%) defeated Michael J. Colitz, III, (47.12%) for the Tampa Palms OST (Open Space & Transportation) CDD’s Seat 1. And finally, the controversial Amendment 2, which would have legalized medical marijuana in the state, fell a little short of the necessary 60 percent “Yes” vote it needed on election night to pass. Statewide, Amendment 2 received the support of just 57.62 percent of voters. In Hillsborough, the amendment also “failed” by receiving only 57.9 percent approval, but 63.9-percent of New Tampa’s 12 voting precincts supported Amendment 2.
Congratulations to all of those elected from the New Tampa Neighborhood News. For more information and complete 2014 Midterm Election election results, please visit VoteHillsborough.org.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Chase Bank, Hungry Howie’s Robbed
Bank robberies are common, but you don’t hear too often about pizza establishment robberies. However, both happened recently — on the same day, within a few short miles of one another in Tampa Palms. According to the Tampa Police Department (TPD), two male suspects walked into the Hungry Howie’s in the Shoppes of Amberly shopping plaza in Tampa Palms on November 24 at 11:26 p.m. One of the suspects was armed with a machete-type weapon. The armed suspect was described as having a medium complexion, wearing a red mask/turban, while the second was described as having a dark complexion, wearing a black mask/turban and a dark, long-sleeve shirt. The suspects approached a hungry Howie’s employee and demanded the money bag, the TPD report says. The employee walked to the register and opened it, at which point the unarmed suspect reached in and grabbed the money. The suspects fled out the back door of the takeout pizza restaurant. TPD responded with officers, a K-9 unit and a search helicopter, but the suspects were able to get away.
entered the New Tampa Chase Bank (located on Cypress Preserve Dr. at Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd. in Tampa Palms) wearing a dark-colored, hooded sweatshirt and dark sweat pants with a white stripe on the sides. He also was wearing white sneakers, an orange beanie and silver, wire-framed glasses. (See photo) TPD reports that the suspect took an undetermined amount of cash and fled on foot. No injuries were reported and TPD continues to investigate. Anyone with any information about the suspects’ identity or whereabouts in either of these cases are urged to call TPD at 231-6130 or Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay at 1-(800) 873-TIPS (8477). — MW
Chase Bank Robbed
Earlier that same day, the Tampa Palms Chase bank branch also was robbed. According to TPD, at around 5:20 p.m. on November 24, a Hispanic male
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Wrong-Way Driver Busted In Year’s Final FHP DUI ‘Intensive’ Patrol The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) has wrapped up its final two of three “intensive patrol” weekends, during which it issued hundreds of citations on Tampa Bay’s interstate highways, including I-75 and I-275 through New Tampa, with the most recent “intensive” resulting in the arrest of one intoxicated driver headed the wrong direction. FHP reports that during the weekends of Nov. 13-16 and Nov. 2023, the agency brought 15 additional troopers to the area each weekend and cracked down on interstate drivers in Hillsborough County, where more than 11 people have died this year in wrong-way driving accidents. One of the most recent fatalities involved a New Tampa resident, back in August. Almost all of the deaths has been alcohol-related. The final wave even actually stopped a wrong-way driver, the only one witnessed and caught since the intensive patrols began. On Nov. 22, at around 4:30 a.m., a FHP trooper was flagged down and told about a about a motorist headed the wrong way up an exit ramp onto Fletcher Ave. from I-75. Shortly thereafter, Teshome Campbell, 21, of Land O’Lakes was pulled over in his silver Honda Civic at the Circle K gas station
across from Telecom Park off Fletcher Ave. in Temple Terrace. The trooper reported that Campbell opened his door and exited his vehicle as the trooper approached, reeking of alcohol. Campbell said that his GPS had advised him to drive the wrong way on I-75. Campbell admitted to drinking and failed several field sobriety tests, including a Breathalyzer test. Campbell was found to have a 0.209 blood alcohol content (BAC), or more than 2.5 times the legal limit of 0.08). He also admitted to having marijuana in his car. Campbell was taken to the Hillsborough County Jail and charged with driving under the influence and possession of marijuana. He was released on a $1,000 bond on Nov. 23. “The 15 additional FHP troopers assigned to Tampa for the third Wrong-Way/DUI enforcement wave proved highly successful,” said FHP Sgt. Steve Gaskins in a release. During the two final intensive patrols, FHP made 19 arrests for driving under the influence, as well as 30 drugor narcotics-related arrests, 48 misdemeanor arrests and eight felony arrests. In addition, FHP issued more than 344 speeding citations and more than 417 other traffic citations. – MW
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‘PC Water’
Continued from page 1
“If we had been able to effectuate this transaction sooner, they would have been our customers sooner, and that provides justification for providing some relief on their utility bill,” Cassady explains. The rate-increase drama began back in January 2013, when the residents of Pebble Creek’s more than 1,500 homes were notified that they would be experiencing a significant water rate increase, the first of its kind since Pluris bought out Pebble Creek Utilities in 2009. Pluris’ proposed hike would have raised the base charge per household for water per month from $16.54 to $19.80 and the cost per 1,000 gallons from $2.55 to $5.16 (up to the first 9,000 gallons, with an additional charge for every additional 1,000 gallons). The base charge for wastewater also would’ve climbed from $27.55 to $37.10 per residence. However, that substantial increase had to first be approved by the county, which decided against that initial hike last year. But, since residents were first alerted of that drastic increase, Pluris has been charging an “interim rate” for water and wastewater service, which is cheaper than the proposed hike, but still raised the base charge per household per month to $18.98 and the cost per 1,000 gallons to $4.51. Wastewater was raised to $34.71. Before the county would approve such a substantial rate jump, Pluris had to prove that it was justified and county
staff had to have a chance to “crunch the numbers.” County staff felt the proposed increase was unjustified and the county countered with recommended rates of its own, which are a slight increase from the interim rates. The current rates still are substantially lower than Pluris’ initial proposed rate hike. Now, residents could see some money coming back in their direction, after more than a year of the interim rates. “We’re definitely glad to hear it,” says Pebble Creek Homeowners Association president Dan Logan. “We’re very thankful.” He adds that when he notified homeowners that the purchase negotiations were in the final stages, they stood and cheered. “I don’t think anybody’s going to cry about not having Pluris service anymore,” he says. Logan also says that he hopes the customer service and responsiveness to issues will improve when he and Pebble Creek become Hillsborough water customers. “I remember when we first started this conversation,” said Dist. 6 Comm. Kevin Beckner at the Nov. 13 meeting. “I think we looked at (purchasing Pluris) from a financial perspective, but then when we got into the heart of the issue, and heard the issues that came from the residents, (we) realized that this is much more than about finances; this is about making sure that all of our residents have access to clean, affordable, potable drinking water. And, I think we came to the right conclusion that this (purchase) is indeed a responsibility of government.”
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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New Tampa Four Arrested In FirstDegree Apartment Murder
Several suspects have been charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of a Tampa man at an apartment complex just south of Tampa Palms. According to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO), just after midnight on November 7, the agency received a call about a shooting at the Casablanca Apartments (located near the intersection of E. Bearss Ave. and Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd.). When deputies arrived, they found Damian Santos, 23, of Tampa, shot to death in a vehicle. Investigators have determined that the fatal shooting was the result of a drug deal and robbery gone bad. Deputies learned that a black male and white female were observed at the scene just before the shooting and that the male was overheard saying that he, too, had been shot. HCSO reports that while deputies were on the scene, they were alerted that a black male had been checked into Florida Hospital Tampa (located on E. Fletcher Ave.) with a gunshot wound. Deputies identified and interviewed Joshua Dondree Green, 21, of Tampa, at the hospital, and determined that he was a suspect in the shooting. The unidentified female also was taken into custody for questioning. HCSO’s investigators also determined that Matthew James Green (not related to Joshua), 22, a resident of the Casablanca Apartments, also was a suspect and he was taken into custody around 8 p.m. the same day. HCSO deputies later also arrested Allen James Waddell, 22, of Seffner, on November 10 and Nicholas Walker Leizear, 19, of Valrico, on November 17 in connection with the same shooting. All four suspects have been charged with first-degree felony murder and robbery with a firearm and were still being held at the Hillsborough County Jail without bond at our press time.
Gas Leak Fire Damages Tampa Palms Home
No injuries have been reported, following a house fire in the Manchester community of Tampa Palms. Tampa Fire Rescue (TFR) reports that
In addition to traffic emergencies, the application also alerts citizens about crimes in which the public can be of assistance, announcing missing and endangered people and children, as well as hazardous safety and weather conditions. The app is available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store on Android devices.
News Briefs the agency received a call at 7 p.m. on November 16 that reported that smoke was coming from a home on Southampton Cir. TFR responded to find the family safely outside the home. Once firefighters entered the twostory residence, they saw flames coming from the attic. TFR reports that the fire was extinguished by 7:30 p.m. TFR spokesperson Jason Penny notes that the fire was caused by a gas leak in the home’s central heating system, which created a “blowtorch” effect. He adds that the resulting flames shot upward through the heater closet and caused the structure to catch fire. Penny says that the home suffered some moderate fire and water damage, with the damage estimate at about $100,000. However, the home is not considered a “total loss.”
Construction Begins At Interstate Apex
Sheriff’s Office Launches New Mobile App
ogy from West Palm Beach-based Audible Media Group, a broadcast and technology company that provides audio broadcast Finding out if there are any traffic content and communications for mobile crashes or law enforcement emergenapplications. cies that could create confusion on New “HCSO has always been on the Tampa’s roadways just became a whole cutting-edge of technology to help increase lot easier, as the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) has released a new the safety of its citizens,” said former mobile application that tells drivers exactly Florida Lieutenant Governor and Audible Media Group spokesperson Jeff Kottcamp what’s happening on the roads. On November 13, HCSO held a news at the conference. “Today’s announcement is just one more step in the way of conference to announce the launch of the embracing 21st century technology to free Audio Traffic Hillsborough smartcommunicate directly with the citizens of phone and tablet app for Apple and Android devices. The app allows Hillsborough Hillsborough County.” County residents to simply open the app to hear up-to-the minute, voice-activated, on-demand, audio traffic reports and news bulletins presented in the style of radio broadcast traffic reports. “Sheriff David Gee has placed tremendous amount of emphasis on getting more information out to our community,” said Maj. Chad Chronister at the news conference. “What we love most about the application is that it’s voice-operated. You press a button and the rest of it you hear by a voice, which means there’s not another thing in the vehicle that can contribute to distracted driving.” Chronister adds, “Whether it’s a crime, or an active shooting spree, we can push that information out (using the app).” The app was designed using technol-
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Construction continues along I-75 between Fowler Ave. in Temple Terrace and S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel, and a new section of road work recently began that will complement that project. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) spokesperson John McShaffrey says that construction recently began on northbound I-275 on the half-mile stretch leading up to the split for I-75 and S.R. 56. “This new project will extend the northbound lanes of I-275 up to the exit point to the S.R. 56 exit ramp and the exit ramp to northbound I-75,” McShaffrey explains. Currently, I-275 narrows from three lanes down to two just before the S.R. 56 exit. The new project will allow the three lanes to continue past the S.R. 56 exit, where they then will narrow to two lanes before the bridge over I-75. The project is estimated to cost about $3 million and McShaffrey says that construction should be completed by the fall of 2015. Drivers can expect nightly lane closures and ramp detours between the hours of 8:30 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. For info, please visit MyTBI.com.
Pasco Grants Final Extension To Baseball Facility, Sheffield Promises Personal $3M By Matt Wiley Retired MLB star and longtime Tampa Bay-area resident Gary Sheffield says that he’ll cough up $3 million of his own money to make sure that the proposed Wiregrass Ranch baseball complex becomes a reality — a move that was enough to earn Pasco Sports, LLC, one last extension from the Pasco County to prove it has the funds to make the project happen. “At the end of the day, when all of this is said and done, if no one comes forward to do this deal, my $3 million is going to take care of that note,” Sheffield told the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) on November 18. “Before I let this deal die, I have to step up and do something. I know the county wants (the complex), the state of Florida wants it and AAU Baseball all over the country wants it.” At the meeting, the BOCC discussed the recommendations from county staff and the county’s financial advisors at Dunlap & Associates, Inc., about the financing plan that Sheffield and his partner James Talton submitted in October for the complex. Pasco Sports had to prove that it had secured $23 million in order for the county to release $11 million in tourism tax dollars and bond revenue it committed to pay for the $34-million project’s infrastructure. The $3 million Sheffield referenced would pay for the design and some of the construction of the project. Although Pasco Sports made its deadline (which already was extended by 90 days) to submit necessary proof of financing for the baseball facility, commissioners
granted another extension to December 5, so the company could find more concrete financing. However, that deadline was after we went to press with this issue. Based upon the financing submitted at that time, the county will decide whether or not to move forward with the project on January 13. Ironing down investors has been a difficult task, Sheffield said, since Pasco Sports doesn’t own the 200 acres of land (donated by the Porter family, which owns the Wiregrass Ranch Development of Regional Impact) or really have anything to offer investors in exchange for their funding After reviewing the plan, Dunlap & Associates raised concerns about the source of Pasco Sports’ funding. The financing plan consists of a $3-million loan from Hallmark Mergers & Acquisitions, LLC, as well as a commitment from the Florida EB-5 Regional Center, LLC, to help raise the remaining $20 million as a “Foreign Investment Project.” Dunlap & Associates said that, while the Florida EB-5 Regional Center had agreed to help raise funds for the project from those “foreign investors,” the commitment itself doesn’t “count” as “available funds.” But, Pasco administrator Michele Baker said that after speaking with some interested investors who have come forward since the plan was submitted, she didn’t mind allowing a little extra time. “(County staff has) been having conversations with brokers and financiers who are interested in being involved in the project,” Baker said, adding that in addition to the December 5 deadline, a letter with all of
James Talton (right) of Pasco Sports, LLC, and former MLB star Gary Sheffield were given one last extension from Pasco County on Nov. 18 to prove they have secured the funds to keep the proposed Wiregrass Ranch baseball facility project alive. Pasco commissioners will decide whether or not to terminate the project on Jan. 13. the funding information is to be submitted a little extra time to get the necessary to the county by Pasco Sports by December documents to make our financial advisors 19, so that county staff and financial advisors comfortable, the county attorney’s office have time to review the info ahead of the comfortable and the county administrator January BOCC meeting. comfortable,” Comm. Schrader said. “I District 5 Pasco Comm. Jack Mariano think we can all agree that it’s a fantastic voiced concerns about the plan submitted in location, it’s a great concept; we just need to October. make sure that we have the right partner.” “This (plan) looks like it was just Newly elected District 2 Comm. Mike thrown together to put in front of us to Moore, who was sworn in earlier in the day, move (the project) forward,” Comm. Marialso supported the extension. ano said. “I don’t think that (Pasco Sports) “This (project) is in my district, so I’m has met the terms of the agreement, even excited about it, but, if we’re going to move with the extension that we gave them.” forward, we’ve got to have some assurances BOCC chair and District 1 Comm. Ted that the financing is there,” Comm. Moore Schrader supported the final extension. said. “There’s got to be some available cash. “I’m comfortable with giving them You have to have some skin in the game.”
PRLM, Inc. • Licensed Real Estate Broker
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WC Chamber’s Exec. Director Bitten By Pygmy Rattler In Grand Hampton By Matt Wiley Although rattlesnakes are often perceived as a desert menace, they’re actually quite common in our area and it’s important to keep an eye out for them (and other venomous animals), or it could result in a painful bite and even a stay at a local hospital. Hope Allen, a resident of Grand Hampton and executive director of the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC), walked out to her mailbox just after 7 p.m. on October 29, not knowing that it would be the last pain-free walk she would have for many weeks. While grabbing her mail with one foot in the grass and the other on her driveway, a pygmy rattlesnake somewhere between 12-18 inches long lashed out and bit Allen’s ankle. “It felt like a sledgehammer came down on my foot,” Allen explains. “I didn’t even hear a rattle, but I turned around and saw the snake coiled up, with its head raised and fangs out. It got me good.” The bite sent her on a trip straight to Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) on
Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. Five days later, she finally was released, but not before being treated with 18 vials of antivenin during a 24hour period, and spending two days in the Intensive Care Unit. “It’s been a horrible experience,” Allen told us just before our press time. “But, I’m on the mend.” Allen made an attempt to return to work part-time the week of November 10, including making an appearance (photo) at the WCCC ribbon cutting event at DPW Legal on Nov. 11 (see pg. 54). According to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), pygmy rattlesnakes, or “ground rattlers,” are members of the pit viper family and common in every county in Florida. They’re usually found in areas near lakes, ponds and marshes. On average, the snakes measure less than 18 inches in length and usually are gray in color, with rounded black and red spots along their backs. Allen says that the snake that bit her looked about that size. “Pygmies are fairly common snakes,” says FWC spokesperson Gary Morse. “And, for a little snake, they have a nasty disposition whenever they feel cornered or threatened.” Pygmy bites are known to cause pain and swelling, and can be fatal if not treated properly. The Poison Center Tampa reports that, like the diamondback rattlesnake and water moccasin (cottonmouth), the bitten area will display puncture wounds and pain, blisters, bruising, swelling and oozing of blood. Bites from coral snakes (red, yellow and black striped snakes) often result in just small scratches and mild swelling, but still require immediate medical attention.
Morse says that it’s always important to watch where you’re putting your hands and feet, especially if out in the wild when there is a chance you could come into contact with venomous animals or insects like spiders or scorpions. However, snakes can be found nearly Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce anywhere, especially executive director Hope Allen continues to renear construction cover from a pygmy rattlesnake bite that put her sites, where rodents and insects are comin the hospital for five days. mon. Sometimes, anti-venin isn’t necessary, As a precauas the Poison Center’s website explains that tion, Morse recom25 percent of snake bites are “dry bites,” or mends making sure bites in which venom isn’t introduced to the your yard is free of body. However, if bitten by a pygmy rattler debris, giving snakes or any other venomous snake, it’s strongly less of a reason to seek shelter there. FHWC spokesperson Tracy Clouser said recommended that victims go straight to the that at our press time there had been eight hospital. If unsure about whether or not the snake bite cases treated at the hospital this snake was venomous, it’s still a safe bet to get it checked out by a medical professional to year, down from 11 in 2013. Clouser says that when a patient comes avoid any further complications. Remove tight clothing or jewelry in with a venomous snake bite, the attending doctors stay in constant contact with Poison around the bite and keep the bitten limb at heart level to help ease swelling and prevent Center Tampa. “The doctors send over blood work venom from traveling more easily through and keep the Poison Center up-to-date on the bloodstream. Also, applying ice or a tourthe wound’s appearance and the amount of niquet can actually worsen damage done by a swelling,” Clouser says. “They make the call venomous snake bite. For more info, please on if and when to administer the anti-venin.” visit MyFWC.com.
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MOMS Club Of New Tampa - The MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of New Tampa is currently open to new members in the New Tampa area. The MOMS Club offers a variety of daytime activities for mothers and their children, opportunities for Moms’ Nights Out & many more benefits. For info or to join the club, email MomsClubNewTampa@gmail.com.
December 2014 Sunday, December 7
NTDT Annual ‘Sugar Plum Tea Party’ - New Tampa Dance Theatre’s non-profit company, Dance Theatre of Tampa (DTT), celebrates its 10th annual community fundraiser, the “Sugar Plum Fairy Tea,” at 2 p.m., at the USF Gibbons Alumni Center (4202 E. Fowler Ave., ALC 100). Appetizers, sandwiches, salads & scrumptious desserts, including a chocolate fountain and the “Land of the Sweets” sundae buffet by Bruster’s Real Ice Cream, will be served. Tickets for the Tea may be pur-chased at the New Tampa Dance Theatre, and cost $35 for adults, $25 for the first child (ages 3-12), and $20 for each additional child. For more info, please contact the New Tampa Dance Theatre at 994-NTDT(6838).
Monday, December 8
Zen Meditation Group - Enjoy meditation? Looking for a new way to relax? Check out the FREE Zen Meditation Group that meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Arbor Greene Community Center (18000 Arbor Greene Dr., off Cross Creek Blvd.) Aerobics Room. People of all faiths are welcome. You only need an interest in meditation and a more peaceful and relaxed mind and life. For more info, call Jeremy at 528-6285. Community Acupuncture - A Monday night community acupuncture and discussion group is meeting at Ion Medi-Spa (8903 Regents Park Dr., Suite 130), 6:30 p.m. Topics include needlefree acupuncture, facial rejuvenation and stop smoking and customized weight-loss programs. For more info, call 960-8833 or visit IonMediSpa.com.
Tuesday, December 9
New Tampa Tri Club - The New Tampa Tri Club is open to runners, swimmers, cyclists & triathletes across the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. The club hosts group bike rides/runs at Flatwoods Wilderness Park (13330 Morris Bridge Rd.) every Tues., Thur. and Sat. at 7:30 a.m. For more info, join the Facebook group or e-mail NewTampaTriClub@gmail.com. GriefShare - This video-seminar-support group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one. The cost is $20 for a workbook and 13 sessions, begin any week to find healing and hope. The group meets Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Lake Magdalene Methodist Church (2902 W. Fletcher Ave., Rm. 310). For info, call 963-1555. English As A Second Language (ESL)- This group meets Tuesdays at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (19911 BBD Blvd.), 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Classes are taught by a native English speaker using several ESL and Bible study resources. The cost is $40 each semester, for the workbook & class materials. For info, call Heather at 753-8567.
day for lunch at noon at Café Olé (10020 Cross Creek Blvd., in the Cross Creek Center plaza (behind the Shell gas station). Guests are always welcome. GFWC Woman’s Club of New Tampa - The club is looking for new members! GFWC Woman’s Club of New Tampa is a small group of women that meet the third Wednesday of each month from noon - 1 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, (5340 Primrose Lake Circle in Tampa Palms). Contact Kay Lehmer at KLehmer@verizon.net for more info. New Tampa Evening Rotary Club - The New Tampa Evening Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at Hunter’s Green Country Club (10101 Longwater Run Dr. inside the Hunter’s Green entrance gate). New members are always welcome. For more info, call Liz DeAmbrose at 956-6487 or email homenet@gte.net. 9-12 Toastmasters - Great speeches & great topics. Come hone your public speaking skills. Tampa Toastmasters meets Wednesday, 7 p.m., at the New Tampa Family YMCA (16221 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). Guests are always welcome. Call 264-2171.
Thursday, December 11
CBC Networking - Come together with like-minded professionals at the Christian Business Connections (CBC) Networking group, which meets every Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (located at 5338 Primrose Lake Cir., off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms) for a “meet & greet,” followed by a meeting of the group. For more information, please send an email to Shawn@TPACorp.com.
Friday, December 12
New Tampa Rotary Club - The original New Tampa Rotary Club meets for breakfast at 7 a.m. at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club (TPGCC, 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd.). For more information, call Eric Longphee at 202-1105 or visit NewTampaRotary.org.
Friday, December 19-Sunday December 21
NTDT Presents ‘The Nutcracker’ - New Tampa Dance Theatre presents its annual rendition of ‘The Nutcracker,’ which will be shown at 7 p.m. at the University of South Florida College of the Arts Theatre 1 (4202 E. Fowler Ave. FAH 110). Additional showings include Saturday at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are available at all TicketMaster outlets or by (800) 745-3000. Group rates are available. For info, visit NewTampaDanceTheatre.com.
Wednesday, December 10
BNI Millionaire Makers - The BNI Millionaire Makers chapter meets every Wednesday at Pebble Creek Golf Club at 7:15 a.m. (10550 Regents Park Dr., off BBD Blvd.). The $13 meeting fee includes a hot breakfast. Call Lisa Jordan (621-6015) for info. Business Networking International (BNI) - BNI, a group of business professionals dedicated to helping their respective businesses grow through qualified referrals, meets every Wed. morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Cory Lake Isles Beach Club clubhouse (18630 Plantation Bay Dr., off Morris Bridge Rd.). Call Steve Hopper at 918-8609. New Tampa Noon Rotary Club- The New Tampa Noon Rotary Club meets every Wednes-
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Shop Local & Find Unique Holiday Gifts At la Pink Boutique! By Kelly Miller
If you’re looking for unique clothing, outfits you won’t find in every New Tampa woman’s closet, stop by la Pink Boutique, located in The Walk at Highwood Preserve (off Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd.). Owner Amy Crumpton offers beautiful women’s clothing, fabulous accessories and gifts for that hard-toshop-for lady in your life. Amy moved to New Tampa from West Palm Beach when she enrolled at the University of Tampa, where she earned her Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Management in 1990 and has stayed in the area ever since. Amy opened la Pink Boutique in its current location in 2006 and expanded it in 2010, taking over the vacant spot next door to make the 900-sq.-ft. shop about 2,000 sq. ft. “This is my passion,” Amy says. “I love clothing and I love accessories. I never dreamed I would do something like this, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.” A 15-year Hunter’s Green resident, Amy explains that it’s important to her to own a business in the community in which she lives. “I love being in New Tampa,” she says. “It’s where I live, and it’s where I want to work. I first opened the boutique here because I wanted to bring something new to the area.”
A Fun Place to Shop!
New Tampa resident Becky Hunt
has been shopping at la Pink since it first opened. “They have clothes you won’t find other places,” Becky says. “La Pink offers one-of-a-kind, unique styles. And I love their customer service. It’s just a fun place to shop.” Each week, you’ll discover something new in the store. La Pink carries many known designer brands — including active wear from XCVI and Jude Connally, denim from Kut from the Kloth, and vintage looks from Pink Martini and Nick & Moe —and Amy constantly replenishes her stock with new products from those lines and is also always adding new items and designer names. So, make sure you stop by often, because once an item actually sells out, it’s gone. Amy regularly travels to Atlanta, Las Vegas and Palm Beach to attend vendor shows, searching for those rare specialty pieces. She always has her customers in mind and says, “I’m not going to have something in my store that I wouldn’t purchase myself.” la Pink Boutique was one of the first stores to offer the Tees By Tina clothing line of leggings, shirts and camis. Amy supported Lutz designer Tina Goldfield when she was starting out in 2010 and since then, Tina has opened several of her own stores as far south as Sarasota. Her designs have been featured in Vogue, Glamour and Lucky magazines.
I Amy Crumpton invites you to check out the fabulous selection of clothing and accessories at la Pink Boutique, located in The Walk at Highwoods Preserve shopping plaza in New Tampa.
Customers also can shop la Pink’s two fabulous footwear lines, including ballet flats and flip-flops with interchangeable bows and jewelry by local shoes by local designer Lindsay Phillips. The store also carries Oka B, which also designs ballet flats and sandals. The store stocks women’s sizes 6-10, and both lines are made in the USA. Amy says it’s important to her to offer as many items made domestically as she can. That’s why she always supports local vendors whenever possible. One of la Pink Boutique’s most popu-
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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lar bracelet lines, Bourbon & Boweties, is created by a Brandon, FL-based jewelry designer.
Gifts That Give Back!
If you’re looking to purchase a gift that has a backstory as unique as the item itself, la Pink has many accessories that allow customers to support great causes. One jewelry company called 31 Bits gives displaced women in Uganda an opportunity to combat their poverty by becoming artisans. Simbi is another jewelry line at la Pink that provides jobs for the people
cal schools, especially virtually all of the schools in New Tampa, where she says she regularly donates backpacks and gift cards. She was a past PTA president at Hunter’s Green Elementary and she and her husband Jim know the importance education plays in the lives of children, which is one of the reasons she likes to make donations. Amy’s daughter Kelsey is a senior at Tampa Preparatory School and her son Cameron is a If you’re looking for beautiful clothes (above) and fabulous jewelry junior at the University and accessories (right), you need to visit la Pink boutique today! of Miami. Great customer of Haiti, and a portion of the proceeds service is a hallmark of la Pink Boutique. are dedicated to installing water filtration In addition to Amy, Judi Kusha and Lori systems throughout the country. Pilgrim Hairston have both been working for the Imports is a line of “fair-trade” gifts and ornaments made in Thailand and Pilgrim’s shop for the past seven years. When Thosales help send children of that country to notosassa resident Donna Ares Kurppe is getting ready for a vacation, she says she school. Shoppers will find these products calls Judi and tells her the types of clothes all around la Pink and can read about the she needs and, “When I come in, there’s impact their purchases make on the proda dressing room full of items ready for me uct’s tags or in nearby pamphlets. to try on.” Donna used to work in New “I work hard to find product lines Tampa, but even though she’s not in the that mean something, whether it’s made in the USA, created by a local artist or the area much anymore, she makes special trips just to visit la Pink. sale helps individuals somewhere in the “Amy’s eye for buying (clothing & world,” Amy explains. accessories) is magnificent,” Donna says. Locally, Amy also focuses on giving back to the community by donating to lo- “Her clothes make me feel special. I can
Neighborhood News
always find something a little different.” She also loves the compliments she gets about her clothes and is always recommending la Pink to friends. La Pink Boutique is located at 18035 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. (same plaza as Best Buy & Men’s Wearhouse) & is open Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-6 p.m., & 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sat. For info, call 972-2862, see the ad on page 29 of this issue, & “Like” la Pink Boutique on Facebook.com to receive store specials and new product updates.
(Note-Although la Pink Boutique is the only store Amy owns, she’s also rented space at Meridian in Dade City to sell la Pink merchandise in that area for the past two years.)
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
KONA Swim Bike Run Has Everything You Need To Train For The Ironman By Amy Gutierrez
For many, getting into the world of competing in triathlons can be a little intimidating. But, have you ever stopped to think that all triathletes once were novices who decided to better their overall health and compete without ever having participated in a race before? Everyone starts somewhere! On any given day in KONA Swim Bike Run — an amazing store full of bikes, running and swimming gear, nutritional items, helmets and more on S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel — people new to the sport walk among seasoned triathletes. The store, located in an unnamed plaza about a mile east of I-75, offers all of the equipment you need to get started, and just as important, the experienced staff offers invaluable advice and tips. KONA’s inventory of triathlon and road bikes is top-notch, as well, including brands such as Quintana Roo, Felt Racing, Bianchi and Litespeed. Other brands providing bikes and/or bicycle parts are Zipp, Profile Design and Scott. There also are running, bicycling and swimming clothes and gear by TYR, Garneau and Pearl Izumi, as well as nutrition products by Nuun, Powerbar and Skratch Labs. Partners Bruce McCarthy and Robert and Denyce Robinson purchased the assets of the KONA Multisport store originally located on County Line Rd. in New Tampa (next to LA Fitness) in January of this year and changed the name to KONA Swim Bike Run. Because they recognized
the activity and growth along the S.R. 56 corridor in Wesley Chapel, they decided to relocate and open their new store (in March 2014) a mile or so to the north. “KONA Swim Bike Run is very different from your normal bike shop,” Bruce explains. “We are one of the few stores that focuses solely on triathletes. We have the bikes, swimming and running gear for anyone looking to participate in a triathlon.” The name KONA comes from KailuaKona on the big island of Hawaii, which is home to the Ironman World Championship, the pinnacle of the triathlon world — the competition many triathletes only dream of competing in — so the store is aptly named. All three partners are very active cyclists and triathletes. In fact, Bruce, Robert and Denyce all are currently training for an Ironman 70.3 in the fall of 2015. An Ironman 70.3, also known as a Half-Ironman, is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by the World Triathlon Corp. (WTC). The “70.3” refers to the total distance in miles (it equals 113.0 km) covered in the race, with its 1.2-mile (1.9 km) swim, a 56-mile (90 km) bike ride and a 13.1-mile (21.1 km) run. Each distance of the swim, bike and run segments is half the distance of that segment in an Ironman triathlon, which people often post on their vehicles as a 140.6 (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and full 26.2-mile marathon). Bruce, Robert and Denyce love participating in the local triathlons that Tampa Bay offers, including those in Ft.
KONA Swim Bike Run partner Bruce McCarthy (right) conducts a triathlon clinic at the shop on S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel, which carries everything novice-to-expert triathletes need. peting in triathlons in 1989, while working DeSoto Park and in Crystal River. as a lifeguard at a YMCA in Atlanta. He It’s safe to say that it takes a fair relocated to Tampa Palms in 2008 to work amount of training and all of the right as a sales rep for a bicycle distributor. Bruce equipment to be successful in a 70.3, or raced mountain bikes through the 1990s even a sprint triathlon (which can have and says he got back into triathlons in anywhere from a half- to a one-mile swim, 2004, and has been competing ever since. 15-50-mile bike leg and 5k-10-mile run), He and his wife Donna have twin 18-yearso the partners are well-versed with assistold daughters named Erin and Hailey. ing their customers with everything from Denyce and Rob began cycling and correct bike sizing to nutrition and training participating in triathlons several years ago, schedules. They can be found hosting after a challenge from their son Ryan, while regular ride/run workouts at Flatwoods watching the Tour de France. Prior to that, Park in New Tampa and open-water swims they both were active in martial arts, inat Sand Key in Clearwater. cluding Krav Maga (the self-defense system Bruce, originally from Atlanta, GA, of the Israeli military). Denyce originally says he began racing road bikes and com-
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had hundreds of questions and Bruce has willingly answered all of them. The pricing that KONA offers is fair, the service is excellent and their willingness to help a ‘newby’ like me has been priceless! All of my triathlon needs will always be filled at KONA!!” In addition to the partners, there are three employees at KONA, who all happen to be students at USF and who also are very active in the triathlon community. The staff at the shop is proud to say that, together, McCarthy (in black) and his partners at KONA Denyce they have more than 15 years of Robinson (in purple) and Robert Robinson (in red) are professional mechanical experiall very experienced triathletes. ence and all are Shimano-certified, so no matter if your bike is is from Hollywood, FL, while Rob moved around a bit as part of a military family, but getting a full-service repair or just a simple tune-up, it’s always in very capable hands. they have been Land O’Lakes residents for The in-store, full-service repair shop can the past 10 years. handle everything from a full overhaul of “They’re all super nice people,” says Mary, a Wesley Chapel resident and KONA a customer’s bike to a last minute “tweak” just before a big ride or race. customer. “Rob, Denyse (and the rest of So, whether you’re participating in the staff) were all so helpful and kind. I felt your first sprint distance triathlon or comlike I was among family even though we peting in an Ironman distance race, KONA had just met. They are honest, patient and Swim Bike Run has you covered! never, ever pushy!” KONA Swim Bike Run is located One KONA customer named Frank at 27217 S.R. 56 and is open seven days also knows the benefits of utilizing the per week (Monday-Friday, 10 a.m –7 shop’s staff and services. p.m., 10 a.m.– 5 p.m. on Saturday and “I started competing in triathlons in noon-5 p.m. on Sunday). The store can January of this year and I knew absolutely be reached at 907-3355. nothing about the sport,” Frank says. “At For more information, see the ad least, not until I met Bruce at KONA. He on page 33, visit KONASBR.com or has been part of my introduction into the “Like” the store’s Facebook.com page — sport and has been there for me every step Facebook.com/KONASwimBikeRun. of the way. Being new to the sport, I’ve
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Dr. Nick Venturino & Healing Hands Chiropractic Can Help Ease Your Stress By Celeste McLaughlin
If you’re experiencing pain, Dr. Nick Venturino knows how you feel. As a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), he’s been treating patients in the New Tampa area for 13 years at his practice, Healing Hands Chiropractic, located just off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. (south of Bearss Ave.), in the University Cove Professional Park. ”Dr. Nick” also is a chiropractic patient himself. In fact, his inspiration for becoming a chiropractor traces back to his own life story. Dr. Venturino earned his D.C. degree from the Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City, MO, in 2001. He also previously earned a B.S. degree in Human Biology from Ohio State University in Columbus in 1997. But, before that, he was a young dad in Columbus, supporting his family with a construction job. He says that pouring concrete and running a jackhammer took its toll on his body, and he hurt his back on three different occasions. Each time, he went to a chiropractor for care. “It’s an all-natural way to get your body working right,” he says. “I didn’t have to have any surgeries, and I don’t have to take pills the rest of my life.” He adds, “I have a permanent back injury that I’ve had since 1994. But, I still go to the gym, ride dirt bikes, go snow skiing and play golf. My injury doesn’t keep me from doing the things I want to do.”
After his third injury, Dr. Venturino’s chiropractor told him he needed to look for a new line of work. He suggested Nick visit his alma mater, Cleveland Chiropractic College. And, it didn’t take Nick long to make the decision to change the trajectory of his life, and start helping others the way his chiropractor had helped him. He enrolled at Ohio State as a full time student with a part time night job. “When I went to college at age 25, I got my four-year degree in two and a half years. But, I had running a jackhammer and pouring concrete in my rear-view mirror, , and I knew I couldn’t afford to screw up,” says Dr. Venturino. “Because of that, I have a fundamental appreciation for the value of education, and I consider it a blessing that I had to work hard and do it right (to have this career).” After graduating from Ohio State, he and his family moved to Kansas City and he started to work toward his D.C. degree, which he received in 2001. Dr. Venturino and his wife, Tiffany, then moved to Florida with their kids, Nick and Aly, who were 13 and 10 at the time. “I didn’t have a job, didn’t know anyone, but I knew I wanted to live somewhere with great weather,” he says. He adds that in part, this was because his father was sick and shut-in back home in Ohio. The plan was for his dad to move to Florida, where he wouldn’t have to stay indoors half the year because of the cold. Unfortunately, Nick’s dad passed away
before he could join his son in Florida, but Nick’s mom and brother did end up making the move. After working briefly for a chiropractor in New Port Richey, Dr. Venturino opened his own practice near the intersection of BBD and E. Bearss Ave. After nine years, he moved a few doors down to a larger space and, in June of 2013, had the opportunity to purchase a building and move his office to its current location, across the street from his original Dr. Nick Venturino and his daughter and office manager Aly are office location. ready to help adjust your joints at Healing Hands Chiropractic in Today, Dr. Venturino’s the University Cove Professional Park off Bruce B. Downs Blvd. daughter, Aly works as his nutritional counseling. He also provides office manager, and he X-rays at his office. credits Tiffany with making his office feel The staff at Healing Hands Chiro homey and comfortable. also includes a full-time, licensed massage Between his treatments and the therapist (LMT), Suhail, who has 19 years stress-free atmosphere, Dr. Venturino of experience and specialized training in assures you that, “You will walk out more prenatal massage, sports injuries, traurelaxed than when you walked in. I treat all my patients like they’re going to be my matic injury and reflexology. According to Dr. Venturino, most patients for life. We treat you like family.” patients visit him when they are expeBenefits Of Chiropractic Care riencing pain, such as headaches, back, Dr. Venturino offers chiropractic hand, foot or neck pain, but he says he care, therapeutic modalities, massage can provide relief for virtually any type of therapy, physical therapy for the spine (in- pain you’re having. cluding for the neck, mid-back and lower “If your body’s not working right, back), decompression therapy and some we can get it working right by attacking
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indicates a problem with the spine. But, Dr. Venturino doesn’t limit his concern to just caring for your spinal column. He says he also is concerned with the holistic treatment of the entire body, to ensure wellness. “My job is educating people,” he says. “As well as I can deliver chiropractic services, it pales in comparison to what you actually can do for yourself when you’re properly educated.” To that end, Dr. Venturino’s website at MyHealingHandsChiropractic. com is full of great information and videos. For anyone who has kids ages 10-14, Dr. Venturino highly recomDr. Venturino demonstrates a typical chiropractic mends his series of scoliosis videos. By adjustment at Healing Hands Chiropractic investing a few minutes of your time, (and fixing) the problem, not numbing you will learn how to find subtle changthe symptoms,” he says. es in your child’s posture, and that info And Dr. Venturino says virtually can help a chiropractor fix the problem so everyone can benefit from chiropractic it doesn’t become a lifelong issue. care, even if you don’t currently have If you’re stretching all the time, or pain. “Our spine, by nature, is flexible and always popping your neck to make it feel unstable,” he says. “There is tremendous better, Dr. Nick says you should see a opportunity to stress, strain or injure it.” chiropractor for an adjustment. He likens a chiropractic examination “We adjust everyone differently,” to a physical exam you might have with a Dr. Venturino says. As an example, he says medical doctor to detect cancer, heart dis- he’s been treating his grandbabies (now ease or other ailments. Often, you don’t 18 months and six months) since they have symptoms until the problem has were born, and that a spinal adjustment progressed into late stages, but treatment was beneficial to his granddaughter in is easier and more effective in early stages. relieving constipation. He says he firmly “We correct structural problems and believes in the importance of these adjusthelp people become consciously aware ments to help tiny spines grow correctly. of them,” he says, explaining that people Healing Hands Chiropractic accepts often lean or slouch in a way that’s commany insurance plans and Dr. Venturino fortable for them, but that slouching itsef says that insurance will often cover li-
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censed massage and other services, too. Michael Crochet, a Tampa Palms resident, was experiencing back pain so he came to see Dr. Venturino. In-house Xrays revealed a herniated disc in his back. He was treated with chiropractic adjustments on a decompression table, which, he says, provided complete relief for his pain and eliminated the need for surgery. He says that occasionally (every six months to a year), when something happens, he will feel pain again. For example, Michael recently spent a couple of hours hunched over while cleaning out old files, and the next day his back hurt. “When I do something that messes up my back, then I’m back on the table to get pain relief,” he says. He adds that he appreciates Dr.
Venturino’s commitment to educating his patients. “Dr. Nick spends a lot of time explaining what I need to do to,” says Michael. “And, he’s always hands-on, showing me what to do.” He adds, “on a personal note, he is just a fine man. No one is more ethical, so I have no qualms about trusting my body and treatment to him. He always has his patients’ health in mind, and is just a tremendous person.” Healing Hands Chiropractic is located at 14491 University Cove Pl., in the University Cove Prof. Park, which shares an entrance with the Grand Pavilion apartment complex. The office is open Mon.- Thur., 9 a.m.-6 p.m., and 9 a.m.-noon on Friday. For more info, visit MyHealingHandsChiropractic. com or call 977-2383.
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Vitamin Discount Center Has Top-Quality Products At The Lowest Prices “If you want to be sure you have vitaBy Celeste McLaughlin
If you thought you had to comb the internet to get the absolute lowest price on vitamins, supplements, herbs and natural cosmetics, you’ve missed out on a nearby New Tampa neighborhood store that offers not only the best prices, but also a highly educated staff to answer all of your questions about these products — right on Cross Creek Blvd. Vitamin Discount Center has its headquarters, warehouse and a retail store in the Cory Lake Professional Center on Cross Creek Blvd. President Michael Gore says, “The internet has changed our business, but we know that consumers still like going to stores to get educated.” Vitamin Discount Center sells herbs and vitamins, sports nutrition (such as protein powders and supplements for performance, recovery and fat burning) products, as well as cosmetics (such as shampoos, conditioners, toothpastes and anti-aging skin care items), as well as vitamins and supplements for prenatal care and children. “Our supplements taste good and don’t have all the garbage (in them),” says Gore. “If you buy a cheap vitamin at a drug store, it’s not a clean, natural supplement. It will have synthetic binders and fillers, and not just natural ingredients.” Many people think they don’t need supplements because they have a healthy diet. However, Gore says that no one has the perfect diet, and a lot of the benefit of supplements is preventive.
min C to prevent colds, you would have to drink an inordinate amount of orange juice to get the same amount of vitamin C (as in a supplement),” he says. “It’s really just not feasible.” That’s why he and his partners have been committed to top-notch customer service and premier education since the company’s beginning. Vitamin Discount Center was founded when Gore and his friends Michael Downing and David Conner — who met as fraternity brothers at the University of South Florida in Tampa in 1986 — joined Michael’s father Arthur to open the company’s first retail locations in Carrollwood and South Tampa in the summer of 1998, with a third store opening in Brandon later that fall. The four have continued to work together as owners over the years, as the business has grown exponentially — Vitamin Discount Center now has 10 retail locations throughout Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. In 2008, the partners were ready to open a store in New Tampa and saw an opportunity to expand the company’s corporate headquarters in conjunction with a retail location, so Vitamin Discount Center moved into the Cory Lake center with a store, company offices and a warehouse. “We felt it was important to have a retail store together with our corporate offices under one roof,” Gore says. “We learn a lot from the people who come into
our store, and we get to talk with customers, learn from them and see how things are running every day.” He says that the New Tampa location is, by far, the company’s smallest retail location, but that doesn’t mean items are hard to find or that the stock is limited. “Because our warehouse is literally in the same building,” Gore says, “we usually can get a product immediately (from the back) if President Michael Gore (right) and Cross Creek Blvd. (in New Tampa) it’s out of stock in the Vitamin Discount Center store manager Dillon Herrington have all of store.” He adds that in the nutritional supplements you need — and always at the right price. the six years the New relationships and serving the people in the Tampa location has been open, the Vitamin community. Discount Center business has continued to “In contrast to many retail stores, our grow, which he attributes to, “our great, store is not about sales and quotas,” Hereducated staff and our commitment to rington says. “We have a friendly relationcustomer service.” ship with our customers and are all about Although it’s typical to have a lot of getting them the products they need.” turnover in a retail staff, Gore notes that Low Prices, High Knowledge many of his employees have been with the “The word ‘Discount’ is part of our company, “for 10 years or more.” The staff name for a reason,” says marketing manat the New Tampa store includes manager ager Heather Gallman, who explains that Dillon Herrington, Suzan Chin and John Vitamin Discount Center prices are typiFuller, who has been with the company cally 30, 40 or even 50 percent lower than for 14 years and works at several Vitamin the regular prices at other stores. Discount Center locations. “Because we have 10 stores,” Gallman Herrington emphasizes that the says, “we order a large volume of products New Tampa store is focused on building
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and are able to pass those savings on to our customers.” Gore adds, “If you compare prices on our products, we will be cheaper than every local store and as good or better than the prices you’ll find on the internet. Plus, our customers take their products home the same day and don’t pay shipping charges.” The stores offer additional savings if you join Vitamin Discount Center’s mailing list and receive coupons in the mail (or use the coupon found in their ad on page 15 to take $5 off a purchase of $25 or more). The stores also offer everyday savings of 10-percent-off to USF students and active and veteran military personnel, law enforcement, fire fighters and EMTs. While he’s committed to offering the lowest possible prices, Gore emphasizes that the real value in shopping at Vitamin Discount Center is the way its staff is
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educated. “Twice a year, we hold a vendor partner conference, where the companies that make the products sold at Vitamin Discount Center come to Tampa from all over the U.S. — and even Canada — for the sole purpose of educating our staff,” he says, adding that all of the stores host monthly events with industry experts to give the staff a valuable edge with firsthand knowledge about the products they sell. “Our customers can trust the information they receive from our staff.” And, Gore also encourages people to educate themselves, too. He recommends a nationally syndicated radio show that is based out of Tampa, called “Let’s Talk Nutrition.” It’s aired on WHNZ-AM 1250 every weekday, 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Another reason you can trust the store is that Vitamin Discount Center’s shelves are stocked with products that have been
personally researched by Gore. He has toured manufacturing facilities, developed relationships with many vendors and will only sell products that he feels comfortable using and giving to his own family. His staff says they have pulled items off their shelves in the past when questions about their quality have been raised. “We always do our due diligence,” Michael says. “The companies we partner with are those we know and trust. We won’t sell products in our stores if there’s any question about their quality or safety.” When Joe Greene (not the Pittsburgh Steelers Hall of Famer) retired last August, he and his wife Patti moved to West Meadows. While driving down Cross Creek Blvd., he saw the sign for Vitamin Discount Center and decided to check it out. “The first day I stumbled in there, without a recommendation from anyone, I wasn’t sure what to expect,” says Joe. “I talked with Dillon and Suzan, and they were so unbelievably helpful and knowledgeable. I’m a skeptic, but they always tell me the science behind their products and even show me the scientific journals. I can’t speak highly enough about Dillon and Suzan, because they have been so amazingly helpful to me.” Joe explains that he is a cancer survivor and has had two heart surgeries, but thanks to an aggressive vitamin and supplement regimen, he is currently taking no medications and is doing great. He says he continues to shop at Vitamin Discount Center for multivitamins, anti-inflammatory supplements, whey protein and a variety of herbs, such as ginger, because they have
the best prices on top-quality products. “I’m retired, so I’ve shopped around,” says Joe. “I’ve been everywhere in a 10mile radius of my house and they always have the best prices.” The staffers at Vitamin Discount Center truly see themselves as part of the community and they often participate in health fairs and other community events. They recently participated in a health fair at Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (located off Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd.) and at the Arbor Greene community clubhouse off Cross Creek Blvd. They also recently spoke to employees at a company that invited them to teach about stress at work and preparing for the cold and flu season, which runs from October through May. This gives them an opportunity to share their expertise and samples with local residents. “We are part of this community and absolutely support the people and businesses of the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area and all of the other communities where our stores are located,” says Gore, who lives in Tampa Palms with his wife, Marlena, and two sons who are 16 and 13. He adds that he and his family members all take their supplements every day. The New Tampa Vitamin Discount Center is located at 10359 Cross Creek Blvd. in the Cory Lake Professional Center. The shop is open Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. -7 p.m. and 9 a.m.-6 p.m. on Saturday. Looking for something in particular? Call the store at 991-7769 or visit ForLifeForLess.com. And, get $5 off a purchase of $25 or more with the coupon on page 14.
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Whole Foods Carrollwood — Much More Than Just A Healthy Grocery Store! By Amy Gutierrez
You’ve probably heard your friends, neighbors and co-workers talk about Whole Foods Market in Carrollwood. Patrons of the 36,000-sq.-ft. store that opened on the corner of N. Dale Mabry Hwy. and Northdale Blvd. in November of 2012 are ecstatic that the area only a few miles west of New Tampa offers health-conscious consumers not only a store where the highest quality nutrition is available, but also a store that places a high value on both our environment and on organic food. Whole Foods’ quality standards come from a deep tradition that started when founders John Mackey, Rene Lawson Hardy, Craig Weller and Mark Skiles opened their doors with a small market in 1980 in Austin, TX. Their mission has remained steadfast through the opening of each and every one of their more than 400 stores located throughout the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom. The company carefully evaluates each and every product sold and all of the markets feature foods that are free of artificial preservatives, colors, flavors, sweeteners and hydrogenated fats. Whole Foods is committed to providing shoppers with foods that are fresh, wholesome and safe to eat, while also seeking out and promoting organically grown produce and other products. In short, if you shop at Whole Foods, you are purchasing food and nutritional products that support your family’s health and well-being.
Staying Informed About Nutrition
The foods we choose when grocery shopping for ourselves and our families have an obvious effect on our health, so it stands to reason that we should be informed about not only what is contained in the food we purchase, but also about where the food originated. Whole Foods takes the guesswork out of this equation for its customers because the grocery chain has established a rating system for produce, meat and sustainable seafood. For instance, Whole Foods partners with Global Animal Partnership to encourage better animal welfare practices and has adopted Global’s 5-step Animal Welfare Rating system that evaluates how farm animals are raised using independent, third party certifiers to audit those farms. Whole Foods also is the first national grocer to provide a comprehensive, science-based sustainability rating program for wild-caught seafood. Seafoods labeled in green have earned “best choice” ratings, indicating the species are relatively abundant and are caught in environmentally friendly ways. And, just last month, Whole Foods Markets launched “Responsibly Grown,” an industry-leading tiered produce rating system that assesses growing practices that impact human health and the environment. The new rating system labels fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers as “good,”
“better” or “best” to help shoppers continue their informed decisionmaking throughout their shopping experience. To earn a “good” rating, a farm must take 16 major steps to protect air, soil, water, and human health. Growers also must comply with the “Responsibly Grown” pesticide policy, which restricts growers to using only U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-registered pesticides, regardless of their origin. In other words, Whole Foods Carrollwood is located in the Northdale area off N. farms outside the U.S. Dale Mabry Hwy., just minutes from New Tampa. cannot supply Whole provides timesaving tips, recipe ideas, Foods Market with fresh meal plans and more. Visit the store’s fruits, vegetables and flowers grown using website (see last paragraph) for a plethora pesticides not allowed in the U.S. In addiof healthy recipe videos for instructions tion, U.S. Growers must commit to GMO for making everything from smoothies to (genetically modified organism) transparsalads to desserts. ency. If a product uses a GMO, it must be Desserts? Yes, our friends at Whole listed on the packaging as such. Foods believe that healthy eating isn’t What about the consumer who isn’t deprivation eating — so, they can help you particularly well-informed about organic learn how to make and enjoy scrumptious foods and gets lost reading labels? Whole desserts that won’t make you feel guilty. Foods Carrollwood is just the place for What about those of us who don’t people who want to learn more! You can know our way around the kitchen except to speak to Carrollwood’s very own Healthy make our coffee? No need to worry. Whole Eating & Green Mission specialist Allison Foods Carrollwood offers an incredible Snyder on-site or download a copy of the variety of prepared meals that are ready store’s Healthy Eating Handbook, which
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to pop in the oven and an amazing salad, soup and hot foods bar for quick and easy shopping. The hot foods bar features everything from chicken wings to egg rolls and even mac & cheese. What else can you expect to see behind the glass in the prepared food department? Ready-to-eat panini sandwiches, subs and sushi, as well as many other regular and seasonal entrees and sides. For example, shoppers were able to take home several Thanksgiving Mealstyle dishes right from the store, including turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes. The store also features a European-style bakery for the finest in breads, pastries and sweets and the cheese department stocks hundreds of the best cheeses from all over the world. Plus, there always are several free sample stations spread around the store. With a website that offers everything from registration for Twitter.com chats about wine selections to discussions about gluten-free entertaining, your shopping
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premium pet foods, boasts a glorious (and affordable) floral selection, and a “Whole Body” department dedicated to what you put on your body, which the company promotes as just as important as what you put in your body. “I had an absolutely wonderful shopping Whether you’re looking for outstanding wines at great experience,” says Tampa prices (left) or prepared hot and cold foods (above), resident Danielle. “The Whole Foods Market Carrollwood has you covered. employees were wellmannered, friendly and experience is informative, easy and pleasurwent above and beyond to help me find able. Visiting Whole Foods in person, exactly what I needed. I highly recommend though, is the pinnacle of great shopping. this store.” You’ll find an outstanding and fairlypriced craft beer and wine selection for A True Community Partner every occasion. The store proudly stocks When you become a customer, not more than 750 wines from around the only is going to the market something world and more than 400 craft beers (including several local breweries like Cigar you’ll look forward to, patrons also get the added bonus of knowing that each Whole City Brewing). Foods Market has a lot of latitude in decidLooking for the proper holiday wine ing the best way to operate that individual to pair with dinner? Whole Foods boasts store to meet the needs of the local comtruly great prices and specials and features munity. For example, in November, Whole favorites like Coppola’s Sonoma County Pinot Noir, which has a forward fruity tart- Foods encouraged shoppers to bring in their used shopping bags during the ness of dried cherry and strawberry, along with subtle floral jasmine notes and a silky, “Donate Your Dime” bag swap. For each bag brought in, the store gave shoppers 10 elegant mouth feel. Or, try the Louis Latour Duet Chardonnay-Viognier, a French cents that they could keep, or let Whole Foods donate to Lost Angels Animal Resblend, showcasing a round, fruity softness cue in Tampa. with slightly earthy notes and a hint of Whole Foods also regularly donates smokiness that adds a nice complexity. Whole Foods Carrollwood even sells food to the Village Presbyterian Commu-
nity Food Pantry of Carrollwood. In addition, several times a year, all of the stores hold community-giving days (otherwise known as “5% Days”) where five percent of that day’s net sales are donated to local nonprofit or educational organizations. So, if you haven’t yet visited or it’s been awhile, come shop at Whole Foods Carrollwood and experience doing something really good for you, your family and your community. Whole Foods Carrollwood is located at 3802 Northdale Blvd. and is open seven days a week, 8 a.m.–9 p.m. Give the store a call at 264-3600 or visit WholeFoodsMarket.com/stores/carrollwood. And, be sure to “Like” the store’s page at Facebook.com/WholeFoodsMarketCarrollwood.
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Freedom High’s Taylor Emery Commits To Tulane On Hoops Scholarship By Matt Wiley
For many high school athletes, the last season of play as a senior is their one last shot to get noticed by scouts and hopefully catch a full ride to play at the college level. For one Freedom High basketball player, it’s a chance to breathe a sigh of relief and focus on having fun on the court. On November 13, Freedom’s 5’9” shooting guard Taylor Emery signed a letter of intent to play college hoops at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA, during a small ceremony at the New Tampa Family YMCA, located off Compton Dr. in Tampa Palms. Unlike many athletes who sign letters to play in college at their respective high schools, Emery decided she wanted to do the signing a little differently. “I signed at the YMCA because the school ceremony would have had to have been in the morning,” Emery explains. “But, I wanted my closest friends and family to be able to make it (to the ceremony).” Emery’s signing is the culmination of a standout high school basketball career and a stellar beginning of the season for the Freedom girls. So far, the Patriots are cruising through their season undefeated 5-0 (1-0 in 7A-8 district play). To call some of those games “blowouts” is an understatement. For example, on November 21, the Pats embarrassed the Gaither High Lady
Cowboys 88-10 at Freedom. Emery led the Patriots with 40 points, while junior Nari Garner contributed 17. But, on November 14, the Pats went to Brandon High and held the Lady Eagles to just 6 points for the entire game! Freedom scored 84, with 40 coming from Emery, who also grabbed eight rebounds. The Eagles didn’t score in the second half! “Signing has made me less nervous for games,” Emery says. “Nothing’s changed. I think I actually play better because there isn’t a college scholarship to worry about.” She might be right, as she’s currently averaging 39.8 points and 6.6 rebounds per game. Emery says that her time at Freedom has helped prepare her for the next step in her career at Tulane. “Our coach (Laurie Pacholke)
pushes us really hard and treats high school practice like college (practice),” Emery explains. “I think I’ll bring another scorer mentality, energy and motivation to win (to Tulane).” Emery also says that a summer trip to Tulane was all she needed to know that she wanted to attend the school. “I fell in love with the people, the campus and New Orleans,” Emery says. “It felt like home and like I belonged there. I also had Seton Hall
University (South Orange, NJ), Ole Miss (University of Mississippi in Oxford), and Georgia Tech (Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA) as my top schools.” Although college is knocking on her door, Emery says that she’s all about the right now. “I’m so happy to have the (signing) process over with and to continue into my senior season just having fun,” Emery says. Best of luck to the both Taylor Emery and the Freedom High Lady Patriots this season from the New Tampa Neighborhood News!
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I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Thank you for allowing me to help you when you need guidance in Real Estate. Have a Blessed Holiday Jim Neighborhood News
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Little Greek Restaurant — Delicious Food & Great Value! By Gary Nager
When the economy is still somewhat lackluster and people don’t have the disposable income they once did, it’s easy to spot businesses that have found the right niche, especially restaurants that combine great food at the right price and somehow still prosper where other struggle or fail. In our area, one of the great success stories is the Little Greek Restaurant, located in the Publix-anchored New Tampa Center plaza at the corner of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. and New Tampa Blvd. New Tampa owner Percy Rosemurgy also owns another of Little Greek’s current 17 (and growing) franchises, most of which are here in Florida (with just a few locations in Texas and Arkansas). Percy says that the company’s commitment to serving quality food at very fair prices, plus great service, is what’s keeping our local Little Greek humming right along. Lunch time is till when Percy’s crew draws its biggest crowd, but the aforementioned outstanding service never seems to falter and the wait for your food is never more than just a few minutes, even during the peak lunch hour rush. And, why shouldn’t Little Greek be packed all the time — for lunch and dinner? When you feature delicious appetizers, sandwiches, entrées and desserts and the average customer spends only around $10, well, let’s just say that the Little Greek has found the right formula for success. Speaking of appetizers, our entire office enjoys Little Greek’s homemade hummus, spanakopita (spinach pie), dolmades (stuffed grape leaves) and the awesome appetizer sampler, which includes spanako-
pita, hummus, falafel and pita bread, served with tzatziki sauce for just $7.99. Personally, I rarely get “just” a Greek salad at Little Greek, because I usually order one as a side for my entrée — whether with my favorite steak or lamb skewers (souvlaki) or a lamb or chicken gyro platter. But, I will say that Little Greek has a great Greek salad, whether you order the mini ($4.99), regular ($6.49) or large ($10.49) size. Little Greek also features a Village Salad (aka Horiatiki) with the Greek salad ingredients, minus the lettuce, as well as a Caesar salad and you can add grilled chicken, gyro meat or even grilled salmon to any of the salads for just $2.49$3.49) additional. In addition to the awesome lamb gyro, Little Greek’s sandwiches also include a chicken pita, Greek chicken pita (which adds feta cheese), steak, lamb, falafel and
veggie pita sandwiches, as well as the “Olympian” pita, which combines chicken and lamb gyro meat on one sandwich. I’m also partial to Little Greek’s grilled pita burger, although I hold the feta cheese and get the tzatziki sauce on the side. Little Greek’s “Light Meals” include your choice of dolmades, spanakopita or your choice of chicken, lamb, See “Little Greek” on page 58.
At Little Greek Restaurant in the New Tampa Center, owner Percy Rosemurgy (top right) invites you to try the steak souvlaki (top left), dolmades (stuffed grape leaves, center), the gyro sandwich (left), the pastitsio (Greek lasagne, above) and spinach pie (spanakopita, below).
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Thank you to all our donors who helped make our 9th annual Night of Knights auction successful! SPONSORS
Contributions Kobrand Wine & Spirits The Weatherford Family Pam & Brian Pease
Kobrand Wine & Spirits ~ The Jones Family K-3rd grade pottery ~ The Jones Family Southeastern Roofing and Construction, LLC. ~ Todd & Mirna Arrant Dyan Piller Adam & Kristine Smith Tampa Bay Rays ~ Derek & Allison Shelton Paul Davis Restoration / House of Blair— Kelly Impson Laura Kiester Verizon ~ Glen Brogno Teresa & Clint Lewis Kevin New Charlers Jewelers ~ Jackie Tuozzo Kelli Tully Brian & Christine Gaska Thirty-one ~ Perla Medina The Camponsano Family Nikki Weymer Thirty-one ~ Kristi Jones Tampa Bay Lightning Tampa Bay Rays Tampa Bay Buccaneers ~ Mike & Kim Biehl All Boho Chic ~ Amy Bay Big Cat Rescue Walt Disney World Co. The Melting Pot Euro Pilates Maggiano’s Little Italy Xtreme Adventures Dinosaur World
Platinum Level—$1,000 Paul Davis Restoration The Canadian Medstore New Tampa Pediatric Dental K-Tech Solutions Absolute Pharmacy Florida Hospital Tampa Gold Level—$500.00 Dr. Duga, Dr. Feeney & Associates Pediatric Dentistry RaceTrac Savage Yachts Lori Lahart & Melissa Hileman Sales Associates, Realtors, Century 21 Bill Nye Silver Level—$100.00 Teresa Rogers, P.A.—Keller Williams Realty Johnson Orthodontics Pilot Bank Farina Orthodontics Bronze Level—$100 Studio F.I.T. of Tampa, Inc. Dau Orthodontics Advocare—Frank & Michele Curtin Jansen Dance Project MedExpress Urgent Care Heidt Design~ Scott Andreasen New Tampa Pet Resort Brightway Insurance
Carmike Cinemas Glazer Children’s Museum Shells Seafood Origami Owl Impact Fitness A Dash of Salt & Pepper Nails at New Tampa Bay Breeze Fresh Healthy Café Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurant Treasure Bay Hotel & Marina Cosmoprof Beauty Supply Bonefish Grill Knight Vision & Glaucoma Specialists Gators Dockside Physical Medicine Center Holiday Inn Express & Suites APG Electric Dickey’s Barbeque Pit Mc Ilwain Dentistry & Weber Orthodontics New Tampa Chiropractic & Injury Center Ballyhoo Grill My Gym Children’s Fitness Center Core Martial Arts Latin Twist Café Chick-fil-A Fit 4 Life Physical Training & Physical Therapy Burger 21 PedalPub St. Pete Busch Gardens Twistee Treat
La’ Berry Frozen Yogurt Café Starbucks Barnes & Noble FIT4MOM/Stroller Strides Tampa Bay Grand Prix Mr. Dunderbak’s DoubleTree/Players Sports Pub Cason Photography Papa John’s Jersey Mike’s Hyatt Place/Busch Gardens Big Red Balloon Vallartas Mexican Restaurant Kennedy Space Center Party Scene Pinchers Columbia Restaurant RVA Resort Vacations Hunter’s Green Country Club Publix Studios of Lydia Caldwell Ciccio Cali Glory Days Grill Cantino Laredo Artisan Aesthetics –Dr. Stanley Castor Dance Theatre of Tampa 900° Woodfired Pizza Florida State Fair Authority Donatello Pebble Creek Golf Club Mulligan’s Irish Pub U.S. Tae Kwon Do
YMCA Sherwin-Williams Two Can Paint Ocean Prime Coppertail Brewing Co. Wolf’s Den Restaurant The Hungry Greek Stampin’ Up Wesley Chapel Athletic Association Mark & Brenda Lamlein Planet Rx ~ Zach & Katie Johnson Ruth Eckerd Hall Shakeology ~ Kim Biehl Verizon Wireless ~ Monica Mills Reeves Imports Cracker Barrel Abby’s Health & Nutrition New Tampa Animal Hospital Jamberry Nails ~ Nikki Andersen HealthEScape Emergency Pest Patrol, LLC Emergency Pest Patrol, LLC Clarisonic 9Round Fitness & Kickboxing Suncoast Surf Shop Neckar Hockey ~Stan Neckar SeaWorld Orlando Aquatica Orlando Stitch Shack Oliver's Cycle Sports The Ritz Carlton Naples The Madison Hotel
We apologize if we have inadvertently omitted any donors.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Jaeb Center Employees Run @ Work
If you recently saw a huge group of people running and walking along Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in Tampa Palms wearing bright green shirts, you’re probably not alone. Believe it or not, all of those people actually were on the clock. On November 14, more than 70 employees of the Jaeb Center for Health Research (which focuses on research for eye disorders and diabetes, located on Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms) donned bright, neon green t-shirts to take part in the fourth annual Run @ Work event — a company-based wellness initiative that is an offshoot of the national Run @ Work Day that has been held each September for the past nine years. The Tampa Palms group chose November for some cooler weather, says Jaeb Center Human Resources manager Lou Ann Aylor. “This year’s event was excellent,” Aylor says. “A big chunk of our 102 employees participated.” Many of those who didn’t run worked as volunteers, Aylor explains. She
Neighborhood News
says that someone was even in charge of keeping track of everyone’s time to complete the 2.5-mile course. The route took employees east on Amberly Dr. to Tampa Palms Blvd., at which point they ran (or walked) to BBD and continued south, back to the Jaeb Center. Port Richey resident Joe Stiles led the pack and finished the course in 15:41, while Nicole Reese was the first female to cross the finish line, at 21 minutes. “The employees love it,” Aylor explains. “It’s a great team-building event.” The Tampa Palms Jaeb Center event originally began in 2011 and was started by the company’s lunchtime running group, with the goal of promoting health and wellness within the company. The Jaeb Center opened in 1993 and serves as a “freestanding nonprofit coordinating center for multi-center clinical trials and epidemiologic research.” For more information, please visit Jaeb.org. — MW
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City Grill — New Owner, New Attitude & Great New Entertainment! By Gary Nager; Photos by Matt Wiley
If you’ve never (or if it’s been a while since you’ve) been to City Grill — in the Wesley Chapel Village Market plaza at the corner of S.R. 54 and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. — you’ve been missing out on not only some great food but also on an outstanding, non-smoking entertainment experience, minutes from New Tampa. The former location of Winners Grill has been undergoing a transformation since new owner Eth (he goes by Eric) Thueltrouve, a native of Lyon, France, took over a few months ago. No, Eric and his crew haven’t really changed City Grill’s already delicious menu (although they have made a few menu tweaks), but with the lack of evening entertainment options available in Wesley Chapel, Eric did see an opportunity to make City Grill the first non-smoking entertainment destination in our Wesley Chapel distribution area that isn’t located in the Shops at Wiregrass mall. So now, there’s something fun and entertaining to do every night of the week at City Grill. It starts on Monday night, with a no-pressure open mic night for anyone who wants to sing, play an instrument or even do a little standup comedy. Tuesdays are Team Trivia nights, starting at 7 p.m., where your team can win a City Grill gift card if you can outsmart your competition. Wednesday and Thursday nights are now karaoke nights, with my friend Gary Carmichael of Heart & Soul Karaoke as your host. Gary, who also was the karaoke
jock at our 20th anniversary party and new office Grand Opening back in March, has one of the best lists you’ll find anywhere and he always lets new singers get into the rotation quickly. Thursday is also “Thirsty Thursday,” with select $1 shots and $1 draft beers, $6 liquor and beer pitchers, 75-cent (per piece) wings and shrimp and $1 tacos. On Friday and Saturday nights, City Grill has been featuring popular local bands like Nune at Night, Capo 3 and others. Eric posts the upcoming bands on a chalkboard inside City Grill, or you can call for the latest schedule. And finally, Sundays are still for football fans, with great drink specials all day and evening. In other words, it may be time to expand your horizons from the usual mall hangouts — since City Grill also features some of the best eclectic cuisine in Wesley Chapel, especially if you like fresh fish, a great steak or have a hankerin’ for some unique appetizers. Our office’s favorite appetizer is still the decadently different Cuban Cigars, which are like Cuban sandwiches “legally rolled” with a wonton wrapper and deep fried to look like cigars. And, while I’m not the biggest fried food fan, I do also love
At City Grill in the Wesley Chapel Village Market, you can get (top right) great grouper Mediterranean and a delicious grilled Caesar salad (above). (Right) City Grill GM Rafir and owner Eric invite you to dine, drink & enjoy! the fried provolone appetizer, as well as the The Mediterranean grouper pictured above is topped with garlic, white wine and fresh blackened wings, seared ahi tuna and the tomatoes, sauteed fresh spinach and a zesty perfectly grilled Caesar salad. pomodoro tomato sauce. Yum! Fish lovers can order a reasonably I also love the tender, tasty hangar priced portion of fresh grouper ($14) or tiand “against-the-grain” flank steaks, served lapia ($12) — each available in your choice with either chimichurri (green), “mushof six different preparations. I have tried rooming” or “Frenchy” sauces, especially and enjoyed all but the styles that have shrimp, but my favorites are the Mediterra- the black peppercorn and cognac “au nean, Tuscan and “Drunken” preparations. poivre” sauce on the Frenchy, which I
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Candice (left) & Alina sing karaoke at City Grill, which features great Buffalo Birdie (top right) and Cuban sandwiches. almost always order on the side. City Grill also has an outstanding variety of sandwiches. My favorites are the prime rib au jus, the thick, tasty burgers and the Reuben, although assistant editor and photographer Matt Wiley raves about the Buffalo Birdie sandwich and I’ve also heard great reviews of the Drunken Chicken and Cuban sandwiches, too. Still looking for something else? I’ve enjoyed City Grill’s filling Shepherd’s pie and the crispy golden fish & chips. Save room for dessert, because City Grill has you covered with decadent items like creme brulée, an old fashioned root beer float and a warm donut flambé. Eric and his GM Rafir, who held the same position with the former owners of City Grill, often bring Fireball shots around to those who attend at night, and both enjoy singing a little karaoke themselves. Eric, who is at least 6’-4” tall, also can be found
dancing on the bar when the right songs are being played. And, there’s no doubt that City Grill’s full liquor bar offers much better prices than anyplace at the mall and the atmosphere and food are top-notch. City Grill (5429 Village Market) is open every day for lunch and dinner and stays open until at least 10 p.m. every night and until at least midnight on Fridays & Saturdays. For more info, including the entertainment schedule, call 973-9988 or visit CityGrill.us.
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Presenting The 2014 New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Dining Survey & Contest Results! Although this year’s Dining Survey & Contest fell a few hundred responses short of last year’s record-breaking 1,200, the good news is that fewer restaurants padded the ballot box this time around, so there were a lot fewer disqualifications this year. So, thanks to everyone who took the time to enter this year’s contest and it definitely seems as though giving you the names of all of the independent eateries in each category is definitely getting more of you choosing local, independent eateries than ever before. Even so, two chain restaurants (they’re both smaller chains, with fewer
than 20 locations each) did take the top spots in both of our distribution areas, as Stonewood Grill & Tavern in Tampa Palms was voted your Favorite Restaurant in New Tampa and GrillSmith in the Shops at Wiregrass mall narrowly beat out Wolf’s Den as your Favorite Restaurant in Wesley Chapel. Wolf’s Den did all right for itself, however, grabbing the titles for “Favorite Lunch,” “Most Kid Friendly Restaurant” and “Best Service” in New Tampa (NT) & Wesley Chapel (WC), finishing second in the “Favorite Pizza” and “Best Hamburger” categories and third for “Favorite Coffee.” Great job, Roger!
Coming out of nowhere to become the only place not named “Coldstone Creamery” or “Bruster’s” to win our “Favorite Dessert” title was Happy Cow Frozen Yogurt. Other first-time winners included Olive Garden for your “Favorite Pasta,” PrimeBar as your Favorite Bar or Tavern,” Burger 21 as your “Favorite Hamburger,” and The Hungry Greek as your “Favorite Greek or Middle Eastern Restaurant.” We also want to congratulate this year’s best-ever Grand Prize winner, drawn at random from among all of the correctly filled out entry forms we received (drumroll, please!) — Barbara
Your Favorite Restaurants in
The Next 25 New Tampa Favorites
Your Favorite Restaurants in
(in alphabetical, not numerical order)
1. Stonewood Grill & Tavern Biagio’s II 2. Burger 21 3. Kobe Japanese Steakhouse 4. Acropolis Greek Taverna 5. Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine 6. Ciccio’s Cali 7. Mr. Dunderbak’s 8. Vallarta’s (Tampa Palms) 9. Koizi Endless Hibachi Grill 10. Oakley’s Grille 11. Mulligan’s Irish Pub 12. Little Greek Restaurant 13. Café Olé 14. Peabody’s Billiards & Games 15. Sukhothai 16. Las Palmas Spanish Café 17. Full Circle Pizza & Grill 18. Woodfired Pizza (E. Bearss Ave.) 19. Thai Ruby 20. Saffron Indian Cuisine 21. China Wok (Cross Creek Blvd.) 22. Casa Ramos 23. Sushi Café 24. Cappy’s Pizza 25. Lanna Thai
Neighborhood News
China City Cross Creek Deli Fushia Asian Bistro Glory Days Grill Hawkeye’s NYS Pizza Ho King Hoosiers @ Heritage Isles CC Hunter’s Green Country Club Kabob House La Cubanita Café New China King Olive Garden Petra Mediterranean Express Pizzazone Pita’s Republic PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub Season’s Fresh Café Soho Sushi Sushi Raw Takara Sushi & Sake Lounge Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club Taste of NY Pizza Toast Wine & Café Top Thai
Lamb of Seven Oaks. Barbara receives a two-night stay at the recently revamped Shephard’s Beach Resort on Clearwater Beach, including a $100 Shephard’s gift card for free dining and a one-hour Jetski ride for two! Happy Holidays, Barbara! Our other reader prize winners, also drawn at random from among all of the correctly filled out entry forms we received, include: $50 gift card to any restaurant in the Tampa Bay area — Dorothy Williams of Live Oak Preserve; $25 gift card winners — JoAnn Lee, Pebble Creek; George Jenner, West Meadows; & Joseph Caruso, Meadow Pointe. For more Dining Survey Results, see pg. 52
The Next 25 Wesley Chapel Favorites (in alphabetical, not numerical order)
1. GrillSmith
2. Wolf ’s Den 3. The Hungry Greek 4. Vallarta’s (WC Village Market) 5. Burger Monger 6. La Prima Pizza 7. PrimeBar 8. PDQ 9. PizzaMania 10. Bonefish Grill (*Write-In) 11. Yamato Japanese Steakhouse 12. Bonsai Sushi 13. Taste of Boston 14. Dempsey’s Steakhouse 15. 900° Woodfired Pizza (Wiregrass) 16. Pinchers Crab Shack 17. Ciao! Italian Bistro 18. Amici Pizza 19. CineBistro at The Grove 20. Asian Buffet 21. City Grill 22. NY NY Pizza 23. OTB Café 24. Hibachi Express 25. Latin Twist Café
Bagelicious & More Best NY Pizza Bosco’s Italian to Go Café Fresco Café 365 Cantina Laredo China Taste China Wok (WC Village Market) D’Alessio Italian Ristorante Dickey’s BBQ Dolce Gelato & Crepes Don Pan International Bakery Fine Thai Express First Watch Gonna China Ho Wok Kwan Ming Bistro Lexington Oaks Country Club Meadow Pointe Café & Deli Poolside Café @ Saddlebrook Resort Quail Hollow Country Club Shang Hai Chinese TD’s Sports Bar @ Saddlebrook Resort Texas Roadhouse Woody’s Pizza & Wings
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Your Favorite
Your Favorite
Your Favorite
Your Favorite
Restaurants in NT &WC
Restaurants in NT &WC
Restaurants in NT &WC
Restaurants in NT &WC
1. Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine 2. China Wok (Village Market) 3. Asian Buffet 4. Ho Wok 5. Fushia Asian Bisto 6. Kwan Ming Bistro 7. New China King 8. Sushi Ko 9. China Taste 10. China Gourmet
1. Thai Ruby
2. Sukhothai 3. Saffron Indian Cuisine 4. Lanna Thai 5. Top Thai 6. Fine Thai Express No other Thai restaurants received enough votes to make this list.
1. Burger 21
2. Wolf’s Den 3. Burger Monger 4. Oakley’s Grille 5. GrillSmith 6. Five Guys Burgers & Fries 7. Mulligan’s Irish Pub 8. OTB Café 9. PrimeBar 10. Peabody’s Billiards & Games
1. The Hungry Greek
2. Acropolis Greek Taverna 3. Little Greek Restaurant 4. Pita’s Republic 5. Kabob House 6. Petra Mediterranean Cuisine No other Greek/Middle Eastern restaurants received enough votes to make this list.
Your Favorite
Your Favorite
Your Favorite
Your Favorite
Restaurants in NT &WC
Restaurants in NT &WC
Restaurants in NT &WC
Restaurants in NT &WC
1. Kobe Japanese Steakhouse 2. Yamato Japanese Steakhouse 3. Koizi Endless Hibachi Grill 4. Bonsai Sushi 5. Soho Sushi 6. Sushi Café 7. Sushi Ko 8. Hibachi Express 9. Tokyo Grill 10. Takara Sushi & Sake Lounge
0 $10 0 Y U B R $8HE FO ING TOF
1. PizzaMania
2. Wolf ’s Den 3. La Prima Pizza 4. 900° Woodfired Pizza (Wiregrass) 5. Full Circle Pizza 6. Amici Pizza 7. Cappy’s Pizza 8. NY NY Pizza 9. Best NY Pizza 10. Bosco’s Italian To Go
1. Vallarta’s Wesley Chapel 2. Cantina Laredo 3. Vallarta’s Tampa Palms 4. Las Palmas Spanish Café 5. Café Olé 6, La Cubanita Café 7. Latin Twist Café 8. Don Pan International Bakery 9. Casa Ramos 10. La Fuente (closed)
1. PrimeBar
2. The Brass Tap 3. Peabody’s Billiards & Games 4. GrillSmith 5. Stonewood Grill & Tavern 6. Acropolis Greek Taverna 7. Mulligan’s Irish Pub 8. Hunter’s Green Country Club 9. Mr. Dunderbak’s 10. CineBistro
BO YOUOK HOL R PARIDAY TY Dr. Rick Robinson, OD, Dr. David Scamard, OD & Dr. Heather Worrell, OD Board Certiied Optometric Physicians You will be amazed at how affordable fashion eyewear can be! We have eyewear for every budget!
• Hookah-30 Flavors • Greek Cuisine & Full Bar • 1/2 Off Drinks Everyday 3 to 7 • Dinner $9 & Up • Lunch $6 & Up • Belly Dancers Fri. & Sat. • Live Music-Every day 6-10pm
24412 S.R. 54
(at Oak Grove Blvd.) Lutz, FL
813 . 949.7274
Dr. Rick Robinson, Sole Propietor 52
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Your Favorite
Your Favorite
Your Favorite
The Most
Restaurants in NT &WC
in NT &WC
Restaurants in NT &WC
Restaurants in NT &WC
1. Wolf’s Den
2. La Prima Pizza 3. Tijuana Flats 4. First Watch 5. The Hungry Greek 6. Panera Bread 7. Liang’s Bistro 8. Acropolis Greek Taverna 9. PDQ 10. Vallarta’s (Wesley Chapel)
1. Publix
2. Panera Bread 3. Don Pan International Bakery 4. Stonemill Artisan Bakery & Café 5. Sprinkles Ice Cream Parlor 6. Dunkin’ Donuts 7. Dolce Gelato & Café 8. Wolf’s Den 9. Starbucks 10. Café 365
1. Happy Cow Frozen Yogurt 1. Wolf’s Den 2. Bruster’s Real Ice Cream 3. Dairy Queen 4. Coldstone Creamery 5. Twistee Treat 6. Baskin Robbins/Dunkin’ Donuts 7. La Berry Frozen Yogurt Café 8. Dolce Gelato & Crepes 9. Frogury 10. Café 365
2. Red Robin 3. McDonald’s 4. La Prima Pizza 5. Chick-fil-A 6. Beef O’Brady’s 7. Texas Roadhouse 8. Chili’s 9. Glory Days Grill 10. PizzaMania
Your Favorite
Your Favorite
Your Favorite
Your Favorite
in NT &WC
Restaurants in NT &WC
Restaurants in NT &WC
Restaurants in NT &WC
1. Starbucks
2. Dunkin’ Donuts 3. Wolf’s Den 4. Panera Bread 5. McDonald’s 6. Don Pan International Bakery 7. La Cubanita Café 8. Dolce Gelato & Crepes 9. OTB Café 10. Café Olé
1. Olive Garden
2. Ciao! Italian Bistro 3. PizzaMania 4. La Prima Pizza 5. Amici Pizza 6. D’Alessio Italian Ristorante 7. Ciccio’s Cali 8. Pizzazone 9. GrillSmith 10. Stonewood Grill & Tavern
1. PDQ
2. Bonefish Grill 3. Red Robin 4. Chick-fil-A 5. Chili’s 6. GrillSmith 7. Panera Bread 8. Ruby Tuesday’s 9. Applebees Neighborhood Grill 10. Tijuana Flats
1. Wolf’s Den
2. La Prima Pizza 3. GrillSmith 4. Bonefish Grill 5. Oakley’s Grille 6. Peabody’s Billiards & Games 7. Olive Garden 8. OTB Café 9. Stonemill Artisan Bakery/Café 10. Acropolis Greek Taverna
(Expires 12/22/14)
Located across from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel! By Gary Nager
Enter, Stage Left!
Considering how many of our restaurant openings involve yet another link in yet another chain, I haven’t been as excited about the opening of a new restaurant and night spot in our area as I am about the recent opening of the new Stage Left Bar & Kitchen, located less than two miles west of I-75 and S.R. 56 at 24400 S.R. 54 at Oak Grove Blvd. in Lutz. Stage Left, the brainchild of (l. to r. in photo below left) New Tampa residents Isabelle and Brian Dunleavy and Brian’s brother (and Stage Left GM) Sean Dunleavy, has only been open a week at our press time, but it’s already bringing in big crowds of people looking for great food, live music, DJ dancing and a New Yorkstyle trendy vibe. I’ll be telling you more about Stage Left in a future issue, but in the meantime, go try anything from Stage Left’s eclectic menu, which includes many vegetarian options and locally-grown food from local vendors, as well as everything from an amazing 16-spice-rubbed sliced steak platter (served in a cool aluminum tray; photo below center) and a savory carrot ginger soup to a unique Caribbean stir fry with jerk chicken and so much more. You’ll find
lower drink prices than what you get at the Shops at Wiregrass mall and great entertainment, too. Please tell Brian, Isabelle and Sean that we sent you. Call 777-5832 or visit StageLeftTampa.com for more info.
Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce Updates
I also send congratulations to my fellow Wesley Chapel Noon Rotarian, Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik, who celebrated the Grand Opening of the Wesley Chapel office (located at 2244 Green Hedges Way, Suite 101) of her DPW Legal Intellectual Property & Appeals with a Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting, plus wine by Time for Wine, delicious food provided by A Dash of Salt & Pepper on Cross Creek Blvd. and flowers provided by Wesley Chapel Florist (located on Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd. directly across from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel). The Florida Bar has certified Dineen in both intellectual property law and appellate practice, making her the only lawyer in the state of Florida with both of those certifications. For more information, call 778-5161 or visit ip-appeals.com. I also wanted to thank the WCCC for hosting its November mixer at the new Hoosiers Grille at Heritage Isles Golf & Country Club (off Cross Creek Blvd. in New Tampa; 907-0267 or HoosierGrille.com). The
restaurant now called Hoosiers Grille has had several other names, but after sampling the prime rib sandwiches, pork quesadillas and Italian-style meatballs provided by new owner Shane Collett at Hoosiers, I think this latest incarnation might stick around. The WCCC mixer (photo, above) at Hoosiers Grille also was sponsored by the ever-present (he’s at virtually every Chamber event) Guy Ward and his wife Susy of Moonlight Cleaning (527-9994). And finally, yours truly was the official first customer at the new WingZone, in the New Tampa Center plaza at 19062 Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. (photo, below right), behind McDonald’s and the Mobil station, which had a WCCC Ribbon Cutting event on Nov. 22. WingZone (558-9464) has a huge variety of sauces for your wings, plus burgers and more and is certain to be a takeout hot spot for the college and pro football playoffs. For more information, see the WingZone ad on page 50 of this issue or visit WingZone.com.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Angry Chair Brewing Opens
After more than a year of prepping the old clock store at 6401 N. Florida Ave. in Seminole Heights, Wesley Chapel residents Ryan Dowdle and Shane Mozur say that they are stoked to finally have the doors open and the beer pouring. “The neighborhood has been great,” Dowdle says. “We’ve been busy and had a steady crowd since we opened.” Currently, the brewery has five beers on draft, including an India Pale Ale, a red ale, a sour Berliner weisse, a salty sour gose and a German chocolate cake stout, all brewed by Ben Romano, the former pilot brewer of Tampa’s Cigar City Brewing. The remodeled clock shop still has an industrial, yet cozy feel to it, with classic iron tractor seats stools, exposed wooden rafters and elaborate metal lighting fixtures. If you’re thirsty for some good vibes and some even better craft brews, make the trek south to Angry Chair Brewing. For more info, visit Angry ChairBrewing.com. — MW
corner of County Line Rd and Bruce B Downs next to Target 813-406-4870
Meeting Your Exterior Needs From One Generation to the Next
Cannot be combined with other offers Expires 12/31/14
Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine expert now seeing patients in Wesley Chapel
Trey Remaley, DO, has joined USF Health Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. His clinical interest is osteopathic medicine. Dr. Remaley specializes in arthroscopic treatment of shoulder, hip, knee, elbow, and ankle injuries, as well as trauma and hip and knee replacements.
Appointments: (813) 396-9422
USF Health 2700 Healing Way, Ste. 300 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
USF Health Morsani Center for Advanced Healthcare 13330 USF Laurel Drive Tampa, FL 33612
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED
REAL ESTATE AGENT - Award-winning Real Estate team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents whose desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available.. Keller Williams Tampa Properties. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon (813) 431-2840.
TRANQUILITY POOL SERVICE - New Tampa owned and operated. Great Pricing with outstanding customer service! Licensed, bonded and insured. See why we are New Tampa and Wesley Chapel’s #1 Choice!! New customers get ONE MONTH FREE! Call Chris Today at (813) 857-5400 or visit TranquilityPoolService.com.
PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) - An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080.
MONSTER POOL CLEANING - Summer Special — 50% off your 1st two months of service. Family owned and operated. 20+ Years of Experience. Competitive rates! Same service tech each week. *Our 15 point weekly full service will keep your pool looking great! Refer a customer and get ONE MONTH FREE! Call Today - (813) 489-9967.
MEDICAL BILLER - Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company. Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: Richard.Jones@solarusmedical.com. WING ZONE IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS - Including shift leader, cooks, cashiers and delivery drivers. Wing Zone offers flexible scheduling, competitive pay wages, advancement opportunities and much more. Come join out team of flavorholics and wing lovers at Wing Zone. Applications are available at store location: 19062 Bruce B Downs. Corner of Cross Creek in the New Tampa Center. HAIRSTYLIST WANTED! Up-scale hair salon seeks hairstylist. Contact (813)994-9455
PET SERVICES CAT SITTING - Tampa Cat Lady Professional Cat-Sitting Service. Cats are happiest in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds, & smells. When you are away, we feed, cuddle, & play with your kitties & clean & dispose of litter. Insured, bonded, & Red-Cross certified in pet first aid/CPR. You can submit a service inquiry at TampaCatLady.com or call 994-9449.
EDUCATION / BABYSITTING TUTORING - Infinite Edge is located in Tampa Palms & offers tutoring in all subjects, including Math, English & SAT, ACT & FCAT tests, 1st-12th grade. We also offer AP classes and last year, our students scored a 5 on any AP subject in which we helped. Please call (813) 971-6500.
DRY WALL SPECIALIST - Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings and walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster and stucco repair. 26 years of experience Wesley Chapel resident. State-Certified. Call Ron for a free estimate at 784-5999. DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional and personal touch. Pool decks and screen enclosures, all fencing, driveways, walkways, roofs, gutters and downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177. GREG’S PAPERHANGING - For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed and insured, clean, quick and reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate. NEED HOME MAINTENANCE? Almost any job, large or small, pressure washing, ext/ int, fencing, screening, sm. concrete, sprinklers, painting, int. doors, locks, sheet rock, windows, caulk, grout, trim, shelving, tile, garages organized. Trash removal, wood restoration, small cabinet installation & more. Call Dale’s Home Maintenance @ 973-0194 or 727-2582
CLEANING SERVICES ANNA’S HOUSEKEEPING - A BBB-Accredited Business Servicing Florida since 1991. $68 introductory special, Mon-Wed. Cleaning, Laundry, You Name It! Make your list, put us to work! We have private housekeeper rates with agency backup coverage! Licensed and all housekeepers are background checked. Call 813.985.1150. WHITE TOUCH CLEANING SERVICES - A professional, reliable, and affordable company. We have been in business for more than 11 years. With over 80 satisfied clients throughout Tampa. Customers are our first priority. References are provided. Please contact Cristina or Francisco at (813) 325-6917. SQUEAKY CLEAN HOME SERVICES is a residential cleaning company offering weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly services. We also specialize in move-in/ move-out cleanup. All supplies and equipment provided. We are an Owner Operator company with over 20 years of experience. “If it needs to be clean, we’re your team!” Call (813) 625-6045 for a free in-home estimate today! D-ULTRA CLEANING SERVICE - We have our own supplies and more than 300 clients in New Tampa! For more info, Call 758-9710. CLEAN HOME - Give yourself the Ultimate Cleaning that you deserve. Responsible, Reliable, and Honest with references. Call (727) 645-7779 for FREE estimates. Ask for Ybonne. Power House Cleaning Services - Offering Residential cleaning for weekly, bi-weekly, monthly & occasional. Services available: one time, deep cleaning, move in / move outs, Real Estate, Holiday and Event cleaning. Owner Operator with Personal Care! Personal Touch! For scheduling or a free in home estimate Call (813) 356-8287 or e-mail phcservices1@gmail.com. Try Power House Cleaning Services - you will be powerfully pleased!
ERRANDS & PERSONAL SVCS CAR RIDES - Call SMILES CONCIERGE @ 813-263-4244 for: Errands- Airport Rides/Car Transportation Services- Doctor AppointmentsGrocery Shopping Assistance- House Sitting- Girl Friday/Office Support and Personal Concierge Services- Event Planning. Hourly, Daily & Long Term Rates: Tampa Palms/New Tampa Area. Friendly, Trustworthy, Responsive, Reliable. www.SmilesConcierge.com. GET A RIDE - Don’t Have a Ride? Don’t Want to Leave Your Car? Shouldn’t Drive? We Drive You & Your Car Home! Night Clubs, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Concerts, Appointments, Airport or Stranded. Call Jay at (813) 966-1530.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
RAYMOND PAINTING - Exterior & Interior Services. Exterior: Painting, pressure washing, clean & seal pavers, stucco, roofing, leaks and wood rot repair. Interior: Painting, plastering, ceiling & wall repairs, & tiles. Licensed & Bonded. References available. Free estimates. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ARBOR GREENE RESIDENT. We work 7 days. Call (813) 994-5124.
SPACE AVAILABLE - Private suite in busy upscale Salon / SPA available for Hairstylist / Aesthetician / Massage Therapist / Tattoo Artist or Makeup Artist Located Behind Sam’s club on SR 56 / Bruce B. Downs, near Wiregrass Mall. Equipped with wireless internet, wash/dryer, wheelchair access washroom, reception area. 24 x 7 accesses to your suite. Few equipment provided Utility, maintenance included in rent. Lowest rent in the Area. If you have established clientele, opportunity to work on commission basis as well. Call 813-997-3414 for more information.
Angie’s Hair Styling - Special offer: $25 OFF on your next chemical service with cut and blow dry (new clients only). I am a Paul Mitchell hair stylist specialized in hair cutting and color with 7 years of experience. Please call Angela for an appointment at 813-846-5677 Located 27607 SR 56 Suite 109 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544. Inside Nirfa’s Beauty Salon.
ALL SEWN UP LLC. Custom alterations & tailoring Services. Free pick up and delivery...No Alterations too big or too small. Will also do fittings so all your clothing fit perfect! We Specialize on Alterations on prom and wedding wear. Hems, take ins, zippers, let outs, etc... Will beat any tailor or dry cleaners prices... guaranteed! Call SARAH: 813-4763085 or email smccorry12@yahoo.com. Mention this ad and receive 20% off your entire order.
PROFESSIONAL TECH SUPPORT — in your home or small business. A+, Certified computer tech with 20 years of exp. Maintenance & repairs, upgrades & tutoring. More affordable than the large chains! Friendly, personalized svc. Technical jargon explained in plain English. Remote assistance available. References available upon request. Call (813) 957-8342 for a free estimate.
DO YOU HATE YOUR COMPUTER?!? WE CAN HELP YOU! Troubleshooting, installation, networking & virus removal. WE COME TO YOU! Servicing residences & businesses, w/ more than 25 years of exp. Contact Jeffrey Blank at (813) 973-4507, visit WSICA.COM or email Wsica@wsica.com today!
TURN YOUR CLUTTER INTO CASH - Garage and estate sales, inventory liquidation,& appraisal services. We'll sell it for you online! We evaluate and appraise your products then get you top dollar. We do the work you get the cash. Ask me how. Contact Mary at (813) 428-5793.
JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING - Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning and more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL & FREE ESTIMATE! For more info, call (813) 420-4465. AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC - Our services include weekly lawn maintenance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimming. We also offer landscaping, pruning, sod replacement, and pressure washing. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service and trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778.
TAMPA LAWN SALON, INC. has been providing New Tampa & Wesley Chapel residents service for more than 10 yrs! We not only provide weekly landscape maintenance but are also licensed in pest control. Our services include: Lawn & Ornamental Fertilization, Pest Control, Landscape Design, Landscape & Sod Installation, Lawn & Landscape Maintenance, Landscape Lighting, Irrigation, Pressure Washing. Please call us for an estimate at (813) 417-7301 & ask us about our FREE irrigation inspection! LNG BUCKET TRUCK SERVICES - Palm tree trimming, tree trimming and removal, sign hanging, pressure washing & aerial photos (all services up to 50 feet high). Etc. Call for pricing: (813) 477-7374. Licensed & Insured.
Not Getting the Calls Your Business Deserves? Advertise in the award-winning publications your neighbors actually READ! Call 910-2575 to place your classified or display ad today!
Expires 12/31/14
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
‘Little Greek’
Proudly Servicing Pasco, Hillsborough, and Pinellas Counties
Continued from page 43 steak or salmon skewers served over rice and with a Greek salad, all for just $7.99 (spinach pie)-$11.99 (salmon). Larger size “Dinners” start at just $9.99 for baked pastitsio (Greek lasagne) or mousaka (eggplant, potatoes and ground beef with bechamel sauce), up to $13.99 for a dinner with three salmon skewers. Your kids (ages 12 & under) will love the Little Greeks menu, with everything from a kids pita cheeseburger with freshcut fries ($5.49) to kids’ grilled cheese or mac n’ cheese for just $3.99. There’s also kids gyro and chicken skewer platters (each just $4.99). And, save room for dessert, because Little Greek always has a variety of great pastries and cakes, with our office’s favorite
Residential and Commercial
being the baklava cheesecake. Little Greek, which has made recent appearances at the Taste of New Tampa and other events, also can handle your holiday party orders, with amazing platters like the chicken skewers platter at the bottom of this page. Call the store for details. Little Greek (19022 BBD Blvd.) is open every day for lunch and dinner. For more information, call 972-0707 or visit MyLittleGreek.com.
Water Heaters and Tankless Heaters Water Softeners Garbage Disposals Toilets and Faucets Clogged Drains Broken Pipes And So Much More!
Repairs Installs CFC 057162
24 Hour Emergency: 727-546-2059 OR 813-777-5780
Also available at Little Greek are (clockwise from top) the kids chicken skewers meal, baklava cheesecake and delicious party platters in a variety of sizes.
19 Years Experience • Interior/Exterior HUNDREDS OF HAPPY CUSTOMERS Licensed, Bonded & Insured • References Available
Pasco LP-09362 • Hillsborough PA2854
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
16301 Payton Ct.
4 Bed +Den +Game Rm| 3.5 Bath | 3,409 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 2001 Upgraded Throughout | Custom Pool/Waterfall | Gated Village Offered for $450,000
5 Bed | 5.5 Bath | 5,809 SF | 3 Car Garage | Dual Staircase Golf Course Lot | Manned Gate Village | Heated Pool/Spa Package Offered for $775,000
4230 Windcrest Drive
8315 Manor Club #1
4 Bed | 3 Bath | 2,685 SF | 2.5 Car Garage | Granite, Stainless Steel Appliances Upgraded Throughout | Pool, Lush Landscaping Offered for $389,900
5 Bed + Office + Bonus Rm | 4 Bath | 4,429 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 2013 Upgrades Throughout, Granite | Energy Efficient | Conservation/Pond View Offered for $455,000
3 Bed | 2.5 Bath | 2,304 SF | 2 Car Garage | Built 2006 Manned Gate Community | Exquisite Community Pool Offered for $219,000
16320 Burniston Drive
15901 Kent Court
5 Bed + Exercise Rm + In-Home Theater | 6.5 Bath | 6,269 SF 3 Car Garage | Built 2002 | Pool/Spa |Conservation Offered for $1,075,000
4 Bed | 3 Bath |2,337 SF | 2 Car Garage | Updated Kitchen Pool/Spa | Cul-de-sac | Conservation Offered for $319,000
6007 Catlin Drive
16326 Heathrow Drive
4 Bed + Game Room | 3 Full & 2 Half Bath | 3,071 SF Remodeled Throughout | Paved Lanai | Pool-Spa | Conservation Offered for $429,900
4 Bed + Study + Game Rm | 4 Bath | 4,292 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 2001 Pool/Heated Spa Package | Upgrades Throughout | Conservation/Pond Views Offered for $675,000
18320 Cypress View Way
SALE PENDING 4 Bed | 3 Bath | 2,345 SF | 2 Car Garage Wood Floors | Fresh Paint | Fenced Offered for $219,900
5 Bed + Den + Bonus Rm |4 Bath | 3,577 SF | 3 Car Garage Upgrades Throughout | Granite | Pool/Spa | Conservation Lot Offered for $525,000
17824 Osprey Pointe Pl.
6332 MacLaurin Dr.
17352 Emerald Chase
5016 Givendale Lane
4 Bed + Office + Exercise Rm + Bonus Rm | 4.5 Bath | 5,773 SF 3 Car Garage | Built 2002| Custom Hannah Bartoletta, Wine Refrigerator, Granite, Upgraded Throughout | Conservation, Cul-de-sac | Pool, Outdoor Firedplace | Offered for $1,190,000
17811 Arbor Haven
4 Bed + Den + Bonus Rm | 3.5 Bath | 3,686 SF | 3 Car Garage Tile Roof | Upgraded Throughout Pool/Heated Spa Conservation, Cul-de-sac | Oversized Lot Offered for $489,900
17826 Green Willow Drive
17349 Emerald Chase Drive
SOLD 4 Bed + Bonus Rm | 3.5 Bath | 4,005 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 2004 Two Sided Conservation | Immaculate! Offered for $479,000
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 25 • December 6, 2014 • www.NTNeighborhoodNews.com
SOLD 3 Bed | 2 Bath |2,351 SF | 2 Car Garage | Granite, Wood Floors, Upgraded Throughout | Pavered Lanai| Pool/Waterfall Offered for $299,000
Neighborhood News