Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News

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Volume 21 Issue 26


Check Out This Year’s Dining Contest Results!

December 14, 2013

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PHCC Porter Campus To Open As Pasco Hernando State College! By Gary Nager Even though, at our press time, the new Pasco Hernando Community College (PHCC) Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch (located on Mansfield Blvd. at S.R. 56), still looked like more of a construction site than a college campus, PHCC Porter Campus Provost Stanley M. Giannet, Ph.D., said that school officials were expecting to receive the Certificate of Occupancy for the newest of Florida’s 29 two-year college campuses on Dec. 10, with the building actually opening on Jan. 2 and classes for the Spring 2014 semester set to begin on Mon., Jan. 13. Dr. Giannet gave a complete update on PHCC — which actually will be renamed Pasco Hernando State College (PHSC) when the five-campus community college receives its expected final accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools Commission on Colleges later this month (which will transform the current four-campus PHCC into a fully-accredited, four-year state college the day it opens) — at the Dec. 4 meeting of the Wesley Chapel Rotary Club, which meets Wednesdays at noon at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall. The high-energy Provost of the (for now) PHCC Porter Campus explained that

the new campus is playing an integral role in PHCC’s transition to a four-year state college because it will be the home of the new PHSC’s first two Bachelor’s degree programs — a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Management & Supervision. And, although the many of the two-year Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree programs to be offered at PHSC’s Porter Campus will be in allied health fields, including pharmacy tech and surgical technologist programs. “Two full floors of the Porter Campus will be devoted to nursing and allied health Dr. Stanley Giannet (left) is the new Provost of the Pasco Hernando Community College Porter courses and degrees,” said Dr. Giannet. Campus at Wiregrass Ranch, which will open for classes on Jan. 13 as Pasco Hernando State College. “And, we already have an affiliation in place hosting of a three-evening information seswith Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel nearby on S.R. 56 and the other large comsion about the school, attended by, “about (FHWC) and are still finalizing opportunities panies that may soon be coming to the area. 180 people.” And, Dr. Giannet told the Rotarians, at for our students at the new North Tampa BeAnd, speaking of people, although Dr. havioral Health (NTBH) facility, both just a seven stories tall, the beautiful main building Giannet said the total 2014 enrollment at couple of miles from the school. This campus at the 60-acre Porter Campus will be the PHSC is expected to be about 2,500, “we is really going to be fully tied in with this tallest building in Pasco County when it opens, but “the real story is everything that may have to up that estimate because we’ve community.” only been accepting registrations for three In fact, the Provost also was hopeful that will be going on inside the buildings...and the weeks (at press time) and already have 1,050 the other two-year degree programs at people who will be staffing them.” The Provost called those who already students registered for the spring semester. PHSC’s Porter Campus, which will include We’re all very excited about opening.” paralegal, financial services, heavy workforce have filled the first 47 of 50 available positions at the Porter Campus, “a superstar team of For more info about PHCC’s Porter business programs and information technolCampus (2727 Mansfield Blvd.), call 527ogy, will help PHSC grads get jobs at the faculty, professionals and staff,” and thanked 6615 or visit PHCC.edu. planned Raymond James Financial office FHWC CEO Brian Adams for the hospital’s

Flocks Of ‘Wiregrass Wobblers’ Brave The Cold To Walk, Run & Raise Money By Gary Nager As a native New Yorker who used to run on cold fall and even winter days in Central Park, the first-ever Wiregrass Wobble 5K race & 1-mile fun run— held at the Shops at Wiregrass mall Thanksgiving morning — was an icy cold blast from the past for me. Thankfully, I wasn’t running in the event, where the start-time temperature was only 35º, I was just there to shoot it, but a spectacular total of roughly 1,500 deter-

mined men, women, teens and children did come out to compete, burn off a few hundred calories before indulging in their respective Thanksgiving feasts later in the day and raise money for a number of charities. The New Tampa Rotary, New Tampa Family YMCA and the FitNiche store in the Wiregrass mall co-sponsored the event, with each sponsor selecting its own charities to benefit, and benefit they did, as approximately 500 of the day’s 1,500 participants (at least 1,100 of which ran the full 5K)



Pasco Continues To Consider Elevated S.R. 54/56 Corridor, D & E Couriers Can Get Your Packages Across Town & Plenty Of Other Local Business Features!

Wing House Ladies To ‘Dress To Impress’ As Santa’s Helpers, Our 2013 Dining Survey & Contest Results & Some Savory New Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes!

Pages 1-30

Pages 31-40

showed up on race day, which was hundreds more people than the organizers were expecting or even hoping would show up for a firsttime road race with limited pre-publicity. And, even though we went to press too soon after the event itself to find out how much money was raised or to even be able to announce all of the And they’re off! The frenetic start to the ‘Wiregrass Wobble’ Turkey Trot 5K. age group winners of the 5K, the bottom line was that a lot of local folks came out to “enjoy” a spirited walk or run on the coldest day in months.

See “Wobble” on page 8.

Rotary Club’s ‘Turkey Gobble Feast’ & The ‘Hidden Hunger’ In Wesley Chapel An editorial by Gary Nager As a member of the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel (which meets Wednesdays at noon at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall), I am proud of the work our group is doing — from supporting the Sunrise of Pasco Women’s Shelter and the “Everyday Blessings” kids residence, to the group’s annual visits to Honduras, in conjunction with the Clean Water for the World organization — but I didn’t realize just how close to home one of the club’s ongoing service projects would hit me. First, a little story backdrop. As you regular readers know, I’m originally from the part of “Lawn Guyland, New Yawk” known as the “Five Towns.” I grew up in Woodmere and graduated from George W. Hewlett High a million years ago and I spent a large part of my childhood in the Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library in the millennia before the advent of the internet. Growing up in my half-Jewish, halfIrish-and/or-Italian “ghetto,” I had no idea that there were any homeless or hungry people where I lived. And, to be honest, there probably weren’t very many people suffering from these afflictions in my old stomping grounds back then. So, I was stunned to find out that my Uncle Joe Kolodny, who still lives in Hewlett, was helping the local chapter of the League of Women Voters (LWV) put on a program at my beloved old library, entitled “The Hidden Hunger on Long Island,” a program I hope to have pictures from and information about on our website (WCNeighborhoodNews.com) very soon. That program was put on in NY on Dec. 5, but at our regular Rotary meeting on Dec. 3, I was equally flabbergasted to learn that there was a group of “hidden

Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News 15345 Amberly Dr., Tampa, FL 33647 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: 910-2483 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com

Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents Bonnie Mason • Lauren Saslow Senior Graphic Designer Porsha Lemos Sales & Marketing Assistant Antwon Gildon

Correction From Last Issue

Jason is one of a group of eight men living in the woods off S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel that has been receiving help from the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel since Thanksgiving Day.

In assistant editor Matt Wiley’s long-awaited update on the Cypress Creek Town Center outlet mall, which appeared on page 1 of our last issue, I added a quote from Hope Allen, whom I called the sales and marketing director for the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce, when I knew perfectly well that Hope had been promoted to the Chamber’s executive director position in July. Hope also is a Florida Certified Chamber Professional and someone I’m proud to call my friend and colleague. Sorry for the boo-boo, Hope.—GN

Table of Contents

Nothing that appears in Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 22, Issue 2, of Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is Tuesday, December 31, 2013. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers. © 2013 JM2 Communications, Inc.

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hungry” people living in the woods off S.R. 54, near the former Racetrac gas station. Wesley Chapel Rotary president Eric Johnson announced that on Thanksgiving Day, the day our club served hundreds of free Thanksgiving dinners to local people in need at two locations (Keystone Community Church in Lutz and Atonement Lutheran Church in Wesley Chapel, both on S.R. 54) in our annual “Turkey Gobble Thanksgiving Feast,” Eric received a call from club member Rene Van Hout telling him about the group of about eight men who were living in those woods off S.R. 54 and were likely to not show up at either of our free Thanksgiving dinner locations. So, Rotarians being who they are and, especially, Eric being who he is, he grabbed club member Dane Parilo and Wesley Chapel Sunrise Rotary Club president Rich Heyman to help him bring about a dozen of those meals (and other snacks) to the men, who were very appreciative of those efforts. Apparently, one of the men Eric spoke to that day was later arrested for having an open beer can on a public street and another in the group was hit by a car a few days before and was still in the hospital. Some of the men in the group have some addiction issues, but others are just victims of the local economic collapse. All of them, however, have needs with which the Rotary Club is happy to try to help. Eric has promised that our club is going to collect sleeping bags, socks and boots for the group — which has since moved to another location in the Wesley Chapel area — and anything else to keep them as protected as possible from the elements, including the regular rains and the upcoming winter cold. So, while our club is proud to have served so many on Thanksgiving, the “Helping Hands Food Pantry” ministry at Atonement Lutheran, which provides free food for those in need every week, all year ‘round, still needs your help to keep our area’s homeless and hungry as well fed as possible this holiday season and the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel is still accepting donations to help the men in the woods. For more information about the Helping Hands Food Pantry at Atonement Lutheran Church (29617 S.R. 54), call 973-2211 or visit Be-At-1.org. To help the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel provide for this group of men, email Ericjohnson@wesleychapeltoyota. com. Happy holidays to everyone! Pasco Commissioners To Continue Study Of Elevated S.R. 54/56......4

Wesley Chapel News Briefs........................................6

Wal-Mart Tool Bandit Busted Woman Pulled Over With Drugs, Juveniles In Car Fur Flies In Domestic Dispute ‘Baby Mama’ Drama At Cobb Theater Men Steal $26K In Equipment From Employer Wesley Chapel Community Calendar.............................10

Local Business Updates.................................12-30

D & E Couriers Get Your Packages Across Town....................12 Point Of Care Clinics Introduces Laser Hair Removal.............16 Best Smoke Shop: Smokin’ Deals On Your Smoking Needs....20 Bliss Facial Spa Offers Blissful Help For Your Face...................24 New Product Lines Available From Cabinet & Stone Int’l......28

Neighborhood Magazine

Wing House Ladies ‘Dress To Impress’ For The Holidays.... 31 Our 2013 Dining Survey & Contest Results!.....................32 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes’...............................36



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Pasco BOCC Votes To Continue To Study S.R. 54/56 Elevated Road Possibility By Matt Wiley After receiving unanimous approval from the Pasco Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) on Dec. 3, the county will continue to study whether or not an elevated toll road that would connect eastern and western Pasco County can help solve one of the county’s biggest traffic issues. The BOCC voted unanimously to approve a resolution to continue to consider the possibility of an elevated toll way that would connect New Port Richey at U.S. 19 to Wesley Chapel at Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. by expanding the S.R. 54/S.R. 56 corridor. The vote came at the request of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), which wanted the BOCC’s continued support for the project, which was proposed as a private-sector-only project because FDOT had received an unsolicited bid in June from International Infrastructure Partners (IIP), LLC (a group of investors and infrastructure construction companies), to lease right-of-way along the corridor in order to design, fund, build, operate and maintain an elevated toll-lane system that would span more than 33 miles across the county. That group has since withdrawn its bid, citing an unfavorable political climate and the possible need for bus lanes, which hadn’t been factored into the original bid.


“Given these reasons and the anticipated additional cost to build (the project), IIP and its partners need more time and clarity from all parties affected, as well as those parties that will benefit from our proposal,” wrote IIP partner Wayne A. Middleton, CPA. IIP requested an extension for the proposal period, which was extended to Dec. 9, but that date was after we went to press with this issue. “(FDOT) received (the IIP proposal) as an unsolicited bid,” said FDOT spokesperson Kris Carson. “Before moving forward with the project, especially given the discussion following the Urban Land Institute (ULI) report (see below) and knowing the county had previously supported this concept, it is crucial to know whether our transportation partner, Pasco County, still supports (the construction of) an elevated toll road.” Pasco County’s website says that the ULI report was a study done by a group of panelists composed of economic development, land use, real estate development and public and private experts from around the world, who volunteer their time to help communities solve difficult development or related public policy problems. The group spent a week studying the county and advised against the elevated road project in its initial report. The final ULI report is not yet available.

An artist’s rendering of what the future Gandy Connector might look like was shown at the Dec. 3 Pasco BOCC meeting to give commissioners an idea of what the S.R. 54/56 corridor could look like with elevated lanes, which the county is considering to combat traffic issues along the overloaded east-west thoroughfare. Photo: Hillsborough County MPO Commissioners debated before movexact solution, but it’s worth looking at.” ing for a vote. District 3 commissioner In addition to continuing to study elKathryn Starkey expressed concern about evated lanes as a traffic solution, Comm. the economic ramifications of not getting Starkey expressed interest in visiting simitraffic moving along the corridor. lar elevated toll road projects around the “We have to move our traffic,” state (such as the Lee Roy Selmon Starkey said, “or businesses are not going Crosstown Expressway, which connects to want to come here.” Brandon to downtown Tampa, Macdill District 5 commissioner and Board AFB and Pinellas County) to get a better chair Jack Mariano stated that although he idea of what an elevated lane project of was not initially a supporter of the elethat magnitude could look like in Pasco. vated road plan, he thinks the county “You see the pretty pictures, but should continue to consider it as a possiwould you want to live near (the strucble solution to the corridor’s traffic woes. ture)?,” District 1 Comm. Ted Schrader “(The elevated lanes) look better asked the Board prior to the Dec. 3 vote than 8-10 lanes across (S.R. 54),” Marithat a vote in favor doesn’t necessarily ano said at the Dec. 3 BOCC meeting. mean that the BOCC supports the project “(Pasco County is) the solution. It’s not being built, only that the commissioners down south. Maybe this (plan) isn’t the support continuing to study it.

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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W ESLEY C HAPEL Wal-Mart Tool Bandit Busted Some shoppers try to beat the Black Friday rush. Others try to beat the “everyday low prices” at Wal-Mart by walking right out the front door, something a Wesley Chapel man recently found out was not such a good idea. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), James Otis Jacobs, 28, of Angus Valley in Wesley Chapel, was arrested on Nov. 27 in the Wal-Mart located on Gall Blvd. in Zephyrhills on charges of petit and retail theft. The PCSO report states that on Nov. 20, Jacobs was spotted on surveillance cameras stealing two tool sets valued at $98 James each. On November 24, JaJacobs cobs again went to the Zephyrhills Wal-Mart Superstore, this time walking out with two cordless drills valued at $119 each. Again, Jacobs was identified using surveillance footage shot by WalMart cameras and reviewed by the store’s loss prevention personnel. On November 27, Jacobs was stopped as he entered the Wal-Mart and taken into custody by the Zephyrhills Police Department (ZPD). Following his arrest, Jacobs admitted to selling the stolen property for half of its value. He remains in custody at the Land O’Lakes Detention Center in lieu of a $300 bond for one charge each of petit theft of less than $300, petit theft of less than $100 and retail theft. This isn’t the first time Jacobs has been arrested for theft. Most recently, he was arrested in September 2012 for petit theft of less than $300 by PCSO on a Hillsborough County warrant. He also was picked up for petit theft in June 2011, drug charges in February of 2011 and for dealing in stolen property in December of 2009, among numerous other run-ins with local law enforcement officials. No additional information was available at our press time.

Woman Pulled Over With Drugs, Juveniles In Car

A Lithia woman is in custody, after deputies discovered pot, pills and juveniles in her vehicle when she was pulled over in Wesley Chapel. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), Erin Huggins, 21, of Lithia, was driving her sister’s gold 1997 Buick coupe east on S.R. 54 around 1:23 a.m. on November 25 When she approached the Morris Bridge Rd. intersection, she turned right from the cenErin ter lane into the former Huggins Cumberland Farms gas station (located at the southwest corner of the intersection) and continued onto Morris Bridge Rd. without stopping.


News Briefs The PCSO arrest report states that Huggins was pulled over and found to be traveling with two juveniles whose ages were not disclosed. Huggins also was found to be in possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana, as well as two non-prescribed Oxycodone pills, which Huggins had one of the female juveniles conceal in her bra. Deputies also found a piece of another Oxycodone pill in Huggins’ wallet, as well as a straw with opiate residue in her sweater pocket. The arrest report also states that Huggins appeared to be impaired during the traffic stop, but refused to submit to field sobriety tests. Huggins was taken into custody and charged with three counts of child neglect, driving under the influence, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana. She remains in custody in lieu of a $22,000 bond. No additional information was available at our press time.

Fur Flies In Domestic Dispute

An argument about attending a wine tasting turned ugly in Wesley Chapel, after a married couple’s verbal altercation turned physical. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), just after 2 p.m. on November 24, Jeanette Kadala, 59, and her husband, Robert Stewart, 61, both of the Bridgewater community off Wells Rd. in Wesley Chapel, were embroiled in an argument about attending a “wine tasting” event. Stewart did not want to attend. Kadala told deputies that Stewart began yelling at her and calling her obscenities, before picking up the couple’s dog by the harness and threatening to take it to the pound. Kadala indicated that Stewart was choking the dog because of how he was holding it and added that she attempted to take the dog away from Stewart, but he threw it at her. She says that he then cornered her against a wall and dared her to strike him. Kadala said she was able to get away, but was shoved into a chair, which knocked over an end table. In an interview with deputies, Stewart said that he never pushed his wife and that she actually pushed him. He also stated that he picked up the dog by the harness to put it into a cage to keep it from defecating on the floor, but never choked the animal. Stewart was arrested on domestic battery charges and taken to the Land O’ Lakes Detention Center without incident. However, the PCSO arrest report states that during the booking process, Stewart became aggressive and had to be placed in an arm-bar hold. Stewart was later released on a $500 bond.

mestic battery after allegedly attacking her ex-boyfriend in the parking lot of a Wesley Chapel movie theater. The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) reports that at around 10:30 p.m. on November 22, Mykhal Harris, 23, was walking to his car with a female friend named Shenee Peterkin after seeing a movie at the Cobb Grove 16, located in The Grove shopping plaza off Wesley Grove Blvd. “Out of nowhere,” as Peterkin described the incident to deputies, Harris’ live-in ex-girlfriend and mother of his child, Brittany Michele Lynch, 24, ran up to and began striking Harris in the face. The arrest report states that Lynch also attempted to strike Peterkin. At one point during the struggle, Lynch reportedly pulled Harris to the ground by his dreadlocks. Harris and Peterkin Brittany were able to get into HarLynch ris’ 2010 Dodge Charger, but the PCSO report states that Lynch began to kick the headlights of the vehicle, keyed the hood and driver’s side door and attempted to break the driver’s side window with her left fist. Harris dialed 9-1-1 and made an on-duty deputy at the movie theater aware of the incident. PCSO deputies found Lynch to be belligerent and emotional when they came into contact with her. The arrest report states that she continued to yell obscenities at Harris and told deputies that she couldn’t understand what made Harris think that he could be with other women. She also told deputies that an abrasion on her forehead was caused by Harris throwing her to the ground. Lynch was arrested for domestic battery and criminal mischief, but the latter charge was referred to the State Attorney’s office. She was released from the Pasco County Detention Center on a $250 bond. No more information was available at our press time.

According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), Bradley Richard Ragsdill, 23, of Lutz, and Bradley Kinsman Perez, 23, of Dade City, were arrested at 4 p.m. on November 22 on charges of scheming to defraud. The arrest reports state that between May 1 and November 25 of this year, Ragsdill and Perez Bradley conspired to steal surveying Ragsdill equipment from their employer, International Surveying Equipment, Inc., located off Cypress Ridge Blvd. in Wesley Chapel. The two duplicated a key to the business in order to Bradley gain unauthorized access to Perez it and deleted inventory records of the products that they were planning to steal, according to the arrest reports. In total, Ragsdill and Perez stole more than $26,000 in surveying equipment. Perez told deputies after his arrest that he stole the equipment because he thought that the business was going under and that he would sell the stolen products if he needed to “make a few bucks,” the arrest report states. Ragsdill admitted to his crimes and apologized. Both men were released on one charge each of scheming to defraud on $10,000 bonds. No additional information was available at our press time.— MW

Men Steal $26K In Equipment From Employer

Months of conspiring to steal surveying equipment from their employer has landed two Pasco County men in jail.

‘Baby Mama Drama’ At Cobb Theater

A woman has been charged with do-

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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Continued from page 1 New Tampa Rotarian and local entertainer Bob Thompson emceed the Wobble and FitNiche Wesley Chapel general manager Brian Brink announced the winners, as the runners and walkers were warming themselves on post-race coffee or hot chocolate and filling their empty tummies with bananas, bagels and more. And, even though we can’t tell you all of the winners in this space, here are some of the results that were immediately available after the race. I did hear a lot of folks saying that the cold temperatures actually slowed down a lot of the runners, most of whom said they did not run their personal bests. Overall Winner - Tony Walker, age 39, 18:33 Men’s Masters Winner - Jay Chancellor (2nd place overall), 41, 18:34 Overall Women’s Winner - Angelique Atlas (11th overall), 15, 20:23 Women’s Masters Winner - Vera Sanchez (70th overall), 50, 24:00

Photo captions (clockwise from top left): The race start time temperature was a frosty 35º. Some family members made signs to get their loved ones to run faster. The Rotary Club of New Tampa was a major sponsor. FitNiche’s Brian Brink with overall female winner Angelique Atlas and Masters winner Vera Sanchez. Overall race winner Tony Walker tries to pull away from runner-up Jay Chancellor. Turkey hats were definitely popular apparel choices.

For more race results, plus finish line photos provided by Overflow Church, visit Facebook.com/Wiregrass Wobble Turkey Trot.

Proceeds from this first Wiregrass Wobble will benefit Feeding America of Tampa bay (the charity selected by FitNiche), as well as the local charities selected by the New Tampa Rotary (which meets Friday mornings for breakfast at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club) and the New Tampa Family YMCA.


For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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Sparkling Beauty Red Hatters — The Sparkling Beauties, a chapter of the Red Hat Society (a global networking group of women age 50 & older), are enjoying life to the fullest in the pursuit of fun, friendship, freedom and fulfillment. For info, call Queen Diamond at 907-1431 or email IamretJudy@aol.com.

December 2013

Monday, December 16

Experienced Networking Professionals (ENP) — ENP meets Monday mornings at 8 a.m. for breakfast and networking at Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, call Brad Benson at 973-1814. Free Networking International (FNI) — FNI, a group of area business owners, meets Mondays for networking and discussion at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd., off S.R. 54). For info, call Stacy Dalton at 469-5499. Professional Business Connections (PBC) — PBC meets Mondays at 8 a.m. at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lex. Oaks Blvd.). For info, call Chris Thurow at 546-6860.

Tuesday, December 17

Business Networking International (BNI) — BNI, a group of business professionals who work to support each other through qualified referrals, meets Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m., at Heritage Church (1854 Oak Grove Blvd., off S.R. 54, in Land O’Lakes). For more info, email Tim at Tim@TampaHomes24-7.com. ‘Networking On The Nines’ — “Networking on the Nines,” put on by Insurance New Tampa, is a great way to meet new friends and clients or strengthen existing relationships, while playing a 9-hole scramble on the third Tuesday of every month at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lex. Oaks Blvd.), 3 p.m. Call Susan at 435-6350 for info. East Pasco Networking Group (EPNG) — EPNG meets every Tuesday, 9 a.m., at Beef O’Brady’s (1660 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., in the Shoppes at New Tampa of Wesley Chapel plaza). For more info, call Frankie Ammons at 479-7997 or e-mail Frankie@studioglory.com.

Wednesday, December 18

Wesley Chapel Rotary Club — The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel meets every Wednesday, 12:15 p.m., at Ciao! Italian Bistro (2001 Piazza Ave., in the Shops at Wiregrass mall). For more info, call 862-8989 or 391-3895. FHWC Breast Cancer Support Group — Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) introduces a new breast cancer support group that meets in the FHWC Wellness Plaza’s Center for Women’s Health (2700 Healing Way, Ste. 102) at 5 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month. The group helps give those fighting the deadly disease answers and resources, survivor stories, guest speakers and in-depth discussions in a positive environment. To register, please visit FloridaHospital.com/Wesley-Chapel or call 929-5432. ‘Wesley Chapel Speaks’ ToastMasters — The “Wesley Chapel Speaks” ToastMasters Club meets on the first and third Monday of every month, 6:15 p.m., at Hyundai of Wesley Chapel (26944 Wesley Chapel Blvd.). Club meetings are open to all interested parties. For more information, call David West at 610-1650 or visit WesleyChapel Speaks.ToastMastersClubs.org.

Thursday, December 19


GrillSmith Donates $8,600 To Schenecker Fund!

GrillSmith President Billy Grimm (left) and GrillSmith Corporate Chef Joe Guli (center) presented a check for $8,644.54 at the Nov. 23 USF football game to Col. Parker Schenecker (right) for funds raised during the annual scholarship drive held at local GrillSmith restaurants, including the location in the Shops at Wiregrass mall (our readers’ Favorite Restaurant in Wesley Chapel for 2013; see page 32), for the Calyx & Beau Schenecker Memorial Fund. Schenecker started the memorial fund in 2011 after the tragic death of his children. Since then, through the generosity of Tampa Bay residents, $120,000 has been raised for the fund that provides scholarships to promising young leaders, athletes and artists in the Tampa Bay area. Thanks to the Tampa Bay community for your continued support of the Calyx and Beau Schenecker Memorial Fund and thanks to Parker Schenecker for continuing to make a difference in our community. Networking For Your Success — The Networking For Your Success group meets Thursdays, 8:30 a.m., at Lexington Oaks Clubhouse (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd, off S.R. 54). For more information call 973-1657.

Friday, December 20

WC Sunrise Rotary Club — The WC Sunrise Rotary Club meets every Friday, 7:15 a.m., at Quail Hollow Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For info, call Lynne Morgan at 695-6466.

Saturday, December 31

Florida Writers Association — The Florida Writers Association (FWA) of New Tampa/Wesley Chapel is a FREE group that meets the first Saturday of each month, 10 a.m., at the New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.). Presentation topics include editing, marketing, options for publishing, navigating social media and more. For more information, email Cindy at Cindy.Campbell@OmnificPublishing.com.

January 2013

Friday, January 3

Women-N-Charge - Join the vibrant ladies of Women-N-Charge at 11:30 a.m. at Pebble Creek Country Club. Share your talents, build relationships, and share your resources with other women in business. The cost is $15 for members (Tuesday before the meeting) and $18 for all guests (and members paying Wednesday and after).. For info, visit Women-N-Charge.com or e-mail Admin@Women-N-Charge.com.

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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D&E Couriers Will Get Your Packages Across Town In No Time! By Matt Wiley During this busy season of holiday shopping, when so many gifts are being purchased online, it can be tough to decide which shipping method actually will get your purchases where they need to go in the time period left before the big giftgiving holiday. Sometimes, things get lost in the mail or delayed, forcing them to arrive later than expected. However, this is not the case with New Tampa-based D & E Couriers, a local delivery service that truly ensures same-day delivery to locations all across the Tampa Bay area. D & E specializes in delivering packages, sensitive documents or anything else that individuals and businesses need delivered in a timely manner, without having to go through a major delivery service at the risk of that delivery showing up late. Whether it’s document deliveries, pharmaceutical transfers, court deliveries, inter-office deliveries, bank deposits or payroll deliveries, D & E Couriers is your safe, dependable and efficient solution. “We are always on time,” says D & E owner David Gross. “We are very conscious about (our delivery time).” David and his wife Ellen (together, the “D & E” in the company’s name)


have lived in New Tampa’s Heritage Isles community off Cross Creek Blvd. since they relocated to Florida twelve years ago from West Orange, NJ, where David ran a limousine service. Although he says he doesn’t like to drop names, he admits that transporting top-billed actors and directors around the Big Apple (New York City) was a pretty common task. David sold that business before the couple moved to New Tampa, where he worked in retail sales and even got his real estate license. He also worked as an independent courier, delivering documents for law firms, prescriptions for doctors and pharmacies, as well as other deliveries for local companies before deciding to start his own delivery service. “I knew I wanted to start a courier service, but I didn’t want to do limousine service anymore,” David explains. Now, David has a fleet of independent couriers that work for him at D & E. Ellen handles the calls from businesses looking for a courier and dispatches drivers to handle the different deliveries. “(Ellen’s) job is pretty tough,” David explains. “In addition to knowing the area well, she also has to know which driver is located within that surrounding area so that packages will get delivered in the most prompt manner.”

Despite owning the company, David still also does deliveries on a regular basis himself. On any given day, drivers may travel back and forth between Tampa and St. Petersburg multiple times before heading as far north as Brooksville and then taking something back to South Tampa, David Gross of D & E Couriers will get whatever you need delivered to its destination in no time at all, whether in town or across the state. David says. “We have you need something taken to Miami, or access to as many drivers as a company even Jacksonville, we’ll get it there, may need,” David explains. “All of which quickly. It just won’t be in an hour.” are insured and have been personally inD & E offers four levels of service: terviewed by me.” Express, Standard, Economy and Priority Drivers have their own vehicles and Out-of-Town. Customers are charged for look to D & E for assignments. Although each service based upon the mileage reD & E is mostly a local service, the couriquired for each delivery and the time in ers can make deliveries all over the state. which the package (whatever it may be) “We pride ourselves on same-day deneeds to be delivered. Whatever the perliveries, locally,” David says. “However, mile rate is determined to be for Econwe can make deliveries across the state. If omy Service, the price for Standard and

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Express service will be slightly higher. Express Service promises pick-up and delivery with 90 minutes of the package being ready. Standard Service promises pick-up and delivery within three hours of being ready. Economy Service ensures that all deliveries that are ready for pick-up by 11 a.m. will be delivered by the end of the business day at 5 p.m. “What a lot of people don’t realize is that courier services are usually cheaper and, in many cases, more reliable than the big-name overnight delivery services,” David explains. “A lot of people don’t even realize that they can use courier services for their deliveries.” West Meadows resident and local at-

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torney Dennis Kapustin knows the benefits of using D & E well. “We use D & E for all of our courier services,” Kapustin says. “D & E has always been good to me. I can’t give them a better rating. No matter what it is, (D & E) always is prompt and efficient.” Kapustin explains that he uses D & E to send legal documents around town to clients and other attorneys, including wills, trusts and real estate deeds. “I highly recommend D & E,” Kapustin says. Need something delivered around town the same day? Give D & E Couriers a try. For more info, please visit DECouriersInc.com or call 994-5909.


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Point Of Care Clinics Primary Care Introduces Laser Hair Removal By Bonnie Mason Body hair is increasingly looked upon as a nuisance by both men and women. And, although waxing and electrolysis still have their place and are recommended for certain body areas and skin types, laser hair removal has exponentially gained popularity in recent years. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, more than 1.2 million Americans received laser hair removal treatments in 2012 — making the service the third most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure in the U.S., to Botox and Juviderm, according to Surgery.org. To better meet the needs of its patients, Point of Care Clinics (POCC) Primary Care, located in the Seven Oaks Professional Park off S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel, has extended its comprehensive primary care services to include laser hair removal. Although laser hair removal also is available at spas, walk-in clinics, and even shopping malls, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends laser hair removal treatments be performed by, or at least under the direct supervision of, an experienced physician or health provider who has the appropriate training and expertise. With extensive training in dermatology and internal medicine, Dr. M. Aamer Nawaz, M.D., believes the addition of laser hair removal at POCC fur-


thers the practice’s mission of providing a holistic care approach for its patients. Dr. Nawaz, and his partner and fellow-physician wife, Aliya Rathore, M.D., live in Wesley Chapel with their 11-year old twins (a son and a daughter) opened their practice on Ashley Oaks Cir. in 2006. Dr. Nawaz graduated from Rawalpindi Medical College in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, in 1986 and later received dermatology training at the worldrenowned St. John’s Institute of Dermatology in London, England. He moved to the U.S. with Dr. Rathore in 1992 and completed his Internal Medicine Residency at Harvard-affiliated Salem Hospital Massachusetts in 1996. Dr. Nawaz gained vast experience in various clinical settings, including working as the Consultant Dermatologist at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa from 2001-06, when he also first began working in Wesley Chapel. Dr. Nawaz also is affiliated with and a member of the medical executive committee at Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel and also is affiliated with Florida Hospital Tampa on E. Fletcher Ave. In his spare time, Dr. Nawaz is an avid tennis player. Dr. Rathore graduated from King Edward Medical College in Lahore, Pakistan, in 1989 and received post-graduate training in obstetrics and gynecology. She also completed an internal medicine in-

ternship at Salem Hospital Massachusetts and completed a family practice residency in 2001 at St. Mary’s Hospital of Nazareth in Chicago. Dr. Rathore’s family practice services and her special interest in women’s Certified & licensed in Electrology & Laser Aesthetics, Lynda health are Mattmuller provides the laser hair removal services at Point of Care complemenClinics Primary Care, located off S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel. tary to the intient is a good candidate for laser hair reternal medicine and dermatology focus of moval, Lynnda Mattmuller, who is certiDr. Nawaz. fied and licensed in Electrology and Laser “We are providing a highly-soughtafter cosmetic procedure in a safe environ- Aesthetics, will perform the procedures. Mattmuller is a graduate of the Beauty ment that ensures our patients receive the and Health Institute of Tampa and has best. most appropriate regimen for hair been practicing for five years. She also is a removal, while providing a more permateacher at the Institute, instructing stunent solution to unwanted body hair,” dents about the use of electrolysis, laser says Dr. Nawaz. Patients seeking laser hair removal are aesthetics and ultrasound cavitation (a new, non-surgical fat removal procedure). first screened by Dr. Nawaz to determine Currently, laser hair removal is the that there are no contraindications, or medical reasons that the laser hair removal only aesthetic skin treatment provided by Mattmuller at Point of Care Clinics; howprocedure should not be performed. ever, other skin treatment services may be Once Dr. Nawaz agrees that the pa-

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grates a contactcooling sapphire tip to protect the epidermis (outer layer of skin) before, during and after the laser pulses. “Patients feel gentle heating over the skin, with smooth flowing passes of 10 pulses per second at a lower fluency level,” says Mattmuller. Dr. Aliya Rathore & Dr. Aamer Nawaz of Point of Care Clinics “The energy are proud to add laser hair removal to their already lengthy list of medical services for residents of New Tampa & Wesley Chapel. causes a gradual thermal disabling offered at the office in the future. of the hair follicle, resulting in reduced Dr. Nawaz says that seeking a physihair growth from the base of the follicle.” cian’s opinion ensures the highest level of Dr. Nawaz explains that the safety and efficacy of your laser hair reCheveux laser system also allows him to moval procedure, explaining that each customize the treatment parameters that skin type may respond differently to the are best for each patient, which he then various hair removal treatments. discusses with Mattmuller to ensure the In order to provide the highest qual- best possible treatment plan is provided. ity services available, POCC has secured what Dr. Nawaz calls the “gold standard” How It Works of laser equipment — the Cheveux Diode Mattmuller explains that the laser Laser 810nm system by Sandstone. A beam passes through the patient’s skin diode is a device that controls the direcand is attracted to the pigment of the hair. tion of the flow of electric energy. The The energy passes down the hair shaft Cheveux system is a state-of-the-art, high- and is absorbed by hair follicles that are in powered diode laser system that intethe active growth phase — disabling the

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hair follicles in the deeper layer of the skin. Hair follicles in the dormant phase are not affected by the treatment. In most cases, minimal pain should be experienced and Dr. Nawaz says no anesthesia is required. The non-invasive, gentle technique of laser hair removal offers many great benefits, including the ability to treat larger areas effectively (it disables more than one hair at a time) and production of a more uniform skin color and complexion. It also can replace waxing, electrolysis, shaving and bleaching treatments for many people. Mattmuller says that patients can expect to need three or more treatments to achieve permanent hair growth reduction, with occasional touch-up treatments as needed. Depending upon the area(s) being treated, the laser hair removal process may take anywhere from several minutes to several hours to complete. Also, Mattmuller notes that most patients experience about a 10-25-percent reduction in hair growth with each treatment. The percentage of hair removed during each session varies by the location on the body — thinner-skinned areas, such as armpits and the bikini area, generally respond better than thick-skinned areas such as the back and chin. The laser hair removal services at POCC are available during weekday evening hours and even Saturday mornings by appointment. Please note that laser hair removal is a self-pay service,

which means it isn’t covered by your medical insurance. However, POCC has made the treatments affordable for patients, ranging from just $30-$100 per treatment. And, gift certificates are available — just in time for the holiday giving season!

Treating The Whole Patient

In addition to hair removal, POCC is a comprehensive practice where patients can expect compassionate and holistic approaches to their health and medical needs. Point of Care Clinics Primary Care provides comprehensive primary care services to manage complex medical problems, including extensive dermatology disease management, diabetic management and complete physicals and well-woman visits and routine gynecological care. The office is easily accessible from S.R. 56 and provides same-day appointments, on-site lab draws, as well as electronic medical records and prescription systems to ensure the highest quality and safety, including a patient portal system online for electronic communications. Point of Care Clinics Primary Care is located at 2106 Ashley Oak Circle, Suite 102, in Wesley Chapel. Most major health and managed care plans are accepted. For a medical appointment or for more information about the new laser hair removal service, visit PoCCPrimaryCare.com or call 994-8481.

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Best Smoke Shop & Hookah: Smokin’ Good Prices On Everything You Need Where there is smoke, there may be fire. And, where there are smoking needs, there is Best Smoke Shop & Hookah, with everything smokers need and more, plus a hookah lounge coming soon. If Best Smoke Shop & Hookah — located just east of I-75 on S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel — doesn’t have it, owner Dean Refai says that he will get it for you. Since 2012, Refai’s shop has been the epicenter of smoking supplies, carrying everything from hookahs and water pipes to cigars and E-cigarettes, plus everything in between. “We know everything there is to know about smoke,” Refai says. “I think Wesley Chapel needed a store like this.” Refai decided to open Best Smoke Shop after some friends recommended it as a good entrepreneurial venture. Before opening the shop, Refai was working for a car dealership in Tampa, but says he wasn’t happy, so he and his wife decided to open a smoke shop. The doors opened to the original location, on E. Fowler Ave. in Tampa, in 2007. Seeing a need, and already living in the area, Refai decided to move Best Smoke Shop to its current Wesley Chapel location in 2012. “We sell everything about smoking,” Refai says. “If customers don’t see what they’re looking for, I will special order it for them.” However, it’s not often that Best Smoke Shop doesn’t have what its cus-

tomers are looking for, Refai says, because of his constant travel around the country to attend industry conventions, where all of the latest smoking-related products are always on display. “Our inventory is always rotating,” Refai says. “If I see something new at a show, I get it. I try to keep up with everything new that comes out.” Refai says that products can even change as quickly as month-to-month, as new fads begin to trend. One of Best Smoke Shop & Hookah owner Dean Refai (above) invites you to visit his store on S.R. 54 near BBD Blvd. for the the more recent examples, best prices on cigarettes, E-cigs, hookahs & more. he explains, is electronic smoking. To keep up with ply purchase and plug a liquid-filled carthe popularity of E-cigarettes and even Etridge into the battery-powered E-cigahookahs, Refai keeps his shop stocked up rette. with all the latest flavors from 7’s E Ciga“Because they have the habit of holdrettes, some of which contain no nicotine. ing something in their hands, (E-cigarettes) “(E-cigs) are good for helping people still give them the feeling of smoking withto quit smoking cigarettes,” Refai says. “I out actually smoking,” Refai explains. carry liquids that contain less nicotine than Of course, if a customer isn’t intermost cigarettes and some flavors that have ested in quitting smoking cigarettes, Refai little to no nicotine. I’ve had about 60 cussays, they also have the option of purchastomers tell me that E-cigs have helped them ing the cartridges that contain the normal quit smoking cigarettes in the past few amount of nicotine as a traditional cigamonths.” rette. He adds that, in addition to not getInstead of smoking actual tobacco ting the typical cigarette odor on your leaves, E-cigarettes vaporize a liquid and clothes from smoking cigarettes and the produce no actual smoke. Customers simconvenience of still being able to “smoke”

them indoors, E-cigarettes give smokers the option to wean themselves off of their nicotine addiction at their own pace. The store also carries everything necessary to roll your own cigars and cigarettes at home, including Raw-brand cigaretterolling papers. Best Smoke Shop also carries a wide range of different tobacco brands. Don’t feel like rolling your own? Best Smoke Shop also carries traditional cigarettes, as well as a variety of premium cigars from popular brands such as Cohiba, Garcia y Vega, Montecristo and Romeo y Julieta. The store also carries a variety of vaporizers, pipes and water pipes, for tobacco use only. Refai says his top-selling water pipe brand is Roor. If you enjoy hookah smoking, Best Smoke Shop carries several brands, the most popular being Khalil Maamoon, Refai says. Hookahs vary in size from a few inches tall with one hose, to decorative hookahs that are several feet tall with multiple hoses. Refai is in the process of adding a hookah lounge to the shop, complete with couches and even a belly dancer, but he says that he still is working out the details with Pasco County. Refai insists: everything in the shop is legal to sell. “It’s a clean smoke shop,” he explains. “We believe in clean business. We don’t sell


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Dr. Neeraja Jasthi, DMD


anything that is illegal.” Besides the wide range of smoking products, Refai says his customers will come back for Best Smoke Shop’s surprisingly low prices, something he makes a point of checking at other shops when he visits other cities. “I just went to Houston last month and saw prices that were 70 percent higher than mine,” he says. It was the same thing when I was in Miami. We have the lowest prices in the area. I go out and search shops and online and make a conscious effort to keep our prices low.” But, don’t just take his word for it. “I come here all the time and the prices are the best around,” says a Meadow

Pointe resident named Scott. “Dean knows what he’s talking about and always has the newest products. Before I came here, I would always get stuff online, but Best Smoke Shop is cheaper than (shopping on) the web.” Tracy, a Quail Hollow resident, adds, “(Bes t Smoke Shop) is a great place. It has lots of good products and is always clean. I try to support local merchants whenever possible and Dean always has such a great selection.” And, as if the prices weren’t low already, check the Best Smoke Shop ad on page 17 for a coupon that’s good for an additional 15-25-percent off select items. ...or even packaged tobacco and accessories to roll Best Smoke your own cigarettes and cigars. Shop & Hookah is located at 28411 Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54) and is open MondaySaturday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m., and 11 a.m.-7 p.m. on Sunday. Do you want to know if Dean carries a specific product? Call the shop at 991-1188 or visit BestSmokShop Florida.com. And, don’t forget to “Like” Best Smoke Shop’s Facebook.com page, where new products are announced as Best Smoke Shop & Hookah has everything you need, whether it’s a new hookah pipe and accessories (above)... they arrive.

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Bliss Facial Spa Will Give Your Face The Perfect Holiday Treatment By Lauren Saslow Photos by Frank Edmondson The price of living in the Sunshine State is the toll the sun can take on our skin. Those who spend extended time in the sun — at work, at the beach, the pool, or at kids’ sporting events — can suffer short- and long-term skin damage that may include wrinkles, dryness and hyper-pigmentation. The licensed aestheticians at Bliss Facial Spa (located in front of the Super Target on the northwest corner of Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd. and County Line Rd. in Wesley Chapel) will tell you that, in addition to the necessary preventive care of daily sunscreen use, having regular facials and non-invasive skin treatments can add elasticity and a healthier glow to your face. Regular facials also can benefit teens or adults who suffer from acne. Bliss offers a wide range of facial treatment options, including LED Therapy, cellulite reduction treatment, waxing services, eyelash extensions, massage therapy and skincare products with competitive pricing. Owner Vicky Lysenko maintains a spa license for the business and leads her team of five licensed aestheticians — Natalie, Kristie, Brittany, Lauren and Bianca — each with additional product training, and two licensed massage therapists (LMTs) at this 1,400-sq.-ft. spa. While Lysenko does not have a cosmetology license and therefore doesn’t treat clients herself — the Arizona State University (in Tempe) graduate is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) by trade — she is proud that the aestheticians and LMTs at Bliss help her maintain a successful business that, she says, “offers the best technology without being a med spa.” (Note-A medical spa, or “med spa,” by contrast, is an establishment offering advanced medical treatments, which oftentimes include more invasive and, therefore, more costly procedures, for skin and body beautification that under State law, requires licensed healthcare professionals under the direction of a medical doctor, as well as licensed aestheticians.) Lysenko says she happened into this business almost by chance. In fact, she claims she never even had a facial before opened Bliss, thinking it was only for


“high-maintenance women,” until becoming more educated about the industry. Her daughter, Shayla Herring, a licensed cosmetologist, was working at the front desk of Face Logic, which was a spa franchise in the same location that Bliss Facial Spa now occupies. “Eventually, the entire Face Logic franchise went defunct,” explains Lysenko. “When we moved from Arizona to Tampa in 2008, Shayla suggested I invest in this spa. I called the bank and negotiated buying the assets of this location and hired two of the existing aestheticians. We opened in August 2010, and now I do the marketing and social networking, while the professional skin care therapists run the day-today business of booking appointments and treating clients. We have about 200 members who come every month for services.”

A Soothing Environment

Upon entering the spa, clients will find an attractive lounge area across from the reception desk, with comfortable brown leather chairs and modern dark wood furniture. A mix of calming lyrical music plays gently through overhead speakers, while a flat-screen TV loops videos of the spa’s treatment options with before-and-after photos. The walls at Bliss are lined with their various skin care products, so that clients can continue their skin care routines at home. Some “starter” kits for sale include a sampling of several of the products for clients to try. “Seventy-five percent of skin care is what you do at home,” insists Lysenko. “The other 25 percent are the treatments you get at the spa, where facials help to take off the top layer of dead skin to help your skin become healthier. We’re all about taking your skin care to the next level.” Because some of the treatments require follow-up home skin care in order to maximize the benefits and see more drastic and lasting results, clients are encouraged to try the skin care lines available in the spa, including Image Skin Care, which is the spa’s main product line. Image, founded in 2003, is an international skincare company which designs and distributes scientifically engineered pharmaceutical-grade products. Lysenko is confident that Bliss offers, “the latest and greatest” in both skin care

products and technology, based upon each product’s reputation among the industry colleagues Vicky has met at trade shows, as well as from the feedback she gets from the spa’s customers. She also recommends that you try the sunless tanners at Bliss as an alternative to tanning salons. The Xen-Tan self tanners and bronzers available at Bliss have an olive undertone that appears more natural than many competitors’ brands, which often leave you with that fake orange tint.

Owner Vicky Lysenko of Bliss Facial Spa on BBD at County Line Rd. has everything you need to Bliss clients are escorted down a continue your facial treatments at home, includhallway — with low lighting, wood laming outstanding products from Image Skincare. inate flooring, a cool color scheme and soft instrumental music playing overthe Elite Facial, a one-hour treatment, inhead — to to the eight treatment rooms, cludes the luxuries of the Signature, but each with its own privacy curtains. uses stronger Image Skincare products to The menu at Bliss Facial Spa offers address specific skincare concerns. clients more than ten different types of faThirty-minute teen facials, intended cials and a dozen upgrades to appeal to for clients ages 13-23, address the needs of each individual’s personal and budgetary young adults battling acne by offering deep needs and time constraints. The Signature cleansing. Lysenko boasts that her teen faFacial, for instance, offers a 50-minute cial rates are “the best around.” All facials treatment that includes a thorough skin offer optional upgrades to suit the needs of analysis, deep cleansing, exfoliation, steam, the individual, including the Lightwave extractions, a treatment mask and therablue-and-red-light therapy, a pain-free alpeutic massage of the décolleté (the chest ternative for treating acne. The blue light area below the neckline), as well as shoulkills Propionibacterium acnes or “P. acnes,” ders, arms and hands. a bacterium that colonizes in the skin and For those on a time crunch or a hair follicles, and is the primary cause of tighter budget, the spa also offers a 30most acne problems. Those receiving Teen minute Express Signature Facial, whereas Facials can add this service as an upgrade

Affordable Prices, Too!

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Bliss aesthetician Natalie prepares to administer a facial to client Kristen Jacobs. upon request. The red and infrared lights also can be used to heal and polish the skin after plastic surgery or other skin treatments, in 20-30 minute sessions. Lysenko explains that it is the same technology NASA has used to heal astronauts in space where “the light penetrates deep below the skin level to heal from the inside out.” During the holidays, the spa offers seasonal facials. In November, this author got to enjoy a unique Pumpkin Cheesecake Facial (which smelled as good as it felt), and for December, Bliss is featuring a “Peppermint Twist” facial, consisting of a cleanse, an orange-berry enzyme mask, a winter mint hydrating mask, an optional

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upgrade to a microdermabrasion, extraction and a Vitamin C green tea serum. Another therapeutic skincare treatment offered at the spa is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved Cavi-Lipo, an ultrasound machine that vibrates on the surface of the skin until the fat cells below the skin burst and liquefy, draining through the lymph system, leaving the remaining body tissue unharmed. The term “cavi” comes from cavitation, which is the collapse of a solid surface resulting in the formation of cavities that are commonly known as cellulite. Bliss aestheticians say that Cavi-Lipo treatments are recommended for small, problematic areas on the body, such as cellulite and sagging skin, and can oftentimes result in losing inches in the desired areas. In order for clients to experience maximum results, they must stay hydrated, continue a regular exercise routine before and after the treatment, and return for at least five more follow-up treatments. Lysenko also reminds potential clients that facials are not only for women. She describes a male military client who recently returned from a tour in Afghanistan. He came into the spa for the first time because he had been exposed to intense sunlight and heat in the desert during his deployment, without the assistance of sunscreen, and was concerned about his skin’s pigmentation. Photographer Frank Edmondson also experienced his first ever microdermabrasion in November of this year. Bliss aesthetician Kristie — a Licensed Paramedical


Aesthetician and Wax Specialist, who earned her credentials from the Florida College of Natural Health in Brandon — offered him a beneficial skincare assessment and educated him about proper skincare routines during his treatment. While hesitant to try a facial at first (Frank didn’t realize it would be beneficial to an African-American male), he now is considering taking a membership at the spa. As a former University of Florida football player and now a lead vocalist in many of the Busch Gardens shows, Frank explains that playing sports and performing in outdoor venues has caused some variations in skin pigmentation over time. “After just one treatment, my skin felt great!,” Edmondson said. “It’s so smooth. Kristie did a good job removing the ingrown hairs along my beard line with the extractor. It was relaxing and didn’t feel ‘girlie’ at all.”

Rave Reviews!

Wesley Chapel resident Kristen Jacobs boasts of having “tried almost everything on the Bliss menu including: a hydrofacial, a massage, microdermabrasion, peels, facial imaging products, and make-up products.” Jacobs points to her favorite product on the shelf: Ormedic Balancing Lip Enhancement Complex, an all-organic product which she jokingly refers to as “lip crack” because it works to hydrate her lips so well she hates to ever be without it. Even when Jacobs moved to Washington for a period of time, she continued to order skin products from Bliss Facial Spa.

In addition to the skin care products, Jacobs says she remains a loyal Bliss client because of Natalie and the other aestheticians who work there. Jacobs says they have all been accommodating and they always take the time to answer questions and educate her about the products and treatments. In fact, she enjoys the services that Bliss Facial Spa has to offer so much that she says she asks her husband and best friends for gift cards to the spa at Christmas time so she can use them year-round. She is also a member of Bliss Facial Spa’s Skin Care Club which allows her to save money with exclusive members-only pricing and SpaReward Points. “I work full time and have two little people at home,” Jacobs says of her two sons. “I meet my best friend here for ‘girl time’ because it’s the only peace we get.” In order to give back to the community and create awareness of her spa, Lysenko contributes gift baskets to local schools and nonprofit organizations; one was donated to the New Tampa YMCA as a prize for one lucky participant of the 2013 Wiregrass Wobble Turkey Trot 5K (see page 1) and 1-mile fun run road race. The winner of the basket received a $100 gift card to Bliss Facial Spa, along with other skin care products. Bliss Facial Spa is located at 1059 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. and is open Mon. –Fri., 10 a.m.–7 p.m., and 9 a.m.–5 p.m. on Saturdays. After-hours appointments are available on Thursdays. For more information, call 428-5991 or visit the spa online at BlissFacialSpa.com.

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There’s Always Something New At Cabinet & Stone International! By Gary Nager Photos by Matt Wiley So, with the local housing market finally showing signs of recovery, isn’t it time you made some much-needed upgrades to your home, whether to get it ready for sale or to make it a more beautiful place for you and your family to live? Well, our friend Hui You and her staff at Cabinet & Stone International Among the new Santorini white options (located on N. 56th St. in Temple Ter- available now at Cabinet & Stone Inrace, between Busch Blvd. & Hillsbor- ternational on N. 56th St. in Temple ough Ave.), have always had great Terrace are (l. to r.) bathroom vanities, ideas for providing the best-looking office cabinetry and closet systems. kitchen and bathroom cabinets and they look totally different begranite and other stone countertops for cause of the handles, the cabinet configurayour home, and as always, there are some tions and the countertops you choose to go new arrivals you should check out even if along with them. you’ve been through the Cabinet & Stone Best of all, in addition to kitchen cabishowroom before. nets and bathroom vanities available in the For about four months now, Cabinet new Santorini white and Manhattan & Stone — which has its own factory in China which produces the amazing cabinet espresso colors, Cabinet & Stone also can create an entire closet system for your lines designed by Hui and her staff here in home in the same colors and styles. Temple Terrace — has been featuring two With so many cabinet choices available exciting new all-wood cabinet designs, one being a sleek, Santorini white and the other now at the 30,000-sq.-ft. warehouse and showroom, Hui says Cabinet & Stone has in Manhattan espresso. The styles of the two new lines — which brings the total dif- had to split its existing showroom into two ferent cabinet and color choices available at parts — one just to display bathroom cabinet and stone selections and the other is the Cabinet & Stone up to eight — are the new vanity and closet design center. She same, only the handles are different, but


adds that she didn’t begin promoting the new design center right away (it’s been open for several months) because, “We wanted to make sure everything was perfect with the new designs first. Even without really promoting them, we have still sold a lot of them because when people see them in the showroom, they want to buy them and everybody really seems to love them.” She says the new designs are skewed towards younger buyers because, “A lot of the people buying new houses are younger families who want a younger, more modern look,” she says, “and all of the colors and styles you see on our website (CabinetnStoneIntl.com) are Cabinet & Stone brands that we’ve designed.”

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

The deign center is also a great place to see all of the beautiful and popular new vessel sinks and vessel sink faucets that you find in modern, contemporary bathrooms you see in many new model homes. You also will find the also-popular under-mount sinks in the design center.

A Little History & More

According to its website, Cabinet & Stone International has been serving the greater Tampa Bay area as a family-operated business for more than 10 years. The families involved in the business have been involved with woodworking for more than 25 years in Fujian, China, where they have their factories and gran-

Neighborhood News


(L. to r.) The Manhattan espresso cabinets at Cabinet & Stone can give your kitchen a whole new look, too. The new vanity & closet design center displays a variety of vessel sinks and vessel sink faucets. With so many granite (and other stone) options to choose from, you’re certain to find something perfect for your home at Cabinet & Stone.

ite quarries. The company directly imports cabinets and granite counter tops, thus eliminating the “middleman” cost and Cabinet & Stone’s prices are very competitive. With a total of more than 70,000 square feet of warehouse space, the company is one of the largest distributors of pre-made cabinets and granite countertops on the east coast of the U.S. Whether the order is from Grand

Neighborhood News

Cayman or Upstate New York, a single cabinet order or a container, Cabinet & Stone is capable of meeting your needs. “We believe that no job is too small or too big,” says Hui. “If you need your kitchen or bathroom yesterday, we can do it because everything is stocked here at the warehouse, so unless we’re out of stock on an item, there’s no wait or turnaround times.” But, with new container shipments arriving from China every month, Hui says that you won’t even be waiting long for items that are temporarily out of stock, either. “No one is going to get you your countertops or cabinets faster than we


are or beat us for quality,” she says. “And whenever we check other company’s prices we know that we are saving our customers money.” And, Cabinet & Stone has many customer testimonials to share, including this one from a customer named Anne. “I just wanted to let you know how good the job looks and how much we appreciate your professionalism throughout the entire process. We will recommend you to all of our friends. Thanks again, and keep up the good work.” All of the cabinets at Cabinet & Stone are 100-percent real wood, including oak, maple and birch. There are seven unique door styles each with designer selected colors in stock. All of them are solid wood fronts and plywood

boxes and shelves stained in the same color as the front and there are absolutely NO particle boards The hardware also is top-of-the-line: fullextension, heavy duty glides, soft close glides, and six-way adjustable hinges. The company also specializes in granite in many colors you need in any edges you want, in addition to our instock unique selections. We have both 2cm and 3cm in thickness. For information about Cabinet & Stone International (6606 North 56th St., Tampa 33610, call 887-5658 or visit CabinetnStoneIntl.com. Bring in the Cabinet & Stone ad on page 48 and New Tampa customers will receive 25-percent-off their purchases. Ask at the store for details.

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com



For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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Come See ‘Santa’s Little Helpers’ At The Wesley Chapel WingHouse Dec. 20! By Gary Nager It’s hard to believe it’s already been six months since the Ker’s WingHouse opened on S.R. 54 (just west of the corner of Old Pasco Rd.). Of course, the Wesley Chapel location is just one of more than 20 WingHouse restaurants in Florida, and the company itself has a 20-year history in the Tampa Bay area. Founded by former Dallas Cowboys and Denver Broncos offensive lineman Crawford Ker, the first WingHouse opened in Largo in 1994 and there are plans to open locations throughout the Southeast. All WingHouse restaurants are open for lunch and dinner and feature full-service bars with a wide selection of liquor cocktails and major domestic, imported, and specialty beers. Signature items include Ker’s famous “Naked” Chicken Wings — skinless drummettes that are marinated, baked, and tossed in one of Ker’s award-winning wing sauces — and the Dallas Burger: two juicy 8 oz BBQ burgers topped with bacon. All WingHouse locations also feature state-of-the-art TV packages for all of the

Bartender Alex is one of two Wesley Chapel WingHouse girls selected to be featured in the 2014 WingHouse calendar.

Neighborhood News

big games and Pay-Per-View boxing matches and Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fights. But, of course, the main attraction at every WingHouse are the world-famous “WingHouse Girls.” The girls are the foundation of Ker’s concept. These “ultimate girls next door” wait tables, tend bar, work as hostesses, participate in brand promotions and are the company’s cheerleaders — and the primary reason the Wesley Chapel and other locations are all so popular. Wesley Chapel general manager Tony Sassano promises that his WingHouse girls are always attractive, polite and provide great service, positive attitudes and pretty smiles — all to encourage guests to make frequent visits and become loyal customers. Every month or so, each WingHouse has certain days called “Dress to Impress,” where the girls wear special outfitts or costumes. The two most recent were the always-fun Halloween and Military days in October and November, respectively. The next “Dress to Impress” will feature the girls as “Santa’s Little Helpers” on Friday, December 20, and Tony promises that although the outfits can be a little more risqué at other locations, “We usually have the girls tone it down a little for this location, because we get so many families here.” And, with so many beautiful young women working at all of the WingHouse locations, the company puts out an awesome yearly calendar (buy yours at the Wesley Chapel location), which for 2014 features two of your Wesley Chapel WingHouse girls — Alex (photo left) and Skyla. But of course, this is still mainly a dining review and I’m definitely a fan of not


only WingHouse’s aforementioned “naked” wings (I prefer the medium Buffalo-style, blackened and Asian versions), but also of the huge “Grouper’s Teammate” and mahi-mahi sandwiches, which I prefer grilled or blackened with a side of WingHouse’s perfectly spicy red cocktail sauce. I also have enjoyed some of the WingHouse’s great daily lunch (served 11 a.m.-4 p.m.) specials, including Monday’s meatball sub, the hot ham & cheese sandwich on Thursday and fried fish & chips on Friday. I’m also partial to the regular WingHouse burger, although there are some options that I’ve heard people rave about, including the mushroom Swiss burger. I also have had no problem devouring any of the four wrap sandwiches on WingHouse’s menu, although my favorite is the big Philly cheesesteak wrap. I’ve never sampled WingHouse’s Texas chili or chicken and sausage gumbo, but I do enjoy the zesty chicken tortilla soup. And, WingHouse’s salads are fresh, huge and share-able. There’s even a great kids menu and desserts like New Yorkstyle cheesecake, Key lime pie and ice cream. For more info about the Wesley Chapel Ker’s WingHouse (5510 Post Oak Blvd.), call 428-7157, see the ad on

Among our editor’s favorites at the Wesley Chapel Ker’s WingHouse are the naked, blackened wings (top) and the “Grouper’s Teammate” sandwich (above). page 30 for great coupon specials (including a buy-one-16-oz.-draft-beer-&-getthe-second-one-free and a buy-sixlunches-get-the-seventh-lunch-free special) or visit WingHouse.com. And, please tell Tony and the girls we sent you.

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com


Presenting The 2013 New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Dining Survey & Contest Results! Yes, faithful readers, this is our biggestever response to our annual Dining Survey & Contest, as nearly 1,200 entries poured into our offices over a three-month period. The previous record was just under 1,000 entries a couple of years ago. So, thanks to everyone who took the time to enter this year’s contest, which was not only the most difficult for us to tabulate, but also the most difficult for those who did enter to stay within the contest rules. For the first time ever, we gave you the names of most of the independently owned, non-major-chain restaurants in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel and basically asked you to rank your top five favorites in some categories and just one favorite in other categories. We intentionally did not include the names of the major chain restaurants in our area, but allowed you to write in the names of any restaurants not listed on the entry form as”write-in votes” in any category. I had noticed in previous years that many folks would just put the names of the restaurants they know best — the major chains which pay millions of dollars a year on national and regional marketing. By leaving those names off this year’s ballot, giving you the names of the local momand-pop eateries and the smaller chain

restaurants located in our distribution areas — and reducing the number of categories — we were able to find out what you really think about the local restaurants who really need and appreciate your business. And, the strategy worked. Of all the major chains in our area (and there are literally dozens of them), only perennial local powerhouse Bonefish Grill made the top 20 as a write-in favorite restaurant overall in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel and only Five Guys Burgers & Fries and Cantina Laredo made the top ten in any of the categories that didn’t ask you to list up to five favorites. Speaking of those favorites, congratulations go out to this year’s favorite restaurant in New Tampa — Stonewood Grill & Tavern in Tampa Palms, which only recently began opening for lunch every weekday and has won those honors a couple of times in years past. A first-time winner this year as our readers’ favorite restaurant in Wesley Chapel is GrillSmith, located in the Shops at Wiregrass mall, which also was named your favorite bar in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel for the first time ever. It’s interesting to me that both Stonewood and GrillSmith are smaller-sized (with fewer than 20 locations each) chains which are based here in Florida.

Your Favorite Restaurants In New Tampa (NT)

Other eateries which came up big this year are Liang’s Bistro, your second favorite restaurant in New Tampa and the dominating winner in our “Favorite Chinese” category; PizzaMania, which somehow overcame some major ballot stuffing by a couple of other pizza places (see below) to secure the “Your Favorite Pizza in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel” category for the first time and finish as your seventh favorite restaurant overall in Wesley Chapel; Acropolis Greek Taverna and The Hungry Greek, which were overwhelmingly your two “Favorite Greek/ Middle Eastern” restaurants; and Kobe Steakhouse, which dominated the “Favorite Sushi/Japanese in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel” category and was your seventh favorite overall in New Tampa. The closest battles came in the “Favorite Thai/Indian” category, where first place Thai Ruby and second place Sukhothai went down to the wire and all six restaurants in the category earned at least 30 votes; the “Favorite Latin” category, where Los Vallartas (which just opened a new location in the City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center) nudged past Las Palmas (in the Pebble Creek Collection in New Tampa) and those two distanced themselves from the rest of the pack; and Mr. Dun-

derbak’s came in a surprising third as your overall favorite restaurant in New Tampa, by far it’s highest-ever finish in our contest by a wide margin. As for the ballot stuffing...I just want to say that I appreciate that some restaurants aren’t shy about asking for help from their loyal customers and it’s incredible how many of those customers step up for the eateries they love. The problem is that those of you who put, for example, the same restaurant for #1s-5 in any category would only have the first place vote counted for your favorite and were disqualified from any possible prizes. And, most important of all, when your ballot is disqualified, only your votes for first-place votes for your favorites and those for restaurants other than your obvious favorite(s) are counted. And speaking of prizes, here’s this year’s prize-winning entries: $100 to the restaurant of her choice Mary Ann Cintron, Hunter’s Green $50 - Anita Rogers, Cross Creek $50 - Ron Hiestand, Seven Oaks $25 - Scott Hurst, Tampa Palms $25 - Marikay Bernicky, Easton Park Congrats to all of our winners! - GN

Your Favorite Restaurants In Wesley Chapel (WC)

1. Stonewood Grill & Tavern

11. Koizi Endless Hibachi Grill

1. GrillSmith

11. Café Fresco

2. Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine

12. Café Olé

2. Wolf ’s Den

12. Bonefish Grill (*Write-In)

3. Mr. Dunderbak’s

13. La Cubanita Café

3. Los Vallartas

13. 900º Woodfired Pizza

4. Acropolis Greek Taverna

14. China Wok (County Line Rd.)

4. Taste of Boston

14. Yamato Japanese Steakhouse

5. Burger 21

15. Little Greek Restaurant

5. La Prima Pizza

15. Asian Buffet

6. Full Circle Pizza & Grill

16. Thai Ruby

6. The Hungry Greek

16. Dempsey’s Steak House

7. Kobe Japanese Steakhouse

17. Peabody’s

7. PizzaMania

17. China Wok (Village Market)

8. Las Palmas Spanish Café

18. Sushi Café

8. Burger Monger

18. CineBistro at The Grove

9. Oakley’s Grille

19. Saffron Indian Cuisine

9. PrimeBar

19. PDQ Fresh Chicken Tenders

10. Mulligan’s Irish Pub

20. Woodfired Pizza (Bearss Ave.)

10. Bonsai Sushi

20. Amici Pizza


For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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Your Favorite Chinese Restaurants in NT & WC

1. Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine 2. China Wok (Village Market) 3. Asian Buffet 4. Ho Wok 5. China Wok (County Line Rd.) 6. Kwan Ming Bistro 7. China Taste 8. New China King 9. Sushi Ko 10. Fushia Asian Bistro

Your Favorite Japanese & Sushi Restaurants in NT & WC 1. Kobe Japanese Steakhouse 2. Yamato Japanese Steakhouse 3. Koizi Endless Hibachi Grill 4. Bonsai Sushi 5. Sushi Café 6. Sukhothai 7. Asian Buffet 8. Tokyo Grill 9. Takari Sushi & Sake Lounge

Neighborhood News

10. (tie) Soho Sushi 10. (tie) Hibachi Express

Your Favorite Thai & Indian Restaurants in NT & WC 1. Thai Ruby 2. Sukhothai 3. Saffron Indian Cuisine 4. Lanna Thai 5. Top Thai 6. Fine Thai Express

Your Favorite Greek/Middle Eastern Restaurants in NT & WC 1. Acropolis Greek Taverna 2. The Hungry Greek 3. Little Greek Restaurant 4. Pita’s Republic 5. Petra Mediterranean Cuisine 6. Apna Kabob House

Your Favorite Burger Places in NT & WC

1. Burger 21


2. Burger Monger 3. Oakley’s Grille 4. Wolf ’s Den 5. GrillSmith 6. Mulligan’s Irish Pub 7. Five Guys Burgers & Fries * 8. Peabody’s 9. PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub & Grill 10. (tie) Dempseys Too 10. (tie) Red Robin

Your Favorite Latin & Mexican Restaurants in NT/WC

1. Los Vallartas 2. Las Palmas Spanish Café 3. La Cubanita Cafe 4. Café Olé 5. Casa Ramos 6, La Fuente Mexican Restaurant 7. Don Pan International Bakery 8. Cantina Laredo *

Your Favorite Pizza Places in NT & WC

1. PizzaMania

2. Wolf ’s Den 3. Full Circle Pizza & Grill 4. La Prima Pizza 5. Woodfired Pizza (E. Bearss Ave.) 6. Amici Pizza 7. Taste of New York Pizza 8. Bosco’s Italian To Go 9. Biagio’s II 10. Hawkeye’s NYS Pizza

Your Favorite Bars & Taverns in NT & WC

1. GrillSmith 2. PrimeBar 3. Stonewood Grill & tavern 4. Mulligan’s Irish Pub 5. Acropolis Greek Taverna 6. Peabody’s 7. PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub 8. CineBistro 9. Quail Hollow Country Club 10. Linkster’s Tap Room * Indicates ‘Write-In’ Entrees

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com


The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel!

Dolce Now Open Inside Meadow Pointe!

Even though it’s located “deep” inside the Meadow Pointe community (at 30004 County Line Rd.), I definitely think it’s worth a short drive (three easy miles from the Shops at Wiregrass mall and only two miles from Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd.) to visit my friend Tarek at the decadent new Dolce Gelato & Crepes Café for midmorning breakfast, lunch or after any meal. Dolce, which opens every day at 9 a.m. and is open after dinner, too, has excellent desserts, including authentic Italian gelato, French crepes and Belgian waffles, plus bacon or ham, egg and cheese crepes for breakfast, a variety of Boar’s head freshpressed panini sandwiches for lunch, delicious coffee, tea and smoothies and more. I’ve already sampled a pressed roast beef panini, Dolce’s “Carabanella” (caramel, banana and Nutella spread) crepe and the Butterfinger gelato-topped waffle (with chocolate topping) pictured above. Please tell Tarek that the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News sent you and use the coupon from Dolce’s ad on page 37 of this issue to get $1 off any purchase of $4 or more. For info, call 991-0350.

Wolf’s Den...Again!

Although we told you in a recent issue


that Wolf’s Den — Wesley Chapel’s Neighborhood Diner — was adding dinner hours and a full selection of BBQ favorites to its already impressive menu, Wolf’s Den (27606 S.R. 56) owner Roger Wolf has since decided to, “go back to doing what we do best — serving the best breakfast, brunch and lunch in Wesley Chapel at the best possible prices.” And, if you’re like me (and obviously, a lot of you are, as Wolf’s Den was our readers’ second-favorite restaurant in Wesley Chapel, and second favorite pizza and fourth favorite burger place in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel), you’re probably hoping that Roger will continue to serve some of his delicious dinner entrées (my favorite is his best-in-Wesley Chapel fried chicken) for lunch and takeout. And, he’s doing just that. But now, Wolf’s Den is only open 7 a.m.-3 p.m. daily. “We’re still packed every day for breakfast and lunch,” Roger says, noting that he currently has pumpkin and eggnog pancakes available for the holidays. For info, call 907-9124 or see the ad on page 35.

Vallarta’s Opens In City Plaza

Even though Wesley Chapel has had its own Vallarta’s Mexican Restaurant (in the Village Market shopping center) for years, I hope you’ll check out the new Vallartas, which opened in November in the former location of Ciccio’s Lodge (at 16023 Tampa Palms Blvd. W.) in the Publix-anchored City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center. This newest addition to the Vallarta’s family, which includes locations in Temple Terrace and in the Wesley Chapel Village Market (among others) is perhaps the most upscale-looking of this family-owned local

chain, but still delivers on the same promise of tasty Mexican fare at very fair prices. I recently enjoyed Vallarta’s steak a la Mexicana, which is a deliciously grilled steak sautéed with fresh jalapeños, tomatoes & onions and served with rice & beans. Yum! For info, call 978-3761 or see the Vallarta’s ad on pg. 37 for coupon offers.

Ciccio’s Opens In New Tampa Palms Location

If you’ve been salivating for the longawaited new location of Ciccio’s California, at 17004 Palm Pointe Way (in the Shoppes at The Pointe plaza in Tampa Palms), your wait is over. Manager Robert Garofano says the totally revamped Ciccio’s, which opened in the former World of Beer location on Dec. 10, is a fast/casual version of its previous incarnations in it’s old City Plaza location (which closed in January), with a menu that no longer has all of your favorite dishes from the original Ciccio & Tony’s and none of the menu items from The Lodge. But, Garofano assures, the concept has been improved tremendously. For info, visit CiccioRestaurant Group.com.

Here & There, This & That

If there’s a cigar smoker in your life, you owe it to yourself to visit Chapel Cigars (26246 S.R. 54, 973-1166) in the Grand Oaks Plaza, next to Amici Pizza, for easy holiday shopping. Chapel Cigars has great cigar samplers, humidors, lighter, cutters & accessories and special offers like a free Bugatti lighter (a $35 value) with a purchase of $250 or more and a 15-percent discount on full-box purchases...and more. A couple of miles to the east on S.R. 54, Chevrolet of Wesley Chapel (322-

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

Since our last issue, the Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce has cut several more ribbons, including this one at AOL MMA (526-3594) on Ellerbee Rd. at S.R. 54.

3441) has opened, although right now, the new dealership (which is owned by the same group that owns the Wesley Chapel Hyundai and Mazda dealerships next door) is operating out of a trailer. Sales consultant Bobby Page says Chevrolet of Wesley Chapel ’s building will open in about a year. The Wesley Chapel Village Market (S.R. 54 at BBD) will soon be home to Stonemill Artisan Bakery & Desserts. The shop, which should be open next to Vallarta’s and Woody’s Pizza & Wings within a couple of weeks as you receive this issue, is where you can expect to find gelato, ice cream, frozen yogurt, French pastries, authentic artisan breads, great coffee and more. We’ll keep you posted. A&A Boutique, the store owned by young sisters Amber & Allie Malott in the same plaza as The Hungry Greek and the new D’Alessio Ristorante on BBD, has closed. The Malott twins are now only selling their original fashion designs online at TwinCollections.com. — GN

Neighborhood News


Former Selmon’s To Be Glory Days Grill For more than a year, it has been sitting vacant on Doña Michelle Dr., but it looks as if new life is destined for the former Lee Roy Selmon’s location on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in New Tampa, according to a press release from the Selmon’s franchise owners. On November 8, MVP Holdings — the company that also owns PDQ (which has a Wesley Chapel location on S.R. 56) — announced that their com- The new Glory Days Grill will open in 2014 in this pany has entered into an agreement former Lee Roy Selmon’s location in New Tampa. with Virginia-based Glory Days Grill to The press release says that the Glory take over the expansion efforts of the Days concept is a sports-themed, family restaurant chain into the Florida market, restaurant that features a variety of dining beginning with the space that previously options for all ages and preferences. The was rumored to once again become home Glory Days Grill slogan, according to the to Lee Roy Selmon’s. company’s website (GloryDaysGrill.com) “We are very excited to have the opis “The Official Food of Hometown portunity to grow Glory Days Grill in Sports” and the menu features everything Florida,” says Sam Tancredi, president of from chicken fried chicken to great steaks, MVP GDG, LLC. “The Glory Days Grill BBQ ribs and more. The restaurants also concept allows us the opportunity to hire feature multiple TVs throughout, with indiover 100 New Tampa residents. We feel vidual speaker boxes at each table so pathis new concept is a perfect fit for the trons can tune in whichever game or community.” channel they want to watch. The press release says that MVP HoldThere are 18 Glory Days locations opings owners Bob Basham, Nick Reader and erating in Maryland, Virginia and West VirChris Sullivan plan to open Glory Days in ginia, plus two franchise locations, also in the first quarter of 2014. Basham and SulliVirginia. The New Tampa location will van also previously founded the company mark the beginning of Glory Days’ expanwhich is now called Bloomin’ Brands, sion into Florida. No other information which owns Outback Steakhouse, about the planned New Tampa location Carrabba’s Italian Grill and Bonefish Grill was available at our press time. — MW under the now-Bloomin’ Brands umbrella.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com



HELP WANTED – Full Circle Pizza & Grill is looking for an EXPERIENCED pizza maker/line cook. NO phone calls. Walk-ins with resumes ONLY. 19651 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Suite B2, Mon-Sat, 11 a.m.– 8 p.m. Ask for Ron. HELP WANTED - -Looking for hairstylists with established clientele. -Relaxing contemporary environment. -Busy shopping center in new tampa -Booth rental available $175/week -Newly furnished private suite w/ shampoo bowl for $225/week -First week free !! Contact Ms.Johnson @ 8139942393 or johnson.christy08@yahoo.com HELP WANTED - Attractive, Personable Sales Person sought by new restaurant located on S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel. Experienced or we can train. The position calls for the person to contact large local businesses about their catering needs. Apply in person, with resume, at CityGrill (5429 Village Market, S.R. 54 between I-75 & BBD) between 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & ask for Gerry.




PHYSICAL THERAPIST – An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, oneon-one care. Fax resume to (813) 9943080











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CAR SERVICES – Don’t Have a Ride? Don’t Want to Leave Your Car? Shouldn’t Drive? We Drive You and Your Car Home! Night Clubs, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Concerts, Appointments, Airport or Stranded..Call Jay at (813) 966-1530.




L.I.F.E Academy for Learning, LLC- A licensed in-home daycare located in New River Township. The daycare is managed by Nora Dudley, who is an experienced elementary Florida certified teacher and is also First Aid/CPR licensed. She is a loving mother of two and is passionate about helping children. Call today to enroll your child and mention this ad to waive your registration fee! Tutoring sessions for grades K-3 are also available upon appointment. Contact Nora Dudley at (813) 395-8487 or for more information visit www.lifeacademyforlearning.com

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com

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DRY WALL SPECIALIST - Not a handyman. Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings and walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster and stucco repair. 26 Years Experience. Wesley Chapel resident. State Certified. Call Ron for a free estimate (813) 784-5999









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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 26 • December 14, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com


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