New Tampa Neighborhood News, Issue 3, January 31, 2015

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Volume 23 Issue 3


Recapping The 2015 Suncoast Arts Festival!

January 31, 2015

See Neighborhood Magazine!

Named The 2014 ‘Small Business Of The Year’ By The Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce! THIS INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS MAGAZINE IS DIRECTLY MAILED TO: NEW TAMPA: Arbor Greene • Cory Lake Isles • Cross Creek • Easton Park • Grand Hampton • Heritage Isles • Hunter’s Green • Hunter’s Key • K-Bar Ranch Lake Forest • Live Oak Preserve • Pebble Creek • Richmond Place • Tampa Palms • The Hammocks • West Meadows WESLEY CHAPEL: Aberdeen • Belle Chase • Bridgewater • Brookside • Chapel Pines • Country Walk • Lexington Oaks • Meadow Pointe • New River • Northwood • Pinewalk • Pine Ridge Saddlebrook • Saddleridge Estates • Saddlewood • Seven Oaks • The Lakes at Northwood • The Villages of Wesley Chapel • Watergrass • Wesley Pointe • Westbrook Estates • Williamsburg

Hillsborough School Board Buys Out Elia’s Contract For $1.1 Million By Matt Wiley

“The motion passes to terminate the superintendent’s contract, 4-3.” Those were the words that Hillsborough County School Board (HCSB) chair Susan Valdes spoke at the Jan. 20 meeting in downtown Tampa, where the Boardroom was filled to capacity, following the vote on the motion to terminate and buy out current Hillsborough County School District (HCSD) superintendent of schools MaryEllen Elia’s contract without cause. As a result, Elia will receive $1.1 million in unpaid salary and other benefits. Ironically, Elia was named “Superintendent of the Year” for the state of Florida on December 3 (and was honored by the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners on January 21 for winning that honor) and currently is a finalist for the top superintendent in the country. “I feel disappointed that I’m not going to be here, leading the team in Hillsborough County any longer,” Elia said, following the deciding vote. “For many months, there has been tension and uncertainty here in the District, not just in this building, but out in the community and the schools,” Valdes told the

Board as the motion was brought forward. “This was heightened with the election in November of 2014.” Valdes blamed the rumor mill and the local media for spreading stories about possible “no confidence” votes in Elia and how different Board members don’t like the superintendent. The Board members who voted to terminate Elia say their decision was based upon their disapproval of the terms of her contract, which renews each year if she receives an “above satisfactory” rating from the Board. “I put this motion on the agenda so this matter could be resolved openly, for all to see and with frank discussion and debate,” Valdes said. “No other reason.” Valdes stressed that she wanted to be clear that the motion was about buying out Elia’s contract, not firing her. “This is a business decision, not a personality contest,” she said. The buyout of Elia’s contract, which was agreed upon in 2005, will pay her $878,318 in salary and benefits, as well as $233,079 in unused vacation and leave time. HCSD attorney Jim Porter laid out the three ways that the contract could have been terminated. The first option — firing without cause, which requires a buyout, is

what ultimately was decided. Other options included terminating with cause, which would have required official charges and a formal hearing in front of the Board but would not have required a buyout; or Elia giving six months notice and resigning her position. Elia’s last day on the job will be March 5, after which she will use her vacation time until the official end of the 2014-15 contract year on June 30 to help draw down the buyout amount. “(Ms. Elia’s) contract is unconscionable and is unfair to the public that I repre- Hillsborough superintendent of schools MaryEllen sent and to this Board,” said Dist. 3 Board Elia will leave her job Mar. 5. The School Board member Cindy Stuart, who represents New voted 4-3 on Jan. 20 to buy out her contract. Tampa. Stuart said that the relationship beNewly elected District 4 Board memtween Elia and the Board clearly was broken and was not showing any signs of improv- ber Melissa Snively said that she didn’t agree ing, although she did not provide any spe- with terminating Elia’s contract and felt that cific examples of why the relationship was she was put in a “precarious” situation. “I cannot in good conscience justify so broken. “My position (on the Board) has al- spending over one million dollars in taxpayways been to vote for what I see as the ra- er money (to buy out Elia’s contract) withtional, logical, balanced and reasonable way out just cause, especially when there are so for us to move forward and I hope that the many resources still needed for our schools people who put me in this seat trust that’s and our students for which those funds what I’m going to do,” Stuart said. “I make could be utilized,” Snively said. “What I can decisions up here as if I was making them for support is leading by example.” See “Elia” on page 14. my own family.”

Mark Your Calendars For The Honest Abe 5K & Wiregrass Classic Clay Shoot! By Gary Nager

One week after you receive this issue in your mailboxes — on Saturday, February 7 — there are two great events we hope you’ll check out, events which may have some crossover appeal. And, the good news is that you can still participate in both of them. The first, which will kick off at 7 a.m., is the fifth annual Honest Abe 5K Road Race & 1-Mile Fun Run, which will be hosted by the new Avalon Park West (APW) community located off S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel. The new location for this beautiful 3.1-

mile jaunt will actually start at New River Elementary (4710 River Glen Blvd., Wesley Chapel) through a gorgeous new section of APW, a great new planned development, and will benefit the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel and the Boy Scouts of America. Organizers Don McBath of McBath Law Group, and Kristin Muslin, a marketer and event coordinator for APW, are both members of the Wesley Chapel Rotary Club, which now meets at noon at the new Stage Left Bar & Kitchen (24400 S.R. 54, Lutz). McBath also is a former Scout and longtime Scoutmaster, as well as the current finance

Also Inside This Issue!

Local News, Business & Education Updates

Neighborhood Magazine

Montelione Re-Elected To City Council, HART Route 51X Not Changing, More Arrests In Escaped Inmate Case, Taylor Morrison Plans Esplanade & More!

OTB Delight Café Is As Fresh As It Gets, A Peek Inside The Legacy At Highwoods Preserve & More Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes!

Pages 3-42

Pages 43-60

chair for the Allohak District of BSA. The race surpassed last year’s organizers’ goal of more than 100 runners and raised more than $7,000, which supported the Rotary Club and its selected charities. For more info, visit & search “Honest Abe 5K” or register online to run at running/races/honest-abe-5k-race-and1-mile-fun-run-2015?int. The pre-raceday cost to participate ranges between $10-$20, but day of race registrations also are available for $15-$25.

Wiregrass Classic Clay Shoot

Also on February 7, please join the Wiregrass Ranch Foundation (WRF) and the Porter family for the third Annual Wiregrass Ranch Classic Clay Shoot! The incredible turnout at last year’s event allowed the WRF to donate $20,000 to the Lacoochee Boys & Girls Club, $5,000 to OnBikes, as well as to support several other awesome causes in our local community. The organizers expect an even better turnout this year and look forward to raising

funds to better our community while having a great time at this competitive event! The Porter family has supported Pasco County and the surrounding areas for more than 60 years and established the WRF to serve as a vehicle for charitable work throughout the area. The Foundation has donated countless hours and dollars to local schools, charities and projects throughout Pasco County and the entire Tampa Bay region. This year’s Clay Shoot, which will again be held at Tampa Bay Sporting Clays (10514 Ehren Cutoff, Land O’Lakes), begins at 2 p.m. and will provide college scholarships for college-bound seniors within the community. This is a natural for the Porter family, which donated the land for the new Pasco Hernando State College of S.R. 56 and has been a true benefactor for the college. For info or to register to participate in this year’s Classic Clay Shoot, visit

Happy About New Tampa’s ‘New’ Chamber; Outraged Over Elia

An editorial by Gary Nager For those of us saddened that the formerly annual Taste of New Tampa wasn’t held in 2014, the good news is that our area is now at least one step closer to bringing back the best-attended singleday event in New Tampa. How? Well, the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) has finalized an agreement with the now-defunct New Tampa Chamber of Commerce that will allow the WCCC to re-start the Taste. WCCC executive director Hope Allen says that former New Tampa Chamber president Neil Heird signed off on the agreement that will allow the WCCC to absorb the remnants of the New Tampa Chamber. In fact, the WCCC’s new logo, which can be found on the organization’s website (, now says “Serving Wesley Chapel & New Tampa,” and Allen promises that the wheels are in motion to create a committee to help bring more New Tampa-area businesses under the WCCC’s auspices and to discuss reviving the Taste. Allen has begun recruiting a few local business leaders, including yours truly, to help get that ball rolling, although no meeting had been set at our press time for the initial get-together of that group. But rest assured, we will keep your posted.

‘Fiscal Responsibility’ & The Hillsborough School Board Let me start by saying that I haven’t had a child in a Hillsborough County public school for almost five years, nor do I know

New Tampa Neighborhood News 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: (813) 423-6533 Advertising E-mail: Editorial E-mail: Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondent Celeste McLaughlin Advertising Sales Representative Mary Dorey Office Assistants Erica Everett • Jillian Reilly Graphic Design Georgia Carmichael • Nate Ciurla Nothing that appears in New Tampa Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by New Tampa Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 23, Issue 5, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Monday, February 16, 2015. New Tampa Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. New Tampa Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. New Tampa Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.

© 2015 JM2 Communications, Inc.

Neighborhood News

recently-ousted Hillsborough superintendent of schools MaryEllen Elia (see page 1) personally, so I have no personal involvement in the School Board’s decision to buy out Ms. Elia’s contract “without cause.” On the other hand, I do have a long history of not appreciating (both as a parent and as a local community news magazine editor) the way the Board runs the nation’s eighth largest school district (with more than 205,000 students, according to its website,, the way new schools in the District are named and even the way the School Board meetings themselves are conducted — when no matter how many people attend a meeting to express their opinions on a controversial subject, the Board always makes them wait, sometimes for hours, often while they give out awards and pat each other on the back. Although I have never had a problem with any of the current individual Board members themselves, I have long believed the Hillsborough District should be disassembled into individual, micro-managed districts with multiple elementary and two middle schools feeding into one high school. But, whether or not the Board agrees with the Florida Department of Education — which recently named Ms. Elia the “Superintendent of the Year” — there’s no doubt that the action taken by the Board on Jan. 20 shows some of the current Board members to be childish babies who have no interest whatsoever in “fiscal responsibility.” Here’s the facts — the 4-3 vote to terminate Elia’s contract will cost the District $1.1 million for the now-deposed superintendent to sit at home and eat bon-bons (if she so chooses, which I’m certain she won’t, with all of the job offers she has coming in) instead of leading a District with a long history of financial struggles, busing controversies and average (at best) testing results. And, according to the District’s own staff, there is no plan or timetable for replacing Ms. Elia, which means our schools may be rudderless for perhaps the rest of this school year. That being said, although assistant editor Matt Wiley attended the Jan. 20 meeting instead of yours truly, the quotes coming from the Board members who voted to terminate Elia represent this group — and the leadership of our District — as less grown up than the elementary school kids they serve. Ms. Elia didn’t ask for the accolades

she’s received, they were bestowed upon her by the state, so for Dist. 6 Board member April Griffin to cite those accolades as one reason to terminate indicates to me that what she actually didn’t like was that Elia was receiving credit and the Board wasn’t. But sadly, the worst offender in this case is Dist. 3 Board member Cindy Stuart, who was elected in 2012 to serve all of the schools in the New Tampa area. “Ms. Elia’s contract is unconscionable?” You were elected two+ years ago, but are just getting that idea now, Ms. Stuart? And, you believe that paying someone more than $1 million to not work is representative of your fiscal responsibility? Let’s just call this what it is — a personal vendetta...nothing more, nothing less — and yet another black eye for our area schools.

Correction From Last Issue

In our previous issue (cover dated Jan. 1, 2015), we included a story about Medi-Weightloss Clinic, located on S.R. 54 in Lutz (just west of S.R. 56). In that story, we mistakenly referred to Medi’s weightloss programs as “holistic,” which they are not. Holistic approaches to weightloss don’t involve prescription drugs, such as prescription appetite suppressants. However, in the first stage of Medi’s three-stage weightloss program, appetite suppressors sometimes are prescribed. We apologize for this mistake and any confusion it may have caused.

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Table of Contents

Local News Updates.......................................4-23

Montelione Re-Elected After Caetano Fails To Qualify....................4 BBD ‘Segment A’ Meeting Draws Crowd At TPE........................6 HART Won’t Change Route 51X Express Service..........................8 Additional Arrests Made In Case Of Escaped Convict.....................10 New Tampa News Briefs........................................................12 Taylor Morrison Plans Esplanade Community Lutz Woman Embezzles $100K From WC Business S.R. 56 Resurfacing Begins Shopping Center Coming To Cypress Creek Town Center.............16 Wiregrass Baseball Deal Strikes Out..............................................18

New Tampa Community Calendar.......................................22

Local Business Updates......................26-35 Spa Moritz’s New Owners Promise A New Spa Experience.....26 Ally Turnkey Is On Your Side When Renovating Your Home........30 Pasco Cardiology Associates Can Keep Your Heartbeat Regular.....34

Local Education Updates..........................39

Freedom, Wharton Score ‘B’ Grades For 2013-14 School Year.......30 New Tampa’s ‘Teacher Of The Year’ Nominees.............................30

Neighborhood Magazine

Suncoast Arts Festival Displays Creativity Of Local Artists & More....43 Tampa Palms Women’s Club Donates To Local Charities.................44 An Exclusive Peek Into The Legacy At Highwoods Preserve............48 Pure Health & Fitness Studio To Open Wesley Chapel Location.....50 OTB Delight Café Has Delicious, Fresh Food................................52 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’........................54





New Tampa Teen Earns Eagle Scout Rank...................................58


For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •


Montelione Re-Elected To City Council When Caetano Fails To Qualify By Matt Wiley

As campaigns gear up for the City of Tampa municipal election on Tuesday, March 3, the City Council member who currently represents our area on the panel has been re-elected to another four-year term because of lack of opposition. According to the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections office, as of noon on January 16, Councilwoman Lisa J. Montelione, of Terrace Park, had secured another four-year term as the representative of District 7 (which includes Temple Terrace, the University area, Tampa Palms and New Tampa) by paying the qualifying fee of $2,415 to appear on the ballot for the election. Although her name won’t actually appear on the ballot in March, she already has been named our area’s representative, as the only candidate for the seat. District 5 incumbent Frank Reddick also faced no opposition. Montelione’s would-be opponent, Grand Hampton resident Joseph Caetano, filed to run for the seat (which he previously held from 2006-10) in June of 2014, but did not gather the minimum 868 signatures (0.25 percent of the city’s population) to petition to appear on the ballot by the January 2 deadline or pay the fee before the deadline to qualify on January 16. As a result, Montelione was elected because she was unopposed. “I couldn’t raise enough funds and I didn’t want to pay for all of (the qualify-

ing fee) myself,” Caetano explains. “So, I decided not to pursue (the City Council seat).” Records show that, as of January 9, Caetano had raised only $700, while the councilwoman had raised more Dist. 7 Tampa City Counthan $20,000. cil member Lisa Montelione “I’m honored that I didn’t have to launch a fullblown campaign,” says Montelione. “I’ve had people come up to me out in the District and say that (running unopposed) is a testament to the hard work and decisions that I’ve made during the past four years. I guess the community feels that I’m doing a good job.” Montelione says that she did not expect to end up running opposed and that she fully expected Caetano to qualify after seeing his campaign signs along Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. just a few weeks before the deadline to qualify. But, Caetano isn’t the only person that she was worried about. “I filed and paid the qualifying fee just before noon on the last day to qualify in 2011,” Montelione explains. “It was

very possible for somebody to do that this time, as well. All morning long on January 16 I was sitting at the edge of my seat.” Montelione says that she plans to keep working on the causes that she has been pushing for her entire first term. Among those are transportation improvements in New Tampa and communication between the public and local government through community outreach. “I hope that during my next term, Pasco County (officials) will come to (their) senses and we (the City of Tampa and Pasco) will be able to come to a reasonable agreement to connect Kinnan St. (in New Tampa) to Mansfield Blvd. (in Wesley Chapel),” she says. Montelione explains that she also will be staying on top of the needs within New Tampa’s planned communities that sometimes go unmet, such as the deterioration of roads, bike paths and street signs in West Meadows. Montelione says she recently was able to help address those issues within the community by helping concerned residents get in contact with the proper city departments. She also says that in order to get more people involved in city government, she has held several “office hours” meetings, during which she makes herself available to residents, at both the New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.) and at the New Tampa Recreation Center (17302 Commerce Park Blvd. in

Tampa Palms). She says she also plans to attend more New Tampa-area homeowners association and community development district meetings. If you would like her to come to your association’s meeting, give her office a call at 274-7073. “I just want to continue to work on outreach,” Montelione says. “That’s one of the big things I worked on (during my first term). I’m trying to help you get to know that government is here and is someplace you can go and get help. The only way I can really improve communication is by showing up.” Although the race for the New Tampa area’s City Council seat already has been decided, voters in our area still will vote for the three “city-wide” seats, as well as for mayor. “People still need to get out and vote even though District 7 isn’t going to be on the ballot,” Montelione says. Current Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn only has one opponent, write-in candidate Jose Vazquez, whose name will not appear on the ballot, as is policy with write-in candidates. Published reports state that Vazquez has previously run for Tampa City Council in 2006 and for State House District 58 in 2012 and in 2008, while he was incarcerated for driving with a suspended or revoked license. For more information about New Tampa’s city government representatives, please visit

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •

Neighborhood News


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BBD ‘Segment A’ Widening Meeting Draws Crowd At Tampa Palms Elem. By Matt Wiley

Murmurs of voices and footsteps echo through the cafeteria of Tampa Palms Elementary. However, these aren’t the high-pitched voices and giggles of children during their lunch period at the school. Instead, the cafeteria this day is packed with local residents, eager to find out what the next segment of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. widening will mean for traffic around their neighborhood. On January 12, nearly 90 people came out for a short presentation and to converse with Hillsborough County staff members about the widening of BBD ‘Segment A’ (between Palm Springs Blvd. and Bearss Ave.), which received the “go-ahead” to begin construction on January 20. The presentation itself came in the form of a short video, which showed viewers an overview of the 3.5-mile, $36-million project (which will widen this entire stretch of New Tampa’s most congested roadway from four and six lanes to an eight-lane divided roadway) and outlined the tentative timeframe for the widening’s completion. The county’s contract with Prince Contracting allows 815 days for construction with a completion date estimated for the spring of 2017. Hillsborough County community relations coordinator Andrea Roshaven said at the meeting that the county has been using these video presentations at pre-construc-

Nearly 90 New Tampa-area residents came out to a pre-construction meeting on January 12 at Tampa Palms Elementary to learn about the next segment of Bruce B. Downs Blvd. widening.

tion meetings for about a year now. “(The videos) help to not have one person speaking and having to be repetitive with information,” Roshaven said. The short video continued on loop throughout the meeting and currently is available at Following the video, attendees were able to meet individually with county engineering staffers to ask their additional questions. Three scaled maps of the entire project were available along the walls of the cafeteria to allow space for residents to point out to county staff exactly which parts of the project concerned them most. Enclave at Tampa Palms resident Debi Hoff pointed out that the current bridge

over Cypress Creek (located between Amberly Dr. and the Landmark at Grayson Park apartments in Tampa Palms) has a slight rise to it, making it more difficult for drivers to see traffic on the other side when headed northbound on BBD. “It’s difficult to see the Amberly Dr. intersection,” Hoff said. “You come over the bridge and there are all of these cars that are stacked up in front of you. The engineer I talked to said that when it’s rebuilt, the bridge will be more flat. Maybe that will help.” Hoff’s neighbor Leslie Fredotovich also had some concerns about the next segment of BBD construction, which she said drew her to the meeting.

“I’m most concerned with the intersection just before Bearss Ave. (at Cove Bend Dr., near the Cracker Barrel),” Fredotovich said. “Drivers who want to go north on BBD out of the shopping plaza have to cross all of the southbound lanes (without a stoplight).” Fredotovich said that she’s constantly seeing near-misses and accidents during heavy traffic hours that involve drivers trying to get across the southbound BBD lanes to the median and northbound lanes. “I just hoped there was something being done to address that situation while they’re doing the other improvements to BBD,” Fredotovich said, adding that she thought a fix to the problem would be to remove the option to cross the median at that location altogether. Roger Menke, a West Meadows resident, said he came out to the meeting to see how the next segment of widening would affect traffic through Tampa Palms. Menke said that, even though he lives north of Segment A, he uses that stretch of BBD daily to get into Tampa. “Traffic gets very heavy through here,” Menke said. “It sounds like this will provide some relief.” For additional information about the next segment of BBD widening, or to watch the short video presentation that was shown at the meeting, please visit

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •

Neighborhood News



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HART Won’t Change New Tampa’s Express Bus Service By Matt Wiley Although it’s not always obvious, public opinion sometimes can have a strong effect on shaping policy. In the case of a proposed change to New Tampa’s lone bus route — Route 51X — public comments apparently made all of the difference. After several public meetings in the summer and fall of 2014, Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) has decided against changing the express bus route service that takes riders from New Tampa and Wesley Chapel to downtown Tampa and back in the mornings and evenings during the work week. HART spokesperson Sandra Morrison says that the only change that will be made to the bus route will be the future closure of the Park & Ride stops for Wesley Chapel riders at Victorious Life Church (located on Old Pasco Rd. behind The Grove shopping plaza) and the former Crossroads Community Church (now the Tampa Korean United Methodist Church, located on County Line Rd.). However, those stops will not close until a planned future Park & Ride stop is completed at Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC), located on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., which also will serve as a stop for Pasco County Public Transportation (PCPT). Mike Carroll, PCPT director, says that details about

the stop are still being finalized and reviewed and declined to comment further. In addition, HART also is planning to expand to add local service from the Shops at Wiregrass mall off S.R. 56 south to the University Area Transit Center, located across BBD from the University of South Florida’s Tampa campus, south of the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, although those possible stop locations have not yet been released. That route would require two additional buses and 3-4 more drivers. “That local service is targeted for either July or November of 2015,” Morrison explains. “This will all depend on having vehicles and personnel in time for the planned service changes.” Morrison says that comments received during several public meetings last year at the New Tampa Regional Library (located on Cross Creek Blvd.) had a lot to do with the decision not to change the route. At the time, HART had proposed three different changes to Route 51X. The most popular of the three proposals to change the route involved adding additional stops along BBD in the mornings and afternoons in between the Park & Ride stops, before the bus would hop onto I-75 south to I-4 and downtown Tampa. While many said that this change would be the most accept-

able if any change was made, several current riders argued that the proposed additional stops would add more time to the route and make it considerably more difficult to make it to work on time. With this option, local service along BBD would have been added, as well, in between the express routes in the morning and afternoon. The other two options completely eliminated the express service to downtown altogether, but added two different versions of local service for the New Tampa area. For more info about HART Route 51X, please visit

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More Arrests Made In Case Of Escaped Convict; Contraband Ring Busted By Matt Wiley

Four months after an inmate who escaped near Wesley Chapel was recaptured in Tampa, several additional arrests have been made in the case as the investigation revealed that several people helped smuggle contraband into a prison. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), three additional arrests have been made in connection with the escape of Sumter County Correctional Institute inmate Jason Adams, 27, who walked away from a five-man work detail on S.R. 54 near the intersection of Oak Grove Blvd. in Lutz, about two miles west of S.R. 56, on September 8. During the investigation — which was still ongoing at our press time —PCSO discovered evidence that “conjugal visits” were being allowed, alcohol was being consumed and that contraband, including tobacco and the synthetic pot known as “Spice,” was being delivered to inmates from civilians to later be smuggled into the prison using buckets and suppositories. Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco said during a January 14 press conference that all of the illegal activity occurred under the supervision of the work crew’s supervisor, former Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) officer Henry Blackwelder. “What we know is that (the suppositories) are used for transporting things like Spice and tobacco into the prison,” Nocco said. “Most people take suitcases when they go on trips and need to carry stuff.

Criminals don’t. They’re going into a prison and need to hide (their contraband). They put it somewhere else.” Blackwelder officially resigned three days after (Left, l.-r.) Henry Blackwelder, Jessica Morgan & Stacy PetAdams initially was ty; (Right) Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco presents the findings of recaptured (after his office’s investigation into the contraband ring. being missing for a day), but he was station in downtown Tampa one of the three people arrested on January at 4:44 p.m. Deputies say 13 and charged with official misconduct, that Blackwelder falsified the accepting unlawful compensation or reward timeframe of Adams’ escape to during official duty, introducing contraconceal his own involvement in band into a state correctional facility and the smuggling of the contragiving intoxicating beverages, articles of band. Through interviews with Adams and clothing and food to inmates. Blackwelder additional surveillance footage, it was diswould receive cash for the smuggling opcovered that Adams also left the work crew eration, Nocco explained. on August 28 long enough to purchase “(Blackwelder) was basically allowing booze and cigarettes. it to be a party out there,” Nocco said. Detectives learned that inmates had PCSO reports that Blackwelder been receiving contraband from Hudson concealed Adams’ escape from FDC and resident Stacy Ann Petty, 46, who said that PCSO for about two hours, before report- her car broke down near a work camp in ing it at around 4:30 p.m. Blackwelder November of 2013. She told detectives told PCSO deputies that he last saw Adams that the inmates helped her and that she around 4 p.m. However, surveillance foot- became romantically involved with one inage from the convenience store at S.R. 54 mate and, over time, with several of them, and Foggy Ridge Pkwy. showed Adams including Adams. purchasing cigarettes just before 3 p.m. Nocco said Petty later brought her Adams then crossed S.R. 54 and had an friend Jessica Morgan (24, also of Hudson) employee of the Florida Medical Clinic to the work details, adding that Morgan facility call him a cab at 3:15 p.m., which also became romantically involved with dropped him off at the Greyhound bus several inmates. The women were former

co-workers at the Calendar Girls strip club in Hudson. Nocco said that the women would bring tobacco and Spice to the inmates at work detail sites around the county for smuggling in exchange for money. Petty’s arrest report indicates that she admitted to delivering contraband once per week for an entire year, as did Morgan. Petty and Morgan also were both arrested on January 13 and charged with introducing contraband into a state correctional facility, as well as giving intoxicating beverages and articles of food and clothing to inmates. At our press time, Petty was still in custody in lieu of $20,000 bond, but Morgan was released on Jan. 14 on a bond of the same amount. Blackwelder also was released Jan. 14 on a $40,000 bond. No additional information was available at our press time.



For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •

Neighborhood News





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New Tampa

News Briefs

Taylor Morrison Introduces Esplanade

If you’ve been driving along Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in New Tampa, you’ve probably noticed the big orange sign just north of Paul R. Wharton High announcing the future Esplanade community from Arizona-based homebuilder Taylor Morrison. According to the Taylor Morrison website, the Esplanade community will boast “resort-style amenities” for residents to “experience a new level of inspired living.” Esplanade will be home to more than 300 single-family homes on 148 acres, with access from County Line Rd. (using Royal Hampton Blvd., the same entrance as The Hammocks townhome community). Initially owned by Busch Junction Enterprises, the land was sold to Taylor Morrison before being annexed into the City of Tampa in December of 2013, despite complaints from several local residents that the new development would add considerable traffic to the alreadycongested County Line Rd. As part of the agreement with the city, Taylor Morrison agreed that it would install streetlights and a stoplight at County Line Rd. and Royal Hampton Blvd. within two years of the development’s completion, or when the city’s Transportation Department determines

lanes, as well as a resistance pool. There also will be a fire pit area and a dog park for residents. Calls to Taylor Morrison were not returned before we went to press with this issue. For more information, please visit

name down on them as the recipient. In total, Dixon is accused of embezzling $119,590.13. She admitted to the crime after she was arrested on January 14. Dixon was charged with grand theft of more than $100,000 and was released on a $50,000 bond later the same day.

Lutz Woman Embezzles $100K From WC Biz

S.R. 56 Resurfacing Begins

With access to someone else’s money, it can be tempting to make at least some of it your own, but the stakes can be high and the consequences are real, as one The Esplanade is a new, planned, Lutz woman recently discovered. single-family-home New Tampa community According to the Pasco County with access from County Line Rd. Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), Kimberley Sadie that the intersection warrants the signal. Dixon, 46, embezzled nearly $120,000 Pasco County currently is in the profrom Wesley Chapel-based First In Propcess of installing another traffic signal erty Management (located in the Cypress just more than a quarter of a mile east Ridge Professional Center off S.R. 56). of Royal Hampton Blvd. at Northwood The arrest report states that Dixon’s Palms Blvd. Esplanade’s website says the one- and job duties included collecting payments from the tenants of the company’s clients two-story homes within the community and making sure that those clients re(available in ten floor plans, ranging ceived those payments. Dixon also was rebetween 1,689-3,144 sq. ft.) will display “California Tuscan” architecture and will, sponsible for collecting rental application and pet fees, as well as security deposits “feature tile roofs, ornamental detailing for clients. and lush landscaping,” all with “open, However, during the investigation spacious floor plans.” Many of the homes (which was sparked by a complaint from also are planned to overlook lakes and the company’s owner), it was discovered wetlands. Prices for the homes have not that Dixon had been re-routing checks yet been released. to her own bank account for two years. The community also will feature a more-than-4,000-sq.-ft. clubhouse that is PCSO also found out that Dixon was slated to include a fitness center, a billiards altering money orders issued to First In room, resort-style pool with lap and spa Property Management by putting her own

Wesley Chapel drivers should expect some traffic delays, as a new project on a major roadway just got under way. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), began the project to resurface S.R. 56 on January 5. FDOT’s website says that the $6.8-million resurfacing project will put down a new layer of asphalt along the east and westbound lanes of S.R. 56, from just west of the I-75 interchange and all along the more than two-mile stretch to Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. FDOT reports that the project also will repave the I-75 entrance and exit ramps and install sidewalks along each side of that stretch of S.R. 56. The S.R. 56 project will be completed by Inglis, FL-based D.A.B. Constructors, Inc., which has completed paving and road construction projects across Tampa Bay, including the Suncoast Pkwy., and along U.S. 41 in Land O’Lakes and U.S. 19 in New Port Richey. D.A.B.’s contract with FDOT gives the company 390 days to complete the resurfacing project, which is expected to be completed by the spring of 2016.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •

Neighborhood News



Continued from page 1 Sally Harris, who represents District 2, said that the ongoing contentious relationship between Elia and the Board has played a role in the low morale of HCSD employees at all levels. “This relationship is keeping our District from moving forward,” Harris said. “In the new year, there is an opportunity to move forward, and while we embrace what works, we also need to recognize and embrace some change.” District 6 Board member April Griffin urged the Board not to “get caught up in the cult of personality associated with this superintendent.” Griffin also said that the awards and accolades that the superintendent has received have overshadowed the students, teachers and parents of the District and that the focus needs to be “on children.” Griffin added that Elia has strengths as a leader, but that she has held her position for nearly a decade, and “That is a long time. The fact is that her contract is weighed very heavily in her favor and not in the best interest of the taxpayers.” She said that the message she has heard from her constituents since the November election has been that it is time for a change. District 5 Board member and vice chair Dorothy Edgecomb, who has served on the Board since 2004, called the meeting one of the District’s darkest days “How can I think about spending $1.1 million (on this buyout), when there are critical needs in my own district and throughout the county?,” she asked the Board before voting against the proposal.


District 7 member Carol Kurdell, a former School Board chair who has served on the Board since 1997, told her fellow Board members that she focuses on the facts and not hearsay and hurt feelings. “I can’t in good conscience follow this motion,” Kurdell said. “It isn’t reasonable. There are too many things that I’ve seen that are ethically challenged and there’s no common sense to this for me.” Paul R. Wharton High principal Brad Woods said after the buyout vote was concluded that, “Superintendent Elia has done a phenomenal job during her tenure as our superintendent. She’s led our District in a positive way and allowed us to be on the cutting edge of education.” An interim superintendent likely will take over after March 5, but no one has yet been named. HCSD spokesperson Stephen Hegarty says that either someone from outside the District could be brought in as an interim superintendent and a contract would have to be negotiated, or a current deputy superintendent could be promoted to the interim job for little additional cost. “Naming a deputy superintendent who knows the District already seems like a logical choice for an interim superintendent,” Hegarty says. However, Hegarty explains, a succession plan has not yet been decided upon. He says that the last time the District searched for a new superintendent (when Elia originally was hired), an outside firm was hired to search the country and place advertisements in trade publications about the open position. The firm then advises the Board, which then discusses the candidates during meetings or workshops. Ten years ago, that search process cost about $40,000.

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •

Neighborhood News


Shopping Plaza To Be Added To The Mix At Cypress Creek Town Center As the Tampa Premium Outlets construction speeds up on the south side of S.R. 56 in the Cypress Creek Town Center (CCTC) Development of Regional Impact (DRI), following the groundbreaking of Simon Property Group’s Tampa Premium Outlets on December 12, more plans have been proposed for the now-bustling development. According to the county’s website, on

January 12, representatives from Tampabased Avid Group and Orlando-based Elevation Development, LLC, met with county staff to discuss plans for an outparcel within the CCTC DRI, located at the northwest corner of the S.R. 56/Wesley Chapel Blvd. intersection. Documents indicate that, if approved by Pasco County, the proposed project would include a shopping center with six

outparcels, totaling 130,000 square feet (located east of Wesley Chapel Blvd.), that would require right-of-way along Memorial Dr. (Old State Road 54). Elevation’s website displays a conceptual site plan that stretches from Wesley Chapel Blvd. east to the current Memorial Dr., which is to be vacated “to allow for the consolidation of parcels within that section of the DRI,” says Avid’s planning director Peter Pensa. The plan says that development will include several national tenants, including a grocery, several restaurants and gas/convenience store. Pensa adds that there still are several steps that Avid and Elevation have to take before development can begin, including

meetings with the county about vacating the right-of-way along Memorial Dr., as well as a rezoning and a project development and environmental (PD&E) study of the land. Pensa says the county indicated at the meeting that each step would happen sequentially, so development likely wouldn’t begin until after more than a year of permitting. Avid’s website shows that the company has completed similar shopping plaza projects across the state, including The Fountains at Bay Hill in Orlando, Park Place Mall in Pinellas Park and Water Tower Place in Celebration. Elevation also has similar commercial projects in various stages of development across Florida.-MW

Avid Group & Elevation Development, LLC, have presented plans to Pasco County to develop a 130,000-sq.-ft. shopping plaza at the corner of S.R. 56 and Wesley Chapel Blvd., right on top of where Memorial Dr. (in pink) currently runs. NTNN art by Nate Ciurla.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •

Neighborhood News


Pasco BOCC Terminates Wiregrass Baseball Facility Deal By Matt Wiley

More than a month after Pasco Sports, LLC, missed its final deadline to submit proof of financing for its proposed $34-million baseball facility in the Wiregrass Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI), Pasco County staff is in the process of drawing up a new Request For Proposals (RFP) to build a sports facility at the same site. At the December 16 Pasco County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting, the Board voted unanimously (50) to scrap the contract that it had signed in January 2014 with Pasco Sports for a 19-field baseball facility on 22 acres of land donated by the Porter family, which owns Wiregrass Ranch. The county had agreed to dedicate up to $11 million in tourism funds to pay for the infrastructure necessary for the facility. Pasco Sports’ James Talton and retired MLB star Gary Sheffield were given until December 5 to turn in a financing plan, to prove that they had secured funding partners for the project. The December 5 deadline was the second extension the BOCC had granted, after Sheffield promised to personally put up the initial $3-million investment at the November 18 BOCC meeting. However, Pasco Sports did not turn in its financing plan by the deadline. County administrator Michele Baker told the BOCC that prior to the final deadline, Pasco Sports followed up with her, wanting to restructure the deal, which she said that she was open to, as long as they could ultimately prove they could come up

FEBRUARY 28, 2015


with the necessary funding for the project. “Whether it was this deal, or another deal, we still needed to have proof of the financing being available,” Baker said. “Ultimately, they did not meet the deadline, at their choice, so I recommend that we terminate the current business deal.” Baker recommended putting out another RFP for the same site and negotiating a new and better deal, whether it’s once again with Pasco Sports, or another business partner that comes forward with a proposal for a facility at the Wiregrass site. “I think, collectively, we can look at this, not as a failure, but as an opportunity to move forward and find something that’s going to be a perfect fit for Pasco County,” BOCC chair & District 1 commissioner Ted Schrader said at the meeting. Before voting to terminate the baseball facility contract, Sports Facilities Advisory (SFA, a group that specializes in advising and planning for the development of sports tourism facilities across the country) CEO Dev Pathik gave a presentation to the BOCC about the prospects for sports tourism in Pasco County. Pathik made recommendations for updating the county’s Tourism Strategic Plan, including possibly even hiring a sports commissioner to travel and market the area to possible sports tourism developers. He recommended putting out an RFP that explicitly outlines the county’s goals in terms of economic development and requires developers to prove that their concept could help bring in visitors and fill local hotel rooms throughout the week, not just

during weekend sporting events. He also recommended bringing in a company with a proven track record of building sports facilities. He also mentioned that Pasco Sports’ proposal focused on dorms for athletes within the facility, which would take away from the economic potential for the area by having the athletes stay in local hotels. “You should create options for (developers) to approach the county with what they believe to be the very best model in the county’s best interest and look at what those options are,” Pathik said. “It’s about coming up with a strategy that’s ‘county-centric,’ that’s focused on the county’s objectives first and foremost,” Pathik added.

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FEBRUARY 28, 2015

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MOMS Club Of New Tampa - The MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of New Tampa is currently open to new members in the New Tampa area. The MOMS Club offers a variety of daytime activities for mothers and their children, opportunities for Moms’ Nights Out & many more benefits. For info or to join the club, email

February 2015

Monday, February 2

Zen Meditation Group - Enjoy meditation? Looking for a new way to relax? Check out the FREE Zen Meditation Group that meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Arbor Greene Community Center (18000 Arbor Greene Dr., off Cross Creek Blvd.) Aerobics Room. People of all faiths are welcome. You only need an interest in meditation and a more peaceful and relaxed mind and life. For more info, call Jeremy at 528-6285. Community Acupuncture - A Monday night community acupuncture and discussion group is meeting at Ion Medi-Spa (8903 Regents Park Dr., Suite 130), 6:30 p.m. Topics include needlefree acupuncture, facial rejuvenation and stop smoking and customized weight-loss programs. For more info, call 960-8833 or visit

Tuesday, February 3

New Tampa Tri Club - The New Tampa Tri Club is open to runners, swimmers, cyclists & triathletes across the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. The club hosts group bike rides/runs at Flatwoods Wilderness Park (13330 Morris Bridge Rd.) every Tues., Thur. and Sat. at 7:30 a.m. For more info, join the Facebook group or e-mail GriefShare - This video-seminar-support group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one. The cost is $20 for a workbook and 13 sessions, begin any week to find healing and hope. The group meets Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Lake Magdalene Methodist Church (2902 W. Fletcher Ave., Rm. 310). For info, call 963-1555. English As A Second Language (ESL)- This group meets Tuesdays at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (19911 BBD Blvd.), 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Classes are taught by a native English speaker using several ESL and Bible study resources. The cost is $40 each semester, for the workbook & class materials. For info, call Heather at 753-8567.

Wednesday, February 4

BNI Millionaire Makers - The BNI Millionaire Makers chapter meets every Wednesday at Heritage Isles Country Club at 7:15 a.m. (10630 Plantation Bay Dr.). The $13 meeting fee includes a hot breakfast. Call Lisa Jordan (621-6015) for more info. Business Networking International (BNI) - BNI, a group of business professionals dedicated to helping their respective businesses grow through qualified referrals, meets every Wed. morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Cory Lake Isles Beach Club clubhouse (18630 Plantation Bay Dr., off Morris Bridge Rd.). Call Steve Hopper at 918-8609. New Tampa Noon Rotary Club- The New Tampa Noon Rotary Club meets every Wednesday for lunch at noon at Café Olé (10020 Cross Creek Blvd., in the Cross Creek Center plaza (behind the Shell gas station). Guests are always welcome. New Tampa Evening Rotary Club - The New Tampa Evening Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at Hunter’s Green Country Club (10101 Longwater Run Dr. inside the Hunter’s Green entrance gate). New members are always welcome. For more info, call Liz DeAmbrose at 956-6487 or email 9-12 Toastmasters - Great speeches & great topics. Come hone your public speaking skills. Tampa Toastmasters meets Wednesday, 7 p.m., at the New Tampa Family YMCA (16221 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). Guests are always welcome. Call 264-2171.

Connections (CBC) Networking group, which meets every Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (located at 5338 Primrose Lake Cir., off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms) for a “meet & greet,” followed by a meeting of the group. For more information, please send an email to

Friday, February 6

New Tampa Rotary Club - The original New Tampa Rotary Club meets for breakfast at 7 a.m. at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club (TPGCC, 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd.). For more information, call Eric Longphee at 202-1105 or visit Women-N-Charge - Join the ladies of Women-n-Charge, 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m., at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr.), for lunch, speakers & networking. Build relationships with other women in business. The cost is $15 for members (by Tues. before the meeting) & $18 for guests (& members paying Wed. & after). Register at Women-N-Charge. com. Call Judy at 600-9848 or email

Saturday, February 7

Honest Abe 5K - The fifth annual Honest Abe 5K Race & 1-Mile Fun Run, kicks off at 8 a.m.. See the bottom of page 1 for details. Wiregrass Ranch Foundation Classic Clay Shoot - The third annual clay shoot has a shotgun start at 2 p.m. See the bottom of page 1 for details.

Wednesday, February 18

GFWC Woman’s Club of New Tampa - The club is looking for new members! GFWC Woman’s Club of New Tampa is a small group of women that meet the third Wednesday of each month from noon - 1 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, (5340 Primrose Lake Circle in Tampa Palms). Contact Kay Lehmer at for more info.

Saturday, February 28

Rad Run 5K & 1-Mile Fun Run - Cypress Point Community Church (15820 Morris Bridge Rd.) is sponsoring and hosting a race (formerly known as the Race for Freedom) to benefit the Homeless Veterans Assistance program at Tampa Crossroads’ Veterans Services. The run costs $25 and begins at 8 a.m. at the church. For more info, please visit Wesley Chapel Jazz Festival - This outstanding musical event returns to the Wesley Chapel District Park on Boyette Rd. See the ad on page 36 of this issue for more info.

Thursday, February 5

CBC Networking - Come together with like-minded professionals at the Christian Business


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Spa Moritz’s New Owners Bring European Flair, Exclusive Services To Tampa Palms By Celeste McLaughlin

Spa Mortiz is under new ownership, and the new owners are passionate and excited about their vision for the Tampa Palms spa and salon, located on Commerce Park Blvd. across the street from Freedom High. Patricia and Martin Annello recently moved to Tampa Palms from Madrid, Spain, where they lived for the past 15 years. Patricia is Spanish, and Martin is Italian. They met when they lived in Argentina, and were married in 1998. Patricia has worked in marketing and public relations, and most recently was a full-time volunteer, teaching selfimprovement classes throughout Spain for a nonprofit organization. Martin had worked in the travel industry for the past 25 years. “We love traveling, we love visiting spas and we have enjoyed five-star spas all over the world,” says Patricia. Their busy lifestyle in Spain – where opposite schedules left them with little time together – led them to consider a move that would allow them a different way of life. They came to Tampa to visit a dear friend, and began searching for a business in Tampa that would be a good fit for their professional experience and the things they enjoy. Spa

Moritz was the first business they visited and Patricia says that as soon as she walked in, she was amazed. “This place is really special,” she says. “It’s so beautiful, and very similar to a spa I used to go to in Madrid.” The couple purchased the spa in November, marking the second time Spa Moritz was sold in 2014. “We love this place,” says Patricia, who explains they are taking the beautiful location and the foundation of the business already in place, and elevating it to the highest standards for a truly world-class spa. “It has a lot of potential to bring European style to Tampa,” Patricia explains. “As we’ve traveled and visited Madrid, London, Paris, Milan, Rome and other European cities, we can bring the beautiful details we’ve seen and experienced to Tampa Palms.” Patricia and Martin have plans to offer new and enhanced services, and heighten the level of customer service at Spa Moritz, which offers a complete array of salon and spa services to make anyone feel relaxed and pampered. In the salon, stylists offer cuts, color jobs, manicures, pedicures and other luxurious services. Spa services are plentiful, with many options to make you look and feel your best, from relaxing massages by licensed massage therapists

New owners Patricia & Martin Annello invite you to have a completely new spa experience at Spa Moritz, located across Commerce Park Blvd. from Freedom High in Tampa Palms.

(LMTs) to world-class skin care. Also available are lash extensions, teeth whitening, spray tans and microderm abrasion. (For a complete menu of services, visit “We use great products,” says Patricia. “And, we are currently reviewing new products to ensure that we have only the best in our spa and sa-

lon, including our own Spa Moritz line of makeup and skin care products.” Patricia explains that she and Martin are planning to bring in new services that are currently only available in Europe but will not announce what they are until they are made available for customers to experience. Patricia says they also are planning to



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Whether you’re looking to get your nails done, your hair colored or want a relaxing massage from a licensed massage therapist, Spa Moritz in Tampa Palms has your pampering needs covered. ous they are striving for excellence.” Sheila Ayres-Schweitzer was just carry more organic, all-natural prodDyan adds, “For us, Spa Moritz is hired as salon manager and artistic diucts, including a new nail system that rector and will be familiar to long-time like having a baby who grows up and she describes as a healthier alternative gets married. You never stop loving Spa Moritz clients. to the current acrylic and gel options. or wanting to nurture your child. We “I’m excited to be back,” says “We’re making every little detail have heard of some of the changes Sheila, who owned Shepré, a hair special, offering exceptional treatcoming and we can’t wait to see the salon in the Cory Lake Professional ments with luxurious European style,” Patricia explains, adding that authentic Center (located off Cross Creek Blvd.) plans they have in store for all of us.” And, while there are new owners until 2009, when she and her entire details are important to her, so when and the services may be changing to staff moved to Spa Moritz, where she she and Martin returned to Spain last be more natural, organic and holistic, worked until two years ago. Sheila’s month to sell their home and arrange primary responsibility is managing and Robyn says, “We still feel familiar to their affairs for the move to Tampa our clients. We still know your name, training the salon staff, and of course, Palms, Patricia picked up the latest and we’ll still greet you with a smile.” being behind the chair taking care of fashion magazines from London and West Meadows resident and longher clients’ hair. Paris, so their guests can enjoy them. time Spa Moritz client Vicki Portfolio “I really like the new owners,” “We expect to travel back and agrees that Robyn and the entire staff Sheila says. “They are making positive forth to Europe every few months to always make her feel special. changes and there is a lot of exciteensure that our clients continue to have an authentic European spa experi- ment right now. We all have a similar vision for where we can take this salon. ence here at Spa Moritz,” she says. With training and education, we will In addition to new services and build a phenomenally talented staff enhanced European flair, Patricia says that offers great customer service.” that changes at the salon include exDyan and Dennis Piller founded tensive education. “We’re hiring new Spa Moritz in 2004 and ran the busistaff members and training everyone, ness until they sold it in early 2014. bringing in educators from New York, “We were surprised when the spa Spain and other places,” she says. sold again after only nine months,” Spa director Robyn Devaux has says Dennis, who says he and his wife worked at Spa Moritz since 2007. have met with the new owners sev“Our new owners are refreshing,” eral times. “We are so impressed and she says. “Patricia has a great vision excited to see the same passion and and extremely high expectations, esdetermination that we had when we pecially when it comes to offering the highest level of customer service at Spa first opened Spa Moritz. Patricia and Martin are extremely professional, Moritz. She and Martin are a great fit genuine and warm-hearted. It is obvifor our clients and services.”

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“Spa Moritz is the epitome of what a spa should be,” says Vicki. “It’s big and beautiful, and the moment you walk in you know you’re in a luxurious place. I love the way it looks and how quiet the treatment rooms are.” As new services are rolled out and training is completed throughout the spa and salon, Spa Moritz will hold a Grand Re-Opening to celebrate its new ownership and the future of the spa. The date is not currently set, but Patricia and Martin expect to hold it sometime in March. Spa Moritz offers packages that are perfect as gifts or to celebrate any occasion. Bachelorette parties, showers, ladies’ days out and many kinds of parties can all be accommodated at the spa. A typical “Day at the Spa” package lasts five hours and can include lunch, so you and your friends can spend all day relaxing in indulgent luxury. “We want to pamper every client from the time they enter until the time they leave,” says Patricia. Spa Moritz is located at 17401 Commerce Park Blvd., Suite 103, across the street from Freedom High and is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-8 p.m. and 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. on Saturday. To learn more about the spa and see current specials, which are offered both monthly and weekly, see the ad on pg. 47 or visit To make an appointment, call 971-4772.

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Ally Turnkey Is Your Ally When You Need Home Improvewment By Celeste McLaughlin

In 2006, Ally Turnkey co-owners Michael Kusheba, president, and New Tampa resident Richard Belinc, VP, were playing together in a popular local band, The Lemmings. They also were working hard at other jobs during the day. Michael had owned a carpet-cleaning business for more than 10 years and often talked with customers who had hired contractors and were disappointed in their work. “I kept looking at terrible workmanship in people’s homes and thinking, ‘I can do better than this,’” he says. Meanwhile, his bandmate had worked as an assistant buyer at Home Depot and as a regional manager for South Pro Sales, and wanted more control over his work. “I knew what a hard worker Richard was from playing in the band together,” says Michael, referring to how the group would often play shows in cities as far away as Gainesville, then have to load up their equipment after the gig in the early morning hours and be back at work just a few hours later. So, the two decided to start a company offering home repair and improvement services in Hillsborough and Pasco counties. Building on Michael’s years of experience in the carpet cleaning business and tapping into Richard’s experience in materials and products, they added exterior and interior painting, residential and commercial housekeeping and mold inspection


and remediation services to the mix. The name of the business is a glimpse into what Michael and Richard want to accomplish for their customers. First, they’re your “ally,” so you have someone you can trust in a sometimes confusing industry often fraught with unscrupulous business people who greatly inflate their prices just because they can get away with it. And second, their work leaves your home in “turnkey”condition — meaning that you can count on them for a wide variety of services that people often hire at the same time — including not only expert carpet cleaning, but also interior and exterior painting and minor repairs. “We believe we are raising the bar for these services,” says Michael, “We look for ways we can cut costs without cutting quality, to offer our clients quality products ad service without breaking the bank.” Ally Turnkey has built its business by offering services to families in homes, condos and apartments, and has gained a tremendous amount of experience preparing rental properties for new tenants. One of Michael and Richard’s clients is Invitation Homes, which manages 2,000 rental homes in the Tampa Bay area. Other clients include upscale apartment complexes such as the Post Bay at Rocky Point apartments. The company turns over rental properties with fresh paint, carpet and tile cleaning, minor home repairs, thorough cleaning (with Ally Turnkey’s own in-house home cleaning team), as well as any other

services that are needed. Richard says that many times, the jobs are upscale rentals — some properties rent for as much as $3,500 a month — and must be turned over very quickly, sometimes within 24 hours of being vacated. In those cases, the jobs must be done perfectly and on time. “There are so many eyes watching us on those types of jobs,” Michael Richard Belinc and Michael Kusheba, co-owners of Ally Turnkey, explains. “We’re used to can help transform your home in no time. scrutiny, and that’s made us better at what we do.” Aimee Ross and her husband Scott Another area where the company’s live with their kids in Meadow Creek, in complete “turnkey” services are a perfect the Cross Creek community of New Tamfit is when it’s time to put your home on pa. In November, they hired Ally Turnkey the market for sale. to paint the exterior of their home. “If you want to list your home for “We got various quotes, and although sale, what is it that is going to set your Ally Turnkey wasn’t the cheapest, they also home apart from the others on the marwere not the most expensive.” ket?,” Michael asks. “Sometimes it’s as simShe adds that Richard also happens ple as freshly cleaned carpet and tile, and to be one of her neighbors, but that’s not maybe having your baseboards painted.” why she hired Ally Turnkey. In fact, she He adds that he and Richard have says that she was impressed that Richard helped many homeowners in this situation, encouraged her to obtain other quotes and can help you determine what is needed before making the decision to hire his comto ensure that your home will stand out pany. “We are very happy with the results,” from its competition. Aimee says. “They were done quickly and “We get a lot of satisfaction in seeing it looks great,” adding that, “They were the transformation of the homes we work patient with the process of obtaining apon,” says Michael. proval from our HOA, and honored the

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Ally Turnkey can give your home a fresh, new look with a new paint job.

original quote they gave us, even though quite a bit of time passed between the quote and the time the work began.” Aimee also smiles when she says, “I still love pulling up to my house and seeing how great it looks.” She notes that she plans to hire Ally Turnkey to do interior painting in the near future. Although many homeowners choose contractors based upon price alone, Michael and Richard suggest consumers do their homework to ensure they aren’t putting themselves at risk by hiring unlicensed, uninsured or underinsured contractors. “This is such a pet peeve of mine,” says Michael. “We’re trying to compete with people who are paying people ‘off the books.’” He adds that his company pays workers compensation insurance on all of its employees and doesn’t circumvent payroll taxes. “You have to check out contractors,” he adds. “Even if someone seems like a nice

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guy, you’re putting yourself at risk if you let someone work in your home who is not properly licensed and insured.” He tells of a client who recently hired someone to install a new dishwasher. There was a problem and the dishwasher flooded her home. At that time, she called Ally Turnkey for the cleanup and had to pay that bill out of her pocket. (Note-To learn more about how to check if your contractor is properly licensed and insured, Ally Turnkey offers information and links on its website at On this site, you can read more about what is required of companies and how some people attempt to get around the consumer safeguards that the state properly puts in place. Speaking of licenses, check out AllyTurnkey’s: Licensed Painting Contractor: PA2838 (Hillsborough)/LP9520 (Pasco), NORMI (National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors)


Certified Mold Assessor, NORMI Certified Mold Remediator, State Licensed Mold Assessor: MRSA691, State Licensed Mold Remediator: MRSR693, IICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification) Certified in Water Damage Restoration. “We want customers for life,” Michael says, adding that Ally Turnkey offers a quality job for a decent price, without cutting corners. “We’re family men, looking to help (other) families and support our own families at the same time.” And, speaking of supporting families, “We’re proud that we’ve created a lot of jobs,” Richard says, explaining that their current staff is about 20 people and will increase in the summer, during the company’s busiest time. “When we started nine years ago, it was just us, and we worked from sunup until we couldn’t move anymore. Now we’re giving people opportunities, and we have a great group of people who do a great job working for us. We (the partners) work hard,” he laughs. “So, only apply to work for us if you’re willing to work hard.” Beyond painting, Ally Turnkey also specializes in mold assessment and remediation. “I do a lot of consulting for people who see mold,” says Michael. “Florida is hot and humid, so mold can be an issue.” In addition to his state license, Michael takes ongoing continuing education classes to be able to provide this service. For carpet cleaning, the company’s technicians use a truck-mounted, industry-

standard hot water extraction system. This system operates at a much higher heat and has more suction than any portable carpet cleaning unit you might rent. “Carpet cleaners do not have to be licensed, so there are some unscrupulous businesses out there,” Michael says. “You have to watch out for bait-and-switch schemes, such as an $89 special that a company tells you did not apply to your home once they’ve completed the job.” Ally Turnkey promises no high-pressure sales tactics. The base rate for carpet cleaning is $30 per room, all inclusive with no extra charges. Currently, Neighborhood News readers receive a special of $99 for wholehouse cleaning, up to 2,000 square feet. (See the ad on page 12 for details.) In addition to carpet cleaning, Ally Turnkey also offers upholstery, tile and duct cleaning, as well as professional stain removal, bleach spot repair and carpet repair. Ally Turnkey also offers residential and commercial housekeeping services, and many other services, such as countertop, cabinet and bathtub refinishing, and drywall repairs, door replacement, baseboard and crown molding installation, carpentry and tile repair. And, for those services Ally Turnkey does not provide, Michael and Richard are happy to make recommendations, such as for a roofer, electrician or other service provider. The company name says it all: “We’re your ally,” Michael says. “We’re on your side.” To learn more about Ally Turnkey, go to Or, to schedule an appointment for services or request an estimate, call 800-878-2617.

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You Can Trust Pasco Cardiology Associates To Keep Your Heart In Rhythm! By Kelly Miller

Have you ever gone to the doctor’s office and felt so rushed through the appointment that you left without all of the answers to your medical questions? At Pasco Cardiology Associates — located across Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) in the Windfair Professional Center — the doctors spend quality time with their patients discussing not only their medical problems but also preventive steps they can take to help them avoid future health issues. Dr. Binu Jacob, MD, FACC (Fellow of the American College of Cardiology), and Dr. Ramanath Rao MD, FACC, focus on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiological conditions for adults ages 18 and over. In 1988, Dr. Rao opened the first Pasco Cardiology Associates office in Zephyrhills. Dr. Jacob joined the practice in 2010 and is now a full partner. They opened the Wesley Chapel office together in 2012, when the doctors discovered that 30 percent of their patients already came from our area. Dr. Rao and Dr. Jacobs rotate between these two main offices and their three satellite offices in Dade City, Lakeland and on N. 56th St. in Tampa. Dr. Jacob earned his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Biology from the University of Miami, FL, where he also earned his M.D. degree. He

completed a cardiology fellowship at the University of Florida in Gainesville, followed by an electrophysiology fellowship at both the University of Miami and at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) in Portland. Dr. Jacob says, “This is my calling, my purpose. If I’m giving my patients good care, that’s what makes me happy at the end of the day.” An electrophysiologist and heart failure specialist, Dr. Jacob performs Holter monitoring (devices that continually keep track of electrical activity in the heart), electrophysiology studies, tilt table testing (which assess heart rate and blood pressure response when moving an individual from a supine to a tilted position), ablations and device implantation and management (of pacemakers and defibrillators). Dr. Jacob’s mother was a nurse for 33 years and says that he never forgets the advice she gave him, “Don’t ever be a dumb doctor because there are plenty of them out there and don’t ever cheat your patients because you’re only cheating yourself.” So, Dr. Jacob says he always tells his patients, “I’m always going to give you ethical care, I’m only going to order the tests you need and I’m going to do the best that I can by you as if you were my own mom or dad.” Dr. Ramanath Rao earned his M.D. degree from the University of Mysore Medical College in Mysore,

India. He completed his cardiology fellowship at the prestigious Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine in The Bronx, NY. Dr. Rao focuses on clinical cardiology, echocardiography, nuclear cardiology, interventional cardiology and varicose vein treatment. Both Dr. Rao and Dr. Jacobs have cardiology and interventional privileges at Bayfront Health Dade City, Florida Hospital Zephyrhills, Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel and at Florida Hospital Tampa. As Dr. Jacob likes to explain to his patients, “I’m the electri- Dr. Binu Jacob of Pasco Cardiology Associates checks patient cian of your heart, and Dr. Rao Hector Sotomayor at the practice’s Wesley Chapel location in the Windfair Professional Center off BBD Blvd. is the plumber.” That means • Aneurysms (bulges in the wall of that while Dr. Jacob takes care of the electrical aspects of the heart, Dr. a blood vessel) • Angina Pectoris (chest pain) Rao focuses on the valves themselves. • Arrhythmia (irregular heart beat) Meadow Pointe resident Chandra • Atrial Fibrillation (abnormal heart Amin went to see Dr. Jacob after a hosrhythm) pitalization for a heart condition. She’d • Cardiomyopathy (heart muscle seen cardiologists in the past when she disease) lived in New York, but she really liked • Peripheral Artery Disease (obDr. Jacob’s reassuring nature with her struction of large arteries) and her family. “I especially appreci• Ventricular Fibrillation (uncoordiated the follow-up (Dr. Jacob) gives his nated contraction of the cardiac muscle) patients,” she says. “He called me back • High Cholesterol personally to answer all of my ques• Congenital Heart Disease tions. He is very knowledgeable and • Congestive Heart Failure knew exactly how to handle my case.” • Heart Attack Pasco Cardiology Associates treats • Heart Failure a variety of conditions, including:



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d — e t ( h c d h p a a a t p l s b

a t S H h a p a e a A

• Heart Murmurs • High Blood Pressure • Hypertension • Obesity • Stroke

At Pasco Cardiology Associates, a doctor sees patients during each visit — there are no “mid-level” practitioners. Dr. Jacob also spends just as much time focusing on preventive techniques (such as weight loss and proper diet) as he does treating his patients’ medical conditions. “I’ve been trained to do very complex procedures, but if I haven’t taught a patient how to eat properly, how to watch his sodium and sugar, check his blood pressure and watch for symptoms and signs of angina and stroke, then I haven’t done the basics,” he says. He adds that if patients make important life changes like reducing caffeine, nicotine and stress, medication or surgery may not be necessary. Dr. Jacob currently is developing a program called “Walk With a Doc,” that he hopes the Adventist Health System (the parent company of Florida Hospital) will sponsor. He says that he wants to practice what he preaches and get out once a week to walk with participants to promote exercise, while also sharing his cardiovascular knowledge. Pasco Cardiology Associates also partners with the American Heart Association on different topics each

month. In November, the practice will sponsored a team for the 2014 5K Heart Walk at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. Dr. Jacob lives in Arbor Greene and says he will soon be moving into the new Estancia at Wiregrass. “My family and I are a part of this community, and I want to service the people who live here.” Dr. Rao is a Tampa Palms resident.

Make yourValentine’s Day gift the topic of conversation

Vein Treatments, Too!

Special to the Wesley Chapel office is the Vein Center. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, more than 25 million people in the US suffer from venous disease, which affect the veins in the legs, causing heaviness, aching, swelling, rash, skin color changes and unsightly veins (including varicose and spider veins). Dr. Rao screens patients in his office and will prescribe the best course of action depending upon the severity of the condition. If needed, vein ablation treatments can be done in the office on an outpatient basis. The Wesley Chapel office of Pasco Cardiology Associates is located at 2649 Windguard Cir., Suite 102. You can make an appointment at any one of their locations by calling 788-0439. For more information about the practice, visit

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Wharton, Freedom High Each Earn ‘B’ Grades For 2013-14 School Year By Matt Wiley

Although they didn’t receive top marks for the 2013-14 school year, New Tampa’s high schools both still received good “B” grades, despite new, more rigorous state standards for the year. On December 18, the Florida Department of Education (FDoE) released its annual high school grades report, and New Tampa’s Freedom High (located on Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms) and Paul R. Wharton High (located on Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd.) both have earned ‘B’ grades. “It’s important to note that the state continues to raise the bar and our students and teachers continue to meet the challenge,’’ said recently ousted Hillsborough County School District (HCSD) superintendent MaryEllen Elia before her contract was terminated by the School Board (see page 1) in a press release, referencing the increased education standards in Florida that were implemented for the 2013-14 school year, leading up to this year’s more rigorous nationwide Common Core standards. “The hard work being done in our high schools is reflected in a higher level of achievement.” This year also features a new standardized testing system, the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) test, based upon those Common Core standards. According to a press release from the HCSD, Freedom and Wharton were two of 10 of the 27 total high schools in the county to earn “B” grades, while 10 others earned “A” grades. Together, the release states that three quarters of the District’s schools earned either an “A” or “B” grade. This year, the overall graduation rate for HCSD was 73.5 percent. While elementary and middle school grades are released in the fall, high school grades come out in December to allow for additional factors to be weighed into each school’s score. High school grades have been determined using a number of factors, including students’ performance on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT, which was administered for the final time this past school year), as well as graduation rates. The FDoE site explains that school grades communicate to the public how well a school is performing relative to state standards, encouraging its students to participate and succeed in accelerated course offerings (such as Advanced Placement [AP] and International Baccalaureate [IB] courses), graduating its students and preparing its students for postsecondary education. Wharton actually fell from its “A” grade last year to a “B” this year, after moving up from its “B” during the 201112 school year. “We’re okay with our grade,” says Wharton principal Brad Woods. “But, we’re not where we want to be. We always strive for that next level. I’m a little disappointed we didn’t get the ‘A’ this year.” Woods says that several factors came into play with the school’s grade this year, including the graduation rate of WharNeighborhood News

ton’s at-risk students (or students who are at risk of dropping out, meaning those students who perform poorly in academics and require extra help just to stay on track for graduation), which dropped from 51 percent to 41 percent. “Our at-risk graduation rate really dropped,” Woods says. “It’s one of our areas of focus this year. We’re trying to make sure that we help those kids work toward completing their goals, too.” Wharton’s 78-percent overall graduation rate was higher than the District’s, although it actually dropped a point from its 79 percent graduation rate last school year. However, Wharton did see an increase in its students’ performance in accelerated classes, jumping from 62 percent to 68 percent of students who passed their AP or IB exams. Woods says that he hopes his students and teachers will perform well on the upcoming inaugural FSA test this spring. “My teachers are increasing their expectations for students, so that they work harder and are more prepared for the (new) test,” Woods says, adding that the FSA will be a change of pace because there is no available baseline information for how students have performed on the test in the past. “So, every school is in the same position,” Woods says. “It’s a level playing field. We’re implementing the new standards in our curriculum, but until the test is done and the proficiency levels are set, it’s a huge challenge.”

New Tampa's 2014-15 Teacher of the Year Nominees Congratulations to New Tampa‛s ‘Teacher of the Year‛ nominees. Although none of the teachers listed below were chosen as one of the Hillsborough Education Foundation‛s annual ‘Teacher of the Year‛ finalists, we still want to make sure they get the credit they deserve for their hard work and dedication to the education of our children.

Lawton Chiles Elementary Harold H. Clark Elementary

Erin Michele Bailey Cynthia Arnold

Hunter‛s Green Elementary

Omashri Mohammed

Dr. Richard F. Pride Elem.

William David Sullivan

Tampa Palms Elementary

Mary B. Carroll

Heritage Elementary

Laurie Schroeder

Louis Benito Middle School

Colleen Federman

Turner-Bartels K-8 School

Holly Holland

Liberty Middle School

Toni Kuzmicki

Freedom High Paul R. Wharton High

Toni Jannel Guida Jodi P. D‛Agostinio

Freedom Holds Onto ‘B’

Wharton wasn’t the only New Tampa high school to earn a “B” this past school year, FDoE reports, as Freedom has maintained its “B” grade, which it has done since moving up from a “C” in 2010. “Obviously, we wanted an ‘A,’” says Freedom principal Sharon Morris. “But, I’m pleased with our grade. We will be an ‘A’ school next year. That’s my goal.” Morris says that she is very happy to see that Freedom’s graduation did not decline and adds that she was especially proud that the graduation rate for the school’s at-risk students rose from 48 percent to 54 percent. “(Our at-risk graduation rate jump) is wonderful,” Morris says. “Every student deserves the chance to graduate from high school. We’re going to continue to work with those students, but also be careful not to neglect our advanced students.” Freedom saw gains in its students’ performance in accelerated courses, as well, jumping from 62 percent of students passing those exams to a 65-percent pass rate. That jump could be even higher for those students in the coming years, as Freedom is set to introduce the Capstone Program in 2016, one of seven in the District to implement this program, which is geared toward advanced students. Capstone is a two-year program that teaches college-level study and research skills, Morris explains, in order to better prepare high school students for more rigorous course work in college. @NTWCNews

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The Tenth Annual Suncoast Arts Festival Rocks The Wiregrass Mall! By Gary Nager

One week after the tenth annual Suncoast Arts Festival, presented by Ed Morse Cadillac and hosted once again along Paseo Dr. at the Shops at Wiregrass mall to benefit “Arts in Education” in Pasco County the weekend of January 17-18, I still didn’t have information about who the actual juried prize winners were among the morethan-125 talented artists and artisans who took part in the event (because I could only attend on Saturday; the award winners weren’t named until Sunday and I have not yet seen any of the winners posted online at Even so, I believe that the estimated crowd of about 100,000 who took part and/or attended this year’s biggest-ever Arts Fest was a winner, thanks to the nearly perfect weather and the amazing selection of artworks and crafts in every possible medium, from handmade jewelry to oil, watercolor and acrylic paintings to hand-

made chairs and so much more that yours truly ended up supporting three of the artists on hand by purchasing not only three framed rock music illustrations, but also an incredible, handmade Albert Einstein puppet and even some hand-carved (of wood) and hand-painted birds of paradise (below). I also again came away impressed with the beautiful sidewalk chalk art displays (although many of the pieces were not yet completed when I left late Saturday afternoon), the great children’s art areas, the “Random Acts for Art” entertainment stage and so much more. On this page and pages 46-47 are many of the photos I shot when I wasn’t buying up everything in sight, including (on page 47) some of the businesses that took part in the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC)’s “Arts & Business Showcase” along less-crowded Piazza Ave. on Saturday. See “Suncoast Arts Fest” on pages 46-47.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •


Tampa Palms Women’s Club Makes Donations To Local Charities By Matt Wiley

Few clubs can match the Tampa Palms Women’s Club (TPWC) in their generosity when it comes to donating money to good causes. TPWC recently made its annual donation to area charities during the club’s annual potluck luncheon meeting in December at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club, where the group distributed thousands of dollars in donations to six selfless groups. The charities receiving the donations included the OASIS Network (which provides gently used clothing and other necessities to children in all Hillsborough County schools), the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital’s Fisher House (which provides on-site housing to the families of the wounded veterans being treated at the hospital), God’s Pedal Power (a ministry of University Baptist Church on E. 131 Ave in Tampa and St. James United Methodist Church in Tampa Palms that provides free bicycles to less fortunate children), the Hillsborough House of Hope (a Christian group that helps incarcerated women reenter society), Kids and Canines (a group that helps at-risk teens train service dogs) and the Tampa Police Department’s RICH House, which provides an after-school safe house for kids in the Sulphur Springs area. “This year, we chose five charities that we’ve donated to in the past, plus we added the Fisher House,” said TPWC charity chair Charlotte Hogue. “We gave $500

The Tampa Palms Women’s Club recently made its annual donation to representatives from six local charities (above) including the OASIS Network, the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital’s Fisher House, God’s Pedal Power, the Hillsborough House of Hope, Kids and Canines and the Tampa Police Department’s RICH House.

to each of the charities we’ve donated to in the past and had an extra $1,000 this year that we decided to donate to the Tampa Fisher House.” Hogue explained that the money was raised throughout the year during various fund raisers, including the club’s recent Winter Ball, which was held on December 7 and featured a silent auction. “Next year, we’ll be considering more charities,” Hogue said. “We like to choose smaller, local charities that focus on helping women and children in need.” One such charity is the New Tampa-

based OASIS (Outreach Assisting Students in Schools) Network. OASIS executive director Ginger Bean was on hand at the luncheon to accept a check on behalf of the program. “(OASIS is) truly grateful to (TPWC),” Bean said. “The club is our oldest and longest-standing donor. Not only (does TPWC) provide us with funding, but the club also is our greatest source of volunteers for sifting through gently used children’s clothing.” Bean added that the money will go towards purchasing more supplies for kids

in need. Right now, she said that the club is low on boy’s/men’s athletic socks, as well as toothbrushes. Tampa Fisher House manager Paula Welenc also attended the luncheon and accepted the donation from TPWC. “It’s always a joy to receive support for our mission and our families, especially from such a highly regarded local organization such as the Tampa Palms Women’s Club,” Welenc explained. “These funds will be used to enhance our pantry and fill our refrigerators and freezers, as well as to ensure that no family (went without) a gift this holiday. One hundred percent of the donation will be used exclusively in support of the families.” Welenc said that monetary donations are a major benefit to the Tampa Fisher House because they allow for the most flexibility in how the funds are used to meet whatever needs the house may have. “But, whether the donations are financial, such as this one, or in-kind, as are so many others, they (all) do a tremendous amount for our Fisher House,” Welenc added. “They not only enable us to ensure we have a comfortable ‘home away from home’ for families during an extremely challenging time in their lives, but also lets them know the local community has opened their hearts to them during that difficult time.” For more information about the Tampa Palms Women’s Club, please visit


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‘Suncoast Arts Fest’

i I t a w “ a

Continued from page 43

From great, unique music to beautiful works of art and from fine, handmade jewelry to handmade leather vests and purses, the tenth annual Suncoast Arts Festival at the Shops at Wiregrass mall literally had something for everyone. Among the events that weekend I didn’t get to shoot, there was an art contest, high school “emerging” artist displays, the Duncan McClellan Glass Etching Experience and even a “Phoneography” contest sponsored by Rasmussen College. In other words, if you missed it, you really did miss something great. Look for more pics and hopefully, the award winners at

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Although the 2015 Arts Fest itself was again a smashing success, I don’t believe that enough of the throngs of people who marched up and down the mall’s Paseo Dr. all weekend made it out to the WCCC’s “Arts & Business Showcase” on Piazza Ave. on Saturday. Pictured on this page are a couple of the businesses who advertise with us who also participated in the business showcase, which I hope will somehow be able to join the artists on Paseo Dr. w year so they can get the benefit of all of that wonderful foot traffic. Again, look for more pics & information about the festival at

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WCCC Takes ‘Hard Hat Tour’ Of New Legacy At Highwoods Preserve Most people don’t even want to hear the words “assisted living facility” when it comes to caring for an elderly loved one. But, The Legacy at Highwoods Preserve is out to change all of that. During the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC)’s Economic Development Committee meeting on January 22, attendees were treated to a “hard hat tour” of the $14-million, 60,000-sq.-ft. building that still is under construction on the west side of Highwoods Preserve Pkwy, in between New Tampa Blvd. and Brinegar Cir. The Legacy project is a joint effort between Houston, TX-based PinPoint

Commercial, LP, and Thrive Senior Living, LLC (which is based in Atlanta, GA), and will offer care for both the elderly and those in need of memory care for diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, with a focus on resident comfort and technology. Legacy community relations director Aarene Alessi served as the hard hat tour director and took groups of ten Chamber ambassadors through a concept that she says will “break the mold” of assisted living facilities. “We’re bringing hospitality and technology into everything we do,” Alessi said. Because The Legacy has an identical

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h t (Above) Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce ambassadors gather for a tour of the new Legacy at Highwoods Preserve assisted living facility on Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. in the West Meadows development in New Tampa.

sister property in Eatonton, GA, Alessi was able to show ambassadors photos of what almost every room inside the facility would look like (while they were standing in them) when the project is finished. Once complete, (Far right) The Legacy’s community relations director Aarene Alessi uses an iPad to show what The Legacy will become different areas of the facility will look like during the tour. For example, the pic above left is home to 60 residents and 22 memory care what the area in the pic above right will look like when The Legacy is completed.

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patients. Room sizes range in price between $4,000-$6,000 and those prices are all-inclusive. So, residents will have access to all of the facility’s amenities, including its putting green (yes, you read that right), market, theater, game room, exercise room, spa and five dining rooms, all included in the price of their room, which also will each include a smart TV and tablet computers. “Our main customer is the adult child who is looking to find a quality place for their loved one,” Alessi said. “But, we’re going to help people stay connected with Skype and social media.” Alessi said that staff members will help residents set up and use technology to help stay connected with their families

if they do not live in the New Tampa area or close by. Technology also will be used for safety. Alessi said that residents will be given a wristband or pendant that emits a radio frequency that works as a key for doors throughout the facility. It also will allow for The Legacy’s staff to monitor the locations of residents, especially those in the memory care unit. “The Legacy is going to be a beautiful place,” says WCCC executive director Hope Allen. “It’s very resort-like. This is a huge asset to the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel communities, especially for those of us with aging parents.” For more info, please visit — MW

a s

The Wesley Chapel Chamber ambassadors (above and top right) were fascinated to learn about all of the great new technology incorporated into The Legacy. (Bottom right) One of the “Grand Suites” at the new assisted living facility.

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Samantha Taylor Opens 2nd Pure Health & Fitness Studio In Wesley Chapel By Celeste McLaughlin

In her 22-year career as a personal trainer, Samantha Taylor says she has helped 4,000 local women meet their health and fitness goals. Her plan is to increase that number to 10,000 by the year 2020, and the next phase of this growth already is under way, with the opening of Samantha’s second location of her Pure Health & Fitness Studios, across the street from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. But, this business is not just a “numbers game” for Samantha. Each of these 10,000 total women is someone whose body has been — or will be — transformed and their lifestyles completely changed. “When I meet them, women are often sad and depressed, and don’t have much energy,” Samantha explains. “But, I know where I can take them.” She does this through a system she has developed over her years of professional training and experience, using her personal story of transformation to motivate others to work towards a life of health and wellness. “We are a private studio for women,” Samantha says. “This is not a gym, but a community where women experience accountability and support.” At 17, Samantha first met her future husband Drew, a bodybuilder who convinced her to begin working out with him. “I loved what it did for my body, and I could see the results,” she recalls. This led her to become an International Fitness Professional Association-certified personal trainer, and she eventually became the highest-producing trainer in all of Lifestyles Fitness, out of more than 2,000 trainers nationwide. However, Samantha says she still struggled with emotional eating and binging. “As a trainer, I gained 20 pounds,” she says. “It was embarrassing.” She says she knew she needed to change, and began to seek spiritual answers. As she read the Bible, she began to look at food and her body differently, and eventually was able to overcome her issues. “I wanted to open a place for women that’s not a gym,” says Samantha, who notes that she began her business 12 years ago and has upgraded her facilities by moving several times. About a year ago, she purchased a unique, resort-like, lakeside building in Land O’Lakes, off of S.R. 54 on Knights Ave. (just west of Collier Pkwy.).


She expects this site to be her company’s flagship location for the foreseeable future, and its success has set the foundation for opening her new location in Wesley Chapel. At either Pure Health & Fitness location, women can choose one-on-one or group personal training, or a membership for Pure Health’s FitBody Boot Camp. Here’s how these options work: To get started with Pure Health & Fitness Studios personal training, each woman meets individually with Samantha for a Body Transformation Analysis — a completely free, no-obligation consultation to determine a fitness program that will be completely customized based on each woman’s individual goals. Samantha says that this is the most personal and private option. In addition to personal training sessions, each client also meets with an assigned results coach monthly, to be sure they’re progressing at the proper rate. FitBody Boot Camp membership is another available option. Women who choose this group fitness option start off with a consultation with manager Amber Brayfield, who used to be a Pure Health member, herself, and joined Samantha’s staff about a year ago. Then, clients attend regular or beginner FitBody Boot Camp classes, which vary in cardiovascular intensity levels. The beginner classes allow clients to ease into the more intense regular class. Several classes are offered every day, and you choose three or more times each week to attend. Attendance is tracked, and you’ll do monthly weigh-ins and body fat testing, so you can be sure you’re always making progress towards meeting your goal. “We expect change, and you should, too,” explains Samantha. All of Pure Health’s programs include an eating plan and recipes, including nosugar treats such as chocolate peanut butter cups. She emphasizes that her program is not a diet, but a lifestyle change, so that your changes become lifelong habits. “Our eating plans are not just for weight loss, but are based in science and chemistry, to balance the body and help prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.” She says that with diets, women are often hungry, tired and have lots of cravings. She guarantees that with her eating plan, you won’t be hungry, you’ll have more energy and won’t have cravings. To sign up for some of Samantha’s favorite recipes, go to

At both locations, chef-led cooking classes are offered weekly. They are open to the public, although they often fill up quickly. To attend the cooking classes at the Wesley Chapel location, call the studio at 377-3739.

Why Pure Health & Fitness?

“For many women, their weight affects every area of their lives,” says Samantha. “They’re not Samantha Taylor (bottom left) and the trainer at Pure Health & happy, they feel they’re treated differently, and it Fitness Studios invite you to change your lifestyle this year at their new Wesley Chapel location, right across BBD from FHWC. can be debilitating.” Although she helps that weight off for seven years,” Chris says. women of every age, Samantha says many of Once Chris reached her goal weight, her clients are in their 50s and 60s. she continued to train because she wanted “Women in this age group are startto see other changes in her body, such as ing to see bad health habits catch up with toning, firming and muscle building. After them,” she says. “They are seeing conseseveral months of this training, she began quences and need to make a change for the to work with Samantha to learn how to be a future.” She explains they are often inspired personal trainer. by before-and-after pictures they see in local “I was so happy with what I’d achieved advertising, including pictures of Chris Wilthat I wanted to help other women achieve liams, a former client of Samantha’s who is the same thing,” Chris says. She became now a personal trainer herself. certified as a personal trainer by the AmeriChris says she became a client of can Council on Exercise (ACE) and has Samantha’s in 2007. “I had been gaining been on Samantha’s team ever since, helpa few pounds a year for several years and ing other women achieve their goals. couldn’t seem to get it off,” she recalls. She “Having a good trainer gives you began training in March and had lost 55 someone to be accountable to,” Chris pounds by that October. “And I’ve kept explains. “They’re training you to do exer-

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Samantha says that, because she meets with each client individually, she can pair each woman with the specific trainer who is the best fit for her. “Our personal trainers are not there to just count reps,” says Samantha. “They are your cheerleader, motivator and accountability partner. Truly, the hardest part is showing up.” Samantha recounts Barbara’s story. Barbara (left) started at 340 pounds and lost 190, and said that in any other program, she would have given up when she hit a plateau. “But you didn’t let me quit,” Barbara told Samantha.

Wesley Chapel Grand Opening!

The new Wesley Chapel studio held a Barbara has lost and kept off 190 pounds with well-attended open house on January 2-3, Samantha’s help! and already has enrolled 70 members. Many of these members signed up after seeing cises, but also helping you with eating, how Samantha’s ad right here in the Wesley you’re feeling and can tweak what you’re Chapel Neighborhood News. The studio also doing to get the best results. The most will host a Grand Opening celebration in important thing is that you’re not alone. It February (although the date had not yet can be really hard to reach your goal weight been determined as we went to press with when you’re doing it by yourself.” this issue). The event will be open to the Samantha adds, “I have a great staff public and will feature a giveaway of great (which includes Chris and nine other personal trainers). It can be hard to find a good prizes, including a free cruise for two and six months of free personal training. Everyone personal trainer, but I have a truly amazing is invited to check out the new Pure Health team. They are spectacular, not only in their facility on BBD, meet the trainers, and enjoy training abilities, but also in their people delicious complementary snacks. skills. Our trainers are compassionate, but Pure Health & Fitness Studios’ they don’t accept excuses.” new location is at 2653 Bruce B. Downs She says many of her trainers have Blvd., Suite 205 (second floor), just more than 10 years of experience, and they north of the Shops at Wiregrass Mall and are always bringing something new to the across the street from FHWC. To sign up workouts. “Even with all of my experience, for a Body Transformation Analysis, visit they keep doing things I’ve never seen, or call fore,” Samantha says, adding that this helps 377-3739. Also, see the ad on page 33 of keep women from getting bored, and helps this issue for more information. their bodies respond to their workouts.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •


OTB Delight Café Celebrates A Delicious Year With A New Menu! By Gary Nager

It’s only been about a year since owner Dirson De Mesquita opened his “Only The Best” (OTB) Delight Café directly across Bruce B. Downs Blvd. from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, but in that short time, the hard-working owner and his always-friendly staff have built a nice local following. In fact, in addition to his Top-25 finish among our readers in our 2014 Reader Dining Survey & Contest and his #6 finish in Wesley Chapel in my “Gary’s Favorites” for his first full year in business, Dirson also is extremely proud to be ranked #1 overall of nearly 100 restaurants in Wesley Chapel by It’s been an exciting year,” says Dirson, who recently unveiled a newly expanded menu and already has followed that up with an exciting new dinner menu, all with the same type of fresh, wholesome ingredients — many of which are organic — which has made his available-all-day menu so popular.

Amazing Breakfast!

I know not everyone believes the way I do that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but if you enjoy any of Dirson’s outstanding breakfast items, it may at least be the most delicious meal of the day for you. “We crack real farm-fresh, locally

sourced eggs from cage-free hens fed an all-vegetarian diet,” Dirson says. “Plus, all of our vegetables are locally grown and certified organic, whenever possible.” My favorite of the breakfast items — “Omelette’ing You Go,” is a threeegg monster and you can add up to three Among our office’s favorite items at OTB Café on BBD Blvd. in fillings, including Wesley Chapel are the Shanghai chicken rice bowl (above) and our not only cheddar editor’s favorite Artisan burger (right). or provolone but also Havarti, bleu or Expanded Lunch Selection! pepper Jack cheese, plus baby spinach, You can’t go wrong at the home tomatoes, mushrooms, black olives, of my fourth favorite place for lunch in diced ham and turkey and more. New Tampa & Wesley Chapel. Dirson’s Another breakfast favorite is the expanded new menu features every“Good Morning Ciabatta,” which is thing from a variety of great “Lettuce overflowing with eggs your way, some Entertain You” salads, different-eachof the best turkey bacon I’ve ever tasted, day “Soup for You” soups, “Rice, Rice fresh tomato, avocado and provolone Baby” salad-and-rice bowls, “Too Hot on a grilled multi-grain ciabatta roll. to Handle” hot sandwiches, “Bodacious But, whether you choose one of Burritos” and “Funky Cold Cucina” those or OTB’s breakfast burrito, veggie cold sandwiches. breakfast wrap or “Wake Up Turkey!,” My favorite salads, hands down, you’ll get a side of oatmeal, fresh fruit are the “Asian Orange Ahi,” which has or sliced tomatoes and my suggestion is romaine lettuce, seared tuna, Mandarin to enjoy it with OTB’s dark roast Java orange slices, toasted almonds, sprouts or house coffee (my third favorite coffee and more with my favorite (at OTB) in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel). sesame ginger dressing; and the “Seared

Steak Delight,” which offers seared slices of grass-fed steak atop mixed greens (including arugula, grilled onions, bleu cheese crumbles (I get those on the side) and a zesty balsamic dressing. Other salads include the Mediterranean spinach, southwestern chicken, shrimp Louis, blackened portabella Caesar and “Salmon Gone Wild.” My favorite rice bowl is the Shanghai chicken, which also features the sesame ginger dressing, although the Rio Rancho chicken and “Kitchen Sink” vegan (no cheese) salads also are popular, both in our office and among OTB’s customers. My favorite hot sandwich is still the amazing grass-fed (I mistakenly called it “grain-fed” in Gary’s Favorites last issue) Artisan burger (my third favorite

Check out breakfast at OTB Café with the huge and outstanding three-egg omelettes stuffed with your choice of ingredients (left) or the “Good Morning Ciabatta” breakfast sandwich (center). Although our editor can’t enjoy it because of a shellfish allergy, owner Dirson De Mesquita says OTB gets rave reviews for its shrimp “Po’ Boy” sandwich (right).

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Other favorites at OTB Café also include (clockwise from above left): The “Asian Orange Ahi” s& “Seared Steak Delight” salads, the vegan “Kitchen Sink” rice bowl and the chipotle club sandwich. burger in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel for 2014; try it with provolone cheese), although the “San Diego Chicken,” “Shrimp Po’ Boy,” veggie burger and “wild caught” salmon burger also are popular selections. I’m not too big on burritos, but Dirson says that the “Veggin’ Out,” “Santa Fe shrimp” and both chicken burritos all get high marks from his customers, especially for the organic jasmine rice, whole wheat tortillas and side of sesame slaw, which is my favorite side dish at OTB. As for the cold sandwiches, my favorite is the Chipotle Club, which is piled high with turkey, ham and turkey bacon with cheddar cheese and a tempting, semi-spicy chipotle aioli. I always ask for extra sauce, ‘cause it rocks.

And Now, Dinner, Too!

I didn’t realize that Dirson literally rolled out his new dinner menu a few days before we went to press with this issue, so I sadly don’t have pics of the new dinner entrées, although I will definitely update this info for both our February 14 Wesley Chapel and online versions of this story. Considering how much I love OTB’s steak salad, I am most excited about the new OTB sirloin, which is again a grass-fed top sirloin served with jasmine rice and mixed veggies. Other dinner additions are the “Salmon Gone Wild” entrée with homemade pesto sauce, steak with balsamic caramelized onions and Dirson’s favorite, the “Chicken Ana Bella,” a free-range chicken in a cream sauce

with broccoli and tomatoes served over jasmine rice. And of course, OTB Delight Café also has amazing catering, plus a new line of sugar- and gluten-free cupcakes, cookies and more for dessert and even very reasonably priced beer and wine. In other words, if you’re not already a big fan of OTB Delight Café, I suggest you check it out today! OTB Delight Café (2653 BBD) is open every day for breakfast, lunch

Farm to Table

and dinner. For info, call 973-8880, visit (online ordering available) or see the ad on page 55 for some great money-saving coupons. And, be sure to tell Dirson and his crew that you read about them in the New Tampa Neighborhood News!

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Full Menu Lunch, Dinner + Late Night To Go Available

Located Just 3 Miles West of I-75/SR56 24400 State Road 54, Lutz, FL 33559 (813) 949-4334 • Facebook/StageLeftTampa Neighborhood News


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The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel! By Gary Nager; Research by Matt Wiley

SteinMart Closing Feb. 28!

I was surprised, but not stunned, when I walked into the SteinMart store in the City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center the week we went to press with this issue and saw that the location was closing. A banner sign in front of the store announced “Entire Store On Sale,” with discounts (at that time; they’re likely to become even deeper as the store gets ready to close) of “30%-50%-off everything in the store.” A cashier told me the store was set to close by Saturday, February 28, so I had assistant editor Matt Wiley call SteinMart’s corporate office to get as much info as possible for our readers. SteinMart spokesperson Linda Tasseff told Matt that the Tampa Palms location will indeed close at the end of February, despite the fact SteinMart recently was named the Readers Choice winner of the title “America’s Best Department Store” by the readers of USA Today newspaper and “We have four other SteinMart locations in the Tampa area, and (the Tampa Palms) location just hasn’t been meeting expectations,” Tasseff said. “The store is at


Photo by Matt Wiley

the end of a natural lease with the landlord, so we’re moving forward with not renewing it.” She adds that there currently are no plans to open another SteinMart in the New Tampa or Wesley Chapel area anytime in the near future. The closest SteinMart to our readers will now be located at 13210 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. in Carrollwood. Considering how difficult this plaza can be for non-Tampa Palms residents to find, and how bad things have been economically the past few years — especially when Publix closed for more than a year for remodeling — my only suggestion is that maybe the store wouldn’t have underperformed expec-

tations by quite so much had the owners of SteinMart ever considered advertising in the only publication in our zip codes (33647 & 33543-45) that arrives in the most mailboxes and is actually read by the most people for information about their neighborhood. Speaking of which, how’s business for you in that plaza, Tuesday Morning? If you haven’t stopped in yet to the Tampa Palms SteinMart to check out all the savings (which should climb above 50-percent-off sooner than later), do it soon — and tell them (and Tuesday Morning!) where you got the info.

Wesley Chapel Chamber’s Big Month For New Tampa

Ribbon cuttings and other major events are back in full swing for the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC), now serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel (see editorial on page 3). In January alone, the Chamber has held multiple ribbon cuttings. The first was at B Creative Painting Studio (6013 Wesley Grove Blvd. in Wesley Chapel, two doors from the Chamber office; 907-6258) on Jan. 8. Owner Bernadette Blauvelt and her husband Chris (a wounded 23-year

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •

Neighborhood News

U.S. military veteran) offer paint-your-own pottery opportunities to not only Chris’ fellow Wounded Warriors, but also to adults (Ladies Night is every Thursday), children and families. For more information, call B Creative at 907-6258. I had planned to attend the WCCC Ribbon Cutting at Clinicians Primary & Urgent Care, the office of Masood Ansari, M.D. (in the Cory Lake Professional Center; 369-5969 & see the ad on page 32 of this issue, too), on Jan. 15, but I had a scheduling snafu, so we ended up missing it, although I hear it also was well attended. I did make it to the Ribbon Cutting at the new Anytime Fitness (photo on next pg.; 27325 Wesley Chapel Blvd., next to Winn-Dixie; 994-1912), on Jan. 16. Also in attendance were the Wesley Chapel Ker’s WingHouse girls (food was provided by both the WingHouse and the Beef O’Brady’s in the same Towne Centre of Wesley Chapel plaza as Anytime), as well as Jonathan Martinez of and Be Scene Tampa Bay, who produced a short video about the Grand Opening. A certain newspaper editor was one of those interviewed for it. Matt also attended the hard hat tour



with the WCCC’s Economic Development Council at The Legacy at Highwoods Preserve assisted living facility on Jan. 22. See the full story on page 48 of this issue. We also were planning to attend the Chamber’s “Final Friday” Happy Hour at Glory Days Grill (17508 Doña Michelle Dr.), on Friday, January 30, 4 p.m.-6 p.m. (the day you’re receiving this issue). February may be the shortest month of the year, but it’s one of the busiest for the Chamber, with the following events:

Tues., Feb. 3, 8 a.m. — Monthly Breakfast at Pasco Hernando State College (PHSC), 3rd Flr. Conf. Ctr., Rm. B-303. The speaker will be Max Stewart of Enterprise Florida, who will speak about international trade development. Wed., Feb. 11, 9 a.m. — Estancia Club (Chancey Rd., 1/2-mile east of BBD) Clubhouse Ribbon Cutting — The event kicks off with breakfast at 9, ceremony starting at 9:45 and guided tours all day of the Estancia Club in the posh Estancia at Wiregrass community. Be one of the first to tour the state-of-the-art Club and visit the elegant new model homes. You must RSVP to the Chamber office at 9948534 to attend this event! Please tell the folks at Estancia & the Chamber that you read about the event in the New Tampa Neighborhood News! Thur., Feb. 12, 4 p.m. — Monthly Business Mixer & Welcome Party (for the WCCC’s new members located in the New Tampa area)

— at A Dash Of Salt & Pepper (10353 Cross Creek Blvd.). Expect the food to be amazing! Tues., Feb. 17, 8 a.m. — Monthly Coffee Social at McDonald’s (1733 BBD, just south of S.R. 56). Thur., Feb. 19, 11:30 a.m. — “Lunch & Learn” Business Forum, at the WCCC Office (6013 Wesley Grove Blvd., Suite 105). The speaker will be attorney Dineen Wasylik. Sat., Feb. 28, 11:30 a.m. — 2015 Health & Fitness Fair at the Shops at Wiregrass Mall. Sponsors & exhibitors still being sought.

For more information about these events or the WCCC, call 994-8534 or visit

Bed Pros To Be Chipotle!

In case you haven’t heard it yet, Chipotle is finally expanding into New Tampa and will set up shop in the space recently vacated by the old Bed Pros mattress store, located next to Lange Eye Care in the Panera Bread-anchored outparcel in front of The Walk at Highwoods Preserve plaza. The popular Mexican chain, known for its naturally-raised “Food with Integrity,” was started by CEO Steve Ells in Denver, CO, in 1993, and has grown to more than 1,600 locations nationwide (including 100 in Florida). Chipotle will bring more competition to its fellow nearby burrito bars in the Highwoods Preserve area — Moe’s

Southwest Grill & Tijuana Flats.

100 Montaditos Now Open In The Shops At Wiregrass

I’ve now had a couple of opportunities to sample the impressive 100 Montaditos since it opened in the former location of MochiBerry in the Shops at Wiregrass mall on January 16. This eye-catching Spanish tapas and sandwich place is named for the new restaurant’s truly amazing, home-baked, crunchy (but small; see photo) montadito rolls, which the 350-restaurant (that’s worldwide; the Wesley Chapel location is the 14th in Florida) chain fills with Serrano ham, chorizo sausage, Manchego cheese, my two favorites so far — grilled pork and tuna salad — and so many more, plus salads and other authentic Spanish fare, as well as great Spanish beers and wines.

I will say that I can’t call the sandwiches “stuffed” with ingredients, but I could eat quite a few of them for the bread alone. And, with each small sandwich itself costing $2.50 or less — and with specials like “Dollar Mania” every Wed. (when even the highest-priced montaditos cost just $1) — 100 Montaditos could become something of an addiction for yours truly. For more info, visit 100Montaditos. com or Please mention that you read about them in the New Tampa Neighborhood News!

(Expires 12/22/14)

Located across from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel

19062 Bruce B Downs Tampa, FL 33647


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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •


New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE AGENT - Award-winning Real Estate team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents whose desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available.. Keller Williams Tampa Properties. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon (813) 431-2840. PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) - An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. MEDICAL BILLER - Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company. Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: WING ZONE IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS - Including shift leader, cooks, cashiers and delivery drivers. Wing Zone offers flexible scheduling, competitive pay wages, advancement opportunities and much more. Come join out team of flavorholics and wing lovers at Wing Zone. Applications are available at store location: 19062 Bruce B Downs. Corner of Cross Creek in the New Tampa Center. HAIRSTYLIST WANTED! Up-scale hair salon seeks hairstylist. Contact (813)994-9455 ROUTE SALES, MEDICAL Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retreival. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights a month. Retrieves damaged/defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; scheduling maintenance and repairs. Send resumes to:




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______FINANCIAL SERVICES_____ Bookkeeping, Tax, Payroll and business support services for small businesses. Let us help with ALL your business needs so you can focus on growing your business and delivery! Experienced, business- minded professionals consisting of CPAs, Accountants, MST, experienced professionals. References available. Call us 813-922-5234 or visit our website at:

EDUCATION / BABYSITTING TUTORING - Infinite Edge is located in Tampa Palms & offers tutoring in all subjects, including Math, English & SAT, ACT & FCAT tests, 1st-12th grade. We also offer AP classes and last year, our students scored a 5 on any AP subject in which we helped. Please call (813) 971-6500. Great Hope Preschool - We offer preschool for ages 6 weeks to 12 years. We accept the ELC School Readiness program, offer FREE VPREK and offer multi child discounts. New owner and renovated classrooms. Now enrolling all age groups. Infants-Afterschool. Mention this ad and receive 1/2 off enrollment fees. TOUR TODAY!!! 30126 State Road 54 Wesley Chapel, FL 813-929-6276 or 813-323-8030. PIANO LESSONS/TUTORING-Located in Live Oak Preserve for children, teens, and adults. I am a highly qualified/certified Florida teacher specializing in piano, music theory, language arts, reading, writing, geography, elementary math, beginning Spanish, and FCAT/test preparation. Mention this ad and receive your first session for FREE! Now scheduling for 2015!!! Contact Mrs. Daley at 813-468-1424 to reserve your spot!


TURN YOUR CLUTTER INTO CASH - Garage and estate sales, inventory liquidation,& appraisal services. We'll sell it for you online! We evaluate and appraise your products then get you top dollar. We do the work you get the cash. Ask me how. Contact Mary at (813) 428-5793.

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Neighborhood News


JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING - Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning and more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL & FREE ESTIMATE! For more info, call (813) 420-4465. AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC - Our services include weekly lawn maintenance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimming. We also offer landscaping, pruning, sod replacement, and pressure washing. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service and trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778. TAMPA LAWN SALON, INC. has been providing New Tampa & Wesley Chapel residents service for more than 10 yrs! We not only provide weekly landscape maintenance but are also licensed in pest control. Our services include: Lawn & Ornamental Fertilization, Pest Control, Landscape Design, Landscape & Sod Installation, Lawn & Landscape Maintenance, Landscape Lighting, Irrigation, Pressure Washing. Please call us for an estimate at (813) 417-7301 & ask us about our FREE irrigation inspection!


SPACE AVAILABLE - Private suite in busy upscale Salon / SPA available for Hairstylist / Aesthetician / Massage Therapist / Tattoo Artist or Makeup Artist Located Behind Sam’s club on SR 56 / Bruce B. Downs, near Wiregrass Mall. Equipped with wireless internet, wash/dryer, wheelchair access washroom, reception area. 24 x 7 accesses to your suite. Few equipment provided Utility, maintenance included in rent. Lowest rent in the Area. If you have established clientele, opportunity to work on commission basis as well. Call 813-997-3414 for more information.

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New Tampa Scout Earns Eagle Scout Rank With Veterans Hospital Project By Matt Wiley It’s an honor shared by only about two percent of all Boy Scouts across the country since 1912, but one New Tampa resident is soaring above his peers. After nearly ten years of hard work and determination, Benjamin Geller has earned the status of Eagle Scout, the highest rank a member of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) can recieve. Geller, 17, a Tampa Palms resident who is a junior in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program at C. Leon King High in Tampa, was honored as an Eagle Scout during a ceremony on Jan. 18 at St. James United Methodist Church in Tampa Palms, where his Troop 142 regularly meets. The ceremony marked the culmination of a ten-year journey for Geller, who began Scouting at age eight, to earn the distinctive honor. Most kids who join BSA at a young age don’t end up continuing on to become Eagle Scouts. In fact, according to the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA), today only about five percent of all Boy Scouts go on to become Eagles. “(Becoming an Eagle Scout) was a lot of hard work,” Geller says. “But, I had a lot of fun with it, too.” In addition to earning all 21 of the merit badges required to advance to the rank of Eagle Scout, Geller says that the culminating project was the most difficult. According to NESA, to become an Eagle Scout, a Scout has to plan, develop and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to his religious institution, school or community. “My project was building a pergola for

the Fisher House at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa,” Geller explains. “It’s like a gazebo, but it still lets some light through. I made it for the families staying at the Fisher House (the residence located next to the hospital that houses the families of the wounded warriors being treated at the hospital for extended periods of time, all at no charge to those families). I also did some gardening around it. Geller says that the actual construction of the wooden pergola occurred in early July of last year. “The actual building took about nine hours the first day and then I came back the next day for about two hours,” Geller explains. “So, it was probably about 11 or 12 hours of actual physical building. But, the planning took about four to five months.” Geller says that he had to raise about $1,000 to build the pergola, so he conducted three car washes that raised more than $300 each time. As part of the leadership aspect of the project, he had to plan the car washes, as well as enlist the help of and manage fellow Scouts and friends. During the construction of the pergola, he says that he had the assistance of eight Scouts and four adults with construction and building expertise. “The most difficult part was definitely the project,” he says. “It took the most amount of time and everything I planned ended up taking longer and becoming more difficult than I thought it would be.” However, becoming an Eagle Scout was well-worth the work, he says. “The most rewarding part about

Scouting is looking back and seeing myself change,” Geller explains. “It’s great to look back at all of the fun I’ve had and how much I’ve grown.” Scouting also has allowed Geller the opportunity to take part in several “high-adventure” trips with fellow Scouts from across the country. Among those was the retreat to the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimmaron, NM, BSA’s largest national adventure base that has been attended Troop 142 (which meets in Tampa Palms) Scoutmaster Michael Ebert, with new Eagle Scout Benjamin Geller. by more than one million scouts since it opened in adventure events, it was the friends he’s 1939. Geller says that while at Philmont, he made who helped him stick with Scouting took part in a 108-mile, 10-day hiking trek through the years. through the Sangre de Cristo Mountains “A lot of them will be becoming Eagle near Cimmaron. Scouts in the next year or so, too,” he says. Geller also has attended two National Geller says that once he graduates from Boy Scout Jamborees, one in 2008 to comthe King IB program next year, he plans to memorate the 100th year of Scouting and attend the University of Florida in Gainesthe most recent in 2010 at the 10,600-acre ville, followed by law school, and he says his Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reexperiences in Scouting will help. serve in the New River Gorge National river “The discipline and work ethic I’ve area in West Virginia. learned will help me in just about anything,” “It was a great time,” Geller says. he says. “Scouting teaches leadership and “We took part in rock climbing, zip linhard work and the proper ways to build ing, archery, rifling, mountain biking character and value. It’s taught me to take and skateboarding. It’s just thousands of on a leadership role and how to talk in front scouts (45,000 to be exact) from across the of groups, as well as perseverance.” country that come together to take part in Congratulations, Benjamin! high-adventure activities.” For more information about BSA, Geller says that in addition to the highplease visit

exp 01/31/15

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Portfolio of Fine Homes 5074 Southampton

16320 Burniston Drive

4 Bed | 2.5 Bath | 2,319 SF | 3 Car Garage | Upgraded tile floors Spa on oversized screened lanai | Conservation View Offered for $319,000

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17824 Osprey Pointe Pl.

16301 Payton Ct.

6007 Catlin Drive


4 Bed | 3 Bath | 2,685 SF | 2.5 Car Garage | Granite, Stainless Steel Appliances Upgraded Throughout | Pool, Lush Landscaping Offered for $389,900

10258 Estuary Drive

4 Bed +Bonus Rm | 2.5 Bath | 3,567 SF | 3 Car Garage | Heated Saltwater Pool/Spa | Large Fenced Lot, Conservation | Gated Community Offered for $419,900

4 Bed + Game Room | 3 Full & 2 Half Bath | 3,071 SF Remodeled Throughout | Paved Lanai | Pool-Spa | Conservation Offered for $419,900

15902 Danboro Ct.

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6332 MacLaurin Dr.

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17352 Emerald Chase

SALE PENDING 5 Bed + Den + Bonus Rm |4 Bath | 3,577 SF | 3 Car Garage Upgrades Throughout | Granite | Pool/Spa | Conservation Lot Offered for $499,000

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4 Bed + Den + Bonus Rm | 3.5 Bath | 3,686 SF | 3 Car Garage Tile Roof | Upgraded Throughout Pool/Heated Spa Conservation, Cul-de-sac | Oversized Lot Offered for $489,900

18320 Cypress View Way

SOLD 4 Bed | 3 Bath | 2,345 SF | 2 Car Garage Wood Floors | Fresh Paint | Fenced Offered for $219,900

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 3 • January 31, 2015 •

4 Bed + Office + Exercise Rm + Bonus Rm | 4.5 Bath | 5,773 SF 3 Car Garage | Built 2002| Custom Hannah Bartoletta, Wine Refrigerator, Granite, Upgraded Throughout | Conservation, Cul-de-sac | Pool, Outdoor Firedplace | Offered for $1,190,000

17349 Emerald Chase Drive

SOLD 4 Bed + Bonus Rm | 3.5 Bath | 4,005 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 2004 Two Sided Conservation | Immaculate! Offered for $479,000

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