Get Out & Vote!
April 25 is Runoff Election Day!
See pg. 6 for details!

Get Out & Vote!
April 25 is Runoff Election Day!
See pg. 6 for details!
April 4, 2023
Producing artistic director Nora Paine (far left) and the New Tampa Players finally got to perform at their new home — the New Tampa Performing Arts Center — fulfilling the dream of NTP founder Doug Wall.
See the story & photos on pages 4-5! (Photo by Charmaine George)
Covid delays our editor’s introduction to his new grandbabies.
See page 3
Traffic, parks & more discussed at Luis Viera’s latest local Town Hall meeting.
See page 8
Wesley Chapel’s more traditional puttputt course is expected to open by Apr. 15!
See page 14
Former Saddlebrook team to open Italian eatery in Precinct Pizza’s old location! See Nibbles & Bites on pg. 36
For the past three+ years, Jannah and I have been blessed with two amazing grandchildren — Jannah’s daughter Lauren and her husband Albert Cione’s beautiful daughter Rosie and my younger son Jake and his wife Meghan’s equally incredible son Jackson.
In December, Jannah’s son Michael and his wife Caitlin welcomed their son John to the world and since then, there has been a flurry of additional baby activity in our families.
On Feb. 28, Lauren, Albert and Rosie added baby Giovanni Albert (aka Gio) to their family and only eight days later, Jake, Meghan and Jax welcomed baby Maverick James.
As if that wasn’t enough, literally one week and one minute after Maverick was born, my older son Jared and his wife Mary Luz welcomed their first-born son Liam Dario to this ever-expanding group.
Now, like any proud grandpa, I would have been thrilled to have been part of all these celebrations, but it wasn’t meant to be, at least not for me, at least not right away.
The original plan was for me to join Jannah in North Carolina right after baby Gio was born, but not only was my schedule extremely tight at that time, I also started to feel a little sick the day I was scheduled to leave Florida. I cancelled my flight and two days later, I tested positive for Covid-19.
Now, thanks to having been twice vaccinated and twice boosted, my symptoms were extremely mild, but not only would I not have been allowed anywhere near the hospital with a positive Covid test, I simply wasn’t going to risk bringing that problem to any of these newly expanded families.
I was happy to test negative a day or so after baby Maverick was born, but not only was I concerned about any lingering effects of the illness, I also worried that upon her return from the Tarheel State a few days earlier, Jannah (also twice-vaccinated and twice-boosted) could catch it from me and possibly infect any member of either of my sons’ families. So, it wasn’t until ten days after Maverick was born and a few days after Liam was born that I got to meet any of these new grandbabies.
And, while that was a little sad for me at that time, I do feel fortunate yet again that #1, Jannah never caught it from me; and #2, that this particular bout with the illness was mild, short and is already behind me.
So, even though my celebrating until a few days ago had to be from a distance, I am happy that it won’t be long before I get to meet Jannah’s new grandsons — as Lauren, Rosie and Gio and Michael, Caitlin and John will visit this month. In addition, now that I have gotten to meet both Maverick and Liam, I can say that I definitely now know what a blessed “Grampa G” I am.
After losing my father a few weeks ago, I am so fortunate to have the circle of life come full circle for me. Mine and Jannah’s children are happy, healthy and all have new bundles of joy for us to enjoy.
May God bless them all!
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I can remember the first-ever conversation I had with Graeme Woodbrook and Doug Wall about trying to bring a professional performing arts center to New Tampa. It was the year 2001 and Woodbrook and Wall (the founder of the New Tampa Players) were both on the original organizing committee and both of them told me they believed that one day, their shared vision would bear fruit.
Fast forward 22 years, to the evening of March 25, 2023, and even though Wall — who passed away in 2017 after battling pancreatic cancer — unfortunately didn’t live to see his Players take the stage at the sparkling new, 350-seat New Tampa Performing Arts Center (NTPAC), Woodbrook and I were both on hand to see the Players’ “Prelude & Recognition Performance” at their new home.
As new NTPAC general manager Keith Arsenault was proud to proclaim to that evening’s packed house, “Mission Accomplished!”
Arsenault, who we introduced in our last cover story about the NTPAC, said he has been involved in Tampa’s arts scene for 50 years, since his mother owned a ballet studio near the University of Tampa. He thanked Woodbrook, former Hillsborough County Commissioner (and State Senator)
Victor Crist and former Tampa City Council member (and State Rep.) Shawn Harrison, as well as original Players Lydia Macias, Jennifer Barnakow and Janine Hartfield (who is still a member of the theatre troupe today), current Players producing artistic director Nora Paine (“who is everywhere and doing everything,” he said) and, of course, Wall.
Arsenault, who called the NTPAC a “state-of-the-art” theatre, also said, “We also would not be here without the continuous efforts of (current Hillsborough County Commissioner) Ken Hagan,” who he then introduced as the evening’s next speaker.
Hagan, who said he has been involved in trying to bring the PAC to New Tampa for, “at least 15 years,” also thanked many of the same people — and especially focused on Wall.
“The theatre was Doug’s heart, soul and light,” Hagan said, quoting Wall’s cousin Neil Berg, himself a Broadway composer and producer. “We wouldn’t be here tonight if not for his
efforts. We realize Doug’s dream tonight!”
Hagan also noted and displayed a photo of a plaque created in Wall’s honor and memory that wasn’t quite finished in time for the “Prelude” performance, and mentioned that until the PAC was completed, the Players were a “theatre troupe without a home.”
Also speaking before the performance was Michelle Giles, the current chair of the Players’ Board of Directors, who presented Paine with a pre-performance floral bouquet.
The “Prelude & Recognition Performance” itself included almost 30 musical performances by the 13 current Players, interwoven with explanations of how the troupe’s shows are chosen, how the audition process works (including for directors and choreographers) and other ins and outs of the community theatre business.
The performances themselves were amazing and I’m sad that I don’t have room here to
hit all of the highlights, but here are a few:
Kyle Fisher’s “One Last Kiss” from “Bye Bye Birdie,” Janine Hartfield’s “No Time at All” from “Pippin,” Bri Filippelli’s “Do Re Mi” and the title song from “The Sound of Music,” Makayla Raines singing “Little Girls” and Olivia Carr’s “Tomorrow” from “Annie,” and “We Go Together” from “Grease” by the entire company. What a great night!
Speaking of “Grease,” that will be the first show produced by the Players at the NTPAC. As shown in the ad below, the auditions will be held at the Uptown Stage at University Mall on Monday & Tuesday, April 24-25, and all performers are welcome to try out at this open audition.
For more information, to volunteer and/or make donations to the New Tampa Players, visit
For questions about the NTPAC, email
In March, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor easily defeated a write-in opponent and New Tampa’s District 7 Tampa City Council member Luis Viera was re-elected without opposition to serve four more years, but that doesn’t mean that New Tampa residents have no reason to go to the polls for the City of Tampa Runoff Election on Tuesday, April 25.
In fact, Viera says that much more important than who you vote for is that you need to get out and vote. He says that no matter how hard he is willing to fight on City Council to fulfill — and fund —New Tampa’s needs, our community’s usually lower-than-the-rest-of-the-city voter turnout makes it harder for him to get things done.
“New Tampa has traditionally been considered somewhat apathetic when it comes to voting and that does make it harder for me to get other Council members to support the needs of this community.”
The numbers bear out Viera’s claims of voter apathy. In the 2019 Municipal Election, which included a hotly contested race for Mayor, the citywide turnout was 20.56%, but in New Tampa’s 17 precincts, it was only 16.8%. In the Runoff Election in Apr. 2019, which included the mayoral runoff won by Mayor Castor over David Straz, the turnout was even higher — 23.2% citywide and a reasonable 18.5% across New Tampa’s 17 precincts.
In this year’s Municipal Election, where Castor faced only write-in candidate (and New Tampa resident) Belinda Noah (whose name did not appear on the ballot), the citywide turnout was only 13.65%, but the turnout in New Tampa’s 21 precincts was less than half of that, at only 6.5%.
Viera says that despite the fact that there are only three citywide City Council seats — Districts 1, 2 and 3 (plus the District 6 runoff between current Dist. 2 Council member Charlie Miranda and Hoyt Prindle) — being contested at this year’s Runoff Election, he expects a citywide turnout of about 12%.
Viera says it would be great if New Tampa could beat that percentage at the runoff, and he says everyone should check out the campaign websites and social media pages of each of the six candidates shown on this page and cast votes for those who seem to best align with their own political philosophies.
Here’s a quick rundown of the three races in which New Tampa is eligible to vote:
District 1 — Dr. Sonja P. Brookins vs. Alan Clendenin
Dr. Brookins, a long-time educator, has served two years as an elected supervisor with the Hillsborough Soil & Water Conservation District and has been endorsed by the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay.
Clendenin, who has served in multiple positions for Democratic committees (includ-
ing first vice chair of the Florida Democratic Party), was a long-time air traffic control professional. He has been endorsed by the Tampa Bay Times, La Gaceta and Creative Loafing newspapers, the Tampa Police Benevolent Assn. and Tampa Firefighters 754 union, New Tampa’s State Rep. Fentrice Driskell, the Sierra Club and LGBTQ Victory Fund. District 2 — Robin Lockett vs. Guido Maniscalco
Lockett is the former president of the Hillsborough Democratic Black Caucus who has been a regular advocate for vulnerable people at City Council meetings, as well as an organizer with the Florida Rising progressive social advocacy group. She has been endorsed by Creative Loafing.
Maniscalco, the two-term Dist. 6 Council member (and current vice chair) who is running in Dist. 2 because of term limits, has been endorsed by the Tampa Bay Times, the
Greater Tampa Realtors, Tampa Firefighters 754, the Sierra Club and Equality Florida. District 3 — Janet Cruz vs. Lynn Hurtak Cruz, the former State Sen. who lost a tough race to Jay Collins in Nov., has been endorsed by the Tampa Bay Times, Mayor Castor and former Mayor Bob Buckhorn. Hurtak, the Dist. 3 incumbent, has been endorsed by Creative Loafing, La Gaceta, Florida LGBTQ+, Florida Rising, the Tampa Bay Progressive Caucus and Muslims for Democracy & Fairness.
District 7 Tampa City Council member Luis Viera says that he feels it’s necessary to host Town Hall meetings in K-Bar Ranch — New Tampa’s only major community that is still growing — at least twice each year.
“There’s so much growth happening in K-Bar, and the residents have so many critical needs when it comes to mobility, fire and public safety issues,” Viera told about a dozen K-Bar Ranch residents at his most recent Town Hall on Mar. 13. For that reason, he added that, “It’s important to bring as many city officials as possible — as often as possible — to K-Bar.
To that end, Viera brought with him Tampa Police Department (TPD) Dist.
2 Major Brett Owen, Tampa Fire rescue (TFR) District Chief Bob Brown and traffic safety coordinator William Porth from the city’s Transportation Mobility Dept.
Each of the speakers made a brief presentation and took questions from the residents in attendance at the meeting.
Here are some of the highlights of that Mar. 13 Town Hall event:
• Porth was the first speaker, as Viera said, “There’s always a new stop sign that needs to be added here,” and other transportation issues to deal with as K-Bar continues to grow. Porth mentioned that since the last time he visited New Tampa, “I have been named the construction project coordinator for the city’s ‘Vision Zero’ campaign,” which is working to reduce the number of traffic fatalities in the city to zero. It’s a lofty goal, but we’re going to continue to work on that.”
Porth also said that three new stop signs have been installed along K-Bar Ranch Pkwy., “which pretty soon, will connect through to Morris Bridge Rd.” He noted, however, that as the community gets closer to its build-out, “we may have to remove those stop signs.” Porth also said that the city is looking at increasing the speed limit on K-Bar Ranch Pkwy. from 30 to 35 miles per hour (mph), “because we agree that the speed limit is a little low, although if we raise it to 35, people will go at least 40 mph.” He also said the city is consider-
ing reducing the speed limit north of Pride Elementary to 15 mph.
In addition, Viera said he plans to meet soon with new Dist. 2 Pasco County Commissioner Seth Weightman (who replaced Mike Moore) regarding not only the Tampa-Hillsborough-Pasco connection at Kinnan St.-Mansfield Blvd., but also at two other planned road connections.
Also discussed was the possibility of adding a stop sign or, preferably (according to Porth) a traffic signal where Live Oak Preserve residents access Kinnan St.
• Viera also mentioned that of the 24 TFR stations in the city, four of the six stations located in New Tampa’s 33647 zip code, “have the city’s slowest response times.” TFR’s Brown mentioned that $1 million of the city’s public safety funding has been spent in New Tampa, including what is known as a “heavy rescue unit” at Station No. 21 on Cross Creek Blvd., “so we don’t have to wait for the unit downtown to be able to cut people out of their vehicles.” Stations 23 (in the Grand Hampton area) and 21 also have had their Basic Life Support ambulances replaced with upgraded Advanced Life Support units.
• Meanwhile, TPD’s Owen said that although there is “almost no crime out here” in New Tampa, “most of the calls we get are either about people speeding or kids going through people’s yards.” He also noted that there has been “about a minute increase in response times here, which may not seem like a lot, but it is a concern for us that we’re working to correct.”
• Viera also talked about the opening of one of his pet projects — the New Tampa All-Abilities Park in Tampa Palms — as well as the fact that there is land that is owned by the city in K-Bar that could become a new park, but it would be operated by the county. “But, I do believe New Tampa needs more city-run parks out here,” he said.
He also mentioned that the repaving of Tampa Palms Blvd. has begun and that New Tampa Blvd. in West Meadows will be next. And finally, Viera noted how important it is for all New Tampa residents to cast a ballot in the upcoming Municipal Runoff Election on April 25 (see story on pg. 6), where three citywide City Council seats will be filled.
Although no decision was reached and there was no word as to when Judge Christopher C. Nash of Hillsborough County’s 13th Judicial Circuit Court would render a decision, the ongoing legal battle between defendant Leslie Green of the Save Pebble Creek group and Pebble Creek Golf Club owners Bill Place and his ACE Golf has had its first day in court.
As we reported last issue, Place’s suit says that Green has defamed him and interfered with his ability to sell the shuttered golf course to developer GL Homes, which has filed plans with Hillsborough County to build 251 homes on 149-acre site. Green, who filed a countersuit in May 2022, is now seeking to have Place’s original suit dismissed under Florida’s Anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) statute.
After hearing more than two hours of testimony on both sides of the issue on March 8, Judge Nash said he needed “more time” to consider both sides of the argument, although no timeline was given for the judge to render a decision in the case.
Despite Place’s claims in his lawsuit that Green has engaged in “a campaign of harassment and dissemi-
nation of blatant falsehoods,” she said after the hearing, “Everything I’ve said is the truth. It (Place’s lawsuit) is meant to silence me and everyone else who fears being sued as well.”
At our press time, Judge Nash had still not rendered his decision, but Green explained that if he rules in Place’s favor and dismisses Green’s claims that the
suit violates the anti-SLAPP statute in Florida, a trial to determine whether or not Green did defame and interfere with Place’s right to sell or develop his property would still have to follow.
However, if the Judge rules in favor of Green and dismisses Place’s lawsuit, the Save Pebble Creek group could continue its efforts to prevent
the former golf course from being redeveloped.
“We believe that adding more houses to Pebble Creek will adversely affect our quality of life,” Green said.
And, despite Place’s claims that those who support Green, a 30-year Pebble Creek resident, and her cause are nothing but a “vocal minority” of Pebble Creek residents, she said, “We literally have had hundreds of our neighbors who have signed our petitions and tell us that they support our efforts, which are continuing. We continue to host peaceful demonstrations and have a lot of people waving signs that we want to save our community.”
She added that Place’s ongoing efforts to stop the Save Pebble Creek group has definitely made it harder for the group to recruit additional people, “But, we’re not giving up. It’s been an expensive fight for me, but I know we’re in the right.”
The group’s website and its Facebook page post updates on its upcoming events and also relates stories of other golf course communities that have successfully fought redevelopment, including Walden Lake Golf Club in Plant City and Bardmoor Golf & Tennis Club in Seminole.
Pasco County finally has the land it needs to widen Wesley Chapel Blvd. from a two-lane to a six-lane road. Now all the county needs is a final plan.
The county completed the needed right-of-way acquisition for the longplanned project in January, and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is working on the final reviews of the design plans, according to county spokeswoman Tambrey Laine.
“As soon as those reviews are complete (likely by the end of March), we’ll be able to move forward with the bidding process,” Laine told the Neighborhood News.
Construction could begin as soon as this fall, and will take approximately three years to complete.
When the widening project has been completed, Wesley Chapel Blvd. (also known as C.R. 54) will be a sixlane roadway from north of S.R. 56 (near the Cypress Creek Town Center) to I-75, near The Grove.
Of course, the name Wesley Chapel Blvd. — which has been known as much more of a country road connecting Land O’Lakes to the fledgling Wesley Chapel and ultimately, to Zephyrhills prior to the opening of S.R. 56 — is something of a misnomer, as most of the developments on both sides of the road that actually travels north and south (even though it is labeled as an east-west road) are actually located within either Lutz or Land O’Lakes zip codes.
Also located off of Wesley Chapel Blvd. is the North Tampa Aero Park, the small (one-runway) private airport that used to host a popular annual air show. The more popular the air show became, the worse the traffic snarled throughout the Lutz/Wesley Chapel area. The last year the air show was
held, people were stranded on Wesley Chapel Blvd. for several hours.
At a Pasco County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) meeting on May 23, 2017, meeting, the commissioners approved a County Incentive Grant Program Agreement with FDOT for the right-of-way acquisition for the project. The estimated right-of-way costs were $11,718,400, with FDOT contributing half, or $5,859,200.
The construction phase of the Wesley Chapel Blvd. project is estimated to cost $36,392,250, with FDOT agreeing to fund $5,733,308 of that. Including the design costs and right-of-way acquisitions, the total estimated cost of the project is $50.8 million.
The widening will include a six-lane “urban typical section,” with a sidewalk, bicycle lanes, a multi-use path, lighting, and new signals at the intersections at Stagecoach Village Blvd. (the entrance to the Stagecoach Village subdivision, which became an active traffic signal a few months ago), at Compark Dr. and Grand Oaks Blvd. (the latter of which has been in existence for several years).
The project will be constructed in two parts. One part will widen Wesley Chapel Blvd. from north of S.R. 56 to Magnolia Blvd., which is just south of Amici’s Pizza (see map above).
The second phase will widen from just north of Magnolia Blvd. to north of Old Pasco Rd. That portion will include the addition of two new lanes in a 48” median to tie into the existing six lanes to the east and proposed six lanes to the south.
The idea of widening Wesley Chapel Blvd. was considered as far back as 2003, when there was an initial study to widen it to four lanes. But, later studies showed that would not be enough to accommodate the growth in the area
on both side of the road.
Business on both ends of Wesley Chapel Blvd. has exploded in recent years, with the development of the Cypress Creek Town Center to the south and The Grove to the north. But, in between, new businesses and apartment and townhome communities continue to sprout up.
There is a lot of additional expansion at the Cypress Creek Town Center development both north and south of S.R. 56. PopStroke opened last month, Academy Sports + Outdoors is being built next to PopStroke and a 260-unit luxury apartment complex, Maeva, is under construction just north of those two large businesses (as well as Total Wine & More). Maeva is expected to open around September.
On the west side of Wesley Chapel Blvd. north of S.R. 56, a 42,000-sq.-ft. Harley-Davidson dealership is nearing completion,and there also are plans for a 5,000-sq.-ft. restaurant on the same site, although we hadn’t heard if any restaurant has yet claimed that available space.
North of Harley-Davidson, the Cypress Bend Professional Park also is under construction. While none of the tenants have yet been named, the complex is being built on nine acres and will include 23 buildings ranging in size from 2,612 sq. ft. to 5,868 sq. ft. The entire Cypress Bend Professional
Park project will be 74,172 sq. ft. Other projects — including a storage unit, Valvoline oil change facility, small businesses in the plazas that dot the boulevard on the drive from I-75 to (and even south of) S.R. 56 – continue to pop up. For example, although vertical construction has not yet begun, Rodizio Brazilian Steak House (see pg. 14) has filed papers to build next to At Home.
And, if Wesley Chapel has proven anything over the last few years, de -
velopment along Wesley Chapel Blvd. isn’t likely to slow down.
The long-awaited and often-teased miniature golf course at The Grove is, dare we say, just about ready to open.
Ryan Mortti, the owner of Grove Mini Golf, says that after a number of supply chain issues, permitting obstacles and other delays — not to mention a few premature announcements of an impending opening on Facebook — the putt-putt course is now expected to open on Saturday, April 15.
“We definitely stressed ourselves to get here,” Mortti says, “but, you know, we’re making it to the finish line. Obviously, we always wish it could have been a little faster. Nobody wishes it would have been faster more than we do.”
The 18-hole mini-golf course is located near the B&B Theatres Wesley Chapel, which at one point was called The Grove Theater, and in tandem with the golf course was going to be the centerpiece of The Grove reclamation project.
Back when Mortti first came up with the concept, the planned Grove Mini Golf had no competition. It was going to fill a hole in Wesley Chapel.
But then, the Covid pandemic created a host of issues, and two years later, PopStroke, the new Tiger Woods-co-owned miniature golf course, announced it was coming to town.
PopStroke, which is corporate-owned, opened last month to rave reviews and large crowds. But, Mortti says Grove Mini Golf is a family owned, even more familyfriendly venture.
“We’ve definitely changed a lot of things once we knew we were competing with Tiger Woods,” Mortti says. “That’s not your typical competitor.”
But, while PopStroke promises two 18-hole courses that are intended to simulate putting on real golf courses, Grove Mini Golf is a much more traditional putt-putt course, and has gone through a number of design changes since Mortti first heard the Woodsdesigned PopStroke was coming.
Some of those changes including adding larger visual features, including volcanoes and large waterfalls and plenty of water
features throughout the course. Mortti says the planned waterfalls became more prominent in the design, and more water in general was added. The course, which Mortti says is designed to have a “tropical feel,” even has a few rivers running around and through some of the holes. On one hole, you can putt your ball into one of the running rivers, which actually will carry the ball towards the hole.
And, Mortti says, nine of the 18 holes are required to be Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant, but he went ahead and designed all 18 holes to be ADA compliant.
Like PopStroke, which is free of all the trappings of your traditional miniature golf course, Grove Mini Golf also offers no windmills, although there features like bridges and family-friendly design elements like marine animal sculptures. There are few moving parts, but large boulders and wooden posts are the only obstacles keeping your ball from the hole. The large fireshooting volcano and waterfalls are all there only to add to the atmosphere.
There are plenty of tiki-hut-style places to grab some shade, numerous mister fans
and the course will likely have drink and snack stations set up at certain holes as well. “All of the moving water also helps keep the course a lot cooler,” Mortti says. “We want you to stay comfortable.”
Mortti is especially excited about the lighting, which he says he had to have special ordered. Each hole is outlined by LED strips which can be programmed for a number of different effects, like colors chasing each other or fading in and out.
“The typical LED lighting is like 60, 80 or 100 LED lights per three feet,” Mortti says. “The lights we have are 720 (lights) per three feet….And you can do a lot of cool features with that lighting at nighttime. The playability is going to be pretty cool.”
While PopStroke was designed by TGR, Woods’ golf course design firm, Mortti says that Grove Mini Golf may appeal more to families and younger players.
“I worked with a mini-golf guy who’s built courses for 30 years,” Mortti said. “I had him send me a list of like 100 courses he built. And I just picked some of the best holes from each of those courses and then made ours kind of off of the history of all
his courses. And obviously, we changed and tweaked it all a little bit.”
When it comes to food, Grove Mini Golf is definitely simpler and more old school. PopStroke offers an actual restaurant and sports bar with full liquor, while Mortti chose more scaled-down gastronomic options like burgers, chicken sandwiches, personal pizzas and nachos, plus ice cream and snow cones, to name a few, that can be eaten on benches outside or taken on the course.
“We’re perfect for kids’ birthday parties,” Mortti says.
Grove Mini Golf also will offer beer and wine for adults.
Mortti and his crew are hustling to put the final touches on Grove Mini Golf. The greens are already playable, but the LED lights were being finalized at our press time.
“I’m excited,” he says. “We’re definitely more geared towards that family experience, and I think everybody will have fun coming here.”
Grove Mini Golf is located at 6201 Wesley Grove Blvd. For more information, call (813) 815-7888 or visit
James Kist says he truly enjoys walking into the Palms Pharmacy in The Shoppes at The Pointe plaza in Tampa Palms, just south of the Bruce B. Downs Blvd. exit off I-75.
So much so, that when he was recently asked if he wanted a 30-day supply of his prescription or a 90-day supply, he says he would take the 30-day supply so he could come back more often.
“It’s such a pleasure walking in the door and being called by your first name,” Kist says.
That’s exactly what owner and Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Shahida Choudhry envisioned when she opened Palms Pharmacy nearly seven years ago.
Dr. Choudhry was determined to create a place that felt different from a typical chain pharmacy, a place where she knew her customers by name and gave them specialized, concierge service — like what they would have expected from a neighborhood pharmacy decades ago.
Kist says he knows those neighborhood pharmacies better than most.
“My father had a retail drug store for 50 years, so I’m used to personalized service,” says Kist, a local CPA who has served New Tampa for the past three decades. “At Palms Pharmacy, they are professional and truly care about you.”
He remembers a time he asked a question, got an answer and left, thinking the conversation was over. An hour later, his phone rang and the pharmacist was providing additional details she had researched after he left.
As a CPA, Kist says he has wondered, “How do they make any money?
I’m surprised at how low the prices are.”
He says the service is so excellent, he would gladly pay more for his prescriptions and other products, but that’s not necessary at Palms Pharmacy.
Dr. Choudhry says that’s the kind of service her customers have come to expect. If they have a problem, she and her staff will work to find ways to solve it.
For example, in the wake of postCovid production and other supply issues (and other factors), some medications have become very hard to come by.
She says for some patients, she often can help them find medications that aren’t available at other pharmacies. For other patients who absolutely cannot get a medication they need that isn’t available anywhere on the market, she tries to find innovative solutions.
“We have really grown our section of supplements for kids and adults who suffer from ADHD,” she says, referring to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Adderall, a popular ADHD medication is completely unavailable nationwide right now. “If you can’t get your meds and want to try an alternative, or you’re just curious about what products are out there, come on in.”
She recommends that patients talk with their physicians, as well, but says they can get a lot of information to discuss with their doctors by coming in to Palms Pharmacy and learning about what’s on their shelves “We’re trying to be innovative,” she says.
On a national scale, Dr. Choudhry has been recognized for her innovative ways. She recently won an award for being one of the “Most Influential People in Pharmacy” by the Pharmacy Podcast Network. She came in at number five, ahead of national CEOs and others says she was impressed just to be ranked among them.
Since the award is voted on by her peers in the business, it was especially meaningful to her.
She says that it’s not so much that she appreciates the accolades, but because she’s truly trying to offer her customers something better than what they get at the big retailers.
For example, Palms Pharmacy offers on-site compounding to make your medications to custom specifications, such as low-dose Naltrexone (to manage alcohol or opioid use disorder and hormone replacement therapy.
The store also now specializes in diabetic and endocrinology supplies, including being a preferred pharmacy for the continuous glucose monitoring system, DexCom.
And, Palms Pharmacy still offers curbside pickup for anyone who would prefer to stay in their car, rather than walking into the pharmacy.
The staff has grown to 12 people and now supports a second location, called One Source Pharmacy, in Westchase. This location has a partnership with One Source Medical Group, which helps diabetic patients get needed supplies that may not be covered under a pharmacy insurance group to get those supplies through their medical insurance.
Dr. Choudhry opened Palms Pharmacy in 2016, after 10 years as the pharmacist at the Publix in Tampa Palms. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy, then went on to receive her Pharm.D. degree in 2001, both from Long Island University in Brooklyn, NY.
“We enjoy what we do and really appreciate our customers,” Dr. Choudhry says. “We know you can go anywhere, so if you’re willing to park your car and come through our doors, we’re going to try to do a little bit extra to make you
feel welcome.”
Dr. Choudhry says at-home Covid tests will no longer be covered by insurance after May 11.
“Make sure you have Covid tests at home,” she says. “Covid is not going away. It’s more controllable now because when people get it, they stay home, but you will still want to be able to test for it.”
Come in to Palms Pharmacy before May 11 and the staff will help you get four or eight take-home Covid tests at no cost to you, if it’s covered by your insurance. If you’re not sure if it’s covered, feel free to call or text (phone numbers below) or come in so the staff can help you.
Palms Pharmacy also stocks the anti-viral treatment Paxlovid and the antiinflammatory Medrol often prescribed by doctors with it for their Covid-positive patients.
The front of Palms Pharmacy features niche products that make fantastic gifts, including locally-sourced soaps, candles and honey, plus fun candy and snacks. A popular product called “Warmies” are soft animals stuffed with lavender. They can be heated in the microwave for 30 seconds and may help your child sleep or can be
used as a heating pad. These are just a few items that may make a nice surprise in an Easter basket, for a loved one’s birthday, on Mother’s Day, as a hostess gift, and for countless other occasions.
Palms Pharmacy is located at 17008 Palm Pointe Dr., Tampa, and is open Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Call (813) 252-9063, text Palm Pharmacy’s secure text-only line at (727) 513-3210. For more info, see the ad on pg. 37 of this issue or visit Follow Palms Pharmacy on Instagram and/ or Facebook.
Raymond Homsi has one goal in mind when a customer is in need of his services — and that is to get the customer’s Oriental rug looking as nice as it did the day it was purchased.
That means cleaning it and/or repairing it, but either way, Homsi says he and his team at Oriental Rug Care, which is located on Johns Rd. in the Town & Country area of Tampa, is your best choice to get the job done right.
Homsi has been in the rug business for more than a decade, even previously owning his own Oriental rug shop, and has always specialized in restoring the beautiful colors while protecting the intricate designs of Oriental rugs.
He says that cleaning the rugs is the most popular request by his customers. Oriental rugs are often handmade and also are often very expensive/valuable. The rugs can be family heirlooms, or even investments, depending upon the quality. So, a yearly cleaning can be pretty important, although Homsi says a deep cleaning from Oriental Rug Care can last 2-4 years.
“Each rug is treated differently, depending upon the contents of the rug (which are sometimes made of delicate
materials, like silk), and depending on the colors,” Homsi says. “If it’s handmade, it’s a different process we use, but there are all sorts of different processes and different products. It all depends upon the rug.”
The care taken by Oriental Rug Care helps preserve many of the quali-
ties of the rug, and is especially useful for people who have pets that may pee or chew on the rug.
“An amazing rug cleaning company,” says one of the 5-Star reviews on “Staff came to my house and gave me a quote for cleaning my four oriental rugs. Price was right and
the turnaround was quick. I love the way my rugs came out and I highly recommend this company for any of your rug cleanings.”
While you can certainly try to clean your own rug, there is a danger of disrupting the distinctive patterns and even dulling some of the deep, rich colors associated with Oriental rugs — and some fabrics are more easily damaged than others.
“Regular carpeting is just something that is synthetic and very basic and when they get cleaned out, it’s with heavy pressure washing machines or a truck mount or whatever,” Homsi says. “This is not what we do. We don’t apply heavy water, we don’t apply pressure water. Because that kind of leaves a little bit of, you know, smell and mold. We use a lot of scrubbing from the foam that we create from our natural products.”
While there may not be a school someone goes to in order to learn the art of the cleaning, Homsi says these skills are generally learned through
many years of practice and experience.
“Years and years,” Homsi says. “Our guys are very experienced. You learn as you go. And you know, you’re working with so many different types of rugs that you just accumulate that knowledge.”
Oriental Rug Care also will attack pet odors and stain removal, provide sanitizing and deodorizing and also help with unwanted colors that may be the result of heavy traffic.
And not only that, Oriental Rug Care will come out to your home and give you a free estimate. If you decide to use their service, they will pick the rug up and return it to you when your service has been completed.
Homsi says the time between pickup and drop off can be weeks for some companies, but Oriental Rug Care says they usually can have your rug back in 7-10 days.
“I think that’s where we stand out in the crowd,” Homsi says. “Even though we’re a small company, the main thing I hear from my clients is that our turnaround is very, very good and very fast…We’re very organized. We work on the rugs as soon as we get them.”
Cleaning rugs is just one part of the Oriental Rug Care business. Homsi says he has master rug weavers on staff who can repair even the most delicate Oriental rugs.
That includes repairing or replacing rug fringes, altering the rug size, restoring faded colors, fixing holes or rips or even rebinding the sides to give your rug a few added years of life.
“My rug was too long for the hallway and I called Ray — he is full of energy and knowledge,” wrote one of Oriental Rug Care’s customers. “He returned my call, showed up on time, gave me a fair quote to trim the rug’s length, remove the antiquated frills, clean it thoroughly and attach leather bonding to the underbelly. (He) kept me updated often, texting pics, and
If you have both a pet and a valuable Oriental rug at home, you probably will need to call oriental Rug Care.
even delivered the rugs himself!”
Oriental Rug Care is located at 6101 Johns Rd., Ste 9, in Tampa. It is open Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. If you mention this story or the ad on pg. 32 of this issue, you can receive 25% off any service. For more information, call (727) 377-9577, or visit
Your home’s rain gutters may not be high on your list when it comes to home improvement or maintenance. But, Florida is one of the rainiest states in the country with an average rainfall of 40-60 inches per year, so it may be more important than you think.
“If you don’t have gutters, you are risking water damage to your home’s foundation,” says Taylor Gardner, the owner of Taylor Gardner Gutters & Exteriors. “If you have gutters and neglect them, that’s actually more of a disadvantage, as you risk standing water collecting and building up right against your roof.”
Taylor Gardner Gutters & Exteriors is a family-owned business with more than 31 years of experience in installing and repairing residential and commercial gutters. The business was first started in Lutz by Taylor’s father Ed Gardner, and was officially transitioned to Taylor (a Wharton High graduate) in 2019 after Ed passed away. In 2021, the business expanded and the office was moved to U.S. Hwy 41 in Land O’ Lakes.
In addition to working on gutters, Taylor Gardner Gutters also can repair soffits and fascia, which are the supporting structures for gutters located behind the gutters and underneath the roof. The company also performs gutter cleanings and leaf guard installations, screen room installations, and
even window replacements. Taylor Gardner Gutters can reroute underground water drainage away from a building’s foundation towards preferred locations, such as private ponds, sidewalks or sewers.
Taylor, a U.S. Marine for nine years who served in Iraq and later earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Business Administration from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, has been involved in the business since childhood. Assisting his dad in his youth, he remembers that the early days of the business consisted of “me and Dad and one truck and one trailer.” Today, Taylor is the leader of five gutter crews and three soffit and fascia crews with 15 employees and 10-15 others in partnership.
Improving water drainage around your home can have so many benefits.
“Our customers’ homes can vary from a 30-year-old house in New Tampa to a newly constructed house in Wesley Chapel to a mansion built over swamp land,” says Taylor. “Houses settle over time, causing cracks in walls and stucco, allowing water
to move underneath the house. Windows are intentional cracks in the foundation for light and ventilation, but mold and mildew can grow there too. With tiles and wooden floors, spots can pop up as water gets in. Sometimes swamps are drained, clay is put on top and homes are built on top of that, but the water table (the boundary between groundwater and dry land) is already high, and it will move up in crevices.”
He adds, “Sometimes homes already have gutters, but they are neglected and that’s actually a worse situation. Blocked gutters keep standing water against the
house, weighing the gutters down with hundreds or even thousands of pounds of water, leaves and debris easily. That can lead to cracked fascia and roof leaks.”
Taylor also says that gutters can even add unexpected aesthetic appeal. Copper gutters can last up to 100 years and add a beautiful shining element to the outside of the home. Half-round gutters were more common in older homes and can add a more traditional look. Rain guards are alternatives to gutters that use long chains to redirect rainfall. With more than 20 different colors to choose from, your gutter
color and style can vary from subtle to bold. While the company serves locations in Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, Hernando, and Polk counties, Taylor says, “Hillsborough and Pasco counties are our bread and butter.” In fact, as Hillsborough and Pasco counties continue to grow, Taylor says his business is growing right alongside them.
“We work directly with GL Homes, the builders for The Ridge and Winding Ridge communities in Wesley Chapel,” he says, “and with the new construction by the former Pebble Creek golf course, to install all of the gutters for their properties.”
Taylor recommends spring as the best time to consult a gutter professional, especially for gutter cleaning. Taylor Gardner Gutters offers free gutter estimates. In anticipation of the rainy season from May to October, the company currently is offering a special rate of 15% off leaf guard products, such as Leaf Blaster Pro and Leaf Relief, which can block leaves and debris from entering gutters and creating blockages.
“Gutters are the least expensive upgrade you can do to improve the value of your house,” says Taylor. “It generally costs less than painting your whole home, getting floors done, or getting new landscaping.”
Taylor Gardner Gutters & Exteriors is located at 6202 Land O’Lakes Blvd. The office is open Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. For more info, visit, call (813) 515-0844, see the ad on pg. 39 or visit the company’s pages on Facebook and Instagram.
When Olympic track and field athlete Marco Arop took home the bronze medal in the men’s 800-meter race at the 2022 World Championships in Eugene, Oregon, he says he felt lucky to have Licensed Massage Therapist Ewaldson Francois, LMT — who goes by Francois — at the meet with him.
“Francois traveled with a group of us, and every one of us medaled at Worlds,” Marco says. “That’s pretty impressive.”
The group met Francois when he was the massage therapist for the athletics department at Mississippi State University (MSU) in Starkville.
Now, Francois has opened a new business in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel area, as he and his family have moved here for the long term.
His business is called Empowered For Performance Massage, and Francois currently works out of a suite at Barefoot Massage, located in the New Tampa Professional Park in Pebble Creek. He is available to help athletes of any caliber, as well as those who are looking for relief from long-term pain.
“He’s really special as a therapist,” Marco says, “not only in the techniques
and his ability, but also in his dedication.”
Marco says Francois is always eager to learn and try new techniques and that his sessions with Francois have become a huge part of Marco’s career.
“I’ve seen a lot of improvement over the last year,” Marco says. “It’s not just keeping me healthy, but also build-
ing strength through new techniques. I have to give him credit for a lot of my accomplishments.”
Francois’ background is in sports massage and medical massage, helping people who suffer from chronic pain, and also helping athletes with recovery from injuries, increasing performance and muscle
balancing. He is certified to provide not only those types of massage, but also myofascia release (manipulation of the tough membranes that wrap, connect and support muscles) and manual lymphatic drainage (to stimulate lymph system flow).
As a kid growing up, Francois says his aunt always asked him to massage her feet.
“I realized how much it helped her and how much I enjoyed it,” he says, “so I developed a love and passion for massage.”
At that time, though, Francois never considered that it could become a career.
Out of high school, he joined the U.S. Navy and worked in the medical field. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, he decided to extend his stay in the military to “do his part.” At that time, his sister went to massage school and the seed of an idea was planted for what Francois might do after leaving the military.
While stationed in Virginia and working nights as an x-ray technician at Portsmouth Naval Hospital, he began going to massage school during the day. He graduated with an Associate’s degree from a program at ECPI University. It was at that time that Francois left the military and met his wife, Martisa. He moved to Mississippi, where she was a teacher.
Francois began his massage career at a spa in Mississippi but quickly realized
that wasn’t for him. Instead, he began working with the athletes of the track and field team at MSU. He then worked with the football team — traveling with them for two seasons — and eventually worked with all of the sports teams in the university’s athletic department.
He then started his own business, called Golden Triangle Massage Therapy, in 2016.
“I wanted to work for myself and had the desire to be an entrepreneur,” he says. “I wasn’t scared of the hard work that comes with it.”
But, Francois and Martisa knew they didn’t want to stay in Mississippi forever, so they began looking for the perfect home to begin the next chapter of their lives together. Their search brought them to the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area, where they plan to raise their daughters, five-yearold Olivia and three-year-old Hosanna.
Now, Francois works with athletes from the high school level to college and professional, and with weekend warriors such as triathletes and cross-fit athletes.
“Anyone who takes their body to the extreme limit,” he says, “my job is to help you recover so you can get the most out of your workouts.”
He says that often starts with deep tissue massage to increase blood circulation. He also is certified in what is called “muscle activation therapy” to make sure the smaller muscles are working as well
as the larger ones. Francois explains that this therapy is personalized based on the individual anatomy of each athlete and how their muscles get fatigued.
Francois also helps people who aren’t athletic, too, especially those suffering from chronic pain. “My goal is not just to fix the problem, but also to find out what’s causing the problem,” he says, “which could be simple things in day-to-day living.”
He says he has helped people discover the source of their migraines and other headaches, as well as sciatica and other chronic pain — whether it’s the way you sit, how you hold the steering wheel, if you’re always looking down at your phone,
or if your home office isn’t set up with proper ergonomics.
Francois adds that he’s helped many people who were hopeless and thought they could never do certain things again.
“Muscle pain — chronic pain especially — takes so much out of your quality of life,” says Francois. “The doctor will tell you that you need a muscle relaxer or surgery, but that’s not always the answer.”
He says he can’t always explain exactly how he knows how to help people. “It’s a gift,” he says. “I put my hands on somebody and their body lets me know what it needs. Things just make sense to me.”
Jeanie Dale is another client who highly recommends Francois. After playing a lot of sports at a younger age, she started feeling the wear and tear on her body in her early 60s, and she developed gait issues during the healing process after a knee surgery.
“He’s gotten it back to normal,” Jeannie says. “I had to re-strengthen muscles that had lost strength and he
definitely helped me. With Francois, massages are not just relaxing — they’re more therapeutic.”
Jeanie says Francois already is tremendously missed in Mississippi, and Marco Arop, the Olympic athlete, agrees.
“I don’t know if other athletes have the same experience,” he says, “but I feel really lucky to have worked with him.”
Empowered For Performance
Massage Therapy is located at 8905 Regents Park Dr., inside Barefoot Massage, at the New Tampa Professional Park in Pebble Creek. For more info or to make an appointment, call or text Francois at (813) 461-4591. Or, see the ad on pg. 37 of this issue.
In case you missed it, there is a local natural grocery and vitamin market very close to your neighborhood. If you’re interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, buying natural groceries and/or getting knowledgeable, friendly and helpful service while shopping for your health needs, you’re in luck — Nutrition Smart is located right down the street from you, on Bruce B Downs Blvd., just south of S.R. 56, in Wesley Chapel.
Nutrition Smart has long excelled at creating an enjoyable place to shop with competitive prices. CEO Yuda Saban explains, “We are committed to providing the community with an option for healthy living.”
Are you super busy or just prefer ordering online? Not a problem. Nutrition Smart offers both local delivery and curbside pickup.
Here are just some of the things you will find in the Wesley Chapel store:
• Fresh all-organic produce
• Natural groceries
• High-quality vitamins & nutritional supplements
• Sports nutrition
• Natural pet care
• Herbs
• Bulk foods
• Raw milk
• Hemp & CBD products
• Aromatherapy
• Homeopathy
• Health & beauty care products
• Household products
• And more — at affordable prices. What makes Nutrition Smart different than the rest?
• The health of Nutrition Smart’s customers really matters to the management of each store and its staff. So, it is the top priority for all of them to provide personalized service to everyone who walks in the door, in order to help them find the right products for their lifestyle.
• Nutrition Smart has been serving the local community for 13 years — featuring an extensive, “niche” selection
of healthy living essentials you can’t typically find at other markets.
• Nutrition Smart also offers so many ways to save! Active and veteran military members, first responders, nurses and teachers all receive 10% off their purchases all day, every day. On Tuesdays, seniors (ages 55 & older) also receive 10% off. You also can sign up for Nutrition Smart’s Email Club, Text Club & and Loyalty Rewards Programs for even more savings.
Don’t forget — the store offers weekly and monthly sales, consisting of tons of BOGO options. They even price-match their competitors!
And, now that the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic appears to be behind us, the store is re-introducing educational seminars on everything from meditation to juicing and also will be making appearances at community events like the Hunter’s Green 5K road race that was held last month.
For more information, visit or call the store at (813) 341-4444. And please, stop in and see for yourself at 1821 BBD Blvd. You can even save 20% off your next purchase when you use the coupon in the ad that appears on pg. 31 of this issue.
Health Occupations Students of America, aka HOSA-Future Health Professionals, is a global student-led organization that actively promotes career opportunities in the health industry, and four New Tampa-area residents who all attend Strawberry Crest High in Dover and participate in the school’s International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme have created “Project Pink” to raise awareness about breast cancer.
Strawberry Crest sophomores Elizabeth Chettipally, Aditi Nair, Anika Prasad, and Netra Vijay (photo) will participate in HOSA’s Community Awareness competition by focusing on breast cancer, which affects more than 250,000 women (killing about 42,000) each year in the U.S. alone.
“Our team first felt the urge to raise awareness for breast cancer when we saw how fiercely one of our team member’s family (members) fought against breast cancer,” Anika wrote in the Crest Critique. “Being females and students, we saw the lack of education and awareness of breast cancer in our community and decided to make a change.”
To begin their quest to raise community awareness of breast cancer, the four friends spoke to Archana Nair, RN, an advisor in the Breast Clinic at the Moffitt Cancer Center, and Shilpa Sachdev, MD, an internal medicine specialist in Wauchula, FL. They also met with Shreya Shivan, a student at the
“Through these discussions, our team realized that the subject of breast cancer is extremely personal, and a strong support system is needed by women survivors to reclaim feminine identity,” Anika wrote.
In October — also known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month — the quartet began their efforts by staging a “Pink Out” (getting students at their school to wear pink, including the cheerleaders at the Strawberry Crest football game that night). They also participated in the Cory Lake Isles Unity Walk in November.
“I feel like that even though a lot of people know about breast cancer, when it comes to the facts, to the details, we’re all lacking,” Netra says. “There’s also a lot of stigmatization about breast cancer because, when you talk about someone’s breasts, it’s a very taboo topic in our society, so I feel like it’s something people need to know about before the diagnosis.”
Anika adds, “We also want people to know that just because you’re diagnosed, it doesn’t mean it’s the end. We just want to spread hope to them.”
The group also will participate in Dr. Helene Robinson’s “Hugs from Heaven for Sister Warriors” breast cancer awareness podcast. Dr. Robinson is a faculty member at USF’s Sarasota-Manatee campus.
In addition, the friends recently hosted a HOPE Kit packing party (photos), in
partnership with the National Breast Cancer Foundation — with donated items, such as makeup, wrist bands, notebooks, travel mugs and other “goodies” — that will be mailed to women who are struggling with breast cancer across the country.
Their school reposted the announcements the girls made on their Instagram about the packing party and also has allowed them to set up tables in the school’s library and talk with other students after school assemblies. They also were permitted to broadcast the “Pink Out” at the end-of-the-day announcements for a week before that event. The school’s Student Government Assn. and PTSA also helped spread the word about the girls’ efforts.
And, while there are more than 100 HOSA students at Strawberry Crest, the
four friends are the only ones participating in the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign. They all will travel to Orlando April 13-16 to participate in the State of Florida Leadership Conference for HOSA, where they will make a presentation about their project.
For more info, visit “Project Pink” on Instagram, “CrestProjectPink/Videos” on YouTube or
Congratulations to the North Tampa Athletic Association (NTAA) on the opening last month of another season of Little League Baseball! Shown here (right) is Erik Wangsness, the CEO of AdventHealth Wesley Chapel — a proud major sponsor of the NTAA — throwing out the season’s first pitch and below is Varin Koschmeder trying to advance from second to third on an infield grounder. — GN
When we last updated you about everything happening at The KRATE at The Grove Container Park, The Chicken Boss had not yet opened next to The Bacon Boss HQ.
Since then, Bacon Boss owners Josh & Christy Norland’s new Chicken Boss (top right photo) has opened and they have another local favorite on their hands. The Chicken Boss’ nicely spiced, handbreaded tenders (bottom right), new chicken sandwiches and waffle fries are served hot and crispy, the chicken is juicy inside and there also are several tasty house-made sauces from which to choose.
Also now open, in something of a surprise, is Top That! Pizza & More. The surprising part is that Top That! opened so quickly — and still carries many of the same food items — in the former location of The Fry Room, although its new menu items — including some really good NY-style pizza and wings — have replaced The Fry Room’s popular (and tasty) apple cider donuts.
Another newcomer at the KRATEs, in the former location of the
shuttered Tonella’s Flowers, is MM Kicks, which owner (and long-time “kicks” collector) Will Mendez (photo on next page) says is your place to buy, sell and trade vintage and sought-after sneakers.
With the impending release this month of “Air,” the Matt Damon/Ben Affleck movie about how Nike built its athletic shoe brand around one man — Michael Jordan, of course — MM Kicks is likely to get an instant boost in popularity.
In other news from the KRATEs, neither the new Blush Champagne Bar (above) next to Urban Sweets (in the former location of CenterEd tutoring center), nor the Tutti-Frutti Café (in the former location of Valiart Designs/ Jewelry, next to Life Essentials Refillery) were quite ready to open, but both were hopefully only a couple of weeks away from doing so.
And finally, when we told you about the new 3Eleven Aroma candlemaking shop in the KRATEs, we neglected to tell you that the retail store it replaced — MaeBerry Co. — did not close its doors. Instead, MaeBerry moved a few doors down, to the former location of the Décor by ZC balloon shop.
For more information, visit or “ on Instagram. — GN
Despite all of the recent newcomers to the Wesley Chapel dining scene, if you’re still looking forward to some of the restaurants that are planned to open in and near Wesley Chapel, join the club.
Two highly touted and anticipated places — Cooper’s Hawk Winery (bottom right photo) and Rodizio Brazilian Steakhouse (bottom center) have not yet even begun building. Meanwhile, the Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar (photo on next page), in the same plaza as Chicken Salad Chick, still has just a dirt floor. The good news is that there are others that are a lot closer to bringing great new options to our area.
One that just opened that I, for one, didn’t realize was such a good restaurant is PopStroke, the new Tiger Woods-designed (and co-owned) mini-golf course. The biggest problem with PopStroke to date is that it’s been so packed
every day, it’s hard to find parking to get into the open-air (but covered) restaurant to sample some of its great food options. My favorite, to date, is the fresh Caribbean mahi (right), which is grilled with tasty jerk seasoning and a warm pineapple salsa that gives it a semi-spicy, slightly sweet flavor. The mahi is usually topped with two grilled shrimp, but I had to have (and photograph) it without the shrimp. Truly delicious. And, the side of grilled zucchini and squash ribbons also was tasty and healthy. Even PopStroke’s creamy hardpacked ice cream also is really good.
Hopefully opening within the next couple of months is Azteca D’Oro, the upscale Mexican place replacing Cantina Laredo at The Shops at Wiregrass. With a huge menu of options, including upscale entrées like the marinated Borrego lamb shank (bottom left), Azteca D’Oro can’t open soon enough for me!
Speaking of Latin cuisine, owner Cindy
Cruz says her Rice-n-Beans Express should only be a few weeks from opening on S.R. 54 in Lutz. Cindy says that those of us who enjoy the Puerto Rican-inspired sit-down dining at the Rice-n-Beans on Wesley Chapel Blvd. and those looking for quick, delicious sandwiches and hot food specials should be thrilled when her Express location opens. And, despite the fact it should be several months before it opens, Shuckin’ Shack promises a menu focused on shrimp and oysters (neither of which I can eat). But, there will be plenty of other seafood and nonswimming options at the North Carolinabased, two-dozen-link chain’s newest location off of the WC Blvd. Extension, including some pretty great-looking snow crab legs (right) — which (at least, to date) I am able
to eat. There also will be mahi-mahi bites, sandwiches, wings and other options to keep things interesting. — GN
Long-time readers of this publication no doubt realize that Indian food has never my favorite cuisine type. On the other hand, if more Indian restaurants served the subtly delicious flavors I’ve sampled at Desi Flavors Indian Cuisine, I might have spent more time in Indian eateries.
Owner Sree Alla, an information technology (IT) guy who worked for many years at an Indian restaurant in Atlanta, opened Desi Flavors, the first restaurant he has owned himself, in the Tampa Telecom Park off E. Fletcher Ave. in December 2020 — in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Even so, Sree says he has continually built a loyal following since opening and he is hoping that his ads and this story in the Neighborhood News will help him continue to reach new customers in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel.
The food, at least what photographer Charmaine George, her boyfriend Brendan and I sampled on a recent visit, is pretty impressive. While most Indian cuisine is currybased, Sree explains that there are so many different types and heat levels of curries that the same dishes at every Indian restaurant can taste different from every other place.
Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt that Sree’s dishes from all regions of India are full of flavor, which explains the “Flavors” in the restaurant’s name. The “Desi” in the name means “country person,” or “one from our country,” and also can refer to people from Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The only way to describe the two-sided menu at Desi Flavors is HUGE! The starters on the front of the menu are divided into “Veg” and “Non-Veg.” To date, we’ve only sampled the vegetable samosas (minced potato and green peas deep-fried in pastry dough), but they were crispy and had a milder, more delicate flavor than many of the samosas I’ve sampled elsewhere, and were served with two different chutneys (sauces).
Other “Veg Starters” I am looking forward to trying include the spring rolls (minced veggies wrapped in rice paper and fried), the chilli paneer (crispy paneer tossed in a spicy sauce made with soy sauce, vinegar and chili sauce) and the gobi Manchurian (cauliflower florets dipped in corn flour, deep fried and tossed in ginger, garlic, spring onion and chilis).
The “Non-Veg Starters” I look forward to trying include the non-veg samosas (with chicken or lamb), the chilli chicken (crispy chicken in the same spicy sauce as the cauliflower) and the fried fish pakora (fritters).
Charmaine, Brendan and I did try one of the “Tandoori Sizzlers” on the front side of the menu — the chicken kababs, which are boneless pieces of chicken marinated in the Tandoori spice mix and cooked in a clay oven, served with fresh onions and peppers. Yum! There also are chicken on the bone, shrimp, fish (filet or whole), paneer (cheese) and mixed grill Tandoori options.
The chicken biryani Sree had us sample also had a completely different flavor than
most others I’ve tried. The long-grain basmati rice is flavored with unique spices and the rice and bone-in chicken served on top of it are sealed in a thick pot and cooked over a slow flame. The chicken seemed spicier than the rice, but both were very tasty. I definitely plan to try the goat and lamb options in the future, but there are eleven different biryani on the Desi Flavors menu.
On the menu’s flip side, there are 20 non-vegetable entrées, but all we tried was the butter chicken, another dish I’ve not always enjoyed elsewhere. The tender pieces of boneless Tandoori chicken are cooked in a rich, creamy (and very mild) tomato sauce with butter. It is served with a side of perfect butter naan bread (one of 12 baked-to-order breads on the menu) and basmati rice with peas and carrots.
Other non-veg entrées include chicken tikka masala, kadai chicken or lamb with pan-sautéed veggies, butter lamb and Chef’s Signature lamb, goat, shrimp or fish curry
There also are 18 different vegetable entrées, from Chana (garbanzo bean) masala to palak paneer (spinach and cottage cheese seasoned with ginger, garlic and aromatic spices) and malai kofta (dumplings of fresh veggies and cheese cooked in a mild cream sauce).
Craving something different? Desi Flavors also offers Indo-Chinese options like
fried rice or hakka (similar to lo mein) noodles, both with your choice of veggies, egg, chicken, shrimp or mixed.
There also are eight South Indian options, including Idly (steamed rice and lentil patties served with chutneys), chole poori (minced veggies wrapped in rice paper and fried), upma (thick porridge made with coarse rice flour and different veggies and nuts) and eight different dosa crepes made from rice and lentils, served with sambar (lentils in tamarind & coconut), tomato and coconut chutneys.
Save room for dessert, too. We got to sample the gulab jamun (Indian-style donuts made from evaporated milk solids deep-fried and served in a light sugar syrup) and rasmali (which reminded me of rice pudding) and I particularly enjoyed the gulab. Charmaine also really raved about the mango lassi, a supercreamy drink made with mango, yogurt, milk, a little sugar and a dash of cardamom. I also felt the hot masala chai tea was super-smooth.
Desi Flavors also has a variety of specials throughout the week. On Wednesdays (5 p.m.-9:30 p.m.), the South Indian menu options are buy-one, get-one free. The same offer goes for biryanis on Thursday evenings. On the weekends (Fri.-Sun), get a family biryani pack with a free appetizer or house special dessert to go for only $29.99 (veggie) to $45.99 (shrimp).
And, Saturdays and Sundays, 11:30 a.m.3:30 p.m., Desi Flavors is proud to offer its 35-item Grand Lunch Buffet for only $16.99 per person, or $11.99 per child under age 12.
Desi Flavors Indian Cuisine (13418 Telecom Dr. in zip code 33637) is open Tues.-Thur., 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. & 5 p.m.9:30 p.m.; 11 a.m.-3 p.m. & 5 p.m.-10 p.m. on Fri.; 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. & 5 p.m.-10 p.m.; and 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. & 5 p.m.9:30 p.m. on Sunday, For more information, call (813) 615-0004, visit or see the ad on pg. 37 of this issue. And, please tell Sree and his staff that the Neighborhood News sent you!
Sung Kang, who appeared in “Fast & Furious” films (beginning with “Tokyo Drift”), was in Tampa for the 16th annual Gasparilla Film Festival to promote his directorial film debut, “Shaky Shivers.” While in town, he visited the Wesley Chapel ZukkuSan. Here (l.-r.) he poses with Zukku-San’s Kathy Nguyen & co-owner Ferdian Jap.—GN
Former Saddlebrook Resort owner Thomas Dempsey, general manager Pat Ciaccio (photo, far right) and Erik and Seth Ravenna (all of whom were at Saddlebrook together before it was sold last year) have again joined forces to bring casual, contemporary Italian dining to the New Tampa area.
Johnny C’s Italian Eatery (located at 10970 Cross Creek Blvd., in the space previously occupied by Precinct Pizza; photo, right), which is expected to open by Monday, May 1, will proudly serve New York-style pizza and authentic Italian pasta dishes and other specialties.
Featuring both indoor and covered outdoor seating, Johnny C’s, which was named for Ciaccio’s father, “Who spent his entire life (working) in restaurants,”
will offer takeout, delivery and banquet catering, in addition to dine-in seating and
will be open seven days a week for lunch and dinner. For more information, call (813) 278-8020. — Gary Nager; photos by Charmaine George
Here are some updates on some restaurants we told you a couple of issues ago were getting ready to open in New Tampa. Unfortunately, none of them are open yet, but all three should open sooner than later.
We did mention before that Macaw Latin Provision on Cross Creek Blvd. (in the same plaza as Saffron) was now not going to open at all. However, what we didn’t know at that time was that the second Tampa location (the other is on Palm River Rd.) of Mpanitas was getting ready to open in its place. Owners Genesis and Julio say the Venezuelan eatery will specialize in homemade mini-empanadas, plus mandocas (fried dough rings), tequenos (cheese sticks) and other Venezuelan specialties.
For more info, visit Mpanitas on Facebook or Instagram.
Also still not open yet is Zio’s New York Bagel & Deli Co.,
but owner Jeff Cofini says his NY-style bagel place and deli should be open for breakfast and lunch every day very soon — hopefully only a week or two after this issue reaches you. Email Jeff at if you want to work for Zio’s.
And finally, the new location of Kobé Japanese Steakhouse (photo) still isn’t open, but at least the sign has finally gone up on the building. The last update we had a couple of weeks ago was that it would be at least 3-6 more months before Kobe would reopen, but we’ll keep you posted. — GN
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