Volume 22 Issue 8
The ‘Pirates’ Win The Rotary Spelling Bee!
April 12, 2014
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PHSC Dedication Honors Porter Family, School Staff & FHWC By Gary Nager & Matt Wiley
If you missed the official dedication ceremony for the new Pasco-Hernando State College (PHSC) Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch on April 2, you probably don’t realize just how important the new PHSC is likely to be to the future of not only Wesley Chapel, but of all of eastern and central Pasco County and even New Tampa. As we’ve reported more often than any other local media, PHSC opened its doors to students in January as the fifth campus of Pasco Hernando Community College (PHCC), but was renamed PHSC (as were the other four then-PHCC campuses) later that month. It was the incredible, new, seven-story Porter Campus of PHSC itself that was dedicated Apr. 2, with at least 300 people stuffed into the campus’ auditorium. The emcee for the evening was the game-show-host affable Provost of the Porter Campus, Stanley Giannet, Ph.D., who introduced dozens of dignitaries with his usual flair, including the Porter family (the developers of Wiregrass Ranch who donated the 60 acres of land for the new college), PHSC president Katherine M. Johnson, Ed.D.,, PHSC District Board of Trustees chair Frank Rygiel, Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of
Commerce president Jeff Novotny, Florida Architects, Inc. (who designed the impressive campus) director of design Joe Sorci and Skanska USA Building, Inc. (who constructed the campus) senior VP Roger Stephan. The ceremony opened with a rendition of the National Anthem by the Double Branch Elementary chorus, “60 students we know will be future students at PHSC,” Giannet told the crowd. “The Porter family has a vision,” said Johnson. “They decided to reserve this land for higher education. (PHSC) is forever grateful that (the Porters) have entrusted us with this land.”
(Above) Dr. Stanley Giannet, the Provost of the Porter Campus at Wiregrass Rach of Pasco-Hernando State College, was joined by reperesentatives of not only the school itself, but also by the architechture and construction firms that helped create Wesley Chapel’s first college campus, at PHSC’s dedication deremony on Apr. 2. (Below left) Bill, JD & Don Porter of the Porter Family Trust and the Double Branch Elementary chorus also were at the event.
See “PHSC” on page 32.
District 2 Pasco County Commission Race Gets More Crowded By Matt Wiley
As the so-called “mid-term” 2014 election season begins to gather steam, the Republican primary ticket for the District 2 County Commission seat in Pasco is beginning to stack up, as more Republicans, and now, the first Democratic candidate, have entered the race. Wesley Chapel resident Mike Moore continues to gather endorsements and contributions in his bid to take the District 2 seat when current Comm. Pat Mulieri retires, rather than seeking reelection — most
recently from District 12 U.S. Representative Gus Bilirakis, However, Moore now faces a total of three competitors, as former State Rep. Ken Littlefield has joined the race for the Republican nomination, which also includes Zephyrhills financial planner Robert (Bob) Robertson, who will square off at the polls during the August 26 Republican Primary. The winner of that Primary election will go on to face Democrat Erika Remsberg, on (L.-r.) Dist. 2 Commissioner Republican candidates Mike Moore, Ken Littlefield & Bob Robertson and Democratic candidate Erika Remsberg. November 4. According to an April 1 press release, in addition to running for the Pasco Board and our region continues to grow, it is vital of County Commissioners, Moore has been that we plan wisely for the future, in order to appointed by Florida Gov. Rick Scott to afford our children and future generations the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council the greatest opportunities while preserving (TBRPC). According to the organization’s and protecting qualities of our region that Neighborhood website, the TBRPC brings together gov- we all value and cherish.” Magazine ernments to coordinate planning for the See ‘Race’ on page 15 Neighborhood News Pirates Win Rotary community’s future and provide an opporSpelling Bee, The Front House Photography tunity for sharing solutions among the 43 Story, La Fuente Adds Cuban Cuisine, Plus jurisdictions in the Tampa Bay region. Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes! “I am honored by the opportunity to serve and represent Pasco County on the Pages 29-44 (TBRPC),” Moore says. “As Pasco County
Also Inside This Issue!
News, Business, Sports & Education Updates
Wesley Chapel Welcomes New PCSO Capt., Skimmers Found On Hess Gas Pumps, Our Excusive Summer Camp Guide, Lots Of Local Business Features & Much More!
Pages 1-28
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Rotarian Dane Parilo Epitomizes The True Spirit Of Rotary By Gary Nager
If you check out this issue’s Neighborhood Magazine cover (page 29), you’ll find out how the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Pirates took home the gold in the 2014 Rotary Spelling Bee held at the Tampa Bay Golf & Country Club in San Antonio. One of the members of that winning team was my fellow Wesley Chapel Rotary Club member Dane Parilo. Dane will freely admit that he had little to do with our team winning the “Bee,” but when he said “I feel kind of useless right now,” because he wasn’t really helping us win, I thought about something that happened the day before the Spelling Bee that let me know that whether or not he could spell “verisimilitude,” Dane is anything but useless. In fact, he epitomizes the “Service Above Self” spirit of Rotary way more than yours truly. As this issue is reaching your mailbox, not only is Dane in Honduras (for the third time) with eleven other members of our club (providing water purification units for the poor families there), this year, he brought along his 15-year-old son Preston, a charter member of the new Rotary Interact Club at Wiregrass Ranch High (WRH). He wanted Preston to understand why the work the club is doing (in conjunction with Pure Water for the World) is so important and to better understand why we are blessed to live in a country where virtually no one lives without access to safe drinking water. Prior to joining the Wesley Chapel Rotary five years ago, Dane was a member
Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News
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Phone: (813) 910-2575 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents Amy Guttierez • Bonnie Mason • Lauren Saslow Graphic Designer Georgia Carmichael Advertising Sales Rep Mary Dorey Sales & Marketing Assistant Antwon Gildon Nothing that appears in Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 22, Issue 10, of Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is Monday, April 28, 2014. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
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of the San Antonio (FL) Rotary, and served as that group’s president for two years (2007-08). A senior financial consultant who lives in Wesley Chapel, Dane has served on the Board of the club that meets for lunch at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall, helped organize the Interact Club at WRH, and has been on hand to participate in most of the club’s local service projects, often bringing along Preston and even younger son Jackson. He even hosted the club’s Super Bowl party at his home. Our meeting on March 26 was a special one, as each of the Wesley Chapel Rotary’s 80 members (which make it one of the largest in Rotary District 6950) were allowed to bring guests interested in finding out more about the club. We packed the room with 127 people that day and president Eric Johnson had club members reading some of the wonderful letters the club has received, not only from the families we have helped in Honduras, but also from our other selected charities — the abused women and children now housed at Pasco’s Sunrise Women’s Shelter, the previously-abused children now being cared for at Everyday Blessings in Thonotosassa, the Food Bank at Atonement Lutheran Church, the group of homeless men living in the woods off S.R. 54 and Support the Troops (also on S.R. 54). The surprise for most (including yours truly) that day was the presentation of a check (photo) by Dane to Hans and Sigrid Geissler of Morningstar Fishermen, a 14-year-old, Christian-based organization committed to sustainable living for all. The nonprofit organization trains people literally around the world to implement aquaponics as one solution to world hunger. Morningstar’s staff, volunteers and interns are all committed to a shared faith and a common understanding of how that faith is lived out day-to-day. When I first met Hans at Dane’s Super Bowl bash, Dane said Hans was one of his “heroes.” Well, he sure proved it when the check he presented that day — for $33,000! — would allow the Geisslers to pay off the remaining mortgage on the ten acres of land and the Morningstar building/home that the Geisslers built themselves (with the help of some subcontractors, although Dane says that Hans is a master plumber, electrician and builder himself) and have lived in since it was completed.
It should be noted that Dane says the money he donated isn’t actually his. A client of his created a trust for making such donations and has even entrusted Dane to pick the organization(s) to receive those donations. He said that over the last ten years (since meeting Hans at a Rotary District Assembly in 1995), he has now donated, “almost $100,000 from that trust to Morningstar Fishermen, to help them pay bills.” Dane (at left in photo) also said that the Geisslers do not take any salary for running the organization, and Hans said, “By paying off our mortgage, we can now use whatever donations we get coming in to pay for the work we do and the trips we take to Africa and Central America to do feasibility
studies in the poorest countries. We thank Dane for believing in us and our mission.” “Believe in them?,” Dane says. “I want to see Hans on the cover of Time magazine someday!” We thank you, too, Dane!
Table of Contents
Local News Updates.............................4-12
Civic Groups, Residents Protest Proposed Toll Road........4 Cap. Kenneth Gregory Is WC’s New PCSO Captain.........6 Wesley Chapel News Briefs............................................10 Pedestrian Signal Coming To BBD/Live Oak Commercial Land Available At S.R. 54/Vandine Rd. Skimmers Found On WC Hess Pumps Bruce B. Downs, I-75-Widening Updates.......................12 Wesley Chapel Community Calendar.......................14
Local Business Updates.......................16-27
It Works! Wraps Help You Lose Unwanted Fat.......16 Faith Baptist Preschool & Academy........................18 Axiom Business Consulting Knows Numbers.........20 Our Exclusive Summer Camp Guide.................22 Rockstar Baseball Brings Out Your Inner Slugger....24 Terrace Smiles Will Transform Your Pearly Whites...26
Neighborhood Magazine
Neighborhood News Wins Rotary Spelling Bee....29, 35 Front House Photography Captures Memories......30 La Fuente Introduces Cuban Cuisine......................36 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes’...............40 WESLEY
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 8 • April 12, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Pasco Alliance Of Community Associations, Residents Protest Proposed Toll Road By Matt Wiley Pasco County officials have a long road ahead of them if they want to quell the concerns of citizens living near the S.R. 54/56 corridor (including Wesley Chapel), which (as we’ve reported several times in recent months) could be home to the county’s first privately-funded, elevated toll road — the FL 54 Express — in the not-so-distant future. The controversial, proposed project to link S.R. 54 from Zephyrhills to New Port Richey (between U.S. 301 and U.S. 19) has drawn opposition from citizens and civic groups, alike. On March 26, the Pasco Alliance of Community Associations (PACA) submitted a letter to the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) officially opposing the project. “PACA represents about 60,000 Pasco residents living in HOAs, condos and CDD-managed communities. Most of these residents reside along the 54/56 corridor and feel they will be adversely affected by an elevated toll road on 54/56,” wrote PACA president John W. Copeland to the BOCC. “Our membership believes that more suitable solutions can be found and that not enough consideration has been given to possible alternatives.” The issue has become such a hot topic, in fact, that Pasco County is including several questions about the issue on its annual “Citizen Survey,” which will be distributed to about 1,600 households and will be available on PascoCountyFL. net in coming weeks, says Pasco Strategy & Performance director Dr. Marc Bellas. Bellas explains that the survey will contain seven opinion questions regarding the future of the S.R. 54/56 corridor. Respondents can choose one of five answers, varying from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree,” for each of the questions. Bellas says that there also will be an open-ended question so that respondents can input anything not specifically addressed in the survey about the toll road. “This is a way for us to engage citizens and get their opinions,” he says. “Typically, meetings mostly attract those who are completely against an idea. This helps us to get an idea of what citizens
think might be a better solution. It allows us to better hear what they have to say.” Bellas says that 350-400 respondents would be enough to get a good sample, although, according to 2010 Census data, about 120,000 people live along the S.R. 54/56 corridor. During the first town hall meeting about the elevated toll-road project at Sunlake High in Land O’Lakes on March 10, about 500 Pasco residents from across the county packed the gymnasium to listen to a presentation about the FL 54 Express from county staffers, including county administrator Michele Baker, commissioners Kathryn Starkey and new Board chair Jack Mariano, as well as planning and development administrator Richard Ghering and transportation planning manager Jim Edwards. The crowd sat quietly through an hour-long presentation, before growing restless, as they waited for their turn to voice their concerns at the podium. Shouts from the crowd of, “Scare tactics,” and “When is it our turn?,” became louder as the presentation went on. However, the meeting turned tense as a photo of a 20-lane highway was displayed on a projector screen, something Ghering tried to explain was not an alternative for this corridor, but was shown only to give some perspective about the size of the highway that it would take to support the growth projected for the county in the coming years, with the development of the Wiregrass Ranch and Starkey Ranch. Ghering said that the county no longer can continue to widen the corridor and must look at other options, such as the 54 Express. The proposed elevated toll road would stretch from U.S. 301 in Zephyrhills west to U.S. 19 in New Port Richey and would be built either in the median or along the shoulder of the S.R. 54/56 corridor. The road would be paid for and constructed by Florida 54 Express, LLC, a company formed by International Infrastructures, LLC. and Madrid, Spain-based OHL Infrastructure. Ghering said Florida 54 Express currently is in talks with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) about leasing the required right-of-way to build
Pasco planning administrator Richard Ghering addresses the crowd as concerned citizens wait in line to speak out against the planned elevated toll road along the S.R. 54/56 corridor.
the controversial toll road. “We’re not here to say we want (the elevated road),” said Dist. 3 Comm. Starkey over the roaring crowd. “But, we have to do something (about S.R. 54). We have to know what our alternatives are.” Devonwood (Land O’Lakes) resident Susie Hoeller was first on the mic and presented research that showed that the company that could construct the toll road had previously filed bankruptcy on a similar project in Spain. “Has anyone actually taken a look at this company?,” she asked the county representatives. “This project needs community support.”
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Opponents to the project already have formed a group — called “Pasco Fiasco” — petitioning against the project. On its website (PascoFiasco.com), the group claims that the toll road would be detrimental to home values in communities along the busy corridor and that the project is, “an overreaction to relatively minor traffic concerns that can be solved through less drastic measures, such as better traffic controls and the use of overpasses and flyovers where appropriate.” For more information about the group and to see their petition, visit PascoFiasco.com. For more info about the project, visit PascoCountyFL.net.
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Capt. Kenneth Gregory Is The New PCSO Captain In Wesley Chapel There’s a new Sheriff in town. Well, sort of. The Wesley Chapel area does have a new Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) Captain in New Port Richey resident Kenneth Gregory. A member of the force since 1990, Gregory says that he started out at PCSO in the vice and narcotics division for the east side of the county, which included a much different version of Wesley Chapel than what we see today. PCSO Dist. 2 Capt. “I’ve seen a lot of Kenneth Gregory changes in the area since 1993,” Gregory says. “Back then, there was a lot more open land and fields. With the new subdivisions and more commercial businesses moving in, the area is unique. Just the sheer population is easiest the largest in the county. And, when you add more people, you add more crime, as well.” However, Gregory says that he doesn’t see the area as crime-ridden, despite its population boom. “Narcotics really are spread out across Pasco,” Gregory says. “Wesley Chapel is a newer area, so it’s not affected as much as some of the older areas of county. There’s not really an outstanding crime problem in Wesley Chapel. But, it’s hard to say that crime is limited to one area.” As the new captain of District 2, Greg-
ory is in charge of more than 114 PCSO deputies in the area, which covers 490 sq. miles, including everything east of U.S. Hwy. 41. Dist. 2 also is home to PCSO’s Property Crimes Division (which deals with burglaries, thefts, dealing in stolen property and other related crimes), as well as the STAR Unit (an intelligence-led investigation unit that works in high-crime areas). Before becoming a captain, Gregory spent five years as a PCSO detective and seven as a lieutenant, but also spent time as a sergeant in the Property Crimes Division. As far as advice, Gregory says that just locking the doors of your home and car can make all the difference. “You can live anywhere in Pasco, but if you leave your doors unlocked at night, you make it easy to steal from you, and it’s going to happen,” he explains. “Most crime is the result of opportunity. It’s also important to know who belongs in your neighborhood.” Gregory plans to make the rounds around the District to get to know community and business leaders. “As a department, we have to look at the other areas of the county with similar demographics and look at the crime there to get in front of the crime that could develop to make sure that we have the resources to be able to manage that crime,” he explains. “We need to look ahead and make projections, which will require cooperation between businesses, community leaders, residents and (PCSO).” — MW
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 6 • March 15, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Wesley Chapel
News Briefs
Vandine Rd. Land Offers Commercial Development
It’s pretty common to see land for sale along S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel. However, as the area continues to grow, as it has been for several years and is expected to continue during the next several years (especially with development now under way in the Wiregrass Ranch Development of Regional Impact [DRI]), these vacant parcels could soon begin to disappear. For example, Nye Commercial Advisors currently has a large, 11.5-acre parcel for sale (see map) on the north side of S.R. 54, just west of Vandine Rd., which turns into Boyette Rd. just north of the property. However, only three acres of the piece are developable, as eight acres are wetlands. The parcel is zoned commercial and is currently listed at $1.2 million. The land also features 450 feet of frontage along S.R. 54. Brent Nye, a partner with Nye Commercial, says that the land is perfect for just about any commercial development, but would work extremely well for a restaurant. “It lays out perfectly for a restaurant,” Nye says. “It’s in a great spot for one with frontage and it’s already zoned for a restaurant use.” The land could even work for more than one restaurant, he says. With three developable acres, he explains, most small restaurants only require a little more than one. A larger eatery would likely need most of the land, though. The property’s zoning allows for many commercial options. “Just about anything could go there,” Nye says. “An assisted living facility, a private school, any retail, an office. It’s zoned general commercial, which is very popular.” For more info, please visit NyeCommercial.com.
Skimmers Found In Wesley Chapel Hess Gas Pumps
If you’ve shopped at the Hess gas station on S.R. 54 at Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in Wesley Chapel in March, you might consider checking
your ban and credit card statements for fraudulent charges, the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) recommends. According to PCSO, deputies are investigating a credit card skimming case that has compromised 337 credit cards since March 6 at the Hess station, located at 28232 S.R. 54. Deputies reportedly found credit card skimmers on pumps #3 and #20. Credit card skimmers, which save a card’s information when swiped, come in a variety of types, the most common emulating a normal credit card swiping device. However, at Hess, the skimming device actually was hidden inside the gas pump itself. “Customers couldn’t see at all that something was out of the ordinary,” says PCSO spokesman Kevin Doll, who adds that the suspect(s) had some sort of universal key, allowing them access to the inside of the pumps. At our press time, no suspects had been named and no arrests had been made, but the case was still under investigation. Anyone with any information about the case is urged to call PCSO at (727) 844-7711 or click the TIPS tab on PascoSheriff.org.
Pedestrian Sequence Coming To BBD At Live Oak
Tampa area during the morning and afternoon hours. However, impatient drivers endanger these students when they do not yield for the young pedestrians attempting to cross busy intersections. This problem has become increasingly dangerous at the intersection of Oak Preserve Blvd. and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., across from Paul R. Wharton High. The problem has become so serious, in fact, that a “pedestrian sequence” is being installed at the traffic signal to allow students ample time to safely cross BBD. “(The pedestrian sequence) is the easiest way to ensure student safety,” says City of Tampa traffic design engineer Mike Scanlon. “We’ve received numerous bitter complaints about drivers refusing to stop for kids crossing the street.”
The sequence, he explains, will slightly alter the way the traffic lights change at the intersection when students are on their way to and from school — usually between 7-7:30 a.m. and 3-3:30 p.m. on weekdays. Instead of one direction having a green light while pedestrians are given the go-ahead to cross the street, if a pedestrian presses the button on the signal to cross, everyone gets a red light. The red light allows pedestrians (students, walkers, etc.) to safely cross the intersection without having to worry about impatient drivers. Scanlon says that the new signal sequence should be in place in the next few weeks, and may already be in place as this issue reaches your mailbox. Always look twice for pedestrians when traversing our busy roads. — MW
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Bruce B. Downs Blvd. ‘Segment A’ Project Out For Bids Soon By Matt Wiley
As construction continues along Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. underneath I-75, Hillsborough County is preparing to begin the bidding process for the next segment of BBD widening between Palm Springs Blvd. in Tampa Palms, south to Bearss Ave., also known as “Segment A.” (Note-The current phase of BBD widening combines Segments B & C, with Segment D being the portion from Palms Springs Blvd. north to Pebble Creek Dr.) With all of the land needed for the widening having been acquired, the county currently is working with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to finish all of the necessary paperwork to begin the Segment A bidding process, says Hillsborough County Public Works Dept. director John Lyons. “We hope to have the bid out to contractors in early May and hopefully be ‘turning dirt’ by August or September (of this year),” Lyons explains. The next segment of BBD widening will provide four lanes in each direction along the busy, 3.5-mile stretch of the roadway through Tampa Palms. Lyons says the current estimated cost for Segment A is between $30-$40 million. He adds that the county finally has received its right-of-way certificate, which can’t be granted until all right-of-way (or land needed for construction and drain-
age) has been acquired. The certificate was the county’s last hurdle before being able to put out a bid for construction. “We’re so close (to getting started),” Lyons says. “We expect a lot of interest (from contractors) when the bid goes out. This is a nice-sized project.” Segments B & C widened the 3.5mile portion of BBD from Palm Springs Blvd. to Pebble Creek Dr. last spring — aside from the just-more-than-a-mile stretch under I-75, which was delayed due to the widening of the interstate itself and the installation of new overpasses above BBD (which actually is a separate project funded by FDOT). An FDOT spokesperson says that, weather permitting, the widening under the interstate could be completed as early as July. As we previously reported, Segment D, the final, 1.4-mile stretch of BBDwidening that will make BBD four lanes in each direction from Bearss Ave. to the Pasco County line, won’t be funded for construction until at least 2017. The project currently is funded for design, but the necessary additional FDOT funding to build it won’t be available until then.
come delays, but the widening project along the 11.4-mile stretch from Fowler Ave. to S.R. 56 still is chugging along, with paving currently being done in the median north of BBD and lanes being added along the west side, between the I-275 interchange and the S.R. 56 entrance ramp. The 4.3-mile segment from S.R. 56 to north of S.R. 54 is nearly complete. Four, newly-paved lanes recently were opened in each direction. McShaffrey says that the work that remains to be completed includes placing the thermoplastic pavement lines and markings on the new lanes, as well as
work on traffic monitoring equipment, some sodding and general clean-up work. That stretch of the project, he says, is now on track to be completely finished by mid-April, pending any additional delays. For more info about Bay-area interstate projects, visit MyTBI.com.
And The I-75 Widening?
As far as the ongoing widening of I-75 between the BBD exit in New Tampa and the exits for S.R.s 54 & 56 in Wesley Chapel is concerned, progress most certainly is being made. FDOT spokesman John McShaffrey says that rain and colder temperatures have caused
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DECEMBER 31, 2014
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April 2014
Saturday, April 12
Night Of 5000— The GFWC New Tampa Junior Woman’s Club (NTJWC) is proud to present its 17th annual Night of 5000 Charity Ball, “A Night of Giving,” at the University Area Community Center on N. 22nd St., just south of Bearss Ave. This “fabulous” evening begins at 7 p.m. and features dancing, casino tables (for entertainment purposes only), hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and entertainment, and it’s all to benefit local charities. Tickets are $65. For more info, visit GFWCNewTampaJuniors.org.
Monday, April 14
Experienced Networking Professionals (ENP) — ENP meets Monday mornings at 8 a.m. for breakfast and networking at Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, call Brad Benson at 973-1814. Free Networking International (FNI) — FNI, a group of area business owners, meets Mondays for networking and discussion at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd., off S.R. 54). For info, call Stacy Dalton at 469-5499. Professional Business Connections (PBC) — PBC meets Mondays at 7:30 a.m. at The Happy Hangar Cafe (4241 Birdsong Blvd., Lutz). Call Chris Thurow at 546-6860. ‘Wesley Chapel Speaks’ ToastMasters — The “Wesley Chapel Speaks” ToastMasters Club meets on the first and third Monday of every month, 6:15 p.m., at Hyundai of Wesley Chapel (26944 Wesley Chapel Blvd.). For info, call David West at 610-1650 or visit WesleyChapel Speaks.ToastMastersClubs.org.
Tuesday, April 15
Business Networking International (BNI) — BNI, a group of business professionals who work to support each other through qualified referrals, meets Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m., at Heritage Church (1854 Oak Grove Blvd., off S.R. 54, in Land O’Lakes). For info, email Tim at Tim@TampaHomes24-7.com. ‘Networking On The Nines’ — “Networking on the Nines,” put on by Insurance New Tampa, is a great way to meet new friends and clients or strengthen existing relationships, while playing a 9-hole scramble on the third Tuesday of every month at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lex. Oaks Blvd.), 3 p.m. Call Susan at 435-6350 for more info.
Wednesday, April 16
Wesley Chapel Rotary Club — The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel meets every Wednesday, 12:15 p.m., at Ciao! Italian Bistro (2001 Piazza Ave., in the Shops at Wiregrass mall). For more info, call 862-8989 or 391-3895. FHWC Breast Cancer Support Group — Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) introduces a new breast cancer support group that meets in the FHWC Wellness Plaza’s Center for Women’s Health (2700 Healing Way, Ste. 102) at 5 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month. The group helps give those fighting the deadly disease answers and resources, survivor stories, guest speakers and in-depth discussions in a positive environment. To register, visit FloridaHospital.com/Wesley-Chapel or call 929-5432.
Thursday, April 17
Networking For Your Success — The Networking For Your Success group meets Thursdays, 8:30 a.m., at Lexington Oaks Clubhouse (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd, off S.R. 54). For more information call 973-1657. Food Addicts In Recovery (FA) — FA is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experiences and mutual support, are recovering from the disease of food addiction. The group meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Seventh Day Adventist Church (33420 S.R. 54). For additional information, visit FoodAddicts.org.
Friday, April 18
WC Sunrise Rotary Club — The WC Sunrise Rotary meets Fridays, 7:15 a.m., at Quail Hollow Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). Call Lynne at 695-6466.
Saturday, April 26
PCSO Pill Drop — Do you have unused or expired pills in your home?. Bring 14
them for safe disposal to Pasco County’s Pill Drop at the Shops at Wiregrass (28211 Paseo Dr.) No personal information will be requested. Call Chrissie Parris at (727) 597-2284 for more info. Patty Wolf Memorial Golf Tournament - The second annual Patty Wolf Memorial Golf Tournament, named for the late wife of Wolf’s Den owner Roger Wolf, will be held at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr., off BBD). With closest to the pin & ongest drive contests, on-course refreshments & a Wolf’s Den-catered banquet dinner, all proceeds benefit the Patty Wolf Memorial Veterinarian Scholarship. The cost to play is $80 per golfer and sponsorships are available. Call 907-9124. Lexington Oaks Spring Bazaar — The Lexington Oaks Women’s Club is hosting their annual Spring Bazaar, offering businesses or individuals the opportunity to advertise services and sell their goods or yard sale items at our event, held in conjunction with the community yard sale (26304 Lexington Oaks Blvd.), from 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. The event includes hotdogs, baked goods and lots of items for sale. Spaces are available for $15. For information please contact Mary at 746-1405. Gary Sinise Foundation Benefit Concert — Peabody’s Billiards & Games will be hosting a benefit concert featuring the popular Deacon Blues Band for the Gary Sinise Foundation tht helps support veterans, begining at 8 p.m. Come out and enjoy some drink specials and good music for an even better cause. Please call 972-1725 for more info.
May 2014
Friday, May 2
Women-N-Charge— Join the vibrant ladies of Women-N-Charge from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr.). The meeting includes lunch, a feature speaker and time to network. The cost is $15 for members (Tuesday before the meeting) and $18 for all guests (and members paying Wednesday and after). Please register at Women-N-Charge.com. For more info, please contact Judy at 6009848 or email Admin@Women-N-Charge.com.
Saturday, May 3
Women Of Wesley Chapel (WOW)— WOW meets the first Friday of each month, 7:30 a.m. at the Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel Wellness Plaza on BBD to provide opportunities for area women business leaders & owners to learn, form connections, share ideas & provide opportunities for personal &professional growth. Call Hope Allen at 994-8534. Meadow Pointe II ‘Spring Fling’ — Come join Meadow Pointe II residents at the Meadow Pointe II Clubhouse (30051 County Line Rd.), 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Admission is free and there will be hot dogs, sno-cones, swimming, bounce houses, face painting, raffles with great prizes, and much more! For info, call 991-5016. Florida Writers Association (FWA) — The FWA of New Tampa/Wesley Chapel is a FREE group that meets the first Sat. of each month, 10 a.m., at the New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.). Topics include editing, marketing, options for publishing, navigating social media & more. For more info, email Cindy.Campbell@OmnificPublishing.com.
Relay For Life Of Wesley Chapel/Wiregrass - The American Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life of Wesley Chapel/Wiregrass” will be held at 6pm at the Wiregrass High School Track (2909 Mansfield Blvd.) with bounce houses, raffles, food and plenty of other ways to donate to help find a cure for cancer. For more info, please visit RelayForLife.org and search “Wesley Chapel.”
Friday, May 9
Foot & Ankle Screening — New Tampa Foot & Ankle (26827 Foggy Creek Rd., Ste. 104) is hosting a FREE foot & ankle screening from 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. The office also will be collecting used shoes. For more info, call 973-3535.
Saturday, May 10
Mother’s Day Conference — Water’s Edge Community Church (30200 Overpass Rd.) is presenting a Mothers and Mentors for Christ conference from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Two speakers will be sharing and a complimentary lunch will be served. Please call Patty Fitzpatrick at 528-8565 for reservations.
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Continued from page 1
Moore already has raised more than $44,000 for his campaign, most recently raising $4,000 at a fund-raising event thrown at Primebar in the Shops at Wiregrass mall on March 27, which was attended by more than 70 people including Wiregrass Ranch developer JD Porter and James Talton of Blue Marble Strategic (the developer of the future baseball complex within Wiregrass Ranch). Moore also has gathered endorsements from Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford (R-Wesley Chapel), Florida Senators Wilton Simpson (R-Lakeland) and John Legg (R-Lutz), Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco (R-Odessa), Dist. 5 and new BOCC chair Jack Mariano (RHudson) and Pasco property appraiser Mike Wells. Former state Rep. Littlefield is the newest to the Republican primary race and has the most high-profile political experience of the three candidates, having served as Dist. 61’s representative in Tallahassee from 1999-2006, before briefly serving as a commissioner with the Florida Public Service Commission in 2007. So far, Littlefield has raised $1,000 for his campaign. Robertson, a Zephyrhills financial planner, already has raised more than $10,000 and currently serves as chairman of the Lake Bernadette Community Development District (CDD) in Zephyrhills
and he chosen by the BOCC to be the citizen representative on the RESTORE (Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities and Revived Economies of the Gulf States) Act Committee, a group that will determine how to invest revenue the county receives for losses sustained due to the 2010 BP oil spill. He also has previously served as treasurer for the Lake Bernadette Homeowners Association (HOA). The victory for the winner of the primary will be short-lived, as that candidate now will have to go on to face Remsberg, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and homeless student liaison for the Pasco County School District (PCSD). Remsberg says that her experience in social work during the past 20 years has opened her eyes to the needs of the community that often are overlooked. “Basically, I know lots about the services our county offers, the needs of the residents here and the gaps in those services,” Remsberg explains. “Moving forward, I want to bring my knowledge of the community and the needs of the people within the community to the policy-making/budget table. Being a social worker without any ties to development or investments in land will allow me to be objective in my decision making.” For more information about this and the other races being contested in the 2014 mid-term elections in our area, please visit PascoVotes.com.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 8 • April 12, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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It Works! Body Wraps Can Help Get Rid Of Your Unwanted Body Fat By Amy Gutierrez
If you haven’t heard anything about the “It Works” Ultimate Body Applicator, more commonly known as the It Works “body wrap,” you’re in for a treat! It Works! Global was founded in 2001 and is driven by independent distributors. The company has experienced unheard-of growth – reaching 1,047 percent over the last three years alone. Heather Goodloe and Maricela Cardenas are two such distributors who met at the Shapes Fitness For Women in Wesley Chapel. Heather had been researching It Works! and mentioned it to Maricela, a personal trainer at the fitness center for women only. “I knew if I could get Maricela on board, I was on to a great product,” Heather explains. “Maricela is generally highly skeptical because of her physiology background, but she did her research and was sold on the company’s integrity and product line.” The two ladies formed a team and can often be found at health expos, spas, fitness centers and home parties. “We’re always looking to add to our team,” Maricela says. “This is an excellent business opportunity for anyone, but particularly for busy moms. Your income potential is just dependent upon how much time and energy you can invest. There is no such thing as too little or too much.” It Works! has a diversified product line that extends from the wildly popular and aptly nicknamed “crazy wrap thing” body
wrap to skin care products to dietary drink supplement powders to nutrition packs. Since all It Works! products are formulated by scientists, herbalists and researchers and are botanical, the line currently is riding a big wave of popularity. So how does this Ultimate Body Applicator work? To begin, Heather is quick to point out, it is not a 5-minute solution that lasts until you drink water and replace what you sweat out. This is an innovative and healthy body wrap. It Works! and its distributors encourage body wrap users to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day for the three days following their wrap. “We even encourage people to drink a glass of water while they’re wrapping!,” Maricela said. Using a special blend of all-natural herbs, the Ultimate Body Applicator from It Works! provides more than just the loss of water weight. Photographs from those using the Ultimate Body Applicator product over an extended term reveal that the overall tightening continues over the span of using the product. For example, in the before-and-after photos of Heather’s abdomen (on the next page), you can see the results she had just three days after using the product for the first time. This is because, Maricela says, that the herbs actually work to detoxify the fatty tissues below the skin’s surface. An added benefit to this product is that its use is not solely for the abdomen. Because it tightens, tones and firms the skin while minimizing the appearance of cellulite, you can wear
the applicator anywhere you’d like. Chin, thighs, or arms a problem? Each Ultimate Body Applicator is approximately 13” x 12” and comes in a versatile shape that can be applied wherever you choose to see results. Maricela has worked out for years and was still having issues with arm definition until using It Works! She was careful not to change her diet or exercise routine over a 5-week span so that the results would be directly attributable to the wrap. Suffice it to say that she is happy with the results. With as little as a 45-minute application, she says you can Maricela Cardenas (left) & Heather Goodloe of begin to see results that will It Works! Global can help you look better, too.. progress over the next 72 hours — and, best of all, the provide you with a wrap to wear for $25 cost is highly affordable. while she beautifies your hair. That’s what “People interested in joining our team you call multi-tasking! can do so for just a $99 investment and This particular product has been gainthey’ll get four Ultimate Body Applicators ing attention from men, too. Bodybuilders to sell or use for themselves!,” Heather routinely use the Ultimate Body Wrap to explains. showcase those all-important abs and new Heather and Maricela have spread mommies love the wrap because it’s been their enthusiasm to their hairdresser, shown to improve elasticity and reduce the Michelle Teaford. Michelle, of Hair NV appearance of stretch marks. The formula (located in the Summergate Professional is mess-free, paraben-free and promises to Center in Wesley Chapel) and an It Works! have you looking and feeling years younger independent distributor herself, will happily with radiant skin.
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Your results may vary, but you can see a major change in your appearance in just a few days of using It Works! body wraps.
Other It Works! Products
With a product catalog that is varied without being overwhelming, It Works! offers something for everyone. Most people are concerned about a healthy diet and whether or not they’re getting the recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables. It Works! Global has developed a product called Greens ™ that provides eight servings of fruits and
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veggies and a boost of magnesium and potassium. Entire families are enjoying the benefits of great health while sipping on berry- or orange-flavored drinks. The newest product available is called Hair Skin Nails, which is a tablet supporting healthy cell growth. For the busy person on the go, there are weightloss energy bars. It Works! also offers a Body Contouring line, as well as a line of anti-aging products. The anti-aging line features face- and eye-lifting creams and facial creams to protect the skin from harmful external agents that speed up aging. It Works! also offers weight-loss products such as an acai berry/red pepper blend formula to help keep you fit from the inside out. Vitamins and supplements also are available from the It Works! Lifestyle product line. With so many companies promising the moon and the stars to distributors, Heather and Maricela say they are happy they’re involved with It Works! because of the philosophy of helping distributors become debt free while working for a Christian-based company. These are two ladies who have set their goals high and believe they’ll achieve great success. As an added bonus, because Maricela is bilingual, the local It Works! distributors are able to reach a much larger group of consumers and are finding that booking parties is effortless with the aid of social networking and good, old fashioned word of mouth. And, according to the It Works! website (MyItWorks.com), those “crazy”
bodywraps can help you make money, too. In fact, It Works! Global earned the No. 1 revenue growth spot on the Tampa Bay Business Journal’s 2013 “Fast 50” list. The company posted verified revenue of $200 million in 2012, up from $27.7 million in 2010 and $46.4 million in 2011. Of course, not everyone is interested in devoting time to a new business venture but most people can spend a couple of hours with their friends, so hosting a party is always welcomed — and it’s easy!
Mark Your Calendar!
But, if you’re not quite ready to host a party or commit to becoming an It Works! distributor, yet interested in finding out more, Heather and Maricela
will be hosting a Studio Party on Friday, April 18, at Energia Wellness Studio (3836 Flatiron Loop). All are invited and welcomed with no RSVP necessary. It is worth noting that your results may vary, as It Works! never claims that these products can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. The It Works! product claims also have not been clinically proven or evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). To learn more about It Works!, hosting a home party or joining Heather and Maricela’s team, visit and ‘like’ their Facebook.com page today. You also can email Info@HeatherWrapsFL. com or visit MyItWorks.com.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 8 • April 12, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Faith Baptist Academy Offers Faith-Based Learning & Lots Of Fun! By Bonnie Mason
F ( Faith (left, a first-grader) and second-grader Zachary know the benefits of and the fun they have attending Faith Baptist Preschool & Academy, located off Oakley Blvd. in Wesley Chapel.
teachers who provide instruction in reading, writing and arithmetic, as well as in history, science, health and other subjects to expand the student’s knowledge and understanding of the world they live in. A highly teachable phonics approach to reading begins in Kindergarten at the school. A Beka Book provides the teachers at Faith Baptist with curriculum instruction presented in steps: short vowels, consonants, blends, one-vowel words, long vowels and the two-vowel rule, as well as special phonics sounds. The learning of cursive writing follows shortly after, as Brother Travis says that the discontinuation of teaching cursive in public and private school classrooms has been a controversial topic in recent years. “Although it is a lost art, we plan to
Looking for a private school atmosphere with Christian-based values and a prestigious academic reputation? The Faith Baptist Academy & Preschool, which is adjacent to and affiliated with Faith Baptist Church (both located on Oakley Blvd., behind The Grove shopping plaza), could be the perfect place for your child. According to the school’s annual Stanford Achievement Test (a standardized test used by school districts across the nation, but not in Florida public schools) results at Faith Baptist Academy, the school ranks in the nation’s top 10-20-percent of all schools administering the test. And, when you combine those academics with Faith Baptist’s loving, nurturing environment, you have an outstanding school that parents really appreciate. “Strong academics, combined with Christian beliefs, has equaled success for our son, Jackson, and that is what we love about our school,” Faith Baptist parents Brian & Carmen Colding said in an online review. “We consider ourselves extremely fortunate our son has attended Faith Baptist Academy & Preschool since K3. He now is entering the fifth grade in the fall and has excelled in all academic areas.” A member of American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) and Sunshine State Association of Christian Schools (SSACS), the Faith Baptist Academy curriculum is based upon “A Beka Book,” one of America’s leading producers of text-
books for Christian schools. A Beka Book has been publishing textbooks based upon the mission of providing Christian schools with high-quality textbooks and teaching aides for more than 30 years. “A Beka Book is recognized as the standard of excellence in the publishing of textbooks and other scholastic materials,” says Faith Baptist administrator Travis Hartsfield, also known as “Brother Travis” at the school. “The A Beka Book approach to education keeps learning lively, interesting, and memorable. The materials we use in our classrooms reflect sensible theory that is firmly anchored to practicality.” Harstfield has been with Faith Baptist Academy since it opened in 2005. “We pride ourselves as a family-friendly, all-inclusive school,” says Hartsfield. Faith parents Dan and Jill Nash say they, “love the family atmosphere at Faith. The teachers and staff love our children, and there is never any doubt that our son and daughter are well taken care of, while receiving a top-notch education.” All families, no matter what faith or economic status, are welcome at Faith, which has currently enrolls more than 100 students K2-6th grade, 42 of whom are preschoolers. Class sizes are small enough for each student to receive individual attention, with an average class size between 8-12 students. “And, our annual tuition, $4,000, is well below the national average for private schools,” says Brother Travis. Faith promises caring, dedicated
elebrating our
continue teaching cursive at (Faith),” says Hartsfield. “Cursive writing improves fine motor skills and teaches the ability to read cursive. By joining letters it helps students read better by reinforcing the blending of letters within the words.” In addition to academics, Faith Baptist Academy students attend a chapel service once a week, which includes Bible songs and a scripture lesson. “Why do we love Faith Baptist Academy?,” asks Susan Anderson, mother of Faith students Jack, 11, Jon, 8, and Cady, 6. “My children love it! They could not wait to return when we had to move away a few years ago. I love this school because the staff and teachers are conscientious, caring, and my children are treated fairly.
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the way he addresses you — always with a “Yes Sir” or “Yes Ma’am” — and intent on listening to what you have to say. He says that he values the teachings of his faith and the quality, Christian-based education Faith Baptist provides its students. Hartsfield received his B.S. degree in Education from Bob Jones University in Greenville, NC, and his M.S. degree in Educational Administration from Pensacola Christian College — one of America’s largest and most respected Christian schools. Prior to taking on his administrator role at the school, Hartsfield traveled the country Faith Baptist’s Brother Travis with daughter Libby as a sales rep for A Beka Books, before (purple flower), wife Celinda, son Noah, daughter settling in the Tampa Bay area with his wife of 10 years, Celinda. The couple has four Ruby and new baby Judah. children, three of whom attend Faith. The atmosphere is clean and secure; and “Although my job with A Beka Book because of the trustworthy care given to was rewarding, I missed my family and I my little ones, I feel good about leaving was anxious to get back to the classroom,” them at the beginning of each day.” says Hartsfield. Faith Baptist was founded in the Faith Baptist Academy doesn’t stop spring of 2001. At first, the preschool only at quality education. Several grade-specific offered K2, K3, and K4. However, even though there were only four students, Faith field trips are scheduled each academic year to offer fun learning outside of the classadded kindergarten in the fall of 2004. “As the Lord continued to bless, Faith room environment. “We visited MOSI last week,” Hartsexpanded its facilities in the fall of 2005 field says. Past field trips have included to accommodate 53 students from K2 Legoland in Lakeland, Dinosaur World in through 6th grade. In June 2007, Faith Plant City, the Tampa History Museum, had its first graduate of the program,” says Brother Travis. “Faith Baptist Academy has Lowry Park Zoo in Seminole Heights, and even Tampa International Airport. Trips to established a solid foundation both spiritually and academically that continues today.” libraries and police stations also are common destinations. With his true southern gentleman And, fun learning is always around the demeanor, Hartsfield (who originally is corner with extra-curricular activities. The from North Carolina) gains respect from Coldings say their son, Jackson, particustudents, staff and parents simply through larly enjoys the extracurricular basketball the way he shows respect, including in
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program and the field trips.
A Loving Relationship With Faith Baptist Church
As a ministry of Faith Baptist Church, all of the policies and programs Faith Baptist Academy offers are overseen by the church. The school’s staff reports directly to Hartsfield, who reports directly to Scott Naill, the Pastor of Faith Baptist Church. Wesley Chapel and New Tampa residents seeking faith are encouraged to visit Faith Baptist, an independent, fundamental Baptist church with a traditional style of worship that is both simple, yet powerful, focusing on preaching the Word of God. Services are held on Sundays at 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.; Sunday School is offered at 10 a.m.; and Prayer and Bible
Study, plus children and teen services, meet on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. Faith Baptist Academy currently is taking applications for enrollment for its upcoming summer programs and fall semester. Classes for the 2014-15 school year begin on August 11 and end the Friday before Memorial Day. If you’re searching for an affordable, quality school for your child, Faith Baptist Academy & Preschool (6300 Oakley Blvd.), may be just right for you. To learn more about the programs and teachings at the school, or to register your children to attend the Academy in the summer or fall, call Brother Travis Hartsfield at 907-9462 or email Travis@FaithBaptistOfWC.org or visit FBAWesleyChapel.org.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 8 • April 12, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Axiom Business Consulting Is The Small Business Solution For Financial Services By Lauren Saslow
It’s tax season folks, and the dreaded Tuesday, April 15, deadline to file your 2013 tax returns or pay any tax due to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is just a few days away. This is a stressful time of the year, especially for those with complicated financial situations, such as owning a business, doing contract work or buying or selling investments (domestically or internationally), among others. Axiom Business Consulting, LLC, located in Telecom Park (just four miles south of the Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd. interchange off I-75 at E. Fletcher Ave.), is available for all of your tax preparation and planning needs. Seema Jain, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Tampa Palms resident, founded Axiom in January 2006 and serves as the firm’s president, leading a team of five employees with a mission to, “Deliver more than traditional accounting and tax services by becoming a strategic business consultant and partner for clients.” Jain earned her Bachelor of Administrative Studies (BAS) degree in Accounting and Taxes from York University in Toronto, Canada, in 1990. She then earned her designation as a Chartered Accountant (CA) at the Ontario Institute of CAs in 2001, before moving to Florida and earning her CPA
at the Florida Institute of CPAs in 2006, even though Florida has a reciprocal program with Canada for accountants, so Jain’s pre-existing CA designation was recognized in Florida and did not require her to get further certification. “I always enjoyed numbers in high school,” explains Jain. “I did really well in my business and accounting electives. Now I enjoy tax planning and advanced development of financial statements.” Tampa Palms resident and loyal Axiom client Dr. Anita Shembekar was referred to Jain by word of mouth. “Seema provides exceptional service in a timely fashion,” Shembekar says. “She jumps through hoops and knows tax law.” Dr. Shembekar even described a situation in which she called Jain with a last-minute request for assistance in a financial matter, and the Axiom staff managed to “squeeze me in.” “My CPA practice does a lot of work in back taxes, IRS appeals and helping individuals and businesses solve their IRS nightmares,” Jain says. “We put the client in charge of their lives, rather than the IRS.” In fact, Jain boasts that her favorite part of the practice is defending the taxpayer’s case by negotiating with IRS agents. One tactic, she says, is to create an installment agreement, which allows clients to negotiate a payment plan with the IRS that fits that client’s budget.
The Axiom team: (l.-r.) Latoya Reid, Seema Jain, CPA, Prekswha Patel and Sam Jain. Photo: Jessica McCormick like Jain to help you explore your opThe most candid piece of advice tions for payment. “It’s nice to be able Jain wants potential clients to hear is, “It is better to file tax forms by April 15th of every year, no matter what.” Even if you do not pay owed taxes immediately, especially after life-altering situations where you do not have the money available to pay, the amount of interest and penalties accrued over five or more years of failing to file taxes can become financially crippling, and the problem will not simply go away. In other words, Jain says, do not allow fear of anticipated penalties keep you from filing taxes annually if you know you owe the IRS money; file on time and allow a knowledgeable CPA
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to help people who legitimately need help,” Jain says. In addition to tax services (preparation, planning and IRS problems), Axiom also offers business services (accounting, payroll, audits, reviews and compilations), Quickbooks services (setup and training with the electronic program that helps clients organize their finances) and individual services (which include personal financial planning, estate planning and elder care). “We offer a broad range of services for business owners, executives and independent professionals, all at very
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affordable rates,” Jain says. Wade Thomas — a Zephyrhills resident who has been a client of Jain’s since April 2012 — raves about how wonderful, professional and familyfriendly the practice is. Thomas was introduced to Jain through a personal reference when he needed professional guidance in applying for a 501(c)(3), or nonprofit organization status. When his primary CPA retired, Thomas entrusted the financial guidance of all three of his businesses (a car business, a pawn shop and an Internet advertising company), in addition to the nonprofit organization, solely to Axiom. As Thomas explains, “I was so impressed with (Seema) and the staff! It makes a big difference to me that my money is handled properly. She’s wonderful, and I would recommend her for any of the services she offers.”
On A Personal Note...
I also had a more complicated financial situation in 2013. While I have typically completed my taxes myself with TurboTax online in recent years, the addition of a freelance writing job and renting out a property left me feeling anxious about the probability of owing taxes to the IRS this year. I brought my printed (unfiled) 2013 tax return, forms and receipts to Jain for review. In just two days, she reviewed and prepared a tax return (including legal deductions I had not realized I was eligible for) that actually allowed me to
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earn money back, even with her preparation fees! I truly was floored (and relieved) at how quickly and effectively she was able to aid in making my life easier. While this type of success may not be possible in every client’s situation, Jain certainly demonstrated her knowledge, professionalism and timeliness to me. She even recommended an electronic program that I can purchase to help me keep track of permissible tax deductions for 2014.
Virtual Offices For Lease
In the age of “virtual” business or home-based work, there is a growing need for professionals to lease office space on a short- or long-term basis in order to meet with clients in a formal setting, instead of in their own homes. To this end, Axiom’s office building has seven furnished office spaces (each approximately 110 sq. ft.) available for lease by the hour. “Leasing one of our office spaces is a cost-effective solution for clients with small businesses,” Jain says. “Currently, there is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a financial consultant who maintain long-term leases here.” Clients who lease an office at Axiom, whether temporarily or permanently, also have shared access to a 200-sq.-ft. boardroom that features a wall-mounted flat screen TV for video
conferencing or PowerPoint presentations, phone conferencing technology, as well as phone and Internet access. Additionally, clients have access to a full-time receptionist to schedule appointments, an all-in-one office printer (that includes faxing and scanning features) and a granite-top kitchenette area. The entire office building is carpeted wall-to-wall and features contemporary, dark wood cabinetry, warm brown painted walls and decorative abstract wall art. Jain’s husband, Sanjiv “Sam” Jain, is the marketing and public relations manager at Axiom who also handles the office rentals. Sam holds a Bach-
elor of Science degree in Computer Science from the New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology in Socorro. When I asked Sam about the title of the business, he explained, “An ‘Axiom’ is a mathematical truth. And, the truth is what we believe in, and what we do here, and that’s why we chose it.” Axiom Business Consulting, LLC, CPA, is located at 13234 Telecom Dr., and is open Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Extended hours are available in April, but by appointment only. Call 3950089 to schedule a free, 30-minute consultation or visit AxiomBusiness Consulting.com for more info.
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Do you have a young baseball or softball player in your house? Check out the profile on Rockstar Performance Baseball & Softball on pages 24-25 of this issue!
Welcome to the first Wesley Chapel edition of our exclusive New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News 2014 Summer Camp Guide! This handy guide will appear in every issue of both of our publications in April & May, and will be updated each time with the additional camps that always get added issue by issue each year. There is a charge for your camp or summer program to appear on this page, but with more than 100,000 pairs of eyeballs in more than 42,000 households checking out our publications every month, there’s no better way to promote your summer program —
or find one that will give your kids their “funnest” summer ever!
If you know of a summer camp or program that could benefit from appearing in this year’s 2014 New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Summer Camp Guide, call 910.2575 or visit WCNeighborhoodNews.com!
Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 04• February 15 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 8 • April 12, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
RockStar Performance Baseball & Softball Offers A Summer Baseball Ranch! National Coach. He says of his stint in England, “It was a great experience. I had the opportunity to coach against a number of internationally ranked teams throughout Europe. “ He moved to Tampa in 2005, but did not pursue baseball full time, although he did help coach varsity softball at Wharton and volunteered with the NTLL. Coach Pryor was actually working as a personal trainer at the time and met with a client who had a son playing baseball in the Wesley Chapel Athletic Association Pony League program. Coach Coach Ryan Pryor of RockStar Performance Baseball & Softball (left) is well-known in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel. He managed the Age 8U District baseball champs from the Wesley Chapel Athletic Assn. Pryor was soon working with his client’s son on his baseball tournament. “It was a great experience “Most kids simply don’t receive the skills and fundamentals. Noticing the to learn about travel ball at a higher training and coaching needed to help improvements, the client asked if Pryor level and understand the needs of the them realize their full potential. They would also help the son’s WCAA team. parents and young players,” he says. get lost in the shuffle and if they don’t Coach Pryor helped with the 7-8 year After working in the youth baseball do well on their own, they lose interest old programs and was invited to coach arena at both the recreational ball and and eventually stop playing altogether!” the All- Star team, despite not having a travel ball levels, along with numerHe adds that recreational baseball, child in the program. “relies upon volunteers who willingly While working with so many young ous clients, camps and clinics for ages 5-18, Coach Pryor decided it was time give up their time to support the local players, Coach Pryor noticed a huge to bring his systems and training to a community, teams, and the league, void in baseball education and good “baseball ranch” to exercise and execute although many of the volunteer coaches training systems within the league and don’t have to time or even the experithe teams themselves and former Rock- those systems to more parents, coaches, and players throughout the area. ence needed to run proper practices or Star Baseball & Softball in 2011. “All of us at RockStar believe that drills to maximize each player’s potential The company has been operatevery kid has the potential to be a good, and abilities.” ing for three years at local fields in the He adds that in youth baseball, espeif not great, baseball player!,” he says Land O’Lakes area and within Coach Pryor’s three-car garage in his New Tampa home, which is equipped with AstroTurf, batting cages, portable pitching mounds and all of the equipment www.tutoringcenter.com needed to train players. “We have had a lot of success with players hitting grand slams, home runs, making the All-Star team for the first time, and basically enjoying the game much more by improving their performance and getting positive results each time on the field,” he says. Coach Pryor also was asked to manage the Wesley ••••• ••••••••••• Chapel Age 8 & Under (8U) travel ball team, a one-year commitment, again despite the fact Pryor did not have a son playing baseball. He led the team to a winning season, culminating with a 5-0 record in the District Championship
••••••••••••& • •S•AVE • $100
If your child is playing or even planning to play baseball or softball at any level — youth, travel, high school, etc. — consider RockStar Performance Baseball & Softball. RockStar owner and coach Ryan Pryor, who currently is the assistant varsity baseball coach for Bishop McLaughlin Catholic High in nearby Spring Hill, oversees the pitching and hitting operations for RockStar, and now is planning to bring his first “baseball ranch” to the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. Pryor is well-known in both New Tampa and Wesley Chapel. He was the assistant varsity coach last year at Wiregrass Ranch High (WRH) in Wesley Chapel and he also has helped coach varsity softball at New Tampa’s Paul R. Wharton High and has been a volunteer coach with the New Tampa Little League (NTLL). At WRH last year, Coach Pryor was instrumental in helping the Bulls finish with the school’s best-ever record in baseball (20-9), which included a State semifinal appearance. He says the season highlight was taking down nationally ranked Steinbrenner High in the second round of the State playoffs. Coach Pryor had the opportunity in college — at Fresno State University in California — to play with such names as former New York Mets pitcher Bobby Jones, former Los Angeles Dodgers infielder (IF) Tommy Goodwin, former Toronto Blue Jays IF Ed Zosky and Matt Williams, a five-time Major League Baseball All-Star 3B for the San Francisco Giants who is now the manager of the Washington Nationals. Pryor even turned some double plays with Matt. Coach Pryor’s father played and coached in the professional and college ranks, keeping him around baseball his entire life. His father even played on a State championship team with MLB Hall of Famer Tom Seaver, a family friend throughout the years, at Fresno City College. After college, Ryan began coaching at the high school level in Tucson, AZ, where he racked up an impressive record, but soon moved to England, where he became the Assistant British
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Coach Pryor always takes the time to teach young baseball players the proper techniques. cially, there are always new kids coming in, kids aging and moving on, and the issues of league attrition due to league “hoppers” (players who jump from one team to another, in search of the best team or a favorite coach), loss of interest, lack of skill development and other coaching issues. Leagues like NTLL and WCAA, therefore, benefit from having a system in place to develop and retain players. “Even youth coaches need proven systems and support from the league,” he says. “But, putting together all of the necessary resources is a big commitment.” Coach Pryor also says that, “Understanding this problem and the need for better education and systems that can support each youth coach and parent became a focal point for RockStar Performance Baseball & Softball. We’ve established a training system that would give each child all the tools and skills they need to develop into a competitive standout. Kids
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are naturally ambitious and the older they get the more they realize where they stand in the rankings.” Therefore, he adds, the ability to increase a child’s confidence by giving them the skills they need to compete and succeed has, “proven not only to provide a better youth baseball experience but a greater opportunity in life.” RockStar Performance Baseball & Softball has identified and addressed the major issues for young players and has engineered a training program to maximize each player’s strengths and significantly improve his or her respective weaknesses, thus allowing them to perform at a higher level in a minimal amount of time. The RockStar approach to training delivers leading-edge baseball techniques and philosophies for youth baseball and softball. Parents can feel confident because their children experience the same training as current MLB players. RockStar’s goal is to provide a facility that can support and harness each young player’s abilities so they can have the best youth experience possible and the best possible chance to achieve their goals or dreams.
So, Where Is The Ranch?
Pryor has looked into a number of land opportunities within the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area and is still working on securing various sites for RockStar’s Baseball Ranch & Travel Baseball Academy. For now, the RockStar Ranch will operate out of Bishop McLaughlin Catholic High in Spring Hill, beginning
this summer. The facilities will include three fields, five batting cages, batting tee and soft toss station areas, fitness area, running track, concessions, and all the training aids and pitching machines needed to facilitate the RockStar way! The Ranch will offer a number of camps, clinics, private instruction and team practices for the new RockStar Rebels Travel Ball Academy. RockStar will offer travel ball teams for all age groups (based on the number of players in each group) from 8U-16U, and all of the teams will maintain the same standardized training system. RockStar has secured managers for each age group and Pryor currently is assembling the coaching staff for each group. Coach Pryor wants all Academy players to learn how to play the game with the proper fundamentals, work ethic, concentration and attitude towards the game. Although Pryor says the coaches will support each player with the same fundamental training, they want the players to have fun and learn life lessons throughout the program. The teams will train together on the same days and times so Coach Pryor can oversee the operations and make sure that the training being delivered is in accordance with RockStar’s training and skills matrix. Each Rebels team also will have standardized practice plans and course syllabuses for their respective age groups, so that players will have the appropriate foundation year after year as they progress through the Academy
to prepare for high school and/or college baseball. All players will be issued practice uniforms, as the operations at the RockStar Ranch will run much like MLB spring training practices with instruction, drills, specials, mass fungos, CRTs, 3-man PFPs, situational games like 100s, 21 outs, and much more from the strength and conditioning coach. Coach Pryor’s own personal training background can help make sure the strength and conditioning coach employs the best possible specific exercise training program geared for baseball players. In addition, RockStar has partnered with Dr. Tom Hansen, who has been a sports psychologist for the New York Yankees and Texas Rangers. Dr. Hansen provides a unique approach to the mental game of baseball at all levels and will help RockStar Baseball Ranch players learn the proper mental approach to the game as well. If you’re interested in any RockStar Performance Baseball & Softball program, please contact Coach Pryor at 992-1030 or register your interest at Rockstar-Baseball.com. The first tryout for all RockStar Rebels age levels will be on Sunday, April 27, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. There is a $20 per-player fee for the tryout, since RockStar will be providing instruction with evaluations of each player. And, all players registering by Saturday, April 14, will receive a free RockStar Baseball Ranch T-shirt! Start playing like a RockStar!
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 8 • April 12, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Terrace Smiles Provides Full-Service Dental Cleaning, Cosmetics By Matt Wiley
For most of us, there’s a lot worth smiling about in this world. So, if you’re going to be grinning ear-to-ear anyway, wouldn’t it be better if you didn’t have to be self-conscious about doing so? The Terrace Smiles Center for Laser, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry (located in Telecom Park off E. Fletcher Ave. in Temple Terrace (or one exit south of Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd. off I-75) takes the worry out of showing others your teeth, helping to boost not only your appearance, but also your self-confidence and your overall health. Priding himself on the extremely gentle, yet effective work that he does, Dr. Brian Witt, D.M.D. (Doctor of Dental Medicine), can transform any smile into something worth showing off at his full-service dental practice, specializing in everything from simple cleanings to orthodontics and even laser gum surgery. “We never have to refer patients elsewhere,” Dr. Witt says. “We can do it all right here.” Dr. Witt, of Land O’Lakes, who earned his dental degree from the University of Florida College of Dentistry in Gainesville in 1995, began working as a dentist straight out of college at several different practices, before purchasing the Temple-Terrace-based (on N. 56th St.)
YOGA for KIDS Enlightening kids and parents through a marvelous journey of self-discovery.
Terrace Smiles in 1999. “That’s what dentists do,” Dr. Witt explains. “We need to be able to take care of our patients our own way. It was time for me to be my own boss.” Ten years later, Dr. Witt decided to have a new stand-alone practice built in Telecom Park to allow for more space for seeing patients. Throughout his 19-year career as a dentist, Dr. Witt has continued his education, seeking out advanced training in the latest dental techniques from the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies. It was there that Dr. Witt received advanced training in cosmetic dentistry, including full-mouth reconstruction, and TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) headache-relief treatments. TMJ treatment is necessary for people whose jaws are misaligned, which Dr. Witt says can cause headaches, migraines, ear pain, ringing in the ears, vertigo and more. Using special techniques, Dr. Witt says that he can determine the optimal position of your jaw and recommend a specific treatment plan catered to each individual. “Many people suffer from TMJ and don’t even know it,” Dr. Witt explains. In addition to TMJ treatment, another service that sets Terrace Smiles apart is the practice’s FDA-approved periodontal laser therapy for treating
gum disease and performing gum surgery. Instead of traditional surgery, which requires the dentist or oral surgeon to cut away parts Not happy with your smile? Set up an appointment with Dr. Brian of a patient’s gums to Witt of Terrace Smiles (off E. Fletcher Ave. near I-75) to see how he can give you truly pearly whites. remove deep plaque buildup that forces the surgery and additional visits to have gums away from the teeth, Dr. Witt uses stitches removed, which aren’t necessary the PerioLase Laser. When removing at all with the PerioLase Laser therapy. deep plaque buildup from between the “We get people healthy,” Dr. Witt gums and teeth, the laser works like an says. “We take care of your health first. eraser on a whiteboard. By just hovering But then, we also can take care of our over the buildup, it is quickly and easily patients’ cosmetic needs. If people don’t wiped away. like the way their teeth look, we can help “People tell me that after they’ve them change their appearance.” had the laser surgery and previously had the traditional gum surgery, the laser surOrthodontic Services & More! gery hurt a lot less,” Dr. Witt explains. The most common way Dr. Witt “It’s a much easier healing process.” assists in changing the appearance of Plus, the laser therapy only takes teeth is by offering both full orthodontic two, two-hour sessions, as opposed to services, as well as Invisalign — an alterfour, one-hour sessions for traditional
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Dr. Witt insists that you won’t be sorry you stopped by Terrace Smiles. “I’ve always wanted to be a dentist,” he explains, “even though there are dentists on every corner. There are probably ten dentists within a mile of us. But, since we’re full service, I can take care of all of your needs. Plus, we offer gentle care. Lots of people are afraid of the dentist. I Crowns, bridges, veneers, tooth whitening, traditional braces and Invisalign are all options Dr. like to change that.” Witt offers — all in one location — to totally transform your smile. Terrace Smiles is located at 13214 Telecom Dr. in Telecom Park, located native to braces that slowly straightens with a loving, caring, smiling and comjust off E. Fletcher Ave. in Temple Terteeth with clear, plastic mouthpieces. As petent staff!,” Nancy L, of Northdale race. For more information, including says. “They took care of several of my opposed to metal braces that protrude from your teeth and can give some peohealth-related dental needs and prepared a new patient Internet special ($99 for ple sore gums on an ongoing basis, Inmy files should I elect to take care of any an exam, cleaning, consultation and visalign provides a smooth, clear surface cosmetic needs. I enjoyed all the staff, es- digital x-rays), visit TerraceSmiles.com that you might not even notice yourself pecially Dr. Witt. You can trust this office or call 977-7000. and will enjoy this first-class experience.” while wearing them. Kathy H. of Temple Terrace says, Dr. Witt also has extensive training in dental bridges (for filling gaps left by “I’ve been self-conscious about my teeth missing teeth), dental implants, veneers, my entire life. I received a flier in the implants and custom-made dentures mail and liked that Dr. Witt provided and, of course, teeth whitening and standard, periodontal and cosmetic bleaching — including deep bleaching, dentistry...I had crowns put on all my upper teeth and a lower tooth. I had a process that revitalizes the tooth’s periodontal work, whitening and caviability to absorb oxygen. When oxygen is absorbed into a tooth, Dr. Witt says, it ties filled and replaced. I chose to have the work done all at once. The staff was breaks down large, dark stain molecules into smaller, white particles, giving you a always courteous and Dr. Witt ensured much whiter smile. there was no pain. I’m so happy with the If you’re not convinced yet, listen to final results. My teeth are beautiful and I receive lots of compliments. I highly what other patients have to say. “Terrace Smiles is the first dentist’s recommend Dr. Witt to anyone that feels office I have ever been to that felt like a that their mouth is a lost cause. (He) can make you look and feel like a winner.” spa — not a snooty one — but one filled
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 8 • April 12, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 8 • April 12, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Pirates Win Rotary Spelling Bee! By Gary Nager
“eW Cmae. eW aSw. eW Plundreded!” Just seeing if you’re paying attention. I know we still have spelling mistakes in pretty much every issue of this publication, but it’s not because I can’t spell or because I don’t have spell-check on my computer. In fact, after leading a team of Rotarians to a disappointing tied-for-third place in the West Pasco Chamber’s Spelling Bee last year, I called my shot and predicted — both at my Wesley Chapel Rotary Club meeting the day before and as the Rotary Spelling Bee (sponsored by the club of which I am proud to be a member) began on March 27 — that the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News “Pirates” would take home the “Best in Bee” prize as the new top spellers in Pasco County. And yes, I am proud to say, we did come home with those bragging rights. The Rotary “Bee,” held in the banquet room at the beautiful Tampa Bay Golf & Country Club (located just off the S.R. 52 exit of I-75) featured a packed house of 28 four-player teams, delicious heavy hors d’oeuvres, adult beverages, incredible costumes and team “themes,” valuable prizes, the camaraderie, fun and “Service Above Self” spirit of Rotary and some really, really tough spelling words — all in a fantastically fun environment created by event chair Erin Meyer and her amazing committee, which raised a lot of money (see pg. 35 for details). The event was emceed by Dr. Stanley Giannet, the Provost of the new PascoHernando State College’s Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch (see page 1), who literally should replace Alex Trebek as the host of “Jeopardy!” (if and when Alex ever retires). The judges were Ray Gadd, the assistant su-
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perintendent of Pasco County Schools, Rob Aguis, the School District’s director for career & technical education, and Jolene Furman, a Kindergarten teacher at New River Elementary. The Bee featured three rounds of words, but in the first two rounds, if your team didn’t come up with the correct spelling in the time allotted, you could “bribe” your way back in by donating an additional $10 to the evening’s coffers — and all of the proceeds from the event will go to the cause of education in Pasco County, although the top
(Clockwise from top left): Dr. Stanley Giannet of Pasco-Hernando State College emceed the Rotary Spelling Bee, which was won by the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Pirates. The second place team, Men In Black. The packed banquet room at Tampa Bay Golf & Country Club in San Antonio was where the plundering Pirates took home the gold. The Christian Business Connections “Emojis” took home the prize for the best team theme. Spelling Bee event chair Erin Meyer of Gator Cleaning Solutions thanked her See “Bee” on page 35. committee, the evening’s sponsors and the participants.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 8 • April 12, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Front House Photography Freezes Your Precious Memories In Time By Amy Gutierrez
In today’s world of readily available enhanced photography, photo editing and filters all as close as our smart phone apps or laptops, almost everyone thinks that they are destined to be the next Ansel Adams. The art of photography is, however, a pursuit and study of motion and emotion. It’s having the ability to watch and participate in a moment without actually being part of that moment. Those who are well-versed in the art of photography know the difference between a posed smile that conveys an event, versus an object or body in motion that conveys a feeling. Julie Saliba, owner of Wesley Chapel-based Front House Photography, studied film at the prestigious New York Film Academy (NYFA) in New York City, before furthering her studies at the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts in downtown Tampa. Originally at NYFA to pursue writing, Saliba says she became immediately interested in filmography and still pictures during her studies. NYFA is highly regarded, not only for the intense, hands-on instruction its students receive, but also because of the extraordinarily eclectic and diverse group of students who are
accepted to study there. When speaking of New York and her time spent there, it’s clear that Saliba appreciated the culture of the city and believes it helped her see photography and film for what it still — and always will be at its core — an art. Front House Photography is a relatively new business in the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. While Julie hails from Jacksonville, FL, and worked professionally there, she relocated to the Tampa area in 2013, after getting married and settling where her husband grew up. Her business is a sole proprietorship and she oversees all work on her own — from the initial concept to the finished product. Specializing in event photography and on-location portraits, Front House Photography covers weddings, engagements, parties or just capturing a family moment for a special memory. “Weddings, engagements and anniversary parties are typically the types of events I am hired for,” Saliba explains. “Family events seem to be the most prevalent.” These types of events also happen to be her specialty. “I want people to look at my photos and be taken back to how they
felt at that very moment in time,” Saliba says. “I prefer photos to be kept as raw and authentic to the first image as possible.” Saliba indicates that through her conversations with clients beforehand, she tries to get a very clear idea of what’s important to them prior to a shoot. Coupled with her ability to step outside of artistic boundaries, she is able to create lasting, one-of-a-kind treasures. “When a client sits down with me and shows me examples of what he/ she is looking for, that’s great for reference,” Saliba explains. “At the same time, no two photographs that I take are ever going to feel the same.” Angela Karam, of Jacksonville, whose engagement photos were shot by Julie, states, “My fiancé and I were really happy with Julie’s work. Her photos were original and the turnaround was as promised. We were extremely happy that she was able to capture the special moments.” In an age of altering and editing photos beyond recognition, Julie has a fresh, young, simplistic perspective. She is well-versed in all of the latest techniques, while still acknowledging that her continuing, ongoing training in graphic arts is a necessity due to its
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“importance in the future of photography.” We have all seen still photos that appear staged and stiff, but Julie prefers to always bring motion to her photography. She spends time getting a sense of the Julie Saliba of Front House Photography people she is photographing and strives to get those shots that are fleeting moments in time and turning them into uniquely “preserved” memories. Since most clients prefer to hire a photographer who not only understands aperture, exposure and shutter speed, but also how to capture human emotion and obtaining that once-in-alifetime remembrance, Julie offers the whole package. And, since film/video production are subjects she knows well, she also anticipates adding videography to the services Front House
Front House Photography can make lasting memories of your special event. For more samples of Julie Saliba’s work (such as the photos above), check out her portfolio at FrontHousePhotography.Zenfolio.com.
Photography provides as early as next year. Saliba says she is wholly committed to spending a solid year focusing only on still photography with Front House before expanding into video and other services, preferring to first build a solid client base and reputation in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel area before expanding. Saliba says that it was while attending film school seven days a week that she figured out the name for her future photography company. “It was a beautiful spring day and I had a rare opportunity to spend some time in Central Park with two fellow classmates,” Saliba explains.
She says the name came from a casual discussion among her good friends as they dreamed aloud about their futures. As the three friends chatted on a picnic bench about their goals following college, they decided that the trio would form a production company and Julie blurted out the name Front Porch Productions. Although the three have since moved on to separate careers, she named her business as a direct result of that dream because her friends contributed so much to developing her art. Julie has a great perspective on what it means to own her own business. She’s far more interested in
my talents and interests and led me to begin Front House Photography,” Saliba says. “I intend to carry on those lessons and opportunities I’ve learned into my business, in hopes of creating a successful and principled career.” If you’re looking to have that special moment captured by a professional photographer who will cater to your personal needs, look no further than Front House Photography. To schedule an appointment, call 777-1540 or visit FrontHouse Photography.Zenfolio.com to view Saliba’s portfolio. And, for the latest updates, ‘Like’ the Front House Facebook.com page at Facebook. com/FrontHousePhotography.
being a business owner who stands behind her work with far more responsibility for getting the job done right than most freelance photographers would ever offer. There is a real sense of commitment and refreshing honesty when she speaks about being creative. Raised in a home that valued self-expression, creativity and intellectualism, Saliba says she was encouraged to explore and find her talents through dedication and commitment. She described both of her parents as being extremely creative and she was given the freedom and support to find her niche. “Fortunately, college expanded
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Continued from page 1 FHWC Invests In PHSC Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) also was honored during the dedication for its $350,000 grant donation to the new college campus, which first will be used to fund at least 50, $1,000, one-year scholarships for future PHSC Porter Campus students. In addition to the scholarships, Dr. Johnson also announced that three areas of the new State College would be named for FHWC — the outdoor terrace, the student meeting area and the Porter Campus’ nursing laboratory. “It’s exciting for us at (FHWC) to see this college coming up out of the ground with so many nursing and allied health field
opportunities changing future generations on this campus, right here in Wesley Chapel,” said FHWC chief financial officer Mike Lukens. “Now Wiregrass Ranch has a great place to shop (the Shops at Wiregrass Ranch), get great health care (at FHWC) and a great education. It shows the vision of the local community, business leaders and residents, who wanted and needed quality services at their doorstep.” As the Chamber president, Novotny also praised PHSC. “It’s easy to see how the community has grown and proven (that there is) a need for an institution like PHSC,” Novotny said. “This campus opens educational opportunities for adults to help improve their quality of life. We thank you for making Wesley Chapel a college town.” Among the local companies and
groups who contributed to the dedication were Signarama of New Tampa, the Wiregrass Ranch High (WRH) Jazz Band and String Quartet. Food for the event was provided by A Dash of Salt & Pepper Catering, Big Apple Bagels, GrillSmith, Latin Twist Café, O.T.B. Café, the WRH Culinary Arts Program and Sprinkles Ice Cream Parlor. If you missed the ceremony, but want to help PHSC celebrate becoming a State College and the dedication of the Porter Campus, check out the second annual PHSC “Bash at the Ranch” on Saturday, April 12, 6 p.m., at the 4G+1 Ranch, located off S.R. 52 in Land O’Lakes. All proceeds from the Bash will go toward PHSC Foundation-endowed scholarships. Or, call PHSC’s Porter Campus at 527-6615 or visit PHSC.edu.
PHSC Porter Campus Provost Dr. Stanley Giannet, with Wiregrass Ranch High culinary arts students who helped serve food at the dedication ceremony. Photo: OurTownFla.com.
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‘Spelling Bee’
Continued from page 29
three finishing teams — our Neighborhood News Pirates (yours truly, my fellow Rotarians Dane Parilo {see pg. 3} and Vicki Hamilton and freelancer Kathleen Schiop), the “Men In Black” (chiropractors Dr. Bill Scheu and Dr. Pablo Rivera and financial gurus Ron Oldano and Patrick Murtha) and one other received cash prizes to donate to the charity/ nonprofit organization of their choice. Our $200 top prize will be donated to the Tampa Fisher House, the residence on the campus of the James A. Haley Veterans Administration Hospital, which houses the families of the wounded soldiers being treated at the hospital for free. The spelling words were really tough and even yours truly misspelled three in the first two rounds, which cost me (as the team captain and anchor) $30 in “bribes” to the judges in order to even make it to Round 3, when bribes were no longer accepted. The Men in Black and the Pirates were the only two teams to correctly spell each of the first four words in Round 3 — “quadrennial,” “seismography,” “tintinnabulation” (which sucker-punched at least half of the remaining teams) and “verisimilitude” (which dropped everyone else out). I was surprised that the Men were unable to correctly spell “facetious,” but I was elated when Dr. Giannet said “uh-oh”
2:38 AM
as he looked at both teams’ attempts to spell it because I knew we had it right. I also realized that if any of the words I misspelled in Round 2 had been in Round 3, we wouldn’t have won at all. My congratulations for a job well done goes out to not only Dr. Giannet and the judges, but to Erin and her committee — Shantelle Johannesen, Christen Eddy, Karina Azank, Sabrina DiRoma, Dineen Wasylik, Larry Giannone, Carla Armstrong, Hutch Brock, Stacey Capagrosso and Dulce Leon — for their incredible planning, organizing, selling of sponsorships and especially, the running of the event itself, which Erin says will net more than $10,000 for the Pasco Education Foundation and the club’s charities. In addition to the food and beverages and laying out the event, the committee also made sure there was a 50-50 raffle (for more than $500!), random drawings for other amazing prizes, baskets of cheer of liquor and wine/champagne and, as anyone who was there can tell you, one of the best times all of us have ever had doing something educational.
I also wanted to acknowledge the evening’s major sponsors — the Shops at Wiregrass mall, Suncoast Schools Credit Union, Ierna’s Heating & Cooling, Brock Law, St. Leo University, the Wiregrass Foundation, the Florida Hospital Physicians Group, Connie Bladon, Focal Point Business Coach, Ron Oldano, Christian Brothers Auto (LOL), DLW Law, Paul Davis, C Eukulele Brands, Knowledge Points, the Tampa Bay Times, Scene On Glass, the Hampton Inn M & Crazy Chris DJ. Awesome job, everyone! Y
For more great Spelling Bee photos, visit WCNeighborhoodNews.com! CM
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 8 • April 12, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
La Fuente Real Mexican Restaurant Adds Cuban Cuisine & Breakfast! By Gary Nager
Some people like Mexican food, while others prefer authentic Cuban cuisine. But, if you’re like me, you probably enjoy a little of both, and that’s what sets La Fuente Real Mexican Restaurant & Cuban Café in the Cross Creek Center plaza (Cross Creek Blvd. at Kinnan St.) apart from any other Latin restaurant in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel. La Fuente owner Roger Rubio has been serving his authentic Mexican fare in our area for about a year, but a couple of months ago, he decided to expand the menu at his restaurant (which is casually comfortable, with plenty of flat-screen TVs) to include not only tasty Cuban food, but also some of the best Cuban and American breakfast items in our area. In other words, whether or not you’ve been to La Fuente before, now is a great time to give it a shot for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Let’s start with breakfast. La Fuente offers everything to start your day, from delicious bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches on perfectly pressed Cuban bread to huevos rancheros (an authentic Mexican dish with eggs smothered in a slightly spicy red sauce) to homemade pancakes and even hash browns and grits. I thoroughly enjoyed the unique French toast — made with Cuban bread — and correctly crispy bacon and my buddy Ian said the huevos rancheros were as good as any he’s had and he also loved the zesty
home fries and sausage patties. And yes, La Fuente’s café con leché is yummy, too, and the perfect way to cap off a great breakfast. Other breakfast items include egg, bacon and cheese wraps, Spanish and Mexican chorizo sausage and egg sandwiches, Cuban cheese toast and even homemade biscuit sandwiches. Good stuff. For lunch or dinner at La Fuente, you can choose from (Clockwise from top left): La Fuente Real a variety of Mexican favorites, Mexican Restaurant & Cuban Café on Cross from tacos to sizzling fajitas to Creek Blvd. in New Tampa now has great enchiladas and “Platos Espe- huevos rancheros & Cuban-style French toast. The roast mojo pork is just so tender and tasty. ciales” like pollo asado, chile like arroz con gandules (rice with relleno and even fresh fish like pigeon peas) and other dishes sautéed tilapia and grilled salmon. But, if you’re in the mood for a quick you won’t find in most Mexican and inexpensive lunch, La Fuente now has restaurants. There’s also an array set up a hot table filled with delicious Cu- of great sandwiches from BLTs to ban specialties, from roast, shredded mojo grilled steak palomilla, breaded or grilled fish and Mexican “tortas” pork to my favorite chicken fricase, picadillo (ground beef) and ropa vieja. There’s (with chicken or beef, refried even deviled crabs, masitas (pork chunks), beans, avocados and jalapenos) and “media noche” (sweet egg ox tail and pressed Cuban sandwiches, bread with baked ham, mojo pork with authentic sides like platanos (planand imported Swiss cheese), all for $3.99tains), black or red beans and yellow rice, $6.99. yucca and more. And, all of these great Of course, I still also love La Fuente’s Cuban specialties range between $6.99 to no more than $9.99 for more exotic items sizzling steak and chicken fajitas, the nicely spiced carne asada steak (the pico like garlic shrimp or ox tail. La Fuente even has Puerto Rican fare de gallo is outstanding) and the La Fuente
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Superior, with grilled chicken and beef, chorizo, onions, peppers, jack cheese, guacamole and sour cream. And, not only does La Fuente have great Mexican beers like Modelo Especial and Negro Modelo on draft, there’s also homemade sangria, wines by the glass and
great wine-based margaritas and other cocktails, a nice children’s menu, delicious authentic Latin desserts like banana chimichanga, flan, sopapillas and more. Catering for large or small parties also is available. For more information about La Fuente Real Mexican Restaurant & Cuban Café (10032 Cross (Clockwise from top left): La Fuente’s new CuCreek Blvd.), call 907-0592, visit ban cuisine makes for a quick lunch. We loved MexicanFoodTampa.net. the carne asada steak and chile rellenos.
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The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel! Wesley Chapel has announced (with some small signs) that the first Tampa Bay-area Pinchers Crab Shack will open in the mall, although we have not yet heard about an expected opening date for the fresh seafood eatery specializing in fresh Marylandstyle blue crabs (bottom photo) and the delicacy of Florida stone crabs (when they’re in season, Oct.-May). Pinchers also features everything from grouper, mahi-mahi, scallops and shrimp to BBQ ribs, fried clams and oysters and more. We’ll keep you posted as to when Pinchers is expected to open.
By Gary Nager & Matt Wiley
Wesley Chapel-Area Sweetbays Now Winn-Dixies
Attention Wesley Chapel Sweetbay supermarket shoppers! Beginning as you’re reading this issue, you may end up becoming Winn-Dixie shoppers, as the Sweetbay locations on County Line Rd. (next to LA Fitness) in New Tampa and in the Towne Centre of Wesley Chapel shopping plaza on S.R. 54 (just east of Old Pasco Rd.), closed for the name change on April 5, to begin the rebranding process. The New Tampa and Wesley Chapel Sweetbays, along with 16 other locations around Tampa Bay, are being rebranded as the result of the February acquisition of Delhaize America (Sweetbay’s parent company) by Jacksonville-based Bi-Lo Holdings, which owns the Winn-Dixie supermarket brand. “While the name on the fronts of the stores is changing, the people running them don’t have to,” says Joey Medina, Winn-Dixie’s regional vice president. “We’ve invited Sweetbay associates to join the Winn-Dixie family and look forward to exchanging what it means to be local as we work together to run even greater stores. Upon reopening as a Winn-Dixie, we believe customers will be pleasantly surprised to see that we have been working hard to provide the fresh, quality products they want at prices they can afford.”
Patty Wolf Golf Tourney To Be Held Apr. 26 At PCGC Congratulations to the Frost family & to the employees who cut the ribbon (with the Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce) on the brand new McDonald’s, which reopened on S.R. 54 on March 26. The newly rebuilt 27-year old original building was family patriarch Jack Frost (far left)’s first of four McDs in Florida, which is now the second-largest McDonald’s in the state. The S.R. 54 location will have a Grand Opening party on Sat., May 3. Photo by Tony Masella of OurTownFla.com.
Note —The name change does not affect the former Sweetbay store on Doña Michelle Dr. in New Tampa’s North Palms Village, since it was closed long before this acquisition was made. We have not heard any news about that long-vacant space, located next to the Home Depot.
locations already open in Florida, but none further north than Cape Coral (and most in the Naples/Ft. Myers area), the Shops at Wiregrass mall in
For more information, please visit Bi-Lo.com and Winn-Dixie.com.
Pinchers Crab Shack Coming To Wiregrass Mall With nine extremely popular
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Golfers and anyone who appreciates the delicious food at the Wolf’s Den — An Authentic American Diner (at 27607 S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel, in front of Sam’s Club) — should be excited to participate in the second annual Patty Wolf Memorial Golf Tournament, which will be held on Saturday, April 26, at the Pebble Creek Golf Club (10550 Regents Park Dr., New Tampa). Patty, the wife of Wolf’s Den owner Roger Wolf, passed away two years ago after finally losing a long struggle against cancer. She also was a dog groomer and the owner of The Classy Canine grooming studio in New Port Richey, so she and Roger
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decided before she passed to start the Patty Wolf Memorial Veterinarian Scholarship to help raise money for students who want to attend Patty Wolf veterinarian school. The cost to play in the tourney is $80 per player, which includes refreshments on the course and in the club house, longest drive and closest-to-the-pin contests (men’s and women’s), mulligans on all par-3 holes and a banquet dinner provided by, of course, the Wolf’s Den. Roger says the feast will include BBQ pulled pork, my favorite fried chicken in Wesley Chapel, plus Wolf’s Den’s awesome slaw, potato salad and more. For info about the tourney, including sponsorship opportunities, call 907-9124.
Glory Days Grill Opens!
For those who have been waiting patiently for the new Glory Days Grill to open in the location previously occupied by Lee Roy Selmon’s off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. at 17808 Doña Michelle Dr. (just north of I-75), your wait is over. As you read this, the first-ever Glory Days (there are more than 20 locations on the eastern seaboard, including 15 in Virginia, five in Maryland
and one in West Virginia) to open in Florida was expected to have a ribbon cutting on April 8. The 220-seat (inside, with seating for 50 more outside on a covered patio) sports grill promises to have plenty of TVs, great food and a packed bar area. The restaurant kicked things off with a charity fund raiser at the restaurant on April 7, but should be open to the public as you’re reading this issue. We’re excited about the possibilities for Glory Days. We couldn’t reach managing partner James Hamilton the day we went to press, but the spokesperson we talked to at Glory Days just before it opened said that although the restaurant is, “a traditional sports bar & grill, the menu will surprise you. It’s not as upscale, food-wise, as Selmon’s (which is owned by the same parent company, MVP Holdings), but there really is something for everyone on it and the prices are very fair. This location will have a slightly different menu, to serve the needs of the more upscale The Pub-style Yuengling® surrounding com- beer-battered fish fillets at Glory Days Grill are munity.” served Fri. for only $9.99. For more information about Glory Days Grill, call 513-7550. Or, visit GloryDaysGrill.com.
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HELP WANTED — Mission: To build careers worth having, business worth owning, and lives worth living. Vision: To be the real estate company of choice. Award Winning Real Estate Team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire 2 additional experienced & motivated full-time real estate agents who want to earn more money, expand their horizons & have a fulfilling life. Great advance training available. Keller Williams Tampa Properties - Contact Annette with Team Bohannon @ (813) 431-2840. HELP WANTED — Part-Time Community Representative. Personable, friendly individual to provide community information & assist with Realtor outreach program for an established real estate development. Excellent written & oral communication skills & working knowledge of Excel & Word required. Send your resume to csummerson@ crown-tampa.com. HELP WANTED — Route Sales, Medical. Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retrieval. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights per month. Retrieves damaged/defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; troubleshooting breakdowns; scheduling maintenance and repairs. Call (813) 982-1336. PHYSICAL THERAPIST — An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. HELP WANTED — Looking for hairstylists with established clientele! - Relaxing contemporary environment in busy New Tampa shopping center. Booth rental available $175/week. Newly furnished private suite w/ shampoo bowl for $225/week - First week free! Contact Ms. Johnson @ (813) 9942393 or email johnson.christy08@yahoo.com. HELP WANTED — Highly organized, very detailoriented, experienced Real Estate Transaction Manager with thorough knowledge of multiple real estate software apps. A Real Estate license is a plus or be willing to study for it. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon, Keller Williams Tampa Properties. (813) 431-2840. BAKER(S) WANTED - Stonemill Artisan Bakery is looking for early morning bakers with experience in the position. We are starting our wholesale operations soon & need someone to join our growing team. Duties include breads, pastries & baked donuts, among others. Fulltime position with some weekend shifts. Food handler safety certification a plus. Please email us at contact@stonemillartisan.com with the words “Baker Position” on the subject line & we will send you an application form via email. Stonemill Artisan is an equal opportunity employer.
Classifieds TEACHERS WANTED - Seeking Lead Montessori Teachers (with AMS/AMI certification) in Wesley Chapel - Join a winning team! Adding staff now at a brand new Montessori School in Wesley Chapel, FL. Competitive Salaries; Flexible Schedules; Professional Work Environment. Enthusiastic, nurturing candidates with a passion for teaching should apply by calling (813) 737-7517 or by sending your resume to info@wcmontessori.co.
DRY WALL SPECIALIST — Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings and walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster & stucco repair. 26 years of exp. Wesley Chapel resident. State-Certified. Call Ron for a free estimate @ 784-5999. NEED HOME MAINTENANCE? — Almost any job, large or small, ext/int, fencing, screening, sm. concrete, sprinklers, painting, repairs, int. doors, locks, sheet rock, windows, paint, caulk, grout, trim, shelving, garages organized. Installations, removals, pressure washing, wood restoration & more. Call Dale’s Home Maintenance @ 973-0194 or 727-2582. DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING — Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional & personal touch. Pool decks & screen enclosures, all fencing/driveways & walkways/ roofs, gutters & downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177. GREG’S PAPERHANGING — For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed & insured, clean, quick & reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate. D & D PRESSURE WASHING — Licensed & insured. We clean driveways, sidewalks, homes, pool decks, screen enclosures, fences and other items. Free estimates. Call Dina or Doug @ (813) 949-5131 or visit DDPressureWash.com.
COMPUTER SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TECH SUPPORT — in your home or small business. A+, Certified computer tech with 20 years of exp. Maintenance & repairs, upgrades & tutoring. More affordable than the large chains! Friendly, personalized svc. Technical jargon explained in plain English. Remote assistance available. References available upon request. Call (813) 957-8342 for a free estimate. DO YOU HATE YOUR COMPUTER?!? WE CAN HELP YOU! Troubleshooting, installation, networking & virus removal. WE COME TO YOU! Servicing residential & businesses, w/ more than 25 years of experience. Contact Jeffrey Blank @ (813) 973-4507, visit WSICA.COM or email Wsica@ wsica.com today!
E D U C A T I O N / B A B YS I T T I N G L.I.F.E Academy for Learning, LLC, is a licensed home daycare located in New River Township. The daycare is managed by Nora Dudley, an exp’d. elem.FL-certified teacher also certified in infant/
child CPR & First Aid. Nora is a loving mother of two who is passionate about helping children. Call Nora at (813) 395-8487 or for more info, visit LifeAcademyforLearning.com today to enroll your child & mention this ad to waive your registration fee! Refs. available. Lic. #F06PA361
Don’t Have a Ride? Don’t Want to Leave Your Car? Shouldn’t Drive? We Drive You & Your Car Home! Night Clubs, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Concerts, Appointments, Airport or Stranded. Call Jay at (813) 966-1530.
TRANQUILITY POOL SERVICE — New Tampa owned & operated. Great Pricing with outstanding customer service! Licensed, bonded & insured. See why we are New Tampa & Wesley Chapel’s #1 Choice!! New customers get ONE MONTH FREE! Call Chris Today @ (813) 857-5400 or visit TranquilityPoolService.com.
AQUATEC POOL SERVICE — Keeping pools clear & swim-safe since 1994! WE DO POOLS RIGHT! Commercial & Residential. CPO #33303052 Licensed & Insured. Service guaranteed. Call (813) 312-5694 today & get 1 month of Quality Service for FREE! AquatecPool.com.
BASEBALL TRAINING for ages 6-18 — Private, group, team or league instructional development. Get started...FREE player evaluations! New “travelball academy” starting soon, register online with your interest and train at our new 5- acre baseball ranch. Current Varsity Pitching and Hitting Coach at Bishop McLaughlin Catholic HS & Former Wiregrass Ranch HS Varsity Coach ( 2013 state semi-finalist). Former British National Coach, college player, youth coach and 8U travel ball manager. You practice... WE TRAIN! Call (813) 9921030 or visit Rockstar-Baseball.com or email ryan@ rockstar-baseball.com.
F I T N E S S & W E L L -B E I N G TAI CHI CLASSES — Benefits: Strength, flexibility, balance, focus & reduced stress! New Beginner 6-week courses starting every few months. Adults Course: Thur. evenings, 7-8 pm. Seniors Course: Tues. afternoons, noon-1 pm. Space is ltd.! Also private instruction in Tai Chi Chuan, Kempo, Chin-Na, plus Boot Camp Fitness training & more. More than 35 years of training & teaching exp. Please contact Peter at (813) 787-7560 for more details or visit chuan-fa.org or e-mail peter@chuan-fa.org. LICENSED MOBILE MASSAGE THERAPIST — Available seven days a week, 9am -9pm. $55 for 1 hour! Types of massage available: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Aroma Therapy, Hot Stone, Corporate Seated, Pregnancy, Sports & Injury Rehab. References avail. Visit BarkdollMassageTherapy.com or call (727) 372-6389. Lic #MA47546. INDIVIDUAL & COUPLES COUNSELING — Over 90 years of personable & exp’d. therapy & testing services. Better Business Bureau-Accredited. With 6 clinicians, we’ll find the best therapist for you. Call (813) 418-7188, email DrP@phonepremier.com or visit Tampa-Therapy.com.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 8 • April 12, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING — Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning & more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL! FREE ESTIMATE! Call (813) 420-4465. AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC — Our services include weekly lawn maintenance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimmimg. We also offer landscaping, pruning, sod replacement, and pressure washing. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service & trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778. TAMPA LAWN SALON, INC. has been providing New Tampa & Wesley Chapel residents service for over 10 years! We not only provide weekly landscape maintenance but are also licensed in pest control. Our services include: Lawn and Ornamental Fertilization, Pest Control, Landscape Design, Landscape and Sod Installation, Lawn & Landscape Maintenance, Landscape Lighting, Irrigation, Pressure Washing. Please call us for an estimate at 813.417.7301 & ask us about our FREE irrigation inspection!
ANNA’S HOUSEKEEPING, A BBB-Accredited Business Servicing Florida since 1991. — Cleaning, Laundry, You Name It! $74 introductory special, Mon-Wed. Make your list, put us to work! We have private housekeeper rates with agency backup coverage! Licensed & all housekeepers are background checked. Call 813.985.1150. M.Y. CLEANING SERVICE — Offering residential cleaning, complete bath & kitchen cleaning, plus dusting & polishing furniture. We have our own supplies. Your satisfaction is our priority! With 5 years of experience, we guarantee meticulous cleaning! For a free estimate, call Mila @ (813) 516-3554. SQUEAKY CLEAN HOME SERVICES is a residential cleaning company offering weekly, bi-weekly, & monthly services. We also specialize in move-in/ move-out cleanup. All supplies & equipment provided. We are an Owner Operator company with over 20 years of exp. “If it needs to be clean, we’re your team!” Call 813-625-6045 for a free in-home estimate today! D-ULTRA CLEANING SERVICE — We have our own supplies & more than 300 clients in New Tampa! For more info, Call 758-9710.
Unable to drive, no time, to-do list not getting done??? Call: SmilesAlways @ 813-263-4244 for: ErrandsAirport Ride/Car Service- Out Of Town Travel Assistance- Doctor Appointments- Companion Care- Grocery Shopping Assistance- Girl Friday/ Office Support/ Personal Correspondence And Concierge Services- Event Planning. Hourly, Daily & Long Term Rates. Tampa Palms/New Tampa Area. Friendly, Trustrworthy, Responsive, Reliable.
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