Volume 22 Issue 9
See Neighborhood Magazine!
April 26, 2014
We Win The Rotary Spelling Bee!
The Direct - Mail News Magazines Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Since 1993! THIS INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS MAGAZINE IS DIRECTLY MAILED TO: NEW TAMPA: Arbor Greene • Cory Lake Isles • Cross Creek • Easton Park • Grand Hampton • Heritage Isles • Hunter’s Green • Hunter’s Key • K-Bar Ranch Lake Forest • Live Oak Preserve • Pebble Creek • Richmond Place • Tampa Palms • The Hammocks • West Meadows WESLEY CHAPEL: Aberdeen • Belle Chase • Bridgewater • Brookside • Chapel Pines • Country Walk • Lexington Oaks • Meadow Pointe • New River • Northwood • Pinewalk • Pine Ridge Saddlebrook • Saddleridge Estates • Saddlewood • Seven Oaks • The Lakes at Northwood • The Villages of Wesley Chapel • Watergrass • Wesley Pointe • Westbrook Estates • Williamsburg
Turner Elementary & Bartels Middle School To Become K-8 Center By Matt Wiley & Gary Nager
New Tampa soon will be the home of the first non-magnet K-8 school in the Hillsborough County School District (HCSD), as Hilda T. Turner Elementary and Nancy Bartels Middle School are set to become one schools, just in time for the beginning of the 2014-15 school year in August. For the past year, parents and students have gotten a small sense of what a combined campus could feel like, as Turner’s fifth graders began taking classes on the Bartels campus, for the 2013-14 school year. The schools are located next to each other off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. at Imperial Oak Blvd. in Live Oak Preserve and are connected by a frontage road. The controversial decision, announced to parents in a March 5 letter from Turner principal Rhonda McMahon, has stirred emotions enough that two special meetings were held for concerned parents with the newly announced principal of the future K-8 school, Jonathan Grantham Ed.D. — who will continue to be the principal of the Roland Park K-8 Magnet School for International Studies, located near the Tampa International Airport until June 9, when he takes over the newly renamed Turner-Bartels K-8 School. However, although there always will be concerned parents, although Grantham says that “overwhelming concern” was not
the vibe he felt during recent meetings with about 25 parents at the Live Oak clubhouse and with more than 60 parents at Turner the same evening. “I will start our parent committees my first day,” Grantham explains. “They will have a lot of say in how we develop the school, including helping us pick our school mascot.” Not having any say in the decisionmaking process is what most parents seem to be upset about most — a message not lost on HCSD District 3 School Board member Cindy Stuart, who represents the New Tampa area on the Board. “We’re getting some feedback on both sides – mostly parents who just want more information,” says Stuart, who also attended the meetings. “I think the biggest problem the parents have is the way the information has been disseminated to them…and I agree with them that we (the School Board) haven’t done a good job of it.” So, why did HCSD see the need to combine the schools? “The fifth grade at Turner, which is exploding over its capacity, was already at Bartels, which is under capacity,” Stuart explains. “The original plan was to move the 4th grade from Turner to Bartels (for 2014-15). Instead, (the Board) decided to just make it one school, under one principal, and probably five assistant principals.”
Turner Elementary & Bartels Middle School aren’t actually this close together, but the Hillsborough School District will combine the two into one K-8 school for the 2014-15 school year. Grantham notes, “Kindergarten stuShe says that if there is anyone qualified to take the top job at the new K-8 school, dents will technically be on the same campus it’s Grantham, who earned his Bachelor’s, as 8th graders, but kindergarteners will be Master’s, and Ed.D. degrees from Florida on the Turner campus, while the 8th gradState University in Tallahassee and special- ers have class in the Bartels building, and it’s izes in personnel, finance, curriculum and a huge, spread out campus,. The interaction on campus will be almost nonexistent. instruction within the K-12 environment. He adds, “The buses present a bigger “Jonathan has experience with handling the bus situation (having kindergar- challenge, although siblings will sit togethten-aged kids on the same buses as 8th er and the bus drivers will be told to keep graders) at Roland and really wants to in- younger and older kids separated on the volve the community, so I believe that this buses. There will be definite rules for where they can sit.” will be a phenomenal school,” Stuart says. The school day for all grades at TurnerMeeting Grantham at the meetings has Bartels will begin at 8:45 a.m. and run until helped quell concerns for some parents. “Mr. Grantham was very warm and 3:35 p.m. For more information about the welcoming,” says Diane Levin, who has two children in the second and third grade at Turner-Bartels K-8 School, please visit Turner. “I felt better after meeting him. He And, stay with the has a clear plan in place and has done this New Tampa Neighborhood News and NTbefore. If anyone understands the dynamic as we continue to follow this developing story. of running a K-8, he does.”
Broadway Comes Back To Tampa; Cultural Center Public Meeting May 5 Now celebrating its 15th year, the New Tampa Players (NTP) acting troupe’s annual “Broadway Comes To Tampa” (BCTT) fund raiser once again is returning to nearby Wesley Chapel. On Saturday, May 10, at Saddlebrook Resort Tampa (located off S.R. 54), attendees will enjoy an upscale meal and an intimate concert of familiar stage numbers
from five major Broadway stars, including the likes of Rita Harvey, Ron Bohmer, Marc Kudhish, Jeannette Bayardelle and Kate Shindle, as well as BCTT staples Greg Wall and Neil Berg (more info below). BCTT is the biggest fund-raiser of the year for the acting troupe and last year’s event was attended by more than 300 and raised more than $20,000, which NTP’s management hopes will one day, go toward the construction of the troupe’s own thea-
News, Business, Sports & Education Updates
Neighborhood Magazine
By Matt Wiley
Also Inside This Issue!
Mayor Buckhorn Talks New Tampa At New Tampa Chamber Meeting, Schenecker Double Murder Trial Set To Begin, Plus Lots Of Local Business Features & More!
Neighborhood News Team Dominates Rotary Spelling Bee, Ciccio Cali Brings New Concept To Tampa Palms, Plus More Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes!
Pages 1-44
Pages 45-64
tre near the geographic center of New Tampa — on the land across Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. from Hunter’s Green, which has been owned for years by Hillsborough County. And, that theatre can become a reality if District 2 county commissioner Ken Hagan has his way. Hagan says that he has been helping with the effort to create a cultural center at the location that would include a performing arts hall, as well as park elements — walking trails, a dog park and more — for nearly a decade. He adds that he recently has gotten the support of fellow commissioners to consider a public-private-partnership, or a P3, for the cultural center project. “A (P3) is a creative way to pay for a park and other amenities that local governments can’t afford to construct and maintain,” Hagan explains. He says that he is awaiting proposals
from county staffers about how best to entice the private sector to consider partnering with the county. A public meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 5, 6:30 p.m., at the New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.), to hear the community’s desires for the property.
“This year is exciting because three of the five performers have never been a part of BCTT before,” says NTP president Doug Wall. “And (Bohmer) was last here eight years ago.” Ron Bohmer, who played the Phantom See “Broadway” on page 46!
The Wonderful World Of Web Metrics: We’re Watching Where You Click Guest editorial By Matt Wiley Neighborhood News headquarters, we try
The relatively new science of web metrics has always spun my head. Bounce rates, clicks per post, site visits, unique users… just tell me how many people actually bothered to go to check out site. My feeble little brain doesn’t get this weird language. That’s not to say I don’t stay “with it,” I mean, I’ve got a home stereo system with surround sound that I hooked up all by lonesome, multiple social media sites (@wile_style on Twitter and @mewiley on Instagram, plus the Neighborhood News Facebook page and Twitter account - @NTWCNews), plus a dusty old blog that’s desperately in need of an update and enough technological know-how to put these words in front of your eyes. That being said, it’s tough to understand the web sometimes. The vast network of something that can’t really be described (you try it) is a dominating factor in most of our lives these days, and from a business standpoint, it’s good that someone has cooked up a way to measure this weird “thing” that no one could ever draw. Which brings me to my point. Over here at the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel
New Tampa Neighborhood News Please note our new address: 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B, Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: (813) 423-6533 Advertising E-mail: Editorial E-mail: Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley
Correspondents Amy Gutierrez • Bonnie Mason • Kelly Miller Lauren Saslow • Kathleen Schiop Advertising Sales Representative Mary Dorey Graphic Design Georgia Carmichael Sales & Marketing Assistant Antwon Gildon Nothing that appears in New Tampa Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 22, Issue 11, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Monday, May 12, 2014. New Tampa Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. New Tampa Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. New Tampa Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
© 2014 JM2 Communications, Inc.
Neighborhood News
to do a good job of measuring our web usage. After all, if we’re to continue to bring top-notch daily web content to our readers (in addition to the best local news and info about our communities in print), we might as well fine-tune how we’re doing it where most people these days do the bulk of their reading—online. Go ahead, supplement what appears in the paper every four weeks and pick us right back up every day at Using web metrics programs, we can scientifically track how often our site is visited, how long you stayed, whether or not you read more than one story, how many Cheetos you ate while doing so and even where you clicked. “Big Brother” is watching. One program we use shows exactly where readers are clicking—down to the pixel—with “heat-mapping.” The more clicks a spot gets, the “hotter” it gets. But, this is the part that really baffles me. Of all the sections on our still-rathernew website, the one that continually gets the most clicks is our “About Me” section—not the New Tampa section (which arguably has the most print readers) or Wesley Chapel (which quickly is catching up and often surpasses the number of New Tampa visits online). Not even the Dining & Entertainment section, where Gary gives you the run-down about the newest “hot eats” in town. Nope, for reasons unknown, you guys just want to see our smiling faces. Are we really that pretty? Come on, folks. There’s a reason you’re reading my words instead of watching my speeches. (Face for radio.) It never fails, though. After each 30day period of tracking, the “About Us” section is still glowing white-hot heat.
We accept the compliment. But, we won’t let our heads get too big. Well, not for too long, anyway. Besides, whenever I need to cut myself back down to size sometimes, I just read the next section of Web stats and sink back into my chair dumbfounded. Thanks for the clicks :)
Note — Although I don’t usually give up my page 3 space to anyone, assistant editor Matt Wiley isn’t just anyone. He does an amazing job of keeping New Tampa & Wesley Chapel updated on the latest news, as well as being the primary force behind our website. Great job, Matt! — GN
Corrections From Last Issue:
We need to correct (and apologize for) a few boo-boos from our last issue: First, in the story about The Medicine Shoppe, the title (“The Medicine Shoppe Has Topical, Home Health Care Needs Covered”) of the story didn’t really make sense, although the story surely did. The Medicine Shoppe compounds medications (some of which are “topical”) for you in the pharmacy and health care items for sale, but surely doesn’t provide “home health care” at all. Plus, in the story about Axiom Business Consulting, Axiom’s web address — — got cut off and we got the phone number for Terrace Smiles dentistry wrong in that story. The correct number is 977-7000. Ouch, sorry. — GN
Table of Contents
Local News Updates.......................................4-27 Mayor Buckhorn Talks New Tampa At Chamber Meeting........................4 Schenecker Double Murder Trial Set To Begin..............................6
New Tampa News Briefs.........................................................8 FDOT Discovers Toll Scam Tampa Palms To Replace Vegetation Along Yardley Way Drunk, Underage Wrong-Way Driver Arrested Wesley Chapel Man Identified As Driver In Fatal Hit & Run Cracker Barrel Standoff Ends With Arrest Porter Family Honored At PHSC Porter Campus Dedication.........12 Relay For Life Of New Tampa Fast Approaching..........................14
New Tampa Community Calendar.....................................18
Local Business Updates......................20-45 Acti-Kare Offers Home Health Care & More..............................20 Florida Green Team Provides Premier Lawn Maintenance............24 Salon Sequence: A Salon Filled With Independent Salons............28 360 Kids Keeps The Consignment Cycle Going...........................30 Moffitt Cancer Center Still Working Toward A Cure.....................32
Our Exclusive 2014 Summer Camp Guide!.......................35
Kids R Kids Gets Your Child Ready For The Next Level...............36 Dental Arts By Dr. Luz Hernandez Has You Smiling In No Time...38 Cypress Point Church To Open Food Assistance Center................40
Local Education & Sports Updates....42-43
Wharton Hosts Inaugural Food Truck Rally.................................42 Swim Across America/New Tampa Y Hold Benefit Swims..............43
Neighborhood Magazine
Neighborhood News Pirates Plunder To Victory At Spelling Bee....45 Rotary ‘Cycling For Vets’ A Success.............................................47 The Tutoring Center Can Help Your Child Get Ahead...................50 ‘Trick’s Kicks’ Makes First Donation To Everyday Blessings..........54 NTJWC’s ‘Night Of 5000’ Raises More Than $10,000................55 Ciccio Cali Brings Old & New To Tampa Palms.......................58 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’.............................60
NEW TAMPA COLOR CLASSIFIEDS.......................62
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
2:38 AM
Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn Talks New Tampa & More At Chamber Luncheon
Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn captivated the room at Hunter’s Green Country Club during the New Tampa Chamber of Commerce luncheon on April 8 with stories of his 30-year career in the City of Tampa and his 20-year friendship with a certain local editor. Photo by Matt Wiley. By Gary Nager town area is actually on fire right now. When I moved to Tampa in the 1970s, I can honestly say that I am proud to there were 600 people living in downhave been able to call Tampa Mayor Bob town Tampa and 300 of those were in the Buckhorn my friend and colleague since Morgan St. Jail. Today, there are five new not long after I purchased the Neighborresidential towers being built downtown hood News in early 1994, when Buckhorn and new boutique hotels.” was the special assistant to then-Mayor He added that if those who live here Sandy Freedman. want our young people — “our intellectual Mayor Bob and I became even betproperty” — to want to stay here when ter acquainted as he ran for and won an they finish school, “we have to have a viat-large seat on the Tampa City Council brant downtown where those young people in March of 1995 and I came to count on will want to live. They want to live in an him as a trustworthy, no-nonsense source urban environment. And it’s happening.” of good information about the decisions He also said that in order to improve in city government that affected life in public transportation, especially for the New Tampa — info I always shared, with urban core, “we have to embrace rail. And his blessing, with thousands of my closest no, it probably won’t pay for itself, but I friends in these pages every four weeks. think we have to get past that.” So, when Buckhorn, who has been Buckhorn also noted that one of his the Mayor of Tampa since 2011, made his greatest pleasures as Tampa’s mayor has most recent speaking appearance in our been recruiting businesses to move to our area — at the New Tampa Chamber of area and making trips abroad (including Commerce luncheon at Hunter’s Green recently to Brazil) to enhance Tampa’s imCountry Club on April 8 — I surely had age overseas. a lot to talk to him about. What I wasn’t He also applauded the city’s effort to expecting was how much hizzoner had to revitalize Channelside and the Riverwalk say about yours truly. area. “It’s been a tough process,” he said. After he was introduced by Chamber I’m the sixth mayor who has tried to make president Neil Heird, Buckhorn recognized something happen in that area, but we’re two people in the audience of about 50 getting closer. All I know is that the (2.5) — his fellow former City Council member miles of riverfront property the city owns is and long-time New Tampa activist Joseph the best asset we have.” Caetano...and me. Could that revitalization be centered “Gary and I have been through a lot around a stadium for the Tampa Bay Rays? of battles together and we almost always Buckhorn said that although Tampa Bay seemed to be on the same side of those Lightning owner Jeffrey Vinik also owns battles,” Buckhorn said before he began 20 acres between Channelside and the his captivating speech about not only the Tampa Bay Times Forum, “he isn’t trying history of, but the future of Tampa. “For to build a stadium there. He wants to build example, we both remember well all the big parking lots near what could still be a people in Tampa Palms and West Meadows downtown Tampa public venue. I didn’t who opposed the New Tampa Blvd. bridge say for baseball. (wink). But, we think it’s before it was built, people who have since the best location in the region for it.” told us they were sorry for fighting it.” In the meantime, Buckhorn said he Buckhorn also recalled the negotiais excited about a new upscale chop house tions in the 1980s with original Tampa restaurant by the Gonzmart family (of Palms developer Ken Good and original Columbia Restaurant fame) coming soon Hunter’s Green developer Markborough at the north end of the Riverwalk. Florida a few years later. Great job, Mayor Bob! He also noted that although the Visit New Tampa area continues to be the only for more information about the New neighborhood in the city that is growing in Tampa Chamber of Commerce and its terms of single-family homes, “The downupcoming events. C
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
Neighborhood News
New Details Emerge As Schenecker Double Murder Trial Finally Is Set To Begin New developments have come to light as the trial for a New Tampa woman accused of murdering her children at the family’s Tampa Palms home is set to begin on April 28. Julie Schenecker, 53 — who was arrested and charged with two counts of first-degree murder on January 28, 2011, for shooting her son Beau, 13, and daughter Calyx, 16, at the family’s Ashington Reserve home in Tampa Palms — is finally set to stand trial, after spending more than three years behind bars. However, she will not face the death penalty, which officials with the Hillsborough State Attorney’s Office (SAO) initially had said they would seek in August 2011. The SAO released recordings on April 8 of detectives speaking with Schenecker the day of the shootings, while getting her statement about what happened. Her responses to detectives sound slurred and mumbled, asking if they had, “left the kids where they lay.” Tampa police found Schenecker unconscious in the home’s backyard, wearing a housecoat and bloodstained slippers. She suffered from a history of mental illness and was glassy-eyed and incoherent when she was found. According to court records, on April 1, assistant state attorney Jay Pruner withdrew the SAO’s intent to seek the death penalty. “The State of Florida shall not seek the imposition of the death penalty should
the Defendant be convicted of First Degree Murder,” Pruner wrote. SAO spokesperson Mark Cox said that, “after being provided overwhelming evidence Julie Schenecker of mitigation due to the mental health issues of the defendant, it was determined that the imposition of the death penalty in this case would not withstand the scrutiny of the Florida Supreme Court.” Schenecker’s public defender Jennifer Spradley submitted a notice of intent to plead an insanity defense in October 2013. Schenecker’s mental illness will play a factor in the trial, but some testimony won’t be heard. According to published reports, testimony about Schenecker slapping her daughter and, on a separate occasion, crashing a family vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and prescription medication won’t be heard. Circuit Judge Emmett Battles reportedly said that if any testifying doctors use those incidents to determine her sanity at the time of the murder, he could allow that testimony to be heard. As previously reported in the New Tampa Neighborhood News, authorities say Schenecker shot her son Beau twice in the head with a .38-caliber handgun (purchased days before the shootings) while
on the way home from soccer practice on January 27. The boy’s body was discovered under a blanket in the family’s SUV. Calyx was found shot in the back of the head in front of a computer in an upstairs bedroom. Authorities were alerted by a family member who received an email from Julie Schenecker the night before she shot her children, stating that she was “at my wits end” and “will end this soon.” Following the tragic deaths of his children at the hands of their mother, Col. Parker Schenecker (who was in the Middle East, serving in the U.S. Army when his children were murdered) started the Calyx & Beau Schenecker Memorial Fund to help
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
Neighborhood News
provide scholarship opportunities to those in need in the Tampa Bay community. Calyx also has been remembered at the Hillsborough Community College Dale Mabry campus (located across form Raymond James Stadium) for the second year during the Calyx Schenecker Art Infinitum, an art contest open to Tampa high school students. Although the art exhibit only runs through April 26 (probably when you’re reading this), the impressive display of artistic talent from Tampa’s students is worth the drive. No further information currently is available about the Schenecker trial, but stay with and these pages for continuing coverage.
New Tampa FDOT Discovers Toll Scam
If you commute from New Tampa to other parts of the Tampa Bay area for work each day, there’s a good chance you might use the Lee Roy Selmon Crosstown Expressway, a toll road connecting South Tampa to Brandon, at some point. If so, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) advises that you should keep an eye on your bank statement. According to FDOT and Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise, the agencies have discovered a toll scam and issued a Fraud Alert. FDOT warns that a non-existent, Miami-based company called Toll Enforcement, LLC, has been issuing “Final Warning Notices” for unpaid toll violations to SunPass customers across the state. FDOT explains that the notices claim that recipients owe money to the company and failure to pay can result in immobilization of your vehicle(s), denial of vehicle registration renewal, drivers license suspension, fees of up to $500 and further legal proceedings. The notice demands payment from the recipient in the form of a cashier’s check or money order. However, these are false claims and recipients are urged to not pay. If you received a notice in the mail, please contact the SunPass Customer Service Center at (888) 865-5352. The scam still is under investigation.
Tampa Palms CDD To Replace Vegetation On Yardley Way
Drivers and residents who live along Yardley Way in Tampa Palms can breathe a sigh of relief, as the Tampa Palms Community Development District (CDD) has voted to replace some of the vegetation that recently was removed along the power transmission line corridor that cuts through much
stop the driver just north of Fletcher Ave., but he refused to exit the vehicle. The suspect had to be forcibly removed and was taken into custody. A of the Tampa Palms community. search of his vehicle later turned up an On April 9, the CDD approved undisclosed amount of marijuana. spending up to $70,000 to replace The juvenile also was found to vegetation and install proper irrigation have a blood-alcohol content of 0.14 along Yardley Way in the Enclave com- percent at the time of the incident, munity of Tampa Palms. The CDD is 0.06 above the legal limit. He was working with the City of Tampa and charged with driving under the influDuke Energy to restore the area where ence, resisting arrest without violence trees were taken down in January by and possession of marijuana. both TECO and Duke to comply with Wesley Chapel Man Identified a new Federal regulation regarding As Driver In Fatal Hit & Run vegetation near power transmission A Wesley Chapel man has been lines. The removal of trees left many identified as one of the drivers who homes with a wide open view of the fled the scene of a recent fatal accident transmission towers and took away the tree canopy and shade that used to on Fowler Ave. According to the Florida Highcover the street and block the lessway Patrol (FHP), Amari A. Williams, than-desirable view. Where the trees once stood, Pindo 30, of Thonotosassa, died when he was ejected from his 1985 Chevrolet palms will be planted along the walking path. Additional shrubs and native Camaro, after losing control, striking a second vehicle and flipping over on E. grass also will be installed. Groups of Fowler Ave., just east of I-75, around evergreen and palm trees also will be 3:15 a.m., also on April 12. installed along the path. FHP reports that Williams struck a 1997 GMC pickup truck, driven Drunk, Underage Wrongby Michael P. Mercer, 41, of Wesley Way Driver Arrested Chapel. Following the collision, FHP Unfortunately, driving the wrong says that Mercer fled the scene. His way on the interstates in our area has vehicle was found abandoned on E. been making headlines seemingly Fletcher Ave. every other week, and this one is no Two witnesses — one from exception, as a juvenile has been arJacksonville and one from Tampa — rested for an early morning drunken attempted to help Williams, but saw joyride in the wrong direction on him struck by two more vehicles while I-275 near Wesley Chapel. still in the road. The driver of one of those vehicles called FHP and identiAccording to the Florida Highfied himself as William S. Ridley, 47, way Patrol (FHP), a Dade City juvenile was arrested on I-75, north of of Tampa. Williams died of his injuries at the Fletcher Ave., on April 12 around 4 scene. The accident still is under invesa.m. The 17-year-old, whose identity has been withheld, was driving a 2005 tigation and no charges have yet been filed. If anyone has any information Mazda RX-8 and first was reported about the fourth driver, please call by other drivers to FHP around mile 631-4020. marker 279 in Wesley Chapel. He reportedly was driving the wrong way Cracker Barrel Standoff Ends on the 70-mph interstate highway at With Arrest speeds that varied from 55-75 mph. The day after we went to press FHP responded and was able to with our last New Tampa issue on
News Briefs
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
Neighborhood News
March 23, a Ruskin man was taken into custody, following a high-speed chase up I-75 and a SWAT standoff at the Cracker Barrel in Wesley Chapel, followed by yet another chase on the interstate. The Hillsborough County Sheriff ’s Office (HCSO) reports that a call was received at 12:51 a.m. on March 24 from a driver who reported that a reckless driver in a Dodge Ram had just hit his vehicle near Adamo Dr. on I-75 in Tampa, before fleeing north on I-75. When deputies responded, they realized that the suspect —who was identified as Matthew Trevino, 28, of Ruskin — was wanted for domestic Matthew Trevino violence charges and fleeing from law enforcement. HCSO deputies and a helicopter followed the vehicle north on I-75 into Pasco County. The Pasco County Sheriff ’s Office (PCSO) also responded to make contact with the suspect, who continued north, but turned onto southbound I-75 at S.R. 52 and exited at S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel. Trevino pulled into the parking lot of the Cracker Barrel, located near The Grove shopping plaza. PCSO deputies communicated with Trevino, but he refused to exit his vehicle and stated that he was armed. HCSO reports that when the PCSO SWAT team arrived, Trevino drove away, running over deflation sticks that punctured his front, right tire. Trevino got back on southbound I-75 and stopped just north of the S.R. 56 interchange, where he was taken into custody by the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP). Trevino faces one charge of domestic violence and two counts of fleeing law enforcement, with additional charges likely to follow. He currently is being held at the Land O’Lakes Detention center without bond. — MW
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
PHSC Dedication Honors Porter Family, School Staff & FHWC By Gary Nager & Matt Wiley
If you missed the official dedication ceremony for the new Pasco-Hernando State College (PHSC) Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch on April 2, you probably don’t realize just how important the new PHSC is likely to be to the future of not only Wesley Chapel, but of all of eastern and central Pasco County and even New Tampa. As we’ve reported more often than any other local media, PHSC opened its doors to students in January as the fifth campus of Pasco Hernando Community College (PHCC), but was renamed PHSC (as were the other four then-PHCC campuses) later that month. It was the incredible, new, seven-story Porter Campus of PHSC itself that was dedicated Apr. 2, with at least 300 people stuffed into the campus’ auditorium. The emcee for the evening was the game-show-host affable Provost of the Porter Campus, Stanley Giannet, Ph.D., who introduced dozens of dignitaries with his usual flair, including the Porter family (the developers of Wiregrass Ranch who donated the 60 acres of land for the new college), PHSC president Katherine M. Johnson, Ed.D.,, PHSC District Board of Trustees chair Frank Rygiel, Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce president Jeff Novotny, Florida Architects, Inc. (who designed the impressive campus) director of design Joe Sorci and Skanska USA Building, Inc. (who constructed the campus) senior VP Roger Stephan. The ceremony opened with a rendition of the National Anthem by the Double Branch Elementary chorus, “60 students we know will be future students at PHSC,” Giannet told the crowd. “The Porter family has a vision,” said Johnson. “They decided to reserve this land for higher education. (PHSC) is forever grateful that (the Porters) have entrusted us with this land.” FHWC Invests In PHSC Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) also was honored during
the dedication for its $350,000 grant donation to the new college campus, which first will be used to fund at least 50, $1,000, oneyear scholarships for future PHSC Porter Campus students. In addition to the scholarships, Dr. Johnson also announced that three (Above) Dr. Stanley Giannet, the Provost of the Porter Campus at Wiregrass Rach of Pasco-Hernando State Colareas of the new State College would lege, was joined by reperesentatives of not only the school itself, but also by the architechture and construction firms be named for FHWC that helped create Wesley Chapel’s first college campus, at PHSC’s dedication deremony on Apr. 2. (Below left) Bill, JD & Don Porter of the Porter Family Trust and the Double Branch Elementary chorus also were at the event. — the outdoor terrace, the student meeting area and the Porter Campus’ nursing laboratory. “It’s exciting for us at (FHWC) to see this college coming up out of the ground with so many nursing and allied health field opportunities changing future generations on this campus, right here in Wesley Chapel,” said FHWC chief financial officer Mike Lukens. “Now Wiregrass Ranch has a great place to shop (the Shops at Wiregrass Ranch), get great health care (at FHWC) and a great education. It shows the vision of the local community, business leaders and residents, who wanted and needed quality services at their doorstep.” As the Chamber president, Novotny also praised PHSC. “It’s easy to see how the community has grown and proven (that there is) a need for an institution like PHSC,” Novotny said. “This campus opens educational opportunities for adults to help improve their quality of PHSC Porter Campus Provost Dr. Stanley Giannet, with Wiregrass Ranch High culinary arts students who helped serve food at the dedication ceremony. Photo: life. We thank you for making Wesley Chapel a college town.” the WRH Culinary Arts Program and Jazz Band and String Quartet. Among the local companies and Sprinkles Ice Cream Parlor. Food for the event was provided groups who contributed to the dediFor more information about the by A Dash of Salt & Pepper Catering, cation were Signarama of New Tampa, Big Apple Bagels, GrillSmith, Latin PHSC Porter Campus, 527-6615 the Wiregrass Ranch High (WRH) or visit Twist Café, O.T.B. Delights Café,
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Neighborhood News
Relay For Life Of New Tampa Is Coming Up!
It’s that time of year again. Time to gather a team, raise some money and walk the track at Freedom High in Tampa Palms, as the American Cancer Society (ACS)’s Relay For Life of New Tampa is fast approaching. The 18-hour, overnight walk to raise money for cancer research will be held on Friday, May 2, around the track and on the football field at Freedom (located off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms), beginning at 6 p.m. So far, nearly 300 participants on 37 teams already have raised about $30,000 for cancer research for this year’s Relay. “Relay (of New Tampa) is going very well this year,” says ACS Relay For Life specialist Lizzy Mead. “We fully expect to settle in at around 50-60 teams and our goal is to raise $101,000.” Mead says that last year’s event also had more than 300 participants on 59 teams and raised $98,000. “We only need 23 more teams,” Mead says, adding that there usually is a large influx of last-minute teams that sign up to participate right before the event commences. This year, the New Tampa Relay again will feature the Survivor and Caregiver dinner immediately following the opening ceremony, which begins at 6:30. “We encourage survivors to register
online at our website or to contact me,” Mead says. “Our survivors and caregivers are the ‘hope’ for (Relay), so they get to take the first lap and kick off the event.” This year, participants can expect lots of food and entertainment, including a DJ, a Disney costume contest, kids activities and even a hair donation. “Someone is actually going to have her hair cut to donate it for a wig for someone in treatment during the event,” Mead says. Sound like a good time? For more info, please visit and search “New Tampa.” — MW
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
April 2014
MOMS Club Of New Tampa - The MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of New Tampa is currently open to new members in the New Tampa area. The MOMS Club offers a variety of daytime activities for mothers and their children, opportunities for Moms’ Nights Out and many more benefits. For more information, or to join the club, email
Saturday, April 26
Patty Wolf Memorial Golf Tournament - The second annual Patty Wolf Memorial Golf Tournament, named for the late wife of Wolf’s Den owner Roger Wolf, will be held at Pebble Creek Country Club. With closest to the pin and longest drive contests, on-course refreshments & a Wolf’s Den-catered banquet dinner, all proceeds benefit the Patty Wolf Memorial Veterinarian Scholarship. The cost to play is $80 per golfer and sponsorships are available. Call 907-9124 for more info.
Sunday, April 27
Zen Meditation Group - Enjoy meditation? Looking for a new way to relax? Check out the FREE Zen Meditation Group that meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Arbor Greene Community Center (18000 Arbor Greene Dr., off Cross Creek Blvd.) Aerobics Room. People of all faiths are welcome. You only need an interest in meditation and a more peaceful and relaxed mind and life. For more info, call Jeremy at 528-6285. Community Acupuncture - A Monday night community acupuncture and discussion group is meeting at Ion Medi-Spa (8903 Regents Park Dr., Suite 130), 6:30 p.m. Topics include needle-free acupuncture, facial rejuvenation and stop smoking and customized weight-loss programs. For more info, call 960-8833 or visit
Tuesday, April 29
New Tampa Tri Club - The New Tampa Tri Club is open to runners, swimmers, cyclists and triathletes across the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. The club hosts group bike rides/runs at Flatwoods Wilderness Park (13330 Morris Bridge Rd.) every Tues., Thur. and Sat. at 7:30 a.m. For more info, join the Facebook group or e-mail GriefShare - This video-seminar-support group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one. The cost is $20 for a workbook and 13 sessions, begin any week to find healing and hope. The group meets Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Lake Magdalene Methodist Church (2902 W. Fletcher Ave., Rm. 310). For info, call 963-1555.
English As A Second Language (ESL)- This group meets Thursdays at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (19911 BBD Blvd.), 9 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Classes are taught by a native English speaker using several ESL and Bible study resources. The cost is $20 each quarter, for the workbook & class materials. For info, call Heather at 753-8567.
Friday, May 2
New Tampa Rotary Club - The original New Tampa Rotary Club meets for breakfast at 7 a.m. at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club (TPGCC, 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd.). The speaker will be Sharon Hall, program manager for Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). For more information, call Eric Longphee at 202-1105 or visit
Saturday, May 3
New Tampa Dog Pack - Do you have a dog? Enjoy scenic nature walks? Join the New Tampa Dog Pack on Saturday mornings at 9 a.m at Flatwoods Wilderness Park (at the 18205 BBD entrance) and on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at Compton Park (16101 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). For info, visit
Tuesday, May 6
NAMI Support Group Meetings - The Pasco County Chapter of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) offers a support group for friends & family of those with mental illness the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at North Tampa Behavioral Health (29910 S.R. 56). For more info, call (727) 992-9653.
Thursday, May 8
Northeast Tampa Women In Business (NETWIB) Meeting - The NETWIB group meets the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at Hunter’s Green Country Club (18101 Longwater Run Dr.). For more info, visit or call 843-2354.
Wednesday, April 30
BNI Millionaire Makers - The BNI Millionaire Makers chapter meets every Wednesday at Pebble Creek Golf Club at 7:15 a.m. (10550 Regents Park Dr., off BBD Blvd.). The $13 meeting fee includes a hot breakfast. Call Lisa Jordan (621-6015) for info. Business Networking International (BNI) - BNI, a group of business professionals dedicated to helping their respective businesses grow through qualified referrals, meets every Wed. morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Cory Lake Isles Beach Club clubhouse (18630 Plantation Bay Dr., off Morris Bridge Rd.). Call Steve Hopper at 918-8609. New Tampa Noon Rotary Club- The New Tampa Noon Rotary Club meets every Wednesday for lunch at noon at Hunter’s Green Country Club (18101 Longwater Run Dr.). Guests are always welcome. New Tampa Evening Rotary Club - The New Tampa Evening Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at Hunter’s Green Country Club. New members are always welcome. For more information, call Liz DeAmbrose at 956-6487 or email 9-12 Toastmasters - Great speeches & great topics. Come hone your public speaking skills. Tampa Toastmasters meets every Wednesday 7 p.m. at the New Tampa Family YMCA (16221 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). New guests are always welcome. For more information, call 428-6356.
May 2014
Thursday, May 1
CBC Networking - Come together with like-minded professionals at the Christian Business Connections (CBC) Networking group, which meets every Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (located at 5338 Primrose Lake Cir., off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms) for a “meet & greet,” followed by a meeting of the group. For more information, please send an email to 18
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
Neighborhood News
Arbor Greene/Trace This beautiful 3051 sq ft home has been completely REMODELED. 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, 3 car garage. All new flooring-18” tile and Hardwood. True gourmet kitchen-42” wood cabinets w/pull outs/self closing drawers,/crown molding, granite counters, center isle and breakfast bar, glass/tile back splash, Wolf gas stove/ griddle/Microwave/oven, New A/C’s and SO MUCH MORE! $344,900
Neighborhood News
Tampa Palms, Mayfair Maintenance Free Community: 2950 sq.ft. home sits on a fenced in conservation lot at the end of a culde-sac with 4 bedroom, Den, 3.1 baths, 2 car garage, Brick driveway & sidewalk, extended screen lanai with oversized hot tub. It has a formal living & dining room, beautiful kitchen which is open to the family room with sliders to the lanai. $339,000
Tampa Palms/Tremont This impressive home is situated on a conservation lot with 2781 sq ft of living space, split floor plan w/4 bedrooms, den, family room, 3 baths, 3 car garage, brick paved lanai, sidewalks & driveway, salt water pool/heated spa w/aqualink & tile roof. This home has beautiful architectural features throughout. A Must See $434,900
Arbor Greene/Landings 4 bedroom, 3 bath split plan has 2272 sq ft, an open airy feel w/vaulted ceilings, art niches, 18” tile in traffic/wet areas. New Hardwood flooring in all other rooms. 2 stg 5 Ton HVAC system-2008. Oversized screened lanai w/upgraded rounded brick pavers, inviting Hot Tub & Fenced backyard! $248,900
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
Acti-Kare Has More Than Just Your Home Health Care Needs Covered! By Kathleen Schiop
More than ever before, seniors are choosing to remain in their own homes as they age, instead of going into a retirement center or nursing home. Much of the responsibility for elder care falls upon the “sandwich generation”— families who care for one or both elderly parents, as well as their own children. But despite the best of intentions, caring for an elderly relative can become overwhelming, and that’s where Acti-Kare can help. Acti-Kare was founded in 2007 by Mark Lucas, an innovator in the field of in-home services. The company now has 90 independently owned franchises in 30 states, and is still growing. In 2011, Acti-Kare was selected as one of the top 500 franchises in North America, according to Entrepreneur magazine. Acti-Kare offers a complete range of care services, utilizing a variety of settings (including in-home, in assisted living facilities and in retirement communities) and offers services in Polk, Pasco, Highland, Hardee, Manatee, Pinellas and Hillsborough counties. The company’s corporate office is located off Commerce Park Blvd. in the Tampa Palms Professional Center. Bradley Romp, operations manager of Acti-Kare, says, “Many of our cli-
ents are referrals from major hospitals or rehabilitation centers. They’ve been released, but are advised that they still need home care by their social workers or caseworkers. But, we also deal directly with the clients themselves, or their families seeking care for them. We’ve even provided in-home hospice care, depending on the situation.” The charismatic Romp also has a personal investment in the business of helping people stay independent. “I started with Mark as a sales franchise developer, until I was diagnosed with MS five years ago,” he says. “Because my wife owns her own business, and my children were in school, I required an in-home caregiver until I could get stronger. There was a point in my life where I couldn’t zip a zipper, or hold a phone, and it became apparent to me how vital in-home care can be. He adds, “Mark Lucas saw what I was experiencing, and two years ago offered me the position of operations manager because I wanted to turn this from a negative to a positive, and he trusted that I could. It has been amazing for me, being able to speak with families and clients from first-hand experience and to help them out.” Romp graduated from USF in 1984 with a degree in Business
Management. He worked for AT&T for 18 years, before joining Lucas and Acti-Kare. He has been a resident of New Tampa for 33 years, and was married to wife Michele in 1990. Michelle works at Chateau de M, a hair and make-up salon in South Tampa. They Operations manager Bradley Romp of Acti-Kare (whose corporate headhave two sons, Zachary, 19, who quarters is in Tampa Palms) is a long-time New Tampa resident who is a defensive back comes to your home to assess your family’s home health care (and other for Berry College in-home care needs) & can set up a customized program to meet them. in Rome, GA, including child care programs (inand Jacob, 16, who currently attends cluding children with special needs); Tampa Catholic, where he plays slot Mommy & Me and Mommy-To-Be receiver for the school’s football team. programs, caring for expectant mothDiagnosed with MS five years ago, ers and supplying postnatal care for Brad says his passion is helping promother and baby; personal injury care mote awareness of debilitating diseases, and recovery care services (for those and as an avid biker, has completed six recovering from an injury or surgery); century (100 mile) rides for assorted as well as pet care (including bathing, charities, including the annual MS 150 walking and giving medications to the Bike Ride. pet{s} in your home). So what makes Acti-Kare unique? Compassion is very evident in In addition to care for seniors, ActiActi-Kare’s approach to finding just Kare also offers Family Care services, the right caregiver for a family. Every
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s o e
caregiver hired by Acti-Kare is hand selected and well-screened. The Tampa office has 25 CNAs (certified nursing assistants) and five companion caregivers on staff. Caregivers are licensed, bonded and subject to a Level 2 state and federal background check with fingerprints. Caregivers also must have a valid driver’s license and current auto insurance. Acti-Kare has a proprietary training and certification program ensuring that its caregivers are thoroughly trained. Matching a client with a caregiver is a comprehensive process. Romp travels to the client’s home to evaluate their needs. “The service we offer could be as simple as some housekeeping and transportation,” he explains, “or more complex, such as a client with dementia or Alzheimer’s, who needs 24-hour care. And, of course, we always want to find that right ‘fit’ between client and caregiver.” Once the client’s needs have been determined, Romp interviews the caregiver to ensure that they are the compatible person for the job, and then returns to the client with the caregiver to introduce them. Acti-Kare recently received its State of Florida Home Health Agency License, allowing the company to provide personal care service to clients in Hardee, Highland, Hillsborough, Manatee and Polk counties and also is licensed to offer companion services in
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day at the latest as I work weekends and am not able to assist him until the evening time. Acti-Kare not only had someone here Saturday morning, in time for me go to work, the caregiver was extremely friendly and helpful. My father was pleased and requested that we use this caregiver from now on. Reliable & Accountable Acti-Kare stepped up to the plate and Romp also says that he is very earned our business from here on out.” proud of Acti-Kare’s reliability and acRomp says that Acti-Kare clients countability. “We know what our caregivers are can expect, “full service, handled with understanding and compassion.” The doing for their clients at all times,” he families of clients are fully involved in says. The caregiver is required, using the selection of the caregiver, and an the client’s cell phone or land line, to individualized plan is developed, based check in with Acti-Kare on its Telephony system (a telephone/computer on meetings with the family. Input and link system) that allows the company to questions are encouraged, and as needs register the exact time that the caregiver arrives at and leaves the home and what they did for the client that day. So, even if the patient’s trustee lives thousands of miles away, he or she can still log in to Acti-Kare’s system and listen to what the caregiver has done. In addition, caregivers keep a written log on the premises, so resident family members can check on the services provided. One satisfied customer on writes, “My current caregiver called me Friday afternoon to let me know she was not going to be able to provide services to my elderly father on Saturday the following day. I called Acti-Kare to see if they could possibly get someone out here Saturday or Sun-
those counties, along with Pasco and Pinellas counties. “We are waiting on our license (for personal care in Pasco and Pinellas), and should be able to provide that service very soon,” Romp says.
change, Acti-Kare can change the service plan accordingly. Another review on says it all: “My mom loves her ActiKare caregiver! Since I work, I’m not able to visit with my mom as much as I would like. From helping my mother grocery shop and getting her to her appointments to sitting down and just chatting with her over a cup of tea, I don’t know how my mom would get along without them.” To learn more about Acti-Kare and the services it provides, stop by the office (located at 17425 Bridge Hill Ct., Ste. 200), visit ActiKare. com or call (888) 451-KARE (6273) toll-free.
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Florida Green Team Offers Top-Of-The-Line Property Maintenance By Matt Wiley
The Florida Green Team (FGT) wants to help you make your neighbors jealous. FGT can take any dated, damaged or just plain dull lawn or landscaping and transform it into something you can be proud of and make the people living on your street green (pun intended) with envy. A full-service property maintenance company, FGT specializes in various landscaping and tree-removal services for both residential and commercial accounts. Lexington Oaks resident Bob Williams and his son Justin started Florida Green Team last September with a $12,000 investment in one truck and trailer to haul lawn equipment. Since then, the company has blossomed into an easily visible brand in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel area. Just six months after its inception, Florida Green Team now has six employees, five trucks and a sales car, all wrapped in glossy, bright green, emblazoned with the company’s logo that is all-but impossible to miss. “It’s all about appearance,” Bob says. “When we show up at a home or a business, everyone is in uniform. The trucks are clean and well-signed. It’s an image. What sets us apart from other landscaping or property maintenance companies is what people see when we
drive into a neighborhood and what they see when we’ve finished the job.” Bob says that FGT’s mission is to provide the highest quality of service at rates that are more than fair. “We go above and beyond for the customer every time,” Justin explains. And why shouldn’t they, asks Bob, as he attributes more than 50-percent of FGT’s landscaping and tree removal accounts to word-of-mouth. “When you please your customers, they will bring you more work,” Bob explains. Plus, when customers are satisfied, there’s a chance that they might let everyone looking for a landscaper know online through websites such as, where Florida Green Team holds an “A” rating. Whether it’s simply having your lawn mowed, trees trimmed or having an entire yard replaced and re-landscaped, FGT is the team to call. “We saw a need for a landscaping company that could perform the highest level of work, focusing on perfection for the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel areas,” Bob explains. The company actually started because Bob saw the way a landscaping company should not be run. Justin and two friends (who both now work for FGT) were working for a landscaping company, the owner of which, Bob says,
had a drug problem and ended up in jail, but never paid his workers. “So, now these good kids are all out of work,” Bob explains. “They were all struggling to find jobs in a terrible economy. That’s when Justin came to me with the idea to start a company. We decided to take a chance and open Florida Green Team owners Bob (right) and Justin Williams will transform your home’s landscaping into the crown jewel of your neighbrhood. this business.” In addition to Brittney knows the benefits of using being the chief executive officer of FGT, FGT for tree removal service. Bob also works for Microsoft as a Lync “I must say, the services provided Solutions Specialist, where he helps by Florida Green Team were outstandbuild brands. ing,” she says. “I needed to have two That’s why you may recognize the oak trees removed from my front yard, FGT logo. Bob says that creating someas recommended by my Homeownthing eye-catching that makes people ers Association, because the roots were wonder what the company does is his lifting my sidewalk and driveway. My specialty at Microsoft. father, who regularly uses (FGT’s) ser“People will know us when they see vices told me to give them a call.” us,” he says. “We’re not just a facade. Another satisfied local client named We’re a quality company doing aboveMelody says that FGT was able to come quality work, and people can tell.” out the day after she called to take care A Wesley Chapel resident named of her tree problem.
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Florida Green Team can transform your dull-looking bushes (left) into an organized, lush jungle of tropical plants. For more examples, visit the Florida Green Team’s page.
“They were very professional with fair/reasonable prices,” Melody says. “I feel that they truly went above and beyond. That same week, they had the work finished for me, with new grass put down where the trees used to be, replaced a few extra bad spots (free of charge) with the leftover sod and did an amazing job.” Another Wesley Chapel resident named Robina sings similar praises. “Justin and his crew are always on time and professionally dressed,” Robina explains. “Justin has gone out of his way to give me quotes for everything from the re-laying of mulch within my flower beds and removing and trimming of palms to pressure washing. Florida Green Team makes it so I don’t have to worry about anything in my yard; when I come home, it already looks beautiful! They also offer automatic billing or the option to use PayPal. Doing business
with them is effortless, and with my busy schedule, I am thankful!” Bob says that for routine maintenance, FGT will happily service any residence in the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area and for commercial and landscaping services, the FGT trucks will go anywhere in the Bay area. “When you need a job done, we’ll get out there and do it right,” he explains. “We’re not here to take advantage of anyone. We’re here to offer good services at good prices that are fair to everybody.” Whatever your lawn, landscaping and/or tree removal needs may be, look no further than the Florida Green Team. To see samples of the company’s work, check out the company’s page or visit For a consultation or to schedule any service, call 943-2013.
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A WOMAN’S BEST CHANCE FOR BEATING CANCER Moffitt’s Center for Women’s Oncology utilizes the latest research, technology and treatments if you or someone you love has a cancer concern. Our multispecialty team works together to provide you with the highest level of personal care for cancers including breast and gynecologic – all in an elegant, comfortable environment.
Salon Sequence — Where Every Beauty Industry Pro Is A Business Owner, Too By Bonnie Mason
Do you dread getting your hair cut and styled in a room full of strangers or having to listen to someone else’s inappropriate conversation while getting your nails done? At Salon Sequence, located off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., about a mile north of Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, customers meet with their stylists or other salon professional in a luxurious, private space with top-quality amenities. Long-time local hairstylist Stephanie Baker of “Styles by Stephanie” opened Salon Sequence to meet the needs of independent beauty industry professionals and their clients. Baker offers these stylists, nail technicians and aestheticians individual salon suites, all under one roof, allowing stylists and others in the salon industry to rent the space they need to own and conduct their own businesses. Baker opened Salon Sequence in 2011, with 1,500 square feet of space and six suites, but in April of 2013, she expanded into 4,000 square feet and 18 suites —and all but three of them are currently leased. Nine individual hair ”salons,” including Baker’s own suite, are housed at Salon Sequence. Each stylist has her specialty, from design, color, hair extensions, highlights, and more, for children and adults. The stylists and their customers appreciate the fully equipped luxury suites that include comfortable hydraulic chairs, spa stand-behind porcelain sinks for shampoo-
ing and conditioning, stylish mirrors and sleek interior design that Salon Sequence has to offer. And, each suite has its own exterior facing window that allows natural lighting to warm the room. These amenities allow the stylists to offer high-end pampering for their clients in a luxurious ambiance. All Salon Sequence tenants receive all-inclusive amenities, including utilities, and have the option of several suite sizes, so they can choose the suite that best suits their business needs. “Salon Sequence enables me to have the private and professional experience that my guests deserve,” says Sugar Guzzetti, a Paul Mitchell Hair Specialist and owner of Sugar’s Suite Hair Design, located in Suite 105 at Salon Sequence. Salon Sequence provides the opportunity for these industry professionals to own and operate their own businesses without the complexities and investment of owning and operating a full salon. The owners can launch their businesses in the Salon Sequence facility for little to no start-up costs. “The majority of our business owners are well established and already have a solid client following,” Baker says. “They are all experienced, licensed practitioners in their respective fields.” Customers are welcomed by an inviting and comfortable reception area, where they wait for their stylist to escort them to their private suite. “Having 24/7 access to the facility, each owner maintains his or own schedule, so they know when they
have to greet their clients,” says Baker, who is speaking from experience, having previously worked in a similar business model. “I wanted to offer a salon to provide stylists a place they could call their own,” she says, “a place that didn’t come with the headaches and high prices and fees that other salons charge.” Baker also offers owners the option to purchase disability insurance at a group rate, a benefit that other salons similar to the Salon Sequence business (L.-r.) Salon Sequence owner Stephanie Baker, with two of her model normally don’t offer. owner/tenants — Samantha Jackson of Glitz Nail Studio, “Our salon owners really apand Beth Zawadski of Beth’s Studio One hair salon. preciate this benefit,” Baker here is peaceful and there are opportunities says. “It allows them peace for growth for your business, as well. My of mind and provides coverage for them in comfort level here is extraordinary!” case of illness.” Salon Sequence is happy to welcome More Than Just Hair its two newest tenants, hair sylists Joanna In addition to hair stylists and color Leiva of Suite 303 and Kasey Fenlason specialists, Salon Sequence tenants include of Suite 305. Baker helps her tenants with licensed nail technicians, aestheticians, marketing through various media, includa permanent make-up artist who also ing this publication, as well as on the Salon performs microphototherapy (light therapy Sequence page on for skin care), and airbrush tanning and Da “I have worked previously at another Vinci teeth whitening services. salon ‘suite,’” says Dawn Marie ArmatoAmong the other beauty biz pros Rodriquez of Sei Bella Salon, “and I preat Salon Sequence is Mary Cifuentes of fer Salon Sequence for its luxurious sized Mary Skin Solutions (Suite 301), who rooms at a great price. The environment is all about problem solving for your skin.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
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r , If you’re an independent stylist or other salon professional looking for a place to house your business, call Salon Sequence owner Stephanie Baker at 480-2449. Salon Sequence is located at 3854 Flatiron Loop, off BBD, between S.R. 54 and S.R. 56 in Seven Oaks. Baker is currently looking for two stylists to fill suites 304 and 306, which are large deluxe stylist suites. She also has a small suite (Suite 204) available for a specialty service. (Left) Stephanie works on a happy young client. (Right) Valerie Rudmin of Everlasting Beauty She specializes in acne and anti-aging skin treatments. And, Mary Skin Solutions currently is offering a special Skin Script™ Limited Edition Strawberry Shortcake Facial, featuring strawberry enzyme and strawberry mint mask — a perfect gift for Mother’s Day! (Learn more about Mary at If you’re looking to calm and rejuvenate your body in a relaxing, tranquil environment, schedule an appointment with Marisa Crain of Bayshore Esthetics & Nails. Crain offers several monthly specials. Learn more by visiting her website at Salon Sequence is a member of the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) and offers its salon owners the opportunity to network at various Chamber events. The most frequent Chamber event attendee at Salon Sequence is probably permanent makeup artist
Valerie Rudmin of Everlasting Beauty ( FL.IA.IL). Rudmin, a permanent makeup expert since 1987, also offers microphototherapy, facial lifting & drainage and her own personal skin care line. Baker, a stylist for 12 years herself, worked in her hometown in Maryland and managed several salons in Washington, DC, prior to moving to Florida seven years ago — to be closer to her parents who actually moved back to Maryland two years ago. It was only three months after her move to Florida that Stephanie first met her husband, Eric Baker. The couple has been married for a year. They live in Wesley Chapel and enjoy sneaking away to the beach for a few hours on the days Stephanie isn’t styling hair or managing Salon Sequence. If you’re in search of a new hairs stylist, nail tech or aesthetician, visit
Salon Sequence Suites
Ste 101 -Hairstylist Angela Moriarty Ste 102- Glitz Nails, Samantha Jackson Ste 103- Styles by Stephanie (Baker) Ste 104- Beth’s Studio One, which is
owned by hair stylist Beth Zawadzki Ste 105- Sugar’s Suite Hair Design, by Sugar Guzzetti ( Sugars-Suite-Hair-Design) Ste 106- The Hair Complex, stylist Corinne Morris Ste 201-Everlasting Beauty, Valerie Rudmin Ste 202- Cosmetic Dermatology by Anthony Loren (by appointment only) Ste 203- Bronze Tan, Cheryl Saldate (airbrush tanning & teeth whitening) Ste 205- Sei Bella Salon, Master Stylist DawnMarie Rodriguez Ste 206- Notorious Hair By Sophia, Sophia Walker Ste 301- M Skin Solutions, Mary Cifuentes Ste 302- Bayshore Esthetics, Marisa Crane Ste 303- Hair stylist Joanna Leiva will join Salon Sequence in May.
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360 Kids Boutique — Designer Clothes & More For Kids...For Less By Kelly Miller
In these tough economic times, there’s no reason to pay full price for children’s clothes and kids “gear” when you can buy them in like-new condition for half the cost at a boutique-style consignment shop like 360 Kids Boutique. Long-time Lutz resident Bentley Nyman, is celebrating her one-year anniversary as the new owner of the kid’s consignment shop found in the Grand Oaks Square shopping plaza on Wesley Chapel Blvd., just north of S.R. 56. The shop’s previous owner was a friend of Nyman’s and when the opportunity to buy the store presented itself, Nyman jumped at the chance. “I’ve always wanted to own my own business and I love kids,” Nyman says. “It seemed like the right combination for success.” After purchasing the location, Nyman changed the name from 360 Kids Consignment to 360 Kids Boutique. She says that she still wanted people to recognize the original name, but wanted the shop to have more of a boutique feel. The “360” refers to the seemingly never-ending cycle of clothes that are brought in to 360 Kids and sold to a happy new owner, hopefully bringing a smile to another child’s face.
An Upscale Boutique ‘Feel’
What makes 360 Kids Boutique stand out in a community full of kids consign-
ment shops? It has an upscale children’s boutique feel with its well-lit, airy space and soothing scents that surround shoppers while they browse. “We care about every single item that comes through the store,” says Lori Fisher, Nyman’s mom, who regularly helps out in this family-run business. “Everything we offer has that ‘like new’ look you’d expect to find in a regular retail clothing store.” The owners make sure every item is laundered and clean, including breaking out the Clorox wipes to keep the toys and accessories as sanitary as possible. The variety of items the shop offers is staggering. Sure 360 Kids has fantastic kid’s clothes and wonderful larger items like strollers and nursery furniture, but the store also sells maternity clothes and outfits for picky teenagers. “People are surprised at the range of clothing sizes we sell,” Nyman says. “From infant all the way up to size 18 (boys and girls), as well as clothes for moms-to-be.”
On a Personal Note . . .
I have a twelve-year-old daughter and it’s difficult to find appropriately styled clothing for a reasonable price. I was impressed with the boutique’s selection, as I found a variety of items — with name brands my daughter loves, like Aeropostale and Abercrombie & Fitch. My daughter and I will definitely be back so she can pick out what she likes and try on her favorites. The staff at 360 Kids Boutique prides
itself on the special services offered to the store’s clientele. For current consignors, 360 Kids has a “Drop & Run” program, so those in a hurry can fill out an online form, attach it to their resale items, and Nyman will sort through everything, while busy moms go about their day. Alyssa N., who works at Salon Tré Anne, a hair salon in the same Owner Bentley Nyman of 360 Kids Boutique, located in the Grand Oaks shopping plaza, regularly consigns Square plaza on S.R. 54 in Lutz, has all of the clothing (above) and accessories (next page) you need at prices that are way below retail. her three-year-old folded and in excellent condition — with son’s clothes and shoes at the boutique. no rips, stains, or missing buttons. “I love how personable Bentley and Once a client’s items are sold, the Lori are and really appreciate how easy it money is available immediately. If your is to drop off my things for consignment,” items don’t sell within 90 days, you can she says. either take them back or donate them. When bringing in items for resale, And, if the chooses not to buy any of your clients can choose to have the boutique items, don’t worry — all unsold items find buy their pieces outright or consign them a good home. 360 Kids regularly donates with the store. Taking the “purchase” opto The Spring, a domestic abuse sanctuary, tion gets the client immediate cash, while the AmVets (American Veterans) organizaconsigning gets them a higher percentage of the sales, 40 percent. Nyman asks that all tion and even to individuals who send the unwanted items to foreign countries. consigned clothing items be laundered and
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Bestselling Baby Gear
“Our best-selling baby gear items are walkers, high chairs, safety gates, activity saucers and jumperoos,” explains Nyman. “Those items are rarely in the store for longer than a week.” If shoppers don’t find what they’re looking for when they come in, they can fill out a “Wish List Request.” Then, when the boutique acquires the requested item, they’ll receive a call from Nyman. Shoppers can be sure that all items purchased at the resale store are safe, as Nyman checks each one against an online U.S. government list to make sure they haven’t been recalled. Quail Hallow resident Tiffany B. visits the boutique once a week. “My son loves to come in and see
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what new toys are out,” she says. Tiffany’s fiveyear-old son and twelveyear-old stepdaughter have their own accounts at the store. “I tell my son that if he wants a new toy, he has to get rid of the ones he no longer plays with,” the second grade teacher explains. She also says that it’s a good way to clear out some of the stuff in his room, while teaching him counting and money handling skills. Shoppers can be assured they’re getting the best deal at 360 Kids Boutique. Nyman goes the extra mile by listing the retail price alongside the store’s sales price on every tagged item (excluding clothes). As an example, the store’s display window showcases a beautiful wooden Pottery Barn Stove Play Set, which retails for $260, but at the boutique, it’s only $80. Check out the 360 Kids Boutique for yourself, located in the Grand Oaks Square shopping center at 26230 Wesley Chapel Blvd., Lutz. 360 Kids is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. on Wednesdays and noon – 6 p.m. on Saturdays. For more info, call 994-2500 or visit
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
The H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Is Now Offering Genetic Testing!
Those of us who live in the New Tampa area are fortunate to live so close to one of the country’s leading cancer research and treatment centers — the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute — which is located just a few miles to the south, on the University of South Florida (USF)’s Tampa campus. Moffitt belongs to an elite group of cancer centers that has achieved distinction from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). As the only NCIdesignated Comprehensive Cancer Center based in Florida, the outstanding doctors and staff at Moffitt work tirelessly in the areas of patient care, research and education — developing early-stage translational research aimed at the rapid translation of scientific discoveries to benefit patients. Today, almost 30 years after first opening its doors, Moffitt is considered to be one of the fastest-growing cancer centers in the U.S.. The center provides a level of care that stands above the rest, with a team of experts that provides a plan that’s right for you, right from the start, resulting in shorter treatment times, reduced hospital stays and improved quality of life during and after cancer treatment.
For you, that means better outcomes, and your best chance for beating cancer. However, detecting and diagnosing the deadly disease is the first step.
ling cell growth and cell death. Everyone has two BRCA1 and two BRCA2 genes. When one of those altered or mutated copy Genetics & Cancer of either the BRCA1 Hair color, facial features, height or BRCA2 gene, your and complexion are just a few of the risk for developing many inherited traits that link one breast or ovarian cangeneration of a family to the next. cer increases. Some family trees also happen to NCI studies have include hereditary genetic mutations determined that an avthat raise the risk for getting many erage woman’s lifetime forms of cancer. While hereditary is risk for breast cancer is a real concern and can increase one’s about 12 percent. In The H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, risk of developing cancer, most cancer women who have in- located on the USF Tampa campus, minutes south of New Tampa, is offering genetic testing for hereditary cancers. patients still have no clear hereditary herited a BRCA gene In fact, men who inherit the BRCA component to their cancers. mutation, that risk is However, according to the greatly increased, to as much as 60-70 gene mutations – especially BRCA2 – are more prone to both breast cancer National Cancer Institute (NCI), a percent. and prostate cancer. Men also can pass small portion of malignancies — apBRCA-associated breast cancers proximately 5-10 percent — occur as tend to develop at a younger age. The this mutation on to their children. Having a BRCA mutation does a result of a genetic predisposition. mutation also substantially raises the not mean someone will have cancer Breast and ovarian cancers are two risk of ovarian cancer in women. The or even that they will develop cancer diseases that have been linked to hegeneral population risk for ovarian in the future. It simply means that reditary gene mutations, NCI reports. cancer is less than 2 percent, as combecause of alterations to their DNA, The mutation occurs at BRCA1 and pared with a woman with a BRCA their chance of developing certain BRCA2, also known as the “breast mutation, whose risk is as much as 44 cancers is greater than that of the cancer susceptibility genes.” BRCA1 percent. And, NCI reports that it’s average person. Learning about your and BRCA2 are “tumor suppressor not just women who have health impersonal risk will allow you to make genes” that have the job of controlplications of a BRCA gene mutation.
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, w
more informed decisions about prevention measures and create a personalized medical management plan. The following features make inherited cancer risk more likely within a family: • Two or more people, on the same side of the family, who have had the same type of cancer • Cancer diagnosed at age 50 or younger • Cancer in paired organs (e.g. both breasts, both eyes, etc.) • The presence of a very rare cancer (e.g., male breast cancer) • A family member with more than one type of cancer (e.g., both colon and uterine cancer OR both breast and ovarian cancer) • Cancer in two or more generations of the family • Ethnic background (for example, BRCA mutations are more common in those of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry) Women who carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations can take precautions to help lower their cancer risk. A new study published earlier this year in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) shows that women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations
who had preventive ovarian surgery, known as a prophylactic oophorectomy, reduced their risk of ovarian, fallopian tube, or peritoneal cancer by 80 percent and their overall risk of death by 77 percent. “This is a massive reduction,” says Moffitt Medical Group president Jonathan Lancaster, M.D., Ph.D. “The implications are significant for women who have very high risk for ovarian cancer. Unfortunately, we know ovarian cancer for many women is a death sentence. The ability to identify a woman based on the inheritance of a gene who may be able to have that disease avoided — to be able to prevent that disease — really is an advance.” According to the JCO study, women with BRCA1 mutations should have their ovaries removed by the age of 35, as waiting appears to increase the risk of ovarian cancer by about 4 percent, and can rise to more than 14 percent if a woman waits until age 50. In contrast, the study notes women with BRCA2 mutations can safely delay surgery until their 40s, as their risk of ovarian cancer is not as strong. “This is the largest study to date that confirms that women who carry BRCA1 and BRCA2 muta-
tions should really consider reducing their cancer risk by having a bilateral prophylactic oophorectomy,” Lancaster explains. “For women who are concerned about their hereditary risks, we advise they speak with their primary care physician, Ob/Gyn or seek counseling from a professional with genetic expertise, such as a genetic counselor.”
Genetic Testing At Moffitt
Moffitt’s Genetic Risk Assessment Service offers such genetic counseling, as well as screening and testing for people who may be at an increased risk for cancer. By identifying high-risk families, a Moffitt genetic counselor can help individuals understand their risk for developing all types of cancer, as well as their options for prevention, early detection and treatment. Genetic counseling is a form of education and risk assessment. Individuals having genetic counseling learn about their specific risk factors based upon reported information; although having genetic counseling does not mean that a person must proceed with genetic testing. Many people who have genetic counseling do not have genetic testing. Genetic testing in a cancer setting involves specific analysis of blood to
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
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look for an inherited gene change that is linked with an increased risk to develop cancer. For example, genetic tests can check for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in individuals with a personal and/or family history of cancer that suggests the possibility of mutation in one of these genes. If a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation is found as a result of genetic testing, several options are available to help a person manage their cancer risk. The selection of which prevention or treatment options to pursue is a personal decision that should be made between the patient and his or her health care provider. At Moffitt, the genetic counselor will review your personal and family cancer history, including the type or types of cancer, your age and the age(s) of family members at the time of diagnosis. The genetic counselor will discuss the risks, benefits and limitations of testing, the emotional implications, confidentiality issues and insurance coverage. This discussion will help you decide if genetic testing is right for you. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Moffitt’s Genetic Risk Assessment Service, call 1-888-MOFFITT (663-3477). For more info, please visit
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Kids R Kids Of Meadow Pointe Now Registering For Summer & Fall
Young minds can get a head start at Kids R Kids Learning Academy in Meadow Pointe. The Kids R Kids Academy located on Mansfield Blvd. at County Line Rd. (minutes from New Tampa) has been open since January 2006 and provides a high-quality educational child care environment for parents in Wesley Chapel, Land O’ Lakes, New Tampa and Zephyrhills. With an educational, structured and organized curriculum, Kids R Kids provides a setting that encourages children to be lifelong learners and successful adults. The Learning Academy has earned double Platinum awards (2011 and 2012) and the Presidential award (2013) from Kids R Kids International for being one of the top franchises nationwide. The school currently has more than 260 children enrolled, which owner Anitha Thomas says she largely attributes to “word of mouth.” Kids R Kids of Meadow Pointe currently serves infants through voluntary pre-kindergarten (VPK) students, and is adding Kindergarten and first grade starting this fall. The K-1 program will concentrate on science, math and technology. The school-age program will provide transportation to and from Sand Pine, Double Branch, Hunter’s Green, Turner and Seven Oaks elementaries, starting this fall. The academy also is adding a child-friendly STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) lab for older children (3+) to have hands-on experience in math and science, Thomas says. The Academy already has a computer center complete with ABC Mouse and an interactive SMART board. “The Kids R Kids curriculum concentrates on the overall development of your child, rather than just letters and numbers,” Thomas explains. “Our curriculum is standards-based with activities that are developmentally appropriate and encourage children to achieve in all areas (language/literacy, cognitive, physical and social-emotional) of their development.” Thomas adds, “This exclusive curriculum is specifically designed for each stage of early childhood development, from infancy through the elementary years. Life is a daily adventure when you are a preschooler, and the Kids R Kids curriculum provides plenty of ways for your preschool-aged child to explore and grow.” Thomas also explains that Kids R Kids students are given opportunities to play as they learn. The classrooms are divided into learning centers for children to work in groups, which encourages social skills. All classrooms have small group set-up and learning areas directed by teachers to provide one-onone time with the children. Including
in related fields. Kids R Kids provides ongoing training for all of its employees to keep up with latest changes and trends in the educational industry.
A Community Partner
Kids R Kids has many community projects to support local and national charitable organizations. In 2013, the school raised more than $8,000 to support organizations like the St. Jude’s Children’s Cancer Center, Kids R Kids of Meadow Pointe owner Anitha the Leukemia & Lymphoma Thomas (left) and director Amy Rath will help get Society, along with other local nonprofit organizations and your child(ren) ready for elementary school. Thomas says she is looking the infant classroom, Kids R Kids offers forward to another great year of giving library areas in each room filled with fun back to their community. and educational books, which aid in the Kids R Kids offers one of the development of early reading skills, as highest-rated VPK programs in the area well as a large library center filled with and has been very successful in getting more than 10,000 books. children prepared for their elementary In addition to being the owner, school years. Thomas is very active in the daily operaFamilies throughout the area know tion of the school. The friendly manthe benefits of enrolling their young stuagement team — made up of director dents at Kids R Kids of Meadow Pointe. Amy Rath and curriculum coordinator For example, a parent named Mrs. Jessica Davis — will help you with the Hoeffler says, “I needed to place my enrollment process and with any other three-month-old son into daycare. I questions you may have. The Center’s looked at many daycares, but I was sold management takes great pride in the after meeting the teachers in the infant school’s staff. Most of the teachers have room of Kids R Kids Meadow Pointe. a Bachelor’s degree in education or It was obvious that they were experi-
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enced teachers and this was not just another job for them, but where they wanted to work. Our experience continues to be great, as my son has moved into the toddler room, where he is learning so much from his teachers. I could not tell you how many times he says a new word Students at Kids R Kids of Meadow Pointe enjoy story time, as or has learned well as many other stimulating activities that help to prepare something new at them for kindergarten. daycare. It is amazone of the things we appreciate most is ing how these little acts reassure me the teachers’ active communication with that I am doing the right thing leaving parents. We would recommend Kids R him in the care of Kids R Kids Meadow Kids Meadow Pointe without reservaPointe.” Lily Rodems also raves, “By August tion to anyone who wants their children to play and learn in a safe and healthy 2014, we will have three ‘graduates’ environment.” from Kids R Kids Meadow Pointe, one The school currently is enrollactive student and one future stuing children for both 2014 summer dent. In 2007, we (apprehensively) decided to take our first child to preschool camp and the start of the 2014-15 school year in the fall. Kids R Kids so that she could interact with kids her Learning Academy at Meadow Pointe age, while I cared for our newborn. We (Lic # C06PA0129) is located at chose Kids R Kids for the school’s con1540 Mansfield Blvd. inside Meadow venient location, cleanliness and organiPointe. For more info, call 994-4525 zation, but what keeps us coming back or visit KidsRKidsMeadowPointe. year after year are the many dedicated com. You’re also invited to stop in to teachers who educate with structure, learn how Kids R Kids of Meadow discipline and love every day. We are Pointe can help your child succeed. passionate about active parenting, so
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Dental Arts By Dr. Luz Hernandez Promises Great Care, Less Stress By Amy Gutierrez
As you recline in a luxurious, leather massage chair, it’s easy to forget you’re in a dental office and not a spa. That’s just part of the effort that Dr. Luz Hernandez, D.D.S., and her staff have poured into the office of Dental Arts by Dr. Luz Hernandez, conveniently located off Commerce Park Blvd. in the Tampa Palms Professional Center. From the moment you step into the office’s foyer, the calm surroundings and décor — along with the immensely friendly and helpful staff — allow Dr. Hernandez’s patients to relax and partner with their dentist to maintain a beautiful smile. Dr. Hernandez and her family, including children Adam and Nina, moved to Tampa Palms eight years ago from New York, after she graduated from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook with a B.S. in Biochemistry and later from SUNY Stony Brook’s School of Dental Medicine with her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree in 2004. After that, the bilingual Dr. Hernandez worked in a group practice, but soon decided to open her own practice, which has been in the same location since 2009. With careful consideration for working in the same area that she lives, Dr. Hernandez’s office thrives and continues its rapid growth, as she treats and
delivers spectacular results to patients as young as age nine. “Preventive dentistry is the key,” she says. “The more regularly a young patient is seen, the more likely he or she is to maintain a healthy smile as an adult and continue having routine check-ups and ongoing maintenance.” In addition to cleanings and prevention, Dr. Hernandez’s office provides the full range of cosmetic dental services, including porcelain crowns, bridges, veneers and teeth whitening. She also diagnoses and treats periodontal (gum) diseases, such as gingivitis, and performs restorative dentistry. It’s great news that the incidence of tooth decay has significantly diminished over the years, due to the use of fluoride toothpaste and fluoridated water and an increase in patient awareness, Dr. Hernandez says. However, teeth are still susceptible to decay, infection and breakage and, sometimes, they need to be restored back to health. Through improved techniques and modern technology, Dr. Hernandez says that she and her staff are able to offer more options for restoring your teeth back to their normal shape, appearance and function. She also notes that she has completed hundreds of hours of continuing education and training so that she always is able to offer her patients the latest advances in dental treatment.
She notes that much of that continuing education has been conducted at the prestigious Dawson Academy in St. Petersburg. The Dawson Academy has limited locations throughout the world and brings together an interdisciplinary group of specialists who each are dedicated to educating and developing a full spectrum of dental techniques. Specifically, Dr. Hernandez trained at the Dawson Academy with primary concentrations in dental occlusion (contact between the teeth and gums), the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and comprehensive aesthetic restorative dentistry. In addition to her commitment to training, Dr. HernanDr. Luz Hernandez of Dental Arts works on a padez has designed her office tient at her office in the Tampa Palms Professional around state-of-the-art dental Center off Commerce Park Blvd. equipment and technology. At Dental Arts, patients can take raphy helps reveal any abscesses, bone advantage of digital radiography — a loss, tumors, decay between teeth, detechnique that uses an electronic sensor velopmental abnormalities, poor tooth (instead of x-ray film) to capture and and root positions and/or problems store the digital images of a patient’s inside a tooth or below the gum line. teeth on a computer. This image can With a carefully selected office staff then be instantly viewed and enlarged, comprised of practice manager Tara helping the dentist and dental hygienist Moore, dental assistant Aliza Ayres detect problems far more easily than by and hygienist Patricia Gonzalez, Dr. using traditional film. Digital radiogHernandez says her primary goal is
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for extensive dental work and two cleanings during the past five months, my view has changed. While I still don’t get excited about going to the dentist, I no longer become paralyzed by anxiety and fear. Dr. Hernandez treats her patients as part of her family. The (L.-r.) Dental Arts’ practice manager Tara Moore, Dr. Luz Hernandez, office is stateD.D.S., and dental assistant Aliza Ayres. of-the-art and I (Not pictured: hygienist Patricia Gonzalez) NEVER have to wait. Her staff is to provide you and your family with friendly and accommodating to cowards knowledgeable, friendly, personalized, like me. I have recommended Dr. Herstate-of-the-art dentistry right in your nandez to my family and friends.” own neighborhood. One of the many great perks of Reducing Your Stress Dental Arts is that appointments are not Worried or anxious about visiting double-booked. the dentist? There is a quick, two-min“We provide time for each individute video on the practice’s website that ual patient and don’t believe in patients may help ease your fear of the unknown. having to sit around in the waiting Joyce, a Pebble Creek resident, room,” Dr. Hernandez explains. “We says, “I am not one that looks forvalue our patients’ time and, likewise, ward to going to the dentist. Even the they value ours. New patients generally promise of lollipops and toothbrushes can be seen within a week and with our when I was younger could not get me convenient office hours, most people excited about (a visit to) the dentist. can be seen during a time that works However, after visiting Dr. Hernandez with their schedule.”
Moore says that she is happy to file through most PPO and Indemnity Dental insurance plans for your convenience and is even happy to work through insurance appeals on your behalf to obtain a successful claim resolution. So, again, thanks to highly specific digital x-rays and intraoral photography, Dental Arts always has the most advanced technological images that often help explain to you, the patient, and to your insurance company, the medical necessity of particular treatments and procedures. “This saves you money!,” says Moore. A proud, active member of the American Dental Association, Florida Dental Association, West Coast Florida Dental Association and the Greater
Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC), Dr. Hernandez says that she is excited to partner with you and your family to obtain your brightest, healthiest smile for a lifetime. The Dental Arts office of Dr. Luz Hernandez is located at 17427 Bridge Hill Ct., Suite A, and is open Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Emergency visits also can be accommodated. Call the office today for your consultation appointment at 903-8888 or visit and click “Appointment Request.” For the latest news, reviews and articles, ‘Like’ the office’s Facebook. com page at
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
Cypress Point Community Church To Open Food Assistance Center By Gary Nager
I have known Pastor Dean Reule, Ph.D., since he and maybe a dozen or so people (“Three of whom were our kids,” he quips) used to meet together at the former Hunter’s Green Model & Visitor Center, almost a decade before he and his wife Hettie and their church membership together built what is now the beautiful Cypress Point Community Church on Morris Bridge Rd., just north of Cross Creek Blvd. Cypress Point is more than just 30 acres of former cattle ranch land, more than just an impressive 30,000-sq.-ft. multipurpose building shaded by magnificent old growth oak trees (including one estimated at more than 500 years old that Dean says may be the oldest tree in all of Hillsborough County). Knowing Dean the way I do, and having met Hettie a few times as well, I can tell you with confidence that what has been happening and continues to happen at Cypress Point is more like a family coming together than “just” a house of worship. And, that is exactly the way the Reules want it. Together, Dean (the church’s primary pastor) and Hettie (Cypress Point’s youth pastor) have seen their own family blossom along with their nondenominational Christian church family, and continue to provide love, guidance and service to the New Tampa community and beyond. Since we last wrote about Cypress
cery store, where anyone in need can come and select whatever items they want. The rest of the building will (Left) Cypress Point Community Church Pastor Dean Reule feature a classroom-like at the church’s new Food Assistance Center. (Above) The setup that will offer church’s “Run for Freedom” on Mar. 22 raised $12,000 to long-term solutions help fight human trafficking in the Tampa Bay area. that hopefully will do more for them than just Point last year, the church has been buildtreat the symptoms of hunger.” ing its Food Assistance Center, which is For example, he says, “We plan to nearing completion and will allow the church to greatly expand its food assistance hold high school GED classes in here for the huge number of Spanish-speaking program, which already provides food people who need a high school diploma to for dozens of hungry families in the New help them get ahead in life.” The Reules Tampa, Wesley Chapel and Zephyrhills also envision expanding the program to areas. include counseling, haircuts and even “We have carloads of elderly ladies, many of them widows, but all of them who dental care. “Obamacare helped some of these live on next to nothing,” he says. “They people get medical insurance, but it doesn’t drive a long way for the food and are so include dental care,” he says. “We’re about appreciative that we’re here.” He adds that, “When we complete the six months away from being able to offer dental services here, but we plan to partner Food Assistance Center, a little more than half the building will resemble a small gro- with several of the more than 400 dentists
Ann Carlson
located within 10 miles of here.” When you look at how much acreage there still is between the big oaks on Cypress Point’s magnificent property, you can understand why Dean and Hettie and their staff have such high hopes to still be able to do more for the community in the future. “There’s a huge international population at USF and although some of the students’ home countries help them, we plan to have a furniture warehouse so students and other members of the community don’t have to pay for desks, couches and beds,” he says. He says that one of the biggest fundraising events the church has had occurred on March 22 of this year, when Cypress Point held a 5K “Race for Freedom” to benefit Bridging Freedom (, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting human trafficking, which has become a major problem throughout Florida, especially in the Tampa Bay area, where 76 human traffickers were arrested last year and where the number of teenagers (mainly, but not all girls) bought and sold for the sex trade likely numbers in the thousands. “We were proud to help Bridging Freedom,” Dean says. “I can’t think of a more worthy cause.” The event raised more than $12,000 for Bridging Freedom, which has worked tirelessly to bring prevention awareness to the community as well as plan and one day implement an
Mark Pacheco
17 Year Hunter’s Green Resident
20 Year Hunter’s Green Resident
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26 2014 •
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urgently needed long- term therapeutic safe home campus for rescued children from sex trafficking in the Tampa Bay area. (Note-We plan to do a story on Bridging Freedom in a future issue). Among the other wonderful programs and ministries already at Cypress Point include “Celebrate Recovery,” which offers assistance to anyone suffering from addictions to the loss of a loved one, a Military Support Ministry, to help the families of those serving in the U.S. military while their loved ones are being deployed, a ministry to help provide food and encouragement to local fire fighters and many youth programs, including a great summer performing arts program called PACK (Performing Arts Club for Kids; photo above). “We love serving God and this community,” Dean says. “Christ had people in need on his radar and we do, too.”
Spotlight On...Author Jamie Tingen
you could say that we worked things out.” If you visit Cypress Point any Sunday, you just may end up becoming part of this unique church family. For more info about Cypress Point Community Church (15820 Morris Bride Rd.), visit or call 986.9100.
A Little Insight Into The Pastors
With an average Sunday attendance of about 750 (between 300-400 people at each of two Sunday services), Cypress Point Community Church has been a source of comfort for many New Tampa residents, thanks to the warm and caring co-Pastors. But, Dean says that for he and Hettie, it wasn’t “love at first sight.” “I had just finished my freshman year of college and she was a high school senior when we met at Calvary Church in Charlotte (NC). We had known each other for a while and didn’t really get along, But, there was a church function we both were going to and she was the only one driving who still had room in her car. So, I guess
Neighborhood News
We’ve all wished for it, a “do-over” in life. And one New Tampa resident has brought the idea to life in her new book Butterfly Messages. In the book, Jamie Elizabeth Tingen tells the story of making the most out of a second chance. Butterfly Messages follows two people who reconnect after being apart for 40 years. The book is brimming with mystery, turmoil and passion. As the story unravels, every twist and turn reveals more about the mystery of the characters’ disturbing pasts, their shocking secrets and even their futures. Tingen invites you to reawaken the feeling of falling in love again for the first time with her novel. She asks, “Do butterflies know more about living than humans?” Tingen hopes that the growing number of people who have reconnected with former sweethearts after a divorce or the death of a spouse will find interest in her novel and look forward to its sequel, which currently is in the works. “Life is uncertain, so, like a butterfly, savor the sweet nectar of the moment,” the book urges. A five-star review posted on by ccrider2001so says, “Ms. Tingen has a true gift for capturing the charm and warmth of the South while spinning an entertaining and suspenseful story. I was so captivated... I didn’t want it to end.” Tingen has a long track record of
award-winning writing, having won the Florida Federation New Tampa resident of Women’s Jamie Tingen tells a story Clubs’ Fine of second chances in her Arts award book Butterfly Messages. for a skit that she wrote, produced and directed. Tingen also has taken part in community theater, often taking on lead roles, and twice has won the Kodak International Newspaper Snapshot award. Her work even has been featured in a coffee table book entitled Reflections of Tampa Bay. In addition to writing, Tingen has made a career out of professional modeling for television and print media, as well as in real estate sales. She grew up in Ashland, SC, but currently resides in New Tampa. For more information about Tingen or her new book, please visit, Amazon. com and other booksellers.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
Wharton Grad Organizes School’s Inaugural Food Truck Rally For Charity By Matt Wiley
Smoke rises along Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in New Tampa from the Paul R. Wharton High parking lot. The haze floats above the area, carrying with it scents not usually associated with a fire. In fact, they smell downright delicious. The source? Wharton’s first food truck rally, “Food Trucks Fighting Hunger,” which was held on April 13. Chef Edward Bujarski, director of Wharton’s Culinary Arts program for the past 13 years, says that by the end of the hot Sunday, more than 750 people had cruised through the Wharton Driver’s Ed lot, where the event was held. The rally was a collaboration between the school’s FCCLA (Future Career & Community Leaders of America) club and the Culinary Arts program. Jim Mcelvenny — a New Tampa resident and 2004 Wharton graduate who now runs Daily Grinders, a gourmet food truck that feeds residents all across Tampa Bay — decided to organize a rally at his alma mater to help expose the area to something a little different than all of the big-chain restaurants, which make up most of the area’s dining market. “You don’t find a whole lot of authentic, made-from-scratch food up here (in New Tampa),” says Mcelvenny, who was a student in the Culinary Arts program when he attended Wharton. In fact, he says, at one point, he was spending up to six periods of the school day in Bujarski’s class. “(Chef Bujarski) was my inspiration for cooking,” Mcelvenny explains. Mcelvenny has been running Daily Grinders with fiancé Ashley Poettker for the past six months. The couple met while working at the Wesley Chapel Bonefish Grill on BBD. “We’ve gotten lots of good feedback (from diners) so far,” Poettker says. “It’s fun being able to move around. One day we’ll be doing lunch outside of a business and the next day we’ll be at a music festival.” In addition to food trucks Daily Grinders, Rollin’ Zoinks, Nico’s Arepas, Hot Box’d and I Wanna Wok, Wharton culinary students baked desserts that also were sold at the rally. A percentage of
proceeds from the trucks and the dessert sales totalled $400 and were donated to “One Chef Can 86 Hunger,” a culinary charity started by Wharton grad Max Hardy. Unfortunately, Hardy was not able to attend, as his business is based out of New York. Hardy actually works full-time as the private chef for the New York Knicks’ Amar’e Stoudemire. According to the charity’s website, “One Chef” is a not-for-profit organization that, “works toward raising awareness of the hunger epidemic in America. The Foundation is also committed to bringing culinary arts to inner city communities through its culinary programs and scholarships to the next generation of young chefs.” Bujarski says that the rally also was an opportunity to educate his culinary students about the food truck industry, a restaurant trend that has steadily grown in popularity in recent years. It has blossomed so much, in fact, that Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn and the Downtown Partnership host a monthly food truck rally in downtown Tampa. Our area also recently set the Guinness World Record for largest food truck rally on March 29, when 121 trucks gathered at the Florida State Fairgrounds. “This rally gives the students a chance to learn about this niche in the restaurant industry,” Bujarski explains. “At first, I think (the students) thought the trucks were a little tight and cramped, but they also saw that they can be a fun environment to work in. Once they see how the community embraces food trucks, they really seem to enjoy it.” Poettker says that the food truck community is just like a family. “Before the event, we’ll all show up, see who came and give each other hugs,” she explains. “Afterward, we eat each other’s food.” Wharton senior Kristy Rosica, who helped sell baked goods at the rally with fellow students, says that the culinary program is what she’ll miss most about high school when she starts at the University of Florida in Gainesville in the fall. She has been in the 300-student program since her freshman year. When she heard that the program was hosting
Hungry New Tampa residents eye the options from Nico’s Arepas Grill, one of the four food trucks that took part in Wharton High’s inaugural food truck rally on April 13. a food truck rally, she says that she didn’t really know what to expect. “I didn’t expect so many trucks,” she says. “It was one thing to hear about it, but it was tough to picture what the rally would look like.” Rosica says that she is majoring in nutrition science, but that the food trucks are appealing as a potential culinary career. “It seems like a cool job,” she says. “You get to drive around and do what you love every day.” Wharton’s culinary students even run their own restaurant — called Chez Paul — during lunch hours on most Fridays, with a menu based on their
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weekly culinary lesson. “The lesson is always based on technical skill as well as a cultural, geographic and economic lesson centered around the theme of the week,” Bujarski explains. Chez Paul is open most Fridays from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. for Wharton faculty and staff, as well as the community. The menu is published to the school’s website on Wednesday for that Friday. Guests from the community are welcome to enjoy the three-course menu for $7. Reservations are not required, but suggested for groups of more than four, as seating is limited. For more information, please visit
Swim Across America & New Tampa YMCA Offer Swims For Good Causes
By Matt Wiley will benefit Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer A national event to help raise Care, as well as Metastatic money for cancer research, the first of its Melanoma research. Rob kind, has some roots right here in New says that so far, the event Tampa. already has raised more For the third year, Arbor Greene than $100,000 this year. residents Rob and Alicia Shapiro are “We’ve got a few gathering swimmers, volunteers and weeks, but a lot of work to money for cancer research for the H. do,” he says. “It’s going Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research to be a challenge (to meet Institute (see story on page 32), located our goal).” on the University of South Florida’s Alicia explains that Tampa campus, for the “Swim Across SAA always is a touching America” (SAA) – Tampa Bay Open Water Swim. Three years after its incep- Swimmers rush to the water during last year’s Swim Across event. “Lots of people have been affected by cancer tion, there are only two SAA events in America-Tampa Open Water Swim in Clearwater. This year’s and even more are affected the state, the only other takes place in event hopes to raise even more money for Moffitt Cancer Center. each year,” she says. “We Boca Raton in southeast Florida. just want to raise money to way,” explains Rob, who is the event’s Attendees can expect to swim with help find the cure.” director. five former Olympians, including BranBefore beginning the first Swim In the past two years alone, the don’s Brooke Bennett, former Univ. Tampa Bay Open Water Swim has raised Across America event in Florida, Rob of Florida star Craig Beardsley, Janel says he and a few friends used to travel more than $250,000 for Moffitt. This Jorgenson McArdle, Kristy Kowal and year, the Shapiros hope to raise another to Glen Cove, NY, to participate in the Heather Petri. $200,000 for cancer research. Each Sound to Cove Open Water Swim in This year’s event, which is being participating swimmer is responsible for the Long Island Sound for more than held bright and early at 6:30 a.m. on raising money for the event, which goes ten years. After years of traveling to Saturday, May 31, at Pier 60 in Cleardirectly to the local cancer center, one participate, Rob, Alicia and their friends water, offers swimmers three different decided to start one here in Tampa. courses, measuring a half-mile, one-mile of only 66 National Cancer Institutedesignated research centers in the U.S. “We didn’t have any experience or the Ironman triathlon distance of “The main difference between (with organizing events),” Alicia ex2.4-miles. Swimmers of all experience SAA-Tampa Bay and other similar fund- plains. “But, we really wanted to do this levels are invited to participate. raising events is that the money raised is in the Tampa Bay area.” “Most come not because they’re donated to specific areas within MofFor more information about the competitive swimmers, but because fitt,” Rob explains. This year, the funds Tampa Bay Open Water Swim to they’ve been touched by cancer in some
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New Tampa YMCA To Host Meet For Disabled Swimmers
Before SAA, another swimming event for a good cause will be held a little closer to home. At 10 a.m. on Sunday, May 4, the New Tampa Family YMCA (located on Compton Dr. in Tampa Palms) will be hosting the third annual “Cinco De Mayo” adaptive swim meet in its newly reopened Olympic-sized pool. The competition is open to all swimmers with a physical, visual and/ or intellectual impairment. Swimmers can enter up to six events, including four individual events and two relays. The entry fee is $25 per participant and includes a t-shirt. “The Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA is committed to developing strength in spirit, mind and body for all — regardless of physical or mental limitations,” says Kass Pilczuk, adaptive coordinator for the YMCA. “Our adaptive programs help children, teens and adults of all abilities benefit from physical activity and group interaction. The New Tampa Y offers a full-range of adaptive programming, including art, basketball, cheerleading and aquatics.” For more info, please call 8669622 or email Kass at KPilczuk@
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
New Tampa Neighborhood News Pirates Win Rotary Spelling Bee! By Gary Nager
“eW Cmae. eW aSw. eW Plundreded!” Just seeing if you’re paying attention. I know we still have spelling mistakes in pretty much every issue of this publication, but it’s not because I can’t spell or because I don’t have spell-check on my computer. In fact, after leading a team of Rotarians to a disappointing tied-for-third place in the West Pasco Chamber’s Spelling Bee last year, I called my shot and predicted — both at my Wesley Chapel Rotary Club meeting the day before and as the Rotary Spelling Bee (sponsored by the club of which I am proud to be a member) began on March 27 — that the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News “Pirates” would take home the “Best in Bee” prize as the new top spellers in Pasco County. And yes, I am proud to say, we did come home with those bragging rights. The Rotary “Bee,” held in the banquet room at the beautiful Tampa Bay Golf & Country Club (located just off the S.R. 52 exit of I-75) featured a packed house of 28 four-player teams, delicious heavy hors d’oeuvres, adult beverages, incredible costumes and team “themes,” valuable prizes, the camaraderie, fun and “Service Above Self” spirit of Rotary and some really, really tough spelling words — all in a fantastically fun environment created by event chair Erin Meyer and her amazing committee, which raised a lot of money. The event was emceed by Dr. Stanley Giannet, the Provost of the new Pasco-Hernando State College’s Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch (see page 1), who literally should replace Alex Trebek as the host of “Jeopardy!” (if and when Alex ever retires). The Bee featured three rounds of
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words, but in the first two rounds, if your team didn’t come up with the correct spelling in the time allotted, you could “bribe” your way back in by donating an additional $10 to the evening’s coffers — and all of the proceeds from the event will go to the cause of education in Pasco County, although the top three finishing teams — our Neighborhood News Pirates (yours truly, my fellow Rotarians Dane Parilo and Vicki Hamilton and freelancer Kathleen Schiop), the “Men In Black” (chiropractors Dr. Bill Scheu and Dr. Pablo Rivera and financial gurus Ron Oldano and Patrick Murtha) and one other received cash prizes to donate to the charity/nonprofit organization of their choice. Our $200 top prize will be donated to the Tampa Fisher House, the residence on the campus of the James A. Haley Veterans Administration Hospital, which houses the families of the wounded soldiers being treated at the hospital for free. The spelling words were really tough and even yours truly misspelled three in the first two rounds, which (Clockwise from top left): Dr. Stanley Giannet of Pasco-Hernando State College emceed the Rotary cost me (as the team captain and anchor) $30 in “bribes” to the judges Spelling Bee, which was won by the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News Pirates. The in order to even make it to Round 3, packed banquet room at Tampa Bay Golf & Country Club in San Antonio was where the plundering when bribes were no longer accepted. Pirates took home the gold. Spelling Bee event chair Erin Meyer of Gator Cleaning Solutions thanked her committee, the evening’s sponsors and the participants. The Men in Black and the Pirates were the only two teams to corelated when Dr. Giannet said “uh-oh” committee for their incredible planrectly spell each of the first four words as he looked at both teams’ attempts to ning, organizing, selling of sponsorships in Round 3 — “quadrennial,” “seisspell it because I knew we had it right. and especially, the running of the event mography,” “tintinnabulation” (which I also realized that if any of the words itself, which Erin says will net more than sucker-punched at least half of the I misspelled in Round 2 had been in $10,000 for the Pasco Education Foundaremaining teams) and “verisimilitude” Round 3, we wouldn’t have won at all. tion and the club’s charities. (which dropped everyone else out). I For more great Spelling Bee photos My congratulations for a job well was surprised that the Men were unable done goes out to not only Dr. Gianand the list of sponsors, visit NTNeighto correctly spell “facetious,” but I was! net and the judges, but to Erin and her
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Continued from page 1 on Broadway in “Phantom of the Opera,” has spent more than 20 years on Broadway, national music tours and with symphony orchestras. Bohmer (far left below) also has appeared on TV in “Law & Order SVU,” “Rescue Me” and “As The World Turns.” Wall says he also is excited to welcome Mark Kudhisch. “I’ve been trying to get him down here (for BCTT) for years,” Wall says. “He’s a previous Tony Award nominee.” In fact, Kudhisch (2nd from left) actually is a three-time Tony nominee who has appeared in “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,” “The Apple Tree,” “The Scarlet Pimpernel” and “Disney’s Beauty & The Beast” on Broadway. Kudhisch also has been on TV in “Gossip Girl,” “Smash” and “Sex & The City.” BCTT first-timer Kate Shindle (3rd from left) has appeared on Broadway in “Wonderland,” “Legally Blonde,” “Cabaret” and “Jekyll & Hyde.” In addition to acting, Shindle also is a published writer, whose work has appeared in The Huffington Post, Newsweek and Salon magazine. Jeannette Bayardelle (4th from left) is another first-time BCTT performer, but Wall thinks that she’ll be a big hit. “Jeannette will blow everyone away with her voice,” Wall says. “She’s an amazing ‘belter.’”
Bayardelle has starred in Broadway revivals of “Hair,” as well as “The Color Purple.” She also has released two solo albums and has appeared on “Oprah” and “Live With Regis & Kelly.” This year’s BCTT also will welcome back Rita Harvey (2nd from right), who most recently starred in the latest Broadway revival of “Fiddler On The Roof,” after beginning her Broadway career in “Phantom Of The Opera” as Christine Daaé. Harvey’s husband Neil Berg (far right) also will be returning as the host and pianist for the evening. He is the composer of the Broadway musical rendition of “Grumpy Old Men” as well as the Off-Broadway hit, “The Prince & The Pauper.” Wall’s brother Greg (also known as the “Jazz Rabbi”) also returns to offer his professional saxophone skills as part of your incredible musical feast for the evening. Tickets to BCTT at Saddlebrook Resort (5700 Saddlebrook Way, Wesley Chapel) on Saturday, May 10, cost $175 per person or $1,750 for a table of 10. To purchase tickets, visit For more info about the New Tampa Players, including auditions for NTP’s upcoming production of “Seussical The Musical,” based on the writing of Dr. Seuss, please visit
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26 2014 •
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Noon Rotary Club Nets A Healthy $7,000 With First-Ever ‘Cycling For Vets’ By Gary Nager
When you’re part of a club that has several members who are into riding bikes for fun and fitness, it only seems natural that one of your club’s most successful fund-raising events ever would have to include a bike ride. Likewise, when you also have members of your club who have always strongly supported the U.S. military, it only makes sense that the fund raiser should benefit veterans and nonprofit organizations dedicated to serving those vets and their families. In other words, I wasn’t surprised at all to see just how successful my friends at the New Tampa Noon Rotary (which now meets Wednesdays at noon at Café Olé in the Cross Creek Center plaza; more on the food below) were when they hosted their first-ever “Cycling for Vets” charity bike ride, benefiting four militaryand public-servant-serving nonprofits, at the Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. entrance to Flatwoods Park on April 5. With more than 70 riders complet(Clockwise from top left): “Team Andreychuk” rode the 39-mile distance at the New Tampa Noon Rotary’s ‘Cycling for Vets’ bike ride in Flatwoods ing any of the three different courses Park. Heavy fog blanketed the course, which kept the temperatures down for everyone who rode. Photos by Christine Shuman. (4-, 18- and 39-mile distances), many of Among the sponsors for the event were State Farm/Joyce Coleman, Children’s whom raised $100 or more in pledges, the Noon Rotary is proud to have raised Dentistry/Dr. Greg Stepanski, DDS; Little Greek Restaurant, Firehouse Subs, about $7,000, nearly all of which will be donated to the Navy SEAL Foundation, Operation Helping Hand (which serves restaurant-donated meals to the families of USAA, Chili’s of New Tampa, this publication and Café Olé, which has made wounded soldiers at the James Haley Veterans Hospital on BBD), the Tampa Police sure that my dear friends in my former Rotary Club (I now belong to the Wesley Chapel Rotary) once again have the best food in Rotary District 6890. Memorial Fund and the Hillsborough County Fire Rescue Foundation. The New Tampa Noon Rotary is always looking for more members. Noon Rotary president Carl Irwin, an avid bicyclist who has a son who is a Those interested in finding out what this Rotary family is all about can enjoy Navy SEAL, was among those completing the 39-mile course, while yours truly their first lunch with the club for free. wimped out to a leisurely four-mile ride on a foggy, gray morning.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26 2014 •
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The Tutoring Center Increases Your Child’s Enjoyment Of Learning By Lauren Saslow
The second semester of the school year can be a stressful time of the year for students, parents and teachers. With high-stakes standardized tests during the spring months such as CELLA (Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment), FCAT, EOC (End Of Course), Advanced Placement (AP) tests, the SAT and the ACT, it can be an academic (and acronymic) nightmare for parents and teachers, as they do their best to prepare students for success. Some students require more attention than any teacher can feasibly offer in a standard classroom, where public school teacher-to-student ratios can reach 1:18 in Pre-Kindergarten-3rd grade, 1:22 in grades 4-8 and up to 1:25 in high school core classes. Parents often seek additional support for their child’s education outside of the school in the form of private tutoring. However, finding a qualified and convenient learning environment can be challenging and pricey. The Tutoring Center, located off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. and County Line Rd. in the former Sweetbay (now WinnDixie) shopping center, offers qualified one-on-one instruction for students in kindergarten through high school, all at competitive rates. Tutoring Center director Stephen Heverly opened the 1,200-sq.-ft. fran-
chise more than four years ago and continues to experience success, which he attributes, at least in part, to foot traffic provided by the nearby LA Fitness and Five Guys Burgers & Fries. “Parents want a convenient place where they can spend an hour (shopping, eating or working out) after they drop off their child for tutoring,” Heverly says. Heverly — a Florida-certified professional teacher in the areas of English and Journalism, with an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) endorsement — still teaches English full-time at Freedom High in Tampa Palms, while supervising a staff of nine tutors and two interns year-round. Most of the tutors are students attending the University of South Florida (USF) in Tampa or University of Tampa downtown, although one tutor, Laura Boatright, currently teaches at Seven Oaks Elementary in Wesley Chapel and another tutor is a retired teacher. Interns are selected by identifying the top two AP English Literature students from FHS each year, then offering them the opportunity (along with training) for the position. All tutors (including Heverly) and interns must also pass a math test with a minimum of 80 percent, but Heverly boasts that most of his instructors earn at least a 90 percent and one even earned a perfect score!
“We try to hire young tutors who relate better to the students,” explains Heverly. “The tutors also act as positive role models, especially for struggling high school students.” Heverly earned his B.S. in Education from Lock Haven The Tutoring Center’s Stephen Heverly wants to hekp your child sucUniversity in ceed both in and out of the classroom. Lock Haven, students for the necessary English PA, and an M.B.A. from Nova Southlanguage skills required for them to eastern University in Tokyo, Japan (a transfer to the University of Nevada’s campus which no longer exists), where Tokyo campus. he lived for a total of 18 years. Heverly In Japan, Heverly said he learned moved to Japan for a position as a prothat every school (elementary through fessor of ESOL at the Kanda Institute post-secondary levels) has its own of Foreign Language, before becomentrance exams, which makes attending ing the school’s curriculum supervisor desirable schools very competitive. In for the freshman English program. He Japan, he noticed that student success then worked in marketing and public was attributable in part to after-school relations for nearly eight years before tutoring known as “cram schools” or returning to teaching English at the “juku,” citing that “90 percent of stuNevada International College (Tokyo campus), a program intended to prepare dents go to after-school programs.”
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fessional development (including training in the new Common Core State Standards) and receives regular updates about new state laws and policies, which he shares with parents on his “Education Board” in the front window of the Center. “Parents see my Education Board and walk in to ask questions and find Heverly can help your child(ren) get the help they need in most out more about our tutoring program,” subjects and even help them get ahead of the class. Heverly says, adding When he returned to the U.S., setthat he will even attend the parent contling in Temple Terrace, Heverly wanted ference meetings at schools the center’s to not only teach in the classroom, but students attend. One parent, Ellie M., a also open a tutoring business where stuLakes of Northwood in Wesley Chapel dents could gain confidence, motivation resident, has an elementary-aged son and improve focus. He researched difwho has attended tutoring three times ferent programs, but was disappointed weekly since October 2013 who says she to find that most had expensive tuition appreciates Heverly’s involvement. and a teacher-to-student ratio of 1:6. “At first my son did not want to After a significant amount of research, go to tutoring,” she recalls. “Now he he decided to open a Tutoring Center loves it! I have seen improvement in his franchise because of the company’s grades, confidence and focus.” affordable tuition and one-on-one apHeverly also makes donations to proach to tutoring. other schools’ Parent-Teacher-Student “I continue to teach full-time, Associations (PTSAs) and has business partially because of the connections (to partnerships with many area schools, the students and curricula they have to including Louis Benito Middle School learn),” says Heverly. As a public school on Cross Creek Blvd. and Seven Oaks teacher, he participates in ongoing proElementary, where Boatright teaches.
A Rotational Approach To Learning
Founded in California in 1994 by Edward S. Thalheimer, Ph.D., The Tutoring Center has a “rotational approach to learning.” It was originally designed for students suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but has since opened up to all students seeking academic enrichment outside of their school. The system operates under the assumption that students lose focus after working on the same task for more than 30 minutes, and allows each student to rotate during the course of one hour between three individualized learning stations at time intervals of 30 minutes, 15 minutes, and then another 15 minutes. The program begins with a free diagnostic assessment and a free consultation with parents. Heverly says, “Most competitors’ tutoring programs charge for the diagnostic, but most of the time the diagnostic tells parents what they already know. That’s why the parent consults you in the first place.” Generally speaking, he explains, parents are seeking support in order to help their child either catch up or get ahead. Grand Hampton resident Joanne Cline’s son Noah is a perfect example of both. Cline says that Noah began tutoring in January 2013, after testing below grade level in reading skills as a first grader. Not only did he reach grade
level reading skills this school year, he is now at a third grade reading level! Cline says, “Noah also is more self-confident and can adjust to changing academic requirements. He has an interest in learning and a newfound love for subjects (like science) because he can read and understand.” At The Tutoring Center, there are no contracts, and family discounts are available for parents requiring tutoring for more than one child, a bonus for parents like Wesley Chapel residents Paul and Michelle Ignat, who have two sons. Their fourth and fifth graders both attend Double Branch Elementary in Wesley Chapel and have participated in the program for five months. The Ignats say they are delighted with their sons’ recent report cards and the improvement the Center has helped them make. Michelle Ignat adds, “Steve is great with the boys, and has even attended one of my son’s baseball games! The individual tutoring is starting to show benefits already.” The Tutoring Center is located at 6431 County Line Rd., Ste. 111, in New Tampa. For more information, call 991-9888 or visit Tampa. The center is open Monday-Thursday, 2:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., 8:30 am – 12:30 pm on Saturdays and Fridays by appointment for assessments and consultations. See The Tutoring Center’s ad on page 39 for a coupon for Summer Program savings.
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‘Trick’s Kicks’ Makes Donation To Everyday Blessings By Matt Wiley
for giving and showing them such love while in such a difficult time in your lives.” Trick’s Kicks already is organizing another charity event in the form of an inaugural golf tournament, to be held in October at Heritage Isles Golf & Country Club, located off Cross Creek Blvd. “Trick’s Kicks” already is selling hole sponsorships for Members of the Trick’s Kicks team prepare to donate 28 that tournament now. pairs of brand new Nikes to Everyday Blessings children. For more information about the charity and golf Trick’s Kicks president Kelly Aron- tourney, please visit son says that Everyday Blessings was chosen because it was a small enough group that they could customize the Front House Photography shoes for each child and feel like they really made a difference in the lives of the children. The charity went as far to Maternity -Portrait -Family - Engagement - Wedding even ask for each child’s shoe size and favorite color. “The kids were so appreciative and excited,” Aronson says. Everyday Blessings development Mention this ad and receive % off your next session director Pam Bell agrees that the dona813-435-8878 tion was a success. “What a magical blessing for each child to receive a new pair of sneakers to call their very own,” Bell wrote in a note to the Stroms. “From our youngest child at two years old to our oldest teen at 17, their faces were beaming with happiness, amazement and appreciation
Nearly two years after the sudden and tragic death of Patrick Strom, “Trick’s Kicks,” the charity created in his honor, has made its first shoe donation to a Thonotosassa organization for less fortunate children. On April 1, which would have been Patrick’s 21st birthday, Trick’s Kicks donated more than $1,200 in the form of 28 pairs of current-style Nike athletic shoes to the children of Everyday Blessings, Inc., a residence that takes care of kids from newborn to 17 years old from all economic backgrounds and ethnic groups, who have been displaced from their previous home due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. “I think Patrick would have been thrilled to see the smiles on all of the kids’ faces,” says Kathy Strom of her son. “He was a sneaker fanatic. He used to actually camp out outside the mall and wait for the new shoes to arrive.” Patrick’s family — which includes his father Dick and brother Michael, live in the Kingshyre community of New Tampa. The Stroms began the 501(c)(3) nonprofit back in August and worked with St. Petersburg-based Gulfshore Sports and Nike representative Shawna Toy to secure the shoes at cost. “Mike & Matt McKenna from Gulfshore reached out to us,” Kathy explains. “They wanted to help.”
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Night of 5000 Raises More Than $10K
Each year, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC)’s New Tampa Junior Woman’s Club (NTJWC) hosts the “Night of 5000” charity gala to great success, and this year’s event was no exception. The NTJWC held its 17th annual “Night” on April 12 at the University Area Community Development Center on N. 22nd St. The theme this year, “A Night of Giving” encompassed the heart of the event. A giving tree served as the focal point in the center of the room with brightly colored glittery leaves dangling off, tempting guests to take a closer look. On the back of each leaf was an organization the club supports or a project the club completes each year and the opportunity for every guest to pick a leaf and dedicate a donation towards that specific cause. Close to 100 guests enjoyed playing casino-style games for the chance to win raffle prizes, bidding on silent auction items and snapping crazy pictures in the photo booth provided by Fotos-R-Fun. Midway through the night, the Collective Soles Arts Group presented a dance piece called “The Giving Tree,” which was a beautiful artistic interpretation that guests thoroughly enjoyed. The Master of Ceremonies Don Germaise, along with Night of 5000 event chair April Simons, kept the night rolling with fun incentives for those who gave throughout the event. The night
Neighborhood News
NTJWC president Candice Melton (left) with Melissa Fort under ‘The Giving Tree’ at the 2014 ‘Night of 5000.’ was capped off with a live auction for great “stuff,” like a private air tour of St. Petersburg donated by Bay Air Charters, a seven-night cruise and sports memorabilia, before the DJ closed out the night with great dance music. The club is still tallying the final numbers, but close to $10,000 was raised to be distributed to various community organizations throughout the upcoming club year. Please ‘Like’ the GFWC New Tampa Junior Woman’s Club page to stay informed about club events. For more info, visit
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Ciccio’s Cali May Not Be Ciccio & Tony’s, But It’s Still Awesome! By Gary Nager
For those of you who were hoping for the return of the original Ciccio & Tony’s in Tampa Palms when Ciccio’s Cali opened toward the end of 2013 a couple of miles from the old location in the prime former World of Beer space in the Shoppes at The Pointe plaza in Tampa Palms, I have some words of advice: Get over it. Ciccio’s Cali isn’t Ciccio & Tony’s and yes, I miss the full liquor bar and some of my favorite dishes from the old menu, but the prettier new eatery has plenty to offer, including improvements to some of the old dishes, for those who loved the healthy-food-with-pizzazz theme that still permeates every dish on the menu. The Ciccio’s Cali concept actually started in St. Pete in 2002, but it took more than a decade for Ciccio Restaurant Group owner James Lanza and his gastronomically gifted crew to perfect and refine the concept enough to be able
to open additional locations all with the same quality. When the Tampa Palms Ciccio’s Cali opened in December, a third link in the Cali chain opened shortly thereafter in Brandon. Manager Robert Garofano, the familiar face of Ciccio’s to many of us, is back running the show in Tampa Palms and although Check out our office’s favorites at Ciccio’s Cali, located behind Olive Garden in Tampa Palms: The Robert says he, too, misses make-your-own pizza (above left), poki Cali Bowl (right), California chopped salad with blackened some things about the old chicken (bottom left), chicken and baby broccoli stir fry (next page, top) and Cali steak wrap. Ciccio’s, but admits, “The old menu, especially the chicken & baby Buffalo chicken breast, all served with food is still the most imporbroccoli (chicken breast, stirfry veggies, the freshest veggies over your choice tant thing and I know the sliced jalapeños, cashews, baby broccoli of yellow, brown or sticky rice, or for food quality is as good as and a Thai-style ginger garlic sauce that a little more, faro, Asian noodles and ever and is definitely more I could eat every day. And, speaking of even spaghetti squash. All three tuna consistent.” Thai-influenced cuisine, the spicy Thai bowls on the menu (the “Poki,” “Big And no, I’m not going to argue. red chile and coconut curry stir fry Tuna” and “Hot & Crunchy Tuna” are Our office already has plenty of faentrées are not like anything you’ve had awesome, but I like the heat of the Hot vorites, including Ciccio’s improved at Ciccio’s before. thin-crust, brick oven pizzas (everyone’s & Crunchy a little more, although the There’s some new wrap sandwiches wasabi aioli drizzle on the Big Tuna and raving about Tony’s chicken Marsala on the menu, although assistant editor the spicy rayu ponzu sauce on the Poki pizza, although I prefer the “make Matt Wiley and I agree that our favorite should both be sold in bottles. your own combo”), so far is the Cali steak is our favorite Other bowl favorites for our office penne marsala and fourso far. It features grilled steak, lettuce, include the Mexican (Chopped chicken cheese pasta, many of the black beans, corn, salsa, sour cream, breast, black beans, tomato, avocado, delicious, healthy salads (thankfully, no one messed sour cream, cheddar cheese, crisp lettuce guacamole and cheddar cheese and with Ciccio’s still-awesome horseradish sauce, and choice of dipping sauce) and the with the lip-smacking it can’t be beat. Other wrap favorites Thai (chicken breast or grilled steak, balsamic house dressing), in our office include the vegetarian (alcrisp lettuce, scallions, cilantro, carrots, fresh “Bowl Culture” though you can add chicken) gyro made mango, crisp wontons and peanut aioli. bowls with everything with white bean hummus, feta cheese, I really think the new stir fry from perfectly seared ahi black olives, lettuce and tomato and the entrées are a big improvement over the tuna to avocado glazed
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
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quesadilla wrap (with blackened chicken or grilled steak, black beans, roasted poblanos, cilantro and jalapeño jack cheese. And yes, there are still Cali “Fit” and “Fish for Life” options. I’m not usually the biggest tilapia fan, but the herb-crusted tilapia in the Fish for Life is definitely yummy and I think the pieces of chicken in the “Fit” are better than the former sliced chicken breast.
Brunch, Too!
Considering how few real weekend brunch places we have in New Tampa, Ciccio’s Cali’s new brunch menu is available 10 a.m.3 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday and it is awesome. From whole wheat pancakes to San Fran pretzel French toast, Monterey hash and Tex-Mex egg bowls make it a uniquely delicious way to start any weekend day, especially with live music in Ciccio’s beautifully redone courtyard and tasty mimosas and wine-based bloody Marys. Tuesdays after 5 p.m., Ciccio’s Cali is proud to offer “$2 Tuesdays, with $2 “Cali Flats” (like mini tacos) and $2 glasses of sangria and select draft beers . And, although I have no aversion to gluten, for those who are looking for dairy- and/or gluten-free options, Ciccio’s Cali has you covered, too. All of the dishes meeting those and vegetarian dietary restrictions will find not
only plenty of options on the menu, but also for dessert, with literally the best gluten-free cupcakes I’ve tasted and chunky chocolate chip cookies that I’m not sure fits that category. In other words, check out Ciccio’s Cali and tell them that Gary sent you. Ciccio’s Cali (17004 Palm Pointe Dr..) is open every day for lunch and dinner. For info, call 975-1222 or visit
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The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel! By Gary Nager; Photos by Matt Wiley
Hop Into The Green Hop!
Long-time readers know how much I love checking out (and telling you about) the new restaurants in our area, so I’m a little ashamed to admit that, as of this writing, I haven’t yet visited The Green Hop, located in the Heritage Isles Country Club clubhouse off Cross Creek Blvd. Not only has The Green Hop been open since the end of 2013, the restaurant’s management has been advertising in this publication for either three or four months now and I literally meant to go check it out when they first started advertising with us (I honestly hadn’t even heard about it before that)...and, until now, forgot I still had never been there. Well, I’m going to remedy that and, based on the unique and impressive looking “more than just bar food” menu — including entrées like “Charleston style” shrimp & grits (8 jumbo shrimp, andouille sausage, onions and peppers in a whitewine cream sauce, over creamy cheddar cheese grits, $11), the steak frites (grilled flatiron steak with brandy cream reduction, a half-pound of French fries, garlic aioli and bacon-wrapped asparagus, $14) and chicken & waffles (three boneless fried chicken fingers on top of two Belgian waffle squares, spread with homemade pecan-maple butter. real maple syrup and hot sauce, $9) — I think you should, too. And yes, there is still plenty of “normal” bar fare at The Green Hop — like quesadillas and other “starters” like homemade chips, plus burgers, wings and a variety of sandwiches — as well as a spacious, comfortable, full liquor bar and lots of craft
beers on draft, all at reasonable prices. So, please do me this one small favor — stop in at this hidden little gem and tell them “Gary from the New Tampa Neighborhood News is an idiot” or that you heard I was sorry for not having been there yet... or something. Just please check it out and use the coupon in The Green Hop’s ad on page 55 of this issue for a FREE order of the restaurant’s soon-to-be-famous blue plate chips or a FREE order of pork belly Banh Mi tacos — and tell them I sent you! And, look for a full review of The Green Hop in an upcoming issue. The Green Hop is located at 10630 Plantation Bay Dr. and is open to the public inside Heritage Isles Country Club. For more info, call 907-0267 or visit
The Spinner Law Firm Celebrates Its New Office
Congrats to long-time New Tampa resident and well-known local attorney Charlie Spinner, Esq., who celebrated his new office in the Cypress Glen Professional Park off S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel with a combined New Tampa and Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting and Chamber mixer (top photo). With entertainment by New Tampa’s own Bob Thompson, catering by New Tampa Rotary Club president Peter Gambacorta and wine by Wesley Chapel Chamber member Cheryl Visali and Time for Wine, Spinner’s mixer/ribbon cutting was a great success, so congrats to Charlie and all of the wonderful folks in his office. For info about the Spinner Law Firm (2418 Cypress Glen Dr.), call 991-5099 or visit
Glory Days Grill Is Open!
So, since our last issue, the awesome Glory Days Grill has indeed opened in the location previously occupied by Lee Roy Selmon’s off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. at 17808 Doña Michelle Dr. (just north of I-75). Glory Days started with a family-andfriends event, followed by a fund raiser benefiting the also-new North Tampa Athletic Association (formerly the New Tampa Little League; look for a story next issue) and a Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting (photo below) and public opening on April 8.
The first-ever Glory Days in Florida is already building a following in New Tampa, not only for its amazing array of huge flat-screen TVs in both the bar area and throughout the 220-seat (inside, with seating for 50 more outside on a covered patio) sports grill, but also for its impressive food. I’ve already had a great burger (the fries rock), a delicious grilled chicken entrée (great skin-on mashed potatoes) and an awesome Philly cheesesteak and plan to check out the steaks soon. For more information about Glory Days Grill, call 513-7550. Or, visit
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
New Tampa & Wesley Chapel H E L P
HELP WANTED — Part-Time Community Representative. Personable, friendly individual to provide community information & assist with Realtor outreach program for an established real estate development. Excellent written & oral communication skills & working knowledge of Excel & Word required. Send your resume to HELP WANTED — Route Sales, Medical. Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading & shelving product, inventory verification, order retrieval. Increase sales volume by providing cust. svc. & suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights/month. Retrieves damaged/defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; troubleshooting breakdowns; scheduling maintenance & repairs. Call (813) 982-1336. PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) — An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. HELP WANTED — Looking for hairstylists w/established clientele! - Relaxing contemporary environment in busy New Tampa shopping center. Booth rental available, $175/week. Newly furnished private suite w/ shampoo bowl for $225/week - First week free! Contact Ms. Johnson @ (813) 994-2393 or email johnson. HELP WANTED — Highly organized, very detailoriented, experienced Real Estate Transaction Manager with thorough knowledge of multiple real estate software apps. A Real Estate license is a plus or be willing to study for it. Contact Annette w/Team Bohannon, Keller Williams Tampa Properties. (813) 431-2840. BAKER(S) WANTED - Stonemill Artisan Bakery is looking for early morning bakers w/exp in the position. We are starting our wholesale operations soon & need someone to join our growing team. Duties include breads, pastries & baked donuts, among others. FT position with some weekend shifts. Food handler safety certification a plus. Please email with the words “Baker Position” in the subject line & we will email you an application form. Stonemill Artisan is an equal opportunity employer. HELP WANTED - Highly organized, detailoriented, expd. Real Estate Executive Assistant w/ thorough knowledge of multiple real estate software apps. A Real Estate license is a plus or be willing to study for it. Contact Annette w/Team Bohannon, Keller Williams Tampa Properties. (813) 431-2840. HELP WANTED - Award-Winning Real Estate Team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents. Who desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available. Keller Williams Tampa Properties - Contact Annette with Team Bohannon 813-431-2840. HELP WANTED - Spanish Speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipmt. Co. Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; followingup on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining & evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service, Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to:
HELP WANTED - Lead Montessori Teachers & Assistant Teachers (Wesley Chapel, Tampa) - Join a winning team! Seeking Lead Montessori Teachers (AMS/AMI certification)) to staff a brand new Montessori School in Wesley Chapel, FL. Competitive Salaries; Flexible Schedules; Professional Working Environment. Enthusiastic, nurturing candidates who have a passion for teaching should apply by calling (813) 737-7517 or by sending your resume to HELP WANTED - Part time telephone help. Call from your home! Flexible hours. $12-$16/hour. Call Mr. Rosowski - (813) 631-9218.
DRY WALL SPECIALIST — Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings and walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster & stucco repair. 26 years of exp. Wesley Chapel resident. State-Certified. Call Ron for a free estimate @ 784-5999. NEED HOME MAINTENANCE? — Almost any job, large or small, ext/int, fencing, screening, sm. concrete, sprinklers, painting, repairs, int. doors, locks, sheet rock, windows, paint, caulk, grout, trim, shelving, garages organized. Installations, removals, pressure washing, wood restoration & more. Call Dale’s Home Maintenance @ 973-0194 or 727-2582. DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING — Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional & personal touch. Pool decks & screen enclosures, all fencing/driveways & walkways/ roofs, gutters & downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177. GREG’S PAPERHANGING — For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed & insured, clean, quick & reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate. D & D PRESSURE WASHING — Licensed & insured. We clean driveways, sidewalks, homes, pool decks, screen enclosures, fences and other items. Free estimates. Call Dina or Doug @ (813) 949-5131 or visit TURN YOUR CLUTTER INTO CASH! Garage & estate sales, inventory liquidation,& appraisal services. We’ll sell it for you online! We evaluate & appraise your products then get you top dollar. We do the work you get the cash. Ask me how, contact Mary at 813-428-5793!
COMPUTER SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TECH SUPPORT — in your home or small business. A+, Certified computer tech with 20 years of exp. Maintenance & repairs, upgrades & tutoring. More affordable than the large chains! Friendly, personalized svc. Technical jargon explained in plain English. Remote assistance available. References available upon request. Call (813) 957-8342 for a free estimate. DO YOU HATE YOUR COMPUTER?!? WE CAN HELP YOU! Troubleshooting, installation, networking & virus removal. WE COME TO YOU! Servicing residential & businesses, w/ more than 25 years of experience. Contact Jeffrey Blank @ (813) 973-4507, visit WSICA.COM or email Wsica@ today!
E D U C A T I O N / B A B YS I T T I N G L.I.F.E Academy for Learning, LLC, is a licensed home daycare located in New River Township. The daycare is managed by Nora Dudley, an exp’d. elem.FL-certified teacher also certified in infant/ child CPR & First Aid. Nora is a loving mother of two who is passionate about helping children. Call Nora at (813) 395-8487 or for more info, visit today to enroll your child & mention this ad to waive your registration fee! Refs. available. Lic. #F06PA361
SERVICES .nance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision
TRANQUILITY POOL SERVICE — New Tampa owned & operated. Great Pricing with outstanding customer service! Licensed, bonded & insured. See why we are New Tampa & Wesley Chapel’s #1 Choice!! New customers get ONE MONTH FREE! Call Chris Today @ (813) 857-5400 or visit
AQUATEC POOL SERVICE — Keeping pools clear & swim-safe since 1994! WE DO POOLS RIGHT! Commercial & Residential. CPO #33303052 Licensed & Insured. Service guaranteed. Call (813) 312-5694 today & get 1 month of Quality Service for FREE!
BASEBALL TRAINING for ages 6-18 — Private, group, team or league instructional development. Get started...FREE player evaluations! New “travelball academy” starting soon, register online with your interest and train at our new 5- acre baseball ranch. Current Varsity Pitching and Hitting Coach at Bishop McLaughlin Catholic HS & Former Wiregrass Ranch HS Varsity Coach ( 2013 state semi-finalist). Former British National Coach, college player, youth coach and 8U travel ball manager. You practice... WE TRAIN! Call (813) 9921030 or visit or email ryan@ .
F I T N E S S & W E L L -B E I N G
TAI CHI CLASSES — Benefits: Strength, flexibility, balance, focus & reduced stress! New Beginner 6-week courses starting every few months. Adults Course: Thur. evenings, 7-8 pm. Seniors Course: Tues. afternoons, noon-1 pm. Space is ltd.! Also private instruction in Tai Chi Chuan, Kempo, Chin-Na, plus Boot Camp Fitness training & more. More than 35 years of training & teaching exp. Please contact Peter at (813) 787-7560 for more details or visit or e-mail LICENSED MOBILE MASSAGE THERAPIST — Available seven days a week, 9am -9pm. $55 for 1 hour! Types of massage available: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Aroma Therapy, Hot Stone, Corporate Seated, Pregnancy, Sports & Injury Rehab. References avail. Visit or call (727) 372-6389. Lic #MA47546. INDIVIDUAL & COUPLES COUNSELING — Over 90 years of personable & exp’d. therapy & testing services. Better Business Bureau-Accredited. With 6 clinicians, we’ll find the best therapist for you. Call (813) 418-7188, email or visit
. A W N L
JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING — Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning & more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL! FREE ESTIMATE! Call (813) 420-4465. AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC — Our services include weekly lawn mainte-
edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimmimg. We also offer landscaping, pruning, sod replacement, and pressure washing. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service & trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778.
TAMPA LAWN SALON, INC. has been providing New Tampa & Wesley Chapel residents service for over 10 years! We not only provide weekly landscape maintenance but are also licensed in pest control. Our services include: Lawn and Ornamental Fertilization, Pest Control, Landscape Design, Landscape and Sod Installation, Lawn & Landscape Maintenance, Landscape Lighting, Irrigation, Pressure Washing. Please call us for an estimate at 813.417.7301 & ask us about our FREE irrigation inspection!
WHITE TOUCH CLEANING SERVICES - a professional, reliable, and affordable company. We have been in business for more than 11 years.With over 80 satisfied clients throughout Tampa. Customers are our 1st priority. References are provided. Please contact Cristina or Francisco at (813) 325-6917. TAMPA CLEAN MAID SERVICE - a residential cleaning service with a flexible scheduling, offering basic and custom cleaning weekly,by-weekly and monthly service. For more information, Call 813 502 9452. M.Y. CLEANING SERVICE — Offering residential cleaning, complete bath & kitchen cleaning, plus dusting & polishing furniture. We have our own supplies. Your satisfaction is our priority! With 5 years of experience, we guarantee meticulous cleaning! For a free estimate, call Mila @ (813) 516-3554. SQUEAKY CLEAN HOME SERVICES is a residential cleaning company offering weekly, bi-weekly, & monthly services. We also specialize in move-in/ move-out cleanup. All supplies & equipment provided. We are an Owner Operator company with over 20 years of exp. “If it needs to be clean, we’re your team!” Call 813-625-6045 for a free in-home estimate today! D-ULTRA CLEANING SERVICE — We have our own supplies & more than 300 clients in New Tampa! For more info, Call 758-9710.
Unable to drive, no time, to-do list not getting done??? Call: SmilesAlways @ 813-263-4244 for: ErrandsAirport Ride/Car Service- Out Of Town Travel Assistance- Doctor Appointments- Companion Care- Grocery Shopping Assistance- Girl Friday/ Office Support/ Personal Correspondence And Concierge Services- Event Planning. Hourly, Daily & Long Term Rates. Tampa Palms/New Tampa Area. Friendly, Trustrworthy, Responsive, Reliable.
DRUM LESSONS! - Beginner through advanced. Professional Percussion/Drum Instructor. Teacher with Hillsborough County Schools. Taking on new, percussion students. Great preparation for auditioning for school band/orchestra. Competition and Examination opportunities. Graduate from the Musician’s Institute of Hollywood, CA, in rock and jazz percussion; Masters from USF as a Speech/Language Pathologist. Have studied with some of the most famous drummers in Rock, including Stewart Copeland (Sting’s drummer). 25 years of experience performing and teaching. New Tampa/Pebble Creek location. Call John Wendelken at (813) 416-5334 or visit
Don’t Have a Ride? Don’t Want to Leave Your Car? Shouldn’t Drive? We Drive You & Your Car Home! Night Clubs, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Concerts, Appointments, Airport or Stranded. Call Jay at (813) 966-1530.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 9 • April 26, 2014 •
Neighborhood News
ANNA’S HOUSEKEEPING, A BBB-Accredited Business Servicing Florida since 1991. — Cleaning, Laundry, You Name It! $74 introductory special, Mon-Wed. Make your list, put us to work! We have private housekeeper rates with agency backup coverage! Licensed & all housekeepers are background checked. Call 813.985.1150.