A little more than three months after he passed away from leukemia caused by a rare ailment he had from birth called ShwachmanDiamond Syndrome (or SDS), the family of Wharton High graduate Gabriel “Gabe” Hassan held a community blood drive on what would have been Gabe’s 18th birthday — May 10 — at the Islamic Society of New Tampa’s Masjid Daarusalam on Morris Bridge Rd., just north of Cross Creek Blvd.
There were three OneBlood Bloodmobiles on hand (photo) at the blood drive, which began a few hours before the regular services at the New Tampa Mosque.
Dozens of Muslim worshipers, plus members of Gabe’s Boy Scout Troop 148 and fellow Wharton students, as well as District 7 Tampa City Council member Luis Viera and District 67 State Rep. (and House Minority Leader) Fentrice Driskell donated blood in Gabe’s honor and memory on his birthday.
Gabe’s mom Lily Carolyn (bottom left photo) and dad, Mahmoud (center photo), were among the 65 people who donated blood on their son’s birthday. Lily Carolyn, who shared her private writings about Gabe and his favorite things with us (see pg. 4), said it was the first time she had ever donated blood.
See “Blood for Gabe” on page 4.
When I lived in New York City in the 1980s, I was told by someone I looked up to in the advertising industry that unlike the real estate business — where the three most important words are “Location, Location, Location” — the rule of thumb for doing business with restaurants was “Get your money up front, Get your money up front, Get your money up front.”
It didn’t take me long to figure out why that was true — at least in Manhattan, where some of my favorite restaurants would get one bad review in any of the major New York media and be out of business in a week. And, this was decades before the advent of online reviews, when anyone with a beef against a restaurant owner could anonymously go online and turn a restaurant’s (especially a new one’s) Google or Yelp rating (or both) to garbage in a heartbeat.
But, in New York, almost every restaurant on every street was an individually owned mom&-pop, which has always been more of a gamble than opening another link in a well-funded, regional or national, mass-marketed chain.
However, as evidenced by the recent rash of restaurant closings in our area, it’s no longer just mom-&-pop, non-chain restaurants that are being affected by everything from rising food costs and salaries, plus ever-increasing rents/ interest rates, as well as the cost of things like building materials to even open a new place.
Case in point: When you see beloved (perhaps not by me, but still by many), wellestablished chains like Red Lobster (photo), Tijuana Flats and Beef O’Brady’s (see stories on pgs. 38 & 44) shuttering multiple locations, that is definitely a cause for concern.
In Wesley Chapel, it seems like 80% of the eateries are chains — whether national or regional — and almost every new place that is popping up (like Rodizio Grill; see pg. 40) is at least a small chain. The only exception seems to be Asian restaurants — from Japanese to Indian — which are often singlelocation or just 2-3 total family-owned units.
In other words, for every solo Via Italia or Falabella Family Bistro hanging in there you have a 201st location of Fazoli’s opening. For every one-off Chick’n Fun that attracts an audience, you’re surrounded by one of nearly 200 Slim Chickens and one of 20+ Chicken Guy! (which is coming soon to the north side of S.R. 56) locations.
Of course, the cost to buy a piece of land and build a new restaurant in Wesley Chapel is becoming prohibitive for anyone other than a chain, but even shuttered fast food places like Wendy’s on S.R. 56 are simply being replaced by another chain — such as Shake Shack, which has nearly 400 locations.
If you visit local online communities, you’ll always see people bemoaning all of the chain restaurants we have and all of the mom&-pops we don’t have in our area and yet, every year, hundreds of our readers vote mainly for chains and don’t seem to even know about many of the really good mom-&-pop places available to them. Here are some reasons why: Marketing — Even chains with food that I personally refuse to eat — like Taco Bell and Subway — spend millions of dollars every year on ads that magically make their food look absolutely edible. But, while many new local
restaurants intend to spend money to promote themselves, the first thing most cut back on when their build-out inevitably takes longer than they ever expected is that advertising money. Labor — It seemed like the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated a dangerous new attitude towards work among young people — the very labor source most restaurants have to look at to fill their employee rosters. And, while the height of the pandemic has been in the rear view for at least three years now — and many fewer people are being paid more to not work than if they have a job — that attitude still seems to be pervasive. And, since the trend towards higher pandemic-era tipping for waiters and bartenders seemed to settle down somewhat, many restaurants have added service charges (that aren’t always fairly shared
with the employees), charges for using a credit card to pay and other extras that have created higher costs to dine (or take) out and turned off many regular customers.
Food Quality — I still believe that this is the biggest issue of all. Jannah and I believe that an expensive meal is always still worth it if the portions and prices are fair, the service is good and the quality of the food is high. However, overpaying for lower-quality food and/or bad service is never OK with us and I honestly think that many chains — and some mom-&-pops — have cut back on quality while charging more for the same meals, often with smaller portions for a higher price.
I see a lot of people warning that many more restaurant closings are still coming, but I, for one, hope that won’t prove to be true.
• Diabetic & Driver's License eye exams
• Retinal Imaging
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The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 32, Issue 13, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Thursday, June 13, 2024.
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Lily Carolyn was appreciative of all of the support the blood drive received. “It’s been really difficult with the loss of Gabe,” she told me. “He was the little guy that knew how to light up the room.”
She noted that the Wharton High PTSA also previously held its own OneBlood drive, where 40 units were donated.
“My wish for his birthday was to equal or best it,” Lily Carolyn said. “God is great. We beat it by 25 units.” She also noted that the 65 units of blood collected could help save 195 adults or 390 babies.
“I also ordered 18 mini red velvet bundt cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes for those who came early to the blood drive to celebrate Gabe’s birthday. It was his favorite.”
Since the day he passed, Lily Carolyn has been making entries in a journal to keep the memory of Gabe alive. “This journal has all your loves and dislikes,” she wrote. “You were supposed to bury me. You were becoming the young man your daddy and I were starting to see. You wanted to go to USF and go into the field of biomedical engineering and help daddy with billing on the side.”
The next several pages are filled with Gabe’s loves and dislikes, including:
Favorite Foods — Pad Thai noodles, sweet sticky rice, sushi and poké bowls (especially from Bonefish), Ford’s Garage
mushroom burger w/onion rings, calzones from Anthony’s NY Pizza, Panera tomato soup, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich, cinnamon bun w/ vanilla glaze, Mom’s pancet w/mushrooms, Star Wars edge of the galaxy green shakes from Luke’s aunt...and many more.
Favorite Movie He Can Watch Over & Over Again — “Mario Bros. 2023” Something He Has Done With The Hassan Family That He Will Never Do Again — Scuba diving
Other Favorites — Hanging with family & friends, eating at restaurants, hanging with his birds (Georgio, or “Gremlin,” Sim Sim & Flappy), going to Best Buy and going to movies with Popa Greg. He loved the Boy Scouts and hanging with his fellow Scouts, helping with service projects, food pantry/distribution... Gabe loved learning and was curious of the world. He loved life & his family.
Least Liked Merit Badge He Completed — Fishing, “Which is funny, as he loves eating fish. He just didn’t like the process of gutting & cleaning it out.”
Lily Carolyn also
shared that SDS, which ultimately caused Gabe’s leukemia, afflicts only one person in 80,000. It also stunts normal growth as its victims age, “Even before he died, Gabe was only 4’-10” tall, shorter than his sister Sophia (Gabe called her ‘Soph Soph’), who is 5’-4” at only 12 years old.”
She also noted that in the photo at right she sent me, Gabe and Sophia volunteered at Ronald McDonald House, “Not knowing we were going to be on the other side...the recipients. We taught them young the important value of giving back to the community.”
Thank you for this info, Lily Carolyn.
Even though nearly the entire length of Wesley Chapel (WC) Blvd. actually divides Land O’Lakes (on the west side of the street) from Lutz (on the east side) and only actually enters Wesley Chapel’s 33543 zip code at the Lexington Oaks community, it is big news that Pasco County finally awarded (on Apr. 23) the $69.4-million construction contract to David Nelson Construction Co. to widen WC Blvd. between S.R. 56 and Old Pasco Rd. from two (for most of this stretch of it) to six lanes.
Although we are not the first to report this information, we are the only local news medium that attempted to find out whether or not vehicles will still be able to make left turns onto (or off of) WC Blvd. from the many entrances to communities along the full length of the project.
There will be a median along the widening project’s entire length, but how many curb cuts will there be along the 4.1-mile length of the project? Are there going to be U-turn lanes at any of the community entrances? With only two traffic signals being included (one of which, the “temporary” signal at the entrance to the Stagecoach community, at Stagecoach Village Dr., already exists), will people living in any of the nine residential communities along the project’s length still be able to make left turns across
WC Blvd. to enter or exit their communities?
Thanks to our Joel Provenzano, we believe we have those answers and are sharing them with you here.
As someone who has lived at the south end of this project for the past five years, I (and Jannah) have witnessed two serious accidents caused by people trying to make left turns in or out of these communities who were hit by drivers going north or south on WC Blvd. We also narrowly avoided a leftturning driver whose vehicle did a full 360º spin in front of us following a collision.
Here’s what we know about the “new” traffic signals included in the WC Blvd. widening contract (see map):
1) The only completely new signal included in the contract will be placed at the more northern of the two entrances to the Compark 75 warehouse park at WC Blvd. & Compark Dr.
2) The existing traffic signal at Stagecoach Village Blvd. is a “temporary” signal that will be replaced with a permanent signal under the contract.
The issue to me, as someone who has lived off of WC Blvd. the last five years, is that there are so many other equally dangerous intersections along WC Blvd. (see list below) that aren’t getting new signals.
But, thanks again to Joel, who was an engineer with the Florida department of Transportation (FDOT) for years and is much more “fluent” in reading such documents
This map shows the full length of the $69.4-million contract to widen Wesley Chapel Blvd. from (mostly) two to six lanes between Old Pasco Rd. & where S.R. 54 & S.R. 56 meet. All of the existing and planned traffic signals are shown, with the planned “additional” signals outlined in yellow. Please note that the signal that is “planned” at the intersection of Stagecoach Village Dr. and WC Blvd. is already there, but that is considered to be a “temporary” signal that will be replaced. (Map: Provided by Pasco County, modified by Charmaine George & GN)
than I am, we believe we have the answers to my question about the planned median in the center of WC Blvd. that will prevent drivers at most of the entrances to these subdivision/ apartment communities from going across WC Blvd. to make left turns either into or out of (or both) of their respective communities.
Here is that list of intersections that we
believe are being addressed under the widening agreement:
— Pondside Dr. at Old C.R. 54 - Median remains fully open.
— Entrance to Harley-Davidson - Directional median opening (left turns in only) remains the same.
— WC Blvd. at Grand Cypress Dr.
(entrance to the Maeva Apartments/Cypress Bend Prof. Park) - Directional median opening with left turns in only.
WC Blvd. at Hyde Park Blvd. (entrance to The Enclave subdivision) - The median will remain fully open in both directions at this location.
— WC Blvd. at Wilshire Dr. (entrance to The Woodlands at Stagecoach subdivision) - No left turns out.
— WC Blvd. at Bramblewood Blvd. (entrance to the Cypress Estates) subdivisionDirectional median opening with a U-turn lane.
— WC Blvd. at Oaks Blvd. (entrance to The Oaks subdivision) - Full median opening. Note - Oaks Dr. and Bramblewood are connected at Tradewinds Dr., off WC Blvd.
— WC Blvd. at Winding River Way (entrance to the Edgewater at Grand Oaks townhome community) - Full median opening.
— WC Blvd. at Cloud Hopper Way (entrance to the Volanti townhomes) & Cobalt Dr. (entrance to the new Cobalt apartments) - No median openings at all at either location. Note - There will be an opening about 600 ft. south of Volanti for U-turns.
— WC Blvd. at Pet Ln. (alternate entrance to Grand Oaks Plaza and Compark 75) - Directional median opening with left turn in only.
— WC Blvd. at Magnolia Blvd. (at Marathon gas station & just north of Midgard Self-Storage & Ewing Irrigation & Landscape Supply) - Full median opening remains.
— WC Blvd. at Players Dr. - Opening will be restricted to right-out turns only.
— WC Blvd. at Tampa Downs Blvd. (by North Tampa Aero Park) - Left-in directional median opening only.
Prior to the vote awarding the contract at the Apr. 23 meeting of Pasco’s Board of County Commissioners (BOC), Panos Kontses, the county’s assistant director of transportation engineering, made a presentation to the commissioners regarding the awarding of the contract to widen WC Blvd.
“Typically, construction contracts are presented through the consent agenda,” Kontses said. “However, the size of the contract, the significance of the project for the county and also because of the history of the project, our county administrator suggested that we give you a brief presentation.”
Kontses also noted that WC Blvd. provides access to many communities, as well as commercial businesses, “and also provides an alternate relief route to I-75.”
First, Kontses gave the commissioners an overview of the existing status of WC Blvd.
The north end of the project, between Progress Pkwy. and Old Pasco Rd., is currently 4 lanes, with a 45-mile-per-hour speed limit. It has 5-6-ft.-wide sidewalks and a 4-ft.-wide bicycle lane.
The middle portion, between Old. C.R. 54 and Progress Pkwy., has a 55-mph speed limit and is almost completely two lanes with no sidewalks or pathways and just 4-5-ft. shoulders. The southern portion, from Old C.R. 54/Pondside Dr. to S.R. 54/56, is sixlaned, with a 45-mph speed limit, and with
a 5-ft.-sidewalk, an 8-ft.-wide pathway and 5-ft.-wide bicycle lane.
Kontses also noted that the project has, “a long history...longer than we wanted...and also went through several project managers. I just happen to be the last one. And, we are very excited to bring this project to its last stage — its construction.”
He then noted that the original route study was conducted in 2003, when WC Blvd. was intended to be a 4-lane rural road. But, even though the design phase for that original plan started in 2008, nothing else happened after the Tampa Bay Regional Planning model became available between 2008-14, which showed that the original 4-lane plan would not be able to accommodate the expected traffic.
“That area is going through explosive growth,” Kontses told the commissioners, “and the expected traffic volumes were almost double, so the recommendation was to make the road a 6-lane section, but keep it within a 150-ft. right-of-way. “That meant we had to condense the section to an urban road with bike lanes, 5-6-ft. sidewalks and an 8-ft. pathway.”
The route study resumed in 2015-16, with new design starting in 2016.
“But, in 2017,” Kontses noted, “we got the updated flood plains from Swiftmud and we didn’t want any adjacent properties to end up being flooded, so our design team did a
drainage analysis and found that no properties were likely to be flooded, so we were happy about that.”
Permitting then began in 2017 and right-of-way acquisition between 2019-23.
District 3 Commissioner Kathryn Starkey noted that it took “a long time — five years” for the county to purchase all of the needed right-of way, but Kontses noted, “We had to purchase 43 parcels from 25 different property owners, so that was an extensive effort for our resources.”
He added that the plan also had to go through several revisions because of new developments that began building and additional reviews by the Florida Dept. of Transportation (FDOT), “because they contributed some of the funding for the project.”
Bids were finally solicited in Dec. of 2023 and the bids opened in Jan. of this year.
Comm. Starkey also expressed concerns about animal crossings at a wetland near Oaks Blvd., the entrance to The Oaks subdivision.
After that, Kontses pointed out that the improvements also will include lighting along the length of the project, which will help improve safety a lot, because WC Blvd. is notoriously dark.
District 5 Comm. Jack Mariano expressed concerns about not getting landscaping design included in the project, but Comm. Starkey noted that the landscaping for Little Rd. is only about 30% designed, “so they’re way behind on these projects.”
If the BOC approved the agreement on Apr. 23, Kontses says the Notice to
Proceed (NTP) could be given within two weeks, or before this issue reached your mailbox— but at our press time with this issue, it had not yet begun — and that the expected completion date for the 36-month contract is May of 2027.
Kontses also mentioned that in addition to the main contract, there is an additional contract for independent Construction Engineering & Inspection (CEI) services for $4.5 million.
“Four million to see if they built it right?,” Comm. Starkey asked. “That seems like a lot of money. How about the contract just stipulates that they have to build it right?”
But, Kontses said that the normal cost of CEI is, “about 10-15% of a project’s construction cost, so at $4.5 million, we’re getting a bargain.”
District 2 Comm. Seth Weightman, whose district includes the full length of the project, then moved for approval of the contract, which was seconded by Comm. Starkey and the motion passed 4-0. Dist. 4 Comm. Gary Bradford, who passed away the day before the meeting, was obviously not available for the vote.
Charmaine GeorgePaula Nuñez, the artistic director of the Tampa City Ballet, which is based at her Tampa City Dance Center (TCDC) in Tampa Palms, says she was “thrilled” with the two performances (May 4-5) of her contemporary ballet “If I Cry” at the Jaeb Theater at the Straz Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Tampa.
Nuñez originally co-created (with Elsa Valbuena) and had her then-new professional Tampa City Ballet dance troupe perform “If I Cry” back in 2019, but she says the performances at the 312-seat Jaeb Theater the weekend of Cinco de Mayo added many new elements to her original “floor work” dance piece about the life of renowned Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.
“The show keeps evolving,” Nuñez says. “For example, Frida was of course a famous painter, so we added scenes where the dancer playing adult Frida is actually painting and I think the audiences really enjoyed seeing that. Plus, all of the dancers are professionals who each brought their own ideas about how to make the show better. It all came together and I’m so happy with the results!”
I will say that Jannah and I thoroughly enjoyed everything about “If I Cry,” which began with a recorded video introduction by Visit Tampa Bay president and CEO (and New Tampa resident) Santiago Corrada congratulating Paula and everyone involved with “If I Cry,” which he called “spectacular.”
That video was followed by Tampa City Ballet chief curator Sharmila Seth reading information about Kahlo’s tragic life, from her contracting polio at the age of six, to the bus crash twelve years later that left her with more than a dozen fractures and her abdomen and uterus be-
ing impaled on a large rail, to her on-again, offagain marriage to Mexican muralist Diego Rivera (which ended in divorce the first time because she had an affair with fellow female artist Georgia O’Keeffe), to her three miscarriages to her affair with Russian communist leader Leon Trotsky to her tragic passing in 1954, at the age of 47.
All of these events and more are depicted in “If I Cry,” with four different outstanding dancers portraying Frida at different ages, including one portraying Frida’s soul. All of the music — hand-curated by Nuñez, included everything from heavy classical pieces (some with violinist Nick Ewing on stage) to jazz pieces by Benny Goodman and Jelly Roll Morton — fit perfectly with what the audience experienced in the intimate Jaeb Theater
Also part of the musical experience was a live mariachi performance by MariachitGuadalupe, which performed basically in the audience, along with the Wattaka Choir.
“Frida is such an important figure,” said Nuñez, who is originally from Venezuela. “So we wanted to re-tell the tragic story of her life
from beginning to end in a unique way.” Mission accomplished, Paula!
The cast was made up not only of amazing dancers, they also were incredible actors who actually made you feel Frida’s pain with their facial expressions and perfectly executed floor work. I intentionally didn’t name any of the dancers who “stood out,” because it honestly wouldn’t be fair of me to leave any of them out, so below is the full cast list (in alphabetical order) of the Tampa City Ballet’s “If I Cry.”
If you missed it, you truly missed a special event that should not be missed the next time Nuñez decides to share this masterwork. Bravo!
Nicole Assad (Young Frida)
Humberto Rivera Blanco (guest artist, Trotsky)
Nicholas Garlo
Bailey Lord (Salvador Dali)
Maria Fernanda Papa (Adult
Aynsleigh Morehouse (Frida Dressed as a Man)
Shelby Russ (Frida’s Soul)
Amber Rose (Georgia O’Keeffe)
Wilson de los Santos (Diego Rivera)
Carissa Smith
Vashti Walters (Natalia Sedova)
For more info about TCDC, which has summer registration now open, call (813) 904-0667 or visit TCDanceCenter.com. For TCB, call (813) 558-0800 or visit TampaCity Ballet.org. Or, see the ad on pg. 13.
Although the graduation events for both Freedom and Wharton high schools will already have been held by the time this issue reaches your mailbox, we wish all of our graduating seniors success in their future endeavors at the Summer of 2024 officially begins. In the meantime, there are some fun and some informative events on the upcoming docket.
Thursday, May 30, 5:30 p.m. — New Tampa Community Meeting with Dist. 7 Tampa City Councilman Luis Viera. At the New Tampa Recreation Center (17302 Commerce Park Blvd., Tampa Palms). Join Councilman Viera and learn about the latest developments at City Hall, get some information about the city’s Parks & Recreation Dept. and ask the Councilman your questions.
Friday, May 31, 4 p.m.-6 p.m.. — The North Tampa Bay Chamber (NTBC) presents “Final Friday.” This free networking event will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn Tampa-Wesley Chapel (26640 Silver Maple Pkwy.). For more information, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com.
Friday, May 31, 7 p.m.-11 p.m. — R&B Night at The KRATE at The Grove Container Park. See story on this page.
Tuesday, June 4, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. — NTBC Business Breakfast with Florida Senator Danny Burgess. At the Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch of Pasco Hernando State College (2727 Mansfield Blvd., Wesley
Chapel). $25 for NTBC members, $30 for non-members. For more information, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com
Friday, June 7, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
— NTBC Leading Ladies Network with author & motivational speaker Kiera Yore. At Florida Avenue Brewing Co.’s Private Event Room (2029 Arrowgrass Dr., Wesley Chapel). $15 per person. For more information, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com.
Friday, June 7, 5:30-9:30 p.m. — The Market Elaine. At the Village at The Grove, with 150+ vendors, free admission & free parking. For info, visit TheMarketElaine.com.
Monday, June 10, 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. —
Town Hall Meeting with Dist. 2 Hillsborough County Commissioner Ken Hagan. At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunter’s Village Rd.). Join Commissioner Hagan for an informative evening of information and an opportunity to ask the Commissioner your questions.
Wednesday, June 19, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. — Coffee Social at the Sara Vande Berg (SVB) Tennis & Wellness Center (6585 Simons Rd., Zephyrhills), hosted by SVB’s Che Sara restaurant. Free coffee, networking & light bites.
Saturday, June 29, 7 p.m.-11 p.m. — Jazz Night at The KRATE at The Grove Container Park. See story below.
Although the weather will likely again be hot this summer, Tim Hancock, the president of Jazz Tyme Productions, hosts two of the coolest nights of music in our area every month. His R&B Nights, on the last Friday of each month, have been attracting literally thousands of people (photo) to The KRATE at The Grove Container Park for a little more than a year. “People tell me it’s their favorite event at the KRATEs and that it has the best attendance,” Hancock says. “It took a few months for it to build, but now, it’s really rocking — and that’s without even having live music.”
But, speaking of live music, Hancock, who also is the founder of the annual Wesley Chapel Jazz Festival, has (since January) added a Jazz Night on the last Saturday of each month, featuring live jazz by the Sound Lytics.
“The crowd for Jazz Night is building, too,” he says. “And, the restaurants at the KRATE tell me that both events are bringing them a lot of business, too.”
Check out the next R&B Night on Friday, May 31, 7 p.m.-11 p.m., or the next Jazz Night on Saturday, June 29, 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Both events are held at the KRATEs (5817 Wesley Grove Blvd.). — GN
Updating the story we reported in our Apr. 2 issue, the developer who previously withdrew its plans to build a Whole Foods Market on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. at Aronwood Blvd. in Meadow Pointe resubmitted those plans to Pasco County officials on Apr. 23.
After reviewing the revised site plan (below), it appears that the main differences between the new plan and the old plan is that the developer, SJC Ventures, is proposing to add a trucks-only driveway from BBD behind Whole Foods (see below) to make it easier for delivery trucks to get to the loading bay.
Also, the new site plan removes the small standalone building near the Lifestyle Family Fitness building and just made the other two standalone buildings a little bigger. SJC also built the recently opened Whole Foods in St. Petersburg.
We don’t know when the plan will come
up for approval by the Pasco Board of County Commissioners, but we’ll keep you posted. — JP
Congrats to Licensed Real Estate Broker Chad Emory and his wife (and fellow Realtor) April on the establishment of Emorys Rock Realty, which has an office in the Signature Workspace at the Shops at Wiregrass.
The Emorys attend virtually every North Tampa Bay Chamber (NTBC) ribbon cutting (Chad also is an NTBC Board member) and other local events, but what they want is to help you the next time you buy or sell a home!
For more information, call (813) 4042286 or visit EmorysRock.com. — GN
Congratulations go out to Phil Diaz (at left in the photo, right), who celebrated the official Grand Opening of his SETS New Tampa Hybrid Training (located in the Pebble Creek Collection at 19651 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Suite E-6) on Apr. 27 with a North Tampa Bay Chamber of Com merce (NTBC) ribbon-cutting and a health-conscious mini Business Expo (with vendors such as the store in the nearby Villages at Hunter’s Lake plaza on BBD; photo below).
As we told you last issue, Diaz brought this concept to our area from his native New Jersey, where the small (12-unit) chain of hybrid fitness cent ers was founded by Anthony Kapasakis (at right in top left photo), who also attended the Grand Opening.
And, Phil proved at the Grand Opening what he claimed in our story last issue — that as the local franchise owner, he still also leads or participates in some of the 50-55-minute classes, as he was rowing, stair-stepping and working with kettle bell weights right along with the 20+ people who also took the class that finished just a few minutes before the ribbon cutting.
For more information, including how to sign up to become a SETS member, visit SETS21Day.com or
Buying or selling a home is generally one of the biggest and most expensive projects most people will undertake. The journey is almost always filled with a lot of both emotions and important decisions.
How can you have peace of mind when faced with such a daunting task? Aligning yourself with the right people who have experience and can walk you through the entire process is an important first step.
Long-time local Realtors® Leeann and Ryan Sack with Future Home Realty, Inc., are the married team calling them selves Team Sack. They have an ongo ing business relationship with mortgage broker Patrick Monteau of Great Western Home Loans, which makes the combina tion a one-stop shop for home buyers.
Leeann has been a Realtor for 19 years. Prior to joining Future Home Realty, she worked for a home builder selling newly built homes and still has contacts in the new home construction industry.
Although it wasn’t yet called Team Sack at that time, Ryan got his real estate license 15 years ago, “and we joined forces right away,” says Leeann, who brings her vast array of insider knowledge of the business to the table for every potential home buyer, whether you’re looking for new construction, a resale or aren’t sure which type of home is right for you.
Leeann says that wherever you go in and around Wesley Chapel these days, you will find new construction. An important Team Sack strategy is always having information about what each of the new home builders are offering, so they know how to market a seller trying to resell an older home in order to be able to compete with all of that new home construction.
As for Team Sack’s philosophy when working with clients seeking to buy a home, Leeann says, “Competition is always a factor when purchasing a home, especially when inventory is low. Speed is of the essence in order to be able to secure the home of your dreams, and prompt action can make all the difference.”
Ryan adds, “Whether buying or selling, you need to be educated and Team Sack believes in educating our clients. Potential buyers and sellers want to feel comfortable with the information you provide. Every client will have questions and we are always going to answer the phone and get you through the process.”
Leeann and Ryan met Patrick about 10 years ago and they have been working together ever since. Patrick started his career working in foreclosures in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. He worked for Bank of America underwriting and processing mortgages in their operations department. Then, about 15 years ago, Patrick decided to start his career as a loan originator.
Today, Patrick is the branch manager with Great Western Home Loans, a company with 40 years in the business that is headquartered in Texas. His office is located off of W. Kennedy Blvd. Although he is open from 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Patrick offers flexible meeting times and provides his mobile number to all of his clients.
He says that although he is willing
to meet with his clients, most of the work in his business these days is done online. He is very proud to say that his is the only Great Western branch in Florida.
Ryan and Leeann call Team Sack, “Certified Divorce Specialists,” because they often help couples going through a divorce who have decided to sell their home. Team Sack is able to work together to help both parties.
“Each of us will represent one of the people going through the divorce as their Realtor,” says Leeann, “and we also will work with the attorneys. This makes it a seamless process for everyone.”
Leeann and Ryan say their favorite part of working in real estate is helping their clients achieve one of their goals — whether buying or selling.
Leeann, Ryan and Patrick all agree that whether buying or selling, “You shouldn’t be scared of the current market,” Leeann says.
Based on the fact that throughout the
history of the real estate business, home values always will trend upwards longterm, even though there may be shortterm corrections. In other words, “It’s always a good time to purchase a home,” Ryan says, “and when you are ready, please give us a call!”
“The local market has stayed strong, but the inventory is still low.” “There is still high demand for homes here.”
Leeann says Florida has many things to offer and our area “checks a lot of those boxes.” With about 1,200 people relocating to Florida each day, the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area offers small city feel with big city amenities, plus miles of beaches not very far away on one side and Orlando on the other.
She also notes that one of the big advantages of working with a Realtor who so often partners up with a great mortgage broker (like Patrick) is that, “We can often get you a lower interest rate,” even though rates are definitely higher now than they were even a year ago.
In fact, the Team Sack/Great Western ad on pg. 33 of this issue says that not only can you get a lower interest rate, Ryan and Leeann are currently offering a $500 credit (at closing) towards a buyer’s home inspection fee and Patrick is offering an additional $500 credit towards the buyer’s appraisal fee (also at closing).
To help home buyers have an additional edge, Patrick says he will often use what is known in the mortgage business as a “2-1 Buydown.”
“A 2-1 Buydown lowers the interest rate for the first two years before it rises to the regular and permanent rate,” he says. “The rate is usually 2 percentage points lower the first year and one percentage point lower the second year. This is a great deal for homebuyers, as long as they know they can afford the regular interest rate starting with the third year.
He adds that this 2-1 Buydown is available when the seller offers money towards the mortgage. “For example,” Patrick says, “you may see an ad where a home price was reduced by $10,000. Instead of reducing the initial price,
the seller will contrib ute $10,000 towards the mortgage and the buyer will receive the lower rate for the first two years. This is a win-win for both the buyer and the seller.”
He also says, “Programs like this will help get that house sold that may have been sitting on the market for a while. It may also get the buyer to say yes when the hesi tation was the interest rate.”
Patrick also offers ad ditional financial solutions and options to help clients save money in the long run — including Federal Housing Administration (FHA),Veterans Administra tion (VA), U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA), jumbo and Non-Qualified (NonQM) mortgages. He says it’s this commitment to financial wellness that sets him apart.
Leeann, Ryan and Patrick not only work together they also vacation together and are good friends. Patrick and his wife Stacy have two little girls — 2-1/2-yearold Millie and Mollie, who is seven months old (photo above). Leeann and Ryan’s son Carter is 12 and attends Cypress Creek Middle School and their daughter Rylee is 9 and attends Quail Hollow Elementary.
For more information about Team Sack, call Leeann at (813) 351-9599 or Ryan at (813) 351-9598 or email them at info@SellandBuyFL.com. For Patrick Monteau, call (813) 927-7806 or email him at pmonteau@gwloans.com. Or, see the ad on pg. 33.
Board-certified gynecologist Holly Ouillette, M.D., recently opened Elite Women’s Care in Wesley Chapel in the Cy press Ridge Professional Park, located east of I-75 off of S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel.
Dr. Ouillette is passionate about help ing women, building relationships with her patients and providing excellent care.
She is the only provider in the Wesley Chapel office of Elite Women’s Care, which also has offices in Spring Hill and Clearwater. Dr. Lauren Juyia and a nurse practitioner see patients at those locations.
The practice is physician-owned by FastMD, a multispecialty group that also owns Florida Advanced Spine & Orthopedics (FASO). Dr. Ouillette’s husband, Dr. Ryan Ouillette, is part of that group, as is Dr. Juyia’s husband, Dr. Rushad Juyia.
In November, Dr. Ouillette was hired by FastMD to bring Elite Women’s Care to Wesley Chapel. The practice shares a building with FASO (photo on next page).
She says that being the sole provider in the office helps her to build trust with her patients.
“When you come in, you will always see me,” Dr. Ouillette explains. “Never a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant. It’s always going to be me.”
Elite Women’s Care offers compre-
hensive and specialized care for women from adolescence to menopause. This includes well-woman exams, family planning (e.g., birth control counseling and intrauterine device, or IUD, placement), care for abnormal bleeding, painful periods, ovarian cysts, fibroids, breast concerns and follow-ups for abnormal pap smears.
Dr. Ouillette also treats women experiencing pelvic pain, endometriosis and polyps. She offers menopausal and perimenopausal care, including hormone replacement therapy, non-hormonal therapy and treating urinary incontinence.
When surgery may be required, she offers minimally invasive and robotic surgery.
Dr. Ouillette is trained in and has previously practiced obstetrics (OB), but her Elite Women’s Care office doesn’t offer obstetrics.
“We see people who are trying to get pregnant and, once you’re six weeks postpartum, you can come right back to seeing us,” Dr. Ouillette says. “We just don’t see you while you’re actually pregnant.”
She explains that with only two doctors in a group covering three geographic areas, it’s not feasible for Elite to provide OB care. Patients who are pregnant are referred to an OB practice during pregnancy.
“The benefits to the patient of going to an office that’s just gynecology
is that we won’t have to leave (a GYN apppointment) to go do a delivery,” says Dr. Ouillette. “Patients are being seen on time and not having to wait while the doctor is delivering a baby. We also don’t have to hold spots open for OB patients, so it’s easier to get in here.”
She says patients currently can get in to see her in the Wesley Chapel office for same-day appointments for acute issues.
Dr. Ouillette was introduced to the medical field at a young age because her mom was a nurse.
“I always knew I wanted to be a doctor,” she says. “And, when I did the OB/GYN rotation in medical school, I liked it.”
She says gynecologists develop a special relationship with their patients.
“When someone comes in with a gynecology issue, it’s not something that’s easy to talk about,” she says. “I like making patients feel comfortable.”
While she’s new to the Wesley Chapel area, Dr. Ouillette grew up nearby in Oldsmar. While she was attending East Lake High School, her family moved to Michigan, and she ended up staying there for college.
Dr. Ouillette first earned her Bachelor’s degree at the University of Michigan in Dearborn, followed by
completed residency training at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, where she was named Outstanding Resident Surgeon by the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. After residency, she received additional training in minimally invasive surgery at The Women’s Hospital of Texas Pelvic Restorative Center, also in Houston.
Dr. Ouillette and her husband then moved back to Detroit, where she spent the last several years teaching residents and taking care of an underserved patient population at Ascension St. John Hospital.
“I always wanted a big family,” she says, and to that end, she and her husband now four children, ages six, five, three, and one-and-a-half.
The family moved to Land O’Lakes from Detroit for the career opportunities afforded to both doctors. They didn’t
ing for FastMD seemed.
“With four kids ages six and under, I was trying to find a little slower pace,” she explains. “I would love to still be doing everything I was doing in Michigan — OB, GYN, teaching and academics — but it seemed like it would be too much right now.”
Patient Beverly Stiles says Dr. Ouillette’s extensive experience is apparent.
Although she was a patient of Dr. Juyia’s in Brooksville, when Beverly couldn’t be seen in a timely manner, the staff suggested she go see Dr. Ouillette in Wesley Chapel.
“I instantly fell in love with her,” Beverly says. “She’s very professional and her staff is so nice.”
Beverly explains that she had a complicated issue, but Dr. Ouillette researched it both before she saw her, and again, after that appointment. Beverly
says she felt comfortable voicing her concerns and having extensive conversations about treatment options, including changing her mind about surgery when her symptoms changed.
“I could talk with her,” Beverly says of Dr. Ouillette. “She’s very one-on-one. She has tremendous training, expertise and professionalism, and she’s also easy to talk with. That’s what you want in a physician.”
She also describes the Wesley Chapel office as “sparkling clean,” and that the staff’s communication has been excellent and that it’s easy to get an appointment.
“If you’re looking for a gynecologist, she’s the one you want to see,” Beverly says.
Dr. Ouillette says she strives to build strong relationships — like the one she has with Beverly — with all of her patients.
“The biggest thing is personalized care,” she says. “You’ll see the same faces every time you come in. You’ll see the same medical assistant (Emily Peterson), who knows all of the patients by name. We strive to know our patients well, so that when you call and ask a question, we know who you are. We take the time to listen to all of our patients’ concerns.”
Elite Women’s Care is located at 2309 Crestover Ln. in the Cypress Ridge Professional Park. For more information or to make an appointment, call (352) 345-4456 or visit Elite-WC. com. Also see the ad on pg. 27.
Sunglass Krate is located in one of the largest container parks in the world that attracts visitors from all over the globe. Check out krateatthegrove.com
Sunglass Krate is owned and operated by Jim Lambrou, a Licensed Optician in the state of Florida with over 30 years in the optical industry! His goal is to help you protect your eyes from sun damage.
Imagine a decade spent in personal training, armed not with mere anecdotes but with tangible evidence of transformations — testimonials and before and after photos of lives changed through the power of health and fitness.
Although Andrea Barnes had been training clients at other local facilities the last 10 years, in March of this year, Andrea (pro nounced “On-DRAY-a”), a personal trainer, and her husband Aaron unveiled Healthy Steps 2 Fitness, a unique facility embodying the mantra “people over profit.”
A testament to personal triumph and dedication, it was born from the couple’s own challenges. After being open for several months at another location, Healthy Steps 2 Fitness is now open in its own space on U.S. 41 in Lutz (in the same building as Villaggio’s Ristorante Italiano). Andrea says it is where well-being takes center stage, and every client’s steps to health are celebrated.
at your overall health. Our motto is ‘Health first, and the body will follow.’”
Aaron epitomized health yet still faced a silent adversary. While diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, dehydration and certain medications are the top five causes of kidney failure, Aaron had none of those symptoms, but was somehow facing kidney failure anyway. His doctor gave him less than two weeks to live.
Then, nine months ago, Andrea donated one of her kidneys to save her husband’s life. This gift helped spur a miraculous recovery, giving Aaron normal kidney function and a renewed lease on life — a gift he’s vowed to cherish and share through the couple’s new business.
The steps taken by Aaron to regain his health inspired the gym’s name, emphasizing the commonality of the journey for those facing transplants, chronic illnesses, diabetes and high blood pressure, as well as aging.
“We chose our name based on the pattern of our lives and how we had to take steps to get to where we are today,” Aaron says.
With mostly female (but still some male) clients, and most of them ranging in age from their 50s to their 70s, understanding their diverse needs, especially of seniors and those with physical disabilities, Healthy Steps 2 Fitness offers easy accessibility for those with walkers and wheelchairs.
“Gyms always think about fitness — how the body looks on the outside,” explains Andrea. “Our approach is to look
Healthy Steps 2 Fitness is where your health concerns are heard, and achievable personal goals are set. Andrea goes beyond what traditional gyms do by conducting an in-depth initial consultation with each client, including blood pressure measurements and discussions about your diabetic A1C levels and cholesterol. She encourages her clients to get comprehensive lab evaluations from their physicians before beginning a program with her. This proactive approach addresses a common blind spot in personal health — many individuals, especially seniors, who want to start a training regimen remain unaware of what may be crucial cardiovascular indicators. Aaron recalls a young, outwardly healthy man with three small children, a friend of his sister-in-law’s who had a headache every day for a week. Instead of seeking medical attention, he chose instead to self-medicate with Ibuprofen and coffee.
“The headache he was having was due to high blood pressure,” says Aaron. “Most people don’t check their blood pressure when they have a headache. He died at his work desk from a stress-induced heart attack the primary symptom of which was unchecked high blood pressure.”
Aaron and Andrea say they plan to partner with a local medical office to refer their clients who don’t have a primary care physician to, so they can have things like their blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and other important medical factors checked before they begin working out at Healthy Steps 2 Fitness.
If a new client has been receiving physi-
cal therapy for an injury, Aaron, who handles the business side of the business, and Andrea ensure that they only begin their journey when they are released by their physical therapist and that it is safe for them to begin training.
“During our assessment, if we see the person has a bad shoulder or hip,” Andrea says, “before we start working with this per son — unlike most trainers — we refer them to their physician to get x-rays to ensure that we don’t injure them further.”
How many big box gyms can say they know — or even care to know — their clients’ blood pressure or pain symptoms before let ting them work out with weights, on cardio machines or take classes?
“We always encourage our clients — at least once a year — to visit their doctor and have a physical exam and blood work,” An drea says, “so they can know what their num bers are and can work on improving them.”
Aaron adds, “I’ve had other gym mem berships. No one was ever concerned about my health. I never had health questions asked. It was all about memberships and classes. But, we want to know how people are doing. Underlying health problems can limit your progress.”
Another important part of this fitness facility is its community “feel.”
“We believe Healthy Steps 2 Fitness is unlike any other gym because we get close to our clients from Day One,” Andrea says. “It’s a pride feeling. You’re not just coming here to work out. A lot of friendships start here.”
Eventually, Andrea says, a wall of success will showcase clients’ before & after photos and testimonials (like the photos on the next page).
The gym offers a range of membership
memberships at HealthyStepsandFitness. com. Each membership level also includes a complimentary “Twelve-Steps to Wellness” online coaching program which promotes gradual lifestyle changes over 12 weeks.
“Every week, we offer a new online coaching program that we want them to implement into their lives, and every week, we introduce a new lifestyle change,” Andrea says. “By the end of those first 12 weeks, we hope they will have at least begun changing their lifestyle and habits to help them achieve and maintain better health and fitness. For example, she says the first week’s theme is “Love — loving yourself first and what that means.”
Healthy Steps 2 Fitness also hosts Well ness Days, featuring experts who address community questions on various health topics, creating an environment that transcends the conventional gym experience. The most recent such Wellness Day was combined with the new facility’s Grand Opening on May 11.
Andrea said that about 35 people at tended and got a lot of great information about the importance of lab work, managing anxiety, eating and living a cleaner life, over coming health obstacles (where Aaron was the featured speaker) and even financial health.
“We get tremendous feedback about our Wellness Days,” Andrea says, “so we definitely plan tokeep having them here.”
She adds that they envision their gym as the next step in the evolution of physical wellness, offering ongoing care beyond tra ditional rehabilitation. They see the facility as a bridge back to health, keeping their clients from succumbing to post-rehab challenges, such as dependence upon pain meds.
“More than likely, people aren’t better when they go home (after a serious injury), and can get hooked on pain medication,” Andrea explains. “Instead of being depressed at home, we see ourselves as the next step in your recovery.”
Andrea and Aaron stress that they don’t want their clients to be in his situation.
“The healthy steps, healthy lifestyle choices, and having my wife as a trainer coaching me along the way got me back, and I’m still a work in progress,” Aaron says. “I
We’re the health care approach to fitness.”
To that end, on May 9, Healthy Steps 2 Fitness also celebrated the one-year anni versary of Andrea’s kidney donation to her husband with a North Tampa Bay Chamber (NTBC) ribbon-cutting event, where healthy foods (like bean chili and gluten-free baked goods were served. The event also announced the gym’s name change from “Healthy Steps & Fitness” to “Healthy Steps 2 Fitness.”
Healthy Steps 2 Fitness is lo cated at 118 Flagship Loop (off U.S. Hwy. 41), in Lutz, and is open Mon.Fri., 5 a.m.-1 p.m.; & 7 a.m.-10 a.m. on Sat. For more information, visit HealthyStepsandFitness.com, call (813) 860-7709 or see the ad on page 34.
It’s that time of year where parents and students count down to all kinds of graduations, from pre-kindergarten to college. At local high schools, hundreds of graduates are moving on to a new phase of life, whether it’s starting a career, joining the military, going to a faraway university, attending a local college, or taking some time to find themselves. The students on these pages are the top-10 graduating seniors of the Class of 2024 at both of New Tampa’s public high schools by grade point average (GPA). Congratulations to everyone listed on these pages for their extraordinary achievement – and to all of their peers and classmates who are graduating alongside them. Note - We apologize that we have significantly more information about one school’s top-10 students than the other, but we can only show here what we were provided. Please also note that while it seems that the last two Wharton GPAs are out of order, a Wharton official told us that the class ranks were frozen prior to the final GPAs shown here. — Celeste McLaughlin
1.Ishitha Panguluri, Valedictorian GPA: 8.6591
College planning to attend: University of Chicago or Univ. of Florida
Planned Major or Future Career: Neuroscience
2.Kayla Le, Salutatorian GPA: 7.9495
College planning to attend: University of Florida or University of South Florida
Planned Major or Future Career: Business
3.Jaclyn Rachel Alejandro GPA: 7.4377
College planning to attend: University of South Florida Honors
Planned major or future career: Biomedical Sciences, pre-med
4. Yadiel Narvaez Hernandez GPA: 7.2153
College planning to attend: Georgia Tech
Planned major or future career: Industrial Engineering
5.Mrinalini Bose GPA: 7.2113
College planning to attend: University of Florida
Planned Major or future career: Applied Math
6.Mallory Marsland Pettit GPA: 7.1104
College planning to attend: University of Florida
Planned major or future career: Psychology
7.Sanduni Karalliyadde
GPA: 6.9993
College planning to attend: University of Florida
Planned major or future career: Political Science, Pre-Law
8.Sharianne Sampson
GPA: 6.9438
College planning to attend: University of Florida
Planned major or future career: Biology, pre-med
9.Pouria Yazdankhah Kenary GPA: 6.829
College planning to attend: University of South Florida
Planned major or future career: Mechanical Engineering
10.Mohammed Alfatlawi GPA: 6.76
College planning to attend: University of Florida
Planned major or future career: Computer Engineering
1.Heer Patel, Valedictorian
GPA: 9.9639
Clubs/Activities: President BETA club, President/founder Wistem (Women in STEM club), member of NHS (National Honor Society), SNHS (Science National Honor Society), NEHS (National English Honor Society), Spanish National Honor Society, Tri M music honor society, Key Club, FBLA, Orchestra, dancer, volunteer at Moffitt Cancer Center and Metropolitan Ministries
College planning to attend: University of Florida
Planned major or future career: Business & Biology
Best thing about high school: High school taught me what it means to have real friends. These past few years, I’ve developed some of the closest bonds, which I know will carry forward as I move on to the next chapter of my life. High school taught me how to grow and nurture friendships, and how to value people for who they truly are.
2. Sarah Gangaram, Salutatorian
my high school experience incredible. For example, when I’d go to football games and other school events, the spirit we all have is incredible, and just being in that environment was amazing – it’s something I will never forget.
3.Mahdi Aziz
GPA: 8.08
Team Captain Speech and Debate, Vice President NEHS, Co-founder Book Club, Vice President BETA, Social Media Manager, Newspaper: Education Editor, Member of SNHS, NHS College planning to attend: University of South Florida
Planned major or future career: Biology on a pre-med path, neurosurgeon
Best thing about High School: Definitely the people. I enjoyed coming to school every day and socializing with my friends and peers, as well as my teachers. Overall, they really made
GPA: 7.4787
Treasury secretary NEHS, member of SNHS, NHS, volunteer at AdventHealth, working for my dad at Bagels Plus, tennis College planning to attend: University of Florida
Planned major or future career: Anthropology and history, international lawyer
Best thing about High School: All the great teachers and friends that I met all through my four years, and the times I spent with them.
4.Cooper Priest
Best thing about High School: Making friends
5.Athira Umshankar
GPA: 7.24
Clubs/Activities: NHS, NEHS, SNHS, art club, film club College planning to attend: University of South Florida Honors Planned major or future career: Psychology Best thing about High School: People and friends I met.
6.Reese Prieto
GPA: 7.28
Clubs/Activities: Chess Club, NHS, SNHS, swim team
College planning to attend: Michigan State University
Planned major or future career: Chemical engineering
ests and really find what you’re good at and enjoy.
8.Avi Amin
GPA: 7.08
Clubs/Activities: Scuba diving, soccer, SCC College planning to attend: New York University
Planned major or future career: Finance Best thing about High School: Getting to meet new people and make new friends
9.Eva Lebas
GPA: 7.22
College planning to attend: University of Florida
Planned major or future career: Biology
Best thing about High School: Meeting new people and making new friends
GPA: 7.12
Newspaper Editor-inchief, President SNHS, NEHS, speech and debate, dancer (Tampa Gymnastics and Dance) for 14 years
College planning to attend: University of Florida
Planned major or future career: Environmental engineering Best thing about High School: Being able to explore different inter-
GPA: 7.0
All-County and All-State Honors Orchestras, play viola, swim team
College planning to attend: University of Florida
Planned major or future career: Biomedical Engineering Best thing about High School: Definitely prom and the senior events
10.Jariel Garriga
GPA: 7.06
Wharton Baseball Captain, Beta Club Vice President, SCC Unity Officer College planning to attend: Florida State University
Planned major or future career: Biochemistry, orthopedic surgeon
Best thing about High School: Playing baseball with my friends
Jolene Lantz, M.A., is a licensed mental health counselor who is passion ate about providing excellent, profes sional therapeutic interventions. She also happens to be a Christian who is equally passionate about her faith.
Before she founded Boundless Hope Christian Clinical Counseling, Jolene saw that many Christians who sought Bibli cal, pastoral counseling from their church didn’t have access to clinical interven tions. She also saw that, sometimes, when some Christians went to a clinician, they felt that their faith was not welcomed in therapy, or that the counseling did not align with their own beliefs.
“Why can’t we have both?,” Jolene says she asked herself.
In 2019, Boundless Hope was just Jolene and a couple of part-time clinicians in the Summergate Professional Center in Seven Oaks. She and her team worked to provide a safe place where the latest research and best clinical practices are incorporated, but where faith is prioritized, too.
“We focus on clinical intervention that works,” says Jolene, “and working with clinicians who know the Bible if the client wants to incorporate that (into their therapy).”
different ages. We work hard, play hard, and have a great sense of community among our staff. It’s a really great place to work with pretty awesome people.”
She says the team at Boundless Hope focuses on training and collaboration, and that the training they all do far exceeds what’s required by the state.
academic bunch,” she says. “We’re always reading, sharing, and training. When I’m interviewing clinicians, I look for people who enjoy that. If you don’t want to continue to learn and train, you’re not going to be happy here.”
Jolene says that post-Covid, there’s more awareness and acknowledgement than ever that people need to pay more attention to their mental health.
She says she sees evidence of this when people purchase counseling sessions for high school graduates or engaged couples. “Counseling is not just for ‘that’ person anymore,” she says. “(More) people now realize that it’s for all of us.”
Boundless Hope provides therapy for many reasons, including children struggling with behavioral issues, impulse control, or hyperactivity.
“We offer play therapy for children,” Jolene says. “We have a beautiful play therapy room in our Lutz office and also do play therapy in the Wesley Chapel office. Play is the language of children. They will play out emotions and memories held within them quite easily when traditional ‘talk’ therapy isn’t developmentally appropriate or effective.”
But, she says, Boundless Hope also has many clinical relationships with people who do not identify as Christian.
“We are so grateful for those who aren’t Christian who trust us,” Jolene says. “It’s so important for us to treat and love people well, which is in alignment with our theology that recognizes that people are created in the image of God and deserve respect. We want everyone to feel safe and respected in our office, and we don’t have to share the same faith to treat someone clinically — and treat them well.”
Since the practice opened, Boundless Hope has expanded to a second location on N. Dale Mabry Hwy. in Lutz, and now has a total of 17 clinicians seeing patients. Nine of those are based in Wesley Chapel, but Jolene says that virtually all 17 are available to see clients at either location.
Jolene says she started out as a full-time homeschool mom doing some clinical work on the side.
She and her husband Jim have three children. Maxwell, now 16, is the youngest. Samuel, 20, is studying sports management at Florida State University in Tallahassee, and Abigail, 23, is at the University of South Florida (USF) Morsani College of Medicine in Tampa studying to be a physician.
Jolene graduated from USF in 1995 with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Psychology with minors in Chemistry and Sociology. She then earned her Master of Arts (M.A.) degree in Counseling Psychology from Saint Xavier University in Chicago, IL.
She says that, like her daughter, she also started out on a pre-med track, but got ill and had to withdraw from school.
“We’re a learning bunch, an
Also available are therapy for individuals and couples, for those with relationship struggles, as well as divorce counseling and See “Boundless Hope” on pg. 28
Continued from pg. 26
divorce recovery, including recovery for the children of parents who divorce.
Boundless Hope clinicians also offer premarital counseling and treat people who are suffering from anxiety and depression, and help those who self-harm.
Jolene says some people come in because they are wrestling with their faith and are trying to work out what they once believed and what they still believe.
Some clinicians counsel elite athletes who work through “imposter syndrome,” stress management and perfectionism.
Boundless Hope also receives referrals from law enforcement and the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) to help victims of sexual violence and abuse. Some of these people have been through heinous experiences, Jolene says, and there are several clinicians who specialize in complex trauma and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.
Boundless Hope also offers intensive weekend therapy where an individual or couple can do four, six, or eight hours over a single weekend. This is for patients who are looking for immediate relief or want to gain momentum in their therapy, rather than waiting a week or two for their next single hour-long session.
In addition, Jolene says a couple of the counselors are very highly skilled in specific types of training that some people may be
seeking. For example, Boundless Hope has counselors who are trained and certified in EMDR (eye movement desensitization & reprocessing), which she explains is a neurobiological modality of treatment that is federally recognized as effective for helping veterans heal from PTSD and relieve anxiety, depression and phobias.
One counselor is a certified practitioner in “brainspotting,” which is a different neurobiological intervention, although Jolene says, “it shares similar roots in neuro science as EMDR. Brainspotting is a brain- and body-based modality of lasting healing.”
“We certainly still do talk therapy,” says Jolene, “but we also offer brain-based treatments. Because old trauma is stored in the body, we’ve seen successes where some autoimmune disorders actually go into remission or migraines go away. It’s pretty phenomenal.”
Jolene also notes that Boundless Hope is fully credentialed by Focus on the Family, which is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive.
“Focus on the Family has a series of doctrinal questions, as well as clinical vignettes, that a clinician must submit for review and acceptance,” she says. “There are not many credentialed in our area. There were fewer than ten within 25 miles of here the last time I looked.”
Beyond the more trauma-heavy situations, Jolene says, “We also have beautiful grief counselors, and counselors serving the neurodivergent and those with chronic pain and end of life/terminal diagnoses. We also would love to normalize that life has day-to-
day challenges and anyone everyone can enjoy investing in themselves in a place to be disin hibited and talk through life with someone who is objective and not involved in your personal life.”
While not all clinicians at Boundless Hope accept insur ance, Jolene says 25-30% do accept it. The practice also has a graduate intern on staff. Interns are fully educated and have com pleted all of their coursework, but have to complete supervised clinical hours, so they can offer fees to patients on a sliding scale, based on what people can afford.
Jolene also recently started a nonprofit called “One Another” that allows Boundless Hope to serve more people. She says it began because people were coming back after completing treatment to provide gifts so that other people could experience the healing they did through counseling at Boundless Hope.
call back,” she says. “I believe that’s because very few clinicians have administrative staff.” She says it’s important to her personally that phones get answered and that people are heard. Emails are even answered over the weekend.
To start counseling with one of the Boundless Hope clinicians, call the office or visit BoundlessHope.net. On the website, there are boxes that say, “Start Here” or “Hopes Starts Here” that you can click to go to a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act)-compliant form that will allow you to send a secure message, and someone will get back with you.
Jolene says she also is careful to have adequate administrative staff to respond to inquiries. “Unfortunately, our industry is known for horrible administrative care
“I recognize how long it can take for some people to make the decision to enter into counseling,” Jolene says. “There’s effort and work and sometimes a lot of emotional turmoil and pain to get to the point of making that call.”
Boundless Hope’s Wesley Chapel office is located at 27551 Cashford Cir., Suite #102. To learn more about the Boundless Hope clinical team, including each clinician’s credentials, visit BoundlessHope.net or call (813) 219-8844 Also, see the ad on page 39.
•Wellness Dentistry for kids and teens
•Holistic nutritional counseling for teeth and gums
•Ozone therapy for oral care
•Recommendation of non-toxic materials
•Biological gum disinfection
•Sedation dentistry (nitrous oxide)
•Invisalign First for children & Invisalign Teen
•Digital 3D scans, ITERO (no goop)
•Digital x-rays
•Laser dentistry (release of tongue tie for infants, children and teens)
•Relaxed environment, so your children can enjoy their visit
•Se Habla Español
Experience makes a difference; a good heart
or questions,
It seems that these days, whenever you go on social media, you find someone saying, “My insurance rates have gone up!” But, in our all-electronic, virtual world, being able to go to a physical loca tion to speak with an insurance expert can make a big difference.
In case you still didn’t know it, sitting in the Super Target-anchored North woods Plaza on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., at County Line Rd., is a team of in surance experts. Just walk into the Wesley Chapel local office of GEICO Insurance, where actual live people can help you with a wide variety of insurance needs.
Owner and long-time Wesley Chapel resident Jaime Bryant opened the office in December of 2020, but he began working for GEICO in 2004, after earning his Mas ter of Business Administration (MBA) de gree from the University of South Florida. He also received his Florida 2-20 Resident General Lines License (which allows him to provide property, casualty, surety, marine, health and miscellaneous insurance lines, including auto, motorcycle, boats/watercraft, homes, condos, RVs, renters and even pet insurance) to ensure that his local GEICO office can provide you with virtually any type of insurance you may need.
mercial auto, motorcycle, condo, rental apartment, boat/watercraft, jewelry, flood mobile homes/RVs and umbrella policies.”
Jaime says his GEICO local office can write policies for your “home, auto, com-
An umbrella policy provides added protection beyond your existing limits and coverages of other policies. Jaime says, “Umbrella policies are good for someone who has a lot of assets.”
in Florida, Jaime says, “While everyone has seen some increases in their premiums, the market now appears to be stabilizing, with most (but not all) insurance premiums staying about the same.”
If you need home or condominium insurance, dates may come into play. In most cases, a condo or townhome can be any age. But, for homes, mobile homes and RVs, GEICO can issue you a policy, as long as your home was built in 1995 or later.
Homeowner policies will cover not just the home itself, but also attached structures such as garages, lanais and even fences, as well as any personal property inside the home. These policies, in most cases, also will include liability coverage, which will protect you in the event someone gets injured in your home, although additional liability insurance is sometimes required. Jaime says your GEICO agent can assist you with finding all of the requirements for your perfect policy.
When you call or walk into Jaime’s local GEICO office, an agent can take your information, which is then used to customize whatever policies you may want to your specific needs.
As for GEICO’s rates, although there’s been a lot of discussion these days about rising insurance rates, especially here
“For example,” he says, “Your homeowners insurance will usually have hurricane coverage. In the state of Florida, GEICO requires policies to have hurricane coverage, which will include damage caused by tropical storms. In order for this coverage to kick in, the storm causing the damage has to be
See “GEICO” on pg. 32
a named storm. For non-named storms, the claim would be under ‘wind damage.’”
With hurricane season now just a few days away from starting, Jaime says this is a good time to visit the GEICO local office to see what he and his staff can do for you.
In addition, while Wesley Chapel is not in a major flood zone, Jaime and his crew can still provide you with flood insurance.
He says, “Just because flood insurance isn’t required here, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have it. Flood insurance will cover water that is coming into your home from your property — for example, from rain that is not from a hurricane, a sewer, or an overflowing pond.”
He adds, “People don’t think they will find themselves in these situations, but when they do, they wish they would have had the insurance. Plus, flood insurance is not very expensive to add to your homeowners policy.”
Jaime says that GEICO’s rates are very competitive and your live agent will always check for all possible discounts. As one of the largest insurance companies in the U.S., GEICO also offers discounts for “bundling” different policies together.
For example, Jaime says that bundling your home and auto policies togeth-
er will qualify you for discounts on both policies. “It doesn’t always end up costing you less than buying them separately,” he says, “but it usually does.”
He adds, “But, when you bun dle multiple GEICO policies together though, because GEICO (which is owned by Berkshire Hathaway) is such a large company, at least you don’t have to worry about us leaving the state (as so many other insurance companies have over the past few years).” He also notes that auto and renters insurance also are often bundled, “because the renters insurance will then either be free or cost pennies on the dollar, which is probably the biggest savings you get by bundling.”
When you own a boat, Jaime says that whether you bundle it with your homeown ers policy or not, “Boat/watercraft insur ance is one of our most competitively priced products on the market.” Other GEICO policies with competitive rates include for recreation vehicles (RVs), travel trailers and mobile/manufactured homes.
insurance needs! (Photo by Charmaine George) who can assist them with that, too.
For the best possible information, Jaime says it’s always a good idea to, “Stop by and speak to one of our agents, rather than calling the GEICO 1-800 number. Our people can help you find the policy (or policies) you need at the best possible rates.”
In addition, Jaime says that if you or your family members or friends who need insurance would prefer to speak to someone in Spanish, he has bilingual agents
Jaime gives back to our community and to some organizations that he says are near and dear to his heart. The office will be sponsoring a golf tournament for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. This nonprofit organization has made a promise to the children of fallen U.S. Special Operations personnel and the children of all service members awarded the Medal of Honor by providing full education and additional opportunities for them.
Jaime, who lives with his wife Shannon and their two-year-old son Elliot in
Wesley Chapel, says he also will sponsor the Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) at Wharton High next year. He also sponsors the sports tickets for Wiregrass Ranch High and has provided folders for Double Branch, New River and Watergrass elementaries in Wesley Chapel.
The GEICO Wesley Chapel local office is located at 1227 BBD Blvd. The office is open Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.6:30 p.m., and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sat. For more information, call (813) 9534200 or feel free to stop by the office in person. You also can visit GEICO. com/insurance-agents/florida/tampa/ jaime-bryant/ or see the ad on pg. 2.
If you think the Wesley Chapel Nutri tion Smart (located on Bruce B. Downs Blvd. just south of S.R. 56) is a store for vi tamins and supplements, you’re not wrong.
And, if you think that’s all the popu lar store carries, you’re not alone.
But, if you’re one of those people who thinks Nutrition Smart is only a place where supplement fanatics stock up, you’re missing out on all that our area’s original “green grocer” has to offer.
“A lot of people come in expecting just vitamins, but they’re impressed by what they see,” says Fausto Soriano, the store’s general manger. “That’s definitely a misconception.”
Nutrition Smart offers fresh, or ganic produce, natural grocery items and refrigerated and frozen food, from dairy (including raw milk) and eggs to meat, bread and healthy snacks.
Fausto says that many of the store’s customers do all of their grocery shopping in the store, which also includes the larg est selection of supplements in the area, plus vitamins, bulk foods, sport nutrition, health and beauty items, pet care, house hold products and more.
Fausto says it’s not on a huge scale like you would find at a large grocery store, but there is a little bit of everything, and Nutrition Smart offers something other stores don’t.
“All of our fresh produce is 100% organic,” Fausto says. While other stores stock both organic and non-organic prod ucts that are sold right next to each other, at Nutrition Smart, “Our customers don’t have to worry about buying conventional products by mistake.”
location of Nutrition Smart is the number one store in the state of Florida for selling the energy drink Celsius.
“We are known in the area for having a huge Celsius selection,” he says. “We have all the new flavors first, and the biggest variety of flavors, along with one of the most aggressive prices.”
He says he and his staff, including assistant store manager Joe Geier, pay attention to trends in the industry to be sure they know what customers want. When vendors pitch new products to the store, they watch for commonalities. Many customers also read articles and often ask for certain new products or ingredients.
Fausto also says that at his store in particular, many people believe in an “eat first” philosophy where they make healthier food choices now instead of needing supplements later.
Customers seem to like the store’s organic, fresh chicken and grass-fed beef, and get a wide variety of unique products at Nutrition Smart that aren’t available
ly popular.
“Every Tuesday, we get a fresh delivery of raw milk,” he says. “Customers line up waiting for the milk to arrive.”
The store also is able to offer momand-pop brands from nearby vendors, too, including locally made raw honey.
Local desserts are delivered fresh to the store from Dade City’s Hillbilly Farms Bakery. Tampa’s Sami’s Bakery delivers
cialty items such as low-carb and glutenfree desserts and bakery items.
Other unique products include a variety of trending supplements, such as those derived from mushrooms and shilajit, a resin from the earth that reportedly can help with hormone balance and other functions. The store also carries a large variety of CBD products.
Fausto adds that the Wesley Chapel
Joe has been with the company for six years and was previously a vitamin manager. He and Fausto, who has been with Nutrition Smart for 15 years, are among about 24 store employees in the Wesley Chapel location. Definitely not a big chain, Nutrition Smart has just two other locations — in Port St. Lucie and Pembroke Pines.
“Our vitamin staff is super knowledgeable,” says Fausto. “A lot of them have been doing this for 15 or 20 years. They focus on individualized service for each customer’s unique needs. We’re not just trying to sell a product. We want to hear what their needs are and hopefully gain their trust so they’ll come back in the future.”
It’s a service they have been providing for 15 years now, since the Wesley Chapel location of Nutrition Smart opened in 2009.
“We were the first in this area to provide these products,” Fausto says. “We’ve been here since before Wesley Chapel was a destination.”
Another hidden gem inside the Wesley Chapel Nutrition Smart is Divine Leaf Vegan, a new café serving freshly-made burgers, sandwiches, salads, cold pressed juices, smoothies and more.
“It’s been awesome to have them,” says Fausto. “There’s not a lot of vegan restaurants or options in our area, so it’s worked out well. I’m not vegan and I
buy stuff from there all the time. They have a really good ranch sauce they make from scratch, and I buy a full-size bottle because my kids love it. It’s phenomenal.”
Fausto adds that the partnership is great because people who find out about Divine Leaf through its own social media often become Nutrition Smart customers as they discover the store, too.
Nutrition Smart offers many discounts and coupons, including a 20% -off coupon in this issue. In addition,
active and veteran military members, first responders, nurses and teachers all receive 10 percent off their purchases all day, every day. On Tuesdays, seniors (ages 55 & older) also receive 10 percent off.
Shoppers also can sign up for Nutrition Smart’s text club by texting “WESLEY” to (866) 603-3532 for exclusive offers.
Pam T. is a Wesley Chapel Nutrition Smart shopper who recently wrote a review.
“Love this little health food store,” she says. “It’s my go-to every week. With great rewards and coupons, the prices are not painful. I love that all the produce is organic.
cated at 1821 BBD Blvd. It is open Monday–Saturday, 8 a.m.-9 p.m., and 10 a.m.-7 p.m. on Sunday.
For more information, visit NutritionSmart.com, call the store at (813) 341-4444, or see the ad on page 44 of this issue for the coupon that will get you 20 percent off your purchase.
If you ask operating partner Dennis Diaz or executive chef Danny Manzur how Stone wood Grill & Tavern, located for more than 20 years at The Pointe at Tampa Palms, has been named the Favorite Restaurant in New Tampa the last eight years, both will tell you that it’s about “Our commitment to quality.”
Danny has been with the company for almost 24 years and has been at the Tampa Palms location of the eight-unit mini-chain the last ten — he also has served as the execu tive chef of Stonewood Holdings (the restau rant’s parent company) since 2018, “but that position didn’t become ‘official’ until 2020,” he says, adding that, across the brand, “We have great management, outstanding chefs and employees who buy into the company’s commitment to quality.”
He adds, “Here in New Tampa, I don’t think there’s another restaurant that has consist ently been as committed to freshness, quality, having a scratch kitchen and an innovative menu as we have. We always buy the highestquality meats, fish and produce possible from our vendors. That’s something we’ve never wavered from.”
input from the chefs at each location.
Meanwhile, Dennis has only been with the Stonewood for four years, starting as a sous chef at the Tampa Palms location in Feb. of 2020, or just before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, when the restaurant closed for two months beginning on St. Patrick’s Day. He has been the operating partner the last two.
“I am very fortunate to have the staff I do,” Dennis says. “People didn’t know me when I first got here, so I did get some push back. But, I work shoulder-to-shoulder with our entire staff and our staff and our guests can see that.”
He adds, “It’s all about passion here, from how we train our staff to the quality food we serve, always with beautiful presenta tion. People know as they are coming into the restaurant that we cook on wood, because of that aroma you can smell every single day.”
Although all of the dishes shown on
“We always want the limited time menu to offer unique dishes,” Danny says, “or dishes we’ve done well before that we bring back with a different, elevated presentation, since everybody eats with their eyes first.”
He gave the example of my favorite Stonewood steak — then hand-cut Manhattan strip, as well as the herb-encrusted
says he will unveil five or six new dishes, in cluding, “a salmon burger, a chicken skewer and a scampi surf & turf.”
One of the former limited menu items that made it onto the core menu is the tasty center-cut, bone-in peach bourbon pork chop with garlic mashed potatoes and sautéed baby kale shown bottom right.
Jannah, Charmaine, Charmaine’s boyfriend Brendan and I visited Stonewood two days in a row to take the pictures on these pages and the really cool thing is that most of what we sampled isn’t usually what we order when we visit. For example, Jannah and I almost always share the Stonewood bruschetta (vine ripe tomatoes, basil, garlic, aged
parmesan, griddled garlic bread and balsamic dressing) and either the simply grilled fresh catch (the grouper is always excellent) or the 8-oz. filet mignon. My favorite appetizer is the seared ahi tuna (sushi-grade ahi rolled in spices and sesame seeds, seared rare, with mixed greens, wasabi, ginger and a zesty sesame ginger dressing) and my other favorite steak is probably the herb-crusted prime rib. Jannah’s favorite entrée when we’re not sharing is the Southwest chicken bowl (Santa Festyle chicken breast, turmeric rice, black bean & corn salsa, pico de gallo, tortilla strips, basil avocado aioli and jalapeños).
But, Dennis had us sampling a variety of other dishes for this visit, including the excellent Asian chicken salad (oak-grilled & chilled, ginger lime-marinated chicken breast, crispy wontons, chilled sesame noodles, fresh mixed greens, sesame ginger dressing & Asian slaw), and the B.L.A.S.T. Stack (hardwood-smoked Bacon strips, field-fresh Lettuce, diced Hass Avocado, signature smoked Salmon and vine-ripened Tomatoes, with lemon-infused olive oil, basil avocado aioli). Both were outstanding with a one-of-a-kind taste.
Stonewood’s authentic French onion soup features a rich beef, onion broth, topped with toasted Holland rusk, finished with melted Swiss, gouda, gruyere and fontina cheeses.
Perhaps the best thing about brunch at Stonewood is that it is served on both Saturday and Sunday. Or, maybe it’s the fact that there are special non-brunch items on the brunch menu. Or, maybe it’s because
have come
sas from the mimosa cart. Or, maybe it’s the Stonewood beignets (flaky, buttery puff pastry topped powder sugar, served with a decadent chocolate and caramel sauce and Julius Meinl espresso dipping sauce). “Our coffee is Julius Meinl premium coffee, too,” Dennis says.
Among the brunch menu items we sampled were the chicken & waffles (super-crispy chicken breast tenders, pearl sugar, Belgian waffles, Four Roses Old Fashion maple syrup, honey butter & choice of side); the prime rib “Benny” (slow-roasted, shaved prime rib, poached egg, chipotle hollandaise, griddled garlic bread & choice of side) and the crème
syrup, brûléed banana, fresh berries & choice of side) — and all were so satisfying. Charmaine also loved the shrimp & grits (creamy white cheddar grits, sautéed white shrimp, andouille sausage, red and green bell peppers, Créole beurre blanc & blistered tomato).
We also sampled the tasty steak bowl (garlic-marinated steak tips, flash-seared, crispy seasoned potatoes, fresh arugula, fire roasted red & green bell pepper, caramelized onions, black bean & corn salsa, with a horseradish cream drizzle) and the Nashville hot chicken sandwich (Jannah’s new favorite).
Dennis also wants everyone to know
for up to about a dozen people.”
among the most popular hangouts in New Tampa. “We definitely could use a bigger bar,“ Dennis says. “It’s always packed.”
Stonewood Grill & Tavern (17050
dinner & for brunch (opening at 11 a.m.) on Sat. & Sun. only. Happy Hour is every day from opening until 7 p.m. For info, see the ad on pg. 44, call (813) 978-0388 or visit StonewoodGrill.com.
I’ve said it from Day One, but when you’re supposed to be a “fresh” seafood restaurant and the food item people say they love the most at your place are your cheesy fried biscuits, that’s kind of a problem.
Well, the bad news for you Cheddar Bay biscuit lovers is that dozens of Red Lobster restaurants across the U.S., including the location at 17021 Palm Pointe Dr. at The Pointe at Tampa Palms, closed abruptly on May 14, weeks after the announcement that the company was pursuing a Chapter 11 bankruptcy for the 700+-unit worldwide chain. The local Red Lobster was one of three Tampa Bay-area locations and 20 in Florida that all closed the same day.
The good news is that you can still buy the mix to make your favorite biscuits from scratch. They’re also available frozen and ready to bake in most local grocery stores.
Meanwhile, TJF USA LLC, the parent company of Central Florida-based Tijuana Tex-Mex restaurants, has been acquired by a new ownership group (Flatheads, LLC), but the company concurrently announced that it has filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which has resulted in the closing of 11 of its 26 franchise locations (there also are 65 company-owned Tijuana Flats), including the one in New Tampa at 17501 Preserve Walk Ln. in the Highwoods Preserve area, which is already closed (photo).
The Wesley Chapel Tijuana Flats, located at 27709 S.R. 56, is one of the locations that is remaining open. All of the Tijuana
Flats restaurants are located in Florida, North Carolina, Texas and Alabama.
Also, although we told you way back in our Sept. 19, 2023, New Tampa issue that Potbelly Sandwich Works was taking over the former Oronzo Honest Italian space in The Walk at Highwoods Preserve plaza on BBD, we had no idea at that time how long it would take for Potbelly’s to open in the plaza.
Well, we now know that the answer is “No time soon.”
Yours truly was able to stop in at the under-construction location a couple of weeks ago and what I saw was a still-completely-gutted space with a dirt floor. In other words, no remnant of what once was Oronzo remains
and even the construction workers at the site (who said they didn’t know and certainly couldn’t speak officially about any projected opening date) said that it would be “months” before Potbelly could possibly be ready to open. I didn’t take any pictures inside, but based on what I saw, it could be until the end of the year before we see the new Potbelly’s opening in that space.
In the meantime, feel free to visit the location at 4738 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. (near Raymond James Stadium) or the one at 2520 S.Falkenburg Rd. (near Brandon) for the Chicago-based chain’s “famous toasty sandwiches, soups, salads, fresh-baked cookies and hand-spun milkshakes.” — GN
Located in the Pebble Creek Collection on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., Your CBD Store of New Tampa has calming blue-grey walls, greenery throughout the store, comfortable seating and an expansive, open layout. With informational displays and posters, exceptional customer support, and product knowledge, the husbandand-wife team of David Calcador and Debra Curler make you feel immediately at home.
David & Debra opened their Your CBD Store franchise location in November 2019 and it has thrived through the pandemic, thanks to the dedication of these two New Tampa residents. “When customers come in, we ask them what they know about CBD,” Debra says. “Some are well-educated and we walk the others through the store and introduce and educate them about our product line. We find out what their problems are health-wise. Are they in pain? Are they having problems sleeping? Do they need energy? We need to know what is happening in their bodies to help direct them to the proper products.”
Your CBD Store is a holistic boutique providing USDA organic and carcinogen-free oral and topical SunMed CBD products for customers and their pets. At Debra and David’s store, CBD comes in both flavored and flavorless tinctures, oils, pills, gummies, weight-loss products, as well as a skincare line, bath bombs, lotions, massage oils, pain creams and products for dogs and cats.
Unlike marijuana, Your CBD Store offers broad-spectrum CBD products that have zero THC, as well as full-spectrum products with the 0.3 legal limit of THC that contain all cannabinoids (CBD and THC), terpenes, or flavonoids. With anti-inflammatory and other health
effects, flavonoids are plant compounds that give plants their colors and flavors. Flavonoids work with cannabinoids and terpenes, which are naturally occurring compounds in cannabis that shape aroma, taste, colors and therapeutic benefits, to produce the “entourage effect” enhancing their impact.
Your CBD Store of New Tampa in the Pebble Creek Collection now carries full-spectrum water soluble Neuro by SunMed pain management tinctures & gummies.
“CBD needs to have terpenes and flavonoids,” David says. “They bond to receptors in your body. Without those, you won’t have the full benefit of CBD.”
Debra and David says that love educating their customers and clear up misinformation about CBD. Their CBD products won’t get you high, aren’t illegal, won’t make you impaired and you don’t need a Medical Cannabis card to purchase them.
Instead, their products help with anxiety, sleep issues, chronic pain and more.
“Our products are all-natural, organic, and non-addictive, Debra says. “You can buy CBD anywhere — a smoke shop or gas station, even on Amazon — but you don’t want to do that because anything you are putting on your body or in your body, you want to make sure it is good quality. You risk getting a synthetic, damaging product that can harm your health.
David adds, “We’re third-party tested. We
have QR codes on everything we sell; you can bring up each product’s lab report. We have referring doctors who send patients to us because they know the quality is there.”
Debra and David are enthusiastic about their store’s newest products, some of which have been enhanced with more CBD, like their SunMed topical cream, which is now available in 4,000-milligram strength, while others are brand new.
“Our topical cream is amazing for isolated pain,” Debra says. “I had a knee replacement years ago, and I had not been able to walk long distances. The product came out in December, and my husband and I were going Christmas shopping, and I could walk the entire mall. It’s been selling off the shelves left and right. We’ve always had 1,000- and 2,000-milligram strengths since we opened, but the 4,000 milligrams is amazing.”
Debra also recommends Neuro, a water-soluble CBD, for pain management. While the store’s original daily oil tincture takes time to work, based on your metabolism and weight, the as-needed, water-soluble Neuro CBD effects are felt more quickly. “You take the dropper of Neuro and put it in a Dixie cup size of water and
drink it,” she says. “It goes into your body within 10 minutes, comes in 900- and 1,800-milligram strengths, and is also in a gummy form. People love it. I have a lady who comes in weekly and buys two jars. It helps with aches and pains throughout the body.”
Your CBD Store of New Tampa also sells both “Above” (with Delta 8 THC) and “Beyond” (with Delta 9 THC) by SunMed, both of which are all-natural (non-synthetic).
As some prescriptions can conflict with CBD, Debra and David suggest that if you are taking medications, you should speak with your physician before starting any CBD regimen.
For pet parents, beyond their regular CBD pet treats, chews and tinctures for health and anxiety, Debra recommends another new product — Broad Spectrum Allergy Aid CBD Pet Chews, which have only been in the store for about a month, to help with “hot spots” and seasonal skin allergies.
Debra and David are proud of their store’s Google reviews, which average a 4.9 stars out of 5, based on 170 reviews.
“If you look at our reviews,” Debra says, “you’ll see people love the products and that they’re changing lives.”
Your CBD Store of New Tampa (19651 BBD Blvd. Suite B-1) is open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and 1 p.m.– 5 p.m. on Sun. Ages 55 or older can save 20% off their purchases. The store also has a bonus system whereby customers accrue points for discounts and free products. Free local delivery/free shipping are available for orders of $100+. For more info, call (813)994-0599 or visit GetSunMed.com.
When the new Rodizio Grill® — America’s First Brazilian Steakhouse® — broke ground on May 14, I’m pretty sure I was the only member of the local media — and perhaps the only one of the nearly 100 people who waited on line for a coupon for a free meal at the new location when it is expected to open in about nine months (or sometime in early 2025) — who had already dined at the Rodizio Grill location on Fruitville Rd. in Sarasota. More on my experience at that location appears below.
family can celebrate together.
Brazil native Thiago Navarro will be the general manager of Rodizio Grill’s newest location, bringing with him close to a decade of experience with the brand.
Rodizio Grill founder and president, Ivan Utrera, and local owner Charlie Haney invited the community to join the groundbreaking celebration (next to the At Home store off S.R. 56, behind Costco) on May 14.
Established in 1995, Rodizio Grill was the first Brazilian “churrasco” steakhouse in the United States. Since then, Rodizio Grill has grown into an esteemed national franchise, with nearly 25 locations across the country.
The Wesley Chapel location will mark the brand’s sixth in Florida. At the groundbreaking, Haney echoed the sentiments of Utrera, who said in a news release, “I am beyond thrilled to break ground on our newest Florida location. Wesley Chapel is experiencing tremendous growth and is a coveted destination for residents and tourists alike. We are thrilled to become part of this thriving community.”
Haney added, “I was drawn to the Wesley Chapel area for a multitude of reasons. The area is the perfect fusion of suburban serenity and urban accessibility. However, what captivated me was the community: the people are warm and welcoming, neighborly, and joyful. As ambassadors of Brazil, we aim to welcome the community into Rodizio Grill — our home — and celebrate the ‘alegria,’ or joy, that is the Rodizio Grill experience. I believe our concept and the community will be a natural fit for one another.”
Locally and nationally, Rodizio Grill is known for its playful Brazilian spirit, authentic menu offerings and family-friendly atmosphere. The unique concept features rotisseriegrilled meats, expertly seasoned and carved tableside by traditionally dressed Gauchos. While the meats are the main attraction, they are complemented with an award-winning gourmet salad bar, authentic hot side dishes, fresh-pressed juices, homemade Brazilian limeades, signature (full-liquor) cocktails and a selection of exclusive, homemade Brazilian desserts. The whole experience comes at
“Having grown up in Brazil, many of my cherished childhood memories took place at our local “churrascaria” — whether it was celebrating a special occasion or simply spending quality time with my loved ones,” said Navarro. “Rodizio Grill is truly the embodiment of these memories — the traditional fare, the experience with the Gauchos and the fun atmosphere. I am thrilled to represent Brazil here in Wesley Chapel and am excited to share my passion for our culture and our signature Rodizio Grill experience with the community.”
Our area’s Rodizio Grill will be located at 2082 Grand Cypress Drive in Lutz. The 9,250-square-foot restaurant — with room for about 300 diners — will feature several private and semi-private event spaces. The restaurant also will create upwards of 60 jobs.
Knowing that the groundbreaking was coming up, I decided to bring my mom to the Rodizio Grill location in Sarasota on Mother’s Day. There was a $10-per-person upcharge for the event, but there also were additional food items included for that higher price: a beef tenderloin carving station, plus two items I couldn’t sample because of my accursed shellfish allergy — large shrimp in garlic sauce (which my mom enjoyed) and a creamy lobster bisque.
We also sampled a number of items from the clearly fresh, 30-item salad bar, as well as a few of the hot side dishes, including the seasoned white rice and feijoada (black bean stew), plus pasta Alfredo, a savory shredded roast pork dish that I somehow didn’t take pictures of and the creamy Estrogonofe de Frango (or chicken stroganoff), which was probably my favorite of the hot sides. Trying to save room for the “main event,” we didn’t sample the couve (sautéed collared greens and bacon), the creamy whipped potatoes or the Pao de Queijo (homemade Brazilian cheese bread), but they all looked really good — and different from anything you’ll find anywhere in our area.
Speaking of the main event, my mom and I agreed that the Maminha (tri-tip steak; photo of it being sliced above right) was our favorite of the steak options sliced at our
(top sirloin) and Bife com Alho (steak basted with traditional house garlic rub).
My personal favorite of all of the table side options was the Presunto (ham grilled and basted in a raw sugar glaze), although I did also enjoy the Pernil (roast pork) served with fresh lime wedges.
We definitely didn’t save anywhere near enough room, so we only sampled two chicken dishes — the Coraçao de Franco (chicken hearts) Temperado and the Frango Agri-Doce (white meat chicken with a sweet and spicy sauce, like a slightly spicier version of Chinese orange chicken).
We filled up pretty quickly on all of these options — I hope, the next time I visit, I will do a better job of pacing myself — so we didn’t try the two different kinds of sausages available, nor did we see any lamb or fresh fish options before we were ready for dessert.
Rodizio Grill offers a nice selection of five Brazilian desserts, of which we sampled the Romeo e Julieta-style cheesecake and the Torta Brigadeiro (a rich chocolate mousse torte served with sliced bananas and fresh whipped cream). Please note, because we didn’t, that the desserts cost extra — they are not included with your fixed-price meal.
Overall, my mom and I enjoyed our first experi ence at Rodizio Grill and I am definitely looking forward to the opening of the Wesley Chapel/Lutz location.
Congratulations go out to the management of the Hyatt Place Tampa Wes ley Chapel (26000 Sierra Center Blvd., Lutz), which rolled out the new menu at the hotel’s revamped “The Placery” restaurant and bar on May 1.
The invitation-only event was attended by about 100 people, who got to not only sample some of the new food items and craft cocktails at The Placery, but also tour the 132-room hotel and some of its book able meeting rooms, all of which also can include a variety of catering options.
The final stop of the tour was the Hyatt Place’s 4,000-sq.-ft. Sierra Conference Center & Ballroom, where the hotel’s director of sales Lorna Petchey thanked everyone for coming and introduced both Kish Kanji, the executive VP of Impact Properties (which owns the ho tel), and Beau Benton, the president of LBA Hospitality (which now manages it).
“We opened right before Covid hit,” Kanji said. “So, we felt the time was right to re-introduce the hotel to the community.”
For the event, The Placery provided four different varieties of its crispy chicken wings and tasty parmesan French fries, as well as an impressive charcuterie board, a decadent dessert display and more.
“We want the community to know we’re here,” Petchey said. “We’re proud of our hotel and our food.”
For reservations & more information, visit Hyatt.com, call (813) 803-
5600 or stop in and please tell them I sent you! — GN
In yet another sign of today’s difficult economic times, two well-established Irish pubs with Wesley Chapel addresses — Irish 31 in The Shops at Wiregrass and the Beef O’Brady’s on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in the Shoppes at New Tampa at Wesley Chapel (just south of the mall) — are now closed.
Irish 31 posted the following (photo, right) on its Facebook page on Apr. 29:
“Thank you, Wesley Chapel, for 7 wonderful years! Sadly, our Wiregrass location has officially closed its doors, but we hope to raise a pint with you someday soon at one of our other Tampa Bay pubs.”
Meanwhile, although we saw no such announcement for the Beef O’Brady’s on BBD, the location was closed by May 1 (see photo top far right) and was no longer included on the store locator on the Beef’s web-
site. In addition, the manager who answered the phone at the Beef’s location on Wesley Chapel Blvd./S.R. 54 (next to Winn-Dixie) — which is still open and under new ownership, by the way — confirmed that the BBD location had indeed closed.
We posted this story on our Facebook page on May 2. By May 15, the post had reached nearly
137,000 people and had nearly 20,000 engagements on Facebook — making it one of our most “popular” posts of 2024.
And, although many of the 171 people who commented gave their opinions about whether or not they liked either or both restaurants/bars, part of the discussion descended into a far left vs. far right political argument that, although we do not support either side, we do acknowledge the right of people to express themselves on any subject, even if/when those opinions get a little...ugly.
In case you were wondering, the O’Brien’s Irish Pub in the Wesley Chapel Village Market on BBD and the new 40 Thieves Irish Pub on County Line Rd. at Livingston Rd. in Lutz are both open and serving up Irish and American fare, as well as adult beverages and live music. — GN
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