
The “Barbie” Movie — I Guess I’m Just A Man Who Doesn’t “Get It”
By GARY NAGER EditorialAlthough I never owned a Barbie doll, I did get an Action Jackson “figure” when I was a kid and I loved that you could dress the “boy dolls” as Batman, Superman and other DC Comics heroes. And, while I still prefer superhero movies to pretty much any other genre these days (other than a great comedy), I will admit that when Jannah said she wanted to go see the “Barbie” movie, I quickly agreed.
I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, as “Barbie” shattered the record for the top box office opening weekend for a movie directed by a woman, but I also was intrigued by the idea of a Barbie doll coming to life, especially with the talented Margot Robbie in the title role.
I also had high hopes for Ryan Gosling as Ken, despite the ridiculous-looking (at least to me) dye job to match the doll’s well-known blond locks. And yes, the teaser commercials showing Barbie and Ken getting arrested multiple times during their first trip to the “real world” looked cute and funny
What was most appealing to me was to see how director Greta Gerwig was planning to bring (almost) every young girl’s favorite doll to life and how Barbie and Ken would ultimately fare. I somehow didn’t even realize that Will Ferrell (who plays the CEO of Mattel, they toy company that still owns the Barbie empire) also was in the movie until the opening credits. I enjoy some of Mr. Ferrell’s films, but he is usually so over the top with his acting that every movie he’s in walks that fine line between super-funny and super-stupid.
Well, after sitting through the nearly twohour run of “Barbie” a week or so after it hit theaters across the U.S., all I can say is I honestly didn’t get what all the hype has been about.
In my opinion, despite having some very funny moments, the film is just so stupid and the story so convoluted that the star power does little to prop it up. My favorite characters are America Ferrera as Gloria, the mom who loved playing with Barbies as a kid (and apparently, still does), Ariana Greenblatt as Gloria’s daughter Sasha who (along with her friends) has gotten to the age where they think they’re too old and too cool to play with dolls, and especially, the great Rhea Perlman (best known as Carla from “Cheers” and for being married to Danny DeVito) as Ruth Handler, the American businesswoman who invented the Barbie doll in 1959.
I give Gerwig a lot of credit for at least trying and it seems that, based on everything I’ve seen about the movie on talk shows, the women of America seem to believe that the director got the story right, especially in terms of “female empowerment.” Yes, all of the Barbies of all shapes, sizes, colors and physical abilities are treated equally in “Barbieland, and the president is an African-American Barbie. I did understand, applaud and appreciate at least that part of Gerwig’s message.
But, what I couldn’t understand was why the director had to make Gosling’s Ken the movie’s ignorant “villain.” In the opening scenes of the movie, Ken clearly thinks he’s in love with Barbie, even though he doesn’t understand why he should have sleepovers with his “girlfriend,” who clearly has no clue as to why he’d even be interested in anything other than the two of them looking pretty together.
But then, when they travel to the real world, Ken visits a library and takes out (steals?) books about the “patriarchy” and decides he likes the idea of men being in charge, rather than the Barbie dolls who “rule” Barbieland. How did these dolls even learn how to read? I know...suspend disbelief.
And, all Barbie-hell breaks loose when the dolls return to Barbieland. There are pitiful musical numbers and even a fake-weapon fight scene between all of the incarnations of the Ken doll, with Simu Liu (of the “Shang Chi” Marvel movie) as Gosling’s arch-rival Ken. While the men and their abs are fighting, the Barbies somehow find a loophole to take back Barblieland for themselves and Robbie’s Barbie ends up realizing she had been taking Ken’s needs for granted, even as she then chooses to return to the real world to live forever.
I’ve seen the movie called “hilarious,” but for my money, there were just a few laughs sprinkled into the almost nonstop stupidity. Jannah and I both had trouble sitting through it.
The best thing about the film, in my opinion, has been the merchandising. The B&B Theatres at The Grove hosted a big opening weekend “Barbie” party and still has life-size Barbie doll boxes in the lobby that no woman (including Jannah, right) could resist dressing up in pink for and taking pictures in — I even wore my pink polo shirt for the occasion. I regretted that decision afterwards.

Again, in my opinion, “Barbie” misses the mark as badly as most of its jokes. A better plot might have had the girl who outgrew Barbies become the “villain” until she realizes the value of the dolls to the girls and women who love them to somehow “save the day.” Oh, well.
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New Tampa All-Abilities Playground Wins Prestigious Award!

Congratulations to the City of Tampa and to everyone involved in the creation of the All-Abilities Playground at the New Tampa Recreation Center in Tampa Palms, which was named the winner of the 2023 Karen Jacobs Outstanding Accessible Place award by the Hillsborough County Alliance for Persons with Disabilities earlier this month.
The award, named for Karen Jacobs, a University of South Florida grad, paraplegic wheelchair athlete and advocate for the disabled who passed away in 1996 after a battle with colon cancer, also was won by the city in 2022 for the expansion of Freedom Playground in MacFarlane Park in West Tampa. This year’s Karen Jacobs Award was accepted by Brad Suder, the superintendent of Planning & Design in Tampa’s Natural Resources Division, who played an integral role in the creation of the All-Abilities Playground.
Dist. 7 Tampa City Councilman Luis Viera, who proposed the creation of the AllAbilities park in his district (which includes all of New Tampa), applauded the award.
“I was thrilled to see our All-Abilities Playground win this meaningful award,” Viera said. “This park stands as a moral statement that people with disabilities are a part of our Tampa community and family. For me, being the youngest brother of a man with an intellectual disability, this issue is very personal.”
Councilman Viera said that growing up with older brother Juan and watching his
parents struggle to give Juan as “normal” a life as possible was a big influence in his life.
“I just knew that I wanted to help other families living with similar situations,” Viera said. “I am very proud that the members of the City Council and Mayor (Jane) Castor agreed to fund and build this park.”
Raquel Pancho, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator for the City of Tampa, was one of the people who nominated the All-Abilities Park for this year’s Karen Jacobs Award:
“I am thrilled to nominate The New Tampa All-Abilities Playground for the Outstanding Accessible Places Award. (The park) is a state-of-the-art,10,000+-sq.-ft. playground that is designed for children with a wide range of physical, cognitive, sensory, and neuro-diverse abilities. It fosters wonderful opportunities for children with and without disabilities to seamlessly and effortlessly engage with each other.”
Pancho’s nomination also noted that, “The All-Abilities playground also includes a sensory area geared towards children with autism, as well as an interactive art installation called “Wild Florida Parade,” which has tactile components so individuals who are blind or low vision can also enjoy the art component.”
Sherisha Hills, Director of Tampa Parks & Recreation, said, “This playground has truly set a new standard for inclusivity and accessibility that we continue to strive towards throughout our entire Tampa Parks system.”

What’s Next For Pebble Creek?

Although I never considered Pebble Creek to be its own suburb — to me, New Tampa is a Tampa suburb; Pebble Creek is a subdivision within that suburb (more on this below) — semantics aside, this community of 1,300 or so single- and multifamily residential units has been in the news quite a bit lately.

First, owner Bill Place and his Ace Golf’s attempt to rezone the shuttered Pebble Creek golf course into 251 homes was voted down 5-2 by the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) on July 17.
Some were surprised that Commission Chair and District 2 Commissioner Ken Hagan, who has long been considered to be pro-development, was the commissioner who proposed turning down the rezoning.

Hagan said that although there was some duplication of resident feedback received, he and the six other commissioners received more than 1,300 emails and letters about the proposed rezoning, “and more than 80% of those were telling us to not allow it. Candidly, I do not recall another rezoning request that generated so much feedback. We’ve got like three binders full of resident emails and correspondence.”
Even though some of the residents who filled the commission chamber on July 17 and another 60+ in an overflow room supported the rezoning — because proposed developer GL Homes would clean up what can only be called the blighted former golf
course and help increase the value of the existing homes — and also spoke at the July 17 meeting, Hagan said it was clear that the vast majority of Pebble Creek residents did not support the rezoning plan.

And, while the Save Pebble Creek group, organized and led by long-time Pebble Creek resident Leslie Green, cheered the commissioners’ rejection of the proposed rezoning, Hagan said that Place only has a few options going forward.
“He can come up with another developer with a different plan that might be more acceptable to the residents,” Comm. Hagan said after the July 17 meeting. “We’ve also discussed the possibility of the county purchasing the golf club to convert it to a county-owned course, but he (Place) would have to come down in price a lot for us to be interested.”
Meanwhile, Green, who is still the defendant in a suit brought by Place and Ace Golf (that hasn’t yet seen a judge’s decision rendered) that she defamed the golf course owner, said that what happens next isn’t her primary concern. “Let’s see what he comes back with,” Green said. “Maybe he’s waiting for new commissioners to be elected (in 2024) who might vote differently.”

Two weeks after the BOCC vote, Niche. com named Pebble Creek as the second “Best Suburb to Live In” the Tampa area, 3rd “Best for Families” and #9 “Best to Buy a House,” according to’s analysis of reviews and a number of statistics. — GN

‘Grease’ Was The Word At The New Tampa Performing Arts Center!

The last time I performed in “Grease,” the 1972 Tony Award-winning musical about mythical Rydell High in 1959, I was Teen Angel and Johnny Casino at my summer camp.

I auditioned to be Teen Angel in the New Tampa Players production of “Grease” — which missed selling out all six shows in the new New Tampa Performing Arts Center by fewer than 10 seats total — but the role rightly went to the much more talented Trevor Lloyd (more on him in a bit).
Instead, I portrayed radio DJ “The Main Brain” Vince Fontaine and was officially the oldest member of an incredible cast of mostly “kids” ages 15-34 — and loved every minute of it.
With five cast members either still in or having just graduated from high school, NTP’s “Grease” had the look and feel of the Broadway hit and the cast didn’t disappoint. Under the direction and musical direction of G. Frank Meekins, with great choreography by Sarah Walston (see pg. 10 for more on them), these very young performers wowed close to 2,000 people between the six shows.
“We’re season ticket holders at the Straz Center (in downtown Tampa),” one couple told me after the first performance. “And this was a good as anything we’ve seen there.”
Were they kidding or exaggerating? Not in my book. Real-life substitute teacher Dylan Fidler was a powerhouse as Danny, especially his hand jive contest-winning duet dance with Makayla Raines as Cha-Cha DiGregorio, and crowd-pleasing karaoke favorite duet “Summer Nights” with Olivia Carr’s innocent (but later transformed) Sandy. At 17, “Liv” owns her own music business and she and Dylan also got high marks for the Olivia Newton-John/John Travolta duet “You’re the One that I Want” from the hit 1978 movie version of the show.
But, the rest of the cast members were all so talented and fun to work with, too.
Kyle Fisher, who works for USAA Insurance, was perfectly cast as Kenickie. His rendition of “Greased Lightning,” with Walston’s outstanding choreography with both the full-sized 1957 Chrysler and most of the guys in the cast, definitely rocked the house.

Target employee Jake Veit, 22, who was rightfully likened to late-‘50s pop star Ricky Nelson by Broadway reviewer Peter Nason, charmed while singing “Those Magic Changes,” while the duet between 18-yearold Tripp Peavyhouse (as Roger, aka “Rump”) and University of Tampa musical theatre major Anna Jeffries (as Jan) on “Mooning” was so sweet and cute it gave me a toothache every time.
Meanwhile, 22-year-old Heather Rich (Marty), who hopes to be a forensic psychologist after graduating with Psychology and Theatre degrees from the same program at UT as Jeffries, belted out a stirring “Freddy, My Love.”

And, commercial leasing agent Alyson Gannon was another audience favorite as the rough-edged Rizzo, whose sarcastic “Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee” was one of the best-received songs in Act 1, and her heartfelt “There are Worse Things I Could Do” was one of the top moments from Act 2.
Speaking of Act 2, Lloyd, who previously wrote for another local publication and who currently writes for Savvy Dealer automotive websites, was a super-cool Johnny Casino on “Born to Hand Jive” and a true show-stopper as the Teen Angel on “Beauty School Dropout.” Oh, how I wish I could match Trevor’s falsetto. “Dropout” also featured most of the female cast members in pyramidic hair curlers providing comic relief. Props also go out to Chelsea Orvis, an ensemble player who not only rejects my Vince character at the dance but who also sang “It’s Raining on Prom Night” as a beautiful duet with Sandy — even though Chelsea was off-stage for the entire song, as it was supposed to be coming from a radio in Sandy’s lonely bedroom.
As for the cast members who didn’t have solo songs or duets, whether featured players or members of the ensemble, their backing vocals were always outstanding and their dance moves were super-impressive. One such standout was Michael Figueroa as the crude Sonny, who spent as much time being battered around the stage by Kenickie, Danny and even stay-at-home mom Suzanne Bainbridge’s Miss Lynch character when he wasn’t turning cartwheels or other athletic dance moves (which he says he learned how to do from the Just Dance! video game; who knew?).

Ariyonna Thomas, who manages two local Joint Chiropractic centers, was super-cute as the high school and beauty school dropout Frenchy, who loves her friends but can’t seem to pronounce anyone else’s name correctly.
For more of the “Grease” story & Act 2 photos, see pg. 8

Continued from page 7
Although they’re also really good singers and dancers as part of the ensemble on most of the musical numbers, Starbucks barista Cassidy Haberland was great as Patty, the peppy cheerleader who’s sweet on Danny, while young substitute teacher Zach Smith provided lots of laughs as the bumbling class valedictorian Eugene. Meekins, Walston and NTP producing artistic director (and “Grease” stage manager) Nora Paine obviously did a great job of picking their ensemble players.
Not only was Raines, a behavioral therapist who works with special needs kids (including as one of the on-stage mentors during NTP’s Penguin Productions), amazing as Cha-Cha, her voice was as impressive as her dancing and her acting was spot-on, too.

Dakota Henry, at 15, was the youngest cast member. She is just starting her sophomore year at Pasco High, but already is an accomplished singer who also has professional dance credits and is a standout in every ensemble dance number. Also fantastic was credit card processor Zane Sanrsour, who also learned how to dance from Just Dance!, but who somehow knew not only his own dance steps, but everyone else’s, too. I told Zane I would give him a much-deserved “assistant choreographer” credit for his efforts.
The remaining ensemble players also all had beautiful singing voices and auditioned for bigger roles, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t just as important to the success of the show, as they were the people most responsible for moving and locking down the brakes on the big, rolling set pieces between every scene.

Michael Neary, a remote IT tech for Stavvy in Boston, was Paine’s go-to guy for making sure everything was in its proper place on stage. He also earned laughs for his over-thetop solo hand jive during the dance contest.

Amanda Schapiro, a high school math teacher; Wesley Santana, who works for GTE Financial; and youngsters Mia De Choudens, a 17-year-old Wharton High senior; and Cypress Creek high junior Julian Rebelo, 16 (who also works at Sbarro at the Tampa Premium Outlets) rounded out the cast.
Yes, I was by far the oldest of the performers and had the smallest of all the speaking parts, but I can’t imagine that anyone had more fun on stage in “Grease” than I did. I even got my first-ever stage review from’s Nason, who raved about the show as a whole and called me “such a fun presence.” Thanks, Peter!

(Top left) Every performance of “Grease” at the NTPAC was either fully or nearly sold out.(Top right) Director/musical director Frank Meekins. (2nd row above & below right) Scenes from the “High School Hop.” (Above left) “Beauty School Dropout. (Below left) “You’re the One that I Want.” (Below right) “We Go Together Reprise.”
‘Shrek, The Musical’ Is Next!

The cast has now been announced for NTP’s production of “Shrek, the Musical” (with shows Oct. 20-22 & 27-29), and although I don’t know most of the chosen cast members, Kyle Fisher (Kenickie in “Grease”) will play the diminutive Lord Farquaad (on his knees) and fellow “Greasers” Jake Veit, Michael Neary, Makayla Raines and Chelsea Orvis all will be appearing in “Shrek.” I chose to not try out, after seeing what a huge
time commitment it was to perform with this outstanding community theatre troupe.
Nora says everyone also should check out “Shrek, The Musical,” noting that although the storyline is the same as the cartoon movie, “it is much more Broadway than cartoon and the music is beautiful.” For “Shrek” tickets and more information, please visit or see the ad on pg. 11 of this issue.

“Grease” Cast Reunites For A Cast Party At Joe Whiskey’s Sports Bar!

So, being a small part of six nearlyall-sold-out shows just wasn’t enough for me and the amazing cast of the New Tampa Players (NTP)’s production of “Grease” at the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (NTPAC).

To that end, on the Thursday after the production wrapped its second weekend, yours truly, my wife Jannah and the Neighborhood News hosted a fun postparty for the “Grease” cast and crew.
The event was held at Joe Whiskey’s Sports Bar on S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel, and was attended by more than 40 members of the “Grease” cast and crew, including “Grease” director & musical director G. Frank Meekins, choreographer Sarah Walston and NTP producing artistic director and “Grease” stage manager Nora Paine.
With delicious food provided by owner Pat Ciaccio (at left in photo with yours truly & Jannah Nager) and his Johnny C’s Italian Kitchen on Cross Creek Blvd. (see ad on pg. 40) and three hours of private karaoke with Joe Whiskey’s own karaoke jock Allan Hudson Brady, the cast party was almost as much fun as the show itself. I did say “almost.”
And, despite the fact that several of the cast members had said previously they didn’t want to do any “Grease” karaoke at the party, everyone who was on hand performed the song-&dance routines from “Summer Nights,” “Greased Lightning” and other favorites from the show. There may have even been a “Macarena” and other dances that weren’t in “Grease.”

Truly a great time was had by all. It was just our way of thanking all of these talented people for their efforts
Nora said, “That spirit of community everyone was feeling tonight is exactly what community theatre is really all about.” Agreed! — GN
The New Tampa Performing Arts Center (NTPAC, 8550 Hunters Village Rd.) will host its inaugural Fall Festival the weekend of Friday, September 8 through Sunday, September 10. The festival will celebrate the arts by bringing Tampa Bay artists together for dance, music and theatre performances and interactive activities that all ages will enjoy.
All weekend long, artist groups will perform and host activities in the NTPAC’s 354-seat theater and spacious studios. The festival also will feature a cultural fair to connect with arts groups and learn about upcoming events, programs, and opportunities.
Please note that all Fall Festival
events are free to attend, and concession stand specials will be available.

Fall Festival 2023 Schedule
Friday, September 8 — Theater
5:30 p.m. - Freedom High Chorus
“Bravo Company” In Concert
7:15 p.m. - Jansen Dance Project Dance & Musical Theatre
8:30 p.m. - New Tampa Players present
“Fun with Broadway” Trivia
Studio 2 - 7:45 p.m. - Gianna Russo, Poet & Author
9:30 p.m. - Tampa Fringe Festival, Storytelling Open Mic (For Mature Audiences Only)
Saturday, Sept. 9 - Ongoing Activities
10 a.m. - 3 p.m. - The Florida Orchestra’s “Petting Zoo” — Hands-on Musical Instrument Experience for Kids**
Lobby - Noon & 1:15 p.m. - Wharton High “Pep Band** Theater - 10:45 a.m. - Film: Disney’s “Encanto”** (Rated PG) - On the Big Screen
12:15 p.m. - Drama Kids Children’s Theatre**
1:30 p.m. - Wharton High Drama Scenes & Monologues
3 p.m. - Mad Theatre Musical Theatre
4:15 p.m. - Hillsborough Community College Music Department Showcase
5:30 p.m. - Entertainment Revue - Girl Power Song & Dance Ensemble**
7:30 p.m. - Tampa City Ballet presents “Alice In Wonderland”**
8:45 p.m. - Opera Tampa - Operatic & Musical Theatre Excerpts

Studio 2 - 2:45 p.m. - Countdown
Improv Festival - Audience suggestions turn into hilarious scenes
Sunday, Sept. 10 - Theater
1 p.m. - Rudram Dance Co. Indian Classical Dance
2:15 p.m. - Tampa Bay Theatre Festival -

Award-Winning One-Act Plays & Monologues
3:30 p.m. - New Tampa Players present “Broadway Singalong”
4:45 p.m. - ATLAS Modern BalletContemporary Dance Studio 2
2 p.m. - Daisies & Axes Folk Rock Acoustic Duo
** - Particularly Kid-Friendly Events
The first-ever New Tampa Performing Arts Center Fall Festival is being brought to you by the Hillsborough County Parks & Recreation Dept. For more information, call (813) 829-2760 or visit
Meet The Unsung Heroes Behind The New Tampa Players’ “Grease!”

Nearly everyone knows “Grease,” the iconic musical with toe-tapping tunes, incredible dance moves, and romance and drama at Rydell High. Behind all of the show’s glitz and glamour lies tremendous hard work from a dedicated team that helped make the cast look (and sound) as good as possible.
As the first official New Tampa Players (NTP) performance at the New Tampa Performing Arts Center, “Grease” is no ordinary musical — it was a high-energy ride through the fabulous ‘50s, complete with a 1957 Chrysler that had to be dollied on and off stage. A hidden army of talented workers ensured the show’s success, working diligently behind the scenes. They don’t often get the spotlight, but the show could not have gone on without them.
NTP producing artistic director Nora Paine, a homeschool mom of four, also managed the stage, with the help of assistant stage managers Kristin Nelson, Emily Buonaquisiti and aspiring playwright Mark Weisenmiller. With her headset on and monitor in place, the company always felt secure as Paine called out cues from a barely lit space backstage. Her techy husband Joshua, “her theatre saint,” and son Sebastian also played vital roles, helping with support and lights (while Keith Eisenstadt designed the lighting).
Paine jokes that her favorite part of being a stage manager is “going to sound very stage
managery, but it’s when a set change goes well. The stage lights go down at the right time. The set pieces move in the choreography that you need them to. Everything slides in. The next set piece comes in. The lights go up, and the orchestra syncs all together.”
Nelson, a medical scribe and first-time assistant stage manager who has performed in some previous NTP productions, says, “My favorite thing was watching the cast grow. I enjoyed getting to be part of the magic behind the scenes. Creating this world was super cool.”
A recent high school graduate, Buonaquisiti adds, “I loved working with the actors, especially during set changes, making sure everything went smoothly and safely.”
While the performers spent months perfecting their lines, vocals and choreography, the director and music director were the masterminds behind the magic. In this musical, those roles were handled by the same person.
A computer programmer by day, director and musical director G. Frank Meekins says his favorite moment was when, “we actually got our stage, and the production came to life. We finally had the space to spread our wings.”
Meekins says wearing both hats for “Grease” required more effort, as his attention was split between the two roles; however, his true directorial control allowed him the creativity to make the dialogue and music gel. “It’s rewarding when it all comes together,” he says.
He also notes that, “While this show followed the movie that many are familiar with, it’s also a little more gritty and deals with adult
situations differently than the movie did. We are actually performing the original Broadway version from 1972. We maintained (most of) the items that would now be considered taboo in keeping the style of society back then.”
Professional dancer, Atlas Modern Ballet founder and HCC professor Sarah Walston provided the choreography for the show’s memorable dance routines. She taught the cast the hand jives, jitterbugs and other energetic dances — a new experience for the ballet and
contemporary dance choreographer.

“As a dancer, I loved ‘Grease,’” Walston says. “The community feel made a project like this less stressful with all these moving parts. It’s really been a team effort and a great experience for me to learn what can happen in a musical with a great community.”
You can’t have “Grease” without the iconic T-Birds leather and Pink Ladies jackets and authentic ‘50s attire. Retired engineer and current NTP Board of Directors chair Michell
“Shelley” Giles and engineer/teacher Heather Cleveland meticulously assembled more than 100 different costumes for the show, going as far as to research if each fabric and pattern would be appropriate for the period. Both women say working with costumes is like solving a satisfying puzzle, especially with an extremely limited budget to purchase the costumes and the materials to make them.
“My favorite part of the job was being able to make some of the dresses,” says Giles, who is a self-taught seamstress. “As a costumer, I enjoy seeing the actors come to life on stage. My hobby is sewing. I sew everything.”
Cleveland adds, “You want everybody on stage to feel fantastic. I enjoy the creativity, starting from nothing and having it blossom into something.” As an example, Cleveland says, “We took Frenchy’s prom dress apart three or four times — a new bodice was made, and we hand-pleated the skirt. I’m pleased with the results of the work that went into that one.”
Behind the curtain, a small army of costume, prop assistants, stagehands and costume “dressers,” including college senior and aerial acrobat Emma Hosking, assisted by waiting in the wings to help the actors with quick costume changes and to make sure they all had the props they needed for each scene.
“During Freddy My Love,” Hosking says, “we made a tradition of dramatically lipsyncing along to the song. I looked forward to that every performance.”
Among the costume and stage crew, all coordinated by Giles, Cleveland and prop master Tami Carr (the mom of Olivia, who played Sandy, and Sean Carr, who played bass in the orchestra) were Amogha Kuppaa, Ereka Mor-

ton, Ryan Pettaway, Bella Otte, Tracy Stemm, Katie Guerra, Jannah Nager and Katie Carr.

Tami, a retired children’s orthotist and prosthetist, was the woman behind all the props. From sourcing authentic ‘50s items to crafting realistic-looking food, this creative wizard turned trash into treasure… literally. She says she created Sonny’s “zipgun” from items she found in the trash.
Tami explains how excited she is for NTP to have its new home, “They do everything with such integrity and excellence. Over the years, it made me sad that people didn’t always see the shows because they didn’t have a consistent place. To have all these sold-out shows, I felt not just happy for the cast of ‘Grease’ but for everyone. Finally, people could experience and appreciate what they do.”
Assisted by most members of the cast, the set stagehands, led by Paul McColgan, worked swiftly and silently, changing scenes with precision and coordination, like ninjas in black. Scenic artists Leiann Klein, Kyle Billington, Tami and Olivia Carr, Olivia’s fellow cast member Dakota Henry, Alex DeJoseph and Joshua Paine gave each piece of built-for-the-show set “furniture” its distinctive ‘50s look.
In addition, sound man John Camacho made sure all 24 of the performers’ microphones not only worked but also had compatible levels of volume before every performance. Stagehand James Cass of Picture This of Palma Ceia also served as the show’s official photographer. The orchestra included Meekins, rehearsal pianist Rick Barclay, Stan Martindale (guitar), Todd DuPriest (drums), Josh Hollenbeck and Elliott Domagola (sax) and Sean Carr. Diana Diaz designed the “Grease” program.
Former Mayoral Candidate Hosts ‘Belinda’s Justice’ Radio/TV Show

Congratulations to New Tampa resident and former write-in candidate for Tampa Mayor Dr. Belinda Gail Quarterman Noah (photo), who recently started “Belinda’s Justice,” a new TV and radio show airing live on Channel 189 on Spectrum cable systems and on WTMP-AM (1150) and WTMP-FM (92.9 & 102.1) every Saturday morning at 10 a.m. The shows also are available online at

“It’s like ‘Judge Judy,’ but live,” Dr. Noah says. “Each 30-minute show, I hear the facts and evidence of each case and render a ruling and provide commentary on the case law affecting that case. The participants agree to abide by my ruling, rather than go to court. I’m really enjoying it so far.”
Although I don’t have Spectrum, Dr. Noah sent me the first episode — a “custody” dispute over a divorcing couple’s pet chihuahua — and although Dr. Noah’s show doesn’t yet offer multiple camera views or post-decision interviews like most syndicated court TV shows, I did find the long-time local attorney’s ability to put forth case law regarding the case of Smith vs. Smith to be interesting.
I wish Dr. Noah, who also ran for the U.S. Senate in 2006, lots of luck with her latest endeavor. “Break a leg,” Belinda!

For more info about “Belinda’s Justice,” visit — GN

Grace Church Celebrates 101-Year-Old Former Buffalo Soldier

When 101-year-old Grand Hampton resident Roy Caldwood was a member of the Buffalo Soldiers, also known then as the U.S. Army’s 92nd Infantry Division, they were the only all-African-American division permitted to be combat troops in World War II (WWII). The Buffalo Soldiers helped liberate Italy near the end of the war.

Today, the Buffalo Soldiers motorcycle club still honors the memory of that famous combat division. In most cases, the Buffalo Soldiers are honoring the memory of those American soldiers, but in the case of Roy Caldwood, the Tampa Chapter of the motorcycle group was on hand to honor one of the few surviving WWII Buffalo Soldiers at Grace Episcopal Church in Tampa Palms on Aug. 13.
The event, which was organized by the motorcycle club and Grace member Euri Jones, Caldwood’s daughter (and Grace member) Diane Royer and City of Tampa District 7 Councilman Luis Viera (who says he first saw Roy at the city’s Juneteenth celebration on June 19), was an amazing day for Caldwood, who looks nowhere near his centenarian age. Those of us in attendance were told that Caldwood, who says he actually can still do ”somewhere between 30-40 push-ups” at once, might have been willing to do 20 push-ups at the event, which started outside of Grace in nearly 100º heat before moving indoors for a ceremony led by Viera and Grace Priest Father Benjamin Twinaamani. Roy and Diane later agreed that no pushups would be performed on this day.
Caldwood, already a recipient of the Bronze Star Medal — which is awarded to members of the U.S. Armed Forces for “either heroic achievement, heroic service, meritorious achievement or meritorious service in a combat zone” — was honored by the Buffalo Soldiers and Troopers Motorcycle Club Tampa Chapter at the Grace event with a plaque thanking him, “for your dedication to duty and service to this great nation as Buffalo Soldiers in WWII.”
The Orlando chapter of the Buffalo Soldiers and Troopers also were invited on stage to join the Tampa club during the special ceremony.
But clearly, this day was all about a man who has achieved much more than just a long life. Viera called him a “bonafide Amer-
ican hero in WWII. When the Axis powers were threatening democracy and freedom all over the world, young men of 18 and 19, like Roy Caldwood, raised their hands and volunteered to fight for our great country.”
Viera also noted that even though heroes like Roy Caldwood were celebrated overseas for liberating Europe, because the Buffalo Soldiers were Black, they didn’t find the same respect and admiration when they returned home.
“But, men like Roy Caldwood,” Viera said, “nor only fought overseas, they came home to America to fight for that same dignity and respect here at home.”
Viera then thanked the Buffalo Soldiers for not only honoring Roy, but also for all of the good the group does in the community.
“I don’t really know if this honor is deserved,” Roy said after being introduced by Viera. “I just did what came naturally. I just wanted to do my best to help.”
He said that his division chased the Germans for four months in Italy and was told, “They will kill us all. But instead, after those four months, they all came down and surrendered peacefully.”
Roy then said that even though he didn’t think he deserved to be so honored, he would accept it and thanked everyone in attendance for making it happen.
Viera then took the microphone back from Roy and noted that heroic people in the military and first responders in our cities, counties and states often say the same thing, “We’re not heroes, we’re just doing our jobs. But Roy, you truly are a hero.”
Viera then introduced the Buffalo Soldiers and their member “Duba-D,” who said that the group was so appreciative of being able to honor Roy because, “His story is our history. People who are heroes are so often also humble. They find it difficult to accept accolades for what they’ve done.”
But, Duba-D also added, “A lot of people think that the Buffalo Soldiers today are just a motorcycle club, but we’re actually much more than that. What we do is represent the original Buffalo Soldiers.”
He added that it was back in 1866 when the first African-Americans were permitted to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. “And, those became the first Buffalo Soldiers,” he said, “who fought in some of the first foreign wars. Wherever they went, the Buffalo Soldiers were given the worst equipment, the worst training, the worst leadership, but they persevered and found a way to prepare. That type of grit is special.”
He also noted that Roy’s unit was the only unit of African-American soldiers to serve in Europe, “and they were responsible for the liberation of Italy. The country he went to go fight received him and his unit better than the country he left and then returned home to after.”
Duba-D also mentioned that Roy is a published author who was a New York
City Dept. of Corrections Assistant Deputy Warden at Rikers Island when he was taken hostage (and became a hostage negotiator) during one of the prison’s infamous riots. The book is called Making the Right Moves: Rikers Island & NYC Corrections.
Following the plaque presentation, Roy thanked Euri Jones and Councilman Viera. He said that “Euri brought the matches but Councilman Viera started the fire.”
Roy also noted that he had received an Honor Flight on Apr. 25 and that he, “shook hundreds of hands that day, but I paid the price for it. The next day, I couldn’t lift any
two or three hands is no big deal, but 200-300?”
And finally, this true American hero again thanked everyone for coming, but added, “You have built me a pedestal so high that I would need a helicopter to get me up on it.”
Roy also recalled when he first met Viera a couple of months ago. “I was getting out of the barber’s chair and there’s this guy on both knees saying how honored he was to finally meet me. I told him, ‘Get up. This isn’t church,’ but all he wanted to know was how he could get in touch with me. I told him that I would be happy to sit down with him, not just to talk, but to listen to him tell me about what the problems are in this city. I

like to listen and then I like to come up with answers. I want to help you help us,” he told Viera, “and get me down off this pedestal you’ve put me on. Thank you all again!”

Viera closed the event by quoting former President Barack Obama: “There is a lot that’s right about America and it can help cure what is wrong with America.” He then turned to Roy and said, “And this man’s life is all about what’s right about America.”
The councilman then asked all of the other military veterans in attendance to rise, raise their hands and receive a round of applause. “These are the people, like Roy, who told Uncle Sam that they are willing to do whatever it takes, up to giving their lives, to protect this great country.”

Wiregrass Ranch Blvd. Opens; Wesley Chapel Contract Postal Unit Opening Delayed

After months of moving and/or driving past barricades that seemed like they would be in place forever, Wiregrass Ranch Blvd. is now open and legal to drive on from S.R. 56 up to S.R. 54.
Drivers in Estancia and other communities in Wiregrass Ranch recognized that Wiregrass Ranch Blvd. was fully paved — even if it wasn’t fully open — from Chancey Rd. to just south of S.R. 54 (by Walmart) for many months and risked tickets and issues with their auto insurance if they had accidents on a roadway that wasn’t officially open to traffic.
Therefore, when the barricades came down from just north of Chancey and just south of Walmart, residents of Wiregrass Ranch and other nearby communities breathed a collective sigh of relief that they no longer had to be concerned about driving on that section of the north-south roadway illegally.

We did not reach JD Porter or anyone else involved with the development of Wiregrass Ranch for comment, but many residents posting on Facebook were ebullient that Wiregrass Ranch Blvd. had finally officially opened.

Contract Postal Unit Update
Although we told you in our last is-
sue that the new Wesley Chapel Contract Postal Unit (CPU) was expected to be completed at 30124 S.R. 54 in the Freedom Plaza by the end of July and open by the end of the first week of August, the CPU was still not open at our press time on August 12.

New contractors Jevon and Cindy Williams, a husband-and-wife team of Realtors based in Wesley Chapel with EXP Realty, told me that there was still one important piece of postal equipment that they hadn’t yet received, but otherwise, the CPU was ready to go.
“We even hired a former postmaster to help us get everything in order and ready to serve the Wesley Chapel community,” Jevon told me.
Located next to Bosco’s Italianto-Go in the former location of the 3D Wellness Pharmacy, the pharmacy’s sign is still above the door, but at least the door of the new location (photo) itself now says “Wesley Chapel Post Office Contract Unit” and notes that the new CPU has shipping supplies and also offers fax, copy and Notary Public services.
Although it wasn’t yet open at our
press time, Jevon was confident that as soon as the last piece of equipment arrives, the CPU will be ready to open for business with its planned regular business hours — Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and 9 a.m.-noon on Saturday.
And yes, he says the plan is still to offer free coffee to the CPU’s customers. Although the Wesley Chapel CPU is located at least six miles north and east of most of New Tampa, it gives the residents of zip code 33647 an alternative to the New Tampa Post Office with regular post office pricing.

AutoNation Dealership To Sell Used Cars; Black Rifle Plan Withdrawn

After months of trying to find out what type of auto dealership AutoNation, which owns and operates both new and used car dealerships, was planning to open (see site map), our editorial researcher Joel Provenzano was able to find out that the dealership under construction behind Cigars International on the south side of S.R. 56 will be a used car lot, similar to Carmax.
AutoNation USA, which also owns the Mercedes Benz of Wesley Chapel dealership on the east side of S.R. 56 (less than a half-mile from the underconstruction used car dealership), owns 300+ new and used car dealerships across the country, making it the fourth largest owner of auto dealerships in the U.S.
One of the company’s used car slogans is “We’ll Buy Your Car” (“Even if you don’t buy ours”), as AutoNation provides its customers with a competitive, no-purchase-necessary, same-day cash offer that is valid for seven days, helping fuel its share of the used vehicle market while ensuring the most extensive selection available to AutoNation USA customers.
According to a statement from AutoNation’s public relations department, “AutoNation USA makes buying a pre-owned vehicle easy. (Our) One Price Pre-Owned vehicles feature a low, haggle-free price. AutoNation USA’s focus on customer excellence is what drives the organization to ensure that it maintains a favorable reputation, has the widest selection of quality used vehicles available across the network, along with low, no-haggle pricing, competitive financing, and streamlined online inventory tools that make vehicle selection easy.”
The AutoNation dealership will encompass a total of 22,723 sq. ft., with more than 11,000 of that the used car showroom and nearly 8,000 sq. ft. for the nine-lift service area. For more information,

Black Rifle Coffee? No More!
Even though I had never had Black Rifle Coffee, I was excited — as many of you were — that a new nonStarbucks coffee place was planning to open in our area.
Many of us got even more excited when they saw the new building going vertical on S.R. 56, just east of Rock & Brews, thinking that it was Black Rifle getting ready to open.

Ummm, no. Although it hasn’t been widely reported, Black Rifle withdrew its plans to build a location with a drive-through in our area. The building that got a lot of folks excited will be a new Paradise Grills location (see below).

Black Rifle, founded and operated by U.S. military veterans, currently has 18 locations in several states, including two in Georgia. Ours would have been the second store in Florida, but unfortunately, unless it resurfaces, that plan is gone.
The only good news is that Black Rifle Coffee is available at local Walmart stores, so even though it’s not the same as experiencing it at one of the company’s shops, it’ll have to do.
Almost Paradise (Grills)!
Paradise Grills, the outdoor kitchen superstore, with a nearby location on N. Dale Mabry Hwy. in Tampa, is the building in the bottom photo below that is under construction due east of Rock & Brews.
Paradise Grills allows you to design your own outdoor living experience, offering ten different grill islands and ten different bar systems to customize your outdoor kitchen, with lots of different available grills and accessories.
It’s a cool concept that already has about 50 locations in seven states, more than half of which are here in the Sunshine State.
For more information, visit

Pasco County Commissioners Approve Saddlebrook Rezoning!
Residents & Developer Come To Agreement Over Redevelopment Plan Prior To Commission Vote On July 11!
By GARY NAGERAlthough the planned rezoning of Saddlebrook Resort and its surrounding community was a fairly long and contentious fight between the community’s existing residents and Miamibased Mast Capital — which purchased the 480-acre resort last year for $15 million — the good news is that the battled was settled amicably.
On July 11, Pasco’s Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved Mast Capital’s redevelopment plan for Saddlebrook after a hard-fought agreement finally was reached between the residents and the developer.

After dozens of meetings since Mast’s purchase of the property, the BCC vote was unanimous and most of the residents who spoke before the vote said they were happy with the plan. Among those who expressed their concerns were Saddlebrook condominium owners who said they were unhappy that they would have to pay for renovations to their units by the developer out of their own pockets.
There are four redevelopment areas under the plan approved by the County Commission on July 11 (see site map above):
Development Area #1:
This 35-acre parcel on S.R. 54 will replace the current driving range that fronts 54 (see photo on next page). This section will include 75,000 square feet of commercial, retail and office uses in a neotraditional village (similar to what is being built in Avalon Park Wesley Chapel’s “Downtown”) with 465 apartments and 36 townhome units. The planned multi-story buildings will have retail or office uses on the ground floor, with apartments above and behind them.
Amenities in this development area will include a clubhouse, swimming pool, outdoor amenities and parks. This area also includes a new “Vision Road H,” which will extend south from S.R. 54 at the westernmost edge of Saddlebrook and provide access to multiple gated entrances.
Development Area #2:
Located further to the east on 54, Mast purchased this 20-acre site, which will feature 25,000 sq. ft. of commercial, retail and office space and 120 additional townhome units. This development area will actually be separated from Saddlebrook by fences and will include its own clubhouse, swimming pool, outdoor amenity areas and parks. There will be no access to Saddlebrook for residents and businesses in
Development Area #2, which will have its own entrance at the intersection of 54 and Vandine Rd., which already has its own traffic signal (at the existing the Racetrac gas station).
Development Area #s 3a & 3b: Mast’s plan calls for Development Area #3a (in yellow on site map above) to “maintain an area that equates to a minimum of 20 of the current tennis courts, which may be used as tennis, pickleball or paddle tennis, or for similar outdoor racket sport use. New development (which is defined to not include renovations) within Area 3a shall be limited to construction of additional surface parking and construction of one-story structures that are ancillary to court use and to surface parking uses.”
“Any new development within Area #3b (in orange on the site map; which is defined to not include renovations) shall be limited to construction of a clubhouse for the golf course(s) (not to exceed 12,000 sq. ft.), restaurant(s) (not to exceed 5,000 sq. ft.), a cart barn, surface parking, maintenance structure(s) and area(s) and golf bag storage structure.”
Restricted Development Area #4:
“Restricted Area #4 (in light gray with pink outlines on site map) may only be used as a 27-hole golf course(s) replacing the 36 holes (in the Arnold
Palmer-designed Saddlebrook and Palmer courses), together with any ancillary and incidental uses to the operation and maintenance of a golf course(s), including, without limitation, practice facilities, vehicular parking around putting greens, chipping areas, a conventional driving range, playerbased food and beverage areas, open areas, landscaping, irrigation, drainage improvements, floodplain compensation (limited to the stormwater runoff and drainage caused by the permitted uses, and maintenance activities, special events associated with the operation of a golf course(s), and any other uses customarily applicable to the operation of a golf course(s) (collectively, “Restricted Area #4 permitted uses”).
Barbara Wilhite, Mast’s attorney, said the 27 holes of golf will be designed by a new golf course designer as three nine-hole golf courses and noted that the driving range will be relocated. In addition, all of the current golf course areas will be restricted to golf and open space.
Restricted Area #4 also will have a separate tee area for those enrolled at the Saddlebrook Prep Golf Academy and one for golf members and resort guests.
In a statement, Mast noted that since buying the property in March 2022, it has “invested in repairs and upgrades, including adding the pickle -
ball courts. Mast also has relocated the hotel gym, replaced all of the buildings’ roofs and added a new fleet of vehicles at the property.
It also has stated that, in addition to all of the new features, the developer plans to invest “millions of dollars in capital improvements” to the existing resort, from modernizing the resort’s lobby, food and beverage areas, guest rooms and meeting space to making swimming pool upgrades.
Saddlebrook Resort was developed by Tom Dempsey, now 97, the former owner of Penton Publishing (a subsidiary of Pittway Corp.), in 1979, and was purchased by the Dempsey family from Pittway in 1988. The family owned the resort until it was sold to Mast Capital last year.
Saddlebrook Resort currently is still open for golf, tennis, spa services, dining and lodging. We were not yet aware of a timetable for the planned renovations to begin, but according to an article in the Tampa Bay Times, the agreement requires Mast, “to have all the new amenities started before the town center apartments begin and sets percentages of resort work that must be done as that mixed residential and commercial area moves forward.”
For more information about Saddlebrook Resort, visit or call (813) 973-1111.

Compromise Reached On Seven Oaks Parcel Adjacent To Clubhouse
By GARY NAGERA dispute between the residents of Seven Oaks and Crown Community Development, which developed the masterplanned Wesley Chapel community, has been settled with an impressive compromise, brokered in no small part by Pasco County District 2 Commissioner Seth Weightman, who represents Seven Oaks and most of Wesley Chapel on the Board of County Commissioners (BCC).
Since 2017, Crown has been trying to re-zone a vacant parcel of nearly 1.2 acres (see map) that is adjacent to the Seven Oaks Community Club for both office and possible recreational uses.
The unspecified recreational uses, which could have been anything from a park to a bowling alley to a putt-putt golf course, was the cause of the dispute between Crown and the residents of Seven Oaks, led by Seven Oaks Community Development District (CDD) supervisor Jon Tomsu.
The concern was that these types of recreational uses would attract large numbers of cars to not only travel, but also possibly park, on Seven Oaks’ primary north-south thoroughfare, Ancient Oaks Blvd.

The BCC had turned down Crown’s rezoning request back in 2018, but a

mediator ruled in June of 2020 that the Parcel 12 could be divided in two, with the CDD maintaining its ownership of 16.8-acre Parcel 12A (which includes the community center), and Crown retaining the 1.2-acre Parcel 12B, with the ability to add office uses.
The fate of Parcel 12B still had not been decided when Covid hit in 2020 and the possible rezoning wasn’t brought back to the BCC for a vote until its July 11 meeting.
Commissioner Weightman brought Tomsu and Crown attorney Barbara Wilhite together to settle the dispute, with Tomsu saying that although he was OK with a less intrusive PO-1 office use for the 50,000+-sq.-ft. space, he would not agree to any “recreational use” on the site.

After Wilhite agreed to the officeonly stipulation, the agreement was brought before the BCC and was unanimously approved.
“That was a great coming together of two parties — the residents of Seven Oaks and Crown Development,” Weightman said. “Ultimately, the CDD leadership and Crown came together to go with office space and match what was already there. It was a nice negotiation and agreement to have that issue come to an end and I
think it was the best possible resolution for that site.”

Weightman’s then-legislative aide Andy Taylor (who has since retired from that post) agreed.

“When they were talking about recreational uses, like a Main Event-style use, where people would be coming in and parking on the roads in Seven Oaks, everything about it just didn’t make sense. It was nice to see it finally get resolved amicably.”
The rezoning was officially approved at its second reading before the BCC on Aug. 8, without objection. Public comment was not permitted, per Wilhite’s request at the meeting on July 11.

New Tampa Goes Back To School With Cheers & Fears But No Tears?

Although it’s been quite a few years since I had to drop off either of my sons — who are both now in their 30s — at their respective schools for the first day of a new school year, what I do remember is that although they were both always excited about the first day of school, there also was at least a little trepidation, especially if they were starting a new school year at a different school for the first time.
I also remember hearing about — and witnessing, in some cases — a few stories about kids who cried, didn’t want to have to leave their parents or were otherwise traumatized by that first day. And, that was just the high school kids (kidding).
But, based on what photographer Charmaine George experienced when visiting five New Tampa public schools when they all opened on Aug. 10 (three before school started that day and two at the end of the day), kids are either happier in general now or they are better prepared for the first day of school than ever before.

Charmaine said that, if anything, it seemed that the middle school kids she photographed were more likely to still be clinging to their parents on the first day of school than their (often much) younger counterparts were. Go figure.
At any rate, according to the Hillsborough School District, more than 12,000 kids were scheduled to attend New Tampa’s six traditional elementary, two middle and two high schools — and of course, Turner-Bartels K-8 School — for the 2023-24 school year, which began on another 100º+ day in midAugust. A tiny percentage of those kids are pictured on these pages.

So, how are your kids handling the start of the new school year so far? — Gary Nager; photos by Charmaine George
Although we weren’t permitted to photograph kids’ faces at some of the schools pictured here, these photos were all taken by Neighborhood News photographer Charmaine George at Hunter’s Green and Tampa Palms elementary schools, Benito and Liberty middle schools and Freedom High. We wish everyone in New Tampa a happy, healthy and successful 2023-24 school year!

The Flower Box Offers Beautiful Flowers, Personalized Service & More!

The Flower Box, located on Wesley Chapel Blvd. in the Grand Oaks Plaza in Lutz, is a locally-owned-and-operated flower shop providing a wide range of floral bouquets and arrangements for any occasion or event.
“We’ve been here for going on 18 years,” says owner Wendy Hobbs. “We’ve been in the community, in the same loca tion, and we help people from all over.”
The Flower Box is a family-run business, with Wendy originally working alongside her mother and now working with her daughter, Carly Hobbs (as well as six other floral experts).
Although Wendy says many custom ers come looking for flowers for a specific event or occasion, many also stop by to get a “just because” gift for a family mem ber, spouse, or other loved one.

In addition to offering classic floral arrangements, such as white or red roses and boutonnieres for events such as homecoming dances or proms, The Flower Box also stocks arrangements of unique flowers, such as circus (two-toned orange and yellow) roses. Also available is a variety of different orchids, which are easy to care for and provide elegance to anywhere they may be placed.
where the customer only has to pick the size of arrangement they want and the florists create a unique arrangement to fulfill that need. The store also offers a similar option called “Designer’s Choice,” where the customer fills out a brief form stating what occasion the arrangement is for, as well as who the recipient will be. For anyone looking for more than just the usual floral options, The Flower
Box has provided its customers with many unique floral choices. For example, the shop has provided beautiful floral arches for weddings. Anyone looking for an unusual or large floral arrangement for a special event such as a wedding or baby shower can request a consultation on the store’s website ( under the “Weddings & Events” tab. Wendy says that many people
online from websites such as Pinterest for inspiration, and she does her best to duplicate these so the customer can get exactly what he or she wants.

‘Tis The Season, Every Season!

Besides having flowers for special occasions such as birthdays, graduations and anniversaries, The Flower Box also offers flowers that correspond with the specific seasons of the year.
For example, the shop offers a “Springtime Wishes” arrangement that

fering is a Cornucopia arrangement filled with a variety of fall-toned flowers and foliage. Being located in a subtropical area like Florida, specific tropical flowers, such as birds of paradise, also are available.
Wendy says The Flower Box utilizes several growers from the local Lutz/Wesley Chapel area. The shop also receives flowers from larger wholesalers as well. To be able to provide more tropical flower varieties, Wendy and her crew work with a wholesaler
“We try to deal with each customer one on one, whatever their needs are, for all different kinds of events and special occasions.” Wendy says, adding that when working with customers, she first starts out by asking for the particular inspiration they may have and designing an arrangement from there.
Although The Flower Box is located in Lutz, the store delivers flowers and gifts to a wide array of zip codes, including Wesley Chapel and New Tampa, as

well as Dade City, San Antonio and Land O’ Lakes. The store even has a network of florists to allow for delivery to many areas and cities nationwide. In case there is a need for a last-minute gift for someone special, same-day delivery is offered at no additional cost.

Customers love The Flower Box, too: “The ordering process was so easy and smooth,” said Ashlyn Hartford in her recent Google review. “They have a massive, stunning variety to choose from with affordable prices...the arrangements are all gorgeous. (I) ordered a bouquet for delivery as a surprise & I couldn’t be happier with how (it) turned out.”
In another Google review, customer
Kathy Hershelm praises The Flower Box for its excellent service:
“The flowers are always fresh and the arrangements are beautifully done. I have ordered for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and funerals and the flowers are always stunning!”
Wendy says The Flower Box also has supported the local community by providing floral arrangements for several area schools.
The Flower Box is located at 26302 Wesley Chapel Blvd., Lutz. For more info, call (813) 907-1916, visit or see the ad on pg. 30. The shop also can be found by searching @flowerboxwc on Instagram.
Visiting Angels Spreads Its Compassionate Wings Of Care In New Tampa
By Deborah Bostock-Kelley Neighborhood News Correspondent

When Christal Becton faced the chal lenge of finding a caregiver for her elderly aunt in a different state, she realized she wasn’t alone in this struggle. Balancing her location in Florida with her aunt’s residence in South Carolina made it nearly impossible for Christal to provide her aunt’s care by traveling back and forth.
“As difficult as it was for me to try to find services for my aunt,” Christal says, “I determined that there’s got to be a better solution. I did some homework and researched and loved the name Visiting Angels. There was a perfect marriage right there. It all stemmed from needing in-home support for my elderly aunt. I’d always worked in nursing home environments with seniors, so it was a perfect fit for me.”
With a Master of Arts degree in Organi zational Management from the University of Phoenix, and drawing from her expertise in rehab therapy and her role as Chief of Recreation Therapy in a nursing home, Christal recognized the potential alignment between her experience and the nationally renowned Visiting Angels. With more than 700 locations both in the U.S. and internationally, Visiting Angels seemed tailor-made to capitalize on her wealth of knowledge.
Back in 2004, Christal established her own branch of Visiting Angels on N. 56th
homes, retirement centers and assisted living facilities, enabling elderly parents or disabled individuals to maintain their independence within their familiar home environments. The approach is highly personalized, matching each client with an independent caregiver based on a thorough assessment process. This ensures the individual is perfectly matched with the right independent professional caregiver.
“We talk to the senior, ask their prefer-

lot. We collect a lot of information regard ing the client from the assessment. Once we gather the information, we have a care plan meeting about who will be best suited and who has the skill set for the type of care they need. If someone is bedridden or in hospice, we’d need a skill set more in hospice, so we will call those contractors with that particular skill set, find out if they’re available during those times, and match them up. The caregiver will then call the client to introduce
themselves and talk to the client, as well.”
Visiting Angels, licensed and bonded in Florida, is known for its flexibility. The company provides assistance ranging from a few hours per week to around-the-clock care seven days a week. Governed by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), the caregivers, a mix of Certified Nursing Assistants and certified Home Health Aides (HHAs), undergo a rigorous “Level Two” background screening that covers the entire country and have completed specific courses and certificates.

To stay current in their field, the owners of Visiting Angels franchises, including istal, actively participate in conferences, seminars, Florida meetings and virtual gatherings on Zoom to share best practices and y abreast of industry trends. Christal also is a member of the Private Care Association, which offers insights for in-home care agencies, ensuring that their individual vetting ocesses adhere to state regulations.
“We do the vetting in accordance with what AHCA is requiring,” she says. “Our caregivers have to meet the state requirements, as well as ours.”
Care services provided by Visiting Angels encompass a broad spectrum, including home care, companionship, personal care and respite care. This range accommodates various needs, from temporary post-illness or surgery recovery support to ongoing companionship for lonely seniors. Caregivers
cater to individual requirements, including providing transportation and companionship for medical appointments, running errands, grocery shopping, meal preparation, personal care, and light housekeeping. While some clients just need help to get their day started, some require assistance with shaving or bathing, and others may need their clothing washed and linens changed.

Over time, the relationship between the caregivers and their clients evolves into a deep friendship, making caregivers an integral part of their patients’ daily lives. The team at the local Visiting Angels office includes bilingual and sign language speakers, and Christal says she consistently signs experienced caregivers to her registry.
She recalls a heartbreaking incident during the early days of the pandemic. An elderly client struggled to access food due to lockdown restrictions and a family illness. Christal swiftly responded by personally purchasing groceries and essentials to ensure her client’s well-being. She was proud to turn this sad tale into a happy ending.

“During Covid, I got a call from a client that we only serviced a few hours a week,” Christal recalls. “She said she couldn’t get out, that her son was ill, she was elderly and couldn’t get groceries. She had nothing to eat. My heart just dropped. She was in tears with me on the phone, discussing with me her current situation. I dropped everything on my agenda, headed to the nearest grocery store, and purchased groceries and essentials (for her).”

Christal bought the client’s favorite

meals and pre-cooked foods to make food preparation easier for her client. She arrived with two boxes overflowing with food and essentials like toilet paper. Christal says the client broke down in tears; she was so grateful for the compassion she received.
“That is a success story like none other,” Christal says, “to be able to respond to the community’s needs immediately.”
She even introduced “No Contact Fridays” during the pandemic, where food was delivered to the community without direct contact long before the advent of Instacart. This service proved invaluable to those in need during those challenging times.
“It takes a special type of person to be a caregiver,” she says.

The dedication required to be a Visiting Angels caregiver is indeed exceptional. Christal’s location stands ready to provide care at any time, whether it’s daytime, nighttime, weekends, or holidays. In a world where care often becomes a transaction, Visiting Angels’ story is one of heartfelt connections, empathy and a genuine commitment to improving lives. Becton’s legacy continues to weave a tapestry of care, understanding, and comfort for families in New Tampa and beyond.
The Visiting Angels office serving New Tampa is located at 9812 N. 56th St. For more information, call (813) 929-7067, visit, search “VisitingAngelsTampaFL” on Facebook or see the ad on page 38. Independent caregivers with CNA or HHA licenses are invited join the team.

Expressions Of Life Chiropractic Can Help Relieve Your Pain, Too!
By CELESTE McLAUGHLIN Neighborhood News Correspondent

Long before Dr. Emilio Castrillon opened his Expressions of Life Chiropractic Center in the Medallion Corporate Park off S.R. 56, he was a boy in Colombia who loved to run. Running became his ticket out of a violent nation, when he was invited to Puerto Rico to continue his running career.
He won State and National champion ships while pursuing degrees in computer science and business at Turado University in Gurado, Puerto Rico.
But, he never had a proper assessment of his body done and learned the hard way that when you start putting stress on your body, if everything isn’t in its proper place, some thing will get damaged. He had an injury to his lumbar disc that, at one point, completely incapacitated him.
“At 25, I was a semi-professional run ner,” he says, “but I was stuck and wasn’t able to move. The first doctor I saw said surgery was the only option. Then I went to a specific chiropractor who checked my X-rays and explained to me what was going on. After just three adjustments, I was running again.”
Castrillon was inspired.
He decided to go to Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, SC, where he earned his Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
Chapel and opened Expressions of Life Chiropractic Center. He was briefly affiliated with a franchise called Disc Centers of America, where he received a national certification in non-surgical spinal decompression. Now, however, he has chosen to evolve and provide more than what that franchise offered. For example, he anticipates expanding to offer laser therapy in the future.
He says the key to the success he has had with patients is his attention to detail.
“The American Medical Association says that a one-millimeter (about 1/25th of an inch) misalignment in the spine can create a 12% impairment grade,” Dr. Castrillon explains. “So, we don’t (engage in) guesswork; e analyze in millimeters.”

This includes X-rays and a proper examination that also could include an MRI.
He says many of his patients have structural defects that are at the root of their pain. It might be that one leg is shorter than the other or the pelvis is uneven, or something else.
“We start with the foundation,” says “Dr. C,” as his patients call him. That means he looks at the feet first, with a foot leveler system, and then he examines the entire body from the bottom up. “A lot of people have symptoms because of compensations, so we
“We are helping people with disc bulg ing, herniation and slippage,” he says, adding that his goal is to help people avoid surgery, as he did, whenever possible.
“We do everything in detail,” says Dr. Castrillon. “We don’t take any case lightly. We take the time to explain if it’s something we can help with or we will refer them to the right provider.”
Dr. Castrillon knows a lot about attention to detail — one of the business degrees he earned at Turado University was a Master’s degree in Quality Management. Before he became a chiropractic physician, he worked in quality management for Johnson & Johnson in San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico.
He says he is most passionate about helping people do they things they love to do, because he knows how it feels to have something taken away by pain.
“We want our patients to be able to enjoy the activities that they love the most,” he says. “In my case, I was unable to run and now I’m able to run again.”
He is grateful to be able to continue running to this day, and recently won first place in a statewide Duathlon, which is running and cycling.
He hopes to help other athletes and
encourages all athletes to have a detailed examination with him to help prevent injuries.
Dr. Castrillon loves living in Wesley Chapel, being near the water and having flat land for running and cycling. He is always looking for ways to be more connected to his community, such as his recent participation in Freedom Church’s Freedom Race.
Dr. Castrillon and his chiropractic assistants, Jazmin and Marcela, are committed to not only finding the source of their patients’ pain, but also communicating with the patients so they completely understand what is happening with their bodies and how their problems with pain can be corrected.
They are happy to communicate in either English or Spanish. Dr. Castrillon says some patients who speak Spanish may hesitate to get treatment if they think they won’t understand the doctor. He wants those patients to know he will be able to communicate with them in their native language.
“Most of our business comes from patients who keep recommending us to their friends and family members,” says Dr. C. Expressions of Life Chiropractic Center has many glowing reviews on Google — with almost all being five stars (out of five).
“My Dad goes to Dr. Castrillon,” says Dustie Harris in one five-star review. “He was

in severe back pain from three bulging discs. He went to another chiropractor for several months with no relief. [He also went] to pain management with no relief, and was told [he] should go to a surgeon. He wanted to try another chiropractor. [Now he’s] been going to Dr. Castrillon for couple of months and [has] found the relief he needed.”
Dr. C says it’s common for him to see patients who have been to other chiropractors before — maybe even a lot of chiropractors — and they’re not getting any results. He is especially excited to help those patients.
As a thanks for reading this article, Dr.

Castrillon is offering an additional discount on his new patient special for a consultation, full spinal X-ray and X-ray analysis. While the ad on page 35 of this issue says the special costs $150, he will offer an additional discount to our readers, so the total charge will be just $120, if you mention this article.

Expressions of Life Chiropractic Center is located at 2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102A, and is open by appointment only. Some evening and weekend appointments are available. For more information, visit or call or text (813) 560-4673.

AdventHealth Care Pavilion New Tampa Continues To Grow
By CELESTE McLAUGHLIN Neighborhood News Correspondent

When the AdventHealth Care Pavilion New Tampa opened back in 2021, it was poised to serve the community as a modern, convenient way to meet the area’s primary healthcare needs.
Two years later, the Care Pavilion, located on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., just south of Cross Creek Blvd. in front of Hunter’s Green, has delivered on its promise to provide a reimagined experience to make going to the doctor easier.
“AdventHealth Care Pavilion New Tampa is committed to meeting the grow ing healthcare needs of the community,” says Victor Odoh, the market director for Advent Health Care Pavilion New Tampa. “With a comprehensive range of services under one roof, including primary and specialty care, pediatrics, imaging, an on-site lab and more, our purpose is to provide convenient and accessible healthcare to those we serve.”
The 50,000-sq.-ft. building is home to primary care physicians and providers, on-site labs and imaging, and an expanding list of specialties. Patients sign in one time at the concierge Welcome Center and don’t need to go anywhere else. An in-house pharmacy means patients can even leave with their prescriptions already in hand.
With its Care Pavilions, AdventHealth has reduced or eliminated altogether many of
the frustrations that are typical of a visit to the doctor’s office — such as having to schedule way in advance, dealing with crowded waiting rooms with long waits to see the doctor, and having to fill out pages and pages of forms.
The New Tampa Care Pavilion is open for early morning appointments, evening hours, and even all day (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) on Saturday, for flexibility and convenience.

“(Local) families need access to highquality medical care,” says Odoh. “Advent Health strives to make health care easier and more convenient for our patients, reducing
the need for additional trips elsewhere. That is why the AdventHealth Care Pavilion New Tampa offers same-day appointment availability, weekend hours and convenient registration, along with in-house labs, imaging, and an in-house pharmacy.”
AdventHealth is adding advanced practitioners and physicians to the location, to be sure they can accommodate the number of people who visit.
In addition to its primary care services and various subspecialties, including cardiology, dermatology and pediatrics, the

on-site Imaging Center offers services such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRIs), computed tomography (CT scans), dual X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA scans), X-rays, Ultrasound imaging and 3D Mammography, with a separate women’s suite to provide a private, comfortable area for women to receive breast care.
Odoh explains that the Hunter’s Green location offers a short-bore MRI unit (photo on next page) for enhanced patient comfort.
“Depending on the exam,” he says, “we can scan head first or feet first to allow

positioning closer to the entrance of the machine. We provide headphones with music of (the patient’s) choice, posi tioning supports, sheets and blankets to provide a relaxing environment during the exam. The imaging technicians always aim to make patients as comfort able as possible.”
And, while the Care Pavilion is not an urgent care center, it is structured in such a way that patients can receive all of the care — and convenience — they would receive at an urgent care facility.

“We’ve added additional primary care physicians within the Care Pavil ion over the last year to care for our growing community,” says Odoh. “We are also excited to share that the New Tampa Imaging Center now performs daily pediatric and adult scoliosis studies on an outpatient basis. Scoliosis studies are a series of X-rays used to (properly) identify curvatures of the spine. Appointments are not necessary, and walk-ins are welcome.”
Appointments are available for patients who prefer them, but if you don’t have an appointment, you can still walk right in and expect to be seen in a reasonable amount of time. You may not get to see your favorite doctor — whose schedule might be already filled for the day — but there will be someone available to see you in a timely manner.
Another perk of the AdventHealth Care Pavilion is that patients won’t be asked to fill out forms over and over again. Online registration and communication through a patient portal and app mean communication with the office and its services are available at your fingertips.
Entering The ‘Kids Zone’
For parents, another inconvenience of going to the doctor themselves can be having to bring their children along and keep them entertained. But, the AdventHealth Care Pavilion has a solution for that, too.
“For families with young children, the Care Pavilion has a ‘Kids Club’ — (with) complimentary care for children ages three months to 12 years — so parents can enjoy stress-free appointments,” explains Odoh.

The Kids Club can host up to eight children at a time, while their parents are seeing a doctor in the building.
Odoh emphasizes that the Care Pavilion does not charge any fee for the Kids
leasing children, and doors are kept locked for security.

The Care Pavilion still has room to grow, and AdventHealth is committed to delivering convenient and accessible care to meet the community’s healthcare needs.
A recent Google review gives the facility five out of five stars.

“We have been with AdventHealth for three years, (and) at the Pavilion since it opened,” says Colleen Scherer in her review. “They are always helpful and accommodating, but today was above and beyond. We have multiple family moves coming up soon, as well as a child going off to college. With everything happening simultaneously, I had questions to clarify what was needed to complete paperwork for the college. I went in person to ask my questions and the staff jumped into action not only to answer my questions but get everything needed done TODAY, which was completely unexpected... Everyone was so kind and helpful!”
Odoh summarizes the bottom line for the facility, “We want (people) to know that AdventHealth Care Pavilion is dedicated to providing high-quality healthcare and suppor ting the well-being of our patients.”

The AdventHealth Care Pavilion

New Tampa (8702 Hunters Lake Dr.) is open Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-7 p.m., and 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sat. For more info, see the ad on pg. 39, call (813) 467-4700 or visit

Realtor® & Military Vet Kandice Perkins: Passion, Purpose & Legacy!
By Deborah Bostock-Kelley Neighborhood News Correspondent

With six years of dedicated service in the real estate industry, Kandice Perkins stands out as a licensed REALTOR® at Kel ler Williams New Tampa (located near the AMC movie theater on Highwoods Preserve Pkwy.), known for her military discipline, compassion and commitment to excellence. She brings a unique perspective to her role, having spent a decade as an active duty U.S. Air Force veteran and nurse and a devoted military spouse., she focuses on helping families navigate the real estate market in New Tampa, Wesley Chapel and the entire Tampa Bay area.
Kandice says her journey into real estate was inspired by her great-grandfather, who owned properties during her childhood. She reflects, “When I came of age, I became in terested in owning property. This might have come from that seed being planted when I was younger. As cliché as it sounds, I believe this is what God told me I should do.”
She compliments the comprehensive training she has received with Keller Wil liams, emphasizing the importance of under standing the business side of real estate.
“Keller Williams truly teaches you how to operate and run a business,” Kandice says. “For me, it’s about running a real estate business versus just selling houses. Training is important. You have to
estate career in Virginia before settling in Florida. She shares her own experience while trying to find her current home online in the Watergrass community in Wesley Chapel during the pandemic. “We found the model

two days later, we drove down from Virginia to see it in person, wrote a contract on the home, sold our Virginia home and waited eleven months for our home to be completed before we relocated to Wesley Chapel.”
Kandice adds that the home-buying process is an exciting — but also challenging — time for families, and research ws that families like hers spend hours on the internet before ever meeting with a real estate professional.
Although she is active on all social media platforms, she champions old-school, traditional and personal interactions in real estate, like advertising in print publications.
Fondly recalling her upbringing in a small Texas town, she explains, “Being from Nacogdoches, I grew up reading the newspaper. Whenever I go home to Texas, I still ead the newspaper at my grandmother’s. When we relocated here, and I received the first issue of the Neighborhood News in our mailbox, it reminded me of that small-town newspaper I grew up reading. I still love traditional marketing, and when I saw the ads, I knew I wanted to run a real estate ad in this Neighborhood News.”
Understanding The Market
Kandice provides insight into the dynamics of the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel real estate markets, and also sheds some light on the impact of interest rates on local real estate trends.

“It depends on whether you are buying or selling,” she says. “People are still buying and selling homes every day. With rising interest rates, you have some homes that stay on the market longer; however, this is

why your representation matters, and it’s important to choose the right Realtor® who will work with and for you and develop a customized marketing strategy specifically to meet your real estate goals.”
She adds that there is a direct correlation between interest rates and buyers’ purchasing power, and says these fluctuations definitely do affect the housing market.
“Interest rates directly affect most people’s buying power and have knocked some those that already had challenges buyers out of the market,” Kandice says. “The higher the rate, the lower the home value many people are able to purchase. Increasing rates have created fear in some buyers, too. Some feel like they want to ‘wait until the market crashes,’ and they could potentially be waiting for something that might never happen.”
At the core of Kandice’s philosophy is her commitment to educating her clients, whether buyers or sellers. During her initial consultation with you, she will try to ensure that you understand the market.
“It’s all about educating the clients to make sure they know exactly what the home buying or selling process is about,” she says, “so they can truly make an informed decision. I can educate my clients about the market, my partners and lenders. I get to know each client. The real estate process itself is the same whether you are buying or selling a home.”
Kandice adds, however, that “What will be different will be the client’s understanding of that process. I find out the client’s needs and expectations and tailor my

services. I ensure they are informed every step of the way so they can make the right decision for themselves. It always goes back to the education piece.”
With her exemplary track record as a multi-million-dollar real estate producer, Kandice’s work ethic is an extension of the dedication she had to have during her mili tary and nursing careers. She aims to create a seamless real estate experience for clients and has cultivated a nationwide network of reli able referral partners who share her values.
And, unlike realtors who confine them selves to rigid 9-to-5 schedules, Kandice embraces flexibility and multifaceted involve ment. She teases, “I’m a Realtor, but I’m also a counselor, a therapist and a financial advisor. I wear many hats throughout the process. I’m truly here in a support role for whatever level of support my clients need. I care about the client as a whole person, not just as a transaction.”

Still In Service To Others
Kandice’s dedication to her clients ex tends to the elderly, as she recounts helping an 83-year-old transition to a new chapter in her life — selling the family home and mov ing in with her child.
“I felt like I gave her the same service and care I would have if I was helping my own grandmother,” she says. “I felt proud because, especially in this day and age where you hear about elderly people getting taken advantage of, I know she had a great experience.
And, thanks to her client-centered approach, Kandice says, “She wasn’t over-

care and compassion.”
As a senior Air Force veteran, empowering fellow veterans to achieve homeownership is another source of pride for Perkins. “ To help a veteran who never thought they could own a home and build a legacy for their family,” she says, “those are really proud moments as well.”
Monique Wyche, a fellow retired Air Force vet, says she is happy to discuss the outstanding service she experienced with Kandice during the purchase of her family’s dream home in Wesley Chapel and the sale of their former residence.
“Kandice’s exceptional dedication, expertise and unwavering commitment as our family’s Realtor truly set her apart,”
Wyche says. “Not only did she skillfully guide us through the process of purchasing our home, but she also orchestrated the evious house seamlessly. Her deep knowledge of the market, strategic insights, and excellent communication made every step smooth and stress-free. Kandice went above and beyond by even arranging stunning drone photos that showcased our properties in the most captivating way. Her professionalism, warmth, and genuine care for her clients make her an invaluable partner in any real estate journey…..”
In her personal life, Perkins enjoys reading, traveling, working out and spending quality time with her husband of twenty ears, Nor Bryant, their college freshman son at A&M University, and their daughter, who is a junior at Wesley Chapel High.

Perkins maintains an unshakable belief in real estate as a sound investment, rooted in her commitment to empowering clients through education.
“No matter what changes are happening, real estate is always a great investment,” ys. “People will always need somewhere to live. The most important thing I do is educate the people to make sure that they make an informed decision about the investment. This is their experience and one of the most significant purchases that most people will make in their lives. It’s about serving the people selflessly. It’s never about me. It’s all about them and their experience. It’s about integrity, doing right when no one is around. As it’s changed my life, I love changing other people’s lives through real estate.”
Realtor Kandice Perkins is based at Keller Williams Realty New Tampa (18302 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy., Suite 110). The office number is (813) 991-1044, but the best way to reach her is by calling (813) 560-5104 or visiting Or, see the ad on pg. 40 of this issue.

Blue Heron Senior Living Still Offers The Best Of Four Worlds!

At Blue Heron Senior Living, located on Eagleston Blvd. off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in Seven Oaks (near the new BayCare Wesley Chapel hospital), residents often are treated to live music. And if the day’s crooner happens to burst into “Sweet Caroline,” the residents know they’re in for a treat.
That’s when executive director Meagan Kopstad will stop what she’s doing to run to the music and start dancing.
“It’s just goofy,” she says, “but the faces light up and the crowd really comes alive. They say, ‘Meagan, they’re playing your song’ and I know I’m right where I’m supposed to be, doing exactly what I’m meant to do.”
What Meagan is meant to do is bring joy to the community she leads.
As executive director of the 159,000-sq.-ft. retirement residence — one of 19 family-owned senior living campuses owned and managed by TLC Management, LLC, in the company’s home state of Indiana and in Florida — she oversees four distinct lifestyle communities — including assisted living, memory care, skilled nursing and rehabilitation.
Blue Heron’s community relations director Lilly Gonzalez explains, “We are the only community in the Wesley Chapel and New Tampa area that combines assisted living, memory care, skilled rehab and long-term care, all on one campus.”

Even beyond New Tampa and Wesley Chapel, the combination of all four of these ser vices is rare. Lilly says that Blue Heron therefore provides the most options available for local residents who want to age in place.

Blue Heron’s assisted living community includes about 100 residents in studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments. Some apartments have balconies that overlook a courtyard and pond as well, offering beautiful views.
Jim Tabb and his wife, Janice, count the view among the many things they enjoy about living at Blue Heron.
— and have benefited from.”

He says Janice receives care for Parkinson’s disease, and they moved in to Blue Heron to relieve the burden of Jim having to care for Janice’s medical needs. They love that all the services she needs are available at Blue Heron, including on-site doctors, outpatient therapy and all kinds of assistance with daily tasks.
Plus, the couple takes advantage of the on-site resident exercise room, community games such as BINGO and Bunko, watching movies with fellow residents in the cinema room, and using provided transportation to go to the local grocery store or doctor appointments.
“It’s very convenient to go down two floors on the elevator to the exercise room,” says Jim, “and just yesterday Janice went one floor down and had a pedicure and got her hair done.”
Janice adds that she and all of the other residents are happy to be living at Blue Heron. “A friend told me to give it three or four months to adjust, but it didn’t take that long,” she says. “I’ve enjoyed that it’s so inclusive.”
And, it’s not only the residents who love being there, according to Meagan.
Meagan says. “Residents can see and feel that we have a heart for people and a passion to care for older adults.”
She says that often when people come in to any assisted living facility, they aren’t usually excited about it, but that changes quickly once they move in to Blue Heron.
“We’ve worked hard as a team to create a culture and community that is a burst of joy for our residents.”
Meagan is a Florida native who was
born and raised in Tampa. She holds two Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees from her hometown University of South Florida. One is in long term care administration (now called “healthcare administration”) from the School of Aging Studies and the other is in psychology.
She started with Blue Heron in December 2020, while it was still under construction, and says the highlight of her time has been watching the building come
Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, the facility offers a separate and secured, but intimate memory care community, which allows residents to thrive and not be overwhelmed. Offering a smaller homelike environment also ensures that these residents receive the personalized attention and programming they deserve.
The Memor y Care community provides a supervised neighborhood for residents, while also still allowing them to maintain their independence.
“For those who may have a tendency to try to walk away and go look for a loved one or go look for their home and wander off, well then, the independent area in assisted living is no longer safe for them,” Meagan says. “Memory Care is a secured neighborhood and provides that safety and peace of mind.”

under construction on the north side of S.R. 56), the need and demand for skilled nursing is more prominent than ever here in Wesley Chapel,” Meagan explains.

For those who already live at Blue Heron, if skilled nursing or long term care is needed, the transition to that care is seamless. It also allows a husband or wife to visit their spouse with just a walk down the hallway when one is in need of additional care, which helps them avoid the hassle of transportation or long hours in an unfamiliar facility.

“In the senior living community,” Meagan says, “we have the power to influence how someone feels at this stage of life. I want this to be the absolute best facility for our residents.”
Blue Heron Senior Living is located at 5071 Eagleston Blvd. in Wesley

Name Your Favorite Pizza & Sushi Places In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel To Win FREE Dining!

Enter Our 2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest!
Here’s another chance to win FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice! One entry per person, per question. Below, please name just your Favorite Pizza Place in New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel! Mail your entry to “2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest” at 2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102D, Wesley Chapel 33544. Or, enter at or email the entry form to Even if you already named your five favorite restaurants in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel, you can still enter again by filling out this entry! — GN
Question #3: What is your Favorite Pizza Place located in (or near) New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel?
Your First & Last Name___________________________________________________
Community You Live In (Arbor Greene, Richmond Place, etc.)
Your Daytime Phone Number______________________________________________
Your Email Address_______________________________________________________
In this issue, we are giving you two separate chances to win a FREE dining prize of $100, $60 or $35!
Whether or not you already told us your five (5) favorite Restaurants in New Tampa AND Wesley Chapel, you’re still eligible to have even more chances to enter and win free dining by also telling us your Favorite Pizza Place in New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel (entry form above) and your Favorite Place for Sushi in our distribution areas (see below).
Just fill out either or both of the entry forms on this page and mail your entry to us at 2023 Neighborhood News Reader Dining Survey & Contest, 2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102D, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544. Or, email your entry to us at Ads@ You also may enter this year’s contest by visiting our website —
Each time you answer a different Dining Survey question, you’ll receive an additional chance to win one of our FREE dining prizes — to the restaurant of your choice located anywhere in the Tampa Bay area!
All we’ve been asking you to do is to please check the zip codes of the restaurants you choose, but that has still been something of a problem for several of the people who have entered so far.

Many of the nearly 500 readers who already have submitted entries have named restaurants in Wesley Chapel as among their favorites in New Tampa and vice-versa. We’ve also had people naming restaurants in Dade City, Zephyrhills and Land O’Lakes as their favorites in our distribution areas, which they are not.

And, this is despite the fact that we
also include restaurants located in Lutz (either on Wesley Chapel Blvd., S.R. 56 or S.R. 54, within no more than two miles from I-75) as Wesley Chapel eateries and those located in the Palms Connection Plaza on E. Bearss Ave. and the Oak Ramble Plaza on BBD Blvd. (both are located in zip code 33613) as acceptable places to vote for in New Tampa.
We also have had some people try to enter with just their first name only, and others taking the time to send us an entry without naming any restaurants.
Despite those issues, it definitely appears (as we expected) that more of you like this year’s format — with no more than two questions for you to answer in each issue — than in the recent past, when we asked a full page of questions for you to answer in multiple issues.
And, with new restaurants opening seemingly every day in both of our distribution areas (see pages 44-45 for some additional newbies), we hope to see even more of you voting for more of your favorites every issue.
Remember, whether you enter by mail, email or on our website, there is never any purchase necessary to enter and win, but we do need your first AND last name, the community you live in, your daytime telephone number and a valid email address to be eligible to win any of our FREE dining prizes. Your votes will still count, but why enter if you don’t want a chance to win? Everybody likes free dining, don’t they?.
See our website for the complete list of our official rules! — GN
Enter Our 2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest!

Here’s yet another chance to win FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice! One entry per person, per question. Below, please name just your Favorite Place for Sushi in New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel! Mail your entry to “2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest” at 2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102D, Wesley Chapel 33544. Or, enter at or email the entry form to Even if you’ve already answered the previous three questions, you can enter to win again by filling out this entry! — GN

Question #4: What is your Favorite Place for Sushi in (or near) New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel? ______________________________________________________
Your First & Last Name___________________________________________________
Community You Live In (Tampa Palms, Grand Hampton, etc.)
Your Daytime Phone Number______________________________________________
Your Email Address_______________________________________________________

Tristans Amazing Bites — Changing How The World Sees Down Syndrome
By GARY NAGERNew Tampa has a lot of really good restaurants, but not many that specialize in breakfast and lunch and even fewer with as great a story to tell as Tristans Amazing Bites, the local food truck that is “Changing How the World See Down Syndrome, One Amazing Bite at a Time.”
Tristans Amazing Bites, which is based next to the Mobil gas station and Tampa Fire Rescue Station No. 22 on Cross Creek Blvd. every Tuesday-Saturday, 6:30 a.m.1:30 p.m., does more than just serve great food. It also helps tell the story of 26-yearold Tristan Snapp, who has not let being born with Down Syndrome stop him from living his dream of being the “front man” for his own food truck.
Tristan’s father and mother, Jay and Vickie Snapp, weren’t sure he was serious when Tristan first said he wanted to own a food truck. But, while his father admittedly loves to cook and Tristan likes working with people, Jay says that if Tristan showed he was serious about it, he and Vickie would support Tristan’s dream any way they could.
Tristan told his dad, a police officer with CSX Corp. (which is a leading supplier of rail-based freight transportation in North America), that his dad could be the cook and he could handle taking the orders and the cash register and at least help with the food.
“He seasons the meat, mixes the brownies and prepares the pudding cups,” Jay says.

Tristan received some of his early training at the Pro Kitchen Hub, a shared-use commercial kitchen in South Tampa that is located next door to Guthrie’s Chicken Fingers and provides training for those interested in starting a food service business.
Following some training, Jay says Tristan started providing brownie bites (photo below) and pudding cups for sale at the Bakery Box, a pop-up extension of the Pro Kitchen Hub with a service window next to Guthrie’s. In addition to working on his baking, Jay says, “that’s where Tristan learned how to use a POS (point of sale) system. He kept bringing up the food truck idea to us and we could tell he was definitely serious about starting one of his own.”
That was back in 2020, when all Tristan had was an idea and the name Tristans Amazing Bites. He went to a crowdsource website where people compete to design your logo and Jay says that Tristan received “about 75 entries. He picked the one he liked best, his brother Tim designed his website and, in 2021, the new logo was put on a food truck and Trisans Amazing Bites was born.”

Jay says he had to earn his Food Manager’s certification, a four-hour class that Tristan at tended with him. In addition to the flattop grill inside the truck, Jay says, “We got a large rectec pellet grill and both Tristan and I earned diplomas from the rectec Academy following an intensive three-day course in Augusta, GA,
led by actual TV pitmasters.

likes to brag that even though we both graduated, he got the MVP award,’ Jay says. “We’ve done prime rib, BBQ ribs and more on the rectec. We can cater pretty large events with it.”
he and Tristan originally only brought the truck to special events because, “since I have a full-time job that requires me to travel, so there was no way I could stay on a regular schedule with the truck.”
tling in to their current schedule on Cross Creek Blvd., Tristan and Jay brought the food truck to events like the annual fund raiser for Gigi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Center on W. Hillsborough Ave., a fund raiser at Lutz Elementary (which caters to special needs children; Jay says, “We catered 1,000 brownie bites for them”) and a school in Brandon that wanted to cater a Teacher Appreciation luncheon.” The truck also recently provided a prime rib dinner at the Live Oak Preserve clubhouse.
Tristan, who also works at the Publix in Wiregrass Ranch, graduated from the twoyear “Stages” program at USF, where students learn both the school at HART transit systems. His Special Olympics softball team won
he didn’t have someone else who could do the cooking every day. So, when Tony Carbone, the former owner of the Wolf’s Den diner restaurant in Wesley Chapel that closed shortly after things reopened after the pandemic, said he wanted to get back into cooking for people, Jay knew he had found the right guy.
“I was a customer of Wolf’s Den,” Jay says. “And Tony had done just the kind of food we wanted to do.”
And, Tristan was sold on Tony, too. “He told me that although I’m still OK at it, Tony is now the Number One cook and I’m down to his Number Two.”
For breakfast, which is served anytime the truck is open, I’ve already enjoyed the fried egg & bacon (or sau sage) Breakfast Sandwich and the breakfast burger shown on this page. I’ve yet to try the omelet breakfast platter or biscuits and gravy, but Jimmy Gouveia, the co-owner of the nearby Grill at Morris Bridge, was picking up his order during my last visit. “I have to get my biscuits & gravy at least once every week,” Jimmy said. “It’s just so good.” The home fries (a huge order for just $4) are served with savory grilled onions and peppers.
There’s also a breakfast bowl, a meat lovers or pulled pork omelet on Cuban bread, a Rocco Jersey pork roll and even a breakfast wrap.
(Clockwise from top left) The Breakfast Burger, Tristans Amazing Big Bite Burger and the prime rib, which is available for special events. Tristan and Jay Snapp and Tristan got to meet Tim Tebow at a Special Olympics event. (All of the photos on these pages were supplied by Jay Snapp)
“What’s for lunch,” you ask? If you love BBQ pulled pork, try Tristans Amazing “Big Bite” Burger, with pulled pork and bacon on a delicious burger topped with sweet BBQ sauce. I also enjoyed Tristans Amazing Cheese Steak and the pressed Cuban sandwich.
Other options include regular or bacon cheeseburgers, BLTs on sub or Cuban bread, grilled chicken Philly subs and sandwiches and chicken or beef quesadillas.

And for dessert, yes, I also can vouch for Tristan’s brownie bites, although I’ve yet to try his pudding cups — but I’ve heard some of his regulars rave about them.
“The bottom line to me,” Jay says, “is recognizing that everyone has their own talents and abilities, and their own passions, and I am happy to support Tristan’s. If we can make the food truck work,
maybe I’ll be able to retire (from CSX) early because I’d really like to be able to do something where Tristan and I can continue to work together. That’s my main goal.”
Tristans Amazing Bites is located at 10865 Cross Creek Blvd. For more information, visit TristansAmazingBites. com or see the ad on pg. 40. Event catering also is available. The truck also is on Instagram and Facebook, so send a mes sage if you have a special order.

Lotte Plaza Market Could Open By Sometime In September!
The opening of the new Lotte Plaza Market in the former location of a Sweetbay supermarket (next to Home Depot) has been one of the most hotly anticipated in New Tampa. And, although we still have no official confirmation about when New Tampa’s Lotte Plaza Market is expected to open, my most recent visit to the construction site of the #1 chain of Asian and Korean supermarkets in Maryland and Virginia (with 14 total locations, including one each in New Jersey and Orlando) revealed that not only has a sign
finally gone up on the building, but also that the interior renovations to the long-vacant 49,432-sq.-ft. build ing were actually nearing completion.
Every Lotte location features fresh (and unique) produce, meat and fish departments, as well as a food court serving a variety of cuisine types. On my most recent visit, I met one such food court tenant, who told me that the building had not yet had (or passed) all of its needed inspec tions before it could open, but that he was hoping our Lotte could open “by
Kabob Café & Grill Replaces Tessa’s Sweet Café In Highwoods

I feel bad that I didn’t know in advance that Tessa’s Sweet Café (located at 18101 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy., across from the AMC movie theater), which was home to some of the most delicious Korean-style fried chicken ever, was closing.
Well, not only did Tessa’s already close, it’s already been replaced by the Kabob Café & Grill, an authentic Pakistani eatery that opened just a few days before we went to press with this issue.
Even though I lived for years in New York City, which has every type of international cuisine, I had never sampled
Pakistani food before, so I tried Kabob Café’s chicken kabobs (left photo) and a sparkly mango-peach boba tea (there are 18 varieties of boba teas) and both were tasty. The kabobs were not skewered cubes of meat, but were instead wellspiced (but not overly spicy) sausage-style tubes of ground chicken.
For those who still don’t know where the Kabob Café is located, it was best-known as the long-time home of Sukhothai before becoming Tessa’s.
Although the restaurant’s management is planning to expand the menu, the open ing menu features chicken or mutton ko
For more info, call (813) 4058740 and tell them I sent you! — GN

Slim Chickens To Open By Aug. 31!
Yes, we know that the Wesley Chapel area already has The Chicken Boss, Chickfil-A, King of the Coop, Chick’n Fun, Zaxby’s, Popeye’s and many other restaurants, both chain and mom-and-pop, that specialize in fried chicken (and/or wings) in its many (sometimes) delicious forms.

Even so, as we reported months ago that it was coming, the latest news is that Wesley Chapel’s next entry into these “Chicken Wars” will be Slim Chickens, a chain founded in 2003 in Fayetteville, AR, with more than 225 units already open and with 1,200+ in development across most of the U.S.
Specializing in hand-breaded chicken tenders, Slim Chickens’ Wesley Chapel
location was still hiring at our press time and was expected to open by Thursday, August 31, according both to a Google search and a spokesperson at the nearly-com pleted building at 27244 Wesley Chapel Blvd., or about halfway between Chick’n Fun and The Wing House.

With its nearest location to us on S. Macdill Ave. in Tampa, the Wesley Chapel location also will serve the chain’s new Nashville hot and other chicken sandwiches, wings, salads, Southernstyle sides (including fried okra, mac n’ — GN

Shack Oyster Bar Getting Close To Opening On WC Blvd., Too!
A few miles south of Slim Chickens, at 25026 Wesley Chapel Blvd. Extension (in the same plaza as Chicken Salad Chick) in Lutz is the Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar, which will be the 20th link in a chain that already has locations in seven states, including the nearest to us in Ocala. That Shuckin’ Shack also is owned by Brad Harper, who is opening the Lutz/ Wesley Chapel location.
Founded in Carolina Beach, NC, in 2007 by co-founders Matt Piccinin and Sean Cook — because of the co-founders’ shared “craving for fresh oysters” — Shuckin’ Shack began franchising locations in 2014 and features raw, steamed and chargrilled oysters, “sharkbite” shrimp (because “bang-bang” and “firecracker” were already taken, according to, scallops, snow crab legs (by the lb. or 1/2-lb.), crab “balls,” calamari, fresh clams and mussels and a variety of sampler and family-style options, like a “Low Country Boil.”
There also is an ahi tuna appetizer, but no fresh fish entrées on the menu, although there is a fried cod sandwich and
mahi tacos (there also are shrimp, tuna, chicken and even oyster tacos), as well as wings, salads, po-boy and other sand wiches, que sadillas and even shrimp ‘N grits.
will feature a full liquor bar and will be managed by our new friends Alie and Hunter (photo, right). Watch our “Neighbor hood News” Facebook page for opening date updates. — GN
Sorbo To Open In Former Bru Growler Bar Location
In the Shoppes at Wesley Chapel plaza at 2653 Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd.

(across from AdventHealth Wesley Chapel) that already is home to Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, Latin Twist Café, The Hungry Greek and Umu Japanese & Thai, the former location of Bru Growler Bar and Buttermilk Provisions before that will go back to its coffee-&-tea roots, as Sorbo Coffee • Tea • Bakery • Wine (photo) is expected to open by sometime this fall.
The partners who own Umu also are

involved in the ownership of Sorbo, as our friend Chef Will told us when we stopped in two weeks before we went to press with this issue. “Sorbo will serve coffee, tea and a variety of pastries for breakfast and become a wine bar in the afternoon,” Will said. “We are excited to be bringing this new concept to Wesley Chapel.”
All I can say after my sneak peek inside is that the place already looks pretty great (and upscale) and will be a welcome addi tion to the community. — GN
Chapel, we told you a couple of issues ago Playa Bowls — the beach-themed açai-&-more healthy bowl chain with more than 200 locations — was planning to open on or around June 17.
Also known as “Pineappleland,” Playa Bowls was still not open at our press time and we had no word yet from local franchise owners Tabitha Castro and Pablo Reid as to when it will open. For more info, visit— GN
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