Despite the looming (and ever-tightening) Presidential Election on November 5, voters in Wesley Chapel’s 16 voting precincts — and across Pasco County — turned out in near-record-low numbers (16%) for the Primary Election on Aug. 20.
And, even though the biggest races on the Aug. 20 ballot were Republican primaries for U.S. Senate and U.S. Representative (won easily by incumbents Rick Scott and Laurel Lee, respectively), voters across Pasco and in Wesley Chapel — many of whom regularly complain and accuse incumbents in county government of being crooked — did as little as possible to oust Dist. 5 incumbent Jack Mariano or the Gov. Ron DeSantisappointed Dist. 4 Commissioner Lisa Yeager, both of whom won handily.
The day’s big upset happened when incumbent Dist. 4 School Board member Alison Crumbley was beaten by political newcomer Jessica Wright by fewer than 1,200 votes (or a little more than 2% of the nearly 60,000 ballots cast).
An Editorial by
According to admin Kelly Gilroy’s personal Facebook profile, the Facebook page called “Pasco County Development & Growth Updates” (PCDGU) was first created and started posting in July of 2023, and there’s no doubt that it has quickly become the most trusted online source for new information about new residential and commercial developments — not just in Wesley Chapel but for all of Pasco County — in a very short time. And, for good reason. As the editor of the most trusted print source of news and information about Wesley Chapel and New Tampa for the last 30 years, all I can say is that page administrators David Hutsell and Kelly Gilroy have done — and continue to do — an amazing job of releasing information supplied to the county, usually the same day these development applications are filed.
Rather than express any kind of professional jealousy about how they’ve captured the imagination of local residents, I have found that PCDGU and the Neighborhood News have developed a kind of synergy — they make the announcements and we (myself and editorial researcher/correspondent Joel Provenzano) follow up to try to give additional information about them. A few times, we’ve been the first to note that a previously announced development was scrubbed or its application was withdrawn, but most of the time, the information, site maps and other graphics in PCDGU are truly spot-on.
One of the things that makes the volume of information they put out on an ongoing basis so impressive is that Kelly and David both apparently have full-time jobs. We found this out when we exchanged private Facebook messages with Kelly — once — and have tried a few times to get an actual interview with her and/or David (which she said they were amenable to do, but that they’re both super-busy; she also said that it was probably best for us to interview David, since PCDGU is his page), but as of the day I am writing this column, no such interview has yet been set up.
A few local news reporters, including yours truly, have tried to find out from our county commissioners and county staff if perhaps either David or Kelly or both currently or previously worked for the county, but several months ago, one Pasco commissioner told me, “No one in Pasco County government even knows who they are or how they keep such close tabs on everything that comes before us. Some of our staffers have even said they think their profiles are fake or that the administrators don’t use their real names on their page.”
Whoa. This mythology about them has grown in part because Kelly has only one photo on her personal profile page and, according to many people I’ve spoken with about it — and it seems that everyone I talk to about it wants to know — “it looks more like an illustration or AI-generated than a photo.” Her profile also says her work is “AVP - Risk Analytics at Banking Industry” and that she is married and lives in Lutz. Whenever she is asked in the comments of a post what her actual job is, she says “I work in commercial banking” (the same thing she told me on the phone).
Meanwhile, David’s personal profile says that he works at St. George Capital Partners, LLC, which is based in Palm Beach Gardens. Considering the amount of valuable informa-tion Kelly and David put out, and the fact that (it
seems) everyone wants more information about them, it’s probably a good idea that they have remained mostly anonymous doing what I assure you is not easy to do.
Back in the “good old days,” before everything submitted to a county or city government was available online, in order to get information about new developments, I’d have to go to the New Port Richey Government Center (for Wesley Chapel) or to downtown Tampa (for New Tampa), pull the files and take film pictures of the maps, charts and development info. Easy, right?
Nowadays, however, all of that info, once it’s been filed, is available online — if you know where to look. We have usually waited until a development review has been put on an agenda of the county’s Planning Commission or Board of County Commissioners (BOC) before putting that information
in front of our readers. But, even though some of what PCDGU puts out is preliminary and subject to change — and Kelly and David always mention when it is — there’s no doubt that they continue to do an amazing job of providing that information.
And, this is true despite the fact that whenever someone asks on their page, “What’s coming to...,” too many people are still making the same tired jokes about car washes and self-storage facilities, while others try to turn every post into a political argument (usually) condemning the BOC and county staff. It’s a lot for them to put up with, considering that this isn’t either of their full-time jobs. Kelly, in particular, continues to try to shut down such unnecessary nonsense, but I’m sure it isn’t easy.
We also appreciate it whenever Kelly or David post Neighborhood News stories in response to comments on their page. Keep up the great work,
New Wesley Chapel Info From PCDGU:
• King Ranch (I-75 @ County Line Rd) rezoning
• Arcadia at Wiregrass apartments
• New grocery store & shopping center (SR 56 at Hueland Pond Blvd)
• Avalon Park West Townhomes (River Glen Blvd at SR 54)
• Phase 3 of Woodcreek (aka Wyndfields) SF homes (Wyndfields Blvd near SR 56)
• Chase Bank (Curley Rd @ Overpass Rd.)
*All of these updates have been posted since Aug. 1 on the Pasco County Development & Growth Updates Facebook page
you two! Let’s make that interview happen! Above is a list of new developments from PCDGU since Aug. 1 that we plan to update.
WE HAVE MOVED OUR OFFICE AGAIN! 27251 Wesley Chapel Blvd., #426 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
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Publisher & Editor Gary Nager
Celeste McLaughlin Iris Vitelli • Joel Provenzano
Editorial Research by Joel Provenzano
Ad Sales & Marketing Director Jannah Nager
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Graphic Designers
Morgan Tahvonen • Valerie Wegener
Nothing that appears in Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion.
The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisement reservations for Volume 32, Issue 20, of Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is Thursday, September 19, 2024.
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‘Primary Day’ Continued from pg. 1
The August 20 Primary Election was mostly a good day for incumbents in Pasco County.
Among those who advanced to the General Election on Tuesday, November 5, was District 5 Pasco County Commissioner Jack Mariano, who easily beat fellow Republican Gina Finocchiaro 73.72%-26.28% and will face Thomas Celotto (who has no party affiliation) in his attempt to win a sixth term on the Board of County Commissioners.
Also advancing to Nov. 5 was Lisa Yeager, who was appointed in April by Gov. Ron DeSantis to fill the Dist. 4 Commission seat left vacant by the passing of Commissioner Gary Bradford. Yeager will face Democrat Daniel Ackroyd-Isales, where the winner will retain the seat for two years, rather than the usual four-year term.
Also winning on Aug. 20 was former State Senator John Legg, who easily beat Michelle Mandarin 76.07%-23.93% to secure the Republican nomination to become the successor to retiring Superintendent of Schools Kurt Browning. Legg will square off against Democratic candidate Dr. Chris Dunning, the popular current principal of Wendell Krinn Technical High School in New Port Richey.
In another local race, Wesley Chapel resident Cornelius Demps (with 25.9% of the vote) finished behind both Nick Fiorentino (43.78%) and Jean Dubbeld (30.32%) in the race for Circuit Judge, 6th Judicial Circuit (Group 14). Fiorentino and Dubbeld advanced to a runoff election on Nov. 5.
The other Circuit Judge seat Pasco voters had a say in — Circuit Judge, 6th Judicial Circuit (Group 9) — was narrowly won by Kate
Spurlock over Nicole Pearlman 50.04%-49.96%.
Set to challenge incumbent Republican U.S. Senator (and former Governor) Rick Scott in Nov. is former U.S. Congresswoman Debbie MuscarselPowell, who handily defeated three challengers with 68.5% of the vote. Muscarsel-Powell trails Scott in the most recent polls in her effort to flip the incumbent’s Senate seat in favor of the Democratic Party.
Meanwhile, Republican Dist. 15 Rep. Laurel Lee will face well-known Hillsborough County Commissioner Pat Kemp in Nov., as Kemp attempts to help the Dems regain control of the U.S. House.
Big Win For Jessica Wright!
As mentioned on page 1, the only incumbent in Pasco County who didn’t win on Aug. 20 was long-time District 4 School Board member Alison
Crumbley — despite the fact she was endorsed by Gov. DeSantis in this nonpartisan race.
Instead, Florida Virtual School history teacher Jessica Wright ended Crumbley’s 14-year run, by winning 51.02% of the vote to 48.98% for Crumbley, who is 66, winning by less than 1,200 votes.
“I know a lot of people are shocked I was able to win against a 14-year incumbent,” the 34-yearold Wright said after the election. “But, I’ve worked to serve our community since I was old enough to start volunteering as a peer tutor in middle school. I care for Mrs. Crumbley as a person and she’s always been kind to me. I’m honestly so thankful the community is ready for change and that they trust me for that change.”
Wright mentioned that she did face some personal attacks online from supporters of Crumbley’s,
“but I honestly don’t think she was even the one to personally ensure the attack messages went out against me.”
Wright’s election website stresses that she is “loyal to Pasco families first, not any political party...and will eliminate any political extremism.”
VoteJessicaWright.com also says that “Overcrowded classrooms lead to injuries, distractions and burnt out staff...We have more than 11,000 children in portable classrooms.” She says she will work to reduce class sizes and increase support for Exceptional Student Education (ESE) programs.
By Gary Nager
When AdventHealth Wesley Chapel (AHWC) opened as the first hospital located in Wesley Chapel almost a dozen years ago (when it was called Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel) with just 83 total beds, the community was told that the plan was to eventually expand the number of beds to 300.
Since then, AHWC has done a lot more than just go through a name change to AHWC in 2019. First of all, two medical office buildings have opened (the AHWC Wellness Plaza in 2013 and the Outpatient Cancer & Research Center, in partnership with the Moffitt Cancer Center, in 2021).
In addition, the hospital more than doubled its original 83 beds to 169 in 2016, which also included increasing from four operating rooms to 12 and from 20 emergency room (ER) beds to 35.
But, along with the recent establishment of the new family care residency program and the freestanding emergency room in Meadow Pointe (as we reported last issue), AHWC held a groundbreaking ceremony for the hospital’s upward expansion on Aug. 15. Although Jannah and I were not personally able to attend that event, photographer Charmaine George did attend and made sure she recorded all of the proceedings for me, so I could write this story.
On hand for the event were District 54 State Rep. Randy Maggard, Pasco Commissioners Jack Mariano (Dist. 5), Seth Weightman (Dist. 2) and Board Chair Ron Oakley (Dist. 1), and Pasco Fire Chief Tony Perez, as well as members of both the hospital’s Governing Board and its Foundation’s Board and the AdventHealth Division office. AHWC president Erik Wangsness also introduced Bill Porter of the Porter Family Trust and Scott Sheridan of Locust Branch, LLC, the developer of Wiregrass Ranch, “since we are located on the Porter family’s land,” Wangsness said.
Wangsness also thanked those involved in the design and construction of the hospital expansion, including the AdventHealth Office of Design & Construction, architects HuntonBrady, design engineers Smith Seckman Reed, Atwell civil engineers and general contractor Batson Cook.
“This hospital is not yet 12 years old,” Wangsness said. “It opened in 2012 with 83 beds but was designed to grow with the community. We’re at 169 now but this expansion will allow us to add 72 inpatient beds, which is important for us — even though there are other facilities opening around us — since this community continues to grow in a meaningful way.”
“Case in point,” he added, “We have around 20 patients waiting at our Emergency Department this morning for admission. We need the [additional] capacity to continue to serve this growing community. And, the development isn’t go ing to stop, so it’s time for us to continue to grow.”
In addition to the inpatient beds, Wangsness said the expansion will add a couple of additional operating rooms, endoscopy suites, pre- and post-op beds, additional imaging, a PET-CT (positron emission tomography-computed tomogra phy) suite and a hybrid lab (a traditional lab that also can dou ble as a surgical operating room), “that will help us grow in the severity of the patients we can serve. I want to thank all of you for joining us on this warm, muggy morning.” Wangsness also said the expansion should be completed by the end of 2025.
Wangsness then introduced Rep. Maggard, who said, “We all know how important it is for Advent to be doing this for our community. I can truly say that when I go to Tallahas see, people know [there is] no district like we have, District 54, with the community partners we have here. It is special and I feel very honored to be able to help in any way I can to help this area grow.”
Rep. Maggard also mentioned Pasco Hernando State College and its nearby Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch, which recently expanded its nursing program (as we reported last issue). “We can see a future that’s bright for our area.”
He also mentioned that the need for health care facilities will continue to grow. “We expect a 20% population growth for Pasco County by 2045,” he said. “If you think the traffic’s bad now, just wait.”
Comm. Oakley also said he was honored to be on the Foundation Board for AdventHealth, and to be on-hand for yet another major event for the hospital, “which is such a
means all of the hospitals “will be compet Oakley mentioned AHWC’s competition,
(Above) Several different groups took part in the groundbreaking. This photo includes State Rep. Randy Mag gard (far right) and three Pasco County commissioners, as well as the hospital’s management team. (Below) Also on hand were Bill Porter (left) of the Porter family & Scott Sheridan of the Wiregrass Ranch development team.
“I just want to say that we’ve been recognized by Newsweek magazine three years in a row as one of the ‘World’s Best Hospitals.’”
Comm. Weightman, whose Dist. 2 includes the hospital, then also thanked the Porter family for its vision for Wiregrass Ranch.
“It wasn’t long ago that this was all wide open... with cows roaming around...and Bruce B. Downs was a road to nowhere. But, we’ve grown in incredible leaps and bounds over the past decade. The vision of Wiregrass Ranch and AdventHealth...it’s just such a fantastic place to be for our community. The investment that Advent continues to make...and the jobs... it’s just phenomenal.”
Speaking of vision, the final speaker before the groundbreaking was former University Community Hospital president and long-time AHWC Board member Norm Stein, whom Wangsness credited with having the vision for the need
to build a hospital in Wesley Chapel.
“It was Dec. 14, 2010, when we had another groundbreaking,” Stein said. “The late Don Porter had walked into my hospital and told me of his idea to build a hospital in this part of Pasco and to have a college that could provide nursing students for that hospital. And, he wanted to see both of those institu tions come together on his property. And you know what? It wasn’t easy, but it happened.” For more information about AHWC, see the ad on pg. 15.
Our hotel, located in the heart of Wesley Chapel, features 3,600 sq. ft. of Event Space, offering an elegant backdrop for your next event:
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•Perfect for Wedding Ceremonies •Wedding Receptions •Birthday Parties •Family Reunions •Quinçeañeras •Sweet Sixteens •Corporate Meetings
By Joel Provenzano Neighborhood News Correspondent
The new traffic signal at Oakwood Preserve Dr./Wiregrass School Rd., in front of John Long Middle School, Wiregrass Ranch Elementary, and the back gate for The Ridge at Wiregrass community (see map), was put into operation just in the nick of time for the start of the 2024-25 school year. In fact, the signal didn’t change from blinking yellow to full operation until Aug. 10, or just two days before school started throughout Pasco County.
Because of a number of delays, the county was only able to have the signal in “flash mode” for two days before that, whereas most new signals blink for at least 7-14 days before becoming operational, so motorists who drive through the area can get used to seeing it at that location.
Some observant drivers may have noticed that these delays, and the rush to get the signal turned on before the start of school, at first caused some pretty serious safety concerns.
But, with the ‘flash mode’ lasting only two days, that gave very little time for motorists to get acclimated to the new signal. This was initially made worse by the fact that since this intersection has been a 4-way stop for two years, most drivers using Mansfield were used to coming to a complete stop from each approach. It was extra confusing because the overhead signals for the Mansfield traffic began flashing yellow, even though the ground-mounted stop signs that had long been at that intersection (with their flashing red signals on top) were still there and operational.
To generally avoid confusion, national traffic engineering standards (as listed in the Federal Highway Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets & Highways,
or MUTCD) requires that if any flashing light is present, its color must match whatever condition is present, so with a stop sign for each approach, the overhead signals on the new span should have been flashing red for all directions (according to the standards), but it was flashing yellow instead for Mansfield, causing a mixed message.
Because of these inconsistent colors, it was directly observed that some motorists were still stopping at the stop sign like they should have been, while others on the same approach didn’t notice the stop signs, or were confused, and continued through the intersection without stopping (as most people do when they see an overhead flashing yellow signal). This caught many motorists who were turning from the side streets off guard, since they were expecting the Mansfield traffic to stop, naturally causing a few near misses and horn-honking.
taking over, since they were used to always stopping there. Horn honkers behind them alerted them to their error, and they proceeded on their way. This happened four times while we were taking photos and observing the intersection, a full week and a half after it was put into normal operation. Even with the advanced “Signal Ahead” signs, it seems that there’s no replacement for time.
Luckily, this confusing set-up was only present for two days before the stop signs were removed (from all four approaches) and the signal put into full operation. But, that did create another issue.
Since it was done so quickly, some motorists were observed coming to a complete stop at the stop bar, even though they had a solid green signal, likely because their subconscious muscle memory was
To address pedestrian safety at the new signal, the county did something local motorists are used to, by giving it an “exclusive pedestrian phase,” which means that when the “Walk” symbol comes on after the button is pushed (at any time of day), it comes on for all of the crosswalk directions simultaneously, requiring ALL directions of vehicular traffic to stop without moving, including the right
turns, until the walk phase ends, exactly like the operation of the signal down the street at County Line Rd. in front of the Meadow Pointe II clubhouse.
To help enforce the right turn restrictions, electronic “blank-out,” “No Right on Red” signs were installed next to the eastbound and southbound approach signal heads, and similar static signs were installed facing the northbound and westbound approach signals. But, the county also left cable coiled up on the line for more future electronic signs, if the need arises.
Crossing guards (trained as traffic control officers by the Pasco Sheriff’s Office) are still present at the signal on school days, to help out pedestrians. Since they are traffic control officers, they can direct traffic to move as needed, despite what color the signal shows, requiring motorists to pay
when approaching the intersection.
Unfortunately, during our most recent visit, some motorists were observed still stopping at the red light, even though the crossing guard was clearly waiving them through.
Mansfield Blvd. has seen its share of improvements over the past few years, many of which (including this signal) were geared towards safety. The original 4-way stop was installed shortly after it was announced by Pasco County Traffic Operations representative Venkat Vattikuti, at a meeting with Meadow Pointe residents in the fall of 2022. Eventually, flashing beacons were installed on top when it was clear that many residents were not “seeing” (or obeying) the stop signs.
Then, in 2023, there was resurfacing on Mansfield to address pavement that was quickly becoming gravel and flashing pedestrian beacons were added in front of the entrance to the Wrencrest subdivision in Meadow Pointe in 2024.
The all-way stop was continuous from the start. Many residents appreciated the interim solution (before the signal could be funded and installed) because of how it helped with pedestrian safety, but other residents felt that it unnecessarily backed up traffic by stopping every single vehicle on the main road.
Traffic still may back-up a little at the time when the crossing guards are out there at the new signal, since the middle and adjacent elementary schools dismiss students only a few minutes apart from each other. However, traffic around the time of Wiregrass Ranch High’s dismissal has been observed to be much better at this intersection.
Back when it was just a 4-way stop, traffic would sometimes be seen backing up on Mansfield
Blvd. for half a mile from the southbound stop sign, from traffic leaving the high school heading back into Meadow Pointe.
Now, the biggest issue for the high school seems to be a relic of its original design — the two outbound lanes onto Mansfield at Hueland Pond Blvd. Back when the high school opened in 2007 the entrance/exit was (for two years) strictly to the intersection where the new signal is at The Ridge, where Mansfield (at that time) came to an end.
Between 2007 and 2009, Mansfield Blvd. was extended northbound at the same time S.R. 56 was being extended eastbound from Publix to meet it, a coordinated effort by the developer of Wiregrass Ranch, the county and FDOT. When the Mansfield extension was completed, the two northern outbound lanes from the high school (a left and a right) were opened for use and were all that was needed, because the intersection was unsignalized, and there was no through traffic because Hueland Pond Blvd. didn’t exist yet.
The southern exit to Mansfield was subsequently closed (by a gate) and the northern entrance became the only way in and out of Wiregrass Ranch High.
In 2016, Hueland Pond Blvd. was constructed to align with the high school’s entrance and the signal was installed. The right turn lane coming out of the high school was converted to a through/right, and even though Hueland Pond was given a dual left, for whatever reason, the exit from Wiregrass Ranch High remained a single left, even though there was room in the median to add another left.
That single left and through/right make getting out of the high school a lengthy process. The through traffic (waiting for a green to go onto Hueland Pond) blocks traffic behind them as they wait to make a right turn onto Mansfield, and all it takes is one car wanting to go straight. It does appear that there is room to add a separate right turn lane if the county decides to add one.
•Sedation dentistry (nitrous oxide) and Sedation •Invisalign First for children & Invisalign Teen
Grand Hampton residents hail the new traffic light as a much-needed safety improvement; others complain about the signal’s
By Joel Provenzano
Back in the spring of 2004, left and right turn lanes were constructed on County Line Rd, leading into the then-brand-new, 600-acre community of Grand Hampton. Even back then, news reports talked about the delays and “bothersome” lane closures along County Line Rd to accommodate these changes, and how the “rapid growth” of the area was causing inconvenience for a few long-time locals. Sounds like some things never change, right?
Well, some 20 years later, the residents of Grand Hampton (which today has a little more than 1,000 homes) got something new out front on County Line Rd. — a traffic signal. The signal was recently constructed, and then put into full operation by Hillsborough County, on July 30. The county put it in “flash mode” for a week prior, and put up temporary electronic signs to alert motorists to the change in the traffic pattern.
When the new signal became fully operational, many local residents on social media expressed their frustration with it — citing long initial backups. Others, especially people living in Grand Hampton, countered that they saw the new signal as a necessary safety improvement and defended the county’s decision to put one up at that location.
Several local residents said that there have been serious crashes at that intersection over the years, and with the growing population in the new and existing communities along County Line Rd., including Woodside Trace and Belle Chase (see map), plus The Hammocks townhomes and the North Tampa Christian Academy (NTCA) and Creative
The map shows the new traffic signal at the main entrance to the Grand Hampton community on County Line Rd., the location of the Grand Hampton back gate & the existing traffic signals at Northwood Palms Blvd., Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., Imperial Oak (IO) Blvd. & Aronwood Blvd.
Times Academy of Wesley Chapel, that risk would just continue to grow with an increasing number of cars passing the intersection every day.
A signal was first installed by Pasco County less than a mile down the street at Northwood Palms Blvd., at the entrance to the Northwood community (in 2015), which helped in the interim, because when that signal turned green at Northwood Palms, it would create at least some gaps in the westbound traffic in front of Grand Hampton.
That was important, because in order to find a gap to make a left turn out into traffic at the Grand Hampton Dr. entrance to the community, both the east and west approaches have to be clear at the same time, and that can be challenging and tricky for motorists to safely judge on a busy two-lane “rural” road. That’s why the engineering signal warrants for a two-lane undivided road are traditionally lower, than say for a four-lane divided road that might have a median opening cars can pull into, pause, and check if the other direction is clear is safely proceed.
As more support businesses have been getting constructed to the west, including places like the Tampa Premium Outlets, Costco, Aldi, etc., residents began making more lefts out at Grand Hampton Dr. than they used to, gradually changing the traffic pattern over time, reducing the effectiveness of the “down stream” signal at Northwood Palms Dr. to provide relief. This also increased the through volumes on County Line Rd. In 2018, in an effort to help make it a little easier to get out of Grand Hampton, the county reduced the speed limit along the corridor from
Located in the Pebble Creek Collection on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., Your CBD Store of New Tampa has calming blue-grey walls, greenery throughout the store, comfortable seating and an expansive, open layout. With informational displays and posters, exceptional customer support, and product knowledge, the husband-and-wife team of David Calcador and Debra Curler make you feel immediately at home.
David & Debra opened their Your CBD Store franchise location in November 2019 and it has thrived through the pandemic, thanks to the dedication of these two New Tampa residents. “When customers come in, we ask them what they know about CBD,” Debra says. “Some are well-educated and we walk the others through the store and introduce and educate them about our product line. We find out what their problems are health-wise. Are they in pain? Are they having problems sleeping? Do they need energy? We need to know what is happening in their bodies to help direct them to the proper products.”
Your CBD Store is a holistic boutique providing USDA organic and carcinogen-free oral and topical SunMed CBD products for customers and their pets. At Debra and David’s store, CBD comes in both flavored and flavorless tinctures, oils, pills, gummies, weight-loss products, as well as a skincare line, bath bombs, lotions, massage oils, pain creams and products for dogs and cats.
Unlike marijuana, Your CBD Store offers broad-spectrum CBD products that have zero THC, as well as full-spectrum products with the 0.3 legal limit of THC that contain all cannabinoids (CBD and THC), terpenes, or flavonoids.
With anti-inflammatory and other health effects, flavonoids are plant compounds that
give plants their colors and flavors. Flavonoids work with cannabinoids and terpenes, which are naturally occurring compounds in cannabis that shape aroma, taste, colors and therapeutic benefits, to produce the “entourage effect” enhancing their impact. “CBD needs to have terpenes and flavonoids,” David says. “They bond to receptors in your body. Without those, you won’t have the full benefit of CBD.”
doctors who send patients to us because they know the quality is there.”
What’s New?
Debra and David are enthusiastic about their store’s newest products, some of which have been enhanced with more CBD, like their SunMed topical
cream, which is now available in 4,000-milligram strength, while others are brand new.
in a gummy form. People love it. I have a lady who comes in weekly and buys two jars. It helps with aches and pains throughout the body.”
Your CBD Store of New Tampa also sells both “Above” (with Delta 8 THC) and “Beyond” (with Delta 9 THC) by SunMed, both of which are all-natural (non-synthetic). Debra says that although both houses of the State Legislature passed a bill reducing the THC limits in Delta 8 & Delta 9 products, “Thankfully, Governor DeSantis vetoed that bill because Delta 8 and 9 help a lot of people. We’re proud to be able to continue to sell them.”
As some prescriptions can conflict with CBD, Debra and David suggest that if you are taking medications, you should speak with your physician before starting any CBD regimen.
Debra and David says that love educating their customers and clear up misinformation about CBD. Their CBD products won’t get you high, aren’t illegal, won’t make you impaired and you don’t need a Medical Cannabis card to purchase them.
Instead, their products help with anxiety, sleep issues, chronic pain and more.
“Our products are all-natural, organic, and non-addictive, Debra says. “You can buy CBD anywhere — a smoke shop or gas station, even on Amazon — but you don’t want to do that because anything you are putting on your body or in your body, you want to make sure it is good quality. You risk getting a synthetic, damaging product that can harm your health.
David adds, “We’re third-party tested. We have QR codes on everything we sell; you can bring up each product’s lab report. We have referring
“Our topical cream is amazing for isolated pain,” Debra says. “I had a knee replacement years ago, and I had not been able to walk long distances. The product came out in December, and my husband and I were going Christmas shopping, and I could walk the entire mall. It’s been selling off the shelves left and right. We’ve always had 1,000- and 2,000-milligram strengths since we opened, but the 4,000 milligrams is amazing.”
Debra also recommends Neuro, a water-soluble CBD, for pain management. While the store’s original daily oil tincture takes time to work, based on your metabolism and weight, the as-needed, water-soluble Neuro CBD effects are felt more quickly. “You take the dropper of Neuro and put it in a Dixie cup size of water and drink it,” she says. “It goes into your body within 10 minutes, comes in 900- and 1,800-milligram strengths, and is also
For pet parents, beyond their regular CBD pet treats, chews and tinctures for health and anxiety, Debra recommends another new product — Broad Spectrum Allergy Aid CBD Pet Chews, which have only been in the store for about a month, to help with “hot spots” and seasonal skin allergies.
Debra and David are proud of their store’s Google reviews, which average a 4.9 stars out of 5, based on 170 reviews.
“If you look at our reviews,” Debra says, “you’ll see people love the products and that they’re changing lives.”
Your CBD Store of New Tampa (19651 BBD Blvd. Suite B-1) is open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and 1 p.m.– 5 p.m. on Sun. Ages 55 or older can save 20% off their purchases. The store also has a bonus system whereby customers accrue points for discounts and free products. Free local delivery/free shipping are available for orders of $100+. For more info, call (813) 9940599 or visit GetSunMed.com. Your
55 miles per hour to 45 mph. This was around the same time that NTCA finished construction.
But, even with those improvements, the corridor still retained its original high speed rural characteristic; as a two-lane undivided road with narrow lanes, no shoulders, no curb and gutter and, most critically, no sidewalks or bike lanes. Unfortunately, because the road still “felt” the same, speeds stayed on the higher side, and even though it’s been six years, some online commenters joked (at least we hope they were joking) that they didn’t even know the speed limit was ever reduced to 45 mph.
(Note-Many Pasco residents are still hoping another signal will be constructed at the equally dangerous intersection of Cypress Creek Rd. at County Line Rd., only two miles to the west.)
Grand Hampton residents had been reaching out to Hillsborough County for years about adding a signal at the community’s entrance, due to their growing and continual concerns. And in his June 10 town hall meeting at the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (as we reported in our June 25 New Tampa issue), County Commissioner Ken Hagan said he was pleased that he was able to get funding for that need and mentioned that construction (of the now active signal) would be completed at the end of June.
Although County Line Rd. serves both Pasco and Hillsborough, any issues or problems with the new signal need to be reported to Hillsborough County, the entity that is responsible for monitoring and adjusting the signal’s timing and detection.
If you’re the parent of a student in any of Wesley Chapel’s 18 public and charter schools, you’re keenly aware that Aug. 12 was the first day of school in Pasco County for the 2024-25 school year.
The big news in Wesley Chapel was that the new Kirkland Ranch K-8 School opened with the rest of our local schools. According to the Pasco. k12.fl.us website, the new school, located on the same property as the Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation high school, is Pasco’s first school to offer “the magnet themes of World Languages and Entrepreneurship woven throughout the student experience. Students will begin with their language acquisition in kindergarten and will have the opportunity to earn high school World Language credits in their middle school years. Pasco County Schools believes that providing these opportunities to students will empower them to discover their talents in a safe and nurturing learning environment.”
The new school’s principal, Julie Marks, who previously was the principal at Chester Taylor Elementary in Zephyrhills, was clearly excited on the first day of school for what lies ahead at this unique new K-8 school.
Marks said the first day of school went
smoothly, although there were traffic concerns, as cars backed up on Curley Rd. to the nearby Epperson and Watergrass communities, with many local residents voicing complaints on Facebook after opening day.
The good news, however, was that the school’s Facebook page posted the following message after the long car line wait on Day One: “Good evening KRK8 families! Today was an amazing day with all of your children! We did problem solve our car line and we sent out an email with a video showing new arrival and dismissal procedures. We have attached the video here. Please review this video prior to tomorrow. We feel confident that this will decrease our wait time with our car rider lines! Thank you.”
The better news was that the online complaints did seem to die down by the next day.
The first day of school also was the first day at the helm of Double Branch Elementary for Lisa Grimsley, who previously was the assistant principal at Sand Pine Elementary in Meadow Pointe. Former Double Branch principal Lori Wiggins is now the principal at Pasco eSchool.
We wish all of Wesley Chapel’s students, parents, teachers and staff a great school year! — GN
By Gary Nager
District 7 Tampa City Council member Luis Viera told a crowd of 50-60 people — most of whom were K-Bar Ranch residents — that he has been working to build a city park in K-Bar Ranch almost since the day he first took office in 2016.
Viera hosted yet another of his ever-present New Tampa Town Hall meetings on Aug. 7 to discuss the park, which is located completely in K-Bar and for which the city now has about $1 million in its fiscal 2025 budget for the park’s design.
In addition to Viera, Brad Suder, the superintendent of the city’s planning design natural resources division, and city manager Heather Wolf-Erickson also were on hand, representing Tampa’s Parks & Recreation Department. Co-hosting the meeting with Viera was Dist. 67 State Representative (and Florida House minority leader) Fentrice Driskell, who will try to secure some state funding for when the park is ready to be built.
The meeting was held at the Mahadevia Education Center on Highwoods Preserve Pkwy., in the West Meadows community.
“Now that we have the design
in the budget,” Councilman Viera said, “the next step will be to get the community’s input, to see what facilities the residents want to see included in the park.”
One of the features Viera said was already being talked about being included in this park is a cricket field, “and now is the time to push for that issue.”
To that end, many of the residents who attended the meeting were there in support of cricket, a sport that originated in England that is hugely popular not only in India, but with New Tampa’s sizable Indian population — which Viera said has been pushing him to include a regulation cricket pitch and facility in the K-Bar park’s design “basically since I was elected.”
Among those in attendance were Nagesh Nayak and Prahlad Madabhushi, the president and managing director, respectively, of the Tampa Premier League (TPL), which currently is based at the Wesley Chapel District Park on Boyette Rd., but which doesn’t have an actual cricket pitch of its own.
See “K-Bar Park” on pg. 16.
The planned City of Tampa park in the K-Bar Ranch community is adjacent to neighborhoods in the community, so the city will be including two access points (in purple) with a gate at the western entrance for neighborhood access & emergency use only to keep the park traffic coming in & out of the main (east) entrance only. (Source: City of Tampa)
To start the discussion, Viera touted the $9$10 million total he has gotten for recreation facilities in New Tampa since taking office eight years ago, including the expansion of the New Tampa Recreation Center, the expansion of the recreation facilities behind Liberty Middle School (working with the Hillsborough School District) and the City of Tampa’s All-Abilities Park. Viera said, “I couldn’t have done this without the help of these folks — Brad Suder and Heather Wolf-Erickson.”
Wolf-Erickson said that designing a park is, “a long process that won’t get accomplished tonight, but when it’s built, that’s when it gets handed over to my team and we do the operations, to keep the park beautiful and packed, and handle the waiting lists and all that we do for the (city) parks here in New Tampa.”
She added that, “The design phase is such fun, so I hope you all will sit back, relax and enjoy that design phase, but just realize that whatever you think (the park) is going to be, it’s going to be a hybrid of what everybody wants. That’s the beautiful part about it. It will represent the whole community.”
Wolf-Erickson also said that Suder, who was involved in the design of every city recreation facility in New Tampa, also was responsible for the design of the Tampa Riverwalk downtown and so many other facilities city-wide.
“Luis didn’t mention the New Tampa Nature Park (near I-75), but it is one of my favorite parks that I’ve designed,” Suder said, “but these are all labors of love. And, I’ve been working on the KBar park since 2012.”
Suder added that the K-Bar park started out as a county-city cooperative. It was supposed to be in the northern portion of the community, “but we ran into some issues where we couldn’t accept what the developer wanted to give us. The county went to a different site and the [K-Bar] park went silent for a while. I knew K-Bar was building and building, but we were promised park land. We were originally only offered a donation of 15 acres with an option to purchase 15 more at market value. But ultimately, we were offered this 65 acres, which was originally a borrow pit, but because of the lakes that were dug in K-Bar, we ended up with hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of soil — and we tested every truckload of that soil — and we ended up with a suitable park site to start the design process.”
What About Cricket?
“We have heard that cricket is a very popular and desired amenity to have at this park for New Tampa,” Suder said. “The problem is that most of our parks don’t support the square acreage that’s needed for cricket. But, in this case, we believe we have the acreage to make it work in this park, along with the other needs that we hear about tonight.”
He added, “Councilman Viera calls me a friend, but he did fight to get this going and I applaud him for that. And now, we’ve got it going.”
Suder also noted that once the money for the park’s design becomes available and the city can hire a consultant to work with, “We will start the public participation process, so we can hear all of the elements the community wants — the community as a whole. It can’t focus only on K-Bar residents, but that is a part of the discussion.” He did say, however, that the design funds probably won’t be available until late November, or several weeks after the fiscal year begins on Oct. 1. “Then, it will take several more weeks to hire the consultant. And, the actual design phase will likely take a little more than a year to complete.”
Viera noted that there is no money in the current city budget for construction of the park. “We really need that half-cent Community Investment Tax to continue,” Viera said. “That’s where the money to build the park would most likely come from.”
Suder then mentioned that, “We envision asking for about $5 million, maybe a little bit more, in a couple of years, when the design process is done, for what will essentially be Phase 1 of the park.”
And, even though the county had envisioned a sports “megaplex,” Suder said that with the new site, “We realized that a megaplex for sports probably isn’t the idea here, for many reasons — one is public safety, including concerns about getting fire rescue in there if anything happens and clogging up the roads with, say, 18 teams for a tournament. That just wouldn’t work — we don’t want that much traffic going through there.”
So, Suder and his team came up with what he calls a “hybrid” model, “with one part neighborhood parks with passive uses like picnicking and enjoyment of nature, one part active, essentially sports, and a really nice playground for all of the families that live near here.”
The fourth component of the park Suder said he envisions is conservation.
“A lot of this property is old pasture land for cows, and we hope to add a lot of trees, with walking trails, to make something really nice.”
Viera then asked Prahlad Madabhushi to speak about cricket, “because Tampa is a very pluralistic city and the fact that we have many people asking for cricket speaks to that. And, the fact that the HOAs and CDDs in New Tampa are all supportive of it is another reason why New Tampa is so awesome.”
Madabhushi first gave a brief description of cricket and its origins in England, dating back to the 16th century, that it is similar to baseball, “and a lot of people love it. If you ever come to watch a game, you will fall in love with it, too.”
Madabhushi also mentioned that with Florida’s climate, “We can play 11 or 12 months a year, which you can’t do in the northeast and other places.”
He also said that the TPL that he and Nayak run also has hosted tournaments, with players even coming from other countries to play, “Which could really put New Tampa on the map.”
Several of the K-Bar residents in attendance mentioned that they hoped the cricket pitch at the K-Bar park would not be used for tournaments, because of the neighborhood safety and traffic concerns Suder had mentioned.
Wolf-Erickson asked about what the needs would be to have the “proper” cricket pitch Madabhushi talked about during his presentation.
He said that the total size needed for one field would be about five acres. “If you can imagine two full-size football fields next to each other and draw a circle around it, that’s the size of a cricket pitch, Madabhushi said. “Soccer could be played there when it’s not being used for cricket. If you have enough flat ground and possibly lights, that would work.”
Having lights for playing cricket at night was a concern for some of the K-Bar residents.
But, Suder countered that the LED lights being used in new facilities being constructed today would not shine into the nearby houses.
K-Bar Ranch Homeowners Assn. (HOA) president Patrick Leduc said that his community does support cricket at the park, “but if you could keep it low-density, without lights and without fencing it in, that would be fine. I think a fitness track around the outside would work. The thing that’s unique
about this piece of land is that it’s open. There’s actually an absence of trees, which I call ‘Big Sky Country.’ You could widen the lake out there and use the dirt to make hills for the fitness track for kids to ride bikes and skateboards. I think it could be a unique place in the city’s park system.” He also noted that his ideas came from HOA discussions, “I didn’t come up with them myself.”
Leduc also mentioned that it would be important to control ingress and egress, especially at dusk. “All of the communities near the park are gated except Bassett Creek,” he said. “So, we’d like it if you could gate it and keep the ‘look’ of the park entrance similar to the community’s gated entrances.” He also said that if the lake could be widened and allow fishing, since no fishing is allowed at other lakes and ponds in the community, “I think the kids who live here would love it.”
One K-Bar resident, who said his home backs up to the park, said he appreciates that the park will be low-density because of the nature and animals that are out there now.
“I can look out at that property and see bald eagles and 20 deer at a time,” he said. “That is so special in an area that is growing so quickly. It needs to be preserved.”
Another resident asked about the possibility of tennis or pickleball courts being included at the park, but Leduc said that K-Bar is getting pickleball at its Amenity Center, “and we want there to be a synergy between what we have in K-Bar and this city park.”
Other residents expressed concerns about the traffic, but Viera promised that before the design is approved, Tampa’s Mobility Dept. will be brought in to assess the ways to control the traffic at the park. “That’s all a part of this process.”
Suder added, “The signage will emphasize the main entrance (see pg. 14), so that the other entrance will be for residents and emergencies only.”
And, although she spent most of her time at the meeting just listening, Rep. Driskell said, “We will get this project over the finish line together.”
Thursday, September 5, 4 p.m.-6 p.m.
— Ribbon Cutting, Eden Chiropractic. At 29141 Chapel Park Dr., Brookside Professional Park, Wesley Chapel. Celebrate with Eden Chiropractic at this free event that will include food, drinks and raffles. For more info, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com/events or call (813) 994-8534.
Friday, September 6, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. — Leading Ladies Network. At North Tampa Bay Chamber’s Wiregrass office (at Signature Workspace (28210 Paseo Dr., #190). This Chamber-driven meeting aims to empower and support women in various fields. Tiffany Watson, owner of All Aboard Financial Tax Preparation Service, will be the speaker. Online registration is required, $15 per person. For more info, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com/events or call (813) 994-8534.
The Florida Orchestra’s Instrument “Petting Zoo” will again be on hand at the 2nd annual Fall Festival at the New Tampa Performing Arts Center Sept. 12-15.
Friday, September 13, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. & Saturday, September 14, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. — Friends of the Library Book Sale. At New River Branch Library (34043 S.R. 54). All proceeds from the book sale support Library programs. For more information, call (813) 788-6375.
Wednesday, September 18, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. — North Tampa Bay Chamber Coffee Social. At USF Federal Credit Union (20610 Bruce B.Downs Blvd.) For more information, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com/events or call the NTBC office at (813) 994-8534.
for a quick bite, brunch, or sit-down dining. Trophies will be awarded to all makes, models, and vintages. Brought to you by Unhinged International, Florida. To register a vehicle or for more info, visit TheShopsatWiregrass.com.
Friday, September 6, 5:30 p.m.-9 p.m. — The Market Elaine Wesley Chapel. At The Village at The Grove (Wesley Grove Blvd.). Join 150+ vendors at this monthly event, with FREE admission and parking. For more information, visit TheMarketCulture.com.
Saturday, September 7, 7 p.m. & Sunday, September 8, 3 p.m. — Ampersand Theatre & the New Tampa Players present “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). Ampersand Theatre is a theatre troupe for adults with disabilities, guided by the New Tampa Players. Charlie Brown and the entire Peanuts gang explore life’s great questions as they play baseball,
struggle with homework, sing songs, swoon over their crushes and celebrate the joy of friendship. Presented through the generous support of the City of Tampa and Hillsborough County. Tickets cost $20. For tickets & more information, visit NewTampaPlayers.org.
Thursday, September 12-Sunday, September 15. — The 2nd annual Fall Festival. At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (NTPAC, 8550 Hunters Village Rd.). Celebrate the Tampa Bay arts scene as NTPAC presents outstanding performances from Tampa Bay-area artists and interactive events for all ages. The performance lineup spans music, theatre, dance, comedy, and more. Plus, don’t miss the family-friendly activities like a free screening of Disney’s live-action “Aladdin,” arts & crafts, and the Florida Orchestra’s instrument “petting zoo” (photo). Free admission to all events and performances. For more information & a list of events, visit NewTampaArtsCenter.org/2024FallFestival.
Thursday, September 19, 4 p.m.-6 p.m. — Grand Opening of Downtown I at Avalon Park Wesley Chapel. The community is invited to attend the Grand Opening of Downtown Avalon Park Wesley Chapel (4424 Friendly Way, Wesley Chapel) for a ribbon cutting and to meet the businesses that make up the downtown area’s first building. Free to attend, but reservations are requested. For more info, visit AvalonParkWesleyChapel.com, RSVP to Marketing@AvalonParkGroup.com or see the ad below.
Friday & Saturday, September 20-21, 7 p.m. — Powerstories presents “Celebrate the Power of the Arts.” At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). For more information, see the story on pg. 20.
Sunday, September 22, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. — “Auto & Truck Showcase.” At The Shops at Wiregrass, on Paseo Dr. Stroll along palm treelined Paseo Dr. to check out the area’s best cars and trucks, while enjoying live music, family activities, shopping and 30+ eateries to choose from
Monday, September 23, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. — Heart of the Community Gala Dinner Fundraiser. At Meadow Pointe 2 Clubhouse (30051 County Line Rd.). Help open Wesley Chapel’s Radiant Life Senior Enrichment Day Center. Tickets are $50 per person which includes appetizers, dinner, drinks, dessert and live entertainment. Deadline to buy tickets is Sunday, September 15. For more information, please call Vicki at 813-997-3379.
Wednesday, September 25, 6 p.m.-7 p.m. — Medicare Educational Seminar. At the Land O’ Lakes Recreation Complex, (3032 Collier Pkwy.). Many people turning 65 struggle to understand Part B enrollment. We can help! Call to RSVP (800) 586-4604 or see the Insurance Opportunities ad on pg. 23.
Friday, September 27, 4 p.m.-6 p.m. — Final Friday Networking Event.. At Top Shelf Sports Lounge (3173 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Wesley Chapel. For more info, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com/events or call the NTBC office at (813) 994-8534.
Saturday, September 28, 8 p.m. — The Tampa Jazz Club presents “James Suggs: A Miles Davis Tribute). At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). Reserved theater & cabaret seating available. For tickets & more information, visit NewTampaArtsCenter.org.
By Gary Nager
You may not know the name Stan Zimmerman, but if you’ve ever watched an episode of “The Golden Girls,” “Gilmore Girls” or “Roseanne,” you may already know his work.
But, whether you know his name or not, you owe it to yourself to check out Zimmerman’s original play, “right before I go,” in which he also acts as the narrator.
Zimmerman’s play about suicide notes will be performed at the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (NTPAC, 5850 Hunters Village Rd.) on Friday and Saturday, September 20-21, 7 p.m., by Powerstories, “a nonprofit professional theatre troupe whose mission is to stage true stories to open minds and hearts and inspire action worldwide.” Powerstories will “Celebrate the Power of the Arts” throughout the weekend, which also will include an art display, raffles, appetizers, staged reading, talkback, celebrity meet & greet and live music.
Zimmerman, who also has directed many plays, says “right before i go” itself is “only about an hour long” and that there will be a half-hour sit-down with a mental health professional following the performance. A portion of the ticket sales will be donated to the Crisis Center of Hillsborough. Also scheduled to be readers are chief meteorologist Denis Phillips and anchor Wendy Ryan of ABC Action News Tampa Bay.
“I feel that with this piece, the audience will need to talk about it afterwards,” Zimmerman says. “It’s really about starting a discus-
sion. I’ve found that after the show, people want to talk about it with total strangers on the street or friends and family.”
Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW) had this to say about the play: “Stan Zimmerman brings to life the last words written in letters by individuals lost to suicide — including celebrities, veterans, kids that were bullied, LGBTQ and the clinically depressed — and those who have survived suicide attempts. Since its acclaimed first performance at the Hollywood Fringe Festival in 2015, the play
has traveled across the country, raising awareness and offering hope for suicide prevention.”
Zimmerman, who says he was mercilessly bullied and regularly spit on in 7th, 8th and 9th grade, admits that he would go home and “visualize taking my own life” many times.
In an interview on YouTube, he said, “I don’t suffer from depression, but if I did, and had those feelings [of suicide], I honestly don’t know if I’d be here today.”
But then, in 2012, “I was one of a couple of people who received a suicide note from a very
good friend of mine named Kevin, who took his own life. I started Googling ‘suicide notes’ and had an idea to use my craft to put what I found into a play, with actors reading the suicide notes in order to help raise awareness and prevention for suicide.”
With his career predominantly as a comedy writer, Zimmerman says he really scoured the internet in order to try to find a “funny” suicide note, “but what I found is that there really wasn’t one. Some of them were lighter, and that some people will laugh or giggle, but that may be nervous laughter. But, this is a very important moment in anyone’s life when they decide to do this.”
He says that when the play was first performed at the Fringe Festival, “the tendency for the actors was to play the result, you know, where this was going. And I had to remind them that there’s an urgency to these notes. These people that wrote these notes needed to get this out [because] they weren’t being heard and they had to tell people what they felt inside. And I think that’s why they’re all so powerful.” The subtitle of “right before i go” is “Destigmatizing Suicide.”
As for how he approached writing “right before i go,” Zimmerman says, “I wanted this to be sort of like ‘The Vagina Monologues,’ in that it would be something that would be easily performed and wouldn’t take a lot of rehearsal, so theatre companies, when they did this piece, they could rehearse it for a couple
of hours or a couple of days and interpret it any way they wanted.”
He also says that it just came to him “how the structure needed to be and how to group them to tell the story.”
Meanwhile, Zimmerman says that although he has made a career of writing, his first love was acting, and he started his career in the theatre program at New York University.
And, even though he didn’t originally intend to be the play’s narrator, “When I did the first table read in my living room with friends of mine, a lot of them said, ‘You’re a writer, you need to put yourself in this piece.’
That’s when I started writing a lot more in between. And, they said they wanted hope, so that’s when I started putting a lot of stuff about hope at the end.”
Although Zimmerman and his long-time writing partner James Berg were never the head writers on “The Golden Girls,” “Gilmore Girls” or “Roseanne,” the Zimmerman/Berg team did write multiple episodes for all three and were able to capitalize on those successes (and others) with many other writing credits.
In addition, while they also didn’t receive writing credits for the original script of “The Brady Bunch Movie” (and weren’t happy about it), the team was hired by the film’s director Betty Thomas to do rewrites of the original script, and the movie became a hit. Zimmerman and Berg would then get full writing credits for “A Very Brady Sequel,” which also became a hit in 1996.
And, while none of the other TV series the pair wrote for — including the TV adaptation of the hit movie “Fame,” as well as “Just Our Luck,” “Pauly” and “Rita Rocks,” to name just a few — became monster hits, they also were hired as “term writers” for other series, most notably “The Nanny.”
Their work won the team two Writers Guild of America award nominations — for the “Rose’s Mother” episode of “The Golden Girls” and the infamous “Lesbian Kiss” episode of “Roseanne.”
Zimmerman and Berg also were the writers for “Ladies of the ‘80s: A Divas Christmas,”
NTPAC and will have a “talkback” session following the play. (Photo: Screenshot from YouTube) a 2023 TV Christmas comedy starring some of the most famous TV divas of the ‘80s — Loni Anderson (“WKRP in Cincinnati”), Morgan Fairchild (“Flamingo Road” and “Falcon’s Crest”), Linda Gray (“Dallas”), Donna Mills (“Knots Landing”) and Nicollette Sheridan (also “Knots Landing” and later, “Desperate Housewives”).
Also last year, Indian River Publishing (an independent book publishing company distributed by Simon & Schuster) published Zimmerman’s book The Girls: from Golden to Gilmore, subtitled “Stories about all the wonderful women I’ve worked with...” (Note-He says that the words that come after the ellipsis are “and Roseanne,” although the book cover doesn’t say it.)
The book tells Zimmerman’s true story as a TV and film writer and yes, all of the wonderful women he and Berg worked with together. I’ve read several chapters of my copy, which I will ask Stan to autograph when I meet him next month. It’s a great read.
Editor’s note — Although I also interviewed him on the phone, most of the direct quotes in this article came from the YouTube video “Playwright Stan Zimmerman Discusses Right Before I Go.” And, the information about his early life and career came from The Girls. For tickets ($40-$100) to the performances of “right before i go,” scan the QR code on the ad on pg. 20 or visit bit.ly/ NNCelebration or Powerstories.com.
By Iris Vitelli
Neighborhood News Correspondent
Kathy Gillespie never imagined her life would take such a creative turn. She began her journey as a skilled seamstress, crafting parachutes with precision and care. Kathy explained that alongside her late husband, Rob Jones, she “co-owned Morpheus Technologies, a business that combined our passion for skydiving with the art of making parachutes.” Together, they built a life filled with adventure and hard work. “But, when Rob passed away,” Kathy says, “I found myself at a crossroads, uncertain about the future of the business.”
As time went on, she began to feel the weight of her loss and the reality of aging. “I wasn’t sure” she explained, “if I wanted to continue running Morpheus Technologies full time, especially since I knew I wouldn’t be jumping out of planes as often as before.” Little did she know that a new passion was just around the corner, waiting for her to take a different kind of leap.
In 2011, the couple who owned the business that embroidered their parachutes had mentioned that they were thinking about retiring. The couple asked Kathy if she would be interested in purchasing the business. “This sparked many thoughts” Kathy says. “What if I took over the business and ventured into the world of embroidery?” It was a big decision, and it took her a year to think it through. But, in 2012, she decided to take the plunge and purchase the business.
Kathy was now the proud owner of both Morpheus Technologies and a new company.
“I wanted to give this new company a name that people would remember and smile,” she says. “I thought about it for a while and finally came up with the perfect name: ‘Stitch Happens.’” It is playful, catchy and a little bit cheeky, a perfect reflection of Kathy’s personality.
Although Kathy still makes parachutes, Stitch Happens quickly became her focus. “The business offers more than just embroidery,” Kathy explains. “We also provide silk screening and a variety of other services.” She can make just about anything you can think of — shirts, hats, scrubs, personalized backpacks, pens, team uniforms, magnets, stickers and even dog collars. “If you can dream it, I can stitch it.” she says.
One of Kathy’s favorite things about her work is helping companies promote their brands. “I especially enjoy working with the medical
industry, creating custom scrubs for healthcare professionals,” she says.
“Two of my clients are AdventHealth and Florida Medical Clinic.”
But, what really sets Stitch Happens apart from other companies is Kathy’s commitment to building personal relationships with customers.
“I don’t just take orders,” Kathy says, “I collaborate with my clients, and help them refine their ideas and create the perfect design. My custom ers know they can count on me to be creative and add that special touch that makes their products stand out.”
She recently created promotion al items for Black Sheep Restaurant in Lutz, including shirts for the restau rant’s anniversary celebration.
“Helping people grow their businesses through branding is something I find deeply rewarding,” she says “I love hearing back from them and knowing I was a part of their success story.”
Building relationships with her customers is at the heart of Kathy’s business philosophy. She knows that even a small job can lead to bigger opportunities down the road. For example, she might start by creating a personalized item for a newborn baby and as the child grows, she continues to provide items like embroidered backpacks and school uniforms.
“Over time, these small connections grow into lasting partnerships that I cherish,” she says.
And, Kathy’s customers rave about her services, too, giving her a 4.8-out-of-5-star overall rating on Google. Here is just one of those raves:
“We at Crown Insurance Group have been working with Kathy and Stitch Happens for over 5 years and she has yet to disappoint. The quality of her work and her attention to detail are second to none, but more importantly, Kathy brings a passion to her work and goes out of her way to ensure customer satisfaction. Stitch Happens has made polo shirts for the entire Crown Insurance Group team, dress shirts and ‘swag,’ including cups, koozies, magnets and table runners, just to name a few. Even when we have given her short timelines to work with, she delivers every time. We regularly receive compliments on everything that Stitch Happens has done for us. So much so, that we refer Stitch Happens constantly and everyone raves about Kathy and Stitch Happens.
Thank you!” — Crown Insurance Group, Inc.
Pet Products & More
Pets are a big part of many people’s lives and Kathy knows just how to make them look special, too. “I offer custom embroidery for dog collars,” says Kathy, “and I create unique designs that pet owners love.” Some collars have playful sayings like, “If you find me, call my Mom,” complete with a phone number, while others simply display the pet’s name.” Kathy enjoys helping her customers come up with just the right words to make their pet’s collars one-of-a-kind.
or messages,” explains Kathy, “creating a beautiful and lasting tribute to loved ones.”
While Stitch Happens does have a website — StitchHappensPromo.com — Kathy says it’s more for inspiration than for shopping. Her site doesn’t have a shopping cart because she prefers to work directly with her customers. The website is a place where people can browse for ideas and once they know what they want, they can reach out to her.
“I take pride in finding the best prices for my customers.” she says, adding that she often searches for local businesses to source products, avoiding extra shipping costs whenever possible.
The holiday season is a busy time for Kathy, especially when it comes to Christmas stockings.
“These personalized items are always in high demand,” she says. “I enjoy creating festive designs
Weddings are another occasion where Kathy’s talents shine — from embroidered bathrobes for the wedding party to personalized ties with messages for the groom — Kathy helps couples add a personal touch to their big day. She can even stitch wedding dates and names inside bridal dresses, creating a hidden keepsake that brides can cherish forever. And, the possibilities don’t stop there, as Kathy’s embroidery has graced everything from menus to initials on glassware making each wedding truly unique.
In addition to her work with Stitch Happens, Kathy also is an active member of the Main Street Zephyrhills group which organizes events and fund raisers. She has created logos for the group and enjoys giving back to her community. Kathy also has embroidered golf towels and created logos for golf tournaments that support underprivileged children.
Kathy’s motto is “Making Stitch Happen Since 2012.” This sums up her journey perfectly, as she took a leap of faith by leaving behind the parachutes she once made to create something for
By Celeste McLaughlin Neighborhood News Correspondent
Joe Kipping loves his family and he also loves to be a coach. A former high school and college football player himself, he now coaches football for his sons, Joey, 10, and Jaxson, 9.
But, Joe spends most of his time coaching clients in his role as a real estate agent and broker, and cultivating a business that feels more like a family than a corporation.
He and his wife, Christina, who also is a real estate agent, own Tampa Bay Home Team.
Joe started in the industry in 2003.
“I was doing mortgages, but I didn’t want to be strapped behind a desk,” he says. From his vantage point, he met real estate agents who weren’t serving their clients well. “I can do this better,” he thought, so he pursued a real estate license.
He started selling homes in 2007, then established the company that would become Tampa Bay Home Team in 2009. After 10 years under the Keller Williams umbrella, Tampa Bay Home Team is now part of eXp Realty.
“We made the switch to eXp Realty because it offers greater opportunities for Realtors through revenue sharing and stock ownership,” Joe explains, adding that eXp Realty has an innovative model that allows agents to build wealth for retirement during their careers.
In 2014, Christina was let go from a corporate job in finance and joined Joe in the business.
And in 2021, Joe’s career came full circle when he opened a mortgage business, called Motto Mortgage Home Team, a local franchise of
a Denver-based company that has more than 225 offices in 40 states.
The office for both companies is located in Wesley Chapel, on Cypress Ridge Blvd. near AdventHealth Center Ice. It includes five more agents, all of whom have been at the company for several years.
“We’re family oriented,” says Christina. “We’re a small business, and we really do treat clients as family, and our employees would say the same thing.”
Joe and Christina are native to the Tampa Bay area and moved to Wesley Chapel almost 15 years ago. In addition to Joey and Jaxon, Joe and Christina also have two daughters. Taylor, who is
14 and six-year-old Natalie.
“I love to educate people,” Joe says, “whether they’re buying now or 10 years from now. I’m a coach at heart. If they buy 10 years from now, I want to be the guy who has been there the whole time, educating them along the way.”
“We’re here to help people when the time is right,” Christina adds.
Joe and Christina say they have stripped their commission fees “down to bare bones” and offer a menu system where buyers can pay as little as 1.5 percent. However, they say, most people choose the 2% option.
They say that if someone doesn’t see value in a particular service, they shouldn’t have to pay for it. In other words, their options put the consumer in the driver seat.
Meanwhile, Tampa Bay Home Team’s clients say their lower commission rate doesn’t mean a lower level of service.
Eric Sanchez worked with Christina to sell his home in Meadow Pointe. He’s lived in Wesley Chapel for 18 years, but recently bought a home in Two Rivers.
“I was under duress and had to make a quick sale,” he explains. “I was looking for a Realtor who was willing to take less commission and found Christina. It was truly a godsend.”
Back in 2006, during the local real estate market crash, Eric had tried to sell in Temple Terrace by hiring a full-commission Realtor. That home never sold and he eventually lost it. He wanted to be sure he didn’t make that mistake again.
“(Christina and Joe) have a whole office working hard to sell my home,” Eric says. “They did everything from referring me to contractors who did an excellent job, to helping me pack. There was absolutely nothing the Home Team couldn’t handle for me.”
Eric received an offer within two weeks and closed on the sale of his home less than four weeks from when it was listed.
“A lot of things had to fall into place, and Christina handled everything to a ‘T,’” Eric says. “I got premium service — absolutely the full service of what you would expect from a Realtor’s office, with no corners cut – at a discounted rate.
He says he and his wife, Carmen, speak of them highly every opportunity we get, and refer them to anyone they can.
“They even have the post-sale saying,” explains Eric. “You’re family now. They have gettogethers and social events, and they invite us. It’s not a business feeling; it’s a family feeling. I don’t feel like a customer; I feel like a friend.”
Joe and Christina say a couple of things their clients really appreciate include their partnership with Zillow to showcase the homes they market.
Also, Tampa Bay Home Team has an in-house media department for photography and videography. When they used to outsource photography, pictures were snapped quickly in
home online.
“Clients like it because they don’t feel rushed,” Christina explains. “This is a big step for them, putting their biggest asset on the market. They want someone to come in and care about it as much as they do.”
They also say their background in the financial industry and mortgages also is a benefit to their clients.
“A lot of agents are not trained on the mortgage side,” Joe says. “You want to make sure the person you’re hiring as a listing agent has the background knowledge to know what questions to ask the lender so there are no issues with the
He says they’ve heard a lot of horror stories about deals that don’t close. “The worst thing is after you’ve made plans, you’re packed up and ready to move, and the deal dies,” he says.
That’s one reason people are tempted by online companies that offer convenience and a sure thing, such as Open Door and Offerpad. But Joe says his company offers a better option.
Tampa Bay Home Team will make a guaranteed cash offer on your home.
“We have investors that will give full market value for homes,” Joe explains. “It’s a unique program that gets people a lot more money.”
be part
buying or selling a home is to work with someone who has a track record of selling a lot of homes, with the experience and education to navigate the transaction.
For example, Robert Holbert and his wife Carrie have 2-year-old twins and a 10-year-old. They are another client of The Home Team who recently moved to Wesley Chapel from New Tampa. They’re also repeat customers who first bought a house with Home Team in 2020. Then, The Home Team helped Robert’s parents move into the area in 2022.
He says online companies typically offer about 80 percent of a home’s value. Recently, Joe says a seller got $30,000 more from Tampa Bay Home Team than they were offered from an online source.
“If consumers go to Open Door or Offerpad, they are not being represented,” explains Joe. “Our fiduciary responsibility is to the client to represent their best interest. Those companies’ responsibility is to their shareholders.”
He says the most important thing when
“Joe is super knowledgeable about the market and has done a great job of keeping the relationship with us,” Robert says. “It’s not just a deal, but he’s been someone we see around town, who has helped us with follow-up questions about schools and when we needed a recommendation to replace our A/C. He’s been available for us, not just for one transaction.”
Tampa Bay Home Team is located at 2818 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Ste. 150. For more information about Tampa Bay Home Team, contact Joe and Christina at (813) 321-HOME (4663), email info@TampaBayHome.com, visit TampaBayHome.com, or see the ads on pages 28-29.
By Celeste McLaughlin Neighborhood News Correspondent
When Luis Perez was going through an acrimonious separation from his wife, he hired a divorce lawyer who sounded great — a guy who advertised that he helps men in Luis’ situation. Quickly, though, Luis realized that the lawyer was not going to be a good fit for him.
“He was young and arrogant and didn’t give me the attention I needed,” Luis says. “I had a lot of questions and I was trying to figure out my life, and it took this guy two or three days to return a phone call. He was always in court. He was always too busy.”
Luis was traveling home from a business conference when he met attorney Cela Webster of Chapel Legal, in the Tampa Palms Professional Center (off Commerce Palms Blvd.) on a plane. She was friendly and introduced herself as a fam ily law attorney. She handed him a business card and told him to be in touch if he ever needed anything. He says it was a moment of fate, with her knowing nothing about his personal issues.
But, a couple months after that flight, Luis remembered how kind she was on the plane. He had decided to fire his unresponsive attorney, so he reached out to Cela.
He says that’s when everything changed.
fortable and confident. She gave me a vision.”
He says it took nine months for the divorce to be finalized. During that time, he says Cela became his adviser, his counselor and an amazing friend. “Every question I had, she would answer,” he says. “She really cares.”
says the law changed and allowed him to have joint custody of his son. He says if he would have filed for divorce before the law changed, he would have lost his rights. That’s information Cela knew, but his previous attorney somehow never mentioned.
don’t take every client because I like to serve my clients with excellence.”
She opened Chapel Legal nearly two years ago, after two decades of work as an attorney in both Florida and New York.
First, she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of South Florida and her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the Syracuse University College of Law in Syracuse, NY, in 2000.
She started in family law, working for legal aid and serving as an attorney in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York. She also served as Chief of Staff for a judge within that district, learning the ins and outs behind the scenes and writing legal opinions.
In 2015, she and her husband, Matt, moved their family to Wesley Chapel, near Cela’s hometown of Temple Terrace. Their son Jack graduated from Wiregrass Ranch High in 2023 and now attends the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY. Their daughter Eliana is 17 and their son Nathan is 13.
“She cared enough to listen to me for a half an hour while I told her everything that was going on,” says Luis. “She was very professional and knowledgeable. I was afraid I was going to lose everything, but she made me feel so com-
Luis says she didn’t always tell him what he wanted to hear, but, “she predicted almost to the T exactly how it was all going to play out.”
Cela’s expertise helped him get what was most important to him out of the divorce. He
Cela says she treats all of her clients with that kind of “white glove” service.
“I’m going to call you back, respond to you and know you by your first and last name,” says Cela. “You’re not just a number to me. I
Upon her return to the Tampa Bay area, Cela went to work for Bay Area Legal Services. Looking for a change of pace, she then served as general counsel for Hernando County for three years. With her wide variety of experience, she says, “I’ve worked on every kind of case on the planet.”
These days, she is focused on helping families with custody arrangements for children, or modifying arrangements that have
already been made. She helps with divorces, adoptions and other family matters, as well.
Chapel Legal also helps people create a will, designate a healthcare surrogate, set up a power of attorney or guardianship and other important areas of estate planning.
She has recently added probate to the services available to her clients. This is a court-
supervised process for identifying and gathering the assets of a deceased person, paying off their debts and distributing assets to their beneficiaries.
“One of the key things people don’t know or appreciate is that their estate planning documents are living documents that move with you through life,” she says. “You have to keep updating them.”
For example, she says you need to change
them when you get married, when you get a new job, when you leave a job, if someone in your family passes away, or anytime there’s an important change in your life situation.
And, Cela says, it’s also important to do it before you actually need to do it.
“It’s never too early,” she says.
As the mom of a West Point cadet, she also offers her support to members of the military and first responders. She will prepare estate planning documents for any student at any miliary academy for free.
“I’ll take care of you,” she says. “I donate my time and my paralegal donates her time.”
She says for cadets, who are typically right out of high school, these documents are essential — just like for everyone their age.
Many parents don’t realize that once their child turns 18, they no longer have the right to help them if something happens to that adult child, unless that child has listed them on a power of attorney document.
So, for example, if an 18-year-old becomes incapacitated in a car accident, their parents have no right to make medical decisions for them, unless the appropriate documents are in place.
She can help families determine what documents they need to protect them in many different situations.
Cela also donates her time to the Hillsborough County Bar Association “Wills for Heroes” program, offering free wills, health care advance directives and durable powers of attorney to local first responders.
She also is a board member with the
Tampa Hispanic Bar Association and is excited to give back to students as part of the committee that raises money for scholarships.
“My number one goal is to help people,” Cela says. “Whether I’m working in public service or federal court, it’s always about serving people.”
Cela is licensed to practice in both New York and Florida, but she is fully focused on serving families and individuals in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel areas.
While many attorneys don’t offer a free consultation, Cela says it’s important to her that people have an opportunity to ask her questions before they determine whether or not to hire her.
And, as a native Spanish speaker, Cela is happy to work with people who only speak Spanish or who prefer to communicate about the sometimes complicated issues of family law in their native language.
Her client Luis says that after working with Cela, he’s convinced she’s the best attorney in Tampa and may be the best attorney you’ll find anywhere.
“I had to experience a terrible attorney to really appreciate her,” he says. “But, her dedication, attention to detail and her love for her craft is undeniable.”
Chapel Legal is located at 17425 Bridge Hill Ct., Suite 202. If you need help with family law, estate planning or probate, Chapel Legal attorney Cela Webster offers a free phone consultation. For more information, visit ChapelLegal.com, call (813) 5246393, or see the ad on page 41 of this issue.
By Iris Vitelli Neighborhood News Correspondent
It doesn’t have to be the middle of hurricane season for you to need to call Nations Roofing & Construction LLC, which has been a beacon of quality in Central Florida’s roofing industry since its inception in 2006.
“We are not storm chasers,” says Jason Morphet, the founder of this family-owned-andoperated business that has become synonymous with top-tier roofing and construction services throughout our region. “We are a local company that provides roofing services to customers year ‘round. Much of our business comes from word of mouth and customer referrals and we are proud we have been able to establish and grow our business here in the communities where we live.”
He adds, however, that, “After a storm, homeowners always want to be careful with companies that are knocking on their doors. Is this company licensed in Florida? Are they insured? Local? Will they be there for you after the work is completed? When doing any kind of roofing work, from a small repair to new installation, always look for a local company with the proper licenses and insurance.”
In addition, he says, “We do work with homeowners who are in the insurance claim process or have already filed a claim and will work to assist them any way we can. Following a storm or damage to a roof, Nations Roofing & Construction can put tarps over damaged areas, remove downed trees on the roof, provide temporary patches and more.”
Jason’s journey didn’t begin at a construction site. He was raised on a family farm outside of Gainesville, FL, where he learned the value of hard work from his grandfather.
“My grandfather taught me that no job is too small and no effort too great when it comes to doing things the right way,” he says, adding that these lessons shaped his approach to business, laying the foundation for Nations Roofing & Construction. Jason has built a company grounded in the principles of quality, customer satisfaction and a strong work ethic.
Nations Roofing & Construction, with its team of dedicated employees, offers a wide range of services to meet the needs of both residential and commercial clients.
high-quality roof installation for our customers,” Jason says. The company’s attention to detail and use of premium materials guarantee that your roof that will be both durable and aesthetically pleasing.
Jason explains that Nations Roofing & Construction has received the CertainTeed Certification — Master Craftsman Certified SELECT ShingleMaster.
The SELECT designation means Nations Roofing & Construc tion can offer homeowners a 25-year labor and material warranty backed by the manufacturer. Having this certification gives Jason’s company the ability to provide extra warranty coverage from the manufacturer to the homeowner that other companies are not able to provide.
“Roofing contractors bestowed with the CertainTeed Certified SELECT ShingleMaster Installer designation are among the top 1 percent of all roofers nationwide,” Jason says.
A new shingle roof in Florida typically lasts 18-20 years, but Jason says, “The usual lifespan of a roof mainly depends on the workmanship of the installers and the materials used,” he says. “Roofs mostly fail before the end of their lifespans due to poor workmanship. Tile and metal roofs can last up to 40 years or longer provided that they are installed properly.”
He adds that, “Nations Roofing & Construction employs 25-30 employees at any given time. We have a dedicated team of professionals, from our crews to our office staff. Many of our employees have been with the company for years. They have a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to their work. And of course, our team is fully licensed, giving clients peace of mind that their homes are in safe hands.”
The company also does a lot of work for housing authorities in all of the surrounding counties and municipalities, as well as popular food & retail chains, etc.
Other roofing services also are available from Nations Roofing & Construction, including a large service department that focuses on repairs, inspections, maintenance and warranties.
Other Services, Too
But, roofing is just the beginning. Nations Roofing & Construction also offers a range of additional construction services. “Proper gutter installation,” Jason says, “is crucial for protecting a home’s foundation.” He adds that his team ensures that water is effectively channeled away from the structure, preventing potential damage.
The company also specializes in soffit and fascia work, which plays a vital role in protecting the home or business. Jason explains, “In addition to protecting the roof, the soffit and fascia also enhance a home’s overall appearance.”
Nations Roofing & Construction also provides quality siding for homes. And, for homes with chimneys that need attention, the company can rebuild and repair them, ensuring that they function safely and efficiently.
And, in keeping with the growing trend towards renewable energy, Nations Roofing & Construction also is proud to offer solar panel installation services.
“One thing that sets Nations Roofing & Construction apart is our personalized approach to each project,” Jason emphasizes. “We believe in building relationships with our clients, understanding their unique needs and providing tailored solutions.” He often visits job sites himself to ensure that the work meets the company’s high standards and to address any concerns his clients might have.
Together with his wife, Ayleen, a teacher in Pasco County, and their two daughters, Lily and Ellis, Nations Roofing & Construction also is deeply involved in giving back to the community. The company sponsors and donates to Pasco
awards and more.
Jason attributes the success of Nations Roof ing & Construction to the company’s outstanding staffers that help keep the operation running.
Headed up by office manager Kristie Eager, production coordinator Renee Jackson, head of residential sales Dan Rutherford, and head of the commercial roofing division Dan Bonebrake.
“Not to mention the backbone of the company — the roofing foreman Dino, Diego, Alberto, Geo, Zeb, Aiden and Jimmy, who keep production moving on a daily basis,” Jason says.
Nations Roofing & Construction has a 4.8star out of 5 overall rating on Google, with many
glowing 5-star reviews. Here is just one of those:
“Nations Roofing and ALL of the personnel who worked on our new replacement roof were professional. It started with an informative and timely quote by Kristie. Communication was prevalent throughout the entire process. The work crew was very polite and attentive to the plants in and around our house. Everyone was on time as scheduled. Even though there is inflation in these times, we felt the value of paying for everything as specified reflected on the honesty and integrity of the company. There
were no surprises! We are very satisfied with the new roof and the quality of the work. We highly recommend Nations Roofing.” — Joe C For more information or to inquire about their services, readers can contact Nations Roofing & Construction LLC at (813) 692-1555, visit NationsRoofing.com or see the ad on pg. 17. Whether it’s a roofing job or a full-scale construction project, you can trust Nations Roofing & Construction to deliver excellence, integrity, and quality every time.
Team Uniforms
For 30 remarkable years, the New Tampa Dance Theatre (NTDT) on Cross Creek Blvd. (across from the Heritage Isles community) has been a beacon of joy and artistic excellence, nurturing young dancers and helping them discover the transformative power of dance. Whether their students come with dreams of performing on the world’s grandest stages or simply to experience the joy of movement, NTDT is proud to offer a world class, professional and versatile program experience that is truly unmatched in the Tampa Bay area.
NTDT is the largest professional dance training facility in the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. Owner and Artistic Director Dyane Elkins IronWing is in her 30th season of creating dance memories and futures for her students, many of whom have gone on to study dance in college and/ or dance professionally.
“As always, I’m beyond proud of our students,” says Elkins IronWing. “Our dancers become excellent college students, with their impressive time-management skills, perseverance, and creative thinking. As we kick off our 30th Anniversary Celebration, we plan to continue giving back to our community with the ‘Pay It Forward’ program and offering all new students $25 per month tuition for every class!”
With the bigger location built in 2006, eleven years after NTDT first opened, Elkins IronWing was off and running, offering smaller class sizes and larger, more varied schedules.
She says NTDT has an even larger pool of students to day, with the ongoing explosive growth in Wesley Chapel, as well as in New Tampa.
“Our name might say New Tampa,” she says, “but our location is much closer to Wesley Chapel than one might assume. We are extremely convenient to all of the current growth (there). Wesley Chapel families are shocked when they discover just how close we are and excited about how quickly they can drive to our facility.”
NTDT caters to both the recreational dance lover (even adults) as well as the devoted pre-professional — and every level in between.
The school’s leveled curriculum offers multiple art forms for students to explore. Through personalized attention and professional expertise, NTDT’s professional faculty strives to provide a
are invited to join NTDT’s Youth Program.
In addition to classical ballet training, NTDT also offers full programs in creative movement, modern, jazz, tap and hip-hop.
Each program has its own directors and specific syllabuses guiding students in a structured manner through their studies.
The facilities at NTDT are as top notch as the instructors, and include maple flooring for the
locker rooms and a large studio space that can accommodate up to 200 people.
Sprung floors provide shock absorption to protect the dancers’ joints and an on-site physical therapist ensures the health of the dancers. NTDT also features a café for a break, meal, or homework.
NTDT has developed a reputation for creating strong, professional dancers with alumni who have moved on to highly respected dance companies, Broadway productions, national tours, and the Walt Disney Company.
Because NTDT students learn to be proficient in multiple art forms, they have an edge in the competitive world of dance and many of them have been accepted into prestigious summer intensive programs, including the School of American Ballet and American Ballet Theater in New York City, The Harid Conservatory in Boca Raton, the Joffrey Ballet in Chicago, Cincinnati Ballet and the Boston Ballet.
“Reflecting on 30 years in our community, it’s beyond words the gratitude and love I have for the amazing people who have been a part of our dance programs and family,” says Elkins IronWing.
One local former student certainly agrees with that assessment.
“I credit all of my success as a professional
dancer to the foundational training I received at NTDT from ages 6-18,” says Victoria DeR enzo, who today is a professional dancer and choreographer who has toured internationally in 28 countries on four continents, most notably with the renowned Pilobolus Dance Theatre in Washington Depot, CT.
“I loved every second of my experience grow ing up there,” DeRenzo adds, “but I had no idea how spoiled I was until I graduated. Not many people receive a top-notch dance education in multiple artforms during their lifetimes, let alone at the age of 6.”
If a student doesn’t choose to pursue a career in dance after high school, they can still reach a level of artistry to be accepted into many college dance programs, says Elkins IronWing.
“Believing in yourself, respecting the process of working towards a goal, and having a wellrounded dance education give our students the tools and confidence to continue discovering new passions throughout their lifetimes,” she says.
All students have the opportunity to perform in NTDT’s “Spring Production” and — through the studio’s nonprofit partner, the Dance Theatre of Tampa (DTT) — in the winter production of “The Nutcracker (photo)” as well as the “Summer Concert Series,” held in June at the USF Tampa campus.
DTT provides more than 300 free tickets to NTDT’s corporate sponsors, local community supporters, alumni members and students.
and perseverance — attributes that extend far beyond the dance studio.”
Every holiday season, Elkins IronWing says local residents look forward to the community’s largest and longest-running interpretation of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s classic ballet, “The
has been and always will be,” Elkins IronWing says. “We are a company that enables children to succeed. The key is setting high expectations, all while having fun and building self-confidence. With this 30th Anniversary celebration season ahead of us, we would like to thank all of our
tion and to check out the exciting lineup of Fall 2024 classes, visit NewTampaDanceTheatre. com, call (813) 994-NTDT (6838) or see the ad on page 41 of this issue. You also can follow NTDT on Facebook and Instagram at “New Tampa Dance Theatre.”
By Celeste McLaughlin Neighborhood News Correspondent
Dana Carter, APRN, MSN, WHNP, has worked with countless women who had visited their healthcare providers looking for relief from pain and other symptoms. In typical, corporate medicine, she says these women all too often feel unheard.
To help women in that situation, Dana launched Happy Healthy Hormones, a virtual consulting practice where her primary focus is listening to women and helping them make certain changes so they can feel better, once she understands why they’re experiencing their symptoms.
Dana is a nurse practitioner who has practiced in Wesley Chapel and North Tampa since 2008. That’s when she earned her Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) degree, with a specialty in Women’s Health, from Emory University in Atlanta, after earning her Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Nursing from the University of Florida in Gainesville in 2006.
The initials after her name in this story’s first paragraph mean that Dana is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with an M.S.N. degree and is a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner.
As a nearly lifelong resident of Wesley Chapel, Dana moved back after graduation and began working in gynecologic care.
“Within a couple of years of working as a new graduate, I realized there’s a huge issue with listening in the corporate medical and nursing field,” she says. “It’s very cookie-cutter. It didn’t take long for me to realize people aren’t being heard and aren’t getting the help they need.”
While struggling with her own personal health and fertility issues, Dana started doing her own research to better understand both her issues and those of her patients.
“I took the knowledge and great education I had received, along with the things I learned from doctors, other nurse practitioners and a compounding pharmacist I worked closely with,” Dana says. “Plus, I got a bunch of books and read a bunch of things, and I developed a much more holistic approach, specifically to help women with hormonal issues.”
Patients would come to her with symptoms such as feeling anxious, having low energy, as well as having irregular bleeding patterns and an inability to lose weight.
Dana says she developed a reputation for taking more time with patients than her corporate practice allowed, as she talked through these and other issues with women. She told her practice that although patient appointments were only scheduled for 10 minutes, she needed 30. She also encouraged patients to do their own research.
“It was an honor, but I would be booked out for months,” she says. “I realized that corporate medicine wasn’t allowing me to do a great job of doing what I love.”
Dana decided to make a change, leaving the security of practicing in a traditional setting to take a leap of faith and offer the kind of treatment she wants to give patients on her own terms.
Today, she works one-on-one with many women, including Laci Stokes, who says her busy life as a mom, wife to a firefighter and business owner had left her feeling run-down.
“I felt ‘off,’” says Laci. “I felt like something wasn’t right and my doctors just weren’t listening.”
Dana suggested changes Laci could make in her eating habits while adding natural supplements to her diet. She also suggested Laci take a saliva test to measure her hormone levels. This is different than the blood tests ordered in many doctor’s offices, Dana says, “because blood test results can be skewed, based on where you are in your monthly cycle. Saliva tests aren’t affected by those changes.”
Meanwhile, Laci says, “Dana is a wealth of knowledge. God gave us food and natural resources to help heal our bodies and she shows us the way to do that successfully and naturally.”
To help keep her fees affordable for her patients, Dana offers fully virtual consultations.
“My patients are likely women who have already been to their primary care doctors, their OB/GYNs, and specialists,” Dana says, “and have only heard that everything is normal and they shouldn’t worry about their symptoms.”
Because of that, Dana says it is a priority for her to make her care affordable, and being fully virtual allows her to work around her patients’ schedules, too.
If a patient would rather meet in person, she’s happy to meet at a coffee shop or a park.
“I love it when people want to meet me,” she says. “This is where my heart is, and where it’s been from the time I first became a nurse, and then a nurse practitioner.”
Dana offers a free 10-minute consultation via phone or Zoom so potential patients can meet her and see if her services are a good fit for them. If the patient wants to move forward, they schedule a 90-minute consultation via Zoom, which she offers for a flat fee of $149.
At that point, Dana spends all the time that’s needed to get a very thorough health history. “I want to hear everything,” she says. “Then we can troubleshoot together.”
Dana says that she looks at each patient’s
symptoms and what’s likely causing them, and makes recommendations of things in their daily lives that can be changed to ease those symptoms.
This can be primarily food, but also things you might not expect — such as cookware, plastics, cleaning supplies and even clothing. She
“It is significantly unknown in the general community how much things in our environment affect our hormonal health, and how much control we can have over it,” she says. If she and the patient agree, she’ll recommend hormone testing that is usually done through saliva, but can also be done by urine or blood, using a testing company (ZRT Laboratory; see photo above) she has worked with for the past decade. For patients who choose to have the testing, she recommends a followup session to go over the results. That 45-minute follow-up session costs $79.
“The costs would be much higher in a brick-and-mortar setting,” Dana says. “I would have to charge double that amount to cover
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overhead, and I just don’t want to do that.”
She says the testing is not required, but that many of her patients feel validated by seeing their results. “Here’s the answer to your symptoms,” Dana says. “Women have been told their issue isn’t an issue, so they are so happy to see those results and know they’re not crazy.”
She also offers patients the option to become a member of Happy Healthy Hormones, where an initial fee of $100 gives them three months of unlimited email access to Dana, along with an included 30-minute visit, and they can continue monthly memberships for $30 per month to have ongoing access to Dana’s expertise whenever they
have questions or concerns.
“The goal is to maintain a relationship with people to hold them accountable and see how well they’re making changes,” she says.
Laci says that working with Dana has made a big difference in her life.
“Dana is my go-to,” Laci says. “I went from feeling constantly tired and not knowing why, to realizing some of my levels were off and having Dana help me figure out what supplements I needed to help balance me out. It’s been so helpful and made me feel like a normal mom again.”
Editor’s note — After seeing Dana in action during an in-person seminar at the
Nutrition Smart on Bruce B. Downs Blvd. in Wesley Chapel on July 27, it was easy to see just how many women have issues that their doctors simply could not explain. Dana had the group captivated during her discussion of how everyday products and the food and supplements they consume can affect a woman’s hormones.
The most impressive thing was hearing multiple women — none of whom had ever met Dana before — saying how nice it was to be able to talk to someone who actually heard their concerns and was able to offer possible solutions that didn’t involve prescription medications. Several of the attendees said, “It’s just nice to
know that I’m not crazy.”
Dana admitted that not every female problem can be solved with organic food, supplements and beauty and household products, “but it is a place to start,” she said. If she ends up making more personal appearances like this, any woman who is experiencing pain or other symptoms should definitely attend.
To schedule a free consultation with Dana Carter of Happy Healthy Hormones, see the ad on pg. 53 to scan the QR code for her website (Parrotfish-Carnation-6354.SquareSpace.com) and book an appointment online, or email her at HappyHealthyHormones3@gmail.com.
By Celeste McLaughlin Neighborhood News Correspondent
In 2011, Lori Kalaaukahi-Boone was ready to get off the island of Oahu in Hawaii, where she was born, had been raised and lived her whole life. She had been working as a medical assistant and a nurse’s aide, and was struggling with mental health issues. She wanted to explore the world, so she did something unconventional for a single mom in her mid-30s.
Lori enlisted in the Army.
“At 34, I just barely made the age cutoff,” she says. “Growing up on a small island can become claustrophobic, and I felt like I was going in circles.”
She asked her parents to care for her two kids, Tihani (then 17) and Ramsay (then 7), and she headed out to boot camp at Fort Jackson, SC. She found herself in basic training with kids just barely older than her older daughter back home, taking orders from people much younger than she was.
After serving four years in the Army, she was living in Tennessee and was able to use GI Bill benefits to earn both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Social Work from Austin Peay State University in Clarksville.
At first, she thought she would be a nurse, but she was struggling in the program. Then, a friend who was a social worker told her about his job.
“It just resonated with me, and I knew this is what I needed to do,” she says. “When I changed my program, everything started flowing naturally, and I knew I was supposed to be a therapist.”
She graduated with her Bachelor’s degree in 2018 and her Master’s in 2020. Now, she is
credentialed as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), which means she is qualified to provide services independently.
When she first came to Florida, she worked with an agency in Clearwater providing community mental health. She helped people who were homeless and struggling with addiction, as well as many other issues.
But now, this Wesley Chapel resident is
tackling her dream of having her own practice, which she opened in Zephyrhills in July 2023. She provides teens, adults and couples with mental health care via virtual and in-office appointments. She says she named her practice Aloha Nui Services to embrace her Hawaiian heritage, and what is important to her in her relationships with her clients.
“‘Aloha nui’ means ‘Take good care,’ or ‘Lots
of love,’” she says. “It’s basically our version of southern hospitality.”
She says it’s important to her that she incorporates that spirit with all of her clients.
“In my culture, we’re brought up to help others, love others and care for others,” Lori says. “I wanted to implement that here in my practice.”
Lori says that, as a former soldier herself, she is especially passionate about helping those who have experienced any kind of trauma to process their issues and heal.
One way she does this is a specialized trauma therapy called EMDR, which stands for Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing.
Lori explains that EMDR is a well-known modality that uses eye movements to help people process trauma in a healthy way.
“It helps your brain to process the images in your head in a healthy manner so it doesn’t get stuck,” she says. “It’s almost like how eating too much food can cause it to get stuck, and we start choking. images can get stuck in our brains, too.”
She says EMDR puts a patient into a similar state to REM (rapid eye movement, a state of deep sleep) and she installs positive cognitions to help her patients process their trauma.
“Once its completed,” she says, “you still have these images, but it’s no longer accompanied by heavy emotions.”
Lori has completed 60 hours of training to be qualified to practice this modality. She also has used it under supervision to complete her training,
so she is well qualified to help those who need to work through traumatic issues and find healing from those difficult events or times of their lives.
Lori definitely also has a heart for those who have served in the military, as not only a veteran herself, but also as the daughter of a veteran, and now the spouse of a veteran, too.
When Lori was stationed and living in Tennessee, her parents loved to visit her there. She says it was her father who inspired her to join the Army. She knew it would “knock his socks off” for her to join, after his own 36-year military career. With the low prices relative to the cost of living in Hawaii, and the southern hospitality that reminded them of home, they relocated to Tennessee.
Lori’s husband Barry Boone is retired from the Army and brought the family to Florida to work as a military recruiter. Tihani now lives in Hawaii, where she is married with four daughters. She is a nurse who earned her Bachelor’s degree in 2020, the same year her mom got her Master’s.
Ramsay still lives with Lori’s parents in Tennessee and is in school to become a fashion designer, and her 12-year-old daughter Teveah is
home-schooled. Barry has three adult children of his own, as well.
With all of her experience raising children, as a single mom, and as part of a blended family, she feels she has no problem relating to adolescents and understands what they’re going through.
She encourages teenagers who are struggling or parents who see their children suffering from mental health issues to reach out to her.
“It’s okay to not be okay,” Lori says. “Mental health is not something to be afraid of. Let’s normalize mental issues in the same way medical issues are normalized.”
Aloha Nui Counseling offers a free initial consultation. While Lori is happy to see patients in person at her office in Zephyrhills, she also offers Telehealth appointments for anyone who prefers to meet that way.
She works with clients who have insurance to pay the cost of counseling and those who self-pay.
Bonita Ashe, a colleague of Lori’s who is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, says the following about Lori, which was published on Lori’s profile at PsychologyToday.com.
“Lori has an authentic style and warm demeanor and she will immediately calm an anxious spirit,” Bonita says. “If you need a kind and compassionate therapist, your search ends here. Lori is EMDR trained and a therapist I would trust with any client.”
To schedule a free consultation, call Lori at (808) 342-1042, email her at LLorik808@ gmail.com, or visit AlohaNuiService.com. Aloha Nui Counseling is located at 5344 9th St., Suite 105, in downtown Zephyrhills, and appointments are offered in person or via Telehealth. For more information, see the ad on page 52.
Jannah and I had both been to Las Vegas before, but never together, so when it was announced that one of our favorite live bands — The Killers — was having a residency at Caesar’s Palace in “Sin City,” we knew we had to go see them again, despite the 105º heat.
Frontman Brandon Flowers and his crew (top right photo) did not disappoint. From the Grammy-winning “Mr. Brightside” to more recent hits like “Caution” and “Boy,” it was a great night for us that started with dinner at Peter Luger’s Steakhouse (below), the Brooklyn institution best renowned for its bone-in porterhouse steaks. The reviews say that the Caesar’s Palace version is even better than the original. Maybe...but the meal was amazing.
We also got to see comedian Taylor Tomlinson during her two-night stop on her “Have It All” tour. Taylor, the host of the current TV show “After Midnight,” is known for her views on growing up in a church family and she recently came out as queer. Opening act Zach Noe Towers was super-funny, too.
Our first night in Vegas, we saw Kyle Martin (middle left), who starred in the Billy Joel musical “Movin’ Out” on Broadway, and his show “Piano
Man,” a multimedia tribute performance to both Joel and Elton John. Martin said he recently broke Elvis’ record for the most Vegas shows with more than 650. I can see why — he does an awesome job.
We also made a visit to the Mob Museum downtown (bottom left), where the history of the mob’s influence in both Vegas and the U.S. (including the JFK assassination), features the recreation of the actual wall where Chicago’s “St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” took place. The tour ends with a visit to the museum’s 1920s-style speakeasy.
As for other food we enjoyed, while at the Wynn (one of the most beautiful casinos on the Strip) for Taylor’s set, we ate at a great Japanese place called Mizumi, where we scarfed down Japanese snapper tempura and a king crab hand roll. We closed out our four-day stay with yummy quiche and French toast for brunch at “Mon Ami Gabi” (bottom right), an authentic French bistro in the Paris Casino.
We didn’t get to go to the Sphere (which looks truly amazing from the outside) to see its superpricy “Postcard from Earth” IMAX movie and I didn’t win at the tables, but we had a blast! — GN
You still have a chance to win FREE dining in this year’s Reader Dining Survey & Contest, but as you’re reading this, there’s only a little more than six weeks left to vote for your favorite eateries in Wesley Chapel & New Tampa!
Here are this year’s categories again!
1) Your Five Favorite (overall) Restaurants in Wesley Chapel (WC)
2) Your Favorite American Restaurant in Wesley Chapel
3) Your Favorite Pizza Place in WC
Those same three categories also appear on the New Tampa ballot on pg. 47 to tell us your Favorites in New Tampa only.
Both entry forms, however, also include lists of places that ask you to pick your Favorite in New Tampa (NT) AND Wesley Chapel, often (but not always) because there aren’t enough in a certain category in just one of our distribution areas. Here are those other categories:
1) You Favorite Mexican Place in NT/ WC
2) Your Favorite Latin (but not Mexican) Restaurant in NT/WC
3) Your Favorite Chinese Place in NT/WC
4) Your Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant in NT & WC
5) Your Favorite Thai or Korean Restaurant in NT/WC
6) Your Favorite Italian Food in NT/WC
7) Your Favorite Greek or Mediterranean Restaurant in NT/WC
8) Your Favorite Indian Place in NT/WC
9) Your Favorite Breakfast Place in NT/WC
9) Your Favorite Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt or Gelato Place in NT/WC
10) Your Favorite Bakery in NT/WC
11) Your Favorite Coffee Shop in NT/WC
We’re providing the lists of places, although we’ve left out the large national and regional chains (with more than 50-60 total locations), because you have to write (or type) the names of your favorites in the spaces provided and we’re pretty sure you know those if they’re your favorite in a category — and yes, you can still include them (we just wish you would focus on local).
Fill out as many categories as you like, but please don’t put the same name in every category, because those votes won’t be counted and if a restaurant is on our Wesley Chapel list, your vote won’t count if you write the name of that restaurant in any New Tampa-only spaces and vice-versa.
You can submit both New Tampa & Wesley Chapel ballots without being DQed — and, as always, there is still no purchase of any kind necessary to enter or win a great FREE prize!
This year’s Grand Prize is now $200 in FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice anywhere in the Tampa Bay area. There also are prizes of $100 and $50, all chosen at random from among all correctly-filled-out entries received by email or on our NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net website (Note-no U.S. Mail entries will be accepted for this year’s contest!) by Friday, October 18 Good luck! — GN
My Five Favorite (Overall) Restaurants in WC (Only):
American Restaurants (WC Only)
Bacon Boss HQ
Bagelicious & More
Bahama Breeze
Bebo’s Cheesesteaks
Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
Bubba’s 33
Burger Monger
Chick’n Fun
Chuck Lager America’s Tavern
Dempsey’s Too (Saddlebrook)
Dummy Crabby
EggTown Breakfast & Lunch
Flipn’ Fries
Florida Ave. Brewing Co.
Ford’s Garage
Garden Grille (Hilton Garden Inn)
Glory Days Grill
Green Market Café
Grove Mini-Golf
Mac’s Custom Meats & Deli
Main Event
Marquee Suites (B&B Theatres)
Noble Crust
O’Brien’s Irish Pub
Omari’s Bar & Grill (Lexington Oaks GC)
Palani’s Hawai’i Noodles
Pinchers Crab Shack
Retro Dogs
Rock & Brews
Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar
Skybox Rooftop Bar (Residence Inn)
The Living Room
The Placery (Hyatt Place Hotel)
Top Shelf Sports Grille (AH Center Ice)
TrebleMakers Dueling Piano Bar
Tropics (Saddlebrook)
Winghouse Bar & Grill
My Favorite American Restaurant in Wesley Chapel Is______________
Pizza Places (WC Only)
900º New York Pizza
900º Woodfired Pizza
Amici Pizza
Best NY Pizza
Blush Wine Room (flatbreads)
Bosco’s Italian-to-Go
Caprese Pizza House
Fratelli’s Pizza & Café
Mama B’s Pizzeria
Moschella’s Italian Eatery & Market
New York New York Pizza
Pasta di Guy (flatbreads)
My Favorite Pizza Place in Wesley Chapel Is______________
Mexican Restaurants (NT & WC)
Azteca D’Oro
Cantina Mexican Grill
Don Julio’s
Los Vallartas
Señor Tequila
Taco Bus
Taco Son
Tacos el Patron
My Favorite Mexican Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Latin (but not Mexican)
Restaurants (NT & WC)
Arepa Mia
Chamo Bites
Cross Creek Gourmet
Don Pan International Bakery
Hummingbird Jamaican Cuisine
La Creacion Xpress
Las Palmas Latin Grille
Latin Twist Café
Lima Peruvian Cuisine
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Mojo Grill
Mpanitas Restaurant
Pisco Express
Rhythm Pon de Grille (Jamaican)
Rice N Beans Express
Rice N Beans Puerto Rico
My Favorite Latin (but not Mexican) Restaurant in NT/WC is_______________
Chinese Restaurants (NT & WC)
Asian Buffet
China City
China Gourmet
China One
China Wok
Gonna China
Ho King
Hot Wok 88
Ho Wok
Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine
New China King
Rain Bistro
Shang Hai
My Favorite Chinese Restaurant in NT or WC Is_____________________
Japanese/Sushi Places (NT/WC)
Asian Buffet
Ato Sushi
Bluefin Sushi
Bonsai Sushi
Crazy Sushi
FJ Express
Ginza Endless Hibachi & Sushi
Ha Long Bay
Hibachi Express
Kobe Japanese Steakhouse
Koizi Endless Hibachi & Sushi Eatery
Michi Ramen
Poké Island Plus
Poké Lulu
Sushi Avenue
Sushi Café
Sushi Haru (Lotte Plaza Market)
Sushi Raw
Tasty Ramen
Thai Lanna
Token Ramen & Tea
Tokyo Grill & Sushi
Umu Japanese & Thai
Yamato Japanese Steak House
Zukku-San Sushi Bar & Grill
My Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Thai/Korean Places (NT & WC)
Arroy Thai
bb.q chicken (Lotte Plaza Market)
MyungGa Gyo-dong (Lotte Plaza Market)
Ha Long Bay
Jaws Topokki (Lotte Plaza Market)
Palm Thai
SGD Dubo (Lotte Plaza Market)
Thai Lanna
Thai Ruby
My Favorite Thai/Korean Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Italian Restaurants (NT & WC)
365 Caffé Italiano
900º New York Pizza
900º Woodfired Pizza
Amici Pizza
Best NY Pizza
Blush Wine Room
Bosco’s Italian-to-Go
Cali Tampa Palms
Caprese Pizza House
El Pasta & More
Falabella Family Bistro
Frammi American Grille & Italian Food
Fratelli’s Pizza & Café
Johnny C’s Italian Eatery
Mama B’s Pizzeria
Moschella’s Italian Eatery & Market
New York New York Pizza
Pasta di Guy
Taste of NY Pizza
Via Italia
Westshore Pizza
My Favorite Italian Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Greek/Mediterranean Restaurants (NT & WC)
Acropolis Greek Taverna
Al-Sham Palace
Cafe Zorba
El Prince Mediterranean
Fire Up Halal Grill
Garden Mediterranean Grill
Kabob Café & Grill
Little Greek Fresh Grill
The Hungry Greek
My Favorite Greek/Mediterranean Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________
Indian Restaurants (NT & WC)
Bang-Bang! Bowls (out of business)
Blush Wine Room
Dosa Hut
Gorkhali Kitchen (Nepalese)
Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café
Indian Street Kitchen
Minerva Indian Restaurant
Namaste Express
Nawabi Hyderabad House
Persis Indian Grill
Saffron Indian Cuisine (out of business)
Taaza Mart Café
My Favorite Indian Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________________
Breakfast Places (NT & WC)
365 Caffé Italiano
Bayscape Bistro
Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
Coffee Latitudes Café
EggTown Breakfast & Lunch
Happy Hangar Café
Keke’s Breakfast Café
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Provisions Coffee & Kitchen
The Bean Bar Co.
Tropics (Saddlebrook)
Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli
My Favorite Breakfast Place in NT or WC Is_________________
Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/Gelato
Shops (NT & WC)
35 Below Ice Cream
Astro Ice Cream
Bianco Gelato
Hello Sweetness
Ice Dreammm Shop
Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café
Ice SSScreamin
Le Macaron French Pastries
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt
Paleta Mia
SubZero Nitrogen Ice Cream
Twistee Treat
You Do The Dishes
My Favorite Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/ Gelato Shop in NT or WC Is_____________
Bakeries (NT & WC)
Bakery X
Beirut Bakery & Meat Market
Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
Ice Dreammm Shop
Le Macaron French Pastries
Mediterranean Market
Mochinut Donuts
Nothing Bundt Cakes
The Cake Shop
Urban Sweets
Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli
My Favorite Bakery in NT or WC Is_____________
Coffee Shops (NT & WC)
Bad Ass Coffee
Bean Shack
Coffee Latitudes Café
Le Macaron French Pastries
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Provisions Coffee & Kitchen
Raining Berries
Sorbo Coffee
The Bean Bar Co.
You Do The Dishes
My Favorite Coffee Shop in NT or WC Is_____________
To enter to win up to $200 in FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice, please fill out as many of the spaces on this page as you like — plus all of the information requested on the entry form below — and email a picture of the entire form to us at Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com, with “Dining Contest” in the subject line of the email by Friday, October 18. Or, enter at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net. No purchase necessary to enter or win, but please see our website for all of the official rules.
My Five Favorite (Overall) Restaurants in NT (Only):
American Restaurants (NT Only)
Bayscape Bistro
Burger 21
Cali Tampa Palms
EggTown Breakfast & Lunch
Fat Rabbit Pub
Frammi American Grille & Italian Food
Fresh Kitchen
Hungry Crab Juicy Seafood
Hunter’s Green Country Club
Mr. Dunderbak’s (German & Sandwiches)
Peabody’s Grill & Bar
Provisions Coffee & Kitchen
Stonewood Grill & Tavern
Subs & Such (Livingston Ave.)
Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club
The Bean Bar Co.
The Grill at Morris Bridge
The Wexford Irish Pub
Urban Air Trampoline & Adventure Park
Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli Co.
My Favorite American Restaurant in New Tampa Is______________
Pizza Places (NT Only)
Cali Tampa Palms
Cappy’s Pizzeria
Capri Pizza-N-More
Johnny C’s Italian Eatery
NY Pizza Express (Livingston Ave.)
Peabody’s Grill & Bar
Taste of NY Pizza
Via Italia
Westshore Pizza
My Favorite Pizza Place in New Tampa Is______________
Mexican Restaurants (NT & WC)
Azteca D’Oro
Cantina Mexican Grill
Don Julio’s
Los Vallartas
Señor Tequila
Taco Bus
Taco Son
Tacos el Patron
My Favorite Mexican Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Latin (but not Mexican)
Restaurants (NT & WC)
Arepa Mia
Chamo Bites
Cross Creek Gourmet
Don Pan International Bakery
Hummingbird Jamaican Cuisine
La Creacion Xpress
Las Palmas Latin Grille
Latin Twist Café
Lima Peruvian Cuisine
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Mojo Grill
Mpanitas Restaurant
Pisco Express
Rhythm Pon de Grille (Jamaican)
Rice N Beans Express
Rice N Beans Puerto Rico
My Favorite Latin (but not Mexican) Restaurant in NT/WC is_______________
Asian Buffet
China City
China Gourmet
China One
China Wok
Gonna China
Ho King
Hot Wok 88
Ho Wok
Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine
New China King
Rain Bistro
Shang Hai
My Favorite Chinese Restaurant in NT or WC Is_____________________
Japanese/Sushi Places (NT/WC)
Asian Buffet
Ato Sushi
Bluefin Sushi
Bonsai Sushi
Crazy Sushi
FJ Express
Ginza Endless Hibachi & Sushi
Ha Long Bay
Hibachi Express
Kobe Japanese Steakhouse
Koizi Endless Hibachi & Sushi Eatery
Michi Ramen
Poké Island Plus
Poké Lulu
Sushi Avenue
Sushi Café
Sushi Haru (Lotte Plaza Market)
Sushi Raw
Tasty Ramen
Thai Lanna & Sushi
Token Ramen & Tea
Tokyo Grill & Sushi
Umu Japanese & Thai
Yamato Japanese Steak House
Zukku-San Sushi Bar & Grill
My Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Arroy Thai
bb.q chicken (Lotte Plaza Market)
MyungGa Gyo-dong (Lotte Plaza Market)
Ha Long Bay
Jaws Topokki (Lotte Plaza Market)
Palm Thai
SGD Dubo (Lotte Plaza Market)
Thai Lanna
Thai Ruby
My Favorite Thai/Korean Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
365 Caffé Italiano
900º New York Pizza
900º Woodfired Pizza
Amici Pizza
Best NY Pizza
Blush Wine Room
Bosco’s Italian-to-Go
Cali Tampa Palms
Caprese Pizza House
El Pasta & More
Falabella Family Bistro
Frammi American Grille & Italian Food
Fratelli’s Pizza & Café
Johnny C’s Italian Eatery
Mama B’s Pizzeria
Moschella’s Italian Eatery & Market
New York New York Pizza
Pasta di Guy
Taste of NY Pizza
Via Italia
Westshore Pizza
My Favorite Italian Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Restaurants (NT & WC)
Acropolis Greek Taverna
Al-Sham Palace
Cafe Zorba
El Prince Mediterranean
Fire Up Halal Grill
Garden Mediterranean Grill
Kabob Café & Grill
Little Greek Fresh Grill
The Hungry Greek
My Favorite Greek/Mediterranean Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________
Indian Restaurants (NT & WC)
Bang-Bang! Bowls (out of business)
Blush Wine Room
Dosa Hut
Gorkhali Kitchen (Nepalese)
Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café
Indian Street Kitchen
Minerva Indian Restaurant
Namaste Express
Nawabi Hyderabad House
Persis Indian Grill
Saffron Indian Cuisine (out of business)
Taaza Mart Café
My Favorite Indian Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________________
Breakfast Places (NT & WC)
365 Caffé Italiano
Bayscape Bistro
Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
Coffee Latitudes Café
EggTown Breakfast & Lunch
Happy Hangar Café
Keke’s Breakfast Café
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Provisions Coffee & Kitchen
The Bean Bar Co.
Tropics (Saddlebrook)
Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli
My Favorite Breakfast Place in NT or WC Is_________________
Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/Gelato
Shops (NT & WC)
35 Below Ice Cream
Astro Ice Cream
Bianco Gelato
Hello Sweetness
Ice Dreammm Shop
Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café
Ice SSScreamin
Le Macaron French Pastries
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt
Paleta Mia
SubZero Nitrogen Ice Cream
Twistee Treat
You Do The Dishes
My Favorite Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/ Gelato Shop in NT or WC Is_____________
Bakeries (NT & WC)
Bakery X
Beirut Bakery & Meat Market
Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
Ice Dreammm Shop
Le Macaron French Pastries
Mediterranean Market
Mochinut Donuts
Nothing Bundt Cakes
The Cake Shop
Urban Sweets
Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli
My Favorite Bakery in NT or WC Is_____________
Coffee Shops (NT & WC)
Bad Ass Coffee
Bean Shack
Coffee Latitudes Café
Le Macaron French Pastries
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Provisions Coffee & Kitchen
Raining Berries
Sorbo Coffee
The Bean Bar Co.
You Do The Dishes
My Favorite Coffee Shop in NT or WC Is_____________
To enter to win up to $200 in FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice, please fill out as many of the spaces on this page as you like — plus all of the information requested on the entry form below — and email a picture of the entire form to us at Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com, with “Dining Contest” in the subject line of the email by Friday, October 18. Or, enter at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net. No purchase necessary to enter or win, but please see our website for all of the official rules.
You Live In (Epperson, Union Park, etc.) Your Daytime Phone Number___________________________________________ Your Valid Email Address_______________________________________________
By Gary Nager
Photos by Charmaine George
I have been a fan of Ramses Garcia’s authentic Cuban and Latin cuisine since he first took over the original Las Palmas in the Pebble Creek Collection more than a decade ago.
Like so many of their loyal customers, Jannah and I followed Ramses and his wife Ana to the relocated Las Palmas in the plaza at the intersection of County Line Rd. and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. that also includes LA Fitness and Five Guys Burgers & Fries.
And yes, we also frequently took out from the Las Palmas food truck in the same parking lot after the restaurant had to close following a major kitchen fire three years ago.
But now, ten months after Ramses and Ana sold the food truck and reopened the new Las Pal mas Latin Grill in the same space in the plaza last October, they are happy to announce that they are now also able to serve cerveza (beer) and homemade sangria and Ramses and many of his loyal customers couldn’t be more excited about it.
“People have been asking me, ‘When are you going to serve alcohol?’ from the day we first opened,” Ramses says. “We would love to be able to sell full liquor, but we’re happy to have cerveza and sangria and believe it will help business.”
The long-time local mom-&-pop favorite — which has consistently finished in the top three Favorite Latin Restaurants in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel in our annual Reader Dining Survey & Contest (see pages 44-47) — should definitely get a boost from beer and wine.
“Right now, we have Corona, Presidente, Coors Light, Stella and Heineken beer,” Ramses says, “but we will add more in the future. And, our customers tell me our sangria is pretty awesome, too.”
And yes, yours truly agrees.
Although I still have some old favorites that I will order forever at Las Palmas (see below), Ramses has added a couple of new entrées that will now be in my regular rotation whenever we visit (or take out from) the restaurant.
Although I know a lot of people (in cluding Jannah) won’t eat anything that’s looking back at you, if you’re already a fan of whole snapper, you honestly can’t beat the crispy outside, flaky inside new whole snapper entrée at Las Palmas.
I’m also a big fan of the recently re-added churrasco steak, served with Ramses’ homemade chimichurri sauce.
The flank steak is tender, with just the right amount of garlic and the tangy chimichurri is a perfect complement.
“We had to take the chur rasco off the menu until I found the right supplier with the right steak,” Ramses says. “The new churrasco is fire.”
And, like all of the entrées at Las Palmas, the whole snapper and chur rasco are served with your choice of two delicious sides, from black or red beans, yellow or white rice, boiled yuca, French fries, sweet or savory plantains, green beans or salad with Las Palmas’ signature creamy herbal dressing.
wich, with ham, Swiss cheese, roasted pork, salami, mustard-mayo sauce and pickles. Or, try the Miami Cubano (with no salami and mustard only), or the slow-roasted pork sandwich cooked with onions and garlic-lime mojo.
Start your meal with beef or chicken empanadas, deviled crab, ham croquettes, savory tostones bites (crispy green plantain bites stuffed with your choice of beef picadillo or mojo pork) or
My favorite entrées are still the merluza a la Rusa — a tender basa filet in panko-spiced blend and served with the traditional “Russian-style” sauce — and the vaca frita (tender beef, marinated in garlic and lime and “grilled-fried” until crispy).
There’s also ropa vieja (Spanish for “old clothes), with shredded beef slow-cooked with to-
rice (arroz con pollo), grilled pork chops (chuletas) and fried pork bites (masitas). Jannah also loved the huge “crumbed” pan-fried chicken breast coated with a seasoned panko-crumb mixture, and topped with sautéed onions (called pechuga empanizada). There’s also a golden seared chicken fillet with fresh herbs and spices if you’re looking for a delicious chicken dish that’s grilled.
I also should not forget to mention the slowroasted “lechon asado” mojo pork. Yum! And, although I still can’t eat shrimp, Charmaine flipped for the shrimp in garlic sauce (gambas al ajillo) in a fragrant garlic-lime and butter sauce, with a touch of white wine and fresh herbs. Your kids will love the chicken nuggets and
(Top to bottom) The new churrasco steak entree at Las Palmas. The zesty shrimp with garlic sauce (shown with yellow rice and sweet plantains). The “crumbed” pan-fried chicken fillet. All entrées at Las Palmas are served with your choice of two sides. fries, which are served with ketchup and savory dipping sauces.
I also recommend saving room for coffee and dessert at Las Palmas. Try any of the flaky guava or guava and cheese pastries in the display case by the cash register. And, don’t forget to sample the Cuban-style vanilla flan and Ana’s homemade tres leches cake — a delicious, light and airy sponge cake soaked in a luxurious blend of three milks. And, definitely enjoy any of these desserts with an authentic café con leché.
Catering also is available from Las Palmas,
which has an extensive catering menu, with many more available options than what’s on the restaurant menu, including a gourmet mixed seafood paella (minimum of 20 servings per order).
Las Palmas Latin Grill (6431 E. County Line Rd., Suite 104) is open every day except Sunday for lunch and dinner. The hours are Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m., and 11 a.m.9 p.m. on Friday & Saturday. For more info, visit LasPalmasLatinGrill.com, see the ad on pg. 46 or follow them on Facebook or Instagram and please tell Ramses, Ana and their crew I sent you!
As anyone who has visited the Lotte Plaza Market food court can attest, Korean fried chicken places are all the rage here now. With one successful Florida location in Bradenton, one in Ybor City and the newest one in front of the Ballantrae community on S.R. 54 in Land O’Lakes, Sweet Krunch Korean Fried Chicken & Boba Tea (left photo below) will look to capitalize on this crunchy new craze when it opens in a couple of months in the former location of FJ Express in the Shoppes at New Tampa at 1832 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. just south of S.R. 56. Featuring authentic Korean fried chicken, bibimbap bowls, Asian fusion appetizers (like pork potstickers) and boba teas, Sweet Krunch (below left)
With the move of Latitudes (see story on pg. 52) to a brick-&-mortar café south of County Line Rd., there’s a new purveyor of coffee in the same kiosk at the Shops at Wiregrass — The Bean Shack (center photo below).
But, it’s not completely new, as Coffee Latitudes owners James and Olga Frank are still supplying their delicious houseroasted coffee to The Bean Shack, which the new owner Ben says has a “beachy” vibe. We hope to update you about everything The Bean Shack has to offer in a future issue.
Congratulations go out to Wesley Chapel resident Bindu Grandhi, the founder & CEO of My Spice Buds, a local family-owned venture that has been spicing up the local culinary scene with all-natural, vibrant hot sauces (Super Mirchi, Fiery Mirchi, and Tangy Mirchi), which stand out in the market for their health-conscious ingredients and exceptional flavors, drawing from cherished family recipes.
My Spice Buds was honored with a “Fulfill Your Destiny” Business Builder Grant from Tampa Bay Markets (TBM) at a recent TBM Fresh Market event at the Shops at Wiregrass. Aimed at supporting local entrepreneurs, this program provides crucial funding to take participating businesses to the next level.
Bindu says, “My Spice Buds is more than just a business; it’s a passion project. This grant not only validates our vision, it also empowers us to continue innovating and expanding our product offerings,” including a new spice blend. For more information, visit MySpiceBuds.com. — GN
We told you in our June issue that the owners of the Coffee Latitudes kiosk in the Shops at Wiregrass were planning to open the Coffee Latitudes Coffee Café & Wine Bar in the former location of Juice Factory (at 6431 E. County Line Rd., Suite 110, next to Max’s Pets).
Well, owners James and Olga Frank of Coffee Latitudes opened the brick-&-mortar location earlier this month and not only do they feature the all-organic, house-roasted, delicious coffee you grew to love at the mall (and at events like the monthly Market Elaine at The Grove), but also fresh sandwiches, baked goods and more — and the early reviews have been excellent.
James, who has culinary training and has previously owned other restaurants (including the Café Liberty on N. Dale Mabry Hwy. and Caffe Connection in Spring Hill), has brought those skills to this super-cute new café with delicious “Deluxe” bacon (or ham), egg & cheese breakfast sandwiches, as well as house-baked bagels imported from New York, flaky fresh-baked croissants and mini-waffles with syrup for breakfast.
For lunch, try “The Giacomo” Italian sub, chicken Caesar wrap or salad, “Not Your Mama’s Tuna” and “Turkey Do.” sandwich (with turkey breast, bacon, avocado and James’ own spicy Spartacus sauce) or grilled cheese (with bacon, ham or tomato), plus rotating fresh soups — Jannah recommends the creamy tomato bisque when it’s available. Save room for dessert, as items like NY crumb cake, cinnamon rolls and bread pudding are housemade. Or, try a delicious fresh fruit cup with homemade marscapone cannoli cream (the cream also is
for 30+ years, you definitely need to try a cup. “Ask what country we are brewing today when you do,” James says, with Guatemalan, Nicaraguan, Colombian and Indonesian roasts served the days we’ve visited. There’s also cappuccino, hot or iced lattes and Chai lattes, Matcha green and other assorted teas, as well as tasty flavored hot chocolate (left). And, Olga and James say they should also be selling wine in (hopefully) 6-8 weeks.
“Once we get the cafe menu perfect, we’ll be adding unique wines,” James says.
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