In case you hadn’t noticed, the Neighborhood News you’ve been receiving in your mailbox has continued to grow, despite some people still believing that “print is dead.”
Thanks in no small part to the efforts of our director of ad sales & marketing, also known as my beautiful wife Jannah, we have been adding new advertisers at a near-record rate. Just a few issues ago, we were at 40 pages per issue, but last issue and this one, we’re up to 48 pages and that momentum doesn’t appear to be slowing.
In fact, Jannah has been averaging between 3-5 new advertisers in each issue and the content I am so proud — as the publisher and editor — to present to you each issue continues to keep both readers and advertisers alike coming back for more.
Although both of our publications are growing, there is no doubt that it’s been a lot easier for our all-direct-mail circulation to keep up with the pace of growth here in New Tampa than it has in Wesley Chapel.
At the start of 2022, our New Tampa direct-mail distribution, which also includes the Lake Forest subdivision on Bruce B. Downs Blvd. in Lutz, was 28,436 residences and businesses, reaching 77,500 total people, according to the U.S. Postal Service (USPS)’s estimates of the number of people per household in each postal carrier route we serve. With only the K-Bar Ranch area of New Tampa still growing, that number has risen (as of Sept. 1) to just over 29,000 residences and about 80,000 total people.
Meanwhile, at the start of 2022, our mailing to zip codes 33543, 33544 & 33545 was less than 29,000 total pieces and less than 80,000 total people, At the start of 2023, our Wesley Chapel distribution had risen by more than 2,000 additional pieces — to 31,000 homes, apartments and businesses by direct mail. That number of pieces equalled more than 5,000 additional people (or about 85,000 total) in those same zip codes, again according to USPS.
Now, only nine months later than that, our all-direct-mail Wesley Chapel circulation has surpassed 33,000 residences and businesses and we now reach more than 90,000 people! And, my pledge is that we will continue to add the thousands of additional residential units that are planned and actively being built to our mailing every four weeks. Based on the stories about new developments we continue to run in these pages, we could surpass 35,000 directmail pieces and approach 95,000 total people by the end of this year or sometime in 2024.
Compare those numbers in Wesley Chapel “proper” with any other print publication claiming to serve our area — or any portion of it — and you’ll see that if you have a business located in or near either of our distribution areas, there is no other way to reach as many potential customers for that business than by advertising in the Neighborhood News. And, some of those other publications actually charge more to reach a tiny percentage of your potential customers than we do. We’re not just mailed to one community, no matter how nice it may be. We mail to ALL of them!
And, in case you think we’re resting on our print laurels, you couldn’t be more wrong.
Our online presence continues to grow
at an equally rapid rate, as we post individual hyperlocal news, business and dining stories on our “Neighborhood News” Facebook page pretty much every day of every week. Those posts often reach thousands of people in our areas who don’t necessarily want to hold a print publication in their hands. And, those stories always link to our website in order to read the entire text of those stories. We also recently began selling ads on our website, which registers an average of more than 30,000 “hits” per month, with some months surpassing 100,000 hits — when one of our Facebook stories attracts enough attention — such as our breaking news stories about the Target being built at The Grove, PopStroke’s opening on S.R. 56 and even the Chicken Boss’ opening at the KRATEs. Our 2024 Media Kit, which will be available shortly, will include combination rates for print and online advertising.
We also continue to have advertisers — and even some local residents — who have had stories in our publications also purchase what I call “Story Plaques” (photo) from us, rather than take what we work hard to do for them to an outside company who then makes money off our efforts by creating plaques of stories they had nothing to do with writing.
For nearly two years now, we have been able to offer equally attractive plaques for our advertisers and others to hang in their offices and homes — all at a lower cost than what those outside companies charge.
Best of all, we can even include the cost of the plaque in the cost of your ads!
So, whether we’ve done a story about your business or someone you love in these pages, email us at Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com. Or, call (813) 910-2575 and Jannah will help you find out more about everything new at the Neighborhood News!
New Tampa Neighborhood News
2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102D Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
Office Phone Number: (813) 910-2575
Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Publisher & Editor/Ad Sales
Gary Nager
Celeste McLaughlin • Nidhi Jani
Deborah Bostock-Kelley
Editorial Research by Joel Provenzano
Ad Sales/Marketing Director
Jannah Nager
Lead Video Producer/Multimedia Specialist
Charmaine George
Graphic Designers
Morgan Conlin • Valerie Wegener Nylah Alahmary
Nothing that appears in New Tampa Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by New Tampa Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion.
The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 31, Issue 21, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Thursday, October 5, 2023.
New Tampa Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. New Tampa Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials.
New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. New Tampa Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
© 2023 JM2 Communications, Inc.
A few issues ago, we told you about the New Tampa Walmart’s drone delivery of a surprise reward for two teachers at Clark Elementary.
The New Tampa location is still one of very few Walmart stores nationwide, and one of fewer than ten in Florida, to offer drone deliveries.
But, for those who couldn’t help but notice the long-term construction at the New Tampa Walmart (especially anyone trying to access the store from Wharton High), the news about that construction is that the local Walmart store will be the first in Florida — and only the second in the country — to offer robotic/automated customer fulfillment pods for pickup orders. Walmart calls them “auto dispense towers” and the corresponding area inside the store as a Market Fulfillment Center (MFC).
Items (including groceries) will be run in blue containers on a rail system that runs through (and inside of) the thick blue part of the ceiling structure, from inside the store, and then down to waiting vehicles parked under the awnings that cover the parking area (see top photo on this page).
Customers awaiting their pickup orders put in a code, and their groceries and other items are transported through the ceiling out the door in front of their vehicles. There are eight dedicated parking spaces for customers to pick up from these digital auto dispense towers. There also are an extra four loading spaces to the right of the large doors for ‘other’ customer orders — including for large items, etc., where employees will manually bring the items out to waiting vehicles.
The very large “fulfillment center” area behind the newly constructed pharmacy inside of Walmart is where products will be pulled in an automated fashion to fill orders. There will be refrigeration for cold items. Employees also will be back there to ensure orders are filled correctly.
It may be hard to understand how the auto dispensing works without being able to see it, so we have provided some photos from Walmart’s recently begun pilot program at its Store 100 in Bentonville, AR, near the company’s headquarters.
The MFC is built inside the store and is powered by a proprietary storage and retrieval system – named Alphabot (photo below). Walmart believes fulfillment through digitization and connecting its store and supply chain assets end to end will transform order fulfillment. And, along with it, the company believes, this should improve customer satisfaction and offer more opportunities for associates.
“This new order fulfillment system is truly game changing,” said Ryan Simpson, the store manager at Walmart’s Store 100. “Not only does it enhance the customer experience through quicker, more accurate online order fulfillment, it also provides us the runway to continue growing our business now and in the future.”
Once the fulfillment center opens, Walmart management believes that customers can expect to see the benefits of the MFC almost immediately.
MFCs will significantly increase the number of orders the store is able to fulfill in a day, promising faster fulfillment with lower substitutions. Walmart+ members have even more to look forward to, with free unlimited delivery. MFCs also improve the in-store shopping experience by freeing up associates to help customers shopping in-store.
“I love the MFC,” says Gilbert Giron, MFC digital team lead at Walmart. “The dedicated space allows us to concentrate on picking items for our online customers. I feel confident that the items our associates are looking for are going to be there when a customer wants them. I know our team is providing our customers with great service.”
Walmart began the permitting process for the New Tampa store’s new
addition back in the fall of 2021.
According to the plans filed, the inside portion of the new MFC area will take up approximately 27,000 sq. ft. inside the Walmart building. This will be one of the first operational ones in the nation with this new technology.
The staff at the New Tampa
Walmart stated that they expect the new system to be open for customers by sometime early in 2024. They explained that once the construction has been completed, they will need to test the system and run trials to smooth out any kinks.
For more info, visit Walmart.com.
Earlier this year, we told you about Hillsborough County’s plans to build an indoor recreation center at Pride Park, just south of Pride Elementary.
The problem the county faced was how to fund the nearly $7 million needed to build the 16,000-sq.-ft. indoor Pride Recreation Center, which is planned to include space for basketball, volleyball, pickleball and even space for meetings, after-school programs and perhaps an outdoor splash pad.
Well, for many years, as part of the development of Live Oak Preserve, Hillsborough has owned an unused 61.89-acre parcel a little bit west and north of where the Pride Rec Center is planned that abuts the boundary between Live Oak in the county and the City of Tampa’s K-Bar Ranch/Easton Park development.
The same parcel, which is shaped like a much smaller version of the state of Nevada (see map), also extends north to the Hillsborough/Pasco County line, basically to where Kinnan St. (in the city) meets Mansfield Blvd. in Pasco — where there currently is a gated arm that only opens for emergency vehicles, as Pasco has rejected all attempts over the years to open that patch of roadway to regular vehicular traffic.
On Apr. 5 of this year, Hillsborough County sold this nearly 62-acre parcel of land — which countywide District 2 County Commissioner Ken Hagan said was not in the plans to be developed into a park by the county — to Anand Vihar, LLC, for the price of $6,001,200. It just so happens that Anand Vihar, LLC (and its development group, Convergent Capital Partners) is the same group that owned and developed the property immediately to the north, in Pasco County, as an age 55+ community by the same “Anand Vihar” name.
That Pasco-based property, which is home to a large number of doctors and engineers originally from India, was just turned over to the community’s condo
association in June 2023, and is now home to 167 attached townhomes.
However, Santosh Govindaraju, the chief executive officer of Convergent Capital partners, says that when plans are filed in November with Hillsborough County, Convergent will seek approval for 111 single-family homes on the new property, with homes ranging in price from $550,000 to $1 million, and from 1,800-2,500 square feet. The property in Live Oak also is expected to be developed as an age 55-and-older community. Although the original zoning approval for the site would allow for 143 homes, Govindaraju has said that with only 111 homes, there will be more open “green” space available. In other words, whether the Hillsborough-based community also will be called Anand Vihar
or not, it will prove to be a more upscale community than Anand Vihar in Pasco.
What remains to be seen, of course, is whether or not the two separate communities can ever be connected by anything other than the nature trail that is in the current site plan for the Hillsborough County property. At the present time, the residents of the Hillsborough County Anand Vihar property would only be able to access Pasco County by taking K-Bar Ranch Pkwy. east to Meadow Pointe Blvd., turn north to Beardsley Dr. and then back to the west on Beardsley Dr. to access the Anand Vihar property on Mansfield Blvd.
Is there a possibility — with former Dist. 2 Pasco Commissioner Mike Moore — who never budged on allowing the connection at Kinnan St./Mans-
field Blvd. — now replaced by Commissioner Seth Weightman in Pasco’s Dist. 2, that a road connection between the two Anand Vihar communities could be allowed? That remains to be seen.
As for the Pride Recreation Center, Commissioner Hagan says the $6-million in proceeds from the Live Oak park site sale will pay for most of the cost of its construction, which is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2024 and be completed by the end of next year or early in 2025.
“There was an additional funding need of about $750,000 or $775,000 to build the rec center,” Hagan says. “But, we already have that additional funding worked out in our fiscal 2024 budget.”
Hagan adds that he is excited that the rec center is now coming to fruition.
If you drive on Cross Creek Blvd. regularly, you probably have seen the signs for what appears to be two separate new townhome communities by Lennar Homes that are both being called “The Townes at Cross Creek.”
Well, despite the distance between them, the two separate communities are actually being developed as one, with 60 three-bedroom, 2.5-bath, two-story townhomes in nine buildings in the western section of the development (east of the New Tampa Dance Theatre, or NTDT on the map on this page) and 35 similar townhomes with the same model names in six buildings due east of The Parq at Cross Creek apartments.
The three model sizes currently being shown in The Townes at Cross Creek at Lennar.com are the 1,597-sq.-ft. Allegiance model, the 1,760-sq.-ft. Constitution model and the 1,807-sq.ft. Liberty model.
In the Townes at Cross Creek West (also known as “Cross CreekParcel B”), there will be 16 Allegiance, 26 Constitution and 18 Liberty units among the 60 total.
In the Townes at Cross Creek East (also known as “Cross Creek-Parcel D”),,
there will be 9 Allegiance, 14 Constitution and 12 Liberty units among the 35 total. It appears that all of the units have attached garages, and lanais or porches.
According to what we could find in both the site plan and on the Lennar website, we don’t believe The Townes at Cross Creek will have any amenities — no clubhouse, pool, etc. — but it also will not have a Community Development District. According to the site plan by Halff Associates, Inc., on behalf of the property owner — the SDD Trust — the roads inside both sides of the community are private, so we believe they will both be gated, although no one at Lennar had returned our phone calls or emails at our press time to address any of the questions we had about this new community.
For example, because the vertical construction of the new townhomes has not yet begun, the Lennar.com website also did not mention any price points yet for The Townes, nor did it address when construction on the communities will actually begin or when it is expected to be completed.
For more information, visit Lennar.com/new-homes/florida/ tampa-manatee/tampa/the-townesat-cross-creek or call (888) 2116153 to join The Townes at Cross Creek interest list.
In my years in public office, I have never seen such an uprising as I did over Tampa Mayor Jane Castor’s budget proposal, which included a 16% millage increase (to 1.0 mils per $1,000 of assessed property value), with new spending.
For me, it was imperative, given the passion that I saw from local residents, that I come out early with what I thought about this proposal. From the beginning, I was opposed to the 16% tax increase or anything near it. To me, this budget said “yes” to everything and “no” to nothing — with a millage rate that came close to Miami’s. And, in a time of runaway inflation, I believed — and still believe — that this was wrong.
Nuance is not beneficial in politics — but it is useful when making good policy. I believe that, just because this tax overreached, it did not mean that we should reject all new revenue sources for critical needs. And to me, the city’s biggest critical need is public safety. I came out for a 70% cut in the tax increase sought by the Mayor — with the revenue going to public safety. The .3 millage rate (70% smaller than
the Mayor’s proposal) I proposed would be able to fund all new public safety investments, and allow us to cut wasteful spending to make room for other spending proposals.
And, when push came to shove, I did what I told constituents I would do: I voted against Mayor Castor’s 16% tax increase at Tampa City Council’s September 5 budget hearing (which was voted down by a 6-1 vote), but motioned to pass a millage increase 70% smaller than the Mayor’s, with the additional funds received going to public safety. My motion ultimately failed — without a second from my fellow City Council members — but I stand by what I did. The City Council ultimately kept the millage rate the same as last year, by a 4-3 vote.
For years, I have worked to create a Tampa Public Safety Master Plan. The idea was to have a city-wide study to identify where our police and fire deficits are, how much it will cost to remedy those deficits and to have a frank discussion with taxpayers on the fiscal bridge to meet those expectations.
We have undeniable public safety deficits in Tampa — and these deficits will not be cured alone by cutting waste (although this, of course, is a necessity).
Our growing city’s public safety deficits are acute — and this is particularly true for New Tampa.
New Tampa suffers from longer response times for Tampa Fire Rescue (TFR) — especially in K-Bar Ranch, which currently is served primarily by Station No. 22 on Cross Creek Blvd.
And, North Tampa’s Fire Station No. 13 was the 54th busiest station in the entire United States. Although we have recently given that station some relief, more action is needed. Other areas of Tampa are falling behind.
For the Tampa Police Department, Tampa wants to fund, not defund, our police. Tampa rejects the Portland,
Oregon-like vision of attacking or defunding our police. Rather, Tampa is willing to support our police through not only bumper stickers and slogans, but tax investments, too. Calls for community policing and hiring more officers will cost money. My proposal would still have funded our portion of a federal matching grant for 30 new police officers for Tampa.
This proposal for millage 70% smaller than what the Mayor proposed would have saved us from putting public safety at risk and having to purchase bonds for new fire stations — with more burdensome long-term debt for taxpayers. My proposal would allow us
to have a millage rate that would cost the average homeowner just $6.00 a month more than they currently pay, but with proper funding for police and fire — and limited governmental debt.
I have taken heat from some for this — but that is fine with me.
I always say that I am in office to do what I think is right. Over the last nearly seven years in office, I have held about 65 town halls where I have listened to my constituents. In the end, I believe it is my job to — after consulting with those constituents — do what I think is right.
We know that neglecting public safety is not the right thing to do. While we can cut spending, a disproportionate amount of our city government’s budget goes to police and fire. I, for one, do not write political checks I can not cash. In other words, I do not promise the public more spending without being able to pay for it.
Our next step now is to find funds from other sources to fund not only
public safety — but also housing and other priorities. We will do this before our second reading of the City of Tampa budget, which will be held on Tuesday, September 19.
We are locked in with our millage rate, and I will work with the other Council members to find sources for spending on priorities.
You, my constituents, know me. You know my heart and that I stand for what I think is right. Most important is that you know where I stand — and that I stand. I wanted to write this column to inform you about my centrist approach to this proposal so I could explain why I did what I did.
I have been your District 7 City Councilman for almost seven years. I can tell you that there has been no greater joy for me than to serve you. In doing so, I work with everyone — Republicans and Democrats — to get the job done. I pledge to continue to do that, all while letting you know what I do and why I do it.
What started out as New River Township more than 20 years ago is finally getting ready to come to full fruition.
That original community from developer Beat Kahli (of Avalon Park Group) does still exist today — with about 400 single-family (SF) homes in four subdivisions — but the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) formerly known as New River Township has changed names twice since those first homes (and the adjacent New River Elementary) were built.
The new sections, with a separate entrance off S.R. 54, were at first known as “Avalon Park West,” as Kahli’s original Avalon Park development exploded on the southeast side of Orlando. Today, the local 1,800-acre DRI is being touted as “Avalon Park Wesley Chapel,” which is planned for
4,800 single- and multi-family units, part of which will be a walkable downtown area.
On Aug. 17, the Neighborhood News was included in a hardhat and virtual-reality VIP tour of the Downtown Avalon Park area, which has a single building under construction and a few retail tenants already signed to fill the twelve total available spaces on the ground floor of a three-floor “neotra ditional” building that also will feature rental apartments on its upper floors.
But honestly, as exciting as the first building in the down town area may be, it really is only the tip of an iceberg as Avalon Park Wesley Chapel be gins to add thousands of addi tional units, just as the widen ing of S.R. 54 — the primary east-west thoroughfare serving Avalon Park Wesley Chapel — nears its completion.
On the next page, you’ll see photos of what’s coming now to Avalon Park, as well as more information as to what to expect in the future.
Avalon Park Wesley Chapel, which previously had been known as both New River Township and Avalon Park West, is stepping up the development of its downtown, and the Neighborhood News participated in the Aug. 17 VIP tour of the first “neotraditional” building under construction to the east of the existing single-family home development in Avalon Park Wesley Chapel.
Developer Beat Kahli of Avalon Park Group/Sitex Development has modeled his Wesley Chapel development after Avalon Park Orlando, his company’s successful 1,860-acre development neighborhood located in southeast Orange County that will have 3,400 single-family and 1,431 multifamily units at buildout. Meanwhile, Avalon Park Wesley Chapel encompasses about 1,800 acres with about 2,900 single-family and 1,900 multi-family units planned.
Despite a steady rain, the VIP tour helped introduce local business leaders to Downtown Avalon Park Wesley Chapel, which has its first three-story, 73,067-sq.-ft. mixed-use building well under construction. This building will include 40 multi-family apartments and 23,720 sq. ft. of commercial/retail space on the ground floor.
“This phase of construction really helps us move even closer to that vision of building a place where families can build memories and traditions together in a town they can call their own,” Kahli said in a recent news release. “And, while this may not be the most cost-effective time to begin construction, we feel like it is important to continue on to the next step in developing our vision for Avalon Park Wesley Chapel.”
The downtown area also will be home to a two-acre, dog-friendly community park with an amphitheater that currently is in permitting and will begin construction later this summer. The park will host community events such as the popular “Avalon Aglow” and annual Fourth of July celebrations, as well as community partners like Jazz Under
“We have been working with Pasco County over the past several years to develop a program that will be a win-win for the entire Wesley Chapel community,” Kahli said. “Community partnerships are vital to our mission to change the way the world lives, learns, works and plays, by creating a place where everyone can feel like they belong.”
Upon completion, Avalon Park Wesley Chapel will include approximately 400,000 total sq. ft. of retail and 100,000 sq. ft. of office space in its downtown. The initial construction in Downtown Avalon Park Wesley Chapel began in 2018 with the addition of the Pinecrest Academy K-9 Charter School. Pinecrest also is now under construction of its second phase, which will add approximately 600 middle school student stations in a separate building.
Among the first tenants on the first floor of the 12-suite building include the previously announced Prime Barbershop, an Indian restaurant that will ben called Rudraksh and an unnamed gym. The only other tenant announced at our press time was Rita’s Italian Ice & Frozen Custard.
We got to meet Rita’s franchise owners Antoine and Idalice Stokes, who also own the Valrico location, and they definitely seemed to be super-excited to be opening in Avalon Park Wesley Chapel.
With the first building in the downtown area expected to be completed only four months or so from now, we wanted to provide you with some updates on the development of Avalon Park Wesley Chapel (see map on previous page):
•A new traffic signal will be installed by the developer at Avalon Park Blvd. & S.R. 54.
•Avalon Park Blvd. will be extended diagonally through the downtown area from SR 54 to River Glen Blvd.
•The Zephyrhills Bypass right-of-way will be given to the county, but that road
ern section of Avalon Park have already been approved and platted.
• ship was originally 1,800 total acres, but now includes about 400 homes in the existing subdivisions along River Glen Blvd. However, the MPUD approved for Ava lon Park Wesley Chapel in 2017 shows a maxi mum of 4,800 residential units total, which is still believed to be accurate and close to the actual number that eventually will be built.
Both this year and last, the North Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce (NTBC) has been named one of three finalists for Chamber of the Year in its category by the nationwide Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE).
Both years, the NTBC has come up short of winning the award, but that’s not stopping this busy chamber or its leadership team. “Win or lose, it’s such an honor to be a finalist, and no other chamber in any of the four categories was named a finalist the last two years,” says NTBC President and chief executive officer Hope Kennedy. “It was hard for us to come home without the top prize again, but we’re still so proud of the work we’ve done and the successes we’ve had.”
Kennedy says the application process, which the NTBC has gone through “for each of the last ten years or so, is extensive and difficult,” as the ACCE has more than 1,800 member chambers of commerce and business organizations of all sizes and locations across the country.
Kennedy also notes that the NTBC also was again the finalist with the smallest paid staff (just two — Kennedy and membership director Jen Tussing). By comparison, the Pearland (TX) Chamber, which won this year’s award in the NTBC’s Category 1 (for chambers with less than $500,000 in annual
revenues), has a staff of six.
Neither current NTBC Board chair Justin Keeney, the VP and senior portfolio manager of Fifth Third Bank, or immediate past chair Javan Grant of Slater Grant, was able to travel to Salt Lake City for this year’s ACCE 2023 Awards Ceremony on Aug. 1, so foundation chair and 2021 Board chair Michael Berthelette of Platinum Salon made the trip with Kennedy and Tussing.
“Even some of the larger Chambers in our area — including the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce — have applied to be Chamber of the Year the last two years without even being named a finalist,” Kennedy says. “We take a lot of pride in what we do and what we have accomplished.”
event last month, where the NTBC was again a finalist for Chamber of the Year. (Photo provided by Hope Kennedy). going activities, including the following:
•Breakfast-1st Tues. of each month
•Luncheon-2nd Tues. of each month
•Leading Ladies Network (formerly WOW)-1st Fri. of each Month
• Final Friday-Last Fri. of each month
Although being a finalist for Chamber of the Year is a big honor and is based on a variety of factors — including membership retention, advocacy, community involvement and more — the bottom line is that the NTBC also exists to help small businesses.
The Chamber features a variety of on-
• Coffee Social-3rd Wed. of each Month
• Member Orientation-4th Wed. of each mo.
The NTBC also offers member businesses the opportunity to host ribbon cuttings at their locations, as well as a variety of annual events, including the upcoming Wesley Chapel Fall Festival the weekend of Oct. 28-29 (co-sponsored by Florida’s
Sports Coast and Penguin Productions).
Also upcoming is the NTBC’s Celebrating Excellence in Business awards gala (on Thursday, November 16) and nominations for the Excellence in Innovation, Collaboration, Integrity, Inclusivity and the Community Hero award are now open. The Chamber also will host its third annual 5K Honor Run in February. The Chamber also is inviting current members to apply to run for Board positions. For more info about the North Tampa Bay Chamber, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.org or call (813) 994-8534.
Battling with anxiety and not quite sure what to do while driving up Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., Alex Colley was looking for a sign.
Little did he know that sign would quite literally be the one that David Calcador, the co-owner of Your CBD Store of New Tampa, was twirling on the side of BBD.
“David was out there spinning the sign, and it said ‘Free CBD Samples, Come On In,’” Alex says. “I had seen him out there before and didn’t think anything, but I’ve had anxiety for a long time, and I literally was driving by as I was having a panic attack. And I was like, ‘I guess that’s literally, my sign to go in.’”
Alex went in and David gave him a sample that immediately calmed him down, and Alex has been a regular now for four months. “David is my CBD doctor,” he says, chuckling.
David is quick to point out, however, that he is not a doctor. He and his wife Debra Curler are just owners of the Your CBD Store of New Tampa, located in the Pebble Creek Collection, and are true believers in the power of CBD and its healing properties.
Pick a malady, and Debra can point you towards the right remedy, with David ready to answer any questions about your choices.
Having trouble sleeping? They’ve got you.
Anxiety? Depressed? In a lot of pain? Just need to relax? They have answers.
Looking for relief from the effects of PTSD? Cancer? Arthritis? There’s a multitude of CBD products to help with those ailments.
“We love helping people,” Debra says. “It’s why we started doing this.”
They also are true believers because they
use some of the products they sell themselves. Debra had a knee replaced and finds that her store’s SunMed CBD-infused creams bring her relief, while David finds his issues with sleeping washed away with a nighttime gummy.
“I like that they use the products and can tell you from first-hand experience what they do,” Alex says. “It’s not like deciding what to order at a steakhouse and finding out your waiter is a vegetarian.” While the effects aren’t guaranteed since everyone is different, Debra says many customers rave about the effects.
CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of more than 100 cannabinoids that grow on cannabis, of which both hemp and marijuana are varieties. Like “weed,” CBD originates from hemp, but has less than 0.3% of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the ingredient that causes the “high,” while marijuana has much higher levels of THC. Most of the CBD products at the store are offered as “full spectrum,” which are generally stronger but still contain no more than the legal limit of 0.3% THC, and “broad spectrum,” with no THC at all.
The recent explosion of Delta 8 and Delta 9 products has pushed the limits of the THC content in CBD products, making it more important than ever that consumers know they are legitimate. Your CBD Store only sells SunMed products that the company says are vigorously tested. In fact, a QR code on the products can be scanned for the complete independent lab reports for each SunMed product.
SunMed has recently launched Above and Beyond lines, which have higher levels of THC — but still remain below the legal limit — and are the best sellers for Debra and David.
“These will be gone by the end of the weekend,” Debra says, pointing to a shelf filled with SunMed’s Above and Beyond products,
The new product called Above blends Delta-8 with other cannabinoids, which SunMed says delivers what is described as “gentle body feels,” as opposed to a psychoactive high.
Meanwhile, Beyond products contain Delta-9 (and 400% more cannabinoids than your usual full-spectrum), and come in calming (indica) and uplifting (sativa) versions. There also is a hybrid version that blends the two together.
David also raves about his store’s CBG
products. He has a special appreciation for their effectiveness, especially the full- and broad-spectrum neuro-water soluble and the CBG Citrus, which helps with inflammation.
Customer Jeff Martin says he is thankful he found Dave and Debra’s location, because they have been a godsend.
Once every three weeks, he places an order for CBD and CBG products for his 80-year-old mother. The CBD helps with her sore joints and arthritis, while the CBG, which can be more effective treating muscle soreness, is for the neuropathy in her feet.
“As long as mom’s taking it, it’s like someone flipped a switch,” Jeff says. “Just being pain-free and being out of the misery of having the feeling of burning feet all the time, it’s been a wonder.”
Jeff adds, “You have to be careful where you buy this stuff these days. I trust the products at David’s store.”
TRIM is SunMed’s first foray into the weight loss product market and features THC-V, which blocks your appetite-stimulating CB1 receptor (THC-D9, by contrast, causes appetite stimulation). For your doggies, Your CBD Store offers Chillin’ Out (for relaxation) and Movin’ Easy (for mobility and aches and pains for senior dogs) broad-spectrum hemp chews.
Your CBD Store New Tampa (19651 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Suite B-1) is open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and 1 p.m.-5 p.m. on Sunday. For more info, call (813) 994-0599 or visit CBDRX4U.com/find-us/florida/new-tampa.
After what seemed like an eternity for new Wesley Chapel Contract Postal Unit (CPU) contractor Jevon Williams and his wife Cindy — and pretty much the entire Wesley Chapel community — the new CPU opened today in the Freedom Plaza at 30124 S.R. 54.
“I know we still have the old (3D Wellness) Pharmacy sign on the building, but we finally got it open,” Jevon told me when I became the new CPU’s second customer shortly after 9 a.m. “We’re here to serve the community.”
Jevon and Cindy, both local Realtors with EXP Realty, are now selling stamps and can handle your Priority and Priority Express mail, as well as send Certified and Registered mail, all at Post Office prices. They stock boxes, packaging tape and materials, have a few greeting cards and some candy and snacks, and also serve free coffee to their customers. The new location also is renting P.O. boxes to businesses and individuals who need them.
“We tried to keep the same P.O. box people from the old CPU,” said Argelis Castro from the Zephyrhills Post Office, who was helping Williams work out some issues at the CPU on opening day. “The problem was that the old CPU’s zip code (on Boyette Rd.) was 33545, while this is 33543, so not everyone who had a P.O.
able at the new Wesley Chapel CPU, which is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and 9 a.m.-noon on Saturday.
And, until the holiday season kicks in, at least, it doesn’t appear as though there are any major parking issues at the new CPU.
Even though this CPU is five miles north of New Tampa, it is an alternative to the New Tampa Post Office. Feel free to tell Jevon and his staff that I sent you.
As reported by Kelly Gilroy on her outstanding “Pasco County Development and Growth Updates” Facebook page on Aug. 24 — after no updates since representatives from the YMCA first started attending local meetings a couple of years ago — BayCare Health Systems is having a pre-application meeting with Pasco County staff to propose 52,391-sq.-ft. YMCA and a 100,000-sq.-ft., two-story medical office building. The plan includes parking lots, a “New Drive” roadway and a curb-cut connection at the southwest corner of Bruce B.Downs (BBD) Blvd. and Eagleston Blvd., next to the new BayCare Wesley Chapel hospital. We’ll update this story
On Aug. 10, a new Homesense store opened in the Shoppes at New Tampa of Wesley Chapel, between the also-still-new Bealls Outlet and Flip Flop Shops stores in the plaza on BBD Blvd. south of S.R. 56. Homesense — the off-price home store featuring high-quality furniture and accessories that is the newest retail banner of The TJX Companies, Inc. — now operates 50 stores in the U.S. TJX is the leading off-price retailer of apparel and home fashions in the U.S. and worldwide. The company operates nearly 5,000 total stores in nine countries, including 1,304 T.J. Maxx, 1,189 Marshalls, 901 HomeGoods, 81 Sierra, and now 50 Homesense stores.
I visited the new store the day it opened and it was packed with not only people, but as-advertised great prices on everything from couches to wall art to Halloween knickknacks (photo below). For
Although the dealership has been open for several months, we want to thank Subaru of Wesley Chapel (located at 26570 Silver Maple Pkwy., just south of S.R. 56) owner Scott Fink and his entire staff for hosting one of the greatest Grand Opening and North Tampa Bay Chamber ribbon-cutting (top photo) events in recent memory on Sept. 7.
An estimated crowd of at least 300 people attended the dog-friendly event (the dealership is a supporter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay), which included three food trucks, lots of amazing raffle prizes (including a mountain bike, kayak and paddleboard) and lots of happy dogs, some up for adoption, others with their owners and some with their Pasco Sheriff’s Office handlers (photo, right).
“Scott Fink and his Fink Auto Group definitely know how to throw a party,” said NTBC president & CEO Hope Ken nedy. “We appreciate the opportunity to SubaruWesleyChapel.com.
It’s not happening right away, but by sometime in 2025, Wesley Chapel will be home to two Pasco County public libraries.
The recently remodeled and completely revamped New River Library reopened on S.R. 54 — to rave reviews — last year.
But, wait until you get a look at the new 14,000-sq.-ft. Wesley Chapel Seven Oaks Library, which is now under permitting review and should begin building next to Seven Oaks Elementary by early 2024, only a little more than a mile north of the Hillsborough/Pasco county line.
According to Pasco County public information officer Sarah Andeara, the county is in the process of evaluating and selecting a contractor for the award of the $10-million contract later this year.
“The groundbreaking of the Wesley Chapel Seven Oaks Library is expected in early 2024 and the project will take about 16 months to complete,” Andeara says. “The architecture firm of Fleischman Garcia Maslowski has provided the building’s design and the $10 million budgeted by the county is expected to cover the design, construction, furniture, equipment and collection materials.”
In addition to books, audiobooks, and DVDs, the new library will feature public computers, printers, a separate children’s area, collaborative spaces, a gallery wall in the lobby, an outdoor reading porch, a multi-purpose room for “makerspace” and other activities, a meeting room, and study rooms. Drive-up services also will be available.
The Wesley Chapel Seven Oaks library’s unique multipurpose makerspace room, with a designated outdoor mobile makerspace area, will provide all kinds of activities from Pasco’s other library makerspaces to the Wesley Chapel community. Some examples of these activities include woodworking, music and multimedia recording, ceramics and pottery, cooking, gardening, and more.
After receiving input from the local community, it was decided that the best use of the new library’s makerspace space would be to go with a multipurpose room option.
The intent for the multipurpose room is for it to serve as a “launch pad” for a mobile makerspace — which is expected to be a mobile van outfitted with a wide variety of different classic makerspace activities, such as wood-
working activities, gardening, cooking, musical instruments, and recording options, as well as STEM activities. For more information about the Wesley Chapel Seven Oaks Library, visit PascoLibraries.org.
For appointments & more information, please visit TampaPalmsPsychology.com
At the Community Cafe our mission is to build a supportive and inclusive work environment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) through employment and step workforce training in the hospitality and food industry. We are a non-profit multi-functioning coffee and ice cream shop, smoothie bar, and gift store combined within a community center and staffed with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, our "Shining Stars".
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If you somehow missed the first-ever Fall Festival at the all-new New Tampa Performing Arts Center (NTPAC), you missed a truly special weekend (Sept. 8-10) of 100% free performances of virtually every kind.
Everything from ballet to modern dance and from Broadway to traditional Indian dance was available to attendees, thousands of whom packed the NTPAC throughout the weekend. NTPAC executive director Keith Arsenault (top photo below) was clearly beaming all three days of the Fall Festival.
“We couldn’t be happier with the performances, the attendance and the feedback we’ve received from everyone who visited this weekend,” Arsenault said. “It’s clear that this community has been hungry for more cultural opportunities.”
Although we weren’t able to take pictures at every performance, Neighborhood News photographer Charmaine George and I were proud to be on hand for most of the weekend’s festivities, which also included Arsenault unveiling a plaque of thanks (bottom right) to Hillsborough County Commissioner Ken Hagan (bottom left). Arsenault said that the land for the NTPAC was dedicated 15 years ago, and that it took 15 County Commission votes to make the Center a reality. “We have many people at the county to thank,” Arsenault said, “but we would not be standing here today without the long-standing efforts of Ken Hagan.”
Hagan was clearly moved by the plaque. “Politicians are rarely at a loss for words, but I am blown away by this. Thank you!” — GN
(Photos by Charmaine George & Gary Nager)
Continued from page 23 (All photos on these pages by Charmaine George & Gary Nager) Performances
After the impressive and super-fun performances on Friday afternoon and evening (see pages 22-23), the NTPAC’s Fall Festival didn’t rest on its laurels. To the contrary, it may have even stepped it up to another level on Saturday, as the outstanding Wharton High band (right) first filled the main stage theater and no one left disappointed.
But, as great as the ‘Cats musicians were, the performance by the Tampa City Ballet (bottom pics) Saturday evening was the first of the weekend to have to turn away people who wanted to check out this professionallevel ballet company, as somewhere between 20-30 people had to watch the dancers and the troupe’s incredible backgrounds that were projected onto the cyclorama (cyc) at the back of the NTPAC stage on a TV in the lobby.
There was no let-up on Sunday, either, as the Rudram Dance Company brought a huge number of traditionally-costumed Indian dancers to the NTPAC’s main stage. Then, before two one-act plays (“Co-Workers” and “Sherlock Holmes & Case of the 5-Pound Note”) were presented by winners of the Tampa Bay Theatre Festival, the folk rock acoustic duo of Daisies & Axes performed in Studio 2. There also was a “Fun with Broadway Trivia” game presented by the New Tampa Players, followed by ATLAS Modern Ballet’s contemporary dance performance, but we didn’t get to shoot those because of our deadline. Wow! Can’t wait ‘til next year!—GN
The world of orthodontics is changing at lightning speed.
Emerging from the recent fad of do-it-yourself aligners that have oversimplified the process of moving teeth to a newer trend where large corporations are buying independent orthodontic practices, the idea of a neighborhood orthodontist may seem a bit old-fashioned.
That’s just fine with Sam Jureyda, DMD, who considers his relationships with patients to be his top priority and understands the value that his decades of experience as an orthodontic specialist brings to them.
“In this environment,” he says, “we focus on what we do best – offering our expertise in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, and providing the best possible customer service to our patients.”
That includes treating patients like family, Dr. Jureyda explains. “When you’re here,” he says, “you’re a neighbor and a friend.”
Dr. J, as his patients call him, opened Radiance Orthodontics more than seven years ago to serve patients of all ages, including kids, teens and adults. The practice is located in the Tampa Palms Professional Center off of Commerce Park Blvd. near the New Tampa Recreation Center.
Before moving into private practice in 2006, and subsequently opening Radiance Orthodontics in 2016, he taught graduate-level orthodontics at the University of Buffalo. Prior to that, he earned a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree from the Boston University School of Dental Medicine, a Certificate of Specialty in Orthodontics from the Howard University College of Dentistry, and completed a clinical fellowship in Orthodontics from University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, Department of Orthodontics.
His education includes years of studying facial biology and growth dynamics, and his practice has includes decades of treating patients with sophisticated cases.
Patients at Radiance Orthodontics are offered both traditional braces and Invisalign, along with Dr. J’s expert opinion on which option would be better for a particular case, and why.
“There are so many factors that go into a decision about an appliance that you may wear for 18 months or more,” says Dr. J. “I am happy to go over all of that information so that you can make the right choice about the treatment plan that is best for you.”
These days, general dentists are more frequently offering tooth movement and aligners. Radiance Orthodon-
tics offers a deeper understanding of the dentofacial orthopedics involved in aligning teeth and jaws over a lifetime, whether it’s during the early years of childhood growth or even in older adults.
Christy Schnell is a local mom who chose Radiance Orthodontics when her dentist suggested it was time for her daughter to get an evaluation for orthodontic treatment.
“Dr. Jureyda is such a huge supporter of our local schools,” she explains, saying that she is so impressed by the way Radiance Orthodontics shows up for kids in our community that she decided to visit his office first.
“After that initial visit, I could tell it was a really good fit,” Christy says, “so I didn’t even look anywhere else.”
Christy appreciates how Dr. Jureyda includes her daughter Lyla in the conversation about her treatment, explaining the equipment and processes, and giving her the opportunity to ask questions.
“Lyla had a lot more questions than I thought she would,” Christy says, “We were all so comfortable when we left (Radiance).”
Since that initial consultation, not only has Lyla has started treatment — so has Christy.
“My teeth were shifting because I didn’t wear my retainer from when I was little,” she says. “So, I figured while I’m here with my kids, I might as well get my teeth straightened as well.”
She says Dr. J made it both easy and affordable to start treatment.
He says that’s an important part of the way he serves his patients.
“We’re seeing so much inflation right now, which is stretching families,” says Dr. Jureyda. “Radiance Orthodontics is a small business and we are in touch with what’s happening in our community. We try to walk that fine line between meeting the demands of running a business and keeping our fees affordable and payments flexible for our patients.”
He promises reasonable fees that avoid the need for coupons or complex payment structures. Initial consultations are always completely free, as are consultations for those seeking a second opinion from Dr. J, where he may be able to provide additional avenues for treatment or a lower cost than other options. Radiance patients can rest assured that they will be given a fair price.
That’s another reason Christy says she chose Radiance Orthodontics.
“Friends had told me that Invisalign was much more expensive than braces, but at Radiance, the prices were actually similar,” she says. “It was so nice to be able to make the decision based on what was best for my daughter and me, without having to make a choice based on cost.”
Christy’s younger kids are already seeing Dr. Jureyda, too, although they’re not ready for treatment. The dentist suggest ed her son needed an evaluation, but Christy appreciates that Dr. J is watch ing his growth with appointments every six months, but not pushing treatment.
Dr. J explains that treatment is always unique to the individual.
“We often recommend ‘phase one’ treatment, which is for children as young as seven – and in some cases even younger – so that we can do early intervention that will make treatment easier down the road,” says Dr. Jureyda. “We follow the concept that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.”
However, that doesn’t mean that every child will need early treatment. It just means that all children can take advantage
of Dr. Jureyda’s free consultations to get an expert opinion on what kind of treatment may be needed at an early stage, or somewhere down the road.
And, speaking of kids, as a former educator, Dr. Jureyda makes it a high priority to support students and educators in our community.
Not only is Radiance Orthodontics a business partner at all of New Tampa’s public schools and some Wesley Chapel schools, too, he also awards scholarships
demonstrated a commitment to serve the community through volunteering. This year, he also will offer a scholarship to a senior at Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School, too.
Radiance Orthodontics offers Invisalign and braces for kids, teens
1100. For more information about the practice, located at 17427 Bridge Hill Ct., Suite A, in the Tampa Palms Professional Center, search for Radiance Orthodontics on Facebook, visit www.MyRadianceBraces.com, or see the ad on page 7.
On the top floor of a busy medical office near Fletcher Ave. and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., Drs. Richard Lockey, Mark Glaum, Seong Cho and Amber Pepper — all of whom are Board-certified allergists and immunologists — help patients find relief at the group’s flagship practice. The doctors also have a second location in South Tampa.
In 1984, Dr. Lockey established the practice under the name Academic Associates in Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Fast forward almost 40 years, and he still remains an active practitioner, joined by a dedicated team of Board-certified professionals whose shared commitment to exceptional patient care is unwavering.
Dr. Lockey earned his Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the Temple University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA, and later became a Professor of Medicine at the University of South Florida (USF) Morsani College of Medicine. He is a past president of the World Allergy Organization and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI).
Dr. Glaum earned his M.D. degree from Hahnemann University School of Medicine (now Drexel University College of Medicine) in Philadelphia, and completed an allergy and clinical immunology fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, also in Philadelphia. He focuses on understanding allergic
responses and advancing diagnostic methods, such as rhinoscopies (examinations of the nasal passages).
Dr. Cho, an otolaryngologist, received his M.D. degree from Kyung Hee University School of Medicine in Seoul, South Korea. He honed his allergy and immunology expertise at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, IL.
Dr. Pepper earned her M.D. degree from USF in 2013 and concluded her internal medicine residency and allergy & immunology fellowship through USF’s Division of Allergy & Immunology in 2016.
These four experts are deeply involved in education, teaching residents and medical students at USF while leading a renowned program for training upcoming allergists and immunologists. The doctors all actively engage in clinical research, significantly contributing to the continuous progress in allergy and immunology. Their extensive experience spans decades, centered at the nearby USF Division of Allergy & Immunology Clinical Research Unit. They also are all active AAAAI members.
Dr. Glaum explains, “We continue to be instrumental in performing clinical research, which brings new products to the market to help individuals. Currently, we have ongoing studies in food allergies, chronic sinusitis, a condition called hereditary angioedema (recurrent attacks of severe swelling), and urticaria (hives). In the case of hereditary angioedema, there were no products on the market that were FDA-approved when I arrived here in
2004; now, there are almost a dozen products. Most of those have come to market due to the research done here in the division, among other places.”
The practice manages a variety of disorders related to allergies, asthma and immunology, including food allergies, rhinitis (hay fever), chronic cough, sinusitis, venom hypersensitivity (insect stings), headaches, rashes, dermatitis, urticaria and immune deficiencies.
The doctors are among the pioneering doctors in Florida to use the advanced food desensitization method, known as oral immunotherapy, to assist patients dealing with severe food allergies.
“We’ve been instrumental in getting oral immunotherapy for peanut allergies approved in the U.S. and we’re continuing to work on other projects related to food allergies,” Dr. Glaum says. “We’re one of the clinical sites that looked at ways of desensitizing children and adults who were peanut-allergic to the point where they can tolerate a few peanuts and continue to ingest them on a daily basis, decrease their risk of having accidental exposure and a severe allergic reaction.”
Dr. Glaum recommends seeking a Boardcertified immunologist for anyone undiagnosed or suspecting allergies. “Universityassociated practices are usually the ones most
up-to-date on current conditions,” he says.
Through con tinuing research and university experience, the doctors also adopt a scientific approach to patient treatment. Whether a new consul tation or follow-up ap pointment, patients will never see a physician’s assistant and always the physicians.
Dr. Glaum (photo above) references a challenging case where his research skills and immunology expertise changed a patient’s life. “I did see a person who came in primarily for hives, an itchy skin condition. But, upon further questioning, he also had a debilitating problem where his muscles would spasm and tense up to the point where he couldn’t move or function at work. (Through) investigation and laboratory studies, he ended up having a condition called Stiff Person Syndrome. This is an autoimmune problem where antibodies activate muscles inappropriately at times, causing debilitation and sometimes even a fracture of the bone if the spasm is so strong.”
In other words, Dr. Glaum adds, “He came in for one problem, and he ended up getting diagnosed with that (other) issue. We referred him to neurology, which has certain treatments they can do to alleviate that condition. Hives can be part of that syndrome, so it’s important as a good immunologist to know the rest of medicine to be able to make those associations.”
Empowering patients to improve and
manage their allergies and immunological disorders is always the doctors’ end goal. They also are dedicated to advancing the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions through specialized options like clinical trials.
The practice’s patients can take part in paid clinical research trials, in addition to their medical treatments. For those who can’t afford medication for a condition or haven’t seen success with standard therapies, there might be a chance to access free treatment using products coming to the market for different conditions.
For patients who might be uncertain about their doctor’s Board certification within the practice, Dr. Glaum aims to provide reassurance that they are in skillful hands.
“The most common misconception is that allergists are not Board-certified doctors,” he says. “In fact, allergists have undergone training in internal medicine or pediatrics, are board-certified in that specialty, and then train in allergy and immunology. Any allergist that you see is either an internal medicine doctor or a pediatrician who’s done further specialized training.”
Once a new patient has made an initial appointment, he or she can conveniently complete the registration paperwork online at AllergyTampa.com.
Patients can schedule appointments with Drs. Lockey, Glaum, Cho, or Pepper at their North Tampa office, which is located at 13801 BBD Blvd., Suite 502, or in the South Tampa office (1906 W. Platt St.). For more info about the practice and the services provided, call (813) 971-9743 or see page 33 of this issue.
Whether you or your child likes to dance for fun or dreams of a career on stage one day, the New Tampa Dance Theatre (NTDT) offers dancers a world-class, professional experience that is unmatched in the Tampa Bay area.
Located on Cross Creek Blvd. (across from Heritage Isles) in New Tampa, the 7,500-sq.-ft. NTDT is the largest professional dance training facility in the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. Owner and artistic director Dyane Elkins IronWing is in her 29th season of creating dance memories and futures for her students, many of whom have gone on to study dance in college and/or dance professionally.
“As always, I’m very proud of our students,” says Elkins IronWing. “Our dancers become excellent college students, with their impressive time-management skills, perseverance and creative thinking. Each season, our hearts burst with excitement creating with our beautiful students again. We plan to continue giving back to our community with the ‘Pay It Forward’ program by offering all new students $25 per month tuition for every class!”
Elkins IronWing says she started dancing at age 5, later trained in New York City and performed with Ballet Metropolitan in Columbus, OH.
She moved to Tampa in 1995 and immediately opened NTDT in the Pebble Creek Collection. In 2002, she purchased the current NTDT property on Cross Creek Blvd, and moved her school to the new building in January 2006.
With the bigger location, Elkins IronWing was off and running, offering smaller class sizes and larger, more varied schedules.
She says NTDT also has a larger pool of students today, with the ongoing explosive growth in Wesley Chapel, as well as in New Tampa.
“Our name might say New Tampa,” she says, “but our location is much closer to Wesley Chapel than one might assume. We are extremely convenient to all the cur-
Wesley Chapel families are shocked to discover just how close we are and excited how quickly they can drive to our facility.”
NTDT caters to both the recreational dance lover (even adults, photo on next page) as well as the devoted pre-professional — and every level in between. The studio’s leveled curricu lum offers multiple art forms for students to explore. Through personalized attention and professional expertise, NTDT’s professional faculty strives to provide a positive educational experience.
Children ages 3-4 can participate in the studio’s Early Childhood Program, ages 5-8 can take part in the Children’s Program and ages 9-18 are invited to join NTDT’s Youth Program.
In addition to classical ballet, NTDT offers full programs in creative movement, modern, jazz, tap and hip-hop.
Each program has its own directors and specific syllabuses guiding students in a structured manner through their studies.
The facilities at NTDT are as top notch as the instructors, and include maple flooring for the tap classes, 20-25-ft.-tall mirrored walls, student locker rooms and a large studio space that can accommodate up to 200 people.
Sprung floors provide shock absorption to protect the dancers’ joints and an on-site physical therapist ensures the health of the dancers. NTDT also features a café for a break, meal, or homework.
NTDT has developed a reputation for creating strong, professional dancers with alumni who have moved on to highly respected dance companies, Broadway productions, national tours, and Walt Disney Company.
Because NTDT students learn to be
many of them have been accepted into prestigious summer intensive programs, including the School of American Bal let and American Ballet Theater in New York City, The Harid Conserva tory in Boca Raton, the Joffrey Ballet in Chicago and the Boston Ballet.
“Reflecting on 28 years in our com munity, it’s beyond words the gratitude and love for the amazing people who have been a part of our dance programs and family,” says Elkins IronWing.
One local former student certainly agrees with that assessment.
“I credit all of my success as a professional dancer to the foundational training I received at NTDT from ages 6-18,” says Victoria DeRenzo, who today is a professional dancer and choreographer who has toured internationally in 28 countries on four continents, most notably with the renowned Pilobolus Dance Theatre in Washington Depot, CT.
“I loved every second of my experience growing up there,” DeRenzo adds, “but I had no idea how spoiled I was until I graduated. Not many people receive a top-notch dance education in multiple
career in dance after high school, they can still reach a level of artistry to be accepted into many college dance programs, says Elkins IronWing.
“Believing in yourself, respecting the process of working towards a goal, and having a well-rounded dance education give our students the tools and confidence to continue discovering new passions throughout their lifetimes,” she says.
All students have the opportunity to perform in NTDT’s “Spring Production” and — through the studio’s nonprofit partner, the Dance Theatre of Tampa (DTT) — in the winter production of “The Nutcracker,” as well as the “Summer Concert Series,” held in June at the University of South Florida’s Tampa campus.
DTT provides more than 300 free tickets to NTDT’s corporate sponsors, local community supporters, alumni members and students.
New Tampa residents Brian and Trisha Mangan enrolled their daughters Mattie and Mikayla at any early age with NTDT.
“New Tampa Dance Theatre holds a special place in our hearts, as our daughters’ second home since the age of three, guiding them into their teenage years,” Trisha says. “What began as tentative steps has blossomed into a journey of incredible growth, thanks to the dedicated and caring instructors. NTDT has not only shaped them into skilled dancers, but into confident and determined young women embodying the values of hard work and perseverance, attributes that extend far beyond the studio.”
Every holiday season, Elkins IronWing says local residents look forward to the community’s largest and longest-running
interpretation of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s classic ballet, “The Nutcracker,” now in its 24th DTT season. This year, it will be held Friday-Sunday, December 15-17, at the USF Tampa College of Arts Theater 1.
Prior to the performances at USF, DTT also will perform “The Nutcracker Suite” Saturday & Sunday, December 2-3, at 6, 7 & 8 p.m., at The Shops at Wiregrass.
“It’s all about the children at NTDT, always has been and always will be,” Elkins IronWing says. “We are a company that enables children to succeed. The key is setting high expectations, all while having fun and building self-confidence. With the new season ahead of us, we would like to thank all of our trusting and loyal families over the years and organizations that continually support our vision. Without their recognition and time, NTDT wouldn’t be the magical place it has become!”
The New Tampa Dance Theatre offers year-round free trial classes for prospective dancers of all ages. To tour the facility or to rent it for a meeting, party or function, visit NTDT at 10701 Cross Creek Blvd. For more information and to check out the exciting lineup of Fall 2023 classes, visit NewTampaDanceTheatre.com, call (813) 994-NTDT (6838) or see the ad on page 43. You also can follow NTDT on Facebook and Instagram at “New Tampa Dance Theatre.”
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In the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel area, there is no shortage of places that claim to be able to fix a broken device, such as mobile phone, laptop or computer.
But, NerdsToGo is the only one owned and run by Michael Varnadore, a U.S. Air Force veteran with four decades of experience and education that have all dovetailed into his latest endeavor.
Michael enlisted in the U.S. Air Force right out of high school, four days after his 18th birthday. Of his 20-year military career, he says that 15 were spent in computer service, including teaching his entire squadron how to use personal computers when they received them while stationed in Korea.
Along the way, he earned a Bachelor’s degree and went on to receive a Doctorate degree in information systems management.
After retiring from the military, Michael started his second career at an aerospace corporation. He served as director of personal computing, responsible for 80,000 end points (personal computers and laptops). After nearly two decades, he retired again, and that’s when he decided to take all of the knowledge he had gained to start something new, as the local franchise owner for NerdsToGo, located in the Pebble Creek Collection plaza on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd.
“Everything I’ve done – starting with working on my first Tandy 1000 in 1986 –has led to where I’m at today,” Michael says, “it’s been a progression of skill sets and responsibilities, and I’m still learning.”
He teaches, too, as a college professor teaching introductory computer classes at Hillsborough Community College and University of Maryland online.
Those decades of experience and extensive education have given Michael the expertise to help both consumers and businesses with any computer or IT issue that may arise.
Since opening the business in 2019, Michael says he’s proud that his small business has served the needs of the New Tampa area and has racked up more than 150 5-star reviews on Google, and an average of 4.9 stars out of 5.
“As a small business, I don’t have any way to brush off bad reviews,” he says. “We have very few untrue or unfair reviews.”
NerdsToGo is a growing franchise, with about 35 locations nationwide.
Michael explains that when you hire NerdsToGo, you’re hiring an IT specialist, and he and his staff provide the expertise to fix your problem.
Got a cracked phone screen? Bring it in. NerdsToGo can fix most devices and even has a special laser to remove the back glass off iPhones. Without that laser, Michael says, it can take hours to try to pry it off by hand because of the strong glue that holds it in place. At NerdsToGo, repairs are quick and you can generally get your phone back within a couple of hours.
Virus on your computer? Michael says this is a big issue these days. You clicked on something you didn’t realize was a scam and now you’re having all kinds of problems with your computer. He and the other “nerds” at NerdsToGo know exactly what to do to get rid of any signs of the problem you encountered.
Michael says he also often helps people upgrade computers that are running slow. It can cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars to replace a computer, but NerdsToGo can offer upgrades that will keep your computer running efficiently for years without having to buy a whole new system.
But, don’t just think of NerdsToGo for your own personal needs.
As a small business owner, Michael knows all too well just how many hats have to be worn and how many things small business owners have to become experts in just to get by.
He promises that those who own small businesses don’t have to learn to be
ToGo’s exclusive NerdAssure program will manage all infor mation technology services for you. He says the service uses software to monitor machines for performance and fix hardware before it breaks, along with providing antivirus services, cloud back up to ensure all data and email is backed up and recoverable in case of a problem, and the administra tion of some kind of office productiv ity software, which could be Office 365 or something else. He says, this includes making sure everyone has access to the things they should
off their shoulders.”
That’s how it works at Ridge Manor Christian Academy, where assistant principal Nathan Puentes is responsible for the school’s IT but can’t do it by himself.
“We’ve worked with five different companies over the last 13 years, and before NerdsToGo, no one was as accessible to us as we needed them to be,” he says. “When something goes wrong, we can’t
“They are performing updates, identifying issues in the system, getting the right people right away to solve problems.”
NerdsToGo is located at 19651 Bruce B Downs Blvd., Suite C6. The store is open Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m., and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday. For more information, visit NerdsToGo.com, call (813) 321-1700 or see the ad on pg. 39.
will feature an ever-changing menu created by Executive Chef Daniel Friley.
Featuring a 250-bottle wine list with carefully selected bottles starting at $25 while also featuring some iconic wineries from around the world, plus craft cocktails, a premium full-liquor bar and a curated beer list.
The Grill is open for dinner seven nights a week and for lunch Wednesday through Sunday, with New Tampa’s best Saturday & Sunday Brunch!
Here’s another chance to win FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice! One entry per person, per question. Below, please name just your Favorite Place for Latin (but not Mexican) food in New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel! Mail your entry to “2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest” at 2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102D, Wesley Chapel 33544. Or, enter at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net or email the entry form to Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com. Even if you already answered other Survey questions, you can enter again by answering the question below! — GN
We also offer indoor & outdoor seating, plus a bar menu with sandwiches & pizza for those looking for lighter fare!
Question #5: What is your Favorite Place for Latin (but not Mexican) food located in (or near) New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel?___________________________________
Your First & Last Name___________________________________________________
Community You Live In (Heritage Isles, Grand Hampton, etc.)
Your Daytime Phone Number______________________________________________
Your Email Address_______________________________________________________
In this issue, we are giving you two more chances to win our FREE dining prize of $100, $60 or $35!
Whether or not you already told us your Favorite Restaurants in New Tampa AND Wesley Chapel and/or your Favorite Pizza and Sushi places in our communities (and, if you haven’t, ALL of this year’s previous questions are available again on pg. 38 of this issue) you can still enter and win free dining by also telling us your Favorite Place for Latin Food in our distribution areas (entry form above). Please do not vote for a Mexican or Southwest restaurant for this Survey question. The Mexican places in our areas will have their own category. In other words, whether your Favorite Latin restaurant serves Puerto Rican, Peruvian, Cuban or a mix of Latin cuisines, please name that place!
And below, please also tell us your Favorite Burger Place in (or near) New Tampa & Wesley Chapel. This is always one of the toughest categories because so many restaurants serve burgers that people like — and we only ask you to name one as your favorite.
Just fill out either or both of the entry forms on this page (or any or all of the four on pg. 38) and mail your entries to us at 2023 Neighborhood News Reader Dining Survey & Contest, 2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102D, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544. Or, you can email your entries to us at Ads@ NTNeighborhoodNews.com. You also may enter this year’s contest by visiting our website — NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net.
Each time you answer a different Dining Survey question, you’ll receive an additional chance to win one of our FREE dining prizes — to the restaurant of your choice
located anywhere in the Tampa Bay area!
Please don’t forget that we include restaurants located in Lutz (either on Wesley Chapel Blvd., S.R. 56 or S.R. 54, within two miles of I-75) as Wesley Chapel eateries; and those located in the Palms Connection Plaza on E. Bearss Ave. and the Oak Ramble Plaza on BBD Blvd. (both are located in zip code 33613) as acceptable places to vote for in New Tampa.
Please also be sure to completely fill out the entry forms, whether from our print publications, on our website or by email, because we have had a few people — out of almost 900 total entries so far — try to enter with just their first name only, and others who took the time to send us an entry without naming any restaurants.
Despite those issues, it definitely appears (as we expected) that more of you like this year’s format — with no more than two questions for you to answer in each issue — than in the recent past, when we asked a full page of questions for you to answer in multiple issues.
Remember, whether you enter by mail, email or on our website, there is never any purchase necessary to enter and win, but we do need your first AND last name, the community you live in, your daytime telephone number and a valid email address to be eligible to win any of our FREE dining prizes — and please enter all of your Survey entries by no later than November 1 to be eligible to win prizes!
Check out all of the Survey questions we’ve already run in previous issues on pg. 38 and see our website for the complete list of our official rules!— GN
Here’s another chance to win FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice! One entry per person, per question. Below, please name just your Favorite Burger Place in New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel! Mail your entry to “2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest” at 2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102D, Wesley Chapel 33544. Or, enter at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net or email the entry form to Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com. Even if you already named your five favorite restaurants in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel, you can still enter again by filling out this entry! — GN
Question #6: What is your Favorite Burger Place located in (or near) New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel? __________________________________________________________
Your First & Last Name___________________________________________________
Community You Live In (Arbor Greene, Richmond Place, etc.)
Your Daytime Phone Number______________________________________________
Your Email Address_______________________________________________________
SAVE$10 WhenYouSpend $50orMore!
Foodportiononly; drinks&taxnotincluded. Musthaveormentioncoupon. Onecouponpertableonly. Cannotbecombinedwithotheroffers. EXPIRES2/10/2022
Whether you’ve never entered our Reader Dining Survey & Contest before, or you’re a regular Neighborhood News reader and contest entrant who simply forgot to enter this year — or only responded to one or two of the questions below — we’re giving you still more chances to enter this year’s Survey & Contest. You will receive one additional chance to win $100, $60 or $35 in FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice anywhere in the Tampa Bay area each time you properly enter by responding to a question, as long as you haven’t already responded to that question this year! — GN
Each issue, you’ll be asked one or two Dining Survey question to answer to be entered to win $100, $60 or $35 in free dining prizes. One entry per person, per question. This question, please name 5 different restaurants for your top 5. Mail your entry to “2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest” at the address below or enter at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net. — GN
Question #2: Name your Five Favorite Restaurants (of any kind) located in Wesley Chapel or near the Tampa Premium Outlets.
Your First & Last Name___________________________________________________
Community You Live In (Heritage Isles, Lake Forest, etc.)
Your Daytime Phone Number______________________________________________
Your Email Address_______________________________________________________
Here’s a Bonus Question for you! Please name your Top 5 Favorite Restaurants (of any kind) located in New Tampa’s 33647 zip code (or in the Oak Ramble Plaza on BBD Blvd. or the Palms Connection Plaza on E. Bearss Ave.).
Mail your entry to “2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest” at the address above or enter at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net. — GN
Question #3: Name your Five Favorite Restaurants (of any kind) located in New Tampa (in or near zip code 33647):
Your First & Last Name___________________________________________________
Community You Live In (Hunter’s Green, Pebble Creek, etc.)
Your Daytime Phone Number______________________________________________
Your Email Address_______________________________________________________
Enter Our 2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest!
Here’s another chance to win FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice! One entry per person, per question. Below, please name just your Favorite Pizza Place in New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel! Mail your entry to “2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest” at 2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102D, Wesley Chapel 33544. Or, enter at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net or email the entry form to Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com. Even if you already named your five favorite restaurants in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel, you can still enter again by filling out this entry! — GN
Question #3: What is your Favorite Pizza Place located in (or near) New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel? __________________________________________________________
Your First & Last Name___________________________________________________
Community You Live In (Arbor Greene, Richmond Place, etc.)
Your Daytime Phone Number______________________________________________
Your Email Address_______________________________________________________
Enter Our 2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest!
Here’s yet another chance to win FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice! One entry per person, per question. Below, please name just your Favorite Place for Sushi in New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel! Mail your entry to “2023 Neighborhood News Dining Contest” at 2604 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 102D, Wesley Chapel 33544. Or, enter at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net or email the entry form to Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com. Even if you’ve already answered the previous three questions, you can enter to win again by filling out this entry! — GN
Question #4: What is your Favorite Place for Sushi in (or near) New Tampa OR Wesley Chapel? ______________________________________________________
Your First & Last Name___________________________________________________
Community You Live In (Tampa Palms, Grand Hampton, etc.)
Your Daytime Phone Number______________________________________________
Your Email Address_______________________________________________________
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely on advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.
Even though I’ve been eating and en joying different types of sushi for just about 40 years — and tuna has always been my favorite — I never took the time to find out just how many different types of sushi-grade tuna there are until I started chatting with restaurant owners and chefs as part of my nearly-30-year job as the editor and primary dining reviewer for the Neighborhood News
I therefore was surprised to learn that not only does tuna have many more varieties than just “ahi,” but that even bluefin — widely regarded as the highest quality of all tuna types — has sub-varieties that can be extracted from a single fish.
Confused? I was, too, until photog rapher Charmaine George and I spent an afternoon late last month with co-owner and executive chef Gia Tran of Zukku-San Sushi Bar & Grill on S.R. 56, as Gia and his staff of skilled chefs carved up the biggest bluefin tuna I had ever seen in person in preparation for the restaurant’s upcoming “TunaKase” — or “Chef’s Choice” — dinner event coming up this week — Wednesday, September 20.
“We regularly receive whole bluefin tuna at Zukku-San that we cut into the three varieties of bluefin for our customers,” Gia told me. “But, for the TunaKase event, we decided to buy the largest whole tuna we could to create a 15-course meal all centered around different dishes, all made with bluefin tuna.” The whole bluefin shown at the top of this page was 195 lbs., which Gia said would produce about a 60% yield (or about 117 lbs.) of fresh bluefin meat.
‘belly’ portion of the bluefin is known as ‘otoro,’ and is the most wanted by bluefin lovers. You always get less otoro meat than the other two types.”
Gia notes, however, that his personal favorite part of the bluefin is what he calls “The Best of Both Worlds.” These are the
There is an entire process Gia and the other chefs had to take in order to get the best possible yield from the giant bluefin. They didn’t tell me how much the fish cost, but they had to actually bid to get one of that size, and the price was surely in the thousands of dollars, so these artistic chefs definitely carved it up with precision non-stop for more
First, Gia scaled the top layer of skin from around the bluefin’s belly. Then, he cut
held and turned the man-sized fish over so the head could be removed.
“We use every part of the fish, except the scaled skin and some of the ‘guts,’” Gia said. “We make soup with the head portion.”
Next, Gia and the other chefs strategically cut the fish into large sections, making sure to keep the belly intact in two separate pieces and separating the other pieces into chutoro and akami sections. The final carving sliced each section down into thick, individual slabs of otoro, chutoro and akami.
It was an amazing process, but Charmaine and I were getting really hungry by this time, so Gia gave us samples of two of the dishes he plans to make for the TunaKase event
The first was the nigiri trio on this page, with one slice each of otoro, chutoro and akami atop sticky rice. We also had a marinated akami poké tartare (near left), served with crispy
other courses will be, but I know this much — you won’t be able to find better bluefin tuna anywhere in our area.
Whether or not bluefin tuna is your thing, Zukku-San always serves fresh and mouth-watering sushi, as well as a unique variety of Japanese and Asian fusion fare.
For example, the main reason Jannah and I are regulars at Zukku-San is because we love the delicious appetizers like fried gyoza (pork dumplings), the veggie spring rolls, the individual orders of veggie tempura (we prefer the broccoli, zucchini, carrot and sweet potato versions) and the skewered steak yakitori. The
martinis and my new (and apparently, very rare) favorite Irish whiskey called Ballyhoo. Zukku-San Sushi Bar & Grill is located at 25916 Sierra Center Blvd., Lutz, and is open every day at 11 a.m. for lunch and stays open until 9 p.m. on Sun., until 9:30 p.m. Mon.-Thur., and until 10 p.m. on Fri. & Sat. It’s entirely possible that the TunaKase event on Sept. 20 is already sold out, but call (813) 419-1351, visit ZukkuSushi.com or see the ad on pg. 38 for more info. Or, check out our exclusive video of the 195-lb. bluefin carving by visiting “Neighborhood News” on Facebook.
In our last issue, we told you that although we didn’t yet have official word as to when either the relocated Kobé Japanese Steakhouse or the equally-long-awaited Lotte Plaza Market (both located on Bruce B.Downs Blvd. in North Palms Village) would open, it now appears that Kobé will be open first — it could even already be open as this issue is reaching your mailbox!
The new Kobé is definitely a larger, nicer location than its former spot in front of the Pebble Creek Collection and is one of about a dozen family-owned Kobé locations in the Orlando and Tampa Bay areas. For more info, visit KobeSteakhouse.com or visit any of the other Kobé locations.
And, although we told you that New Tampa’s Lotte Plaza Market could be open by the end of Sept., a company spokesperson told me that the opening of our location of the #1 chain of Asian and Korean supermar kets in Maryland and Virginia is now tentatively scheduled for October 22.
When it opens, the long-vacant 49,432-sq.-ft. building will feature fresh (and unique) produce, meat and fish (photo) departments, as well as a food court serving a variety of cuisine types. Even though it definitely was still a construction zone when I visited, the store has a much better layout than the former
For those of you, like me, who miss the Oronzo (Un)Common (previously “Honest”) Italian location at 18027 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy., in The Walk at Highwoods Preserve plaza on BBD, the good news is that you can still visit Oronzo’s popular Midtown Tampa location.
The better news, however, is that the long-shuttered Oronzo location in New Tampa is getting a replacement — Potbelly Sandwich Works.
Potbelly, which was started in 1977 by Peter Hastings in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago, was purchased in 1996 by customer Bryant Keil, who created “Potbelly
Nation,” growing the company from one location to more than 250 in 12 years. Today, Potbelly is a publicly traded company (NASDAQ: PBPB) with 427 locations and $126.6 million in annual revenues (as of June 2023).
Potbelly, which currently has locations in Tampa’s Drew Park neighborhood and on Falkenburg Rd. in the Brandon area (as well as one inside Tampa International Airport), is known for its overstuffed sandwiches, as well as soups, salads, hand-spun shakes and a variety of mac & cheese options. It also is known for its retro décor and rock music.
We did not know at our press time when the New Tampa Potbelly’s is expected to
open, but we will keep you posted. For more information, visit one of the existing locations or Potbelly.com.
Although Jannah and I enjoyed the Las Palmas food truck, we were excited to hear that our friends Ramses and Ana Garcia were getting close to reopening their Las Palmas Latin Grill in the space where it was previ ously located at 6431 County Line Rd., off BBD, in the same plaza as LA Fitness and Five Guys Burgers & Fries.
It’s been nearly two years since a kitchen fire shuttered Las Palmas, prompting Ramses
revamped Las Palmas is expected to reopen by sometime early next month. For more info, visit LasPalmasLatinGrill.com. — GN
When I visited the Mochinut Koreanstyle donut and rice hot dog (not a misprint) place at 11401 N. 56th St. in Temple Terrace for the first time — to sample what has been announced as coming to the former location of Mahana Fresh on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. — I got a few surprises.
First of all, the donuts, which are now served at more than 130 locations around the country, and are available in a rotating variety of flavors — from caramel churro (below) to lavender — are light, airy and definitely taste nothing like Krispy Kreme or Dunkin’ Do nuts. The rice flour hot dogs sound...interest ing...too, although I’ve yet to sample them.
The bigger surprise was that not only is New Tampa getting a Mochinut store, so is the Lutz/Wesley Chapel area across from the Tampa Premium Outlets, as Mochinut also is opening soon in the former Pho 54 namese restaurant/boba tea location in the
Tuesday-Saturday, 6:30 am-1:30 pm
For Breakfast, we feature:
•Homemade Biscuits & Gravy.
•Breakfast Sandwiches & Bowls
•Made-to-Order Omelettes
•Breakfast Burgers & Home Fries
Lunch also is served all day!
•Fresh burgers
•Grilled Chicken Sandwiches
•Fresh Pulled Pork Cubans
•Chicken & Steak Phillys
For Dessert, try Tristan’s Brownie Bites & Pudding Cups!
the Temple Terrace location at (813) 3745781 and please tell them that I sent you. Or, visit Mochinut.com — GN
For more information, visit TristansAmazingBites.com
Last issue, we told you that both Slim Chickens (at 27244 Wesley Chapel Blvd.) and Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar (at 25026 Wesley Chapel Blvd. extension) were both expected to open soon, with Slim Chickens perhaps ready to open before this issue hit your mailbox. Both restaurants have now announced their new planned opening dates.
According to Jared, one of the franchise owners of Slim Chickens on Wesley Chapel Blvd. (just north of Old Pasco Rd.), although the restaurant’s gas hookup was completed, the threat of Hurricane Idalia caused additional delays and Jared says that the 225+-unit home of hand-breaded chicken
mason jar desserts is now expecting to open on or around Thursday, September 28. For more information, visit SlimChick ens.com.
Meanwhile, Shuckin’ Shack was set to open on Sept. 16, with a special North Tampa Bay Chamber VIP preview expected to take place on Sept. 12. Unfortunately, both of those dates are after we went to press with this issue, so we don’t have any pictures from the opening of the North Carolina-based chain’s 20th location at 25026 Wesley Chapel Blvd. You can bet we’ll have a big photo spread and update for you in our next issue, though. Visit TheShuckinShack. com for more information.—GN
Locals have been asking for a while what, if anything, is coming to the closed Wendy’s restaurant (left photo) on the north side of S.R. 56 (next to Taco Bell
We now know that the shuttered former Wendy’s will become the second Tampa Bay-area location of Shake Shack (the other is an already popular location in Midtown Tampa), a chain with more than 300 units in 32 U.S. states and more than 170 more everywhere from Mexico City to Singapore.
Started in 2004 as a hot dog cart in New York City’s Madison Square Park, Shake Shack serves Angus beef burgers, crispy chicken, hand-spun milkshakes and
Every once in a while, a new restaurant opens that seems to attract more people than almost any other place. I happened to stop in at the new Kinkas Bakery & Café — locat ed at 24020 S.R. 54, a little bit west of Oak Grove Blvd. in Lutz— shortly after it opened a little more than a month ago and I honestly have yet to see the place be anything other than packed, no matter what time I’ve visited.
And, I’ve honestly already visited pretty often. The husband-and-wife team of Tomas de Jesus and Yenastrid Perera (although, he says, “She’s the real boss here!”) is a couple from Puerto Rico who bring their own recipes to this truly delicious place that features almost 100% house-baked pies, cakes and other decadent des serts, perfect café con leché and what I believe is the main reason it’s always so crowded — a different-each-day rotation of prepared hot foods.
To date, I have sampled the pernil (roast pork), boneless and bone-in ribs and my favorite so far, the beef stew. Please note that beef and cheese, chicken and a variety of other empanadas, as well as butter, chocolate, almond and other crois sants are available every day.
As for the desserts, I’ve only sampled a couple, but the homemade Reese’s peanut butter cheesecake is as good as any I’ve had anywhere, including New York.
Kinkas is busiest on the weekends — when the line can literally be out the front
more info, call (813) 333-4032 or visit KinkasBakery.com — and please tell Yenastrid and Tomas I sent you! — GN
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MARY’S CLEANING SERVICES. We provide flexible domestic & office cleaning. “Jesus is the Lord.” Give us a call at 352-206-8809 for a free estimate or email marynovociclo@ gmail.com.
PATY CLEANING SERVICE. Comm’l or resid’l cleaning service. We have our own supplies & 6 years of exp. Free estimates. Call 813 943 6054 or email patycleaningservice@hotmail.com.
FITZPATRICK’s TREE SERVICE, INC. 27 yrs of Prof. Svc. Licensed & Insured. Free Estimates. Tree Trimming & Tree Removal. Stump Grinding. Dead-Wood Removal. Affordable Rates. 24-Hour Emergency Storm Service. Free Mulch. Call 813-495-9541 or 813-788-TREE.