So, whether or not it’s actually Wesley Chapel’s “downtown,” there’s no doubt that the Grand Opening and unveiling on Sept. 19 of the new nearly 17,000-sq.-ft., three-story building in Avalon Park Wesley Chapel is the start of at least that community’s downtown — and the first true mixed-use (residential and commercial), urban-style (some would call it “neotraditional”) building in all of Wesley Chapel.
“This is long in the making,” said developer Beat Kahli, the founder, president and CEO of the Avalon Park Group, the developer of both Avalon Park Wesley Chapel and Orlando. “We were lucky, in 1988, to find 1,800 acres in Pasco County, owned by the Brown family — it was called the Brown Ranch —and when Mom Brown died, the IRS came in and said, ‘You have to pay a lot of taxes because you have 1,800 acres and here is your tax bill.’ And they said, ‘We’re just farming here and we don’t have that money at all.’ We bought the land for fair market value (at that time) and told them, ‘You still need to farm here for a long time.’”
Avalon Park” mixed-use building, Dist. 2 Pasco County Commissioner Seth Weightman (to Kahli’s left) and North Tampa Bay Chamber president & CEO Hope Kennedy (to Weightman’s left) on Sept. 19 for the ribbon-cutting and unveiling of the first-ever “neotraditional” retail and residential building in Wesley Chapel. See “Avalon Park Downtown” on pg. 4!
Our editor recaps how Pasco first removed public access to development info but then relented.
See page 3
Dist. 2 Pasco Commissioner Seth Weightman answers questions about Wesley Chapel.
See page 6
The latest on Ziggi’s Coffee, Bay Paws Pet Resort, a new Meadow Pointe II building & more.
See page 12
OUR 2024 DINING SURVEY! Your last chance to win up to $200 in FREE dining at your favorite restaurant! See pages 38-41!
An Editorial by GARY NAGER
It sort of felt like something out of a Hollywood movie: A fresh, new face arrives on the scene and quickly captures the imagination of the public, only to have the government pull the rug out from under them and their many “fans.”
But, this was no movie and, thankfully, the rug in this case has seemingly been neatly replaced and the young “starlet” and her supporting cast are back to doing what they do best — keeping people informed about new development projects throughout Pasco County. Wait, what?
Yes, it’s true. The fresh face in this case is Kelly Gilroy of the super-popular Pasco County Development & Growth Updates (PCGDU) Facebook page (which I discussed in last issue’s page 3 editorial, too) — who admits she feared just this type of retribution from either the county government, developers or both — and the “villains” at least appear to be one unnamed member of the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners (BOC) and Pasco County Planning Commission member and civil engineer Jon Moody, who at the Planning Commission’s meeting on Sept. 6 said, “You shouldn’t believe everything you read on Facebook. Ms. Gilroy spreads false information.”
Moody was referring to a post Kelly had made on Sept. 3, where she said that a land owner whose property is located inside the Northeast Pasco Rural Protection Overlay District was seeking to rezone their property from agricultural to high-density apartments and 1.5 million sq. ft. of warehouse and commercial space and was attempting to remove said property from the Protection District. Moody said that Kelly’s assertion was false. Whether it was true or not, that’s a discussion for another day, but it appears to be what set off a chain reaction of craziness. Or was it?
Less than a week later, on Sept. 12, Kelly sent me a Facebook message (that she also posted on the PCGDU Facebook page) that said, “Pasco County has taken the extraordinary step of blocking public access on their Accela Citizens Portal (to) all pre-application developer site plans future and past because of the info I post in my group. Despite being public records, they literally paid their software vendor (Accela) to remove the search function from the public-facing website, apparently at the request of a county commissioner. Now, to get the same info, they (Pasco) require an “Open Records” request (to the county’s staff), which they delay responding to and charge fees to retrieve.”
Were the two events — Moody’s “call out” of Kelly and the removal from the public access of all pre-app development information — related? And, which of the five county commissioners made the request? Is it a violation of state law to allow electronic access to public records and then take it away, while still allowing governmental officials and developers to continue to have access to that info?
Consider this: Chapter 119.01 of the Florida Statutes (the General State Policy on Public Records), Subsections (e) and (f) clearly state that:
“(e) Providing access to public records by remote electronic means is an additional method of access that agencies should strive to provide to the extent feasible. If an agency provides access to public records by remote electronic means, such access should be provided in the most cost-effective and efficient manner available to the agency providing the information.
“(f) Each agency that maintains a public record in an electronic recordkeeping system shall provide
to any person, pursuant to this chapter, a copy of any public record in that system which is not exempted by law from public disclosure.”
And, after I had given Kelly those mad props for helping us lock onto the updates on her page that affect Wesley Chapel, and the fact that our editorial researcher and correspondent Joel Provenzano admits that the county’s Accela site was where he was getting so much of the background info for his stories, I vowed to help Kelly get to the bottom of this unfortunate situation.
So, while she talked about possible lawsuits and injunctions to restore the access, I started calling county commissioners to find out if they knew which commissioner initiated the removal of the public’s access to Accela, and why this seemingly drastic step had been taken by the county. More than one of the commissioners I spoke with said that no only did
they not know about which of them initiated it, they weren’t happy that they weren’t consulted or asked to vote on such a proposal before the public access was taken away.
To continue my earlier analogy, before I got very far into my investigation into the “whodunit,” in stepped Dist. 5 Comm. Jack Mariano, who publicly stated that the public’s access to Accela needed to be reinstated “as quickly as possible” and his legislative assistant Sonya Walling put that demand in writing: “Comm. Mariano has requested staff to reopen the access to Pre-Application items on the Accela portal as soon as possible. Please reach out again if the PREAPPS are not available by Monday (Sept. 23).”
Around the same day that email was made available, an unnamed admin on the PCDGU page said, “We sincerely thank everyone who contacted their commissioners about this. Hopefully, we can
all move forward. We also learned that the county may repeal or waive the requirement for developers to submit a pre-application proposal altogether at some point in the future in an effort to streamline the application process [since, according to one commissioner, not all Florida counties require it and the process takes up a lot of staff time] and instead only accept site proposals the developers intend on actually moving through the permitting/zoning process.
“Regardless, this group’s primary purpose will remain the sharing of raw information about proposed development, zoning and growth in Pasco.
“If this is true and access is restored, we have no animus towards the county and will move on and try to keep the group non-partisan and non-political. Thank you.”
Fade to black
“And cut and print it!”
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Continued from pg. 1
And, although the original New River Township portion of Avalon Park Wesley Chapel has been around for more than a decade and there are now around 2,000 single-family homes built or under construction (with a population of about 5,000 people) in the entire development, Kahli said Bill Brown and his family were able to continue farming the vast majority of their land for “more than a quarter of a century. We would have surveyors and engineers come out and they’d call me to say, ‘Hey, there’s a guy with a shotgun here saying it’s his property. And, we’d have to tell Bill, who was a great guy, ‘Please don’t shoot our surveyors and engineers.’”
Kahli said that unlike in Orlando, “where we basically had to build the town from scratch, there was already a two-lane (now 4-lane), paved S.R. 54 here.” He also recounted the first homeowners association meeting in Orlando, when there were only about 30 homes, with the people asking him, “What’s the philosophy of the development here?,” to which he replied, “The goal is to build a town where people can live, learn, work and play. If you don’t want to leave, you don’t have to leave — and that’s the same philosophy here (in Wesley Chapel). We’re taking a big step forward with this almost-17,000-sq.-ft., $21-million building , which we have completed now, so we are having the ribbon cutting today.”
The native of Switzerland also pointed to the “A”-rated Pinecrest Academy charter K-8 school and the adjacent church and likened it to life in Europe, “Where towns are basically built around a church and a school.”
He also said that by having a place where people live, learn, work and play, “Some of you will become triple or even quadruple stakeholders — someone who lives, works or has a business, has kids in school and entertains, all here in Avalon Park, where we have events that already have 5,000 people attending, sometimes 25,000 in Orlando now [like the annual 4th of July celebrations]. So, the goal is to create a sense of place, a place where people feel at home and feel safe.”
And, although Kahli said he didn’t miss the mountains or especially the snow where he grew up in Zurich, the largest city in his native country, “I missed having what we are opening here — a lifestyle where you can live somewhere, get in the elevator, sit in a coffee shop or restaurant where you don’t have to get into your car for whatever you do. And, you can have your kids walk to school, which is how I grew up.”
He then thanked his entire Avalon Park Group (APG) team, as well as Dist. 2 (which includes Avalon Park) Pasco County Commissioner Seth Weightman and North Tampa Bay Chamber President & CEO Hope Kennedy for their support.
Weightman said, “I’m just incredibly
honored to be standing here with all of you to represent the commissioners. This is a testament of the partnership between Avalon Park Group and Pasco County to build something great.”
APG senior VP of marketing & community relations Stephanie Lerrett also thanked the county, Kennedy and the NTBC, the Pasco Economic Development Council and all of the commercial tenants whose businesses will be located below The Flats at Avalon Park apartments.
After the ribbon-cutting, attendees were treated to samples of Rudraksh Indian Cuisine’s kabobs, Tallo Restaurant & Bar’s Caribbean-style sandwiches and Rita’s Italian Ices (plus food provided by Vesh Catering) and were able to meet the tenants who are all opening businesses on the ground floor of the building — ISI Elite Training, Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming, Prime Barbershop, Vet Check and dentist Dr. Hetvi Patel of Dream Dental Studio
There also were tours of the beautiful 1-, 2and 3-bedroom apartments (there are 40 total) in The Flats, which are competitively priced with other luxury apartments in the area.
For more information about Avalon Park Wesley Chapel, The Flats apartments and the new downtown building (at 4424 Friendly Way), visit AvalonParkWesleyChapel.com, call (813) 7831515 or (813) 851-4228 or see the ad on pg. 19.
(Above left) Avalon Park Wesley Chapel developer Beat Kahli doesn’t hide his excitement about the new 17,000-sq.-ft. first building (above) in Avalon Park’s downtown district. (Below) Among the businesses opening soon in the building are the Wesley Chapel area’s second Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming and Dr. Hetvi Patel’s Dream Dental Studio. Although they are both likely months from opening, Rudraksh Indian Cuisine (bottom left) and Tallo Restaurant & Bar (bottom right) were both on hand at the event giving away samples of their delicious food. (Below left) Seemingly closer to opening is Rita’s Italian Ices, where the line for samples was constant throughout the event on a super-hot day. (All photos on these pages by Charmaine George)
By Gary Nager
District 2 Pasco County Commissioner Seth Weightman says he has learned a lot about the inner workings of the county government since he took office in 2022.
Weightman also says that listening to his Dist. 2 constituents has had him working to solve county problems — such as limiting the ability for new car washes to open countywide, but especially in the Wesley Chapel area, where there already are 25 or more...with more still to come.
“I’m proud that, at our September 17 Board of County Commissioners meeting, we passed (by a 5-0 vote) a new ordinance limiting new car washes to no more than one in a Master Planned Unit Development (MPUD) and to keep them at least 1.5 miles apart,” Weightman says, noting that already approved (and built) car washes would not be affected by the new ordinance. “I agreed with my constituents that this needed to get done.”
After seeing the overwhelming number of car washes in
the Wesley Chapel area, Weightman asked the county staff several months ago to come up with a map showing the existing car washes, many of which were so close to each other the labels for them were on top of each other on the map. He also hopes to create a similar map showing all of the storage facilities in Pasco (there are at least 12 in the Wesley Chapel area).
“The problem is that businesses like these take up a lot of area but don’t really bring a lot of new employment to the county,” he says. “We want our commercial land to be home to businesses that are employment centers.”
Weightman, who attends the openings of as many new such employment centers as possible (including the Grand Opening of the new downtown building in Avalon Park; see this issue’s cover story), also has been keeping tabs on all of our area road projects, especially the widening of both Old Pasco Rd. and Wesley Chapel Blvd., a new traffic signal at the intersection of S.R. 56 and Lajuana Blvd., and intersection improvements at S.R. 56 and Meadow Pointe Blvd.
Old Pasco Rd. — Weightman says that in July, the $22-million contract between the county and B.R.W. Contracting was amended (it is now a nearly $30-million agreement) and the length of time was extended (by an additional 400 days) to extend the project further north of Overpass Rd. and to add a 6-ft.-wide sidewalk on the west side of Old Pasco Rd. to provide “connected pedestrian and bicycle facilities and needed roadway capacity to the Cypress Creek school campus, improving safety for all roadway users. The amendment results in substantial time and cost savings to the County by precluding the need for a separate solicitation for the shorter additional length of road.”
Wesley Chapel (WC) Blvd. — Although we had originally heard that the $69.4-million WC Blvd. widening was going to begin sooner
than later (we reported an expected August start date in our May 14 issue), at our press time, we hadn’t seen much, if any activity — not even utility work.
Because WC Blvd. is a portion of S.R. 54, Weightman says that the Florida Dept. of Transportation (FDOT) is responsible for the project, but that he was going to find out when the actual work was set to begin.
“What we do know is that once this project starts, a lot of people who live along Wesley Chapel Blvd. are going to be affected,” he says.
The three-year project will impact those living from south of Lexington Oaks (including in Grand Oaks, The Oaks, Cypress Estates, Stagecoach and others), “but the sooner it starts the sooner it can get done,” Weightman says.
S.R. 56 at Lajuana Blvd. — If you check out the local Facebook communities, there is agreement that one of — if not the most dangerous — intersections in the Wesley Chapel area is the intersection of S.R. 56 and Lajuana Blvd., which is the road with Cooper’s Hawk on the west side and the Audi Wesley Chapel dealership on the east side.
Although many locals believe that the speed limit also needs to be reduced on S.R. 56, Comm. Weightman says that, at its Sept. 17 meeting, the County Commission acted to help try to fix the problem at this intersection with a new traffic signal. The $139,590 project was awarded to Kissinger Campo & Associates Corp.
“There’s no doubt that this is a huge deal and really needed,” Weightman says. “I’ve been pushing for it ever since I first came into office. We got that expedited. That is definitely a dangerous intersection, so I’m excited that it’s finally happening.”
S.R. 56 at Meadow Pointe (MP) Blvd. — Although this item was passed in July, Weightman also says that improvements are coming to the intersection of S.R. 56 and Meadow Pointe (MP) Blvd. (see graphic on this page).
The big news with this item is that a much-needed second left turn lane will be added for the traffic heading eastbound on 56 onto MP Blvd. northbound. In addition, a second left turn lane also will be added for northbound traffic on MP Blvd. to turn west onto S.R. 56. The project also will include signal modifications.
County Budget — “With the passing of
this budget (also on Sept. 17), we cut general operating millage and, with me being the budget guy, I always want us to be very measured in taxes on folks. We dropped the road maintenance MSTU (Municipal Services Taxing Unit) from 0.5 mills to 0.4 mills. Among the items in this budget are several intersection improvements in the Meadow Pointe/Union Park area and those, by government speed standards, are going to be coming along pretty quickly.”
Unfortunately, those planned improvements were not presented as line items in the budget, so I can’t provide specifics as to what those improvements will be until (most likely) next issue.
Live Local Update — Although he says that there has not yet been any significant change in the plans for the previously commercially zoned parcel being called the ”Woods at Wesley Chapel” (or, as some still refer to it, the previously planned Lowe’s Home Improvement) site off S.R. 54 at Curley Rd. attempting to re-zone for apartments under the so-called “Live Local Act,” Weightman says that there has been progress made on the other Wesley Chapel site that had considered rezoning under Live Local, on Overpass Rd. at Old Pasco Rd.
“They are not using Live Local, but they are now proposing a different mixed-use site plan with residential components on it that currently aren’t there (in the approved zoning) today,” Weightman says. “There is still conversation and activity around that, so even though they’re not using Live Local, they are proposing something that isn’t in the zoning the Board approved a couple of years ago. In other words, ‘We won’t play the Live Local card if you approve this kind of project instead.’ At least it’s collaborative and not hostile.”
tell after they’re done moving the dirt. Nothing else has been submitted yet for that parcel.
If you thought we were done after last issue’s updates about some of the new businesses now open or still coming to Mansfield Blvd. in Meadow Pointe (and Wiregrass Ranch), guess what? We’ve got quite a few more for you!
Ever since the end of 2023, when a 400’ long and 25’ tall dirt mound, perfectly shaped like a car jumping ramp, appeared along Mansfield Blvd. in the dirt lot near the new Enterprise car rental place, bets could have been made that more than a few passing motorists probably envisioned what it would be like to take a Dukes of Hazard or Evel Knievel-style jump off the end of it. It was just beckoning.
Well, if you didn’t do it — and we’re assuming no one did — you won’t get the chance again, as that dirt mound has been whittled away over the past few weeks and is being used to level out the rest of the roughly 21 acres of property owned by Wiregrass Ranch upon which it sits. The property is now being prepared for some new and future developments.
On the 1.6 acres immediately adjacent to Enterprise, it’s been long rumored that a drivethrough coffee shop, specifically Ziggi’s, was going there. That is still a possibility, as site plans for the coffee shop were approved by Pasco back in June of 2023, showing a 1,947-sq.-ft. building, plenty of parking (23 spaces), and a long drive-through lane that could handle a 14-car queue from the window, which would put most Starbucks to shame. It’s still not known for sure if Ziggi’s will still be the brand coming, or if what’s shown in the approved plan is what will be built at all. Time will
On the remaining 19.30 acres, there’s only one other development currently being proposed — and it’s likely to be the subject of still more jokes on local Facebook pages — a 102,600-sq.-ft., 3-story self-storage facility on the southern half of the property, furthest away from Mansfield Blvd. (near the school access road).
Plans for this storage facility were started months ago, but the most recent layout was submitted this month, making it a safe bet that this project is moving forward towards vertical construction. This would be the second self-storage place in Wiregrass Ranch, as a Morningstar storage (located behind the Audi dealership) opened in late 2018.
On the northern half of the property (closest to Mansfield), no business development plans have yet been submitted to the county, so Wiregrass is likely just making it “pad-ready” for future development with all those bulldozers — where the land is compacted, graded (leveled), zoned & platted, with approvals and utilities ready to go.
In these cases, specific building permits might be all that’s needed in the future.
Back in our Apr. 16 issue, when we first announced Bay Paws Pet Resort was coming next to Wiregrass Ranch High, construction had not yet begun and building materials were being piled up behind a temporary chain link fence, in preparation for what will surely become a popular place for local pet owners.
Those materials have now taken shape, and the 15,000-sq.-ft. pet resort is coming together at a fairly brisk pace, with substantial and visible progress being made every week.
As the sign hanging outside states, Bay Paws will offer boarding, daycare and grooming on site (along with numerous other services). With it being located next to the schools, I’m sure many parents will be dropping off all their children (furry ones included) in one trip. The facility will offer a portal where customers can use cameras to monitor their pets throughout the day.
In addition to the building, there’s also going to be a generous 17,375-sq.-ft., fenced-in “outdoor turf group play area” and, according to the recently created Bay Paws Wesley Chapel Facebook site, this outdoor area also will include a “state-of-the-art splash pad” (there’s a cute video of what that looks like, with dogs enjoying it, on the Facebook page), like the one at the new Bay Paws location that just opened in Trinity. The page also says that a “Fall of 2024”opening is planned, with the exact opening date still to be announced.
Two suites down from the new Enterprise Car Rental, and also in front of Wiregrass Ranch High, is the recently opened MH Nail Studio. While this isn’t the first nail salon in Wiregrass, it is the first one centrally located and closest to all the neighborhoods surrounding Mansfield.
The inside of the 1,800-sq.-ft. nail studio is a pleasant place to be, nice and bright (while still having soft lighting), with a very airy feeling, not too big or too small, with tall ceilings and everything appropriately spaced apart — MH has a well-executed and modern upscale layout with a welcoming staff.
Originally planning to open in August, some delays ended up pushing the salon’s Grand Opening to Sept. 12. Owner/operator Rubin Bao said that he lives just outside of Wesley Chapel, but decided to start looking for a location in Wesley Chapel, specifically the Wiregrass area, because he saw it as a developing and expanding area poised for growth.
Rubin explained that they signed this
location in November of 2023 and had permits for construction in April of this year, and have worked diligently since then to get everything ready. Rubin credits his family and friends for helping him out, and getting him quickly past the learning curve of how to start and operate his very first Nail Studio.
He also credits and appreciates his customers for getting word out about their opening and says that being right near multiple schools has worked out pretty well, as staff from those schools, including one of the principals, has visited and told others about their experience.
And, since a lot of parents pick up their high schoolers from that plaza/gas station area, many have come in to check it out and decided to get their nails done together. He said it’s typically hard to find parking for about a 15-30-minute window each school day in the afternoon, but the exposure is a great upside!
See “Mansfield Blvd. II” on pg. 14
Continued from pg. 13
When asked if he knew what was coming to the empty suites on either side of his nail salon, Rubin stated that he heard one might be a ramen noodle place. We’ll see!
A game plan has been formulated, and preliminary designs are finally moving forward for the large empty grass lot next to the Kids R Kids Learning Academy, on the southeast corner of the signalized intersection for Mansfield Blvd. (photo below) and County Line Rd., directly across the street from the neighborhood CVS Pharmacy.
This empty lot sits right in the heart of Meadow Pointe II, caddy-corner from the existing clubhouse, and is being planned as additional facilities for the community.
Justin Wright, the operations manager for Meadow Pointe II, says that, “The plan is to build a multiuse building for Meadow Pointe II. There are no plans [drawings] at this time as we just selected an architect to start the design process.”
The architect referred to will be Renker Eich Parks Architects, who were selected by community staff in August of this year. They are a local firm from St. Petersburg, who specialize in historic preservation and urban planning, but have done a number of public school and government building design projects, including for USF and the Pasco County School Board.
According to Wright, the uses of the future space are being
specifically envisioned for maintenance operations, meetings and staff office space. The target year for construction to begin is 2025, and the community has currently set aside $900,000 for the building.
The additional land was purchased by Meadow Pointe II in November of 2018 from Trout Creek Properties for $850,000 (according to appraiser records). The total size of the parcel the community owns on that corner is now 5.32 acres, which includes the existing paved access road and the drainage pond behind (to the east of) Kids R Kids, and part of the wetland to the south. The buildable project area, that most residents see as the empty grass lot next to the signal, will be between 1.5-2 acres of the total 5.32 acres.
This current proposal might be a relief to many who have seen this lot sit mostly empty for 25 years, except for some rubble/rock piles and the occasional semi-truck that used to park out there.
The previous major proposal, that caused an uproar with the community residents in 2017-18, even leading to a signed petition against it and the eventual purchase of the property by Meadow Pointe II, was for a 7-Eleven gas station, which ended up going in front of Wiregrass Ranch High instead, at Mansfield and Hueland Pond Blvd., and which opened in 2022. ‘Mansfield Blvd. II’
By Gary Nager
It’s been another busy month+ for Grand Openings and North Tampa Bay Chamber (NTBC) ribbon-cuttings in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel.
On Aug. 29, Defining Beauty Wellness & Med Spa officially oopened its new location — in the same New Tampa Professional Park off Bruce B.Downs (BBD) Blvd. in Pebble Creek as before, but in a larger suite, so owner and Family Nurse Practitioner Karma Nguyen could better serve her growing number of patients and clients with more treatment rooms and more types of treatments available (as we told you about in our last issue).
Grand Opening attendees got to see Karma demonstrate how her newest Evolvex body sculpt ing/contouring machine works and she also intro duced permanent jewelry services and much more, as more than 50 of her patients, clients, friends and family were on hand to wish her well — and receive great “swag bags” and special offers on services.
Defining Beauty Wellness & Med Spa is located at 8907 Regents Park Dr., Suite 330. For more info, call (813) 955-0408, visit DefiningBeautyMedSpa.com or see the ad below. Memberships are available and members receive anniversary gifts and invitations to special events.
Roadhouse and Main Event.
As for who’s been cutting North Tampa Bay Chamber ribbons recently, on Aug. 22, our friends and local Realtors Chad and April Emory officially celebrated the Grand Opening of their Emorys Rock Realty, in one of the biggest Chamber ribbon-cutting events we’ve been to recently.
More than 100 people were on hand at the Signature Workspace in The Shops at Wiregrass to
Chad and April also thanked their family and friends — Mackenzie Maldonado for the beautiful balloon arrangements for the event, Vanessa Suarez for the stunning floral arrangements, Radiant Wellness Spa, AdventHealth Center Ice, Lisa Moore from the Hilton Garden Inn TampaWesley Chapel (who helped plan their event) and the Hampton Inn & Suites, as well as Chamber president & CEO Hope Kennedy for her warm introduction. The Emorys also thanked their real estate team members Michelle Leann, Amanda Downing and Vanessa Suarez.
It’s hard to believe that the Emorys could take enough time out from being at literally every
Congrats, you two!
Emorys Rock Realty is located at 28210 Paseo Dr. For more information, visit EmorysRockRealty.com or call (813) 404-2286.
We also want to congratulate Eden Chiropractic (in the Brookside Professional Park off S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel) owners and chiropractic physicians Abigail and Thomas Farrar, for hosting another well-attended North Tampa Bay Chamber ribbon-cutting event on Sept. 5.
The doctors Farrar turned their Grand Opening into a fun scavenger hunt and gave away raffle tickets for a number of great prizes to those who completed a row of a Bingo card.
Eden Chiropractic specializes in the Gonstead Method, created by renowned chiropractor Clarence Gonstead in the 1920s. The Gonstead Method (or Technique) focuses on how a patient’s nervous system is functioning to better determine the underlying cause of misalignments in the neck using X-rays and other instrumentation, as well as hands-on palpations and visualization. Eden Chiropractic provides chiropractic services for adults, children, women who are pregnant and even for women who are trying to get pregnant.
For more information about Eden Chiropractic (29141 Chapel Park Dr.), call (813) 815-8135 or visit EdenChiropracticFL.com.
Next up was the Chamber ribbon-cutting Palm Endovascular medical office,
Dr. Sayyed Hussain MD, FACP, FACWCA, FABWM Doctor@floridawoundcare.com (813)388-6838
6719 Gall Blvd, Suite 203 Zephyrhills, FL 33542
sional Park on S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel cut their Chamber ribbon on Sept. 5. Dr. Karan (left) & Dr. Agam Patel (both holding scissors) cut a ribbon at Palm Endovascular on Sept. 18. (Both photos by Charmaine George) located at 2344 Crestover Lane, in the Cypress Ridge Professional Park (behind Pet Paradise) on the north side of S.R. 56.
Palm Endovascular combines the talents of renowned interventional cardiologist Dr. Agam Patel and radiologist Dr. Karan Patel, at a unique facility where minimally invasive outpatient vascular disease surgeries that normally would have to be done at a hospital can be done in the
office’s surgery center — without having to visit a hospital — thanks to its cutting-edge technol ogy. Among the conditions the doctors Patel can treat include peripheral arterial disease, varicose veins, deep vein and uterine thromboses, spinal compression fractures and more.
For more information, call (813) 5630917 or visit PalmEndovascular.com.
See “Business Briefs” on pg. 20
Then, on Sept. 19, Family Nurse Practitioner Aimee Talbot, MSN, APRN, FNP-C (right), cut an NTBC ribbon at her new Embodhi Integrative Wellness & Medspa, located at 16007 N. Florida Ave. (just north of Bearss Ave.) in the Magnolia Center in Lutz.
At her event, Aimee said she currently is focus ing on Botox® and fillers, but she also will be adding direct integrative primary care, hormone optimiza tion, medical weight loss, and IV therapy services as Embodhi grows. The Embodhi website says that,
Located in the Pebble Creek Collection on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., Your CBD Store of New Tampa has calming blue-grey walls, greenery throughout the store, comfortable seating and an expansive, open layout. With informational displays and posters, exceptional customer support, and product knowledge, the husband-and-wife team of David Calcador and Debra Curler make you feel immediately at home.
David & Debra opened their Your CBD Store franchise location in November 2019 and it has thrived through the pandemic, thanks to the dedication of these two New Tampa residents. “When customers come in, we ask them what they know about CBD,” Debra says. “Some are well-educated and we walk the others through the store and introduce and educate them about our product line. We find out what their problems are health-wise. Are they in pain? Are they having problems sleeping? Do they need energy? We need to know what is happening in their bodies to help direct them to the proper products.”
Your CBD Store is a holistic boutique providing USDA organic and carcinogen-free oral and topical SunMed CBD products for customers and their pets. At Debra and David’s store, CBD comes in both flavored and flavorless tinctures, oils, pills, gummies, weight-loss products, as well as a skincare line, bath bombs, lotions, massage oils, pain creams and products for dogs and cats.
Unlike marijuana, Your CBD Store offers broad-spectrum CBD products that have zero THC, as well as full-spectrum products with the 0.3 legal limit of THC that contain all cannabinoids (CBD and THC), terpenes, or flavonoids.
With anti-inflammatory and other health effects, flavonoids are plant compounds that
give plants their colors and flavors. Flavonoids work with cannabinoids and terpenes, which are naturally occurring compounds in cannabis that shape aroma, taste, colors and therapeutic benefits, to produce the “entourage effect” enhancing their impact. “CBD needs to have terpenes and flavonoids,” David says. “They bond to receptors in your body. Without those, you won’t have the full benefit of CBD.”
doctors who send patients to us because they know the quality is there.”
What’s New?
Debra and David are enthusiastic about their store’s newest products, some of which have been enhanced with more CBD, like their SunMed topical
cream, which is now available in 4,000-milligram strength, while others are brand new.
Debra and David says that love educating their customers and clear up misinformation about CBD. Their CBD products won’t get you high, aren’t illegal, won’t make you impaired and you don’t need a Medical Cannabis card to purchase them.
Instead, their products help with anxiety, sleep issues, chronic pain and more.
“Our products are all-natural, organic, and non-addictive, Debra says. “You can buy CBD anywhere — a smoke shop or gas station, even on Amazon — but you don’t want to do that because anything you are putting on your body or in your body, you want to make sure it is good quality. You risk getting a synthetic, damaging product that can harm your health.
David adds, “We’re third-party tested. We have QR codes on everything we sell; you can bring up each product’s lab report. We have referring
“Our topical cream is amazing for isolated pain,” Debra says. “I had a knee replacement years ago, and I had not been able to walk long distances. The product came out in December, and my husband and I were going Christmas shopping, and I could walk the entire mall. It’s been selling off the shelves left and right. We’ve always had 1,000- and 2,000-milligram strengths since we opened, but the 4,000 milligrams is amazing.”
Debra also recommends Neuro, a water-soluble CBD, for pain management. While the store’s original daily oil tincture takes time to work, based on your metabolism and weight, the as-needed, water-soluble Neuro CBD effects are felt more quickly. “You take the dropper of Neuro and put it in a Dixie cup size of water and drink it,” she says. “It goes into your body within 10 minutes, comes in 900-, 1,800-, 2700- and 5400-mg strengths, and is
also available in gummy form. People love it. I have a lady who comes in weekly and buys two jars. It helps with aches and pains throughout the body.”
Your CBD Store New Tampa also sells libido gummies for intimacy for men and women, as well as both “Above” (with Delta 8 THC) and “Beyond” (with Delta 9 THC) by SunMed, both of which are all-natural (non-synthetic). New Delta 9 options include Xite candies and popcorn.
Also new are THC-infused Nowadays Adult Beverages, which Debra says is non-alcoholic, “but gives you a mellow feeling.”
As some prescriptions can conflict with CBD, Debra and David suggest that if you are taking medications, you should speak with your physician before starting any CBD regimen.
For pet parents, beyond their regular CBD pet treats, chews and tinctures for health and anxiety, Debra recommends another new product — Broad Spectrum Allergy Aid CBD Pet Chews, which have only been in the store for about a month, to help with “hot spots” and seasonal skin allergies. Debra and David are proud of their store’s Google reviews, which average a 4.9 stars out of 5, based on 170 reviews. “If you look at our reviews,” Debra says, “you’ll see people love the products and that they’re changing lives.”
Your CBD Store of New Tampa (19651 BBD Blvd. Suite B-1) is open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and 1 p.m.– 5 p.m. on Sun. Ages 55 or older can
Tuesday, October 1, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. –North Tampa Bay Chamber Coffee & Conversation with State Senator Danny Burgess. Hosted by Fairfield Inn & Suites Tampa-Wesley Chapel (2650 Lajuana Blvd., Wesley Chapel). $10 per person, limited seating. For more info, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com/Events or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.
Wednesday, October 2, 7 p.m.-11 p.m. –Concert Series featuring Journey. At Rock & Brews (26000 S.R. 56 W, Lutz). Join us every first Wednesday of the month for our Concert Replay Concert Series! This month we will be featuring JourneyLive in Houston: The Escape Tour (1981) show starting at 7 PM! Rock out to a full replay of the featured concert, themed food & drink specials, and enter to win some awesome prizes + cast your vote for the next show! For more info, visit rockandbrews.com/ wesley-chapel-promotions or call (813) 800-7625.
Thursday, October 3, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. – The Caribbean Chillers, a Tribute to Jimmy Buffet. At Shops at Wiregrass on Center Stage. Grab your lawn chair and get ready to dance. Free to attend, please no outside alcohol or coolers. Lawn chairs and blankets are recommended. For more info, visit TheShopsatWiregrass.com.
Friday, October 4, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. –Leading Ladies Network. At the North Tampa Bay Chamber’s Wiregrass Office (Signature Workspace Building (28210 Paseo Dr., #190, Wesley Chapel). This Chamber-driven meeting aims to empower and support women in various fields. The speaker is estate planning attorney Denise Welter of the Welter Law Office (see ad on pg. 5). Online registration is required, $15 per person. For more information, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com/Events or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.
Sunday, October 6, 7 a.m. – Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of Pasco. At The Shops at Wiregrass. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is a celebration of courage and hope, a movement uniting our community to end breast cancer as we know it, for everyone. The event funds lifesaving breast cancer research and is committed to advancing health equity. For more info visit TheShopsatWiregrass.com.
Thursday, October 10, 4 p.m.-7 p.m. – Blue Heron Senior Living Community New Expansion Grand Opening. At 5085 Eagleston Blvd, Wesley Chapel. Join Blue Heron for light bites and refreshments in celebration of the expansion of assisted living residence’s Skilled Nursing Dept. For more info, see the story on pg. 26, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com/Events or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.
Friday-Sunday, October 11-13 & October 18-20
– The New Tampa Players Present “Little Shop of Horrors.” At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). The hilarious “horror” musical hit invades the NTPAC stage. For tickets & more info visit NewTampaPlayers.org or see the ad on pg. 24.
Wednesday, October 16, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. – North Tampa Bay Chamber Coffee Social. At San Antonio Citizens Credit Union (28909 S.R. 54, Wesley Chapel). Wake up and join us for your morning brew and network with your fellow NTBC Members! Free to attend. For more info, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com/Events or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.
Friday, October 18, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. – Homegrown, The Ultimate Zac Brown Tribute Experience. At Shops at Wiregrass on Center Stage. Grab your lawn chair and get ready to dance. Free to attend, please no outside alcohol or coolers. Lawn chairs and blankets are recommended. For more info, visit TheShopsatWiregrass.com.
Saturday, October 19, 12 p.m.-9 p.m. –Paulie Palooza, All Day Music Festival. At Main Street Zephyrhills. This family-friendly charity music festival will feature local bands with live music, local vendors, food trucks, multiple 50/50 drawings, and a silent auction. A $5 donation gives you all-day access to the entire outdoor music event in Zephyrhills! All proceeds raised will support hospice patients and families in Pasco County. For more information contact Marissa Hartley (727) 845-5707 or email marissa.hartley@gulfside.org.
Saturday, October 19, 4 p.m.-7 p.m. – Sean Bartell Foundation Charity Bingo. At Atonement Lutheran Church (29617 S.R 54, Wesley Chapel) benefiting the Sean Bartell Memorial Foundation. 20 Rounds, 4 cards per game with 80 chances to win! Donation to play is $20 for pre-purchase or $25 at the door. For more info, email SPBfoundation@ hotmail.com or see the ad on the next page.
Saturday, October 19, 7 p.m.-11 p.m. –
Nico Brown Productions presents A Tribute to Journey @ KRATE At The KRATE at the Grove container park (5817 Wesley Grove Blvd). Never Stop Believin’ Performing LIVE! This is the ONLY
Journey Show on the planet that pays tribute to the look and sound of Journey from the 70s and 80s! $10 Advanced General Admission Available Online Until 5 PM, Friday, 10/18. $15 Day of Advanced General Admission from 5 PM Friday, 10/18 - 5 PM Saturday, 10/19. These tickets are non-refundable. If the show is rescheduled due to weather, your tickets will be transferable. $20 Admission @ the Door. For more info, search “Nico Brown Productions” on Facebook.
Friday, October 25, 4 p.m.-6 p.m. – North Tampa Bay Chamber Final Friday Networking Event. At Florida Ave. Brewing Co. (2029 Arrowgrass Dr., Wesley Chapel). This is a free event, so come out, engage and network with fellow Chamber Members in a relaxed environment. Appetizers and full service cash bar! For more info, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com/Events or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.
Saturday, October 26, 7 a.m.-5 p.m. – North Tampa Bay Chamber Run for Hope…& Your Life! At Tampa Premium Outlets. This is a zombiethemed 5k and 1K Fun Run! Early registration - $25, Kids 1K Fun - $20. T-shirts and medals for all participants. All tickets include admission to the Wesley Chapel Fall Festival. For more info, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com/Events or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.
Saturday, October 26, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. –Nutrition Smart “Customer Appreciation Day.” At Nutrition Smart (1821 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. Wesley Chapel). Celebrating the “green” grocer’s 15th anniversary with fun, live music & 20% OFF everything in the store! The first 200 customers will receive a FREE goodie bag starting at 8 a.m. Attend-
ees who spend $150+ can spin the prize wheel to win gift cards, shaker cups, tote bags, and more. FREE Health Seminar: “Homeopathy for Gut Issues,” with Cathi Diaz at 11 a.m. There will be raffles and giveaways, and lots of free product sample! For more information, call (813) 341-4444, visit NutritionSmart.com or see the ad on pg. 51.
Saturday-Sunday, October 26-27, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. – Wesley Chapel Craft Festival. At The Shops at Wiregrass. Stroll down Paseo Dr. and experience the best local makers have to offer at the muchanticipated Shops at Wiregrass Craft Festival! Come view and shop handcrafted art. Free event for all, no entry fees. For more information, visit TheShopsatWiregrass.com.
Saturday-Sunday, October 26-27, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. – North Tampa Bay Chamber’s 20th Anniversary Wesley Chapel Fall Festival & Carnival, presented by Pasco County Recycling & San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union. At Tampa Premium Outlets. The Fall Festival returns with a fresh new look for its 20th anniversary!
For information about tickets or to become a merchant, exhibitor, or vendor, please call (727) 674-1464 or email drew@floridapenguinproductions.com to check availability.
Saturday, October 26, 7 p.m.-11 p.m. – Nico Brown Productions presents Noche Latina @ Krate – Halloween Costume Party. At The KRATE at the Grove container park (5817 Wesley Grove Blvd.). Every Last Saturday. This month we are having our Halloween Costume Party so feel free to come dressed up! DJ MADRID & Special Invited Guests Bringing You All of Your Favorite Latin Music! Inflatable Games, Vendors, & More All Night. Free to attend. For more info search “Nico Brown Productions” on Facebook.
Sunday, October 27, 2 p.m.-5 p.m. – Halloween Classic Car Show. At Blue Heron Senior Living (5071 Eagleston Blvd., Wesley Chapel). Come enjoy a family friendly event and view classic cars, enjoy entertainment, visit the photo booth and dunk tank. There will be a trunk or treat. Make sure to tour the beautiful Assisted Living, Memory Care and Skilled Care neighborhoods. For more information and to RSVP, call (813) 454-0513 or see the ad on pg. 49.
Tuesday, October 29, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. - North Tampa Bay Chamber Ribbon Cutting. At Fuzzy’s Taco Shop (19729 State Rd 54, Lutz). Light bites provided during ribbon cutting. Free to attend. For more info, visit NorthTampaBayChamber.com/Events or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.
Date: October 19th Time: 4-7pm To Do: Bring a Friend!
Details: Donation to play is $20 for pre-purchase and at the door $25
Place: Atonement Lutheran Church, 29617 State Road 54, Wesley Chapel, FL 20 Rounds: 4 cards per game with 80 chances to win! Contact information: SPBfoundation@hotmail.com
Coming up next for the New Tampa Players (NTP) is a production of the 1980s hit rock comedy musical “Little Shop of Horrors,” on stage at the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (NTPAC) for two weekends — Friday-Monday, October 11-13 and October 18-20!
“Little Shop of Horrors,” which also became a hit movie starring Rick Moranis and Steve Martin (among others), is a fun, campy musical about what happens when you pick up a strange plant on the day after an eclipse. Although “Little Shop” has “Horrors” in the title, it is far from the standard horror flick, as it has no blood or gore.
NTP’s production stars Richard Brown, as the hapless, nerdy florist clerk named Seymour, and Madison Pulica as his co-worker and love interest, Audrey. Seymour and Audrey work for Mr. Mushnik, played by Luis Graham, a grumpy middle-aged man who is running a failing floral shop on “Skid Row.” One day, Seymour brings home a small, mysterious plant. The plant, which Seymour names Audrey II after the woman he secretly loves, fails to thrive in her new home. One day, Seymour pricks his finger on a thorn and the plant discovers a new love for blood. As Audrey II grows, she brings in new business, the shop suddenly thrives and the lives of Seymour, Audrey, and Mr. Mushnik are never the same again.
Director Thomas Pahl, a long-time resident of New Tampa says, “‘Little Shop’ is a classic for a reason, with amazing songs by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman, who also did the songs for Disney’s “The Little Mermaid.” I am so honored
to direct this show that I have performed in twice because it has such fun and relatable characters, music, and dancing (choreographed by NTP vet Makayla Raines) that will have you laughing, smiling and gasping. The show is a sight to see with four Audrey II puppets that grow from living in a
coffee pot (top right photo) to covering the entire stage with 3 amazing puppeteers who will bring Audrey II to life, combined with the sheer force of nature that Christian McLaurine brings with his performance (as the voice of Audrey II).”
“After the summer success of ‘Singin’ in the
Rain,’ we are looking forward to having more audiences laughing and singing the songs on their way out of the theatre,” says NTP producing artistic director Nora Paine. “It’s important to the New Tampa Players that our audiences have fun and enjoy our performances. Our musical director Rick Barclay has put together a top-notch orchestra that will have you humming the tunes for days.”
Get your tickets now for “Little Shop of Horrors” at NTPAC (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). The performances will be Fri., Oct. 11 & 18, 8 p.m.; Sat., Oct. 12, at 8 p.m.; & Sun., Oct. 13 & 20, at 3 p.m. On Sat., Oct. 19, there will be both a 3 p.m. & an 8 p.m. performance. For tickets and more info, visit NewTampaPlayers. org or see the ad below.
Ampersand Theatre, which offers stage productions that are performed and produced by adults with disabilities, with the guidance of artistic mentors, recently completed a two-show run of the musical “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” at the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (NTPAC).
Ampersand productions are created in conjunction with the New Tampa Players (NTP) theatre troupe, which helps these talented adults learn about acting, choreography, music, lighting, sound, costumes, set design and even marketing and working at the Box Office.
NTP producing artistic director Nora Paine (right) said she was proud to be affiliated with Ampersand as she introduced “Charlie Brown” and the entire Ampersand “Peanuts” gang — including Lucy, Linus, Schroeder, Peppermint Patty, et al., to appre-
ciative, impressed audiences at NTPAC.
Next up for the New Tampa Players are performances of “Little Shop of Horrors” at NTPAC Oct. 11-13 & 18-20. See the story & ad on the previous page for more info. — GN, photos by Charmaine George
Jannah and I were in North Carolina the entire four days (Thur.-Sun., Sept. 12-15) of the second annual New Tampa Performing Arts Center (NTPAC) Fall Festival, so we were unable to catch any of it, but from the looks of these photos from NTPAC’s Laurel Keeney and our own Charmaine George, I (and you) can at least get a feel for some of the amazing events and performances at that even that we missed. Shown here (clockwise from top left) are the Kuumba Dancers & Drummers (credit: Charmaine), Opera Tampa (credit: Laurel), the Rudram Dance Co., (credit: Charmaine) the ever-popular Florida Orchestra’s Instrument Petting Zoo (credit: Charmaine) and the Tampa City Ballet (credit: Laurel). We will have a larger recap and even more pictures from this amazing weekend posted on our “Neighborhood News” Facebook page by the time you receive this issue. For more info about the NTPAC, visit NewTampaArtsCenter.org or see the Events Calendar on pg. 22 & the stories on pgs. 24-25. — GN
By Celeste McLaughlin Neighborhood News Correspondent
Blue Heron Senior Living, located on Eagles ton Blvd. off Bruce B. Downs Blvd. in Seven Oaks (near the new BayCare Wesley Chapel Hospital) is home to four distinct lifestyle communities.
Community relations director Lilly Gonzalez explains, “We are the only community in the Wesley Chapel or New Tampa area that combines assisted living with memory care, skilled rehab and long-term care, all on one campus.”
This allows people to move between areas as needed — whether that means aging in place in a move from an active assisted living lifestyle to memory care or long-term care, or moving from rehab back to home in assisted living.
Blue Heron’s campus also is expanding, as a long-awaited new wing will be unveiled at a Grand Opening ceremony on Thursday, October 10.
The expansion will add 35 skilled nursing rooms to its existing 106 rooms, bringing the total number of rooms to 141. Each room is private to accommodate one person who is either in long-term care (meaning they need more medical assistance than can be provided in the assisted living facility) or for rehabilitation, which is when someone needs care after leaving the hospital but before returning home.
the rehab also has been really, really good.”
He says he’s been so impressed with the quality of care he’s received that, once he’s released to return home and recover with in-home care, he plans to return for outpatient physical therapy.
Edward Ley recently had hip replacement surgery and needed physical therapy before he could return to his home in Lutz. He chose Blue Heron for his rehab care.
“The stay here has been far more than I ever expected,” Edward said. “The facility is great, but
“I like these people,” he says. “They’re good at what they do.”
Edward says his occupational and physical therapists recognized his love for golf and have worked with him on the facility’s putting green, making the therapy more fun and personal for
him. He says his therapist sometimes even picks him up from his room with a cup of coffee for him in hand.
Executive Director Meagan Kopstad says that with the growth in the area and a third hospital being added in Wesley Chapel (Orlando Health Wiregrass Ranch), the need for rehab facilities and long-term care beds is significant. Meagan says she is excited for the new wing to open to accommodate more people who need those facilities.
She’s also happy to have a new partner on
board who is able to give additional attention to the assisted living side of the campus.
In May, Assistant Living Administrator Courtney Dyer joined the team, bringing about 15 years of experience to the community. She was most recently the regional director of operations for a much larger company.
Courtney says that what drew her to want to work at Blue Heron is the company’s care for people, both its residents and staff.
“Our care is above and beyond a typical assistant living facility,” she says. “Our staffing ratios are way better than normal, and the quality of people and their length of employment is well above what’s typical.”
Blue Heron’s assisted living community includes about 100 residents in studio, onebedroom and two-bedroom rental apartments (with no buy-in required). Some of the units have balconies that overlook a courtyard and pond, offering beautiful views.
The main dining area serves up to three chefprepared restaurant-style meals a day to residents. There is a resident exercise room, on-site salon for hair and nail appointments, community games such as BINGO and Bunko, live music, movies in the cinema and transportation provided to go to the local grocery store or to doctor appointments.
The bustling activities are resident Beverly Fleming’s favorite thing about living at Blue Heron. “It’s where the action is,” Beverly says, “and it keeps me busy.”
Beverly also says she enjoys playing games and
outings. These outings could be shopping, a meal in a restaurant, or to go see a play. The group visited a winery recently, and loved it so much that they plan to go back. Beverly also got to attend her first Major League Baseball game — to see the Tampa Bay Rays play — and tried to take in the whole experience, including eating hot dogs in the stadium.
Beverly says new experiences that might feel overwhelming are more comfortable with the Blue Heron staff who take them on these trips.
“The people who drive us aren’t just drivers,” Beverly says. “If someone has trouble figuring out a tip or needs help ordering off a menu, they are there to help, and I’m so thankful for them.”
Beverly also serves as a resident ambassador, helping to welcome a new resident to the community, giving them a tour of the building and sitting with them at meals until they get comfortable in their new home.
“We have staff who help with that transition, of course,” Lilly notes, “but it’s nice to have a peer helper from a different perspective.”
For Blue Heron residents with dementia
to thrive and not be overwhelmed. Offering a smaller home-like environment also ensures these residents receive the personalized attention and programming they deserve.
The Memory Care community provides a supervised neighborhood for residents, while also allowing them to maintain some independence.
For those who already live at Blue Heron, if skilled nursing or long-term care is needed, the transition to that care is seamless. It allows a husband or wife to visit their spouse with just a walk down the hallway when that spouse is in need of additional care — no need for transportation or spending long hours in an unfamiliar facility.
For residents such as Beverly, Blue Heron is a place of joy that keeps her active and fulfilled.
“This is a beautiful place, a lovely place to be,” she says, “and they really do take good care of you.”
Blue Heron Senior Living is located at 5071 Eagleston Blvd. in Wesley Chapel, and its hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m., and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on the weekends. For more information, call (813) 454-0513, see the ad on page
By Celeste McLaughlin
Neighborhood News Correspondent
When Dwan Klein’s dear friend of 37 years called to say her checks were suddenly bouncing, Dwan immediately knew something was wrong.
Her friend, now 86, had been widowed for many years, had no family, and had signed documents appointing Dwan and her husband as her caregivers if she were to become incapacitated.
Dwan had no idea that day was so close.
Dwan’s husband, an accountant, realized someone was stealing from their friend. They were able to determine it was an online scammer, but Dwan’s friend didn’t believe it. She refused to close her accounts to stop the perpetrator.
At an absolute loss of what to do, Dwan turned to attorney Elizabeth Devolder of The Law Office of Elizabeth Devolder, located in the Tampa Palms Professional Center, just off the Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. exit of I-75.
“It was the best thing we could have done,” Dwan says. “Elizabeth understood immediately what our issues were, gave us direction on what do to, and how to do it.”
Elizabeth says her firm is seeing many instances of such financial exploitation. In addition to this example, she has seen elderly people who have left their financial and medical decisions to some unexpected people, including a dog trainer, someone who painted a person’s car and even a taxi driver.
“Sometimes, people don’t know who to trust,” Elizabeth says. “Sometimes, their families live far away and aren’t able to be on site, but there’s a neighbor or person from church who
offers to help. We don’t know those people’s bad intentions until much later.”
Elizabeth and her team have the legal expertise to help people understand and think through their options when it comes to establish ing caregiving and financial responsibility, should they become incapacitated.
“People come into my office to set up a will and they aren’t thinking about the kinds of deci sions that might need to be made if they become ill and can’t make them [for themselves] anymore,” she says. “They have this idea in their mind that, in the future, they will either be dead or perfectly fine. They don’t anticipate incapacity.”
Elizabeth established The Law Office of Eliz abeth Devolder in 2021, five years after she earned her Juris Doctor (J.D.) law degree from the Tampa campus of the Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Riverview in 2016, following a successful career in advertising and sales management. She had previ ously earned a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Corporate Communications from the College of Charleston, SC, in 1997. For five years, Elizabeth worked jointly with her ex-husband Bryan Devolder at their Devolder Law Firm.
The firm’s associate attorney Rachael Alexander was previously a case manager, working closely with Elizabeth and helping her found the firm while going to law school herself. The team also includes case manager Camelia Howard.
Elizabeth says there are ways to set up your documents to ensure a system of checks and balances, so that no one person has total control and there’s always someone looking out for your best interests, even if it’s not your primary caregiver.
She emphasizes that this is why setting up an estate plan with an attorney is so important,
and that online documents from a website don’t give you personalized, customized advice from an expert who takes your individual circumstances into account.
There’s another benefit to hiring an attorney, too. The attorney who prepares and signs your documents can testify to your capacity and intentions in court if that becomes necessary.
Dwan and her husband were grateful for Elizabeth’s immediate action to help their friend. They ended up going to court, where three sepa-
rate experts evaluated their friend and determined that she was unable to make good decisions for herself. Her paperwork was crystal clear about who she wanted to make decisions on her behalf if that were to happen.
The court gave Dwan the authority to close the accounts that were being attacked and protect her friend’s assets. By the time they were able to do that, the scammer already had taken $150,000 from their friend.
“When we met Elizabeth, we knew imme-
to do.” Dwan adds that she is grateful that Elizabeth helped her to ensure her friend’s assets could no longer be stolen.
“We talk regularly, and we ensure that all of her needs are met,” says Dwan. “It was very difficult, and very hard to see her unable to accept the fact that she was taken advantage of, but the judge was so kind and actually said, ‘I wish I had a friend like you.’”
Elizabeth says this is a perfect example of how one situation is very different from another. Not everyone has a friend who would take such good care of them and manage their finances in their best interest. In those cases, when a person has no family present, there are professionals who
needed. Remember the dog trainer, taxi driver, and car painter who were given control over someone’s entire estate? One of those had no bad intentions at all.
In fact, Elizabeth says the person who asked her taxi driver to care for her had no family. She had formed a bond with the lady who drove her to all of her appointments. That taxi driver ended up caring for her for the rest of her life, ensuring she had all she needed, and looking out for her best interests.
“Every family and every person’s situation is different,” she says. “The important thing an attorney can do is help to create a system that
See “Devolder Law” on pg. 34
avoids the potential for abuse, and can provide testimony about your capacity when you signed the documents.”
Elizabeth says for her clients, she is willing to take the time to be incredibly detailed, as long as that’s what the client wants. She tells of visiting a client in the hospital who was refusing to eat and the client’s nurses were frustrated. Elizabeth glanced at the papers she had brought with her.
“I told the nurses his favorite treat was ice cream, and they looked at me like I was a genius,” Elizabeth laughs. “You can have sufficient documents that don’t go into that level of detail, but with it, you can provide direction for how to provide better care for you.”
Elizabeth also specializes in valuating and managing collections of art or other tangible personal property, such as gun or coin collec tions, or antiques.
“It may require calling in a special appraiser who is familiar with that type of collection, because 1980s rock posters are very different than a collection of china,” Elizabeth says. “Our goal is to maximize the value of the collec tion, which takes some effort, and the person who is best at knowing how to maximize the value is the one who collected it.”
Elizabeth says she and her team offer their clients experience, knowledge and care that may be hard to find, especially as the market grows and many attorneys offer estate planning.
“In addition to eight years of experience doing estate planning here in our area, we live and work in Tampa, and we work together to answer our own calls in our own office,” she says. “We’re not working out of a coworking space or having a virtual assistant in another country answering our phones. My clients want to walk in and see the person they spoke to on the phone, and meet my staff, who is then also able to testify about you if necessary. Those details are important to look for when hiring an estate planning attorney.”
The Law Office of Elizabeth Devolder is located at 5383 Primrose Lake Cir., Suite C, in the Tampa Palms Professional Center. It is
By Iris Vitelli
Neighborhood News Correspondent
Marta Rivera, D.M.D., has been one of the most trusted children’s dentists serving the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area for more than 20 years, but her Pediatric Dentistry of New Tampa — located in the Tampa Palms Professional Center — added The Aesthetics Beauty Lab just a few months ago to provide skincare services for the parents of her pediatric patients (and other adults). What made “Dr. Marta,” as her patients affectionately call her, decide to add these services for adults? First, let’s talk about this popular local pediatric dentist and the services she has been providing for the children of New Tampa and Wesley Chapel for two+ decades. Then, we’ll get into her new services for adults.
Dr. Marta’s Journey
Dr. Marta first opened her Pediatric Dentistry of New Tampa in Hunter’s Green in 2003 but moved to her current location on Primrose Lake Cir. in Tampa Palms in 2008. Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Dr. Marta moved to Puerto Rico at the age of 10, a place she loved growing up. However, she now considers Florida her true home, saying, “Florida, especially New Tampa, is my favorite place.” She also is fluent in Spanish, making her practice accessible to a diverse community.
Dr. Marta graduated with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Biology from the University of Puerto Rico in San Juan, where she later also earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) degree from the university’s School of Dental Medicine. Before moving to Florida in 1997, she ran her own dental practice in Puerto Rico. After passing the Florida Dental Board exams, she worked with other dentists before starting her own practice.
“I’ve seen this area grow, and it’s been a pleasure to be here,” says Dr. Marta. Over the past 21 years, she has treated many patients, mostly children, but also a few adults.
“Some of my patients who grew up coming to me don’t want to go anywhere else now that they’re adults,” she says with a smile. However, she adds that she is no longer accepting new adult patients.
Embracing Innovation & Technology
Dr. Marta’s office is designed with children in mind. “When I first started decorating my ‘house’,” she says with a laugh, explaining that she calls her office her house because she practically lives there. “I wanted the space to be fun and welcoming, like a second home. The practice is all about having an environment where kids feel comfortable and at ease.”
Dr. Marta stresses the importance of starting dental care early. She takes a holistic approach to dentistry, promoting whole-body wellness. “Why think of dental, skin, and bone health as separate
things?,” she asks, adding that she believes in a comprehensive approach to health, which includes proper nutrition for strong teeth and gums.
In addition to dental care, Dr. Marta offers guidance on tooth-friendly diets and supplements that can support dental health, like Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus.
The office features lots of new technology, and Dr. Marta prides herself in having many devices not available at other pediatric (or even adult) dental offices. You can read about them all on her website under the “Technology” header.
One of the most advanced treatments offered at Dr. Marta’s practice is ozone dentistry. Ozone, known by most people as the layer protecting the earth’s atmosphere, also can be used in dentistry to fight bacteria and promote healing. “Our bodies naturally produce ozone to fight off illnesses,” she explains. But, in dentistry, it’s used to kill the bacteria that cause cavities, without the need for invasive procedures.
Dr. Marta explains, “The equipment is something that looks like a pen that I point to the affected area.” Ozone can save a tooth before it gets to the point of needing a root canal. “When a dentist cleans out a cavity,” she says, “no matter how well they clean it, there is always the possibility of some bacteria staying behind. Even the tiniest amount of bacteria can continue to grow and cause the patient to need a root canal. By using the ozone, all of the bacteria is killed before filling the cavity.”
off the Bruce B. Downs Blvd. exit of I-75, has made sure that the children of New Tampa and Wesley Chapel have beautiful, happy smiles for more than two decades.
them,” she says. Invisalign First helps address issues like crowding, spacing, and narrow arches without the need for traditional braces.
The ozone treatment can be as simple as pointing this pen-like wand at the tooth or, for more serious cases, the tooth can be covered and then the gas is released inside that cover.
Ozone treatment also is effective in treating periodontal disease, preventing cavities and even promoting healing for cold sores and canker sores. It’s a pain-free, side-effect-free option that many patients appreciate. And, Dr. Marta is one of only a few hundred dentists in all of North America offering this treatment.
Before the tooth can be treated with ozone, the dentist must clean out the cavity. There is conventional drilling but now, thanks to a company called Biolase, Dr. Marta uses a laser called the Waterlase MD. This laser replaces the drill, is less invasive and requires less anesthesia.
Another service Dr. Marta can provide is early orthodontic treatment. Although she is not an orthodontist, because she was trained in her residency to do orthodontics, and was able to first provide it in her practice in Puerto Rico, she is able to provide orthodontic treatments at Pediatric Dentistry of New Tampa. She specializes in early interventions with Invisalign First.
“Many kids benefit from early orthodontic treatment, and Invisalign is a great option for
The office also has a machine called iTero Element, which kids love because it eliminates the goop used for impressions. It is a scanning system that can capture a detailed 3D model of teeth and gums. This procedure is ideal for crowns, bridges and, of course, Invisalign clear aligners and retain ers. Dr. Marta has a video on her website under the “Technology” heading where you can see how the iTero Element works.
She also specializes in assessing and then treating infants and children with tongue or lip ties with simple laser frenectomy procedures to remove or modify a frenulum (a small fold of tissue that limits movement in the mouth). These quick, minimally invasive treatments can help babies with reflux, poor latch, or colic issues, and children with speech delays or mouth breathing.
“We offer same-day treatment for infants because a hungry baby needs help right away,” she explains. Parents often notice improvements immediately after the procedure.
As we mentioned earlier, Dr. Marta isn’t only focused on children these days — as she now also offers aesthetic services for her patients’ parents (and other adults) at her new “Aesthetics Beauty Lab.”
Using advanced technology from Alma and Reveal, her office now provides services like skin tightening, dark spot treatment, hair and tattoo
removal, Botox, and fillers.
“We want to take care of the kids, but parents need pampering too,” she says.
“I’ve always enjoyed taking care of my skin and especially my face,” she adds. “For many years I have gone to an aesthetician and when the American Dental Association gave the ok to move into this area, I was very interested and excited. A lot of dentists are now doing Botox and fillers in their offices. It is part of the dental career evolution. Everything face- and neck-related is part of our expertise as dentists.”
It took Dr. Marta close to a year to become certified in not only the procedures she offers, but also the equipment she uses. She now has certifications in Master Botulinum Toxin hands-on train-
Three of the pieces of equipment she is trained on are the ‘Alma Harmony” and “Alma Opus Plasma,” as well as the “Denza RF System.”
Dr. Marta says that the Opus Plasma is designed to address many skin conditions. It also helps to fight aging. Sessions last about 15 minutes, as tiny needles break the skin which stimulates healing to produce new collagen and elastin.
Meanwhile, the Alma Harmony can be used to correct dark spots, skin photodamage and more.
The Denza RF (RadioFrequency) System can be used in a similar way. It is a non-surgical skin re-
Opus Plasma laser for my overall skin condition and concerns. Just over a week ago, I experienced my first of three sessions with the Opus Plasma
laser. It was fairly painless, and the down time was minimal. As a busy mother, and career woman, this is a complete game-changer. With the right before-&-after-care plan provided by Dr. Marta, I was able to resume all normal activities within 3-4 days. I am already seeing several positive results. My skin appearance is more uniform, and I have a fabulous glow to my face. Several areas of hyperpigmentation are lightened, and a scar on my cheek is not as prominent. I am thrilled to move forward with the Opus Plasma series, with Dr. Marta at the helm. She has certainly outdone herself and set the tone for a streamlined process to skin rejuvenation.” — C. Gonzales
Pediatric Dentistry of New Tampa is located at 5326 Primrose Lake Cir. and is open Mon.Thur., 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. The office accepts many insurance plans, primarily PPOs. For more info or to schedule a visit, call (813) 374-0388, see the ad on pg. 53 or visit TampaHappySmiles.com.
targets both superficial and deep layers of the skin, thereby stimulating collagen and elastin production. Denza also can be used for body contouring.
At this time, Dr. Marta is the only one doing these aesthetic procedures in the office. She accepts adult patients ages 18 and over.
“As I entered my 40s, after years of suffering through adult acne, hormonal imbalances, and inflammatory auto-immune diseases, my skin was showing its battle wounds. I tried chemical peels and facials, but needed a more sustainable regimen with longer-lasting results. Then, as the
You still have a chance to win FREE dining in this year’s Reader Dining Survey & Contest, but as you’re reading this, there’s only a little more than four weeks left to vote for your favorite eateries in Wesley Chapel & New Tampa!
Here are this year’s categories again!
1) Your Five Favorite (overall) Restaurants in New Tampa (NT)
2) Your Favorite American Restaurant in New Tampa
3) Your Favorite Pizza Place in NT
Those same three categories also appear on the Wesley Chapel ballot on pg. 41 to tell us your Favorites in Wesley Chapel (WC) only.
Both entry forms, however, also include lists of places that ask you to pick your Favorite in New Tampa AND Wesley Chapel, often (but not always) because there aren’t enough in a certain category in just one of our distribution areas. Here are those other categories:
1) You Favorite Mexican Place in NT/ WC
2) Your Favorite Latin (but not Mexican) Restaurant in NT/WC
3) Your Favorite Chinese Place in NT/WC
4) Your Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant in NT & WC
5) Your Favorite Thai or Korean Restaurant in NT/WC
6) Your Favorite Italian Food in NT/WC
7) Your Favorite Greek or Mediterranean Restaurant in NT/WC
8) Your Favorite Indian Place in NT/WC
9) Your Favorite Breakfast Place in NT/WC
9) Your Favorite Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt or Gelato Place in NT/WC
10) Your Favorite Bakery in NT/WC
11) Your Favorite Coffee Shop in NT/WC
We’re providing the lists of places, although we’ve left out the large national and regional chains (with more than 50-60 total locations), because you have to write (or type) the names of your favorites in the spaces provided and we’re pretty sure you know those if they’re your favorite in a category — and yes, you can still include them (we just wish you would focus on local). Fill out as many categories as you like, but please don’t put the same name in every category, because those votes won’t be counted and if a restaurant is on our Wesley Chapel list, your vote won’t count if you write the name of that restaurant in any New Tampa-only spaces and vice-versa.
You can submit both New Tampa & Wesley Chapel ballots without being DQed — and, as always, there is still no purchase of any kind necessary to enter or win a great FREE prize! This year’s Grand Prize is now $200 in FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice anywhere in the Tampa Bay area. There also are prizes of $100 and $50, all chosen at random from among all correctly-filled-out entries received by email or on our NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net website (Note-no U.S. Mail entries will be accepted for this year’s contest!) by Friday, October 18 Good luck! — GN
My Five Favorite (Overall) Restaurants in WC (Only):
American Restaurants (WC Only)
Bacon Boss HQ
Bagelicious & More
Bahama Breeze
Bebo’s Cheesesteaks
Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
Bubba’s 33
Burger Monger
Chick’n Fun
Chuck Lager America’s Tavern
Dempsey’s Too (Saddlebrook)
Dummy Crabby
EggTown Breakfast & Lunch
Flipn’ Fries
Florida Ave. Brewing Co.
Ford’s Garage
Garden Grille (Hilton Garden Inn)
Glory Days Grill
Green Market Café
Grove Mini-Golf
Mac’s Custom Meats & Deli
Main Event
Marquee Suites (B&B Theatres)
Noble Crust
O’Brien’s Irish Pub
Omari’s Bar & Grill (Lexington Oaks GC)
Palani’s Hawai’i Noodles
Pinchers Crab Shack
Retro Dogs
Rock & Brews
Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar
Skybox Rooftop Bar (Residence Inn)
The Living Room
The Placery (Hyatt Place Hotel)
Top Shelf Sports Grille (AH Center Ice)
TrebleMakers Dueling Piano Bar
Tropics (Saddlebrook)
Winghouse Bar & Grill
My Favorite American Restaurant in Wesley Chapel Is______________
Pizza Places (WC Only)
900º New York Pizza
900º Woodfired Pizza
Amici Pizza
Best NY Pizza
Blush Wine Room (flatbreads)
Bosco’s Italian-to-Go
Caprese Pizza House
Fratelli’s Pizza & Café
Mama B’s Pizzeria
Moschella’s Italian Eatery & Market
New York New York Pizza
Pasta di Guy (flatbreads)
My Favorite Pizza Place in Wesley Chapel Is______________
Mexican Restaurants (NT & WC)
Azteca D’Oro
Cantina Mexican Grill
Don Julio’s
Los Vallartas
Señor Tequila
Taco Bus
Taco Son
Tacos el Patron
My Favorite Mexican Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Latin (but not Mexican)
Restaurants (NT & WC)
Arepa Mia
Chamo Bites
Cross Creek Gourmet
Don Pan International Bakery
Hummingbird Jamaican Cuisine
La Creacion Xpress
Las Palmas Latin Grille
Latin Twist Café
Lima Peruvian Cuisine
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Mojo Grill
Mpanitas Restaurant
Pisco Express
Rhythm Pon de Grille (Jamaican)
Rice N Beans Express
Rice N Beans Puerto Rico
My Favorite Latin (but not Mexican) Restaurant in NT/WC is_______________
Chinese Restaurants (NT & WC)
Asian Buffet
China City
China Gourmet
China One
China Wok
Gonna China
Ho King
Hot Wok 88
Ho Wok
Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine
New China King
Rain Bistro
Shang Hai
My Favorite Chinese Restaurant in NT or WC Is_____________________
Japanese/Sushi Places (NT/WC)
Asian Buffet
Ato Sushi
Bluefin Sushi
Bonsai Sushi
Crazy Sushi
FJ Express
Ginza Endless Hibachi & Sushi
Ha Long Bay
Hibachi Express
Kobe Japanese Steakhouse
Koizi Endless Hibachi & Sushi Eatery
Michi Ramen
Poké Island Plus
Poké Lulu
Sushi Avenue
Sushi Café
Sushi Haru (Lotte Plaza Market)
Sushi Raw
Tasty Ramen
Thai Lanna
Token Ramen & Tea
Tokyo Grill & Sushi
Umu Japanese & Thai
Yamato Japanese Steak House
Zukku-San Sushi Bar & Grill
My Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Thai/Korean Places (NT & WC)
Arroy Thai
bb.q chicken (Lotte Plaza Market)
MyungGa Gyo-dong (Lotte Plaza Market)
Ha Long Bay
Jaws Topokki (Lotte Plaza Market)
Palm Thai
SGD Dubo (Lotte Plaza Market)
Thai Lanna
Thai Ruby
My Favorite Thai/Korean Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Italian Restaurants (NT & WC)
365 Caffé Italiano
900º New York Pizza
900º Woodfired Pizza
Amici Pizza
Best NY Pizza
Blush Wine Room
Bosco’s Italian-to-Go
Cali Tampa Palms
Caprese Pizza House
El Pasta & More
Falabella Family Bistro
Frammi American Grille & Italian Food
Fratelli’s Pizza & Café
Johnny C’s Italian Eatery
Mama B’s Pizzeria
Moschella’s Italian Eatery & Market
New York New York Pizza
Pasta di Guy
Taste of NY Pizza
Via Italia
Westshore Pizza
My Favorite Italian Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Greek/Mediterranean Restaurants (NT & WC)
Acropolis Greek Taverna
Al-Sham Palace
Cafe Zorba
El Prince Mediterranean
Fire Up Halal Grill
Garden Mediterranean Grill
Kabob Café & Grill
Little Greek Fresh Grill
The Hungry Greek
My Favorite Greek/Mediterranean Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________
Indian Restaurants (NT & WC)
Bang-Bang! Bowls (out of business)
Blush Wine Room
Dosa Hut
Gorkhali Kitchen (Nepalese)
Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café
Indian Street Kitchen
Minerva Indian Restaurant
Namaste Express
Nawabi Hyderabad House
Persis Indian Grill
Saffron Indian Cuisine (out of business)
Taaza Mart Café
My Favorite Indian Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________________
Breakfast Places (NT & WC)
365 Caffé Italiano
Bayscape Bistro
Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
Coffee Latitudes Café
EggTown Breakfast & Lunch
Happy Hangar Café
Keke’s Breakfast Café
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Provisions Coffee & Kitchen
The Bean Bar Co.
Tropics (Saddlebrook)
Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli
My Favorite Breakfast Place in NT or WC Is_________________
Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/Gelato
Shops (NT & WC)
35 Below Ice Cream
Astro Ice Cream
Bianco Gelato
Hello Sweetness
Ice Dreammm Shop
Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café
Ice SSScreamin
Le Macaron French Pastries
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt
Paleta Mia
SubZero Nitrogen Ice Cream
Twistee Treat
You Do The Dishes
My Favorite Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/ Gelato Shop in NT or WC Is_____________
Bakeries (NT & WC)
Bakery X
Beirut Bakery & Meat Market
Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
Ice Dreammm Shop
Le Macaron French Pastries
Mediterranean Market
Mochinut Donuts
Nothing Bundt Cakes
The Cake Shop
Urban Sweets
Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli
My Favorite Bakery in NT or WC Is_____________
Coffee Shops (NT & WC)
Bad Ass Coffee
Bean Shack
Coffee Latitudes Café
Le Macaron French Pastries
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Provisions Coffee & Kitchen
Raining Berries
Sorbo Coffee
The Bean Bar Co.
You Do The Dishes
My Favorite Coffee Shop in NT or WC Is_____________
To enter to win up to $200 in FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice, please fill out as many of the spaces on this page as you like — plus all of the information requested on the entry form below — and email a picture of the entire form to us at Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com, with “Dining Contest” in the subject line of the email by Friday, October 18. Or, enter at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net. No purchase necessary to enter or win, but please see our website for all of the official rules.
Lobster & Crab Bisque
Butternut Squash Soup
Italian Chopped Salad
Berry Bliss Salad
Classic Creamy Potato Salad
Melody of Pasta Salad
Honey Glazed Ham
Tender Prime Rib Slow-Roasted, Served with a Savory Au Jus
Crispy Fried Turkey
Beef Tips Sautéed with Portobello
Mushrooms in a Rich, Savory Sauce
Citrus-Glazed Salmon Fillets
Creamy Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Southern Macaroni and Cheese
Sweet Candied Yams
Wild Rice Pilaf
Sweet and Savory Glazed Carrots
Sautéed Lemon-Butter
Green Beans
Sweet Potato Pie
Traditional Apple Pie
Rich Cream
Carrot Cake
My Five Favorite (Overall) Restaurants in NT (Only):
American Restaurants (NT Only)
Bayscape Bistro
Burger 21
Cali Tampa Palms
EggTown Breakfast & Lunch
Fat Rabbit Pub
Frammi American Grille & Italian Food
Fresh Kitchen
Hungry Crab Juicy Seafood
Hunter’s Green Country Club
Mr. Dunderbak’s (German & Sandwiches)
Peabody’s Grill & Bar
Provisions Coffee & Kitchen
Stonewood Grill & Tavern
Subs & Such (Livingston Ave.)
Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club
The Bean Bar Co.
The Grill at Morris Bridge
The Wexford Irish Pub
Urban Air Trampoline & Adventure Park
Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli Co.
My Favorite American Restaurant in New Tampa Is______________
Pizza Places (NT Only)
Cali Tampa Palms
Cappy’s Pizzeria
Capri Pizza-N-More
Johnny C’s Italian Eatery
NY Pizza Express (Livingston Ave.)
Peabody’s Grill & Bar
Taste of NY Pizza
Via Italia
Westshore Pizza
My Favorite Pizza Place in New Tampa Is______________
Mexican Restaurants (NT & WC)
Azteca D’Oro
Cantina Mexican Grill
Don Julio’s
Los Vallartas
Señor Tequila
Taco Bus
Taco Son
Tacos el Patron
My Favorite Mexican Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Latin (but not Mexican)
Restaurants (NT & WC)
Arepa Mia
Chamo Bites
Cross Creek Gourmet
Don Pan International Bakery
Hummingbird Jamaican Cuisine
La Creacion Xpress
Las Palmas Latin Grille
Latin Twist Café
Lima Peruvian Cuisine
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Mojo Grill
Mpanitas Restaurant
Pisco Express
Rhythm Pon de Grille (Jamaican)
Rice N Beans Express
Rice N Beans Puerto Rico
My Favorite Latin (but not Mexican) Restaurant in NT/WC is_______________
Asian Buffet
China City
China Gourmet
China One
China Wok
Gonna China
Ho King
Hot Wok 88
Ho Wok
Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine
New China King
Rain Bistro
Shang Hai
My Favorite Chinese Restaurant in NT or WC Is_____________________
Japanese/Sushi Places (NT/WC)
Asian Buffet
Ato Sushi
Bluefin Sushi
Bonsai Sushi
Crazy Sushi
FJ Express
Ginza Endless Hibachi & Sushi
Ha Long Bay
Hibachi Express
Kobe Japanese Steakhouse
Koizi Endless Hibachi & Sushi Eatery
Michi Ramen
Poké Island Plus
Poké Lulu
Sushi Avenue
Sushi Café
Sushi Haru (Lotte Plaza Market)
Sushi Raw
Tasty Ramen
Thai Lanna & Sushi
Token Ramen & Tea
Tokyo Grill & Sushi
Umu Japanese & Thai
Yamato Japanese Steak House
Zukku-San Sushi Bar & Grill
My Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Arroy Thai
bb.q chicken (Lotte Plaza Market)
MyungGa Gyo-dong (Lotte Plaza Market)
Ha Long Bay
Jaws Topokki (Lotte Plaza Market)
Palm Thai
SGD Dubo (Lotte Plaza Market)
Thai Lanna
Thai Ruby
My Favorite Thai/Korean Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
365 Caffé Italiano
900º New York Pizza
900º Woodfired Pizza
Amici Pizza
Best NY Pizza
Blush Wine Room
Bosco’s Italian-to-Go
Cali Tampa Palms
Caprese Pizza House
El Pasta & More
Falabella Family Bistro
Frammi American Grille & Italian Food
Fratelli’s Pizza & Café
Johnny C’s Italian Eatery
Mama B’s Pizzeria
Moschella’s Italian Eatery & Market
New York New York Pizza
Pasta di Guy
Taste of NY Pizza
Via Italia
Westshore Pizza
My Favorite Italian Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________
Restaurants (NT & WC)
Acropolis Greek Taverna
Al-Sham Palace
Cafe Zorba
El Prince Mediterranean
Fire Up Halal Grill
Garden Mediterranean Grill
Kabob Café & Grill
Little Greek Fresh Grill
The Hungry Greek
My Favorite Greek/Mediterranean Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________
Indian Restaurants (NT & WC)
Bang-Bang! Bowls (out of business)
Blush Wine Room
Dosa Hut
Gorkhali Kitchen (Nepalese)
Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café
Indian Street Kitchen
Minerva Indian Restaurant
Namaste Express
Nawabi Hyderabad House
Persis Indian Grill
Saffron Indian Cuisine (out of business)
Taaza Mart Café
My Favorite Indian Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________________
Breakfast Places (NT & WC)
365 Caffé Italiano
Bayscape Bistro
Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
Coffee Latitudes Café
EggTown Breakfast & Lunch
Happy Hangar Café
Keke’s Breakfast Café
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Provisions Coffee & Kitchen
The Bean Bar Co.
Tropics (Saddlebrook)
Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli
My Favorite Breakfast Place in NT or WC Is_________________
Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/Gelato
Shops (NT & WC)
35 Below Ice Cream
Astro Ice Cream
Bianco Gelato
Hello Sweetness
Ice Dreammm Shop
Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café
Ice SSScreamin
Le Macaron French Pastries
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt
Paleta Mia
SubZero Nitrogen Ice Cream
Twistee Treat
You Do The Dishes
My Favorite Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/ Gelato Shop in NT or WC Is_____________
Bakeries (NT & WC)
Bakery X
Beirut Bakery & Meat Market
Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
Ice Dreammm Shop
Le Macaron French Pastries
Mediterranean Market
Mochinut Donuts
Nothing Bundt Cakes
The Cake Shop
Urban Sweets
Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli
My Favorite Bakery in NT or WC Is_____________
Coffee Shops (NT & WC)
Bad Ass Coffee
Bean Shack
Coffee Latitudes Café
Le Macaron French Pastries
Macondo Coffee Roasters
Provisions Coffee & Kitchen
Raining Berries
Sorbo Coffee
The Bean Bar Co.
You Do The Dishes
My Favorite Coffee Shop in NT or WC Is_____________
To enter to win up to $200 in FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice, please fill out as many of the spaces on this page as you like — plus all of the information requested on the entry form below — and email a picture of the entire form to us at Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com, with “Dining Contest” in the subject line of the email by Friday, October 18. Or, enter at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net. No purchase necessary to enter or win, but please see our website for all of the official rules.
First &
You Live In (Epperson, Union Park, etc.) Your Daytime Phone Number___________________________________________ Your Valid Email Address_______________________________________________
By Gary Nager
Although it’s only been open a little more than a year, Johnny C’s Italian Eatery, located in the small plaza on Cross Creek Blvd. at Morris Bridge Rd., is already one of our area’s favorite restaurants for New York-style pizza and delicious Italian food.
But lately, co-owner and chef Erik Ravenna says that he’s become more and more passionate about catering — especially as people are starting to think about the upcoming holiday season.
Johnny C’s, named for Erik’s partner Pat Ciaccio’s father Johnny (a long-time restaurateur himself), can accommodate parties and events — on-site or at a remote location — of pretty much any size, which may have something to do with the fact that Erik and Pat also used to work together at Saddlebrook Resort, where large-scale on-site cater ing drove the food and beverage end of the business.
“I really enjoy doing large catering events,” Erik says, “especially events to help people and worthwhile causes.”
As we reported in March of this year, Erik, who also lives in Wesley Chapel, became friends with Cypress Creek High (CCH) principal Carin Hetzler-Nettles because he has coached at the school and helped start its athletic booster club, and has always offered to help the school in any way he can. That included not only hosting an on-site pizza-making class (he now also offers cooking classes for individuals and small groups at the res taurant) for CCH’s Exceptional Student Education (ESE) students, he also recently provided breakfast for 400 CCH students and teachers.
But, Erik also has donated food for New Tampa schools and organizations, including Benito Middle School, Heritage Elementary, and the Breast Cancer Awareness program at St. Mark the Evan gelist Catholic Church. In Feb., he also provided din ner for more than 200 special needs teens and young adults for the Tim Tebow Foundation’s “Night to Shine” prom-style celebration, held at Cypress Point Community Church on Morris Bridge Rd.
“I do enjoy helping people whenever I can,” Erik says, “but so many of the people I’ve helped also have also become my customers, whether for a dinner with their families or for a large catering. A lot of the people we’ve served at these events may not have known Johnny C’s before, but they definitely do now. We often also get a banner at the schools we help, so even more people find out who we are and where we’re located.”
When he’s not giving away large amounts of
(Above) Try any of Johnny C’s pizzas and ask for the Mike’s Hot Honey to give it a little extra kick. (Below left) The Italian meatballs are a Johnny C’s best seller. (Below right) Catering is a definitely a specialty at Johnny C’s, with everything from great sandwiches to shrimp scampi, chicken parmigiana, garlic knots & so much more available. (Bottom left) Johnny C’s even recently provided breakfast for 400 people at Cypress Creek High. (Top of next page) Co-owner & chef Erik Ravenna puts pizzas in boxes for a catering order. (Lower right on next page) Try Johnny C’s hand-piped cannolis with crushed pistachio nuts and/or chocolate chips. (Some photos on these pages are by Charmaine George and Gary Nager; others were provided by Erik Ravenna)
although it was never his goal to run a restaurant, he loves the bustle in Johnny C’s open kitchen when the restaurant has a large weekend crowd and even the quieter times, when he can work on tweaking and perfecting his recipes.
“Our menu hasn’t changed much since we opened,” Erik says, “but I have made minor adjust ments here and there.”
That means Erik is still dusting Johnny C’s pizza crusts with garlic and one of his favorite pizzas — the “Yea, Babe!” — was named after his fatherin-law, Grandpa Bill’s favorite saying. The Yea Babe! features pink vodka sauce (instead of traditional red pizza sauce), Italian sausage and mozzarella. The other specialty pizzas on the menu are all named for the five boroughs of New York City, as well as SoHo, but you can get any of the 18 pizza toppings on the menu — from anchovies to sundried tomatoes — on any of the three sizes of pizza and in the calzones. You can even get your pizza made with a gluten-free cauliflower crust, which has become Jannah’s favorite pizza at Johnny C’s, even though she’s not on any kind of gluten-free diet.
And, although none of his specialty pizzas include it, as so many are these days, Erik does also offer Mike’s
also is made with the Mike’s Hot Honey.
And, while Erik offers a lot of different seafood pasta dishes (“partly because I saw that the other Italian places in New Tampa didn’t offer a lot of it”), other than his Linguini Vongolé (with clams, white wine and butter; it’s also offered with marinara), I can’t eat most of them because the dishes have either shrimp, mussels, or both. Even so, he says his shrimp marinara, his two “Fra Diavlo” dishes (literally meaning “Among the Devil” because of their crushed red pepper “heat”) — shrimp Fra Diavlo and “Frutti di Mare (“Fruits of the Sea,” which has shrimp, mussels, clams and calamari) have all proven to be very popular. “But our #1 seafood dish is still our shrimp scampi,” Erik says.
Speaking of customer favorites, Erik also says his other top sellers are the Italian meatball appetizer and Momma’s lasagna, but whether you prefer tender chicken or eggplant parmigiana over spaghettini, penne a la vodka, chicken or shrimp Alfredo, ravioli pomodoro or chicken Marsala or piccata, I have no doubt you’ll enjoy Erik’s house-made sauces. They’ve become so popular he also sells the marinara, vodka,
(I call them “subs”), including the Italian — with capicola, salami, ham, provolone, tomato, onion, banana peppers and roasted red peppers, plus creamy Italian dressing — and hot grinders like meatball and chicken parm.
Finish off your meal with delicious handpiped cannolis. I didn’t know I loved them with pistachios until I had them at Johnny C’s. “They’ll make you forget you’re in Pasco County,” Erik said, even though he knows the restaurant is actually located within the City of Tampa’s city limits.
By Gary Nager
“This is now the fourth college and pro football season since we opened in 2021,” says The Grill at Morris Bridge owner Frank Gouveia, “and we’re really trying to cater to the local bar crowd that doesn’t want to have to deal with the big crowds and average-at-best food at most sports bars.”
To that end, Frank has expanded his already lower-priced bar menu options to include Nathan’s Famous hot dogs with a variety of toppings, ham and cheese croquettes, zesty meatballs and more.
“My parents sold Nathan’s hot dogs at their restaurant in New Bedford, Massachusetts, as far back as the 1950s,” he says. “So, having Nathan’s hot dogs here is a tribute to them.”
And, they’re delicious, too. I grew up on Na than’s Kosher-style hot dogs at the one-time chain’s second restaurant in Oceanside, Long Island (the original location was, of course, on Coney Island, Brooklyn) and The Grill’s new Coney Island dog with mustard and sauerkraut definitely takes me back to those days, even though Frank was serving them with yellow mustard, instead of the brown mustard I always prefer (but he’s since added Gulden’s spicy brown mustard) — yellow mustard must be a Massachusetts thing. But honestly...yum.
The hot dogs also are available with housemade chili and onions or chili, onions and cheese, and are all served with house-made potato chips for just $6.90 apiece or two for $10.90. The chili is chunky, with just a hint of spice and the melted cheese is a great complement. Great chips, too.
The super-crispy ham, spicy capicola and cheese croquettes come four to an order for just $9.90 and the white cheddar cheese is fully melted inside. The croquettes are served on top of a thick dip of parmesan, goat cheese, ricotta and parsley. Excellent finger food.
freshly baked pretzels (just $8.90 per order). They’re nicely crisp outside (as they should be; unlike at most other restaurants) and pillowy soft inside — and even though they’re served with a melted white cheddar dip, Frank won’t throw you out of the place for dipping them in the meatball sauce, too.
And, of course, The Grill’s Bostonstyle bar pizza is already legendary and available with a variety of toppings, so you can build your own or try the cutely named options, like the New Bedford (with hot chicken, onions, scallions and spicy peri peri sauce) and the Route 140
a big stuffed quahog (New England clam) for just $7.90. I haven’t yet sampled either of these.
But of course, Jannah and I have tried most of The Grill’s full lunch and dinner menu — all of which is available at the bar, too — so if you’re looking for something else when you visit to watch a game or any other reason, you can enjoy everything from the blackened grouper sandwich (and substitute fresh broccoli for the house-made French fries it comes with) to a delicious shaved ribeye sandwich (served with au jus and creamy horseradish sauce for dipping) to what is still New Tampa’s only bone-in tomahawk ribeye steak for two. There’s also true New England-style clam
prime rib (served Fri.-Sun.) in 12- and 16-oz. cuts, teriyaki-glazed salmon, a great smash burger with white cheddar (served with spicy peri peri mayo) and so much more.
There’s even a unique Sunday Brunch menu, with spinach & artichoke dip, sautéed mussels, avocado toast, a charcuterie board and a variety of different eggs Benedict options, including braised short rib, salmon, “Southern” and crab cake “Bennys,” as well as a pancakes, Berry Berry French toast, a Nashville hot chicken sandwich, fried or scrambled egg sandwich and much more.
The Grill’s kids menu has mac & cheese,
And, with New Tampa’s most extensive wine list, plenty of domestic, imported and micro-brewed beers on tap and in bottles and cans and a true craft cocktail selection (Jannah’s favorite is the sparkling French martini), The Grill at Morris Bridge is the perfect place to eat, drink and be merry while watching Baker Mayfield and the Tampa Bay Bucs (above) or your favorite NFL or college teams. So, don’t just think of The Grill at Morris Bridge for dinner. Check it out for lunch, brunch and weekend football games, too!
The Grill at Morris Bridge (10920 Cross Creek Blvd.) is open 11 a.m.-9 p.m. on Sun., 5 p.m.-9 p.m. on Mon., 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. on Tue.
By Gary Nager
When Jannah and I moved into the Silversaw Apartments, located on the north side of S.R. 56 (just west of I-75), in the Cypress Creek Town Center North area (next to the Hyatt Place Hotel), we knew we had chosen a great luxury rental community to call home.
What we had no way of knowing, however, was just how spectacularly the Framework Group, LLC, Silversaw’s parent development company, would introduce its residents to this beautiful 300-unit community with 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom residences, at Silversaw’s official Grand Opening event for those residents.
community opening events, but nothing could have prepared us for a live artist (below) creating a beau
tiful painting using the conservation area behind Silversaw’s elegant Amenity Center as the backdrop, plus three chair massage stations in the on-site Yoga Studio, an electric violinist and “harmonic bowls” providing unique music and a living plant lady (photos on next page) on stilts that totally had me fooled until I saw her smile at Framework Group’s Executive VP Nick Herring’s young daughter (who also was fooled, by the way).
And then, there was the beautiful-looking, delicious food like a full charcuterie table, servers walking around with jumbo shrimp, steak quesa dillas and more and even a “Tart Station” where a server let you customize your own chocolate or
Labor Day, so everyone could be here to enjoy it.”
With Silversaw, which first opened to residents in Sept. of last year, now about 75% leased, there certainly were plenty of residents on hand for this event — probably close to 200.
“Silversaw is doing phenomenally well,” Nick says. “Compare our occupancy rate with the other new apartment communities in the Wesley Chapel area and I am confident we’re beating our competition. And, we’re doing so, even though we’re making fewer concessions.”
Even so, Silversaw does offer one month (but
free rent to new residents. Nick says our community is one-of-a-kind and yes, Jannah and I truly love it!
Nick also says that Framework Group is now one of the largest commercial and apartment developers in the Tampa Bay area, with 13 rental properties (all but two in Florida) and more than 3,200 units either in pre-development, lease-up or under construction.
For info, visit FrameworkGroup.net, call (813) 776-4902 or stop by the Silversaw leasing office (at 2990 Citron Gold Blvd., Lutz) any day but Sunday for a tour — and tell them I sent you!
First, of course, there was Chick-fil-A. Then Popeyes. And PDQ. And Chick’n Fun. And King of the Coop. And Zaxby’s. And Slim Chickens. And Chicken Boss.
But now, Celebrity Chef Guy Fieri’s Chicken Guy is expected to open sometime this month on the north side of S.R. 56; Raising Cane’s has started to go vertical on the south side of 56 (next to Rock & Brews) and Hangry Joe’s is getting ready to open in the failed King of the Coop location on S.R. 54 in front of The Grove on Oct. 5.
Plus, for those of you who prefer Koreanstyle fried chicken over anything American-made, Sweet Krunch Korean Fried Chicken & Boba is now open in the former location of FJ in the Shoppes at New Tampa at 1832 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. (just south of S.R. 56).
(And, for the record, Chicken Boss closed and has been replaced by Indian Street Kitchen)
Of course, when your restaurant boasts the name of the host of “Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives,” expectations are likely to be higher than for most of the other newcomers, even though the closest exist
rent and another in Michigan closed. The good news is that the fast-food joint co-founded by the self-proclaimed “Mayor of Flavortown” has several new additions to its menu, including a chopped salad, Buffalo mac & cheese and hot chicken tenders.
At the end of the day, Chicken Guy, Raising Cane’s and Hangry Joe’s are all just (primarily) fried chicken chains, so although I will try them all, anyone who has a slightly different concept is much more likely than the others to get my busi ness on an ongoing basis.
Therefore, if you haven’t yet visited the new Sweet Krunch (which opened on Sept. 12), you really need to go check it out! On my first visit, I sampled the peach boba tea with strawberry jellies, the Korean-style fried chicken (I ordered it with the sweet Thai chili sauce on the side to get the full crispness of the chicken — wow!), the alsocrisp pork potstickers with savory soy garlic sauce and the tender beef teriyaki (atop a nest of fresh veggies and served with a generous serving of fried rice) at this fourth Florida Sweet Krunch location and I have to say I’m impressed so far and can’t wait to try more! It’s open every day for lunch and
For more info, visit SweetKrunchWesleyChapel.kwickmenu.com, call (813) 991-1500 or stop in and please tell them I sent you! — GN
Sunlake-Area Beef’s Is Now A New Brass Tap!
Congrats to FSC Franchise Co. CEO Chris Elliott (with scissors in top right photo), Brass Tap GM Kate Tsan and their crew at the former Beef O’Brady’s on S.R. 54 in the Sunlake area of Lutz, which was rebranded on Aug. 29 as a Brass Tap.
FSC is the parent company of both Beef O’Brady’s & The Brass Tap, which hosted a North Tampa Bay Chamber ribbon-cutting event on Aug. 29 to commemorate the change.
Unfortunately, since we already have a Brass Tap of our own in The Shops at Wiregrass, the closed Beef’s in the nearby Shoppes at New Tampa plaza (Bruce B. Downs Blvd., south of S.R. 56) probably can’t make the same change.
Steak N Shake Opening Delayed!
If you’ve been hankerin’ to try the original smashed steakburgers and delicious hand-spun milk shakes at the new Steak N Shake, located at 5542 Post Oak Blvd. (on Wesley Chapel Blvd., next to The Palms Car Wash), we’re sorry to say that as of the date this issue is reaching your mailbox, it still isn’t open — but should be sooner than later,
Owner Todd Webb says the long-awaited new Steak N Shake was (finally) set to open on Sept. 23, then again on Sept. 30, but still had its final inspection delayed as we went to press.
For more info, visit SteakNShake.com, stop in at The Palms Car Wash or see the ad below! Also, keep checking our “Neighborhood News” Facebook page for updates!
3 Natives Opens At The Shops At Wiregrass!
After sampling two of his tasty sandwiches on
my first visit, I’m hopeful that franchise owner/operator Rick Orosco can succeed with his 3 Natives franchise in a location in The Shops at Wiregrass where multi ple other similar concepts have failed — next to Macy’s (between Fabletics Zales Jewelers), at 28211 Paseo
3 Natives, started in 2013 by three Florida natives in Tequesta (on the east coast of South Florida, near Jupiter Inlet), although only Tequesta local An thony Bambino is credited as the founder on 3Natives.com.
According to the website, Bambino traveled throughout Southern California as a salesperson and “saw little juice bars all over the place. He wanted to bring that type of healthy and quick food (and beverages) to South Florida to see if it would work.”
The website also notes that, “What started out as a 900-sq.-ft. juice bar has quickly grown into 26+ stores in Florida and Oklahoma,” with more to come.
Orosco says that his is the first 3 Natives franchise in the Tampa Bay area, with the closest stores in Lakewood Ranch and Orlando. He also says that the simple 3 Natives menu — featuring fresh juices and smoothies, açai bowls, sandwiches and salads has already been “very well received” by his growing list of customers in just a few weeks of being open.
Rick loves giving away samples of those juices — “Lean n’ Green,” “The Beet” and “Easy Greens”(left photo above) — to any and all newcomers, “because we press and bottle them right here in
the store.” I’ve never been a veggie-based juice guy, but I did enjoy the sweetest of the three options (Lean n’ Green) after sampling all of them.
I’ve yet to try the smoothies, salads or açai bowls, but I will say that I enjoyed both the tuna melt on tasty multigrain bread and especially, the
spinach, purple cabbage, pico, croutons, parmesan & Caesar dressing) — very yummy and obviously super fresh, too.
For more info, visit 3Natives.com, call (813) 838-6491 or stop in and tell Rick I sent you! GN
Back in June, we told you about a new restau rant that opened in the Wesley Chapel Village Mar ket on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. at S.R. 54.
That was the second location of Dummy Crabby, which has already developed a cult fol lowing of sorts for anyone who loves fresh seafood in those boil-in bags, especially the buy-onepound-get-the-second-pound-for-free offer on snow crab legs.
The original Dummy Crabby is located on W. Hillsborough Ave. in Tampa, but there is now a Dummy Crabby III, located in the space at 15317 Amberly Dr. previously occupied by Super Hot Asian & BBQ and by Fushia Asian Bistro before that in the Shoppes at Amberly plaza in Tampa Palms.
Like the other links in this growing local chain, the newest Dummy Crabby also offers everything from clams, crawfish, scallops, black and green mussels, shrimp and even lobster tails and king crab legs in their seafood boils., all served with corn on the cob and potatoes. There also is a huge selection of lunch specials and combination meals, daily specials and raw and steamed oysters and wings. “Appetizers” include fried catfish,
Grill at Morris Bridge will feature an ever-changing menu created by Executive Chef Daniel Friley.
Featuring a 250-bottle wine list with carefully selected bottles starting at $25 while also featuring some iconic wineries from around the world, plus craft cocktails, a premium full-liquor bar and a curated beer list.
SAVE$10 WhenYouSpend $50orMore!
Foodportiononly; drinks&taxnotincluded. Musthaveormentioncoupon. Onecouponpertableonly. Cannotbecombinedwithotheroffers. EXPIRES2/10/2022
The Grill is open for dinner seven nights a week and for lunch Wednesday through Sunday, with New Tampa’s best Saturday & Sunday Brunch!
We also offer indoor & outdoor seating, plus a bar menu with sandwiches & pizza for those looking for lighter fare!
The Office of Mukesh Satodiya, M.D. A local Internal Medicine Physician with more than 15 Years of Clinical Experience
might be coming to the Island Fin space, but we couldn’t elaborate because it wasn’t a done deal or announced by the Shake-A-Salad owners (who also have a location on Little Rd. in New Port Richey)...until this recent Facebook post:
Services We Provide & Conditions We Treat: APEX Internal Medicine of Tampa 10353 Cross Creek Blvd., Suite D | New Tampa, FL 33647
To make an appointment, call 813.725.4983
“We would love to hear additional feedback from our neighbors in the Chapel and New Tampa, as well as from members of the LA Fitness next door on whether we would be welcomed in this area.”
For more info, call (813) 501-8340 or visit ShakeASaladFL.com. — GN
OPEN HOURS: Mon-Fri, 8 am -5 pm; EVENING Appointments available on selected days
Although it appears to be primarily catering to the USF crowd, the University Boba Tea House, located at 2828 E. Bearss Ave. (just west of BBD Blvd.), in the Palms Connection plaza, looks to be a pretty cool place.
I stumbled upon this stillunder-construction tea room when I went to see if anything had yet been announced coming to the other empty spaces that formerly housed Woodfired Pizza, Bearss Tavern & Tap and Mint Cocktail Club, but no such luck, at least not yet.
A quick search of the UniversityBobaTeaHouseTampa. com website reveals that not only will the new tea house offer 40 different types and flavors of hot and iced teas,as well as coffee, it also will feature a USF student art gallery and different activities every night, from trivia on Tuesdays, karaoke on Thursdays, Open Mic Night on Fridays and Band Night on Saturdays.
Although the exterior signage is already nicely done, a photo taken on Aug. 31 still showed a dirt floor inside, but we’ll keep you posted. — GN.
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ANA PARRA HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES. Prof’l House Cleaning — Best prices & quality,.Licensed & Insured. Routine, Deep & Move-In/Move-Out cleaning. Serving New Tampa /Lutz/Wesley Chapel & more. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or special needs. Avail. MonSat. Refs avail. We supply our own cleaning products & equipmt. Call or text for free est: (305) 338-0981. PURE SHINE CLEANING Office & House Cleaning Services! Carpet cleaning, too! Free estimates. We use our own supplies. Affordable & Reliable. FamilyOwned & Operated. Wesley Chapel Resident. Weekly/ Bi-Weekly/1-Time Cleaning/Move-In/Move-Out & Deep-Cleaning Svcs. Serving Wesley Chapel & New Tampa. Call today for a FREE No-Obligation Quote: 813-462-1270.
MARY’S CLEANING SERVICES. We provide flexible domestic & office cleaning. “Jesus is the Lord.” Give us a call at 352-206-8809 for a free estimate or email marynovociclo@gmail.com.
PATY CLEANING SERVICE. Comm’l or resid’l cleaning service. We have our own supplies & 6 years of exp. Free estimates. Call 813 790-8715 or email patycleaningservice@hotmail.com.
CLEANSWEEP CLEANING CO, LLC. Fully licensed/ bonded, 8 years exp, satisfaction guarantd. Prof’l staff. On-time. We can bring our own products or use yours, if you prefer. Christian-based, family-owned company that lives in New Tampa, serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel. Call (813) 340-0908 for a no-obligation free quote. Ask for John.