New Tampa Neighborhood News, Volume 32, Issue 21, October 15, 2024

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Nov. 5 Is Only 3 Weeks Away. How Will New Tampa Vote?

On Tuesday, November 5, voters across the U.S. will elect a new President and Vice-President. And, while there are other candidates on the ballot, there’s no doubt that either current Vice-President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump will be elected the 47th president of the U.S., and their respective running mates — Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz or Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance — will become our next Vice-President.

Yes, the election will be historic no matter who wins. Harris would be the first woman, the first Black woman and the first person of Indian descent to ascend to our country’s highest office.

Trump would be the first President since Grover Cleveland (who won in 1884 and 1892, after losing in 1888, despite winning the popular vote) and the second in history to regain the office after losing his first attempt at a second term. And, no matter what you think about his trial for falsifying business records, Trump also would be the only convicted felon to become President.

But, while this election also comes at one of the most volatile times in our nation’s history — with wars raging in Ukraine and the Middle East, the very real threat of Chinese aggression against Taiwan and Republicans and Democrats

pointing fingers at each other for the myriad of problems we face domestically — there is little doubt that this will be one of the most hotly contested Presidential elections in history.

And, while that’s actually a good thing, because it likely means that more people will be casting ballots than ever before — probably surpassing the record 155+ million who cast ballots in 2020 — it also probably means that all of the candidates down-ballot, from U.S. Senator to local Community Development District races, can expect larger-thanusual voting numbers, too.

Yes, some people will only vote in the Presidential race while others will vote in every race except for President, but for anyone who cares about life not only in our country but in our state and local communities, this is an opportunity to truly let your voice be “heard.”

And, with super-controversial State Constitutional Amendments — including abortion rights and recreational marijuana — also on the Nov. 5 ballot, the hope here is that local voters will look beyond the non-stop TV ads on those issues and try to read the texts of those amendments (difficult though it may be) to decide what you truly think is the right thing to do with your vote.


Our editor talks of fear, guilt, helplessness & hope between hurricanes Helene & Milton.

See page 3

If that feels like a lot of pressure to you, just imagine what all of the candidates on your ballot (see pages 4-5) are feeling right now as they come down to this election’s home stretch.

Speaking of which, Vote by Mail ballots were sent out beginning on Oct. 3 and are due back by no later than 7 p.m. on Election Day. The Early Voting period begins on Monday, October 21, and runs through Sunday, November 3, and the New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.) is the closest Early Voting site for pretty much everyone who lives in


State Sen. Danny Burgess thinks it’s a great idea. He also sounds off on hurricanes & impact fees. See page 8

zip code 33647, although the Victor Crist Community Center Complex (at 14013 N. 22nd St.) is a reasonable alternative Early Voting site for some of you.

The deadline to register to vote in this election was Oct. 7, so if you’re not already registered to vote in Hillsborough County, you will not be able to cast a ballot here in this election. I also encourage you to know your polling place. If you don’t know where you are supposed to vote on Election Day, visit to find out.

See “November 5” on pages 4-5.


The first mixed-use residential/commercial building in Wesley Chapel is open for business. See page 14


See page 22

Vice-President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump: Only one can be elected the 47th President of the United States on Tuesday, November 5. (Photo: Associated Press)

Hurricane Horrors & Feelings Of Helplessness; Plus, Teeghan Brightens My Day!

As I am writing this, Category 5 Hurricane Milton is bearing down on Florida, but I was still two+ days from knowing exactly where it would hit and how bad things might get in New Tampa, Wesley Chapel and my apartment near I-75 in Lutz.

What I do know is that although Milton is taking a completely different track towards Florida than Hurricane Helene did, there is no doubt that another large swath of the Florida peninsula is about to take another direct hit from Mother Nature.

And, based on what we saw with Helene, which devastated the Gulf coast from Ft. Myers to the Big Bend, that is just terrifying.

The thing is, by the time you receive this issue in your mailbox, you’ll already know who got hit with the worst of Milton and what is being done to help those in that direct path survive and recover from what could be the strongest-ever hurricane to make landfall in U.S. history.

And this time, folks like us who are 30 miles inland aren’t safe either. No, we won’t have to deal with storm surge, but we could certainly have localized flooding, possible long-term power outages, downed power lines, flying debris, etc.

Even so, we probably will still be better off than those who live along either coast of the “Sunshine” State. Hopefully, our homes, apartments and businesses will hold up under a day or more of heavy wind and rain. This is not a case of “run from the water” for us; it’s a case of “hide from the wind.”

But, that doesn’t mean that the uncertainty of it all isn’t still scary for us — especially anyone with young children or older relatives who end up in the teeth of the storm.

After Helene — as I’m sure many of you did — I had these horrible feelings of both guilt and helplessness. I wanted to help those impacted by that brutal storm surge, but instead, I continued to do what I had to do to make a living, take care of my wife and make sure my kids were OK.

And, while I hope to be in the same position after Milton is gone, I also desperately do not want to see those who already lost everything have to go through it all again. With so much debris already strewn all over Florida’s Gulf coast, to have to see that debris picked up by even stronger winds and turned into projectiles hitting the few coastal homes that made it through Helene without having to be torn down, is too horrifying for words.

Although Jannah and I never lost power and had no damage or flooding from Helene, we saw a number of people lament on Facebook, especially in Wesley Chapel, that they did lose power for a few hours or even days. I also saw people who said those folks had no right to feel sorry for themselves, considering what people who live near the Gulf were going through.

It’s always easy for anonymous people on social media to tell other people what they have a right to feel. If you’re safe and sound, despite losing power, it’s still scary until the lights come back on, especially if it’s your first time experiencing a major storm. And, if someone in your home is on dialysis or needs to have their CPAP machine working in order for them to sleep properly, that fear is compounded. In other words, while I feel horrible for everyone who is still suffering from Helene and whoever ends up going through that horror again with Milton, I would never tell someone who only lost power for a few days that they didn’t have the right to feel badly for themselves.

But, while I felt guilty for not doing anything to help anyone else after Helene, I know there will be even more people needing even more help once Milton has left the building.

Feel free to let me know what you or anyone you know did to help people during Helene’s aftermath and I would be happy to relay those stories to our readers so they can perhaps figure out for themselves what to do if and when the latest major storm is gone, the lights come back on and our homes and offices are still standing.

One thing State Senator Danny Burgess (see story on pg. 8) says we can do is call 1-(833)-GETHOPE to reach Hope Florida, which provides assistance to those in need and which facilitates the opportunity for those who can offer their assistance to do so. I plan to call immediately after I finish this issue because I am tired of feeling guilty and

helpless when there probably are things I could be doing to help those who truly need it most right now.

Thank You, Teeghan!

On Oct. 2, a week after Helene hit, I received the sweetest email from a Wesley Chapel reader that truly brightened my day.

The subject line read, “Everyone loves the Neighborhood News!” and the email said, “Hello Gary: My 8 year old granddaughter Teeghan put all our 2023/2024 issues in chronological order and I

thought you might enjoy this pic from a pint-sized fan! —

Sandy Carney

Sometimes, the smallest things — like Teegan’s sweet smile as she posed with her chronologically-ordered copies of the Neighborhood News — can give you the biggest lift.

I have thought about asking people to send me pictures with their copies of the paper so I could publish them, but for Teeghan and her grandmother to send this picture and email to me unsolicited truly touched my heart at a time when I really needed to smile. Thank you!

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The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 32, Issue 23, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Thursday, October 31, 2024.

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5’ - Continued from pg. 1

Please note that what appears on page 4 and below represents the entire sample ballot for voters who live in New Tampa.

In addition to the Presidential election, the national races being contested that you have the ability to help decide are:

U.S. Senator - Incumbent Republican Rick Scott vs. Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell , Libertarian candidate Feena Bonoan and two candidates with No Party Affiliation (Tuan TQ Nguyen & Ben Everidge)

Dist. 15 U.S. Congress - Incumbent Rep. Laurel Lee vs. Dem. Pat Kemp

State Races on this year’s ballot include:

State Attorney, 13th Judicial Circuit - Appointed incumbent Rep. Suzy Lopez vs. Dem. Andrew Warren

State Senator, Dist. 23 - Incumbent Rep. Danny Burgess vs. Dem. Ben Braver & Independent John Houman

State Representative, Dist. 67 - Incumbent Dem. Fentrice Driskell vs. Rep. Rico Smith

Hillsborough County races on the ballot:

Clerk of the Circuit Court & ComptrollerIncumbent Dem. Cindy Stuart vs. Rep. Victor Crist Property Appraiser - Incumbent Dem. Bob Henriquez vs. Rep. John Ballance

Supervisor of Elections - Incumbent Dem. Craig Latimer vs, Rep. Billy Christensen County Commissioner, Dist. 2 - Incumbent Rep. Ken Hagan vs. Patricia Altagracia Alonzo County Commissioner, Dist. 6 - Rep. Chris Boles vs. Dem. Sean Shaw

Justice of the Supreme Court - Shall Justice Renatha Francis be retained?

Justice of the Supreme Court - Shall Justice Meredith Sasso be retained?

District Court of Appeal - Shall Judge Anthony K. Black be retained?

District Court of Appeal - Shall Judge Edward C. LaRose be retained?

District Court of Appeal - Shall Judge Susan H. Rothstein-Youakim be retained?

School Board Member, Dist. 7 (runoff)Incumbent Lynn Gray vs. Karen Bendorf

Soil & Water Conservation District - Group 4 - Tyler Barrett vs. David Maynard

State Constitutional Amendments on the ballot include: No. 1 - Partisan Election of Members of District School Boards; No. 2 - Right to Fish & Hunt; No. 3 - Adult Personal Use of Marijuana; No. 4 - Limit Government Interference with Abortion; No. 5 - Annual Adjustments to the Value of Certain Homestead Exemptions; No. 6 - Repeal of Public Campaign Financing Requirement

Hillsborough County Referendum: No. 1Renewal of Community Investment 1/2-cent Sales Tax through Dec. 31, 2041; No. 2 - The School Board of Hillsborough County Millage Election for Public School Students

Local Community Development District (CDD) Races (not shown on these Sample Ballots):

Cory Lake Isles CDD, Seat 2 - Juan Jose Aliaga vs. Prasad Yealuru

Tampa Palms OST CDD, Seat 4 - Louis Hector De Armas, Jr. vs. Brad van Rooyen

Tampa Palms OST CDD, Seat 5 - Bob Lennon vs. Ram Ramadoss

Please get out and vote, New Tampa!

Dylan Crume’s Eagle Scout Project Also Benefits Heritage Elementary

Older Brother Davis Crume’s Eagle Project Also Benefited Heritage; Younger Brother Donovan Also Is Expected To Go For His Eagle

Our heartfelt congratulations go out to Meadow Pointe resident and Wiregrass Ranch High junior Dylan Crume, age 17, who recently earned the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout.

Dylan’s Eagle project was the installation of four bird feeders at New Tampa’s Heritage Elementary. According to Heritage Gifted K-5 teacher Jean Josephson, Dylan and many of his fellow Scouts in Troop 148, which meets at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church, installed “bird feeders/boxes with flower boxes to attract more birds and pollinators to our campus. Dylan researched ideas for his project, put together a fund raiser to purchase all of the supplies, met with me several times in person and by email to discuss his ideas and beautifully executed the installation.”

Dylan’s older brother Davis, who also earned his Eage Scout rank, also did an Eagle project that benefited Heritage — creating a micro-irrigation system at the school. “Mrs. Josephson needed some help, so I offered my services to help make their outdoor classroom look better.”

Dylan says that the project took about three months to complete, from conception to conclusion, and that he appreciated the help of his Scoutmaster Jay Sheridan, his Eagle mentor David Thompson and all of the other Scouts in Troop 148 (see photo on next page) who helped him with the project.

For those who don’t know, Eagle is the highest rank a Scout can achieve, and only 5 or 6% of all Boy Scouts earn the recognition. An estimated two million Scouts have earned the rank since the Boy Scouts of America were founded in 1912. Here are the requirements for earning the Eagle:

• Earning at least 21 merit badges, including 13

Eagle-required ones, covering subjects like personal fitness, environmental science, public speaking, citizenship and financial management.

• Learning valuable morals and life-lessons alongside friends, as they work together to overcome challenges.

• Serving as a leader within their troop by taking charge of a patrol.

• Learning to independently plan itineraries for campouts, backpacking trips and troop excursions.

• Competing as a unit against other troops in exhilarating, large-scale scout “camporees.”

• Involving themselves in service by volunteering with local organizations and making valuable connections with community leaders.

• Coordinating and leading a large-scale volunteer project for the betterment of their community (the Eagle Project). Colleges, businesses, the military and community service leaders all respect an Eagle Scout. This performance-based achievement has high standards that not everyone will earn.

Dylan’s parents told me they are “super proud of Dylan and his Eagle Project,” and that their youngest son Donovan also plans to go for his Eagle. I don’t know what the numbers are, but I’m betting there are very few families with three Eagle Scouts.

Dylan says he plans to become a firefighter, so service to the community is obviously in his blood. He also says he plays varsity lacrosse and plays tenor sax in Marching Bulls marching band. He also is on the Youth Ministry Team at St. Mark’s.

So, congrats again, Dylan. The Neighborhood News salutes you!

New Tampa Troop 148 Eagle Scout Dylan Crume, with his grandfather Rodney Hawkins and one of the four bird feeders Dylan installed at Heritage Elementary for his Eagle Project. (Photo provided by Dylan Crume)

Prevent the Delay of Justice . . . by improving clerking support of our court systems so that Judges Can reduce backlogs & be more efficient

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Update Technology Promptly . . . to speed uo performance & improve the accuracy of all the office’s vital court processes, public recordkeeping & financial functions

Reduce Service Delays . . . and improve customer satusfaction by promoting teamwork, career progression & workforce retention through better communication, enhanced training & cross-training

(Above) The Troop 148 Scouts who helped Dylan with his Eagle project. (Below, l.-r.) Dylan, Davis, Alison, Donovan & Donny Crume (Photos provided by Dylan Crume)

State Sen. Danny Burgess Talks Wesley Chapel Incorporation, Impact Fees & More!

Anyone who knows District 23 State Senator Danny Burgess is aware that he’s not your typical politician. That fact was obvious during Sen. Burgess’ appearance at the North Tampa Bay Chamber’s “Coffee & Conversation” event at the Fairfield Inn on Lajuana Blvd. on Oct. 1, which proved to be more than just the usual pre-election “Look at all I’ve accomplished” speech most incumbents and candidates engage in when they make public appearances.

In fact, during his conversation with Chamber president & CEO Hope Kennedy and about 40 Chamber members and guests, Sen. Burgess hardly talked about himself at all and was clearly serious when he said he fully supports Wesley Chapel incorporating and becoming its own city!.(See below)

He also discussed the seriousness of Hurricane Helene and what the state can do and is doing to help the Gulf Coast recover following the storm to ensure that those affected by Helene can still get insurance after such major storms, why Pasco and other counties don’t seem to be spending their impact fees to mitigate the actual impacts of all of this development, and so much more.

Kennedy started the “Coffee & Conversation” event with a moment of silence for the victims of Helene and Sen. Burgess thanked her for doing that because, “One part of you feels bad for driving on as normal, a little bit, but the other part of you feels an obligation to help, too, because that could easily be us. I think any-

one who lives in the State of Florida recognizes that when you see someone else in the path of the storm there’s a lot of humility that blows over you because the next one could be you.”

He added, “Be thankful that you don’t live on the coast because I can’t even tell you the number of people we personally know who just lost their home. We have a lot to be thankful for, but we also have to think about, how we can help them.”

When asked what else the state can do to help the thousands of Floridians whose homes were either completely destroyed or rendered uninhabitable by Helene, Burgess said, “Imagine the worst and it’s that bad. Many of those homes are probably going to have to be knocked down and rebuilt, on stilts hopefully, because the surge is coming again. How many of those people now, after the last three storms, are saying, ‘I loved the idea of being on the beach but this isn’t for me anymore. The problem is that they could be stuck, can’t get out because whether it’s interest rates or the costs of other homes, it’s cost-prohibitive, so they’re trapped.”

He then mentioned a number of resources available to help the people affected by Helene.

“We have activated the small business bridge loans through the Dept. of Commerce, which is a great resource offering zero-interest loans to businesses impacted by the storm.

“If you’re involved in the agriculture , like an actual farm or an agricultural business, we’re offering up to a $500,000 bridge loan, through ag commissioner Wilton Simpson’s office.

“But, for individuals, we have Hope Florida. It’s an amazing connection point for all of the assets that our state provides that nobody knows about, because there’s a communication gap. The reason Hope Florida was created was to solve that problem, plus that gap, for the resident, the individual, the impacted constituent. Please stress this to your readers to call 1-833-GET-HOPE. It was a program established by our First Lady (Casey DeSantis) and supported by the Governor. It’s been an amazing resource. There are Hope Florida buses on the west coast of our state providing comfort care for people, the essentials. Is there an easy, quick fix to this situation? Absolutely not. But, can we do all we can to help our brothers and sisters in need? Yes. And, Hope Florida is that connection point for our state. It’s really still in its infancy, but I think Helene is testing its grit and its resilience and validating that it is needed.”

an independent candidate; see pg. 1 for details), explain the location of his District.

Kennedy also had Sen. Burgess, who is running for re-election to his State Senate Dist. 23 seat (against Democratic candidate Ben Braver and John Houman, who is running as

“I was born and raised in Zephyrhills and I’m still there and Zephyrhills is still in the heart of my District, which is awesome, but I represent from the Pasco-Hernando line to the north, Dade City on the north side, Trinity and Odessa to the west and the Polk line at Plant City to the east, all the way down to Brandon to the south. My District includes Dover, Seffner, New Tampa and Wesley Chapel, Land O’Lakes and Lutz. This is home. It’s everywhere I’ve grown up. I love that the municipalities of

North Tampa Bay Chamber President Hope Kennedy hosted a lively “Coffee & Conversation” event on Oct. 1 at the Fairfield Inn in Wesley Chapel with State Senator Danny Burgess. (Photos on these pages by Charmaine George)

Dade City, Zephyrhills and Plant City are part of my District. And, all of New Tampa north of I-75. Only Tampa Palms is not in my District.”

On Wesley Chapel Incorporation

As to why he is hoping Wesley Chapel becomes a city, Burgess said, “I was driving home through Wesley Chapel with my dad from the Bucs game on Sunday and out of his mouth, not mine, he said ‘I just don’t understand why Wesley Chapel doesn’t incorporate. This area just has so much to offer. They need to take control of their destiny.”

And, from the man who at age 17 became the youngest mayor in the country when he was elected Mayor of Zephyrhills, “Being the mayor of your town is the best gig on earth.”

Kennedy interjected that the conversation about incorporation, “Has been percolating again. For those who don’t know, it was back in 2012 when the Chamber (then the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce) took a position to facilitate that conversation, but it just became such a heavy lift. We remembered that back in 2009, Will Weatherford (who was

our area’s State Representative but had not yet become the Speaker of the Florida House), was able to pass some legislation that actually gave Wesley Chapel the opportunity to incorporate itself without having to go to the state for permission.”

“Is that still on the books?,” Burgess asked.

To which Kennedy responded, “I believe it is. I hope it is. We haven’t looked at it recently, but that’s what started the conversation.”

“If I could accomplish one thing before I’m done,” Burgess said, “I’d like to be able to say ‘Wesley Chapel is officially a city. with its own governing body.’”

And, although the idea received boisterous applause from the Chamber members in attendance at the meeting, most of the online commenters on the post I put up on our Facebook page a couple of days later were mostly against incorporation.

But, NTBC Board member Jamie Hess, who also was in attendance for the coffee event, said that, “We’ve had about five meetings about it and our Board is really going to push for it.”

“That makes me so happy,” Burgess said. “Look, there is a stigma attached to putting — as some of my friends in Tallahassee say — another layer of bureaucracy, but the reality is that it allows you to have a distinct identity, which this community does. But, more than

that, there is a missing link when you don’t have that very localized, closest-to-the-people form of government. I just personally believe and yes, I’ve learned this first-hand, that living in a municipality doesn’t mean you’re not affiliated with the county. In Zephyrhills, we had fire services through the county, but the county understandably has a very large footprint and a lot of area to cover. But, as a city, you can control your destiny and most important, your culture — that Main Street feel, that’s what I love the most about it. Wesley Chapel has that feel, but we just need to take control of the ship, especially with everything I know is coming here.”

Kennedy added, “It’s so exciting to be in a community you’re literally building out of the ground. That conversation that is happening, so stay tuned.”

There was a noticeable groan when I asked where the boundaries for the City of Wesley Chapel would be drawn.

“That’s where it died the last time,” Kennedy admitted. “The Chamber put up signs but the people in Lutz insisted on them coming down. The Census Designated Places (CDPs) through the U.S. Census Bureau uses natural boundaries to determine CDPs, so we looked at Cypress Creek as that natural boundary, but the Lutz folks wanted it drawn at I-75 which is not a natural boundary. We assume the planned boundary [of the City of Wesley Chapel] would be at the CDP boundary of Cypress Creek.”

Insurance Issues

After moving on from the incorporation discussion, Kennedy said that a survey she conducted through the Florida Chamber of

Commerce showed that the #1 issue for most folks in Florida is insurance.

“Given the crisis with the recent storm, insurance is going to continue to be a big issue,” Kennedy said. “Can you give us a lay of the land from Tallahassee’s perspective?”

And, although Burgess was no longer on the Insurance Committee in the Legislature, he said, “We had multiple sessions and special sessions to address that issue. From a legislative prospective, I’m sure there’s more that we can do. However, we did so much in the last couple of cycles that we ripped the Band-Aid off of many issues — from tort reform to how insurers operate to checks and balances in that realm.”

He added, “We are starting to see, and I says ‘starting,’ because I don’t want to be insensitive, because it’s not over, but we are starting to see the fruits of those investments. We are starting to see big insurers re-commit to the Florida marketplace — like State Farm, which is a huge one because they had pulled out, but they’re coming back in. It isn’t going to happen overnight. In government, we probably went a little too long without trying to adequately address the problem. It does take 18-24 months to start to see that pendulum swing back into a balance but I do believe that, after the series of three to four reforms we did over the last couple of years, that we are starting to see a re-stabilization of the market. And I’m speaking as someone who lost their home insurance recently and was put into Citizens (the insurer of last resort in Florida). We’ve only been with Citizens for maybe a month. But, we’re already getting notices from other insurance companies [offering to insure us]. So, it is happening.”

See “Senator Burgess” on pg. 10

Of course, after the devastating storm surge of Helene and now major damage expected from Milton at our press time, Burgess said, “The question is what happens next. Are these individuals going to be able to get insurance after this storm? Because they’re not allowed to pull out right after the impact happens. That’s bad faith and we’re not going to let that happen. It shouldn’t happen and if it is happening, the [state] Insurance Commission needs to know.”

But, looking forward after the repairs, he said, “If a future storm [like Milton] happens and has a similar impact, how do we balance that? Because, at the end of the day, everyone in Florida is paying that price. So, we have a big issue on our hands as a state. So we have to start having some really tough conversations as to how to move forward on that.”

He also mentioned that auto insurance is another major issue. “Florida is a no-fault state so you carry at least $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) and the other person does, too, so no matter whose fault it is, you just take care of yourself. But, $10,000 is a product of 1976. It’s gone the second you enter an ER door. So, that’s inadequate coverage and the biggest cost driver in our system right now. So, if we pass mandatory bodily injury coverage and have a threshold of at least $25,000, that’s how we get back to responsibility and also a balance in the force when it comes to auto insurance rates.”

Burgess also said that because living in Florida is so desirable, the cost of everything here is going up. “Inflation is real,” he said. “Interest rates are through the roof, our homes are valued at far more

than we ever purchased them for — because, in large part, of the number of individuals wanting to move here. So, we’ve got a lot to be thankful for but also the ‘back end’ effects and I think those are some of the things we’re trying to rectify.”

Kennedy then opened it up to questions from those in attendance, “But with the caveat that the Chamber is a bi-partisan organization. We are here for pro-business legislation and for having conversations with our elected officials.”

Regarding The ‘Live Local’ Act

Kennedy then asked Burgess about people who make a decent living who still can’t afford to buy or rent homes/apartments in our area.

Burgess said, “Live Local was supposed to assist the ‘missing middle’ (class). Its intent was pure and it was a good bill but it did have some flaws. We’re still working through it and there are a couple of things we still need to address, a few gaps that need to be filled, but what it was supposed to do, from Pasco’s perspective, was help those who work in Pasco County be able to afford to live here — or any of many other counties throughout the state. We want the working class middle to be able to afford to live near where they work.”

He added, “It passed unanimously! It wasn’t until after it passed and the Governor signed it that anybody said, ‘Hold the phone.’ So, the biggest ‘kumbaya’ thing ever in Tallahassee became this huge explosion.”

Regarding Impact Fees

Burgess said that impact fees are one of his pet peeves. “If you’re a governmental entity in the I-4 corridor, whether county or city, and you’re hurting for money, I think we need to consider that there’s been a mismanagement of funds.”

Attendee Carlos Saenz (photo), the owner of ‘Senator Burgess’ Continued from pg. 9

two Dairy Queens and Fazoli’s on S.R. 54, said that for two Dairy Queens in Pasco, “I stroked a $140,000 check just for the impact fees. It feels punitive for the privilege of creating jobs in the county.””

And where did that impact fee go?,” Burgess responded. “Did you ever get a notice? We had an impact fee bill this year and in my Senate version of the bill, I wanted to know if the impact fees a county is collecting are going to help the areas that the business or development is impacting.”

Kennedy said, “We actually made a pitch to Pasco County to reallocate some of those impact fees, but they’re so splattered that we couldn’t get a definitive answer.”

Burgess said, “Have you ever looked at your personal finances and said, ‘Where did it all go?’ I think it’s the same principle for the county, or any government, because I’m not just picking on Pasco. If you put those impact fees in a separate pot and itemized it, maybe you could have insured that it went in a certain direction. We had a bill to do just that but it didn’t pass.”

And, Burgess said, “That’s not only a problem with commercial land. The impact fees alone on a piece of land we wanted to buy in Zephyrhills kept us from putting an offer down. I didn’t have an extra $20,000 to put down for that vacant property.”

When Kennedy asked what could be done about the impact fee situation, Burgess asked for help mobilizing other chambers and business organi-

zations to get behind a possible impact fee bill in the next session. “I love the state organizations but they get wrapped up in politics sometimes,” Burgess said. “I think all of you would benefit tremendously from passing a piece of legislation like a transparency act for impact fees, with them allocated to the area where the impact is taking place — other than the schools. We don’t want to take impact fees from them and the bill that didn’t pass specifically did not take away from the impact fees schools would receive. I think our team has that bill included in our 2025 ‘bill tracker’ for the next session.”

Burgess agreed about having impact fee caps and thresholds on the state level, “But, I think for us to put artificial caps on everything without knowing what the true costs of the impacts to these areas are, we might still be needing to fix something on the back end, like with Live Local. I think the first step is transparency and that the impact fees are going to the areas being impacted. And then, from the transparency piece, we’re going to be able to identify ‘That’s extortion.’ A lot of my colleagues in Tallahassee just want to blow the whole system up, but that will create a lot more problems than you solve. So, I’m of the mind, as a military guy, to guy in tactically, find where the impacts are taking place before attempting to cap it or moderate it.”

Kennedy added, “Our Board also suggested that the county should have an ordinance to reallocate those funds from ‘Capital’ to ‘Operational.’ So they could use what’s already there to get the ball moving, but we hit a brick wall with that as well. So, we want to work through the state instead.”

Burgess agreed that impact fees should be something that’s uniform across the state, “since there should be nothing to hide, in theory.”

1.Fully funded traffic reducing projects like the Citrus Park Road Extension and accelerated neighborhood road resurfacing plans.

2.Record investments in neighborhood infrastructure including sidewalks, lighting, parks, the arts and youth sports.

3.Continue to make developers pay their fair share.

4.Developing new programs and projects that protect the quantity and quality of our drinking water.

5.Fight to keep taxes low, budgets balanced and county spending transparent.

6.Work with our Sheriff to continue to keep our families safe and fund new initiatives to reduce violent crimes.

1.Fully funded traffic reducing projects like the Citrus Park Road Extension and accelerated neighborhood road resurfacing plans.

1.Fully funded traffic reducing projects like the Citrus Park Road Extension and accelerated infrastructure including sidewalks, lighting,

7.Focus on keeping housing affordable especially in our urban cores.

2.Record investments in neighborhood infrastructure including sidewalks, lighting, parks, the arts and youth sports.

fair share.

2.Record investments in neighborhood infrastructure including sidewalks, lighting, parks, the arts and youth sports.

6.Work with our Sheriff to continue to keep our families safe and fund new initiatives to reduce violent crimes.

3.Continue to make developers pay their fair share.

3.Continue to make developers pay their fair share.

7.Focus on keeping housing affordable especially in our urban cores.

4.Developing new programs and projects that protect the quantity and quality of our drinking water.

4.Developing new programs and projects that protect the quantity and quality of our drinking water.

4.Developing new programs and projects that protect the quantity and quality of our drinking water.

5.Fight to keep taxes low, budgets balanced and county spending transparent.

• New Tampa Performing Arts Center

• Our New $7m Branchton Park - Opening Fall 2024

5.Fight to keep taxes low, budgets balanced and county spending transparent.

6.Work with our Sheriff to continue to keep our families safe and fund new initiatives to reduce violent crimes.

5.Fight to keep taxes low, budgets balanced and county spending transparent.

• $100m widening of Bruce B Downs Blvd.

6.Work with our Sheriff to continue to keep our families safe and fund new initiatives to reduce violent crimes.

• New Tampa’s first public recreation center/gymnasium Opening 2025

6.Work with our Sheriff to continue to keep our families safe and fund new initiatives to reduce violent crimes.

7.Focus on keeping housing affordable especially in our urban cores.

• $2.1m for Morris Bridge Rd. safety improvements - Fall 2024 Working hard for the Indian community. Please vote Tuesday, Nov 8


7.Focus on keeping housing affordable especially in our urban cores.

• Widening of Cross Creek Blvd.

7.Focus on keeping housing affordable especially in our urban cores.

• Flatwoods Trail Improvements


you have any questions -please call

If you have any questions -please call me on my cell phone

If you have any questions -please call

If you have any questions -please call me on my cell phone


City Councilman Luis Viera Talks About Moving Forward

The last few weeks in Tampa have seen us take the kind of hits few thought we would ever see in our lifetimes.

Hurricane Helene hit us harder than we could imagine. I have met with residents of Davis Islands, Palmetto Beach and other communities that were absolutely devastated. Now we have — as of the writing of this column (October 6) – Hurricane Milton – with its anticipated direct impacts on the entire Tampa Bay area.

There are times that are defining moments for people — the kinds of moments that (if applicable) your children and grandchildren will know about. For many families, this storm season has been such a moment. It has been a time of terrible financial and, especially, emotional loss.

When I think of tragedies like this, I think about my parents when they left Cuba, fleeing Castro and Communism: my mom was 11 and my dad was 16. My grandparents were in their 40s and left behind everything. They came here with nothing to their new normal.

These hurricanes are hits to Tampa that we never saw coming. They will stay with people forever — hits that do not go away. It is displacement — a displacement that does not stop one’s obligation to go to work, pay taxes, raise their children and other responsibilities. And, even though nothing stops — your physical foundation is definitely rocked.

Anyone who knows me knows how much

I love the “Rocky” movies. I am not just a fan, but I love those films. Want to see my tear up? Show me

Rocky yelling “Yo, Adrian, we did it!”

Rocky VI has a famous scene where Rocky Balboa is talking to his son about the hits one takes in life. Rocky says in relevant part to his son:

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But, it ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving for ward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!”

There’s no doubt that Tampa has taken some hits. I pray we can move forward and that we do so together. Moving forward means taking care of our families and the vulner able. It means giving our time and resources to people who have taken hits and being our brother and sister’s keeper. You know a friend who lost their possessions due to flooding? Go help them clean up their home. Volunteer

with groups like Feeding Tampa Bay, Operation BBQ Relief or your house of worship.

Make community service a customary part of your week for the next year — because the effects of this storm season are not leaving us anytime soon. Want suggestions on how to volunteer? Email me at

And if you have taken hits during this unprecedented storm

Hurricane Milton’s projected track as of Sun., Oct 6, 6 p.m. (Source: Denis Phillips, ABC Action News)
Luis Viera

Celebrating The Opening Of The First Building In Avalon Park’s Downtown!

Developer Cuts The Ribbon As The First Mixed-Use Rental Apartment & Retail Building In Wesley Chapel Opens!

So, whether or not it’s actually Wesley Chapel’s “downtown,” there’s no doubt that the Grand Opening and unveiling on Sept. 19 of the new nearly 17,000-sq.-ft., three-story building in Avalon Park Wesley Chapel is the start of at least that community’s downtown — and the first true mixed-use (residential and commercial), urban-style (some would call it “neotraditional”) building in all of Wesley Chapel.

“This is long in the making,” said developer Beat Kahli, the founder, president and CEO of the Avalon Park Group, the developer of both Avalon Park Wesley Chapel and Orlando. “We were lucky, in 1988, to find 1,800 acres in Pasco County, owned by the Brown family — it was called the Brown Ranch —and when Mom Brown died, the IRS came in and said, ‘You have to pay a lot of taxes because you have 1,800 acres and here is your tax bill.’ And they said, ‘We’re just farming here and we don’t have that money at all.’ We bought the

Avalon Park” mixed-use building, Dist. 2 Pasco County Commissioner Seth Weightman (to Kahli’s left) and North Tampa Bay Chamber


man’s left) on Sept. 19 for the ribbon-cutting & unveiling of the first-ever “neotraditional” retail & residential building (below left) in Wesley Chapel. (Photo

Chapel has been around for more than a decade and there are now around 2,000 single-family homes built or under construction (with a population of about 5,000 people) in the entire development, Kahli said Bill Brown and his family were able to continue farming the vast majority of their land for “more than a quarter of a century. We would have surveyors and engineers come out and they’d call me to say, ‘Hey, there’s a guy with a shotgun here saying it’s his property. And, we’d have to tell Bill, who was a great guy, ‘Please don’t shoot our surveyors and engineers.’”

Kahli said that unlike in Orlando, “where we basically had to build the town from scratch, there was already a two-lane (now 4-lane), paved S.R. 54 here.” He also recounted the first homeowners association meeting in Orlando, when there were only about 30 homes, with the people asking him, “What’s the philosophy of the development here?,” to which he replied, “The goal is to build a town where people can live, learn, work and play. If you don’t want to

leave, you don’t have to leave — and that’s the same philosophy here (in Wesley Chapel). We’re taking a big step forward with this almost-17,000-sq.-ft., $21-million building , which we have completed now, so we are having the ribbon cutting today.”

The native of Switzerland also pointed to the “A”-rated Pinecrest Academy charter K-8 school and the adjacent church and likened it to life in Europe, “Where towns are basically built around a church and a school.”

He also said that by having a place where people live, learn, work and play, “Some of you will become triple or even quadruple stakeholders — someone who lives, works or has a business, has kids in school and entertains, all here in Avalon Park, where we have events that already have 5,000 people attending, sometimes 25,000 in Orlando now [like the annual 4th of July celebrations]. So, the goal is to create a sense of place, a place where people feel at home and feel safe.”

Avalon Park Wesley Chapel developer Beat Kahli (with scissors) was joined by his entire development team, all of the tenants who have signed commercial leases at the new “downtown
Hope Kennedy (to Weight-
by Charmaine George)

And, although Kahli said he didn’t miss the mountains or especially the snow where he grew up in Zurich, the largest city in his native coun try, “I missed having what we are opening here — a lifestyle where you can live some where, get in the elevator, sit in a coffee shop or restaurant where you don’t have to get into your car for whatever you do. And, you can have your kids walk to school, which is how I grew up.”

He then thanked his entire Avalon Park Group (APG) team, as well as Dist. 2 (which includes Avalon Park) Pasco County Commissioner Seth Weightman and North Tampa Bay Chamber President & CEO Hope Kennedy for their support.

Among the businesses opening soon in Downtown Avalon Park are Rita’s Italian Ices (where the line for samples was constant throughout the event on a super-hot day), the Wesley Chapel area’s second Woof Gang Bakery & Groom ing, Dr. Hetvi Patel’s Dream Dental Studio and restaurants Rudraksh Indian Cuisine and Tallo Restaurant & Bar , which were both on hand at the event giving away samples of their delicious food, even though they are both likely months away from opening. (All photos on these pages by Charmaine George)

Commissioner Weightman said, “I’m just incredibly honored to be standing here with all of you to represent the commissioners. This is a testament of the partnership between Avalon Park Group and Pasco County to build something great.”

APG senior VP of marketing & community relations Stephanie Lerrett also thanked the county, Kennedy and the NTBC, the Pasco Economic Development Council and all of the commercial tenants whose businesses will be located below The Flats at Avalon Park apartments.

After the ribbon-cutting, attendees were treated to samples of Rudraksh Indian Cuisine’s

provided by Vesh Catering) and were able to meet the tenants who are all opening businesses on the ground floor of the building — ISI Elite Train ing, Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming, Prime Barbershop, Vet Check and dentist Dr. Hetvi Patel of Dream Dental Studio.

There also were tours of the beautiful 1-, 2and 3-bedroom apartments (there are 40 total) in The Flats, which are competitively priced with other luxury apartments in the area.

For more info about Avalon Park Wes ley Chapel, The Flats apartments and the new downtown building (at 4424 Friendly Way), visit

apartments in The Flats at Avalon Park

More Mansfield Blvd. Business Updates!

If you thought we were done after last issue’s updates about some of the new businesses now open or still coming to Mansfield Blvd. in Meadow Pointe (and Wiregrass Ranch), guess what? We’ve got quite a few more for you!

Drive-Through Coffee & Self Storage

Ever since the end of 2023, when a 400’ long and 25’ tall dirt mound, perfectly shaped like a car jumping ramp, appeared along Mansfield Blvd. in the dirt lot near the new Enterprise car rental place, bets could have been made that more than a few passing motorists probably envisioned what it would be like to take a Dukes of Hazard or Evel Knievel-style jump off the end of it. It was just beckoning.

Well, if you didn’t do it — and we’re assuming no one did — you won’t get the chance again, as that dirt mound has been whittled away over the past few weeks and is being used to level out the rest of the roughly 21 acres of property owned by Wiregrass Ranch upon which it sits. The property is now being prepared for some new and future developments.

On the 1.6 acres immediately adjacent to Enterprise, it’s been long rumored that a drivethrough coffee shop, specifically Ziggi’s, was going there. That is still a possibility, as site plans for the coffee shop were approved by Pasco back in June of 2023, showing a 1,947-sq.-ft. building, plenty of parking (23 spaces), and a long drive-through lane that could handle a 14-car queue from the window, which would put most Starbucks to shame.

It’s still not known for sure if Ziggi’s will still be the brand coming, or if what’s shown in the approved plan is what will be built at all. Time will

tell after they’re done moving the dirt. Nothing else has been submitted yet for that parcel.

On the remaining 19.30 acres, there’s only one other development currently being proposed — and it’s likely to be the subject of still more jokes on local Facebook pages — a 102,600-sq.-ft., 3-story self-storage facility on the southern half of the property, furthest away from Mansfield Blvd. (near the school access road).

Plans for this storage facility were started months ago, but the most recent layout was submitted this month, making it a safe bet that this project is moving forward towards vertical construction. This would be the second self-storage place in Wiregrass Ranch, as a Morningstar storage (located behind the Audi dealership) opened in late 2018.

On the northern half of the property (closest to Mansfield), no business development plans have yet been submitted to the county, so Wiregrass is likely just making it “pad-ready” for future development with all those bulldozers — where the land is compacted, graded (leveled), zoned & platted, with approvals and utilities ready to go.

In these cases, specific building permits might be all that’s needed in the future.

Bay Paws Pet Resort

Back in our Apr. 16 issue, when we first announced Bay Paws Pet Resort was coming next to Wiregrass Ranch High, construction had not yet begun and building materials were being piled up behind a temporary chain link fence, in preparation for what will surely become a popular place for local pet owners.

Those materials have now taken shape, and the 15,000-sq.-ft. pet resort is coming together at a fairly brisk pace, with substantial and visible progress being made every week.

Story & photos by Joel
(Above) The smaller dirt mound near Enterprise car rental on Mansfield Blvd. is expected to be home to a drive-through coffee shop & self-storage facility. (Below) There’s been a lot of progress on the Bay Paws Pet Resort on Mansfield Blvd.

As the sign hanging outside states, Bay Paws will offer boarding, daycare and grooming on site (along with numerous other services). With it being located next to the schools, I’m sure many parents will be dropping off all their children (furry ones included) in one trip. The facility will offer a portal where customers can use cameras to monitor their pets throughout the day.

In addition to the building, there’s also going to be a generous 17,375-sq.-ft., fenced-in “outdoor turf group play area” and, according to the recently created Bay Paws Wesley Chapel Facebook site, this outdoor area also will include a “state-of-the-art splash pad” (there’s a cute video of what that looks like, with dogs enjoying it, on the Facebook page), like the one at the new Bay Paws location that just opened in Trinity). The page also says that a “Fall of 2024”opening is planned, with the exact opening date still to be announced.

MH Nail Studio

Two suites down from the new Enterprise Car Rental, and also in front of Wiregrass Ranch High, is the recently opened MH Nail Studio (top photo). While this isn’t the first nail salon in Wiregrass, it is the first one centrally located near all of the neighborhoods surrounding Mansfield.

The inside of the 1,800-sq.-ft. nail studio is a pleasant place to be, nice and bright (while still having soft lighting), with a very airy feeling, not too big or too small, with tall ceilings and everything appropriately spaced apart — MH has a well-executed and modern upscale layout with a welcoming staff.

Originally planning to open in August, some delays ended up pushing the salon’s Grand Opening

to Sept. 12. Owner/operator Rubin Bao said that he lives just outside of Wesley Chapel, but decided to start looking for a location in Wesley Chapel, specifically the Wiregrass area, because he saw it as a developing and expanding area poised for growth.

Rubin explained that they signed this location in November of 2023 and had permits for construction in April of this year, and have worked diligently since then to get everything ready. Rubin credits his family and friends for helping him out, and getting him quickly past the learning curve of how to start and operate his very first nail studio.

He also credits and appreciates his customers for getting the word out about MH’s opening and says that being right near multiple schools has worked out pretty well, as staff from those schools, including one of the principals, has visited and told others about their experience.

And, since a lot of parents pick up their high schoolers from that plaza/gas station area, many have come in to check it out and decided to get their nails done together. He said it’s typically hard to find parking for about a 15-30-minute window each school day in the afternoon, but he admits that the exposure is a great upside!

When asked if he knew what was coming to the empty suites on either side of his nail salon, Rubin stated that he heard one might be a ramen noodle place. We’ll see!

Meadow Pointe II To Build On Empty Mansfield Blvd. Lot

A game plan has been formulated, and preliminary designs are finally moving forward for the large empty grass lot (photo, left) next to the Kids R Kids Learning Academy, on the southeast corner of the signalized intersection for Mansfield Blvd. and County Line Rd., directly across the street from the neighborhood CVS Pharmacy.

This empty lot sits right in the heart of Meadow Pointe II, caddy-corner from the existing clubhouse, and is being planned as additional facilities for the community.

Justin Wright, the operations manager for Meadow Pointe II, says that, “The plan is to build a

multiuse building for Meadow Pointe II. There are no plans [drawings] at this time as we just selected an architect to start the design process.”

The architect referred to will be Renker Eich Parks Architects, who were selected by community staff in August of this year. They are a local firm from St. Petersburg specializing in historic preservation and urban planning, but the firm also has done a number of public school and government building design projects, including for USF and the Pasco County School Board.

According to Wright, the uses of the future space are being specifically envisioned for maintenance operations, meetings and staff office space. The target year for construction to begin is 2025, and the community has currently set aside $900,000 for the building.

The additional land was purchased by Meadow Pointe II in November of 2018 from Trout Creek Properties for $850,000 (according to appraiser records). The total size of the parcel the community owns on that corner is now 5.32 acres, which includes the existing paved access road and the drainage pond behind (to the east of) Kids R Kids, and part of the wetland to the south. The buildable project area, that most residents see as the empty grass lot next to the signal, will be between 1.5-2 acres of the total 5.32 acres.

This current proposal might be a relief to many who have seen this lot sit mostly empty for 25 years, except for some rubble/rock piles and the occasional semi-truck that used to park out there.

The previous major proposal, that caused an uproar with the community residents in 2017-18 — even leading to a signed petition against it and the eventual purchase of the property by Meadow Pointe II — was for a 7-Eleven gas station, which ended up going in front of Wiregrass Ranch High instead, at Mansfield and Hueland Pond Blvd., and which opened in 2022.

AdventHealth Radiologist Discusses The Importance Of Mammograms

As most people know, October is “National Breast Cancer Awareness Month” across the U.S. and here in Tampa, the AdventHealth Care Pavilion at 8702 Hunter’s Lake Dr., in front of the Hunter’s Green community on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., hosted a breast cancer awareness event on Oct. 3 to encourage women to get their mammograms.

“One in eight women will be touched by breast cancer in their lifetimes,” said Dr. Rachel Burke, the medical director and head breast radiologist at the Kay Meyer Breast Care Center at AdventHealth Tampa. “The median age is around 62 and the highest risk is for those over age 70, but we diagnose it in all ages. Pretty much everyone knows someone who has been affected by it. I always tell people that the biggest risk factors for developing breast cancer are being born female and getting older — and if you’re alive, you’re getting older, so nobody is immune to it.”

In fact, she said, “This year alone, more than 300,000 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, the kind that can possibly spread, and another 56,000 with the non-invasive or ‘Stage 0’ breast cancer, and that’s just here in the U.S.”

Dr. Burke says that not only is a mammogram the only diagnostic test approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), it also is the “gold standard” for detecting breast cancer.

“And honestly, it’s so easy,” Dr. Burke said. “It only takes a few minutes, isn’t painful and it can definitely save your life. I don’t know why some women have built it up in their heads that it’s this scary thing. It’s really just a couple of seconds of pressure on each side.”

She added that she started as a diagnostic radiologist specializing in breast radiology, “before I turned 40, so I hadn’t actually had a mammogram myself yet. But, I had heard many scary things about mammograms from patients. And, when I finally had mine, I said, ‘OK, that wasn’t so bad.’ I didn’t know what the whole fuss was about. It was over and done with so fast and wasn’t terrible at all.”

Dr. Burke also said that since the 1990s, with widespread screening becoming the norm, “Mortality from breast cancer has been reduced by 40% and up to 50% in some studies. Yes, it works. I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want to have a test that took five minutes of their time that could save their life.”

Cost Isn’t An Issue

And, she noted that considering that an annual mammogram is a covered test for women over age 40 on virtually all health insurance plans, “Cost isn’t an issue, either. Even if you don’t have insurance, there are programs — like through our AdventHealth Foundation — that offer free or low-cost mammograms to women, regardless of their insurance status, if they can’t afford to get one. We will find a way to help you”

In addition, Dr. Burke said, “Most mammography facilities offer special programs and lower fees during October. I know we have a special for a $99 mammogram this month.”

Dr. Burke also noted that although African American women have a lower incidence of breast cancer when compared with Caucasians

and other races, “They have a higher mortality rate from it. We don’t know exactly why — but Black women have a higher incidence of dense breast tissue and there are some other factors, including socioeconomic, but it absolutely is something to be aware of. We don’t want any women to die from breast cancer, but we also don’t want this type of disparity either.”

Speaking of breast density, however, Dr. Burke said that it is harder to read the mammograms of women who have more dense, glandular tissue than fatty tissue, which puts any woman with dense breasts at higher risk for breast cancer.

“Mammograms are still our best diagnostic tool,” she said, “but the test isn’t perfect. Just as it’s harder to see when you’re driving in dense fog, it’s harder to read the mammograms through dense breast tissue. Some women will need a supplemental test — like an MRI or ultrasound — if they have dense breasts and there’s a concern.”

Dr. Burke also talked about BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic mutations, which significantly increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. Statistics show that 55%-65% of women found with a BRCA1 mutation and 45% of women with a BRCA2 mutation will develop breast cancer by age 70.

“More and more celebrities are coming out and discussing that they have gotten prophylactic bilateral mastectomies and reconstruction after being found with either mutation,” she said. “You know, the Angelina Jolie effect. So now, there are a lot of women with these mutations who aren’t celebrities who were inspired by that and also are having mastectomies to prevent breast cancer and that’s great. A surgery without cancer is easier to recover from than a surgery with cancer.”

And now, she added, “We have found a lot of different genes that are proving to be risk factors not just for breast but for a lot of different cancers.”

Dr. Burke also said that although there are some risk factors that women can’t change, like aging and genetics, “The risk factors we can change are alcohol consumption, diet and exercise and smoking. I never tell women they have to give up alcohol altogether,” she said. “I still like to have a glass of wine, too, and I have friends who are oncologists who still have a drink here and there. All we say is to limit your alcohol consumption because it definitely is related to breast cancer.”

She also noted that it’s important to tell women who are diagnosed that, “It’s not your fault. I tell them, ‘You did not cause this. This is one rogue cell that decided to proliferate. There wasn’t one particular thing you did to cause it.’”

The stage of the cancer itself also is important. “The chance for long-term survival goes down with each stage,” Dr. Burke said. “However, even though we can’t ‘cure’ Stage 4, we do have many patients who live for a number of years with Stage 4 disease.”

Dr. Burke then demonstrated how a mammogram works in the Care Pavilion’s Mammography Suite. And, after the interview,Charmaine and I enjoyed pink cupcakes, donuts and lemonade with the Care Pavilion staff, who also painted provided stones pink with the name of someone they lost to the disease for the Care Pavilion’s garden. They also took home pink light bulbs.

For more info about AHCP, call (813) 548-8550, visit AHCarePavilionNewTampa. com or see the ad on the next page.

(Above) Dr. Rachel Burke demonstrates how the AdventHealth Care Pavilion mammography machine works. (Below) The Care Pavilion staff “celebrates” Breast Cancer Awareness Month.. (Photos by Charmaine George)

Upcoming Events — Multiple Fall Festivals, Live Music & Charity Events In Our Area!

Wednesday, October 16, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.

– North Tampa Bay Chamber Coffee Social. At San Antonio Citizens Credit Union (28909 S.R. 54, Wesley Chapel). Wake up and join the Chamber for your morning brew and network with your fellow NTBC Members! Free to attend. For more information, visit or call the NTBC office at (813) 994-8534.

Wednesday, October 16–Sunday, October 20 – The Shops at Wiregrass 16th Anniversary at the Autumn Festival. At The Shops at Wiregrass. Join the Shops for five days of fun-filled activities, with music from Homegrown, The Zac Brown Experience, a heartwarming charity pumpkin patch, a bustling farmers market, the Grand Finale, The Pasco County Community Day Business Showcase and Touch-a-Truck event. Perfect for families, local community members and neighbors, this festival promises entertainment and enjoyment for all ages. For more info, visit or

October 18-20 – The New Tampa Players Present “Little Shop of Horrors.” At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). The hilarious “horror” musical hit invades the NTPAC stage for four performances. For tickets & more info visit or see story & ad on pg. 22.

Saturday, October 19, 12 p.m.-9 p.m. –Paulie Palooza, All Day Music Festival. At Main Street Zephyrhills. This family-friendly charity music festival will feature local bands with live music, local vendors, food trucks, multiple 50/50 drawings, and a silent auction. A $5 donation gives you all-day access to the entire outdoor music event in Zephyrhills! All proceeds raised will support hospice patients and families in Pasco County. For more information, contact Marissa Hartley (727) 845-5707 or email

Saturday, October 19, 4 p.m.-7 p.m. – Sean Bartell Foundation Charity Bingo. At Atonement Lutheran Church (29617 S.R 54, Wesley Chapel) benefiting the Sean Bartell Memorial Foundation. With 20 Rounds of Bingo and four cards per game, giving you 80 chances to win great prizes donated by local businesses! The donation to play is $20 for pre-purchase or $25 at the door. For more info, email or see the ad on pg. 21.

Saturday, October 19, 7 p.m.-11 p.m. – Nico Brown Productions presents A Tribute to Journey. At The KRATE at the Grove container park (5817 Wesley Grove Blvd). Never Stop Believin’ Performing LIVE! This is the ONLY Journey Show that pays tribute to the look and sound of Journey from the

70s and 80s! $10 Advanced General Admission available online until 5 p.m. on Oct. 18, $15 day of advanced General Admission from 5 p.m. on Oct. 18 thru 5 p.m. Oct. 19; $20 admission @ the Door. These tickets are non-refundable. If the show is rescheduled due to weather, your tickets will be transferable. For more info, search “Nico Brown Productions” on Facebook.

The “Wesley Chapel Fall Festival returns to the Tampa Premium Outlets Oct. 26-27. (Neighborhood News file photo by Charmaine George)

Friday, October 25, 4 p.m.-6 p.m. – North Tampa Bay Chamber Final Friday Networking Event At Florida Ave. Brewing Co. (2029 Arrowgrass Dr., Wesley Chapel). This is a free event, so come out, engage and network with fellow Chamber members in a relaxed environment. Appetizers and full service cash bar! For more information, visit or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.

Saturday, October 26, 7 a.m.-5 p.m. – North Tampa Bay Chamber Run for Hope…& Your Life! At Tampa Premium Outlets. This is a zombiethemed 5K race and 1K Fun Run! Early registration for the 5K costs $25, or $20 for the Kids 1K Fun Run. T-shirts and medals for all participants. All tickets include admission to the Wesley Chapel Fall Festival (Oct. 26-27). For info, visit or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.

Saturday, October 26, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. –Nutrition Smart “Customer Appreciation Day.” At Nutrition Smart (1821 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. Wesley Chapel). Celebrating the “green” grocer’s 15th anniversary with fun, live music & 20% OFF everything in the store! The first 200 customers will receive a FREE goodie bag (starting at 8 a.m.). Attendees who spend $150+ in the store can spin the prize wheel to win gift cards, shaker cups, tote bags and more. FREE Health Seminar: “Homeopathy for Gut Issues,” with Cathi Diaz at 11 a.m. There will be raffles and giveaways and lots of free product samples! For more information, call (813) 341-4444, visit or see the ad on pg. 43.

Saturday-Sunday, October 26-27, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. – Wesley Chapel Craft Festival. At The Shops at Wiregrass. Stroll down Paseo Dr. and experience the best local makers have to offer at the muchanticipated Shops at Wiregrass Craft Festival! Come view and shop handcrafted art. This is a FREE event for all, with no entry fees. For more information, visit

New Tampa Democratic Club

Monthly Meeting (4th Monday of the month) Monday, October 28th, 7 p.m. at New Tampa Regional Library 10001 Cross Creek Blvd.

Saturday-Sunday, October 26-27, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. – North Tampa Bay Chamber’s 20th Anniversary Wesley Chapel Fall Festival & Carnival, presented by Pasco County Recycling & San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union. At Tampa Premium Outlets. The Fall Festival returns with a fresh new look for its 20th anniversary! For information about tickets or to become a merchant, exhibitor, or vendor, please call (727) 674-1464 or email to check availability.

Sunday, October 27, 2 p.m.-5 p.m. – Halloween Classic Car Show. At Blue Heron Senior Living (5071 Eagleston Blvd., Wesley Chapel). Come enjoy a family friendly event and view classic cars, enjoy entertainment and visit the photo booth and dunk tank. There also will be a Trunk or Treat. Make sure to tour the beautiful assisted living, memory care and skilled care neighborhoods. For more info & to RSVP, call (813) 454-0513 or see the ad on pg. 21.

Monday, October 28, 7 p.m. – New Tampa

Democratic Club Monthly Meeting. At New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.). For more info, visit NewTampaDemocrats. com or see the ad below.

Monday, October 28, 8 p.m.-10 p.m. – New Tampa Jazz Nights: Tom Brantley – J.J. Johnson Centennial Celebration. At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). Trombonist Tom Brantley pays tribute to the eminent trombonist and composer J. J. Johnson, during the year of Johnson’s centennial. A USF Professor since 1999, Brantley leads a seven-piece band of remarkable colleagues from the USF faculty. For tickets & more info, visit or see the ad below.

Tuesday, October 29, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. - North Tampa Bay Chamber Ribbon Cutting. At Fuzzy’s Taco Shop (19729 State Rd 54, Lutz). Light bites provided during ribbon cutting. Free to attend. For more info, visit Events or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.

Friday, November 1, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. –Leading Ladies Network. At the North Tampa Bay Chamber’s Wiregrass Office @ the Signature Workspace Building (28210 Paseo Dr., #190, Shops at Wiregrass). The Leading Ladies Network is a Chamber-driven meeting that aims to empower and support women in various fields. This month’s speaker is Danya Shakfeh with Motiva Business Law. Online registration is required, $15 per person. For more info, visit Events or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.

Friday-Sunday, November 1-3, 7:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. – Tampa City Ballet Presents “Carmen.” At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550

Hunters Village Rd.). Tampa City Ballet is proud to unveil its latest visionary production: a fresh and invigorating ballet adaptation of the classic opera “Carmen.” For tickets & more information, visit or see the ad on pg. 29.

Sunday, November 3, 8 a.m. – “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.” At The Shops at Wiregrass. This event is a celebration of courage and hope, a movement uniting our community to end breast cancer as we know it, for everyone. Register today for a 3- or 5-mile walk. The festival area opens at 8 a.m., and the walk begins at 9 a.m. For more info, visit

Tuesday, November 5, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. –North Tampa Bay Chamber Business Breakfast. At Pasco Hernando State College – Porter Campus (2727 Mansfield Blvd., Wesley Chapel). This month’s speaker is Erik Wangsness, President and CEO of AdventHealth Wesley Chapel. Tickets cost $25 for NTBC members & $30 for non-members, which includes breakfast. For more info, visit or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.

Thursday, November 7, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. –North Tampa Bay Chamber (NTBC) Job Fair. At 4 & Co. (16703 Early Riser Ave. Land O’ Lakes) Join the NTBC for an exciting Job Fair designed to connect top talent with leading businesses in our community. Employers: Please note that vendor space is limited to companies offering at least one full-time position and must pre-register. Job Seekers: No registration required—just bring copies of your resumé and come prepared to meet potential employers! For more info, visit Events or call the NTBC office (813) 994-8534.

Friday, November 8, 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. –Steinway Piano Series: Nikolov-West Duo. At the

New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). The New Tampa Performing Arts Center’s brand-new Steinway & Sons Model D Concert Grand piano will be featured in a performance by the Nikolov West Duo featuring Viktor Nikolov and Jane West. For tickets & more information, visit

Saturday, November 9, 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. –Nathan Pacheco: “Higher Tour 2024.” At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). Nathan Pacheco brings his “Higher Tour 2024” to Tampa for an unforgettable evening of new music, classics, and fan favorites that will bring the whole family together. For tickets & more information, visit

Sunday, November 10, 3 p.m.-5 p.m. – New Tampa Unplugged: Paul Wilborn Words & Music. At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). In his first Hillsborough County appearance after playing to two sold-out audiences in Pinellas County, Paul Wilborn celebrates the fifth anniversary of his Gold Medal-winning book, Cigar City: Tales From A 1980s Creative Ghetto. The story will be read by actor Eugenie Bondurant, with Paul and his band providing songs at each story break. For tickets & more information, visit

Wednesday, November 13, 8 p.m.-10 p.m. – Tampa Bay Symphony Fall 2024 Virtuosic Adventures. At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). The Tampa Bay Symphony consists of over 80 musicians and has been described as “one of Tampa Bay’s hidden jewels.” Come and experience the excitement of live classical music! For tickets & more info, visit

Sean Bartell Charity Bingo

Date: October 19th Time: 4-7pm To Do: Bring a Friend!

Details: Donation to play is $20 for pre-purchase and at the door $25 Place: Atonement Lutheran Church, 29617 State Road 54, Wesley Chapel, FL 20 Rounds: 4 cards per game with 80 chances to win! Contact information:

Catch The Final Weekend Of ‘Little Shop Of Horrors’ At NTPAC!

This weekend, October 18-20, the New Tampa Players (NTP) theatre troupe will present its last four performances of the 1980s hit rock comedy musical “Little Shop of Horrors,” on stage at the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (NTPAC).

“Little Shop of Horrors,” which also became a hit movie starring Rick Moranis and Steve Martin (among others), is a fun, campy musical about what happens when you pick up a strange plant on the day after an eclipse. Although “Little Shop” has “Horrors” in the title, it is far from the standard horror flick, as it has no blood or gore.

NTP’s production stars Richard Brown, as the hapless, nerdy florist clerk named Seymour, and Madison Pulica as his co-worker and love interest, Audrey. Seymour and Audrey work for Mr. Mushnik (played by Luis Graham), a grumpy middle-aged man who is running a failing floral shop on “Skid Row.” One day, Seymour brings home a small, mysterious plant. The plant, which Seymour names Audrey II after the woman he secretly loves, fails to thrive in her new home. One day, Seymour pricks his finger on a thorn and the plant discovers a new love for blood. As Audrey II grows, she brings in new business, the shop suddenly thrives and the lives of Seymour, Audrey and Mr. Mushnik are never the same again.

Director Thomas Pahl, a long-time resident of New Tampa says, “‘Little Shop’ is a classic for a reason, with amazing songs by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman, who also did the songs for Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid.’ I am so honored

to direct this show that I have performed in twice because it has such fun and relatable characters, music, and dancing (choreographed by NTP vet Makayla Raines) that will have you laughing, smiling and gasping. The show is a sight to see with four Audrey II puppets that grow from living in a

Rain,’ we are looking forward to having more audiences laughing and singing the songs on their way out of the theatre,” says NTP producing artistic director Nora Paine. “It’s important to the New Tampa Players that our audiences have fun and enjoy our performances. Our musical director Rick Barclay has put together a top-notch orchestra that will have you humming the tunes for days.”

coffee pot (top right photo) to covering the entire stage with 3 amazing puppeteers who will bring Audrey II to life, combined with the sheer force of nature that Christian McLaurine brings with his performance (as the voice of the voracious plant).”

“After the summer success of ‘Singin’ in the

Get your tickets now for “Little Shop of Horrors” at NTPAC (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). The final four performances this weekend will be as follows: Friday, October 18, 8 p.m.; Saturday, October 19, at 3 p.m. & 8 p.m., and Sunday, October 20, at 3 p.m.

For tickets and more information, visit or see the ad below.

“Feed me, Seymour!” (Photo by Dave Giles)

Everglow Jewelry Is Open In The Shoppes At The Pointe

When Derrick Pyke and his wife Kayla (top right photo) moved from Rio Rancho, New Mexico, to Tampa, Derrick already had years of experience, first working in his father’s jewelry manufacturing business and then in a retail jewelry store they had opened together.

After moving to this area, Derrick first worked “for a few years” as a store manager for another jewelry business in Tampa before going into finance for the last couple of years. “Then, I decided I wanted to get back into jewelry but I wanted to do it my own way again,” Derrick says.

The result is the new Everglow Jewelry, located at 17032 Palm Pointe Dr., in the former location of GPS Pools in The Shoppes at The Pointe plaza in Tampa Palms (at the end nearest to Stonewood Grill & Tavern

One thing Derrick says that sets Everglow apart from any of its local competition is that other than his own custom-made designs (more on those below), there is only one brand sold in the store — Kendra Scott, which specializes in items for (primarily) $100 or less, making the brand perfect for everyone from young girls to “full-grown women,” he says. “We even have grandmas buying Kendra Scott for themselves, too.”

He adds that, “You kind of have to be picked by Kendra Scott to carry the brand. We are one of only two stores in Tampa that carry it.”

Everything else in the store, Derrick says, “are either pieces I’ve designed and created myself or I can. Our big thing at Everglow Jewelry is custom design. Let me make something for you in the size and color you want, with the metals and stones you choose. When you do that, you don’t need a ton of samples or display cases in the store.”

Derrick notes, however, that if you want something simple and don’t want to have to wait to receive it, “I do have catalogs I can show you or we can look on the internet together so you can find and order pieces that aren’t custom-designed, too.” He adds that even if you see something you like in a catalog or online, “I can usually get you a better price if I custom-design something similar, exactly the way you want it.”

stores in the area to carry a laser welder, “be cause a lot of colored stones can’t handle the heat of using a torch. It changes their color.”

And, best of all, he says, “Unlike most places that do custom, since I do the work myself, I don’t charge a custom-design fee. I price everything as though you found something in a case, loved it and wanted to buy it.”

As for lead time, Derrick says that custom pieces can take “from a few days to several weeks,” depending upon the design, the number of stones,

Everglow also offers laser-welded, “permanent” jewelry, so be sure to ask Derrick about that, as well as his on-site jewelry repairs.

For more info, call (813) 561-0055 or visit and please tell Derrick that I sent you! — GN, photos by Charmaine George or supplied by Derrick Pyke.

Tampa Premium Outlets, next to At Home, I have to admit that I wasn’t expecting too much.

Whereas some commenters in local online communities railed that Kohl’s was less of a “department” store than they remembered and more like a Ross or TJ Maxx, what I found was very much more like a Macy’s or Dillard’s but with lower prices. The men’s department is many times larger than any discount retailer, with large selections of brands from Nike and Under Armour to Columbia, Izod, Dockers and many more.

And, the prices (with Grand Opening specials throughout the store) were more reasonable than I expected, too — especially when you sign up for a Kohl’s membership or credit card (or both). I ended up buying an Apt. 9 sports

(and the Sephora beauty supply area was bigger than I remember at the JC Penney at the Shops at Wiregrass) and the departments for kids and babies (I bought some Bluey and Spider-Man pajamas for the grandkids) were as large or larger than what I’ve seen at, say, Target. There also was a selection of Halloween-themed merchandise (and clothing) available in several departments. And, again unlike Ross or Marshall’s, everything is well organized and clearly marked.

Is Kohl’s the department store of my dreams? Maybe not. But, considering how close Jannah and I live to it and the prices I’ve already found, I think we’ll both be visiting regularly.

For more information, call (813) 5012601 or visit And, please tell

Eden Chiropractic, Palm Endovascular, Embodhi MedSpa & Durand Mortgage Cut Ribbons!

It’s been another crazy busy month for North Tampa Bay Chamber (NTBC) ribbon-cutting events and the Chamber also had its monthly Coffee Social at the USF Federal Credit Union on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in the Trout Creek area. Here are those ribbon-cutting events:

1.Eden Chiropractic

We congratulate Eden Chiropractic (in the Brookside Professional Park off S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel) owners and chiropractic physicians Abigail and Thomas Farrar, for hosting a well-attended North Tampa Bay Chamber ribbon-cutting event on Sept. 5.

The doctors Farrar turned their Grand Opening into a fun scavenger hunt and gave away raffle tickets for a number of great prizes to those who completed a row of a Bingo card.

Eden Chiropractic specializes in the Gonstead Method, created by renowned chiropractor Clarence Gonstead in the 1920s. The Gonstead Method (or Technique) focuses on how a patient’s nervous system is functioning to better determine the underlying cause of misalignments in the neck using X-rays and other instrumentation, as well as hands-on palpations and visualization. Eden Chiropractic provides chiropractic services for adults, children, women who are pregnant and even for women who are trying to get pregnant.

For more information about Eden Chiropractic (29141 Chapel Park Dr.), call (813) 815-8135 or visit

2.Palm Endovascular

Next up was the Chamber ribbon-cutting on Sept. 18 at the new Palm Endovascular medical office, located at 2344 Crestover Lane, in the Cypress Ridge Professional Park (behind Pet Paradise) on the north side of S.R. 56.

Palm Endovascular combines the talents of renowned interventional cardiologist Dr. Agam Patel and radiologist Dr. Karan Patel, at a unique facility where minimally invasive outpatient vascular disease surgeries that normally would have to be done at a hospital can be done in the office’s surgery center — without having to visit a hospital — thanks to its cutting-edge technology. Among the conditions the doctors Patel can treat include peripheral arterial disease, varicose veins, deep vein and uterine thromboses, spinal

3.Embodhi Medspa

Then, on Sept. 19, Family Nurse Practitioner Aimee Talbot, MSN, APRN, FNP-C (right), cut an NTBC ribbon at her new Embodhi Integrative Wellness & Medspa, located at 16007 N. Florida Ave. (just north of W. Bearss Ave.) in the Magnolia Center in Lutz.

At her event, Aimee said she currently is focusing on Botox® and fillers, but she also will be adding direct integrative primary care, hormone optimization, medical weight loss, and IV therapy services as Embodhi grows.

The Embodhi website says that, ““Our mis sion is rooted in the belief that Divine Health is our inherent state, accessible to all.”

For more information, call (813) 2527633 or visit

4.Durand Mortgage Group

The most recent ribbon-cutting event on our list was hosted by Keisha Durand of Mortgage Group, located in Mango Space Lutz, the coworking space located at 25200 Sawyer Francis Ln., in the new Cypress Bend Profes sional Park off Wesley Chapel Blvd.

Keisha, who had previously worked in real estate and came to Florida from the Virgin Islands, said that part of the reason she decided to open her own mortgage brokerage was because, “There weren’t a lot of people I had met in the business who looked like me — women and especially African-American women. I want to help people get the best possible mortgage they can and know that I am here to help everyone I can live the American dream of owning a home and building generational wealth. We specialize in converting renters into proud homeowners.”

For more information, call (727) 6447301 or visit

5.USF Credit Union Coffee Social

And finally, although no ribbons were cut, the NTBC also held its monthly Coffee Social at the USF Federal Credit Union, located at 20610 Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., next to Burger King. Attendees got to meet a number of USF FCU employees, including business development strategist Lana Walsh (at left in photo below) and concierge office John Austin-Willis (blue polo shirt). The monthly NTBC Coffee Socials are al ways free for Chamber members and their guests.

The next NTBC Coffee Social will be held at

Check Out The Bay Network For Local Connections

Yes, there are a lot of local networking groups you can join, but if you’re looking for a growing group of dedicated (and fun) business professionals who meet weekly and host great events (with prize giveaways) every month, you should at least check out one meeting of The Bay Network, which celebrated its one-year anniversary on Sept. 21 at Rock & Brews — a meeting Jannah and I were glad we attended!

The Bay Network president and Realtor® Riz Hakim sent us an email inviting us to check out this still-young networking group’s one-year anniversary event and since Rock & Brews is one of our advertisers anyway, we decided to go and what we found is that The Bay Network’s members are definitely engaged, serious about business but not too serious to not also have some fun as

they help each others’ businesses thrive.

The group hosts weekly meetings every Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at the Mango Space Lutz, a cool coworking space located at 25200 Sawyer Francis Ln., in the new Cypress Bend Professional Park off Wesley Chapel Blvd.

The Bay Network also hosts a “Third Thursday” event (the next one is scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 5 p.m.) at Rock & Brews, which is a great way to check out the group in a less formal setting.

Who might even win a prize!

Jannah & I walked away with a 5-night stay in Cancun, Mexico, and group member Evan Ebanks won a 5-night stay in Hawaii! For info, visit or email and please tell them I sent you! — GN

Will Compass Claim Solutions Do

Second Annual Fall Festival Was Another Big Hit For The NTPAC!

Jannah and I were in North Carolina the entire four days (Sept. 12-15) of the second annual New Tampa Performing Arts Center (NTPAC) Fall Festival, so we were unable to catch any of it, but from the looks of these photos from NTPAC’s Laurel Keeney and our own Charmaine George, I (and you) can at least get a feel for some of the amazing events and performances at that even that we missed.

Shown on this page are:

(Top left) the Kuumba Dancers & Drummers (credit: Charmaine);

(Top right) Opera Tampa (credit: Laurel);

(Center right) the Rudram Dance Co. (credit: Charmaine);

(Center left) the ever-popular Florida Orchestra Instrument Petting Zoo (credit: Charmaine);

(Below right) the Tampa City Ballet (credit: Laurel);

(Below left) The Jansen Dance Project (credit: Laurel) and

(Bottom) lobby entertainer Logan Franke (credit: Charmaine).

Shown on the next page are:

(Top left) the Freedom High Chorus (credit: Laurel);

(Top right) 2024 Scripps National Spelling Bee winner Bruhat Soma, who received a commendation from Hillsborough County Commissioner Ken Hagan (credit: Charmaine); (Bottom left) the Wharton High band (credit Charmaine); and (bottom right) the weekend’s kids crafts area was packed all weekend (credit: Charmaine)

For more info about the NTPAC, visit or see the Events Calendar on pg. 22 & the story on pg. 22. — GN

Gotcha Covered — When It Comes To Windows, The Name Literally Says It All!

Local franchise owner Khaled Alhamzawi says most people who call his Gotcha Covered of Central Tampa franchise say they’re looking for blinds for their homes. But, many are surprised to discover that blinds are actually not what they really wanted, as there’s actually a whole array of window coverings available from Gotcha Covered that have so much more to offer.

“Before I became a Gotcha Covered fran chise owner, I didn’t know how many options there were,” Khaled admits. “But the options are unlimited.”

While custom blinds come in many varieties — from aluminum to vinyl to wood and much more — are cordless and can be motorized, people sometimes find what they really want are custom shades or even shutters, both of which also are available in a wide variety of options.

Tampa Palms for the last 12 years.

“Usually people are looking at style, functionality and price,” Khaled says. “It’s always about finding what the customer is looking for.”

Khaled launched his Gotcha Covered franchise six months ago. The company has been franchising since 2009 and currently has more than 170 locations in the United States and Canada, including 28 in Florida.

Although his franchise is labeled “Central Tampa,” Khaled is able to serve clients anywhere in the Tampa Bay area, including all of our readers in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel.

He has worked in leadership at a national corporation for more than a decade, but says he wanted to move in a new direction for his family’s future.

“In the corporate world, we’re constantly being asked to do more with less,” he says, sharing one difficult time when his company let go of 2,500 employees. He says that also made his job feel less secure.

“I wanted to change my career,” he says, “and choose something to build for myself.”

For Khaled, who migrated to the U.S. from Syria 24 years ago, owning his own business feels like the fulfillment of the American dream. He and his wife have three boys — ages 16, 12, and 11 — and have lived in

Khaled says he enjoys remodeling and has done renovation projects on property that he owns, so when he learned about Gotcha Covered, it seemed like a good fit.

Before launching his business, Khaled completed extensive training to ensure he was fully equipped to help all customers – residential and commercial – with all of their window covering needs.

In addition to training from Gotcha Covered, the vendors he uses require that he completes courses to become certified to sell their products.

For larger projects or those that require a special touch, Khaled says he will collaborate with interior designers.

Gotcha Covered’s custom window treatments include blinds, shades, shutters, draperies and curtains.

“Our window treatments are custommade, so they’re not something you’re buying off the shelf from a retail store,” Khaled says. “They fit the style of your home and are made specifically for that window in that home.”

Customer Rama Al Ghannam offered this 5-star review on Google: “I consulted with Gotcha Covered of Central Tampa for drapes in my formal living and dining spaces. I am very pleased with the results and the experi-

ence was seamless, beginning to end. Great customer service and high quality products! I will be using them again to install shades in my guest bedroom!”

Today’s Big Trends

Meanwhile, Khaled explains that automation is something that’s big in window treatments these days. Customers can control their shades using Alexa, Google Home, or even their smartphones.

“Programming your window coverings is

trendy in this day and age,” he says. “People are looking for ‘smart’ everything.”

For example, he says, if you have a window where you get a lot of sun throughout the day and it gets too warm, you can put up a shade and program it to cover the window just for the times when the sun is beating down, having it automatically roll out of sight in the evening so you can enjoy the view.

This helps keep the room cool and allows families to avoid overtaxing their air conditioning units and save on their electricity bills.

An option Khaled says not many people know about is a dual shade with a roller that actually includes two shades – one to protect from the sun and one for design. You can have them both up or both down, or one up and one down, or vice versa.

Gotcha Covered offers curtains and drapes, too. “Shades are trendy now” Khaled says, “but people often do side panels, rather than full draperies.”

He says shutters are very common in Florida because they last many years and don’t go out of style.

“They become part of the structure of the home and can last 10, 15 or even 20 years,” he says.

Also popular are outdoor motorized screens for those patio areas that aren’t enclosed by a pool cage. Motorized screens go in tracks that allow families to enjoy their outdoor spaces while blocking some heat and

Franchise owner Khaled Alhamzawi is a long-time New Tampa resident who brings his Gotcha Covered of Central Tampa showroom to your home. (Photo by Charmaine George)

intense light, while also limiting bugs, debris from trees and dirt.

He says these screens are especially popular not just with families, but also at restaurants with outdoor seating areas.

For anyone interested in learning more about products and options or what Gotcha Covered could customize for in your home or business, Khaled offers a complimentary inhome consultation.

“We bring the showroom to you,” he says. “That is an advantage over visiting a store. You want to look at the fabric and colors in your home so you can see if they match your furniture or paint.”

Once you’ve selected the perfect products

to meet your needs and fit your budget, every thing is measured, ordered and then installed, usually just two to three weeks later, by expert installers who ensure a perfect, custom fit and can help with any smart options.

“I enjoy working with people, explaining the different options that are available, giving them design tips, and explaining how to choose the right product for them,” Khaled says. “I’ve found it to be a very rewarding experience making homes nicer and more beautiful.”

Ricc Rollins, the owner of Riccardo’s Menswear, recently opened a new store in West Tampa.

“Gotcha Covered came in and assessed

not trying to upsell us.”

Ricc explains that he had a list of wants and Gotcha Covered met all of them.

“We needed our window coverings to be energy efficient, in a color that was fashionable but not take away from the aesthetic of the historic building we’re in, and cost effective [for someone] opening a new business,” says Ricc. “Khaled checked all the boxes. He lives up to his name. He made sure all my bases were covered.”

Gotcha Covered offers a free in-home consultation. For more info, see the ad on page the previous page (pg. 30), call (813) 787-5550 or schedule an appointment on line at

Pediatric Dentistry Of New Tampa Now Offers Aesthetic Spa Services For Adults!

Marta Rivera, D.M.D., has been one of the most trusted children’s dentists serving the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area for more than 20 years, but her Pediatric Dentistry of New Tampa — located in the Tampa Palms Professional Center — added The Aesthetics Beauty Lab just a few months ago to provide skincare services for the parents of her pediatric patients (and other adults). What made “Dr. Marta,” as her patients affectionately call her, decide to add these services for adults? First, let’s talk about this popular local pediatric dentist and the services she has been providing for the children of New Tampa and Wesley Chapel for two+ decades. Then, we’ll get into her new services for adults.

Dr. Marta’s Journey

Dr. Marta first opened her Pediatric Dentistry of New Tampa in Hunter’s Green in 2003 but moved to her current location on Primrose Lake Cir. in Tampa Palms in 2008. Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Dr. Marta moved to Puerto Rico at the age of 10, a place she loved growing up. However, she now considers Florida her true home, saying, “Florida, especially New Tampa, is my favorite place.” She also is fluent in Spanish, making her practice accessible to a diverse community.

Dr. Marta graduated with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Biology from the University of Puerto Rico in San Juan, where she later also earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) degree from the university’s School of Dental Medicine. Before moving to Florida in 1997, she ran her own dental practice in Puerto Rico. After passing the Florida Dental Board exams, she worked with other dentists before starting her own practice.

“I’ve seen this area grow, and it’s been a pleasure to be here,” says Dr. Marta. Over the past 21 years, she has treated many patients, mostly children, but also a few adults.

“Some of my patients who grew up coming to me don’t want to go anywhere else now that they’re adults,” she says with a smile. However, she adds that she is no longer accepting new adult patients.

Embracing Innovation & Technology

Dr. Marta’s office is designed with children in mind.

“When I first started decorating my ‘house,’” she says with a laugh, explaining that she calls her office her house because she practically lives there, “I wanted the space to be fun and welcoming, like a second home. The practice is all about having an environment where kids feel comfortable and at ease.”

Dr. Marta stresses the importance of starting dental care early. She takes a holistic approach to dentistry, promoting whole-body wellness. “Why think of dental, skin, and bone health as separate

things?,” she asks, adding that she believes in a comprehensive approach to health, which includes proper nutrition for strong teeth and gums.

In addition to dental care, Dr. Marta offers guidance on tooth-friendly diets and supplements that can support dental health, like Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus.

The office features lots of new technology, and Dr. Marta prides herself in having many devices not available at other pediatric (or even adult) dental offices. You can read about them all on her website under the “Technology” header.

One of the most advanced treatments offered at Dr. Marta’s practice is ozone dentistry. Ozone, known by most people as the layer protecting the earth’s atmosphere, also can be used in dentistry to fight bacteria and promote healing.

“Our bodies naturally produce ozone to fight off illnesses,” she explains. But, in dentistry, it’s used to kill the bacteria that cause cavities, without the need for invasive procedures.

Dr. Marta explains, “The equipment is something that looks like a pen that I point at the affected area.” Ozone can save a tooth before it gets to the point of needing a root canal.

“When a dentist cleans out a cavity,” she says, “no matter how well they clean it, there is always the possibility of some bacteria staying behind. Even the tiniest amount of bacteria can continue to grow and cause the patient to need a root canal. By using the ozone, all of the bacteria is killed before filling the cavity.”

The ozone treatment can be as simple as pointing this pen-like wand at the tooth or, for more serious cases, the tooth can be covered and then the gas is released inside that cover.

Ozone treatment also is effective in treating periodontal disease, preventing cavities and even promoting healing for cold sores and canker sores. It’s a pain-free, side-effect-free option that many patients appreciate. And, Dr. Marta is one of only a few hundred dentists in all of North America offering this treatment.

Before the tooth can be treated with ozone, the dentist must clean out the cavity. There is conventional drilling but now, thanks to a company called Biolase, Dr. Marta uses a laser called the Waterlase MD. This laser replaces the drill, is less invasive and requires less anesthesia.

Another service Dr. Marta can provide is early orthodontic treatment. Although she is not an orthodontist, because she was trained in her residency to do orthodontics, and was able to first provide it in her practice in Puerto Rico, she is able to provide orthodontic treatments at Pediatric Dentistry of New Tampa. She specializes in early interventions with Invisalign First.

“Many kids benefit from early orthodontic treatment, and Invisalign is a great option for

them,” she says. Invisalign First helps address issues like crowding, spacing, and narrow arches without the need for traditional braces.

The office also has a machine called iTero Element, which kids love because it eliminates the goop used for impressions. It is a scanning system that can capture a detailed 3D model of teeth and gums. This procedure is ideal for crowns, bridges and, of course, Invisalign clear aligners and retain ers. Dr. Marta has a video on her website under the “Technology” heading where you can see how the iTero Element works.

She also specializes in assessing and then treating infants and children with tongue or lip ties with simple laser frenectomy procedures to remove or modify a frenulum (a small fold of tissue that limits movement in the mouth). These quick, minimally invasive treatments can help babies with reflux, poor latch, or colic issues, and children with speech delays or mouth breathing.

removal, as well as Botox and fillers.

“We want to take care of the kids, but parents need pampering too,” Dr. Marta says.

“We offer same-day treatment for infants because a hungry baby needs help right away,” she explains. Parents often notice improvements immediately after the procedure.

The Aesthetics Beauty Lab

As we mentioned earlier, Dr. Marta isn’t only focused on children these days — as she now also offers aesthetic services for her patients’ parents (and other adults) at her new “Aesthetics Beauty Lab.”

Using advanced technology from Alma and Reveal, her office now provides services like skin tightening, dark spot treatment, hair and tattoo

“I’ve always enjoyed taking care of my skin and especially my face,” she adds. “For many years I have gone to an aesthetician and when the American Dental Association gave the ok to move into this area, I was very interested and excited. A lot of dentists are now doing Botox and fillers in their offices. It is part of the dental career evolution. Everything face- and neck-related is part of our expertise as dentists.”

It took Dr. Marta close to a year to become certified in not only the procedures she offers, but also the equipment she uses. She now has earned

Dr. Marta Rivera of Pediatric Dentistry of New Tampa, located in the Tampa Palms Professional Center just off the Bruce B. Downs Blvd. exit of I-75, has made sure that the children of New Tampa and Wesley Chapel have had beautiful, happy smiles for more than two decades.

‘Pediatric Denistry’

certifications in Master Botulinum Toxin handson training and Master Dermal Filler hands-on training from the American Academy of Facial Esthetics. Three of the pieces of equipment she is trained on are the ‘Alma Harmony” and “Alma Opus Plasma,” as well as the “Denza RF System.”

Dr. Marta says that the Opus Plasma is de signed to address many skin conditions. It also helps to fight aging. Sessions last about 15 minutes, as tiny needles break the skin which stimulates healing to produce new collagen and elastin.

Meanwhile, the Alma Harmony can be used to correct dark spots, skin photodamage and more.

The Denza RF (RadioFrequency) System can be used in a similar way. It is a non-surgical skin rejuvenation and tightening process that uses monopolar and bipolar radiofrequencies with pulsing. It targets both superficial and deep layers of the skin, thereby stimulating collagen and elastin production. Denza also can be used for body contouring.

Plasma machine (right) and the Alma IQ skin analysis machine (above).

At this time, Dr. Marta is the only one providing these aesthetic procedures in the office. She accepts adult patients ages 18 and over.

“As I entered my 40s, after years of suffering through adult acne, hormonal imbalances, and inflammatory auto-immune diseases, my skin was showing its battle wounds. I tried chemical peels and facials, but needed a more sustainable regimen with longer-lasting results. Then, as the skin rejuvenation Gods would have it, Dr. Marta Rivera began offering aesthetic skincare services in her beautiful “Aesthetics Beauty Lab” suite. After a thorough skin analysis, Dr. Marta suggested the Opus Plasma laser for my overall skin condition and concerns. Just over a week ago, I experienced my first of three sessions with the Opus Plasma

laser. It was fairly painless, and the down time was minimal. As a busy mother, and career woman, this is a complete game-changer. With the right before-&-after-care plan provided by Dr. Marta, I was able to resume all normal activities within 3-4 days. I am already seeing several positive results. My skin appearance is more uniform, and I have a fabulous glow to my face. Several areas of hyperpigmentation are lightened, and a scar on my cheek is not as prominent. I am thrilled to move forward with the Opus Plasma series, with Dr. Marta at the helm. She has certainly outdone herself and set the tone for a streamlined process to skin rejuvenation.” — C. Gonzales Pediatric Dentistry of New Tampa is located at 5326 Primrose Lake Cir. and is open Mon.Thur., 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. The office accepts many insurance plans, primarily PPOs. For more info or to schedule a visit, call (813) 374-0388, see the ad on pg. 43 or visit

The Law Office Of Elizabeth Devolder For Quality Estate Planning With Heart

When Dwan Klein’s dear friend of 37 years called to say her checks were suddenly bouncing, Dwan immediately knew something was wrong.

Her friend, now 86, had been widowed for many years, had no family, and had signed documents appointing Dwan and her husband as her caregivers if she were to become incapacitated.

Dwan had no idea that day was so close.

Dwan’s husband, an accountant, realized someone was stealing from their friend. They were able to determine it was an online scammer, but Dwan’s friend didn’t believe it. She refused to close her accounts to stop the perpetrator.

At an absolute loss of what to do, Dwan turned to attorney Elizabeth Devolder of The Law Office of Elizabeth Devolder, located in the Tampa Palms Professional Center, just off the Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. exit of I-75.

“It was the best thing we could have done,” Dwan says. “Elizabeth understood immediately what our issues were, and gave us direction on what do to, and how to do it.”

Elizabeth says her firm is seeing many instances of such financial exploitation. In addition to this example, she has seen elderly people who have left their financial and medical decisions to some unexpected people, including a dog trainer, someone who painted a person’s car and even a taxi driver.

“Sometimes, people don’t know who to trust,” Elizabeth says. “Sometimes, their families live far away and aren’t able to be on site, but there’s a neighbor or a person from church who

offers to help. We often don’t know those people’s bad intentions until much later.”

Elizabeth and her team have the legal expertise to help people understand and think through their options when it comes to establish ing caregiving and financial responsibility, should they become incapacitated.

“People come into my office to set up a will and they aren’t thinking about the kinds of deci sions that might need to be made if they become ill and can’t make them [for themselves] anymore,” she says. “They have this idea in their mind that, in the future, they will either be dead or perfectly fine. They don’t anticipate incapacity.”

Elizabeth established The Law Office of Eliz abeth Devolder in 2021, five years after she earned her Juris Doctor (J.D.) law degree from the Tampa campus of the Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Riverview in 2016, following a successful career in advertising and sales management. She had previ ously earned a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Corporate Communications from the College of Charleston, SC, in 1997. For five years, Eliza beth worked jointly with her ex-husband Bryan Devolder at their Devolder Law Firm.

The newer firm’s associate attorney Rachael Alexander was previously a case manager, working closely with Elizabeth and helping her found the firm while going to law school herself. The team also includes case manager Camelia Howard.

Elizabeth says there are ways to set up your documents to ensure a system of checks and balances, so that no one person has total control and there’s always someone looking out for your best interests, even if it’s not your primary caregiver.

She emphasizes that this is why setting up an estate plan with an attorney is so important,

expert who takes your individual circumstances into account.

There’s another benefit to hiring an attorney, too. The attorney who prepares and signs your documents can testify to your capacity and intentions in court if that becomes necessary.

Dwan and her husband were grateful for Elizabeth’s immediate action to help their friend. They ended up going to court, where three sepa-

herself. Her paperwork was crystal clear about who she wanted to make decisions on her behalf if that were to happen.

The court gave Dwan the authority to close the accounts that were being attacked and protect her friend’s assets. By the time they were able to do that, the scammer already had taken $150,000 from their friend.

“When we met Elizabeth, we knew imme-


diately that she was the right person to help us,” Dwan says. “She knew exactly what we needed to do.” Dwan adds that she is grateful that Elizabeth helped her to ensure her friend’s assets could no longer be stolen.

“We talk regularly, and we ensure that all of her needs are met,” says Dwan. “It was very difficult, and very hard to see her unable to accept the fact that she was being taken advantage of, but the judge was so kind and actually said, ‘I wish I had a friend like you.’”

Elizabeth says this is a perfect example of how one situation is very different from another. Not everyone has a friend who would take such good care of them and manage their finances in their best interest. In those cases, when a person has no family present, there are professionals

who can manage these decisions for them.

Sometimes, though, a professional isn’t needed. Remember the dog trainer, taxi driver, and car painter who were given control over someone’s entire estate? One of those actually had no bad intentions at all.

In fact, Elizabeth says the person who asked her taxi driver to care for her had no family. She had formed a bond with the lady who drove her to all of her appointments. That taxi driver ended up caring for her for the rest of her life, ensuring she had all she needed, and looking out for her best interests.

“Every family and every person’s situation is different,” she says. “The important thing an attorney can do is help to create a system that See “Devolder Law” on pg. 38

avoids the potential for abuse, and can provide testimony about your capacity when you signed the documents.”

Elizabeth says for her clients, she is willing to take the time to be incredibly detailed, as long as that’s what the client wants. She tells of visiting a client in the hospital who was refusing to eat and the client’s nurses were frustrated. Elizabeth glanced at the papers she had brought with her.

“I told the nurses his favorite treat was ice cream, and they looked at me like I was a genius,” Elizabeth laughs. “You can have sufficient documents that don’t go into that level of detail, but with it, you can provide direction for how to provide better care for you.”

Elizabeth also specializes in valuating and managing collections of art or other tangible personal property, such as gun or coin collec tions, or antiques.

“It may require calling in a special appraiser who is familiar with that type of collection, because 1980s rock posters are very different than a collection of china,” Elizabeth says. “Our goal is to maximize the value of the collec tion, which takes some effort, and the person who is best at knowing how to maximize the value is the one who collected it.”

Elizabeth says she and her team offer their clients experience, knowledge and care that may be hard to find, especially as the market grows and many attorneys offer estate planning.

“In addition to eight years of experience doing estate planning here in our area, we live and work in Tampa, and we work together to answer our own calls in our own office,” she says. “We’re not working out of a coworking space or having a virtual assistant in another country answering our phones. My clients want to walk in and see the person they spoke to on the phone, and meet my staff, who is then also able to testify about you if necessary. Those details are important to look for when hiring an estate planning attorney.”

The Law Office of Elizabeth Devolder is

From Delta To Xite, Your CBD Store Of New Tampa Keeps Adding New Products!

Located in the Pebble Creek Collection on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., Your CBD Store of New Tampa has calming blue-grey walls, greenery throughout the store, comfortable seating and an expansive, open layout. With informational displays and posters, exceptional customer support, and product knowledge, the husband-and-wife team of David Calcador and Debra Curler make you feel immediately at home.

David & Debra opened their Your CBD Store franchise location in November 2019 and it has thrived through the pandemic, thanks to the dedication of these two New Tampa residents. “When customers come in, we ask them what they know about CBD,” Debra says. “Some are well-educated and we walk the others through the store and introduce and educate them about our product line. We find out what their problems are health-wise. Are they in pain? Are they having problems sleeping? Do they need energy? We need to know what is happening in their bodies to help direct them to the proper products.”

Your CBD Store is a holistic boutique providing USDA organic and carcinogen-free oral and topical SunMed CBD products for customers and their pets. At Debra and David’s store, CBD comes in both flavored and flavorless tinctures, oils, pills, gummies, weight-loss products, as well as a skincare line, bath bombs, lotions, massage oils, pain creams and products for dogs and cats.

Unlike marijuana, Your CBD Store offers broad-spectrum CBD products that have zero THC, as well as full-spectrum products with the 0.3 legal limit of THC that contain all cannabinoids (CBD and THC), terpenes, or flavonoids.

With anti-inflammatory and other health effects, flavonoids are plant compounds that

give plants their colors and flavors. Flavonoids work with cannabinoids and terpenes, which are naturally occurring compounds in cannabis that shape aroma, taste, colors and therapeutic benefits, to produce the “entourage effect” enhancing their impact. “CBD needs to have terpenes and flavonoids,” David says. “They bond to receptors in your body. Without those, you won’t have the full benefit of CBD.”

doctors who send patients to us because they know the quality is there.”

What’s New?

Debra and David are enthusiastic about their store’s newest products, some of which have been enhanced with more CBD, like their SunMed topical

cream, which is now available in 4,000-milligram strength, while others are brand new.

also available in gummy form. People love it. I have a lady who comes in weekly and buys two jars. It helps with aches and pains throughout the body.”

Your CBD Store New Tampa also sells libido gummies for intimacy for men and women, as well as both “Above” (with Delta 8 THC) and “Beyond” (with Delta 9 THC) by SunMed, both of which are all-natural (non-synthetic). New Delta 9 options include Xite candies and popcorn.

Also new are THC-infused Nowadays Adult Beverages, which Debra says is non-alcoholic, “but gives you a mellow feeling.”

As some prescriptions can conflict with CBD, Debra and David suggest that if you are taking medications, you should speak with your physician before starting any CBD regimen.

Debra and David says that love educating their customers and clear up misinformation about CBD. Their CBD products won’t get you high, aren’t illegal, won’t make you impaired and you don’t need a Medical Cannabis card to purchase them.

Instead, their products help with anxiety, sleep issues, chronic pain and more.

“Our products are all-natural, organic, and non-addictive, Debra says. “You can buy CBD anywhere — a smoke shop or gas station, even on Amazon — but you don’t want to do that because anything you are putting on your body or in your body, you want to make sure it is good quality. You risk getting a synthetic, damaging product that can harm your health.

David adds, “We’re third-party tested. We have QR codes on everything we sell; you can bring up each product’s lab report. We have referring

“Our topical cream is amazing for isolated pain,” Debra says. “I had a knee replacement years ago, and I had not been able to walk long distances. The product came out in December, and my husband and I were going Christmas shopping, and I could walk the entire mall. It’s been selling off the shelves left and right. We’ve always had 1,000- and 2,000-milligram strengths since we opened, but the 4,000 milligrams is amazing.”

Debra also recommends Neuro, a water-soluble CBD, for pain management. While the store’s original daily oil tincture takes time to work, based on your metabolism and weight, the as-needed, water-soluble Neuro CBD effects are felt more quickly.

“You take the dropper of Neuro and put it in a Dixie cup size of water and drink it,” she says. “It goes into your body within 10 minutes, comes in 900-, 1,800-, 2700- and 5400-mg strengths, and is

For pet parents, beyond their regular CBD pet treats, chews and tinctures for health and anxiety, Debra recommends another new product — Broad Spectrum Allergy Aid CBD Pet Chews, which have only been in the store for about a month, to help with “hot spots” and seasonal skin allergies.

Debra and David are proud of their store’s Google reviews, which average a 4.9 stars out of 5, based on 170 reviews. “If you look at our reviews,” Debra says, “you’ll see people love the products and that they’re changing lives.”

Your CBD Store of New Tampa (19651 BBD Blvd. Suite B-1) is open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and 1 p.m.– 5 p.m. on Sun. Ages 55 or older can save 20% off their purchases. The store also has a bonus system whereby customers accrue points for discounts and free products. Free local delivery/free shipping are available for orders of $100+. For more info, call (813) 9940599 or visit

Your CBD Store of New Tampa in the Pebble Creek Collection now carries full-spectrum water soluble Neuro by SunMed pain management tinctures & gummies.

Excellence In Eye Care Inside Costco, Can Save Your Eyesight Or Even Your Life!

When you think of Costco, you think of saving money. When you think of Excellence in eye Care inside the Costco store, you should also be thinking of saving – saving your eyesight that is!!

Located inside the Costco in Lutz, Florida, Dr. David Scamard, O.D. has been helping patients for over 30 years. Since joining the Costco location in 2017, Dr. Scamard, a native Floridian, has continued his mission of providing high-quality eye care. He earned his Doctor of Optometry degree from Nova Southeastern College of Optometry in Ft. Lauderdale in 1999. Initially drawn to the medical field, his time working in an optometry office solidified his passion for optometry. “I knew this was my calling,” he shares, and his dedication has only grown over the years.

Dr. Scamard is joined by his associate, Dr. Carson Woolwine, who also graduated from Nova Southeastern College of Optometry and received his degree in 2016.

Together, these doctors handle everything from basic eye exams and treating conditions like pink eye to fitting patients for glasses and contact lenses. But, occasionally, their work goes beyond routine care.

A Life-Saving Testimonial

Rocio had recently moved to Wesley Chapel and needed a routine eye exam after not having one for two years. She booked an appointment with Dr. Scamard at Excellence in Eye Care. What seemed like a straightforward visit quickly became much more.

After completing Rocio’s exam, Dr. Scamard informed her that she needed to see a specialist immedi ately. He provided her with contact information and urged her to make an appointment as soon as possible. Rocio followed through, but the ear liest appointment she could secure was a month away. The very next day to Rocio’s surprise, she received a follow-up call from Dr. Scamard’s office, asking if she had made the appointment. She explained that she was scheduled for the following month. However, the office urged her to call back and request the first available slot.

“I did, and they got me in two weeks earlier,” Rocio recalls. She updated Dr. Scamard’s office, but then something unexpected happened. Dr. Scamard personally got on the phone. “He told

techs Francesca Alata and Evangelina Rivero of Excellence in Eye Care,

Premium Outlets combine outstanding customer service and the latest

mentioned that she had to work, to which Dr. Scamard responded, “Give me your work number, and I’ll explain the situation to them.”

“I couldn’t believe a doctor would do that,” Rocio explains. She went to the appointment, where doctors quickly sent her to the hospital. “I was diagnosed with meningitis. One of the nurses told me that if I hadn’t come in when I did, I would have died.”

Rocio credits Dr. Scamard’s insistence with saving her life. Reflecting on the experience, she remembers that her father had passed away when she was a teenager, and at the time of her illness, her daughter was the same age she had been.

“This could have been history repeating itself,” she says. “But thanks to Dr. Scamard, I’m here, enjoying my family, and they’re enjoying me.”

And, while Dr. Scamard may not have Neighborhood News editor Gary Nager’s life, he certainly helped save his eyesight. When Gary told Dr. Scamard that he was seeing spots before his eyes, Dr. Scamard ran a few tests and recognized that, in Gary’s case, those spots were a sign that Gary had a detached retina, so he immediately called retinal specialist and surgeon Dr. Alfred White at Retina Vitreous Associates in Wesley Chapel and got Dr. White to see Gary the same day. Dr. White performed retinal reattachment surgery on Gary’s left eye the next day.

“If left untreated, a detached retina can lead to blindness in the affected eye,” Dr. Scamard says. “It needs to be taken care of quickly.”

Dr. Scamard also says that when Gary told the story in this publication of how Dr. Scamard diagnosed — and then made sure Gary was seen as quickly as possible by Dr. White — a lot of people started coming in to Excellence in Eye Care to have the spots in their eyes checked.

“A number of things — even just not drinking enough water — can cause some people to see spots,” Dr. Dave says. “It’s not always a detached retina, but it is something you want to have checked as quickly as possible.”

About Costco Membership

Making an appointment at Excellence in Eye Care is simple. If you don’t have a Costco membership, just inform the greeter at the entrance that you have an eye appointment, and they’ll let you through. Dr. Scamard works directly with the Costco optical department, which can provide glasses or contact lenses based on your prescription.

In addition to Dr. Scamard and Dr. Woolwine, the office staff includes Evangelina, Savannah, Alex, and Francesca, all dedicated to providing a smooth and pleasant experience. See “Excellence in Eye Care” on pg. 42

located inside the Costco next to the Tampa
technology. (Photos by Charmaine George)

‘Excellence in Eye Care’

Embracing Technology

“Many of my patients come in for a quick exam,” says Dr. Scamard, “and when they’re told they need their eyes dilated, they often say they don’t have the time and will do it next time.” Dilating the eyes allows optometrists to get a clearer view of the back of the eye, which is crucial for detecting conditions such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration. In Rocio’s case, significant inflammation at the back of her eye was detected during this process.

Dr. Scamard notes that he has even seen cases of diabetic retinopathy in patients who didn’t

tor, a machine that helps determine the correct lens type needed. “The information from the re fractor is sent to a phoropter, which pre-populates the prescription numbers,” Dr. Scamard explains. The phoropter is the device used when you’re asked, “One or two? Two or three?” during an eye exam, helping to fine-tune the lens prescription.

For patients who can’t spare the time for dilation, Excellence in Eye Care offers a modern solution: the Optos machine. Optos retinal pho tography captures a detailed image of the inside of the eye without the need for dilation. “It allows us to show patients exactly what we see,” Dr. Scamard says. “We charge a minimal fee for this test, and it’s worth it for many patients who are short on time.”

When it comes to children, Dr. Scamard encourages parents to pay attention to early signs of vision issues. However, he recommends that all children get an eye exam early, even if no problems

To support this, both Dr. Scamard and Dr. Woolwine participate in the InfantSEE program, a public health initiative started by former President Jimmy Carter. Managed by the American Optometric Association (AOA), the program offers no-cost comprehensive eye assessments for infants aged 6 to 12 months, regardless of a family’s income or insurance status. This ensures that vision care becomes a vital part of

A Clear Vision For The Future

At Excellence in Eye Care, Dr. Scamard and his team are

Dr. Scamard uses a lot of technology to diagnose eye problems and find the right prescription for you. committed to more than just helping patients see clearly—they’re dedicated to their patients’ overall well-being. Whether it’s using cutting-edge technology to streamline care or going the extra mile to ensure someone gets life-saving treatment, the level of care you receive here is exceptional. Having compassionate, dedicated doctors like Dr. Scamard and Dr. Woolwine, conveniently located inside Costco, means access to high-quality, personalized care that truly makes a difference.

So, next time you’re at Costco for those unbeatable savings, remember that one of the greatest deals inside might just be on your health—because at Excellence in Eye Care, they’re not just saving

your eyesight, they could be saving your life.

Excellence in Eye Care doesn’t accept insurance, but will provide an itemized receipt to submit for reimbursement with vision insurance companies. Costco Optical does accept insurance for glasses, contact lenses and other eyewear products.

Excellence In Eye Care is located inside Costco at 2225 Grand Cypress Dr. in Lutz. The office is open Mon., Wed. & Fri., 10 a.m.–5 p.m.; 1 p.m.–7 p.m. on Tues. & Thur.; & 10 a.m.–2 p.m. on Sat. For more info, see the ad on pg. 3, call (813) 279-7038, or visit





•Sedation dentistry (nitrous oxide) and Sedation

•Invisalign First for children & Invisalign Teen

•Digital 3D scans, ITERO (no goop) and digital X-rays

•Laser dentistry (release of tongue tie for infants, children and teens)

•Relaxed environment, so your children can enjoy their visit

Only A Few Days Left To Win FREE Dining In Our 2024 Reader Dining Survey & Contest!

You still have a chance to win FREE dining in this year’s Reader Dining Survey & Contest, but as you’re reading this, there’s only a little more than four weeks left to vote for your favorite eateries in Wesley Chapel & New Tampa!

Here are this year’s categories again!

1) Your Five Favorite (overall) Restaurants in New Tampa (NT)

2) Your Favorite American Restaurant in New Tampa

3) Your Favorite Pizza Place in NT

9) Your Favorite Breakfast Place in NT/WC

9) Your Favorite Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt or Gelato Place in NT/WC

10) Your Favorite Bakery in NT/WC

11) Your Favorite Coffee Shop in NT/WC

Those same three categories also appear on the Wesley Chapel ballot on pg. 41 to tell us your Favorites in Wesley Chapel (WC) only.

Both entry forms, however, also include lists of places that ask you to pick your Favorite in New Tampa AND Wesley Chapel, often (but not always) because there aren’t enough in a certain category in just one of our distribution areas. Here are those other categories:

1) You Favorite Mexican Place in NT/ WC

2) Your Favorite Latin (but not Mexican) Restaurant in NT/WC

3) Your Favorite Chinese Place in NT/WC

4) Your Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant in NT & WC

5) Your Favorite Thai or Korean Restaurant in NT/WC

6) Your Favorite Italian Food in NT/WC

7) Your Favorite Greek or Mediterranean Restaurant in NT/WC

8) Your Favorite Indian Place in NT/WC

We’re providing the lists of places, although we’ve left out the large national and regional chains (with more than 50-60 total locations), because you have to write (or type) the names of your favorites in the spaces provided and we’re pretty sure you know those if they’re your favorite in a category — and yes, you can still include them (we just wish you would focus on local). Fill out as many categories as you like, but please don’t put the same name in every category, because those votes won’t be counted and if a restaurant is on our Wesley Chapel list, your vote won’t count if you write the name of that restaurant in any New Tampa-only spaces and vice-versa.

You can submit both New Tampa & Wesley Chapel ballots without being DQed — and, as always, there is still no purchase of any kind necessary to enter or win a great FREE prize!

This year’s Grand Prize is now $200 in FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice anywhere in the Tampa Bay area. There also are prizes of $100 and $50, all chosen at random from among all correctly-filled-out entries received by email or on our website (Note-no U.S. Mail entries will be accepted for this year’s contest!) by Friday, October 18 Good luck! — GN


My Five Favorite (Overall) Restaurants in NT (Only):


American Restaurants (NT Only)

Bayscape Bistro

Burger 21

Cali Tampa Palms

EggTown Breakfast & Lunch

Fat Rabbit Pub

Frammi American Grille & Italian Food

Fresh Kitchen

Hungry Crab Juicy Seafood

Hunter’s Green Country Club

Mr. Dunderbak’s (German & Sandwiches)

Peabody’s Grill & Bar

Provisions Coffee & Kitchen

Stonewood Grill & Tavern

Subs & Such (Livingston Ave.)

Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club

The Bean Bar Co.

The Grill at Morris Bridge

The Wexford Irish Pub

Urban Air Trampoline & Adventure Park

Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli Co.

My Favorite American Restaurant in New Tampa Is______________

Pizza Places (NT Only)

Cali Tampa Palms

Cappy’s Pizzeria

Capri Pizza-N-More

Johnny C’s Italian Eatery

NY Pizza Express (Livingston Ave.)

Peabody’s Grill & Bar

Taste of NY Pizza

Via Italia

Westshore Pizza

My Favorite Pizza Place in New Tampa Is______________

Mexican Restaurants (NT & WC)

Azteca D’Oro

Cantina Mexican Grill

Don Julio’s

Los Vallartas

Señor Tequila

Taco Bus

Taco Son

Tacos el Patron

My Favorite Mexican Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________

Latin (but not Mexican)

Restaurants (NT & WC)

Arepa Mia

Chamo Bites

Cross Creek Gourmet

Don Pan International Bakery

Hummingbird Jamaican Cuisine

La Creacion Xpress

Las Palmas Latin Grille

Latin Twist Café

Lima Peruvian Cuisine

Macondo Coffee Roasters

Mojo Grill

Mpanitas Restaurant

Pisco Express

Rhythm Pon de Grille (Jamaican)

Rice N Beans Express

Rice N Beans Puerto Rico

My Favorite Latin (but not Mexican)

Restaurant in NT/WC is_______________



(NT & WC)

Asian Buffet

China City

China Gourmet

China One

China Wok

Gonna China

Ho King

Hot Wok 88

Ho Wok

Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine

New China King

Rain Bistro

Shang Hai

My Favorite Chinese Restaurant in NT or WC Is_____________________

Japanese/Sushi Places (NT/WC)

Asian Buffet

Ato Sushi

Bluefin Sushi

Bonsai Sushi

Crazy Sushi

FJ Express

Ginza Endless Hibachi & Sushi

Ha Long Bay

Hibachi Express

Kobe Japanese Steakhouse

Koizi Endless Hibachi & Sushi Eatery

Michi Ramen

Poké Island Plus

Poké Lulu

Sushi Avenue

Sushi Café

Sushi Haru (Lotte Plaza Market)

Sushi Raw

Tasty Ramen

Thai Lanna & Sushi

Token Ramen & Tea

Tokyo Grill & Sushi

Umu Japanese & Thai

Yamato Japanese Steak House

Zukku-San Sushi Bar & Grill

My Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________

Thai/Korean Places

(NT & WC)

Arroy Thai

bb.q chicken (Lotte Plaza Market)

MyungGa Gyo-dong (Lotte Plaza Market)

Ha Long Bay

Jaws Topokki (Lotte Plaza Market)

Palm Thai

SGD Dubo (Lotte Plaza Market)

Thai Lanna

Thai Ruby

My Favorite Thai/Korean Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________

Italian Restaurants (NT & WC)

365 Caffé Italiano

900º New York Pizza

900º Woodfired Pizza

Amici Pizza

Best NY Pizza

Blush Wine Room

Bosco’s Italian-to-Go

Cali Tampa Palms

Caprese Pizza House

El Pasta & More

Falabella Family Bistro

Frammi American Grille & Italian Food

Fratelli’s Pizza & Café

Johnny C’s Italian Eatery

Mama B’s Pizzeria

Moschella’s Italian Eatery & Market

New York New York Pizza

Pasta di Guy


Taste of NY Pizza

Via Italia

Westshore Pizza

My Favorite Italian Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________

Greek/Mediterranean Restaurants (NT & WC)

Acropolis Greek Taverna

Al-Sham Palace

Cafe Zorba

El Prince Mediterranean

Fire Up Halal Grill

Garden Mediterranean Grill

Kabob Café & Grill

Little Greek Fresh Grill

The Hungry Greek

My Favorite Greek/Mediterranean Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________

Indian Restaurants (NT & WC)

Bang-Bang! Bowls

Blush Wine Room

Dosa Hut

Gorkhali Kitchen (Nepalese)

Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café

Indian Street Kitchen

Minerva Indian Restaurant

Namaste Express

Nawabi Hyderabad House

Persis Indian Grill

Saffron Indian Cuisine

Taaza Mart Café

My Favorite Indian Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________________

Breakfast Places (NT & WC)

365 Caffé Italiano

Bayscape Bistro

Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.


EggTown Breakfast & Lunch

Happy Hangar Café

Keke’s Breakfast Café

Macondo Coffee Roasters

Provisions Coffee & Kitchen

The Bean Bar Co.

Tropics (Saddlebrook)

Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli

My Favorite Breakfast Place in NT or WC Is_________________

Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/Gelato

Shops (NT & WC)

35 Below Ice Cream

Astro Ice Cream

Bianco Gelato

Hello Sweetness

Ice Dreammm Shop

Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café

Ice SSScreamin

Le Macaron French Pastries

Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt

Paleta Mia

SubZero Nitrogen Ice Cream

Twistee Treat

You Do The Dishes

My Favorite Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/ Gelato Shop in NT or WC Is_____________

Bakeries (NT & WC)

Bakery X

Beirut Bakery & Meat Market

Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.

Ice Dreammm Shop

Le Macaron French Pastries

Mediterranean Market

Mochinut Donuts

Nothing Bundt Cakes

The Cake Shop

Urban Sweets

Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli

My Favorite Bakery in NT or WC Is_____________

Coffee Shops (NT & WC)

Bad Ass Coffee

Coffee Latitudes Café

Le Macaron French Pastries

Macondo Coffee Roasters

Provisions Coffee & Kitchen

Raining Berries

Sorbo Coffee

The Bean Bar Co.

You Do The Dishes

My Favorite Coffee Shop in NT or WC Is_____________

Our 2024 Neighborhood News Dining Survey & Contest!

To enter to win up to $200 in FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice, please fill out as many of the spaces on this page as you like — plus all of the information requested on the entry form below — and email a picture of the entire form to us at, with “Dining Contest” in the subject line of the email by Friday, October 18. Or, enter at No purchase necessary to enter or win, but please see our website for all of the official rules.

Your First & Last Name________________________________________________

Community You Live In (Cross Creek, Tampa Palms, etc.)

Your Daytime Phone Number___________________________________________

Your Valid Email Address_______________________________________________

WhenYouSpend $50orMore!

Foodportiononly; drinks&taxnotincluded. Musthaveormentioncoupon. Onecouponpertableonly. Cannotbecombinedwithotheroffers. EXPIRES2/10/2022

refreshing combination of Red Wine, Brandy, fruit juices
a hint of Sweet & Sour.
D’Oro Rita
Our D’Oro Margarita with Monte Alban Reposado Tequila finished off with Gran Gala liqueur. Flavors: Strawberry, Mango, Raspberry & Passion Fruit.


My Five Favorite (Overall) Restaurants in WC (Only):

American Restaurants (WC Only)

Bacon Boss HQ

Bagelicious & More

Bahama Breeze

Bebo’s Cheesesteaks

Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.


Bubba’s 33

Burger Monger

Chick’n Fun

Chuck Lager America’s Tavern

Dempsey’s Too (Saddlebrook)

Dummy Crabby

EggTown Breakfast & Lunch

Flipn’ Fries

Florida Ave. Brewing Co.

Ford’s Garage

Garden Grille (Hilton Garden Inn)

Glory Days Grill

Green Market Café


Grove Mini-Golf

Mac’s Custom Meats & Deli

Main Event

Marquee Suites (B&B Theatres)

Noble Crust

O’Brien’s Irish Pub

Omari’s Bar & Grill (Lexington Oaks GC)

Palani’s Hawai’i Noodles

Pinchers Crab Shack


Retro Dogs

Rock & Brews


Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar

Skybox Rooftop Bar (Residence Inn)

The Living Room

The Placery (Hyatt Place Hotel)

Top Shelf Sports Grille (AH Center Ice)

TrebleMakers Dueling Piano Bar

Tropics (Saddlebrook)

Winghouse Bar & Grill

My Favorite American Restaurant in Wesley Chapel Is______________

Pizza Places (WC Only)

900º New York Pizza

900º Woodfired Pizza

Amici Pizza

Best NY Pizza

Blush Wine Room (flatbreads)

Bosco’s Italian-to-Go

Caprese Pizza House

Fratelli’s Pizza & Café

Mama B’s Pizzeria

Moschella’s Italian Eatery & Market

New York New York Pizza

Pasta di Guy (flatbreads)


My Favorite Pizza Place in Wesley Chapel Is______________

Mexican Restaurants (NT & WC)

Azteca D’Oro

Cantina Mexican Grill

Don Julio’s

Los Vallartas

Señor Tequila

Taco Bus

Taco Son

Tacos el Patron

My Favorite Mexican Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________

Latin (but not Mexican)

Restaurants (NT & WC)

Arepa Mia

Chamo Bites

Cross Creek Gourmet

Don Pan International Bakery

Hummingbird Jamaican Cuisine

La Creacion Xpress

Las Palmas Latin Grille

Latin Twist Café

Lima Peruvian Cuisine

Macondo Coffee Roasters

Mojo Grill

Mpanitas Restaurant

Pisco Express

Rhythm Pon de Grille (Jamaican)

Rice N Beans Express

Rice N Beans Puerto Rico

My Favorite Latin (but not Mexican)

Restaurant in NT/WC is_______________

Chinese Restaurants (NT & WC)

Asian Buffet

China City China Gourmet

China One

China Wok

Gonna China

Ho King

Hot Wok 88

Ho Wok

Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine

New China King

Rain Bistro

Shang Hai

My Favorite Chinese Restaurant in NT or WC Is_____________________

Japanese/Sushi Places (NT/WC)

Asian Buffet

Ato Sushi

Bluefin Sushi

Bonsai Sushi

Crazy Sushi

FJ Express

Ginza Endless Hibachi & Sushi

Ha Long Bay

Hibachi Express

Kobe Japanese Steakhouse

Koizi Endless Hibachi & Sushi Eatery

Michi Ramen

Poké Island Plus

Poké Lulu

Sushi Avenue

Sushi Café

Sushi Haru (Lotte Plaza Market)

Sushi Raw

Tasty Ramen

Thai Lanna

Token Ramen & Tea

Tokyo Grill & Sushi

Umu Japanese & Thai

Yamato Japanese Steak House

Zukku-San Sushi Bar & Grill

My Favorite Japanese/Sushi Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________

Thai/Korean Places (NT & WC)

Arroy Thai

bb.q chicken (Lotte Plaza Market)

MyungGa Gyo-dong (Lotte Plaza Market)

Ha Long Bay

Jaws Topokki (Lotte Plaza Market)

Palm Thai

SGD Dubo (Lotte Plaza Market)

Thai Lanna

Thai Ruby

My Favorite Thai/Korean Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________

Italian Restaurants (NT & WC)

365 Caffé Italiano

900º New York Pizza

900º Woodfired Pizza

Amici Pizza

Best NY Pizza

Blush Wine Room

Bosco’s Italian-to-Go

Cali Tampa Palms

Caprese Pizza House

El Pasta & More

Falabella Family Bistro

Frammi American Grille & Italian Food

Fratelli’s Pizza & Café

Johnny C’s Italian Eatery

Mama B’s Pizzeria

Moschella’s Italian Eatery & Market

New York New York Pizza

Pasta di Guy


Taste of NY Pizza

Via Italia

Westshore Pizza

My Favorite Italian Restaurant in NT or WC Is_________________

Greek/Mediterranean Restaurants (NT & WC)

Acropolis Greek Taverna

Al-Sham Palace

Cafe Zorba

El Prince Mediterranean

Fire Up Halal Grill

Garden Mediterranean Grill

Kabob Café & Grill

Little Greek Fresh Grill

The Hungry Greek

My Favorite Greek/Mediterranean Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________

Indian Restaurants (NT & WC)

Bang-Bang! Bowls

Blush Wine Room

Dosa Hut

Gorkhali Kitchen (Nepalese)

Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café

Indian Street Kitchen

Minerva Indian Restaurant

Namaste Express

Nawabi Hyderabad House

Persis Indian Grill

Saffron Indian Cuisine

Taaza Mart Café

My Favorite Indian Restaurant in NT or WC Is______________________

Breakfast Places (NT & WC)

365 Caffé Italiano

Bayscape Bistro

Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.


EggTown Breakfast & Lunch

Happy Hangar Café

Keke’s Breakfast Café

Macondo Coffee Roasters

Provisions Coffee & Kitchen

The Bean Bar Co.

Tropics (Saddlebrook)

Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli

My Favorite Breakfast Place in NT or WC Is_________________

Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/Gelato Shops (NT & WC)

35 Below Ice Cream

Astro Ice Cream

Bianco Gelato

Hello Sweetness

Ice Dreammm Shop

Ice Spice Indian Street Food Café

Ice SSScreamin

Le Macaron French Pastries

Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt

Paleta Mia

SubZero Nitrogen Ice Cream

Twistee Treat

You Do The Dishes

My Favorite Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/ Gelato Shop in NT or WC Is_____________

Bakeries (NT & WC)

Bakery X

Beirut Bakery & Meat Market

Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.

Ice Dreammm Shop

Le Macaron French Pastries

Mediterranean Market

Mochinut Donuts

Nothing Bundt Cakes

The Cake Shop

Urban Sweets

Zio’s NY Bagel & Deli

My Favorite Bakery in NT or WC Is_____________

Coffee Shops (NT & WC)

Bad Ass Coffee

Coffee Latitudes

Le Macaron French Pastries

Macondo Coffee Roasters

Provisions Coffee & Kitchen

Raining Berries

Sorbo Coffee

The Bean Bar Co.

You Do The Dishes

My Favorite Coffee Shop in NT or WC Is_____________

enter to win up to $200 in FREE dining to the restaurant of your choice, please fill out as many of the spaces on this page as you like — plus all of the information requested on the entry form below — and email a picture of the entire form to us at, with “Dining Contest” in the subject line of the email by Friday, October 18. Or, enter at No purchase necessary to enter or win, but please see our website for all of the official rules.


New Tampa Mochinut To Be Replaced By Box Of Cubans!

As much as most of our readers say they want them, it’s just never easy to be successful with unique concept restaurants in our distribution areas — there is always just too much competition from other chain restaurants — so you need all of the little factors to come together to “make it,” including location, quality, demand for the product, management and more.

That’s why it wasn’t much of a shock to me that the Mochinut “More Than Just A Donut” lo

had closed, even though the Mochinut locations in Citrus Park, Temple Terrace and on the north S.R. 56 (near Mellow Mushroom were staying open.

Whether or not Mochi nut’s light-and-airy Koreanstyle donuts were a hard sell for folks raised on Dunkin’ the location of the New Tampa Mochinut (the second eatery to fail there; was the first) is extremely difficult to find and get to for a lot of people, even though it is visible from BBD.

Enter: Box Of Cubans!

I happened to stop by the already-closed Mochinut location to take the exterior photo to your left when I was able to see two people sitting inside the vacant eatery. They were Marcos and his wife Onelia (“Oni”) Silverio — the owners of the restaurant in Riverview, who were waiting for contractors to come in to help them get the former Mochinut location ready to become their second fast-casual Cuban eatery.

Pork Sandwich with lechon, Swiss, sautéed onions and pickled jalapenos, the Pan Con Bistec (grilled palomilla steak marinated in mojo with Swiss, sauteed onions, fresh lettuce, tomatoes, crispy potato sticks, house cilantro sauce and mayo) sandwich or the ham croquette sandwich.

“Our Riverview location was named the Best Restaurant to Eat At in Tampa Bay by Yelp for 2023,” Marcos told me. “We’re famous for our authentic Cuban sandwiches and empanadas.”

Marcos and Oni said that in addition to those popular Cubans and empanadas, Box of Cubans also receives high marks for its outstanding breakfast items — including Cuban-style French toast (also

The empanadas come with a variety of fillings, from traditional chicken or beef and cheese to bacon, ham or sausage, egg & cheese, Empanada Cuban and even cheeseburger and lasagna options and more.

There also are black or red bean & rice Cuban bowls with one of four house proteins (Lechon, Palomilla Steak, Chicken, or Picadillo), served with three pieces of Cuban bread garlic toast made and three sweet plantains.


even cheesecake and key lime pie. “We’re also famous for our specialty Cuban coffee drinks,” Marcos says, including café con leche and cold brew ice coffee.

He says Box of Cubans also has a cool story to tell. Marcos, who is Cuban and a lifelong Tampa native, and Oni both left other jobs to open the original Box of Cubans together in a BP gas station in Brandon in 2017. They were able to stay open


sential” business. Their son “MJ” (Marcos, Jr.) joined the team as COO and GM in Jan. 2023 and were looking to open a second location when the Mochinut spot became available. “We hope to be open by the end of October or the first week of November,” Marcos says. “We know the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area will love our food! For more info, visit

Sweet Krunch, Shake Shack, Chicken Guy & 3 Natives

Whether you already love crunchy Koreanstyle fried chicken or you’ve never tried it, you owe it to yourself to visit the new Sweet Krunch Korean Fried Chicken & Boba Tea, which is now open in the former location of FJ Express in the Shoppes at New Tampa at 1832 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. (just south of S.R. 56).

On my first visit, I sampled the peach boba tea with strawberry jellies, the Korean-style fried chicken (I ordered it with the sweet Thai chili sauce on the side to get the full crispness of the chicken — wow!), the also-crisp pork potstickers with savory soy garlic sauce and the tender beef teriyaki (atop a nest of fresh veggies and served with a generous serving of fried rice) at this fourth Florida Sweet Krunch location. I have to say I’m impressed so far and can’t wait to try more! Sweet Krunch is open every day for lunch and dinner. For more information, visit SweetKrunchWesleyChapel.



Planning A Holiday Or Other Party?

Shake Shack & Chicken Guy Updates!

As most of you are probably already aware, two long-awaited fast-casual eateries are getting ready to open in our area, as both Shake Shack and Guy! have been under construction for some time on the north side of S.R. 56, across from the Tampa Premium Outlets.

Well, while the new Chicken Guy! building is in the final stages of construction and is expected to open perhaps as soon as the time our November New Tampa issue reaches your mailbox, Shake Shack finally has some signage up on the former Wendy’s location, although we had no further information about either restaurant’s expected opening dates.

3 Natives Opens At The Shops At Wiregrass!

After sampling two of his tasty sandwiches on my first visit, I’m hopeful that franchise owner/op erator Rick Orosco can succeed with his 3 Natives franchise in a location in The Shops at Wiregrass where multiple other similar concepts have failed Fabletics and Zales Jewelers), at 28211 Dr. 3 Natives, started in 2013 by three Florida natives in Tequesta (on the east coast of South Florida, near Jupiter Inlet), although only Tequesta local Anthony Bambino is credited as the founder on

Let the North Tampa area’s most upscale new restaurant do the cooking for you!

From sushi to Italian specialties, steak, fresh seafood, pasta, craft cocktails & more, Birkin’s Steakhouse & Sushi Bar is the place to host your next big event! 16411 N. Florida Ave., Lutz (in the former LA Hangout location), FL 33549 (813)374-8002 • •

According to the website, Bambino traveled throughout Southern California as a salesperson and “saw little juice bars all over the place. He wanted to bring that type of healthy and quick food (and beverages) to South Florida to see if it would work.”

The website also notes that, “What started out as a 900-sq.-ft. juice bar has quickly grown into 26+

the simple 3 Natives menu — featuring fresh juices and smoothies, açai bowls, sandwiches and salads has already been “very well received” by his growing list of customers in just a few weeks of being open. Rick loves giving away samples of those juices — “Lean n’ Green,” “The Beet” and “Easy Greens”(right photo below) — to any and all newcomers, “because we press and bottle them right here in the store.” I’ve never been a veggie-based juice guy, but I did enjoy the sweetest of the three options (Lean n’ Green) after sampling all of them. I’ve yet to try the smoothies, salads or açai bowls, but I will say that I enjoyed both the tuna melt on tasty multigrain bread and especially, the hot, pressed Hercules wrap (with chicken breast, spinach, purple cabbage, pico de gallo, croutons, parmesan & Caesar dressing) shown below left — very yummy and obviously super fresh, too. For more info, visit, call (813) 838-6491 or stop in and tell Rick I sent you! — GN

There is finally some signage up at
long-awaited Shake Shack on the north side of S.R. 56, in the former Wendy’s location. (Right) The progress on Chicken Guy! (in front of the Floor & Decor store) since our last issue.

The Cheesecake Factory Submits Plans To Open At

The Tampa Premium Outlets!

Congratulations to the amazing Pasco County Development & Growth Updates (PCDGU) Facebook page for another scoop that has many people in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel excited — the announcement that plans for a new Cheesecake Factory restaurant have been submitted to Pasco County (right).

According to the initial site plan, the nearly 8,000-sq.-ft. restaurant is expected to have 201 seats inside and room for an additional 78 seats outside at the Tampa Premium Outlets on the south side of S.R. 56.

The excitement of the announcement that Cheesecake Factory could be coming to our area has been tempered somewhat by the fact that the new restaurant is planned to go on what has previously been part of the alreadylimited parking on the west side of the mall off Grand Cypress Dr. — basically where the often-stressed valet parking station has been located (see map, also provided by PCDGU, above).

Some of the nearly 700 comments (at our press time) on the PCDGU post also lamented about yet another chain coming to the area around the outlet mall (and the Wesley Chapel area in general), while others said that if this popular chain, with nearly 350 locations in the U.S. and Canada (and 34 more licensed internationally), has to come to our area that the currently-vacant potential restaurant sites around the new Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurant east of the Shops at Wiregrass mall on the north side of S.R. 56 would be a better — and less overcrowded — fit.

Of course, this is just a pre-application

submission and definitely subject to many potential changes. In fact, Kelly Gilroy, the PCDGU admin, told the Neighborhood News that she assumes, “The county will allow the Outlets to alter the minimum parking standards first,” which would be necessary for the restaurant to be able to proceed in this location.

Among the chain restaurants already on the south side of 56 near the mall are Chedddar’s, BJ’s Brewhouse, McDonald’s, Longhorn Steakhouse, Rock & Brews, Main Event, Culver’s, Starbucks, MOD Pizza, Panda Express, Zaxby’s, Shuckin’ Shack, Chick-fil-A, Miller’s Ale House and the under construction Raising Cane’s and Rodizio Grill. — GN

A Tasty Visit To The New Steak N Shake

Although New Tampa’s Steak N Shake was one of the first fast food restaurants to open in zip code 33647, the long-awaited Wesley Chapel Steak N Shake — located at 5542 Post Oak Blvd., off Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54) — is finally open following an official ribbon-cutting event on Oct. 7.

Owner Todd Webb and general manager Jason Good and their happy crew are now wel coming the community to Wesley Chapel’s firstever Steak N Shake and to enjoy those famous “Steakburgers” and hand-spun milkshakes and more in the location’s all-new design, which is a much more modern look than what we have in New Tampa. The old soda fountain/diner-style bar stools are gone and in their place is a more convenient kiosk ordering and pick-up system. But yes, there is a still a drive-through window for customers who are on the go.

The Neighborhood News was on hand for the new Steak N Shake’s VIP “Friends & Family” event on Oct. 5 and were planning to be there for the ribbon-cutting ceremony (which was the day after we went to press with this issue), but one thing is for certain — long-time fans of this 90-year-old chain with more than 450 locations in the U.S. and Europe will not be disappointed. Todd also promises the new Steak N Shake will host some great family events and will feature some cross-promotions with his The Palms Car Wash next door.

For more information and a 20% bonus when you buy a Steak N Shake gift card at the new location, see the ad below. — GN

(Clockwise from top left). Of course, the new Wesley Chapel Steak N Shake sells those famous bacon & cheese double steakburgers with fries, hand-spun vanilla & strawberry shakes (with or without mix-ins) and Frisco Melts with classic onion rings.


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SHARPENING SERVICE. Knives, Scissors & Garden Tools. Prices/Services & Calendar of venues available @ Every Fri, 9am-4pm, Oct 4, 2024 - March 28, 2025. In front of: CROSS CREEK MOBIL MART (10865 Cross Creek Blvd, Tampa). Contact - M&M SHARPENING - Mark Bertsche518-260-5916.

CNA/HHA & Companion. Will provide private care in your home. 25+ years of exp. References available upon request. Call Rhonda at 850-586-1868.

Prof’l Resume Guru & Consulting Services LLC. Ready to unlock your full career potential? At PRG, we specialize in resumes, cover letters, residency statements, editing & much more! Transform your documents into a powerful tool that gets you noticed! Contact us today @ 813-405-5065 or email

Equip yourself with the skills to stay safe! Register for 2A Rated Training for self-defense training classes. Our NRA Certified Instructors provide training to help you gain confidence & proficiency to protect yourself & loved ones responsibly. Don’t compromise your safety. Visit our website & register at Train with us. Empower yourself. Email:

RAYSPHOTOGRAPHS LLC! Do you have a special occasion/moment you’d like to capture? Specializing in weddings, engagements, portraits, headshots & events, let me capture the moments that matter most to you! Visit for samples. Call/text (813) 380-2655 or email Mention this ad & receive 20% off! 360 BOOKKEEPING LLC - We focus on your Bookkeeping so you can focus on your Business. Est’d business? We’ll clean up your books to get you back on track. New Business? We can set up your chart of accounts to get you organized & efficient. Call now & get peace of mind—plus 20% off set-up fees— (813) 336-1363.

Hughes School of Music accepting new students! Study Saxophone, Piano, Music Production, Composition or Theory w/a Master of Music. Zoom sessions also avail.! Contact us at 813-748-3216.



FOR SALE: Brand New, Complete Boy Scout Uniforms for Sale. Boys clothes size 10-14, shoes, plus new roller skates & ice skates. Dishes & many household articles. A 10x30 shed full of flea market items, will sell all very reasonable. Cartop carrier, professional bicycles, kayak, doggie furniture, crates feeder & much more. Call 607-280-7238.


___ FITZPATRICK’s TREE SERVICE, INC. 27 yrs of Prof. Svc. Licensed & Insured. Free Estimates. Tree Trimming & Tree Removal. Stump Grinding. Dead-Wood Removal. Affordable Rates. 24-Hour Emergency Storm Service. Free Mulch. Call 813495-9541 or 813-788-TREE.


ROSE’S CLEANING SERVICE. We make sure your home will be shiny & clean. Whether you need one-time, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly services, we will customize a plan that accommodates your needs. Residential/ offices/airBnB,etc. Call or text Roseli for a free estimate anytime: 813 400.4946. Or, email:rrduar@

NEXT HOME CLEANING. With over 20 years of professional house & office cleaning services available. Trustworthy, efficient, and affordable. Transform your space into a spotless sanctuary. Eco-friendly products. Satisfaction guaranteed. Book now & enjoy a pristine home! FREE ESTIMATES! Contact us today at 813860-1524 or visit our website

ANA PARRA HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES. Prof’l House Cleaning — Best prices & quality,.Licensed & Insured. Routine, Deep & Move-In/Move-Out cleaning. Serving New Tampa /Lutz/Wesley Chapel & more. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or special needs. Avail. MonSat. Refs avail. We supply our own cleaning products & equipmt. Call or text for free est: (305) 338-0981. PURE SHINE CLEANING Office & House Cleaning Services! Carpet cleaning, too! Free estimates. We use our own supplies. Affordable & Reliable. FamilyOwned & Operated. Wesley Chapel Resident. Weekly/ Bi-Weekly/1-Time Cleaning/Move-In/Move-Out & Deep-Cleaning Svcs. Serving Wesley Chapel & New Tampa. Call today for a FREE No-Obligation Quote: 813-462-1270.

MARY’S CLEANING SERVICES. We provide flexible domestic & office cleaning. “Jesus is the Lord.” Give us a call at 352-206-8809 for a free estimate or email

PATY CLEANING SERVICE. Comm’l or resid’l cleaning service. We have our own supplies & 6 years of exp. Free estimates. Call 813 790-8715 or email

CLEANSWEEP CLEANING CO, LLC. Fully licensed/ bonded, 8 years exp, satisfaction guarantd. Prof’l staff. On-time. We can bring our own products or use yours, if you prefer. Christian-based, family-owned company that lives in New Tampa, serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel. Call (813) 340-0908 for a no-obligation free quote. Ask for John.

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