By Turiya Autry Neighborhood News Correspondent
A Tampa Palms resident has accomplished an outstanding academic feat by earning perfect scores on the PSAT (1520), SAT (1600) and ACT (36) exams and is likely the first to do so in the 30+ years since the name “New Tampa” was first coined.
Strawberry Crest High junior Adwaith Praveen has joined an elite group of test takers who achieved all three of these perfect scores. Adwaith says he chose Strawberry Crest, located in Dover (near I-4), for its International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme and his family knows that these perfect test scores are just one measure of Adwaith’s academic acumen.
While standardized entrance exams have changed and evolved over time, their difficulty is widely recognized, as they stress out millions of high school students who take them annually. The number of students who have achieved perfect scores on all three tests is hard to pinpoint since the exams only publicly share general info.
However, in a typical year, only 0.1%0.2% of ACT test-takers will receive a perfect score of 36. This means that out of the approximately 1.4 million students who
How do you support someone who just lost their child? Our editor still doesn’t know. See page 3
took the test in 2023, only 1,400 – 2,800 likely scored a 36. When it comes to the SAT, that number is even smaller.
Scoring a perfect 1600 on the SAT is something that only 0.03% to 0.05% accom-
The massive Two Rivers development will be home to a huge surf park.
See page 6
plish. Out of the 1.9 million students who took the SAT in 2023, only 570-950 would manage a perfect score. To achieve perfection on all three is even more rare, most likely in the low 100s annually nationwide.
Two New Tampa residents — Jessica Vaughn & Karen Perez — named Board’s Chair & Vice-Chair.
See page 10
For perspective, the average SAT score in Florida in 2023 was only 966 — 463 in math and 503 on the evidence-based reading and writing (ERW) section.
The readers had their say, now editor Gary Nager reveals his Favorite Restaurants of 2024. See pages 36-41
Editorial by GARY NAGER
I only remember meeting Christina Ramirez — the daughter of my friends Troy and Iris Stevenson — once, but now, I will never be able to forget her. I remember the first time Troy told me that Christina was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It seemed like it was only a few months after he told me that he also had cancer. But, while Troy was able to beat his illness, Christina tragically did not.
A few weeks ago (on Oct. 17), I saw Troy and Christina’s 11-year-old son Josh at Main Event, where the North Tampa Bay Chamber was hosting a “Compassion Station” to help those displaced by and/or in need following the two hurricanes that blasted Pasco County and most of Florida.
“Christina’s not doing well,” Troy told me. “Iris and I are now having to think about taking care of Josh for her.” (Her daughter Neveah will live with Christina’s husband Anthony.)
His words shook me to my core. As a parent, you can’t help but try not to think of dealing with the same situation with your own children because it’s unthinkable. And yet, it seems that too many parents (even one is too many, but still) are dealing with this situation every day. No matter what your religious beliefs may be, it’s still horrifying.
“I just don’t understand,” Troy said that day. “Why can’t it be me instead of her?”
I have known Troy, a fellow New Yorker, for about a decade and I’ve seen all the good he has done for the community — first at Wesley Chapel Nissan and since then with his Acme Mobile LED trucks, which even though it’s how he earns his livelihood, he has donated them to many worthy causes, whether with the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel or just for people and causes he believes in strongly.
But, in all those years and times we have spent together, I have never once seen that look of being broken inside the way I did that day. And, who could blame him? Any parent who loves their kids would feel and look the same way.
Troy says he was born again in 2006 and the theme at Christina’s Celebration of Life on Nov. 6 was definitely one of strong belief that Troy, Iris, Christina (who passed at age 43) and their family would all be reunited with the Lord someday.
But, as I’ve said whenever someone I’ve known has passed, no matter what you believe, the fact is that it won’t be this life. Will it be better for those who believe? Will Christina be healed in Heaven? I certainly hope so. But, as Jannah and I stood at Trinity Memorial Gardens with what had to be at least 200 people — from Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco and all five county commissioners, to dozens of Chamber and Rotary members, family and friends, we couldn’t help but feel a little broken inside ourselves for Troy and Iris. I’ll admit we didn’t know what to say or how to act, we just told them that we love them and are here for them.
Weeks before Christina passed, the Rotary Club planned a Casino Night Fund Raiser to help the family with the expenses related to Troy and Christina’s treatments. And, even though Christina lost her battle, that event (top left photo by Charmaine George) still happened on Nov. 23 (at the Hilton Garden Inn off S.R, 56). It was attended by about 200 people raised about $87,000 to help Troy and Iris deal with the financial cost of what their family has been through. It was a great evening, even though it was tinged with sadness for everyone who knows and loves Troy, Iris and their family.
Rest in Peace, Christina.
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Adwaith says that he enjoys challenging himself intellectually.
“I’ve always just had a general academic inclination,” he shares. “I watch a lot of documentaries. I read a lot of books about science. I always try to learn new things and take harder courses.”
That determination to push himself fueled Adwaith’s choice of middle and high schools — neither of which is located in the New Tampa area.
“We decided to give me the best learning opportunities and best environment,” explains Adwaith. He attended Terrace Community Middle School (TCMS) in Temple Terrace, a charter school that was named the #1 school in Hillsborough County and one of the “100 Best Bets in Charter Schools” nationally. And, Strawberry Crest’s IB program offers rigorous, pre-university coursework for highly motivated students. The comprehensive academic program integrates literature, science and language, in addition to other curriculum areas.
As part of his IB program, Adwaith is currently taking courses Chemistry, highlevel (HL) Physics (which is apparently a step above the AP Physics offered at most high schools) and HL Mathematics.
Adwaith, who has an unweighted grade-point average (GPA) of 4.0, describes
how he manages his strenuous academic requirements. One key strategy, he says, is avoiding procrastination. He utilizes time blocks allotted for study and work on assignments during the school day in order to take care of what he can before ever leaving the campus. Then, upon arriving home after school, he makes sure to get his homework finished before anything else.
“I definitely spend a lot of time practicing for HL Mathematics, because it’s a rigorous course,” Adwaith says. “But most of the courses I’m taking do take quite a bit of studying and knowledge. Whenever
there’s a test, I will generally be studying for that, whether it’s AP US History, Chemistry, Physics or Math.”
Adwaith says his parents absolutely support and encourage him, but they don’t pressure him. In fact, he is the one that chooses to put in all the extra effort.
“A lot of it is my own motivation,” says Adwaith. “I want to score high on my tests, and do good in school, so I can have a better future.”
His parents say that Adwaith’s passion for learning was evident at a young age. His father, Gopinath, and mother,
Ampana, both earned Master’s degrees from universities in India, and have always encouraged and supported his growing curiosity and interests. His father, who works in IT for a bank, says that there were early signs of his son’s talents.
“When he was very small, he had a big fascination for numbers,” recalls Gopinath. “Before kindergarten, he could count into really high numbers and would remember things like Googolplex (or 10 to the 100th power). That kind of caught everyone’s attention.” Adwaith’s interests as a child also included a fascination with the solar system, as he remembered the names of constellations, stars and planets.
Upon realizing that Adwaith had a gift and could easily remember things, his parents did whatever they could to nurture his talents and encourage him to always aim higher. While prioritizing academics is important to the family, Anupama , a Hillsborough County substitute teacher, explains proudly that she and her husband “don’t have to push him,” although they did make a point of encouraging Adwaith’s love of reading by taking him to the library and coming home with 30-40 books as well as buying him others — mostly nonfiction, such as Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind,” by Yuval Noah Harari, that sparked his interest throughout his youth.
Adwaith knows that his voracious reading background was one of the keys to his perfect scores on the standardized tests.
Located in the Pebble Creek Collection on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., Your CBD Store of New Tampa has calming blue-grey walls, greenery throughout the store, comfortable seating and an expansive, open layout. With informational displays and posters, exceptional customer support, and product knowledge, the husbandand-wife team of David Calcador and Debra Curler make you feel immediately at home.
David & Debra opened their Your CBD Store franchise location in November 2019 and it has thrived through the pandemic, thanks to the dedication of these two New Tampa residents. “When customers come in, we ask them what they know about CBD,” Debra says. “Some are well-educated and we walk the others through the store and introduce and educate them about our product line. We find out what their problems are health-wise. Are they in pain? Are they having problems sleeping? Do they need energy? We need to know what is happening in their bodies to help direct them to the proper products.”
Your CBD Store is a holistic boutique providing USDA organic and carcinogen-free oral and topical SunMed CBD products for customers and their pets. At Debra and David’s store, CBD comes in both flavored and flavorless tinctures, oils, pills, gummies, weight-loss products, as well as a skincare line, bath bombs, lotions, massage oils, pain creams and products for dogs and cats.
Unlike marijuana, Your CBD Store offers broad-spectrum CBD products that have zero THC, as well as full-spectrum products with the 0.3 legal limit of THC that contain all cannabinoids (CBD and THC), terpenes, or flavonoids.
With anti-inflammatory and other health effects, flavonoids are plant compounds that give plants their colors
and flavors. Flavonoids work with cannabinoids and terpenes, which are naturally occurring compounds in cannabis that shape aroma, taste, colors and therapeutic benefits, to produce the “entourage effect” enhancing their impact. “CBD needs to have terpenes and flavonoids,” David says. “They bond to receptors in your body. Without those, you won’t have the full benefit of CBD.”
Debra and David says that love educating their customers and clear up misinformation about CBD. Their CBD products won’t get you high, aren’t illegal, won’t make you impaired and you don’t need a Medical Cannabis card to purchase them.
Instead, their products help with anxiety, sleep issues, chronic pain and more.
“Our products are all-natural, organic, and non-addictive, Debra says. “You can buy CBD anywhere — a smoke shop or gas station, even on Amazon — but you don’t want to do that because anything you are putting on your body or in your body, you want to make sure it is good quality. You risk getting a synthetic, damaging product that can harm your health.
David adds, “We’re third-party tested. We have QR codes on everything we sell; you can bring up each product’s lab report. We have referring doctors who send patients to us because they know the quality is there.”
Debra and David are enthusiastic about their store’s newest products, some of which have been enhanced with more CBD, like their SunMed topical cream, which is now available in 4,000-milligram strength, while others are brand new.
“Our topical cream is amazing for isolated pain,” Debra says. “I had a knee replacement years ago, and I had not been able to walk long distances. The product came out in December, and my husband and I were going Christmas shopping, and I could walk the entire mall. It’s been selling off the shelves left and right. We’ve always had 1,000- and 2,000-milligram strengths since we opened, but the 4,000 milligrams is amazing.”
Debra also recommends Neuro, a water-soluble CBD, for pain management. While the store’s original daily oil tincture takes time to work, based on your metabolism and weight, the as-needed, water-soluble Neuro CBD effects are felt more quickly. “You take the dropper of Neuro and put it in a Dixie cup size of water and drink it,” she says. “It goes into your body within 10 minutes, comes in 900-, 1,800-, 2700- and 5400-mg strengths, and is also available in gummy form. People love it. I have a lady who comes in weekly and buys two jars. It helps with aches and pains throughout the body.”
Your CBD Store New Tampa also sells libido
gummies for intimacy for men and women, as well as both “Above” (with Delta 8 THC) and “Beyond” (with Delta 9 THC) by SunMed, both of which are all-natural (non-synthetic). New Delta 9 options include Xite candies and popcorn.
Also new are THC-infused Nowadays Adult Beverages, which Debra says is non-alcoholic, “but gives you a mellow feeling.”
As some prescriptions can conflict with CBD, Debra and David suggest that if you are taking medications, you should speak with your physician before starting any CBD regimen.
For pet parents, beyond their regular CBD pet treats, chews and tinctures for health and anxiety, Debra recommends another new product — Broad Spectrum Allergy Aid CBD Pet Chews, which have only been in the store for about a month, to help with “hot spots” and seasonal skin allergies.
Debra and David are proud of their store’s Google reviews, which average a 4.9 stars out of 5, based on 170 reviews. “If you look at our reviews,” Debra says, “you’ll see people love the products and that they’re changing lives.”
Your CBD Store of New Tampa (19651 BBD Blvd. Suite B-1) is open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and 1 p.m.–5 p.m. on Sun. Ages 55 or older can save 20% off their purchases. The store also has a bonus system whereby customers accrue points for discounts & free products. Free local delivery/free shipping are available for orders of $100+. For more info about Your CBD Store’ of New Tampa’s 5th Anniversary Celebration on Friday, November 29, call (813) 994-0599 or visit GetSunMed.com.
He says that reading regularly exposed him to more grammar and vocabulary than most children pick up.
At some point you will just be able to read a passage and [know] that something doesn’t sound right and which phrasing sounds more natural.”
When it comes to tackling math, physics and chemistry, Adwaith has this advice: “Write down examples and do them on your own. Once you learn the concept, do practice problems. Practice problems are key.”
Adwaith acknowledges that everyone has their own unique learning style, but he is happy to share the strategies that have helped him academically. “The best thing you can do is be generally passionate about what you do,” he says.
When asked if she felt pressured to achieve similar scholastic success as her brother, Adwaith’s sister Parvati, a 13 yearold 8th grader, also at TCMS, had only positive things to say.
“I don’t really feel pressure to get that score,” she shares. “But it does inspire me knowing that someone in my family could get a perfect score. If I work hard enough, maybe I could get one too.”
While Parvati, like her brother, also enjoys math classes, playing the piano is one of her favorite activities. She has been playing for eight years.
Even with his heavy academic load, Adwaith makes time to relax and enjoy life, too. Like many teens, he enjoys playing
video games and he does like to tinker with coding and programming. However, reading is one of his favorite ways to relax and unwind.
“I like to sit on the porch and read a book,” he says. “It’s really nice with the sun shining through.”
Gopinath says his son also owns and spends a lot of time looking at the stars with his Dobsonian telescope (a design invented in 1965 by amateur astronomer John Dobson, which is credited with vastly increasing the size of telescopes available to amateur astronomers). “Adwaith has always been fascinated by the stars,” Gopinath says.
And, while he does generally try to hang out with like-minded teens, who also put an emphasis on academics, Adwaith never lets his unique interests and achievements create a gap between him and his peers. Instead, he looks for their commonalities.
“When I’m interacting with people, we usually use a common medium like games,” he says, “When I am talking with people, we will talk about shared interests.”
While he is currently undecided when it comes to what college he wants to attend (although he has mentioned both Georgia Tech and the University of Florida in Gainesville) and what field he plans to enter, Adwaith is excited about what the future holds. While his drive and levelheaded-ness can not measured by standardized tests, those traits will continue to be the key to his ongoing success.
Even though he grew up in Tampa, Peak Surf Park developer and businessman Tony Miller says he and his friends spent a lot of time driving to Florida’s east coast to catch whatever waves were available.
“Sometimes, we did a lot more paddling than surfing,” Tony says, “which was kind of disappointing after driving all that way.”
But today, at age 57, the still-surfing former owner of SPARK, a marketing and advertising agency in Tampa that had Visit Florida and Visit Tampa Bay as two of its largest clients, says his plan is that, “anyone who wants to surf, whether they just want to learn how or are already experts, to be able to do so, with waves that will always be perfect for them. That’s why I’m bringing Peak Surf Park to Pasco County,” which of course, also known as “Florida’s Sports Coast.”
Tony says he has been studying all of the different “surf lagoon” technologies avail able and chose Australia-based Surf Lakes, which he says, “has the highest-capacity surf lagoons, with 200 surfers per hour.” He adds that some of Surf Lakes’ competitors can only accommodate nine surfers per hour.
“This technology sends out a wave in each direction,” he says. “Because it’s a full 360º lagoon, with a central wave device (CWD) or “plunger” in the middle, it sends a pulse out and it’s like dropping a rock in a pond — it ripples out in concentric waves. The bottom shapes the waves and we shape the bottom so you have a north wave, south wave, east wave and west wave
gets kind of calm again.”
But, speaking of lagoons, Tony says Peak Surf Park will be nothing like the Crystal Lagoons® at Epperson and Mirada, which are basically just huge swimming pools.
“This is a much more active, fun place to be,” he says. “Yes, we will also have about a half-mile of pristine beach area, great food and beverage options and live music for those who will never even think about getting in the surf
Visit Florida and Visit Tampa Bay has taught him a lot about “customer experience” and he knows that Peak Surf Park will provide a unique experi-
“We believe thousands of people will come to Pasco County from all over for the chance to surf hours away from the nearest ocean — without sharks, jellyfish or bad surf conditions. There are maybe 60,000 surfers currently in Florida, but we believe we will create thousands more from the millions of people living in West Central Florida (which is his protected territory with Surf Lakes), as well as from the millions more visiting this area. I can’t wait for it to open.”
far, of bringing Peak Surf Park to our area was the large amount of land he needed.
“I was looking for at least 30 acres for almost two years,” he says, “and I was talking to the developers at Two Rivers for more than a year before things got serious. Yes, they have 6,000 acres, but they also have eight home builders and every type of commercial, condo and apartment developer all wanting some of it, so I wasn’t too high on their priority list. I personally drove to at least 87 potential sites all over the area and checked out at least 100 more online before coming to an agreement for this property.”
That search began after Tony commissioned
an economic impact study by Hotel & Leisure Advisors in 2022, which indicated that Peak would generate more than $1.3 billion in annual business output and 700 jobs per year, with tax revenue for the county he chose to be nearly $150 million over ten years. He eventually was able to secure the 35 acres in Two Rivers, so the process of creating the park could begin. Tony also has launched a crowd-funding campaign that accredited investors can take advantage of to fund pre-construction and plans to launch a secondary campaign for retail investors.
He says that although there currently aren’t any surf lagoons anywhere in Florida, he knows a few will be coming online soon and notes that there are four different surf park technologies out there.
“There will be a bunch more lagoons coming to the U.S. over the next two years,” he says. “The entire surf park industry is in its infancy (no more than 5-6 years old), but, a lot more of these surf parks will be going public with announcements. I went public with my announcement earlier than most will. Because I haven’t been a developer, I do things a little bit differently than most developers — and I believe that’s a good thing. I think I’m getting a lot more positive than I am negative out of it, but most developers are pretty close to the vest when it comes to their projects. They don’t really announce anything until they’re ready to break ground.”
can really only ski at any of them for six months a year, at most, whenever there’s snow on the mountain. With all that being said, this type of surfing is way easier on your body because you’re popping up & riding for 15 seconds at a time. It’s not like bouncing down a mountain. And, here in Florida, you will pretty much be able to surf at Peak all year ‘round.”
Tony is definitely prepared to answer most of the questions about where the millions of gallons of water for Peak Surf Park will come from.
be very conscientious about that.”
He likens surf parks today to where the skiing industry was in the 1930s, “when a few adventurous people would actually climb mountains to ski down them. The advent of chair lifts then opened up access to everyone, and the
“The initial fill will likely be municipal water,” he says, “but from there, we will do a lot to capture rain water to minimize any additional water needs we might have. Sustainability and conservation have always been a big component of the surf world
He adds, “We looked at various solutions where we can actually take stormwater that’s just held in retention areas and I’ve talked to Swiftmud (the Southwest Florida Water Management District) about being able to take some of that water to flow it through our multi-million-dollar water filtration system to use as a replenishment source. They said that although they wouldn’t normally do that, after they reviewed our proposal, they said, ‘Yes, this is something we would consider permitting.’ I don’t have a specific answer yet in terms of ongoing water but there is going to be a lot of effort to control how much water we will need after that initial fill.”
He adds, “I would tell people this — our surf lagoon is projected to use the same amount of water to fill it and, on an annual basis, if we re-
and say, ‘Look at all that wasted water,’ but what they don’t think about is that an 18-hole golf course (and there will be one on the Hillsborough side of Two Rivers) uses about 4-5 times the amount of water, which gets sprinkled over fertilized dirt and runs into the water system, which is far worse environmentally. But, when you see a large lagoon it’s so much more obvious how much water there is, so it’s an education process that these lagoons are much more water-conscious and sustainable.”
Tony says he plans to open Peak by the end of 2027. He believes it will take about a year for him to receive all of the entitlements he needs to break ground and 18-24 months for construction, with about six months built in for unforeseen delays. For more info, visit PeakSurfPark.com, or connect with Peak on Facebook & Instagram.
By Gary Nager
Although the November elections didn’t go too well for other New Tampa residents — with Jim Davison (Hillsborough County Commission) and Rico Smith (State House of Representatives) both losing, Tampa Palms residents Jessica Vaughn (New Tampa’s District 3) and Karen Perez (countywide District 6) not only won reelection in their respective Hillsborough School Board races in August, they have now been named the Board’s chair and vice-chair, respectively.
Vaughn says this is big news for our area, as New Tampa has never held the Board’s top two spots before. “Karen already has been a District-wide member, so she has had to have a more ‘global’ perspective and be more all over the county,” Vaughn says, “but now, as the chair, I also have to be more involved District-wide, even though I’m still the District 3 member. It means a lot more work, but I’m ready.”
Vaughn and Perez were elected as the new leaders on Nov. 19, at the Board’s annual reorganization meeting.
Vaughn says she already has been hard at work, “trying to put resources into schools which haven’t always had resources.” She says that among the schools she has been pushing for are Freedom High, Turner-Bartels K-8 School and upgrades for Benito and Liberty middle schools. “I have been working closely with Liberty principal Frank Diaz to get him the resources he needs,” Vaughn says. She says that a hot-button issue right now is the possible expansion of middle school sports programs. “Our residents want sports like lacrosse
and tackle football with full equipment in middle schools,” she says. “But, these are expensive sports and there may not be enough money in our budget to make them work at the middle school level. I support the idea but I don’t know if the Board will support the funding for it.”
Speaking of the budget, Vaughn says she is “so thankful” that Hillsborough County voters overwhelmingly (with more than 66% of voters voting “Yes”) passed the millage increase to increase salaries for teachers and staff members. “That was huge for us, so our teacher and staff salaries can become more competitive with other large districts,” she said.
Although Vaughn didn’t know exactly when the additional funds would begin showing up in paychecks, because the District is currently without a Chief Financial Officer (former CFO Romaneir Johnson took the same position with Broward County Schools), “but we’re hoping to have a new CFO in place by Jan. 1.”
Vaughn also was happy that Hillsborough voters decided to renew the half-cent Community Investment Tax (CIT), so the District also will continue to have funds for capital outlays like improvements at District schools.
“I’m also thrilled that voters across Florida voted against making School Board races partisan,” she says. “It seems that people really want politics out of education.”
Speaking of partisan politics, Vaughn says she was relieved to have won reelection following a negative campaign spearheaded by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and her opponent, Myosha Powell, who accused Vaughn of being a “civil servant
Hillsborough County School Board includes (back row, l.-r.)
center) & vice-chair Karen Perez (Dist. 6; right). At the far left in the front row is Superintendent of Schools Van Ayres. (Photo: Hillsborough County Schools)
who thinks that we’re her subjects.” Vaughn was reelected with about 59% of ballots cast, as all four incumbents running for reelection ended up holding onto their seats. “I’m proud to have support across the aisle,” she says.
Another issue Vaughn is working on is converting Heritage Elementary on Cross Creek Blvd. into a Montessori school, beginning with one grade and adding an additional grade every year.
“It’s working well at Essrig Elementary (near
Citrus Park,” she says. “The community seems to like it and a lot of people are choosing private Montessoris over public schools these days. We’re losing families in New Tampa and Temple Terrace to it.” The only issue, she says, is that Montessori education doesn’t always translate well to standardized tests.”
And, while the finalists weren’t announced until after we went to press with this issue, Vaughn says New Tampa and Dist. 3 have, “the most finalists” for Teacher of the Year and the other Hillsborough Education Foundation awards.
Although photographer Charmaine George and I couldn’t get to all eleven New Tampa public schools for the Great American Teach-In on Nov. 21, we did make it to four local schools for that event and on this page are photos from our respective visits.
Charmaine was at Benito Middle School when teacher Justin Swaim brought members of the Wharton High orchestra (l.-r. in top left photo) Travis Bivins, Eliza Connell, Zoie Bowers and Sofia Salazar — all of whom are Benito alumni, to their former middle school, as well as for Michael Harvey of the Florida State Guard Aviation Response Squadron’s visit to Richard Roy’s math class.
She also visited Heritage Elementary, where the Kids and Canines organization visited Heather Leitzki’s Exceptional Student Education (ESE) class (top right). Charmaine also took pics at when Waste Connections lead truck driver and instructor Thomas Benton (middle left) demonstrated how the trucks work.
I was able to stop in at Tampa Palms Elementary for online star Zackery Turgeon (middle right) captivated all of the school’s 4thgrade classes (where most of the kids wanted to follow in his footsteps) with his discussion of how he makes a living, thanks to the 700,000+ subscribers to his “Corny” channel on YouTube.
I then visited teacher Jamie Miller’s class at Freedom High (bottom right), where I talked to her students about not only the Neighborhood News, but also writing and editing in general, and I was thrilled that some of her students actually asked me questions about my job. — GN
A little over a year ago, in our Sept. 23 New Tampa issue, we told you about an upcoming townhome community that Lennar was getting ready to build, called the Townes at Cross Creek.
The unique thing about this development is the fact that it is new residential construction, in the heart of what was otherwise an entirely built out and established Cross Creek Blvd. corridor, something that hadn’t been seen in years.
For the past couple of years, townhomes have been extremely popular with buyers — especially with rising real estate prices —as a mostly less-expensive option to traditional single family-homes, while still offering the living space, garages and floorplan options buyers desire, just with less land.
And, that’s been great for Lennar, as the construction giant has been actively building a large portion of the new townhome market around the Tampa Bay area, typically at the low est price point compared with their competitors, with DR Horton being Lennar’s closest rival.
According to sales rep Carlos Torres and construction manager Fernando Ospina, the Townes have been going absolutely gangbusters since they began being built in June of this year. And, that’s without even having an onsite sales office open yet!
The Townes at Cross Creek are divided into two phases. Although there is no “Phase A” or “Phase C” (and we have no idea why), “Phase B” consists of 60 units (located directly across the street
“It took longer than expected to get the needed permit, but it was received Nov. 16,” where they promptly started the build-out, and are now close to adding furniture. He chuckled and said the delay was due to, “The City of Tampa, you know, being the City of Tampa,” eluding to the always- arduous permitting process.
Other than that, he said construction had been going really well, with the number of days for each townhome building completion (under his purview) being only about 129 days, a full month faster than the average for his company.
“Even though we’ve been doing great, we could ideally use another construction manager to help keep pace,” Ospina said as he flipped through the multi-page checklist he had in his hands, detailing inspection item after inspection item, everything that needed to be perfect before a unit could be finished.
loft, which even the in the small plan was still a usable size and layout. Here are the three units at the Townes:
Allegiance - 1,597 sq. ft., with a 1-car garage; being offered at $319,990
Constitution - 1,760 sq. ft., 1-car garage; being offered at $339,900
The day we showed up to look at the community, three other groups of people also pulled up (one of whom had an appointment), but Torres was able to effectively split up his time, making sure everyone’s questions were answered.
Torres said that they’ve been so busy that they wondered if they would really even need to open the on-site sales office at all. He’s been driving out and meeting people with appointments on-site, and currently any customers who want to sit down and discuss numbers or go over paperwork have met him at Lennar’s Two Rivers office in Zephyrhills, about 10 minutes away, at: 35027 Brackett Bend Rd.
Ospina said that most of the buildings will be done over the next five months, with occupancy for Phase D being ready in March, April, and May. The very last building on the project schedule is actually a 6-unit building across from the future on-site sales office in Phase B, to be ready for occupancy before the fall of next year.
As construction progresses, units are only being released for sale in very small handfuls. Lennar’s online transparency makes seeing the inventory quick and straightforward. The website for the community actually shows which units have sold, which are currently for sale (with exact current prices) and which ones are upcoming on an interactive map, along with the floorplans.
All three floorplans feature 3 bedrooms and
Declaration- 1,807 sq. ft., 2 car garage; being offered at $364,900 (this is the model and the end units on each building)
These were the advertised online prices at the time of writing the article and are subject to change), but Torres said that additional discounts may be offered at various times, and the prices for the Declaration plan may go all the way up to around $410,000, depending upon the lot.
The prices seem very competitive to whats being offered in other Lennar communities, especially considering these are being built in the desirable and geographically well-positioned New Tampa. Prices are even similar to what was being sold by Lennar up in Connerton, a community on the north end of Land O’ Lakes, but these New Tampa units do come with some drawbacks.
The $384 monthly homeowner association (HOA) fee is definitely on the high side, especially considering that this community has no amenities. Torres also says that no utilities are included in the HOA fee, but that it does cover outside maintenance and insurance. The units at the Townes also have tiny backyards — noticeably smaller than other recent townhome communities we’ve toured.
Torres asked that anyone interested in seeing the community should make an appointment, and check to see if the on-site sales office has been opened yet. The phone number is (888) 211-6153. Carlo Torres also can be reached by email at carlo.torres@lennar.com.
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News continues to be coming from AdventHealth, which has named Erik Wangsness as the new president & CEO of AdventHealth Tampa (located on Bruce B. Downs Blvd., north of E. Fletcher Ave.), effective December 15. Wangsness will report to David Otatti, president and CEO of Ad ventHealth’s West Florida Division.
“Erik is a consummate servant leader who I believe will continue to enhance our quality of care, expanding access to services and building on the strong foundation established by the team at AdventHealth Tampa,” Ottati said. “I know that Erik will uphold and build our mission, leading our teams to provide uncommon compassion and whole-person care to each person who walks through those doors.”
Wangsness most recently served as president and CEO of AdventHealth Wesley Chapel, where he guided the development of the facility’s new Graduate Medical Educa tion program and provided oversight of a major expansion project currently under way.
One of his last public appearances as AHWC’s leader was at the North Tampa Bay Chamber breakfast at Pasco Hernando State College’s Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch on Nov. 5, where Wangsness was the featured speaker (top left photo).
“I am excited and honored for the opportunity to serve AdventHealth Tampa and the surrounding community, working alongside the incredible leaders, physicians and team members to provide whole-person care,” Wangsness said. “Together, we will make a profound difference in the lives of those we serve.”
Wangsness earned his Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Master’s degree in Health Care Administration from the University of Minnesota. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Pasco Economic Development Council.
Good Luck, Ryan!
Taking over for Wangsness as the new president and CEO of AdventHealth Wesley Chapel, effective Dec. 29, will be Ryan Quattlebaum (top right photo). Quattlebaum will report to Jennifer Wandersleben, Heartland Region president and CEO, who also provides market leadership for Hardee, Highlands, Pasco, Pinellas and Polk counties.
“Ryan is a passionate leader, and it is a joy to see him grow and step into this new role. His vision and leadership will be instrumental in driving our continued growth and success in Wesley Chapel, which is one of the fastest-growing communities in the West Florida Division,” Wandersleben said.
Since 2022, Quattlebaum has served as the president and CEO for AdventHealth North Pinellas in Tarpon Springs. Under Quattlebaum’s leadership, the facility earned national accreditation from the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP), the bronze standard – Level 3 Geriatric Emergency Department (GEDA) accreditation from the American College of Emergency Physicians and “A” Hospital Safety Grades
touch more lives and care for more patients in Pasco County, we fulfill our mission of extending the healing ministry of Christ. And, that’s what we’re here for, to serve our communities and provide the highest quality of care for our patients. None of this would be possible without everyone here today..”
Villegas, the executive sponsor for the AHMP ER, then introduced Mike Murrill, the president and CEO of AHZ.
“I want to thank William Villegas for guiding this team the last several months,” Murrill said. “He just joined our team six months ago and hit the ground running by connecting our community partners and the construction team and it’s exciting to get to this point in the journey.”
who had been serving as the president & CEO of Advent Health Wesley Chapel (AHWC), will assume the same position at AdventHealth Tampa. Quattlebaum (photo provided by AdventHealth) takes over for Wangsness at AHWC.
from the Leapfrog Group in 2023.
“I’m honored to return to AdventHealth Wesley Chapel and work with dedicated care teams, physicians and leaders who are committed to providing whole-person care,” Quattlebaum said. “As I step into this new role, I look forward to building and strengthening relationships in our Wesley Chapel facility and surrounding community to expand our faith-based care and services.”
Quattlebaum has a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree from the Hough Graduate School of Business at the University of Florida in Gainesville and a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from La Sierra University. He’s an active member of his community, serving as a committee member for the workforce improvement committee for the Florida Hospital Association.
George Butler, the construction superintendent for Robins & Morton, the firm building the freestanding AdventHealth emergency room (ER) in Meadow Pointe (AHMP), told the crowd of nearly 100 people in attendance on Nov. 8 that, “Today is a major milestone for this project. The next major milestone will be the Grand Opening.”
The milestone in question that day was the signing and raising of a beam that will be above the sliding door main entrance to the ER located at the corner of S.R. 54 and Meadow Pointe Blvd.
“Every time you go through that sliding door, you will all think of this beam that you signed,” Butler said.
Butler was introduced by William Villegas, the chief operating officer of Advent Health Zephyrhills (AHZ), who then said that, “You’re here with us today because you were part of the process of getting this building off the ground...and by signing this beam, you are acknowledging all of the hard work of the crew that is sitting here. And, each and every one of you has played a role in it, whether as a support member, an executive
or an engineer with Robins Morton.”
Villegas added that, “So far, this building has endured two storms, and it’s still standing. On April 29, 2025, when we open this building, we will be providing 32,000 square feet of capacity with 12 beds, two triage rooms and advanced lab and imaging services that will provide freestanding emergency room services to the Pasco community. As we expand our reach, build facilities,
Murrill added, “I would just like to take this moment to thank several of our partners who are here this morning — our Pasco County Commissioner Seth Weightman, Arash Kamangar of Hunton Brady Architects, George (Butler) and our Robins & Morton construction team, all of the subcontractors who have contributed to this project, as well as our Division Team. We thank you all for your collaborative spirit, your work with each other and what it means to have something new in this community.”
Villegas then said a short prayer to thank God and to pray that “the patients who end up at this new ER find healing.”
For more information about the new
What’s the best way to start a day when you know you’re going to consume large quantities of food, like on Thanksgiving? With a 5-kilometer (3.1-mile) run, of course!
And, the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area hosted three such runs, with nearly 3,500 total runners taking part. The largest of these was the 12th annual Wiregrass Wobble Turkey Trot, hosted by the New Tampa Rotary Club at the Shops at Wiregrass, with more than 2,100 runners and walkers.
At the same time, BayCare Wesley Chapel Hospital hosted the BayCare Wobble at the Tampa Premium Outlets, with more than 1,100 participants, who enjoyed the cool weather, a fun costume contest and DJ music. I was there to photograph this race, which was won by Land O’Lakes resident Alejandro Peña, in an outstanding time of 15:34 (bottom left photo on next page).
But, photographer Charmaine George was on-hand at the first annual “Trot for Tessa,” a nonsanctioned 5K fun run at Tampa Palms Elementary (TPE) that was created to honor a former student at the school, Tessa Wiseman, whose mom Robin also is a current second grade teacher at TPE.
Tessa, who passed away from liver cancer in August of last year at the age of 28, was an avid runner who not only logged 6-7 miles per day and ran marathons, but also served as a guide runner for visually impaired athletes who ran road races.
After high school, Tessa earned her undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and was a year from graduating from the University of Virginia Law School in Charlottesville, when she tragically lost her second cancer fight. She worked for the American Immigration
Lawyers Association in Washington, D.C., where she was focused on immigration and refugee advocacy and was an inspiration to her family, friends and colleagues. She wrote an op-ed piece for Glamour magazine in 2017, following her first cancer diagnosis and again made national headlines when she was released from the Moffitt Cancer Center to attend Taylor Swift’s final Tampa performance only four months before she passed away.
TPE principal Angela Gluth said that not only was the run named in Tessa’s honor, a magnolia tree was planted at the school to remember her.
“Every time you see that tree, you’ll be reminded to live a little more like Tessa with kindness, generosity and that love for life...If there is any money left over from (the 200+) race registrations,
we will donate it to our school’s Vision Department, to create Braille resources for our students. and the Wiseman family will be selecting some of Tessa’s favorite childhood books so our students here can
continue with their love of reading [in Braille].” Tessa’s father Todd Wiseman told those in attendance that Tessa “would have loved running with you through Tampa Palms today.” — GN
By Gary Nager
I first met long-time Wesley Chapel resident Paul Bartell about a dozen years ago, when he was the volunteer event chair for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. My wife Jannah, who I had only met the previous year at the same event, was the Cancer Society’s staff community representative running the show at that Relay.
It was a hot day and Paul had been there the entire day, his face beet red from working in the sun. And, even though I didn’t know he also had been dressing up as Santa Claus for kids and events throughout the Tampa Bay area for many years, I remember that I definitely thought he looked a little like Ol’ St. Nick himself.
I also didn’t know back then that Paul and his wife Jamie had two sons — James and Sean — or that Sean would pass away (at age 16) only a couple of years after I met Paul, from a rare skin and blood disorder known as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (or SJS).
With his ruddy complexion and pleasant demeanor, Paul was seemingly born to portray Santa. In fact, he has been playing the jolly man for 30 years, the last 22 in and around the Wesley Chapel area. He clearly delights in the role and has continued to make dozens of appearances as St. Nick each year, even in the difficult years since Sean passed away.
In fact, Paul says, it was Christmas Day in 2014 when Sean, who was then covered in the blisters and lesions associated with SJS (which starts with flu-like symptoms and is usually caused by a severe adverse reaction to certain medications and
to graduating seniors from high schools in Wesley Chapel & Zephyrhills the last nine years. (All of
needs to be treated immediately at an emergency room when the symptoms first manifest) was no longer the promising young man who was fifth in his graduating class at Wesley Chapel High (WCH). “He was in so much pain and there was nothing Jamie and I could do to help him,” Paul recalls. “It was such a terrible, helpless feeling.”
And, although SJS is only fatal in about 7.5% of cases, Sean lost his battle on New Year’s Eve that same year. But, his devastated parents could only think of how much Sean loved school and how much they wanted to something posi-
tive to come out of their family’s tragedy.
Enter: The Foundation
“There’s no doubt that education was always Sean’s focus,” Paul says. “He was planning to study biology at Vanderbilt University.” According to the website for the Sean Bartell Memorial Foundation (SeanBartell.org), which the Bartells started in 2015, the family’s church, Atonement Lutheran on S.R. 54, came to them wanting to start a scholarship in Sean’s name, which is how the idea got started.
That first year (2015), the Foundation gave
its first $1,000 scholarship/grant to then-WCH senior Meghan Sanchez. Today, the Foundation has awarded $74,000 to students and more than $10,000 more to teachers at Wesley Chapel, Wiregrass Ranch, Cypress Creek and Zephyrhills high schools (and this year, Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation will be added to that list), to assist them with furthering their respective educations. Each year, based on the amount of money the Foundation is able to raise, a gala has been held at Atonement Lutheran where the scholarships have been awarded. The Foundation has hosted events
like a Quarter Auction and Charity Bingo nights to help raise additional funds, but Paul says he still always wanted to do more.
“I have had so many experiences as Santa, why not write a book?,” he says. “I’m not really a big TV watcher and I like to read. I had read probably half a dozen books about being Santa and I said to myself, ‘Why can’t I write a book? I’ve been doing it long enough and I’ve got a story to tell.’ And I figured I would donate any proceeds from the book sales to the Foundation.”
Paul says that it took him four or five months to write the book. “Because I’m Santa all through November and December every year, January and February are my ‘down’ times when I’m basically a couch potato.” He adds that he wrote the entire book on his iPhone.
Paul, Jamie & James Bartell, with Cypress Creek High principal Carin Hetzler-Nettles (next to Paul) at the 2024 Sean Bartell Memorial Foundation gala.
“I just looked back at all of the pictures in my phone that people had sent me and that became my timeline to tell the story,” he says. “I basically went backwards on the timeline and I wrote down what I remembered about each picture.”
He then tweaked it a few times and added pictures at the end of the book and he was ready to publish. He uploaded the pages to Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform and, “It was easy,” he says. “You don’t even have to buy any copies. You pick your own sales price, between $10 and $200. So, we picked $19.98, because that was the year Sean was born. I ordered a few author’s copies and it went live on Amazon on July 1 of this year.” The book is available in both hardcover and Kindle versions and the Foundation retains 60% of the proceeds after the initial per-book charge of $8.06.
Paul also says that the full story of what happened to Sean is one of the book’s chapters.
And, in the meantime, “Santa Paul” is in
the middle of his busy season. After making 123 appearances as Santa last year, he had been through about two dozen of his 128 scheduled appearances this year, which includes the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel’s “Breakfast with Santa” at Bubba’s 33 on Saturday, December 14 (see that ad on pg. 21).
And yes, Paul still also works full-time in the sales department of a company that sells pumps for vacuums used in manufacturing and laboratories. He also wanted to make sure I mentioned how hard Jamie, his wife of 36 years, has always worked behind the scenes for the Foundation and how much he appreciates all of her efforts.
Unfortunately, this year’s Charity Bingo event for the Foundation was postponed due to Hurricane Milton. It has been rescheduled for Saturday, January 25, but without a location because Atonement Lutheran was badly damaged by the storm.
If you or someone you know has a location that could host that event, visit SeanBartell.org. To order your copy of Santa: An Angel Dad, visit Amazon.com.
Congratulations to executive director Nick Walton and everyone involved with the Sarah Vande Berg (SVB) Tennis Foundation, which hosted its fourth annual “Raise A Racquet” gala at the SVB Tennis Center (located on Simon Rd. in Zephyrhills) on Nov. 9. This year’s gala raised more than $63,000 to support the Foundation’s ongoing efforts to provide tennis racquets, lessons and the opportunity to play the sport at no cost to kids who would not otherwise be able to afford them. Among the twelve school partner programs, impacting more than 350 students, are Watergrass and New River elementary schools in Wesley Chapel.
The Foundation also provides opportunities for high school students to serve as the Foundation’s Ambassadors, where they are taught by adult mentors the proper way to coach younger kids.
“By teaching our Ambassadors how to lead and coach,” Walton said, “we’re not only building skilled athletes but also role models who guide our youngest studentathletes with enthusiasm and heart.”
Walton also noted that, thanks to the fact that the Ambassador program had more applicants than ever this year, the Foundation has added a Junior Ambassador group, “giving future leaders as young as the third grade the chance to shine.”
Among the Foundation’s 14 Ambassadors for 2024-25 are three Wesley Chapel-area high school students —
Amya Ramsey, a junior at Wesley Chapel High; Dalton O’Donovan, a freshman at the Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation; and Treye Hochstetler, a junior at Kirkland Ranch Academy.
The winner of this year’s Sarah Vande Berg Memorial Character Award, given each year to one of the Foundation’s Ambassadors, was Zephyrhills High senior Jenna Goodman. Jenna was presented the award by Emily Vande Berg, the sister of Sarah Vande Berg. Sarah and Emily’s father, Todd, also spoke at the event.
Sarah, of course, was the Zephyrhills High tennis star for whom the Tennis Center was named. She was continuing her career at the University of South Carolina Upstate when she was tragically killed at age 21 — with three other of the school’s athletes — in a car accident in 2015.
Nearly 200 of the Foundation’s supporters attended this year’s gala, where attendees raised a provided tennis racquet during live auction “bidding” on gifts for the participating students — from $18 for one racquet for one kid up to $5,000 for 30 kids to receive 8 weeks of after-school programming at one of the Foundation’s partner schools.
For more info about the SVB Foundation, visit SVBTennisFoundation.org. For info about the SVB Tennis Center, call (813) 361-6660 or visit SVBTennisCenter.com. — GN
Lightning Orthodontics
Congratulations to Lightning Orthodontics, the office of Isis El Ghannam, DDS, which cut a North Tampa Bay Chamber ribbon (below) on Nov. 7. Located in the small strip plaza at 24795 S.R. 54 in Lutz that also includes Fazoli’s, Lightning Orthodontics (which is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Tampa Bay Lightning) is a beautiful, new office equipped with the latest in orthodontic technology and with room to add additional orthodontists if and when the need arises.
Dr. El Ghannam is Board-certified and says she is especially drawn to challenging cases as she
finds it rewarding to make a positive impact on the lives of her patients. She also is a new mom who says the experience has deepened her empathy and enriched her interactions with families.
The office, which promises that patients will be, “heard, understood and cared for with the speed of lightning,” offers online appointments, virtual consults and remote treatment options. English, Spanish and Arabic are all spoken at the office.
For more information about Lightning Orthodontics, visit LightningOrthodontics.com or call (813) 733-0007 and please tell them we sent you! — GN
CoaterZ Cuts A Ribbon Nov. 8
The next day, Nov. 8, CoaterZ, which specializes in paint protection film, ceramic coatings, window tints and wraps for vehicles, cut a North Tampa Bay Chamber ribbon at its location at 16235 N. Florida Ave., in Lutz.
Lutz franchise owners Robert and his wife Heather Kimrey promise top-notch customer service and personalized care for every customer and their vehicles.
CoaterZ founder and Palm Harbor location owner Corey Eberhardt also was on hand for the Lutz ribbon-cutting event, where he said he is proud to have the Kimreys as franchise owners. “They’re great people and are continuing the excellent vehicle services we have provided in Palm Harbor for nearly six years,” Eberhardt said. For more info about CoaterZ of Lutz, call (813) 467-8149 or visit CoaterZ.com and please tell Robert and Heather we sent you! — GN
By Gary Nager
When I was a much younger man, I used to play some golf, but considering that my goal was to someday play bogey golf (one shot above par on every hole, or a score of 90 on a par-72 course), I clearly wasn’t very good. As my sons reached the age where they chose to play pretty much every team sport, even when I wasn’t one of the coaches, it still fell on me to drive them to and from every practice and most every game. Golf was the one thing in my life at the time that I felt comfortable giving up, because of how long it takes to play an entire round, much less practice or take enough lessons to improve.
When Tampa Palms resident Scott Strunk started advertising his company Good 5 Golf with us, it wasn’t 100% clear to me whether he was selling golf apparel or lessons or both or what the significance of “Good 5” was — at least until I read his explanation on Good5Golf.com.
For those of you who love to play the world’s most humbling game, you may already be that bogey golfer I aspired to be, which likely means you’re hoping to play scratch golf someday.
If so, I’m sure you’ve experienced that feeling when you could’ve easily hit a double bogey, but you either hit a nice shot from out of the woods or sunk a long putt that allowed you to still hit a 5 on a hard par four and someone said to you, “Good 5.” (Or, for me, “Great 5.”)
Well, Scott says that was the motivation for calling the LLC he founded with his childhood friend from rural New Jersey, Jorge Arroyo, in September of this year.
“I had just gotten a bogey on a par 4 and
my friend said to me, ‘Hey, Good 5,’ and that was it for me,” Scott says. “I said, ‘I’m going to start a golf brand called Good 5.’”
The company’s motto on his ad, is “Good 5 is for the golfer who accepts bogey with grace, style and comfort. It’s better than a double. It’s a Good 5.”
Nearly three short months later, Good 5 is the locally owned company that sells top-quality golf caps in a variety of styles — from the super-popular “rope caps,” with the rope crossing the top of the brim, to trucker-style and peached cotton twill caps, all embroidered here in Tampa with the unique Good 5 logo. The company also sells heavyweight golf T-shirts in all of the same colors as the hats, so you can mix and match them all.
(Above) Tampa Palms resident Scott Strunk (left) & his friend & partner Jorge Arroyo started Good 5 Golf to sell quality golf apparel to the average golfer. (Right) Scott’s daughter Ashley, who handles the company’s social media, sports a Good 5 rope cap. (All photos provided by Scott Strunk) anytime soon, “because there are just too many sizes, fits and styles to deal with.”
“We will be adding golf polo shirts, in both men’s and women’s styles, in the future,” Scott says, “but right now, we’re just focusing on hats and T-shirts.”
He adds that what he doesn’t want is to put his logo on “some cheap polo shirts that fall apart after two washings. This brand is about quality, and we’re still looking for the right polo shirts at the right price.” He also says he also plans to put the logo on ball markers and maybe even golf tees and golf balls in the future, “if things go well.”
Scott notes, however, that Good 5 probably won’t be getting into adding golf shorts or pants
He also says that sales are going pretty well, but he started advertising Good 5 in these pages because, “I purchased quite a bit of inventory (from Oregon-based Richardson Sports), “most of which is taking up most of the space in my office. In order to get hats of this quality at a reasonable price, you have to buy quite a few at a time. Let’s just say that my credit cards are all pretty much maxed out.”
Fortunately for Scott, whose background is in computer sales and who still has his “day job” with a company that sells high-end gaming computers, “Unlike computers, shirts and caps kept in plastic won’t go bad in six months or a year or
become what I call ‘aged bananas.’ It’s better to have too many than to run out of stock. We have a lot of friends who’ve bought them and everyone so far loves them.”
Scott says that when he first told Jorge, who still lives in New Jersey, that he was planning to start a golf apparel company, Jorge said, “You do realize that’s a really competitive business, right?” Scott countered, “I know, but I’m at the age now where I don’t just want to think about doing
things in the future, I want to actually do them. I really want to do this and I really want it to do well. But, if it ends up not making money, I guess that’s OK, too.”
So, Jorge, who had sold a company and was always interested in a good idea, agreed to partner with his long-time friend. They purchased the domain name “Good5Golf.com” and Scott says they realized, “We need a really cool-looking logo — which I think we have. — and the right brand with the right marketing. I worked with a local company that I know from Tampa Palms Golf &
Country Club to (he has lived in Tampa Palms since 2019) help me source some of the hats and T-shirts and I created the website. So, we’re going full steam ahead with this Good 5 Golf brand.”
Scott then enlisted his 25-year-old daughter Ashley — who was on the golf team at her high school in Boca Raton and then at Eckerd College — to handle social media for the business and Good 5 Golf was born.
He notes that, “The reason the logo only says ‘Good 5’ and not ‘Good 5 Golf’ is because I really want this to become a ‘lifestyle brand,’ not just a golf brand. Good 5 can be about anything.”
Scott says that his father enlisted in the Navy and served as an intelligence officer in the Vietnam War. “I was born in Key West because my dad was stationed there,” he says.
In addition, George Miragliuolo, another one of Scott & Jorge’s friends from their K-12 school (which had only 23 kids in their graduating class), did multiple tours of combat duty in the military, so he hopes to someday have an opportunity to partner up with a charity that provides service to military veterans.
“We’re trying to figure out how we can honor veterans in general,” Scott says, “and we want to tie in with one of the great veterans’ charities going on out there. But we haven’t figured out how to do that yet.”
For more info about Good 5 Golf, visit Good5Golf.com. You also can follow the brand on Facebook and Instagram @Good5Golf. And, if you use the code “NewTampa” from the ad on page 35 of this issue, you’ll save 25% off your purchase. So remember, “It’s better than a double. It’s a Good 5.”
Saturday & Sunday, December 7 & 8, at 6 p.m., 7 p.m. & 8 p.m., The New Tampa Dance Theatre’s Dance Theatre of Tampa Presents “The Nutcracker Suite.” At The Shops at Wiregrass; free to attend. For additional information, visit NewTampaDanceTheatre.com or see the ad on page 21 (next page).
Sunday, December 8, 3 p.m-5 p.m. Florida Jazz Express: Holiday Big Band Extravaganza. At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). Enjoy all your holiday favorites in “big band” style! As one of Florida’s most vibrant and exciting large jazz orchestras, Florida Jazz Express is comprised of the busiest musicians in the state with resumes that include performing with some of the world’s top entertainers. For tickets ($20 general admission) & more information visit NewTampaArtsCenter.org/events.
Friday, December 13, 7 p.m.-9 p.m.; & Sunday, December 15, 4 p.m.-6 p.m. — Tampa City Ballet Presents: “The Nutcracker.” At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). Each year, performances of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker” ring in the holiday season as a long-held tradition celebrated around the world. In the Tampa Bay area, the Tampa City Ballet (TCB) brings together audiences of all ages and back-
grounds to participate in this classic family event. For tickets (reserved seating costs $30-$50) & more info visit NewTampaArtsCenter.org/events.
Saturday, December 14, 8 a.m.-10
a.m. — The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel Presents “Breakfast With Santa.” At Bubba’s 33 Wesley Chapel (26340 Silver Maple Pkwy.). For more info, see the ad below.
Saturday, December 14, 5 p.m.-9 p.m. — “Avalon Aglow.” At Avalon Park Wesley Chapel (4424 Friendly Way). For info, visit AvalonParkWesleyChapel.com or see the ad on the previous page (pg. 20).
Friday, December 20, 7 p.m., Saturday,
December 21, 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. & Sunday, December 22, at 2 p.m. — The New Tampa Dance Theatre’s Dance Theatre of Tampa Presents: “The Nutcracker.” At the University of South Florida, College of the Arts Theater 1 (13001 USF Laurel Dr, Tampa).
Now in its 25th year, this is the New Tampa area’s longest-running production of the time-
less classic. For tickets & more info, visit Ticketmaster.com, call (813) 994-NTDT (6838) or see the ad on page 27.
Saturday, December 21, 1 p.m.-3 p.m. & 8 p.m.-10 p.m. — ATLAS Modern Ballet & New Tampa Players Present: “Spirit, A Christmas Carol Adaption.” At the New Tampa Performing Arts Center (8550 Hunters Village Rd.). This multi-genre performance including dance, song, spoken word, and film will excite audiences of all ages as the themes of the classic tale, A Christmas Carol, is reimagined. For tickets & more info, visit NewTampaArtsCenter.org/events.
Tuesday, December 31, 8 p.m.-1 a.m. — A New Year’s Eve Celebration! At Hyatt Place Tampa-Wesley Chapel (26000 Sierra Center Blvd., Lutz). Join the hotel for a New Year’s Eve celebration that includes food stations, DJ dance music, four-hour open bar & a champagne toast. “Premium Experience”& overnight packages available. For ticket prices & more info, call (813)803-5600.
By Turiya Autry Neighborhood News Correspondent
When it comes to AllergyTampa, located on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. near E. Fletcher Ave., caring for individuals with allergies and immunological diseases goes beyond the walls of the office. Doctors Richard Lockey, Seong Cho, Mark Glaum, Amber Pepper and newest addition Dr. Emily Dzoba not only provide quality care for thousands of patients, they also participate in ground-breaking research and train students and medical professionals in the specialty.
A founding faculty member of the Univer sity of South Florida (USF) Morsani College of Medicine, Dr. Richard Lockey helped start USF’s Division of Allergy & Immunology in 1973, along with founding director Dr. Samuel Bukantz. More than 50 years later, USF’s Division of Allergy & Immunology has been recognized as a World Al lergy Organization “Center of Excellence.”
Dr. Lockey earned his Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree from the Temple University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA, before becom ing a Professor of Medicine at USF. He is a past president of the World Allergy Organization and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Im munology (AAAAI).
Dr. Lockey first established his private practice in 1984 as “Academic Associates in Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.” At that time, Dr. Lockey humbly wondered if he would even have enough patients. Within just five years, he was already getting referrals for severe asthmatics. Now, 40 years later, AllergyTampa’s flagship practice is thriving and there is a second location in South Tampa, and Dr. Lockey is still actively involved, seeing patients two days a week in addition to his teaching and research at USF.
Despite his 50+ years of experience, Dr. Lockey appears to be in no rush to retire. His love of the work is evident — and not surprising — since his interest in allergy and immunology was sparked at a young age. Going on rounds with his father, a family physician who later specialized in allergy and immunology, Dr. Lockey says he was greatly impacted by what he witnessed — especially people who were struggling to breathe deeply.
Then, after doing a research paper on asthma in medical school, it became clear to him that allergy & immunology was the specialty in which he wanted to make his mark. Dr. Lockey, and his colleagues at AllergyTampa, continue to be at the forefront of quality patient care that benefits from clinical research, Board-certified expertise and a desire to improve the quality of life for those suffering from allergies and immunological diseases.
“The advances in immunology have totally
no longer die from diseases they used to die from.”
Participating in those advances enables the doctors at AllergyTampa to provide informed, expert care for their patients.
Dr. Lockey’s colleague, Dr. Seong Cho, shares his optimism about where medical science is heading. An otolaryngologist, or ear, nose & throat (ENT) specialist, Dr. Cho earned his M.D. degree from Kyung Hee University School of Medicine in Seoul, South Korea. He honed his allergy and immunology expertise at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, IL, before joining AllergyTampa.
Dr. Cho describes how research of biologics (a class of drugs that can be used to treat a variety of allergic conditions, including asthma, eczema and food allergies) is expanding. Biologics are now being used to help with other conditions and are altering approaches to treatment altogether. As an ENT, Dr. Cho has seen first-hand how these advances have major impacts — for example for patients who have nasal polyps, which are non-cancerous growths inside the nose or sinuses that can last for several months and are more common with allergies, asthma and frequent infections. While small nasal polyps may not cause symptoms, larger ones can cause discomfort and complications that need to be addressed.
“In the past, nasal polyps and chronic sinusitis were surgical diseases,” Dr. Cho says. “But now, because of those medications, you don’t need to have
causes the problem and target it.” That precision means fewer side effects for patients and, as their use continues, injections may have the potential to treat a variety of other conditions. That marriage of research and patient care by the doctors at AllergyTampa has led to other life-changing treatments.
Dr. Mark Glaum describes how clinical research changed the landscape of how hereditary angioedema (HAE) is treated. HAE is an immune reaction which can be triggered by any number of potentially everyday occurrences, from anxiety and stress to colds and even minor injuries like a scratch. It can cause swelling of the face, intestinal tract and airway and, depending upon the location and severity, also can cause disfigurement or even potentially be life-threatening. HAE previously was only treated with supportive care, but that too has evolved, thanks to the clinical research involved in creating products that are now on the market.
Dr. Glaum describes how these new medications helped a specific patient that had been extremely limited by her HAE.
“She had never gone on a cruise, or a vacation outside of a metropolitan area, because she was afraid that she would have an attack and need treatment,” Dr. Glaum shares. “But, now that she is controlled, with no flare-ups and swelling on the medication, she is free to go and enjoy life and vacations outside of the city.”
Dr. Glaum earned his M.D. degree from Hahnemann University School of Medicine (now Drexel University College of Medicine) in Philadelphia, and completed an allergy and clinical
sylvania Hospital, also in Philadelphia. He says that when he came out of his training, there was only supportive care for hereditary angioedema, .
Helping people with allergies and immunological diseases improve their overall quality of life is a priority for all of the doctors at AllergyTampa. Dr. Amber Pepper says she was inspired to focus on the specialty in medical school, after meeting her husband, who has allergies and asthma, and seeing how those conditions affected him. That personal connection, along with the opportunity to shadow Dr. Dennis Ledford (who retired from the same practice), whom she calls an amazing mentor, at USF, made it an obvious choice. Dr. Pepper went on to earn her M.D. degree from USF in 2013 and completed her internal medicine residency and allergy & immunology fellowship at USF in 2016.
Dr. Pepper emphasizes the importance of identifying food allergies, which she says are distinct from food sensitivities and intolerances.
“The thing about food allergies, that is really important, is that if you are truly allergic, you can potentially have anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction that can cause patients to go into shock if not treated immediately), which can be life threatening,” she says, adding that, “there are now certain types of immunotherapies that we can do to try to increase the threshold of food allergies.”
For people who suffer from certain environmental allergies, Florida can be especially chal-
Florida in Gainesville in 2019 and completed her internal medicine residency there in 2022. In June of this year, she completed her Allergy and Immunology fellowship at USF and came to AllergyTampa in October.
and gives them a heads-up.”
One thing that Dr. Glaum says makes AllergyTampa — where all of the doctors are Boardcertified (Dr. Dzoba’s Board certification is pending) and members of AAAAI — unique is that,
“What’s pretty unique here in Florida is the pollen season,” Dr. Dzoba says. “It lasts all the way from January to May because of the climate.”
Keeping track of area pollen levels is key for these reasons and the pollen-counting station at USF, which is run by Dr. Glaum, is there to help the wider Tampa Bay community.
“We do counts of pollens that are in the air at any given point and time, on a weekly basis,
“We try to make sure when you come in you see a physician, each time. You don’t see a PA or nurse practitioner. We pride ourselves on taking care of patients like they were our family members.”
AllergyTampa has offices at 13801 BBD Blvd., Suite 502 and in South Tampa at 1906 W. Platt St. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit AllergyTampa.com, call (813) 971-9743 or see the ad on pg. 33 of this issue.
By Celeste McLaughlin Neighborhood News Correspondent
With its premier location on S.R. 56 across the street from Tampa Premium Outlets and its owners’ commitment to customer satisfaction, Noire Nail Bar has been a go-to destination for nails and skin care since it first opened in 2018.
Owners John and Vanessa Nguyen say the location, next to Mellow Mushroom, makes it the perfect place to enjoy an afternoon or evening of relaxation, pampering and enjoying all of the amenities nearby. John says there are several more restaurants that will soon open in the area, making the location even more attractive.
Noire Nail Bar offers manicures and pedicures, spa treatments, waxing and eyelash extensions.
“The most important thing to us is to have the best customer service,” John says. “We keep the salon clean, constantly update our nail polish collection with new colors and keep up with what’s trending in nail design.”
In fact, he says, any nail design you can find or think of, the technicians at Noire Nail Bar can create for you. Just check out the salon’s Instagram page at @noirenailbar_wesleychapel to see some of the many unique and intricate designs they have done for their clients.
Whether you’re looking for the trendiest nail shape and design, or a more traditional or professional look, the happy nail technicians at Noire Nail Bar are always willing to accommodate you.
John says many clients now prefer a fairly new service called Gel-X.
While gel polish goes over a person’s nails,
Gel-X is an alternative to acrylics that extends the length of the nails.
“It’s a healthy product,” John explains.
“When you wear it, you feel like it’s lighter for your nails and more comfortable. It doesn’t get heavy like acrylic nails.”
And, he says, its much healthier for your nails than other options, since it’s not likely to cause nail damage or skin irritations.
However, Gel-X is far from the only option at Noire. For those who prefer dipping powder, gel, or even acrylic, Noire Nail Bar offers all of those options.
In addition, Noire also now carries magnetic
nail polish (lower photo on next page), which gives nails a fun, textured effect by using metallic particles that can be activated and moved into unique designs by using a magnet. You really have to see it to understand how magnetic polish works.
John says that Noire Nail Bar also is perfect for any special occasion, such as a wedding, prom, holiday party, or other event. Noire’s nail techs can create nails and designs that will stand out and give just the “vibe” you want.
If you’re coming in with friends or family, the salon is designed with pedicure chairs in small
groups to facilitate better conversations, rather than your group being spread out in one long line. This provides privacy and intimacy for those who want to enjoy the experience together. The salon also can host all kinds of parties, from weddings to bridal showers to birthdays.
For children under 10 years old, the salon offers manicures, pedicures, nail polish and nail designs at special (reduced) prices.
Noire Nail Bar recommends appointments to ensure a leisurely experience, especially on busy weekends, but walk-ins are always welcome.
Men and women can take advantage of Noire Nail Bar’s packages that include Basic, Deluxe, or Signature spa treatments. For example, a “Sport Spa Pedicure” includes a callus treatment and sugar scrub to improve blood circulation, plus a massage to relieve muscle tension and tightness.
Noire’s “Citrus Spa Treatment” is energizing, while the “Cucumber Treatment” is purifying and revitalizing, and “Milk & Honey” is for antiaging. An “All-Organic Pedicure” includes nothing but certified-organic products, and the “Luxury Six-Step Collagen Pedicure” provides the ultimate in detoxification and anti-aging treatments to rejuvenate and moisturize your feet. Hot stone and hot candle wax massages can be added to any pedicure, as well.
John also says that Noire guests are always treated to a relaxing experience in an upscale atmosphere. The salon is a quiet and calm place, where the technicians are focused on their customers, not on chatting with each other. The serene environment helps to enhance the experience of the spa treatments Noire Nail Bar provides. And, guests always are offered a complimentary glass of
art and sculpted nails at Noire, says, “Customer service from start to finish was impeccable. Defi nitely will be back!”
Noire Nail Bar now offers eyelash extensions, too, and also offers waxing of eyebrows, upper lip, legs, arms and Brazilian bikini waxing.
“I love this nail salon with a passion!,” Jessie Maher says in her five-star Google review. “The staff is always amazing, kind and patient when I bring the kids with me.”
She adds, “The reason I go back time and time again is because of the incredible service, as well as the sense of feeling welcomed, and knowing I will be taken care of and come out with flawless nails.”
Readers of the Neighborhood News receive 10% off all services on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays by bringing the ad on page 35 of
Nail Bar is located at 25682 Sierra Center Blvd in Lutz, and is open Mon.-Sat., 9:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m., and 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sun. To make an appointment, call (813) 536-0161. Visit NoireNailBarWesleyChapel. com or follow @noirenailbar_wesleychapel on Instagram to see the salon’s huge array of possible nail designs.
By Iris Vitelli Neighborhood News Correspondent
With a location near where New Tampa meets Wesley Chapel on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., attorney Derek Usman stands out as a dedicated advocate and litigator in the fields of employment law and business law. Derek moved to Wesley Chapel from Chicago in 2015 to be closer to family and began his journey with a small office on Bearss Ave. In 2018, he expanded to the office on BBD, and has quickly made his legal practice a respected name in the area.
Derek’s journey as an attorney started after he earned a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Business from Indiana University in Fort Wayne and his Juris Doctor (J.D., or Law) degree from the Northern Illinois University College of Law in DeKalb in 2001. His is licensed to practice law in both Florida and Illinois, as well as in federal courts, including the U.S. Tax Court, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, and U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. This wide reach allows Derek to assist clients across jurisdictions with a deep knowledge of litigation and business law.
Three years ago, Derek expanded his practice to an office in downtown Tampa. As to why, he says, “Many of my opposing counsels have offices downtown, and having an office there makes it easier for me to meet with them and negotiate. I also am closer to the courts.”
Derek’s enthusiasm for the legal field goes beyond standard litigation. “I like the dynamics of this type of law,” he says. “You have to interact with opposing attorneys and judges a lot. The process (of business and employment law) is unique.”
He explains that his clients often deal with complex issues, like defective products. Unlike more clear-cut cases, Derek’s work requires him to prove each element of every complaint — a task that demands analytical skills and a solid understanding of the law.
“The difference between this type of law and other types is simple,” Derek explains. “For example, if there is an accident, everyone knows there was an accident, but with this type of law, I often have to prove that something actually happened.”
One of the core areas Derek specializes in is employment law. His work in this field involves representing employees and businesses in disputes centered around agreements and contractual obligations. “This is again something that I have to prove happened,” he explains.
One example is when an employee leaves a company and signs an agreement that might have language that misleads the employee. Derek highlights the importance of finding misleading language and ambiguities, using his legal skills to protect his clients’ rights. “It is my job to prove that it was misleading, to find those ambiguities, and I have been successful in doing this,” he says.
“I highly recommend Mr. Usman, who ensured our process was transparent and thoroughly explained every detail, which was crucial for our non-locally based business with significant operations in Florida. We required someone trustworthy, a rarity nowadays, but I’m delighted to have found Derek Usman’s law firm, exemplifying integrity, honesty, genuineness and a strong work ethic. Mr. Usman demonstrates expertise and efficiently completes tasks, even with challenging parties. For that I am grateful and will continue to do business with Usman Law Firm.” — Alex-
andra Ciles, Flores Ciles Contractors, LLC
Another area where Derek offers assistance is in fraud cases, including often-complex issues like mail and wire fraud. The stakes in these types of cases are often high, and clients depend upon Derek’s expertise to guide them through the legal process. “This area includes anyone who may have embezzled funds or has committed any type of fraud that includes money,” he explains.
And, when these cases involve the use of the internet or wire transfers, they often have to be tried in a federal court, so you need an attorney who has the ability to do just that. His experience in these cases ensures that his clients receive knowledgeable support, whether their cases are settled out of court or go to trial.
The Usman Law Firm charges clients by the hour, although in some cases, such as those going to court, he works on a contingency basis. This flexibility allows him to serve a wide range of clients, from individuals and small businesses to larger entities with significant legal needs.
One of the distinguishing features of the firm is the personalized service Derek offers.
“When you go to one of the ‘large’ law firms, you are never sure who will be working for you,” he explains. “If you ask for one of the partners, you should be ready to pay a very high hourly rate. However, with me, you get the one person who has all the experience.”
At the larger firms, he adds, cases are often handed off to junior associates or teams. For Derek, being the primary point of contact means he can ensure each case receives the same high standard of dedication and expertise.
“We were looking for great representation
for our business and personal legal advice and I cannot express how much of a headache we had until we met Derek Usman. No other attorneys would call back or have time to listen and assist with our business needs. As our business attorney, Derek has been excellent, and I certainly recommend him to anyone. He knows exactly what our needs are, is very professional, intelligent and provides the best advice. Derek is very detailed and pays very good attention to our needs. My experiences with Usman Law have been and will continue to be stupendous through and through.” — Jose Ferrer, CEO, Mor-Stor Medical
Although he operates a solo practice, Derek notes that he doesn’t work in isolation. He participates in bar associations and networks that allow him to connect with other attorneys and brainstorm when needed.
Outside of his legal work, Derek is deeply involved in community outreach. He is active with the Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church in Hyde Park and participates in the Rotary Club of Tampa. Through these organizations, Derek has engaged in a variety of service projects. “I have participated most recently in the Food Pantry,” he shares, highlighting his desire to make a difference both inside and outside the courtroom. For more info about Derek Usman and the Usman Law Firm, call (813) 377-1197 or see the ad on page 38. You also can visit UsmanFirm.com or email derek@usmanfirm. com. His offices are located at 20701 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Suite 207, and 505 E. Jackson St., Ste. 305, in downtown Tampa
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By Iris Vitelli Neighborhood News Correspondent
For more than 30 years, Teena Hughes, M.D., has been a trusted pediatrician in Tampa, supporting generations of families in their health care journeys. Born in Clewiston, FL, she was raised in the Fort Lauderdale and Orlando areas.
After earning her Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree from the University of South Florida and completing her three-year pediatric residency at All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, she spent several years gaining experience with a large healthcare group before deciding to open her own practice. Today, the Teena Hughes, M.D., P.A., Pediatrics office on E.Fletcher Ave. near N. 46th St., located just minutes from New Tampa, is well-known by local parents and their children.
Dr. Teena’s eldest son, Roger Hughes, III, D.O., joined the practice in July 2021, but his route to pediatrics wasn’t immediate. After earning a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Microbiology from the University of Florida in Gainesville and completing his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree at the Bradenton, FL, campus of Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, he pursued a three-year residency at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, FL.
Although he admits he initially was uncertain about focusing on pediatrics, Dr. Roger says everything changed during medical school.
“I was always interested in medicine and knew I would be a physician, but didn’t really have an interest in pediatrics” he says, “until I experienced it. In medical school you have a chance to try different areas of medicine, and I
immediately fell in love with pediatrics and knew this was the right path for me.”
Just as Dr. Teena has brought her own second generation into the practice, she says, “Many of the patients I cared for as children are now bringing their own kids to me,” she says. “It’s heartwarming to see the next generation walk through my doors.”
Dr. Roger adds that they have families coming from as far away as Riverview and Dade City. “They come for the personalized care they remember getting themselves,” Dr. Roger says, “and know their children will receive the same.”
He also says that working alongside his mother has been both rewarding and practical.
“It’s great having two doctors here,” he says. “We can cover for each other while keeping the small, family-friendly atmosphere our patients love.” Dr. Roger recalls one particularly touching
families believe in piercing a child’s ears as early as they can. She told me we needed to start doing it and it has been a success. Parents trust us to do it because it’s safe and hygienic. We even get teenagers coming in for second piercings with their parents’ approval.” Please note that Dr. Teena will only pierce ears and you don’t have to be one of her patients to receive the service.
Dr. Teena and Dr. Roger’s affiliation with AdventHealth Tampa (AHT) hospital ensures a seamless connection to hospital care. Each morning, either Dr. Teena or Dr. Roger visit newborns at AHT, offering parents peace of mind as they navigate the early days of parenthood. Both doctors feel comfortable with pediatric patients of all ages, from newborns through teens.
Published Research, Too
moment: “A former patient said he enjoyed coming to the office when he was small and always anticipated going to the treasure chest — it was his favorite thing. Now, he’s bringing his own child here.”
The office offers a wide range of services tailored to meet the needs of young patients and their families. From wellness checkups and sick visits to vaccinations and minor procedures like ear piercing and wart removal, Teena Hughes Pediatrics provides a level of care that is both extensive and convenient.
For example, ear piercing recently has become a sought-after service, handled with a doctor’s precision.
“One of my nurses,” Dr. Teena says, “had just come on board and asked about piercing. I told her we didn’t do it. But then, I became educated about the fact that many Hispanic
The practice also participates in clinical research studies, contributing to advancements in pediatric medicine. Recently, Dr. Teena co-authored a study on PCV20 (which stands for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 20-valent) , which protects against seven more strains of pneumococcus (or pneumonia) than PCV13. Published in the prestigious Pediatrics (the official peer-reviewed flagship journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics), this research underscores the practice’s commitment to improving children’s health.
Families also can even participate in studies, such as those evaluating different types of baby formula. Participants receive formula free of charge and help researchers gather valuable insights by keeping journals of their experiences.
“These studies provide an opportunity for parents to access additional resources while
ating are usually products they already use.”
The team includes three Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) — nurse practitioners Kelsey Overton, Adrienne Graham and Desiree Bonnet — who work closely with Dr. Teena and Dr. Roger to provide additional top-notch care. This cohesive team ensures that every family feels supported, no matter the need.
Dr. Teena balances her professional life with her role as a mother and grandmother. With four children and one grandson, family is at the heart of everything she does. Her second son Casey currently is completing a post-graduate residency in Chicago and, while his future plans are undecided, Dr. Teena welcomes the possibility of him joining the practice and adding to her legacy.
She also is proud of the relationships she’s
trust, compassion, and being there for families during every stage of life.”
The office also is highly accessible, with hours designed for busy families. Open Mon.Fri., 8 a.m.-6 p.m., and 8 a.m.-noon on Sat., the practice offers same-day and next-day appointments, as well as walk-ins at 8 a.m. Patients can schedule appointments online through the practice’s website, which also provides a wealth of educational resources on topics like car seat safety, immunizations, and traveling with children.
Teena Hughes, M.D., P.A., Pediatrics is located at 4444 E Fletcher Ave., Suite C, and accepts most major health insurance plans. For appointments and more information, call (813)903-0060, visit TeenaHughesPediatrics. com or see the ad on pg. 43.
Haters Beware! Every year, after we’ve shown you the restaurants you — our readers —‚ chose as your favorite restaurants in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel, I always tell you my favorites, which always differ from yours.
And, no matter what any of my haters want to believe, being an advertiser in my publications has nothing to do with whether or not they advertise with us.
In fact, it’s actually the opposite, as part of the reason many of my favorite places end up advertising with us is because I have either told
them — or put into a Nibbles & Bites item (or both) — how much I like their place before they ever spend any money with us.
Here in New Tampa, the Grill at Morris Bridge and Stonewood continue to run neck & neck every year and, as long as the quality doesn’t falter at either going forward, it’s going to take someone having better steaks, better fresh fish and other options for either of them to be unseated. And, although Las Palmas added beer and wine to their brick & mortar location, that’s not the reason I moved it up on my list of favorites
— it’s because the Las Palmas food truck didn’t allow owner/chef Ramses Garcia to serve his full menu, but it’s all back now.
Hopping back into a high finish in New Tampa in this year’s survey is Kobe, and first-timers on my 2024 top-25 list are Palm Thai (#10), Don Julio’s (#12), Coffee Latitudes (#18), Rain Bistro (#24) & Nawabi (#25). Because I compile my list later in the year than you have to vote, I am always able to include some new places on my list that weren’t open in time to make yours.
Please note that it is a painstaking process
for me to create my list each year. There are always places left off of my favorites that I enjoy nearly as much as I do those that make it — but I have to cut the list somewhere and rest assured, if a restaurant is on this list, not only do I like it, I support it by spending at least some money there. This year, among the places that narrowly missed my New Tampa cut (in no particular order) were Sushi Raw, Peabody’s, Michi Ramen, Thai Lanna, Capri Pizza-n-More, Fresh Kitchen, Mr. Dunderbak’s, Taste of NY Pizza. Hummingbird Jerk Hut & Namaste Express. — GN
1.The Grill at Morris Bridge
2.Stonewood Grill & Tavern
3.Las Palmas Latin Grill
4.Lima Peruvian Cuisine
5.Fat Rabbit Pub
6.Via Italia Woodfired Pizza & Bar
7.Frammi American Grille & Italian Food
8.Johnny C’s Italian Eatery
9.Kobe Japanese Steakhouse
10.Palm Thai
12.Don Julio’s Authentic Mexican Cuisine
13.Thai Ruby
14.Bayscape Bistro
15.Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine
16.Cali Tampa Palms
17.Acropolis Greek Taverna
18.Coffee Latitudes
19.Cantina Mexican Grill & Bar
20.Zio’s New York Bagel & Deli Co.
21.Ha Long Bay
22.Gorkhali Kitchen
23.Sushi Café
24.Rain Bistro
25.Nawabi Hyderabad House
1.Zukku-San Sushi Bar & Grill
2.Falabella Family Bistro
3.Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurant
4.Inchin’s Bamboo Garden
5.Amici Pizza
6.Pisco Express
8.Arroy Thai
9.Azteca D’Oro
11.Bubba’s 33
12.Noble Crust
13.Yamato Japanese Restaurant
14.Rice N Beans Puerto Rico
15.Señor Tequila
16.Blush Wine Room
17.Bacon Boss HQ
18.Persis Indian Grill
19.Hungry Greek
20.Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
21.The Living Room
22. Umu Japanese & Thai
23.TrebleMakers Dueling Piano Bar & Restaurant
25. Palani’s Hawai’i Noodles
10920 Cross Creek Blvd., Cross Creek Commons (813)388-5353 • TheGrillatMorrisBridge.com; or see the ad below
As I told you last issue, our readers dropped The Grill at Morris Bridge from #2 last year to #6 this year. Yours truly, on the other hand, still has The Grill at #1 — again by the slimmest of margins over your favorite (Stonewood; see below) — in large part because of the two dishes shown here: the amazing bacon & parmesan-crusted grouper (top) and New Tampa’s only tomahawk ribeye steak (bottom), as well as the restaurant’s other steaks and even Italian options.
Jannah & I also love sitting at The Grill’s comfy bar and the new less-expensive bar menu (perfect for watching football or hockey games), including owner Frank Gouveia’s signature Massachusetts-style bar pizza, the new Nathan’s hot dogs and one of the best grilled chicken sandwiches in our area.
17050 Palm Pointe Dr., Pointe at Tampa Palms
Even though I have continued to keep it just below The Grill on my list of favorites, Executive Chef Danny Manzur and managing partner Den nis Diaz still know how much Jannah and I love Stonewood Grill & Tavern
From delicious, tender filet mignon & great prime rib, to semi-spicy Southwest chicken bowls and excel lent fresh fish — including the best seared tuna appetizer in New Tampa (photo) — we will always be big fans of Stonewood, too.
Foodportiononly; drinks&taxnotincluded. Musthaveormentioncoupon. Onecouponpertableonly. Cannotbecombinedwithotheroffers. EXPIRES2/10/2022
Las Palmas owner/chef Ramses Garcia once told me I was one “of a few old people” who loved his merluza a la Rusa (photo, shown with a side salad with his awesome creamy herbal dressing & perfect black beans) — flaky, white fish, flashfried & topped with creamy “Russian” sauce. I get the sauce on the side when we order it to go, so the panko-coated basa stays super-crisp. Please tell Ramses I sent you! I also love the crispy vaca frita (tender beef marinated in garlic & lime & grill-fried with onions until crisp), the mojo roasted pork, whole-fried snapper & much more.
16029 Tampa Palms Blvd. W., City Plaza at Tampa Palms (813)252-3004 • FatRabbitPub.com
How consistent is the Fat Rabbit Pub with yours truly and our readers? We both named it as our 5th Favorite Restaurant in New Tampa this year. But, Fat Rabbit is more than just a sports bar with pub-style food only — including the crispiest wings in New Tampa (photo), especially when you order your favorite sauces on the side (instead of on the wings), like I do. But, while Jannah & I also love the burgers, tater tots and she says the “fattened” shrimp are great, Fat Rabbit also has mojo mahi-mahi and short rib rice bowls, plus a great bar crowd enjoying super-premium liquor and craft beer.
6.Via Italia
Fired Pizza & Bar 8644 Hunter’s Village Rd., Village at Hunter’s Lake (813)475-4857 • EatViaItalia.com
New owners? No problem! I still love Via Italia, even though I still wish the place would
I had only ever eaten at a Peruvian restaurant a couple of times before owner/chef Oscar Escudero opened Lima, but Jannah & I have been craving his Latin-Chinese fusion cuisine ever since. From the best all-fish (there are shellfish options, too) ceviche (photo) to the always-tasty Peruvian rotisserie chicken, and from Chinese-inspired favorites like the Tallarin (lo mein-style noodles) Carne, Pollo or Mariscos (steak, chicken or shrimp) Saltado,
with onions, tomatoes, scallions & peppers with soy sauce, to specials like the Asado de res (chunks of tender roast beef with brown gravy) and so many more, there’s just no other place like Lima in New Tampa.
17631 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Suite E, North Palms Village (813)523-5075 • Frammi.com
I really don’t understand why Frammi still isn’t registering with our readers the way it does with me. Maybe because it took over for the old Oakley’s Grille, which was a burger & sandwich place (and Frammi still shows up on Google as a “Sandwich Shop”), but I can get a burger anywhere. For authentic Italian pasta dishes, there’s really only Frammi and Via Italia — and both are excellent. So, if you still haven’t tried co-owner/ chef Luca Ammirati‘s vongole (pasta with clams, photo), penne alla vodka or eggplant parm, you’re really missing out. Please tell Luca I sent you!
10970 Cross Creek Blvd., Suite A
(813)278-8020 • JohnnyCsItalianEatery.com; or see the ad below
Co-owner/chef Erik Ravenna is from Jersey, so he understands what New Yawkas like me want in an Italian restaurant/pizza place — big servings of hearty comfort food with zesty red sauces at fair prices. And, while I enjoy Johnny C’s pizza, I’m much more partial to Erik’s meatball appetizer, chicken (photo) or eggplant parm, penne alla vodka, ravioli pomodoro and homemade Momma’s lasagna. He also has a nice touch with other specialties like chicken piccata or Marsala. And, if enough of you ask for it, maybe he’ll add some nice veal dishes someday! In the meantime, if you can eat shrimp, Johnny C’s also has New Tampa’s best selection of seafood pastas. Mangia!
17641 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.
(813)680-5800 • KobeSteakhouse.com
I’ll admit that I really missed Kobé Japanese Steakhouse when it shut down. But, now that it’s reopened in its larger location (next to Chili’s), it’s nice for New Tampa to have a true Japanese steakhouse with real filet mignon (photo), as well as chicken, shrimp, lobster, scallops, tofu & even tuna on those dinner-&-a-show hibachi/teppanyaki tables. Kobe overstuffs you with clear onion soup, a great green salad & mixed veggies, plus lo mein noodles and fried rice. And, it has good sushi and apps like chicken gyoza, edamame & veggie spring rolls, plus a large full-liquor bar for those who don’t need to be entertained tableside.
17022 Palm Pointe Dr., Shoppes at The Pointe (813)252-3534 • PalmThaiNewTampa.com
I wasn’t a big fan of Palm Thai under its original owners, when it was mainly a takeout place, but the new owners not only turned it into a (still small) sit-down restaurant, they definitely gave it a menu upgrade (and major expansion). I still like Thai Ruby and Thai Lanna, but my opinion is that Palm Thai now has the best Thai-style fried rice (photo), pot sticker dumplings and veggie spring rolls of the three. I also really enjoy the crispy duck, chicken or pork with garlic & black pepper or ginger sauce (great veggies). I can’t wait to try the soft shell crab & fish filet options.
Here Are Your Favorite Italian Restaurants In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel - *Note-We forgot to include this category last issue!
This was really a two-restaurant race for our readers (see my Italian faves on pg. 40), with Via Italia and Falabella running neck-and-neck throughout the voting. Moschella’s, Amici, Johnny C’s and Frammi were close to each other, but well behind those two. Try Via Italia’s pasta, including two types of pesto: the better-known (green) Genovese style (see pg. 37) and the nutty Sicilian style shown here.
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Pizza Places In
As a true NY pizza guy, I have previously preferred Taste of NY, but my last few visits to Capri convinced me otherwise. Johnny C’s and the various styles at Via Italia are close, too.
1. Capri Pizza-N-More
2.Taste of NY Pizza
3.Johnny C’s Italian Eatery
4.Via Italia
5.Cappy’s Pizzeria
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Italian Restaurants In NT & WC
The more authentic Italian fare at both Via Italia and Frammi are close, but Falabella is #1 for me. You can’t go wrong with Johnny C’s, Amici, PizzaMania or Fratelli’s either.
1. Falabella Family Bistro
2.Via Italia Woodfired Pizza & Bar
3.Frammi American Grille & Italian Food
4.Johnny C’s Italian Eatery
5.(tie) Amici Pizza, PizzaMania & Fratelli’s
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Mexican Restaurants In NT & WC
All five listed here are good, and depending upon which dishes you prefer, the first four are almost interchangeable. I could have labeled them 1a, 1b, 1c & 1d.
1. Azteca D’Oro (see the ad below)
2.Don Julio’s Authentic Mexican
3.Cantina Mexican Grill & Bar
4. Señor Tequila
5.Vallarta’s Mexican Restaurant
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Latin (not Mexican) Places In NT/WC
I’ve already told you on pg. 37 why I love Las Palmas & Lima, but Pisco isn’t far behind Lima for Peruvian-Chinese fusion fare. Rice N Beans PR & Arepa Mia are up there, too.
1. Las Palmas Latin Grill
2.Lima Peruvian Cuisine
3.Pisco Express
4.Rice N Beans Puerto Rico
5.Arepa Mia
There are now three sit-down Chinese places in our distribution areas, with Liang’s still my front-runner, but don’t sleep on the new Inchin’s or Rain Bistro. Yum!
1. Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine
2.Inchin’s Bamboo Garden
3.Rain Bistro
4.Hot Wok 88
5.Gonna China
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Japanese/ Sushi Places In NT & WC
Since I can’t eat every kind of sushi, it’s more about the other Japanese fare for me, with Zukku’s apps and Kobe & Yamato’s hibachi tables topping Umu & Sushi Cafe’s great sushi.
1. Zukku-San Sushi Bar & Grill
2.Kobé Japanese Steakhouse
3.Yamato Japanese Restaurant
5.Umu Japanese & Thai
5.Sushi Café
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Thai/ Korean Places In NT & WC
Multiple new Korean places at Lotte Market made this category even tougher, although my fave Korean chicken is at Sweet Krunch. Arroy, Palm, Ruby, Ha Long & Lanna are all excellent.
1. Arroy Thai
2. Palm Thai
3. Thai Ruby
4.Ha Long Bay
5.(tie) Sweet Krunch & Thai Lanna
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Indian Restaurants In NT & WC
For someone who never used to like Indian food, I am a fan of all five of the places listed below, with Persis & Inchin “inchin’” past Gorkhali, and Nawabi & Namaste just behind those two.
1. Persis Indian Grill
2.Inchin’s Bamboo Garden
3.Gorkhali Kitchen (Nepalese)
4.Nawabi Hyderabad House
5.Namaste Express
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Greek/ Mediterranean Food In NT/WC
I love Hungry Greek as much as our readers do, but give me the Athenian fish and lamb chops at Acropolis over the great gyros and/or souvlakis at the other three.
1. Acropolis Greek Taverna
2.Hungry Greek
3.Café Zorba
4.Little Greek
5.Al-Sham Palace
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Bakeries In NT & WC
The croissants at Bakery X top those at Tous Les Jours & Le Macaron. NBC is my fave for cake & Moschella’s sfogliatelles are delish.
1. Bakery X
2.Tous les Jours
3.Le Macaron
4.Nothing Bundt Cakes
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Breakfast Places In NT & WC
I have to have grits with my eggs & no one makes ‘em better locally than EggTown. I like the smoked salmon bagels at both bagel places.
1. EggTown
3.Happy Hangar
4.Zio’s NY Bagel
5. Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Ice Cream/Gelato In NT & WC
I like gelato, but prefer real ice cream. For me, the top 2 are just a smidge above Bruster’s & Cold Stone & Leonidas’ dip tops top Twistee’s.
1. Ice Dreammm
2.Ice SSScreamin’
4.Cold Stone Creamery
5. Leonidas Café
Gary’s 2024 Favorite Coffee Shops In NT & WC
For those of us who can’t stand Starbucks, we have some great local options with the 5 below beating Sorbo, Raining Berries & Provisions.
1. Bean Bar Co.
2.Coffee Latitudes
4.Bad Ass Coffee
5.Silva’s Coffee Grind
By Gary Nager
by Charmaine George
When we first showed and told you about Bir kin’s Steakhouse & Sushi Bar, located on N. Florida Ave. in Lutz (a little north of W. Bearss Ave.) back in June, the then-new restaurant’s main dining room was the main attraction — and it definitely attracted an upscale clientele that appreciated owner Mark Birkin’s selection of prime steaks and fresh sushi.
The restaurant has done so well that Mark decided that the sushi bar side — which previously was where live music was played when the restaurant was the “LA” (Lutz-Area) Hangout (and the Twisted Rooster after that) — needed and deserved an upgrade so that his ever-growing roster of customers wouldn’t have to deal with a wait on the weekends.
Well now, with more than 100 additional seats in a variety of both cozy four-top and larger 8-10-top booths, as well as a few large round tables, Mark and GM Doug Scagliola say the revamped Birkin’s sushi side is quickly becoming the location of choice for many of their regulars.
“It’s only been open three or four weeks,” Mark said at our press time, “but we already have people requesting to sit in the sushi bar area.” ( Now that the weather is cooler, Birkin’s also-all-new, large outdoor patio with its own huge bar area, is sure to become another hotspot for his customers.)
The guess here is that the remodeled section also will help increase sales of Birkin’s outstand ing fresh sushi — from basics like California and Rainbow rolls and thick-slice tuna, yellowtail and salmon sashimi to more exotic options like Caterpillar Roll (eel roll topped with avocado and eel sauce), Giant Buda Roll (tempura shrimp with mayo, crab, smelt roe and avocado, all deep fried and topped with eel sauce and spicy mayo), to my new go-to, the Yummy Roll (with crispy baked fish, tempura crunch and roe, topped with avocado, eel sauce and spicy mayo; bottom right photo). Birkin’s doesn’t yet have as large a variety of sushi as some Japanese restaurants, but perhaps the best thing about it is that you can still order from the restaurant’s full menu on the sushi side.
It was Happy Hour (Wed.-Fri., 3 p.m.-5:30 p.m.) during our last visit, so Charmaine, Jannah and I shared a few of the Birkin’s Happy Hour food specials. We all loved the steak kabobs, made with filet tips and grilled onions and peppers (middle right) with house-made chimichurri sauce ($10 for two kabobs). Charmaine raved about the tangy seafood ceviche (which I couldn’t sample because it’s made with shrimp), served in a martini glass (top right), for only $6. And, we all enjoyed the crispy potato wedges with blue or peppercorn sauce (I preferred the latter), also for $6. There’s also a Big Burger for $10 and tenderloin sliders for $12, plus
filet mignon, but after seeing the 28-oz. tomahawk ribeye (above) come out, that will be my next dinner option. But, whether you crave starters like escargots in butter, fried lobster bites or jumbo shrimp cocktail, entrées like a Surf & Turf (8-oz. filet & lobster tail), hand-cut Chilean sea bass (top photo on next page), grouper piccata or lollipop lamb chops, or even Italian specialties like a thick, tender chicken parmesan or ravioli with portobella mushrooms, you can’t go wrong at Birkin’s. Some entrées do include side dishes, but there also are Family Style sides like a tasty sautéed vegetable medley, mac & cheese, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, green beans, creamed spinach and more. I think Jannah, Charmaine and I have sampled most of them and all have been yummy.
Save room for dessert, because Birkin’s has a delicious Bailey’s Irish Cream cheesecake, an apple
nitely has your bar favorites covered before, during and after Happy Hour, when select glasses of wine, specialty drinks (including a house old fashioned and “Florida Ave.” margarita) and favorites like Tito’s, Jack Daniel’s, Four Roses, Cap tain Morgan and Herradura Repo tequila are all just $8.
If you’re planning a holiday party, Birkin’s even has a private room that seats up to 24 people.
The restaurant also will be open both Christmas Day and for New Year’s Eve, so why cook when you can make any holiday a little more special at Birkin’s?
Birkin’s Steakhouse & Sushi Bar (16411
p.m.-10:30 p.m. on Sun. (it’s closed Mon. & Tues.). For reservations (which are suggested, but not required, except when booking a party) & more information, call (813) 374-8002, visit BirkinsSteakhouse.com or see the ad on pg. 45.
Bakery & Café — it’s muy bueno!
The Cuban-style bakery, with 16 Miami-area locations and one in West Tampa, features freshly made breakfast and lunch sandwiches (like the bacon, fresh scrambled egg & cheese on roll above), plus empanadas, Latin pastries and Cuban coffee drinks. It’s open Mon.-Sat., 6 a.m.-8 p.m., and 7 a.m.-8 p.m. on Sunday, and does have inside seat-
To order online, visit CAOBakeryCafe.com.
Speaking of bakeries, although we don’t know when, the 20th location of Paris Baguette Bakery (photos below) will open in the former Orangetheory Fitness spot in Highwoods Preserve (at 17515 Preserve Walk Ln.), next to Cold Stone Creamery. Tous Les Jours in the Lotte Plaza Mar, Paris Baguette is Korean-owned (with 4,000 locations worldwide, including 200 in the U.S. & Canada) and features a variety of French-style pastries, plus cakes, quiches, salads and breakfast and lunch sandwiches, and a variety of hot & cold
mium” Japanese restaurants, with existing locations in Texas, Louisiana, Pensacola, FL, and the closest to us in Lakeland.
Like Koizi in The Shoppes at The Pointe plaza (less than 500 feet away!), the under-construction Japanese eatery offers all-you-can-eat lunch and dinner options — however, Sushi Masa only offers hibachi/teppanyaki entrées separately from the allyou-can-eat fare.
But, don’t expect Sushi Masa to open anytime soon, as the former Red Lobster has been completely gutted inside and the manager we spoke with at the Lakeland location didn’t know when it was expected to be completed. Our best guess is sometime during/
Congratulations to brothers Ian and Adam Lieberman, who opened their third Dave’s Hot Chicken franchise (the other two are on N. Dale Mabry Hwy. & E. Fowler Ave.) in The Shops at Wiregrass (at 28358 Willet Way, in the former location of Irish 31), as expected, on Nov. 21, before both Chicken Guy (see below) and Raising Cane’s (not expected to open until Jan. 2025) and is now serving their Nashville hot chicken to our hot-chicken-hungry community.
And, even though the Dave’s menu doesn’t offer much in the way of healthy options (although the kale slaw is very tasty), if you’ve been looking for another spicy chicken place — because it’s clear that our area can’t get enough of them — Dave’s is a great-looking restaurant chain with more than 250 locations.
Jannah, photographer Charmaine George and I sampled the new Dave’s chicken bites (above), which we ordered with no sauce and was our unanimous favorite, although the medium-spicy, one-tender slider sandwich (left) was definitely tasty. The fries and mac & cheese also were spot-on. We haven’t yet sampled the top-loaded shakes, but definitely plan to in the future.
The Lieberman brothers also own several Fuzzy’s Taco Shop franchises, including the one on S.R. 54 in Lutz we told you about last issue. For more info, visit DavesHotChicken.com. — GN
Meanwhile, the long-awaited opening of the Tampa Bay area’s first-ever Chicken Guy location was scheduled at our press time on or around Saturday, December 14 (please check our “Neighborhood News” Facebook page regularly for a more precise opening date).
Chicken Guy (top right), founded by ce lebrity chef Guy Fieri and restaurateur Robert Earl, currently has a dozen locations, going up quickly to 18, including our “Cypress Creek” location at 25769 Sierra Center Blvd.
The “Mayor of Flavortown” menu features hot and “O.G.” mild crispy (or grilled) chicken tenders (and “Big Bite” sandwiches), plus salads, fries, American slaw, mac & cheese and shakes (sound familiar?), although it does also sometimes feature “Limited Time” offers — such as pepperoni chicken parm sandwiches and chopped cheese & chicken egg rolls, fried chicken dumplings and more. The “Boss of Sauce” also offers everything from Nashville hot honey to avocado crema and many more sauces created by the Chicken Guy himself!
as 100% Vienna® beef hot dogs, Shake Shack also offers (surprise!) crispy chicken sandwiches and bites, crinkle cut fries and shakes (including limited time shakes like Christmas Cookie and Apple Cider Donut), but with the added bonus of vanilla or chocolate frozen custard, which also can be included in your root beer or Creamsicle® float.
For more info, visit ChickenGuy.com.
Now with an expected opening on or around Friday, December 13, less than a 1/4mile from Chicken Guy, is the Wesley Chapel/ Lutz location of Shake Shack, in the former slot occupied by Wendy’s, at 25600 Sierra Center Blvd. (photo right).
In addition to its variety of burgers
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