Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News, Volume 28, Issue 10, April 2, 2020

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WESLEY CHAPEL Inside: In Praise Of Irish Whiskey!

Volume 28 Issue 9 April 24, 2020


See page 30!

Open For Business (Sort Of) By JOHN C. COTEY john@ntneighborhoodnews.com Sue Hutchison went shopping Monday for the first time in forever. She and her daughter Lydia drove from Temple Terrace to the Tampa Premium Outlets (TPO) on S.R. 56 searching for one thing: Normalcy. “I just wanted to get out and walk around and look at normal things,” she said. “I wanted to see things other than my neighborhood.” Hutchison was like many shoppers and restaurant-goers last week who were taking advantage of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Phase 1 reopening of businesses. Heck, the reopening of society throughout the Sunshine State. After a month-long quarantine enacted and intended to slow the spread of Covid-19, stay-at-home rules were relaxed on May 4, as restaurants and retail stores, beaches and state parks were allowed to open, albeit under strict guidelines for social distancing. Restaurants could offer outdoor seating as long tables were six feet apart, and could also welcome custom-

Only a few people could be seen walking around the Tampa Premium Outlets on S.R. 56 a couple of hours after retail stores were allowed to reopen by Gov. Ron DeSantis’ new order on May 4. (Photo by Charmaine George)

ers inside to eat as well, but only if the interior was no more than 25 percent of each restaurant’s usual capacity. Retail stores also were restricted to only operate at 25 percent of their interior capacity as well. “I think this is pretty much what

we expected for this round,” said Pasco’s District 2 County Commissioner Mike Moore. “The response I’ve heard has been all positive. Some people are excited to reopen even at a smaller capacity. Personally, I’m excited, because I know a lot of small

businesses (in Pasco) are hurting.” Marie-Claude Atteberry, the co-owner of Apricot Lane Boutique, which specializes in women’s clothing and accessories, reopened her store the first day she could at the Shops at Wiregrass. Her store, which she and her husband David had only first opened in January, has been hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis. “I opened because I thought it was the right thing to do,” said Atteberry. “I opened because I have to pay rent. We were thinking it would be dead, but to our surprise, I think it’s worked out well.” The foot traffic at both area malls was minimal on the opening day of Phase 1, as more cars made their way down Paseo Dr. at the Shops at Wiregrass than people, with drivers peering out their windows to see what was open and what was not. At Wiregrass, what didn’t open was a much longer list than what did and included the mall’s retail anchors — JC Penney, Macy’s and Dillard’s —that help drive a lot of the traffic to the mall.

government and CDC-recommended guidelines regards to Covid-19, and we’ve implemented heightened sanitation measures that align with specific to property operations, cleaning the recommendations set forth by the Centers standards and events. for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It goes without saying that your health and safety will always come first. This situation is In addition, we are in close coordination with our tenants to provide the safest possible fluid and ever-evolving, and we will continue to communicate any operational changes at our environment for everyone. All property entry At our core, we have always been in the busi- points have been equipped with hand sanitizer properties. Based on the guidance of our partner health agencies and our own preparedness, we ness of enriching the communities we serve and stations, and we have increased touch-point cleaning across our portfolio with high-grade are confident that our properties remain safe. the lives of those who visit our properties, and We are open for business and here to serve you. disinfectants. Our team members have been it is our commitment to continue providing a Thank you for your trust. safe environment for our vistors. Our teams are educated on the prevention and spread of the actively monitoring the evolving situation with virus. At this time, we continue to follow all — From The Grove Family to Yours

See “Open” on pag 4.

We consider our visitors, employees and tenants to be part of the Grove family. As such, we want to assure you that we are taking every measure possible to ensure your safety. The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) has started to impact our communities, and our prayers go out to those affected.

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Between NPC & (No) PPP, We Have A Problem, Wesley Chapel An editorial by Gary Nager Last issue, which didn’t hit mailboxes until two weeks after its April 10 cover date, I apologized for how late the issue was reaching you. This issue, I have to apologize again, because I realize that the May 8 Wesley Chapel issue also is reaching you a little bit later than its cover date, but even moreso because it’s not in our usual all-glossy format. After our last issue was two weeks late, despite the fact it still looked like our usual all-glossy magazine, I realized that if I still want to get back on schedule, I still needed to find yet another printer (more on this below). Rest assured, however, that we are working on both problems — getting back to all-glossy (or at least a brighter, whiter paper than this issue, which is all-newsprint) and to on-time delivery of all of our issues going forward. I’m sure that what I’m saying about what I have had to do to keep this business in business isn’t news to those of you who own businesses of your own or to those of you who have permanently or temporarily lost your jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, but I felt compelled to keep all of you updated as to what’s happening with us. As of the day that I am writing this editorial, I have not yet heard back from my bank about whether or not I am going to receive any funding from the second round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. My bank did inform me that as soon as the ink on President Trump’s signature was dry on the law providing the second round of $300 billion or so Small Business Administration (SBA) funding, that my original PPP application — which was never processed by my bank because of the sheer volume of applications received — was automatically resubmitted for those Round 2 funds. As I am writing this, it has been just over a week since the second round of PPP began, but the only actual correspondence I have received thus far about that re-submitted application didn’t give me too much hope, as it included the following: “Our teammates continue to work diligently to review and process applications around the clock; however, given the unprecedented demand, we can’t guarantee every qualified applicant will receive a PPP loan.”

A Sign Of The Times...

Neighborhood News managing editor John Cotey previously worked for two decades for the St. Petersburg Times, before that daily newspaper changed its name to the Tampa Bay Times and purchased the now-defunct Tampa Tribune. When I mentioned that the replacement printer I found that could keep printing our issues on glossy stock wasn’t going to be able to keep up with our every-two-week print schedule, John suggested that I call the Times, which had recently announced that it was reducing its own print schedule from daily to only two days per week. “So, maybe they can print us,” he said. “Since they have all those presses not running.” And, even though the Times didn’t have a ready supply of glossy paper for us and had furloughed some of its press (and pre-press) people, they did have the ability to print our job, but only on standard newsprint stock, at least for now. But, the Times has been able to both turn our job around much more quickly than our glossy printer and also is helping us save quite a bit on our print costs, which also is a great help during this still-ongoing financial crisis. So, while this issue may not look or feel Neighborhood News

exactly like your usual Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News, I know the content — especially John’s coverage of local Covid-19 news — is still the same quality you’re used to reading. The hope here is that my re-submitted application will be approved for the second round of PPP funding, so we can get back to normal by next issue.

at risk so that we all have a chance to survive. I also would be remiss if I didn’t thank everyone who has been working at our local supermarkets, discount stores, restaurants, gas stations and other essential businesses so we can all spend as much time as possible at home. I echo the posts I’ve seen on social media that all of you are real-life super heroes and thank you from the bottom of my heart. But please, no matter which side of the cash register you’re on, if you have a mask, always wear it anytime you’re in a public place, especially with Florida reopening. I see too many people who have their masks not covering their mouths or noses. How can they protect you or others if you don’t wear them, people? And, please don’t throw disposable gloves on the ground — put them in the trash. Let’s all be part of the solution!

Thank You, Frontline Workers!

With all of the other craziness going on when our local, state and national economies were shut down in March, I neglected last issue to send big thank-yous out to all of you who have been working on the front lines during our ongoing battle against the pandemic. So, let me say here how much I appreciate all of the doctors, nurses, hospital and other medical staffers, scientists and pharmacists who have worked long hours and put their own lives


Unemployment failures put local resident’s petition in the spotlight.

Page 8


Stuck inside? Budget Blinds can help improve your view.

Wesley Chapel

Pages 12-13

(813) 991-6161 Community members rise to the challenge by making protective masks.

Pages 21-23

Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News


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Address: 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail:  EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor /Ad Sales Gary Nager Managing Editor / Photographer John C. Cotey Correspondents Celeste McLaughlin • Mike Camunas Lead Video Producer/Multimedia Specialist Charmaine George Photography & Videography Richard Nasrallah • Benjamin Hobe • Amy Stewart Graphic Designers Georgia Carmichael • Valerie Wegener Billing Assistant Jannah Nager

Nothing that appears in Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisement reservations for Volume 28, Issue 12, of Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is Friday, May 22, 2020. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will consider previously nonpublished outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.

© 2020 JM2 Communications, Inc.

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net


Baby Steps: Things begin returning to normal, but at a slow, safe pace Continued from page 1.

That was one of the big questions facing business owners — sure, they’re ready to open, but are their customers ready to shop? “I really just came to get out of the house and walk around and see what was going on,” said Robert, who lives in Seven Oaks and asked that we only use his first name because he is worried about backlash from neighbors who think it’s too soon to be out. “I’m not even sure it’s not too soon. But, I’m wearing my mask, not going in any store and staying away from people. But, it’s still a little nerve-wracking.” That’s why Karen Gill of Wesley Chapel says everyone needs to move at their own pace. She was out at TPO, on the first day of its reopening. “I think it’s up to you,” she said. “I don’t think that a lot of people should rush right out to the way things were. Just having a few stores open is a safe way to ease back into it. I think they are doing it just right, and it’s nice to get out and shop.” The Food Court at TPO remained closed, but had plans to re-open. At Wiregrass, Moe’s Southwest Grill was closed for indoor dining. Pinchers Crab Shack had 3-4 tables occupied at


Many of the stores at the Shops of Wiregrass asked customers to wear masks inside. At Apricot Lane Boutique, they offered them to customers who didn’t have one, along with a squirt of hand sanitizer. lunchtime, the same for Charley’s Philly have to grapple with the cost benefit and Steaks. Whenever someone left, an emhow much staff to bring back to work for ployee was close by and ready to disinfect such a minor increase in sales, especially the table and chairs. those with no outdoor seating. Two half-filled water glasses were the “It actually makes things a little bit only thing occupying any of the outdoor challenging trying to balance the staff,” tables at Cantina Laredo, and Grillsmith said Jack Thomson, the managing partelected to wait until 4 p.m. to open its ner of the Glory Days Grill on S.R. 54, doors. Blue painter’s tape in the shape of which served roughly 6-7 tables in the an “X” was placed on every other table first two hours after reopening. “A lot of outdoors, to ensure social distancing. restaurants are in the same predicament With a 25-percent capacity restraint right now where they can’t reopen. on all restaurants, owners and managers Either they don’t have enough staff to

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net

Neighborhood News

reopen, or just the amount of money it would take to reopen the restaurant itself (is too much). To-go (orders) makes it a little more simplified.” Not all businesses were allowed to reopen under the new Phase 1 rules. Gyms, bars that don’t sell food and businesses offering personal services like hair and nail salons remained closed. Future phases will be decided by the number of new Covid-19 cases and deaths in Florida. Nationally, at our press time, there have been 1.2 million cases and nearly 70,000 deaths as of the first day of Florida’s Phase 1. But, Florida has defied projections that it could end up worse than Italy or New York, with only 37,000 or so cases and fewer than 1,500 deaths. However, those statistics, while better than expected, are still causing many to stay inside, judging by the half-empty parking lots at area malls and shopping plazas. Still, many local businesses are hoping for a steady return to normal, whatever that ends up being in a postCovid world. “I knew it would be a slow start,” said Christina Ayres, the owner of Lizard Thicket, a women’s clothing boutique at the Shops at Wiregrass. “I was hoping for a better response. Slow so far, but I’m (staying) positive.”


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Neighborhood News


For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net


Many Small Businesses In Wesley Chapel Hoping For Federal Aid By JOHN C. COTEY

john@ntneighborhoodnews.com Derick Burgos and Natalie Manrique (photo) are the co-owners of Pure Florida Watersports off S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel. They are small business owners. They are the people that the grants and loans from the federal government, in response to the economic hardships caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, were supposed to help. Like many small businesses in Wesley Chapel, however, that help never came for the Meadow Pointe residents. Despite applying for money through the Small Business Administration (SBA)’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Burgos and Manrique, who are engaged, received nothing. The first time. And, at our press time, they hadn’t heard anything yet about the second round. “It’s hard,” Derick says. “We are a mom-and-pop, family-owned business. We’re pushing hard to make this work. That (PPP loan) would have helped. Our business is lucky to be alive still.” When it came to getting an infusion of funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security (or CARES) Act, a glimmer of hope was snuffed out for many Wesley Chapel businesses. The most coveted loan/grant sought was the PPP, which wouldn’t need to be paid back if the business showed that 75-per-

cent of the funds were used to retain employees. But, that first $349 billion ran out quickly, and then news that bigger, well-known brands like Shake Shack, Ruth’s Hospitality Group (the parent company of Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse) Inc. and even the Los Angeles Lakers were among the businesses that received checks. Pure Florida Watersports owners Natalie Manrique and Derick Burgos did not And, even though they eventually receive any government aid in the first round of PPP funding & feared for their business, but say they are thankful that customers are slowly returning. returned the money To help fill the void for county amid bad press, it did businesses, the Pasco Board of County little to reduce the sting felt by area small Commissioners voted unanimously on businesses. April 21 to approve $2 million for an aid “It was a very confusing process,” package to help the county’s small busisays Hope Kennedy, the CEO of the North nesses. The Pasco Economic Development Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce. “We Council (Pasco EDC) partnered with the heard from many of our members. They county to get the $2 million in grants in weren’t happy.” Nyree Bland, the co-owner of PROtential the hands of as many as 400 area small businesses affected by Covid-19. Sports, says PROtential’s after-school sports The vote was held at 11:20 a.m., and programs for kids have been closed for six weeks. She is praying the company can still of- the website to apply went live a minute later. fer its popular summer camps, “but we haven’t Luckily, says Pasco EDC CEO Bill Cronin, the county had purchased additional bandreceived PPP for our staff yet,” she says.

width to handle the crush, but even so, the EDC received 1,439 applications in 36 hours before cutting off the process. “We (the county and the EDC) wanted to try and help and make sure there was some cash moving around in the economy,” Cronin says. “It went a little faster than we thought.” The Pasco EDC has begun distributing the money, the limit of which was $5,000 per applicant. Some small businesses asked for less than that, so more than 400 applicants are receiving at least some assistance. But, many others are still waiting for that federal help, and trying to decide if they can survive without it. Businesses throughout Florida were allowed to reopen on May 4, but social distancing guidelines and stringent rules limiting the number of customers inside restaurants and retail establishments may not provide the boost those businesses need to survive. A second round of PPP, and more aid down the road, will help — if it ever comes. Burgos says he was “scared crapless” during the early stages of the coronavirus. He has a rosier outlook now that the quarantine restrictions have been eased. “I had some insider scoop that businesses under 50 employees were just going to have to brace themselves,” Burgos says. “We don’t expect to get anything from PPP, but a lot of people are getting stir crazy from being inside. I know a lot of them are on the fence still, but I’m hoping they will be coming back out.”

Support Comes In Many Different Forms...& T-Shirts By JOHN C. COTEY

john@ntneighborhoodnews.com As the Pasco County Commissioner representing District 2, which encompasses most of Wesley Chapel, it is a big part of Mike Moore’s job to help local businesses that are struggling during the current Covid-19 pandemic in a variety of ways — from forming committees to find relief to helping engineer, and vote on, small business grants to making plans for an uncertain future. But, one of the more unique and fun ways Moore is helping out is by giving social media shout-outs to local businesses with the requisite #SupportPasco hashtag. Moore began encouraging area restaurants to send him their T-shirts — he promised to return them — so he could wear them in videos he has been posting on his Facebook and Twitter pages. Whatever shirt he is wearing that day, Moore shares a little about the business and encourages viewers to stop by and grab some takeout. He started with Al’s Famous Pizza in San Antonio, and has also featured 900º Woodfired Pizza, Buttermilk Provisions and The Brass Tap. Not only does Moore get to shine the spotlight on local businesses, it also gives him the chance to show off his new Grizzly 6

Adams-style “quarantine beard.” “It was just a fun thing that kind of started just to get the word out about these places,” Moore says. “It’s tough right now for them to spend money on advertising, so this is a big help. Every little bit you can do to help these small businesses is worth it.” His videos generally receive more than 1,000 views, and he says his Facebook inbox is jammed with requests. “I can’t even get to them all,” he says. “I sit there in bed at night trying to get through them.” Moore’s video spotlights have been such a hit that he has opened it up to small businesses other than restaurants, and increased his output to two videos a day. Social media has become a popular way to support local businesses, by sharing various specials and news about restaurants and other businesses. Moore has lots of company when it comes to promotion — the Wesley Chapel Community page on Facebook has open threads where small businesses can advertise, and here at the Neighborhood News (also promoted by Moore), we have done a series of videos and Facebook posts promoting local businesses, with more to come. As businesses begin reopening under new rules and new hours, getting the word out will be more important than ever.

Pasco County Commissioner Mike Moore has promoted local restaurants and small businesses by wearing their T-shirts and posting videos about those businesses on his personal Facebook page.

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net

Neighborhood News


Epperson Resident Frustrated With Florida’s Unemployment Failures

“The incompetence is literally off the charts,” said Epperson’s Glenn Barca, pictured here working on his petition that demands that Florida meet the needs of the state’s unemployed.


john@ntneighborhoodnews.com After waiting weeks for his application to receive unemployment to be approved, Epperson resident Glenn Barca couldn’t take it anymore. So, he started an online petition, hoping to draw attention to his plight, as well as the plight of hundreds of thousands of others who have been waiting for assistance from the state. “The main objective of the petition was that folks in Tallahassee would pay attention and take notice at how many people are upset out here,” Barca says. “They need to take the petition and the people that signed it seriously, and get to work.” The petition demands that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Florida Department Of Economic Opportunity (FLDEO) fully implement the Federal CARES Act and “disperse without delay the monetary resources” the law is supposed to provide. Barca, like many others, still hasn’t received a dime from the state, despite applying for unemployment on March 23, a day after his job as a self-employed driver for a luxury car service ended. With most of his work for business people heading to corporate events at places like Saddlebrook Resort, Barca’s rides dried up due to coronavirus fears, as staying safe became his top priority. “I didn’t want to end up with a tube down my throat,” Barca says. “It’s kind of hard to maintain social distancing when there is someone in the back seat.” Now Barca, 53, worries about draining his nest egg. His petition on Change.org has 8

drawn nearly 10,000 signatures, with angry commentors criticizing Florida’s CONNECT website that has failed and has become a national laughingstock. Even DeSantis called the system a “clunker” and “problematic,” as Florida has been overwhelmed with more than 700,000 claims while distributing money to barely 20 percent of those applying for unemployment benefits. On April 27, Barca and roughly 200,000 others were deemed ineligible to receive unemployment funds, and have had to reapply. Barca says he made 100-150 attempts over 12 straight hours to refile his claim on April 28, only to get to get booted off the system as he reached the final screen. “This is so frustrating,” Barca says. “The level of incompetence is literally off the charts.” His petition has been featured all over the country, thanks to a story by Spectrum News 13 in Orlando and the Associated Press, as well as on local television stations. He estimates that the state owes him more than $5,000 and says that he “knows for a fact” he will get that money one day. He also says he is not done fighting. Barca also has signed on to the complaint filed April 24 by Tallahassee attorneys Marie Mattox and Gautier Kitchen accusing state officials of negligence. A hearing was scheduled for May 6 in Leon County, which was after we went to press with this issue. “I kind of needed this money yesterday,” Barca says. “I have about 3-4 weeks of reserves left, but what about those people that didn’t have reserves? What’s happening to those people?”

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net


Openings Won’t Be Quite As Grand For New Businesses By JOHN C. COTEY john@ntneightborhoodnews.com Wesley Chapel’s Jamie Hess envisioned a Grand Opening for his new dueling piano bar and restaurant TrebleMakers when that day came, which was supposed to have been in early June. He pictured hundreds of people lined up outside, loud singing and tons of laughter inside and an event to remember forever. Covid-19 has thrown a wrench into those plans. Hess still plans to open his doors in June as part of The Grove’s revival, but he’ll have to live with a more subdued opening, more of a ripple than a splash, with the big crowds replaced by scattered customers maintaining social distancing. “It’s a shame,” Hess says. “Coronavirus has definitely changed it. We’ll open and be safe and smart, but we’ll have to hold off on the official grand opening until we’re fully released.” While bars have to remain closed, according to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Executive Order that took effect May 4 for Phase I of reopening the state, Hess is classified as a restaurant. However, the Double Branch Artisanal Ales brewery, located right across

A number of local businesses are nearing the finish line for being completed and open, like Double Branch Artisanal Ales brewery (above), but that will all depend upon the state’s new rules governing business openings and reopenings. (Photo: Charmaine George)

from TrebleMakers in The Grove, also was planning to open around June 11. Unless there’s another executive order or phase easing the restrictions, Double Branch will be unable to make its debut that soon. The same goes for F45 Training, the new fitness center in The Grove that is ready to open; DeSantis’ current order also is keeping gyms closed.

While area businesses that are up and running are feeling the sting from the current pandemic, there are many that, like Hess, were planning to open over the next few months but are now in limbo. Any new businesses may not see the benefit of opening in this environment, which limits the numbers of people that can be inside any location at one time, combined with

mandatory social distancing. Aldi, the popular discount grocer located on the corner of S.R. 56 and Wesley Chapel Blvd., was expecting a spring opening and would already be open now if not for the virus. Also on S.R. 56, Rock & Brews, the family restaurant founded by Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons of KISS, looks ready to go, as does Main Event, the bowling and entertainment center that relies on large crowds interacting. On the north side of S.R. 56, Aussie Grill by Outback is nearly complete (with Bonefish Grill also close to being ready and Carrabba’s Italian Grill also on the way). “All of that stuff is pretty much ready to roll,” says Hope Kennedy, the CEO of the North Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce. “It’s just going to be a matter of how they open up.” Kennedy says that while the actual buildings may be finished, another problem for the new businesses is being able to train their new employees. “Everyone is going to have to figure out what they can and can’t do,” she says. “It’s a difficult situation for everyone.” ZAXBY’S IS COMING: While businesses that are open or close to opening try to figure out the best course of action,

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a number of new projects are under way across Wesley Chapel, including some neighbors for the new Aldi store. The strip of land between the western side of Costco and Wesley Chapel Blvd. —part of the Cypress Creek Town Center development on the south side of S.R. 56 — has a sign posted announcing that Tidal Wave Car Wash is coming soon, next to Aldi. Immediately south of the 3,120-sq.-ft. car wash, plans for a Zaxby’s, a fast casual restaurant that specializes in chicken wings and fingers, as well as sandwiches and salads, were filed with the county in late February. Founded in 1990 in Statesboro, GA, Zaxby’s has more than 900 locations in 17 states, mostly in the south. The Wesley Chapel location will have seating for 70 inside its 3,652-sq.ft. space. And, just south of that, plans were filed April 9 for an 8,700-sq.-ft. commercial retail/office plaza, though none of the five potential tenants has been named. On the north side of S.R. 56, work continues on a number of businesses located on the land between Bahama Breeze and the Hyatt Place Hotel. There are permitting requests by Zukku Sushi, Crumble Cookie, Charles Schwab and IVX Health, all filed in March and April. Eurowax Center and Woofgang Bakery & Grooming are also in the currently unnamed plaza. We’re not sure if Crumble Cookie, which is opening in a 1,200-sq.ft. space, was misspelled in permitting or if it may actually be Crumbl Cookie, a popular

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cookie joint out west. They told us on Facebook they didn’t have any current plans for Florida but hope to soon, and to stay tuned. Hmmmm. COMPLEX SITUATIONS: While retail and restaurants are all the rage in the Cypress Creek Town Center, two apartment projects also are in the works on the northern end of the development. At the northeast corner of Sierra Center Blvd. and Garden Village Way (north of the Hyatt Place, alongside I-75), plans were submitted in March and April to build a 300-unit, three- and four-story multi-family community on 12.7 acres. Named the Silverslaw Apartments, the site plan indicates the complex will have a dog park, yoga lawn and large areas of green space between the buildings, including a neighborhood park. The Garrett Apartments are another project in Cypress Creek Town Center North with plans filed with the county. The 11.84-acre project site is located east of CR 54/Wesley Chapel Blvd., a halfmile north of SR 54/SR 56. It will include 260 luxury apartment units. Garrett has developed more than 50 apartment home projects in 14 states, for a total of more than 11,000 rental units, according to the project’s narrative. This will be Garrett’s third venture in Florida, as the developer also has projects in Davenport and Fort Myers.


For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 8 • April 10, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net


Budget Blinds Offers A Variety Of Styles and Expert-Only Service By JOHN C. COTEY

john@ntneighborhoodnews.com Considering the amount of time you have probably spent looking longingly out your windows the past few weeks while quarantined, have you noticed that maybe your window treatments aren’t as attractive as they could be? Do your drapes look a little outdated? Do your shutters need to be modernized? Is there too much sun coming in and driving up those electricity bills? Budget Blinds can solve all of those problems, and more. Lexington Oaks residents Mike and Adriane Wonderlin are owners of the Budget Blinds franchises in Greater Tampa, Brandon and Lakeland. North Tampa has the nearest showroom, which is located on W. Fletcher Ave. near I-275, two exits south of Wesley Chapel’s S.R. 56 exit. The Wonderlins have a second showroom in Riverview, which serves their customers in the Brandon and Lakeland ares. However, Wesley Chapel residents will have even easier access to the almost unlimited selection at Budget Blinds in a few months. The Wonderlins have already signed a lease for another showroom at the upcoming container park called KRATE by Gold Box at The Grove. “Wesley Chapel, Land O’Lakes, Lutz, that whole area is still growing like crazy,” Mike says. “That’s why we decided to open a third showroom.”


Adriane & Mike Wonderlin will be opening a new Budget Blinds showroom in a few months at the KRATE container park in The Grove off S.R. 54. (Photos courtesy of Adriane Wonderlin)

Mike and Adriane have owned the local Budget Blinds franchises for two years. In January of 2019, they expanded by purchasing the Lakeland territory. The current showroom in Tampa has been open since 2013. Budget Blinds was founded in 1992 in Orange County, CA, and has more than 1,100 franchises in the U.S. and Canada. The Wonderlins’ franchise has been named the company’s Franchise of the Year in 2016, 2017 and 2018, and finished second in 2019.

While Adriane says some of their customers know exactly what they want, many don’t, due to the countless design and style combinations available. That’s where Budget Blinds comes in and offers service that few others can match. “I didn’t know what I needed, I just knew I wanted some blinds that my two large dogs wouldn’t destroy,” says Tara LeBlanc, whose Palm Cove home in Wesley Chapel has glass sliders in the back that receive a lot of sunlight. “I called Budget Blinds and they sent a consultant who was

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net

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very nice, showed us a bunch of samples, went over the warranty and came up with the solution. Now, I have blinds that go up and down horizontally, they don’t get in the way of the doggie door and it’s actually pretty cool.” LeBlanc adds that she also will be having solar shades installed. She said she has wanted to do her back windows for years, but thought it would be too expensive. But, she says she gave Budget Blinds a budget, and discovered it wasn’t nearly as pricey as she thought. The Wonderlins have a staff of 27 consultants and have added an operational management team to its staff — installation manager Bill Tumelty, a U.S. Army veteran, and administrative manager Kristi Cicollelo. Tumelty is one of a few military veterans who work for the Wonderlins. “It was really important to us to find someone that was in the service,” says Mike, whose company partners with Homes For Our Troops by doing the window treatments for wounded veterans. Additionally, Budget Blinds hired a drapery consultant, Terri Williams, who specializes in soft treatments such as drapery panels, Roman shades, and pillows. Whether you’re looking for improved aesthetics or smarter energy consumption — or, like many customers, a little bit of both — Budget Blinds can steer you in the right direction. And, don’t let the coronavirus pandemic slow you down — Budget




Blinds has adapted and offers “nocontact” service. “We are here to help you with your next home renovation project,” Mike says. “But the wellbeing and safety of our customers is always our top priority. We’re continuing to follow all guidelines and updates suggested by the CDC and local departments of public health. We are currently operating under a no-contact consultation procedure for sales and installation appointments due to the coronavirus.” It might be a good time to find a deal as well, while helping a locally-owned business. “Shopping local has never been more important,” Mike says. “Our vendors have offered some additional discounts to help us due to Covid-19, and we’ll be passing those savings along to our customers.” Budget Blinds offers a complete line of window coverings. Blinds come in vinyl, wood, fabric, faux wood and aluminum. Shutter options range from real wood (in painted or stained) and also composite shutters that don’t fade or warp. If you prefer shades, you can choose from roller, pleated, Roman, cellular, woven wood, bamboo, sheer, solar and graphic, not to mention a variety of panels, Whether it’s shutters (top) or drapes (above) or anything in valances and drapes. between, Budget Blinds has what you need. Budget Blinds has recently “smart” products line, which allows you to renewed a partnership with Mirasol open your drapes or raise your blinds from Shutters, which has been around since 1991 and offers shutters made right here in the comfort of your couch or bed by using your smart phone or devices like Alexa and Florida (customers can have them installed Google Home. in as little as 7 days, with express shipping). In 2016, Budget Blinds began offerMirasol Shutters feature a number of ing a “Smart Homes by Budget Blinds” different collections depending on your partnership with the smart home company needs (including arched window treatLutron. The Tampa-area franchise was one ments), and are made of a 100-percent of just 15 locations to pioneer the concept, recyclable composite core that mimics the introducing smart shades, lighting and look and texture of natural wood but isn’t susceptible to the same moisture, UV dam- thermostat controls for its customers. That’s a big deal in neighborhoods age or dents and chips as wood. While you can find window treatments such as Estancia,The Ridge, and Esplanade, where homeowners have nice conservation at a variety of big box stores, having a views, and people don’t want to have to go consultant visit your home and make suggestions is a touch those bigger stores rarely behind the couch to pull the cord to open or close their window treatments. offer. Budget Blinds can find the right style “There’s a big push for motorization and product to match your bedding, walls and automation,” Mike says. “In five years, and floors. that’s all you’re going to see.” “Our niche in the market is someAutomation even allows you to set where between a big box store and calling a times for the drapes or blinds to open decorator,” says Adriane. “Our design conand close. Scheduled correctly, you can sultants don’t just go out and give a quote; be awakened in the morning by natural they actually help design (your window sunlight as your blackout shades gradually treatments).” rise, or change the ambiance of your whole And, Budget Blinds’ warranties are home after the sun has set, all with the better, too. “You can buy the same exact press of a button or a voice command. line at Home Depot,” Mike says, “but you Budget Blinds of Greater Tampa won’t get the same warranty.” is located at 1208 W. Fletcher Ave. The Budget Blinds only uses experts in the showroom hours are Mon.-Fri., 10 window treatment industry, and never uses a.m.-5 p.m., and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Sat. independent contractors. Budget Blinds To schedule a complimentary in-home installers are employees, and Tumelty insures that every installation is done with the consultation, call (813) 968-5050. For more info, visit BudgetBlinds.com/ company’s commitment to quality. NorthTampa or see the ad on pg. 29. Budget Blinds also is a leader in the Neighborhood News


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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net


Spinner Law Firm Serves Community In More Ways Than One By CELESTE MCLAUGHLIN When people find themselves in need of a personal injury attorney, it’s often one of the most difficult times of their lives. Whether suffering from an injury due to a car accident or another reason, their lives are often marked by pain, confusion, and feeling of being overwhelmed. Charles Spinner, Esq., is determined that anyone in this situation who calls Spinner Law Firm will experience both excellent legal representation and compassionate, personal service. “We try to make some very unpleasant legal matters as pleasant as we can,” he says. The practice was established by Spinner in New Tampa in 2003 but its main office is now located in the Cypress Glen Professional Park off S.R. 56 near I-75. Now, almost 18 years later, he says that Spinner Law is one of the most established firms in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel area. “It means that people who are injured as the result of someone else’s carelessness don’t have to go downtown to get access to a highly accredited, experienced and aggressive law firm,” he says. Before he opened his private practice, Spinner worked for several years as a civil trial and insurance defense attorney. Prior to that, he graduated from the


The team at the Spinner Law Firm, which has its main office located off S.R. 56 near I-75 in Wesley Chapel, has participated in many community-oriented projects, like helping build homes for Habitat for Humanity. University of Dayton in Ohio, and then excellence and legal ability and adherence received his Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree to professional standards of ethics. from the University of Toledo College of Originally, he shared a small office in Law, in Toledo, OH, in 1996. New Tampa with a local accountant, alterSince 2017, Spinner has been peer nating time in the office with office adminrated AV Preeminent by Martindale-Hub- istrator Vicki Portfolio, because the space bell for personal injury law, which is the was only large enough for one person. highest possible rating for professional Vicki is still Spinner Law’s office

For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net

administrator, and the practice has grown through the years, with the addition of two attorneys and ten staff members. “Our case load covers everything from relatively minor car accidents to complex cases resulting in catastrophic injuries and death,” Spinner says. “We collaborate as a firm, and we welcome and invite everyone’s input. Our cases are about strategy and details. Having three highly experienced attorneys, and three sets of eyes instead of just one, that’s the advantage.” While Spinner Law Firm spends much of its time handling personal injury cases, some clients get help with estate planning, preparation of wills and trusts, probate and trust administration. Many of those matters are handled by attorney Anissa Morris, who joined the firm in 2011. In large part because of Morris, Spinner reports that the firm has written more than 1,000 wills for people in the community. Often, these are for young families who are starting to acquire assets, such as buying their first home, or couples who relocate and need to establish a Florida will, or someone with an elderly parent who needs help putting their affairs in order.


Attorney Patrick Barnes is the newest

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member of the team. Barnes joined Spinner Law in February, after working the past seven years in Colorado. “Patrick worked for two of the most well-established personal injury firms in Colorado, so he brings a fresh perspective,” says Spinner. “He’s very forwardthinking.” Thanks to Barnes’ influence, Spinner says the firm has improved some of its practices and technology, which has been especially helpful during the Covid-19 crisis. “We’ve all established at-home workstations with every amenity we have at the office,” Spinner says, “so we’ve been able to make the best of this situation and not miss a step to continue moving our cases forward.” But, they look forward to getting back to normal, so they can again invite their clients to stop by anytime. “We have an open door policy,” Spinner says. “Some firms discourage phone calls or coming in to see the lawyer, but we encourage it. Come in and meet with us. We’re always accessible, and our staff is friendly.” Plus, they’re your neighbors — all of the lawyers and staff members live and work in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel. “We have a strong foundation, from our kids attending local schools, churches and (participating in) youth sports, to belonging to local service organizations,” says Spinner. “We take great pride in the fact that this is our community.”

Former State Representative Danny Burgess (3rd from left), who is now the executive director of the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs, poses for a picture with the attorneys from the Spinner Law Firm (l.-r.) Patrick Barnes, Anissa Morris and Charlie Spinner.

Spinner Law Firm supports local high school athletics, youth sports leagues and charitable organizations with both financial contributions and what Spinner calls “boots on the ground” participation. That includes 145 hours of volunteer work so far in 2020. The team spent an entire day working on a Habitat for Humanity home build project, shortly after putting on a cruise-themed Valentine’s Day party for residents at the Baldomero Lopez State Veterans Nursing Home in Land O’Lakes. Team members also participated in the Wesley Chapel Rotary Club’s Duck Derby and other activities. Barnes and marketing director

Jennie Yingling are both members of the Wesley Chapel Rotary (Spinner himself is a former member) and the firm also is a member of the North Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce. The attorneys and staff at Spinner Law take their commitment to people seriously, whether it’s through volunteer work or serving clients. A local resident named Julie, who asked that we only use her first name, was grateful she reached out to Spinner Law Firm when she was injured in a car accident. “If I had to rate them, there’s not enough stars,” she says. “They’re above and beyond.” She explains that the car accident left

her in pain, but it was a while before she realized how serious her injuries were. She went to Spinner, and she says they referred her to a doctor who helped her get the care she needed. Then, her husband was diagnosed with cancer. “My husband died the day after my surgery,” she says. “The Spinner team was there for me when I needed them the most.” While also handling her personal injury case, Spinner Law Firm also helped Julie get her husband’s affairs in order. Julie says that at first, she was hesitant to hire an attorney about her injury because she didn’t want to deal with a lawsuit and didn’t know who she could trust. But now, she’s so glad she called Spinner. “They are unbelievable when it comes to caring,” she says. “It’s truly like a family.” Spinner himself says his goal is for every potential client to have a similar experience. “From making their first phone call to us, we want them to have the best experience possible,” he says. “We want them treated respectfully. Then, we spend time understanding their needs, goals and objectives, getting to know them and how we can best serve them.” Spinner Law Firm offers a comprehensive consultation for all legal matters at no charge. The firm is located at 2418 Cypress Glen Dr. in Wesley Chapel. For more information, call (813) 991-5099, visit SpinnerLawFirm.com, or see the ad on page 19.

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net


Greseth Steps Down After 17 Years Coaching WCH Hoops


By ERIC VICIAN He removed the poster of the 199596 Chicago Bulls team that won 72 games. He packed up boxes of trinkets and papers accumulated over 36 years of teaching physical education and 34 years of coaching. After 17 years at Wesley Chapel High (WCH), a tenure that included a 300-164 record — the most wins of any coach at the school in any sport — Wildcats’ boys basketball coach Doug Greseth has officially hung up his coaching whistle. He’s certainly earned it. Greseth has played and coached basketball for more than 50 years and, including his previous tenure at Tampa Jefferson (1999-2002) and Okeechobee (1983-96) high schools, his coaching record was 533-325 overall Greseth and the Wildcats finished the shortened 2019-20 season with a 16-9 record. It was the 14th year his Wildcats finished with a winning record. His run also included nine playoff appearances. “I think kids really like discipline,” Greseth said about the secret to his success. “I think they like leadership. I think they like organization. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being demanding with kids.” His best seasons at Wesley Chapel were back-to-back 24-5 records in 2011-


Doug Greseth is the all-time winningest coach at Wesley Chapel, with a 300-164 record leading the boys basketball team. 12 and 2012-13, including a District championship and two Sunshine Athletic Conference Coach of the Year awards. Forward Erik Thomas, the school’s all-time leading scorer (2,138 points) and rebounder (1,203) and the 2013 Class 4A Player of the Year, starred on both of those teams. Greseth, who also spent time as an assistant coach at the University of Tampa, said Thomas was the best he ever

coached, and the two still stay in touch. “Playing for Greseth in high school is what helped me grow into the player I am today,” says Thomas, who is currently playing professionally in Argentina. “He was an awesome coach that really cared about his players and it showed in our performance. The fact that he is always willing to welcome me with open arms says a lot about his character and, to this day, we still remain connected.” Greseth, who remembers high school basketball when the 3-point line was taped on the court because it was experimental prior to 1987, also fondly recalled guard Chase Bussey, the leading scorer from his first Wildcats team, forward Greg Jenkins (who went on to play football for the Oakland Raiders) and forward Isaiah Ramsey, the leading scorer on his last four WCH teams. Peter Livingston, 36, has coached the girls basketball team at Wesley Chapel for the past six seasons, and he says the school has big basketball shoes to fill, not only for Greseth’s on-court successes, but because of the intangible benefits the coach brought to WCH. “The administration will be sad to see him go because you could always go to coach Greseth and he straightened things out,” Livingston says. “One of the kids got caught doing something and the

administration said they weren’t going to give him a referral, but they were going to go tell coach Greseth, and the kid said, ‘No, no, please, give me the referral!’” Known as a defensive-minded disciplinarian, the 63-year old son of an Air Force officer used his man-to-man defense to turn young boys into successful men. More than 40 players Greseth coached went on to play basketball or football in college, including one in the NBA and three in the NFL. What’s next? “I’m not sure,” he said. “I’m going to take a vacation.”

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Do You


(L.-r.) Kylie, Avery, Teagan & Cory Revoldt are among many local residents sewing cloth masks during the Covid-19 pandemic. (Photo by John C. Cotey)


or three months, Cory Revoldt’s Christmas present sat unopened. Her plans to unleash her crafty side in 2020 had been sidelined by a busy work schedule and having three kids transition to online learning at home. “One day,” she kept saying to herself. A day in late March, when

she had a conversation with her brother, Jacob Hennings, turned out to be that day. Jacob, a doctor in Chattanooga, TN, working on the front lines in the battle against Covid-19, told Cory not to let her family out of the house without wearing masks. It wasn’t just because he told

Cory that she needed to take the novel coronavirus seriously, but also because two of her three daughters and her husband, Chris, also suffer from asthma. Chris also continued to work outside of their house. Because there was a shortage in Florida, and because the U.S. Centers for Disease

Control (CDC) & Prevention began recommending that everyone should wear cloth face coverings in public to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, Cory figured it was finally about time to open that Christmas present — a Singer Heavy Duty 4423 sewing machine. See “Masks” on pages 22-23.



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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net


Masks: Covid-19 finds a determined foe against its spread in our area Continued from page 21.

Cory began by making masks for her family, which lives in Easton Park off Morris Bridge Rd., and hasn’t stopped since. Seeing that there was a shortage at local hospitals, Cory and her daughters — Teagan, 12, Kylie, 15 and Avery, 16 — have been making masks every night. They made their first donation to Gentle Hands OB/GYN, then handed out a handful of masks to the workers at The UPS Store, and recently passed the 100-mask mark with their donations to the Moffitt Cancer Center. All of her masks, like most of those made from fabric, are washable and reusable. Remarkably, Cory didn’t know how to sew when the project started. She got the machine for Christmas to learn. She essentially took a 48-hour online crash course via Facebook, YouTube and Joann.com. “Once we knew there was a need, I was like, okay, let me figure out this sewing machine,” Cory says. “It was frustrating at first. But now, it’s become a labor of love.” ----The Revoldts are members of a large nationwide army that has swept into action as hospitals everywhere have been fretting over a shortage of protective equipment when it comes to fighting the coronavirus. It may not be Rosie the Riveter sweating it out in a World War II shipyard, but living rooms and dens all across the country have been converted to mini mask-making factories. While homemade masks aren’t a substitute for the high-grade N-95 masks or even regular surgical masks when it comes to filtering out the coronavirus, they do offer some protection and, according to the CDC, can help prevent the spread of the disease. Most of these modern day riveters are experienced seamstresses eager to jump into the fray. Heritage Isles resident Katie Johns, who owns a sewing business that makes children’s clothing, said she was inspired to begin making masks when she learned of the local shortages. She also enlisted the help of her 5-, 7- and 9-year-old daughters, and to date, has made more than 200 masks and donated them to individual nurses at Moffitt and the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital. It began with a simple comment on Facebook by Katie and, almost immediately, she was flooded with requests from medical professionals and friends. “One of my neighbors is a doctor, and he was so grateful just to have a mask,” she says. “There is definitely a need for them, and it’s nice to help.” Katie says there are a lot of considerations to take into account when making masks. She says they need to be breathable yet safe, comfortable for doctors and nurses who wear them for entire shifts at a time, and they have to mold to the bridge of the nose so goggles and glasses don’t fog up. 22

She says a massive underground sewing community is fine-tuning the process every day. For example, The Mask Project of Tampa Bay, a group on Facebook, has more than 4,500 members and has raised more than $7,600 to purchase materials to make more masks. Thankfully, says AdventHealth Connerton (AHC) nurse Amy Zweil, there is an abundance of Corys and Katies in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel area. When Amy, a Live Oak resident, posted online that many of the nurses at her hospital were looking for cloth masks to wear over their hospital-issued masks to help preserve them, her post received more than 100 comments from people volunteering to make and drop off masks. Within an hour of the post, one of her neighbors dropped off a mask in Amy’s mailbox. Another dropped off some masks, as well as hand sanitizer and gloves. “I was surprised at the response,” Amy says. “It was overwhelming.” Amy received a variety of masks, some with elastic that hooked around the ears and others that tied in the back, which can be less painful after hours of use. She also was offered N-95 masks but AHC is a long-term acute care hospital and not taking Covid-19 patients. She suggested donating the masks to someone who needs them. She received such an outpouring of generosity that she began directing people to others who needed masks. Irma Gill of Hunter’s Green was one of those who made masks for Amy, as well as for many other people. A tutu designer for professional ballerinas, Irma was part of a large Facebook group of designers from all over the world. Back in March, during one chat, one of the designers in Italy told the group she was switching to making masks instead of designer clothes because the coronavirus was ravaging her country. Irma wondered if, eventually, that would become her calling as well. When Amy posted about her need for masks, Irma started sewing. She made 40 masks, all with three layers of cotton that were big enough to fit snugly over the large N-95 masks. By her fourth week of sewing masks, she had made more than 200. Irma grew up sewing men’s shirts in a factory in Mexico until she came to the United States at the age of 17, so producing en masse was nothing new to her. She graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in health education, which came in handy when she began designing masks for medical workers. She is currently making masks for nurses working in prenatal care at St. Joseph Hospital, as well as for some other nurses, although she says it is getting harder and harder to find the right material. But, Irma says she has no plans to slow down. “I will find something,” she says, “even if I have to take my curtains down and use those.”

----Finding the right material requires patience, says Cory. Fabric and elastic can be hard to come by. Before masks became a big thing, she said the first time getting fabric was easy. The second time, she says she stood in line for two hours — six feet apart, of course — at Joann Fabrics, which was only allowing 10 people in the store at a time. Now, she uses curbside pickup, although she says it’s harder to use coupons than it would be to bring them inside the store. Proudly, she says she still managed to reduce her last purchase from $186 to $111. Avery, a junior at New Tampa’s Wharton High, recently got her driver’s license and made the last pick up while her mother and sisters cut and sewed the remaining fabric at home. It’s a team effort at the Revoldts. They work together measuring and cutting the fabric. Kylie will cut and pin the three 3"x 6" layers — two regular cotton layers and one muslin cotton, a lighter and looser weave — which Cory will sew before adding shirt ties. Even husband Chris has made sacrifices, surrendering many of his T-shirts, which are being cut into strips and made into more comfortable ties. Cory still has the first mask she ever made. The stitching takes a few detours across the white-and-pink-flowered pattern, and the pleats aren’t perfect like they are on her latest masks. “The pleats are still the hardest part,” Cory says, laughing. Her masks now are a dramatic improvement over that first effort. Cory says that she and her daughters have just about mastered the art. “I’m very proud of my girls, I’m not going to lie,” Cory says. “I’d like to think this has brought out the best on all of us.”

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After hundreds of people volunteered to provide her with masks, these four handsewn masks were among the many received by nurse Amy Zweil (left). The Revoldts wash, sanitize and press their masks before placing them in labeled Ziploc bags. They are placed outside where two friends who also live in Easton Park and work at Moffitt will swing by and pick them up on their way into work. As wearing masks becomes more and more common — an attempt to make them mandatory in Hillsborough County was defeated last month, but wearing them is still recommended by everyone who goes out in public, from the CDC to members of President Trump’s own Coronavirus Task Force — Cory is getting more and more requests from friends. Her first masks were made with fabric depicting things like sea turtles, bees and lady bugs. She added more masculine patterns like sharks and bi-planes for the male doctors. As she makes more masks for friends, she is stocking up on Avengers, Mickey Mouse and Trolls prints. “Now that this is becoming the new socially acceptable look, people will want something with some personality,” Cory says. One of her side projects is making masks for everyone on Teagan’s club soccer team. One of the other mothers mentioned that she had tried to sew her own masks, but grew frustrated. A day later, that same mom dropped her Singer 132 featherweight sewing machine off at the Revoldts’ home. Now, Teagan and Cory can both sew at the same time. “It’s starting to look like a sweatshop in here,” Cory joked. Last week, with two Singer machines humming along in stereo — chuka chuka chuka — the Revoldts’ pile of what will be 100 masks to donate to Tampa General Hospital began growing higher. @NTWCNews

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Nibbles & Business The Latest & GreatestNews In Dining, Shopping & Business In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel! New Restaurants & More Now Open Or Getting Ready To Open In Our Area

If you’re interested in trying someplace new now that Phase 1 of Florida’s business reopening is under way, I have a couple of places that you can try as you’re reading this — one on Wesley Chapel Blvd. in the Grand Oaks Plaza and one in New Tampa. Managing editor John Cotey has details of some of the other not-yet-open new ventures that locals are rightfully excited about on pages 10-11, but a couple that weren’t mentioned in that story also are shown here. The now-open new eatery closest to Wesley Chapel is the new Arepa Mia, which just opened next to Chapel Cigars at 26242 Wesley Chapel Blvd. in Grand Oaks Plaza (Lutz). If you like authentic Venezuelan-style arepas (ground corn dough in the shape of a pancake, but used as bread, like a soft taco wrap or pita, but much tastier), stuffed with shredded beef & cheese (photo, above; $7.99), chicken, ham & cheese or scrambled eggs. Arepa Mia also features chicken or ground or shredded beef, ham & cheese, calamari, shrimp, vegan and even pizza-stuffed patties or turnovers. There’s also Venezuelan Barbecue (by far the most expensive menu item at $17.99), which appears to be like a mixed grill that I’m looking forward to trying. For those who enjoy Boba tea and rolled ice cream, 35 Below has a location that is set to open over the next few weeks next to The Hungry Greek at 2653 BBD (across from AdventHealth Wesley Chapel), but if you don’t want to have to wait to try it, 35 Below also has a new location that already is open in the space previously occupied by Snowrolls (also a rolled ice cream shop) in the Pebble Creek Collection at 19651 BBD in New Tampa, less than a mile south of the Pasco County line. Christina, the new owner (photo, right), also has a popular location on S. Dale Mabry Hwy. in South Tampa. Unlike Snowrolls, 35 Below offers chocolate (Snowrolls only had vanilla) rolled ice cream and a lot more available toppings, as well as Boba tea, instead of coffee drinks. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love an authentic New York-style, kettle-boiled (and then baked) bagel, so you can imagine how excited I will be when Brooklyn Water Bagel Co. (photo, far right, bottom) opens on S.R. 54, just west of the I-75 overpass. It’s part of the revitalization of The Grove (as is the adjacent King of the Coop Southern Style Chicken), but both eateries look to be more than a month from being ready to open. There’s also been lots of progress made on the Florida Avenue Brewing Co. microbrewery & restaurant (photo top far right) on S.R. 56 (in the former Sports + Field location), but that opening is even further away from happening. — GN

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So, You Like Jameson? Here Are My Favorite Irish Whiskeys! By Gary Nager So, how are the rest of you doing in isolation these days? Jannah and I miss our family (especially our beautiful grandbabies) and friends...and going out to eat, watching Tampa Bay Lightning games, checking out live bands and singing karaoke in crowded bars, but otherwise, we’re making do with (about) one trip per week to the grocery store and take out from local eateries. And yeah, we’ve been doing all of our drinking at home and watching a lot of on-demand movies and TV shows, mainly on Netflix. But, riding out the pandemic at home has reminded me just how much I love sipping a good whiskey in front of the TV. Unlike most guys I know, I wasn’t a big beer drinker in college. I preferred rum and Coke and eventually figured out that I preferred dark rum to white. In my later 20s, I discovered the joys of single malt Scotch whiskey, which I could drink without mixers, and transitioned into the sweeter, closer-to-darkrum flavors of a good bourbon, which I could sip without a mixer, but too often didn’t. It wasn’t until the first time I tried Jameson Irish Whiskey in my late 40s or early 50s that I realized that I had been missing out on a whole category of whiskey that generally was significantly less expensive than either single malt Scotch or single-barrel/ small batch bourbon. I once saw someone wearing a T-shirt that said, “God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world” and after my 10+year deep-dive into the amazing array of Irish whiskeys available everywhere, I kind of agree. The thing that has really amazed me is that I always kind of hated blended Scotch and any Scotch, for that matter, that had that peaty (to me, dirty), smoky flavor that Scotch aficionados seem to love. And, considering that most of the bourbons I grew to love (Blanton’s, Knob Creek, Baker’s & Basil Hayden’s, to name a few) were even more expensive than most 12-year-old single malt Scotches, I was happy to find new favorites from the Emerald Isle. The main reason I now love Irish whiskey is that even though most of them are blends, they seem to all be blended for smoothness, not smoke, with some of the sweetness of a good bourbon, but at generally lower prices. For example, you can find Jameson (which I do love) at almost any local liquor

store for $20-$27 per standard 750 ml bottle, while any 10- or 12-year-old “Glen” (Glenlivet, Glem Morangie, Glenfiddich, etc.) usually start at $30-$35 for the same size. By contrast, the good bourbons I’ve mentioned will set you back anywhere from $33 (for Knob Creek) to $55 (for Blanton’s) — and that’s just more than I’m willing to spend on an ongoing basis to satisfy my habit. On this page are ten of my favorite Irish whiskeys. The top row are all what I call “value” whiskeys that are all available for less than $30 a bottle. I almost always have a bottle of Clontarf 1014 at home, as the 750-ml bottle shown here costs just $18.99 at Party Liquors on U.S. 41 in Land O’Lakes (which generally beats ABC and sometimes even Total Wine on price). And, as some of the reviews I’ve read about it have said, “The whiskey has a beautiful aroma of toasted oak, toffee and malt, which leads to a palate filled with mellow hints of vanilla and butterscotch. The finish lingers with hints of lush barley and honey...This blended whiskey offers a gentle entry to the category at a more than gentle price... it contains enough musky, raw-barley pot-still spirit to give it ample body.” Also on my “value” row are The Dubliner ($23.99 at Total Wine), which also makes the best honey Irish whiskey liqueur I’ve tasted for coffee, Wolfhound ($18.99 at Total Wine), Kilbeggan (hard to find locally, but $27.99 on Wine.com) and Proper No. 12 ($24.99-$27.99, and available almost anywhere because it is the whiskey created by UFC star Conor McGregor. Proper 12 is my least favorite of this group (it’s the least smooth of my top row), but it’s still very tasty and a great gift for any whiskey drinker, especially for anyone who hasn’t yet tried it. The bottom row on this page includes most of my true Irish favorites, but these are all in the same price category ($32.99$42.99) as most entry level single malt Scotches and small batch bourbons. The first three shown here are musttrys, in my opinion, as much for the names as for the smoothness of these blends. The first — Uisce Beatha (another rare find locally, but I have found it at Norman’s Liquors on St. Pete Beach for an astounding $29.99; it’s usually closer to $40) — looks like it would be pronounced “Whiskey Beath-a,” but is actually pronounced “Ish-ka Ba-ha,” which literally translates to “water of life” in Gaelic. So cool.

Anyone who knows me personally will understand why no one has ever called me “The Quiet Man” (a bargain at $31.99 at the Winn-Dixie on County Line Rd.) and why a whiskey called “Writer’s Tears” ($39.99 at Total Wine) would be so appealing to me. The first time I tried Teeling Whiskey was at Mulligans at the Pebble Creek Golf Club (see story on pg. 22), but it’s at least $40 at most liquor stores until I found it at Total Wine for $32.99. And, I chose to show The Irishman here over my other more expensive favorite, Powers Gold Label, because the recent Academy Award-nominated movie of the same


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name makes it a nice conversation starter. Both are $32.99 at Total Wine (which I hope is coming soon to S.R. 56; still no word on it) — and soooo smooth. So, there you have it — eleven amazingly smooth Irish whiskeys you may or may not have heard of before. Please note that all of these “houses” also put out single malts and other more upscale, more expensive versions, but if you’re currently a Jameson-only or novice Irish whiskey drinker, you seriously can’t go wrong starting out with any of these. Slainte! (a popular Gaelic toast meaning “Health!”...Even more meaningful these days.)

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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 28, Issue 10 • May 8, 2020 • NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net

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