Volume 22 Issue 12
Stonemill Artisan Bakery For Real Croissants & More!
June 7, 2014
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Zimmerman Closes On Ice Rink Land; Another Rink On The Way? By Matt Wiley
It seems that Wesley Chapel is going to be pretty cool in the coming years, as two ice hockey rinks now are in the works for our area, although one of the two is significantly closer to becoming a reality. On May 29, Seven Oaks resident Gordie Zimmerman of Tampa-based Z Mitch, LLC, held a press conference after closing on the 13 acres of land adjacent to American Consulting Engineers in the Cypress Creek Development of Regional Impact (DRI), located adjacent to I-75 off S.R. 56. “To have a good hockey team, you need the right players,” Zimmerman said during the conference before unveiling conceptual renderings of the ice rink. “The county, King Engineering and everyone else have been terrific (in helping make this happen).” The 150,500-sq.-ft., two-story rink will feature four ice pads, one Olympicsized and one arena-style, with 450 seats for spectators, as well as a canopied entrance because, Zimmerman noted, “it rains a lot in Florida.” One pad will have removable ice and can will be able to be used for other sports or events, even high school graduations that currently take place at the University of South Florida Sun Dome in Tampa. The conference, held inside American Consulting Engineers, was a packed house
former National Hockey League official Pat Delorenzo is working to build a two-rink ice facility that he says also could serve as a future convention center for the Wesley Chapel area. “I’ve been working on this for the past six years,” Delorenzo explains. “I’ve got everything Seven Oaks resident Gordie Zimmerman (left) unveiled his plans for Wesready to go. We’ve ley Chapel’s first ice hockey facility that will feature four ice pads and space just got to get it for other sports within the building during a press conference on May 29. built.” Delorenzo adds that he is set to close “That hurts the bigger picture. All of these on the land for the $10-million, 80,000-sq.- rinks can feed off of each other.” Delorenzo says that he plans to keep it ft. dual pad rink in July. He explains that his plan is for more of a community center than low-key at his facility for all to enjoy. “I don’t like seeing expensive ice just a hockey rink. Depending upon the success of the initial concept, Delorenzo says time,” he says. “I want to make it affordthat he plans to expand to up to 115,000 able for everyone. I want the kids to have sq. ft. with a 3,000-seat arena that also can fun and learn to play hockey or figure skate. serve as convention, performing arts or con- It builds self-confidence. These sports are great for kids.” cert space. Another Ice Rink In WC? For more information about this “(My concept is) not trying to steal A few miles northwest, adjacent to other planned facility, please visit WesleyLexington Oaks on Wesley Chapel Blvd., from any other rinks,” Delorenzo explains. ChapelIceRink.com
of Pasco County and Tampa Bay-area officials, including State Senator Wilton Simpson, Pasco County Commissioners Jack Mariano, Ted Schrader and Pat Mulieri, the Cypress Creek Group’s Chip Skinner and several Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) members, as well as former Tampa Bay Lightning Stanley Cupwinning (in 2004) captain Dave Andreychuk, who is now the team’s “Vice President of Fans.” Currently in the site plan stages, Zimmerman says that the building itself should take between 8-9 months to build and that investors for the nearly $20-million project are all already in place. With the Brandon Ice Sports Forum (which Zimmerman says he helped bring to the Tampa market) just more than 20 miles south on I-75, he says that he doesn’t see other rinks as competition. “It’s more ice for the kids,” Zimmerman said at the press conference. Jeff Novotny, the president of both the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce and American Consulting Engineers, said at the press conference, “My daughter and I can’t wait to lace up our skates.” For more info, visit ZMitch.com.
Freedom Festival To Be Held July 3 At The Shops At Wiregrass Mall! By Gary Nager
Mark your calendars now, because you don’t want to miss all the fun when the Wesley Chapel Rotary Club (which means Wednesdays at noon at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass Mall) hosts the third annual Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel Freedom Festival & Fireworks Show at the Shops at Wiregrass on Thursday, July 3, 5 p.m.-9 p.m., and celebrate your love for not only our country, but also
for the Wesley Chapel community. This year’s activities again include the Bicycle Decorating Contest, Little Miss & Mr. Firecracker Pageant (presented by Parks Ford of Wesley Chapel), as well as a new Watermelon Eating Contest, plus Wesley Chapel’s biggest and best fireworks show. and so much more. And of course, big events like these don’t happen without lots of wonderful sponsors and this year’s Freedom Festival is
News, Business, Sports & Education Updates
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State Budget Gives PHSC $10M For Arts Center, S.R. 54/56 Elevated Toll Road Turned Down, WCH/WRH Graduations, Lots Of Local Business Features & More!
Summer Movies Are Here, Get Tasty Gifts From Edible Arrangements, Branchton Farms Has Fresh Produce & Much More; Plus, More Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes!
Pages 1-28
Pages 29-48
Also Inside This Issue!
no exception. In addition to FHWC and Parks Ford, this year’s Freedom Festival sponsors include “White” sponsors McIlwain Family Dentistry and “Blue” sponsors Pasco Hernando State College; Barbizon Modeling & Acting Careers; Mike Moore for Pasco County Commissioner; Ken Chase of Home Buyers Marketing II, Inc.; Habitat for Humanity of East & Central Pasco; Cash for Gold of Wesley The bicycle decorating contest at the annual Wesley Chapel Chapel and SmartHealth, Inc., Licensed Health & Freedom Festival at Wiregrass Mall is always star-spangled! Life Insurance Agency. For more information, including info about sponsorships (which are still available) visit Facebook.com/Freedom FestivalWesleyChapel.
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Applauding Bridging Freedom’s Efforts To End Minor Sex Trafficking By Gary Nager
When I first got the email from New Tampa resident Kim Kelly stating that she was volunteering for an organization called “Bridging Freedom,” which is dedicated to creating local awareness about human trafficking (especially, child sex trafficking), I thought, “Great idea, but how much of that really is going on in our area?” Well, like many people who have met Kim and/or Bay-area resident Laura Hamilton, MPH (photo), the founder of Bridging Freedom, my jaw hit the floor when I heard the stats — that Florida is third in the nation (behind California and Texas) annually in cases of human trafficking and Hillsborough County is second in the state (to Orlando’s Orange County) in reported cases. And, with 300,000 new cases of child sex trafficking reported every year, this obviously is a huge issue nationwide. And yes, unfortunately, it’s happening even here in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel. And yes, most of these cases are kids as young as seven and eight (although most are between 10-14) who end up having a new “friend” on Facebook.com and other social media sites. This friend likely won’t ask the child to meet right away, but what they will do is talk to them, in their own lingo, find out what they’re unhappy about in their lives (especially anything they’re not happy about with regards to their parents) and work on them, get the kids to trust them, for weeks, months or even years, before actually trying to get them to meet.
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“These predators don’t care if they’re able to get your child or mine,” Hamilton told the members of the Wesley Chapel Rotary Club (which meets Wednesdays at noon at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall). “When you have thousands of online ‘fishing lines’ out there, the numbers say that at least a few of these children will be ‘reeled in’ and agree to meet them.” And, when they do, Hamilton said it’s even easier for the traffickers to earn the child’s confidence and, within a short period of time, bam, they will ending up selling and reselling these children 30-40 times a night. Still think, “This couldn’t happen to my kid?” Think again, said Hamilton. “Human trafficking is now the number two crime in the U.S. in terms of how much money these people make on the crimes they commit...it’s second only to drug trafficking,” she said. “And the average age of the victims keeps dropping. The average age was 14 just a couple of years ago. Now, the average age is 12...and it’s still dropping. And the life expectancy of these children is only about seven years because most of them die of diseases.” Although some of the parents in the audience at the Rotary Club thought Hamilton perhaps didn’t go far enough to explain how prevalent and terrible a problem this is, other parents with young children — boys and girls — were stunned to hear the stories she has heard since she created Bridging Freedom a couple of years ago. “Children playing alone on the internet attracts traffickers,” Hamilton said. “That’s a fact. And, it’s not just an online problem. Right here in Hillsborough County, a sports coach sold at least one young boy over and over — to his neighbors. There’s just so many ‘buyers’ out there. And, where there’s a market, a demand for something, there’s always someone...many people...happy to provide that ‘product.’ Your child.” Bridging Freedom’s mission is to combat the sex trafficking of minors by bringing restoration to those rescued and providing victim prevention services by spreading awareness of the problem in schools, churches, with Rotary and other local civic and service organizations — anywhere Hamilton can spread the word. “Our ultimate goal is to build a therapeutic ‘safe home’ because the children who
escape this ‘life’ need so much treatment,” she says, adding that there are fewer than five such residences nationwide right now. “Ours will be a holistic campus with equine therapy, on-site professional counselors and more, similar to the one started by WellSpringLiving.org in Washington, DC. We’re looking at one remote site in Hillsborough and one in Pasco right now.” To find out more about Bridging Freedom, a faith-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which works in conjunction with the Clearwater/Tampa Bay Area Task Force and the Tampa Bay FBI “Innocence Lost” Initiative, or to have Laura Hamilton speak to your school or group, visit BridgingFreedom. org or call (727) 828-7000.
Bridging Freedom’s Laura Hamilton
Photo by Tony Masella, OurTownFla.com
Table of Contents
Local News Updates.............................6-13
State Allocates $10M For Perf. Arts Center In WC............6 Wesley Chapel News Briefs............................................8 Gun Rumor Forces Lockdown At Wharton WC Fire Station Gets Rid Of Bed Bugs Horses OK, But Four Injured In Crash WC Man Arrested For Sex With Minor Bondi Wants Bond Barred For Theater Shooter S.R. 54/56 Elevated Road Proposal Denied........................9 Relay For Life Of WC/ Wiregrass Raises $50k..................10 Inaugural WCCC Golf Tourney Gets Heated...................13 Wesley Chapel Community Calendar........................14
Local Business Updates..................18-28 WC Montessori School Helps Your Child Get Ahead.....18 Tampa ENT Helps You Hear The World Better................22 Bright Eyes Kids Focuses On Pediatric Vision................24
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Summer Movie Season Is Here!..........................29, 30 Patty Wolf Golf Tourney Raises Scholarship Cash....31 Edible Arrangements Has Tasty Gifts.......................32 SukhoThai Is The Spice Of New Tampa...................36 Branchton Farms Has The Area’s Freshest Produce...38 Stonemill Artisan Bakery Has Croissants Covered...40 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles &. Biz Bytes’...................42. .
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State Budget Allocates $10M For Perf. Arts Center In Wesley Chapel By Matt Wiley
As part of the State of Florida’s 2014 budget, several million dollars have been set aside for what could become the first convention center and performing arts education center in Pasco County. While that alone is monumental, the project likely will be constructed right here in Wesley Chapel. Although Governor Rick Scott had yet to sign off on the $77-billion budget at our press time, Pasco County received some significant allocations for a performing arts center tied to Pasco-Hernando State College, which opened its Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch off S.R. 56 in January. According to the Florida House of Representatives’ General Appropriations Act for 2014-15, PHSC is set to receive $10 million in Public Education Capital Outlay (PECO) funds, or funds raised through the levy of utility taxes. “This year’s budget demonstrates the Florida Legislature’s continued commitment to giving back to hard-working Floridians, providing a quality education for every child and growing Florida’s economy,” said House Speaker Will Weatherford (R-Wesley Chapel) in a press release regarding the balanced budget. “We have once again balanced the needs of the state with the responsibility to plan for the future and produced a budget that will benefit all Floridians.” Weatherford says thatt the center is perfect for the changing needs of the growing area.
““The PHSC arts and convention facility will be a gamechanger for our community,” Weatherford explains. “This facility will provide more convention space and new opportunities for PHSC to provide its students with a world-class education in the arts.” The performing arts center, which is estimated to cost about $60 million and be able to seat between 2,500-3,000, would be a joint-use facility between PHSC, the county and the Pasco County School District, says PHSC spokesperson Lucy Miller. “We’re still probably 5-6 years out on the project,” Miller says. “The land will be located in Wesley Chapel, but we don’t have the room at the Porter Campus. We’re still in the ground stages (of the project) and it still could get vetoed.” Miller explains that the joint-use facility could establish strong collaborative education programs to prepare students for careers in performing arts and to offer sophisticated cultural opportunities for residents. “The facility would provide us with the opportunity to expand our performing arts offerings and develop new programs,” Miller explained. “Several other Florida College System institutions provide drama programs along with related degrees and certificates such as music, dance, stage design and light and audio engineering.” Stay with the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News as we follow this exciting development.
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Wesley Chapel Gun Reported At Wharton, Lockdown Ensues
Rumors can be devastating in high school, especially when they concern a weapon on campus. According to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO), just after school started on May 29, a student reported to a staff member at New Tampa’s Paul R. Wharton High that he had seen another student in possession of a handgun at the school’s Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. campus. Once the School Resource Deputy (SRD) was notified, Wharton went on full lockdown so that HCSO deputies could search the school. HCSO reports that the student who reportedly had a firearm was located and identified by the witness, but was uncooperative. The classroom-by-classroom search went on for the rest of the day and lasted more than an hour past the normally scheduled 3 p.m. dismissal time. Deputies searched not only the school itself, but also the school’s athletic fields and a nearby wooded area. No weapon was found and students were dismissed just past 4 p.m. The strong HCSO presence caused traffic congestion along southbound BBD to back up past County Line Rd. in Wesley Chapel. No further information was available at our press time.
Wesley Chapel Fire Station Gets Rid Of Its Bed Bugs
The firefighters of Pasco Fire Rescue (PFR) Station 13 in the Quail Hollow area can sleep soundly once again, as an infestation of bed bugs has been eradicated from the building. According to Pasco County, bed bugs were reported at the station (located on Dayflower Dr. off Old Pasco Rd.) on May 14 in the “Rescue Bunk” area. Upon their discovery, the county’s exterminator performed an investigation and confirmed the existence of bed bugs.
News Briefs At first, a pesticide treatment was used, but did not properly get rid of the pests, and a heating process had to be utilized. The process began on May 20 and covered the entire building, heating the facility to a consistent temperature of 120 degrees, killing everything in the building. On May 21, the building was cleared and brought back online. While the heat treatment was conducted, first responders worked out of PFR Station 26, located on Aronwood Blvd. in Meadow Pointe.
Horses OK, But Four People Injured In Crash
Four horses are lucky to be alive, following a traffic crash on I-75 near Wesley Chapel that seriously injured four people. According to the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Rex Keene, Jr., 36, of San Antonio, FL, was driving a conversion semi-truck carrying four horses northbound on I-75 south of the S.R. 52 interchange just before 7 p.m. on May 26. While heading north with his six-year-old son, a tire blew out on Keene’s vehicle, causing him to lose control, at which point the trailer jack-knifed. At the same time, Marcia Patterson, 56, of Largo, was driving her 2000 Toyota SUV northbound in the inside lane with her 10-year-old son. When Keene’s tire blew, his vehicle traveled into her lane and collided with the SUV, causing it to roll over several times. Each driver and passenger were transported to St. Joseph’s Hospital with serious injuries. None of the horses was injured and alcohol is not a factor in the crash. The Patterson’s were wearing seatbelts, but it is unknown if seatbelts were in use in the Keenes’ vehicle.
For Sex With Teen
A Wesley Chapel man has been released on bond after having been accused of multiple sexual encounters with a minor. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), Victor Jerry Couture, 39, of the Saddle Creek community, was arrested on May 16 for three counts of lewd and lascivious behavior Couture with a minor. Couture’s arrest report states he had sex with the 15-year-old victim at least three times since she was 13. PCSO reports that during an interview with the victim, she stated that Couture had been abusing her since September of 2009, gradually performing more abusive sexual acts in his car, at his home and at the victim’s home. PCSO listened in on a phone call between Couture and the victim on May 13, during which the two discussed their sexual activity and fear of a pregnancy scare. Couture — whose arrest report states he is the business owner of Tampa-based digital design company called Type 2 Designs — denied that he had any sexual contact with the victim and admitted only to their phone conversations. He was released after posting $60,000 bond.
State Attorney Wants Reeves’ Appeal For Bail Denied
The Pasco State Attorney’s Office (SAO) has recommended that the recent appeal for bail submitted by accused Grove 16 movie theater (in Wesley Chapel) shooter and former Tampa cop Curtis Reeves, Jr., should be denied by a Florida appeals court. More than three months after a circuit judge denied him bail for fatally shooting 43-year-old Chad Oulson inside the theater, court records show that Reeves’ attorney Frances Martinez filed a Criminal Habeus Corpus Petition in the Second District Court of Appeals on April 21, to release Reeves, 71, or set a reasonable bond amount. “When a person accused of a capital offense or an offense punishable by life imprisonment seeks release on bail, it is within the discretion of the court to grant or deny bail when the proof of guilt is evident or the presumption great,” wrote assistant state attorney John M. Klawikofsky in a 23-page response on May 13 that detailed the testimony and evidence presented during Reeves’ pre-trial hearing. “Based upon the foregoing reasons, arguments, and citations of authority, the instant Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus should be denied.” Reeves originally was denied bond on Feb. 7 by Pasco Circuit Judge Pat Siracusa for shooting Oulson. Reeves’ trial is set to begin on July 9. — MW
Wesley Chapel Man Arrested
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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FDOT Officially Denies Proposal For S.R. 54/56 Toll Road By Matt Wiley After months of speculation, negotiation and apparent opposition throughout Pasco County, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) officially has pulled the plug on the proposed S.R. 54/S.R. 56 (54/56) elevated toll road plan that would have linked U.S. 301 in Zephyrhills to U.S. 19 in New Port Richey along the 54/56 corridor. FDOT officially announced its rejection of the proposal from International Infrastructures Partners (IIP), LLC, and OHL Infrastructures on May 9. IIP submitted an unsolicited bid to FDOT to lease the right of way along the 54/56 corridor to construct a privately owned, operated and maintained toll road that would span more than 33 miles. “The department (FDOT) was unable to reach an agreement with (IIP) on a framework of financing and various design concepts for the corridor that would be acceptable to all parties and address the concerns of the local community,” says FDOT secretary Ananth Prasad. “In absence of this framework, advancing this project would not make any sense.” It was announced that negotiations between FDOT and IIP were falling apart on May 7, when a statement from Pasco County administrator Michele Baker was released. “We appreciate that it was FDOT and OHL Infrastructures’ decision not to move forward with the elevated
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toll road concept,” Baker said. “However, Pasco County will continue to engage the public and move forward with its analyses and studies to determine how to manage future congestion on the S.R. 54/56 corridor.” Public opposition to the project was made abundantly clear during open meetings in March and through the formation of Pasco Fiasco (PascoFiasco.org?), a group of Pasco County residents that has been publicly petitioning against the project the past few months. Baker said that the Pasco County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will need to continue to address the ultimate transportation needs along 54/56 as part of the ongoing update to the MPO’s Long Range (25-year) Transportation Plan, which is due for adoption by December 2014. “(MPO staff) are focused on the development of our ‘2040 Transportation Needs Plan.’ That was our focus before the conversation was steered to the ‘FDOT unsolicited bid” and it remains our focus today. We recognize that the S.R. 54/56 corridor has and will continue to have worsening congestion.” Edwards explains that, although FDOT is scheduled to begin widening the section of S.R. 54 between the Suncoast Parkway and U.S. 41 in Land O’Lakes next year, no other improvements to the corridor are scheduled between now
and 2020. However, Edwards says the MPO currently is testing improvement alternatives in other areas that could help alleviate some traffic along the S.R. 54/56 corridor, including along County Line Rd., although details of the alternatives were not disclosed. “Our (the MPO’s) plan spans 20 to 25 years out, but the S.R. 54/56 corridor is problematic for us,” Edwards explains. “There is no viable alternative corridor to take those traffic loads and there is an inability to expand in the existing right of way limits.” For more information, please visit Mobility2040Pasco.com.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Relay For Life Success Raises $50k! One of the biggest events in our area towards the end of each school year is the annual Relay for Life, benefiting the American Cancer Society, which once again was a major success in Wesley Chapel. Held on May 9 at Wiregrass Ranch High (located off Mansfield Blvd.), the Relay for Life of Wesley Chapel/Wiregrass (which used to be two separate events) kept up the tradition of giving to help find a cure for the disease that more than one million people are diagnosed with each year. This year, the Relay for Life of Wesley Chapel/Wiregrass raised more than $50,000 for cancer research, says Relay senior manager Stephanie Watts. “While funds still will be collected throughout the summer months, we currently have raised about $50,000,” Watts explains. “We had a wonderful Relay For Life event in the Wesley Chapel/Wiregrass community!” Watts explains that although only about 400 people (on 40 teams) were registered
as participants this year, the ACS staff estimates that between 800-1,000 attended the 18-hour walk. “We are so proud of all of the volunteers, team members, sponsors, cancer survivors and caregivers who have made this year’s event a very special one,” Watts says. One of those was Wesley Chapel Rotary member Ron Oldano, who raised $2,000 for ACS by taking pledges for walking 100 laps around the 1/4-mile WRH track, or 25 miles. “It took me from 6:30 p.m. until 3:30 a.m. to finish,” says Oldano. “It was tough...But I lost a couple of toenails for a very good cause.”
For more info about Relay for Life, please visit Relay.ACSEvents.org.
Summer is the BEST time to catch-up or get ahead!
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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Chamber Golf Tourney A Success On Second Try After Initial Rainout By Matt Wiley
Although it may have initially gotten rained out, there was no shortage of sunshine during the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC)’s inaugural golf tournament, which was rescheduled until Memorial Day weekend. Under clear skies, more than 80 players teed off in a scramble-style golf tournament on May 23 at the Lexington Oaks Golf Club off S.R. 54. After a light lunch, the players were off, including this writer. Having not hit the links much in the previous few months, starting off on the hole designated for the “longest drive” challenge was, indeed, quite a challenge. However, Chris Salicco of American Consulting Engineers and Valerie Rudmin of Everlasting Beauty ended up walking away with the men’s and women’s longest drive trophies at the end of the day. Mike Bua of Fifth Third Bank long putted his way to a post tourney put-off against teammate and American Consulting Engineering and Chamber president Jeff Novotny for the “best putting” title. There also was a “hole-in-one challenge” sponsored by Volkswagen of New Port
Richey (which could have allowed the winner to drive off in a shiny new Beetle) and a “closest to the pin” challenge, which was awarded to Jim Willis of The Willis Agency. The amount of money that was raised for the tournament still was being calculated at our press time, but half of the amount is to be donated to the Lions Club of Wesley Chapel, which provided more than 15 volunteers to help with the event. By dusk, all the carts were in and the strokes were tallied. Congratulations to Team Central Bank’s Mike Carr, Steve Bozman, B.A. Arnot and John Morrell for their first place victory and Team Everlasting Beauty’s Valerie Rudmin (again), Roger Townsend, former Wharton High and USF golf star Shena Yang and Brian McDaniel for finishing second. Special thanks to all of the sponsors who helped make the first of (hopefully) many tournaments possible, including American Consulting Engineers; Volkswagen of New Port Richey; Cornerstone Air, Heating & Plumbing; Outback Steakhouse; Centra Care; Danny Burgess For State House; Lions International; Everlasting Beauty; Wesley Chapel Self
storage; The Sevelius Group of Wells Fargo Advisors; Grow Financial Federal Credit Union; Spinner Law Firm; Home Buyers Marketing II; Central Bank; Moonlight Cleaning; Dixon Golf Challenge; Newlon & Piersall; Local Wraps, Wesley Chapel Nissan,; Mike Moore for The foursome of WCNN’s Matt Wiley, Brinton Parker of WireCounty Commissioner grass Financial, Mike Bua of 5/3 Bank & Guy Ward of Moonlight Cleaning enjoyed the first WCCC Golf Tourney on May 23. and Chapel Cigars!
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
June 2014
Monday, June 16
Monday, June 9
Experienced Networking Professionals (ENP) — ENP meets Monday mornings at 8 a.m. for breakfast and networking at Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, call Brad Benson at 973-1814. Free Networking International (FNI) — FNI, a group of area business owners, meets Mondays for networking and discussion at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd., off S.R. 54). For info, call Stacy Dalton at 469-5499. Professional Business Connections (PBC) — PBC meets Mondays at 7:30 a.m. at The Happy Hangar Cafe (at Tampa North Aero Park, 4241 Birdsong Blvd., Lutz). For more info, call Chris Thurow at 546-6860.
Tuesday, June 10
Business Networking International (BNI) — BNI, a group of business professionals who work to support each other through qualified referrals, meets Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m., at Heritage Church (1854 Oak Grove Blvd., off S.R. 54, in Land O’Lakes). For info, email Tim at Tim@TampaHomes24-7.com.
Wednesday, June 11
Wesley Chapel Rotary Club — The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel meets every Wednesday, 12:15 p.m., at Ciao! Italian Bistro (2001 Piazza Ave., in the Shops at Wiregrass mall). For more info, call 862-8989 or 391-3895.
‘Wesley Chapel Speaks’ ToastMasters — The “Wesley Chapel Speaks” ToastMasters Club meets on the first and third Monday of every month, 6:15 p.m., at Hyundai of Wesley Chapel (26944 Wesley Chapel Blvd.). For info, call David West at 610-1650 or visit WesleyChapel Speaks.ToastMastersClubs.org.
Tuesday, June 17
‘Networking On The Nines’ — “Networking on the Nines,” put on by Insurance New Tampa, is a great way to meet new friends and clients or strengthen existing relationships, while playing a 9-hole scramble on the third Tuesday of every month at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lex. Oaks Blvd.), 3 p.m. .Call Susan at 435-6350 for more info.
Wednesday, June 18
FHWC Breast Cancer Support Group — Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) introduces a new breast cancer support group that meets in the FHWC Wellness Plaza’s Center for Women’s Health (2700 Healing Way, Ste. 102) at 5 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month. The group helps give those who are fighting the deadly disease answers and resources, survivor stories, guest speakers and in-depth discussions in a positive environment. To register, visit FloridaHospital.com/Wesley-Chapel or call 929-5432.
Friday, June 27
Women N Charge — Join the vibrant ladies of Women-n-Charge from 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m. at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr.). The meeting includes lunch and extra time to slow network! We share our talents, build relationships, and share Thursday, June 12 Networking For Your Success — The Networking For Your Success group meets Thurs- our resources with other women in business. The cost is $15 for members (Tuesday days, 8:30 a.m., at Lexington Oaks Clubhouse (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd, off S.R. 54). before the meeting) and $18 for all guests (and members paying Wednesday and after). Please register at Women-n-Charge.com. For more information, please contact Judy at For more information call 973-1657. 600-9848 or Admin@Women-n-Charge.com. Food Addicts In Recovery (FA) — FA is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experiences and mutual support, are recovering from the disease of food addiction. The group meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Seventh Day Adventist Church (33420 S.R. 54). For additional information, visit FoodAddicts.org.
Friday, June 13
WC Sunrise Rotary Club — The WC Sunrise Rotary meets Fridays, 7:15 a.m., at Quail Hollow Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For info, call Lynne at 695-6466.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Wesley Chapel Montessori School At Lexington Oaks Now Enrolling By Kelly Miller began in November 2013, and the school
Are you looking for a preschool or kindergarten program for your child (or children) that emphasizes a hands-on academic curriculum based on skill level rather than age? If so, consider enrolling your child in the newest Montessori program in the area — The Wesley Chapel Montessori School (WCMS) at Lexington Oaks. WCMS provides a specialized curriculum based on the Montessori Method (see below) for Pre-Primary and Kindergartenage children (ages 3 to 6 years), as well as a Young Children’s Program (for ages 2-1/2 - 3 years). Two-day, three-day, and five-day full- and part-time programs are available at the school, which is located behind Ker’s Wing House off Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54) on Post Oak Blvd. New Tampa resident Pavitra Arni is the president and founder of WCMS and she comes from a family that, she says, has always valued both education and entrepreneurship. Her own Montessori journey began in 2009, as she strove to find the very best education for her own daughter. While her daughter Malishka (now 6 years old) attended a Montessori school in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel area for a year when she was 18 months old, Arni fell in love with Montessori’s unique method of teaching. Arni and her co-founder, Preeti Singh, both share a passion for children and education, which inspired them to conceptualize WCMS. Construction on the facility
work where they’re most comfortable, be it on the floor or at a table. Although they’re encouraged to choose activities that interest them, teachers are trained to keep track of each child’s progress. If a child is focusing too much time on one specific subject, he/she will be redirected to another activity. This specialized attention ensures each child receives a well-rounded education that helps them progress at his or her own pace. Once they’ve mastered a specific skill Unique Environment Fosters set, students at WCMS advance to tackling the next level of difficulty. Self-Confidence The 8,378-sq.-ft. facility is comprised WCMS is unlike any other preschool of two rooms for the 3–6-year-olds and one program in the area. The school’s curriculum is based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s for the 2–3-year-olds, as well as one open common room, and three separate play arvision of how children learn and develop eas outside. Each class has one experienced — by making their own choices, trying things out and doing things for themselves. lead teacher who’s received his or her Montessori credentials from the American Dr. Montessori was an Italian physician Montessori Society (AMS) or an equivalent and educator, known for her pioneering organization. Two highly trained assistant theories in early education. The Montesteachers also are assigned to each room. sori Method sees the role of the teacher as That makes the teacher-to-student ratio a guide rather than an instructor, allowing 1:9, much better than most VPK (1:11) or the child to choose and explore at their own pace, which is all driven by the child’s public kindergarten programs (1:18). At WCMS, children learn mathdesire to learn. Arni explains that this kind ematics, reading, language arts, science, of environment fosters an increase in a geography, horticulture and practical life child’s self-confidence, autonomy, comskills. Unlike many preschools that charge petence, sensitivity, originality of thought, extra for music, art, foreign language and and intrinsic motivation. physical education, at WCMS, they’re all Self-discipline also is key to the Montessori approach. “We usually find that chil- included in the curriculum. Director Meghan Paulsson used to be dren are only being disruptive when they’re a VPK teacher and director of a different not being challenged,” Arni explains. preschool before joining WCMS. She deChildren at WCMS are allowed to
will open its doors to students on June 9. Arni says she chose the location, just within the Lexington Oaks community, because of the site’s convenience. “Parents dropping off their children before work will find our location close to the interstate, providing for an easy commute, but still far enough off the main roads that it’s in a secure environment.”
Wesley Chapel Montessori School owner Pavitra Arni (left) and director Meghan Paulsson are ready to help your child get ahead in school!
cided to come to work for the new school because of how much she believes in the Montessori Method. “My son started kindergarten in a public school, and in only a matter of weeks, we found he was bored and losing his enthusiasm for learning,” Paulsson explains. “As an educator, this came as a great concern to me. I was familiar with Montessori schools, so it was a no-brainer to make the switch.” Paulsson says that her son has flourished since changing schools last September, and has advanced at an incredible rate, doing higher level math than the public school standard set for kindergartners. Paulsson says that while in kindergarten, her son tested at a second grade level in
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math after attending a Montessori school in the Spring Hill area. In her new position, Paulsson says she is looking forward to exposing more children to the Montessori Method and helping them get the head start they need in their education.
Developing A Love For Learning
Paulsson says that the classrooms at WCMS, which feature collaborative and joyful learning with high but attainable goals, results in developmentally accelerated children. “At this stage in life,” Paulsson explains, “children are at a delicate age, one that can make or break their excitement about education. We want to motivate them (from the first day) and build up their enthusiasm so we can create a school of self-starters.” The five core values of WCMS are: • Always Put Children First – Develop their values, a lifelong love of learning and ability to reach their potential. • Support Parents – Ensure that
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they are confident that their children are safe and happy in a nurturing and joyous learning environment. • Develop Teachers & Staff – who have a love of learning and a love of young children. The teachers themselves should feel happy, secure, and supported by the school and know how to create the same environment for the families. • Create a Joyous Environment – for all parties that is intimate, nurturing, warm, fun and comfortable. • Provide the Highest Quality Education – by being committed to the Montessori model. WCMS currently is accepting VPK applications for the fall. VPK students will attend Monday – Friday, noon-3 p.m. Parents wishing to extend the student’s time at WCMS may do so by adding the morning program and/or after school care. The Young Children’s & Pre-Primary Program hours are Monday – Friday, halfdays from 7:15 a.m. – noon., full days from 7:15 a.m. – 3 p.m., or extended days from 7:15 a.m. – 6 p.m. Programs for Kindergarten children are Monday – Friday, full days from 7:15 a.m. – 3 p.m. or extended days from 7:15 a.m. – 6 p.m. To find out more about the Wesley Chapel Montessori School at Lexington Oaks, visit WCMontessori.com or email Info@WCMontessori.com. You also can call Pavitra Arni or Meghan Paulsson at 737-7517. Both would be happy to answer any questions you may have or provide a tour of the new facility. WCMS is located at 5401 Post Oak Blvd.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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Tampa ENT Will Help Change The Way You Hear The World Around You By Amy Gutierrez
There’s something really comforting about going to a physician’s office that first opened for business 30 years ago. Confidence, experience and commitment come with more than three decades of serving a community at Tampa Ear, Nose & Throat Associates (Tampa ENT), which has offices in North Tampa and Wesley Chapel. Tampa ENT first opened on E. Fletcher Ave. before relocating to a larger office off of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., next to what is now called Florida Hospital Tampa. With a thriving practice in place for decades, a second office was opened in 2007 to meet the needs of the expanding population in Pasco County. Not surprisingly, the practice has grown steadily in Wesley Chapel, as well, and a larger building was soon necessary in Tampa ENT’s newest service area. Now, with the Pasco office located near S.R. 56 and I-75 in the Cypress Creek Professional Center, both offices are fully equipped and convenient to New Tampa, Wesley Chapel and the surrounding areas. Tampa ENT is comprised of a group of physicians and audiologists dedicated to sharing their expertise in the field of ear, nose and throat disorders. Audiograms, adult ear tube placement, balance testing, allergy skin testing, allergy injections, ear and sinus surgeries, tonsillectomies, hearing aids
and issues related to sleep apnea, as well as biopsies of skin or oral lesions are just a handful of the types of conditions that Tampa ENT is equipped to provide. All three audiologists on staff are healthcare professionals who have obtained Doctoral degrees in Audiology. With these advanced degrees, they exceed qualifications to test for all types of hearing loss, diagnose and manage hearing loss and recommend the most suitable treatment for each individual patient’s lifestyle and budget. Dr. Amy L. Charrier earned her Au.D. (Doctor of Audiology) degree from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry School of Audiology (now called Salus University in Elkins Park, PA) and the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, MA. Dr. Sierra MacDonald earned her Au.D. degree and CCC-A (Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology) from the University of South Florida in Tampa, and Alyson Hoffman Sc.D. (Doctor of Science), CCC-A, FAAA (Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology) received her degree from Montclair State University in Montclair, NJ. “There are at least a few things that set Tampa ENT apart — and, specifically, the audiology portion of Tampa ENT — from other practices,” Dr. Charrier says. “Working so closely with our four experienced Board Certified Otolaryngologists (Ear, Nose & Throat
Physicians - Drs. Peter F. Agnello, Yoon C. Nofsinger, Nalin J. Patel and Janet L. Seper), our audiology staff really is able to accommodate each patient’s needs. Many times, hearing issues are symptomatic and attributable to other health issues. Our ENTs can effectively diagnose and treat those issues, while the audiologist focuses specifically on the hearing problems.” Dr. Hoffman adds, (L.-r.) Audiologists Amy L. Charrier, Sierra MacDonald and Alyson Hoffman of Tampa ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat), which “We also work closely has two offices — including one in the Cypress Ridge Professional with all of the major Center off S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel. hearing aid manufacturers. We offer three-year to severe hearing loss. Her thorough warranties and roughly a year’s worth of diagnosis and complete attention to my batteries. We can sometimes repair hear- hearing needs have been an ongoing ing aids on site, too, because we keep testimony to her total care. Thanks to many parts in stock, solely to reduce the her, I can hear!” waiting time for our patients.” The Tampa ENT audiologists do Through the month of June, not exclusively treat those with hearing Tampa ENT will be offering exclusive loss, however. In fact, patients come to hearing aid specials. Committed to the practice for a wide variety of needs. providing patients with convenience and Custom swim plugs, custom noise high quality care, the physicians, audiprotection plugs and custom iPod or ologists and support staff consistently cell phone ear molds also are happily go the extra mile. provided. Kathy, a Tampa ENT patient from Vital to our overall health and Carrollwood, says, “I have been going well-being, basic hearing evaluations to Dr. Charrier for several years, due should be part of every person’s routine
Expires 07/06/14
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 04• February 15 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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Lastly, the audiologist will place a soft probe tip up to the ear canal to determine the movement of the eardrum and to see if the middle ear system is working correctly. Other services offered at Tampa ENT include treating post-nasal drip, sinusitis, deviated septums, nasal obstructions and rhinitis, among other nose ailments. Throat services include treating tonsillitis and adenoids, swallowing dysfunction, snoring and even allergy testing. The staff of Tampa ENT Dr. Alyson Hoffman of Tampa ENT performs a doesn’t only provide quality care in hearing test on Clayton, a patient from Seffner. the office, they also are committed to giving back to the community, and they are involved with multiple preventive care. At a basic hearing evalucharity events. Tampa ENT participates ation with Tampa ENT, the audiologist in Relay for Life in support of the Amerwill first examine your ears to make sure ican Cancer Society and Paddle for the the ear canals are clear of any debris or Cure to help raise money for multiple cerumen (wax). Next, pure tone-testing myeloma research done by the Stewards using earphones will be performed. You will listen to a series of tones at frequen- Foundation. Additionally, for Christmas in 2012, the office was able to collect cies ranging from 250 Hz to 8000 Hz, a van full of toys that was donated to a so that the audiologist can plot the softest sounds you can hear on a graph Wesley Chapel-area school. called an audiogram. The audiologist To schedule your appointment at will determine the softest level at which Tampa ENT, call 971-7466 or visit you can hear two-syllable words well either Tampa ENT.com or Tampaenough to repeat them. You then repeat Hearing.com. The practice is acceptwords back so they can determine your ing patients at the North Tampa understanding ability of speech at a location at 3000 Medical Park Dr., comfortable listening level. This is called Suite 200, and at the Wesley Chapel your “word recognition score.”As most office at 26853 Foggy Creek Rd., of us know, the understanding of speech Suite 101. Most major health insurand hearing can be very different. ance plans are accepted.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 10 • May 10, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Bright Eyes Kids Will Help Brighten Your Child(ren)’s Vision By Celeste McLaughlin
Until the grand opening of Bright Eyes Kids in early May, parents in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel who were looking for a pediatric eye doctor had to settle for general practices that include a pediatric optometrist. But now, for the first time in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel area, there is an office dedicated completely to kids’ vision. Nathan Bonilla-Warford, FAAO, is a Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) who earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Florida in Gainesville, and his O.D. degree from the Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago. While there, he completed his residency in children’s vision. Dr. Bonilla-Warford, whose patients know him as “Dr. Nate,” says opening his office in the Palm Villa Centre on Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms, minutes south of Wesley Chapel, grew from his love of treating kids in the office he runs in Westchase, which is called Bright Eyes Vision. He and his wife Cristina, who is the office manager, opened that office, a family practice that treats patients ages 6 months and older, in 2006. “There are plenty of places you can take a child for vision care,” Dr. Nate says. “But, there are no facilities in this part of the state that are exclusively for kids.” He adds that his patients tell him that it’s hard to know if these practices
are really kid-friendly or “if they just ‘kind of’ see kids.” In their new practice, Dr. Nate and Cristina wanted to focus completely on kids, ages six months-18 years, and provide one place for kids to receive many different services related to vision care. “We know we’re taking a risk with our business by excluding adults,” says Dr. Nate. “But, we believe it’s the most important way we can signal that, in this office, kids are number one.” Bright Eyes Kids provides more than just eye exams and corrective eyewear. While some kids are helped immensely with glasses, others benefit from treatments that include vision therapy or an innovative procedure called orthokeratology. With Ortho-K, as it’s also called, kids wear specialized contacts at night to eliminate the need to wear corrective eyewear during the day. It also reduces the chances that vision will worsen over time. Dr. Nate explains that many of the kids that he helps have symptoms that may not be easily recognized by their parents or even their pediatrician. Perhaps a child is struggling in school, either in reading or possibly even with their behavior. They may or may not have blurry vision, and may have other symptoms including headache and fatigue. In general, they avoid work that requires them to look closely, such as
reading. Sometimes a parent may notice a wandering eye, especially when kids are tired and distracted, but a problem still may not be detected in a vision test. Dr. Nate explains how his office helps these kids in a way that differs from a more typical optometrist. “Our clinical process starts the Dr. Nathan Bonilla-Warford (back row, 2nd from right) and the staff of Bright Eyes Kids, a new pediatric eye care office in Tampa Palms. same as any other eye doctor, with and exercises to improve the coordinaan exam to ensure the eyes are healthy, tion of the patient’s eyes. With vision with no disease or injury,” he says. therapy, patients learn how to control “Then we check vision to see if kids their eyes and actually help eliminate are seeing blurry or are near-sighted, their own vision problems. far-sighted, or have an astigmatism. If “Vision therapy is even fun,” says so, we prescribe glasses. Once the child Dr. Nate. “We keep our patients challenged and motivated using hula hoops, has 20/20 vision, perhaps with the astrampolines, a white board, computer sistance of glasses, then we assess if the software and much more. It’s very serieyes move appropriately, focus approous because we’re actually affecting a priately and line up together approprichild’s visual development, but it’s also ately.” If they don’t, Dr. Nate says that fun for them.” he often recommends vision therapy. Many patients who have been seeVision therapy is customized for ing Dr. Nate at his Westchase office for each patient, using a series of activities
Sist erhood of t he Travelin g Q uilts
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 10 • May 10, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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and you do what you have to do for your kids, but this is much easier.” She calls the improvement she’s seen in her son’s vision, “dramatic and definable.” Bright Eyes Kids accepts several vision insurance plans, but not medical insurance. Specialty testing and treatments are paid out of pocket. “Our costs for vision therapy are similar to what you might pay for a special“Dr. Nate” checks the vision of a young patient at Bright Eyes ized tutoring program, and less than orthodontics,” Kids, located off Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms. explains Cristina. Therapy is weekly vision therapy are now being typically once a week for six months, seen at the New Tampa office. with “homework” to practice at home “We have parents who are bringwhat is taught during therapy sessions. ing their kids to us once a week from “I love working with kids,” says Winter Haven, Bradenton, Sebring and Dr. Nate. “I try to find ways to let kids even Gainesville,” says Dr. Nate. “We know that I understand them and can decided to open Bright Eyes Kids in a be on their level.” This is the philosophy location that would have easier access behind the bright, colorful art in the to I-75 for our patients who travel to us lobby and Dr. Nate’s signature LEGO from around the state.” minifigure toy trading. He encourages Valerie McDaniel, who lives in the kids to bring their own LEGO minifigLake Forest community on Bruce B. ure toys and swap with the ones he has Downs (BBD) Blvd. south of Tampa in his office. Palms, has been bringing her son Mi“If we make the exam fun, we’re chael, who is 10, to Dr. Nate for vision going to get better results,” he says. therapy for about six months. Before Bright Eyes Kids is located at Bright Eyes Kids opened, she says she 15303 Amberly Dr., Suite C. It is would take what could be an hour to open Monday-Tuesday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. drive to the Westchase office. For more information or to make an “I love the new location,” she says. “It’s five minutes from my house. I used appointment, call 792-0637 or visit BrightEyesKidsVision.com. to make the drive because it’s a priority
Neighborhood News
SPOTLIGHT ON... Cory Lake Isles Professional Center If you drive every day on Cross Creek Blvd., as tens of thousands of New Tampa residents do, you may have visited one or more of the many fine businesses located in the Cory Lake Isles Professional Center, which offers a unique mix of retailers (like Biagio’s Pizza and the Vitamin Discount Center), as well as several doctors’ and dentists’ and other professional offices. The center has been under new ownership and management since December of 2013, when it was purchased by CLPC, LLC (the controlling members of which are Arthur J. Gore and David J. Shukovsky). Osceola Partners, LLC (which is controlled by Michael Winters), a South Tampa-based licensed Real Estate Broker, is the manager of the Center and the new management is focused on the Center’s outstanding qualities, including: • It’s a wonderful destination to help with solutions for everyday busy family needs. • Located in the heart of residential New Tampa, in close proximity to 23,000 households, four schools (Hunter’s Green, Heritage and Pride elementaries and Benito Middle School) and the New Tampa Regional Library. • The surrounding neighborhoods include: Arbor Greene, Cory Lake Isles, and both the Hunter’s Green and Heritage Isles Country Club golf courses. • Nestled between Bruce B Downs
(BBD) Blvd. and Morris Bridge Rd., the center has easy access from Cross Creek Blvd. and houses 10 individual buildings with a total of 85,000 sq. ft. of office and retail space. • The plaza has a solid mix of complementary practices, including a diverse tenant mix of doctors (pediatric urgent care, chiropractor), dentists (pediatric, orthodontic and general), a massage therapist, a dance academy, fresh specialty foods and catering, afterschool care, music and dance lessons and more. • The management is dedicated to improving tenant accommodations and increasing business through advertising. • The Center encourages high-end and family-oriented services and professions, with options for luxury executive suites available. • Limited space is available now. For more information about availabilities in the Cory Lake Isles Professional Plaza, call Osceola Partners at 532-8142.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 10 • May 10, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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Summer Blockbusters Sling, Slash, Smash Their Way Into Theaters By Matt Wiley
As school lets out and summer vacation begins, so, too, does the annual summer blockbuster movie season, and this year is looking like an action movie juggernaut with some highly anticipated comedies mixed in, as well. Whether it’s super heroes, fairy tales, raunch comedies or graphic novel-based “noirs,” there is something for everyone on the silver screen this summer. Here are a few films that we’re looking forward to seeing most at the Muvico Starlight 20 (located off Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. in New Tampa) and the Cobb Theatres Grove 16 (located in The Grove shopping plaza in Wesley Chapel).
Aaron Taylor-Johnson (“Kick-Ass”), looks like the epitome of summer blockbuster fun. (Photo above right: Warner Bros.) “X-Men: Days of Future Past” (PG-13, in theaters): Whether you’re a fan of the original X-Men trilogy or 2011’s “X-Men: First Class,” “Days of Future Past” brings together fan favorites from both franchises for a time-bending twist of mutant warfare. (Photo below: 20th Century Fox)
“A Million Ways To Die In The West” (R, May 30): If you like TV’s “Family Guy” or 2012’s “Ted,” then you probably already know that “A Million Ways” stars and is directed by Seth McFarlane, who plays a farmer living in the brutal west who Movies Released In May “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” (PG-13, in theaters): Already slinging webs at must take down a dangerous desperado (Liam Neeson). (Photo below: Universal local theaters, this marks the second outing for Andrew Garfield in the Spidey suit. Studios) Directed by Marc Webb (fitting, eh?), the latest film in the franchise pits Peter Parker “Maleficent” (PG, May 30): Directed by Robert Stromberg in his directorial against Electro (Jamie Foxx) and Rhino (Pail Giamatti). debut, Angelina Jolie stars in a live-action re-imagining of the classic Disney animated “Neighbors” (R, in theaters): Comedic heavyweight Seth Rogen stars along- fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty,” as a vengeful fairy who casts a curse on the young Prinside Rose Byrne as new parents getting used to life in suburbia never expecting Zac cess Aurora, who may be the only one who can restore peace to the world. (Photo Efron’s fraternity to move in next door. A noise complaint is all it takes for an all-out above left: Disney) war to ensue between the houses. (Photo below: Universal)
Movies Being Released In June
“How To Train Your Dragon 2” (PG, June 13): If Maleficent seems a bit dark “Godzilla” (PG-13, in theaters): It’s been nearly 20 years since Matthew Brodfor your kids, consider the animated sequel to 2009’s “How To Train Your Dragon.” erick stared down the infamous lizard beast and 60 years since the original monster terrorized Japan. However, “Godzilla” is back and up to his same old destructive The original’s characters return to explore the world of dragons and, after discovering tricks, only this time the lizard is joined by more giant creatures. “Godzilla,” directed a new breed, must fight a battle to ensure peace. (Photo below: Dreamworks) See “Summer Movies” on page 30. by Gareth Edwards (“Monsters”) and starring Bryan Cranston (“Breaking Bad”) and
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
‘Summer Movies’
Continued from page 43
“Transformers: Age Of Extinction” (PG-13, June 27): Say goodbye to Shia LaBoeuf and hello to Mark Wahlberg as the star of yet another “Transformers” film from Michael Bay. Alien robots battle among humans on earth. The new chapter is the first installment in a new “Transformers” trilogy.
“Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes” (PG-13, July 11): The follow-up to 2011’s “Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes,” “Dawn” shows a modern human society broken down and a community of apes thriving; that is until it comes into contact with a group of human survivors. Directed by Matt Reeves (“Cloverfield”) and starring Andy Serkis (Golum from “The Lord Of The Rings” and “Hobbit” films) as Caesar the ape alongside Gary Oldman (“The Dark Knight Rises”) and Keri Russell (“The Americans”), the dawn of the planet of the apes is upon us. (Photo on page 43: 20th Century Fox) “Sex Tape” (R, July 25): What happens when the “cloud” turns against you? A sultry Kama Sutra video of Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel gets leaked online for the world to see. This film focuses on their quest to destroy every copy.
“Guardians Of The Galaxy” (PG-
13, August 1): This Marvel comic adaptation’s synopsis doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, so let’s just say it’s a collaboration of super heroes (including a tree and a raccoon) traveling through space, fighting to save the universe.
f W A C $ v f W C h
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” (PG-13, August 8): Forget about 2007’s computer animated “TMNT,” which didn’t quite do the early 1990s franchise justice. This summer’s reboot of the crime-fighting band of turtles takes it back to live action and to a grand, blockbuster scale. Watching the initial teaser trailer is pretty nostalgic and highly recommended.
M P a e p t h f
“Sin City: A Dame To Kill For” (R, August 22): Fans will surely rejoice, as the long awaited sequel to 2005’s “Sin City” finally is ready to grace the screen once again. Based upon the graphic novels by Frank Miller, “A Dame To Kill For” takes fans back to the crime-riddled streets of Sin City. Expect lots of stylistic cinematographic flair, as well as an excellent ensemble cast that features many characters from the original, including Bruce Willis, Rosario Dawson, Jessica Alba and Mickey Rourke. So there they are, a handful of hopefully awesome summer movies. Be sure to check out NTNeighborhoodNews.com for the trailers! For local movie times, please visit Muvico. com or CobbTheatres.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Oh, and don’t forget your Pina Colada smoothie as you walk out the door! Neighborhood News
Wolf’s Den Again Raises Scholarship Money At Patty Wolf Golf Tournament! By Gary Nager
Congratulations go out to my good friend Roger Wolf, the owner of the Wolf’s Den Restaurant — An Authentic American Diner (on S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel) — who is proud to have raised $13,000 in only two years to go towards veterinarian school scholarships for qualified graduating high school seniors from Wharton, Wiregrass Ranch and Wesley Chapel high schools in memory and honor of his beloved late wife Patty. The second annual Patty Wolf Memorial Golf Tournament was held at Pebble Creek Golf Club on April 26 and more than 50 golfers came out to enjoy the camaraderie, a beautiful day to play 18 holes and the delicious posttournament banquet provided by Roger himself. The feast included my favorite fried chicken in the New Tampa/Wes-
ley Chapel area and Wolf’s Den’s own pulled pork, homemade cole slaw and potato salad, an array of decadent desserts and more. Patty Wolf, who owned The Classy Canine dog grooming studio in New Port Richey, lost a long struggle with cancer two years ago and she and Roger started working to create the Patty Wolf Memorial Foundation & Veterinarian Scholarship before she passed away in 2013. “Patty loved animals and wanted to be a vet herself,” Roger told the golfers as they chowed down on the yummy food. “It’s nice to be able to have so many friends here to honor her memory and do something good for the community.” Roger’s long-time friend and local community activist Mary Ann Yaney (top right
photo) of Central Bank helped run the tournament, which included outstanding raffle prizes (like the cool 1950s-style radio I took home, coffee makers, rounds of golf and so much more). The top three foursomes and the last-place team all took home trophies and there were prizes for men’s and women’s longest drive and being closest to the pin. Among the event’ sponsors were PigSilly BBQ, US Foods, Suncoast Accounting & Tax Service, Central
Bank, Wolf’s Den, Discovery Point Child Development Center and this publication. For more information, visit the Wolf’s Den Restaurant (27607 S.R. 56) or call 907-9124.
(excludes online cake orders)
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Edible Arrangements Has The Perfect, Delicious Gift For All Occasions By Kelly Miller
Are you looking to add a little “wow” factor to your gift giving? Few gifts are more impressive, delicious and appreciated than an Edible Arrangements™ fresh fruit bouquet! Owner Dipti Patel offers a variety of choices to fit any budget at her store, located in the Shops at Mystic Oak (next to Dunkin’ Donuts) in Seven Oaks facing Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. Edible Arrangements™, which has more than 1,200 stores across the globe, provides thoughtful, unique gift baskets for every occasion, including birthdays, holidays, baby showers, business gifts, graduation, get well, thank you and sympathy. “We even have one Realtor who gives her clients a fresh fruit bouquet (which is arranged in a cute ceramic house), when closing on a home,” Patel explains.. No matter what the gift, Patel’s shop has a variety of containers to choose from, which can be reused once the fruit has been eaten. From a princess bowl with a detachable crown to a new baby gift container that has a picture holder on the front (that can be used later to hold baby wipes), an Edible Arrangements™ bouquet container can be reused for years to come. The store opened in 2007, but Patel bought the franchise from the previous owner in January of 2013. In the past, Patel has owned a pharmacy and
since then, her family has been involved in numerous businesses, including a hotel, dry cleaners and even a Hallmark shop. She says she decided to purchase an Edible Arrangements™ franchise because of her own love of fresh fruit. “People light up when they receive one of my bouquets,” Patel says. “I love being able to bring a smile to their faces.” Since taking over Edible Arrangements™, Patel has remodeled the front of the store and purchased an additional refrigerated delivery van. Having two vehicles at her location ensures quicker delivery to the large territory her store covers— Bayonet Point, Dade City, Hudson, Land O’Lakes, Lutz, New Port Richey, Odessa, Saint Leo, San Antonio, Spring Hill, Tampa, Wesley Chapel and Zephyrhills. If customers choose, they can pick up arrangements in the store after ordering online or calling ahead. A quick, half-hour turnaround is available and sometimes bouquets can be arranged even faster. Since the store receives daily fruit deliveries, all items are made to order, which means the fruit always is sent out at the peak of freshness. While you’re in the Wesley Chapel Edible Arrangements™, be sure to pick up something for yourself. Try a piece of hand-dipped, chocolate-covered fruit or one of the store’s signature pineapple pops in a variety of fun fruit shapes.
Edible Arrangements™ offers a variety of choices. Besides fresh fruit bouquets, Patel also has boxes of dipped fruits, including strawberries, pineapples, bananas, oranges and apples. During the summer, the store also offer seasonal fruits such as watermelon, mango, kiwi and the newest item, raspberries. The fruit Visit the Edible Arrangements™ store on BBD Blvd. in Seven Oaks, can be dipped in where owner Dipti Patel can show you a full range of delicious gift ideas. gourmet white chocsomeone in your life is a rose box. For a olate or gourmet semi-sweet chocolate. rose box, Patel takes one or two dozen Toppings also are available, including strawberries, coats them in chocolate almonds, coconuts, cinnamon, chocoand your choice of toppings, and atlate chips (micro or mini), sprinkles and taches them to long stems, imitating white chocolate shavings. long-stemmed red roses. Or, maybe a girlfriend’s going through a rough patch A Gift For Any Occasion and you want to send her a Fun LovinIf you can think of a gift-giving tini™. She’ll receive a beautiful and occasion, the fresh fruit fanatics at Edcheerful bouquet of fresh fruit in a large ible Arrangements™ can put together plastic martini glass. a stunning bouquet for it. Patel offers Edible Arrangements™ also caters fruit die-cuts in various shapes like Hello special events with platters full of chocKitty, Mickey Mouse and even higholate-covered fresh fruit for business heeled shoes. You can even add balloons luncheons or even creating uniquely and a bear that holds one chocolatestunning centerpieces for weddings. dipped strawberry in its paw. Mark, a customer who lives in Dade Another option for that special City, left his Lutz business, Suncoast
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
The office of Dr. David Scamard, Board Certiied Optometric Physician
Whether you want a box of hand-dipped fruits (left) or a beautiful floral-style arrangement, you can find these great gift ideas and more at the Wesley Chapel Edible Arrangements™. Veterinary Care Center, at lunchtime free arrangement to be raffled off. to pick up a fresh fruit bouquet for his Best Fruit Ever daughter. When I walked into Edible Ar“I’m going to surprise her with rangements™, fresh tropical smells this graduation gift at school,” Mark instantly surrounded me and started explains. “She’ll love being able to share my mouth watering. Luckily, I got to it with her friends.” try some of the fruit dipped in gourmet Patel lives in Seven Oaks with her chocolate. My favorite was the apple husband Raahul and son Koosh, who slice dipped in semi-sweet chocolate. I is a student at Wiregrass Ranch High. can honestly say that it may have been Her daughter, a University of Florida the crispest apple I’ve ever bitten into. (Gainesville) graduate, works at Tampa When I crunched into it, the juicy flavor General Hospital. burst in my mouth, and the succulent Giving back to the community also chocolate had me licking my fingers and is important to Patel and to the parent wanting more. company of Edible Arrangements™, Check out the Edible Arrangewhich partners with the National Breast ment’s™ coupon on page 36 of this Cancer Foundation. During Breast Can- issue for $5 off any order. The store cer Awareness Month in October, ten is open Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–7 percent of the store’s sales is donated to p.m., and 8 a.m.–5 p.m. on Saturday. the foundation. Locally, Patel supports The Wesley Chapel store is located at area schools and churches. Anytime a 3749 BBD Blvd. You also can order school is holding a raffle or fund raiser, online at EdibleArrangements.com or Patel gladly donates a certificate for one call 929-7362.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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Rasesh Patel RPh. 813-907-3150
The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy #1829 Receives Accreditation from National Board PCAB recognizes pharmacy’s excellence and commitment to quality standards
Tampa, USA --The Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) today announced the accreditation of The Medicine Shoppe #1829 in New Tampa area. The accreditation is awarded in recognition of the pharmacy’s commitment to meeting and/or exceeding national quality standards. “Our new PCAB® Accreditation status and our designation as a PCAB Accredited® Compounding pharmacy lets our community know that The Medicine Shoppe #1829 ranks among the best for commitment to quality,” said Rasesh Patel. “We are honored by this new accreditation. It confirms our commitment to providing safe, personalized solutions that meet the medical needs of our patients – and the needs of the healthcare providers in our community who rely on us for these specialized medicines,” said Rasesh Patel. “We believe this will further strengthen the bond of trust between our pharmacy and the Tampa community.” Compounding medications is an integral part of the practice of pharmacy and the demand for these customized medications are increasing every year. Yet many people may not even be aware of its role. Compounded medications are prescriptions that are written by physicians, veterinarians and other legally authorized prescribers and prepared for an individual patient by a specially trained pharmacist.
About The Medicine Shoppe #1829 The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy #1829 is conveniently located at 10010 Cross Creek Blvd., Tampa, FL 33647 and serving New Tampa and Wesley Chapel area since 2003. From the moment you visit my store, you’ll feel the difference. It’s an environment rarely experienced today. You’ll be welcomed by our pharmacy staff—caring professionals who are readily available with answers and information regarding your medication questions. It’s the kind of personal service you should expect from a community pharmacy. Our goal is to make The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacy a place you come to between doctor visits for health information, questions, wellness programs or just reassurance to help you better manage your health. The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy #1829 also offers prompt prescription service, Home Health Care Products, Durable Medical Equipment, Compression Stockings, Diabetic Shoes, Free home delivery and Prescription Counselling. Affiliations:
ABOUT PCAB The Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) is a nonprofit organization that provides a voluntary accreditation program for compounding pharmacies nationwide. Formed by eight of the nation’s leading pharmacy organizations, PCAB promotes, develops and maintains principles, policies and standards for improving the quality of pharmacy compounding nationwide. For more information, visit www.pcab.org. .
SukhoThai’s New Tampa Location Continues To Attract Hungry Locals! By Gary Nager; Photos by Matt Wiley
I’ve been telling you about SukhoThai Restaurant, located across Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. from the Muvico Starlight 20 movie theater off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in New Tampa (a couple of miles south of Wesley Chapel), for nearly a decade now. Although owner Niyom (Neil) Nitayangkul and his wife Pansri’s second SukhoThai (the other was on N. Dale Mabry Hwy. in Carrollwood) has always scored well in our annual Reader Dining Survey & Contest, based on my own survey of my favorites in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel areas, it hasn’t been scoring high enough with our readers — and my goal has long been to get more local residents to check it out because it truly is one of New Tampa’s independently-owned dining treasures. What sets SukhoThai apart from most other Thai restaurants in our area (and we actually have several good ones between our two distribution areas) is the fact that not only does it have outstanding Thai cuisine and two dining areas (one for sitting “below the floor” without your shoes,
as well as an equally attractive sushi bar area also equipped with “regular” tables for those who don’t want to have to take off their shoes), it’s the fact that the restaurant also has some of the freshest and most delicious sushi in our distribution areas. Let’s start with the sushi. One of my absolutely favorite dishes at SukhoThai is the jalapeño tuna tataki, which adds a spicy kick (but not “killer-spicy”; more on spice and Thai food below) to perfect, bite-sized pieces of ahi tuna in a citrus ponzu sauce (although I then like to “double dip” it in low-sodium soy sauce with wasabi mixed into it). If you’re looking for delicious rolls, SukhoThai has everything from a unique tempura duck hand roll to an equally unusual Tokyo
D ’A L E S S I O I TA L I A N R E S TAU R A N T 2 6 5 3 B r u ce B. D ow n s B l vd We s l e y C h a p e l, F L 3 3 5 4 4 AC R O S S F R O M F LO R I DA H O S P I TA L , W E S L E Y C H A P E L
Among our editor’s favorite starters at the elegant SukhoThai restaurant on Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. (across from Muvico) are (bottom left) the pan-fried dumplings, (left) the variety of fresh sushi and the awesome jalapeño tuna tataki (above). on skewers). roll (with tuna, asparagus, conch and temMy favorite entrée not pictured here pura crisps) and many of your favorites and is the teriyaki steak, which is grilled, sliced soon-to-be favorites. flank steak with teriyaki sauce, fresh veggies But, SukhoThai also still has some and a touch of wasabi cream sauce (I usuof our area’s best Thai cuisine and my ally order extra of the wasabi cream). favorites are almost too many to name or Among the items pictured on these picture here. pages, assistant editor/photographer Matt And no, Thai food doesn’t have to be Wiley and I both raved about the Korean spicy, although spice lovers can vary the pork, which is a grilled pork tenderloin spice of virtually any dish from mild to a marinated in hot pepper and garlic sauce basically nuclear “Thai spicy.” For those and served with mixed veggies. The sauce who are averse to spice, make sure to ask isn’t overly spicy, but it leaves an amazing, for everything mild. lingering taste in your mouth and by orderFor starters for those who aren’t so ing the sauce on the side, I was able to also adventurous, try the pan-fried pork and enjoy it on SukhoThai’s combination Thai veggie dumplings with a zesty ginger soy fried rice with pork, chicken and beef (I dipping sauce. I also love the crispy Thai veggie spring rolls, Pak Pro (crispy calamari have to skip the available shrimp). There’s also a spicy Thai fried rice on the menu. sprinkled with peanut and tamarind sauce) Although I know that not everyone and spicy “stick chick” (marinated chicken
Edible Arrangements #716 3749 Bruce B. Downs Blvd Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 (813) 929-7362
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Our editor and staff also loved (clockwise from top left) the marinated and grilled Korean pork, the combination (pork, chicken and beef) Thai fried rice, the crispy Ped Palo duck with ginger soy sauce and the pillowy Thai-style beignets at SukhoThai of New Tampa. likes duck, if you like crispy fried chicken, I suggest trying Sukhothai’s Ped Palo duck, which I order extra crispy. It is served with mixed fresh greens and an outstanding ginger soy dipping sauce. I’m not real partial on curry or noodle dishes, but plenty of SukhoThai regulars are and several told me that both the seafood curry and chicken with red curry dishes are outstanding. I also suggest checking out SukhoThai for lunch, with great low prices on favorites like chicken pad Thai, beef with broccoli and Sukhothai chicken. Whether lunch or dinner, save room for dessert, because SukhoThai also has amazing Thai-style beignets, which are like pillowy doughnuts topped with raspberry and dulce de leche cream, as well as an excellent flourless chocolate cake.
Neighborhood News
To wash it all down, I suggest either of the two Thai beers available — Chang and Singha. There’s also two kinds of Thai iced tea and delicious hot green tea. SukhoThai of New Tampa is located at 18101 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. For more info, call 615-2345 or visit SukhoThaiRestaurant.net.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Branchton Farms — New Tampa’s ‘First Family’ Also Sells Its Best Produce! By Gary Nager; Photos by Matt Wiley
Whether you live in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel, I strongly urge you to visit Branchton Farms — the amazing fresh produce-and-so-much-more stand located on Morris Bridge Rd., south of Cross Creek Blvd., in the New Tampa area (about two miles south of the Pasco County line). Now, I consider myself to be something of a long-time resident of both of our distribution areas — having moved to Saddlebrook in Wesley Chapel in 1993 and to Hunter’s Green in New Tampa in 1995 (a year or so after I became the owner and
We accept the majority of PPO’s Dental Insurance
editor of Neighborhood News). Even so, I’m like a total newcomer compared with Mikele Branch and her father Wayne. In fact, before the area from Morris Bridge Rd. west to what is now Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. and north to the county line was called “New Branchton Farms owners Wayne and his daughter Mikele Branch are not only lifelong residents of the Branchton/ Tampa,” it was New Tampa area along Morris Bridge Rd. (two miles south of the Pasco County Line and less than a mile south of known as Branchton, Cross Creek Blvd.), they also sell a whole lot of farm-fresh, free range eggs (bottom left) every Friday. which was named for more items, a small café and anything else One of the things that impressed Mikele’s and Wayne’s ancestors, who first there’s a real demand for here.” yours truly and assistant editor/photograsettled in the area in 1888! There certainly already seems to be pher Matt Wiley almost immediately was Mikele (a fifth generation local resia lot of demand for the Branch family’s not just how clean and neat all the produce dent), Wayne and their family still live on produce — the sizable parking lot around is arranged at Branchton Farms, but how the eleven acres they own on Morris Bridge the stand was packed the Friday we went to attractive the entire open “store” is. Rd., but a little less than two years ago, press — and Mikele says that Friday is now “It really is a perfect place for people the experienced farmers, who already had her busiest day of the week. who live in this area,” said one New Tampa been buying and selling produce — much “We bring in farm-fresh, free range customer who also reads and loves his New of which they grow themselves on four of eggs every Friday morning and we have Tampa Neighborhood News. “I bet this those eleven acres — started their first pro- customers who come every week — or at place is going to become even a lot more duce stand with just a few tents. Then, in least, every other week — to stock up on popular when this article comes out.” October 2013, the Branch family complet- them. They’re bigger than most jumbo Mikele also notes that although her ed the 2,000-sq.-ft. structure which today eggs you buy in the grocery store, many of family grows a lot of the produce (especialkeeps their expanded stand protected from them have double yolks and our customers ly the veggies) sold at her stand, even more the elements, and Mikele says expansion tell us they can really taste the difference. is grown by other local farmers. plans are in the works. We sell hundreds of them every week and “We do bring in a lot of produce from “We definitely have room and plans some regular customers even call ahead to outside of Hillsborough and Pasco counto grow here,” she says. “We want to add make sure they don’t miss out on ‘em.” ties and a lot of the fruit we sell, especially
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i g t
t a o o s l s s l p
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This family knows you can’t go wrong at Branchton Farms, where most of the vegetables and some of the fruits are grown right here in Florida. Among our editor’s favorites at Branchton Farms — where the displays (top far right) are as beautiful as the scenery — are the carrots, cucumbers, Florida oranges and tomatoes. in the summer, is from California (plums, firm Immokalee (FL) tomatoes, grapes, etc.), Georgia (peaches) Washingthe biggest, most delicious ton state (apples) and beyond,” she says. cucumbers and jumbo carrots I’ve seen in And, speaking of fruit, she adds that recent memory and more — are grown the Florida citrus season is about over, in and around our area and our state and although I did buy some amazing “last that’s the way Mikele says it will stay. of the season” (and huge!) Florida navel “It seems everyone is getting into looranges that are so sweet that the room cally grown, fresh produce these days,” she smells for quite a while after you eat them says, “Even chain restaurants are starting to like a natural citrus air freshener. “We just visit the Farmers Markets and we definitely stop carrying oranges and grapefruits in the do restaurant deliveries, as well as sell at the summer, rather than bring in those perfect- Shops at Wiregrass mall’s Fresh Markets looking ones from California,” she says. “I and more. So, if anyone reading this owns prefer and support Florida citrus.” a local restaurant, I hope they’ll come see She also notes that her incredibly delius first because I know we have the best cious veggies — including some beautiful, produce in the area. And, because we don’t
Neighborhood News
have to pay rent to be here, I know we have some of the best prices, too.” And, there’s certainly more than “just“ fresh produce available at Branchton Farms. “We sell delicious Queen Kathleen honey, which is grown just up the road in Dade City,” she says. “We also stock a complete line of Mrs. Cannon’s Country Gourmet cheeses, fruit preserves, jellies, jams, syrups, pickles, BBQ sauce, salad dressings, apple and other butters, relishes and other country snacks. We even carry a big assortment of real fruit flavored honey sticks for coffee, tea and cold drinks.” There really is a difference in fresh
produce and that difference is the basis for Branchton Farms’ motto, which appears in every one of the produce stand’s ads in this publication — “Buy local, eat fresh!” Branchton Farms (15320 Morris Bridge Rd.) is open Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.7 p.m., and 9 a.m.-6 p.m. on Sat. & Sun. For more information, including a coupon for a free pound of bananas (with the ad on page 28 of this issue), call 504-5524.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Stonemill Artisan Brings Authentic Baked Goods & Gelato To Wesley Chapel By Gary Nager; Photos by Matt Wiley
Artisan - (of food or drink) made in a traditional or non-mechanized way using high-quality ingredients. One of the things I have been missing since I lived on E. 63rd St. in Manhattan a thousand years ago is the smell of freshly baked, authentic French breads and real, all-butter croissants (more on them below) wafting through the air. Like Bugs Bunny to a carrot, some days — when the ovens were firing at Hot & Crusty Bakery (still a popular, local-to-NYC chain) and the bakery’s vents were aimed down E. 63rd from 2nd Ave. (which was all the time, of course) — I could just float my way a half a city block to grab a still-steaming sourdough roll, French baguette or the flakiest croissants I had ever experienced (probably because I’ve never been to Paris). Well, although I still can’t smell the bread and more baking up hot and fresh from outside of the new Stonemill Artisan Bakery & Desserts (located in the Wesley Chapel Village Market plaza, next to Vallarta’s, on S.R. 54 at Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd), I have already become one of owner and artisan baker par excellence Honor Brandao’s best customers in the few short months he’s been open, as our new office is less than a mile from his place. Stonemill Artisan’s tiny corner storefront in the Village Market isn’t
Owner Honor Brandao of Stonemill Artisan Bakery & Desserts in the Wesley Chapel Village Market plaza, gave the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News a tour of his kitchen. He even had us photograph him making authentic sourdough bread from scratch. much to look at (most real bakeries are anything but “burnt,” as one local everyone in training for when we kick aren’t), but I can assure you that Honor off the wholesale operation. We all have resident suggested in an email to me, and his staff not only have the Wesley they’re perfect. If I could limit myself to to be at our best to handle that type of Chapel community covered in terms just one a day, I’d probably visit every volume. And, we will be.” of freshly baked breads and homemade day — they’re that good and the closest Now, before we go any further, I desserts (including gelato), he says the thing to Hot & Crusty’s I’ve had here. just want to say that for those of you plan is for the store itself to one day But Honor, who will be happy to who think local supermarkets have only represent about 30 percent of give you a tour of his uniquely modern great bread, you need to broaden your Stonemill’s business. That plan is for the horizons. Those “croissants” you get baker’s kitchen, doesn’t only make the 70-percent portion of the biz in the fu- at your favorite coffee shop are actually best croissants in town. Mais non, mes ture to be wholesale — selling his deliamis! He also walked me through the poorly Americanized “crescent rolls” cious and decadent wares to restaurants, that bear almost no resemblance to process of creating authentic sourdough for large corporate events and more. bread. He showed me everything from authentic French all-butter croissants. “We’re even considering having the sourdough cultures (which are aged A real croissant — some authen‘bread runs’ in the local neighborin large tubs) to the formed, unbaked tic French bakeries in the Tampa Bay hoods,” Honor says. “Submit an order loaves of bread and when he has to cut area actually bake both French and when we’re going to be in your neighAmerican-style croissants; if you were to the slits in each loaf that not only gives borhood and we’ll deliver fresh baked the sourdough it’s distinctive look, try both and not recognize the differgoods right to your door.” but also allows each loaf to expand as ences immediately, I’d wait until they He adds, “Right now, the retail it bakes in his incredible multi-tiered resuscitated you. lol — is very tender operation is 100-percent of our busioven (which can bake literally dozens of inside, but should have a definite flaky ness and that’s good because I have croissants, sourdough and other fresh crispness outside. Stonemill’s croissants
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
breads at once). The expansion is necessary to create the golden brown outside crispness, and dense, soft-and-delicious sourdough inside. Take home one of these loaves — or his rye, multigrain, brioche or other fresh breads, pre-soften some butter and see how long they last on your family’s table.
More Than Just Bread!
But, Honor and his crew aren’t only hitting on all cylinders when it comes to bread. I haven’t sampled all of his fresh-baked desserts, but I can tell you that I’m not usually the biggest fan of scones. They’re usually too crumbly and dry for me to even enjoy with a great cup of coffee (like Stonemill’s). But, at Stonemill Artisan, the authentic Italian (Honor and his wife, Ana Paula, were both raised in Brazil, by Italian parents, although he credits his “sainted Nona” {grandmother} who made her own pasta and breads, for raising him and inspiring him as a baker) scones still crumble outside, but are definitely moister inside, than any I’ve had in this area. And, with varieties ranging from cheese to decadent chocolate chip and cinnamon crunch scones, I’m betting you’ll find one you love. Honor also makes these authentic, meltin-your-mouth French cookies called macarons (not to be confused with the traditional coconut macaroons popular during the Jewish Passover season) in a variety of colors and flavors, as well as whole cakes (see the ad on page 42 for a sample of Stonemill’s great custom cakes) and pies (he was featuring much-thicker-than most pecan pies the
day I went to press with this issue), some of the most decadent home-baked chocolate truffles ever in a variety of flavors, delicious mini banana breads, muffins, cupcakes and many more. (L.-r.) Our editor says Stonemill Artisan has the best authentic French Even the authentic Italian gelato is made incroissants and that the chocolate chip scones rock. Homemade Gelato house. Of course, those who know me are aware fans can choose from a wide variety of flavors, all made in-house. that I still prefer ice cream to gelato, but all I can say is that I have tasted and enjoyed several different flavors at Stonemill Artisan and the gelato already is pretty popular among Honor’s customers. You big gelato fans can feel free to give me your feedback on it anytime. “To me, the motto of the artisan is ‘Know thy process, know thy ingredients, know they tools,’” Honor says. “I hope everyone who reads this will come in and try the homemade, hand-made difference in everything we do!” Stonemill Artisan Bakery & Desserts (5325 Village Market) is open Mon.-Sat., 7:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. For more info, call 994-7300 or stop in and please tell Honor and his crew that the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News sent you!
Not into bread or gelato? Try Stonemill Artisan’s decadent, home-baked chocolate truffles or the meringue “kisses” in assorted flavors and colors.
Neighborhood News
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel!
Apply For Wesley Chapel Walmart Jobs At Wiregrass!
Walmart is hiring approximately 300 associates to work at the new Walmart slated to open this summer in Wesley Chapel. A temporary hiring center has opened at 28211 Paseo Dr., Suite 190, in the Shops at Wiregrass mall, where applications will be accepted Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. -8 p.m., and 8 a.m.-6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Interested applicants may also apply online at Careers.Walmart.com. Through Walmart’s Veterans Welcome Home Commitment, the company will offer a job to any qualified veteran who has been honorably discharged within the past 12 months.* Interested veterans may find out more at WalmartCareersWithaMission. com.(*Note-Veterans must be within 12 months of active duty and meet Walmart’s standard hiring criteria.) According to store manager Stephanie White, the new Walmart will be hiring both full- and part-time associates. “I’m excited to meet potential associates who want not only a job, but a great career with Walmart,” said White. The majority of new associates will begin in July to help prepare the store for its upcoming Grand Opening. — MW
Chapel Cigars Has Great Father’s Day Specials!
I’m not a cigar smoker, but if I was, I would hope someone would hook me up for Father’s Day at Chapel Cigars, located at 26246 Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54) in the Grand Oaks Plaza in Lutz. Not only do my friends Tom and Kyle at Chapel Cigars have everything any cigar smoker needs, they’re also offering some amazing Father’s Day specials (see the ad on page 3), including: • 20-percent off all boxes of Romeo y Julieta cigars
• 15-percent-off all box purchases, as well as off all humidors in stock (while they last, but they go fast!) • 10-percent-off all lighters , cutters and accessories in stock • Free Bugatti lighter ($135 value!) with every purchase of $250 or more • Gift certificates available in-store, if you can’t decide what to buy For more info, stop in at Chapel Cigars or call 973-1166.
Cody’s Opens On S.R. 54 & Pinchers Is Coming Soon
It seems to have taken a while, but I was happy to attend the pre-GrandOpening event for the new Cody’s Original Roadhouse, located in the former location of Remington’s Steakhouse at 27405 Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54), between I-75 and Old Pasco Rd. Cody’s was set to open to the public on June 2, so it should be open as you’re reading this issue. For more info about Cody’s, call 513-9200. Speaking of new eateries, I have been seeing lots of progress on the Pinchers Crab Shack, which is opening within a few weeks (perhaps in time for the Freedom Festival on Thursday, July 3; see page 1) in the former location of the Aja night club in the Shops at Wiregrass mall. Aja fans won’t recognize the place, but fresh seafood fans (like yours truly) are excited that Pinchers is getting close to opening. For more information, visit PinchersCrabShack.com or TheShopsatWiregrass.com.
The beautiful new Torrence model in the New Tampa community of Grand Hampton (just south of County Line Rd.) was unveiled by Vintage Estate Homes (see ad on page 5) at a Wesley Chapel Chamber ribbon cutting and Realtor event on May 29. Photo courtesy of WCCC. For a free haircut with any S.R. 56 (nearly adjacent to I-75, west of highlights job (a $60 value), see the Goodwill). Designed by Thomas Engineering Group on seven acres in the Cy- Urban Renewal Hair ad on page 28 of this issue and call 978-9292 to press Creek Development of Regional make your appointment today. Impact, the $17-million, 45,000-sq.-ft. dealership (with 21,000-sq.-ft. showVintage Estate Homes Cuts A room) is affiliated with AutoNation.
Ribbon In Grand Hampton!
Jacquie Caetano Opens Urban Renewal Hair
Like so many New Tampa and Wesley Chapel residents, I have known master hair stylist Jacquie Caetano for about 20 years. The daughter of former Bostonian Hair Salon owner Joseph Caetano now has her own hair studio in the Pebble Creek Collection in New Tampa, a mile or so south of County Line Rd. (behind Kobe Japanese Steakhouse), where she has opened Urban Renewal Hair (at 19651 BBD), where the looks are urban and Jacquie specializes in custom cuts and color Mercedes Benz of Wesley treatments, as well as treatments to help Chapel Breaks Ground renew (you knew that word was comWesley Chapel already is something ing, right?) your hair. of a new car dealership headquarters and Jacquie also has great booth rental that reputation can only be enhanced space at Urban Renewal Hair for a by the recently announced plan to open stylist or aesthetician with established Mercedes Benz of Wesley Chapel on clientele looking for a great location.
If you’re looking for a uniquely beautiful, high-end luxury home, I hope you’ll go visit the new Vintage Estate Homes Torrence model, located at 8434 Dunham Station Dr. in Grand Hampton on May 29. The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) cut a ribbon at the new model’s Grand Opening Party on May 29. There was great food at the event, which also included live entertainment, giveaways for Realtors and so much more. The beautiful new 3,200+-sq.-ft., four-bedroom (plus study), three-bath Torrence model, which is built on an 85-footwide lot, starts at $475,000. The home features a spectacular master bedroom suite, a beautiful pool and spa and is perfect for families with two or three kids. For more information about Vintage Estate Homes at Grand Hampton, call Tiffany Maxwell at (321) 749-2601 or visit VintageEstateHomes.com, or see
Come taste what we are all about... Come Awake your senses !!
5325 Village Market - Wesley Chapel - 813 994 7300
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
Reading, Writing and Art Camps!
Congrats to the Pasco Hernando Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, which held a wellattended (by at least 40 local business owners & leaders) mixer at PrimeBar in the Shops at Wiregrass mall on May 29. The local Hispanic Chamber is hosting a great Havana Casino Night Fund Raiser on Friday, June 13 (ooh, spooky) at Heritage Harbor Golf & Country Club in Lutz. For more info, visit PHHChamber.com or call pres. John Jay at 298-3232. the ad on page 5 of this issue. — GN
USF Federal Credit Union To Expand In New Tampa
Having outgrown its current space, the University of South Florida (USF) Federal Credit Union branch soon will have a new home, just across the parking lot, just south of County Line Rd. The bank, currently located in the Winn-Dixie shopping plaza at Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. and County Line Rd., is planning a move to a new, freestanding branch that is to be constructed on 1.3 acres of land in the shopping center’s parking lot. The bank closed on the land in April. The 4,500-sq.-ft. new branch will have a focus on new technology, says USF Credit Union chief marketing officer Debbie Clark. “The new branch is going to be much larger,� Clark says. “We’re moving in the direction of innovation. We’ll
even have virtual kiosks to assist customers with typical teller services.� Clark notes that the shopping center location is still the bank’s temporary home until the new branch is built, which recently won approval from the Tampa City Council for a three-lane drive-through. The bank previously shared a location with the MidFlorida Credit Union, located about half a mile south on BBD. “The new branch will allow us to better serve our New Tampa and Wesley Chapel members,� Clark explains. “Our footprint extends much further than USF’s campus.� USF Credit Union members will continue to use the shopping plaza location, as Clark explains that the new branch won’t be ready to open for at least 18 months. For more information about the USF Federal Credit Union, please visit USFFCU.org. — MW
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New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED
able, friendly individual to provide community information and assist with realtor outreach program for an established real estate development. Excellent written and oral communication skills and working knowledge of Excel and Word required. Send your resume to csummerson@crown-tampa.com. ROUTE SALES, MEDICAL Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retrieval. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights a month. Retrieves damaged/defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; troubleshooting breakdowns; scheduling maintenance and repairs. Call (813) 982-1336.
Highly organized, detail oriented, experienced. Real Estate Manager & Executive Assistant with thorough knowledge of multiple real estate software apps. A Real Estate license is a plus or be willing to study for it. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon, Keller Williams Tampa Properties. (813) 431-2840. HAIRSTYLIST. Looking for hairstylists with established clientele! - Relaxing contemporary environment in busy New Tampa shopping center. Booth rental available, $175/week. Newly furnished private suite with shampoo bowl for $225/week - First week free! Contact Ms. Johnson at (813) 994-2393 or email johnson.christy08@yahoo.com. Weekend Pool Supervisor Wanted at New Tampa Community Pool. Saturday and Sundays 12 to 6PM. $10 - $12 per hour, must have CPR. Send resume to Chet.benson@verizon.net or call 813977-1160
Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: Richard.jones@solarusmedical.com. BAKER(S) WANTED - Stonemill Artisan Bakery is looking for early morning bakers with expertise in the position. We are starting our wholesale operations soon and need someone to join our growing team. Duties include breads, pastries and baked donuts, among others. FT position with some weekend shifts. Food handler safety certification a plus. Please email contact@stonemillartisan. com with the words “Baker Position” in the subject line and we will email you an application form. Stonemill Artisan is an equal opportunity employer.
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L.I.F.E Academy for Learning, LLC, is a licensed home daycare located in New River Township. The daycare is managed by Nora Dudley, an experienced elementary FL-certified teacher also certified in infant/child CPR and First Aid. Nora is a loving mother of two who is passionate about helping children. Call Nora at (813) 395-8487 or for more info, visit LifeAcademyforLearning.com today to enroll your child & mention this ad to waive your registration fee! Refs. available. Lic. #F06PA361 DRUM LESSONS! - Beginner through advanced. Professional Percussion/Drum Instructor. Teacher with Hillsborough County Schools. Taking on new, percussion students. Great preparation for auditioning for school band/orchestra. Competition and Examination opportunities. Graduate from the Musician’s Institute of Hollywood, CA, in rock and jazz percussion; Masters from USF as a Speech/Language Pathologist. Have studied with some of the most famous drummers in Rock, including Stewart Copeland (Sting’s drummer). 25 years of experience performing and teaching. New Tampa/ Pebble Creek location. Call John Wendelken at (813) 416-5334 or visit TampaPiano.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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Don’t Have a Ride? Don’t Want to Leave Your Car? Shouldn’t Drive? We Drive You and Your Car Home! Night Clubs, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Concerts, Appointments, Airport or Stranded. Call Jay at (813) 966-1530.
CLEANING SERVICES ANNA’S HOUSEKEEPING, A BBB-Accredited Business Servicing Florida since 1991. Cleaning, Laundry, You Name It! $74 introductory special, Mon-Wed. Make your list, put us to work! We have private housekeeper rates with agency backup coverage! Licensed and all housekeepers are background checked. Call 813.985.1150. WHITE TOUCH CLEANING SERVICES a professional, reliable, and affordable company. We have been in business for more than 11 years.With over 80 satisfied clients throughout Tampa. Customers are our first priority. References are provided. Please contact Cristina or Francisco at (813) 325-6917. TAMPA CLEAN MAID SERVICE - a residential cleaning service with a flexible scheduling, offering basic and custom cleaning weekly,by-weekly and monthly service. For more information, Call 813 502 9452. M.Y. CLEANING SERVICE — Offering residential cleaning, complete bath & kitchen cleaning, plus dusting and polishing furniture. We have our own supplies. Your satisfaction is our priority! With 5 years of experience, we guarantee meticulous cleaning! For a free estimate, call Mila @ (813) 516-3554.
SQUEAKY CLEAN HOME SERVICES is a residential cleaning company offering weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly services. We also specialize in move-in/move-out cleanup. All supplies and equipment provided. We are an Owner Operator company with over 20 years of experience. “If it needs to be clean, we’re your team!” Call 813-625-6045 for a free in-home estimate today! D-ULTRA CLEANING SERVICE — We have our own supplies amd more than 300 clients in New Tampa! For more info, Call 758-9710. Give yourself the Ultimate Cleaning that you deserve. Responsible, Reliable, and Honest with references. Call 727-6457779 for FREE estimates. Ask for Ybonne. Squeaky Clean Home Services - is a residential cleaning company offering weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly services. We also specialize in move-in/move-out cleanup. All supplies and equipment provided. We are an Owner Operator company with over 20 years experience. "If it Needs to be Clean, We're your Team! Call us for your free in home estimate today! 813625-6045
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HOME IMPROVEMENT DRY WALL SPECIALIST. Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings and walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster and stucco repair. 26 years of experience Wesley Chapel resident. State-Certified. Call Ron for a free estimate at 784-5999. NEED HOME MAINTENANCE? Almost any job, large or small, exterior or interior, fencing, screening, small concrete, sprinklers, painting, repairs, interior doors, locks, sheet rock, windows, paint, caulk, grout, trim, shelving, garages organized. Installations, removals, pressure washing, wood restoration and more. Call Dale’s Home Maintenance at 973-0194 or 727-2582. DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional and personal touch. Pool decks and screen enclosures, all fencing, driveways, walkways, roofs, gutters and downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177. GREG’S PAPERHANGING — For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed and insured, clean, quick and reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate. D & D PRESSURE WASHING — Licensed and insured. We clean driveways, sidewalks, homes, pool decks, screen enclosures, fences and other items. Free estimates. Call Dina or Doug at (813) 949-5131 or visit DDPressureWash.com. RAYMOND PAINTING. Interior and Exterior, pressure washing, paper hanging, plaster, stucco, tiles, clean & seal pavers, roofing leaks, etc. Licensed and Bonded. References available. Free Estimates. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ARBOR GREENE RESIDENT. We work 7 days. Call 994-5124.
HOME RENOVATIONS & PAINTING Firm Realistic Budget Remodeling; Installations: Backsplash, Cabinets, Closets, Countertops, Drywall & Windows. Flooring Installation:Ceramic,Po rcelain,Granite,Marble,Travertine,Stone,Sl ate,Laminate Flooring, Engineered & Solid Hardwood. Interior & Exterior Painting: Pressure Washing, Repair small cracks & holes. Roofing : Complete Installation and Removal of any Asphalt Shingles. Wesley Chapel Licensed & Insured Company. ALICOR HOME RENOVATIONS INC; Call Michael at 813-758-0245 or at alicorhomerenovationsinc@outlook.com
PET SERVICES Cats are happiest in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds, & smells. When you are away, we feed, cuddle, & play with your kitties & clean & dispose of litter. Insured, bonded, & Red-Cross certified in pet first aid/CPR. Submit a service inquiry at www.TampaCatLady.com or call 994-9449
STYLIST BOOTH SPACE AVAILABLE If you’re a local, experienced stylist (with already-established local following or ready to build one) looking for outstanding booth rental rates in an elegant salon with top-notch amenities, located in the heart of New Tampa (minutes from Wesley Chapel), please stop in to see Jacquie at Urban Renewal Hair (19651 BBD Blvd., Suite C-4) or call 978-9292. Neighborhood News
JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING — Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning and more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL! FREE ESTIMATE! Call (813) 420-4465.
AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC — Our services include weekly lawn maintenance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimmimg. We also offer landscaping, pruning, sod replacement, and pressure washing. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service and trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778. TAMPA LAWN SALON, INC. has been providing New Tampa & Wesley Chapel residents service for over 10 years! We not only provide weekly landscape maintenance but are also licensed in pest control. Our services include: Lawn and Ornamental Fertilization, Pest Control, Landscape Design, Landscape and Sod Installation, Lawn and Landscape Maintenance, Landscape Lighting, Irrigation, Pressure Washing. Please call us for an estimate at 813.417.7301 & ask us about our FREE irrigation inspection!
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ERRANDS & PERSONAL SVCS Unable to drive, no time, to-do list not getting done??? Call: SmilesAlways @ 813-263-4244 for: Errands-Airport Ride/Car Service- Out Of Town Travel Assistance- Doctor AppointmentsCompanion Care- Grocery Shopping Assistance- Girl Friday/Office Support/ Personal Correspondence And Concierge Services- Event Planning. Hourly, Daily & Long Term Rates. CALL: SMILESALWAYS@813-263-4244 for: Errands- Airport Rides/ Car Transportation ServicesDoctor Appointments- Grocery Shopping Assistance- House Sitting- Girl Friday/Office Support and Personal Concierge Services- Event Planning. Hourly, Daily & Long Term Rates: Tampa Palms/ New Tampa Area. Friendly, Trustworthy, Responsive, Reliable.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 12 • June 7, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Congrats To Our Wesley Chapel & Wiregrass Ranch High Graduating Seniors! By Matt Wiley
Congratulations to the Class of 2014 at Wesley Chapel High (WCH) and Wiregrass Ranch High (WRH). On the evening of May 29, at the University of South Florida Sun Dome, 331 Wildcat seniors crossed the stage to become high school graduates. “Your energy was evident from the moment you arrived,” WCH principal Carin Nettles said to her graduating class. “Your determined energy has been channeled since you arrived, in goodness and in love for your school, you community, yourselves, your families, your pursuits, your passions and your love for each other.” Nettles continued, “Take what you’ve learned, what you’ve put in to practice with your Wildcat family and approach your life with that same fearlessness. Each and every one of you has the ability to go as far as your dreams can take you.” WCH valedictorian Tierny Irwin also addressed her class before they received their diplomas. “We’ve made it out of high school,” said Irwin, who graduated with a 4.45 weighted GPA. “There’s still life ahead of us. I hope you know what you’re doing. I would also advise everyone to really live life. Put the smartphone down. There’s a lot in life you don’t want to miss.” The next morning, also at the USF SunDome, WRH principal Robyn White gave her first graduation address since taking over for former principal Ray Bonti, who took a job as the executive director of support services for Pasco County Schools at the end of last year. “I wonder what will come to mind when someone mentions the name Wiregrass Ranch High School to you in coming years,” White said to the crowd of 504 graduating Bulls. “Will it be the ‘Spirit Weeks,’ or a teacher or staff member that reached out to you? Perhaps it will be this graduation ceremony.” White encouraged her students to take care of each other, friends and fam-
(Top left) The WCH Wildcat came out and got the grads pumped to walk the stage after valedictorian Tierny Irwin (top right) gave her speech on May 30 at the University of South Florida SunDome in North Tampa. New WRH principal Robyn White (below right) gave her first commencement speech on May 31 before valedictorian Chelsea Chitty had a few motivational words for her graduating classmates.
ily, just as parents and teachers have taken care of them up until graduating. “The best days are still ahead of you” White continued. “Never believe someone who says that their high school days were the best in their life because the future is ahead and that will be what is the best.” WRH valedictorian Chelsea Chitty, who graduated with a 4.77 weighted GPA, also had some motivating words for her classmates before they crossed the stage. “Although this may feel like an ending, this truly is the beginning of the rest of our lives,” Chitty said. “It is our turn to dream big and inspire. As long as we believe in ourselves, the future is ours.” We also congratulate this year’s salutatorians — Nicole Nielsen (4.44 GPA) from WCH and Nikhil Thota (4.67) from WRH — and all 835 graduates at both schools and their families!
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 10 • May 10, 2014 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
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