in this issue
trustee letter meet the sistricts!
i-council updates
(commitee updates, suicide prevention week, yof grant, and homecoming)
thank you for reading/contacts
meet your “sistricts” get to know your sister districts!
Happy Fall! School is finally in full speed, and the weather is finally coolling down. Hopefully you are enjoying the season cahnge and the the fall key club energy. I just took my SAT on Saturday and our first quarter ended this weekend, so hopefully i can catch up on everything else this week.I hope you all are also staying safe and well! During the month of october, there will be a couple of events to look out for, like the ending of the YOF grant, the global certificate program( end of october early nov) ,and sistrict events (im super excited). In terms of Sistrict updates, I am working on a website as well as a form for DCM/meeting visitations so I am able to come and meet you all! Office hours are held every other wednesday, and I am avalible to help with anything you need (key club related or not), talk about concerns you have, or to just chill! If you missed the last one, make sure to come to the next one on October 13th, 2021 at 7-8pm EST or 6-7 pm CT, and 5-6pm MT.
rocky mountains
new jersey
Gov Noor Elhamoney
Gov Hailey Choi
texas-oklahoma Gov Lilian Thai
All that being said, I am here to help and serve you, so don't hesitate to reach out to me at any time via our sistrict instagram @newtorocksey or at aliya.ali@keyclub.org. Yours in Friendship and Service,
aliya ali aliya.ali@keyclub.org
i-council updates yof grant, suicide prevention week, and homecoming week
YOF GRANT NOW OPEN The first application cycle of the Youth Opportunities Fund, or YOF, is open! Your Key Club can apply for a grant amount between US$250 to US$2,000, and the application deadline for the first cycle of the grant is October 15 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. For more information about the grant, check out.For more information, go to https:// www.keyclub.org/youth-opportunities-fund/ SUICIDE PREVENTION WEEK RECAP 2021-2022 Suicide Prevention Week was from September 5th through September 11th, and we worked without new Key Club International Partner, Erika’s Lighthouse, to post challenges and information regarding mental health and suicide prevention. You can still access these resources at visiting https://www.keyclub.org/events/suicide-prevention-week/ HOMECOMING WEEK As we start off the new school year, the Key Club Homecoming campaign is well underway! The campaign includes a plethora of resources for club reactivation and membership recruitment, which can all be accessed from https://www.keyclub.org/homecoming/!
i-council updates partners and programs, global relations, and the excutive committee updates
PARTNERS AND PROGRAMS The Partners and Programs Committee has been busy planning events like the Global Engagement Rally and Key Club Week 2021, while also working on creating a new LTG training resource. They have also been researching new partnerships for Key Club international, and are working on promoting the Youth Opportunities Fund!
GLOBAL RELATIONS The Global Relations Committee has prioritized translations this year with the goal to translate 3 official resources (International Guidebook, Member Guidebook, and the Advisor Guide) in three different languages (French, Spanish Mandrin). As of now committee has accomplished creating cheat sheets and edits of the resources. In addition to translations, they have established 2 new liaisons from Columbia and Western Canada and are planning to continue contacting the past liaisons. Furthermore, an ICON scholarship is currently in the works!
EXECUTIVE The Executive Committee has been hard at work setting up the Membership Retention Task force organizing Board calls, and has started to compile a new resource library for club, district, and international resources!
sistrict updates events and more!
office hours
website launch!
instagram giveaway !
happy halloween1
office hours / movie night
look for the opening of the global leadership certificate towards the end of the month! key club week is the first week of november! **EARLY BIRD DUES ON NOVEMBNER 1ST***
thanks for reading! lets all shoot for the moon! & happy fall!!!
aliya.ali@keyclub.org sistrict instagram key club international website