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Borough of Newtown
Warden Joseph M. Maher III, jaymaher1@yahoo.com. Duties: Chief elected officer of the borough and chairman of the Borough Board of Burgesses. Presides at all meetings of the electors of the borough. Elected. Salaried: $2,500.
Board of Burgesses Senior Burgess Chris Gardner, and Burgesses Sara J. Phillips, Anthony P. Baiad, Jr, William J. Lucas III, Jared A. Modzelewski, and James O. Gaston. Duties: Administrative body of the borough charged with the preparation of the budget and other administrative duties. Elected. Unsalaried.
Borough Clerk Ann Scaia, 203-426-4282. Duties: Custodian of all borough records and keeper of the borough checkbook. Elected. Salaried: $6,000.
Treasurer Paula Brinkman, 203-426-5698. Duties: Pays out money from the borough treasury upon the written order of the clerk. Elected. Salaried: $5,000.
Tax Assessor Jodie Enriquez, CCMC, 203-426-1052. Duties: Determines real estate and personal property values in the borough. Elected. Salaried: $3,800.
Tax Jodie Enriquez, CCMC, Duties: Collects rate bills prepared by the warden and the Board of Burgesses. Elected. Salaried: $7,500. Chief Building Official John Poeltl, 203-270-4260. Duties: Works with town building inspector in operating borough building department. Salaried: $4,000.
Engineer Ron Bolmer, 203-270-4270. Duties: Performs engineering services. Appointed. Salaried: $1,800.
Zoning Coordinator Rob Sibley, 203-270-4350. Powers and duties: Enforces compliance with the borough zoning regulations. Appointed. Salaried: $8,000.
Building Clerk Rob Sibley, 203.270-4276. Duties: Responsible for administering and issuing building permits. Appointed. Salaried: $2,000.
Conservation Official Rob Sibley, 203-270-4350. Powers and duties: Enforces Conservation Commission and Inland Wetlands regulations. Salaried: $1,000.
Borough Historian (Currently unfilled) Duties: Maintains records of the history of the borough. Appointed. Unsalaried.
Tree Warden Robert W. McCulloch, 203-617-7432. Duties: Maintains and cuts trees on borough property at the direction of the warden and the burgesses. Appointed. Salaried: $2,500.
Zoning Counsel
Monte Frank, 203-330-2262. Duties: Gives legal advice and draws up legal documents for the borough. Appointed.
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Glenn Nanavaty. Appointed.
Zoning Board of Appeals John Madzula (chair), Mary Thomas, Jane Maher, John Fletcher, one vacancy. Powers and duties: Hears and acts on appeals of borough tax assessments. Elected. Unsalaried.
Zoning Commission Douglas Nelson (chair), Claudia Mitchell, David Francis, Margaret Hull, Douglas McDonald, one vacancy. Powers and duties: Formulates, amends, and implements borough zoning regulations. Elected. Unsalaried.
Borough of Newtown Historic District Commission Stephanie Gaston (chair), Betsy Kenyon (vice-chair), Ellen Whalen, Sarah J. Phillips. Secretary Mark Poirier. Consultants: Scudder Smith. Alternate Karen Boyle. Consultant James O. Gaston. The district was formed in 1996 to preserve the borough’s antique rural atmosphere through the preservation and protection of buildings and places of interest. It includes many properties (residential, commercial, and town-owned) on Main Street, West Street, Church Hill Road, and Currituck Road, as well as the flagpole and the Soldiers & Sailors Monument. Public hearings are held on an as-needed basis. For more information or to request an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness, call 203-426-2500.