Walnut Street
3rd Street College Street Forsyth Street Poplar Street MLK
Cherry Street Oglethorpe Street 2nd Street 5th Street
Materials Needed
- 30’ total street width, 0.4 mile length - Two drive lanes with parking lane on one side of
- 6 cans of white marking - Measuring wheel - Sharrow stencil
street (parking lane switches sides at Franklin)
Proposed - Sharrows in drive lanes, spaced every 150 ft.
Materials Needed
- 48’ total street width, 0.65 mile - Two drive lanes with central turn lane,
transitioning to 4 drive lanes at 2nd Street
Proposed - Median cycle track will replace turn lane from -
Spring to 2nd, then one lane of traffic from 2nd to MLK - 5’ lanes either direction + 1’ delineated buffer Traffic delineators will be necessary to prevent turns in cycle track, spaced every 30 ft. Add bike boxes at intersections
38 cans of white striping spray 15 cans of yellow striping spray Field striper Measuring tape 115 delineators 115 adhesive pads Bike lane stencil
Materials Needed
- 60’ total width, 500 ft. length - Two drive lanes - Angled parking on south side of street, parallel
parking on north side
Proposed - Median cycle track - 5’ lanes either direction + 4’ buffer - Traffic delineators, spaced every 30 ft. - Convert angled parking to parallel - Narrow drive lanes to 11’ - Bike boxes at intersections - Ramp at Riverside so bikes can use sidewalk
8 cans of white striping spray 4 cans of yellow striping spray Field striper Measuring tape 20 delineators 20 adhesive pads 1 gallon green, 1 gallon white tempera paint (for bike boxes) Bike lane stencil
Materials Needed
- 24’ total street width, 835 ft. length - 2-lane street - Angled parking on one side of street
- Two 5-gallon buckets road stripe paint - Sharrow stencil - 4 paint brushes/rollers
Proposed - Add sharrows to drive lanes - Spaced 100’ apart
Materials Needed
- 40’ width, 0.4 mile length - 4 lanes of traffic, 10’ each
Proposed - Narrow traffic to one lane each direction - Add 6’ standard bike lane to each side of street - Move parking lane over to provide bike buffer on one side of street
14 cans of striping pain Bike stencil (MDF board, CNC router) Measuring tape Field striper
Materials Needed
- 40’ width, 0.5 mile length - 2 lanes of traffic - Parallel parking on both sides of street
Proposed - Cycle track to replace on parking lane - 4’ lanes with 3’ buffer - Move parking lane over to provide bike buffer on one side of street
54 cans of white striping paint 18 cans of yellow striping paint Bike lane stencil Measuring tape Field striper
Materials Needed
- 40’ width, 1200 ft. - 2 lanes of traffic - Parallel parking on both sides of street
Proposed - Sharrow on west side of street in drive lane, spaced every 100 ft. - 4’ bike lane on east side outside of parking lane
12 cans of white striping paint 5 cans white marking spray Bike lane stencil Sharrow stencil Measuring tape Field striper
Materials Needed
- 40’ width, 0.48 mile - 2 lanes of traffic - Parallel parking on both sides of street
- 10 cans of white marking spray - Sharrow stencil - Measuring wheel
Proposed - Sharrows in drive lanes, spaced every 100 ft.
Materials Needed
- No materials needed
40’ width, 1 mile length 2 lanes of traffic Parallel parking on both sides of street Sharrows in traffic lanes
Proposed - Leave street as-is
Materials Needed
40’ width, 0.6 mile length 2 lanes of traffic Parallel parking on both sides of street Sharrows in drive lanes
Proposed - Bike lanes to replace parking lanes - 6’ lanes with 3’ buffer - Add vertical delineators to buffers (spaced every 35 ft.)
72 cans of white striping paint Bike lane stencil Measuring tape Field striper 91 delineators 91 adhesive pads
Materials Needed
- 40’ width, 1 mile length - 3 drive lanes - Parallel parking on north side of street
Proposed - Two-way cycle track to replace one drive lane - 4’ each way with 2’ buffer - Add vertical delineators to buffers (spaced every 35 ft.)
- Bike boxes at intersections
85 cans of white striping paint 35 cans of yellow striping paint Bike lane stencil Measuring tape Field striper 150 delineators 150 adhesive pads 9 gallons green tempera, 9 gallons white, for bike boxes at each intersection 6 paint rollers
Materials Needed
150’ width, 0.5 mile length 4 drive lanes Parallel parking on one side Angled parking adjacent to median
Proposed - Replace one lane of traffic each direction with a bike lane outside of parking lane - 6’ lane, 4’ buffer - delineated with empty paint barrels, spaced every 25 ft.
77 cans of white striping paint 100 empty paint barrels Bike lane stencil Measuring tape Field striper 100 plants to top barrels
Materials Needed
- 110’ width, 550 ft. length - 6 drive lanes with central median - Turn lanes at intersections
Proposed - Replace one lane of traffic each direction with a bike lane - 7’ lane, 4’ buffer - Bike lane will follow lane closest to median to -
allow for easy left-turns onto adjacent bike infrastructure Bike lane will move outside of turn lane at intersections, aided by bike box
30 cans of white striping paint Bike lane stencil Measuring tape Field striper 2 gallons green, 2 gallons white tempera paint (for bike boxes)
Intersections & Transitions (examples) For application at intersections on: 2nd Street MLK Blvd. Walnut Street 3rd Street