NewVIc Sports Academy Impact Report

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NewVIc Sports Academy Impact Report 2020/21

Contents About NewVIc Sports Academy Participation Volunteering & Leadership Community Partnerships Talent Development Mental Wellbeing Celebrating Success Case Study Student Survey Results


NewVIc Sports Academy Silver Award Winners - FE Team of the year 201920 at Pearson National Teaching awards 2

About NewVIc Sports Academy

The NewVIc Sports Academy brings together research and strategy insight from across the sector to have a positive impact upon the health, wellbeing and academic success of our students.

Covid & Physical Activity Nationally the number of young people who were physically active fell during the 2019/20 academic year in England, as the coronavirus (Covid-19 pandemic restricted the type of activities available Sports England). At NewVIc we have tried to keep our students as active as possible during the continuing restrictions of 20/21. During lockdowns Sports Academy created a fun, varied online fitness offer available to all students and staff and when we returned on site we ensured all our sports and activities were covid safe and following the NGB recommendations. We quickly adapted our favourite sports to keep our students safe and active as being active helps: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

to boost memory prevent illness with mental wellbeing increase body confidence you sleep better to aid weight loss (if this is your goal) take your mind off your troubles your body to produce ‘feel good’ hormones!

Purpose: NewVIc Sports Academy Mission Statement: We aim to (1 enhance the quality and level of sporting achievement of all individuals and teams from recreational to elite level, and (2 encourage and support students wanting to play, coach, lead and officiate sport.

NewVIc Sports Academy Key Priority Areas:

1 Participation

2 Leadership & Volunteering

3 Community Partnerships


4 Talent Development

5 Health & Wellbeing

1. Participation We have had to think outside the box to help keep our students active during the lockdowns, creating live online lunchtime and after college fitness sessions and prerecorded YouTube Sessions as well as our Activate Your Healthy Spirit (AYHS walking, running and cycling challenge on Strava. When we (finally) were back onsite in college the Sports Academy team worked hard to ensure all our sports and activities were covid safe.

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Students attended Sports Academy activities Total attendances to activities

Of those attending:




‘The college has impressively kept us active in the time of COVID. I really appreciate it’ NewVIc Student)

NewUVIc NewUVIc is our externally funded Sport England project to help engage with students that are not currently active and who are disengaged with traditional ‘sports’. As this project has been so successful we are going to continue this into the next academic year! NewUVIc activities often take place around the college - not just in the sports hall.


Students took part in NewUVIc activities

AYHS  Activate Your Healthy Spirit Challenge During lockdown we took part in the AoC Lunar challenge but also created our own Activate Your Healthy Spirit Challenge (AYHS Challenge). This was an inclusive run, walk or cycling team challenge using the free Strava app. It was a great way for staff and students to prioritise their physical and mental health. We also created a google classroom sharing healthy recipes, home workout plans and many more tips for healthy lifestyles.


Students & staff took part in the AYHS lockdown challenge

2. Volunteering & Leadership The Sports Academy team are passionate about upskilling our students, helping them gain valuable life skills that are transferable especially when applying for university and future jobs.

Sports Leaders The Sports Leaders programme develops confident, healthy leaders through sport and physical activity. Students also gain valuable UCAS points for completing.


Taken part in Sports Leaders UK


Here Come the Girls Ambassadors


Sports Activators

Here Come The Girls (HCTG HTCG Ambassadors promote and inspire their female peers to take part in sport and physical activity, working closely alongside the This Girl Can movement! This year our HCTG Team supported & worked on: Mental Wellbeing campaign, Summer Festival, International Women's Day as well as working on their own personal development including assertiveness and active listening.

Sports Activators Our Sports Activators are a new leadership group this year. They are chosen because of their passion for their chosen sport. They represented their teams and volunteered their time to help promote sports and activities during lockdown, in and around college and during events encouraging more students to take part.

3. Community Partnerships We work with a number of different partners who help us to deliver our activities: Elitz Karate Eduskate Active Newham Black Arrows Parkour Generations London Youth Rowing Volleyball First We were finally able to support our partners back into NewVIc facilities and support wider community sports activities: Baltic Stars Newham Ability Camp

4. Talent Development & Support Elite Academies The Cricket and Basketball Academies are open to any male student on any programme of study here at NewVIc. |The Elite Academies support dual career opportunities, with training taking place outside of curriculum time.

Basketball Academy NewVIc Knights Selected players commit to 9 hours academy training per week around studies. They continued to meet 23 times a week online during lockdown for tactical and game play discussions, talks around lifestyle and mental wellbeing and skills training. They attended 2 holiday training camps after lockdown. All the Basketball Academy attended a level 1 table official referee and media within basketball (London Basketball Association) course.

Cricket Academy Selected players commit to 68 hours academy training per week around studies.. This years achievements include: ● AoC T20 Regional Champions 2021 ● AoC T20 London Campions 2021 ● 3rd Place AoC National Championships 2021 ● Winners of Prince's Trust Trophy

The number of competitive fixtures was greatly impacted by the pandemic however as soon as we were able to safely play fixtures NewVIc took part in AOC competitions and festivals and organised many friendly fixtures - the most out of any London College!

Teams All students who represent NewVIc on one of the competitive sports teams aim to maintain a minimum weekly or average attendance of over 90% (stretch target 95% and sign a ‘charter of expectations’ which must be fulfilled in order to be selected for weekly sports fixtures.

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Fixtures, festivals & tournaments played

Students Involved


Mental Health and Wellbeing Day - 12th February A series of online events and activities for students to attend, all focused around positive mental health and wellbeing.


students attended


activities throughout the day


Summer Festival - 22nd June An end of year celebration event with a range of activities, sports and relaxing activities for students to get involved in!


students attended


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activities throughout the day

sports to get involved in student vs staff games

sports/ physical activities

Foundation Level Sports Focusing on mental and physical wellbeing, communicication, teamwork and personal challenge we ran Entry and Level 1 weekly sports lessons over all 3 terms and continued online throughout lockdown.


students took part in foundation level sports lessons

Wellbeing Tutorials To support students wellbeing during the pandemic we created a tutorial on wellbeing and physical activity with a short interactive video to help students get physically active and we invited some tutor groups to the sports hall to take part in practical wellbeing physical activity sessions.

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students took part in Sports Academy wellbeing tutorial video sessions students attended a practical wellbeing tutorial session with the Sports Academy team in the sports hall

Staff Wellbeing We like to keep our teachers active too so we promoted our lockdown timetable and challenges to staff as well as students and invited staff to join in sessions when we returned to college. We opened the gym on a booking basis to staff and also ran some staff vs students and staff vs staff tournaments

Celebrating Success Sports Academy Awards Awarded to students for their achievement, leadership and teamwork in the Sports Academy programme.


Awards given at our Annual Award Ceremony!

Quote from Here Come the Girls Ambassador

‘I feel absolutely lucky to be a part of Here Come The Girls. Being a part of this team assisted my personal development as I improved on skills like confidence, leadership, responsibility, resilience and many more. Meeting new friends, bringing a change to the college and working together on projects like the mental wellbeing instagram campaign with my fellow members makes me feel super delighted and peaceful. I am absolutely grateful to the Sports Academy Team for acknowledging our hard work and organising the beautiful Awards Ceremony where we received rewards for the effort we put in.’

Case Study Luc is a first year student at NewVIc and a member of the NewVIc Knights Basketball Academy. Being part of NewVIc Knights has helped Luc improve his focus and self-discipline, skills which have supported him with his studies. Being part of the Academy enabled him to persevere through a college year that has been made very difficult by Covid, it helped him to stay focused throughout his online learning and to keep his attendance above the college 95% target. Luc has said that the skills he learnt through NewVIc Knights also helped him in his work experience with companies such as Santander and High Tide and gave him the drive to apply and be successful.

Luc attended every online Basketball Academy session and one to one meeting during lockdown. Once we returned to onsite learning he took part in friendly games playing at AOC and ABL level and he also volunteered during well-being days and induction days. He took on-board the standards of the Academy which meant he had a successful academic year and a successful year on the court winning ‘most improved player of the year’ at the Sports Academy Awards Ceremony. ‘I won most improved player of the year, this wouldn’t have been possible without sticking to the principles of the Academy and persevering in all aspect of my life. All the things I have done with the Academy have helped me to be a part of a positive college community and that is what I enjoyed the most about my first year at college’ (Luc, aged 17).

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