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Little Falls Police Promotions...
continued from page 18
“servant leadership.”
“He believes in leading by example and that it’s his job to be sure that his subordinates succeed, not by telling them how to succeed but by showing them how to succeed,” Damiano said, adding that Prall insisted on shining the boots of every single member of the LFPD the day after he was promoted to Deputy Chief. “It was his expectation that every single member of this department will show up to work every day with their boots looking like they did when he finished shining them that day. That is servant leadership. My definition of leadership is to motivate others by doing and showing, not by saying and challenge the status quo. Leadership of the Little Falls Police Department is Chief Bryan Prall.”
Damiano also spoke of Prall’s selfless nature when Prall asked to share the evening with Sgt. Detective John Moncato
“He is the type of leader who doesn’t want to succeed by himself,” added Damiano. “He wants those around him to succeed with him.”

Prall thanked Damiano, the Township Council, his family, including his friends and colleagues for their support throughout his career.
“A police officer’s sacrifice to this profession is never done alone, and we must never forget that the families of the officers are the unsung heroes,” Prall said.
Prall also wanted to emphasize his two commitments to Little Falls, with his first commitment being to the community and his second commitment towards the men and women of the Little Falls Police Department. He symbolized both commitments by receiving two star pins.
“My first commitment is to ensure that we in the LFPD are true to our roots our core values and our mission statement when it comes to taking care and serving our community,” he explained. “Community will be represented by one of the stars that I’ll wear every day, either on my uniform or on the badge that I carry.”
Prall also said his predecessor, Chief Steven Post, had a positive influence on his career and the tradition of the pin marks that a person who wears that rank wears it with distinction and then passes it on.
“That’s the tradition of the pin,” Prall added. “I’m going to have Mayor Damiano attach this pin on me so every time that I look down on one of these two stars I’ll know that one of them is for the community of Little Falls.”
Prall then spoke of the second pin which signifies his commitment to the sworn officers for public safety and civilian employees, represented by the second star.
“Senior Officer Captain Jason Presing and Junior Officer Antonio Piedrabuena will pin the second star of my job,” he explained. “It is a privilege to have the greatest responsibility of directing others’ actions in achieving mutual goals and achieving our mission. Our successes or failures are never attributed to any one person, rather they are shared across all levels of our chain of command. Our goal is to help our community and provide assistance at every opportunity.”

Prall then introduced Moncato and spoke of his background of 21 years of law enforcement experience prior to his turn to be sworn in.
Moncato joined the LFPD in 2001 as a public safety telecommunicator. He attended the Passaic County Police Academy in 2004. He graduated in 2005 and was assigned to the LFPD’s patrol division. In 2012, he was assigned to the Investigative Division where he served until July 2016. He served as a junior detective as a narcotics officer, where after 12 years of service he was given the title of corporal. He was then reassigned to the patrol division from 2016 until 2021.
“He was our department’s traffic officer,” Prall said of Moncato. “He’s a radar instructor, and he’s currently our senior detective. I can think of no better individual to be promoted with at the same time than John Moncato.”
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