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St. Therese Ministry...
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St. Thérèse for help. He promised her that if he was cured, he would build a shrine in her honor and visit her home in France to pay his respects. Apparently, St. Thérèse liked that idea, because after a five-year battle with his illness, Arci was suddenly and miraculously cured.
Keeping his promise would require the help of friends. He formed a small society of devout Catholics to build a modest shrine to St. Thérèse. The group solicited donations and volunteered labor to make the small shrine a reality. In 1933, it was erected on what was then Arci’s property.
In October 1952, Arci traveled to Lisieux, France to visit St. Thérèse’s home. When he returned, he continued tending to the shrine until his death in 1957. This was his second promise to St. Therese.
The Shrine is now open all year round. After Mr. Arci’s two daughters died, The Shrine property ownership was eventually transferred to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Boonton. Thanks to a very generous donation, the shrine received a lot of love and attention while closed for the winter of 2022. New Improvements, which will protect the Shrine, include security cameras, heating and cooling system, exterior gutters with rain barrel collection and many beautiful improvements on the interior.

Many miracles have occurred by this beloved Saint. St. Therese’s Feast Day is October 1st and there are dozens of roses laid on her altar. Why? Many believers have had their prayers answered. And this is their way of giving thanks. St. Therese, the Little Flower, is known for her roses. This is a quote from St. Therese:
“My mission – to make God loved-will begin after my death. I will spend my heaven doing good on earth. I will let fall a shower of roses.”

Countless lives have been touched by her intercession, and millions have imitated her “Little Way.” She has been acclaimed the “Greatest saint of modern times.” Everywhere in the world her roses continue to fall.