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Unsung Hero...
continued from page 1 from each Morris County School District who makes outstanding contributions to their schools and communities but who are often overlooked by traditional student recognition programs.
“Students considered may have overcome difficult academic or personal challenges, modeled good citizenship or exhibits a spirit and quiet strength that has inspired others or a student who has achieved academic success despite disabilities, language barriers or other significant challenges,” says Dalesandro.

Once the criteria was established by the committee, all 41 Morris County School Districts were invited to submit the name of a student to be recognized. All K-8 districts were asked to nominate one 8th grade student and the K-12 and 9-12 districts were asked to nominate one high school senior.

Last year all nominees were recognized with a professionally made video that highlighted each student.
“This year we are able to meet in person and congratulate all 40 of our winners,” says Dalesandro.
At the event, Mt. Olive’s award-winning jazz ensemble under the direction of Darrell
Hendricks performed and its Air Force Jr. ROTC color guard presented colors. Mt. Olives choir sang the National Anthem during the opening ceremony.
“Also, through the hard work and dedication of all our committee members I am happy to report that this year at our May meeting at Hanover Park Regional the Morris County School Boards Association will be awarding just over $5,000 in monetary and tuition assistance awards,” adds Dalesandro.
All students nominated attended the award ceremony at CCM and all nominees had their nominator present the narrative as to why they felt they were their district’s unsung hero. They were then presented with a certificate.
All unsung heroes who plan to enroll at CCM will receive a $500 tuition assistance scholarship, she adds. Nominees will also be considered for monetary awards that will be presented after review of an impartial committee on May 4 at Hanover Park Regional High School.
The sponsors for this year’s event included Solutions Architect, the law firm of AG&L and American mechanical HVAC.
“Our sponsors have made available $5,000 to be awarded to our high school, senior nominees, and 8th graders who in the opinion of the committee exemplify an unsung hero,” says Dalesandro.

While other counties do some sort of student recognition with seniors receiving an unsung hero award, Dalesandro says “Morris County is unique because we include our 8th grade districts who select a graduating 8th grader. We, Morris County, have put our own little spin on things. We are the only county that involves the county sheriff and has monetary sponsors for awards.

“Our 8th grade unsung hero monetary award winners are sponsored by Morris County Sheriff James Gannon,” she adds. He reads and reviews all nominations and selects three students to be honored. The sheriff will come and present good citizenship plaques to those three students on May 4 and $500 monetary awards will be given.