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Spring 2023 Budget...
continued from page 6 the library to expand some of their programs.
The Township’s reserve accounts also remain at healthy levels, which is a key component to maintaining our Aaa bond rating.
Finally, in September, we will make our final payment of $1,091,671 towards the debt instrument used to finance the construction of the Municipal Building.
I would be remiss if I did not extend my thanks to our talented team who assists me in preparing the budget, including Administrator Ward, CFO Falce, Kara Deloreto and all of the department and division heads. I would also wish to extend my thanks to the Township Council, who starting in December 2022, conducted public budget hearings and ultimately after much discussion and debate made very thoughtful adjustments to the initial budget that was presented to them. The adopted Budget was the culmination of months of hard work and input from a variety of individuals with diverse perspectives. Last but not least, I like to thank our Auditor Ray Sarinelli for his assistance formulating our financial strategy.
Here is a snapshot of some of 2023
Capital Projects: Road Paving: Miller Rd and Zeek Road to The Veterans, Field Driveway which will be paid for through a NJDOT grant.
The second of three sections on Vanderhoof Ave, Canterbury Ave and Sunderland Rd. The second of two parts of Union Hill Rd. These are the streets being paved in 2023: Running Brook Ct
Woodland Rd
Dogwood Dr
Dahlen Dr
Sleepy Hollow Rd
Crestview Dr
Riverside Dr West Valley Rd
Cisco Rd
Beech Place
Primrose La
Melissa Dr
St Mary’s Pl
Edgewood Rd
Parts of Nicole Dr and Casterline Rd
The path at Gardner Field from Field on to Todd Johnson Field
We have confirmed that NJ Natural Gas will be paving:
Whaleback Waddy
Canyon Rd
Hillview Terr
Half of Benedict Crescent
We will also be paving from the 2022 Budget
The second of three parts of Astro Pl Wilson Ave
Birchwood Rd
The Lower Bloomfield Municipal Parking lot
Other Capital Improvements will include Renovations of the Union Hill Two Room Schoolhouse
New Guard Rail on Savage Rd by Gardner Field
New Guard Rail around the Basketball Court at Gardner Field
New Retaining Wall and steeps at Todd Johnson Field
Replacing Well #5 Pump
The first phase of the 5 year Municipal water Meter replacement project
The engineering for the Galvanized Pipe Water Main replace project on 10 of our Streets
The engineering for Phase one layout of a trail around Ayers Knuth Farm
Tom Andes
Denville Mayor