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Museum Spotlight...
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New Jersey Foundation. The project was originally founded as a co-sponsored program with Writers Theatre of NJ. Poetry Out Loud is a partnership of the National Endowment for the Arts, The Poetry Foundation, and the state arts agencies of the United States. The program is administered with a host of regional partners including the Bergen County Division of Cultural and Historic Affairs, Rutgers Camden Center for the Arts, South Orange Performing Arts Center, Count Basie Theatre, Appel Farm Arts & Music Center, and CavanKerry Press.
Communications Tecnology; LenniLenape Native Americans, European Colonization, and Independence; New Jersey Shipwreck Museum; Trains; Fallout Shelter Theater, and much more. In the main building there is a self-guided tour, but when you exit that structure and trek to the other buildings, experienced tour guides and docents on site are prepared to explain the displays and engage in discussion.
Annual events are also held at InfoAge. Lang and his group at the Trains museum often hold a three-week model train show where over 2,500 people have come through the front gates. The Computers exhibit, which has 60 rare computers displayed, in April welcomed almost 1,000 avid computer buffs when the Vintage Computer Federation held its annual event at InfoAge. “The events bring people in,” Lang says.
InfoAge Science and History Museums are always growing. The Radio and Communications Technology museum is the most popular, but there are still more buildings to be open for events and displays. Discussion has included opening a café, and a new Firefighting building will be unveiled soon.
A visit to InfoAge Science and History Museums will benefit and engage anyone, but children especially are wowed by what they see and can do at the facilities. “If you want to bring children in, we have military vehicles, fire trucks, and trains. You have all these different things here,” Ruane says. For more information, visit www. infoage.org