Livingston March 2023

Page 21

No. 19 Vol. 3 My Life Publications

It Happened In NJ: The Day Baseball was Born; Potentially, Maybe…

Today, Maxwell Place in Hoboken is the epitome of luxurious living with condominiums and townhomes overlooking the New York skyline. Some may even remember it being the Maxwell House Coffee plant site throughout the twentieth century. Still, the location’s roots are even more profound than that. For buried well below the brick buildings is the Elysian Fields park – the site of the first-ever organized baseball game in the United States, played on June 19, 1846.

The myth that Abner Doubleday invented baseball and first played it in Cooperstown, New York, has long been discredited. It was a brainchild of a special commission established in 1903 to research the sport’s origins and based on a testimony of an older man – and friend of Abner’s – who claimed to have seen Doubleday make up the rules and play the game sixty years before. Ironically, the so-called founder never admitted to doing so. In fact, at the time of the said occurrence, Doubleday was present at West Point Academy and nowhere near Cooperstown.

It is still a major point of contention for baseball enthusiasts, considering that it makes the Baseball Hall of Fame’s location in New York State based solely on unproven hearsay. For a precise, albeit more controversial origin of America’s past, one should look no further than Hoboken, New Jersey.

In the 1840s, thousands of New Yorkers rode the ferryboats to Hoboken each Sunday. Their destination was often the famed Elysian Fields, which provided a

peaceful sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of the nearby metropolis. The visitors enjoyed the five-acre paradise’s cafes, strolls through the flower-booming gardens, and cricket matches. It was also where a twenty-five-yearold New York volunteer fireman and banker, Alexander Cartwright, would spend his days playing “town ball” – an Americanized street version of the British game of rounders. More akin to dodgeball, the game would see players try not to get hit with the ball thrown directly at them to get them out on their way to secure bases (laid out in a square), all while the men on the field would fight to catch the ball off the bat (with the batter standing between home and first base) through a free-for-all melee.

In 1845, Cartwright decided to organize his buddies into a baseball club. Named the New York Knickerbockers after

Taim Kitchen Grand Opening See Page 5

his firehouse and made up of other members of higher social standing, Cartwright’s club adopted new regulations to make the game more entertaining, safer, and quicker. Approved by club members on September 23, 1845, Alexander’s rules saw the square turned into a diamond, the batter staying at home, and bases placed ninety feet apart. The game now also had three outfielders, foul and safe lines, and a new position of shortstop, all while deciding on three outs instead of letting the entire lineup bat before switching. The Knickerbockers liked to play with these rules so much that they would visit Hoboken’s Elysian Fields during the week instead of just Sundays. And while they always played intrasquad games, they soon began calling themselves world champions which did not sit well with other “town ball” baseball clubs.

On June 19, 1846, known as “the day baseball was born,” the Elysian field hosted the first prearranged baseball game between two organized clubs and playing by Cartwright’s

continued on page 5

800-939-JUNK Services offered: COVID-19 Disinfecting • Junk Removal House Clean-Outs • Shed Removal • Hot Tub Removal

Grow It Green’s Annual Spring Fundraiser

Did you know that Morristown is home to an urban farm that has donated up to 30,000 pounds of annual fresh produce to those in need, educated thousands of local students and new farmers, and offers fresh produce throughout the year with a Winter Market and seasonal farm stand?

Grow It Green Morristown, now in its 14th year, continues to promote health and strengthen our diverse community through urban agriculture, extensive education offerings, and equitable food access. Each year, the organization holds one major fundraiser to support its programs. This year’s Spring into Action fundraiser will be on Monday, May 1 at 5:30 pm at Glenbrook Brewery in Morristown.

Tickets are $85. Guests will enjoy a casual evening with light fare, including tastes from the Urban Farm and a custom ice cream flavor donated by Beenie’s; seasoned petite maize popcorn from Madison Park Foods, an exclusive Glenbrook beer; and

an eco-friendly wine tasting, courtesy of Cambridge Wines. Also included - a swag bag, music from the team at DJ Chelli, and a collection of tricky tray baskets.

The event will also include a virtual Silent Auction with fantastic getaways, golf outings, Mansion in May tickets, and more. You can even bid to name one of the famous Urban Farm chickens! Sponsorships and ads are also available to help support our programs - email kathy@

“Growing and distributing sustainable, fresh food to thousands of local residents is a super power, one made possible by events like our Spring into Action fundraiser. With the state of our world today, there’s never been a more important time to collectively join together in this mission,” said Lisa Alexander, Executive Director.

For ticket sales: growitgreenmorristown. org. Can’t make the event? Register for free to visit the Silent Auction and provide some support.

Page 2 • March 2023 • Livingston Life • Like us on facebook Coupons not valid with other promotions. Exp. 4/30/23 SENIORS $3 off any HAIRCUT Coupons not valid with other promotions. Exp. 4/30/23 $2 off any HAIRCUT FOR ANY CLIENT Coupons not valid with other promotions. Exp. 4/30/23 $5 off BLOW-OUTS FOR ANY CLIENT Coupons not valid with other promotions. Exp. 4/30/23 $3 off NEW CLIENTS Coupons not valid with other promotions. Exp. 4/30/23 UNISEX SHOP FULL SERVICE for Men, Women and Children 525 South Livingston Avenue (NEXT TO CAPITAL ONE BANK & CHERRY BROOK. PARKING AVAILABLE) LIVINGSTON • 973.422.0303 Monday-Friday 8am-7pm • Saturday 8am-5pm Closed Sundays By Appointment Only LOOKING FOR A NEW UNISEX HAIR SALON? CHECK OUT SPECIAL CUTS! WE HAVE IMPLEMENTED ALL MEASURES TO KEEP YOUR VISIT SAFE SENIOR DAY EVERY MONDAY! $10 off FULL COLOR SERVICE FOR ANY CLIENT SPECIAL CUTS NEW SERVICES FOR WOMEN INCLUDE: PERMS DEEP CONDITIONING WAXING HAIR COLOR HIGHLIGHTS NEW SERVICES FOR MEN INCLUDE: GREY BLENDING • PERMANENT HAIR COLOR MENS HAIRCUTS BONUS TEA TREE NECK MASSAGE & HOT TOWEL
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The Summer of 1968: The Sacred Sacrifice

There are moments in our life, which leave a deep mark upon your heart, mind and soul, that they are simply not to be forgotten. Such a sacred moment came on a Saturday morning, in the middle of June of 1968. I was 14 years old and had just completed my freshman year at Boonton High School.

Dad and I were eating breakfast at the kitchen table at the old Mabey Homestead. Mom and my sister, Patti, had left earlier to visit Mom’s mother in Boonton. Dad and I sat at the kitchen table eating Wheaties cereal and sipping hot tea. I remember that we were talking about the big, week-long hike along the Appalachian Trail that was planned for Boy Scout Troop 170, for the next week.

Then, Dad did something a bit unusual. He took the inner bag of Wheaties, from the box and began cutting out the front and back cardboard. Then Dad did something even more unusual. He took one of the pieces of cardboard and laid it flat on the kitchen table, next to his bowl of Wheaties. Then Dad took one of his shoes and traced the bottom of his shoe onto the cardboard with a pencil. Then repeated the process with the other piece of cardboard and his other shoe.

I remember simply asking my father, “Dad, watcha doing?”

Dad then answered me with me with a smile on his

Dad and I, on our way to attend a scout meeting of Boy Scout Troop 170.

face, “I’m tracing my shoes on the cardboard. I got these holes in both my shoes!” Dad then showed me the small holes in his shoes. They were big enough so that Dad could put his forefinger through both of them.

“Dad, why don’t ya’ just go and buy new shoes?” I asked my father.

Dad’s reply deeply moved my heart. “I’m a working

man. I’ve got to save my money for you to be able to go to college.” And, in so few words, Dad spoke volumes.

I remember being lost for words. I remember being all so deeply moved. “I see,” was all I could conjure up to say.

I never forgot that moment. Now at 69, it sometimes haunts me in my dreams. My father dropped out of high school to join the Army Air Corps during World War II. It was later in life that Dad earned his GED and attended classes at Drew University to become a Lay Leader in the Methodist Church. Despite having had dropped out of high school to serve in the Army Air Corps, my father had an immense respect and love for education. My father was one of the wisest men I have ever known.

Richard Mabey Jr. is a freelance writer. He can be reached at

Page 4 • March 2023 • Livingston Life • Like us on facebook $2 OFF CODE L ANY PURCHASE OF $30 OR MORE With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. 1 coupon per visit. Offer exp. 4/30/23 Kam Man Supermarket 200 Rt. 10 West • Hanover $2 OFF CODE L ANY PURCHASE OF $30 OR MORE With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. 1 coupon per visit. Offer exp. 4/30/23 Kam Man Supermarket 200 Rt. 10 West • Hanover $4 OFF CODE L ANY PURCHASE OF $60 OR MORE With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. 1 coupon per visit. Offer exp. 4/30/23 Kam Man Supermarket 200 Rt. 10 West • Hanover $4 OFF CODE L ANY PURCHASE OF $60 OR MORE With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. 1 coupon per visit. Offer exp. 4/30/23 Kam Man Supermarket 200 Rt. 10 West • Hanover Find the Unexpected Larger Selection of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Visit Our Famous Chinese BBQ, Hot Deli & Bakery Departments Conran’s Plaza Next to Home Depot 200 Rt. 10 West, East Hanover 973-503-1770 KAM MAN Supermarket Large Selection of Houseware Items FRESH SEAFOOD DAILY!!

Livingston to Host Intergenerational Prom

You’re invited to Livingston’s 32nd Intergenerational Prom - Dinner, Dancing and Entertainment (ages 62+) to be held on Thurs., April 13, 2023, 5:30 - 9 pm at the Livingston High School Cafeteria 30 Robert Harp Drive, Livingston.

Proudly Sponsored by the Township of Livingston, Livingston Board of Education, and the Livingston High School Key Club.

It Happened In NJ...

continued from front page

rules, the Knickerbockers and the previously “town ball-playing” the New York Nines. No questioning of the umpire was allowed since the players considered themselves gentlemen. Proof of their social status, a historian would write, was that they could play baseball on Monday and Thursday afternoons at a time when Paterson mill workers were beginning the second half of their long day. With no real equipment apart from a bat (no baseball glove yet), the clubs agreed to play for honor and to test Cartwright’s rules. The winner would keep the ball as a trophy.

The New York Nines got the hang of the new rules rather quickly, which made it a fun afternoon for the various onlookers who

Transportation is available by appointment only.

Call 973-535-7925, option 8 or email

Free. Pre-registration required. Tickets are available at SYLS office, 204 Hillside Ave., Mon. - Fri., 8:30 am -4:30 pm.

Questions: please call 973-535-7925, option 8 or email

came to watch the game. In a twist of fate, the Nines pummeled the Knickerbockers 23 to 1 and went home with the baseball in hand. Still, the Knickerbockers would go on to dominate baseball until clubs began playing for money in the 1870s, by then with Cartwright’s rules becoming the standard around the country and the world.

And so, although thought up by a New Yorker in New York, the game of baseball as we know was first played in an organized matter in our home state of New Jersey on June 19, 1846, thus making it the birthplace of the sport – well, potentially, maybe… it sure depends on how one looks at it.

Peter Zablocki is the co-host of the History Teachers Talking Podcast. For more information, visit

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Morris Music Men to Present “Downtown” at Drew

The Morris Music Men are bringing their awardwinning a capella sound to the stage this spring for “Downtown”, a program which captures the spirit of the city from Broadway to Hollywood and in between. Nate Barrett continues to thrill audiences with this tour from bustling city life “Downtown”, to doowop “Up On The Roof”, from the Copacabana to the quiet awe of “What a Wonderful

World”, and much more.

The show will be held on Sunday, April 16 at 3:00 PM in The Concert Hall in the Dorothy Young Center for the Arts, located on the campus of Drew University, 36 Madison Ave., Madison, New Jersey, 07940.

Tickets are $20.00 and can be purchased in advance by phone, online or by mail. To order tickets, call 877-808-8697,

is the Morris County chapter of the International Barbershop Harmony Society.

Page 6 • March 2023 • Livingston Life • Like us on facebook FOR ALL CLIENTS Not valid with other promotions. Expires 4/30/23 SWEDISH MASSAGE 1 HOUR $59 Beauty Couture & Shiseido Livingston Town Center 1180 Town Center Way Livingston • (973) 992-3388 BeautyCoutureUSA@hotmail .com The Japanese Way of Beauty Leave Time Behind FOR NEW CLIENTS Not valid with other promotions. Expires 4/30/23 50% OFF 1st FACIAL FOR WOMEN, MEN & TEENS Gift Certificates Available
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Like us on facebook • Livingston Life • March 2023 • Page 7 Catered Orders Delivered HOT To Your Door! Full Menu, Prices & Online Ordering Available at OPEN 7 DAYS • Next to ShopRite LIVINGSTON • 489 S. Livingston Ave • 973-535-1998 CHICKEN • VEAL • SEAFOOD • PASTA • HOT & COLD SANDWICHES • APPETIZERS ANTHONY FRANCOS LIVINGSTON $2 OFF $20 OR MORE Mention this coupon. Not to be combined with any other offer. Expires 5/15/23 Coupon Code 2Mar23 $5 OFF $30 OR MORE Mention this coupon. Not to be combined with any other offer. Expires 5/15/23 Mention this coupon. Not to be combined with any other offer. Expires 5/15/23 $4 OFF ANY 2 LARGE PIES 15% OFF Any Catering Order $100 or more Mention this coupon. Not to be combined with any other offer. Expires 5/15/23 FREE DELIVERY To Livingston & parts of W. Orange/Short Hills Coupon Code 5Mar23 Coupon Code 4Mar23 Coupon Code 15Mar23

Vic Fiore—A ‘Remodel’ Citizen Who Brings Home Visions to Life

Many would agree with the old cliché, “There’s no place like home.” And many would also agree that most homes could use a bit of help. Whether it’s replacing siding, remodeling a kitchen, or finishing a basement, Vic Fiore and his team at Magnolia Home Remodeling are here to help.

Vic Fiore partnered with his brother-in-law Chris Fontana back in 1996, to get the ball rolling. Both gained valuable knowledge early in the game, as Fontana’s dad was an operations specialist at Con Edison; and Fiore has been around the family business since he was 13-yearsold. Throughout high school and college he gained working experience in home remodeling and feels that nothing is better than “on the job experience.”

Fiore studied at Rutgers University and graduated with a BA in Economics. “Business interested me, and it led me to this,” he said. Well versed in many phases of construction, Fiore shared that remodeling homes was at the top of his list when it came to potential careers. “I’m very happy with the decision to be involved in this business,” he said.

Now, with over two decades in the industry, Fiore enjoys taking a project from concept from start to finish. In order to help a client create his/her vision, Fiore explains that it’s all about having a stellar team that makes the process successful.

He said, “We have consultants and project managers that understand our clients needs, goals, and budget…They work towards a proposal that can check all these boxes

and bring the project to successful completion. Permits, working towards an approved design, selecting materials, several walk throughs…Everyone understands from the beginning what the goals are. We learn what people are looking for. We have the whole package and we’re looking to build relationships with people. A large portion of our base is repeat clients.”

Though sometimes clients prefer aggressive timelines, Fiore and his team presents realistic completion dates. “We explain from the beginning that each task requires a reasonable time frame, form each phase to be succesful. We can approach it from a standpoint. If there are delays or changes, we let them know. We’re good about finishing jobs on time, and even ahead of schedule. The feedback people give us is that they are impressed with how efficiantly we complete. Its difficult to speed up a project and maintain quality. We want to minimalize stress and work carefully so attempting to get something done in a shortened time frame is never a good recipe.” Nevertheless, Fiore prides himself in that his team often finishes ahead of schedule.

When it comes to home transformations, many homeowners might be concerned about budget, but Fiore feels that even a small tweak such as new siding or a new walkway can create a refreshing vibe. “It just makes you feel good every time you pull up to your driveway,” he said.

Or remodeling your kitchen could also amp up the atmosphere. “A new kitchen with an updated layout, beautiful cabinetry, that really brings a lot of value,” Fiore expressed. “Little things you can do to make the house look

better without spending a fortune.”

However, if sacrificing quality for the final product, it may be better to wait until budget meets expectations. If a potential client needs another six months to be able to spend more money, that’s what Fiore’s team sometime encourages people to do.

Magnolia Remodeling also offers a finance program that allows people to do more work than they normally would and pay monthly. “That’s a nice feature not every continued on page 10

Page 8 • March 2023 • Livingston Life • Like us on facebook 973-906-6081 • Plan Now For Your Spring Projects Patrick T. Sharkey, Jr. Pool & Landscape Design, Inc. Proudly Serving the Garden State with Passion and Pride Since 1988 • Pool & Landscape Design & Construction Service • Pool Design, Swimming Pool Installation, Gunite Pool Construction • Paver & Bluestone Mason • Outdoor Kitchens, Outdoor Bars And Grilling Stations • Custom Firepits FREE CONSULTATIONS • Retaining Walls, Natural Stone Walls and Rock Walls • Landscape Renovation • Large Specimen Trees and Privacy Screens • Perennial Gardens • Licensed Landscape Architects and Engineers on Staff IMPECCABLE CUSTOMER SERVICE
Chris Fontana on the left and Vic Fiore on the right, business partners of Magnolia Home Remodeling
Like us on facebook • Livingston Life • March 2023 • Page 9 Other locations: Cucina 355 | 355 Franklin Ave, Nutley Gencarelli’s | 58 Lake Drive West, Wayne Cucina 347 | 347 Ramapo Valley Rd, Oakland Serving delicious traditional, authentic Italian dishes in a warm cozy atmosphere 1 Hook Mountain Road Pine Brook 973-575-6745 Open 7 days a week Family Recipes ~ Family Values VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ONLINE ORDERING Dine In Take Out Family owned since 1982 GENCARELLI’S PINE BROOK With coupon. Not to be combined, not valid on Friday’s, holiday eves or holidays. Expires 5/31/23 With coupon. Not to be combined, not valid on delivery, on holidays or in dining room. Expires 5/31/23 With coupon. Not to be combined, not valid on delivery, on holidays or in dining room. Expires 5/31/23 GENCARELLI’S PINE BROOK GENCARELLI’S PINE BROOK GENCARELLI’S PINE BROOK With coupon. Not to be combined, not valid on delivery, on holidays or in dining room. Expires 5/31/23 With coupon. Not to be combined, not valid on delivery, on holidays or in dining room. Expires 5/31/23 With coupon. Not to be combined, not valid on delivery, on holidays or in dining room. Expires 5/31/23 GENCARELLI’S PINE BROOK GENCARELLI’S PINE BROOK Grandma’s Pie Special $1599 + tax 10% OFF Your Entire Check (1 coupon per table) Dine In Only $2 OFF Any Large Pizza $5 OFF Any Order $50 or more $10 OFF Any Order $100 or more 1 Large Cheese Pie $10 + tax Pick Up Only Pick Up Only Pick Up Only Pick Up Only toppings extra Pick Up Only Now Accepting Easter & Passover Reservations

Vic Fiore...

continued from page 8

contractor offers,” Fiore said. Home Design Trends 2023

According to Fiore, multiple colors and tones is a trend that seems to be continuing. “We recently completed a

The dental group kids LOVE and their parents trust!

project in Watchung with matte black and gold appliances against white wood and stained cabinetry,” he said. “People are taking risks and choosing exciting color combinations.”

Moving forward, Fiore’s vision for Magnolia Home Remodeling is to continue to grow organically. “We have

a strong customer base,” he said. “We’re grateful to have the basis of customers we have and the opportunity we’re given.”

For more information, visit Magnolia Home Remodeling at

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Page 10 • March 2023 • Livingston Life • Like us on facebook At Kidz World Pediatrics Dentistry & Orthodontics, we are dedicated to providing comfortable care for your child’s teeth! Kidz World Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics 218 Ridgedale Ave. • Suite 203 • Cedar Knolls 973-585-6756 • _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

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that definitely corresponded our wishes. She understood our family’s needs and suggested various options. She spent a lot of time with us showing many houses before we found what we really like. She is very professional, punctual, and available whenever we need her, She is polite and patient and more important she has a strong knowledge of the market. Thank you, Rachna, for all your help.” -Tatyana

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Bucket List Travels: Discovering the Azores

Morristown resident Paul Partridge has been building a travel bucket list for years. Now he’s diving in – near and far – and shares his adventures in this column. The Azores is a nine-island archipelago located 900 miles west of mainland Portugal. Columbus stopped here in 1492 on his famous voyage.

If Hawaii and Ireland had a love child, the Azores is what the baby might look like.

Imagine tropical forests… dramatic cliffs… green, green rolling hills… volcanic mountains… natural hot springs… and the bluest ocean you’ve ever seen – not only in the same vacation – but within a single day’s hike. And it’s only a short 4½-hour flight from Newark.

The Gulf Stream keeps the Azores temperature remarkably consistent –never too hot or cold. As a result, nature has a chance to shine. And she does.

One example is hydrangeas. Blue, white, purple . . . the distinctive hydrangea panicles are everywhere – decorating roads and miradouras (scenic viewpoints) along the highway. Driving feels like floating through an enchanted garden.

Over four days, my three travel companions and I visited the largest island, São Miguel. (I’ll write about other Azores adventures in future articles.)

Day 1 – Brigadoon’s Swimming Hole

Twenty minutes up the coast from our Airbnb in Candelaria is Ponta da Ferraria. A sign welcomes us to the beach. None of us speak Portuguese but we decide later it says, “Warning: Please be sure to pick your jaw off the ground before entering. It’s dangerous to swim in the ocean with your mouth open.”

Picture a black rock beach leading to a natural ocean pool. A rugged cliff flanks one side, glowing in the late afternoon sun. The far end is open to the ocean, and waves cascade in. Giddy

Catching a barracuda with Captain Pedro Rodrigues. Photo credit: Paul Partridge

The waters are heated by thermal springs. Enter the pool near the shoreline and the water is quite warm. Swim towards the sea and the water temperature drops.

People of all ages swim, float, bob, and tread water. Everyone is giggling. It’s almost impossible not to. If we didn’t have photographs to prove it was real, we might think it was a mirage.

Day 2 – Furnas Hot Springs

São Miguel is a hiker’s paradise. Today’s trail beside Furnas Hot Springs begins with a 90-minute trek up a mountain. Our reward is picture-postcard views of Furnas Crater Lake. From here, the path transitions into rolling meadows and the final leg winds through a tropical forest – three different worlds in one hike.

The trail ends at the Caldeiras das Furnas – steaming, boiling geothermal springs. The sights, sounds, and smells of boiling mud and gurgling geysers feel like going back in time to when the earth was young. If a dinosaur had strolled out of the forest it wouldn’t have seemed out of place.

Next to the caldeiras sit a

series of holes in the ground. Early each morning, pots of Portuguese stew containing pork, chicken, sausage, beef, kale, potatoes, and other assorted vegetables are lowered into the holes and covered. Seven hours later the pots are removed and the feast is served in local restaurants. For $30, four of us eat the equivalent of Thanksgiving dinner, with enough left over for two subsequent meals.

After lunch we waddle over to the Poca Da Dona Beija spa – a series of pools whose waters are warmed by hot springs and are said to have healing qualities. Some bathers spread irontinged mud paste on their face and body and soak for hours. This is a place to earn a black belt in relaxation.

Day 3 – Seta Ciades and Afternoon Fishing

The next morning we’re reminded how everchanging island weather can be. While enjoying breakfast outside – in beautiful sunshine – it’s raining right next door.

Today’s trek is around Seta Ciades, São Miguel’s most popular vista. We’re here for the spectacular views of Lagoa Azul and Lagoa Verde (Blue Lake and Green Lake).

continued on page 14

Page 12 • March 2023 • Livingston Life • Like us on facebook PIZZA Since 1993 CALL FOR FAST DELIVERY... SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! 73 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave. • LIVINGSTON Corner S. Mitchell Ave. • (Entrance in Rear) 973-740-0066 FAX: 973-740-9148 • OPEN SUNDAYS 11AM OPEN SUNDAY 11AM-9PM MON-THURS 11AM-9PM FRI & SAT 11AM-10PM FREE PARKING Thin Crust Sicilian Pizza Catering Trays Wraps, Dinners, Salads & Calzones! COUPON LIVINGSTON PIZZA • 973-740-0066 Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer promotions. Coupon expires 4/30/23 COUPON LIVINGSTON PIZZA • 973-740-0066 Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer promotions. Coupon expires 4/30/23 Any Order of $30.00 or More Pick-Up or Delivery COUPON LIVINGSTON PIZZA • 973-740-0066 Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer promotions. Coupon expires 4/30/23 Any Order of $30.00 or More Pick-Up or Delivery $5 OFF 2 LARGE PIZZAS We Our Customers! $ 22 95 + tax Now Serving GLUTEN FREE PIZZA & PASTA! COUPON LIVINGSTON PIZZA • 973-740-0066 Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer promotions. Coupon expires 4/30/23 Any Order of $20.00 or More Pick-Up or Delivery $2 OFF $5 OFF COUPON LIVINGSTON PIZZA • 973-740-0066 Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer promotions. Coupon expires 4/30/23 Any Order of $20.00 or More Pick-Up or Delivery $2 OFF COUPON LIVINGSTON PIZZA • 973-740-0066 Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer promotions. Coupon expires 4/30/23 Any Order of $20.00 or More Pick-Up or Delivery $2 OFF
bathers hold onto ropes tied across the water every 20 yards or so.
Like us on facebook • Livingston Life • March 2023 • Page 13 184 S. Livingston Ave (at East Cedar Street) LIVINGSTON • (973) 992-3339 • TRUST the UPS STORE PACK & SHIP WITH CONFIDENCE The UPS Store TM MOVING your Home or Business? KIDS GOING OFF TO CAMP OR COLLEGE? Mon.- Fri. 8:30 - 6:30 • Sat. 8:30 - 4:30 We have all the supplies you need! Trust the UPS Stores certified Packing Experts to Professionally Pack & Ship your Items. • Black & white copies • Color copies • Binding • Laminating • Specialty Papers • Printing • High-volume Copy Jobs • Shredding Services • Notary Services • We Make Signs, Banners, Posters & Car Magnets • DOCUMENT SHREDDING Document Services Shipping Services • UPS Next Day Air® • UPS 2nd Day Air® • UPS Ground • UPS International • Ground Freight • International Freight Local Pick-up Available The UPS Store is More Than Just Packing & Shipping NEED TO SEND GIFTS TO MOM OR OTHERS? New Box Holders Only The UPS Store COUPON TM Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with other offers. The UPS Store centers are independently owned and operated. Valid at the UPS Stores Livingston only. Expires 4/30/23 10%OFF Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with other offers. The UPS Store centers are independently owned and operated. Valid at the UPS Stores Livingston only. Expires 4/30/23 The UPS Store COUPON TM Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with other offers. The UPS Store centers are independently owned and operated. Valid at the UPS Stores Livingston only. Expires 4/30/23 The UPS Store COUPON SHIPPING SERVICES 3 MONTHS FREE WITH A 1-YEAR MAILBOX SERVICES AGREEMENT 2 MONTHS FREE WITH A 6 MONTH MAILBOX SERVICES AGREEMENT 1 MONTH FREE WITH A 3 MONTH MAILBOX SERVICES AGREEMENT PACKAGING 10%OFF

Bucket List Travels...

continued from page 12

Awaiting us at the first viewpoint is a San Francisco-grade fog obscuring the sights. Ah, but this is the Azores. In less than the time it takes to visit the restroom, the fog lifts and reveals Lagoa Azul. Bravo!

Over the next five hours we hike, climb, and race to the next lookout. Around each bend is another more amazing view, made even more picturesque by dramatic skies. A misty lagoon leads to a windswept meadow

that reveals a dazzling lookout – with cows grazing at such a preposterous angle it looks like they’ve been stapled in place.

Next we drive to the harbor in Ponta Delgado. Pedro Rodrigues, a fishing boat captain with Trilhos da Natureza, is expecting us.

The Azores is a fisherman’s dream. Big game fish include marlin, swordfish, and tuna. But since only one member of our party is an avid fisherman, we stay close to the

coast and troll for bluefish and barracuda. Our afternoon haul is not impressive –four barracuda, one of which we keep – but we don’t feel gipped. Pedro entertains with stories of the sea, as well as island and family history. The sky and the sea are so brilliantly blue – and the air so clean – it feels like I’m wearing Polaroid sunglasses even though I’m not. And seeing the island from the water reveals beauty unnoticed on land. As we turn for port, dusk has snuck up on us. The rocky cliffs and small towns are aglow in golden, late-day light.

Day 4 – Traditions and Tea

Cha Gorreana Tea Plantation has been producing teas since 1883 and is the last working tea plantation in Europe. Even if you

don’t like tea, the ocean views and trellised landscapes make this a memorable stop. We do a quick factory tour followed by a tea tasting. Then it’s off on a hiking tour of the property. Another feast for the senses. On the drive home, two miradouras demand attention. By now I’ve changed the name miradoura to meudeus, as in “My God!” because that’s our first reaction to the extreme beauty on display. Almost every viewpoint is a religious experience. I’m beginning to understand why the Azores is one of Europe’s fastest growing travel destinations.

To learn more about visiting the Azores or exploring your own travel bucket list, email

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The waters of Ponta da Ferraria are heated by thermal springs. Exploring the trellised grounds of Cha Gorreana Tea Plantation.
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Raritan Headwaters Association Worked Wonders for Clean Water, and a Clean Environment, Since 1959

Cindy Ehrenclou was always a person who loved nature and the outdoors. It’s no surprise that coming on board with Raritan Headwaters Association during November 1994 was a good fit.

Since 1959, Raritan Headwaters Association has been focusing on clean water, with a vision that everyone within their reach has access to safe, clean water that is swimmable, fishable, and above all, drinkable.

During the time that Ehrenclou has worked with Raritan Headwaters, the most positive change she’s seen is the science they’ve been able to bring to their work. “We’ve been monitoring water quality for decades,” she said, “but to be able to collect data that can be translated into creating better policies for watershed protection is a big step forward.”

Stellar Education Programs

Raritan Headwaters offers several educational programs for kids, adults, family, and groups. They include nature day programs, field trips, service learning, scout programs, visiting their nature preserves, and even birthday parties.

“Our education programs are stellar,”

Ehrenclou said. “Our nature day camp and school programs are under such demand. The programs just keep growing. We have kids that first came to camp in 1998 that are now adults and volunteering or teaching for us. So, it’s exciting to see we’ve engrained conservation ethnicity into a few generations.”

Fairview Farm Wildlife Preserve is home to Raritan Headwaters Association. A former dairy farm, the 170-acre property now serves as a living classroom for the Land Preservation Program.

“Its open to the public seven days a week, from dusk to dawn,” Ehrenclou said. “It’s our headquarters, however there are five miles of trails, gardens, a small pond, a nature classroom, opportunities for photography… It’s a wonderful place to visit. It’s a hidden treasure. No bells and whistles. No snack bars. It’s very authentically a nature preserve. It’s a pretty neat place to visit.”

With 10 preserves, all open to the public, Raritan Headwaters Association has lots of volunteering opportunities. “We really need the help of volunteers,” said Ehrenclou. “Land storage-ship requires many hands and help. Maintaining trails, planting trees, removing invasive species…We work very

hard to promote native plants that are indigenous to the region that support local wildlife. Invasive plants are a huge problem in New Jersey.”

Challenges and Solutions

When asked about the challenges Raritan Headwaters Association faces, Ehrenclou pointed out, “Overuse of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides… The challenge is getting people to change behaviors and understand everything they do on the land ends up in their drinking water supply.”

However, the message is that everybody

can make a difference. Ehrenclou shared, “The step is to connect people with nature. Give them experiences in the outdoors, in our streams…Get them to love the natural resources firsthand so they’re inclined to want to protect. If you learn to respect nature and precious natural resources, you are inclined to want to share the message and conduct yourself differently in your homes, in your schools, at work…Recycling, reusing, cleaning up, planting trees—all our steps to a cleaner environment. We like to show people how they can make a difference.”

continued on page 17

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Stream Cleanup Event 2022



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Raritan Headwaters Association...

continued from page 16

Other steps to take, suggested by Ehrenclou, include cleaning up trash along roadsides and streams. “Plastic and all the other debris is going to end up in your water supply,” she said. “And eventually in the ocean. It’s a threat to wildlife and human health all along the way. Any item that is not biodegradable, from gum to cigarettes, to plastic bottles… any kind of manmade debris is not healthy for the environment.”

Another enemy to the environment is plastic, according to Ehrenclou. “It’s ambiguous,” she said. “Plastics are breaking up and showing up in our food, in our bodies. It’s a scary situation when you think about it.”

Another concern, of course, is water. Testing wells in the community region is another important issue according to Ehrenclou.

“There are some scary contaminates showing up in drinking water,” she warned. “Contaminants like lead, arsenic, and PFAS. We help people test their water and find solutions.”

Saturday, April 15, 2023, Raritan Headwaters Association will have their Annual Stream Clean-Up, which is one of their most

exciting events according to Ehrenclou.

“People, including kids and church groups, clean up tons and tons of trash,” she said. “It’s a huge event. It’s not just a ‘feel good event,’ it does make a difference.”

To volunteer for Annual Stream Clean-Up, visit and go to the “Get Involved” tab.

Like us on facebook • Livingston Life • March 2023 • Page 17 Marvin Goldstein, B.S., R.P. NEW Card & Gift Wrap Department 50% OFF WE DELIVER Personalized Custom Service the way it should be! WE CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH! The only Independent Pharmacy that has been serving 3 generations of Livingston residents for over 53 years. Since 1969 NORTHFIELD PHARMACY Your Home Health Care Center 568 So. Livingston Ave. • LIVINGSTON (Next to Bank of America - Across from Seymour’s • Parking lot in rear) 973-992-4050 • FAX: 973-992-7601 WE HONOR ALL INSURANCE PLANS Your Vaccine Center in Livingston Please Call 973-992-4050 for Appointment COVID 19 Moderna Shingles • Flu • Pneumonia • Diabetic Test Center • Call for Additional Items PHARMACY • Safety Grab Bars • Walkers • 4 Wheel Walkers • Crutches • Wheel Chairs • Braces • Shower Chairs • Commodes • Nebulizer • Canes • Diabetic Supplies • Incontinence Supplies • Jobst & Sigvaris Surgical Stockings • Raised Toilet Seats • Bath Transfer Seats Sales & Rentals Surgical Equipment & Supplies
Stream Cleanup Event 2022
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The American College of Gastroenterology reports that irritable bowel syndrome affects almost twice as many women as men. That echoes an earlier survey from the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders that found as much as 65 percent of individuals who report having IBS are women. The reasons behind the greater

prevalence of IBS remain a mystery, though the American College of Gastroenterology reports that the higher incidence does not appear to be because women have different hormones than men. Rather, the school notes that the higher incidence rates seem to be because women feel sensations from the intestines differently than men.

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All Sports Museum in Bridgeton Houses South Jersey Sports History

If not for the inviting gold and green sign saying, “Welcome to All-Sports Museum of Southern New Jersey,” passers-by might never know of how much local, regional, collegiate and professional sports memorabilia and artifacts lay inside a regular, modest building in Bridgeton.

But there’s more than enough with more planned.

The building was originally part of Cumberland County Community College but changed hands. At some point, hopefully sooner than later, the clanging of hammers to nails and the sounds of buzzing drills to install more siding and roofing will take place adjacent to the six-room, 1500 square foot cozy museum. At least this is what museum chairman and chief curator Dom Valella hopes for, as the expansion is planned in the hopes of providing more indoor space to remember more athletes and contributors to southern New Jersey sports fame – for those from Trenton down to Cape May actually. There’s an Eagles room, a Phillies room, a Sixers room, a Flyers room and even a Cumberland County room, for impressive athletes who have a connection to that area.

“Pioneers, contributors, athletes and coaches are in here,” says Valella. “We’ve

had some who want to be paid to be in here but we just don’t do that. In many sports hall of fames like this, they say one needs to wait five years to enter after their contribution is made and they’ve essentially retired.” Not the case in Bridgeton, where Valella is hoping he can add two NFL rookies he doesn’t want to name at this time, one of which plays for the AFC Champion, Kansas City Chiefs, to the collection this year.

If so, these rookies will occupy spots alongside greats remembered such as Phillies 2008 World Series coach, Charlie Manuel, a longtime Haddonfield, NJ resident; legendary title-holder, boxer Joe Frazier from Philadelphia who trained in Vineland, NJ and was inducted posthumously. Gold glove phenom, Willie Mays who, while working for Resorts International in Atlantic City, donated a gold glove just over 25 years ago in exchange for a few buckets of peaches and plums. He added a “Say Hey Willie Mays” jersey too with the glove. Mays was a frequent visitor to the Bridgeton Invitational Baseball Tournament, an annual tournament Valella coached, showing his personal affinity for baseball.

“About five years ago, we were able to get a Jackie Robinson statue from the AfricanAmerican Negro Hall of Fame in Newton,”

said Valella. “A lot of schools came with 15 to 20 students at a time. I’d give tours and the kids learned a lot,” he added, realizing Robinson’s importance in the equal rights movement in professional sports.

21-year-old local ice hockey player Johnny Gaudreau from Pennsgrove High School, who was a top scorer for the NHL’s Calgary Flames has a spot in the Hall, thanks to police chief of Bridgeton, Michael Gaimari, who knows Johnny’s family and recommended him to Valella. Dozens of plaques and trophies

sit in the Hall at 8 Richie Kates Sr. Way in Bridgeton.

Right now, Valella is focused on the next induction ceremony to be held Saturday, March 11 at 11am at Ramblewood Country Club in Mount Laurel, where the Hall welcomes ESPN and NFL analyst, Sal Paolantonio to its membership. So yes, there’s a spot for sports commentators with a significant tie to New Jersey, in the museum. Just ask Philadelphia sports continued on page 21

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All Sports Museum...

continued from page 20


quarterback Ron

will be the special guest speaker on the 11th while sports radio talk show host Joe DiCamara will be the guest master of ceremonies.

Later this year, Paolantonio wants to hold another fund-raiser for the expansion of the

facility. “We run the museum now as a nonprofit with donations,” Valella noted. The price of admission is free. “The expansion will be a large task for a small facility started 58 years ago in 1965.

There’s plenty to be optimistic about for sports enthusiasts in New Jersey. Even a nonsports enthusiast can come here and learn about South Jersey history,” said Valella.

For more information about All-Sports Museum of South Jersey, visit www.

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Michael Barkann and former Phillie and commentator for the team, Ricky Bottalico, who have been inducted already.
have ties to the Garden State.
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