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Message from CCM President
Dear Mount Olive High School Students, Congratulations on behalf of County College of Morris (CCM), its Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty and Staff. As your graduation ceremony approaches and your high school years come to an end, remember that your future is just beginning. Some of you have clear plans as to your next steps and others are still considering choices that are personally meaningful and rewarding. The key to your future should not be based on what others have determined is best for their lives but what you feel is best for your their lifetime. With this reer life is that there will be more jobs than people to fill them. You should expect to have more opportunities than previous generations, especially in fields such as technology, health care, engineering, business, law enforcement, and the life sciences. Within each field are dozens upon dozens of different kinds of careers. Some of the careers you will enjoy do not yet exist. Consider the profound impact that artificial intelligence is expected to make over the next five years alone. It is estimated that this new technology will eliminate more than 300,000 jobs within a few years but within these disciplines possess? It is worth noting that, with a few exceptions, graduates from these programs earn as much as their peers in STEM and other fields.
When choosing a college major, a vocational trade, or any other pathway that you determine is worthy of your future, think about what careers will be in demand over the next 5-10 years. A quick search on Google will point you in the right direction. Think about the needs of communities over the same time period. Consider how our nation and world are changing and how you might make a meaningful uously updated. While many of you have already accepted offers from colleges and universities from across the state and nation, others may be undecided about how to pursue the future. Rest assured, this is not unusual. If you are not sure what you want to do, I invite you to contact CCM. Our Career Services and Advisement departments will be glad to talk with you about our credit and workforce programs, as well as other colleges around our state and nation. CCM has more than 100 articulation agreements with other colleges and universities and we are es, and most importantly, believe in your ability to make a positive impact on the world. I know you will continue to do great things! Congratulations again, and best of luck in all your future endeavors.
Warmest regards,
Dr. Sumit Bangia
a good look at the value plied to many career sec- panies, health care pro-