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were baptized at there. Her mother was its organist for a while. Briant shared that her aunt, Mary Briant, was Sunday School Superintendent and “was on every committee there was”. Mary Briant also wrote a poem about the church at the time of its 100th anniversary in 1933.
To get an idea of how the church on Millbrook Avenue came to be the church we see today, Briant shared a historical look at it, written by Alonzo Searing. In summary, it shares that the first account of any established place of Methodist worship in Randolph Township dates back to 1799. The worshippers met in a variety of places: first in a large two-story frame house, then in a barn complete with animals in their stalls, and finally, when it was determined most worshippers lived in the Millbrook area, they began meeting in the old schoolhouse which was built by Calvin

About 1831, it was decided that a church be built on the hill overlooking “the village”, and on April 25, 1832, property was purchased on which to erect the church. (This was the project where the kiln caught fire, the wood burned and more had to be secured.) The resulting church building was “30 X 38 feet in size with 16-foot posts and arched ceiling overhead and a gallery in the west end. The seats were made of plain pine boards, with one aisle in the center and the church warmed in the winter by one large square wood stove. The church was completed on or about the 28th of June in 1833, and was dedicated to the service of God,” notes Searing’s work.
In 1852, the church was remodeled. Two aisles replaced continued on page 7

NAME: Mike Lateiner, DMD, MS

NAME: Ami Dhaduk, DMD

NAME: Denise Kitay, DDS, MMSc