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Randolph Church...

continued from page 6 the single one. More comfortable seats were purchased and installed, and the roof was shingled. The total cost was $435.75. Later in 1899, since many worshippers lived a distance away and traveled by horse, church officials bought a strip of land, and a stall horse shed was built by W. S. Dalrymple.

From 1912 – 1960, the church saw more changes to its building as the congregation grew and prospered. “need for more

Sunday School room made it necessary to raise the church in order to place a room below the main church section. The outside work was completed in 1912. Inside steps leading to the main section were completed in 1914,” notes Searing’s history. More property was purchased in 1917, and a parsonage was completed by 1922. An addition to the church was added in the mid 1950’s and the sanctuary was redone and dedicated in 1960. Recently, the church fellowship hall was renovated.

There are other elements to its history. With pride, the church can say it was the “Mother Church” from which three other churches took root. Outreach has also been important to this church, and it continues to help in various ways. “ We did have a few volunteers that worked at the Trinity Lutheran soup kitchen and we still support them with weekly items for their pantry….we collect school supplies in August for the Fernbrook School in Randolph. We also support the Randolph Thanksgiving basket program,” noted Briant. Also, for many years, the church has sponsored Boy Scout troop #166.

Briant also shared her own fond memories of the church. She recalled as a child, looking forward to the church fairs, the highlight of which was riding on an antique fire truck. The truck didn’t go on the road but drove up on property behind the church. For children, riding on that truck was sheer joy. Briant also recalled the rummage sales the church used to have twice a year (pre-covid). Everyone in the church who could, would come out to help. It was “more fun getting it ready” than the actual sale itself, Briant recalled. For 25 years, on Wednesday evenings in July, the church had worship under the sky in one of the parishioner’s backyards. “It was always well attended and the parishioner also happened to be a very good baker and always put on a spread for the attendees following the service . This went on until the pandemic and then stopped” shared Briant.

Now, the church looks forward to its 190th anniversary celebration which will take place on June 25th. There will be a service at 1pm. Local township people and politicians have been invited. A letter from Senator Mikie Sherill, who cannot attend the event, will be read. Refreshments will be shared in the church’s newly renovated fellowship hall. There, people will also see some pieces of history which found their way back to the church. When the addition was put on in the mid-1950s, a stained class window (circa early 1900s) was taken down; it was purchased by a family in the church. That family moved, but in later years, after the death of the parents, their son packaged the window and donated it back to the church. That window will be hung in the fellowship hall. Another historical item which has been donated back to the church is a pew from 1852, pre-dating the Civil War. It should also be noted that the church has gravestones in its cemetery that date back to the Civil War era, 1883.

Looking at its 190 years, what best sums up the history and spirit of the church is the first stanza of Mary Briant’s open: Upon this beautiful hilltop In eighteen thirty-three, Men were inspired to build, O, God, A meeting place for Thee. Mid trials and tribulations And setbacks hard to bear; They succeeded in erecting The little church found there.

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