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Marine News October 2020 Volume 31 Number 10

O’Neill Alan Haig-Brown began his career as a commercial fi sherman on the B.C. coast and later worked on coastal freighters. He writes about commercial marine subjects worldwide and has published several books, most dealing with commercial fi shing history and issues.


HaigBrown Parker Terrance Mayes is a technical specialist in the coatings laboratory program at Master Painters Institute (MPI) – a division of the NACE International Institute. He has over 14 years of testing and standards experience in everything from food, metals and polymers to petrochem and paint.

Randy O’Neill is Senior Vice President with Lancer Insurance Company and has been


Romeo Manager of its MOPS Marine License Insurance division since 1984. Over the past 29 years, O’Neill has spoken and written on many occasions on the importance of USCG license protection. He is a regular contributor to Marine News magazine.

Barry Parker of bdp1 Consulting Ltd provides strategic and tactical support, including analytics and communications, to businesses across the maritime spectrum. He is a freelance writer and regular contributor to this magazine.

Jim Romeo is a marine engineer and a freelance writer focused on business and technology topics. He is based in Chesapeake, Va.

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