Historic Dredging Unlocks the
Might of the Mississippi Humanity will forever remember 2020 as the “Year of COVID-19” fraught with the pains of a pandemic and its impacts on our physical and mental health. Yet, as a navigation representative along the Mississippi River Ship Channel (MRSC), I will always be able to see the bright side. In this case, that is life outside of COVID. The Mississippi River Ship Channel Deepening began in 2020, oddly enough on another date tied forever to a tragic time in our history. As a major focus for the Big River Coalition, the project to deepen the ship channel to 50 feet was one that I worked on for eight years prior to the official start of dredging on September 11, 2020. Yet the euphoria of success was numbed by the state of the pandemic. And while there were no parties to celebrate, the event remains historic. The deepening is the flagship of improvements designed to maximize the effectiveness of maritime commerce on the Mighty Mississippi, our nation’s river linking 31 states to international trade. In many ways it remains true that the Mississippi River feeds the world. The river composed of over 250 tributaries combines more miles of navigable waterways than the rest of the world combined. Projections are that the ship channel deepening will eventually capture another 20% of U.S. grain exports, raising the totals from approximately 60% to over 80% of all U.S. agricultural exports. The Mississippi is also the only place in the world where a major navigable waterway is directly linked to a large productive agricultural zone – 350 million acres of farmland are within 250 miles of the Mississippi River and tributaries. It should be no surprise that there are improvements in the works for the ship channel as The Great Flood of 2019 led to calls to “Fix Southwest Pass”. I often refer to Southwest Pass as “the revolving door to international trade.” Many are surprised to hear that more water was passed down the Mississippi River during 2019 than in any other year, shattering not just eclipsing other renowned floods like those of 1927 and 1973. An important measurement
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utilized to measure flood waters is an “acre foot”, equaling approximately 326,000 gallons of water, the amount an acre of land would hold if covered throughout in one cubic foot of water. The Great Flood of 2019 passed 185,000 acre feet more than the significant flood of 1973 and over 210,000 acre feet more than in 1927 – a flood that forever changed our nation and the management of this river system. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirmed that the nation experienced the wettest 12-month period in recorded history, going back 124 years to 1895 when records began being kept. In 2019, there was a lot of focus on the ship channel, and leaders looked to the Big River Coalition for insight. We strive to never waste a good emergency, and this spotlight meant we were expected to propose real solutions. The response we campaigned was titled Full Funding Floats All Boats, and it requested an increase in federal funding to allow the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to better respond to channel maintenance. Full Funding Floats All Boats was designed to increase the USACE’s ability to maintain authorized channel dimensions of the MRSC. The Big River Coalition estimates that $200 million in annual funding would enhance the USACE’s ability to restore and maintain Congressionally authorized channel dimensions. The benefit of knowing what the final budget is provides surety in response versus having to wait until funding was available and flood-driven shoaling had already started. The Coalition’s promotion focused on increasing the President’s budget request, the starting point for the nation’s federal budget process, which remains in the range of $90 million – although 10 years ago it averaged about $65 million. Thankfully, the U.S. Congress heard our pleas and committed significant supplemental funding through the USACE Work Plan and supplemental funding. Confirmation for the Coalition’s financial target was that over $200 million was appropriated in both fiscal year
November 2020