WTC Prospectus 2011 |
Contents Introduction 3 Courses we offer 6 Undergraduate Module Descriptions 8 Graduate Module Descriptions 10 People 16 Annual Pattern of Teaching 20 Hubs 22 FAQ 26 How do I Apply? 27 Calendar 2011-2012 30
“The theological study is always applied to everyday life and ministry, this is hugely helpful and refreshing”
Lake District Hub: St Thomas Kendal
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
Introduction Over the last three years there has been growing excitement about the opportunity that the New Wine Training Partnership (NWTP) courses offer the local church. Born out of a conviction that God wanted to create a new training resource that would serve churches with a Kingdom-focused theology, the NWTP has been established to bring together Westminster Theological Centre (WTC), New Wine and local churches in a new venture providing accredited theological teaching.
WTC has six years’ experience of delivering Kingdom Theology to meet the needs, challenges and opportunities of a local church focused on mission and church planting.
Leading theologians involved in mission throughout the world visit the UK to provide residential teaching twice a year and use video conferencing technology to teach weekly in our Hub locations alongside experienced local leaders. Students benefit from robust theological training whilst being part of a local learning community impacting the front line of Church life in the power of the Spirit.
If you want to be part of a dynamic, practical, mission-minded approach to Christian leadership and prepare for ministry in the contemporary world in a way that is open to the Spirit, then we hope you can join us next year.
Rev Dr. Crispin Fletcher-Louis WTC Principal
Rev Chris Pemberton New Wine Training Director
Central London Hub: St Mary’s Bryanston Square
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
Courses we offer
In both courses students undertake work across all core subjects:
We are offering two courses:
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Undergraduate Certificate in Kingdom Theology
Graduate Diploma in Kingdom Theology
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Fully accredited level 4 course Equivalent to a first year as an undergraduate at university Course has 120-credit units and takes two years to complete Course may be taken for just one year earning 60 credits that can be transferred to another programme Students may elect to continue after the second year to pursue the following higher qualifications:
- Additional 2 years: Diploma - Additional 4 years: Bachelor of Arts Degree
• • •
Fully accredited level 6 course Student attains level of competence equivalent to that of a Bachelors Degree Course has 120-credit units and takes two years to complete Course may be taken for just one year earning 60 credits that can be transferred to another programme and a Graduate Certificate is awarded Students may elect to continue after the second year for an additional 2 years and complete an original thesis to attain a Master of Arts Degree
Biblical Theology Ministry and Leadership Spirituality and Church History Mission Doctrine and Systematic Theology
Graduate content and assessment is at a higher level and takes for granted the study, communication and conceptual skills attained during a first degree. Undergraduate and Graduate Courses share broadly the same aims and these govern the overall shape of the curriculum and the content of individual modules.
“Rooted in a community that follows Jesus – not just academic” “… I am finding the subject matter both stretching and sometimes challenging, but also exhilarating; perhaps even liberating. I look forward to Monday evenings hugely… I want to talk about it to everybody I meet. I would never have thought that Theology could be so compelling.”
Gloucestershire Hub: Trinity Cheltenham
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
Undergraduate Module Descriptions Old Testament Introduction
Doctrine & Method
The Old Testament Introduction module provides an overview of the richness and variety of the different writings, and provides a framework for understanding Old Testament passages using a knowledge of their historical context, how they relate to other pieces of literature and how they relate to the faith of Israel and the rest of the Near East.
The Mission module will help you to develop an understanding of the history and key concepts within the field of mission. We look at some of the lessons that can be garnered from the past, and explore the critical relationship between preaching the gospel and social action. The role mission plays within charismatic and pentecostal churches is explored along with our understanding of church planting, church growth, justice and advocacy.
This module serves as an introduction to some of the central Christian doctrines including the Trinity and Christology, and also to theological method. We will study the relationship between doctrines and scripture and look at how to understand them within an historical context. Throughout there is also a focus on the relationship between doctrine and everyday worship, study and mission.
New Testament Introduction With a particular focus on Matthew, Mark and Luke, the New Testament Introduction explores its history, theology and literature. We look at the development of early Christianity and explore some of the challenges of the historical New Testament. The module looks closely at Jesus and His impact on Christian discipleship and ministry and examines His teaching on the Kingdom of God.
Acts The book of Acts is used to gain a historical understanding of the mission of early Christianity. We will look at the experience of Pentecost and how this was interpreted by early Christians and we will explore the concepts of holiness and discipleship at the dawn of the church, as well as the role of signs and wonders. We will examine the debate between magic and miracles and explore some of the other major theological themes within Acts.
Spirituality in Church History Spirituality in Church History brings to life the writings of Christian leaders through the ages. From the Church Fathers to Thomas á Kempis, we will journey together through some of the classic Christian writings, and practically apply the lessons they give for Christian formation, pastoral care, life in the Spirit and leadership. We will also see how God has worked in and through the church throughout the course of history.
Leadership and Ministry Spread across two years of study, the Leadership and Ministry module provides practical training and equipping for an effective Christian life and ministry. Team leadership, conflict management, communication skills, ministry in the power of the Spirit and strategy development are among the topics addressed. The module also contains a comprehensive personal formation component which will help you to understand your giftings - both in the church and the life-place - and guide you in your personal, professional and ministry development.
“As the group prayed together before lunch on Friday… I was stunned into silence. I did not even want to raise my arms in prayer. I felt that no words or actions from me could be an appropriate response to the greatness and love of God. The sense of awe and worship was wonderful – a new experience of worshipping God with my mind. And that sense has remained as I have come home – I am continuing to reflect on all that you taught and to feel the excitement, joy and worship from it. I feel so grateful to God that he has enabled me to do this study at this time – I felt like a child let loose in a sweetshop all week!”
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
Graduate Module Descriptions Old Testament: Creation and Worship
Acts & Early Christian Origins
Christian Doctrine
This module provides a foundational introduction to both the Old Testament and the whole bible. Students will be introduced to the disciplines of biblical studies, whilst also being offered a vision of the theological heart of God’s revelation to Israel that has abiding significance for those of us living in the wake of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. As will become clear in the subsequent New Testament modules, much of what is covered in this initial module helps resolve critical puzzles in the understanding of Jesus and his earliest followers.
The Acts of the Apostles is studied as an historical account of the earliest Christian mission, of church growth, ongoing struggles for the definition of the Christian faith within its wider Jewish and Greco-Roman contexts. Particular attention is directed to chapters 1-9: the nature of the Pentecostal experience and its interpretation by the earliest followers of Jesus; the character of discipleship and holiness in the earliest community of believers within the context of contemporary Jewish eschatological expectations; the role of signs and wonders and a life lived in conformity to Christ (Acts 6-7). A Pauline Epistle, for example Colossians, is examined as witness to the distinctive contribution to New Testament theology from Paul and the Christian mission outside of Palestine. After a consideration of the letter form, some central questions of Pauline theology (Christology, relationship of Christian faith to Torah, eschatology and ethics) are considered. Attention is given to the contributions Paul’s letters might make to a contemporary understanding of Christian life, leadership and mission.
This module provides an introduction to a selection of the central subjects of Christian doctrine: the doctrine of God, Trinitarian theology, Christology, theological anthropology, soteriology, ecclesiology and pneumatology. There is also a treatment of key issues within theological method: the place of the Bible, tradition, present experience, wisdom and cultural context. The teaching combines the core doctrinal subjects with a closer focus on specific figures and movements. Students are introduced to classic primary texts and recent debates in modern systematic theology.
New Testament: Mark’s Gospel This module introduces students to the critical study of the New Testament and particularly of Jesus and the gospels through a close engagement with Mark’s Gospel within its historical setting. Students will be introduced to Mark’s key literary and theological features and the interpretive questions they raise. Particular attention is paid to recent discussions of Mark’s narrative art, to questions surrounding the identity of Jesus (Christology), signs and wonders, and the Markan theology of the cross. Throughout the module, attention is paid to questions of method and the relationship between critical engagement with the text and the nature of Christian life, leadership and service.
Missiology This module introduces some of the core concepts and debates within mission studies. Particular attention is paid to the biblical foundations for a theology and practice of mission, the history of mission within the Christian tradition, the understanding of mission in the Pentecostal and Charismatic traditions, the contribution of liberation and incarnational approaches and the nature of mission in a postmodern and pluralistic context.
Spirituality in the Christian Tradition In this module, Church History is approached with a focus on spirituality and an appreciation for the ways in which God has continued to work in the church and in the world down through the ages. We read some classics in the history of Christian spirituality, discovering ways in which they help us face the challenges of life today: life in the Spirit, life in community, pastoral care, leadership and growth into Christ’s character.
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
Rev Dr. Crispin Fletcher-Louis WTC Principal
Jenny Campbell WTC Lecturer
Rev Chris Pemberton New Wine Training Director
Lucy Peppiatt WTC Lecturer
Dr. Chuck Coker WTC Lecturer
Dr. Peter Fitch WTC Lecturer
Dr. Bob Ekblad WTC Lecturer
Rev Dr. Crispin Fletcher-Louis WTC Principal
Dr. Chuck Coker WTC Lecturer
Dr. Peter Fitch WTC Lecturer
Rev Dr. Crispin Fletcher-Louis studied at Oxford as an undergraduate and also as a post-graduate, writing a thesis on angelology in Luke and Acts. He has taught at King’s College London, Durham and Nottingham Universities and has published widely in the areas of New Testament studies and the historical context of earliest Christianity. He is the principal of WTC where he teaches Old and New Testament.
Dr. Chuck Coker is head of Human Capital in a US technology company that has grown rapidly in the last 10 years, he is founder and head of a Christian martial arts outreach ministry and an ordained Baptist Pastor. He has 20+ years involvement in Theological Education and brings an expertise in the understanding of human development and the spirituality of the workplace. He teaches Leadership and Ministry for WTC.
Dr. Peter Fitch teaches Biblical Studies and Ministry Studies at St Stephen’s University in Canada. He specialises in the retrieval of resources for a dynamic and healthy life of discipleship from the depths of the Christian tradition across the centuries. He is also a pastor at St Croix Vineyard in St Stephen.
Rev Chris Pemberton New Wine Training Director
Dr. Bob Ekblad WTC Lecturer
Rev Chris Pemberton became the New Wine Training Director in September 2009 having spent the previous 11 years as vicar of St Mary Bredin, Canterbury. He has a background in marketing and following his ordination in 1984 worked as University chaplain in Oxford and taught at Wycliffe Hall. He oversees the pastoral side of WTC, and teaches Mission and Leadership and Ministry.
Dr. Bob Ekblad is a Biblical Theologian with a unique experience of 25 years of mission in South America, Africa and North America. He works with the poor and ethnic minorities, especially in prisons and combines a commitment to advocacy and justice with ministry in the power of the Spirit and the critical role of signs and wonders. He teaches Old Testament and Mission for WTC.
Lucy Peppiatt WTC Lecturer
Jenny Campbell WTC Lecturer
Lucy Peppiatt is a systematic theologian and has just completed a doctoral thesis on Spirit Christology and Mission. As a lay minister in the Church of England, she has worked with her husband, Nick Crawley, in parishes in Twickenham, Harare and Sheffield and they are now church-planting in Bristol. She teaches Doctrine for WTC.
Jenny Campbell holds a Master of Philosophy, which was an examination of the union of Word and Spirit in prophecy in Hildegard of Bingen and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. She teaches for WTC in the area of Leadership and Ministry and Doctrine. Jenny’s vocation has included school teacher, pastoral assistant, market researcher and college tutor.
Experienced local practitioners will share their skills and experience in each Hub
“It felt like an incredible privilege to be getting input from someone so experienced in leadership and ministry with so much humility”
Guernsey Hub: Les Cotils Centre
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
Annual Pattern of Teaching
Teaching is delivered in three ways: 1. 5-day residential intensives (September and February)
First residential teaching week:
Second residential teaching week:
5th September 2011 to 9th September 2011
20th February 2012 to 24th February 2012
4 consecutive weeks of 1 evening a week studying in your Hub 2 weeks to write up a piece of assessed work
Repeated three times
4 consecutive weeks of 1 evening a week studying in your Hub 2 weeks to write up a piece of assessed work
For a detailed calendar of dates for the 2011/12 academic year, please see p30-31
What does a Hub evening look like?
Students on the graduate course may elect to attend the Residential Teaching Weeks on 29th August-2nd September 2011 and 13th -17th February 2012 instead of the above dates.
An outline of a typical Hub teaching evening: • •
“It has been completely transformative. It has thrown unbiblical theology out of the window and brought me into a fuller understanding of God and his purposes for me in this lifetime!”
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Arrive and meet up with other students over coffee. Relax for a short while. Time of worship and prayer together with the other students Watch a recorded lecture, which guides you through the week’s content and gives time for discussion with the other students. Live video-conference seminar with a member of WTC faculty Teaching from a local practitioner tailored to the local context of the Hub Space to discuss, pray and reflect on the evening’s teaching with other students
2. Weekly teaching via web-based presentation delivered from the WTC faculty into the local Hub during six 4-week blocks.
The residential teaching weeks provide an opportunity for all students to come together and spend face-to-face time with the WTC faculty. They include academic classroom time, practical training from specialists and the opportunity to grow with others from across the country in the context of ministry and worship.
Most of the time students will attend the course as part of a group based in local ‘Hubs’. A Hub is made up of one or more churches hosting the teaching. These Hub groups meet on a weekly basis for teaching, to worship together and grow as a learning community applying God’s Word into their life-place.
Support in the Hub 3. Face-to-face teaching by local practitioners sharing practical skills and experience applicable to the local Hub context.
Each Hub is managed on the ground by a Hub Director who oversees the running of the Hub evenings, local teaching and the development of the local Hub. The Hub Director is the main week-to-week contact for students and helps to ensure that suitable pastoral and academic support is in place.
Hubs Central London
Lake District
West London
Based at St Mary Bryanston Square, the Central London Hub is well located for people commuting into or across London being between Paddington and Marylebone main stations and next to Edgware Road underground station. The Hub meets on Tuesday evenings, and has been offering WTC courses for 3 years.
Based at Trinity Church Cheltenham, the Gloucestershire Hub is in the centre of Cheltenham within easy reach of the M5 and draws in students from as far afield as Staffordshire, Bristol and Cardiff. The Hub meets on Monday nights, and has been offering WTC courses for 2 years.
Based at Christ Church Winchester, the Hampshire Hub is in the centre of Winchester within easy reach of the M3 and draws in students from Poole to Reading. The Hub meets on Monday nights, and has been offering WTC courses for 2 years.
Based at St Thomas’ Church, Kendal, the Lake District Hub will be offering WTC courses for the first time this year. The Hub meets on Tuesday evenings and is close to the M6 and is a short walk from Kendal Station, and is therefore within reach of students from Preston to Carlisle.
Based at St Paul’s Church, Ealing, the Hub will be offering WTC courses for the first time this year. The Hub meets on Monday evenings and is within easy reach of the M4 and A40 and is a short walk from Northfields Tube Station (Piccadilly Line).
Based at Emmanuel Church in Didsbury Village, Manchester, the Hub meets on Tuesday nights, and will be offering WTC courses for a second year. The Hub is close to East Didsbury Station, which has regular links to Manchester Piccadilly, and is minutes from the M60. The hub draws students from locations across Manchester, and also further afield from locations such as Derby.
Contact: Contact:
East Anglia
Based at Fountain of Life Church Ashill, the East Anglia Hub is about 25 miles north-west of Norwich. The Hub meets on Tuesday nights, and has been offering WTC courses for 1 year and draws students from across the East Anglia region.
Based at Les Cotils Conference Centre, the Guernsey Hub is run by a group of three local churches: Shiloh Baptist, Church on the Rock and Holy Trinity, with support from a number of other churches on the island. The Hub meets on Tuesday nights and has been offering WTC courses for 2 years.
Based at St Paul’s Church, in the heart of St Helier, the Jersey Hub will be offering WTC courses for the first time this year. The Hub meets on Monday evenings.
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
FAQ WTC is part of the New Wine Training Partnership set up in conjunction with New Wine and local churches to deliver theological training courses. These courses are approved by the University of Chester. The New Wine Training Partnership is focused on equipping people in the local churches to bring transformation to their nation.
Who are the courses for? These courses are designed for Christians who want to actively apply Kingdom theology into their life-place and ministry. They are suited to anyone who can give time to study alongside a job or other commitments.
Why should I study with WTC? We have created accredited courses that are designed for individual personal growth in character, vision, purpose and a foundational theological understanding. You will be equipped for more effective ministry and leadership with a deeper grounding in God’s word and in the life of the Spirit.
What are the qualifications required for entry on to the courses? If you are over 25 no qualifications are required. We will interview you to talk through your application and your concerns about the programme. If you are under 25 a first degree or 180 UCAS Tariff Points give you automatic qualification. If you are under 25 26
without a degree, or fewer than 180 UCAS Tariff Points we will interview you to talk through your application and your concerns about the course. There are two courses to suit your ability and prior experience of life, informal theological study and university-level training. 1. The Graduate Diploma is available to students who have a first degree and who are now ready for a more challenging introduction to degree-level theology. The Graduate Diploma can lead straight onto an MA. 2. The Undergraduate Certificate, Diploma and BA programme is for anyone who does not yet have a degree or for graduates of other subjects who want an entry-level introduction to theology.
What support will I have? To support your study you will have a local Hub library with all key and supporting textbooks for your course. Additionally you will have online access to considerable resources at the University of Chester (UoC), and your student card from UoC will give you access to other libraries throughout the UK. You will have support and guidance from your tutors to help with completion of assessed work. On a personal level you will have access to mentoring and support from your church and the Hub as well as being part of a learning community with the other students based at your Hub. What should I expect to gain by the end of the course? 1. As well as a university level qualification… 2. You should have a confident grasp of a biblical worldview that you are able to clearly communicate to
others and can humbly, and under the guidance of the Spirit, apply to the opportunities and challenges of a life of discipleship. 3. The course will root and equip you with a clear foundational understanding of the biblical, historical and doctrinal character of the call to a life of service, mission and leadership in the church and in the world; and 4. The course will significantly contribute you bearing fruit in personal, Christ-like formation (character & skills)
What are some of the key features of these courses? • • • • • • •
Orthodox Biblical Study in a context of worship and prayer Charismatic emphasis to deep academic teaching A local church base for the students An apprentice/mentor model of learning Teaching that embodies the values of New Wine Training for the life-place (leaders in all spheres of life learning together) Theological educators working alongside church leaders to deliver training that effectively equips the local church
How much does the course cost? For academic year 2011-12, the undergraduate course costs £1900 and the graduate course costs £1950. For students applying before 5th May 2011 the fees will be £1850. Course fees include the residential teaching, standard accommodation & food, delivery of course content in the Hub from WTC and practitioners, course handouts, University registration & accreditation fee and access to study resources at the Hub and remotely via the internet. The course fees can be paid in up to 3 instalments (September, January and April). This will incur an administration charge of £15 per instalment.
Can I study Biblical languages? There is an option to study Biblical Greek and Hebrew. If you are interested in this, please state this on your application form.
What if there is not currently a Hub near me?
Will I have time for the course alongside a full time job? Our model of delivery and assessment is specifically designed to be manageable for those who work full-time. We believe that with careful time management it is possible to study a WTC course alongside a demanding job, and indeed there are many existing students in senior positions within a variety of organisations.
I have already done some study at university level and have course credits - can I transfer these to a WTC course?
How do I apply? You can apply online via the website. The key question to ask is: Do you live close enough to a Hub to be able to travel there for 24 evenings during the year? Yes - check details of course requirements, speak to your church leader about the course, complete and submit a NWTP student application form No – contact WTC to register your interest for future years
If you have completed a certain number of credits in a university course you may be able to join a WTC course at a higher level. Please get in touch to discuss your options with our course administrator.
WTC is in the process of opening new Hubs across the country, so one may be opening near you soon. Do get in touch to register your interest in the course and look out for updates on new locations as they happen.
Can I be an intern in a church while I study this course? Yes! If you are a member of a church close to a Hub, please talk to your church leader about being an intern in your church before you apply for the course. If you would like to find an intern placement in a church close to a Hub, please contact WTC stating your preferred Hub and your particular ministry interest.
East Anglia Hub: Fountain of Life Church, Ashill
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
WTC Prospectus 2011 |
Calendar 2011-2012 September 2011
December 2011
March 2012
June 2012
Resdential (29th August-2nd September 2011)* Residential (5th-9th September) Week off Hub Teaching Hub Teaching
Study Week Hub Teaching Holiday Holiday
Hub Teaching Hub Teaching Hub Teaching Hub Teaching
Study Week Hub Teaching Hub Teaching Hub Teaching
January 2012
April 2012
July 2012
Holiday Hub Teaching Hub Teaching Hub Teaching
Holiday Holiday Study Week Hub Teaching Hub Teaching
Study Week Study Week
November 2011
February 2012
May 2012
Hub Teaching Hub Teaching Hub Teaching Study Week
Study Week Study Week Resdential: (13th -17th February 2012)* Residential (20th-24th February) Week off
Hub Teaching Hub Teaching Hub Teaching Study Week
October 2011 Hub Teaching Hub Teaching Study Week Study Week
* Alternative Residential dates for students on Graduate course 30
“The teaching has had a profound effect on my relationship with God”
Hampshire Hub: Christchurch Winchester