Understanding Twin Flame Union: A Comprehensive Guide to Connection and Growth by New World Allstar
As defined by New World Allstar, the best way to understand conceptually what twin flame Union is, is to not try to “understand” but to rather go beyond concept itself. To transcend the mind of form and separation. But if that can't be done, then words will have to suffice.
There is no “connection with” your twin flame. You can have a connection with any other person but not your twin flame. And it's because of what twin flames are: one soul in two bodies. Your twin flame is one of your past lives. Twin flames are the same soul. You are not “connected” to your soul, you ARE the soul. So is the person who you call “twin flame.” It is not a “connection,” you are one with your twin flame. Again, you can have a connection with another person who is a different soul than your soul. But your twin flame is not another soul, your twin flame and you are the same soul. You are simultaneous incarnations of the same soul. This is not a connection. The word “Union” is unfortunately used in the wrong context in the general twin flame community online. The word Union actually comes from the term “Unity Consciousness” which is from the Zen traditions. The same is true of “separation.” The words Union and separation both come from the Zen traditions, not twin flames. Twin flames stole those words and are misusing them. Twin flames believe that these words are relationship statuses, but they are not. They are states of consciousness. Again, these words really come from the Zen traditions. In the zen traditions these words point to states of consciousness. Separation is the ego/mind perception of reality. The mind experiences the universe through separation. It believes itself to be a separate entity, separate from everything else. Union is the experience of the higher self or the soul. Union or Unity Consciousness is oneness. You are one with your twin flame at the level of the soul.