5 Tips To Live A Conscious Lifestyle. If you are looking to live a conscious living style then firstly measure how consciously you're living your life?
There is no scale present in measuring that but there are many signs that can teach you when you're being unconscious. The most common signs are: 1. You always blame – You complain and blame for everything when it isn’t the way you want it to be. It has become your nature to complain to people who can't change anything in your situation. 2. You continuously do things that bring you pain – You have probably made a habit of doing things that you hate and brings you pain although it doesn't meet your needs. 3. You trust limiting beliefs: The belief "I can't do this thing" will stop us from making progress. You have to question those limiting perspectives once you become aware of them. 4. You don't do some things because you're afraid of what other people – your family, friends, relatives, neighbors might think of you. 5. Your life stays the same and you are settling for compromise: If you are still living the same life from last three, six or even from years with same friend circle, same earnings, same eating habits, same problems and same goals then you are counted into a category of unconscious people.
None of these signs clearly indicates that you're living unconsciously. The big difference between handling this type of lifestyle is this: 1. Try to live in a way that is headed towards the goals you have chosen consciously. Don’t get bond to the living style that is headed towards the goals and expectations you're adapted to. 2. Question perspectives that are limiting you from gaining big achievements. More you get aware of your unconscious choices more you will be able to break them. 3. Start leaving your comfort zone and doing things differently. Stop believing in what you always believed. 4. Stop being happy with an "okay" relationship, "okay" job and "okay" friends. Instead look for an awesomeness and uniqueness in all areas. 5. Conscious people live lives that are inspiring and motivating that is why they are always ready to do anything all the time. Becoming more conscious is a process. So, always find sources to meet new people who live consciously. You will get lots of ideas from them. If are unable to find such people in your real life, search for them online. Visit conscious lifestyle websites, join personal development networks and health and wellness groups on social Media Portals. Also, don't forget to visit our website about conscious living to learn more about it and join with the highly professional members. If you are a health and wellness practitioner, then you can also join our network as a trainer. Visit New World Native today!