Lisa Mansour's New York Cake Show 2016

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General Admission





N E W YO R K C a k e S h o w M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T The NY Cake Show is an annual event that viding a constructive environment that aims works to celebrate innovation within the bak- to foster growth and development. In addiing community. Since the first show in 2013,

tion, throughout the event there are a vari-

the event has worked to provide an all-inclu- ety of hands-on-classes and demonstrations sive environment where bakers and cake dec- available, featuring some of the newest techorating enthusiasts could gather together to niques, as well as technologies that are not showcase their work. The event is designed

yet available to the general public. Bakers

to not only provide bakers with a platform to leave this event with new skills that will aid compete with people from around the world, them in their future endeavors and inspire but also act as a learning environment. Each

them to create unique and innovative de-

contestant is given a critical review of their

signs. This event is only in New York, and only

work from a highly distinguished group of once a year, so don’t miss out on an inspirajudges. The feedback allows contestants to see both their strengths and weakness, pro-

tional opportunity.

this year’s event NEW YORK CIT Y

Lisa Mansour’s New York Cake Show is an and designers have the opportunity to comannual gathering of cake artists and bakers.

pete in as many categories as they would

Each year it presents a multitude of activi- like. Within each competition, 1st, 2nd, ties, all in one day and location. The annual

and 3rd place winners will receive medals

cake competition will offer a total of four

and gifts ($100 in value) from satin ice. By

different categories - Wedding Cake, Nov- competing, all artists will have the chance elty/All Occasion, Sculptured, Stiletto shoe to win a $1,000 cash prize for Best in Show. display (topper) - each offered in four differ- In addition to competing, throughout the ent divisions. The competition is open to all,

day, designers will have the opportunity to

COMPETITION There are a total of four categories, each composed of four different divisions. In participating in the competition, contestants will automatically be entered into the chance to win the

for the entire event, and the winner can come from any category and division. To participate in the event, you must be 18 years or older. All cakes should be designed in accordance to

Grand Prize of $1,000 for Best in Show. the competition guidelines, prior to There will be only one Best in Show the date of the event.

S e t u p s ta r t s at 7 : 3 0 a m J u d g i n g W i l l b e g i n p r o m p t ly at 9 a m

register for a series of hands on classes and the show, we will be introducing the “Top 10 demonstrations presented by world re- International Cake Artists” that were carefully nown cake artists. The demonstrations will

selected by the New York Cake Academy’s se-

be showcasing the latest technologies and

lection committee. The New York Cake Show

products in the industry. This year the event truly has something for everyone. There will will also have the added bonus of a Vendor be a series of raffles, door prizes, and even a Hall that will be showcasing new products “kids’ class” for the up and coming next genthat have recently been introduced to the

eration of bakers. Over the past four years,

market, as well as some familiar favorites. At the New York Cake Show has grown exponenthis year’s event, we will be honoring Kerry tially, making it the “premier” New York City Vincent with a Lifetime Achievement Award,

cake show no one wants to miss.

for the outstanding contributions that she has mad to the cake decorating industry throughout her career. As a new addition to

DIVISIONS Professional

Open to all professional cake artists, pastry chefs, cake decorators and teachers. Entrants should have either won or entered at least two (2) previous competitions.


Open to all bakers, cake artists, and non-professionals who may or may not have either won or entered previous competitions.


Open to all hobbyists and entrance level cake artists with two years or less experience in the field.


Open to all students and apprentices who are enrolled in a college program in culinary arts. Students must send proof of enrollment in a college culinary course or culinary school along with registration.

Grand Prize


C o s t o f Pa r t i c i pat i o n Wedding

$80 (Students $70)

Novelty/Special Occasion

$60 (Students $50)


$60 (Students $50)

Shoe Display

$45 (Students $35)


Sculptured Cake

All cakes should be made of Styrofoam, not real cake. The cake must be entirely covered with edible material on the outside, (i.e. fondant, modeling chocolate, royal icing etc.) NOTE: Please refer to and read very carefully the “Cake Competition­ General Rules” for more information.

This is a “new” category for NY Cake Show. We want this one “over the top!” Think TV Food Network. Cakes should be “real cake.” Percentages of edible, armature, and rice crispies are all outlined in... “Cake Competition Rules and Regulations”. Please read these rules carefully and completely as they apply to ALL Categories and Divisions.

Professional 3 tiers, 36” high without toppers,


Minimum height of 36” and base cannot exceed 20” by 20”

Intermediate 2 tiers, 24” high without toppers,


Minimum height of 24” and base cannot exceed 18” by 18”

Beginner 2 tiers, 18” high without toppers,


Minimum height of 18” and base cannot exceed 14” by 14”

and base cannot exceed 20” by 20” and base cannot exceed 16” by 16” and base cannot exceed 14” by14”

Student 2 tiers, 18” high without toppers,


and base cannot exceed 14” by14”

Minimum height of 18” and base cannot exceed 14” by 14”

Novelty/All Occasions

Shoe Display

There is NO minimum or maximum height requirement on this type of cake. The competitor must both adhere to the Show theme “New York City” and yet clearly showcase a novelty/all-occasion type of cake. (ie, birthday, retirement, anniversary, promotion, graduation, shower, etc). You can be as classical or as innovative as you like! Please refer to and read very carefully the “Cake Competition ­ General Rules” for more information. Cakes should be made of Styrofoam, not real cake.

An annual tradition at the NY Cake Show, the Shoe Display must consist of one or two shoes tastefully displayed on a cake board. Shoes must depict the theme of New York City. There is no height requirement in this category. You are only limited by your imagination. You may embellish your display with edible decorations. NOTE: Please refer to and read very carefully the “Cake Competition­ General Rules” for more. information.


Cake board must be a minimum of 12” with a 16” maximum

Intermediate Base cannot exceed 18” by 18”


Cake board must be a minimum of 12” with a 14” maximum

Beginner Base cannot exceed 16” by16”


Cake board must be a minimum of 12” with a 14” maximum

Professional Base cannot exceed 20” by 20”

Student Base cannot exceed 14” by14”


Cake board must be a minimum of 12” with a 14” maximum

people’s ChoicE

vote Award

PRIZES 1 s t, 2 n d, & 3 r d p r i z e w i n n e r s i n e v e ry d i v i s i o n w i l l r e c e i v e g i f t s ( $ 1 0 0 Va l u e ) f r o m S at i n I c e ALL PARTICIPANTS WILL RECEIVE A “GOODY BAG” CONTAINING GIFTS FROM - NY CAKE, SATIN ICE, ATECO, CHEF RUBBER, EDIBLE ARTIST NETW ORK MAGAZINE, AND CAKE DECORATING MAGAZINE.


judges Chairman of Judges: Executive Pastry Chef, Steve Evetts Nicholas Lodge

Margaret Braun

jorge amsler

Betty Van Norstrand

Cynthia Peithman

iris rezoagli

kathleen Lange

maria castro

joan mansour

laura Saporiti

Gabriel castillo

sidney galpern

Madison Lee

colette peters

toni dickinson

manuela kjeilen

marilyn bawol

kim simons

Susan Trianos

beth parvu

Rules & 1

Cake MUST clearly reflect show theme “New York City”.


Cake must be made of Styrofoam® dummies for all categories EXCEPT Sculptured Cakes a.) Sculptured cakes MUST be made entirely of “Real Cake”. 30% of total Sculptured cake may incorporate the use of Rice crispy treats. Only 15% of the finished sculpture may include non-edible armature. Styrofoam may be used when absolutely necessary and in minute percentage.


There will NOT be a tasting component in this year’s competition in ANY Division.


All cakes and Shoe displays MUST be covered with edible material ONLY. This includes fondant, gum paste, modeling chocolate, royal icing and/or butter creme icing, as appropriate. If covered in fondant, your cake must be perfectly smooth and free of “elephant skin” effect, fissures, or



All flowers, if any, must be handmade. Any commercially made flowers will be judged accordingly and points will be deducted. NO Cake or Shoe Display may be entered which was previously entered in another competition OR seen (such as in magazines) ANYWHERE. This must be new and fresh.


All attachments “on” the cake or shoe display MUST be made of edible material only. Wafer paper, gelatin and “Flexique” are permitted. No non-edible jewelry, porcelain, plastic, ceramic, or glass figurines or decorative items including fabric flowers, etc. are permitted.


Glitter previously intended for cake design, usually called “disco dust”, “twinkle dust”, or “pixie dust” has now been BANNED by the FDA, for use on edible foods. Such items must be used under conditions which preclude their consumption. Hence, on a cake that is impossible. “Non­Toxic” is no longer the standard that will be accepted. It must now be “edible”. PERIOD. If you attempt to use “non toxic” products you will have points deducted.


The use of non edible glue such as that applied with “hot glue guns” and other non­ - edible adhesive products to attach decorations such as flowers, etc, is strictly prohibited. These products are toxic. Points will be heavily deducted.


Any hand crafted decorative items (such as figurines, frames, flowers, etc) will always be scored higher than those made with molds.


Any and all attachments MUST be cleanly executed without drips and finger prints.

R e g u l at i o n s




The cake must reflect the theme of the show “New York City”. The display tables are 8 feet long, “pre­s kirted” with standard white table cloth and banquet skirting. Removal or alterations of any kind to the existing table cloth and skirting will not be permitted. Each competitor will have a 2’ area for their display. The Marriott has only a very limited amount of carts, dollies, etc available for you. Please make every effort to bring your own for speedy entry into the hotel and show floor. You only have from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. to arrive, check­in, and install your cake or shoe display.


Judging begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. at that time you must leave the area. The Astor ballroom will then be closed to the general public until 1:00 p.m. after judging is finished.


The judges reserve the right to remove or disqualify any entry they feel is violating the rules, in poor taste, or is not to the required standards.


The judge’s decisions will be final. Scoring sheets with judges comments will be available via NY Cake Academy, LLC office (ask for Delia) 5 business days after the completion of the show on May 15, 2016.


The display must be solely the work of the person on the entry form.


Entry to the Astor Ballroom to set up your cake begins at 7:30 a.m. Load in arrival specifics will be sent to all Registered Competitors 2 weeks prior to the show.


No names or advertising will be allowed on the table before judging, Your assigned Registration Number will be the only identification permitted on your table.


All entries must be set up by 9:00 a.m. At the end of that time all work must stop and the area cleared for judging. Exhibits must remain for the duration of the show at which time, when the show closes, Sunday May 15th,2016 at 6:00 p.m., it is the responsibility of each competitor to remove their display. Load out and removal specifics will be sent to the Registered Competitors 2 weeks prior to the Show. Should your cake or Show display not be removed at that time, it will be disposed of by the Marriott Marquis maintenance crew.


Awards will be given out during the awards ceremony on Sunday May 15th , 2016 at 5:00 p.m.


The general public will be able to vote for the “People’s Choice Award”, ballots will be available.


The organizers have the right to use photographs taken of competitor’s displays for commercial purposes.

1st annual Top 10

i n t e r n at i o n a l cake Artists award

T o p 1 0 I n t e r n at i o n a l Cake Artists

For the first time, Lisa Mansour’s New York Cake Show will be honoring the Top 10 International Cake Artists. This year’s winners will be selected by an elite panel of judges. The award is meant to celebrate excellence in the cake and sugar artistry community. Candidates are international cake artists who are thought to be leaders in the field, offering new and innovative contributions to cake artistry. This award is not only new to the cake show, but is the first of its kind internationally. More information regarding who this year’s recipients are will be announced at a press conference prior to the show.

Kerry Vincent L I F E T I M E A C H I E V E M E N T A W A RD I N C A K E D E C O R AT I N G

Kerry Vincent L I F E T I M E A C H I E V E M E N T A W A RD I N C A K E D E C O R AT I N G

Kerry Vincent A L E A D E R I N T H E C A K E D E C O R AT I N G C O M M U N I T Y Kerry Vincent is an innovator in the cake decorating community. Her contributions to the industry - some of which include, the Vincent Marquetry, and movement in stenciled or painted sugar flounces and skirting - have transformed the world of cake decorating. As an entrepreneur, Kerry co-founded the Oklahoma Sugar State Art Show, and founded the Grand National Wedding Cake competition.

ers, or even decorators, but as artists. In 1985, Kerry worked with the Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa to create an exhibition of winter season wedding cakes. Reviewer of the exhibition, Barbara Durbin of The Portland Oregonian, said, “Kerry Vincent’s not a cake decorator, unless you call Michelangelo a church painter!”

Aside from decorating, Kerry has also had the Throughout her career, Kerry Vincent partook privilege of developing editorials for several in a variety of cake competitions, finishing her magazines and serving as the judge for comcompetitive career in 2001, with over 100 blue petitions like the USA pastry trials. ribbons. Some of her most recent accomplishments, include, but are not limited to, being Kerry Vincent is more than a cake decorator, accepted into the International Cake Explora- she is an artist and a pioneer in the field. Her tion Societé Hall of Fame in 2004, and the Des- career has been focused on working to transert Professional Hall of Fame in 2010. scend the field of cake decorating, promoting Kerry Vincent celebrates the art to cake deco- it as an art form. rating. She views cake decorators not as bak-

D E m o n s t r at i o n s all day pass (starts at 9:00 am) Joshua John Russell

Chef Nicholas Lodge

9:00 am Pavoni’s Magic Décor During this demo you will learn how to properly mix and use Pavoni’s Magic Decor Edible product, how to properly spread into your lace molds, complete with all the tips and tricks Joshua will share so you too can create gorgeous lace effects on your cakes.


1:00 pm Rolled Fondant 101 Demonstration on how to make a beautiful realistic flower using wafer paper.

Loren Ebert

Colette Peters

10:00 am Bridal Cookie Design for Beginners Bridal Cookie Designs For Beginners! This class is an introduction into cookie decorating basics using royal icing. I will teach you some easy, yet elegant techniques for bridal cookie designs that will be sure impress your guests!

2:00 pm Water Paper Flowers During this informative demonstration Chef Nicholas will provide you with invaluable tips, tricks, techniques for using rolled fondant, how to correctly modify fondant, how to create softened fondant as well as how to pipe with fondant, and use for stencils, brush embroidery, etc.


Lisa Mansour

Sidney Galpern

11:00 am Piping skills with New Decorating Tips Tired of flower nails and piping flower petals one by one? Come see Lisa show you how to use these new tips from Russia which are taking the industry by storm. They’re so easy, you won’t believe your eyes. Make a show stopping cake, cupcake or centerpiece in a fraction of the time.

3:00 pm The Peacock Sidney will demonstrate the techniques of cast, pulled, hand sculpted, and blown isomalt to create a gorgeous peacock centerpiece, adorned with a jeweled tail.


Laura Saporiti

Marilyn Bawol





12:00 pm Biscuit Imprimé Technique Straight from Italy, Laura will share her own decorated biscuit imprimé technique which resembles the fresco wall underneath the second layer of ceramic tiles, that are made with painted fondant. She will demo how to make the painted ceramic tiles with an ancient ruined effect. This is a unique opportunity not to be missed!


4:00 pm Get Introduced to Flexique

Learn all about an unbelievable new edible flexible product called Flexique™ from its creator. Get introduced to Flexique, Flexique Glue and Flexique Lace Focus on observing a brand new technique using Flexique to create a lifelike rose with flexible petals. Be one of the first to witness the application of a new no-mix, no-bake lace product that’s very easy to use.

Classes Bryson Perkins Chef Vanessa Greeley Susan Trianos

$150 9:00 am - 12:00 pm SEA Side mini Wedding Cake $150 9:00 am - 12:00 pm The Royal Icing Plaque $150 9:00 am - 12:00 pm “Little Black Dress” Plaque

Young Cake Artist S H A P I N G T H E C A K E A RT I S T S O F T O M O R RO W


INSTRUCTOR Mary Carmen Del Rio

CLASS TIMES 1:00 pm 2:30 pm 4:00 pm

D E S C R I PT I O N Mary Carmen Del Rio will be teaching three separate classes for kids ages 8 to 14. Attendees will be introduced to the world of cake decorating through the development of their own cupcake designs. Mary will be covering the foundations of the trade, teaching kids how to use fondant, butter creme, and so much more. This class serves as the perfect opportunity to introduce cake decorating to the next generation of cake artists.




Lisa Mansour Lisa Mansour is an award-winning expert in cake decoration. Located in New York City, Lisa is the co-founder and co-owner of NY Cake & Bake Supply. In addition to her company, Lisa founded the NY Cake Academy, a hands on cake decorating school. The school contains courses on fondant, specialty, and seasonal topics. Lisa is a Satin Ice Artist of Excellence, Wilton Method Instructor Hall of Fame and named one of Dessert Professional top 10 Cake artist of 2015. Lisa has made several appearances within the media, some of which include: Martha Stewart Radio; NY1; and Chef Roble’s show on the Bravo Network, which featured NY Cake & Bake

Supply. In 1991, Lisa competed in the Societe Culinaire Philantropique for the first time, where she took 2nd place; since then, Lisa has taken 1st place in over 10 annual competitions, and in 2014, was awarded “Best in Show.” This past November, Lisa had the privilege of serving as a coach and judge for the USA team at the Cake Designers World Championships, which took place in Milan, and for next year, Lisa has been selected to choose the US team. As founder of the NY Cake Show, Lisa is an innovative thinker, and leader within the Cake Decorating community.

Joshua John Russell Joshua John Russell is a pastry chef and cake designer from Atlanta, GA. He graduated in 2002 from Johnson and Wales University and started his career as a pastry chef at the famous Grove Park Inn in Ashville, NC. After taking a job as the executive pastry chef at Dantanna’s in Atlanta, Joshua made a name for himself appearing in 15 episodes of Food Network Challenge (winning 5) and all 6 episodes of Last Cake Standing as well as local media and TV outlets. His work has been featured in books (Decadent Details), magazines (Jezebel, Atlanta Weddings, Flavors, 944, and Life and Style), and national ad campaigns. As well as being a pastry chef, Joshua has food styled for Carvel, Sweetex and Warner Brothers (Life as We

Know It 2010). Joshua’s endeavors as an instructor at have produced worldwide attention with a student base spanning the globe. He has created cakes for celebrities including Camron Diaz, Chase Crawford, and the wedding cake for Kim Zolciak of the Real Housewives of Atlanta, which was featured on her show (Don’t be Tardy for the Wedding) and in Life and Style. His name in the business and success in the field has also prompted him to be asked to judge cake shows, as well as baking competitions for the Austin Cake show, Viking Cooking School, and Share Our Strength. Joshua currently works as National Concepts Manager for in2food.

Susan Trianos Susan Trianos is a world-renowned instructor and cake decorator. Having worked within the baking and cake design industry for 30 years, she has had the opportunity to appear in a variety of television shows, be featured in magazines and is a Certified Master Sugar Artist. Some of her accomplishments include: 1st place in the masters division of Winter Wonderland Wedding Cakes at the New York Cake Convention; 1st place in the masters division of wedding cakes at the C.S.S.A. Cake Competition; and 1st place Cake Walk in season 1, episode 4 of the Wedding Cake Edition. From a young age, Susan was always infatuated with the idea of baking and creating things. When she received an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas, she could not wait to begin baking. She started with the pack-

ets it came with, however once those ran out she began creating mixes of her own. At the age of 19, with the support of her family, Susan opened her first bakery, which she worked at for over 6 years, following that she took a job in sales. Susan’s career has been versatile within the industry, and has allowed her to experience a variety of different avenues, however throughout her career, the one thing that has always remained constant is her love for cake decorating. While doing everything else, she maintained a steady client base, and continued to create custom cakes. Currently, Susan is focusing her efforts on teaching her skills at The Bonnie Gordon College of Confectionery Arts in Toronto, Canada.

Bryson Perkins Originally from Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, Bryson Perkins made his way to New Hampshire at the age of nineteen in search of a fresh start, independence, and opportunity. At the age of 24, Bryson dove into cake decorating as a hobby to fill his void of homesickness and shortly after discovering his talent for cake art he was hired as a cake artist at a well known pastry shop. In 2010 Bryson set off on his own, and with the help of his friends and investors he opened Triolo’s Bakery in December of 2012. During his short cake career, Bryson has had the pleasure of creating one a kind cakes for ‘Celebrities, Politicians, Charitable foundations, and Everyone in between.’ With an arsenal of self taught cake designing skills, Bryson dazzles the cake decorating community

with techniques that include; fondant, butter cream, modeling chocolate, gum paste, gum paste flowers, figurine sculptures, realistic animals, sculpted cakes, sugar art, elegant stacked wedding cakes, painting, dry painting, airbrushing, piping, and molding. During his brief competition career, Bryson has garnered more than Thirty top professional honors which include; Four Blue Ribbon Wedding Cake entries, Three Best in Shows, Four People’s Choice Awards, Multiple Best of Division ‘Masters,’ Decorators Choice Award, and many more. In 2015, Bryson had the great honor of representing the United States of America in the first ever Cake Designers World Championship held in Milan, Italy.

Laura Saporiti Laura Saporiti – in art SL Sugarland – has been working within the catering field for more than fifteen years, with a marked predilection for pastry. Prior to finding her love for cake decorating, Laura attended art school, where she earned an honors degree in Art History, with a specialization in Illuminated Manuscript. Cake design, has allowed for both of Laura’s passions to come together, and she now works freelance creating cakes for various event planners, trading companies – such as Pavoni, Solchim and Saracino – and private pastry labs. Laura, has had the privilege of being published in several magazines, including Dolcesalato and Pasticceria Internazionale of Chiriottie Publishers. In October of 2014, Laura served as a technical demonstrator for the “Atelier of royal icing” set up at

that Cake Design Italian Festival in Milan, during the launch of the first Italian technical manual on the history and development of this decorative technique. Throughout her career, Laura has had the opportunity to participate in a large array of national exhibits, and has received awards and recognitions for the quality of her work, some of the most noteworthy including the following: first prize at “A Cake Designer like You” in the last Cake Design Italian Festival; the special prize for aesthetics, and third overall prize at the “Italian Cup of Cake Design.” Laura takes an innovative approach to her cake decorating, and has a great deal to offer to the NY Cake Show, both in her judging and instruction.

Nicholas Lodge Little did Nicholas Lodge know that when he started training to become a pastry chef where this path would eventually lead him. The field of sugar art has transported him around the world, introduced him to Royalty and celebrities and has opened numerous doors to exotic locations that most people only dream about. The author of over a dozen books and fifteen instructional DVD’s, Nicholas teaches and demonstrates his unique skills around the world. Over the years his teaching tours have taken him to twenty-six different countries, and he has introduced sugar art into unlikely places such as India, China, and Fiji. He is internationally known, not only for his unique skills in sugar art, but also for the quality of his demonstrations and classes, at which he inspires enthusiasm in everyone who attends. This reputation

has also involved him in judging sugar art events around the globe and as one of the original judges of Food Network, “Challenges” television series. The base of operation for Nicholas is Atlanta, Georgia where his classroom, warehouse and retail gallery are all located under one roof. Nicholas was inducted into the International Cake Exploration Societé (ICES) Hall of Fame in 2001, being the youngest person ever to receive this honor. Nicholas is a Chef Instructor at the French Pastry School in Chicago where he is part of the faculty teaching the sixteen-week cake decorating program, “Le Art of Gateau.” In 2010 Nicholas was honored by receiving both the Top 10 Cake Artist and Top 10 Pastry Chefs in America Awards, making Nicholas the only person to have received both awards in the same year.

Chef Vanessa Greeley Chef Greeley was almost Lieutenant Greeley. Born and raised in a military family in Lima, Peru, Vanessa’s father was a General in the army, and her mother—a General in the kitchen. From them, she inherited an unyielding determination to succeed. This drive fueled her in teen sports, from gymnastics and volleyball to basketball and parachuting. Competitive? Just a little. When her passions moved elsewhere, Vanessa followed, relocating to the US to pursue computer studies at Columbia and NYU. Vanessa’s inner resolve received its greatest test when she was diagnosed with cancer. Now cancer free, her illness actually led to her pastry career today. While recovering, Greeley came across the Food Network Challenge television program. The blend of art, science, and compe-

tition amazed and inspired her. Today, a graduate from French Culinary Institute in NY, Vanessa’s work can be seen at some of the most prestigious cake competitions throughout the country. Her accolades include a gold medal at the 2008 American Bakery Expo, Best in Show trophy at the 2009 National Capital Area Cake Show, first place and Divisional medals at the 2009 Great American Cake Show, first place at the 2010 NY Cake Convention Live Challenge, and first place at the 2010 Great American Cake Show Live Challenge. In 2012, Vanessa was elected as the International Cake Exploration Society (ICES) Representative for the state of New Jersey where she is committed to building a stronger cake community. One thing is certain. For Chef Greeley, the oven is just warming up.

Loren Ebert Loren Ebert is a wife, a mother and a cake and cookie decorating fanatic! What started as a hobby ten years ago, has now become a full-time, artistic outlet. Located on Long Island, Loren spends a great deal of her time working in her studio to create new sugar art. Her innovative creations, have been featured in a large array of magazines and publications worldwide, and she can be found on several culinary blogs and industry websites. Loren, has created for herself a successful cake deco-

rating brand, The Baking Sheet, which includes her popular Facebook page, Instagram, and Blog. In addition to her creating, Loren also works as a sugar craft teacher and Craftsy Instructor. As a teacher, she has had the ability to share her tips, tricks, and techniques with students of all ages and skill levels. Loren takes great pleasure in not only creating, but spreading her knowledge so that she can inspire others.

Sidney galpern Sidney Galpern is a Certified Professional Chocolatier, Cake Designer, Sugar Artist, International Instructor, and an ICES Approved Teacher. She graduated with honors from Ecole Chocolat School of the Chocolate Arts and has the distinction as the youngest student to ever complete the program. She trained with top sugar artists and chefs in New York City, London, Orlando, and West Palm Beach. Her company was chosen for the ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Space Coast. Sidney teaches and demonstrates sugar and cake decorating to professionals and amateurs for the last 9 years at venues such as Keiser University, The Cake Cruise, Cake Shows, ICES Convention and Days of Sharing, culinary schools, restaurants, at the Festival of Chocolate, at cake clubs and cake supply stores, private classes, along

with judging and sponsoring cake shows, sponsoring special isomalt awards and is a member of the Icing Images Design Team & Team Sugar Art. She designs and manufactures her own line of sugar art tools, manufactures her own brand of Simi Isomalt, as well as writing articles published in American Cake Decorating Magazine, Edible Artists Network Magazine,, and featured on SugarEd Productions Online School, About. com, in the Florida Today Newspaper, Today in Brevard Television Show, the ICES Magazine, San Antonio Today Show, Biloxi News Today Show, and as a CakeFu Master Trainer. She released her first DVD for cake decorators in the fall of 2012. Sidney co-found the Brevard Cake Artist’s Club and her bakery, Simi Cakes & Confections (Pronounced See-Me) is located in Melbourne, Fl.

MARY CARMEN DEL RIO Chef Mary Carmen del Rio is the owner/ instructor of Young Chefs Academy and MCG Cake Design in San Antonio, Texas. She was born and raised in Mexico City where she started decorating cakes for her children. After taking all of the Wilton classes available, she was offered the only scholarship given in Mexico to go to Chicago and take the Master Classes taught by Mr. Wilton himself. Mary Carmen earned her Culinary Arts Degree at the Culinary Institute of America and now has over 15 years of experience in decorating and designing custom cakes. She also works for Satin Fine Foods as an ambassador and an Artist of Excellence; and takes part in shows all over the United States, Mexico and Central and South America,

where she demonstrates how to decorate cakes and work with fondant. One of her greatest accomplishments thus far has been assisting in the making of Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton’s wedding cake. Mary was also a contestant on the Food Network show, Sugar Dome, where she, and her two team members, competed on national television to create an amazing 80’s themed cake. Mary Carmen has several publications in American Cake Magazine and has also been published in Costa Rica, Mexico and Brazil. She’s also judged several Cake Decorating Competitions in Mexico and the US, and participated in many competitions with great results.

colette peters With a master’s degree in painting from Pratt Institute in New York, and eight years’ experience as a designer for Tiffany & Co., Colette brings a trained artistic eye to her work in cake decorating. She pioneered the now-classic designs of the topsy-turvy cake and gift box cake as contributions to Tiffany Taste and The Tiffany Wedding. Colette has published five books: Colette’s Cakes: The Art of Cake Decorating (1991), Colette’s Christmas (1993), Colette’s Wedding Cakes (1995), and Colette’s Birthday Cakes (2000), all published by Little, Brown & Company. Her fifth book, Cakes to Dream On (2004), is published by John Wiley & Sons. Co-

lette has appeared on Food Network Challenge as both a contestant and judge, TLC’s Ultimate Cake-Off, The Oprah Winfrey Show and a host of other cable network programs over the years. Her work has also been featured in a number of prestigious print publications, including The New York Times, New York Magazine, Food & Wine, Town & Country and Modern Bride. In 1990, Colette began teaching cake decorating class around the world. In 2004, she opened her own school in New York City, where she teaches when not traveling. Colette is also a longtime member of ICES (International Cake Exploration Société).

Marilyn Bawol A natural born artist, Marilyn thrives on combining her sculpture and painting skills with her baking talents to create an art form that others can enjoy as much as she can. She had previously channeled her natural artistic talent into creating impressive artistic objects in sculpting; oil, water and portrait painting; stained glass; ceramics; hair dressing and clothes designing. She is always experimenting with different products and processes like her fabric-like compound called Flexique that she has developed techniques for that will be demonstrated at this years event. Marilyn brings the latest cake artistry skills to her business, and continues to study innovative cake design

techniques under nationally renowned cake masters. As the Owner and Creative Director of Unique Cakes, she focuses on the unusual in wedding cakes - three dimensional sculpted cakes and blown sugar amenities. She has won first place in professional sculptured cake competitions and her detailed eagle cake has been used in international ICES advertisements. Marilyn has been featured in national cake decorating publications and has had the honor of applying her talents in sugar art and three - dimensional sculpted cakes for high profile cake commissions, where guest of honor have included circuit court Judges and Gov. Sarah Palin.

Lisa Mansour’s New York Cake Show ABOUT THE EVENT

The first show occurring on July

back, so they can learn for future

1st, 2013, at the New York Cake &

competitions. In addition, Lisa

Bake Supply warehouse in Yon-

takes careful consideration when

kers, Lisa Mansour’s New York

selecting judges, it is essential

Cake Show has grown substantial-

that they be forward thinking and

ly in just a few years. Lisa Mansour

innovators - she looks for the best

(founder) created the event with

in the business. The cake show

the intention of developing an out-

also has attendees from a variety

let to foster growth within the cake

of vendors and magazines, offer-

industry. Lisa believes strongly,

ing eager cake artists an opportu-

that every cake competition that

nity for networking and self- pro-

a decorator enters is a learning ex-

motion. All-in-all, Lisa Mansour’s

perience for the competitor; giving

Cake Show is truly designed with

them the opportunity to learn new

the cake artist in mind, with care-

techniques and push themselves

ful consideration placed on how

to think differently. As a result,

can this show help competitors to

when developing her cake show,

further develop; giving them op-

it was essential that competitors

portunities they may have not yet

have the ability to not only receive

had before.

scores for their work, but speak with the judges and request feed-

S p o n s o r e d by Culinary School Partners

Media partners


CAKE Academy

15 2016



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