2 minute read

From The Publisher


ately, I’ve been thinking about how many of us spend our present lives stuck in the future. That’s right, the tomorrow. How many times have you caught yourself saying, “When I make this much money, I’ll finally be able to do x, y, or z.”? Or perhaps “When my kids get older, I’ll get a hobby.” And the list goes on.

Of course, I’ve certainly done that kind of thinking in my own life. But I’ve been reminded after living through a pandemic; it’s that our present is all we have.

We only have today. The question should be, “What am I doing right now?”

For me, it’s feeling alive—and I’m grateful for it. I celebrate it. And, although I’ve not always felt this way, I’m thankful for it. Are you feeling alive today?

If not, ask yourself what’s keeping you from feeling that way. Ask yourself, “What inspires me? What motivates me? What gives me hope today?” I also encourage you to listen to your inner voice. The one that recognizes your goodness, strength, compassion, courage, intelligence, and your right to feel alive. Be patient. It’s there. Soon you’ll wake each day filled with a new awakening to express love and gratitude to yourself and an appreciation to others in your life. Go ahead; it’s a perfect time as we celebrate Mother’s Day. Why not call her today and tell her how much you love her?

This month, we gathered our editorial team to bring you another special issue of thought-provoking articles from inspiring art topics to outdoor adventures that will leave you wanting more. All this and our cover feature on Leesa Rowland who reveals in her just-released book why it’s important to create charisma in life.

Remember: Don’t wait for tomorrow. Get down to living your life today.

See you next issue...

-Bill Mason

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copperstown??? says new, i dont have new 15


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