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A New York Rant
NEW YORK, NY A NEW YORK RANT By Sean-Patrick M. Hillman
One of this country’s greatest Statesmen, and a Founding Father of our great nation, Thomas Jefferson, once wrote, “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.” Little did he know, as he penned a letter to James Madison from Paris, that this quote would be even more relevant some 233 years later.
Yes, my fellow New Yorkers, a little rebellion is certainly needed right now in New York. With both Mayor Bill deBlasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo, we have been “ruled” by a deluded, self-aggrandizing, woefully corrupt totalitarian regime for far too long. What was promised by Cuomo as transparent and fair governance in Albany has been anything but while DeBlasio continues to believe his own lies.
By now, you are asking, “why is he saying, deluded?” Well, if you read the Governor’s new book, American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, you would know exactly how delusional this phony would-be Emperor is. Cuomo places the blame for the over 11,000 senior deaths squarely at the feet of both the New York Post and President Trump.
Um, how is that even remotely possible? Cuomo made the decisions for New York State during the lockdown, not the NY Post or POTUS. Yet, people will believe this malarky. Why is the Governor doing everything he can to block an investigation into the senior and nursing home scandal?
Had enough? Yet another controversy hit Albany in the form of the Governor’s failed rent relief program where hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers are still suffering and will likely be evicted from their homes—all while the would-be Dictator was on LIVE With Kelly & Ryan promoting his tome. Yeah, because Cuomo cares about the people. Sure.
As to Mayor deBlasio, my fellow Gothamites are all too familiar with my feelings for this lowlife. However, that may be too kind a description for the man who is solely responsible for the rabid crime rate, homeless epidemic, and utter failure the school system is Hanukkah” or “Happy Kwanza.” I am honored that they think enough of me to
experiencing in “re-opening.” Frankly, I imagine a trip to McDonald’s would involve less heartburn than what this fool has caused.
Bear in mind this is not the first time New York has been faced with this level of inadequacy or politicization, lest we forget names like Robert Moses, John Lindsay, et al. It took New York City 25 years to recover from the failed “progressive” policies of the late ’60s through the ’70s that led to historically high crime rates. So, I say it is time to rebel against the two administrations whose decisions have destroyed the progress and growth our great state and city have experienced over the last three decades. It is time to rise and say Enough Is Enough! Or, in the Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, I say “off with their heads!”
Happy Holidays. What’s that?
Yes, I am that guy. I am sick to death of the politically correct nonsense that makes no sense whatsoever. How is it insulting to wish someone a Merry Christmas? How is it wrong to say Happy Hanukkah? It isn’t! But the progressives and politically correct would have you believe otherwise.
Judeo-Christian values promote inclusion, understanding, and love. As well the real Koran (not the bastardization of this holy book that would-be Islamist terrorists use to divide and destroy). So how does it make sense that wishing someone glad tidings in their own faith’s way is offensive? Truth: It doesn’t!
I stopped saying Happy Holidays years ago. Why? Because I was PO’d by the obnoxious, self-righteous ass-hats, who try to tell everyone what to say and how to act. Enough already. I am not insulted when someone says, “Happy spirit of the Queen of Hearts in Alice’s Adventures in
wish me well in their own faith’s way during a high holy season. That is being an adult. That is being an American. That is being a real New Yorker. Don’t be fooled, kids, the politically correct are out to ruin Christmas, Hanukkah, and every other celebration that brings people together. It’s time we stop the nonsense and remember that the holidays are meant to be a time of unity and love, not politics and division.
So, I say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! Thank you for an incredible start to A New York Rant in New York Lifestyles magazine.
Here’s to hoping for a brighter 2021! •
nn Liguori is an expert sports radio and television commentator, interviewer, author, and businesswoman. She is a leader and visionary in the world of sports media, distinguishing herself in her business as both on-air talent and the owner of sports radio and television properties.
Ann covered her 38th straight US Open Tennis Championship marking 33 years reporting for top sports radio station, WFAN-NY. Ann recently broadcast US Open golf updates which took place at Winged Foot in Westchester and Ann will provide hourly updates on The Masters in November.
Ann was the first woman to host a call-in sports show on WFAN-New York, where she hosted a weekly sports talk show for over 20 years and continues as the station’s golf and tennis correspondent and is host of Talking Golf with Ann Liguori, which airs on WFAN during summer months. Ann was also an original on The Golf Channel, hosting the weekly prime-time Conversations with Ann Liguori show which featured Ann playing golf with and interviewing an A-list of celebrities including Matthew McConaughey, Celine Dion, Sylvester Stallone, Kevin Costner, Joe Pesci, Smoky Robinson and Alice Cooper, to name a few. Ann can also be heard Saturday mornings on Sports Innerview on WLIW.org. The sportscaster’s insightful interviews shed light on current headlines in the news such as sexual abuse scandals, and money management for athletes to name a few important topics of the day.
“Loving what you do is key to a happy life I believe. Having a passion for what I pursue, day to day, gives me joy and a non-stop fascination with creating new opportunities. I’ve had a trailblazing, fulfilling career that’s Ann Liguori 22nd still going strong. Yet, I believe my best years are ahead of me,” said Ann. ALF Golf Tournament ©Neil Tandy
Ann’s sportscasting is only the tip of the iceberg. Founder and president of the Ann Liguori Foundation (ALF) also is a big part of her schedule raising money and awareness for cancer research, care, and prevention in addition to mentoring young people hoping to pursue a career in sports media. Her 22nd Ann Liguori Foundation Charity Golf Classic took place this past October at the Maidstone Club in East Hampton.
For over twenty years, Ann has helped raise over $2 million for various charities focusing on cancer prevention, research, and awareness for organizations such as St Jude’s, Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation, and Kids Need More. “I’m proud of the work we’ve done with organizing one charity golf tourney every year for the past 22 years. I lost my Dad to cancer when I was in college and my 22-year-old brother from leukemia a year later. It was devastating for me and my Mom, younger sister, and brother.
Everyone is affected by cancer, either directly or indirectly. Being proactive, raising money and awareness for cancer research in their memory, helps in dealing with these tragedies,” said Ann.
Ann also established the Ann Liguori Foundation Sports Media Scholarship administered by NY Women in Communications (NYWICI) and the Association for Women in Sports Media (AWSM) Champions Mentorship program.
Ann has collaborated with Holly Daniels Christensen, Founder & CEO of Dune Jewelry (dunejewelry.com), with her jewelry line known as the Hamptons Rope Collection. The custom-made pieces incorporate sand from one’s favorite beach or golf course in sophisticated, timeless pieces for women and men. It’s never too early to begin your Holiday shopping! Savor the memories from your favorite beach or golf experience with the Hamptons Rope Collection.
Ann has a simple belief. “Love what you do and who you are. Be a role model to all and lead by example. Let goodness prevail.”