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JAN 14, 8PM

Choreographer/Video Designer/Costume Designer/Vocal Artist: MX Oops Virtual Reality by Eva Davidova Choreography/Costume Design/Performed by NARCISSITER Choreography/Performed by Jason A. Rodriguez Costume Design by Jivomir Domoustchiev Music Composed and Performed by TR!GGERED Animation by TR!GGERED Vocals and Music Composed by STEFA*


The Live Feed Residency program is supported in part by Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Partners for New Performance.

UnFiNiShEd aNiMaL is a National Performance Network (NPN) Creation & Development Fund Project cocommissioned by Dance Place, The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, 651 Arts, New York Live Arts, and NPN. The Creation & Development Fund is supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts (a federal agency). For more information: www.npnweb.org

MX Oops is a multimedia performance artist and educator whose work centers hybridity, encouraging ecstatic disobedience as a path toward embodied wellness. Their work is NYC-based and explores the nightclub as a queer site of transnational Afro-diasporic imagining. MX works in a range of mediums including dance, video design, new media sculpture, costume, rap, and guided meditation. They are the creative director of transmedia production company, Complex Stability, exploring queer mysticism through crude metaphysics. MX is a 20212022 CultureHub Experiments in Digital Storytelling Mentor and Researcher, and Assistant Professor teaching in Lehman College’s Dance (BA) and Multimedia Performing Arts (BFA) Programs.

[NONFATAL_ERROR] is a multimedia ensemble of artists engaged in collaborative worldbuilding. Ensemble members work in dance, new media, interactive video projection design, sound design, rap, singing, costume, fashion, sculpture and more. These mediums come together to welcome party people into a lush world of queer becoming.

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