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Public Policy Committee Updates page

Public Policy Committee Updates

As 2021 is coming to a close, it is a good time to reflect on all that has happened on the public policy front, and to look forward as the New York Physical Therapy Association officially becomes APTA New York.

Lobby Day 2021

Lobby day was conducted virtually for the first time this year on May 13. The legislative liaisons worked diligently to set up meetings with legislators and coordinate with member volunteers. Everyone put forth great effort to support our legislative priorities. There were no substantive changes in the language in PT bills; all were assigned new numbers as part of the legislative cycle. In addition to supporting our legislation, members once again lobbied in opposition to the Athletic Training bill, which would substantially expand the scope of practice for Athletic Trainers. In addition, members spoke in favor of legislation that would require a healthcare practitioner to consider and prescribe non-opioid treatment alternatives for treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions (A273/S4640). All updated bills and sponsors are posted on the APTA New York website. You can learn more here: https://aptany.org/page/LobbyDay

Workers Compensation & PTA

With the Expanded Provider law passed in 2020, and with physical therapists now considered authorized medical providers in NY, the Workers Compensation Board supports the ability of PTAs to treat injured workers in NYS. Although this seemed to finally pave the way for passage of the WC PTA bill this year, just prior to lobby day, the AFL-CIO indicated that their support for the bill would be contingent upon the development of a differential fee schedule for PTs/PTAs. Public policy representatives subsequently worked along with the APTA New York leadership and lobbyist to respond appropriately and consider whether or not to modify the language in the current WC PTA bill. A significant consideration was that the bill is very unlikely to pass without the AFL-CIO’s support. The issue was discussed at the fall APTA New York BOD meeting. It was widely agreed among BOD members that creating a payment differential for PTs/PTAs in the WC system, despite the payment differential currently in place for Medicare beneficiaries starting in 2022, would establish a precedent that other payers would follow. We will continue to work with stakeholder groups and monitor this issue.

WC Survey

In part due to the concerns about the proposal to create a payment differential for PTs/PTAs, APTA New York has conducted a membership survey on participation in the NYS WC system. The survey was distributed in October of this year. Results of the survey will help APTA New York navigate the challenges ahead in the WC system.

Public Policy Committee Updates

Continuing Education Credit Allocation for Clinical Instructors

The Public Policy Committee has been working with chapter leadership and the State Education Department’s Office of the Professions/Board for Physical Therapy to revise the allocation of continuing education credits for clinical instructors affiliated with NYS entry-level Physical Therapy programs. The current allocation is .25 credits per 2 weeks of instruction, which was put in place in 2008 when the law requiring 36 hours of continuing education every 3 years for PTs was established. Given that the demand on clinical instructors to engage in evidencebased practice has increased since the law was put in place, we are requesting that the credit allocation is changed to .5 hours per 2 weeks.

We will continue to keep the membership informed of this proposed change.

PTA Licensure

Through communications with the NY State Education Department, we believe we are getting closer to changing the status of PTAs from certified to licensed professionals. We are hopeful that the PTA licensure bill will finally move in the coming year.

Athletic Training

The chapter has been engaged in ongoing discussions with the NYS Athletic Trainer Association (NYSATA) along with the sponsors of their bill to expand scope of practice for athletic trainers in the state. We remain concerned with the current language in the bill and will continue to work to support the public interest as well as the interests of our members.

COVID Information

The chapter has been regularly updating membership on current healthcare guidelines as well as vaccine information as it pertains to healthcare workers across settings. Up-to-date information can be found here: https://aptany.org/page/COVID-19Information

As always, please feel free to reach out to the Public Policy Committee, or myself, if you have questions or want to provide input. https://aptany.org/members/member_engagement/groups.aspx?code=PP

Marcia Spoto, PT, DC Chair, Public Policy Committee

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